Reviews For Matt and Amelia
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Reviewer: jd1756096 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 08 2020 5:36 PM Title: Chapter 1: On The Trail and A Royal Audience

What a beautiful and amazing story love the ending thanks for writing this :)

Reviewer: Aborigen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 22 2016 6:07 PM Title: Chapter 12: The Wolf and The Raven and Epilogue

The king continues to be evil, though I'm surprised how weak he is when confronted. I had wondered whether he was an actual devil or something. And I like Sturgis's reprise, even if he's not completely reconciled with Matt.

Now, was Amelia lying to Matt or the little boy when she gave her age...

Author's Response: Nope, Amelia really is two years older than Matt in this story. Dude, thank you so much for reading this. I really appreciate your support and I'm honored to have one of the greats take notice of this piece. Thank you so much for all the fantastic commentary and support you've given, I've had lots of fun responding back. It's very, very appreciated! :)

Reviewer: Aborigen Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: August 22 2016 6:05 PM Title: Chapter 11: Intentions and Boyfriends

Good on Janos for sticking to his guns, as it were, futile as it was. And good on Matt for finally doing some growth work of his own. And it looks like Amelia converted a GTS fan around the same age it happened to me. Awesome.

Author's Response: Not much use resisting a sexy, playful redhead. :P

Reviewer: Aborigen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 22 2016 6:03 PM Title: Chapter 10: The Solution and The Insight

One of my friends asked me to listen to Dimmu Borgir, back in the day. Never heard of them again until Metalocalypse had the band eating at Dimmu Burger one night.

More hatred for the king. More sympathy for Amelia, trying to do the right thing (though I would've paid money to be that small child for a moment). Matt being confronted with his own conscience was a very clever twist at this juncture, actually, and I enjoyed that a lot.

Author's Response: Dimmu Borgir is a... Spirited type of folk. I think what drew me to them was the 'power' or 'presence' I thought their music had. I've since seen them live- they put on a halfway good show. Shagrath is actually a super soft spoken dude in person.

Reviewer: Aborigen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 22 2016 6:00 PM Title: Chapter 9: Vagabond Act Two

Oh Matt, so wrapped up in himself. So conflicted, so chained to the past. Won't that idiot just accept the best love he's going to find? Nobody admires him when he's like this. I love the inkling that Sturgis is losing his tolerance for the king.

Author's Response:

Matt, despite physical prowess, is still an immature boy. I think he really comes off as childish in this piece.

Reviewer: Aborigen Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: August 22 2016 5:59 PM Title: Chapter 8: Spearhead

The conflict mounts. Sturgis is a developed character now, and he gets better. I liked the scene of Matthew tending to Amelia's wounds, as well. He has an advantage there.

Author's Response:

he's an interesting character, and i think he somewhat redeems himself in the end.

Reviewer: Aborigen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 22 2016 5:56 PM Title: Chapter 7: In Pursuit of Giants

I like the colorful expression, "vigilante tears". Very good, finding a new way to describe something familiar. I would not mind being apprehended by a cute and drunk giantess, unlike this guy.

Author's Response:

id be down as long as she was a happy drunk.

Reviewer: Aborigen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 22 2016 5:54 PM Title: Chapter 6: Duel Tales

Poor Amelia, all those hopes and fears, the conflict between the world she wants to see and the world she's in. I like how Matt finagled his way through Sturgis's interrogation, though the first time through I missed his surname and thought he was separate from this Sir Rich character. Bit of a change-up midstream.

Author's Response:

wasnt much for editing at that time of my life. fun fact- i was between high school and university at the time of writing, and my parents had gone up to South Dakota for the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, and i had the house all to my lonesome for a week, hence the name.

Reviewer: Aborigen Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: August 22 2016 5:52 PM Title: Chapter 5: Skalds and Shadows

Huh, Blind Guardian's real. Kind of a clever working into the storyline, too. I'm very attracted to the idea of getting to poke through a giantess's collection of odds and ends. The story's moving along at a good pace, suitable for what it is.

Author's Response:

Yesssssss, blind guardian is a real live act. i was verrrrryyyyy influenced by the music i listened to at the time (I was fresh out of high school at the time), and it just seemed like a nice piece to go with it. the band actually makes an appearance in the sequel (oh god it burns to think about. so young, so dumb)

Reviewer: Aborigen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 22 2016 5:49 PM Title: Chapter 4: Getting to Know You

I appreciate her cuteness, both in physique and mannerism, along with the occasional reminder of her sheer size. I like how this is playing itself out, in general. It's a fun read and I care what happens next.

Author's Response:

Cute is what i aim for :)

Reviewer: Aborigen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 22 2016 5:48 PM Title: Chapter 3: Captured and Her Name Is...

Cute conflict. I like how Matt reconciles pretty quickly to the situation after a few false starts. What's more exciting is a cultured, reasonable giantess living in the wilderness... young as she is.

Author's Response:

Sad to say the idea wasnt mine- the credit goes to Pixis for that one. Still, the idea intrigued me, and i felt that it might be interesting for someone's schema get shattered by someone who broke that stereotype. I also reckoned Amelia to be a somewhat independent type of gal. 

Reviewer: Aborigen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 22 2016 5:46 PM Title: Chapter 2: A Big Surprise

Good conflict and a nice twist. It's interesting to learn what the humans expect of giant biology: women don't exist or they hide back while the men roam around... could be anything. And that a seasoned hunter could have a moment's pause is very telling.

Author's Response:

always pause for the pussy. 

Reviewer: Aborigen Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: August 22 2016 5:45 PM Title: Chapter 1: On The Trail and A Royal Audience

Nice start, nice world-building. The atmosphere really comes through and we know what to expect in future chapters.

Author's Response:

*notices more reviews for this story* wait wtf *notices your name* HOLY SHITSTACKS

Reviewer: Flaming_Heart Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 03 2015 11:50 PM Title: Chapter 12: The Wolf and The Raven and Epilogue

Whatever this was a amazing story. It had all the right components. And awesome characters. I have to give props to Sturgis. He was a ass but he did do the right thing.

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading dude.

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 02 2015 3:32 AM Title: Chapter 12: The Wolf and The Raven and Epilogue

This chapter felt kinda rushed to be honest...Then again this IS an old story so its okay. Anyway, if you decide to post again ill take a read!

Author's Response:


Reviewer: Hank the Boggle Champion Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 01 2015 7:53 PM Title: Chapter 1: On The Trail and A Royal Audience

Metallica is a legendary heavy metal band. They have a song called king nothing. A line in the song is " where's your crown king nothing". Check it out.

Author's Response:

god that was easy. Thanks for reading.

Reviewer: Hank the Boggle Champion Signed [Report This]
Date: March 01 2015 3:16 PM Title: Chapter 1: On The Trail and A Royal Audience

Where's your crown king nothing? I like that metallica reference. Sneaky.

Author's Response:

who's metallica? Is that a band or something?

Reviewer: Cloud Signed [Report This]
Date: February 26 2015 10:26 PM Title: Chapter 11: Intentions and Boyfriends

Mmmmm character development, my favorite afternoon snack.

Author's Response:

I prefer hummus or yogurt.

Reviewer: Hank the Boggle Champion Signed [Report This]
Date: February 26 2015 1:14 PM Title: Chapter 1: On The Trail and A Royal Audience

Dude, fucking Matt should be the terminator."Hasta La Vista Baby".

Author's Response:


Reviewer: Hank the Boggle Champion Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 25 2015 11:45 AM Title: Chapter 1: On The Trail and A Royal Audience

Hell yeah another update! Glad you decided to finish it bruh.

Author's Response:


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