Reviews For It`s just a job
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Reviewer: Da Boss Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 07 2020 12:24 AM Title: A horrible mistake

I hope this story gets continued!  I'd love to be back in Natalie's world!

Author's Response:

Thank you for your comment. I will be continuing the story very few. But first I want to write a shor story to get into writing again

Reviewer: zura98 Signed [Report This]
Date: February 16 2020 8:46 AM Title: A horrible mistake

I have discovered today this story and i readed all the chapters.

I have to say that i like the idea of normal woman becoming giantesses at request. The whole idea is hot. The power exchange associated is perfect. Especially how they grow comfortable being giantesses.

Im more a "gentle/playfull" giantess fan, so there are some parts, such as scat, that i havent enjoyed. However, I love feet, so i loved chapter 2. The way that the mere presence of Natalie's feet can change the weather is thrilling.

What i enjoy more about your story is the character building. We can see how Natalie is feeling when she is dominating, how she is concerned about user's reviews. I think that all of these make Natalie more "human".
She is not the tipical character that once embraces being a giantess, stops developing. I hope you keep the "humanity" of your characters, so we can see them losing. I mean, i hate when the main character always wins. I like to see their humanity, so they can be concerned, afraid, happy, playfull and so.

What i like most of your story is the power exchange factor. You have Natalie who's an average woman. At the moment she uses the app she becomes a giantess goddess. But everything happens because a user wants it to happen. And when it ends everything returns to normal.
What i mean is that Natalie is a normal woman, but becames a giantess goddess, but she may be just fulfilling a user request but she enjoys herself but  then returns to being an average girl. This continuos power exchange is the best. At least for me.


I dont know if you accept requests, but I hope we can see more feet content. Also more Gentle content. And if we can see a top actress of the app, doing some user request, acting that she is a giantess. Also, if we could see something similar as what Harlod did in Chapter 2, having someone you know to fullfill your own request.
Finally, as an idea, could be some type of event/sizeConnvention where many users request are accepted by many giantess, and they get a score and the winner gets a prize.


Can i ask a question, what would happen if some woman took a request from themselfs. So they can be a giantess and a tiny at the same time.


Anyway, Im sorry for writing this much, but im really enjoying your story. You are doing a great job!!! Keep writing please!!

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