Reviews For Shrinkism
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Reviewer: Gigatennisstar Signed [Report This]
Date: February 05 2020 3:23 PM Title: Chapter 3

Oh man! What a way to start off the new decade, an update to Shrinkism! This is still a current favorite to watch be updated. Everything about this story has my attention and I love it! It's reflective in a way you don't usually see in giantess media and I really appreciate that quality. The setting is very well fleshed out adthe character writing is remarkable. No other criticisms at this time.

Reviewer: mikeesan Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 02 2020 4:16 PM Title: Chapter 3

Even I am not that much info giantess plots I still enjoy this story a lot, and I am looing forward into it. The dream part was fun to read though I was like no thats a bit weird acting by these girls but then I was oh... a dream, awesome idea! I cant wait to read when he shrunk and how all his friends his gf react, maybe even not knowing about he shrunk.

Reviewer: Northgate Signed [Report This]
Date: January 30 2020 4:33 PM Title: Chapter 3

First, I have to confess I am not into vore but I really enjoyed this story.  I keep thinking about it and how the story could develop.  I'd love to see you go deeper into the Tess character.  I think there could be a lot more to her motivation and how she interacts with Ryan that could be interesting to explore.  I have a lot of ideas along these lines that I would love to share with you if you are interested.  

Author's Response:

Sure, I'd love to hear them.  I'm always open to ideas of how the story can develop.  I only have like 2 or 3 key points that I'm going to lead up to so it's very easy to add stuff in between.

Reviewer: pete445 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 28 2020 1:24 AM Title: Chapter 3

Thank you for the update even you have not much time. The length was again so good as usual. I would like maybe to find out more about how the tinies are consdiered just objects or bugs, maybe showing some people using them in a very cruel way. What about boys using them too that would be interesting, not just girls. Like even in schools, I could see some boy keeping tinies as bugs in glass in his room when he masturbates using them in cruel ways. I also had the idea of maybe there are chemicals you can buy in supermarkets for tinies shrinking them more, like an accelerator liquid you poor on them, as a fun article you can buy.

Reviewer: redcars Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 27 2020 8:49 AM Title: Chapter 3

the story totally got better and better and you are so good in writing out the enviroment and all, characters, in general you are such a great writer. oneof the best on here. totally would like to see maybe ryran being cought by some company who sells tinys, and because of him being so small smaller than usual tinies, his former friends wouldn recognize him at all.didnt see any mistakes reading.

Reviewer: gtsfan91 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 27 2020 8:00 AM Title: Chapter 3

Really great new chapter! I love this story. The intro to this chapter was so surreal and then haha, it was all a dream! I kind was omg yes finally he shrunk. I loved the idea with the new boyfriend. I totally would like to see him shrink instantly very tiny, not slowly shrink so he wakes and is very tiny. I wouldnt like a thumb size maybe ant size would be sweat and him maybe even shrink more. Butt vore would be great too.

Reviewer: zaneofbane Signed [Report This]
Date: January 27 2020 7:07 AM Title: Chapter 3

Good story, as always. I'm really hoping for butt stuff in the future :D Especially something like long-term intrapment or something like keeping a shrinky as an ass pet. (or competing to see who can keep an ass pet alive the longest.)

Reviewer: gtsfan4321 Signed [Report This]
Date: January 26 2020 2:20 PM Title: Chapter 3

This story remains one of my favorites, please keep it up! As I said in my prior review, this story is great as its so realistic. Even though I'm never interested in vote stories, this one is too good to not follow. To answer your question, it would be amazing to have some feet focused portions of the story. Maybe Tess gets ahold on him when he's only a few inches tall and is into making him serve her feet: a deal she made with him to avoid being eaten by Emily or Allison.

Reviewer: HuzToru Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 01 2019 10:15 PM Title: Chapter 1

So far, I love the world building along with the interaction of characters. Especially, that one character who wanted that tiny man (the one getting his last paycheck ), bad, towards the end of chapter 2. Hard to imagine a world that you really couldn't live till your 21. It must suck to shrink and know that society sees less of you as a human being. Overall, I find the conflict with the main character and society to be very interesting.

Reviewer: mikeesan Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 19 2019 6:25 AM Title: Chapter 2

Totally deserve a good rating because of how an incredbiel autor you are. The story has some parts I totally enjoy and love not sure where you will drive it to. But it was fantastic written so far, as usual all your stories.

Reviewer: redcars Signed [Report This]
Date: June 16 2019 11:16 AM Title: Chapter 2

chapt2 was even better now already. looking forward for next to come in the future and whats about to hapen with ryan. maybe even ad some random peoples perspetive ending realy small and kiled in a cruel way of some boys like this school part was realy hot. the burger part I didnt like the chew part would be way better if he swalowd the micro whole. how small can they also shrink? would lke to see them become really small to like bugs or ants not just toys.

Reviewer: Gigatennisstar Signed [Report This]
Date: June 14 2019 9:28 AM Title: Chapter 2

Wow! I totally forgot to add a review for the first chapter of this which made me super sad. This story was always on my list of stories I wanted to see continue, so I it makes me very happy to see it got a new update! Your writing keeps improving the longer you write and I love it!

As far as the story goes, amazing! The first chapter was enough to grab my attention but this one just adds on to it. The way you build up Ryan's history, his interactions with Jack, his concerns for Peter, his first time and meeting Emily, and even his pure indifference (to sastifcation) to someone going through what he might be soon going thorugh at Small Snacks, you're building an excellent character narrative. I'm not going to ask you do anything different because it might throw off the story just please keep updating this and I'll keep reading (even if I don't have a chance to review it).

Reviewer: pete445 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 14 2019 2:14 AM Title: Chapter 2

Forgot to say but I also absolutely loved the school part with the bully Jack and Peter, and the burp part and how no one really cared about Peter... he was nver found haha. I didnt like that Jack shrunk though then, that totally took away the whole unfairness. I am not a fan of fair plots or fair judgement.
I loved though how Ryan never wanted to hurt any shrinkies and found it unfair, and then totally he still did it eventually, and then not even cared. That showe the entire cruel thing of this shrinkism socieity thing.
If there is anything I could wish for, I would love to see some teenage boy cruel parts like with the bully, maybe some ass, masturbating parts with tiny micros, feeding them to a bird or dog, stepping, maybe even Ryan later would end with his head inside a cruel boys asshole.

Reviewer: pete445 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 14 2019 1:57 AM Title: Chapter 2

That part with Tim was my favorite, so hot. Especially if you consider what will be around the corner for Ryan. Really enjoyable story.

Reviewer: gtsfan91 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 14 2019 12:28 AM Title: Chapter 2

Very good and glad to see an update to this story!!

Reviewer: Gogblo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 03 2019 4:43 AM Title: Chapter 1

realy good story would like to see this continued too. this totally was to my taste. I would love if the main guy shrinks and his former friends or coworkers dont even recognize him anymore or know it was him if he is now the size of a bug.

Reviewer: redcars Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 22 2019 3:32 PM Title: Chapter 1

also really interestiung story

Reviewer: pete445 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 31 2018 9:42 AM Title: Chapter 1

great story so far I am not a fan of slow shrinking but I enjoyed these coworkers totally talking shit baout the shrinkies and ignore the fact they were humans before. even someone close to them like a coworker would  be fucked. I enjoy of these coworkers kinda act sureal and like a spycho that is really great. kinda like the Ashely character which I love so much.

Reviewer: rubber Signed [Report This]
Date: December 30 2018 8:26 PM Title: Chapter 1

Great story so far. I'm more into feet and unaware stuff than vote, but I like your style of writing.

Reviewer: gtsfan4321 Signed [Report This]
Date: December 30 2018 8:08 PM Title: Chapter 1

I really like the start of this story.  Even though I'm typically a fan of feet stories and not vore, this story is written so well that I'm really looking forward to finding out how everyone will suddenly stop treating him human.  I really like the Tess character... I'm hoping she's the one who will get him at the end (maybe snatch him up and have fun with him and he dwindles his last inches).

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