Reviews For Oversight
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Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: May 19 2024 4:34 PM Title: Oversight: Short Weekend

A part of me wants to see Corey have a nightmare about his little sister like the one he did in Consequences only she isn't a benevolent goddess guiding him, she's a tyranical giant hellbent on enjoying her power. 

Reviewer: VelvetSK Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 10 2023 2:27 AM Title: Best Summer Never

Solidly written erotica. The descriptions you opened with and peppered throughout put me in the mood straight away. I realize I'm just euphemistically saying, "I got a boner" but it is important to give credit to authors who realize the content matters.

Characters were accessible, and that's the right approach to take with stories like these. You probably could have condensed the backstory further and left the story even more daydreamlike, but this is part of a universe. Even if it wasn't, in my experience, some readers (like me!) enjoy having even basic character archetypes they can empathize with and project onto.

This review says nothing you don't already know. I wrote it because I know how single sentence reviews eventually blend together.

Reviewer: LittleBigPlanet Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 19 2022 7:47 AM Title: The Shrink Act Files

In terms of storyline this has to my favourite in terms of being able to tie all other storylines together in such an intriguing way. 

Well done  😊

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed [Report This]
Date: April 28 2020 6:10 PM Title: Like Mother, Like Daughter 2: In Her Shoes

I hope some they you'll come back to these characters.

Author's Response:

I've written some miscellaneous scenes with these characters, though it's paid content. Not saying something couldn't still appear here on the site someday, though.

Reviewer: reppareppa Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 23 2019 3:42 PM Title: Best Summer Never

Great as always, would love a scenario where his underpants come off. But either way loved every bit of it.

Reviewer: Grandmaster B Signed [Report This]
Date: February 21 2018 12:42 AM Title: Oversight: Tall Sentence

Slowing reading all your work Ackbar, really enjoying reading it, wondering if this story will get updated need to find out what his sister is thinking.

Reviewer: Psn01 Signed [Report This]
Date: October 04 2017 11:45 AM Title: Like Mother, Like Daughter 2: In Her Shoes

This story is REALLY good.Judy and Becky are so gentle,but wery dominating to mark.would reaaly like to see more practices and mark being weared in shoe and mark licking his mother and sisters feet.please continue writing i really like your stories,and this one is one of the best of all stories on this site.and can you tell me when you are gonna continue?

Author's Response:

I am open to doing another story with these characters sometime, but it's not currently being worked on. Glad you liked this one

Reviewer: Js23 Signed [Report This]
Date: December 23 2016 11:02 AM Title: Oversight: Tall Sentence

Miss your writing

Reviewer: ole666 Signed [Report This]
Date: July 04 2016 2:19 PM Title: Like Mother, Like Daughter 2: In Her Shoes

The best story ever this one and the one before. I JUST LOVE IT, those connections between mother and daughter. I love when mother finds reasons to "test" him its so oryginal, i can only say one thing.... PLEASE MAKE MORE CHAPTERS, MUCH MORE! thanks and wow..

Author's Response:

Thanks very much. I'm glad you've enjoyed this series. I would like to continue writing these characters someday.

Reviewer: Dante123113 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 18 2016 7:39 PM Title: Like Mother, Like Daughter 2: In Her Shoes

Nice ending! I can't wait for the next story, if you continue it! If you weren't already on my favorite authors list, you are now!

Author's Response:

Thanks very much!

Reviewer: zephilia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 17 2016 4:44 PM Title: Like Mother, Like Daughter 2: In Her Shoes

Great ending to a great story. Again I saw no spelling/grammar mistakes and I loved the character development. I hope this is not the last we see of them.

Author's Response:

This is definitely not the last of them. Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: schwuppy Signed [Report This]
Date: June 17 2016 1:29 PM Title: Like Mother, Like Daughter 2: In Her Shoes

Hey, i'm a fan of this story and the oversight universe. It was a pleasure to read it!

Reviewer: el_rooto Signed [Report This]
Date: June 17 2016 12:18 PM Title: Like Mother, Like Daughter 2: In Her Shoes

Much, much needed!

Since your stories tend to have a little bit more plot & defined characters than the average giantess stories, anytime I read about a tiny's family treating him, err, like in a story by Jacksmith, a part of me went "no! that's not how it works, what's so terribly wrong with them?".

Author's Response:

Hehe. Glad to hear it.

Reviewer: HectorVanDyne Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 16 2016 9:58 PM Title: Like Mother, Like Daughter 2: In Her Shoes

Another great story featuring Mark, Joy and Becky.  I really like that Joy and Becky are kind to Mark and that they actually get along. 


Though for the next story with these characters, i hope we have more interactions between Joy and Mark, since it's usually mostly Mark and Becky. Maybe even have her bring up the topic of his crush on Melissa.

Author's Response:

These first two stories were more or less meant to showcase Becky training with Mark while Joy instructs in safety, but you're right that it would be good to show a little more between Joy and Mark in the next story; I definitely plan to. Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: LJin Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 16 2016 8:18 PM Title: Like Mother, Like Daughter 2: In Her Shoes

Lovely ending! Well, compared to the other series Mark was pretty lucky. The guy wouldn't complain if he knew that could be much worse! I really like Becky, she is adorable. And the mom is scary and loving at same time, like almost all mothers... Thank you for this story.

Author's Response:

Mark would definitely be counting his blessings if he was in a different story. Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: AdamX Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 16 2016 7:50 PM Title: Like Mother, Like Daughter 2: In Her Shoes

It is a big universe, not everyone is going to be like Judy or the others. I would expect a small pocket of resistence to the prd's to start popping up since it happens with pretty much everything in real life.

Author's Response:

There are indeed those who oppose the PMRD. I've hinted at them before but I may have to show more of them sometime. Thanks for reviewing!

Reviewer: zephilia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 14 2016 5:06 PM Title: Like Mother, Like Daughter 2: In Her Shoes

Awesome story. There were no spelling/grammar mistakes. I also do not mind a slow build up, it adds depth and flavor to a story. Keep up the great work.

Author's Response:

Thanks much.

Reviewer: el_rooto Signed [Report This]
Date: June 14 2016 1:26 PM Title: Like Mother, Like Daughter 2: In Her Shoes

I thought that the worst that could possibly happen would be her mom making educational videos so that other families don't blah blah blah, but no, he just *had* to bite...

Author's Response:

Hehe. He was ready to get the heck out of there.

Reviewer: tokubetsu Signed [Report This]
Date: June 08 2016 11:03 AM Title: Like Mother, Like Daughter 2: In Her Shoes

Really enjoying this. I'd be interested to know how small he can be made.

Author's Response:

Thanks! He can go down to one inch.

Reviewer: AdamX Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 07 2016 8:28 PM Title: Like Mother, Like Daughter 2: In Her Shoes

I was never aware such testing existed, I now wonder why none of your other characters were afforded such may be liable for injuries sustained.

Author's Response:

Unfortunately for some of my other characters, this story is placed a bit later in the timeline.

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