Reviews For Proving Ground
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Reviewer: Nostory Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: February 16 2014 10:46 PM Title: Hunted

Nice update, I assume they are all women since they don't need to reproduce and thus don't need sex to keep their race alive but they can still do it, would be nice if there was sex but only if it keeps the story going.

  I can't wait for the more expository chapters where you reveal more about the tribe, if that is what you have planned.

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: February 10 2014 10:38 PM Title: Hunted

Interesting, looking forward to future updates. I am guessing the women are based off Greek Amazons?

Author's Response:

Something of the sort, I'm not exceptionally well-versed in the matter so I'm trying not to throw anything into the story or their culture that is too out of place. Without revealing anything particularly vital to the story, a few notes about the Xarian people is that they are all female, being a soldier is the way to go,  and all around Xarians is very unwelcoming of outsiders.

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