A Most Deranged Fantasy by DerangedintheBrain

SUMMARY: Man meets woman and falls in love with her charming ability to shrink anything she wants and eat it.


Categories: Gentle, Vore Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: None
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 2364 Read: 12914 Published: July 29 2011 Updated: July 29 2011
Story Notes:

DISCLAIMER: the plot and all the characters are my creation (excepting the James Bond themed mask I wear in the story - and whoever owns that can sue me).  I originally posted this story on Babesmouth in 2008 under the name Wretched (which, for some reason, is already taken on this website). Please note, all characters in the story are over 18 years old.  Furthermore this story contains sundry sex acts, and should not be viewed by minors.  Moreover this story contains F/m shrinking and vore and should not be viewed by anyone who is offended by that.  In addition this story contains a whimsical plotline and occasionally silly dialogue that should not be viewed by anyone expecting serious literature.  Finally, ... screw it - this story should not be viewed at all.  In fact you should go print a copy and burn it now.

- DerangedintheBrain

Chapter 1 by DerangedintheBrain

A year and a half ago, I moved into an affordably-priced neighborhood of very old houses in the middle of a large city.  My neighborhood has all kinds of interesting people - different races, religions, professions, so forth - you never know who you will meet.

Another young man moved into the house across the street a year ago.  He threw a Halloween party to celebrate finishing his house renovation.  His girlfriend, originally from Russia, brought all these attractive East-European girls over.  As luck would have it, one of the girls was a black-haired vixen, the kind which attracts me like a fly to rotting garbage.

The fly analogy was particularly apt, because she came dressed as a trash can.  I couldn't figure out what on this earth would possess this girl to dress up as that.  Then the host, who wwas dressed as a hotdog vendor, and grilling at the same time, burned a dog to a crisp.

He immediately called out to her: "Lena, can you come over here?"

Lena came over, and opened up her mouth to receive the hotdog.  I was standing somewhat beside/behind her.  I started to move to watch him feed her the hotdog, but it was already gone.

When she had moved on, I asked the host, "what was that?"

He responded: "she can do that.  She says it was something the Soviets were experimenting with, but ran out of funding when their empire broke up.  Her name is Lena - go say hi."

I grabbed a few 'dogs off the grill, and walked up to a cluster of girls.  The host's girlfriend made introduction for me, and we kidded about each others costumes, etc.  One of the girls wanted to dance.

I gave Lena a look; she returned it.  I took her hand and we danced.  We started getting pretty close.  I pulled off my James Bond mask and kissed her.  She kissed me back, then walked over to some friends.

I must have messed it up badly: she stayed there and talked and laughed for an hour and a half, and I didn't notice her once look over at me.  I chatted up the other party goers.  I was getting ready to go, when Lena came up to me and took my hand.  We danced again, this time at a safe distance, and then talked, during which time I got up the nerve to ask about her costume "Why are you dressed in a trash can?"
"Because I have a talent that no one else can possess"


"I can eat and digest anything of any size.  When the Russians ruled my country, they took six of us girls from the Moscow University to  ...  modify us  ...  in ways  ...  They made me so I could safely eat any object of any size - perhaps an American tank  ...  or maybe even a western capitalist stooge like you who might be up to no-good spying, Mr. Bond."  

"What do you mean???"

"Theres a lot of math and physics in it.  I am not sure a mere engineer like you could grasp it all...," she sneered playfully.

Lena resumed: "Basically, the volume ooccupied by an object, such as you, or a tank, occupies is proportional to the size of the space within which that object is.  The scientists found a way to arbitrarily reduce the size and mass of matter in our dimension, by reducing the size of the space in which it exists.  This is, physically, somwhat anlagous to when an electrical engineer applies a Laplace transform to map one set, in our space into another space, so he can do math on it and transform it back to our space to get the transient reponse or poles or whatever he needs to know about his circuit so he can solve his real-world problem.  Are you familiar with higher mathematics?  It is similar to a topological stretch, or knot in a space that a mathemetician might make, except that my transforms and transformed objects are, at all times, physically real.  Also, the psychophysical transform I can make only makes things smaller in scale and mass and or stretch."

She continued "Second, the Soviet Union was very advanced in psychokinetic research.  They imparted such an ability to me to use my mind to transform the space, in which an object exists, and thereby the object's size and mass ...  but it is limited by my psychogenic field strength to act only near to and inside of me ... the effect wears off as soon as the object is removed by more than about 3 or 4 centimeters from my body."

I felt very dumb just listening to her.  "What happens to the objects when they resize back to their original size?  Don't they lose enough molecular and structural information, that the matter is not recognizably the same object as before"

She rolled her eyes: "Who would care?  At that point it is a digested object - a very big poop."

"This is physically impossible because mass-energy can neither be created nor destroyed on the scale of human existence, and solids are incompressible!"

"No. I'll show you:"

She winked, opened wide and gave the slightest beckoning nod.  I put my James Bond costume mask in her mouth.  It was all I had on me.  Her head and imminent mouth enclosed around the hard plastic mask.  The mask shrank down in a continuous way... it was regular size to within about an inch and a half of her mouth.  Inside her mouth, it was entirely shrunk to fit easily inside - bitesized.  In between the normal size and bite size sections, the mask was squeezed.  Now I got it: it was not unlike some of those distorted/photoshopped pics, except that this was fully reversible and she was doing it to real-world physical objects.   In fact, it was mathematically similar, if I had understood her physics lecture a moment ago.

While I was getting my head around this idea, Lena shrank and pulled inside my arm all the way up to my elbow.  I could feel the force of her swallow pulling the mask and my hand inside.  I wanted her take all of me into her mouth.  She pulled my arm from her mouth; which returned to original size.  My arm seemed perfectly fine, despite it being part of several recent violations of the laws of physics, at least as I had learned those laws in school.

"See it is possible and objects retain information through both transforms.  Don't worry, I have done this many times before you."

The look on her face let me know she saw my big boner straining against the confines of my pants.

She smiled: "You liked it?"

"Yes, Lena; very much.  I would like to see you again."

"My friend Anastasia tells me you too are renovating your house... will you show me?"

I could feel my eyes bug out: "YES."  We walked to my house.

"Nice house.  I want to see it all"

I showed her all the things I had fixed and she listened attentively until I talked about working on the electrical wiring ...

"You have good taste ... or should I say that you tasted good?"

"May I?"

"You may," she responded still not knowing what I had in mind.

I led her to the kitchen, and heated some leftovers from last night.  I hand placed each morsel into her mouth.  She swallowed with a knowing look.  She stood right up against me and gave me the most incredible kiss, and stroked my dick with her hand.   I could feel her slightly-small breasts firm up against me.  she rubbed up against me as hard as she could.  I nestled in her long straight black hair, smelling it and feeeling the texture.  Then I nuzzled my head up against her mouth.  Her gentle pink lips engulfed my head with ease.  It was unnerving for an instant and then it was the most sensual, sexual thing I had ever experienced.  My heart skipped a few beats while she sucked my head for a moment.  Then she let me out, and licked my face.

She walked over to the sofa, and I took off her clothes.  I bent her over the arm of my sofa and took her from behind.  I felt her graceful little breasts with my hands, and came way too soon.

"You have a big dick and it feels so-o-o good.  But you don't last long enough."

"Normally I go longer, but with you, I feel like I have no self-control"

Her eyes focused on me with a fiercesome and predatory intent, and she licked her lips as obviously as she could.

She led me upstairs to my bedroom.   She started licking and biting my body... she sucked my entire head and shoulders into her mouth... her warm saliva covered me, and still smelled like hotdogs.  The texture of her tongue was gently stimulating.   I could feel my hard on growing again.

She un-engulfed my head.

I mounted and ravaged her.  She was screaming my name.  I looked down her incredible throat.  I realized it was a mistake as my load erupted inside her cunt.  "No don't stop!  Don't stop!"

She dug her nails into me and licked and kissed my face, and teethed on my head.  I began thrusting a little, once my hardness began to return.  She commanded "Stop.  Get off me"

I did.  she gave me a shove.  I was lying on my back.  She mounted me.  She rode up and down on my now fully erect dick.  I watched her graceful breasts jiggle - they were just big enough to jiggle a little bit.  For someone who ate objects bigger than her she was incredibly fit.  Her arms were lithe but not muscular, and there was almost no fat at all, save maybe the slightest beginning of a love handle - it might have been only a few pounds at most.  I was mesmerised, my eyes strayed all over her: watching her black hair toss up and down, watching her boobs, loooking at that almost perfect stomach and fanasizing about being digested in it.  I relished the sounds of her moans as she came.

She climbed off and put her sexual pink lips on the tip of my dick.  Those tight lips slid all the way down to the base, and enclosed over my balls.  She sucked until I came.  After watching her wild ride on my dick, this took me only a few moments.  I could feel her swallow.  She removed her mouth from my cock and licked the little remaining bodily fluids from it, slowly, starting at the base, and working up to the top.  She paused at the top, showing me what she had collected, letting me look straight down her throat.  She closed her mouth and swallowed. She let me see her empty mouth and throat again.  I was too exhausted to hit it again.  She cuddled up next to me.  I turned on my side and held her and almost immediately fell asleep.

I woke in the morning to Lena trying to get out of my arms.  I was still holding her tightly.

"I have to go."  I have to be in San Diego tomorrow for my next consulting assignment.

I was not ready to let this girl get away.


"I have to.  I have already got airline ticket."

"Then I want to come with you."

"Don't be ridiculous.  I will see you again in 3 months," her mouth opening wider as she said 'months'.

I put my arms back around her.  "Not without me."  I nuzzled my head up against her mouth for her to take me.

She started to cry.  "Every time, I find a man who truly understand me and respects me and likes me how I am, he requires me to eat him.  I could love you, I could finally be happy with you, have you inside me in every way, every day... but you men are so horny, so short sighted.  The good ones only want to be eaten!  Why can't you men think of the long term???  Wait for me."

"I'm sorry.  You're right."

"I will give something to remember.  Stand up."

I got out of the bed and stood up.  She stood up on the bed and enclosed her mouth over me as she shrank me along my length a bit at a time.  Her morning breath was a little stale and a little sweet.  I couldn't help but like it.  Her sexual pink lips started at the top of my head, and slid down, me, slowly, just like last night when she gave me a suck.  Her mouth was getting wetter and wetter.  The tight fit of her lips did not allow air in.    They constricted me and picked me up as if I were small and weighed very little.  Her lips felt incredibly good as they moved down my torso, caressing with gentleness one minute, and gripping with vigor the next as she sucked me in.  My head was sliding deeper into her.  Her throat contracted and pulled on me, as the length of my shrunken body stretched in the length of her throat.  Her hands held my ankles firmly as my head nudged up against the entrance of her stomach.  Her tongue pushed me all the way into her throat, and the valve opened to receive me.  Her throat tried diligently to force me into her imminent stomach - but her hands never let go of my ankles.  I came so intensely I passed out.

I woke up lying on my bed, and Lena was gone.  A note was laying on the bedside table:

             I will ask my boss to get me permanently assigned to our office in your city.  Be patient.

             And don't give anyone else your big dick.  I want it all for myself, or else I will make it
             unbearably painful for you when I do come back and eat you.

             Here is my cell#: 123.456.7890.  Call me tonight.


At the bottom, was a big pink lipstick kiss mark. Then I found this really nice mouth shot tucked under the note.  I was glad it was Sunday, because I was not mentally ready to go into work yet...

This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=2351