Reviews For The Tiny People
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Reviewer: squashed123 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 04 2023 11:05 AM Title: Chapter 1

It's a good start. I've always liked your writing. I'm just a bit bummed you didn't put this as a part of "the purge". Maybe it's because I'm ignorant of the actual source material in this instance, but I feel like you could've achieved roughly the same setting in that other story by exploring a little side arc or secondary main arc or something like that. Now you have to go through world and character building all over again while that other great work lays dormant. 

Still looking forward to some meat on this, obviously. 

Author's Response:

Thx for the kind words, Squashed!
Yes, you're right. I could have done this as a sort of side story with the purge.

But you see, I'm just addicted to starting new stories. I cant help it :)

btw, Is there another chapter for Saturn Seven in the making perchance?

Reviewer: ittybittyman Signed [Report This]
Date: July 03 2023 9:51 AM Title: Chapter 1

Hadlee seems like a terror. Excited to see her looming over people 

Author's Response:


and Hadlee will loom a lot!

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