Reviews For One-Shots in Chat
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Reviewer: Durly Signed starstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: September 01 2015 2:08 PM Title: Zoe's Tinies

Great story so far, keep it up!

Reviewer: GiantessLover122 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 01 2015 11:32 AM Title: Bry's Turn

Wow. In a good way.

Reviewer: AdamX Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 28 2015 7:15 PM Title: Zoe's Tinies

Quality stuff for the ol' skinbin.

Reviewer: GiantessLover122 Signed [Report This]
Date: August 28 2015 6:49 PM Title: Zoe's Tinies

Another collab? Okay.

This is an interesting idea. I like the fact that they can't interact with each other.

Let's see what TheChoreographer does next...

Author's Response:

We work well together.

I'm still polishing the plot for "Terrible Work", so I made this to vent the frustration. 

I'm in waiting, too.

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