Reviews For Echoes of Lilliput
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Reviewer: Smallerworld Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 13 2024 4:08 AM Title: The Experiment

I finally took the time to sit and read this masterpiece. Amazing work, can't wait to see how you bring it home!

Reviewer: sweetpea2945 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 01 2024 6:43 AM Title: The Experiment

I check basically each weekend to see if there’s an update to this story! I love how the relationships are progressing and the way Sarah and Jennifer are learning more about the world they’re in. Thanks for a new chapter, I totally devoured it! (No pun intended.)

Reviewer: breastclimber Signed [Report This]
Date: February 01 2024 5:27 AM Title: The Experiment

You want some more motivation for this one?  Have Melissa show up.


Author's Response:

It would be hilarious if the two stories took place in the same universe. XD

Reviewer: breastclimber Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 27 2024 5:49 AM Title: The Experiment

Nice to see us back in Lilliput.  I love that translation will be able to happen with Soren's family and Sarah.  Very keen to see where the plot will go from here.   Hopefully the family can put into context for Jennifer, why the troops were attacking them, and explaining about the other giants setting the only context the Lilliputians had even known. 

Author's Response:

My motivation is slowly creeping back. There's a lot more story to unfold here---I just want to make sure I do it right. Baby steps. Baby steps. I'll get there eventually.

Reviewer: sanguine tangerine Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 17 2024 6:26 AM Title: The Experiment

Excellent so far! I really enjoy Jen and Kara’s dynamic. You’ve done a good job making their progression believable. I hope Kara continues to get corrupted and listens to lots more people screaming inside Jen, but I also like that she’s standing up to her.

Author's Response:

Thank you for your comment! The relationship between Jen and Kara is the highlight of this story. Kara's character will definitely evolve throughout the story.

Reviewer: breastclimber Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 16 2023 11:07 PM Title: The Experiment

Very glad to see Jennifer and Sarah finally together.   Also very much looking forward to Jennifer getting her hands on the Queen!!!!

Author's Response:

Exciting times ahead! The Queen will get really worried when she learns about Jennifer and Sarah roaming her kingdom.

Reviewer: Type Signed [Report This]
Date: December 09 2023 3:32 PM Title: The Experiment

So happy to read the new update!

Author's Response:

Thank you for your continued support! It means a lot to me.

Reviewer: sweetpea2945 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 09 2023 8:02 AM Title: The Experiment

Omgggg that latest chapter 🥵 glad to see another chapter! Please keep em coming! This is getting me through finals

Reviewer: sweetpea2945 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 26 2023 8:05 PM Title: The Experiment

Re-posting my reviews to fix the rating error! Been really enjoying this story and get excited with every new chapter. Loving the plot/smut combo, I always enjoy a good slow burn, and the plot is keeping me hooked! Can’t wait to see what comes next!

Author's Response:

Hey, thanks for doing that! I'm glad you're enjoying this little tale. All these comments give me motivation to keep on writing.

Reviewer: sweetpea2945 Signed [Report This]
Date: November 26 2023 10:07 AM Title: The Experiment

Also I’m not sure if it’s just what it’s showing on my end but I’ve been trying to give 5 stars but it keeps showing as 3.5. I can delete the reviews if you want to maintain your perfect rating!! Just know that I think it’s 5 stars :)

Author's Response:

Yea, the rating system isn't super intuitive on this site. Each step equals a half-star. So, a rating of 2 = 1 star. A rating of 10 = 5 stars, and so on. You can try re-doing your comment and see if that helps. Because of the inflation of ratings on this site, a story that doesn't have a perfect 5 star looks sus, lol. I greatly appreciate your comments and I'm glad you're enjoying the story!
I re-wrote this last chapter like three times, trying to get it just right. And when I say re-write, I mean full re-write. My first go with the chapter had 5K words written, and I just deleted it all because it wasn't capturing the Jen/Kara relationship correctly. I say all this, just to show how much care I'm putting into the story. I'm so happy it's coming out the way it is, and that others are enjoying. Again, thanks for your comments!

Reviewer: Type Signed [Report This]
Date: October 06 2023 3:33 PM Title: The Experiment

I love this book... can't wait for more!

Author's Response:


Reviewer: Queen Kittease Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 25 2023 4:15 AM Title: The Experiment

I’ve never written a review on a story before, but I found yours so interesting that I just had to. While I’ve read several other Gulivera-type stories, I think yours takes the cake! The explanations for the way Kara acts are incredibly realistic which I appreciate. I find this story so interesting and I’m highly looking forward to your future chapters. 

Author's Response: I cannot stress how inspirational your words are, and how deeply moved I am. I'm incredibly flattered that my story got you to write a review :). It truly gives me the motivation to keep writing knowing that other are reading and enjoying it. Thank you for your support and stay tuned for more!

Reviewer: ReclaimerChief17 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 16 2023 5:58 AM Title: The Experiment

Wow! Excellent start. How big is this story going to be?  I love gullivera type stories so that alone already peaked my interest.

I loved your writing and worldbuilding. Also wasn’t expecting that early death. Poor Anton. Can’t blame Jen too much for feeling this angry and frustrated (which I’m glad you provided reasoning behind her behavior and response btw) A giant destroying and eating just because “she can and it feels good” is so meh, but here it’s completely understandable why she’s pissed. 
Would’ve liked to see a bit of giant couple action before Jen was alone, but alas it was still a good read. 
Some stuff I’m particularly interested in:1) the language barrier between the lillis and Jennifer. Hopefully some communication between them and her will become possible and we get to learn more about what it’s like seeing her from their pov. 2) are there somelillis that aren’t hostile towards jen and seek to befriend her? Surely there are some outliers and small factions that may seek to ally with her.3) most importantly, what happened to the other 3 scientists! The lillis have proven to be strong in numbers so Jen will need her friends. 
Overall, I love it! Look forward to the next chapters! 

Author's Response:

Hey, thanks for taking the time to leave a comment! I greatly appreciate it.

I have something like, 30 chapters planned for the story. I hope I keep my motivation up to write the entire time. It's been a lot of fun so far. Yea, I actually enjoy giant couples stuff myself, but that's not what this story is about. And I'm with you when it comes to violence caused by the giantess. It's much more impactful when there's a reason to the madness.

I won't be able to answer your three other questions, I'm afraid. It'll spoil everything I have planned. BUT they will be answered as the story progresses. I plan to unpack and unravel all these mysterious as we watch Jen trying to navigate this crazy world. Thank you again for leaving a comment!

Reviewer: J - Vader Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 15 2023 8:19 PM Title: The Experiment

This was a great three chapters of the story dude you did a very good job on the violence and morality of the whole situation for Jen so far

I’m interested in knowing why the Lilliputians are so violent to her at first and if there good ones that will later help her and her companions

another Question is if Brobdingnagians exist as well making the whole situation worse for Jen but who knows.

overall a really great start can’t wait for more 👍

Author's Response:

Yay, my first review!

We will learn why Lilliputians are the way they are, as the story progresses. That goes for your question with Brobdingnag. We'll just have to see what's in store for Jen. Sorry for dodging your questions, but I don't want to spoil anything.

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