Reviews For Growing Closer
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Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 31 2024 8:25 AM Title: Chapter 22: The Rehearsal

Trish's friends mean well, but they aren't exactly the best influence on her, are they?

First, their goading led to Trish hatching Operation Patty Hotcakes at 10 feet tall, and now they're talking her into accidentally terrorizing the townfolk and destroying their roads.

To be fair, though, I get where they're coming from. Despite Trish's size becoming a major focus of their conversations now, they ultimately want her to feel just as much like a person as they do. And Valerie is technically right; the people's reaction to her simply trying to enjoy herself is, in fact, a "them" problem.

However, Trish is responsible enough a person to recognize that, even though it isn't fair to her, her size does give her more responsibility and force her to, at times, put the needs and fears of the many ahead of her own. That's not to say that this would be true of anyone in her position, but it certainly is for Trish, because she's a wonderful person who, even at her most megalomaniacal, still cares about people.

I think that's what that "last tear" for her last humanity was about, although that line could be interpreted in a few different ways, I think.

Ultimately, I think Trish was wrong earlier in the chapter when she thought that she wasn't the same person she used to be. Sure, her confidence is through the roof and it's getting harder (but more fun) to interact with the tiny world around her as it continues to get smaller, but, deep down, she's still the same sweet, kind person we met near the start of the story. Being granted so much power, in any form, is bound to affect one's personality to a point and even go to one's head a bit, but if she were really as different as he thinks she is from 60 feet ago, I don't think she would have turned back and left town when she realized why was enjoying being in town so much.

And yeah, she constantly reminded herself that the town wasn't a toy and that the damage she was causing would affect people's lives, but the larger point is that she didn't have to do that. She could have given in to those feelings of superiority and continued to enjoy showing off her power to the little people around her. Hell, her friends even seemed to be cool with her doing it, and Thomas didn't directly disapprove, so she basically had the greenlight from almost everyone she actually cares about. Yet she stopped herself and headed back to the ranch. She decided that her want to show off her superiority was outweighed by what was best for the people of the town.

So I think that's why she was crying for her lost humanity. She knows that, despite being above her fellow humans, she sometimes has to deprive herself of basic human wants if she doesn't want to become the monster everybody seems to think she is. It's sad but noble. Some might even say it's goddess-like of her.

Also, I like the callback to last chapter with Thomas's gentle morality check:

It's probably a good idea to ask yourself why you're doing this.

That's the perfect way to have phrased it for Trish. It doesn't come off as judgmental or demanding, instead challenging her to examine her actions herself rather than simply submit to the perspectives of others. And we see that this well-thought-out suggestion pays off here, as it caused Trish to really think about why she was enjoying herself in town and, in the end, make the right decision, even if it hurt.

I can also understand why having her size be how people define her would frustrate Trish. Even with her discovering this new part of herself that embraces what's happening to her, there's still so much more to her than that. For people who known her to act this way, like Darius, it's particularly bothersome because that's what really makes her feel like she's so different now. To see him so focused on her height and even be afraid of her when she called him out on it had to make her feel pretty awkward, if not a little monstrous, despite the fact that she hasn't (and wouldn't) do anything to deserve being treated that way. But for Darius' part, you can't really blame him, as his curiosity and fear are natural reactions to the situation. It's just unfortunate that this keeps Trish from feeling normal around her friends (although Kim, Valerie, and Monica do a pretty good job here of acting normal around her, at least after Trish told them about the problem).

It's super cute how Trish phrases wanting "to have babies" with Thomas. I don't know why, but, once again, I have to say that her wording sounds very "Trish-like." It just seems like, at least once in almost every chapter now, there's one moment or line of dialogue that stands out to me in a way that cements her personality and screams "Trish!" That really speaks to the depth with which you've established her character (I could say the same thing about Thomas at various points in the story as well, but Trish just sticks out to me more for whatever reason).

As for the issue of "having babies" and the future at large, it makes sense that Thomas, despite being a mostly rational person, is choosing to ignore the long-term problems Trish's condition will cause in their relationship. Love isn't rational, and he just want to enjoy the woman he loves as much as he can for as long as he can. It'll be interesting to see them try to procreate and find out if it's even possible (seeing as how it has been mentioned in the story now, I'm guessing that they're going to find out that it is).

I also have a feeling (admittedly based on your cryptic responses to some reviews both here and over at Giantess City that those leaning toward happier endings will "like where the story goes") that the whole grows-to-big-be with-her-husband problem is going to resolve itself by story's end. Personally, I'm still clinging to my literal goddess theory. And, as my initial rant in this review would indicate, I can almost see Trish evolving in that direction mentally as well. Of course, I could be wrong, and there hasn't been a lot of clues (or maybe I'm just missing them, which is wholly possible) as to what exactly is happening to her as of yet.

I really like that both Trish and Thomas had the same answer to the pants question. Even with the power imbalance, that they both feel as though they split calling the shots in the relationship is a big deal in my opinion. It makes it seem as though they're both in this together, rather than one obsessing over the other or them just being attracted to each other physically. Those matching answers, especially with them coming right before the wedding, really make their relationship feel like a partnership, which is extremely important.

Lastly, the jealousy that Trish feels that Thomas can still do those human things that I noted above that she feels like she has to give up is something that's surely going to continue being a thing down the road. I will say that Thomas has handled this well so far, understanding his fiancé's feelings and not discouraging her when she wanted to come into town, instead giving his blessing in a sweet yet indirect way. But I can't see him having this freedom, even if he rarely takes advantage of it, not becoming frustrating for her at some point in the future. I'm curious to see how that plays out if/when the time comes.

Reviewer: SirMahoney Signed [Report This]
Date: May 25 2024 2:10 PM Title: Chapter 1: The Strange Case of Patricia Hostettler

Well, If you done a "what If" without the existence of Thomas Blake, possible that Trish haver go Full rampage after her prison

Reviewer: Jim1989 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: May 24 2024 9:59 PM Title: Chapter 22: The Rehearsal

Found the ending to be rather somber, though it's understandable that Trish has some emotional connectivity problems at this point. She's simply too powerful for anything other than military-grade hardware (beyond conventional small arms) to be able to harm her, let alone seriously harm or kill her. From her perspective, people are downright tiny to her now, and will only become even more so as she grows larger and larger over time. I suppose in a way she can't help but somewhat look down on others figuratively as well as physically by this point, though hopefully the power doesn't outright go to her head. If not for Thomas acting as her conscience, she'd probably be on the verge of becoming a full-on megalomaniac

Interesting concept as to whether or not Trish and Thomas will make a serious attempt at procreation, given the size difference between them. Trying to have Thomas successfully inseminate her at such a size difference sounds like a downright Hurculean undertaking. And if they somehow have a child together, would the child inherit Trish's condition and grow to godlike proportions just like mommy? How would they be able to raise such a child, especially from Thomas's point of view, trying to be a father figure to a toddler or young child who may grow to be larger than skyscrapers, depending on however big he or she becomes. Trish would pretty much have to keep a constant eye on the child in order to protect both her son/daughter as well as anyone who comes into close contact with the child.

And then of course there's the endgame of however large Trish becomes in the very end. If in a few years she's literally miles tall, I simply don't see Washington DC letting her live peacefully, even if she has no intention of harming others. Her existence alone would be a national security threat once she reaches a certain height/size in their opinion. I'd wager that once she's a mile high or taller, there'd be people in the Pentagon saying "It's unfortunate, but we can't let such a being live, no matter how benevolent she acts. The potential catastrophic damage is too great from a resource perspective alone; she'll devour ALL our food and drink ALL our water in a few days, not to mention the destruction she could cause to multiple cities in a very short time frame. We NEED to nuke her now before she's so powerful that she can withstand such a blast."

I feel like I'm ranting at this point, so I'll stop here. Having posted all that, I'm really enjoying the dynamic between Trish and the ever-shrinking world around her, trying to hold onto whatever sense of humanity she has left as she transcends to goddesshood at this point in the story. Good stuff!

Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 23 2024 6:16 PM Title: Chapter 21: The Enemy

Well that certainly put a new perspective on the past series of chapters!

I have to admit, I figured that Grisham was behind the extremists and that he would somehow be documenting Trish and Thomas's cat and mouse game. Hell, I even figured he would find out about and try to exploit Trish playing goddess for her hippie followers (I didn't think he would actually be hiding among them in person, though).

However, I absolutely didn't see him becoming an unwitting worshipper of Trish coming! That was a brilliant little twist. It seems our humble fetish has corrupted this poor corrupted government official.

Reading Grisham's through process throughout the whole process of arresting, prosecuting, and spying on Trish was really eye-opening, and for a lot of reasons. Like I mentioned above, it was quite enjoyable to read his evolving thoughts on Trish, going from viewing her as a monster to seeing who she truly is while still clinging desperately to that initial judgment at the same time.

Then, after causing Thomas so much trouble and judging him for liking giant women, he becomes obsessed with giant Trish, the thought haunting his dreams as he denies how he really feels about even his darkest thoughts of what's coming. It seems that, deep down, he has grown to want Trish to become the monster Dr. Vale believes she is. In an odd way, he has sort of become what Trish thought Thomas was when she first found out about his fetish.

Admittedly, I think it's a bit more complicated than just that, but I think that this is ultimately true, given his dream of her eating Chicago (and him being lucky enough to be spared) and the fact that he didn't use the cat and mouse footage to salvage his reputation, instead keeping it for himself.

But maybe the bigger revelation here is that the bureaucratic machine in Washington wasn't nearly as involved in the plan against Trish as I first thought. Grisham was pretty much acting alone after hearing Vale's story. So while I thought all of these fun recent chapters were building toward some big government assault on Trish's public image (and maybe just her in general), this story seems to be going in a completely different (and continuously refreshing) direction. I really have no idea what's coming now, and I love that!

I loved the way you used the second-person perspective in the first half of this chapter. It was really creative to work it into Grisham's first-person narrative like that, and it gave that part of the chapter a real conversational feel. It was a nice change of pace, and, as I noted above, helped to frame Grisham's whole character in a new light.

In a weird way, it was kind of sad that neither Thomas nor Trish recognized Grisham (although Trish almost did), despite the fact that her interaction with the former government agent made her think about him. It was a nice piece of irony, but it also helped to demonstrate just how far that cocky, hard-nosed FBI agent we met more than 10 chapters ago has fallen.

Trish was really fun to read here, in some ways even moreso than the previous chapter. Whereas her actions were a lot sexier during the cat and mouse game (and her attitude regarding it), that all happened with a single, more-than-willing co-participant. While her playing with Grisham was much more brief and less intense, there's something about seeing her in particular take charge and playfully punish an unwilling person like that.

We caught a glimpse of that when she dealt with the extremists, but that was different both in that those actions seemed more justified (since they were trying to take her life and all) and that she was just realizing that this part of herself existed. Here she embraced it and just did what she wanted, noting that her only reason for not doing so was Thomas. Now, with the "threat of escalation" removed because of her size, she's starting to act more freely.

And I could say a lot about that moral reflection Trish had after she finished with Grisham, particularly the balance between that freedom from consequence and her concern for disappointing Thomas, as well as how all of that meshes with her as a person. That's actually a pretty deep philosophical concept if one were to deep dive into it. For now, though, I think I'll just sit back and enjoy how this new understanding plays out for Trish moving forward. The only thing I feel confident saying about it is that I think Trish may be feeling a little eager for someone to do her wrong again, and it might not even take a grievous offense to put her back in this kind of mood!

“Mhm.” She hummed. “My poor, tiny lover. He needs to be the goddess's conscience but can’t help getting off at her being naughty.” 

Hey look, Trish finally caught up with the story!

But seriously, it was a bit gratifying to see Trish verbalize the internal conflict that Thomas has been dealing with from the start, and in such a light-hearted way, too! Also, given that moral reflection I mentioned above, this realization on her part could lead to some new fun between them. I could see a super-confident Trish "enticing" Thomas to give her the go ahead to mess with someone a little bit. Having a flawed inner conscience can be a lot of fun, especially when said inner conscience is actually her decidedly exterior, comparatively tiny fiancé whose flaw is that, deep down, he kind of wants you to do the bad thing. Again, it's a bit more complicated than that, but this is at least partially true for Thomas, at least to an extent.

Author's Response:

Thank you! I was worried that the perspective would be a little weird but it's good to hear you liked it!

Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 16 2024 5:22 PM Title: Chapter 20: Cat and Mouse

Oh my God, Trish making Thomas wear protective gear while she crushes a tiny abandoned city may be one of the cutest thing I've ever read.

This chapter was incredible! I was really curious to see where you went with Trish after her epiphany last chapter, and holy shit am I fan of how that all turned out here! Seeing her embrace her size, not only to make Thomas happy but to enjoy it herself, gives this chapter a liberating feel. After struggling to understand this growing enjoyment of her size in the previous four or five chapters, I feel like now that she has nailed that down we're seeing the "real" Trish here: not someone dealing with guilt, shame, denial, or confusion but an unrestricted Trish enjoying herself without burden.

And as great as her earlier giant antics were (and how heartwarming it was to see her "practice" routines for Thomas), seeing her being so into this cat and mouse game just hits different. It's a different style of playfulness, and I love how you convey her enjoyment of Thomas's gift. Little things like her saying "So cool" at crushing the general store or her whispering at him to run when she had pretty much caught him the first time help make her teases and taunts feel more legitimate rather than a simple act to get her fiancé going.

Yet, at the same time, Trish maintains her sweet, caring aura while tearing a small town apart. That lecture she gives Thomas at the start (using his full name and everything) was so adorable, yet it also showed that she had some lingering concerns about things that could go wrong during their game. And her panic attack after sitting on the factory both amplified those concerns and represented the last of her lingering doubts about his safety. I thought this line was quite telling:

 You got this Trish, you’re the apex predator, and Thomas trusts you and you trust Thomas. Nothing bad is going to happen. Just try to enjoy it.

She knows that she's being careful and has taken precautions, and this is her realizing that she trusts Thomas to make sure he keeps himself safe. Once she reminded herself of that, she was able to move forward without worry, and her playfulness was turned to 11 (I can't tell you how much I enjoyed Trish's dialogue throughout this game!).

You know, Trish has always had a lot of moving parts, and it continues to amaze me how well you've navigated said parts throughout this long, rewarding mental (and physical, of course) transition that she's on. It's what makes her so likable, in my opinion. Yeah, the fact that she's a good person and super sweet helps, but following along with her on this journey and watching her develop has been so satisfying to read. Because of that, it's so easy to empathize with her despite not really having gone through anything remotely comparable to her growth.

That conversation at the end was pretty interesting, too. While I agree with Thomas that Trish isn't a megalomaniac, her thinking she is just because she enjoys her newfound power is a very Trish thing to think. I feel like that's also her way of reconciling that guilt she previously expressed about betraying her smaller self. She's embracing her size now, but instead of just accepting that, she has to tie a potentially negative label to it.

The two of the settling on her feeling like a goddess stood out to me as well. Was this just a fun ending to the chapter and a bit of semantics to get the reader going even more (goddess is one of those words that means something a little different to people with this fetish, after all), or was this a little foreshadowing on your part? After Trish regrew her hand a couple chapters ago, I speculated that maybe those crunchy assholes might be onto something with this whole goddess thing. That's as good an explanation as any other for her growth, isn't it? 

Lastly, while everything I said above was great, the actual action of this chapter was straight up amazing! Like I said before, the playful way that Trish spoke and conducted herself during the game was so alluring, but the ways in which she actually went about destroying the town and chased Thomas were the highlight here. The blend between playfulness, experimentation, and the expression of her raw power compared to how she usually (unknown even to Thomas) holds back for the sake of everyone else made this whole chapter so hot! You did an excellent job in terms of both creativity and description, as well as setting the mood through the narrative from Trish's perspective.

I just felt like that needed attention called to it as well, in addition to the stellar character work you put in here.

Reviewer: Jim1989 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: May 11 2024 1:05 PM Title: Chapter 20: Cat and Mouse

Nice mix of pure physical destruction mixed with some playful vore at the end. It's endearing to see that Trish is cognizant of her power as she grows larger and larger, not letting it go completely to her head as she transcends into an outright giant at this point. I find it somewhat heartwarming that she always bears in mind Thomas's safety as they have their fun together, keeping that tiny bit of worried restraint in the back of her mind and not getting too carried away when displaying her raw power.

I'm curious as to whether or not there'll be no more attempts on her life, whether by vigilantes or someone in the government. I suppose if word gets out that she's capable of regenerating limb damage scary fast then your typical vigilante posse would probably steer away from attacking her, but if someone more professional were brought into the picture with some serious military-style hardware (helicopter, fighter jets, tanks, etc.) then that might prove a more worrisome challenge for Trish, at least while she's not so gigantic that their attacks would feel like insect bites once she's large enough. It's possible that they might go after Thomas to keep Trish in line, knowing that he's become an emotional pillar for her to lean on at this point.

Also curious as to what the endgame of this tale is, depending on what Trish's final size ends up being. If she really ends up teetering into the realm of towering over skyscrapers, then she's probably gonna need her own private island or a stretch of land fenced off from the rest of the country where she pretty much has to stay in order to keep the general public from freaking out. I think that's the only way that order could be kept among the broader American public in order to calm their nerves and alleviate their concerns about having a gigantic woman living among them. Otherwise they'd be too worried about being at her mercy and accidentally being crushed, devoured, or wiped out by her, especially if she's literally thousands of feet tall (especially if she ends up being miles tall!).

But perhaps you already have remedies to some of these postulations in mind. In any case, this was a nice and spicy little add-on to the broader story.

Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 10 2024 8:57 AM Title: Chapter 19: Power

The hospital staff taking gallons of Trish's blood for testing got me thinking about how she would be a blood drive coordinator's wet dream. Just imagine if she's O negative!

I really liked the early emphasis on Trish comparing the strength of her fingers and toes with  power in her toes with the little, uh, I mean average-sized people taking her blood. In particular, her flexing her toes to feel the power in them only to realize that doing so felt the same to her as it always did was a really nice detail to highlight. There's something about that casual component to the power she has that really amplifies how hot it is. And the fact that she spent so much time trying to wrap her head around that was a very realistic approach to the scene.

Then to follow that up by casually playing with Thomas with her feet builds on the concept (as well as Trish's revelation from last chapter) quite nicely, as did Thomas noticing how wet the whole experience was making her. Finally, we have Thomas realizing that Trish isn't trying to visualize them at the same size anymore, obviously a huge departure from every other sex scene since she hit 20 feet tall (I'm happy she's so comfortable with herself now, but a part of me will miss those comparisons of Thomas's whole body to fingers or a hand moving across her body).

So, while we Trish really starting to enjoy the power she has over the "littles" last chapter, I think, between all of that and the other escalated displays of dominance mentioned throughout this one, it's safe to say we've now moved to her finding it to be hotter than what used to get her going! She's now an official member of our little club here. Where do I send the "Welcome" fruit basket?

But even with her fully embracing her size and the feelings it gives her, we're still reminded that she's only able to do so because she feels "happy, confident, and loved," as she noted when she imagined how she would feel at 600 feet tall. I think that line is important, as it shows that this change in Trish isn't her becoming a monster. She's still the same person she always was.

Without someone like Thomas there to help her feel like there's nothing wrong with her being big, she's now able to put aside her doubts and fears and focus on the good parts of her condition. If he wasn't there, especially given the hospital staff and her previous boyfriend, I don't think she would have ever gotten to this point and would probably be a 60-foot ball sitting on her bed all day every day.

It was a nice touch to have Thomas notice the change in Trish a few different times in this chapter, only to dismiss it as him seeing what he wanted to see because of his fetish. He has had such a good read on her pretty much since he tried to figure her out the first time they met, so it wouldn't have made sense if he missed such clear signs from her. At the same time, it makes sense that he would be concerned that he was projecting them on to her, as her made one comment in the narrative (about how sweet Trish was for indulging him with her dominance games) that almost came off like he felt just a tad bit guilty about it (when he noted how hard Trish's condition has been for her to deal with). So it makes sense that he was extra cautious about reading too much into her actions, allowing him to still be shocked when she tore apart his cabin to grab him.

And holy shit, what a scene that was! Between Trish's playful demeanor and Thomas's confusion over his fear (I'm sure his love for Trish and probably how hot a part of him found the whole thing muddied the waters up for him quite a bit), this was incredible. Not to mention there were a couple of simile's in there a really liked (that gift box one, in particular, painted a very clear picture in my head). Very well done!

I also love that it took Thomas confronting her for Trish to realize that she was starting to do things because she liked it instead of just for his sake, which, as it turns out, was the perfect excuse to hide the truth from herself. It makes sense that she feels like she's betraying her "smaller self" by enjoying her size.

I think it's true that if 10-foot Trish could have seen 65-foot Trish's actions out of context, she would think that she was turning into the monster that most people seemed to think she would. But Thomas was right when he said that this new attitude regarding her size is "probably really healthy" for her. Trying to live how others want you to live, ignoring or even suppressing your true feelings, is never a good thing. The Trish we saw at the start of the story was clearly basing her opinions on her condition on what everyone else was thinking about it, and we see where that got her.

So maybe "betraying" the person she was a year and a half ago is actually the right thing to do.

I appreciate you owning that cocky pun. I swear, if that one wasn't intended ...

I don't see why Trish is so hesitant to talk to Jeb about why she destroyed the cabin. I mean, there's no way that conversation could be more embarrassing than the one Thomas had to have had with him to get the shackles installed!

Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 03 2024 8:11 AM Title: Chapter 18: Hate

The first thing that stuck out to me after finishing this chapter was a particular line of dialogue that I thought was particularly on point and cleverly placed:

"I'll come back for you, I swear. I'm sorry! Uh, you started it!"

First of all, this line made me crack up, given the context of the situation. But more importantly, and I think I used this same phrasing for something in my last review, it was probably the most Trish thing she could have said here. That's particularly meaningful, I think, as we're kind of breaking into some new territory with her as this chapter progresses. Getting a little reminder about who Trish really is, despite the heat of the moment and how much she was getting into the "game" of catching and, uh, incapacitating the assassins, helped make the transition she briefly makes here feel more natural.

I also thing said transition has been subtly set up in the past few chapters, particularly in Here to Please. In that chapter, between dealing with the rude frat boys, making her breakthrough by wishing Thomas was her size instead of wishing herself to be his, her inner thoughts when Thomas was bossing her around in the bedroom, and her thinking that there was no way the shackles could hold her down, it became clear that she was getting quite comfortable being big and even thinking of herself as above the "little" people around her. We saw more of the same last chapter with her handling of the crunchy camp crisis, where she geeked out mentally over how cute they all were and basically used them to get Thomas hard.

Of course, she wasn't consciously enjoying her growing height advantage over the world during any of that, but those feelings were definitely there. It just took chasing down a group of "anonymously" (read Agent Grisham) funded bargain-bin assassins to wake her up to what her subconscious was almost screaming by that point.

And it was an interesting transition to see unfold. After hating the fact that most of the world saw her as a monster for most of the story up until this point (even when she could still fit in the hospital), she's starting to thrive on it, at least when those on the receiving end of that treatment deserve it (I know the term "deserve" is subjective, but I think most people would agree that trying to kill Trish was deserving of a few injuries and some smug taunting).

And now that she has awakened these feelings and acknowledged that she suddenly understands what Thomas sees in all this, it should be pretty intriguing to see where things go from here. Will Thomas be subjected to too much of a good thing? Is he going to embrace this shift in attitude from his future wife? Is she going to even tell him the truth about how she feels now? I really have no idea which way you're going to take this, but I think it should be a fun journey regardless.

As for the action of the chapter (as opposed to just the philosophy behind it), I think you nailed the descriptions of the scene! It was really easy to picture while still keeping with your mostly shorter, quicker-feeling paragraph style. I think that's harder to do when you have more going on in a scene; it's easy to get caught up in longer paragraphs that try to hit every little detail but are less inviting to the reader.

You also did an excellent job of conveying the contrasting moods of Trish and the would-be assassins with each perspective shift. The desperation of the latter blended extraordinarily well with the playful, almost light-hearted at times thought process of the former. It's a formula that works well in giantess stories in general, but I think your narrative style gave this dichotomy a more personal feel, which greatly enhanced those feelings.

Much like Trish's line mentioned above, Thomas telling the initial four captured assassins, "Uh, don't move" while holding a gun naked and his lower half covered in Trish's juices was absolutely hilarious. I love that you inserted a couple bits of humor into this action-intensive chapter.

Lastly, there's that whole thing with Trish's hand re-growing. Putting aside the poor planning of the assassins to use a bomb too weak to kill Trish unless they placed it near a vital organ (I think it was clear by the end of the first few paragraphs that these guys weren't the most competent bunch in the world), seeing her hand get blown clean off only to come back just the same as before brings to the forefront a question that has mostly been hanging out in the background up until now: What exactly is happening to Trish?

The focus of this story has been divided between the mental states of Trish and Thomas and their growing relationship, and rightly so. But because of that, it's easy to forget that this mystery is still very much in play. Now that we know there's more to this than just her growth, there's suddenly more room for speculation.

When I got to that part of the chapter, my first thought was, "Fuck, are those crunchy hippie jerks actually right?" Even though it would be cool if Trish was becoming a literal goddess, on principal I have to root against this, as I can't get behind the hopes and dreams of crunchy people (real or fictional).

In all seriousness, though, that has all of a sudden become the best working theory we have, which is actually kind of funny. I mean, if there was a scientific explanation for this, you would think that something weird would have had to have happened to trigger this in her. And since she hasn't said anything about anything like that up until now (I have to think she would have admitted to something like that well before reaching 50 feet tall, as she would be doing anything she could to try and fix this once she started getting inhumanly tall), I have to think it's something supernatural or otherworldly, and goddesshood fits nicely in that world.

Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 26 2024 8:14 AM Title: Chapter 17: Love

Hey, she said it! She said the thing!!

While I've been mentioning the beauty of Trish getting turned on by turning Thomas on, by being her "dream guy's dream girl," it was still great to see her say it out loud in that little back and forth there at the end of the chapter. This may be the sweetest, most wholesome concept ever conceived within stories about this particular fetish. And that wholesomeness really amplifies the, uh, less wholesome things Thomas and Trish get up to together in such a unique way. the sex scenes are hot, but they're so much more than that; there's so much emotion and depth to them.

Also, while on the subject, I still love how you continue to find ways to have Trish envision Thomas's actions on her body as if he were just a part of a same-sized person. It fits that concept of her not being into the size difference in the same way as Thomas, but still being into him being into her. I've mentioned this before, but I thought her comparing him walking up her back to him drumming his fingers up his spine was particularly clever.

And, of course, her making him try to undress her is always fun. It's such a creative way for her to playfully dominate him.

But while Trish admitted to not being sexually into her domination of Thomas in and of itself, this chapter continued the growing trend of her getting into dominating people in general. She's really starting to enjoy throwing her weight around, although she's not being mean about it.

Yeah, she made her worshippers do some stuff to get Thomas hard, but I think her enjoyment of that whole interaction clearly went beyond just that. She appreciated them giving her gifts and adoring her. And her finding them following her commands to be cute is probably the most Trish thing she could think about it.

I also like the contrast between how she handled the worshippers and her daddy's security team. She showed a little authority at times, like when she blocked Gary from approaching the worshippers with her hand, but instead of just ordering him around and intimidating him with her size, she resorted to the most dastardly trick in her arsenal: the puppy dog eyes. That she got her way by melting his heart instead of simply forcing him to comply shows that while Trish is really starting to rather like being a giant and the power that comes with it, she's still the same sweet, loving person she's been this whole time. Little touches like that, reminding us of who Trish is, help keep the tone of the story on track, I think.

I was a big fan of the idea of Trish learning sign language when it was first introduced, but I particularly love the way that idea was applied here. With Thomas serving as her "herald," him translating most of what she was saying placed extra emphasis on those times where she decided to speak with her own voice. It's kind of a less is more thing, at least in my mind. It also allowed for Thomas and Trish to have a few "private" moments together despite being surrounded by worshippers and security, with Thomas having one-sided discussions with Trish before making her will known (and losing those discussions to the silent side!). The best of those moments was clearly when Thomas questioned her and she got him hard with just a look.

Just Patricia! I love how dense the crunchy people are here, and, again, this was a clever bit of dialogue.

I'm curious to see if/how Trish's interaction with the worshippers, particularly her instructions to them before leaving, play out later in the story. Does her telling them to perform good acts make people love her more, or will the government maybe use this to make people think that she's power tripping and manipulating people? Or possibly a third thing. Who knows (well, other than you, obviously)?

Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 19 2024 7:47 AM Title: Chapter 16: Here to Please

Damn, I was so close on the Gulliver thing! I mean, I knew the bondage thing had to come into play at some point, so maybe half a point for me?

You know, I've spent a lot of time talking about how Trish finds happiness in making Thomas happy, but the reverse has been no less true throughout this story. The way he resists her when she's playing her games with Thomas (like the first one during the picnic, for example) let's him still be that strong, confident man that Trish wants, even when she's giving him what he wants. From what we know about Thomas, I think his natural reaction to a living, breathing giantess telling him what to do would be to be submissive, but he has fun with resisting her the same way she has fun dominating him (that is, their enjoyment is in making the other feel good). I just wanted to backtrack for a second and acknowledge that, as this kind of culminates in the back half of this chapter.

Thomas coming up with the bondage device was a brilliant move on his part (although I'm sure that particular conversation with Jeb, who I assume paid for it, was an awkward one), as it not only let's him fulfill Trish's fantasy (and boy did she get off on the fear of not having control for the first time since her growth started) but also allows him to please his fiancé safely on his own. But equally important here was his demeanor from start to finish. The way he took control before she even knew what was happening (more on her reaction to that in a second, or maybe a minute, I don't know how fast you read), claimed her, then teased her in the most agonizing way possible is all exactly what Trish wants. And Thomas was clearly enjoying himself the whole time, even though he didn't cum himself until Trish took care of him after the fact. He was into it because she was into it.

Not to get biblical here, but this relationship kind of reminds me of the concept of "one flesh." With both Trish and Thomas living for each other's happiness, both get to be fulfilled and experience their deepest desires. It's a beautiful concept, really.

As for Trish, it was pretty cool to see her breakthrough in the first half of the chapter manifest itself in the back end. She's finally okay with being big, so now it seems that domme role is becoming more natural for her. I was a little surprised (but smiling) when reading Trish's inner thoughts when Thomas started giving her orders. She still listened to him because of love and curiosity, but I couldn't imagine her thinking "Who does this little man think he is?" even two chapters ago. And that confidence she had that she didn't need a safe word and that if things went too far she could "just stand up" and have Tiny Thomas at her ankles. Her mental transformation has been at least as fun as her physical one so far.

The proposal was really well written, I thought. It blended concepts that are unique to such a situation (Thomas using a ferris wheel to propose and Trish dropping the oversized wine flute were pretty cool ideas) with some classic, tried-and-true tropes for it (the "suspicious" girlfriend and "She said yes!"). This gave the scene a familiar feel but its own vibe at the same time. And it was pretty cool that the whole town celebrated with them (or under them, technically, I guess). Early on, I felt like Trish was going to be kept an isolated secret throughout most of the story, so to see the town accept her (well, except for stupid frat boys, but do they even count?) even know that she's hitting more ridiculous heights is heartwarming in and of itself. The fact that Trish was still nervous to even go into town and was so careful and considerate for all things not Thomas's window just adds to that.

The elastic engagement ring was a pretty slick thought as well.

As I've been a big fan of Melanie throughout this story, I have to mention how sad her brief passage was in this chapter. That she so badly wanted to see how they've been shows that, on some level, she still wants to be their friend, even after what they did to her. I think deep down she understands why things turned out the way they did (she was getting third wheel vibes even before they actually started the affair, so she knows how naturally they're drawn to each other), but, of course, that doesn't make being cheated on hurt any less or her feel less betrayed.

It has to be a complicated feeling for her, but it seems like her own guilt over doubting Thomas at the trial (or maybe convincing herself to doubt Thomas because of these feelings) may have helped to subside some of that sense of betrayal. Or maybe time healed that wound on its own. Who knows?

Well, we would have if Melanie had made that run to the courtyard (of course, it might have been awkward for Thomas to have such a conversation with his ex on the day he plans to propose to the love of his life). But that was the saddest part to me. Melanie knows Trish wouldn't hurt her, but the latter's size (and maybe her own sense of guilt as well) still intimidated her enough to not only keep her from seeing her (maybe) friends but keep her planted in the same place for some time afterward as well. Personally, I don't think Trish and Thomas will hold anything against her for the trial and would probably apologize themselves and just be glad that she still cares about them after betraying her trust.

So I don't know if this was a bit of a "sad sendoff" for Melanie or if it's a sign that we'll get that eventual resolution between the three of them that I'm hoping for (I feel like the latter is true, but I could see it going either way), but I do know that I focused on Melanie in this review far more than I thought I would when I started writing!

Lastly, I just want to point out that I really enjoy the way you've ended a lot of these chapters. You've hit some high notes with some cute, personal-feeling scenes that have really helped humanize Trish and Thomas. This last one is certainly no exception! I love the idea of Trish, after everything that happened throughout the day, just needing Thomas in the middle of the night and him playing that confident role for her once again. The whole scene just fits them so well. I really appreciate a writer finding little ways to flash their characters' personalities like this!

Author's Response:

I love your theories and I don't want to give too much away by responding to them. I look forward to your in depth write ups. They give me a boost to keep committing to this weekly schedule I set for myself.

Author's Response:

I love your theories and I don't want to give too much away by responding to them. I look forward to your in depth write ups. They give me a boost to keep committing to this weekly schedule I set for myself.

Reviewer: Jim1989 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: April 13 2024 6:40 PM Title: Chapter 16: Here to Please

Nice to see the lovebirds doing what they can to keep things spicy and passionate between them. I imagine that Thomas is going to have to get more and more creative as Trish grows larger and larger. It's sad in a way that as she grows, Thomas may run out of ways to physically satisfy her once she reaches a particular height. While Thomas is no doubt enthralled at the prospect of Trish enlarging all the more into an outright goddess, he probably feels a tiny bit tormented that he cannot satisfy her as a traditional lover.

Part of me wonders if there might be some way for Thomas to grow himself to meet her size, or at least large enough that he can please her in some way, though he might be conflicted at the idea of such a thing, given that he prefers Trish to be outright massive compared to him, as if he were an ant standing before a blue whale in terms of size comparison. Maybe that's something you have in mind for later in the story. It would certainly be mind-blowing for the rest of the world to see the two lovebirds ascend into becoming outright titans compared to the rest of humanity, like a proverbial "Adam and Eve" standing before the rest of the human species, towering over buildings or even mountains as they consummate their love like man-and-wife turned god-and-goddess.

But I'm getting ahead of myself with the daydreaming and hypotheticals as to what direction this story ends up taking. In any case, a splendid little add-on chapter to the entire story. Kudos!

Author's Response:

Thanks for the kind words!

Expect the size roles to stay much the same, though I think there is room for fan spinoffs if you ever feel the urge to write one. Netherfalcon on deviantart is doing fan renders of certain scenes of this story.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the kind words!

Expect the size roles to stay much the same, though I think there is room for fan spinoffs if you ever feel the urge to write one. Netherfalcon on deviantart is doing fan renders of certain scenes of this story.

Author's Response:

Thanks for the kind words!

Expect the size roles to stay much the same, though I think there is room for fan spinoffs if you ever feel the urge to write one. Netherfalcon on deviantart is doing fan renders of certain scenes of this story.

Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 12 2024 8:34 AM Title: Chapter 15: Prison

I'm not sure if I've ever seen the idea of a giantess using sign language to communicate without deafening the tinies before, but it was such a brilliant one. Not only does it make logistical sense, but it also shows just how considerate Trish is. Not only that, but between that and her size, this served as a clever way to have Trish still be involved in the chapter during the first half of Thomas's lovely stay in the county jail. Those interactions were as heartwarming as the were funny (that "pulling your socks off" line got me!).

And it was hilarious that the city had to ask Trish to stop coming because she was intimidating everyone. ASL really is a threatening language, what with all those hand movements and whatnot!

Two months in county just for hitting Vale one time? Man, the judge must have been pissed, or maybe the feds leaned on him a bit just as a bit of revenge for Thomas ruining their plans again. That gap in time does do a good job of advancing Trish's height faster (from the reader's perspective, of course), and now we get a 50-foot Trish! Also, the way they were longing for each other with every communication was really sweet, and it also played into Trish's earlier-expressed concern that, at least as far as we know at this point, these two are on a bit of clock due to Trish's expanding size.

Trish practicing and memorizing that routine for Thomas may have been the cutest, most sincerely wholesome piece of smut I've ever read. I love how you continually emphasize that Trish gets no sexual gratification from playing these parts for Thomas but instead from Thomas's reaction to her doing so. She finds it hot that she can get him so worked up, which is a more realistic emotional response than what we typically see in fetish stories.

Not only that, but it's hard not to smile when reading about the legitimate joy (even beyond anything sexual) that she gets just by making him so happy. Thomas was right, once people get to know her, it's impossible not to love her.

Of course, Thomas is always willing to return the favor, even if Trish won't let him because of the danger that comes with him trying to do that. Still, they find a way for him to play an active part in her getting off, which is great. One day, he's going to have to figure out how to tie her down Gulliver-style. Not only would she be into the bondage, but if he could tie her down firmly enough, he might be just be able to have some fun inside her without the risk of being crushed by intense spasming. It's really only a question of how he could pull that off without the help of at least half of the farm (I think Trish would be mortified at the thought of so many people being clued in on her own secret fetish).

As for Trish's "routine" itself it was damned hot. This may not be her thing, but she really gets into the part and takes it seriously. Going along with what I said above about Trish getting into the role without being into it, there were once again minor touches you put into the scene that really made it stand out. For example, Trish comparing sucking on Thomas to sucking on a guy's finger was a pretty relatable way for her to rationalize it, and the way she casually wonders just how much of him she can fit in her mouth comes off as playfully curious rather than something she found particularly sexual in nature.

I've said it even in previous reviews, but Trish's approach to this fetish is so unique and refreshing, and it makes scenes like this enticing for reasons completely alien to pretty much every other story on this site. That creativity is really appreciated!

Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 04 2024 8:37 PM Title: Chapter 14: The Trial of Patricia Hostettler

Well, I was hoping for a legal thriller, and you absolutely delivered on that front!

First and foremost, I love that Margaret A Few Good Men'ed Dr. Vale. The line of questioning leading up to tricking the frantic nutritionist into slipping up and saying the truth was very well-written, both because the line of questioning made sense by the end of it and because a legitimately didn't know where she was going with it up until she asked that last question.

But even more than that, I love that the whole thing was Thomas's idea and that he knew Vale would crack under the right circumstances. Despite his ... ethical mishap, Thomas has shown himself to be an exceptional psychologist throughout the story, so to see him put those skills to work here fit perfectly with everything that's been built into his character up to this point.

I also like that Thomas keeps finding new ways to contribute and be useful. I'm a big fan of stories where the tiny (or favored normal in this case) isn't just there to be played with, tortured, or doted upon but actually plays an active role in what's going on throughout the story. Obviously, this has been what Thomas has done throughout the story so far, but this was such a creative example of it that I had to single it out. And the confidence he continues to have every step of the way is downright inspiring!

It's touching that he's willing to go to jail for her as well. And I do think it'll be jail, rather than prison. A battery charge like that will probably land you a couple weeks in the county jail and a fine. The government would have to stretch things pretty far to get Thomas locked up in the state pen, although Grisham seems vindictive enough to give it a try ...

We didn't see a ton of Trish this chapter (at least not in person) but I enjoyed how "normal" Thomas and her felt at the start of it. They really act like a regular lovey-dovey couple most of the time, and even when they get into the kinky stuff they handle it in what is, in my opinion, a non-pervy manner (Thomas playing the role of "hard to get" a couple chapter ago rather than worshipping her as a goddess and making her uncomfortable, for example). The just feel like a "real" couple, and that makes it really easy to get invested in their relationship.

Also, given everything we know about Trish at this point, I couldn't help but find it incredibly cute when she was trying to act intimidating while "in" the courtroom.

It was nice to see that Melanie is still her sweet self and not so bitter over Thomas and Trish's betrayal as to purposely try to harm their case. That semi-apologetic look and the insight into her thought process when she said she guessed that he could have groomed Trish show that she was conflicted about the whole thing, which is understandable. Once Thomas cheated on her, she didn't know what to think, so her harmful answer to that question was honest rather than malicious.

I don't know if we've seen the last of Melanie, but I'm personally hoping that these three at least get a chance to clear the air, especially after seeing how Melanie is processing things after the fact.

I've always like Dr. Jacobson, so it was great to see him defend Thomas here. He seems to regret having to fire Thomas, which surprised me a little (not that I thought he wanted to get rid of him, but I didn't think he'd be too concerned about it, either). And he nailed the situation perfectly: Thomas just acted foolishly because he's in love.

Vale, as disgusting as he is (he straight up called for Trish to be killed for the crime of being growing uncontrollably), does make a good point. If Trish's growth never stops, she will eventually become a threat just by simply existing. At the same time, I can't get behind doing something to her because of a condition that she can't even control, not to mention that she's such a good person (that helps, but I'd still feel the same even if she was kind of a jerk, honestly).

I think you captured the internal struggle people in this world would have about this quite well with Margaret at the end there, especially when she left the county "well before" the odometer marked 51 miles. That was a clever way to put that scale into perspective.

Now that this is resolved, you have to wonder what the government is going to try next.

Author's Response:

As always, thank you so much for the in depth reviews. It's very gratifying. 

Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 27 2024 1:15 AM Title: Chapter 13: The Prelude to the Trial

Ooh, are we going to get a little giantess courtroom (or block around the courtroom) drama soon? I love a good fictional legal battle, and it might be fun to see what that silly government will get up to next!

This chapter made me think back to the beginning of the previous one, with Thomas and Jeb sitting at the dinner table (and at breakfast time, no less!). It makes sense to me that Jeb can't see what Trish sees in the former psychologist, not because it's hard to see but rather because I'm not sure Jeb has the emotional capacity to understand it. I think he's a good person who loves his daughter, but he seems a hard man that would struggle to comprehend having to rely on someone emotionally.

I bring this up because I feel like we see in this chapter that value in Thomas that Jeb just can't grasp. As I was reading it, I kept thinking back to how Trish was a couple chapters ago, before making up with Thomas. How would that Trish have handled the government's tactics here? Honestly, I don't know if she ever would have even made it to the courthouse. She would have assumed that everyone saw her as a monster and either have been too embarrassed to show up or, if she did actually make it into town, would have been so emotionally spent, malnourished, and uncoordinated that she would have easily made one of those mistakes the government was hoping she'd make.

But Thomas gives Trish the confidence to be herself, and because of that, kind of like what we saw between Melanie and her, other people are starting to see the real Trish as well. Thomas assured her that people will fall in love with her once they see her for who she is, and Nancy proved him right. That whole interaction between the two women was incredibly sweet, and it was touching to see how grateful Trish was to have earned Nancy's trust, let alone the little (er, normal-sized) woman's support.

As far as shady plans go, the government's wasn't a bad one. The odds were in favor of her getting frustrated and looking scarier than she really is by trying to get into the building. Agent Grisham surely knows enough about Trish by now to know that she's not an actual threat, but he clearly expected her to cause at least some property damage, if not express outright frustration in a way that would terrify the media. Good on Trish for not falling into that trap. Also, I thought it was funny that she actually wanted the judge in company to be at least a little afraid of her (but, of course, wasn't willing to do anything to make them feel that way).

One segment in this chapter that I found particularly well written was the short one in which Trish wakes up Thomas in the middle of the night seeking comfort. I love the fact that she didn't say a single word during that conversation; it conveyed a sense of vulnerability that now line of dialogue could match. It also matches her general meekness, which is part of her charm and sets her apart from pretty much every other giant character written about on this site. She's willing to be assertive and domineering and even enjoy being so because of how happy it makes Thomas, but this quiet, reliant (I like how she matched his deep breathing in order to fall asleep) demeanor is her true nature. It's incredibly cute, too!

After saying that, however, I have to admit I'm loving Trish's evergrowing confidence! Despite her nerves and needing Thomas's support to get over them, the confidence with which she handled the media (especially after seeing that Thomas was right about people liking her) was pretty impressive. Between that and her genuine nature (that "Oh, hi!" she gave to Nancy even made me smile), there was no way the government was going to be able to shape the narrative here.

Like I said before, I'm really curious to see what else the government has up their sleeve. They're playing dirty, and I'm wondering if they might drag in a certain ex-girlfriend to make Trish and/or Thomas look bad (I'm not sure how they would make her seem relevant to the case, but I wouldn't put it past them to find a way). The accommodations made for Trish ought to be pretty interesting as well.

Reviewer: Jim1989 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 23 2024 5:34 PM Title: Chapter 13: The Prelude to the Trial

Really good stuff. Enjoying the gentle giantess content as Trish interacts with an ever-shrinking world from her perspective, trying to be as delicate as she can despite the power her larger size gives her. I always find it to be an amusing paradox of sorts where ever-growing women try their hardest to be as gentle and accommodating as they can, sort of like a "bull in a china shop" with a heart of gold, if that makes sense. The overall tone reminds me of stories like "Rowena" by Pixis and "Rise of a Princess" by Jacksmith. Anyways, really good stuff and looking forward to more as Trish ascends to greater and greater heights over time. It'll REALLY be something to see how she interacts with the world once she's 50 feet tall, 100 feet tall, or greater than that a living mountain trying to tiptoe around molehills. It'll be especially amusing if she has to navigate through city streets and among taller buildings, assuming the street widths will be 10-15 feet wide or so.

Anyways, really good stuff! One of the best stories I've come across here in a while. I know I haven't posted reviews for other chapters up to this point, but you've really got interesting character dynamics going on between Thomas, Trish, and some of the other characters. Kind of wondering how things'll pan out with Thomas's ex-girlfriend Melanie. I do feel a little bad for her, given that she seemed to be genuinely interested in Thomas and appeared to be a good person all around. Wondering if she'll make another appearance or if her role in the story is effectively done. If she does make a return in the story, I imagine that she'd be somewhat livid that Thomas strung her along somewhat and toyed with her heartstrings, even if it wasn't intentional. I don't know if she's the type to forgive him or not, but it would be interesting if she pops up somewhere in the storyline.

Anyways, I feel like I'm jabbering on and on at this point. Anyways, really enjoyable stuff!

Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 19 2024 11:09 PM Title: Chapter 12: The Heart Grows Fonder

I think the biggest thing that stuck out to me in the entire chapter was Trish comparing her game with Thomas with playing with a pet.

Now, at first glance (particularly in stories on this site) that might be looked at as a demeaning thing, like Trish thinks less of him or puts herself above him. And while I do think that Trish's view on humanity as a whole has been changing for a while now, I don't think that's what she means here (at least not entirely).

I think the comparison has more to do with the fact that her enjoyment from playing with Thomas came from knowing how much he loved what she was doing with him and what it made him feel for her. We don't play fetch with our dogs because we just love to throw a ball around; we do it because we love to see how happy it makes them to go fetch it. The same goes for petting a cat; it makes us happy when they purr because we know that means we're doing something that they enjoy.

Trish liked playing with Thomas more than she admitted to him (at least I felt as though her answer to him didn't match the enthusiasm she had for it in the narrative). She probably played it off because she didn't want to give him the wrong idea and make him think she got something sexual out of it, which she didn't. Her fun was based entirely on his pleasure, and once she figured out what he liked, she really got into it, to the point where she wasn't going to stop until he said the safe word (which we know because she wasn't the least bit worried that she had overdone it when he screamed "Jumbo! Jumbo!).

So I think that's what she meant when she compared getting him off to playing with a pet. She had fun because he had fun. If wasn't into it, she would have been bored and probably hated doing it.

Of course, having said all that, Trish's view on humanity has been changing for a while now, so I can't completely discount her starting to view her relationship with Thomas through that lens. She said a while ago that she wasn't really human anymore and even argued when Thomas tried to tell her that she was. She's also commented in the past about how cute everyone is getting as she gets bigger and bigger. What's interesting about this is that it has been viewed as a negative by Trish throughout most of the story (mainly her depression over thinking that everyone thinks she's a monster, even if they like it), but that's starting to change, with this chapter including a big step in that development.

Speaking of said development, I loved the back and forth Trish went through in the first half of this chapter, battling herself over dual feelings of embarrassment and sexiness over her size. The embarrassment has always been there, even with the help of Thomas's confidence building, but we saw her start to feel sexy over her size at the end of the previous chapter, when she compared it to getting her curves in before the other girls. This chapter both built on that and dealt with the head on collision it was bound to have with her natural discomfort over being big very well.

It makes sense that, with a lover who's into it, her wanting to be desired would win out over the awkwardness she feels about the size difference. And the way she went about trying to get more of that feeling, using stuff she read on the forum and slowly building confidence after some direction from Thomas, was as cute as it was erotic, all without her feeling like a different person. I'm really interested to see where this budding confidence in her size goes from here.

Thomas knowing what Trish is into, both when he embarrassed her (I like how she was embarrassed by him knowing about her bondage kink despite her knowing about his much less common and far more embarrassing one) and when he helped her get off. The latter, in particular, was pretty impressive, as he knew just what little things to do to make Trish's fantasy feel more real to her, which I think is why it turned out better than she had expected. Besides, your therapist is going to know about your bondage fetish. I mean, come on.

But I think Thomas's knowledge on how to get Trish going is yet another thing that shows that he loves her as a person and isn't just into her because of his own fetish. He knows her very well, and he uses that knowledge to do everything he can to make her feel as good as possible. Seeing Trish incorporate what he was doing into her fantasy really helped show that he knew what he was doing, too.

Jeb's acceptance of this situation was kind of funny to me, too. I mean, it makes perfect sense, but it's just funny that he had to go from "there's plenty of places to bury a body out here" to giving Thomas a place to stay is pretty funny, especially since he clearly still doesn't very much care for Thomas. He's a good dad, though, and he's just happy to see his daughter happy. We talk a lot about Thomas being the only one that doesn't see Trish as a monster, but I'm pretty sure Jeb still sees her as his little girl. He's just not much for those icky feelings that everyone else has, so it's harder for him to convey that

Looking forward to the next one!

Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 13 2024 4:00 AM Title: Chapter 11: Absence

I was about 50-50 on whether we'd see a quick reconciliation between our two protagonists or the issue between them would be stretched out for a while. I could have easily seen a split between Thomas's anguish and the government continuing to fuck with an isolated Trish tormenting us for a few more chapters at least.

I was pretty thrilled to see that it was the former instead. The slow burn that this story has been, with Thomas and Trish finally admitting their feelings near the end of the chapter before everything went to hell, built up enough anticipation for their reunion that it was extremely rewarding without having to draw things out. It legitimately felt good to see her forgive him and apologize for jumping to conclusions herself.

I really like how that confrontation was handled. It was made clear that Trish was really struggling to get over her feelings for Thomas, yet she still held on to that anger when she saw him for the first time in a month (and really talked to him for the first time in three months). In fact, those feelings seemed to motivate that anger, as she felt used and betrayed by the man she loves (and she still loved him through all of that, even if she couldn't admit it until they made up). And while Thomas's honest answer and physical contact certainly helped break through that cloud of anger, it was her own feelings that ultimately led her to forgive him.

When she picked him up and looked at his face, she saw everything she needed to see. It reminded her of why she fell in love with him. After basically being tortured and shown what were most likely the worst aspects of Thomas's fetish (I like that this was confirmed that the agents showed her particular aspects of it, as opposed to just being told that he was into giants; it shows just how manipulative they were) for two months, it was easy to forget that she saw how much he cared for her as much as she heard it from him. This was mentioned multiple times in previous chapters, and it was a nice touch to circle back to that here.

Trish conducting her own "research" was pretty interesting as well. The fact that de facto confirmation that she was "TheRealPatriciaHolsettler" was grouped in with her reflecting back on the agents' showing her things about Thomas's fetish implies that said research was her way of trying to better understand Thomas. Now whether that was in hopes of discovering something that would prove the agents wrong or it had more to do seeking some odd sense of closure, it's tough to say. But I think her last reaction on the site says a lot about a deeper reason why Thomas's "betrayal bothered her so much.

Yeah, obviously her thinking he saw her as a monster bothered her, but I think that the thought of him only wanting her because of something that terrifies her is upsetting as well. She's scared about what's happening to her, and her belief that the only one who ever gave her comfort against that fear was really only ever in love with what was causing it cut deep. I think his admission that he is attracted to that but also that his attraction to her ran deeper, as well as the reaffirmation of his love for her, helped her realize that he can both be into her growth and care about her as a person at the same time. That might actually do more to quell her fear than his previous support, at least in the short term. We kind of saw that when she compared her growth to her curves coming in before all the other girls; she's starting to view it as a positive rather than a negative.

That might not hold up if/when she hits some truly massive sizes, but I feel like we're in for a more confident Trish who's eager to explore Thomas's attraction to her size in the coming chapters. At least, that's the hope!

And I kind of go back to what I said in my last review, that this challenge would ultimately be a good thing for the two of them. In a lot of ways, I feel like they're in a better place now then they were two chapters ago. There's no more need to hide the relationship, no more guilt over cheating, no more hidden fetishes, and I feel like, between the time apart and the fighting, that those unintentional grooming and manipulation concerns are out the window now. Other than Thomas being more or less unemployed (he was suspended without pay and this chapter made a point to note that he had done nothing about that yet, so I suppose he still technically has the job, but he can't go back after all this, right?), things have turned out pretty okay with him. I still do think the whole Melanie thing could come back to bite him in some unexpected way, though.

But overall, it feels like Trish and Thomas have gotten off to a fresh start, which is exactly what they needed if this thing was going to continue long term (or as long as Trish has before she outgrows intimate human contact).

Lastly, I again want to commend you for writing intimate scenes that capture the awkwardness of the size difference between Trish and Thomas without making them feel, well, awkward. That bit about Trish and Thomas trying to French each other perfectly encapsulated that they aren't used to doing stuff like that at Trish's current size, but, at the same time, that didn't take anything away from the passion of the moment either. I feel like that's pretty hard to pull off, so I just wanted to call attention to it again. Great work!

Now, it'll be interesting to see how Jeb reacts to the news that Thomas is moving to the ranch, given the indirect threats he made both with his gun and his own giant daughter.

Reviewer: theharper Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: March 11 2024 1:40 PM Title: Chapter 11: Absence

Not bad

Reviewer: fosmat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 09 2024 2:43 PM Title: Chapter 1: The Strange Case of Patricia Hostettler

Absolutely brilliant.

Not only does your prose elevate this but the way you've structured the plot and character arcs of Trish and Thomas is simply put - great. The reuniting of the two was adorable and touching and the spice is layered with a self-awareness that I think really does something special in the case of erotica. Trish feels like an average person going through a traumatic ideal which achieves this level of realness in her character and only makes me see her more as a real person who actually grew to be a 'giantess' in both the literal and metaphorical term which our fetish loves to use, it gives her actions more weight in the story and they feel grounded and real and I have to commend you on that, and Thomas in some twisted fate as a fetishist being entangled in it all is great storytelling and you've depicted their relationship in such a genuine way.

I look forward to wherever you take it. GOOD STUFF!!! 10/10!!!

Reviewer: It Was Me Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 04 2024 5:57 AM Title: Chapter 10: Scrutiny

Well, at least the cat (or all the cats, in this case) is out of the bag now, right? Right?!

This chapter was a straight-up gut punch, and that's absolutely a good thing. Looking at some of the other reviews for the chapter, it looks like pretty much everyone feels really bad for Thomas, which is a testament to how well you're writing has us invested in these characters. And this body blow was set up so well, too, given how it came out of seemingly nowhere (this chapter starts with a very different type of tension, which made how things developed especially blindsiding).

As a reader, I've developed so much empathy for Thomas and Trish, that it's easy to forget that the former's actions are ultimately wrong and that a good portion of what's happening to him now has been earned. That's not to say I think Thomas is a bad guy (I mean, I've been making the opposite case in pretty much every other review for this story so far, after all), but, as Thomas himself acknowledged at the start of the chapter, what he's doing to Melanie is terrible, even if his intent isn't malicious. Not to mention that the ethics of his position are in place for a reason, and he himself was concerned that he had inadvertently groomed Trish to love him (which yet again, I don't think is the case). So I say all of that to say this: it's pretty remarkable to create a character that engages in things that, on a surface level, most people would find despicable, yet present him in a way that makes us not only root for him while he's doing said things but want to root for him even more now in this "all is lost" moment and feel his anguish as he endures the consequences of his actions.

Man, I'm still kind of in awe over how masterfully you've incorporated what I think is one of the deepest fears among those who share our fetish. An invasive government pulled out a harmless post from before he even met Trish and exposed his "unique" tastes to all the right people to ruin his life. I'm pretty sure this is why some people (most notably writers) leave our little community and try to delete every trace that they were ever a part of it. There's a paranoia about being exposed and, more importantly, judged by those around us, people we care about or maybe even just have to deal with day-to-day that we're so sure wouldn't understand what this fetish really is and why it is that we're sucked into it. The way all of those fears became reality for Thomas in the worst way (granted there's more to his downfall than that, but we'll get to that in a minute) so quickly plays into real concerns that your audience likely has fantastically.

I also think that's part of what makes this whole thing hit so hard. It would be one thing if Thomas and Trish were caught in the act or an upset Melanie, after learning the truth, pulled the first threat of this grand unraveling in righteous anger, but to have the intrusive power of the federal government capitalize on something so minor, something that actually isn't morally wrong when Thomas has made so many moral misjudgments helps the audience get behind Thomas even more. Despite everything he's done (even if I don't judge him too harshly for his actions up to this point), he's getting screwed over. Like that's what does him in?! Really?! Not to mention just how hard this innocuous thing the Feds have found out has destroyed him so profoundly. I would think even those who might have been thinking that Thomas had most of this coming would have a hard time not getting behind him after this. 

I'm also really intrigued by just what it is the government is after here. It may be a bit murky at this point, but it seems to me like they've got a plan in place. Agent Grisham immediately identified Thomas as "the one to talk to" about Trish, only for the government to dig as deep as a post on an internet message board made before he even knew Trish. They were clearly going to great lengths to sever the connection Thomas had with her, even if they didn't know exactly what said connection entailed. Then there's the 60 days of house arrest and trumped up criminal charge. It seems to me that they want Trish feeling all alone and in a less than clear mindset. Now what could the U.S. government possibly want with an ever expanding woman?

And while I feel terrible for Thomas, I feel just as bad for Trish, given the above-mentioned torment she's being put through here. And in addition to all that, she now believes that the one person who actually sees her for who she is rather than how big she is thinks of her the same way that everybody else does, only he's into it, which makes him even worse in her eyes. While everyone else is afraid of her, she thinks Thomas was using her like an object for his own perverse pleasure. So her anchor, the one who she could turn to when she needed somebody the most, is not only no longer there, but all of the support he had given her is now tainted. She can't even think back to the good times they had together anymore. She's truly alone in the world now.

With all of that in mind, I can't really blame Trish for being shitty with Thomas and refusing to hear him out. Not only that, but you also have to consider how she was told about Thomas's fetish. The feds, who I again think did this specifically to drive a wedge between the two of them, surely cherrypicked what they shared with her about it, maybe picked out a few select posts to really make Thomas look bad. Not only that, but Jeb and her lawyer aren't exactly his biggest fans anymore, either, so she's been hearing nothing but negative things about Thomas for two months straight, all while she was left starving, sleep-deprived, underclothed, and unable to stand up properly for at least part of her imprisonment. With all that taken into consideration, I think she handled that confrontation with Thomas about as well as could be expected.

Of course, all of that doesn't make her calling him a creep sting any less. That was brutal.

I do wonder what she'll think about the whole thing once she gets a good night's sleep and a proper meal (assuming the government doesn't having anything else immediately up their collective sleeve). Will she regret not hearing Thomas out, or will she double down on those feelings of betrayal and disgust? Will she regret getting physical with Thomas, or will her growing disconnect with the rest of humanity cause her to give in to that darker impulse she felt when she knocked him over or when she wanted to force him in to sex when she was drunk? Will she think back on those times with Thomas and refuse to believe that the love they shared was a lie, or will those outside influences continue to ruin her vision of him? And even if she does regret what happened, will she be too ashamed of herself or scared that he'll view her the same as everyone else now to try and do something about it?

I'm an optimist, and I think they'll work things out and be better for it. Aside from the obvious, out-of-story reasons to suspect as much, such as the knowledge that we're only about, what, a third of the way through the story and the title of the story itself, I do think that all the groundwork you laid out for this relationship in the first nine chapters built a strong enough foundation that Trish will eventually hear Thomas out and take him at his word (now whether this happens sooner or later, I don't know). Hell, I'd argue that something like this needed to happen at some point, as Trish needed to see Thomas as something other than the strong, confident, and damn near perfect man she had built him up to be in her head (all of the things that made her think that are a part of him, of course, but she needs to see him vulnerable and at his weakest as well to truly accept who he is) and Thomas probably needed something to show that Trish wasn't accidentally brainwashed into loving him (two months away and now seeming to hate him is enough to prove that any grooming that he thinks he incidentally did will have been undone). Now, if they end up back together after this moment, it will feel that much more real than it did before, and each can be more confident in the relationship.

Of course, I admit that things could easily go the other way. We could be in for 20-some chapters of Thomas agonizing over love lost and Trish slowly drifting further and further away from humanity, with another meeting between the two down the road being less than fun for our (probably former) resident psychologist. After all, the story's title could be an ironic one. Given the way the story has gone so far, I don't think we'll be going down a path that dark but not knowing for sure keeps things interesting and makes the prospect of a happier ending (or at least more potential happiness on our way to the ending) that much more rewarding if it comes to fruition.

Melanie is in a really interesting spot here. She could be about to fade away into the background (or "off stage" completely) or possibly be about to expand her role in the story once again. I'm really curious about the contents of all those voicemails. Is sweet understanding Melanie unleashing her vengeful anger on the man who betrayed her trust? Is she just looking for understanding about the situation? Is she, despite what Thomas has done to her, still concerned about him? Or is she looking to relieve a different set of emotions on him entirely? I really don't know, especially since we only got a brief glimpse into her reaction to his infidelity.

I could see Melanie piling on to Thomas's problems (not out of spite, necessarily, but maybe a need to unburden herself of those potentially hostile feelings), or I could see her being more understanding of his situation (despite her obvious hurt feelings). We've only had a small window into her personality so far, so a lot is left open to our speculation, but the impression I've had of her so far has been that she's generally an overly nice and understanding person. I couldn't blame her for bucking that trend in this situation, though.

Either way, I have a feeling that she's going to play a fairly significant part in at least the next chapter or two.

If I may offer a tiny bit of constructive criticism here, I think you put together a really good symbolic dream sequence pretty early in the chapter, but then you explained the symbolism of the dream immediately afterward. This isn't a mistake by any means, nor does it hurt the story (I think you flowed the explanation pretty smoothly into the narrative actually), yet I found myself wishing that you would have trusted that you had conveyed the meaning behind the dream clearly enough that such an explanation wasn't necessary. The dream was straight forward with its intent (especially with Trish's last line of dialogue there), but Thomas recognizing the symbolism of the dream as he decided to act on it and end things with Melanie felt (at least to me) that you were concerned that the reader wouldn't fully understand what it was about the dream that sparked this in Thomas.

This is, again, a very small knit to pick, but it's something that I've seen several writers, both within the sphere of this fetish and outside of it, feel the need to do. It might just be a personal preference thing (and if that's how this comes off, I apologize), but, as a reader, I strongly prefer to be left to interpret the meaning behind things on my own.

But yeah, fantastic chapter overall , and way to build anticipation for the release of the next one!

Author's Response:

Thanks as always for the thorough review! I have to say, I am loving the dramatic irony on my end. Knowing where the story goes from here and seeing you thinking about it is very gratifying as a writer.

On your constructive note: Yeah, I went over that line a few times. Ultimately I left it in not to explain the dream sequence, but to help explain Thomas's complicated feelings about Trish. He has subconsciously mapped his fantasies onto her and that interacts strangely with how he feels about her as a human being and a partner. While he fantasizes about Trish exercising her power over himself and others, that's not how he sees her as a person. I wanted to make that clear throughout the chapter, that he actually views her as sweet and harmless, to make her victimization at the hands of the government and her behavior towards him at the end hit harder. 

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