Lisa's Morning Routine by Cirilla, DyingSanity

Lisa finds uninvited guests hiding within her carpet fibers. 

This story was done as a commission (and a roleplay) with added pictures and videos to enhance the experience. The complete version is on my free Discord server. 

Categories: Giantess, Butt, Entrapment, Vore Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/f, F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 880 Read: 3027 Published: January 16 2023 Updated: January 16 2023
Lisa's Morning Routine by Cirilla

Lisa's knees drag against the carpet as she scans the area. She just found a little person in the bathroom, and she's sure there must be more. 

Bright light soars out over the horizon and dots the landscape. The weight of the giantess bristles the carpet fibers. Vibrations echo out into the distance and into the ears of the small people cowering and hiding within. Each fiber of cloth in the floor shivers with the smallest external movement.

The giantess's immense form creeps out of the night, her thousands of hair strands snaking across the carpet. The threads snap like whips as they rapidly change direction. The tinies foolish enough to be out at night are illuminated against the background. Lisa approaches with a creeping grin.

Lisa's horrifying form hovers above them, and she happily reaches out for their feeble bodies.

Matt is frozen from fear at the sight of his girlfriend looming in the distance. His dick is still wet in his hands from masturbating to her thong, and he cowers at the impending terror. He figured the dirty thong would be the safer option, and he was right. Matt's friends are collected like ants across the expanse.

The people left scrambling on the ground fight to get away and stand to escape faster. Matt watches each of their terrified faces with an odd feeling in his stomach.

John cowers before the pointed fingers lunging forward. His body is forcefully torn away from the strands, leaving red scrapes on his body. 

The feeling in Matt's core changes, but the emotion is unknown. His eyes are glued to his friend being collected by Lisa.

The giant mouth opens to accept its meager snack. John is trapped inside a hot, dark prison. The tongue engulfs his body as she savors him, her eyes briefly closing to enjoy the flavor.

Matt watches as Lisa's teeth clack and grind his friend's body. He cannot hear John's screams, but his movements are those of survival. The teeth eviscerate the small, soft body, and the flattened corpse squishes out from the crevices in Lisa's teeth. His knees shaky, Matt cowers and covers his mouth. Fear grips his movements, and sweat builds in his armpits.

His terrified eyes dart around the floor as he forces through the strands away from the safety of the panties. He wades into the darkness, but is quickly drowned in white from the approaching flashlight.

Lisa knows her man well. Of course she knew he'd be in her panties. She quickly spots Matt and collects him. Her fingers are not gentle, but his body is unharmed.

Matt's world is darkness inside the clenched hand encasing him, and her movements are broad and sweeping like a pendulum drifting through the air.

The giantess plays with her boyfriend sliding him in and out of her fingers and dropping him. The carpet is not soft, but it breaks his falls.

"You dirty, little pervert. I can't believe you brought all of your gross friends over here to sniff my underwear," Lisa's voice boomed over Matt. Each sound from her throat causes his teeth to rattle.

Lisa stands and saunters over to the bathroom, her tiny boyfriend in her fingers.

Matt, dangling from the tight fingers around his legs, looks far down to see a colossal hand open up the waistband of a red thong. The dark abyss below slowly reveals itself to be the beginning of Lisa's expansive ass cheeks. Matt feels like he is an astronaut gazing into a newfound celestial horror. He exists on the edge of his small world above oblivion.

Then, she releases him.

The elastic of the waistband snap shut against Lisa smooth skin, sealing Matt into the terrible fate that awaits him.

Her stabbing fingers force his screaming body deeper into her crack, closer to her anus sweaty from a rigorous morning exercise.

Matt's body is dragged along the fabric of Lisa's red thong, but his body is sliding nearer to the edge.

He throws his arms out to save himself from falling to the hard floor, but her belligerent fingers push him down.

An opening in the cloth snags on Matt's arm. His shoulder bends back unnaturally at the sudden force, and a meaty crack echoes out from Lisa's glistening skin. Matt's face contorts with agony, but he is saved.

He is trapped against her and he is hanging on by a thread. The fleshy walls squeeze in, but the fatty meat gently conforms to his body. The moisture from the sweat sticks to his body and roughens up his hair.

His voice echoes out but it falls upon the vast nothingness around him. Her fingers emerge again to mock him. She pokes, pulls, and prods, and he is helpless stuck to her ass.

The light from the bathroom returns, and Lisa's nails take up the view as she pulls her immense cheeks apart.

They snap back with terrifying speed, and Matt's body tenses from the fear.

Lisa, laughing from her boyfriend's despair, squats in place returning to her exercise routine.

Matt is still dazed from the hard slap of skin against him. His vision is blurry, and the rough imperfections of Lisa's skin slide under his trapped body.

Lisa looks down behind her and smiles. "I was just about to start legs," Lisa threatens. "I'm sure you'll be fine." With that, she walks out of the room, Matt bruised and screaming in her sweaty crevice.

End Notes:

I have a free Discord Server with all of my writing, pictures, and videos. Here’s the link:

For commissions of any variety: send an email to I will write pretty much anything and can add pictures or videos to any story.

This story archived at