Life with Samantha by L2K7

Picture this story as the GTS/SW version of the movie, The Roommate. We will tell a tale of two girls living together, and the effects of one of the girls being an obsessive, borderline-psychotic person who falls in love with her roommate and despises anyone that can or will come between the two of them.

Categories: Young Adult 20-29, Adult 30-39, Crush, Feet, Entrapment, Gentle, Growing Woman, Lesbians, Vore Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 36 Completed: Yes Word count: 46825 Read: 233919 Published: December 09 2011 Updated: May 05 2012
Story Notes:

-Rachel Dim - Rachel is a 21-year old 5'4 curvy girl with short, red hair, down just below her ears. She has a quiet, shy personality, and grew up in poverty. Her family had very little money, and her early life was rough and full of abuse. Kids teased her in school about their family's income rate, and the raggedy clothing she always had to wear.

About the time she graduated High School, her mother was able to finish a small degree at a local Community College and start bringing in career-like money. With their father gone, she only had to sustain the two of them. Rachel had a desk job at a hospital, having proven herself as a volunteer and gotten the chance for a paying job at that hospital.

Within 3 years, they'd made enough money continuously that Rachel was able to finally move out of the house and go find her own life. With the help of her mother, she was able to find a great deal on sharing house payments with someone already living in a small home, who was about Rachel's age…

-Eva Dim - Eva is a 37-year old 6'2 woman with long, brown hair that comes down to her breasts. She'd originally lived in a fairly wealthy family, but lost everything when her parents had died. She eventually got married to someone in poverty after going there herself at a young age and had a daughter at age 16. Although they lived in poverty, Eva always tried to bring Rachel up in a good way, using morals she'd learned in her own childhood.

Eventually, her husband disappeared from their home and was said to have died of some mysterious illness. With him gone, it was only Eva and Rachel still in the house. Not wanting her daughter to live a life of poverty, she took her spare time and took classes at the local Community College. She eventually got a certification to be a Pharmacy Technician, and got a good job at t local Pharmacy. Bringing in plenty of money, she started to get her family out of the poverty lifestyle and back on track with the rest of the world.

When Rachel had been saving money from her own job, Eva suggested to her that she go out into the world and live away from her. Helping her daughter out, she found an advertisement from a local subdivision of a young woman needing a roommate to help split the bills. She thought it was perfect for Rachel, and sent her to go live with this young lady.

-Samantha Brink - Samantha is a mysterious 23-year old 5'5 woman with blonde hair down to her hips and a very thin figure. Very little is known about her, other than that she has no family to speak of, and always seems to keep to herself. She puts an advertisement in the newspaper about wanting a roommate to share the housing bills, in hopes to attract someone.

1. Chapter 1 - Moving In by L2K7

2. Chapter 2 - Unpacking by L2K7

3. Chapter 3 - Memories by L2K7

4. Chapter 4 - Preparing Breakfast by L2K7

5. Chapter 5 - Breakfast and Shock by L2K7

6. Chapter 6 - Samantha's Breakdown by L2K7

7. Chapter 7 - Dish Washing and Friend Rescuing by L2K7

8. Chapter 8 - Seeking Motherly Help by L2K7

9. Chapter 9 - Bad Feelings and Apologies by L2K7

10. Chapter 10 - Help Arrives by L2K7

11. Chapter 11 - Fixing Up Samantha by L2K7

12. Chapter 12 - Rachel Leaves and Samantha Awakens by L2K7

13. Chapter 13 - The Interrogation by L2K7

14. Chapter 14 - Samantha's Secret by L2K7

15. Chapter 15 - Cowering Before a Goddess by L2K7

16. Chapter 16 - Car Play and Submission by L2K7

17. Chapter 17 - Riding Into the House by L2K7

18. Chapter 18 - Stripping and Licking by L2K7

19. Chapter 19 - Tongue Rape and Passing Out by L2K7

20. Chapter 20 - Pleasuring and Snuggling by L2K7

21. Chapter 21 - Rachel's New Friends by L2K7

22. Chapter 22 - Rachel's Splinter and Eve's Escape Opportunity by L2K7

23. Chapter 23 - Giant Rachel and Eve's Failure by L2K7

24. Chapter 24 - Memories and Punishment by L2K7

25. Chapter 25 - Eve, the 2-inch Slave by L2K7

26. Chapter 26 - Cannibalistic Secrets by L2K7

27. Chapter 27 - Humiliation and Lucky Distractions by L2K7

28. Chapter 28 - Escape Attempt #2 by L2K7

29. Chapter 29 - An Abandoned Daughter by L2K7

30. Chapter 30 - A Tough Decision by L2K7

31. Chapter 31 - Submission is the Only Option Left by L2K7

32. Chapter 32 - Caught in the Act by L2K7

33. Chapter 33 - Missing the Target by L2K7

34. Chapter 34 - The Tables Turn by L2K7

35. Chapter 35 - Eve Decides Samantha's Punishment by L2K7

36. Chapter 36 - Accidental End by L2K7

Chapter 1 - Moving In by L2K7
Author's Notes:

Rachel walks into her new home...

"Yes, Mom. It's a lovely house. I still can't believe you found me such a good deal. No, of course I don't mind sharing it with someone else. I'm sure she's lovely, Mom. Stop worrying so much. Well, I just arrived, so I gotta go. I'll send you pictures and talk to you tonight, okay? Love you, too. Bye"

As Rachel Dim flipped her phone shut, she gentle stepped out of the Taxi Cab and onto the street. Before her was a small house, placed in the middle of a subdivision. It wasn't a truly fancy house, but it had everything she needed: a Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen, and it was there for an amazing deal. There was, apparently, someone else already living there and they needed someone to share the rent with. Rachel, wanting to find a good deal, couldn't pass it up. She loved being around others, so living together with another young lady like herself could work to her advantage.

As she stared at the house, the wind blew her short, red hair, to the side. Rachel wasn't the tallest person in the world, being 5'4 in a family of mostly people who were around 6 feet, but she was thankful for what height she had. Her childhood had been rough and she'd learned to be thankful for anything and everything she had.

She stood outside, just looking at the house. Although it looked just like many of the other houses in the area, it stood out to her. It wasn’t just any house in this subdivision. It was her house. She would have many great memories in the house. She knew it. She stood there for a while, just staring at the house. The concrete steps, the wooden porch swing hanging next to the front door, the white curtains around the windows, the red-tinted paint all around the outside of the house. It all looked marvelous to her.

As she stood outside, looking towards the house, she heard a clicking noise from behind her. Not paying any mind to it, the Taxi Driver had walked to her, two large suitcases in his hands. “Ma’am? I’d hate to ruin your moment, but should we not go inside?”

Rachel blinked a couple times and looked at him. Staring at him, then back at the house, she’d realized she’d been staring at the house for a good while now. “O..Oh! Yes. You’re right, let’s go,” She said, embarrassingly. Her boot gently touched the concrete as she rose her leg up and starting walking onto the sidewalk that led to the porch of the house. Her ripped-up jeans and white T-shirt rippled in the wind as she kept walking forward.

She stepped onto the first of the concrete steps and the front door began to slide open. It was as if the house itself had sensed her presence and was opening itself up to her. Her steps and the door nearly synchronized, the swing had ended the very moment she hit the top step and walked onto the porch. Looking back, she motioned for the taxi man to set the bags down on the porch. “I can take it from here. Thanks for the ride.”

“The pleasure’s all mine, miss. Happy to be of service,” said the man as he tipped his hat to her and began to walk back towards the taxi. Within moments, the car had started back up and drove away. Her focus back on the house, she slowly lifted her two bags into her arms and proceeded into the house.

Just inside the front door was a huge living room. There was a hard, wood floor that spanned the entire house. In the middle of the room was a small, circular coffee table and a single couch. It hung from the ceiling in the middle of the room, against a wall. To her, it looked incredible. Her eyes lit up and her smile got wider than it had been before, her pearly white teeth revealed.

Looking to the side, she saw there was a doormat to her left with a small pair of flip-flops on them. She assumed this meant that she wasn’t supposed to wear shoes in the house. Setting her bags down, she leaned over and quickly slipped her boots and socks off. After setting them down on the mat, she looked back towards the living room. She took a step forward and almost yelped. When her bare foot touched the floor, she got a rush of cold through her leg. Her foot came back into the air from the shock in temperature difference. It was pretty warm inside her boot, but her foot was freezing as it had touched the floor.

Waiting a moment, she tried to take a step again. This next step was still quite cold, but since she saw it coming, it was more manageable than the last. She took a few slow steps outwards, but didn’t get very far. As soon as she’d walked past the doormat, she was in for a big surprise.

“ROOOOMIE!!!!!” screamed a voice from Rachel’s left. Before she had the time to turn, she was flung and tossed to the floor. Her face and arms filled with the cold feeling her feet had been getting accustomed to as she hit the floor on her back. “Ouch…” she muttered to herself, trying to turn her head and look at what had happened. As she opened her eyes, she saw a cute, blonde face looking down at her.

With a big smile on her face and tears running down, Samantha Brink wrapped her arms around Rachel and thrust her head into her chest. Closing her eyes, she smiled as she rubbed her head into Rachel’s breasts. Rachel was very shocked at this, but couldn’t push her off due to the tight grasp Samantha had on her. “H-Hey! W-what are you…?” Rachel said.

“Ooh. You are so soft! They’re much softer than mine are!” giggled Samantha as she stopped rubbing her head into Rachel’s breasts. Raising her head up, she slid herself, having her face right above Rachel’s face. She winked at her and blew her a kiss.

“Nice to meet you, roomie! I’m Samantha! We’re going to have a wonderful time living together. I’m certain of it!”

Rachel blinked a few times. She couldn’t imagine what was going through this girl’s head right now. She was acting incredibly touchy and emotional with her. Was the girl just this open? Rachel had always been very reclusive and this was completely foreign to her. But, not wanting to be rude, she mustered up a quick response.

“N-nice to meet you, Samantha. I’m Rachel…”

End Notes:

Samantha seems very touchy and emotional.  How will a reclusive person like Rachel cope with her new friend?

Chapter 2 - Unpacking by L2K7
Author's Notes:

The two girls continue becoming acquainted as they enter their bedroom, but Rachel wants to be alone as she unpacks...

“Samantha, could you please get off me?” 

Rachel asked as politely as she could after her new roommate had been laying on her for a good 10 minutes, talking about how excited she was to see her and nearly cuddling with her.  Although Rachel enjoyed the attention she was getting, she was a little in shock at the sudden ‘attack’ she had endured.  When she’d hit the ground, her entire body was shivering from the cold floor, and it took her awhile to say anything.  As uncomfortable as it was, the heat from Samantha’s body warmed her up.

Samantha, eyes closed and laying on Rachel at the time, slowly picked herself up and looked down at her.  “Oh!  Of course, I’ll get up.  I was just trying to warm you up.” 

She had a pointed smile on her face as she looked down at Rachel, knowing that she obviously wanted her to get up from the moment they hit the floor and introduced each other.  She had felt her shivering, though, so she took it upon herself to stay down and warm her up.

Rachel smiled a little, realizing that Samantha was only trying to help her out.  Slowly nodding, she let out a short thank you as she picked herself back up.  Her body a little warmer now, the floor wasn’t taking as much of a toll on her feet as they had before.  Looking around, she saw her two bags, still sitting by the front door.  She walked over to them and began to pick them up.

“Hey, Sam, do you know where I can put these and unpack?”  she asked, looking over towards Samantha, with a serious look on her face.  Samantha tilted her head a little and almost had a whine in her voice when she’d replied.  “Aww, you want to unpack already?  I haven’t even shown you the house yet!”

Rachel smiled a little at her statement, but nodded to her.  Although she was excited about arriving at the house and seeing it, she wanted to get all of her stuff unpacked as soon as she could.  She was tired from her trip over here and wished to get settled in as soon as she could.  “Sorry, Sam, but I’m really tired and just want to get unpacked.  You could show me where the bedroom is, at least, right?”

Samantha moved her head back into a straight position and threw a blank smile on her face.  “Sure!  I’ll take you straight to the bedroom. “  Walking very firmly, she wrapped an arm around Rachel’s arm and began walking away from the front door.  The two of them ended up walking through a kitchen, and then turned right into a hallway.  Along the walls of the hall were small lanterns, leading to a room directly at the end. 

As the two of them walked in, Samantha held out here arms towards the room and made a small statement to Rachel.  “Well, here we are!  I hope you like our room.  I reorganized it today, just for you, hun.”

‘Hun?’ Rachel thought to herself.  This new roommate of hers was something else, that’s for certain.  She was very affectionate towards her and was already calling her nicknames.  She’d obviously taken a liking to her already, so in respect, Rachel smiled towards her and told her that she was sure she’d love the room that had been prepared for the two of them.  After a moment, she turned and saw the room.  It was quite the sight.

The room almost seemed to be separated by an invisible barrier.  A mirror of itself on two sides, there was a 5-foot dresser, twin-size bed, computer desk, and a window.  Rachel looked back and forth and the only difference between the two sides was how it was decorated.  The left side of the room was almost bare and empty, while the other side was filled with red and white vases, paintings, and bed sheets.  Smiling, Rachel softly told Samantha that it looked lovely and then walked over to the bare side of the room, setting her bags on the bed.

As she began to pull some clothes out of the bag, Rachel noticed Samantha approaching her.  Not paying any mind to her, she focused her attention on bringing her stuff out and setting on the bed.  She started with a pair of sneakers and several pair of white ankle-high socks.  She began to arrange the clothing in a specific order on the bed, preparing to get them sorted and into the dresser that was directly next to the bed, against the wall.

Before long, Samantha had gotten tired of standing around and asked Rachel if she could help her unpack her stuff.  Looking up at the girl, Rachel took a deep breath and thought about her situation.  She’d just met this girl and, although she seemed nice and was going to be around her a lot, she just didn’t want to be around anyone as she took out all of her personal stuff that was buried in her bags.  She looked up and kindly declined, stating that she’d rather unpack alone.

“O-oh….okay” muttered Samantha, almost stuttering in her voice.  The smile had disappeared from her face and she began to stare at Rachel, blurring her own vision.  She stood there for a moment, trying to think about Rachel’s wishes and then slowly nodded.  “Okay, Rachel.  I understand.  If you need me, I’ll be out in the hall, okay?”  Rachel nodded as Samantha slowly exited the room.

As she walked out of the room, Rachel looked back down at her bag and continued to unpack clothes.  Within about 5 minutes, all of her basic clothing had been unpacked.  Grabbing her socks and panties, she stood and walked over towards the dresser.  Pulling the drawer open, a small cloud of dust flew out, causing Rachel to softly cough.  Once it had gone out of her system, she placed her clothes in the top drawer.  She smiled after she’d sorting them to her desires and closed the drawer, planning to grab some more clothes for the next drawer down.


“Huh?  What was that?” muttered Rachel as she thought she heard a loud banging noise in the distance.  It almost sounded like something had fallen on the other side of the house.  Pausing for a moment, she wondered if Samantha had had an accident or something of the sort.  Deciding it best to check, just to be safe, she began walking towards the doorway, but was shaken as another sound was heard.


There were two banging noises, which seemed to be even louder than the last.  She also heard what sounded like a soft grunting noise.  Forgetting all about her clothes, she began running out of the room and through the hall, calling for her new roommate.  “Samantha!?  Was that you?  Are you okay?”

As she ran, she could hear the banging happening again and again and again.  Finally reaching the living room, she stopped as she saw Samantha sitting on the couch, her hands under her legs.  She looked at Rachel and tilted her head a little.  “Hey, Rachel.  You look flustered.  Is something wrong?”

Taking a minute to catch her breath, she made a few comments between her breathing.  “Y-yeah…I’m fine…I heard a loud noise…are you okay?” 

As her statement was sent out, Samantha had a very confused look on her face.  She admitted that she was perfectly fine and that she’d heard no banging sounds while she was in the living room.  She immediately jumped up and rushed over to Rachel, putting her gloved hands over her forehead.  She partially removed the glove and felt her head, and slipped it back on.

Rachel quickly dismissed her hand from her forehead, and assured Samantha that she was fine.  “Anyways…I’m glad you’re okay, Sam.  When I heard the noise, I was a little worried.  Anyways, I’m going back to the bedroom to unpack.  I’ll see you in a bit.”  She quickly turned away and walked back across the house.

Samantha smiled a little as Rachel walked away.  Slowly turning around, she walked to the window outside.  She pointed her arms down, quickly letting her gloves fall to the ground.  She looked out the window.  Her fingers twitched a little as they connected with the glass of the window, and her hand almost fell off in reaction.  She thought about everything that had happened so far and let out a soft smile.  “Rachel…The name is lovely.  She’s the one I’ve been waiting for…”  She slowly let her arms down, revealing a set of bruised knuckles…

End Notes:

Samantha stares out the window, revealing an injury.  Could this be related to the supposed bangings that Rachel heard?

Chapter 3 - Memories by L2K7
Author's Notes:

Rachel finds a Photo in her belongings that brings back memories...

Rachel slid her two bags under her bed as she finished laying out all of their contents.  Standing back up, she looked at everything laid out on the bed and proceeded to put it away in their respective ‘home’ that she would find for them on her side of the room.  First, she put the rest of the clothes away, then all of her technology on the desk, and then she got to the decorations she’d brought with her.

Although Rachel didn’t bring all that much with her, there were a few things she’d brought, as sentimental value.  She remembered the items and the memories behind them as she picked up and looked at a picture in a small 5x8 frame.  Holding it in her hands, she sat down and stared into it.  She took a deep breath and her eyes started to water as she stared into the picture and the people in it.

The picture depicted three people in front of a small trailer-like home.  There were two adults and a small child.  The two adults, one male and one female, were holding the child and pushing their cheeks against her face.  The girl blushed in the picture and had her eyes shut, a big smile on her face.  They all smiled into the picture.  They seemed to be very happy people.  Rachel put a hand up to the photo and gently rubbed her finger over the adult male in it.

“D-daddy…” she whispered, looking deeper into the picture.  As she looked at it, she heard footsteps nearby.  Quickly jerking her head up and wiping the tears from her eyes, Rachel saw Samantha walking into the room.  Samantha, seeing the dried tears in Rachel’s face, calmly walked towards her and sat down on the bed next to her.  Rachel didn’t say anything to her about her actions, just watched her, silent. 

As Samantha brought herself onto the bed, she looked over at Rachel and reached her hand up to her face.  Gentle running her fingers across her cheek, Rachel wiped away some of the girl’s tears.  Rachel, finally getting enough control to do something, twitched her face back and blinked a few times.  “S-Samantha!  What are you doing?”

Smiling a little, Samantha simply told Rachel that she was getting a feel for her new roommate.  She apologized for touching her, and promised not to do so again were it too uncomfortable for her.  Rachel took her answer and apologized to her as well, claiming to have freaked out over it.  Trying to get away from the awkward subject they were bound to get into at this rate, Rachel looked back down at the photo again, staring into the face of the man in it.

Samantha peered down at the photo.  At the angle she was at, there was some glare over the frame, but she could see a small girl and an adult woman, pushing against her cheek.  She smiled as she looked at it from her position on the bed.  “Is that your family, Rachel?” she asked, curiously.  Rachel took a couple breaths before replying to her, but soon answered that it was, indeed, her family.

“Yes, Samantha, it’s me and my parents, from years ago.  They were both holding me up and the three of us were a happy family in that picture.  You want to take a look?”

Samantha let out a smile and nodded towards Rachel.  “Sure!” she said, almost excited about it.  She reached her hand out as Rachel handed her the picture, along with its frame.  Samantha slowly brought it in front of her face and stared into the photo.  She looked at the tiny Rachel in the picture, and started laughing.   Rachel was immediately surprised by this and questioned Samantha’s laughter.  She looked over at her and replied between laughs.

“Oh, come on, Rachel.  You don’t see it?  The little Rachel looks so cuuute!”  The two looked at each other for a moment and, before long, Rachel looked back down at the picture and at her younger self.  Although she didn’t laugh, she did crack a smile as she thought about what Samantha had said.  “Well…if you say so, Sam.  I don’t really think I was that cute.  I just keep this picture around for the memory of my father…”

“Your father?” Samantha asked, as she looked at Rachel.  She inched a little closer as she saw Rachel’s eyes begin to water again.  Setting the picture down, she put her hand on Rachel’s shoulder.  “Rachel?  Hey, what’s wrong?” she asked, seeing tears running down Rachel’s face at this point.  Looking over at Samantha, Rachel blinked and sniffled, simply replying that she didn’t want to bother her with it.

Samantha didn’t take that as an acceptable answer.  She got off the bed, got on her knees in front of her, and looked up at her.  Samantha’s head came up to Rachel’s chest from this position, and she grabbed both of Rachel’s hands.  Holding them tightly, she looked up at Rachel, tearing up herself. 

“Please, Rachel.  You are living out in the world now.  You are living with me now.  I’m your roommate.  It’s my job to make sure you’re happy.  We may have just met, but please, don’t bottle up your feelings.  You can tell me anything.  So, please…Tell me.  Let me help you.”  As she finished the last statement, she softly kissed one of Rachel’s hands and looked back up at her with an innocent look on her face. 

Rachel was astounded by Samantha’s behavior.  Getting on her knees, kissing her hand, and wanting to help her so badly?  Hearing everything she was saying touched her.  She didn’t know how Samantha could help her, but they’d be living together for quite a long time from now on.  She wouldn’t be able to keep everything secret from the girl.  Slowly, she nodded and agreed to talk about it.

Rachel began to weave a tale of her own childhood.  She talked about spending nearly all of her childhood with her father.  They would spend endless hours outside, playing tag, going grocery shopping, and just walking around the area where they lived.  She loved her father very much, and had a very happy childhood around him.

“But…one day, he said he had to leave for a little bit.  It was the same time we used to go on our walks together, so I was already set to go outside, wearing my big, pink coat.  I was so excited about going on the walk, but he told me he couldn’t take me with him this time.  I asked him why, and he just said he had to ‘take care of something’.  He promised he’d be back within an hour to see me again.  I was sad that I couldn’t take my walk, but I had to be a strong girl, for him.  I told him I’d be waiting for him with Mom when he got back.  He walked out the door, but…he never came back.”

“I spent the entire night, staring out my window, waiting for him to come home.  Mom had to put me to bed over and over again, but I kept getting up, hoping to see his bright face walking down the street, ready to be home and see me.  After the first night, Mom got worried.  She watched the window with me the next day, hoping we’d see him coming home.  Soon, hours turned into days, and days into weeks.  I stood by the window nearly my entire life, waiting for him.  Mom kept trying to get me to do something else, but I just kept waiting.  He said he’d be back, and I couldn’t leave the window.  I had to wait until he came back to us.”

“After many weeks of waiting, we got a visitor to the house.  Mom and I ran to see this visitor, hoping Dad had come home…only to found out it was a policeman.  He came in and Mom told me to go to another room while he talked to her.  Although I left the room, I stayed nearby.  I wanted to know what this police person wanted with us, so I stayed against the wall outside the room they’d gone to.  I didn’t quite understand everything at the time, but he started talking to Mom and mentioned Dad a few times.  After a little while, the policeman left the house.  After he drove off, I went back into the room to see Mom.”

“I came in and she was…crying.  I ran up to her and asked her what was wrong and she told me that Daddy…was gone.  The policeman had told her that someone had reported that he’d…been killed!  He was just…just…”

Rachel fell into her own hands, crying her eyes out.  “I…I miss him so much!” she cried.  Samantha, tears running down her own face, slowly let go of Rachel’s hands.  As she stood up, Rachel fell to her side, on the bed, crying into the sheets.  Samantha slowly got into the bed and wrapped her arms around her, holding Rachel’s head into her chest. 

“I’m sorry, Rachel.  I’m sorry all of that happened to you.  But I’m here now…and I’m not going anywhere, okay?  I can be a friend, just like he was.  I can spend time with you and be around you.”  As she held Rachel, the girl slightly nodded at her offer.  “T-thank you, Sam…” Rachel cried. 

Samantha held onto Rachel for the better part of an hour before the girl had finally fallen asleep.  She gently played with and chewed on some of Rachel’s hair.  Smiling, she laid her own head against the sheets.  She kissed the top of Rachel’s head and began to doze off herself…

End Notes:

The two girls seem to have gotten closer from this conversation and divulging of Rachel's problems.  What could have happened to her father?

Chapter 4 - Preparing Breakfast by L2K7
Author's Notes:

Rachel wakes up in the night and tries to leave the bed, but is thwarted by a sleeping (or so it seems) Samantha grasping her hair.  Shortly after, Samantha awakens and begins to prepare something for her new roommate...

Rachel slowly woke up in the middle of the night.  As she gained consciousness, she could feel the dry tear marks on her face.  Reaching her hand up, she began rubbing her finger tips against her face, trying to feel where they were.  She almost expected the tears to still be there.  Although she’d drifted off to sleep, it didn’t feel like that much time had actually passed.  She wasn’t really sure what happened to her.  One minute, she was talking about her father, and the next, she was laying down, her eyes shut.

She began to open her eyes and immediately noticed Samantha lying next to her.  Her eyes bolted awake, a little shocked at seeing them both in the same bed.  She looked at the calm, sleeping Samantha and blinked a few times.  Yawning, she looked up at the ceiling, and then turned her body to look at the wall behind her.  As she looked out the window, she noticed that it had gotten dark outside.  It must have been night time. 

‘I should get up quietly’ she thought to herself, not wanting to wake her sleeping roommate.  As she began to move, she heard a noise coming from Samantha and immediately froze, returning her body to its original position.  She watched her closely, expecting her to open her own eyes and wake up.  A few moments went by and she didn’t wake up.  Her eyes stayed shut, her breathing was consistent, but she did say something.

“Mmmm…you smell good…Can I take you home with me?”

Rachel thought the statement was a little strange.  But, as Samantha finished it, her body shifted slightly and the breathing started again.  Thinking further into it, Rachel realized that she must have been dreaming at the time.  The weird statement was merely a product of a weird dream that Samantha was having at the time.  She smiled at her, and then tried to move again.

As she moved, she got a little further, but her hair was being pulled on by something.  As some slight pain hit her scalp, she looked over towards Samantha, following a few strands of her hair.  Looking closely, she saw that those strands of hair were gripped in the girl’s hands.  She sighed as she looked at the tightly-closed fist.  She wanted to get up and do something, but she couldn’t just open the girl’s hand up without waking her. 

“Hmmm…” she whispered to herself as she thought.  There was no way she’d be able to get up with her hair being gripped by the sleeping Samantha, so she returned to her laying position again and set her head down by Samantha’s.  She whispered, as if talking to Samantha, stating that she could spend a little more time in bed with her before she would get up and do something else.  Closing her eyes, she slowly drifted back to sleep.

“That’s my girl.  Just sleep your heart away…”

The moment Rachel fell under, Samantha had opened her eyes and let out a big smile.  Softly letting the hair loose that she’d grabbed, she pushed herself off the bed and stood next to the sleeping Rachel.  She looked to the side and saw that Rachel’s photograph was still lying on the bed, right next to her feet.  She slowly picked it up, put it on a nearby dresser, and dropped down to her knees by the bed.  Laying her head on the end of the bed, she looked into Rachel’s innocent, sleeping face. 

Nearly an hour went by and all Samantha had done was stare into Rachel’s face and smile.  She seemed to be watching the girl, as if to make sure she was sleeping soundly.  The feeling of being tired caught up with her as well, however, and she eventually got up from her knees.  Walking to the end of the bed, she was preparing to leave the room.  As she looked back at her, she saw her small, soft feet at the edge of the bed.  Bending down by them, she planted a soft kiss on her left sole and whispered to Rachel.  “Sweet dreams, roomie.”

Samantha slowly and quietly walked out of the room and into the hallway, making her way to the kitchen.  As she walked in, she noticed the clock on the wall read 7:34 a.m.  Looking around at the stove and the fridge, she decided that she’d need to get to work on breakfast for the two of them. 

“The sun will be up soon.  I need to welcome my sweet Rachel with a nice meal in bed.  Surely she’d enjoy that.  Surely she’d appreciate me.”

As the clock ticked by, Samantha opened up the refrigerator and cabinet and began to pull out food.  Onto the counter came eggs, sliced cheese, milk, butter, syrup, Bacon, Orange Juice, and a loaf of bread.  Turning below the sink, she pulled out some more supplies, including a large tray, whisk, spatula, two cooking pans, and a small fork.  Setting everything out, she smiled and began to get to work.

After nearly 30 minutes, Samantha had finished cooking and arranged an assortment of food on the large tray.  On a large plate, there were two slices of French toast, fried and scrambled eggs, three slices of bacon, a small cup of Orange Juice, a small cup of Syrup, a napkin, and the fork and knife she’d gotten out earlier.  Eyeing the arrangement she’d made, she smiled and called it ‘perfect’.  Looking at the clock, she realized that it was nearly eight o’clock.

“Well, it’s almost wake-up time.  I’d better go serve this food to my Rachel.”

Making her way back up to the bedroom, she slowly walked, making sure she could keep the tray full of food balanced and from crashing to the ground.  It didn’t take very long to get there, but as she arrived in the bedroom, she saw Rachel, still asleep, in bed.  Samantha softly giggled at seeing the girl asleep.  Approaching the bed, she set the tray down on the dresser to free her hands.  Reaching towards Rachel, she rubbed her face with them, trying to wake her up.  Rachel was still there, motionless.

As Samantha thought about it, she thought of another way to wake her roommate up.  She slowly leaned forward, bringing her face near Rachel’s.  She softly kissed her cheek and spoke into her ear.  It started as a whisper, but slowly got louder as she progressed through her statement. 

“Rachel…hun, it’s time to wake up.  Your dear roommate has made some special for you, hehe”

As Samantha giggled at the end of her statement, she nuzzled Rachel, causing her to yawn and begin to wake up.  “M..M- Mommy?” muttered Rachel, slowly gaining her consciousness back from the world of sleep.  Seeing her eyes begin to open, Samantha stood up by the bed and just smiled down at her.  Her gaze beamed down at Rachel until she was completely awake, looking up at her. 

Rachel looked slightly confused, but hadn’t said anything.  She blinked a few times before Samantha decides to say something to her.  Reaching her hand down, she softly brushed some hair from Rachel’s forehead and eyes.  After seeing Rachel not doing anything to stop her, she rubbed her hair for a moment before giving her the morning greeting she’d been preparing. 

“Good morning, Sunshine!  Your Rachel has prepared something special for you!”

She immediately turned around, grabbed the tray of food, and set it on Rachel’s lap, who’d just pulled herself into a sitting position.  Samantha pulled her hands together and smiled as she watched Rachel look at the food…   

End Notes:

Samantha seems to be doing a lot for Rachel.  How will Rachel cope if these gifts and favors keep up?

Chapter 5 - Breakfast and Shock by L2K7
Author's Notes:

As Rachel eats her breakfast, Samantha just grins and stares at her, making Rachel feel slightly uncomfortable...

Rachel sat in bed, shocked at what was put in front of her.  On her lap, Samantha had thrown a large tray, full of food.  An incredible spread was put on it.  There were eggs, French Toast, Bacon, Orange Juice, and more.  She didn’t know what to say.  It looked absolutely stunning, and see looked over at Samantha, confused as to why she suddenly had an enormous tray of food in her lap.

“W-what’s all this!?”

Samantha smiled, squinting her eyes at Rachel as she asked what the food was for.  Staring into the girl’s eyes, she replied, saying that she’d gotten up early so she could make breakfast for her.  Rachel was still in a confused state, looking down at her plate, and then back up at Samantha. 

After a few moments of silence, Samantha tilted her head and lost her smile.  Her face immediately began to turn red and her eyes began to water.  Getting a sad look on her face, she brought her hand to her hard and began to breathe heavily.  As she was changing her mood, she began to question Rachel about the breakfast she’d cooked for her.

“What’s wrong, Rachel?  Is something wrong with it?  Do you…do you not want my cooking?”

Rachel, feeling terrible for how Samantha’s attitude had changed, reached a hand out to her shoulder, smiling and nodding in her direction.  “Samantha.  Don’t cry.  It looks wonderful!  I’m just…surprised.  That’s all.”  Rachel then picked up the fork and began to eat the food.  Whether it was good or not, her pause had upset Samantha.  Who could blame her?  She’d gotten up early and slaved away to cook it all for her.  The least she could do was eat it and tell her it was good.  After taking a bite, she told Samantha that it was delicious.

Samantha’s face began to change back to the cheerful smile she’d had moments before when Rachel told her the food she’d cooked was delicious.  Her eyes began to sparkle and she almost jumped from her position.  “You mean it?  You really like it?  Oh, I’m so glad, Rachel!”

Over the next 10 minutes, Rachel quietly ate her breakfast, while Samantha stayed in her kneeled position, next to the bed.  As Rachel ate, she would look over every so often at Samantha, noticing that she wasn’t doing anything at all where she was.  The entire time, she was just smiling and staring as she ate.  After a few times of seeing this, Rachel started to get a little nervous.  ‘She’s…just watching me.  I feel bad for being the only one eating right here.  I should offer her some of my food’ she thought to herself.  Turning towards Samantha, she reached the plate out to her.

“Hey, why don’t you have some too?  It’s really good, and I haven’t seen you eat anything.”

Samantha’s smile slowly faded as the plate was pointed out to her.  She blinked a couple times, realizing what Rachel had said to her and quickly shook her head.  “Oh, no…I couldn’t do that, Rachel.  I made this for you and you alone.  Don’t worry about me, I already ate” 

Rachel hesitantly retracted the plate and looked away from Samantha.  She felt bad for eating in front of her, but if that’s the way Samantha wanted it, she shouldn’t go out of the way to stop her.  She may have her own ideals and morals, but it wasn’t her place to question the ones Samantha already had in place in the house.  She nodded to her as she stuck her fork back down into the food and continued eating her breakfast.

After a few more minutes, Rachel had eaten the rest of what was on her plate.  As she finished up, she washed the food down with her Orange Juice, and set it back on the tray.  Looking to the side, she saw Samantha, back to staring at her as she was eating.  Trying to break the awkward moment she was having, Rachel looked at her and thanked her for the meal. 

“Hey, Samantha.  That was really good.  I loved it.  I’d like to get up now, so do you mind if I take care of this tray?  It’s not that I don’t appreciate your kindness, but I just got finished decorating my side of the room last night.  Could you, umm…stay in here and take a look at what I’ve done?  I’d love to know what you think…”   

As much as Rachel thought that Samantha would want to take the plate away herself, she still wanted to get up and step outside for awhile.  She still had a lot on her mind about her new home.  She wanted to get out and see everything around the house, meet the neighbors, and learn about the area, among other things.  She wasn’t that excited about wanting Samantha to judge her decorations, but it was an excuse for her to stay in the room and let her take care of her food tray.

At first, Samantha was confused as to why Rachel would want to take care of her own food tray when she was there to take care of it for her.  She wanted to make Rachel feel as comfortable and pampered as possible as she was settling into the house.  She liked her new roommate, and wanted the very best for her.  As she listened to Rachel through the conversation, though, she was touched when she heard that Rachel wanted to know her thoughts of the decorations she’d put in place.  Smiling, she nodded and agreed to stay in the bedroom to study her choice in decorations.

“Oh!  Of course, Rachel.  I’d love to judge how you’ve decorated the room!”

Rachel nodded and walked out with the food tray.  Samantha smiled and watched her curvy form rise from the bed and slowly make it’s way out of the room.  Admiring her the entire time, she stared at every inch of her body.  After she’d left the room, Samantha stared out the doorway for a couple minutes, locked in a big smile before blinking and standing up.

Walking around the room, she looked at the decorations that Rachel had put up.  There really wasn’t much to see, but there were a few things decorated on the wall and the dresser.  They were mostly pictures of Rachel and her mother, throughout the years.  There was a picture of the two of them outside a small house, one with them inside some sort of classroom, and many others in other places that Samantha couldn’t recognize.

Finally, Samantha noticed the picture Rachel had shown her the night before, the one showing a young Rachel and both of her parents.  She picked it up and looked into it again as she laid on Rachel’s bed.  Snuggling against the large, white pillow, she stared into the young version of Rachel in the picture, as if in a trance, fixated on her face.  “Even young, she looks beautiful” she whispered to herself.  She brought the picture up to her face and kissed the glass above Rachel’s face.

As she pulled the picture away, she began to look at the other two people in the picture.  She took a quick look at Rachel’s mother, and then switched her sight to her father. 


Samantha nearly screamed in shock as she looked at the picture.  In reaction, she tossed the picture and it’s frame onto the bed sheets in front of her.  Quickly bolting herself into a sitting position, her eyes widened as she looked down at the picture.  Her hands quickly covered her mouth and her entire body started shaking.  Looking down and seeing Rachel’s father sent a chill down Samantha’s spine.  She felt a stinging in her gut as she saw the man’s face.

She then began whispering to herself, muffled by the hands she had over her mouth.

“T-That’s….No…That’s not possible!”

Samantha’s entire body continued to shake as she stared into the face of Rachel’s father in the picture.  She was filled with an icy-cold fear, as if his face meant something to her.  She quickly forced herself up, put the picture back on the dresser, and ran into the bathroom, slamming the door shut and locking it…

End Notes:

As Samantha locks herself in the bathroom, what has happened to her?  What about Rachel's father could have upset her so much?

Chapter 6 - Samantha's Breakdown by L2K7
Author's Notes:

As Samantha locks herself in the bathroom, the face she saw in Rachel's photograph haunts her mind and causes a very violent reaction from her...

As the bathroom door slammed shut, Samantha quickly flipped the locking device and fell onto the floor.  Her body flopped around as it hit, like a fish, and the cold tiles sent shivers throughout her entire body.  Laying there, shivering, she could hear a sound in the distance.  It was the front door.  Rachel must have been stepping outside to get some fresh air or to check out the neighborhood.  None of that mattered to Samantha, though.  Her mind was completely shocked by the photograph she’d seen moments before.

She curled up into a ball on the floor and wrapped her arms around her legs.  She shook on the floor, violently shivering and muttering things to herself.  “No way…it’s not possible…how could this happen!?” she muttered, in shock from the event that had just taken place.  Her mind was void of all thoughts except that man’s face, his bright, cheerful face of being around his daughter in that picture.  The bright and cheerful face that she had immediately recognized when she looked at it was something she remembered all too well.

As she was lying on the ground, shaking, she started whimpering and tears began to run down her face.  An old memory was flying back into her head.  It was a memory that had changed her life forever, something that she never wanted to think of again.  As the images of the man’s face flew around in her head, she closed her eyes and began to scream.  “NO!  Go away!  Leave me alone!!!!”

She began to roll around on the ground, fisting her hands and blowing them into her forehead.  She tried to beat the images out of her head with brute force, but it only made them worse.  With each blow came pain in a certain area of her sight, and with each surge of pain came a stronger image of that man.  She flailed around, kicking the cabinet, walls, and door as her mind was exploding on the inside.  The visions haunted her to no end.

“GO AWAY!!!!  You’re…You’re…You’re not real!  You’re just in my head!  You’re not…You’re not alive!  Stop tormenting me like this!” she screamed as her face turned red and she continued to cry.  Her screaming continued as she started to remember more about the man’s face and what it had meant to her, once upon a time.

Tiring her body down, she was trembling on the ground, whispering as vague pieces of the memory came flying back to her.  Her voice was stuttering as she spoke to herself about the face that was haunting her.

“You…Why are you still here?  You’re gone…you’re a figment of the past and of my imagination.  You’ll never be back…”

Memories were flying and her body was quickly running out of energy.  As everything was plaguing her, she started digging her fingernails into her shirt.  She screamed as she did so, ripped the shirt open and grasping her bare stomach.  As her nails began to dig deeper and deeper, they scratched at her skin.  Eventually, she applied more and more pressure, too fixated on the images that were running around in her head and punctured her skin.  She let out a cry of pain as her nails dug into her and soon became stained with her own blood.

Turning over to her side, the blood slowly ran down her stomach and onto the floor below.  She let out a series of whimpers as her hands cam out of the wound and covered her face.  She began spinning her head around, pushing against her own forehead, still thinking about that man’s face.  Simply seeing it had been like a dagger to the heart.  Continuing her screaming, she called out to the face, as if it were a person near her at the moment.

“W-why!?  Why are you making me do this to myself!?  Why are you still haunting me!?  Why are you torturing me like this!?”

From behind her, Samantha could hear banging on the door and some sort of muffled voice.  She couldn’t tell what the voice was, but she could definitely hear the banging on the door.  It echoed in her heart and her head, bringing a surge of pain with every pound she heard.  She gasped as she heard it, her mind set on the man’s face.  She quickly started scrambling backwards, to the other side of the bathroom, where the bathtub was.

“N-NO!  You’re not real!  You can’t be!  Go away!  I...I won’t let you hurt me, or her!  Go away!  You can’t have me!”

She slid back further and further, shivering in fear of the door-banging and eventually hit the hard surface of the bathtub.  Letting out a grunt, she nearly jumped off of it and screamed as she met with it, sure that it was the man in the photo, trying to kill her.  She rolled over, hitting her wounds on the ground, bringing a piercing stinging pain into her stomach.  All the movement caused her to lose sight to nausea, and immediately launched her food onto the tile floor, spreading a layer of vomit in front of the bathtub.

The banging continued as she finished, and she couched out the rest of her vomit.  Screaming at the voice to go away again, she scrambled to her feet and stumbled into the bathtub itself.  Once inside, she huddled herself into the very back corner of the tub, threw the curtain around in front of her, and wrapped her arms around her legs.  She watched the curtain intently, her eyes now bloodshot with fear.  Her face was drenched with tears, and sweat began dripping from her now-drenched and flat hair. 

She closed her eyes as a few more banging sounds occurred and, finally, she could hear the door being broken down.  She buried her face under her arms and legs and screamed as she heard the footsteps of someone rushing into the room.  She heard them approaching her and then heard the curtain being yanked from it’s support.

“NO!  Please…I’m sorry!  I didn’t mean to do it!  Don’t hurt me!” she screamed, not moving a muscle, too frightened to look at the person who’d actually come into the room…


End Notes:

Who is this person who broke into the bathroom and ran after Samantha?  Is it the face of Rachel's father, or is it Rachel herself?

Chapter 7 - Dish Washing and Friend Rescuing by L2K7
Author's Notes:

Rachel washes her dishes and prepares to head outside when she hears something in the house...

Rachel has sped up her walking as she exited the bedroom with the now-empty tray of food.  She’d still wanted to get herself walking outside, so she had to think of that little ‘check out my decorations’ excuse quickly.  She felt a little bad for lying to Samantha about it, but it seemed like she wanted Rachel to stay in bed.  Going out of her way to make her a big breakfast, she was definitely dedicated and had grown attached to her in such a short amount of time.  Having her stay and look at her decorations may have been for the best, otherwise she might not have been able to leave and get out the door by herself.

She made it to the kitchen, where she saw a big sink, the perfect place to wash the tray and dishes within it.  Setting her ‘luggage’ to the side, she grabbed a bottle of Dishwashing Soap, plugged the sink, and started drawing water.  Pouring some soup down into the running water, the sink quickly filled up with soft, bubbly water.  After the sink was about half-full, she turned the water off and started looking around for a towel and washcloth. 

It took her a couple minutes, but she found some drawers on the side of the counter, where she found hot pads, towels, and washcloths in.  Grabbing a small washcloth and a normal-looking towel, she walked back over to the sink.  Pulling her sleeves up, she dumped the dishes into the water and smiled.  “Samantha’s not the only one who can do nice things for others,” she said as she began scrubbing the dishes.

 After she’d gotten everything cleaned off, Rachel set the clean dishes on the counter and began to walk towards the front door.  Although she could have put the dishes away herself, she wanted Samantha to be able to come downstairs and see what she did for her.  The poor girl had done almost nothing but offer to help or do little favors for Rachel ever since she stepped in the door, and she wanted Samantha to know that she could do nice things for her as well.

As she made her way to the front door, she slowly reached for the doorknob.  She gripped it with her hand for a moment and began to turn it.  In mid-turn, however, she stopped herself, thinking she’d heard a noise from the other side of the house.  Turning her head, she slightly closed her eyes in the confusion of the sound.  It almost sounded like a door shutting, but it was gone as quickly as it had started.  She stood by the door for a moment, hoping to hear the sound again. 

After a few minutes, she’d heard nothing.  Dismissing it as her imagination, as she had thought the banging noises had been from the night before; she shrugged her shoulders and began to prepare to head outside.  Turning the doorknob the rest of the way, she slowly pulled the door open.  As it opened, a cool breeze flew into the house, blowing against Rachel’s hair, sending a shiver up her spine.  She closed the door, trying to adjust to the breeze that she’d just felt when she heard something else in the house.

She stared in the same direction she had before, trying to hear what it was and, unlike the last sound, it repeated itself time and time again.  She heard a pounding sound, like something was being thrown against the walls of a room in the distance.  She slowly started walking back towards the kitchen, trying to figure out what the noise was.  As she made it to the kitchen, she started hearing another sound, paired with the pounding.

[b]“W-why?  Why are you making me do this!?”[/b]

“S-Samantha!?” asked Rachel, gasping as she heard her friend screaming in the distance.  Her body went ice cold as she heard the pounding noises and the almost-muffled screams.  She couldn’t know for certain, but the voice definitely sounded like Samantha.  Dropping everything that was on her mind, she sprinted through the house, set on getting back to the bedroom.  If it really was Samantha screaming, she could’ve been in some sort of trouble.  Rachel had to see if she was alright.

As she made it back into the bedroom,   the pounding noises had stopped, but Samantha’s screaming had not.  He heard it as she entered the room and called out for her.  Looking around, it sounded like it had come from a door on Samantha’s side of the room.  Rushing over to the door, Rachel quickly grabbed the knob and tried to turn it to get into the room.  As she tried, though, she found that it was locked.  She yanked and turned on it, but it wouldn’t budge at all.

Out of frustration, Rachel started pounding on the door itself.  She called through the door, trying to get Samantha’s attention, assuming that’s where she was.

“Samantha!?  Are you in there?  Are you okay?”

As her voice and poundings went into the room, it was returned with negativity.  As soon as she’d finished her statement, she heard Samantha screaming back at her, her voice sounding truly frightened.  She screamed at Rachel, telling her that she wasn’t real, and that she wouldn’t be able to hurt Samantha or a “her” she talked about.  Rachel continued calling into the room, but got no response after that.

After a moment, she heard a grunt, as if Samantha had hurt herself and then heard wheezing and coughing.  Rachel kept calling in, starting to sweat out of being worried for the girl.  There was obviously something wrong with her, but she couldn’t get in to see her and try to help.  When she realized that she wouldn’t be getting Samantha to open the door herself, she slowly backed away from the door, preparing her arm on the side for a secondary plan.

“Samantha!  It’s me, Rachel!  I don’t know what’s wrong with you, but I’m coming in to get you, okay!?  Please stay away from the door!”

Rachel threw herself into the door, trying to force it open.  She grunted as the door slightly shifted, but didn’t open with her first try.  Afterwards, she tried several more attempts, throwing herself into it time and time again.  She was starting to bruise her arm, but her mind was only set on getting inside and helping her new friend.  She was in trouble, and she’d helped her so much in the day they’d known each other.  She couldn’t let her be alone in whatever was happening to her.  She had to help her.

With one final, rushing blow, the door broke and swung open.  Rachel fell to the tile floor as she went through; breathing heavily from the energy it had taken to get the door open.  Within moments, she’d started to push herself up when she noticed vomit and blood all over the floor in front of her.  She nearly screamed when she saw it and tried to look around for Samantha. 

Hearing a scream in front of her, she saw a shadow behind the bathtub’s curtain.  Quickly getting to her feet and coming up to the bathtub, she yanked the curtain right off it’s support and threw it behind her.  Within the empty bathtub sat a crying Samantha.  Her head was buried in her knees, weeping.  Rachel quickly climbed into the bathtub with her and tried to touch her.

As soon as her hand touched her leg, Samantha screamed and started flailing around again.  Quickly getting her arms on top of her, Rachel grabbed Samantha and started yelling down to her, trying to get her to stop and look at her.

“Samantha!  Samantha, it’s me!  It’s Rachel!  Samantha, look at me!  I’m not here to hurt you!  I’m your friend!”

Within a minute or so, Samantha’s brain had processed what had been said to her and opened her eyes.  She looked up and saw Rachel’s face, red and sweaty, full of concern for her.  She was shaking a little and let out a whimpered “R-rachel…?”

Rachel smiled at seeing Samantha calming down, but her happiness was quickly ended when she saw the rest of the girl’s body.  Her fingernails were dripping with blood and her blouse looked like it had been ripped open.  Rachel slowly moved the ripped blouse up a little and saw 4 cuts on the girl’s stomach, each with fresh blood dripping from them.  “Oh, my god…”

Rachel immediately left the bathtub and started digging through the cabinet in the bathroom.  She threw bottles and bottles out into the room before finally finding a small first-aid kit.  She ran back to the bathtub and grabbed onto Samantha’s legs.  Slowly pulled them down, she got the girl into a laying position and started to wipe off the four wounds on her stomach.

“R-rachel…?” repeated Samantha, her voice getting weaker.  Her body was shivering as it lay in the tub.

As she applied medicine and a bandage to the wounds, she looked at Samantha and reached to her face with her hand.  Touching her cheek, she looked into the girl’s eyes.  Realizing that she was shivering and couldn’t be moved because of the injury, she ran into the bedroom and yanked the sheet off her own bed.  Quickly coming back, she covered Samantha up with the blanket and then kneeled herself down, next to the tub.

The girl had been watching her the entire time, tears running down her face.  Rachel reached over and brushed her hair back.  Bringing her face down to Samantha’s she began to whisper to her.  “Don’t worry, Samantha.  I patched you up, so you’re going to be fine.  No one is going to come and hurt you.  Not while I’m here, by your side.”

Samantha smiled up at Rachel as she finally lost consciousness from the loss of blood and the episode she’d just had.  Rachel quickly checked her pulse when her eyes shut, afraid that she’d gotten worse, but sighed when she felt her steady heartbeat.  She sat there with Samantha for hours, waiting for her to wake up, wondering how all of this happened in the first place…    

End Notes:

With Samantha patched up, what's going to happen between the two of them from now on?  Will Rachel find out how those injuries happened or will Samantha tell her something else?

Chapter 8 - Seeking Motherly Help by L2K7
Author's Notes:

As Rachel sits with Samantha and tries to help her, she starts feeling guilty for what happened and tries to think of a way to help her...

As Rachel was kneeling by the bathtub, she was worrying more and more for Samantha as the time passed by.  Although the girl had a steady heartbeat, her breathing was all wrong.  Every breath sounded like wheezing, and she would cough off and on during that wheezing.  Her head was incredibly warm and sweating, not to mention the tears that were running down her face.  Rachel wasn’t sure if this had all been caused by whatever punctured her stomach or not, but the fact was that her friend was in bad shape, and might get worse.

Rachel stood up and walked over towards the sink.  Above it was a mirror that doubles as the door to a medicine cabinet.  Opening up the cabinet, she reached into the side of the actual mirror and grabbed a wash cloth from a hanger that had been screwed onto it.  Laying the wash cloth open in her left hand, she held it under the sink’s faucet and drew some ice-cold water over it.  She scrunched up the towel and moved it as it began to soak up the water.  After being satisfied that the entire thing was drenched, she shut the water off.

After squeezing extra water out of the wash cloth, Rachel walked back over to the tub and slowly got back into her kneeling position.  Leaning over the top of the tub, she grabbed the wash cloth with both hands and stretched it out.  She softly laid it on top of Samantha’s hair and forehead, hoping it would help cool her off and bring down her temperature.  Although she didn’t really know if it would work, she wanted to try it anyways.  She didn’t know what to do to help her friend, and she had to try anything she could. 

“Samantha…I want to help you.  This mess might be my fault…” whispered Rachel as she looked down at Samantha and began to think about when this incident had occurred.  Whatever happened to the girl had to have happened between the time Rachel had left the bed room and the time she heard Samantha screaming when she was about to walk out the door.  Rachel knew it happened when she wasn’t around, and began to blame herself for it. 

“If only…if only I hadn’t made up excuses to keep you up here.  If only I’d opened up to her from the start and wanted to spend more time with you.  If I’d only done that, you wouldn’t be in this mess right now.  Please, Samantha…I want to help you get better.  I want to keep you safe from now on.  Please forgive me…”

Rachel’s eyes started to water as she looked down at Samantha’s weak form.  As she looked, she saw her flowing hair, her skinny figure, and her soft, pale skin.  As she stared into her face, she started getting a nervous feeling in her gut.  She realized that Samantha was a very beautiful young girl.  All she wanted was a friend, a roommate.  As Rachel thought back, she realized how overjoyed Samantha was when they’d met and how eager she was to help her out and make her feel at home.  She even came in and held her the night before when a bad memory came into her mind…

“She…she’s done so much for me in the past day.  All she wanted was a friend to care for, and how did I repay her?  I made up lies and excuses to get outside on my own, and got her into this mess.  I have to set things right somehow, but I don’t even know what was wrong with her.  If only I knew someone who was knowledgeable about medicine and sickness…Oh!”

When she heard her own words as she spoke them, an answer to the situation immediately popped into her head.  She wasn’t very knowledgeable about medicine and sickness.  She would need to find someone who was, and she knew one person who did, her mother. 

“Mom’s got a Pharmacy Technician certification!  She’s got all kinds of medical supplies at home.  Surely, she’d be able to get up here and help Samantha out.  I may not know a lot about medicine, but she does.”

Quickly dashing out of the bathroom, Rachel ran for her bed in the bedroom.  Nearly throwing herself onto the ground, she pulled out one of the suitcases she’d unpacked the night before and started digging through its pockets.  After a minute or so, she found something and pulled it out.  Smiling as her tears were beginning to run down her own cheek, she quickly opened up the object, her cell phone.  She immediately ran back into the bathroom as she dialed her mom’s number.  She kneeled back down by Samantha as she waited for the phone to ring on the other end.

Eve was sitting in her recliner at home, reading through a small medical terminology book, enjoying her afternoon.  As the ceiling fan blew down on her, the long hair that came down from her head was swaying, from her forehead and all the way down to the curves over her breasts.  Taking deep breaths as she was reading, she slowly sipped from a small cup of tea when her phone began to ring.

“Huh?  The phone?” she asked herself, confused.  Her house rarely ever got phone calls, and when they did, it was mostly just people trying to get information in the form of surveys or telemarketers.  The phone rang a couple times before she uncrossed her legs and set her cup of tea down.  Still looking at her book, her right hand extended and picked up a small, cordless phone.

She brought the phone up to her face and stared down at the digital display, hoping the Caller ID would tell her who it was.  As she looked, she smiled when she saw the name “Rachel Dim – Wireless Caller” appear on the display.  She figured that it was her daughter, calling to tell her how she had been her first night in the new home and with her new roommate.  She quickly tapped the “Call” button to answer the phone and brought it up to her ear.  “Rachel, honey!  How are you doing with your n-“

Eve was cut off by Rachel’s voice as it came through the phone’s speaker.  Her voice was cracking and you could hear small whimpers and sniffles in the background as she talked.  She said a single word that pierced Eve’s spirit, ‘M-m-mom?”  The tone and effect of her voice told Eve one thing.  Something was terribly wrong with her.  She was crying through the phone.  Immediately dropping her book to the floor, she retracted her feet to the bottom of the chair and stood herself up.

“Rachel, what’s wrong?”

Rachel tried to get her statement out, but was tearing up more as she heard her mother’s voice.  Her voice came through to Eve cracked again, and it sounded like she was having trouble talking. 

“M-Mom!  Please…Please…I need your help.  It’s all my fault…I need you…”

Eve began to pace around the room as she listened to the crying voice of her daughter.  She couldn’t figure out what was wrong, but she apparently was saddened by something she’d done or at least thought that she’d done.  She slowly talked into the voice, in as clear and soft tone as she could muster, trying to calm her daughter down and get the information she needed.

“Honey, I don’t understand what you’re saying.  Please, tell Mommy what happened.  Tell me how I can help you.  Did something happen to you at that new house?”

Eve heard a lot of sniffling and crying through the phone, but Rachel soon tried to stop herself and told her that she’d try to tell her what happened.  As the conversation went on, she let out small segments of statements.  “She’s…she’s hurt.  It’s all…all my fault!  I…I’m not good with…medical stuff and illness.  She’s overheating…cut wounds…I shouldn’t have left her alone!  Please…I need your help, Mom!”

At this point, Rachel stopped talking entirely and went back to crying into the phone.  Eve’s hand was partially shaking as she tried to decipher what she was saying.  She got the gist of the situation, though, or she thought so, at least.  It sounded like someone, presumably Rachel’s new roommate, had gotten cut by something and was overheating.  She couldn’t get the details out, but she knew that her daughter was somehow thinking it was her fault and needed her help. 

“Okay, hun.  You just stay where you are.  I’ll be right there.  Stay strong for me, and for her, okay?”

She didn’t get a response from Rachel, but she hung up the phone anyways.  Running around the house, she quickly grabbed a case of medical supplies, a couple of her medical terminology books, and her car keys.  Not realizing that she hadn’t put any shoes on, she ran out the door in her bare feet.  Her long, soft soles hit concrete as she ran into her car and drove off…

End Notes:

As Eve rushes towards Rachel and Samantha, will she be able to help with what's wrong with Samantha? 

Chapter 9 - Bad Feelings and Apologies by L2K7
Author's Notes:

Eve starts getting a strange feeling as she drives through the city, and Samantha gets a drastic change in behavior from Rachel when she awakens...

As Eve drove through the city, she was concerned and in some discomfort, both in the mental and physical ways.  She was in a hurry, trying to get to her daughter before her friend go into any worse shape and before anything happened to Rachel herself.  The description Rachel had given her gave her some scary thoughts in her head.  Somehow the girl had gotten cut and was, for some reason, overheating.  How that could have happen puzzled Eve.  She couldn’t have done it to herself, could she?  There could have been someone around their house who had attacked the friend, and that deeply scared Eve.  Every second that passed gave injury one more chance of inching closer to Rachel.

As she let on and off of the pedal, she also was in discomfort of the physical variety.  Having been in so much of a rush, she’d forgotten to grab some socks and shoes on her way out the door.  She was pushing on the pedals with her bare feet.  Eve’s feet were long, greatly extending the length of the pedal, and the edges of it were starting to make them sore.  “I should’ve at least grabbed a pair of slippers on the way out” she whispered to herself as she came to a stop at a Red Light.

As she stopped, she pulled her right foot off the gas pedal and started rubbing it with her hand.  They’d become very sore and were not used to pushing on the pedal of a car.  Her desire for rushing was also making it worse, as she had been putting more pressure on the pedals than she normally would, worried about her daughter.  As she sat at the intersection, she started thinking about the situation with Rachel, and her impatience with this light.  “Come on.  Come on, my daughter might be in trouble!”

The whole situation gave Eve a terrible feeling in her gut.  She felt like something was terribly wrong with everything she was about to walk into.  Her Rachel had finally been able to move away from home, and something terrible happens to her roommate in less than 24 hours?  It was a very strange coincidence and it made Eve feel extremely nervous.  “This feeling…it was just like that day back then.  I need to hurry…before I lose Rachel, too.”

The feeling in her gut had only happened once in her life before this day.  It happened many years ago, when Rachel was still a little girl.  It was the day when Nathan, her husband, left the house, never to return again.  He’d left the house before, but Eve could feel a terrible aura in the air.  Rachel saw the happy father that was excited about coming home to spend time with her, but Eve knew that the situation was incredibly risky and could end badly. 

She and Nathan had been talking a lot at that point about a strange little girl who had been following him around town.  Eve didn’t know much, but she knew that the day he disappeared was the day he’d agreed to seek out this girl and get her to stop following him around.  Ever since then, she had a strange feeling about who this girl was and what had happened to her husband.  She kept these feelings bottled up so she could protect Rachel, but they were coming back into her head as she thought about the scenario she was about to enter.

“All those years ago, and the memories still refuse to leave my head.  Why is this feeling coming back?  Why today, of all days?  I…no, I have to focus on the here and now and stop worrying.  All that’s important right now is getting to Rachel as soon as I can.  She needs my help and I’m not going to let her down like I let Nathan down…I’m not losing anyone else!”

As she continued talking to herself, she heard a loud honking noise from behind her.  Realizing she’d lowered her head during her small rant, she looked up and saw that the light had changed from Red to Green and there were many upset drivers behind her.  Her face started getting red as she picked up her sore foot and softly pushed it against the cold, ridged gas pedal, moving through the intersection and further towards her destination.


Rachel had completely dropped the phone after crying to her mother and asked her to come and help them.  Her arms were trembling at the sight of poor Samantha, still lying in the bathtub.  As she was kneeling in front of the bathtub, she looked into the poor girl’s face, drenched in tears.  They were full of fear as she’d initially come into the room, before she’d fallen unconscious.  She was frightened by something, or someone.  It frightened Rachel, and it made her sad, thinking that it happened to the girl because she left her alone for awhile.

She closed her eyes, ashamed of looking at the girl.  Dropping her head and thumping it on the side of the bathtub, she started whimpering and crying out to Samantha.  “I…I’m sorry…I never should have left you alone…I…”

As she was in the middle of her crying and whimpering, she heard a noise from in front of her.  She slowly raised her head up to take a look in front of her.  She wasn’t exactly sure what the noise was, but she was sure she’d heard something moving.  As her eyes began to open, she gasped.  Before her eyes was Samantha, eyes open and staring at her.  Slowly raising her arm, she moved her hand over Rachel’s wet cheek, feeling the tears she was producing.

“R-rachel?  Why are you…crying?” asked the weak Samantha. 

Rachel was in awe at the situation.  Samantha was the one injured and sweating, yet she was reaching out to Rachel, asking about her well-being.  Raising her own hand, she slowly grabbed onto Samantha’s arm, shaking both of their arms from the feelings that she was having at the moment.  Bringing the arm down, she looked into Samantha’s eyes, tears in her own.

Rachel then immediately reacted.  She jumped into the bathtub with Samantha and wrapped her arms around her.  She held herself above her stomach with her knees on the free areas of the tub, avoiding contact with the cut injuries as she held her.  Closing her eyes, she pulled Samantha’s shoulder into her face.  “I’m sorry!  This is all my fault!  I never should have left you by yourself.  I…I

She was slightly interrupted by Samantha’s soft, weakened voice: “Rachel, what are you talking about?  I…I’m alright.  T-this isn’t your fault…”

Rachel waited for her to finish, and continued her statements.  It wasn’t that she didn’t appreciate Samantha’s gratitude and efforts to make her feel better, but deep down, she knew it wouldn’t have happened had she not made the excuse to leave and go to the kitchen.  As she continued, she held Samantha tighter, not realizing she was pulling the girl up and pushing against her stomach.

“It is my fault, Samantha.  You’ve been nothing but kind and caring to me this entire 2 days.  You’ve done nothing selfishly and have only wanted what’s best for me.  How did I repay you?  I denied your help, made excuses to go do something by myself, and now look at you.  You…you’re hurt, and it’s because of….me”

Samantha was weak and felt pain all over her body as Rachel hugged her.  The pressure on her wounds sent many jolts through her body.  She grunted in pain, but tried to keep it as quiet as she could as she thought of ways to stop Rachel’s depressive rant from continuing.  “Rachel…it’s not y-huh?”

She stopped as she heard something from beyond the bathroom door.  It sounded like footsteps…      

End Notes:

Will the footsteps from the other room be Eve, readily available to help fix up Samantha, or has someone else crept into the house?

Chapter 10 - Help Arrives by L2K7
Author's Notes:

Eve arrives at Rachel's new house, only to be shocked at what she finds when she enters the house and makes her way towards Rachel...

As Eve parked her car in front of the house whose address matched the newspaper ad they’d called for the deal, she wasted no time to get things situated before jumping out.  Grabbing the bag of supplies, she threw the car door open and jumped out.  Her feet hit the cold ground and sent a shiver up her spine, slowly halting her progress.  After shaking her head for a moment, she pulled herself together, threw her keys into her pocket, shut the door and dashed towards the house.

As she ran up the steps to the porch, her feet were aching, worn out from constantly pushing on the pedals in the car.  As she got up she stopped and quickly rubbed them, trying to calm down the pain.  Looking in front of her, she noticed that the front door was sitting there, wide open.  Rachel, or her roommate, or someone had left the door open.  Anyone could’ve just walked right into the house, had they wanted to.  This gave Eve a nervous feeling.  Worried for her daughter, she began dashing again, running into the house. 

As she came in, she softly closed the door behind her.  Taking a look around, she was hoping that she’d be able to find wherever Rachel was when she’d called her.  Nothing had really been said as to where, in the house, that she was, but only that her friend was hurt and had some cut wounds.  Rachel was probably too upset about whatever had happened to think enough to tell her details like that.  She started to walk around the house, but didn’t need to look very long.  Within moments of shutting the door, she heard muffled talking coming from the other side of the house.

Carrying her bag of supplies, Eve quickly made her way through the kitchen, past a hall, and into what looked like a bedroom.  She looked around as the talking became louder and less muffled.  To the side of the room was a small door, leading to another room.  She heard two voices coming from the room.  One of them was, without a doubt, Rachel, and was whimpering.  The other sounded weak and faint.  It must’ve been her roommate, the one who had gotten injured.

She slowly walked over towards the room and stood in the doorway.  Her eyes widened when she saw the contents of the bathroom she’d just discovered.  There was a trail of blood all the way across the room.  It passed by a pile of what looked like puke, and what she had come for was lying inside the bathtub itself.  She looked in and saw Rachel, in tears, holding onto someone covered in a blanket. 

Samantha, in her weakened state, could feel the washcloth falling off her head as she looked past the bathtub and thought she could see someone in the doorway.  It was a tall woman with long, brown hair.  She looked at her, with a confused look on her face.  She was experiencing a lot of pain from Rachel’s hug, her cut wounds pushing against her, but she mustered out a small response as she looked at the tall woman.


Eve was shocked at the sight of everything.  She never imagined her daughter’s first day in a new house would end up like this.  She was in a bathtub, hugging on her new roommate and crying, with blood and puke all over the floor.  The place looked like some sort of crime scene.  Eve’s hands started to shake at the sight of everything.  Despite being trained to handle things like blood, seeing it associated with her one and only daughter pierced her spirit.  It brought a tear to her eyes, and she finally called out to her.


In the midst of her tears, Rachel heard her mother’s voice.  Her head jolted up and turned to see a very shocked Eve, standing in the doorway to the bathroom.  Tears were running down Rachel’s face as her jaw dropped and she started smiling, overjoyed to see her mother.  She immediately started shaking, making Samantha shake in the process. “M-Mama!?”  So overjoyed, she dropped Samantha and jumped out of the bathtub, not realizing that Samantha’s head had fallen and hit the bathtub, knocking her out. 

Rachel flew into Eve’s arms and her face pushed into her bosom as she cried and whimpered into her mother’s arms.  Eve, realizing how distraught she was now, squeezed Rachel into her bosom and started rubbing her hair.  Kissing the top of her head, Eve started whispering to Rachel.  “There, there, Rachel.  I’m here and am not going to let anything bad happen.  Now, please stop crying, okay?”

Rachel, still whimpering, nodded her head, slightly pushing against her mother’s breasts.  Eve smiled down at her as he crying started to fade.  Giving her a moment to calm down, Eve started looking around the room.  It was a complete mess.  She feared for what may have happened in here.  Feeling Rachel’s sniffles becoming less and less frequent, she pulled her away from her bosom.  As she did so, she looked down and saw a bruise on Rachel’s arm.  Her shocked attitude had just gotten worse at seeing not only her roommate injured, but a bruise on Rachel as well.

Crouching down slightly, she looked her daughter in the eye.  Their gaze met and each of them had tears in their eyes from the situation.  Taking her hand, Eve brushed away some of the hair that was in Rachel’s face and started whispering to her again.  “Rachel, it’s okay.  Tell Mommy what happened.”

Rachel was sniffling and trying hard not to cry.  She didn’t want to do anything else at the moment, but she knew she had to calm down.  Her mother’s words had always pierced her entire being.  Eve was caring and gentle, and she always knew what was best for Rachel.  She let out a small whimpered cry, and then began to explain what had happened to her mother.

“I…I was down in the..the kitchen...washing some d-dishes.  I was…getting ready to leave to…take a walk.  I’d told…told Samantha to look at the decorations in…in my room while I was taking care of things.  Before I left, I…I heard a noise.  I heard…a lot of noises…like someone or something being…thrown around the house.  I…came back to the bedroom, worried about her…and I heard her…she was screaming.”

Rachel was slowly getting calmer as she spoke; pushing away her tears and sniffles.  Eve listened, not saying a word, trying to register what may have happened as Rachel continued.

“She…was screaming at someone to get away from her…I was so scared.  I called in to her, but the door was locked.  She just kept screaming, telling someone to go away.  I…didn’t know what to do, so I started throwing myself into the door.  It..hurt my arm, but I finally was able to bust my way through.  I found the room…I found the room like this, with blood and puke all over the floor…Samantha was curled up in the bathtub.  She looked….terrified.  Her fingertips were dripping with blood…her blouse had been ripped open and there were puncture wounds in her stomach…”

Eve was starting to get a strange feeling about the explanation that her daughter was giving her.  Apparently, this “Samantha” had been locked in the bathroom, kicking and screaming, and somehow, got blood on her fingers and had a ripped blouse and puncture wounds in her stomach.  She looked around for a moment and noticed that the bathroom had no windows.  How could someone have come in here, hurt the girl, and left, locking her inside without passing Rachel as it happened?

“I…I was so scared, but I wanted to help her.  I looked through her medicine cabinet, and applied some medicine and bandages to her cut wounds, but she was…in bad shape.  Her breathing was all wrong…she was almost wheezing as she breathed, and it scared me.  I…I don’t want to lose her, Mom!  She’s…she’s done so much for me today.  I can’t bear to lose her!”

At this point, Rachel had worked herself back to tears and jumped into Eve’s bosom again.  Eve softly held her there for a moment, and was still in awe, confused as to how this even could have happened.  If Samantha had been screaming with Rachel just outside the door, how could she have gotten hurt like that by someone else?  Could it be possible that…she did it to herself?

Eve quickly shook her head, trying to focus.  She softly kissed Rachel on the head again and began to walk her into the bedroom.  Sitting down on the bed closest to the bathroom, she pulled Rachel off and laid her onto the bed.  She sat behind her for a moment, stroking her hair.  She smiled down at her and whispered to her once more.

“Rachel…I promise that you’re not going to lose your new friend.  I’m going to go in and see how bad she is, and get her some medicine to take care of her.  You just stay in here and rest, okay?  You’ve been through a lot today, sweetie, and you need to rest.”

Rachel slowly nodded and whimpered out a short response.  “O-okay…Mom.”

Eve smiled and lowered her head, kissing Rachel on the cheek.  “That’s my girl” she whispered as she got up and headed towards the bathroom, planning to take care of Samantha…


End Notes:

With Eve's suspicion rising, could there be eventual tension between her and Samantha?  Also, will she be able to help Samantha with her injuries?

Chapter 11 - Fixing Up Samantha by L2K7
Author's Notes:

Eve comes back into the bathroom and starts fixing up Samantha's wounds, all while her suspicion about the girl grows ever-stronger...

As Eve walked back into the bathroom to begin examining the injured Samantha, she looked back to make sure Rachel was doing what she’d asked of her.  She knew Rachel was very upset about what had happened and the last thing Rachel needed was to see more of her injured friend as her mother tended to her wounds and fixed her up.  The best thing for Rachel right now would just be to lie in bed and rest until all of this was over.  Eve smiled as she looked back and saw Rachel turning to her side and pushing her head against a pillow.

She walked into the bathroom and knelt down next to the bathtub.  The blood all over the floor sent chills up Eve’s leg as her feet and toes touched it.  She set her bag down next to the tub and pulled out a small First-Aid Kit.  She set it on the edge of the tub and then turned towards the girl.  Samantha looked terrible.  She had dry tear marks on her face, her breathing sounded like wheezing, there was blood bleeding through her blouse from the streams that had come from her cut wounds.  She was just a mess.

“Well, dear, let’s see if we can’t figure out what’s wrong with you.”

She threw on a pair of medical gloves and put a hand on the girl’s forehead, feeling the heat coming from it.  Taking a look around, she saw the damp wash cloth that Rachel had put on the girl’s forehead.  It was wrinkled up in the tub, next to her head.  Eve picked it up and realized that it was still warm and damp.  She softly set it back across the girl’s forehead and over her ears to cool her off. 

She then took two fingers and placed them over Samantha’s neck.  She closed her eyes and listened through the feeling in those fingers.  A slow, but steady heartbeat pushed against her fingers.  After waiting a moment to see if there was any inconsistency, she removed her fingers and began talking, as if Samantha were awake for this.

“Steady heartbeat, yet you’re heating up and you’ve got a big breathing problem.  I’d better check those wounds of yours and see how bad they are.”  

Reaching into the tub with both hands, Eve started to pull up the ripped blouse.  Folding it as she went, she stopped and set the rolled up piece of the blouse directly below Samantha’s chest.  Her bare belly was exposed, showing 4 small bandages and four partially dried streams of blood that came from the wounds beneath them. 

Slowly, she peeled each bandage off.  Once all four were gone, Eve tossed them into a small trash can that was nearby.  Around each wound was a large ‘stain’ of wet blood.  Looking around, Eve found another small wash cloth, lying in the bathtub.  She slowly stood up and walked over to the sink.  She ran water over it and rung it out, making sure it was damp, but not dripping everywhere. 

“This is going to hurt, dear.  I hope I don’t wake you.”

As she knelt back over by the tub, she began to wipe the cloth around and over each wound.  She wasn’t quite sure how big the actual wounds were, due to the blood stains around them, but she was to wipe with quick, soft strokes, trying to find where the wound ended so she wouldn’t agitate it too much.  With a couple wipes, she did find them.  They were roughly an inch wide and 1-2 inches apart from one another.

When she finished cleaning them off, she took a good look at them.  The wounds themselves were fairly small, yet a few things concerned Eve.  They were stab-like wounds, but the angle was a little off.  There were also scratches on her skin, which led directly into each wound.  It didn’t look like she’d been stabbed by anything; more like these four objects were digging at her from the side.  She then started to remember something she’d seen in one of her medical classes in college.  She started getting more concerned about Samantha and how these injuries came to be.

Shaking her head, she got back to what she’d been called there to do.  She dug through her bag and found some medicine to use on cut wounds.  It was some sort of cream.  Opening the lid of the bottle, she poured a good amount into her hand.  Rubbing her hands together for a moment, she spread the cream all over her and then reached into the tub, preparing to apply it to each wound. 

Rubbing in a circular motion, Eve slowly spread the white medicinal cream over each of the four cut wounds, carefully trying not to dig into the wounds themselves with her fingers, but also making a massage-like motion.  After a few minutes, she’d covered the four wounds in the cream, and stood up.  She quickly walked over to the sink and tossed her gloves into the garbage can.  Picking up another pair, she knelt down by Samantha again and started digging through her bag.

She pulled out a small box of bandages and pulled a handful out.  Opening them up, she began placing them over the creamed wounds, making sure the bandages were placed horizontally across the girl’s stomach, ensuring that they wouldn’t wear down when she would bend forward. 

“There, you’re all patched up.  Now, let’s get rid of these blood-stained clothes.”

After getting that patched up, she lifted up Samantha’s back with one arm.  With the other, she began to grip the blouse the girl had been wearing.  Slowly moving her arms, Eve slid the shirt up, past Samantha’s chest, revealing a white bra and the girl’s cleavage.  Sliding up further, the shirt slipped past her shoulders and over her head.  Once the shirt was off, Eve threw it up, towards the sink. 

Still holding onto the girl, Eve took her free hand and started digging through her bag again.  She pulled out a small towel and placed it under Samantha’s head.  Setting her down on the towel, Eve stared down at her.  Placing her hand on the girl’s chest, she tried to feel her breathing.  It was still a little inconsistent, and she started to think about what to do.  Looking up at the girl’s face, she noticed that her lips were starting to dry out.  Then, an idea hit her.

Leaving her for a moment, she opened up the cabinet above the sink, looking for something she could get some water in.  Fortunately, there was a small cup in the cabinet.  Grabbing the cup, Eve ran some water into it and walked back over to the tub.  Kneeling back down, she lowered two hands towards Samantha’s head; one with the cup, and one with nothing. 

“Take this water, dear.  It might help you feel better.”

She slowly used her free hand to part the girl’s lips and then poured a small amount of water into her mouth.  Her lips, on instinct, closed and she swallowed the fluid.  As the water was sent down her throat and into her system, her eyes began to move.  They slowly opened as she woke up from her head-thumping, to see Eve looking over her, with a cup of water in her hand.

Eve smiled down at the girl, happy that she’d woken up.  She had many questions to ask her, some about how the girl felt, and some based on the suspicions that she’d been forming in her head…   

End Notes:

With Samantha awake, how will she react to seeing Eve so close to her, and what kind of answers will she have for Eve's questions.  Lastly, how is Rachel doing? 

Chapter 12 - Rachel Leaves and Samantha Awakens by L2K7
Author's Notes:

As Rachel ponders everything going on, she decides to head off to take a walk to try to clear her mind...

Rachel lied in the bed while her mother had left to tend to Samantha.  She knew why she’d been told to rest.  It wasn’t because she was tired, or because that she needed to get her eyes shut for a few moments.  She knew that Eve didn’t want her around when she was treating Samantha.  Although she really wanted to be in there for Samantha the entire time, she minded what her mother had said and just lied on the bed, trying not to make a sound.

The events occurring were having a bad effect on poor Rachel, but she was starting to come to terms with Samantha’s condition after Eve had been working on her for a few minutes.  She had been thinking about what was said to her, that what happened wasn’t her fault.  She still blamed herself, but she felt like she could have prevented the situation had she only opened up more to Samantha.  As much as she tried to get the thoughts out of her head, they would not leave her alone.  Hearing her mother muttering to Samantha and the occasional sound of running water kept bringing the memory back to her. 

Lying there, tears began to form in her and she pushed herself up.  He sniffled as she took a deep breath and looked towards the bathroom.  She could not see inside from her current position, but she could hear Eve talking to Samantha.  She then got up and walked over towards the window of the bedroom.   Placing her hand against it, she peered outside and looked at the world outside.

Just outside the window, Rachel could see the trees by each house blowing in the wind.  Across the street were two girls, walking into the house.  Rachel watched as they walked in, holding each other’s arms as they went.  She took a deep breath as a tear started running down her cheek.  “It must be nice to have someone to walk around with…They obviously didn’t ignore each other and get them hurt…”

She turned her head and looked towards the doorway that led to the bathroom.  Walking over that way, she stopped close to the doorway, but did not actually stand in the doorway, a little afraid of looking in at Samantha.  She stood against the wall, and softly knocked on it.  As she did so, she softly spoke, calling to Eve.

“Mom? ”

Samantha had just awoken by the time Rachel had knocked against the wall.  Eve slowly set the cup of water to the side when she saw the girl waking up.  She had a lot she wanted to find out from her, and she was about to greet her when she heard Rachel softly speaking from behind her.  The voice was a little muffled, most likely traveling through a wall as it came from Rachel’s mouth to her ears. 

“R-rachel?” whimpered Samantha, recognizing the familiar voice that was nearby.  As she said so, though, Eve placed her hand on Samantha’s forehead, pushing her hair back.  “Shh…it’s okay, Samantha.  You’re going to be fine.”  She then called back to Rachel, asking her what she needed. 

“I think I’m gonna go for a walk.  Is that okay?”

“Yes, Rachel.  You go and get some fresh air.  I’ll have Samantha as good as new by the time you get back.”

Rachel then walked by the doorway and made her way to the other side of the bedroom.  She slowly walked through the hallway and the kitchen, thinking about what she had seen outside and about Samantha.  She had never really had any close friends, aside from Eve.  While she loved being around her mother, it was not the same as having a friend her own age.  She wanted to be able to walk around the neighborhood with Samantha as the two people he saw had done.

She made her way to the door and saw her shoes to the side.  She sat down for a moment, extending her legs out on the floor.  Goosebumps appeared all over the side of her leg as they touched the cold floor, but it only took a moment for her to get used to it.  Turning to the side, she grabbed her socks and began slipping them on.  The Goosebumps were disappearing as the socks covered up her feet and started warming her up.

Slipping her boots on, she picked herself up and turned to the door.  Slowly turning the knob, she opened it up, letting the wind inside.  She quickly disappeared through the doorway, making her way outside.


Samantha was lying in the bathtub, staring up at Eve’s face.  Her mind was slowly processing the information and observations she was taking in about her situation and environment.  She’d definitely heard Rachel’s voice, and the strange lady above her had responded to her.  She heard what she said, but had not realized what, exactly what it was. 

The woman was looking down at her.  As she looked up at the woman, Samantha got a sense of familiarity about her.  She could not quite put her finger on it, but she seemed familiar to her, as if she had seen her somewhere before.  She blinked and stared into the woman’s eyes.  As she stared, images started playing in her head. 

As she thought, she heard a door closing from off in the distance.  As the sound rang in her head, it created an echo.  Everything that had happened started to bounce around and replay in her head.  The knocking, muffled voices, and the door’s sound.  Rushing into her head, it finally hit her.  ‘I think I’m gonna go for a walk’ is what Rachel had said earlier and this lady had told her to do so.


Samantha’s body sprung forward as she realized that Rachel had just left the house.  Emotions and feelings were flying through her head.  She didn’t want Rachel to leave, especially after how emotional and caring she’d been earlier.  She wanted to immediately jump out of the bathroom and go find her.  As she came up,  Eve’s soft hand pushed against her chest and brought her head back down into the towel it had previously been resting against.

Eve was glad she had been taught to have quick reflexes during one of her classes in college.  When Samantha sprung up, she barely had enough time to move her hand and get her back down.  Samantha was in no condition to be walking around and she needed to rest.  Her wounds weren’t just going to go away and walking around could make them worse.

“Hey, you can’t just get up in your condition!  You need rest.”

Samantha had felt the pressure Eve put on her, but didn’t listen to what she said.  Rachel was leaving the house, and her entire body filled with fear and sadness.  She grabbed at Eve’s arm and tried to push it up.  As she did so, her stomach tightened and felt a shock of pain flowing through her.  She grunted in pain before continuing her conversation with the woman.

“But…she…she’s leaving!  I have to protect her!  I can’t let anything happen to Rachel!”

Eve immediately took in the words that came from Samantha and got a strange feeling in her gut.  The girl was concerned about Rachel being outside on her own, and that seemed strange to Eve.  They’d known each other for a whole what?  Day?  She’d heard about people getting attached quickly, but being afraid of someone walking outside for a minute seemed a little strange.  Putting the thought past her for a moment, she tried to calm the girl down.

“Listen, Samantha,” said Eve.  “I’m Rachel’s mother, Eve.  I’ve been around Rachel for her entire life.  I promise you that she will be just fine, walking down the street.  You don’t need to worry about anything but yourself right now.  You’re got a cut-up stomach and need to rest.  I also have some questions for you, pertaining to the wounds you’ve got.”

Samantha’s mind completely stopped thinking about Rachel.  Hearing that this woman, who was Rachel’s mother, wanted to ask her some questions had intrigued her mind to the point where everything else went blank.  She stopped moving around and stared up at Eve.  She thought about many things and an idea hit her.  She tried to smile and nodded.

“Alright…Eve.  What kind of…questions?”

End Notes:

With Samantha awake and the topic onto these questions that Eve has for her, how will both she and Eve cope with the reality of how her wounds came to be?

Chapter 13 - The Interrogation by L2K7
Author's Notes:

Eve brings Samantha into the bedroom and begins to ask her questions about her injury...

As Samantha stopped moving around and smiled up towards her, Eve was a little happy and curious at the same time.  The girl was so intent on resisting her grasp and going after Rachel, but after she’d told her about the questions she had for her, it was like her head just flipped a switch that told her to stop everything she was doing.  She wondered why the girl would do this, but she was glad that she had stopped.  Running around in her condition would not do her any good, even if it was to make sure her friend was safe.

She took a deep breath and slowly took her hand off Samantha’s chest.  She set it down on the edge of the bathtub and reached for the cup of water she’d set down next to her.  Bringing it into the tub, she brought the tip to Samantha’s mouth.  She nodded to her and began to ask her to drink it.

“Open your mouth and drink this.  Your breathing is a little raspy and getting some more water in your system can help clear that up.”

Samantha was thirsty at the time, and obliged with her request.  Parting her lips, she allowed Eve to pour some water into her mouth.  She felt the cold liquid coming past her lips and drench her teeth and tongue with it’s soft and smooth texture.  She swished it around in her mouth for a moment before slightly leaning her head up and swallowing.  The water traveled down her throat and her entire body felt a chill was the sensation it gave her.  She licked her lips, out of reaction, and thanked Eve.

After emptying the cup into Samantha’s mouth, Eve set it to the side and let her rest for a few minutes.  Samantha didn’t say a word, but she didn’t need to.  Her eyes were jumping back and forth between looking at the walls of the tub and looking at Eve.  She was being impatient, obviously wanting to hear about the questions Eve had for her.

Feeling that she’d had some time to rest and regain some of her strength, Eve reached down to Samantha, putting an arm under her upper back.  Pulling the girl up, she slowly pulled her from the tub.  Throwing her other arm under the legs, Eve carried Samantha out of the bathroom and set her down on the bed she’d put Rachel on earlier.  Bringing her back to the head of the bed, she put Samantha in a sitting position.

Samantha knew what was going on when Eve picked her up, but she didn’t want to stop it.  The fact that someone was caring for her like this, her new friend’s mother no less, made her feel nice.  She didn’t want to stop it from ending and was too curious as to what these questions were.  ‘What could they be?’ she thought to herself.  ‘Maybe she wants to know how I like Rachel, or maybe she wants to know what I like?  I can’t wait to hear them.’ 

As Eve let go of Samantha, she sat on the bed near her, her sitting place right next to the girl’s knees.  Looking into her eyes, she smiled towards her.  As she watched, she noticed that the girl’s breathing had change drastically.  She was longer wheezing with each breath.  She seemed to be breathing normally, her idea of using water having gotten the job done quite quickly.  The girl just looked at her, and she figured it was as good a time as any to start asking her questions.

“Alright, Samantha…I have a few questions to ask you.  I know you may not be feeling well at the moment, but as someone in the medical field, I know that I can’t figure out everything that happened to you just by examining you.  I’m sure you know this, but you’ve got 4 cut wounds on your stomach.”  She pointed towards the bandages as she finished her statement.

Samantha looked down and noticed the bandages on her stomach.  Her hand ran across them, feeling the rough texture of the bandages themselves and felt a little jolt of pain when the pressure went through and hit the cuts.  She stared down for a moment and then her eyes widened.  She realized that there was nothing covering up her belly.

“My…My blouse!  What happened to-“  Her statement was quickly interrupted by Eve planting her hand on Samantha’s leg.  She squeezed it as she tried to calm Samantha down once again.  “Don’t worry, Samantha.  Your blouse is fine.  A little ripped, but it’s fine.  I had to take it off so I could treat your wounds.  It also had blood stains all over it.  It’s in the bathroom.  We can get it washed later.”

Samantha stopped and nodded towards Eve.  She was surprised to see that her blouse was gone, but even more surprised at how much control Eve was putting towards her in this situation.  She knew exactly what to do to calm her down.  As she pondered what Eve was doing, Eve continued talking.

“Now, Samantha, how did you get those cut wounds?”

Samantha’s mind froze in place.  She wasn’t sure how she could tell this woman how the cut wounds had come into play.  Her memory on her freakout was a little fuzzy but, deep down, she knew exactly what happened.  The image of Rachel’s father had forced her to do it to herself.  He was punishing her for what she did to him so many years ago.  As she collected her thoughts, she tried to think of a lie, but Eve started speaking again before she had the chance.

“Think, Samantha.  I know you can remember what happened.  You were screaming about someone.  Rachel told me about the blood she found on your fingertips.  I want you to be completely honest with me.  Did you make those cuts yourself?  Did you get angry and inflict pain onto your own body?”

Samantha started to sweat as she listened to Eve’s words.  It was as if the woman knew exactly what was going on.  Samantha knew that she’d inflicted those on herself, and Eve knew it too.  She wanted to keep the truth from Eve as long as possible, though.  Were Rachel to find out about this, she might not like her anymore and move away.

“I…uh….” Whimpered Samantha, at a loss for words.  As if she was trying to make Samantha’s situation even worse, Eve nodded her head, got a frown-like smirk on her face, and replied with “Yeah, I thought so.”

Samantha, out of desperation, immediately spoke up.  She wanted to maintain her friendship with Rachel, no matter what.  “P…Please!  Don’t tell Rachel!  I…I want to get to know her and spend time with her.  I want her to love me as a good friend, just like I love her!”

Eve was shocked at what she’d just heard.  Not only was the girl admitting that she’d intentionally stabbed herself with her own fingers, but now she wanted her to keep this kind of information from her own daughter.  It would be downright insane to not tell Rachel about it, no matter who you were.  The fact that Eve was Rachel’s mother made her feel even stronger about the subject.  This girl had to be a nutter butter to even suggest this.

“Are you…serious?  You expect me to come over here, hear you admit that you got upset about something and intentionally stab your own body, and not say anything about it?  Do you honestly believe that I’m going to even let you near my daughter again after this?”

Something flipped in Samantha’s head at that moment.  A tiny flame was burning inside of her.  The fears and worries of never seeing Rachel again destroyed all of the logic in Samantha’s brain at that moment.  She sat there, silent, and threw an icy stare towards Eve.  Pushing her to the side, she got herself out of bed, and stood in front of Eve.  At this point, Eve’s head (while sitting on the bed) was up to Samantha’s shoulders.  Looking down at the woman, her stare continued as the flame slowly grew stronger.

“You…won’t take her from me” she said, in a quick, deep voice.  A chill went through Eve’s body as she heard it.  This girl’s mood had completely changed.  She went from a weak, injured girl to an angry, upset girl. 

Samantha looked down at Eve, realizing what the woman represented.  ‘This woman is a threat to our love’ she thought, still looking down, trying to intimidate Eve… 


End Notes:

Eve's suspicion is out and Samantha is angry, realizing that Eve is a threat to her relationship with Rachel.  What will Eve do in response to her sudden act of attempted intimidation? 

Chapter 14 - Samantha's Secret by L2K7
Author's Notes:

Eve talks back to Samantha and proceeds to make her way out of the house, oblivious of what Samantha has in store for her...

Eve was surprised at Samantha’s sudden change in mood.  She was acting so weak and helpless a moment before.  However, once she’d been told that Eve wasn’t going to let her see Rachel again after the stunt she’d pulled, the girl completely changed.  She comfortably moved herself out of the bed and positioned herself above Eve, trying to intimidate her.  She had an icy stare and directly told her that she wouldn’t be taking Rachel away from her.

“Excuse me?” replied Eve, a little shocked at what had just happened.  “You do not own my daughter, Samantha.  I am her mother.  It is my job to do anything and everything I must to ensure that she stays safe from harm’s way.  Staying here with someone like you will only get her hurt.  I am responsible for stopping that hurting from happening.”

Samantha, not liking anything that Eve was saying, immediately put her hands on Eve’s shoulders, shoving her onto her back.  She walked to the edge of the bed and looked down at her face.  “I love Rachel, and nothing will come between us.  You do not know who she is, or what she wants.  Only I do.  I am the important one here.  You are sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong and I will do anything I must to get you out of her life.”

Eve slowly picked herself and looked at Samantha, who stood directly in front of her, still a little taller in comparison.  A flame began to grow inside Eve as well.  This girl was a menace to her daughter.  She knew what she had to do.  She had to immediately leave this place, find her daughter, and go back home, where they would be safe.  The girl had to be crazy to say the things she said.  Before she could get out a response and move away, Samantha started speaking again.

“But…no.  You will be useful.  You will stay here with me, and you will help me get close to your daughter.  You know things about her that I don’t.  Yes…it’s perfect.  You will live here, as my little secret, and will help me do everything I need to do in order for Rachel to fall in love with me.  You will cower beneath the tall and important one here.”

Eve was getting a little scared at what was being said to her.  Samantha was clearly psychotic.  Although she was getting scared, she kept a straight face, so the girl wouldn’t be able to see the fear that she was feeling.  She started chuckling as she thought about the things that were being said.

“You’re the tall one, huh?  Well, I think there’s something you forgot about, my dear.”

As Eve finished her statement, she stood up off the bed, raising to her full height of 6’2, bringing Samantha up to her chin.  Samantha looked up at her and her head started shaking as her gaze and attitude became worse.  She had not realized how tall Eve truly was.  Now she was the towering one and Samantha was the shorty.  Eve looked down at her and glared into her eyes.  She then called down to Samantha.

“Listen to me, you little bitch.  You are not going near my daughter.  I am going to leave, pick up Rachel, and we will go someplace where you and your psychotic mind will never be able to find her.  If you think I’m going to stay here and help force my own daughter closer to you, then you’re even stupider than you look.  I will never submit to someone like you.”

Eve then shoved Samantha into the night stand next to the bed, showcasing how very far from ‘weak’ she really was.  The girl crashed into it as it fell over, spilling the contents of the drawers onto the floor below.  Eve then began to slowly walk away, towards the hallway.  “Goodbye, Samantha.  Consider yourself lucky that I don’t just kill you right here for making those threats towards me and my daughter.”

Samantha was full of pain as she was thrown into her night stand.  The moment of sitting on the ground, having multiple objects falling out of the drawers and around her made her think about a lot of things.  ‘This woman…she…she’s refusing to help me.  No one refuses to help me.  She will…she will be my slave.  She has to.  I’m the supreme being here, not her.  I deserve to have everything I want….I have the power to reverse this situation.  I have the power to stop her, and I will.”

Samantha looked into her lap as she refocused in reality.  Eve was walking away and, in Samantha’s lap, a small device had fallen from the drawer.  She picked it up and clenched it in her fist.  She smiled down at the device, which was square, had two functions on it, one with the word “Mn” and one with the word “Gr”.  As she stared down at it, she started laughing.  “Yes…now you will obey me.  I will show you how powerless you really are!”

Eve heard everything the girl had said and started walking faster.  She didn’t know what was going on in that psycho’s head, and she didn’t want to know.  All that was on her mind was getting out of the house and finding her daughter as soon as she could.  She started walking faster, through the hallway and into the kitchen.

Samantha quickly got to her feet and, although in pain from her injury, set her mind on Eve.  With the device held out in front of her and her thumb over the “Mn” function, she started running after the woman she’d set her sights on.  Turning the corner in the hall, she tried to aim the device at Eve, and hit the button.  A bright flash of light flew from the device, but at the last second, her hand had shifted when a surge of pain hit her from her wounds.

Eve stopped when she saw a bright flash of light coming from behind her.  She turned to where the light went and screamed when she saw the kitchen table next to her.  Her eyes grew wide as she saw the table.  It was doing something, but what she saw could not be possible.  It was…shrinking!  Her hands began to tremble as she saw the table descending down until the entire thing was no more than a few inches tall.

She turned her head, hands still shaking, to see a smiling and laughing Samantha next to her.  Eve was too afraid to move at the moment, not believing what she’d just seen.  “You…the table…but…how!?” asked Eve, now seeing the device in Samantha’s hand, which she pointed towards her. 

“Now you know, poor woman, how powerless you are.  No one can refuse me.  You will soon be a tiny insect, groveling before my gigantic and towering body.  You will be my personal slave, and I will be your master.”

Eve’s mind was filled with fear, but nor for her…She was deathly afraid for Rachel.  Were she to get on Samantha’s bad side, she could be shrunk to the size of a toy and kept with this psychotic girl.  If Samantha punctured her own skin when she got upset, she couldn’t fathom what would happen if Rachel were to upset her.  She had to get out of this place immediately and get her daughter to safety.

“A…Ah….AHHH!” screamed Eve as she sprinted off, out of the kitchen and into the living room.  Samantha grinned and walked after her.  She was waiting for the device to recharge, so she couldn’t fire it on her at that moment.  She knew exactly where Eve was going, though, and it would turn out perfect for her. 

Eve was starting to sweat as she ran through the living room.  She tried to stop and turn towards the door, but everything shook when she shifted her foot and she fell over on the ground.  Sliding, she crashed into a table, causing books and coasters to fall on top of her.  She shook her head and tried to get up.  Looking off in the distance, she saw Samantha approaching, slowly, with an evil grin on her face.

“N-NOOO!” screamed Eve as she threw herself up and plastered herself into the wall next to the door.  Her legs were shaking at this point, in great fear of what was coming for both her and her daughter.  She stared at the psychotic girl, her trembling hand grabbing the doorknob and forcing the door open.  As she finally got it open, she stumbled outside and tripped on the stairs.  She tumbled down the stairs, causing a lot of scraped in her legs and arms. 

Throwing herself up again, she ran to her car.  Getting around to the driver’s side, she opened the door and threw herself in.  Slamming the door shut and immediately locking the doors and windows, she fumbled around to find her keys.  Her hands were shaking as they cycled through her pockets.  Before she found her keys, though, she looked outside and could see Samantha slowly walking towards her, as if she knew she could take her time.  This made Eve’s entire body shake.  Finally, she found the keys and thrust them into the ignition. 

The car immediately started up and Eve closed her eyes and lowered her head into her hand, not noticing the bright flash of that that was enveloping the car. 

Bringing her head back up, she prepared to go after her daughter when she felt something through the car.  Her entire body shivered as she felt an abnormally violent shake coming from the ground.  Through her ears came an intense quake-like noise.  As it happened, the windshield cracked.  She gasped as she looked out her window.  Nothing looked the same.  She was on an enormous black field and to the side was a huge concrete wall. 

The quake happened again as an enormous peach-colored object slammed down in front of the car.  Every window of the car immediately shattered as it came down, and a rush of hot wind blew into the car.  Eve covered herself up to protect her face as the shower of glass flew in.  She could feel cuts forming all over her arms and started crying from the pain.  As it ended, she opened her eyes and screamed at what she saw…

End Notes:

What is this enormous object that has crashed down in front of Eve's car?  What fate awaits her and Rachel?

Chapter 15 - Cowering Before a Goddess by L2K7
Author's Notes:

Eve comes to a terrible realization as Samantha towers over her and her now toy-sized car.  Her fear rises as the girl begins to toy with her and demonstrate her power...

Eve was terrified at everything that had just happened to her.  As she removed her arms from her face, she could feel pain all over.  The glass from the broken windshield had cut at her in several places.  There were small tingles of pain all over her body, but that pain would soon prove to be miniscule compared to the fear she’d soon be experiencing. 

The ground had calmed from the quake that Eve had just experienced.  Eve sat, shivering, in her car, still running, and looked before her.  The enormous pink object was sitting in front of her.  Her eyes widened as she saw it move again.  It turned, causing a ripping sound in the ground beneath her.  As it turned, she noticed 5 long digits coming out from each one.  As she tried to keep her head still, she finally realized what they were.

“Oh, my god...”

The fear was skyrocketing at what she saw.  In front of her, larger than her own car, was a gigantic foot.  Shaking as she leaned forward and looked up, out of the windshield, she was filled with an icy chill of terror.  Far above her towered Samantha, who looked down at her with an evil grin.  The wicked girl laughed at the terror she’d instilled on the poor woman, her utter fear bringing delight to her heart.

“Well, well, well.”

Samantha’s voice boomed down at Eve like a loudspeaker.  Her hands were immediately thrown over her ears to shield her head from the thundering voice from above.  Although covered, the voice sounded like an echoed shout.  She started shivering worse as she tried to cope with her situation.  As the voice stopped, Eve looked forward and up at Samantha again.  Her exact height couldn’t be certain, but she looked at least 100 feet tall in comparison, perhaps even 150.  She cowered in her car as Samantha’s thunderous voice boomed down to her again.

“What do we have here?  Someone left their little car at my feet.”

Samantha then rose her foot slightly and patted it back down on the ground in front of Eve’s car.  A rush of wind blew in through the hole that once held the windshield.  Eve’s was blown from her leaned position and pushed against the back of her seat.  The impact had knocked the wind out of her and as she hit, the glass stuck in her arm fell out, throwing around a collection of stings across her body.

Her body was filling up with chills and pains.  Her eyes started to tear up as she realized her situation.  A mere step from Samantha had shaken the ground beneath her and her voice boomed down to her.  For all intents and purposes, Eve may as well have been a small toy, sitting inside a model car.  She tried to move back down into a cowering position, but a wave of hot air blew in towards her, as Samantha wiggled her toes.

With the hot air came a powerful odor.  A wave of sour, foot-stench flew through the window.  The smell enveloped the entire car, causing a disgusting aura all around Eve.  The odor immediately made Eve cover up her mouth, coughing and wheezing from the smell.  She knew the smell of a foot could smell bad, but when the foot was exponentially larger than you’re used to, it was downright unpleasant.  It was like jumping into a dump truck, filled with smelly, dirty socks.  Her eyes were watering further from the smell as she tried to keep as much of it out of her system as she could.

Samantha looked down and saw her victim’s plight and her grin immediately turned sour.  She enjoyed her torment, but was enraged at her displeasure with the smell she was offering her.  She immediately rose her foot into the air and slammed it into the ground in front of the car.  A powerful wind blew at the car, knocking it back a few inches as she called down to her again, angry.

“What’s wrong?  You don’t appreciate the wonderful smell your goddess is providing you with?”

Eve was scared stiff from rushing wind from Samantha’s foot.  As it slammed into the ground, it created a deafening quake and blew strong enough to move the car back what seemed like several feet.  Her hands quivered with fear as she heard what Samantha had boomed down towards her, called herself a goddess.  As much as she would hate to admit it, Eve knew that, for the moment, Samantha was right.  Compared to her, Samantha had the position and power of a goddess, in every sense of the word.

She knew there was no way out of this scenario.  Even if she tried to drive away, a single step for Samantha could easily halt the car from moving.  She lowered her head and prepared to leave the car, but before she could, her hands slammed up to her ears as the booming voice made itself apparent once again.

“Since you don’t seem to appreciate the smell and power of your goddess, then perhaps you and your little car should get more familiar with her.  I’ve always loved toying with model cars and stepping all over them.”

Eve gasped at her statement, knowing exactly what was coming.  She struggled to get out of the car, yanking and yanking on the handle.  The car, of course, was locked.  Too terror-struck to remember that the windows had all been shattered, he desperately reached for the manual lock.  She reached on it and yanked, trying to pull it up, but it immediately snapped.  She fell back onto the middle console with the broken lock, screaming as she realized she wouldn’t be getting the lock open.  From the corner of her eye, she saw the enormous foot that stood in front of the car begin to move.

It came up and left sight as Eve sat there, frozen in fear.  She expected it to have moved forward and push on the car, but it didn’t.  From above her head, outside the passenger’s side of the car, she felt a quake from Samantha’s steps.  The tremor shook Eve’s being, causing her to curl into a ball, shivering and rocking herself.  She’d always been known to be headstrong, but everything about this scenario was terrifying. 

  Samantha smiled as she saw Eve’s cowering figure in the car as she carefully stepped around it until she stood behind it.  She had a lot of fun planned for the tiny woman, and she was about to have her first true amount of fun.  After getting situated, she lifted her left foot into the air and hovered it high over the car.  She kept it there for a moment, and called down to Eve.  As she called down to her, she slowly descended her long, soft foot towards the tiny car below.

“How does it look from down there, tiny one?  Why not take a look through your car’s cute little sunroof?  I hope you’re prepared to get a nice view of my foot!”

Eve shook more violently as the booming voice spoke down to her, belittling her, and teasing her about her fate.  After seeing an enormous shadow filtering out the light that was once in the car, she began to listen to what was told to her.  She looked up, just as Samantha had asked, and looked through her sunroof.  Screaming at the sight, she saw Samantha’s gigantic foot, descending down towards the car.  Too scared to move, she just widened her eyes and started whimpering and tearing up.

She couldn’t move at all as she watched the foot descending down towards the car.  As it got closer and closer, the disgusting, sour odor made itself apparent once again.  Eve started coughing and wheezing, her lungs unable to handle so much of the putrid smell.  She couldn’t keep her eyes open as she coughed, but as she finished and covered her mouth, she screamed as she saw the foot finally coming down and about to press against the car…

End Notes:

With Samantha's foot approaching, will the car, and Eve, be able to take the pressure, or will they both be flattened like a small toy under the goddess-like woman's bare foot?

Chapter 16 - Car Play and Submission by L2K7
Author's Notes:

Samantha torments Eve further as she plays with her car as if it were a small toy...

Samantha smiled with delight at the screaming she heard from the tiny car that was below her foot.  She felt a rush at the power she now had over this woman.  Eve, who once towered over Samantha, was now nothing more than a lowly insect, trapped inside a toy-like car.  She controlled Eve’s fate.  She could do anything she wanted with her, and she knew it.  She softly pressed her foot against the car, the ball pressing against the front-roof of it and she rested it there, feeling it slowly pushing down from under her weight.

Eve had been in mid-scream when the foot planted itself on top of the car.  With a terror-stricken face, Eve’s head started spinning when she heard the sound she knew was coming, but dreaded with a passion.  The entire roof of the car started creaking and compressing from the weight Samantha’s foot was putting on it.  Eve’s eyes instinctively bolted open when she heard the sound and widened as she saw what little she could.  No light was coming in from above, but only from the sides and the windshield area.

As she ended her scream, she gasped for air, only to breath in a mouthful of the putrid stench that came from Samantha’s feet.  She coughed further and further, the stench filling up her body and making her nauseous.  When she thought her situation couldn’t get any worse, Eve realized that Samantha had far more interesting plans for her, rather than just stepping on the car.  Eve was about to go for a terrifying car ride.

Samantha, wiggling her toes as her foot rested on the car, decided that she’d have a little fun with the little car she’d acquired before demolishing it.  The tiny woman inside had barely said a word to her, but that was fine with her.  She knew that Eve would submit to her, but she wanted to have some fun with her first.  Putting a little more pressured on the car’s roof, she began sliding her foot forward.  As she did so, the car was pushed forward with it, several inches to the front. 

As Eve watched and heard the sound of bending metal above her, she was soon forced of her current position.  With a show of absolute force, the giant foot that sat only a few feet above her slid the car forward, sending her rolling and hurtling against both of the front-side chairs.  She tried to reach for something as she moved, but all she was able to reach was the level for the seat.  Unable to control her grip, the lever came up and the passenger’s front seat’s back went to a laying position.  Eve’s body twisted as she was thrown against it, twisting around and landing on only the passenger seat, laying on it, whimpering.

Samantha could hear some slight screams and whimpering coming from Eve’s tumble in the car, and she started to laugh.  Causing this poor woman torment was bringing nothing but joy and happiness to Samantha.  ‘This is what you get for refusing me, you poor fool,’ she thought to herself, knowing that the woman deserved every bit of the punishment she was getting for daring to deny Samantha what was rightfully hers.  To further her torment, she slid her foot backward, bringing the car back to its original position.

Eve’s nausea had been building up from both the smell that Samantha’s stinky foot was filtering into the car along with the tumble into the other chair.  Blood was rushing all over her body as the cuts she’d received from the windshield were all stinging at the same time.  She felt like she was being tortured to death, and all she could do was whimper and cry.  As she lied there, in pain, the car began to move again.

With Samantha’s foot moving the car backwards, Eve was tumbled and sent flying forward, her gut slamming into the dashboard.  Blood was forced out of Eve’s mouth as she couched from the impact and her face fell into the top of the dash, right in front of where the windshield used to be.  She was starting to lose sight of everything going on, the pain and the nausea overtaking her mind.  But, as if Fate deemed her unworthy of losing consciousness and not being aware of her further torment, she was bolted awake as she flew into the back of the car as it slid forward again.

Time and time again, Eve was tossed back and forth in the car, each impact bruising her body and giving her enough pain to force her to stay awake.  Far above her, Samantha was laughing, enjoying the torment she was instilling, and having fun sliding her little toy car back and forth on the road.  As she was pulling the car back, however, she noticed something in front of it.  Among the tossing, she’d thrown Eve out the front windshield of the car, landing on the road directly in front of it and her foot.

Eve’s entire world spun as she was flung out of the car and hit the hood of the car.  Her wounds screamed as she rolled on the car, which was moving backwards at the time, forcing her off of it and onto the pavement below.  She fell and hit the pavement with a thud, still rolling slightly, scratching up the parts of her arms and legs that weren’t already cut from the windshield’s glass.  She shook as she hit the ground, but as the smell of Samantha’s foot weakened, she began to get a better grip on reality.

Her body was aching all over, but she put her hands to the ground and tried to push herself up.  Bruises and cuts were spread all over her body, but nothing seemed to be broken.  She got to her feet, but immediately fell back down as she saw Samantha towering over her.  Her foot had left the car and planted itself directly in front of Eve, knocking her off her feet.  Eve stared up, shivering all over as the girl called down to her.

“Well, it’s about time you decided to get out of the car and take a good look at your new goddess.”

Her words pierced Eve’s spirit.  She wanted to cover her ears, but she just didn’t have the strength to raise her arms past the fear she was experiencing.  She wanted to resist, but all she could do was stare up and witness the incredible stature and power that Samantha now held over her.  Not long before, she’d towered over Samantha by a good 10 inches, and now Samantha towered over her like a goddess.

 As she was pondering all of this, Samantha began to move again.  Moving her foot forward, she nudged Eve with her toe, now almost 2 feet long to her, knocked her on the ground.  She then planted her toes directly in front of Eve’s body and spoke down to her.

“Now you know your position, Eve.  You know what I am, and what I can do.  You should not resist me anymore.  If I wanted to, I could do the same to Rachel.  I could keep and love her forever, as my tiny pet.  Now, I know you wouldn’t want that, now would you?”

The nerve had been struck in Eve.  The crazed goddess-like girl was threatening to put Eve’s daughter through the same torture that she’d just been through.  A wave of energy flew through her body, and she screamed up at Samantha.

“N-No!  Please!  Don’t do that to my little Rachel!  She doesn’t deserve this!”

Samantha grinned as she saw the fear and concern Eve was showing for her daughter.  She had the woman trapped, and she knew it.  She called down with one last statement to seal her fate.  “Oh, I’m afraid I’ll have to, unless you do as I ask.  Kneel before me as your goddess.  Become my personal slave and help me get closer to Rachel, or she will meet the same fate that has befallen you.”

Eve was scared stiff at the thought of what Samantha was proposing, but she knew what she had to do.  She knew she had no other choice.  Standing up, she approached Samantha’s foot.  Falling to her knees and bowing down to the toes before her, she called up to her again.  “A…As you wish, Goddess…”   

End Notes:

Now that Eve has submitted to Samantha, will Rachel truly be safe, or will Samantha go back on her word at some point and shrink Rachel as well?

Chapter 17 - Riding Into the House by L2K7
Author's Notes:

Eve witnesses the end of her poor car and gets a ride into the house with her new master...

Eve was still quivering and shaking from so many things as she dropped to her knees and bowed before Samantha’s foot.  She had cuts all over her arms from the windshield glass, bruises along her torso and face from her ride in the car, and her spirit had been completely shot down by the entire situation.  She’d been reduced to the size of a small doll and her captor was threatening to do the same to her daughter if she didn’t submit to her. 

Her mind had been set, though.  She knew that the only way she could protect her daughter from sharing her fate was to submit.  She had to do as Samantha asked and become her personal slave.  At the very least, she knew that the girl needed her.  As long as she complied and Samantha needed help in getting close to Rachel, Eve was sure that her life would be spare.  She stayed down, awaiting the reply from her new goddess.

Samantha was pleased at Eve’s compliance with her wishes.  She knew all along that she could get anyone, even someone strong-willed like Eve, to submit to her with a little shaking around, so to speak.  As the tiny woman dropped to her knees and bowed before her feet, referring to Samantha as “Goddess”, Samantha giggled to herself and smiled.  Looking down towards her new slave, she prepared to make another showing of her power as she welcomed Eve to life as her slave.

“Very good, my tiny little slave.  You’ve made your first correct choice of the day.  Since you’re going to live with me, you will have no need for that silly little car.  Why don’t we just get rid of it?”

Eve slowly looked up as she saw a flash of light nearby and took a look to the side.  She gasped as she saw her car, now half the size it was before.  Before she could say or do anything, Samantha began to rise up her foot and hover it over the car itself.  Eve covered her ears and closed her eyes as she saw the foot quickly coming down.  An immensely loud sound of crushing metal came from the direction of the car.   Eve’s head was shaking at the thought of what was happening. 

Before Eve could open her eyes after the sound had stopped, she felt a rush of pain as the something pinched on her stomach.  As if two poles were pushing against her, she was firmly pushed upon.  Adding onto that, there was pressure on her back, her upper legs, and the front of her stomach.  A rush of air pushed down against her as she finally opened her eyes and realized what was going on.  There was a set of fingers wrapped around her body and she was being lifted into the air.

She screamed as she looked over to the side and saw the ground, seemingly 50 feet below.  Looking back up, she saw that she was level with Samantha’s bare stomach and slowly ascending higher.  As she passed her bellybutton, Eve realized that it alone must have been the size of her entire head.  She looked up, trying to shake in fear of how enormous Samantha had become in comparison and from the pain she experienced as the fingers were pressing against her wounds.  As she tried to shake, though, her body refused to move.  The hold Samantha’s fingers on her were tight enough to keep her body from moving. 

As she finally came up to Samantha’s face, Eve nearly gasped.  Her mouth was nearly as wide as she was tall.  The sheer sight in Samantha’s size was more overwhelming close up than it was from the ground.  Samantha was smiling as the shock Eve was going through and waited a moment or two to let the poor woman take in everything around her.  After the moment was up, she began to speak to her again. 

“Let’s go back inside, slave.  You’re a mess and we need to get you cleaned up”

Samantha then turned and began to walk back towards the house, her hand and Eve directly in front of her chest.  As Eve rode in her hand, there were stinging pains all over her arms as the fingers keeping her in place were agitating her cut wounds.  There was a lot of wind blowing against her back as the titanic girl walked towards the house.  With each footstep came a distant quake-like noise, showing that even a casual step from Samantha could cause the ground to shake from Eve’s perspective.

As they entered the house, Eve closed her eyes to think.  She was very skeptical as to what Samantha had planned for her.  She had told her that she wanted to get her cleaned up, but it didn’t seem right.  Eve had thought about everything Samantha had done up to this point.  She’d shrunk her, tossed her around, causing all kinds of cuts and bruises, and even humiliated her to the point of forcing her to bow down to her as some sort of goddess.  The idea of her “getting her cleaned up” just didn’t add up.  Why would the girl be so cruel to her, and then be nice and help clean her up.

   As the quakes finally came to a stop and everything seemed still, Eve opened her eye to take a look around.  Being forced not to shake and keeping her eyes shut had helped suppress some of her fear, but it all came back as she opened her eyes and saw Samantha’s face before her.  She gasped and tried to close her eyes, but Samantha quickly called to her, her voice ringing in Eve’s ears, telling her to keep her eyes open.  Not wanting to upset the woman, Eve kept her eyes open as much as she could.  The two traded gazes as Samantha uncurled her fingers and tilted her hand backwards, letting Eve lie down on her back and rest in her palm. 

As Eve was lying in Samantha’s palm, her body started to shake again as the woman’s face came closer.  Samantha’s head tilted and looked at various part of Eve, studying her.  Eve stayed as still as she could, afraid of what the crazed woman had planned for her.  After a few minutes of looking, Samantha rose her head away and smiled down to Eve, an idea in her head.  She extended her fingers until her entire hand was flat and held out in front of her chest.  She called down to the woman, snickering.

“Alright, get up and stand in my palm.”

Slowly, Eve pushed herself up into a standing position, grunting from the pain of using her cut arms.  Her right eye shut from the shock of the pain, and soon, she was standing straight up.  Opening the eye back up, she covered her ears with her hands and looked up to Samantha, her legs shaking as she awaited what would happen next.  Soon enough, Samantha called back down to her with an order that pierced the very being of Eve and made her question what this woman really had planned for her.

“Good.  Now, take your clothes off.”

End Notes:

What is Samantha plotting?  How will Eve react to this very direct and awkward question?

Chapter 18 - Stripping and Licking by L2K7
Author's Notes:

As Eve unwillingly takes her clothes off, she wonders what kind of plans Samantha has in store for her...

There it was.  The ulterior motive was revealed.  The bomb finally fell.  Eve now understood the reasoning behind Samantha’s sudden change from the cruel behavior from before.  That one statement had pierced her very soul and sent chills down her spine, as if she weren’t shaking enough, in fear of her captor.  The girl who called herself a goddess had said it.  The goddess who she had pledged loyalty to had just asked her to take her clothes off.

The very thought of stripping in this girl’s hand was impossibly embarrassing to Eve.  Not only would she be naked in the house where her daughter lived, but who knew what Samantha had in store for her.  She said she wanted to ‘clean her up’, but why would they not be in the bathroom or some place with cleaning supplies for that?  They were in the middle of the living room, next to the couch.  Eve’s hands began shaking as Samantha called down to her, upset with her indecisiveness.

“Your goddess said ‘Take your clothes off’!  If you don’t start stripping for me right now, I will rip them off myself!”

As a reaction to the fear Eve had currently felt, her hands immediately moved to her jacket and began pulling it off.  She had to tug on it for awhile, but she eventually got it off, dropping it onto the palm flesh behind her as she stared up into Samantha’s eyes.  Still watching, she quickly brought her arms together and unhooked her watch and bracelets, throwing them down behind her, where the jacket was.  As she watched, she saw a smile come across Samantha’s face.

“That’s a good pet.  Strip everything away so I can get a good look at you and your tiny, little body.”

Eve was getting more scared as the seconds passed, not even wishing to think about what this girl had in mind for her.  She wanted to stop and refuse to take her clothes off, but she knew that if she did, Samantha would rip the clothes off herself, which would not feel too pleasant.  The next thing she did was unbuttoning her scrub top, revealing her curved bare belly and her breasts, covered with a white bra.  As the top hit the other clothes that had been taken off, she heard more commentary from Samantha.

“Ooh, you’re got a cute little figure.  I can’t wait to see what it looks like completely bare, hehe.”

Eve’s mind was screaming at her for what she was doing.  So many thoughts were going through her mind as her legs shook and she proceeded to slide her scrub pants down and off, revealing a white pair of panties and her bare legs.  As she finished taking them off, she looked down and saw how badly she’d been hurt earlier.  She gasped when she saw all the cut marks all over her arms and the bruised along her stomach.  She started to tear up as the memories of the car-beating came back into her head.  Trying to keep the thoughts out, she looked up to Samantha and nodded, having stripped down to her bra and panties.

Samantha smiled and started laughing as she saw Eve standing in her palm, stripped down to nothing but her bra and panties.  She was enjoying the torment and embarrassment that was going through the woman she’d taken as her captive.  She also knew that if she was this embarrassed so far, that she’d be enjoying Eve’s torment even more in just a moment.  Calling down to her again, she began to speak, making Eve aware of what she really meant.

“What are you nodding at me for, slave?  You still have clothes on.  You’re my slave now.  Only goddesses are deserving of wearing clothing.”  She sighed for a moment and got an evil grin on her face.  “Oh well.  I guess I’m going to have to get the rest off myself!”

Eve’s face went completely red and her body immediately went ice-cold.  She looked around and started to scream as Samantha’s fingers uncurled and pushed against her, knocking her over and rolling her onto her belly.  The girl reached down and slipped her fingernails onto the straps on the back of Eve’s bra. 

“Oh, look at this here.  These straps have got to go.  Maybe I should just tug on them a little.”

Samantha gentle tugged on the tiny straps, pulled Eve’s bra tightly against her chest.  The poor Eve screamed out from the pain she felt from having her bra forcibly putting pressure on her breasts.  Her arms flailed around as Samantha continued.  Tears were running down her cheeks and pain was flying through her chest as Samantha played around with the straps.  Eventually, the straps broke, sending their remains falling down, level with Eve’s chest.

Eve laid there, her entire body shaking and her eyes widened at the thought of what she’d just been through.  She whimpered and tears continued running down her face as she felt her bra straps loosened.  She couldn’t handle the pressure and nature of Samantha forcibly playing with her in this way.  She couldn’t move at all.  Before long, Samantha’s fingers moved again, bringing Eve to a laying position on her back this time and making the bra fall off, revealing her soft breasts.

She looked up at was frightened by Samantha, who maintained that evil grin she’d had during this entire ordeal.  She didn’t say a word, and didn’t have to.  Her fingers descended towards Eve again, aiming for the only piece of clothing left, her panties.  Still in shock, she did nothing but watch as the gigantic fingernails dug under her panties, scratching at her side, before slowly sliding them down her legs, revealing her crotch.  As the panties finally left and were tossed to the side, Samantha looked back down at her.

With a lustful look in her eyes, Samantha lowered her face down to Eve’s position.  Her smile widened as she eyes Eve’s completely naked form.  After a few moments, she smiled and then closed her fist around the woman again.  As she restrained her, she sat down on the couch, moving to a laying position.  After a few moments, she let a few fingers uncurl, holding Eve up with only two fingers, around her stomach.

“Now that we’ve got you cute and naked, it’s time for to start cleaning you up.”

As Samantha spoke those words, to Eve, she slowly licked her lips.  Eve started getting scared, realizing that if Samantha was going to clean her, it would not be done with soap and water.  As she had feared, she began to slowly descend towards Samantha’s lips.  They soon parted, and out came an enormous tongue, nearly as big as Eve’s entire body.  Her eyes widened as the tongue began to slither around her feet and legs, drenching them with saliva.  She whimpered as she felt it and she closed her eyes, trying to keep out as much of this event as she could. 

After a few moments, however, her eyes bolted open.  The tongue had given her a wet feeling all the way up her legs, but she immediately felt a rubbing sensation on her vaginal lips as Samantha’s tongue kept moving upwards.  As she looked at Samantha, her face had gone red, realizing that the tongue had just passed over her crotch, causing a slightly arousing sensation.  Samantha, who had retracted her tongue after reaching that area, smiled down at her, licking her lips again.  Her eyes began to fill with lust, and Eve started getting scared.

“N-No!  Please…not that!”

Samantha’s smile widened just before her lips parted again, and her tongue came up to her and forcefully pressed against her crotch again.  Eve’s face immediately went red and started screaming at what was about to happen…

End Notes:

Eve cries out as Samantha's tongue begins to rape her, but will anyone hear her cries?  Or will Samantha merely have her way with her new toy?

Chapter 19 - Tongue Rape and Passing Out by L2K7
Author's Notes:

Eve screams out in pain as she is raped by Samantha's smooth, soft tongue, crying out for her daughter to help her...

Eve screamed and cried out in agony as Samantha’s long, moist tongue began to push on her vaginal areas.  A strong feeling of arousal swept through Eve’s body as the tongue rubbing across her private areas.  She felt some slight pleasure, but at the same time, she was in great, emotional pain.  She couldn’t even fathom the despair that was running through her head as Samantha’s tongue began to rape her.

“N-No…Please…Please stop!”

Eve’s cries fell on deaf ears, but Samantha enjoyed hearing them.  She retracted her tongue for a moment and took a look at Eve’s tear-struck face.  She smiled with an evil grin on her face and began calling down to the tiny woman.  “That’s right, slave.  Cry out to the world.  Cry out in pain.  Try as you might, no one is coming to your rescue.  I own you now, and therefore, you are now my personal toy.  You will take the pleasure I am handing out to you this moment, and you will take it thankfully.”

Samantha then used her thumb to part Eve’s legs and she pulled out her tongue again to continue massaging and licking the tiny woman’s vaginal area.  The screaming continued as much as the licking did, and it brought great joy to Samantha’s heart.  She enjoyed listening to her victim screaming and begging for mercy.  She felt powerful and special as she continued raping the poor woman.

After a few moments, Samantha started pulling Eve’s body closer towards her face.  Retracting her tongue, she stuck Eve’s vaginal area against both of her huge lips.  As they impact the woman’s stomach and crotch she began to pucker them and kiss, moving her tongue around as she did so.  Eve’s fears and feelings grew ever-stronger as her torment continued, screaming and calling for her daughter to come back and save her from this torture.

Soon enough, Eve couldn’t speak anymore.  She could feel her climax coming and a million thoughts were rolling in her head.  ‘Oh, no’ she thought.  ‘It’s…really happening.  She’s really going to do this to me…Nooo!’  She whimpered and let out a high-pitched scream as she came, filtering an assortment of juices into Samantha’s mouth.  The girl immediately sucked deeper on Eve’s body, bringing all of the juices into her lips and slowly moved Eve away. 

She swished them around in her mouth for awhile, as if she were taking some mouth wash.  Tilting her head up, she swallowed it all, and let out a soft moan.  Taking her hand, she started rubbing her bare belly and looked down at Eve.  “Oh, little one…Your little juices are so sweet to my mouth.  They were much better than I expected them to be.  I may have to make this a daily occurrence.”  She winked as she finished her statement, throwing fear into Eve’s mind.

Eve was absolutely terrified at what had just happened.  She panted as she thought; worn out from the ordeal she’d just dealt with.  She’d just been raped by a young girl.  Not only that, but by the girl’s tongue.  To add to the fear, the same girl had told her that she might be doing this to her every single day of the week.  Eve couldn’t handle the idea of being raped by this girl every day of the week.  It was already traumatizing to have it happen this one time.  As a reaction from the shocking news she’d just heard, Eve’s strength finally gave in and she passed out in Samantha’s hand.

Samantha peered down at her tiny captive, ready for the next phase of her plans, but tilted her head and sighed at seeing the tiny woman unconscious, having passed out from the trauma she’d just experienced.  Samantha shook her head and began to softly speak to herself.  “Oh, poor little slave.  As expected, the special treatment your goddess has given you has completely overwhelmed you.  I suppose we will have to put our next activity on hold for now.”

Picking herself and Eve up, Samantha clenched the girl in her fist and began walking back towards the front door.  She quickly flipped the lock into the “Locked” position, and began to walk down towards the hall, her soft feet making the floor tremble beneath her as she whistled to herself.  She turned at the kitchen and headed to the bedroom.

Upon making it into the bedroom, she set Eve down on the comforter and knelt down towards the night stand, which was knocked over.  She quickly passed a glare over to the unconscious Eve as she remembered what had happened earlier, with Eve shoving her into the night stand to get her down and leave.  Setting it back up next to the bed, Samantha then turned to the tiny woman and grabbed her from the comforter.  She set her down on night stand and then walked off towards the bathroom.  She had a few things to do before she’d be ready for her slave’s awakening.

Some time later, Eve slowly opened her eyes, waking up from a dreamless sleep.  “Ouch…where am I?”  Trying to lean forward to look at her surroundings, she was caught off guard as a giant hand scooped her off the night stand and brought her over the bed.  As Eve looked below her, the immense form of Samantha was laying on top of the bed, completely naked. 

As Eve looked, she could make out every inch of Samantha’s body.  She saw her curvy stomach line, the four bandages that held back the wounds in the stomach itself, her soft, round breasts, and even her smooth feet.  Samantha giggled as she saw the tiny woman examining her body, and smiled up to her with a statement.

“Are you checking me out, slave?  I know there’s a lot to look at.  You’re goddess has such a magnificent body, but…”

As Samantha was in mid sentence, her grip suddenly became tighter and she began to move her hand away from her face, descending down towards her stomach.  As she moved, she called down to Eve again, continuing her statements.

“…that’s not what you’re here for right now.  A good slave needs to get up close and personal with their goddess, and well, I deserve something nice for that favor I did for you earlier.”

Eve started to get scared again as Samantha’s hand went past the stomach and descended towards the comforter between her legs.  Her entire body was shaking as the fingers let her go and dropped her onto the comforter.  She tumbled over as she landed, but didn’t receive any injury from the fall.  Slowly picking herself up, she looked forward and screamed as she fell over at the sight that was in front of her.  She’d been placed directly in front of Samantha’s vaginal lips, which were being held open by her fingers.

Eve looked up at Samantha, fear coming into her being once again.  She was shaking and tried to shake her head at the woman that towered over her on the bed.  Samantha saw the resistance and smiled with that same, evil grin she’d had earlier.  She nodded her head towards the woman and began to talk again.

“Oh, yes, slave.  I pleasured you, and not it’s your turn to please me.  You’re only 4 inches tall, so it’s tall for you to get up close and personal with your goddess.  Approach those lips and climb inside to please me.”

End Notes:

As she gets a new order, how will she cope with what Samantha wants?  Will she even come out of this alive?

Chapter 20 - Pleasuring and Snuggling by L2K7
Author's Notes:

Eve gets a forced trip through Samantha's vaginal lips and on a near-death experience...

Despite everything that Eve had recently gone through with the crazed girl that now owned her; she had not been prepared for what had just been asked of her.  She was standing on the bed, directly in front of Samantha’s vaginal lips, tears running down her face at what she’d just been told to do.  She shook her head, and whimpered up at Samantha, begging her not to make her do what she’d just suggested.

“N-no, Goddess…please!  I…I can’t survive something like that!  I…I’ll be beaten to a pulp!  I’ll…I’ll die!”

The resistance that Eve was putting up delighted Samantha with every word she was whimpering and screaming up to her.  The fear in her mind was turning the girl on, made apparent as the enormous crotch in front of the tiny woman began to dampen.  Samantha smiled down at the poor woman and called down to her.

“Funny…I don’t remember you being the Goddess and me being the Slave, tiny one…Let me tell you one thing.  You do NOT talk back to your Goddess.  Your futile resistant words do nothing but arouse me even more.  If you won’t climb inside me, then I guess I have no choice but play with you in my own way!”

Eve screamed and fell backwards as she saw Samantha’s free hand descending down to her position.  Not having any chance at all, she was soon grabbed by the waist and pulled towards the enormous set of lips that awaited her on the bed.  She screamed as she was soon inserted, head first, into Samantha’s body. 

As she was pushed in, she could feel the slimy, wet muscles on the inside of those vaginal lips.  There was sticky goo in every direction, getting all over Eve as she was pushing inside.  She was set inside for a moment, her legs sticking out of the lips, kicking around, trying to get free of the prison she’d just been thrown into.  As she kicked, she moved her body and started nudging against the flesh, which caused the lips to retract, sucking her inside.

Within moments, the lips, on their own, had sucked up Eve’s legs and swallowed her entire body up into Samantha’s gigantic vagina.  As Eve struggled, she hit something that made all of the muscles start retracting and immediately pushing against her body.  The woman screamed as she felt the muscles starting to push on her.  Although the blows were somewhat soft at the moment and weren’t actually hurting her, she was frightened at what was going to happen to her. 

Samantha, high above moaned as she felt the pleasure from Eve’s struggle.  Reaching down with her fingers, she began to softly stroke the outside of her lips, enjoying having her new slave inside her body, screaming and moving around to please her.  She called down to her.  “Oh, good, slave.  Keep up your struggle.  The more you wiggle around, the more you are pleasing the mighty goddess who has allowed you to explore the inside of her body.  Struggle!  Struggle as if your life depended on it!”

In Eve’s mind, her life did depend on struggling her way out of this mess.  She knew that, at her size, she’d have very little, if any chance of making it out of this place alive.  The blows from the muscles would soon get harder and harder, likely beating on her tiny body, bruising it up and, possibly, putting in enough trauma to kill her.  She kept trying to reach down and wiggle her way free, but the more she resisted, the more the muscles pushed on her and pulled her in further. 

Her eyes had been shut during this entire ordeal, too afraid to open her eyes and look at the inside of this woman’s vagina from her perspective.  It would have just added to the fear and torment she was going through.  She just lay in there, whimpering and crying, her slight shaking from the whimpering causing reactions from the flesh around her. 

As the feeling of pleasure began to slow, Samantha looked down at her crotch and got a frustrated look on her face.  Realizing that the tiny woman inside her likely wasn’t moving very much, she decided that she would have to venture in there herself and help her with stimulating her.  Taking the fingers that she was using to stroke her lips, she inserted them into her vagina and started reaching in to find Eve.  Once she found a tiny foot, she grabbed it and started shaking it.

As Eve was lying there, crying, she felt something grabbing onto her foot.  Immediately screaming, she tried to throw her arms around and kicked her foot, causing a huge impact on the walls around her.  As her limbs struck the walls, they immediately rebounded and started striking her quicker and faster.   The walls, now much stronger, started beating on poor Eve’s body. 

High above her, she could hear an echoing moaning sound coming from her captor.  Samantha was obviously greatly enjoying the struggle that Eve was having against her vaginal muscles.  She tried to hold it together as long as she could, but the trauma was soon proven to be too much.  As the walls of flesh continued to pelt her with blow after blow after blow, her strength was starting to give out.  She was screaming as long as she could, knowing that she was about to die.

Samantha started receiving greater pleasure from the walls that were within her as the torture went on.  Feeling her climax slowly coming, Samantha reached into her lips once again and latched onto Eve’s tiny body, knowing that she wouldn’t be able to survive the finish.  She quickly pulled her body out and set it on the comforter next to her.  After setting it down, she continued to stimulate herself until the climax finally arrives, resulting in her own juices leaking and spraying out, creating a small puddle on the comforter in front of it.

Eve had hardly even noticed that Samantha had saved her at the last second by pulling her out and setting her on the comforter.  Her body was shivering and covered in sticky goo from being inside there for so long.  After a few minutes, she slowly started getting a hold of herself and her energy started to return.  She looked up, still quivering, as she saw Samantha taking deep breaths, looking down at her. 

Staring down at the small, quivering woman, Samantha smiled and reached down for her with her hand.  Bringing her up above her stomach, she slowly lowered and set Eve down on her bare belly.  She smiled down at her, her attitude suddenly changed.  She gently put her hand on Eve, holding her against the soft flesh of her belly, and called down to her, as if she were thanking her.

“Good job, slave.  You’re very good at pleasing your Goddess.  As a reward, we’re going to take a nap together.  I’m going to hold you down against my long, soft belly.  So, get comfy and snuggle up.  You’ll need your strength for the life we’re going to have together…”

As Samantha finished her statement, she winked down to eve and then closed her eyes to doze off.  Eve, realizing she didn’t have a choice and that this was a situation that wouldn’t involve incredible discomfort and pain, rested her head on the warm flesh she’d been placed on.  Closing her eyes, she tried to let herself doze off, and think as little of the trauma she’d felt that day as possible…


End Notes:

As the two of them snuggle, what awaits Eve in the coming hours when the two of them awaken?

Chapter 21 - Rachel's New Friends by L2K7
Author's Notes:

As Rachel takes her walk, she bumps into three ladies that seem to want to talk with her...

Rachel slowly walked her way back towards her new home after having taken a nice, long walk.  Although she didn’t want to leave the house at all after seeing how badly Samantha had been hurt, she trusted her mother’s words.  Eve had always known what was best for Rachel and, even though she didn’t always agree with her mother’s opinion, she always tried to abide by it.  Taking a walk hadn’t cured her displeasure in what had happened, but it did help get her mind off of it.

While she’d been out on the streets, she hadn’t been alone for the entire trip.  As she’d made her first round through the street, she’d met a few people.  The first of which was a lady named Michelle.  Michelle was a 5’3 women, 24 years old, had short, silver hair, and had seen her walking with her head lowered.  Upon seeing it, she had approached Rachel and asked her if she was alright.

Rachel, of course, told her she was fine, not wanting her to get involved in this problem she was having.  Michelle had tried to dig a little deeper but, when Rachel continued to resist her, acted like she’d given up.  Rachel passed by her house, returning the gesture when Michelle had told her it was nice meeting her. 

As she continued down the street, she came across another woman who’d stopped her and asked her if she was alright.  At first, she thought it was a little strange, but she soon looked up at her, seeing what she looked like and who she was.  This woman was a little bit taller, stretching to a height of 5’7, sporting long, blonde hair.  She introduced herself as Melissa and, like Michelle, had tried to dig a little deeper about what was troubling Rachel.

Rachel resisted this woman as well and, although she kept trying to pry more than Michelle did, let Rachel pass by, giving her a similar ‘It’s nice to meet you’ gesture that Michelle had given her.  Unsure of why both of these women did almost the same thing, Rachel shook her head as she walked, continuing further down the street.

As she reached another house, yet another woman had come out to approach her.  Finding it a little strange, Rachel could almost guess what this woman was going to say, word for word.  Just like the last two, she wanted to know why Rachel seemed upset and asked if she needed a listening ear.  Realizing there was no way out of an introduction, Rachel let her introduce herself.  This woman, the tallest of the bunch, was 5’10 and sported shoulder-length red hair, and introduced herself as Mika. 

Unlike the previous two, Mika was much more aggressive in her inquiry about Rachel’s current condition.  Although Rachel tried to resist her, Mika was very careful in her wording, trying not to be too direct with her.  She started asking Rachel what she liked, if she had any friends around the area, and slowly was able to get Rachel talking.

Rachel, unknowingly, started talking to her about what happened to her friend and began to talk about it being her fault.  Mika patted her on the back as her bubble went down.  As it did so, she sat Rachel down on a bench, which was soon filled by two others.  Rachel looked over and saw none other than Michelle and Melissa themselves.  She let out a sigh as she talked about what happened, and began to ask them what all of this was about.

The trio of girls merely said that they saw her in some sort of distress and felt that they needed to help her open up to them.  They told her how painful it could be to hold your own pain inside all the time, and that it could overwhelm and destroy you if you didn’t at least try to talk about it.  Rachel didn’t like that the trio had worked against her to get her to open up, but as the three surrounded her and gave her a hug after hearing her story, she slowly began to feel more comfortable around them, feeling the compassion that they had.

The four of them spent a few hours together, talking and trying to cheer up poor Rachel.  Although the memories of what had happened hadn’t left Rachel completely, she did let herself go enough to be happy and laugh a little at Mika’s jokes as they sat down in her house for a morning snack.  After the few hours were up, Rachel suddenly realized how long she’d been out and, worried for Samantha, bid the girls a farewell, as she departed down the road, heading back towards her house.

Coming back to the present time, Rachel thought about the people she’d met and what they’d gone through together.  She smiled a little, thinking about how nice and outgoing the trio of girls were and thought it would be nice to get out sometime and introduce Samantha to them.  When she’d mentioned her to them, they seemed to not know who she was talking about, so if she could get Samantha out once she’d healed up, they could all get together and have fun.

As the positive thoughts were flowing through her head, she approached the area where her house stood.  As she approached the house, she thought it was a bit strange at the ‘parking’ area in front of the house.  As she walked by, she noticed that her mother’s car was no longer there.  This made her very confused.  She walked over to where she thought it once was and cocked her head in her own confusion.  As she walked onto the road, she felt something cracking under her shoe.  Looking down, she pulled her foot up, seeing tiny shards of glass on the soles of her shoes.  She looked at them for a moment, and then shook her head.

“That’s lovely.  Looks like someone broke a glass bottle over here or something.”  As she turned, she felt something else crack.  Looking down again, she noticed a small pile of torn metal.  Cocking her head again, it confused her, but the quick thought of Samantha came rushing into her head.  Quickly dismissing the crushed metal and glass that was underneath her feet, she walked towards the front door of the house.

If she was to find out what happened to her mother’s car and see how Samantha was doing, the house would be the first place to start looking…

End Notes:

As Rachel heads back into the home, what is she going to find?  Will she discover her shrunken mother in the bedroom with Samantha?

Chapter 22 - Rachel's Splinter and Eve's Escape Opportunity by L2K7
Author's Notes:

Rachel arrives back at the house, only to be pricked in the foot by something strange in the kitchen, while Eve tries to make an escape plan...

Rachel slowly walked into house and slipped her shoes off by the door, where she had done so before.  As she took a step forward, her feet touched the cold floor, calmly settling upon it.  A cold chill rushed up her leg and caused her to close her eyes and quickly shake her head.  The reaction hadn’t been as bad as the first time she’d set foot on the floor, but it was enough to get a fairly strong reaction out of her body.  She took a few deep breaths as she took her feet off and back onto the ground, getting used to the cold feeling.  After a few moments, she turned and began to walk towards the kitchen.

As she made her way into the kitchen, she looked to the side and saw a couple things that seemed a little strange.  On the right-hand side of the room, it looked strangely empty.  She looked at the area for a second and began to tilt her head, confused.  “I…I could have sworn there was a table here” she said to herself.  She took a step into the space and felt something under her foot.  Whatever it was immediately crumbled and jabbed at it.  Rachel screamed as she felt something puncture her soles.

Picking up her foot, she quickly yanked a small splinter out of it and looked down at it.  It almost looked flat on the edges, but it was definitely a splinter.  She tossed it over towards the sink and began to rub her fingers over her foot.  The puncture wound hadn’t drawn any blood, but it had definitely hurt.  After spending a moment to try to pressure the pain out of her system, she planted her foot down to the ground and kept on her path towards the bedroom. 


Eve’s eyes had slowly awakened to a very loud sound.  She shivered and let out a yawn as she looked at her position.  As she looked down at what she was laying on, she felt the icy-cold grip of fear.  The fear that what had happened to her…shrinking, rape, pleasuring a sadistic girl…had all been real.  She immediately started shaking and whimpering softly as this reality set in while she felt the pressure of being pinned to a giant stomach.  Her fear was quickly thrown away when she’d heard another sound, a sound that had given her a gleam of hope.

The sound, itself, was a scream.  Her head bolted up as far as it could get when she’d heard it.  The scream was strange, almost sounding high and low-pitched at the same time.  It was a scream Eve knew all too well, one that she’d heard a thousand times in the past.  Her eyes widened and her hands began to shake at the realization that this may have been her only chance to do something about everything.  “R-Rachel” she whispered to herself.

Eve knew what she had to do.  She wasn’t sure if it was possible, but she had to squirm her way out of this girl’s grasp and try to contact her daughter.  At her current state, she was probably about 4 or 5 inches tall.  That wasn’t tall enough to do anything to Samantha, but it was big enough to try and get her daughter’s attention.  At least, she hoped that it was.  Taking a deep breath to wake up completely, she started looking down at the hand that was holding her in place.

Samantha’s hand had moved a little since she’d fallen asleep.  Her palm was no longer pressed against Eve’s tiny body.  Instead, only two of her fingers rested on top of her.  The grip was tight, but it was enough to keep Eve pushed down against her.  Eve’s right hand was outside of the fingers themselves, and she began to move it, hoping that she would be able to use this position error to her own advantage. 

She pushed her hands onto the first of the two fingers and tried to lift.  Her body was still bruised and sore, causing a lot of pain to spread throughout her body.  She could feel the stinging, but just bit her lip and tried to endure it.  The finger itself felt extremely heavy.  Being nearly as big as she was, she guessed it was at least 60-70 pounds on it’s own.  It was hard and she felt a lot of pain, but it finally began to budge.  She managed to lift it slightly off her body and quickly slipped her arms under it, trying to nudge under the second finger.

As she did so, the first finger came back down on top of her.  He grunted a little from the pressure on her arms, but still tried to push up on the second finger, hoping for a miracle.  As if the heavens were answering her prayers, or not, depending on how you look at it, the two fingers that were pinning her began to move as Samantha slept. 

The fingers slightly curled, wrapping around Eve’s body for a second.  The tiny woman felt the pressure that was being put on her and immediately started to close her eyes, almost expecting the fingers to crush her on the spot.  At the last second, though, the fingers let go of the hold they had on her.  They extended back out and the entire hand began to move down.  Pushing herself as far down as she could, Eve tried to stay in one place as the hand was moving downward.  Much to her own dismay, she was drug along with it.

The hand, and Eve was drug down below the stomach and down towards where the girl’s legs were.  As they moved, Eve started sweating and felt an oh-so familiar feeling.  She could almost tell you exactly where that hand was going.  She couldn’t believe it, but she couldn’t deny what her eyes were showing her.  “No…No, you’ve got to be kidding.  Not down there…not again!”

Eve scrambled with her hands, trying to grab onto something to keep her from going down to Samantha’s crotch, along with her hand.  Eventually she found some folded skin around her crotch hair and gripped it, holding on for dear life.  It stretched along with her as the hand still pulled on her legs and her feet.  Her eyes were filling with tears at the pain she was enduring.  Her head was shaking and all the bruising and pain finally caught up with her, making her lose her grip. 

As she did so, her body was thrown forward, hitting against the hand.  As she hit the hand, it twitched a little, causing her legs and feet to become free, tumbling over the hand and landing on the soft mattress in between Samantha’s legs.  As she fell down, she could hear Samantha letting out a soft moan from above her.  Quickly reacting, she realized that she was free.  Pushing herself up, she tried to run down the length of the bed, passing between the girl’s bare legs.  The pain was a lot of her, resulting in her run being turned into more of a limp.

As she finally reached the end of the bed, she looked down, not realizing just how much of a fall she’d endure at this point.  Her eyes widened as she saw a 25 foot drop in front of her.  While there were sheets leading all the way down, she wasn’t sure that she’d be able to just slide down the whole way without falling off.  She took a few deep breaths before she saw a loose thread near her.  The thread itself was fairly thick at this size and led all the way down to the floor.

She gripped and tugged on it, making sure it was secure, and then had decided to use it to get herself down.  She wanted to take a rest before going, but a shadow soon loomed over her position.  Looking back for a second, she saw Samantha’s giant foot moving and turning as the girl shifted around in the bed.  The foot was quickly coming down towards her and she immediately grabbed the thread, jumping off the end of the bed.

As the foot hit, it sent a wave of air towards Eve, causing her to loosen her grip, sliding down the thread rapidly.  She tried to scream on her way down, but the burning sensation on her hand was taking all the energy she had out of her.  As she made it to the bottom, she fell off the thread and thumped onto the ground.  She violently shook her burning hands around and just laid on the floor, trying to get over all of the pain and trauma she’d just endured.

As she laid there, though, she felt something.  The ground was moving.  Turning her head quickly, she looked to see the cause of the sound… 

End Notes:

With Eve down to the ground and something quickly approaching the room, will she be successful in getting her daughter's attention?

Chapter 23 - Giant Rachel and Eve's Failure by L2K7
Author's Notes:

Eve finally sees her beloved daughter towering over her and makes haste to try and contact her...

Eve’s head had shot up, despite the pain in her heads and fatigue running through her body.  After that painful and fear-filled adventure to get off the bed, she’d heard something coming her way.  The ground was shaking again and again, consecutive quakes about the same magnitude and the same time away from one another.  This made Eve almost smile as she rolled over and picked herself off the ground.  She knew that these quakes were most definitely one of two possible causes.  One of these causes would fill Eve with happiness and the other would fill her with fright.

The first possibility was that Samantha had awoken and had gotten off her bed to find where little Eve had gone.  As Eve looked up towards the bed, she could see a few of the girl’s toes handing off the edge, twitching every so many seconds.  This left her with only one possible answer: Rachel was headed towards the bedroom. 

Eve let out a huge smile as she felt the quakes.  Although intimidating by themselves, it meant that she might have a chance right here to get her daughter’s attention and get them both out of the mess they’d been thrown into.  She started limping across the room, hoping to get to the doorway before Rachel could.  If she could simply get there and throw herself into Rachel’s leg, it was possible that the girl may stop and notice her.  It was a very risky decision, but the only thing she could think of.

As she limped forward, she made it to the halfway point, filling her mind with all sorts of images.  Would she be able to not only get Rachel’s attention, but also get her to steal the device and restore her size before Samantha had a chance to wake up and see what had happened?  Odds are that were Samantha to wake up and see them together, that she’d simply use the device on both of them, were she given the chance.  That wouldn’t work at all.  No, she had to get to Rachel quickly and not give that crazed psycho the chance to do so.

Stopping to take a break, Eve sat down on the ground, holding her hand over her chest.  She looked down at her bruised body and blurred out her vision, staring and thinking about everything that had happened to her.  She’d only come to help her daughter’s friend, but how had all of this happened?  She was now doll-sized, less than that even.  She’d been beaten, tortured, and raped by this roommate of Rachel’s, and now she was wandering a gigantic house in the hopes of getting Rachel’s attention and getting out of this mess.

As she thought about all of this, however, her mind was cut short.  The quakes were getting louder, and she soon saw the door flying open.  Looking up, Eve’s jaw dropped as she saw her daughter, towering over her and the rest of the room, with a concerned look on her face.  She smiled and immediately got up, dashing for Rachel’s legs.  She didn’t care that there was still a good bit of distance between them, the mere sight of her daughter was wonderful to her.  She tried to call out to her, but her fatigue still ran heavy, so she simply ran.


Rachel had finally made it to the bedroom’s door, slowly opening it and standing in the doorway.  She was expecting Samantha to still be in the bathroom, where she’d been when she left earlier.  She’d actually closed her eyes for a moment as she stood there, a little scared of seeing what might be in this room.  She knew all too well of how bad of shape Samantha was in, and wasn’t sure if she was ready to see her friend, even if she was patched up and feeling better.

Taking a few deep breaths, she finally prepared to open her eyes.  After opening them, they widened with shock.  Her right palm immediately came up, near her mouth, at what she saw in the room.  Although the image wasn’t bad or cruel, it was very surprising.  In front of Rachel stood a  bed.  On this bed, Samantha was lying down, asleep.  The fact that she was sleeping isn’t what concerned Rachel, but the fact that she was naked.

She didn’t dare take another step forward, not wanting to intrude on whatever Samantha had been doing at the time.  She had no idea why the girl was naked in bed, but she took a few more deep breaths as her face got red.  The mere sight of Samantha’s body without any clothes on made Rachel very nervous.  Her hands were quivering a little as she called over towards her friend.  “S-Samantha?!  Are you okay….over there?” 

To this, Rachel received no response…


Eve had nearly made it halfway between where she’d started and where Rachel’s enlarged feet were planted by the time she heard an echoing voice coming from above.  She immediately stopped and held her hands over her ears as she felt Rachel’s voice echoing again and again.  She grunted as she fell to her knees, the voice almost seeming like a loudspeaker to her.  Although she’d become used to Samantha’s voice, Rachel had always been known to have a loud-ish tone to her voice.  As the echoing went away, Eve began to process it and then realized what Rachel had said.

Immediately jumping up, she ran towards Rachel again, knowing that her daughter was calling to Samantha, trying to wake her up.  ‘No, Rachel!  No!  Don’t wake her up!  That will ruin everything I’m trying to do here!’ thought Eve as she continued her run towards her daughter’s feet.  She couldn’t let Rachel wake up that psychotic girl and get her into even greater danger.  She had to do something before that could happen.  She was nearly to Rachel’s foot, only about 20 feet (to Eve) between them. 

She started smiling as she panted, chanting “I’m going to make it!  Yes, I’m going to make it!” to herself before her smile dropped when she saw Rachel’s feet moving backwards, back out into the hallway.  She looked up in terror as she saw Rachel grabbing for the door, slowly closing it.  “NO!!!  Rachel!  RACHEL!  It’s me!  MOM!  PLEASE DON’T SHUT THE DOOR!” 

As much as Eve tried, her voice completely dissipated before reaching her daughter.  Slowly, but surely, the door shut in front of Eve, the wind knocking her off her feet.  She shook her head as she picked herself up and ran her body into the door, banging her fists on it.  “NO!  NO!  It’s not fair!  Rachel!  Rachel, please come back!  COME BAC-”

Eve was immediately silenced when she felt something moving behind her.  Every nerve in her body became ice-cold as she felt the quakes of footsteps, much stronger than the ones Rachel had produced.  She tensed up and slowly turned as she heard another quake, and then another, shaking the ground from beneath her.  Slowly looking up, her arms and legs shook as she saw, directly in front of her, Samantha, naked and standing in front of her.  Her eyes glowed with an untamed spark as she stared down at her, face red and a body piercing gaze.  She was breathing heavily as she looked down, tightly clenching the shrinking device in her hand…

End Notes:

With Rachel gone and an enraged Samantha looked down on her, what horrors await Eve?

Chapter 24 - Memories and Punishment by L2K7
Author's Notes:

Rachel leaves the bedroom and goes to the living room, thinking about a memory of her mother, while Eve is trapped with her captor...

Rachel closed the door behind her as she backed out of the bedroom.  She’d wanted to see Samantha, to make sure she was alright, but it didn’t seem the right time to do so.  She was in bed, sleeping off her wounds, no doubt.  In the years she’d spent with her mother, Rachel had known all too well that the best thing you can do for a person trying to recover from an injury was to simply let them rest.  She’d learned this from her mother years ago, when she kept trying to talk with her when she was sick. 

Back then, Eve had been sick in bed with pneumonia.  She was shivering constantly and tried to keep herself secluded for the entire week she was sick.  Rachel tried to come in multiple times to talk to her and spend time with her, but she’d told her a dozen times that you shouldn’t disturb a sleeping patient.  She’d been told that people slept a lot when they were sick for a reason, and that disturbing that sleep would only make their illness worse. 

Rachel, still being a child at the time, had no idea what her mother meant.  She refused to leave, only thinking about speaking with her mother about how sad it was that she was stuck in bed.  She went on and on about how it wasn’t fair that Eve was sick while she wasn’t.  Eve, knowing that it was bad for her, simply gave up trying to push her daughter away and talked with her throughout the first couple days of the illness.  She knew the consequences of her actions and, as cruel as it would seem, was counting on those consequences to put her through anguish and give Rachel a hard-earned lesson.

Within the next few days, her sickness worsened, to the point where she couldn’t stay conscious anymore.  Her breathing was heavy and wheezing, and her entire body felt ice-cold.  Eve could barely keep herself together as she watched her tear-filled daughter watch her torment.  Before losing consciousness for the rest of the week and recovering, she merely said one statement to Rachel.  “Rachel, this is why you need to let sick patients rest.” 

Rachel had taken this pretty hard as a child.  For an entire week, she was sitting by her mother’s side, unable to speak with her or wake her up.  She could only watch as she slept for days and days, as if she were never going to wake up.  During the entire ordeal, that last statement had always stuck in Rachel’s mind.  She’d known what her mother meant.  She, Rachel, had ignited the sickness and done this to her mother.  She’d made her mother’s sickness turn for the worse and, unknown to Rachel, Eve had almost died from the pneumonia. 

Rachel let out a sigh as she walked down the hallway and into the living room, thinking about Samantha’s illness and the memory of her mother’s pneumonia.  It was all a little much for her to handle at the time, so she laid herself down on the couch and tried to get some rest of her own.  As she closed her eyes, she whispered to herself.  “Please get better soon, Samantha.  I don’t want to lose you…”

The girl soon felt herself drifting off to sleep, completely unaware of the events about to unfold in the bedroom…


Eve’s entirely body was ice-cold as she saw the towering girl on the other side of the room.  Her mind was racing as time was standing still.  She thought a million thoughts to herself, her entire being gripped by the fear that was presenting itself from seeing Samantha’s icy gaze.  ‘H-How long has she been awake?!  Could she have known I was trying to escape?  No…she wouldn’t dare risk Rachel finding me.  Rachel must have woken her up just now.  If that’s true, then…why wouldn’t she have gotten up and responded to her?  Could she have noticed me gone and hoped that Rachel was going to leave the room?’ 

The thoughts were piling up in Eve’s mind, but they soon came to a stop as the gigantic Samantha from across the room became to speak down to her.  “..and just WHERE do you think you’re going, slave?”  That one statement made Eve’s situation all the worse as the chills of guilt and terror filled up her body, bringing her down to her knees.  She couldn’t see straight anymore.  Her head was shaking so violently that everything around her was a blur.  She could, however, tell one thing.  She was in trouble, deep trouble.

She watched as closely as she could as Samantha took a step forward, planting her foot into the ground, causing a slight tremor beneath Eve.  Eve’s mind was filling with thoughts of what Samantha was about to do to her, and it caused tears to begin to run down the woman’s face.  Samantha had made it about halfway across the room when she stopped and brought her feet together, still staring down at Eve with that piercing gaze.  She raised her head a little and let out a single statement to tell Eve what to do.  “Come to your goddess and beg for your forgiveness!”

Eve wasn’t sure what she was thinking, but her mind and body were in great conflict.  Her brain was screaming ‘Come on, Eve!  Move!  Move, now, while you have a chance of gaining the girl’s forgiveness.  She has you trapped and this is the only way to get out of this mess!’ while her body was holding itself still.  It was too scared to move a single muscle, as she just stayed there, on her knees, looking up towards her fuming captor.  Unable to get herself to move, she would soon pay the price for what she’d done.

Eve’s eyes widened as Samantha’s arm rose up, her shrinking device pointed at her as her gaze got an even fiercer look.  The wicked girl took a deep breath and spoke down to her.  “I said come and beg, slave!  If you can’t accept this order, then maybe you need some extra motivation!”  As she finished her statement, a flash of light shot out from the device, immediately engulfing Eve’s body.  The woman couldn’t feel anything, but closed her eyes, afraid of what was about to happen to her.  Although she didn’t know for sure, she had a pretty good idea that her nightmare was about to get a lot worse.

She shivered as the flash of light faded from her vision.  She was almost too afraid to open her eyes but, curiosity overtaking her, she slowly opened her eyelids.  As she opened her eyes, she saw an enormous object falling before her.  As it hit the ground, she fell over, rolling several feet to the side.  The impact had made an enormous quake, one far greater than any she’d felt at this point thus far.  Her eyes had closed for a moment, fearing what diminished size she was down to now.

Slowly picking herself up, she looked forwards and screamed as she realized what had happened to her.  Her head was now level with Samantha’s ankle.  Her entire body fell backwards, shivering in fright as she saw a gigantic hand reaching down, preparing to snatch her up…

End Notes:

With Eve diminished in size even further, how will she fare against what horrors Samantha may have in store for her?  Has her slim chance of getting her daughter's attention finally flickered away?

Chapter 25 - Eve, the 2-inch Slave by L2K7
Author's Notes:

Eve is soon scooped up and taken on a reality check with her new stature as Samantha speaks down to her about her position...

Eve’s entire body was filled with a seemingly unsurpassable fear as her diminished form was enveloped in the shadow of Samantha’s hand.  The crazed girl had obviously seen her trying to escape and get her daughter’s attention.  She’d given her a chance at forgiveness, but Eve’s body simply would not allow it.  It was as if her physical form knew that having to bow down before this crazed girl wasn’t right.  Unfortunately for Eve, she was about to pay the price for having that nasty reaction in her body.  She screamed as the hand came closer and closer, revealing fingers twice as long as Eve’s entire body.

As the shadow completely enveloped her, she could feel a tremendous force pushing against her body as two huge fingers squeezed against her.  She could feel some pain as the giant fingers were pushing against her body.  Feeling completely helpless again, she cried as she was lifted into the air, her legs and feet dangling as she ended up further and further from the ground.  Her entire body was shivering, both at her new height and from the fear of what Samantha would be doing to her as punishment for disobeying her and trying to escape.

As she was brought up t face level, she was dropped into Samantha’s other palm.  She tumbled down into it and found herself face to face with Samantha’s gigantic head.  She thought the girl was huge before, but now, her lips alone were twice as long as she was tall, just like her fingers.  The palm she was lying in could probably hold at least four or five people her size.  There were so many terrible the things the girl could do to her at this very moment.  The question was, however, which one(s) of those things would be happening in the near future?  Eve didn’t dare even begin to ponder that thought.

As she shivered in Samantha’s oversized hand, the girl’s mouth opened, sending a huge rush of hot breath Eve’s way.  She simply breathed on her for a moment, as if to make Eve aware of the type of presence and aura she now held over her.  The air itself almost made Eve sweat and she closed her eyes each time it blew down onto her.  Before long, however, the breath torture was ended when Samantha’s booming voice began to show itself as she spoke to Eve.

“I hope you understand your place now, slave.  You are my little pet, now and forever.   You have no hope of getting anyone’s attention at this size other than my own.  Even if you did try to get Rachel’s attention again, at 2 inches, you’d more than likely get yourself stepped on.  I’m sure Rachel has some sizable feet to you at this point and it would be easy to mistake your tiny form for a tiny bug, finding yourself squashed underneath a foot or something worse.”

Eve was utterly terrified at how powerful Samantha’s voice was this close.  Her voice was so forceful that she felt her body being pressed against by the wind created by it.  She closed her eyes for a moment and simply shook as she tried to adjust herself to all of this.  The efforts of adjustment, however, were all done in vain. Nothing could help her cope with being a 2 inch person in the clutches of a demented person like Samantha.  She eventually opened her eyes back up, only to find Samantha continuing her statements.

“You must know your place.  You are my slave, for now and forever.  If you don’t wish to be even smaller than you already are, then I command you to drop to your knees and kiss your Goddess’s palm.”

Eve’s fear was rising higher and higher with each word the girl was telling her.  The threat of becoming even smaller was too much for her too handle.  If she got any smaller, she’d be the size of a bug compared to Samantha and Rachel.  She’d have no hope of having any sort of life other than having a quick death under one of the two’s feet.  Given the situation, she fell to her knees and brought her face down to the ‘ground’ she was being supported by.

As her face came down, her dried lips touched the flesh below her.  It seemed so thick and rough at her new size, but she followed Samantha’s orders and began to kiss on it.  Pushing as hard as she good, she let her lips smooch down on the palm, taking in an incredibly powerful, salty taste with each one.  Her eyes were shut while doing this, the embarrassment of having to kill someone’s palm too much for her to handle.  She’s always thought the idea of worshiping someone was ridiculous and yet, she was forcibly doing it, herself.

As she planted kiss after kiss after kiss, hating the entire experience, Samantha had begun to smile at her torment.  She could hardly even feel the kisses, but seeing this woman squirm to the point of worshiping her brought a smile to her face.  The woman was so defiant, and yet, with a ‘little’ motivation, she could be forced into submission.

Enjoying the situation a little too much, Samantha began to speak down to Eve, making all sorts of demands and requests of her.  “That’s right, slave.  Kiss me, worship me.  Learn to love my supreme form, for we are going to be spending a long time together.”

Eve had begun to be tired out from the kissing when she’d heard that last statement.  She’d nearly forgotten, but the twisted girl was absolutely right.  She’d told her that her days would be spent pleasing her and helping her get close to Rachel.  The very idea of helping this crazed woman get close to her daughter sickened Eve, but she didn’t have much of a choice in the matter.  Were she to refuse, she’d likely end up even smaller, or end up dead.  She could always try to contact Rachel later on and get out of this mess, so, for the time being, playing along with Samantha’s game was probably the best option available.

“Y-Yes, Goddess!” called up Eve, “I love your form, your skin, your warmth!  I…l-live to worship you!”  It was quite hard for her to get out that last statement, but it was something that had to be done.  Were she to get anywhere in this new life and stay alive, she would need to do anything and everything that was asked of her, no matter how dangerous or strange. 

Samantha was extremely happy at the submission Eve was giving her.  She felt like a true goddess at this point, being worshiped by her tiny slave and being told that she lived to worship her.  It gave her such a rush of energy and a feeling of being something important.  She called down to the tiny Eve, beginning to praise her for being so good, but scaring her with her next statement.

“Very good, my tiny slave.  However, I am still upset with you for trying to escape.  For that, you must do something special for me.” 

Samantha then began to walk back towards the bed, Eve in her hand, preparing for the next task of her 2-inch pet…  

End Notes:

As Samantha takes Eve for something 'special', what could this task be that Eve is about to undergo? 

Chapter 26 - Cannibalistic Secrets by L2K7
Author's Notes:

As Rachel slept, Samantha began describing a very dangerous task for poor Eve, but gives her even more to think and worry about before the task even begins...

Rachel was lying on the couch, in the living room.  She’d dozed off soon after sitting down, getting a well-deserved bit of rest.  She was overly stressed with worry for Samantha and this was just what she needed.  Although she didn’t want to rest, her body pretty much forced her to.  Her eyelids almost immediately shut upon her face hitting the couch cushion.  As this happened, she drifted off, completely unaware of the trouble her dear mother was in, only a few rooms away.

Eve was absolutely terrified at this point, violently shivering and squirming in Samantha’s grasp.  Although her mind was telling her to be still and pray that the task Samantha had in mind for her wasn’t lethal, her body couldn’t stop moving.  It desperately wanted to escape, knowing full well that whatever the task was, it wasn’t something she’d be happy with.  Samantha, after all, was the person who’d gotten her into this mess.  When she was 5 Inches in height, the girl had nearly killed her, and then proceeded to rape her with her tongue.  Who knew what she’d do now that she was only 2 Inches tall.

The wind beat on poor Eve as Samantha reached the bed, laying herself on it, on her back, the same type of position she’d been in before, when they’d slept together.  Eve immediately thought of what had happened the last time this had happened.  Her entire being quivered in fear at the very thought of her adventure inside Samantha’s vaginal areas.  She definitely didn’t want a repeat of that scenario.  She could only hope that wasn’t what Samantha had in mind for her at this moment.

As Samantha set herself down on the bed, she moved Eve and held her in her palm, just in front of her face, sitting herself up a little bit.  She could see the ice-cold fear running through the poor girl and simply stayed silent for a few moments, knowing the anticipating of hearing of her new task was probably driving the woman absolutely mad.  She got a smirk on her face as she waited, letting the torment continue before finally speaking to her.

“Here we are, slave.  We’re on the bed again, and you have been a very bad girl.  In order to redeem yourself for trying to escape for loving master and goddess, you’re going to have to do something special.  This task isn’t something that will be pleasing and arousing to me, but something that will test your courage and resolve.”

Eve was slightly confused as to what Samantha was talking about.  Past her shivers, she’d thought that the girl’s talk of something ‘special’ would have been sexual, since half the things she’s done to her since she shrunk her had been sexual.  If this task was going to be something that wouldn’t pleasure or arouse her, then what could she have been planning?  What kind of dangerous task lied ahead?  To that question, only time would be able to answer, and answer, it did.  Within moments, Samantha began to speak again, moving the hand a little closer to her face.

“You see, slave, I was eating some food yesterday afternoon and, unfortunately, I got a piece of food stuck between my teeth.  It’s been bothering me for the past 2 days, and I just can’t get it out.  So, I’m going to drop you into my luscious, damp, sweet mouth.  You will have exactly two minutes to find this piece of food, yank it out, and come out of my mouth, onto my hand.  Succeed in this, and I will completely forgive you for trying to escape.  Take too long, however, and I will slowly close my lips and send you on a one-way trip to my stomach.  I’m sure my slave wouldn’t like to be food, so I’m sure you’ll do your best to succeed in your task.”

Eve had no idea what she could possibly say in response to the horror-filled set of statements that had just been thrown towards her.  Was Samantha serious?  She was threatening not only to hurt her, but to eat her, of all things!  The girl was adding new things to the list of things wrong with her with every moment.  First she’s psychotic, then egotistical with the whole ‘goddess’ act, and now cannibalism?  Was there no low this girl didn’t explore at some point in her life?

She looked forward as she could see Samantha’s lips moving, revealing two rows of gigantic, razor-sharp teeth, hiding a near-infinite abyss of damp, dark, tissue.  The sight was frightening to Eve.  At her size, she could be easily swallowed.  Having known a lot about the inside of the body from her Pharmacy classes, she knew all to well what would happen to her were she swallowed.  Some people might be afraid of getting ripped to pieces by stomach acid, but Eve knew she’d be dead far before she even got to that point of digestion.

Once swallowed, she would be greatly compressed against the muscles of the esophagus.  Once in there, everything would close around her.  No oxygen travels down there, so she would be able to live only for as long as she could hold her breath.  If she were lucky, she’d survive the pressure and fall down into her stomach.  Once there, she would, no doubt, suffocate from the lack of air, becoming lifeless in the girl’s stomach, just like any other food is.

Seeing the fascination and terror in her victim’s eyes, Samantha thought of something that would only make things worse for poor Eve, and making things worse is exactly what she wanted to do.  Looking down towards the girl, she began to slowly lick her lips, trying to look as if she were hungry, trying to scare her further before making her next set of statements, which she was sure would make a hefty effect on the woman’s emotional state at the time. 

“You know, slave, you’re the second person I’ve shrunk to this size before.  One other slave tried to escape and got this very same task put forth.  They, however, couldn’t live up to expectations.  It was ten years ago, but I still remember him all too well.  He was so resistant, wishing to see his wife and daughter again so badly.  Even at 5 inches, he’d planned to escape from the house and reach the two of them again.  He, however, didn’t survive the task of cleaning my teeth.  He simply took too long.  Poor Nathan got swallowed by me.  Ironic that you would be put into the same task, is it not?”

Eve was a little scared at what Samantha was telling her.  She’d done this to people before, and they didn’t survive it?  What were the chances that Eve would have been able to survive it if the others couldn’t?  Why was she subjecting her to something that she’d ended up killing others in the middle of?  As the questions swirled around in her brain, the girl’s last set of statements finally settled in.

“W-Wait…” said Eve, a little nervous.  “Ten years ago…Nathan…Oh, my god!”  Eve’s entire being froze as she looked up at the devilish grin Samantha held on her face.  A horrible thought had placed itself in her head.  Ten years prior to this day…that was the year that Nathan, her husband and Rachel’s father had disappeared without a trace.  Could this have been mere coincidence, or could Samantha have been that little girl that had followed Nathan around all the time?  It was all too much for her to handle, and she was about to break down in tears as Samantha confirmed her assumption.

“That’s right, slave!  Now you’re catching onto the truth.  My slave from ten years ago…Nathan Dim!” said Samantha, her devilish grin growing wider at realizing how much she was affecting the woman… 

End Notes:

How will out little Eve fare at the realization Samantha has just given her, and how will it affect the work she's about to undergo?

Chapter 27 - Humiliation and Lucky Distractions by L2K7
Author's Notes:

Eve freaks out after hearing about her husband and is ordered into Samantha's mouth, but something happens before...

Eve’s arms began to shake, her body and mind unable to handle the information that had just been thrown at her.  It was all too much for her to handle.  She was no more than 2 inches in height, and gripped by a giant psycho.  Not only that was being told by this psycho that she shrank and ate her husband 10 years before.  How could anyone possibly deal with that kind of situation well?  How could anyone cope with the emotional stress of that kind of situation at all? 

Her breathing came in heavier as she collapsed in the giant palm that held her into the air.  Her entire body was twisting, quaking, and shivering in her reaction to hearing that this girl had eaten her husband.  Not only was he killed in a humiliating way of becoming smaller, but he became food for a cannibalistic girl that called herself a goddess.  This girl was no goddess, for sure.  Demon would be a more accurate term for what this girl was.

Samantha was staring down at the itty bitty Eve, loving every second of her torment.  She’d aimed to make this task and situation worse for the girl by informing her that she was about to do the task her husband had failed and gotten eaten for attempting.  Of course, Samantha knew all too well that an ‘attempt’ is all that this would be.  Her lips shut as her tongue moved over her spotless, white teeth.  There was no food in her teeth at all.  Samantha had merely become tired of the woman trying to escape and was planning to have some fun with her.

Aiming to silence the tiny Eve, she started laughing down at her.  The voice boomed through Eve’s body, causing every nerve of every finger to start tingling out of control.  The tiny lady was screaming at the top of her lungs at the laughter.  It was frightening her, and hurting her.  After a few moments, she stopped laughing and started to push the tiny lady around in her palm.  Using a fingertip, she easily knocked Eve off her feet, and pressed down into her stomach.  Using this pressure to hold her, she began moving her finger around, sliding Eve all over her palm.  Despite having a job for the lady, she was having fun with her teasing.

As she saw the woman’s face growing beat red and sweating from the pressure and excitement of what was happening, Samantha decided that it would be a good a time as any to stop and get on with what they had talked about moments before.  Raising her hand up to her face, she soon parted her lips, opening them as wide as she could, giving Eve a torturous view.  Bringing her fingertips up to her lower lip, she let her tongue creep out and poke Eve with its tip.

Eve immediately fell over as Samantha’s colossal tongue came forth from her mouth and poked on her.  At her new size, everything’s already-overpowering strength was easily doubled.  She stood no chance of overpowering any part of Samantha at this point.  Even one of the girl’s toes would be able to easily overpower and crush any and all of her internal organs with ease.  She was shaking with fear as the tongue retracted and the gaping abyss closed up.  Samantha was looking at her…Eve knew it all too well when the echoing voice shook her eardrums yet again.

“What’s wrong, slave?  Don’t you like Goddess Samantha’s inviting, damp, warm mouth?  Why don’t you get off your butt and hop right in.  You’re going to have to eventually, you know.  Might as well get used to me at this size.  Refuse and I might just decide to make you even smaller.”  Samantha was giggling as she gave Eve this threat, bringing her hand back to her opening mouth, awaiting Eve’s plunge.

Eve was positively terrified, of everything at this point.  She was emotionally shaken from the news of her husband’s death, and physically shaken from everything this girl could do with her at this size.  She forced herself into a standing position, looking towards the abyss.  Her mind was screaming at her not to jump in.  In the back of her mind, she could almost tell that Samantha had no food in her teeth.  Not until she walked in there, that is.  It would likely be a huge torture-fest and nothing more.

The threat had motivated her to get up, though.  She knew that Samantha needed her around, were she to want to get Rachel to love her, but she wasn’t sure how small that device could make her.  What if Samantha decided to make her 1 inch in height?  How would she cope with having toe-tops that were as tall as she was?  What would happen if she made her even smaller than that?  For all she knew, Samantha could make her toes look like goddesses to her.   The thought of being the size of a tiny speck of dust was scary enough to force her legs to move. 

She was walking forward, almost to where the fingers met Samantha’s lips when she heard an immensely loud noise from behind her.  The sound came three times, one after another.  Three loud thumps that shook Eve’s being, just as Samantha’s voice had been doing.  She immediately fell over at hearing this and seeing the huge form that was Samantha’s face moving ever-so-quickly, looking towards the source of the noise.

Samantha felt a cold shiver as she felt three pounding knocks on the door to the room.  Could that have been Rachel, again?  What would happen if she were to see Samantha sitting in bed, naked, with a 2-inch version of Rachel’s mother in her hand, ready to eat her?  Eve had already tried to get Rachel’s attention, and the thought of Rachel coming near her frightened Samantha.  Forcing both her hands down, not realizing where she was flinging poor Eve, called out to the door.  “Y-Yes?”

Within moments, Rachel’s voice came through the doorway, though the door remained shut.  “Samantha?  Are you okay in there?  I was sleeping on the couch downstairs when I heard a noise.  I thought I heard you talking with someone and was worried about you.  Did Mom come back?”

Samantha’s brain was scrambling for anything she could say to the girl.  She needed her to leave so she could continue her work with the tiny Eve and definitely did not want Rachel around during any of that.  Her brain swirled around with excuses and played through them in a split-second.  Eventually, she picked one and spoke back to her friend.  “Um..N-No, sweetie!  I just…uh…was talking in my sleep!  Your knocking woke me up, that’s all!  Go on and go back to sleep!  I’m just fine!”

Within a few moments, Rachel had called back to Samantha, agreeing to head back to the couch downstairs.  As soon as Samantha heard the last pitter-patter of Rachel’s footsteps, she rose her palm back up and started softly speaking down to it.  “Now, where were we slave…..huh?  Slave?” 

Samantha turned her head back and forth after realizing that Eve was no longer in her palm.  She didn’t realize that she’d thrown the girl from her grip when she threw her arms down in response to Rachel’s footsteps.  Desperately trying to find the tiny girl, she moved around on the bed, sure that she was still on it somewhere.  “Slave?  Slave, where are you?!” 

Little did she know that tiny Eve was pushing herself against the back side of a pillow, hugging the wall of it, sweating, mere inches from where the girl was moving…

End Notes:

With Eve gone, how is Samantha going to be able to find her?  Will she even find her?

Chapter 28 - Escape Attempt #2 by L2K7
Author's Notes:

Eve tries to find a way of escape while Samantha frantically searches the bed for the tiny lady...

Eve pushed hard against the soft surface of the pillow, her eyes wide open at the realization of what had just happened. Samantha had almost gotten her insider her mouth. She was going to eat her! Something had happened, though. Rachel, her daughter, intervened at just the right time. It was as if her daughter could sense her plight and was lending her a helping hand already. Though reality was that Rachel had just come to see what the noise Samantha was making was about, Eve was half-smiling, thinking that Rachel had come for her, trying to protect her family.

Aside from why this happened, the fact remained that Eve was not out of of trouble, not by a long shot. Her heart was racing and her breathing was running deep as the colossal psychopath known as Samantha was moving all over the bed, frantically trying to find Eve. After Eve had gotten dropped, she immediately saw it as her only chance of escape, dashing behind the pillow as fast as she could. This was only the first step, though. She needed to completely get away from her and try to get a hold of Rachel. Were she to get caught again, the results would, no doubt, be disastrous.

The bed was moving up and down as Samantha continued to search through it for the tiny Eve, and it took everything the shrunken woman had to not break down and start crying at the constant booming calls from Samantha, calling out for Eve and asking where she'd gone. Going back to that girl was out of the question. She had to figure out how to get off the bed again without Samantha seeing her. Starting to look in front of her, she hoped that there was a sheet or drape on back of the bed she could use.

As the woman was looking, however, time became present and sent her on her way. The pillow she was leaning back against was suddenly starting to move. She nearly yelped as it did so, but quickly covered her mouth up with her hands and dove behind the other pillow. Sweat was starting to roll down her tiny, naked form as the enormous pillow was launched off the bed with ease. Her eyes had widened at the sheer amount of force Samantha now held over her. That pillow could have been her had she not jumped out of the way.

She needed a way out, and she needed it now. It was only a matter of time before this pillow was taken. When that happened, Samantha would surely find her and do God knows what to her. She'd probably get mad again and make her smaller. The thought of that made Eve's entire being quake in fear. Samantha was like a goddess to her at this point. She was half the size of the girl's fingers. Any smaller and the girl might not even be able to pick her up without causing irreversible damage to Eve's body. She couldn't get caught again. She couldn't.

“I KNOW you're here! Stop hiding from me, Eve! Come out right now and I promise you won't be punished!”

'Yeah, right....' thought Eve, as the booming voice of Samantha rang in her ears. Despite slightly enjoying the fact that she'd called her by her name and not by 'slave', she knew it was a ploy. If she were to come out right now, it would be like a death sentence. If Eve had learned anything in this adventure, it was that Samantha was a cunning liar. The girl may have been psycho, but she was a smart one. She'd wanted Rachel's attention and affection, and she'd gotten it by mutilating her own body. When Rachel had called Eve about helping Samantha, she'd been in tears, her entire emotional being was falling apart. If Samantha could do that to Rachel in just one day, she knew the girl was smart.

Taking a deep breath, hoping Samantha would take a break from her search, Eve started to slowly walk away from the pillow and towards the back end of the bed. She couldn't stay hiding on the bed forever. She had to get off the bed and hide someplace else until Samantha left the room. Slowly walking her shivering legs to the edge of the bed, she peered down towards the floor, hoping there was something she could use to her advantage. As she was looking, however, the entire mattress she was standing on was yanked back a little, knocking poor Eve off her feet, falling off the edge she'd been looking over.

She gasped as she felt herself falling. Immediately grabbing towards the right, she tried to grip onto the edge of the mattress. She couldn't get a tight grip on it, however. Her fingers ran across it until her body thumped down on the lower mattress. Eve whimpered out as she felt the bruises on her body aggravated from the fall. Slowly pushing herself up, she shook her head and looked around to see where she was. Above her was the mattress that had just been pulled back, and below her seemed to be the bed skirt, leading all the way down to the ground. Trying to force all of the pain out of her body, she saw the glimmer of hope. She could climb down the bed skirt and get to the floor!

Knowing that she had to move quickly, Eve scampered her bruised body over to the edge of the lower mattress and started lowering her body down the side, tightly clenching onto the skirt of the bed. Taking deep breaths and closing her eyes, she started feeling her way down this thing. She lowered her right hand, gripping a new part of the skirt and lowered her body down a little more. Her legs and feet were dangling, with nothing to hang onto, which made her nervous, but the alternative way of getting out of this was very good at convincing her to continue to do this.

Meanwhile, Samantha was frantically looking around the bed for her tiny slave. Where could she have possibly gone? She was only 2 inches tall, for crying out loud! How could she lose her in the matter of seconds it had taken for her to send Rachel off?! There's just no way! She'd never lost a slave before. Never! Scanning every inch of the bed, she was determined to find her again, but she was also feeling extremely nervous. What if Eve managed to escape? What if Rachel found her and didn't kill her by mistake?

The feelings were building up in Samantha and her head started to shake. “Dammit...just...just come out! Come...back to me, Eve...” Samantha's tone of voice was changing, almost sounding apologetic, as if she really did miss Eve's company. The truth of the situation was that she did. Far behind Samantha's psychotic exterior was a past that both made her the cold bitch that she was, but also a scared, little girl who just wanted someone to spend time with. As she took deep breaths, she started to think, and remember events from her past...   

End Notes:

What secrets will be revealed as we dive into the past of the mysterious girl, Samantha?

Chapter 29 - An Abandoned Daughter by L2K7
Author's Notes:

Eve slowly treks down the bed skirt as she hears Samantha talking about a lot of things, notably her past...

The tone of Samantha’s voice was slowly changing.  She was no longer calling Eve by the name ‘slave’ at this point.  There was something going on in that cold, twisted head of hers, something that both Eve and Rachel knew nothing about.  She was yearning for the company of her tiny slave as she was frantically looking around for her.  Eventually, however, she stopped moving.  She was thinking about the past, her past.  Memories and events were playing out in her head as she remembered things from when she was small, and they were all coming back to her, slowly speaking the events aloud.

“Why are all of these images showing themselves to me, right here, right now?  They didn’t happen anytime recently.  Those things happened years and years ago.  I can see a small child swinging on a swing in the back yard.  She is in tears, her face is red, and she’s wearing torn clothing.  That is me, isn’t it?  Yes…it is definitely me.  I remember that day.  The day Mommy left me.  I didn’t know about it at the time, though.  Mom had sent me outside before it happened.  By the time I knew something was wrong and rushed my 6-year old legs inside, it was too late.  She was on the floor, motionless.”

Eve had been trekking her way down the massive bed skirt as Samantha’s booming voice was talking about this story.  Even her breathing was starting to get heavier and heavier.  Why was Samantha suddenly talking about this?  Was it a trick to get her to reveal herself to her, or was she literally seeing her life flashing before her eyes?  The tiny woman had stopped climbing, half-way down the bed skirt, and rested her body against it, slowly listening to what the woman had to say.

“Mom left me!  I never even found out why!  All I know is that she forced me out the door and all I heard later was a pair of gunshots.  The police always told me it was an accident.  An accident…yeah, right!  An accident where she had a gun in her hand and just happened to blow her own brains out?!  What a tall tale, that was.  Deep down, the blow had hit me the hardest, for I knew the real reason that ‘accident’ happened.  It wasn’t because of an accident.  She did it to herself!  She did it on purpose.  She hated me!  She always hated me!”

Eve was raising an eyebrow as the girl was continuing her rant towards the room around her.  This girl’s mother killed herself?  No, it had to be a ploy.  It was a sympathy card.  It had to be.  She shook her head and tried to keep every ounce of sympathy out of her system.  She could not afford to become sympathetic, not towards this girl.  The moment she walked out would surely be the last she had of being a size where Rachel would still be able to see her.  She had to keep herself still and not move a muscle. 

“They were trying to hide something from me, I knew it!  They never realized it, but I heard a lot of what they talked about at night.  It was always about me and something they called ‘it’.  ‘It’ was something Daddy’s company had invented.  Before their departure from this world, I never knew just what it was or what it did.  I only remember so many conversations about how my hands were the wrong hands for it to be in.  He would always tell Mom that I was ‘too unstable’ to handle it.  Unstable?  How in the world am I unstable?  He was crazy.  He always had been, pushing me around for all those years.  It made me so upset!”

Running a hand across her forehead, Eve was intently listening to the tale now, and starting to have less sympathy for this girl.  She was starting to sound a little more like the Psychopath she’d gotten accustomed to the past day.  Surely a father pushing his daughter around every so often wouldn’t mean he was insane.  A lot of people push others around every so often.  If they’re Alpha, it’s a natural reaction.  However, Eve was about to get even more of the story, and learn the origin of Samantha’s terrifying habits.

“So, I decided to get back at Daddy.  He was so mean, and he deserved to be punished for that.  It’s what Mom always told me.  When someone is mean to you, they deserve to be punished!  So, one night, I snuck down into the basement, into his office.  After digging through a load of chests and boxes, I found something.  The box read ‘IT’ and I knew this was the right thing.  I would take this thing and show him that I wasn’t unstable and unfit to use it, whatever it was.  Quickly opening the box, I took out this remote-looking thing.  I had no idea what it was, but I had to learn fast as I heard him coming down the steps.”

Eve’s eyes widened as she heard what was going on.  Was this…’IT’ thing the device she’d been using to make her into her tiny slave?  She was becoming extremely interested in this story.  If this was true, and Eve could find out why Samantha developed all these habits, maybe…just maybe she or Rachel could help fix this girl’s mind.  As she listened, she got exactly what she was expecting.

“I whipped around and could clearly see the aiming end of this thing.  I was in the dark, but Dad came down in the light, yelling and screaming.  He’d apparently seen me come downstairs and was furious.  He called me many names, and I just couldn’t stand it.  My hand gripped the device, pushing my thumb against one of the buttons.  After that, I was in control.  I watched him get smaller and smaller, becoming the puny man he truly was.  I then disposed of him.  That’s what drove Mom away.  She knew…somehow, she KNEW what happened to Dad.  She was obviously scared of me, scared of what I would do to her.”

“She was right, too.  Cross me and she would end up with the same fate as Dad did, as all of my slaves do.  I’m a mistreated princess.  I’m a high person in the world and therefore, I deserve to tower over everyone who would dare deny me what I deserve.  Eve, are you listening?!  Now you know how all of this started.  If you don’t come out right now, you will be very, very sorry!  I’ll find you, and when I do, you will not like the circumstances.  The device won’t be pointed at you, however.  I’ll bring you before Rachel, your own daughter.  The device will be pointed at her.  For your insolence, my love will suffer.  She will join you and you will both be my personal slaves, living only to please your Goddess.  I love her, and will treat her well as a slave.  You, however, will not be.  You have 5 minutes to show yourself before your precious daughter becomes my new doll.”



End Notes:

With Samantha going off the deep end and threatening to shrink Rachel, what is Eve going to do?  

Chapter 30 - A Tough Decision by L2K7
Author's Notes:

Eve has a tough decision to make as she comes down to the floor, to come before Samantha or risk the consequences...

Eve’s situation had just become a lot more complicated as she hung from the lower parts of the bed skirt.  Samantha had been ranting for a good while about her past, giving Eve some insight as to when she began to do this ‘shrinking’ thing to people, when she started hurting others.  She’d felt neglected by her father and took her revenge upon him with this device she had in her possession.  It was an interesting story, but definitely didn’t help Eve at all.  She didn’t know how she could fix this girl’s psychotic problems, nor wanted to at the time.  She was starting to greatly dislike this girl.

It wasn’t as if she had no sympathy for the girl, however.  Being neglected and talked down to by someone’s parents is a terrible way to grow up, especially at such a young age.  While it is very likely that most of that neglect was not said to Samantha’s face, the fact that her father thought that way about her and openly discussed it with her mother was unsettling.  Eve could not imagine ever acting like that about her own daughter, no matter how stable or unstable she thought she was.  She also felt bad for Samantha, but even with all of that neglect, it was not an excuse to start shrinking people and hurting them.  Eve had, and will forever have, a bad thinking against Samantha for what she did to her own husband.

Unfortunately for Eve, however, she didn’t have the time to think about all of these things.  Samantha’s voice had boomed through the air, and what she said truly shook Eve’s being, physical and emotional.  As if she were a real Goddess, she threw down statements and threats directed right at her.  At first, they were empty threats of Samantha finding her, which Eve could stand, but then the girl did the unthinkable.  She didn’t include Eve as the sole person in the punishments detailed in the threats.  No, she was including much more than that.  She was threatening her daughter, Rachel.

Eve had a decision to make, and very quickly.  Samantha was threatening to leave the room in five minutes to go and shrink Rachel to doll-sized.  This made Eve feel very, very concerned.  Was she serious?!  She would go out of the way to punish the person she supposedly loves, just to get back at Eve for trying to escape from her?  This was madness, absolute madness.  Surely she wouldn’t.  If she truly loved Rachel, if she was sincere about the love she had for her, she wouldn’t.  She couldn’t, could she?

‘Yes…of course she would’ Eve thought to herself.  Almost every threat this girl had given Eve this entire day had come true.  The threat that she’d be sorry for pushing her around, the threat of being punished for not immediately returning when she’d been caught during her first attempt at escape, they’d both come true.  Why would this be any different?  It wasn’t logical to punish the person she loves, even if she did find Eve.  Then again, Samantha was not a normal human being.  She was clearly mentally unstable.

Eve had two choices.  The first choice was the most preferable, though the least preferable in the back of Eve’s mind.  She could finish descending the bed skirt and show herself, give herself to this ‘Goddess’ that was threatening her and her daughter.  In order to keep Rachel safe, she could give herself to Samantha and hope that the girl would never make Rachel smaller.  The second choice was that she could keep hiding, trying to find a way out of this place, and risk her doing well on her threat.  There were two choices, and only one choice seemed to guarantee Rachel’s safety.  At least, that’s what Eve was hoping at the time.

She took a deep breath and slowly continued descending the bed skirts, nearly reaching the bottom at this point.  After a few arm motions and climbing down a good few inches, she let go of the tough fabric, letting herself fall down to the floor, landing on her feet.  Raising herself up, she looked under the bed, the two enormous feet of that psychotic woman waiting for her.  She gulped and started to walk forward, passing under the bed itself, still arguing with herself, trying to make the correct decision.

Samantha was standing in front of the very end of the bed, holding the shrinking device, softly running her fingers along it.  Only a minute had passed thus far, but she was getting confident that her little threat would get that rebellious slave to come before her.  She could tell that Eve cherished the life and safety of her daughter.  Even though she still wasn’t sure if she would keep Rachel at normal-height, she was sure Eve would be coming before her very soon. 

Both the minds of the tiny Eve and the big Samantha were in conflict with themselves.  Samantha was thinking long and hard about this situation as she began to tap her foot on the ground, waiting for Eve to show herself.  She had every intention of shrinking Rachel, eventually, but she didn’t want to do it right away, like this.  Still, there was a certain amount of risk involved here.  That girl had already nearly found her mother.  She wasn’t sure that she wanted to risk Rachel finding Eve when she was still her normal height.  She was contemplating shrinking Rachel, anyways. 

As the giant-sized woman was contemplating her options, Eve was almost to the end of the bed.  The foot-tappings didn’t help that, though.  With Samantha’s feet so close, every tapping of that foot shook the ground a little, making it hard for Eve to stay focused.  It also was sending a wave of air and scent towards her.  The strong scent of the girl’s foot was intruding on Eve’s system.  She took as few breaths as she could as she tried to continue on.  As she was getting close, Samantha began speaking again.

She’d made up her mind about this.  “Alright, slave.  You have two minutes left!  I’ve changed my mind, though.  I won’t make my love be my slave along with you.  Oh, no.  That would be much too basic, too simple on you.  If you don’t come out right here, right now, and kiss your Goddess’s feet for forgiveness, pledging your life to me, I will do something far worse.”

Eve didn’t like the sound of this, and didn’t want to risk hearing the rest.  Running her way outside, she jump and planted her body on top of Samantha’s big toe.  She leaned her head down, kissing it time and time again, taking in a warm, sweaty scent and taste.  It was overwhelming the woman’s body, but she had no choice in the matter.  She had to protect her daughter, even if it meant an eternity as this crazy girl’s slave.    



End Notes:

As Eve offers herself to Samantha, will it be enough?  Or will Samantha simply take her and go shrink Rachel anyways?

Chapter 31 - Submission is the Only Option Left by L2K7
Author's Notes:

Eve comes out to Samantha, giving in to her threats, but was Samantha being honest about them?  Was it just a ploy to get Eve to come out?

Eve was taking a huge risk with this maneuver.  Samantha could have been bluffing about taking her frustration out on Rachel.  She did claim to love her, after all.  If you love someone, why would you even think about punishing them?  It was logical, but Eve was no Vulcan.  Eve was a Mother, and mothers do not always think logically.  When their child’s life could be on the line, things are different.  It’s not their brain that is being followed, but their heart.  Eve knew all too well that Rachel had to be protected, at all costs.  There was a chance, albeit slight, that Samantha was not bluffing, and Eve was not willing to risk it.

So, she did the only thing she could do.  She’d lunged out from under the bed and planted her 2-inch body on the big toe of one of Samantha’s feet.  There really was no alternative.  Eve was scared for her own life, but she wasn’t willing to find safety if it meant sacrificing her daughter’s safety.  She’d decided that this was the time she would have to give in to all of this until a sure-fire way of escape was there, for both her and Rachel.  For right now, she would have to deal with being Samantha’s slave, and hope that she was merciful for her.

As she’d planted herself on the her-sized toe, she’d planted her face down into it, letting out the deepest, hardest kisses she could.  She would act as if she was in love with Samantha if she had to, just to keep Rachel safe.  An overwhelming taste and scent was coming into Eve’s body as she kissed the girl’s toe.  She wanted to gag in reaction, but knew she couldn’t.  She had to keep this up.  She had to do everything she could to make Samantha think that she had learned her lesson, and that she would be her slave, for life if needed.

Samantha had immediately noticed that tiny girl landing on her toe.  She had not said anything to her at first, interested in seeing what the woman was going to do.  She half-expected Eve to not come out at all, to doubt her intentions of the threat she’d given.  It was very true that punishing Rachel would be illogical.  But then again, nor Eve or Rachel knew of the plans Samantha really had in store for them.  That would remain a secret to everyone until the time was right.  She slowly got a smile on her face as she thought about that.

She peered down and watched Eve’s actions.  She was offering herself to Samantha, physically, as she was lying on top of her big toe.  She showed affection and devotion by planting her face into the flesh of the toe time and time again.  She was kissing it, just as Samantha had asked.  The woman had completely fallen for it.  Samantha then started to get some interesting ideas.  If she could get the woman to kiss her feet with threats like this, what else could she get her to do for her?  The smile Samantha had on her face turned devilish as ideas were swirling around in her head, ideas that were definitely not with Eve’s best interests in mind.

Before long, Samantha did say something to the tiny Eve.  She quickly lifted her toe into the air, forcing her nail into Eve’s gut, knocking her to the ground in front of her foot.  She peered down towards her and put her hands on her hips, acting as if she were disappointed with her.  “Slave!  There you are!  You tried to run, again!  What have you got to say to yourself?  What do you have to say to your Goddess?!”  She tried to have as angry of an expression on her face as possible, trying to intimidate poor Eve as much as she could.  She had no doubts that she could intimidate her, but was curious what she could get Eve to say by looking as intimidating as possible.

Eve had the wind knocked out of her when the toe she was kissing suddenly moved upward.  Its nail hit her stomach, almost feeling like it had punctured her skin, sending her to the ground behind her.  She immediately started to cough, sore from that blow, not to mention from all the bruises that were already covering her body.  As she recovered, that booming, evil voice poured down to her, demanding to know if she had anything to say about trying to escape.  She was overcome by a cold, icy fear as she saw the look on Samantha’s face.  It was full of disappointment and anger. 

‘Oh, god.  She’s going to punish me again!’ thought Eve, feeling the evil coming from that girl’s face.  ‘No…stop this, Eve.  Stop worrying about yourself.  If it will save Rachel, then I will gladly accept any punishment this girl has in store for me.  I just have to make everything look as good as possible.  This girl thinks she’s a goddess…maybe I should play along with this?’  As Eve finished thinking to herself, she took a deep breath, and then got back up to her feet.

Samantha wasn’t entirely sure what this woman was doing.  She just stood back up, but wasn’t saying a word.  Trying to intimidate her further, she patted her toes on the ground, slowly stretching them out, showing Eve just how small she was, in comparison with her.  Surely that would get her to start talking.  Surely it would.  She still had that devilish smile on her face, but what Eve did next would be surprising that girl.

Eve could feel and see those giant toes hitting the ground, spreading them out.  She covered her eyes with an arm as the wind/smell combination was flowing towards her.  That girl was trying to intimidate her into talking.  Eve had been thinking a lot about this situation, and decided to play along with her game.  She would try her best to get on Samantha’s good side.  However, the only way to do that was to play along with this game of hers.  She had to submit to her goddess and worship her.

Slowly walking forward, Eve came closer and closer to Samantha’s foot.  Passing up her toe, she actually began walking in the space between her big and index toe, heading into the area, where she would feel most like a helpless servant.  Toe flesh was now surrounding the woman, each toe reaching up to her waist.  She closed her eyes and got on her hands and knees, staring up towards Samantha, bringing as blank of a look on her face as she could.  She called up to Samantha, speaking words that she never thought she’d ever say to anyone in her life.

“Please, forgive me, Samantha…I mean My Goddess!  I have forgotten that you are in control of my life.  Please…forgive me and my daughter for my actions.  I live to serve, as you have told me.  I am yours to do with as you please.  Please forgive me and allow me to be in your presence.  I…love you, Goddess.”  As Eve finished forcing out this last statement, she lowered her head, quickly kissing on the crevice between Samantha’s toes before lowering her head the rest of the way, taking as low of a bow as she could. 


End Notes:

Eve seems to be submitting herself to Samantha.  How will Samantha react to this, and how long will Eve be able to keep this act up?

Chapter 32 - Caught in the Act by L2K7
Author's Notes:

Samantha is a bit shocked at Eve's current attitude, and aims to find out how earnest it is...

Samantha wasn’t entirely sure what to make of the situation that had just happened.  It was a very strange turn of events and, although, things seemed to be in her favor, she was nervous about something.  Eve had just done the one thing no one had ever done for Samantha before, whether they be her own height or a tiny slave.  She had swallowed her pride, or so it would have seemed, and submitted to her.  She had actually stopped resisting and submitted to her, called her ‘Goddess’.  This wasn’t Eve.  It couldn’t have been.  There was no way.

There was something wrong here.  There had to be something wrong.  Not only had Eve submitted to her, but she’d walked closer than she’d ever been before.  The tiny woman was standing in between the girl’s toes, knowing she could squeeze them together and utterly destroy her, on the spot.  She was even kneeling down of her own free will, calling up to her, pledging her life to her.  Samantha had no idea how to react to this.  She just lost her expression and blankly stared at the woman.  What in the world was she trying to do? 

As Samantha’s confusion heightened, Eve dropped the bomb on her.  Having swallowed every last bit of pride in her body, Eve had called up and told Samantha four words that couldn’t have been stronger.  ‘I love you, Goddess’ rang in Samantha’s ears and brain.  For a second, she almost gave into the feeling that occurred when she heard that.  She almost thought that she was loved, but soon realized the hesitation in Eve’s voice.  She couldn’t be serious.  This had to be a front of some sort.  How could she figure it out, though?  She couldn’t just ask Eve if she was lying. 

There had to be some way Samantha could tell if Eve was being truthful.  There had to be a way to test her, to test her commitment to her.  She took a deep breath, small jolts of pain showing themselves from the cut marks on her stomach.  As she exhaled, she stared down at the miniscule woman, trying to think of something to do or say.  She couldn’t just let Eve submit to her.  It didn’t feel…natural.  There was something strange about how she was magically acting, and Samantha was going to get to the bottom of it, if it was the last thing she did.

Samantha should have been able to accept this.  There was a toy-sized woman, groveling before her, kneeling between her toes.  She had completely control over her life and she could be a true slave for life.  It was exactly what Samantha wanted, but she was hesitant.  She didn’t like how submissive Eve was being.  She needed to be more resistant, like she had been before.  Completely submissive…it wasn’t right!  She was a towering Goddess and needed to be feared as such.  Her eyes then brightened as she thought of what she could do to her that little woman.

“Good, my little slave!  I am very pleased to hear your commitment.  Your Goddess demands that you stand up and remove yourself from her toes.  Stand in front of my foot and your first lesson will begin!”  Samantha had tried to make her statement sound convincing.  She’d used a stern voice, though it tried to crack here and there.  She was watching, expecting Eve to do as she was told.  There was only one thing Samantha could think of to kill off an act, done by someone so small.  It’s the one thing that Eve had to be afraid of from the get-go.

Eve’s ears were hurting from the ringing of that insane girl’s voice, calling down to her.   She told her she was pleased and asked her to stand in front of her foot.  Eve wasn’t exactly sure what Samantha meant by ‘lesson’, but she knew she didn’t like it.  She wanted to shiver and fall to the ground, the stench of feet all around her and fright coming up her legs from being where she was.  She fought it, though.  She fought it as hard as she could, not willing to give up this act.

Without saying a word, she picked herself up and scurried out of the crevice between the girl’s toes.  She walked a little distance away from the foot and stopped, facing the girl’s gigantic big toe.  As she stopped, she put her hands to her sides and looked up.  As she saw the towering girl looming over her, her legs were starting to quiver.  She was scared of what this girl was going to do, but tried to keep herself together, for Rachel’s sake.  She didn’t want to submit to this girl, but she couldn’t let her hurt her daughter.

As Samantha looked down at the tiny Eve, she could see the quivering in her legs.  She let out a huge smile as she saw it.  That was it, the shivering.  It was all the confirmation that she needed to know that Eve was still very much afraid of her.  The woman definitely had to have a lot of willpower to resist her so much that she could brave her feelings and act submissive.  Samantha new, all too well, that Eve was lying about being her slave, but that didn’t matter.  Samantha had her right where she wanted her.

“Slave, you shouldn’t lie to your Goddess like this, pretending to submit to her.  Now, allow your Goddess to show you how much power she truly has over you.”  Samantha brought forth a wicked smile as she looked down at Eve, whom was starting to sweat.  She’d been caught acting, and she knew it.  Her arms were shaking at this point, Samantha’s arm slowly raising into the air, the Remote Control in her hand.  She pointed it straight down at Eve and she started to laugh. 

“It’s time for you to learn the true meaning of the word Goddess!”  She then pressed a button and, before Eve could turn and run, that familiar flash of light flashed down, presumably to bring her one step closer to never being able to contact her daughter again…


End Notes:

As the flash of light shoots down, has Eve been made even smaller?  If so, how miniscule will she be now?

Chapter 33 - Missing the Target by L2K7
Author's Notes:

The light fades, showing that the expected result of an action may not always be the actual result...

Eve had brought her arms halfway up to her face by the time that flash of light had entered her field of vision.  This was it, wasn’t it?  She’d soon be nothing but a dust mite to Samantha.  There would be no escape.  How small would she be?  1 inch, less?  Would she even be capable of registering her size to the world around here?  Every thought was surging through her mind, but the only thing that kept repeating was the fear that she’d never see her loving daughter again.  That, was a thought that hurt her, right in the heart.

Life without Rachel was unimaginable to Eve.  She knew, all too well, that she couldn’t have her daughter living with her for her entire life, but to think that she would never be able to see Rachel’s smiling face again, to see her daughter looking up to her and being able to wrap her arms around her for support.  It was all too much for Eve to handle.  Life without seeing Rachel again was not an option for her, and she would not put up with that possibility.  She had to make it through this, she had to.

As if the heavens were answering her prayers, she did.  As the light started to fade, Eve didn’t feel any different.  Her eyes tried to adjust to her surroundings, expecting to see everything multiple times bigger than it was before.  As she adjusted, however, she saw that a lot of things were very much the same.  As she looked around, Samantha still towered over her, but was the same height she was before.  Both Eve and Samantha had skepticism in their eyes.  What happened?  Had the device not worked at all?  Was it breaking?  Both desperately hoped not.  If it did, Samantha couldn’t use it anymore, and Eve could never regain her original size.

Samantha watched in awe at the results of her action.  Eve was still down there, 2 inches in height.  The rest of the room was mostly the same, and that light had definitely shot down towards the floor.  However, the woman didn’t shrink at all.  The device had not broken, however, a fact that Samantha could see right away as her eyes widened, looking at something right behind little Eve.  Her eyes focused on it, and she couldn’t believe her eyes.  “H-How did you do that?!” she called down, taking a step towards the tiny woman she’d trapped in her bedroom.

Eve had gone from depression to fear as the ground shook when that girl stepped towards her, nearly planting her foot right on top of her.  She yelped as she took a step backwards.  “I..I..I don’t know what you’re talking about!” whimpered the tiny Eve, afraid another foot would follow, right on top of her.  As she took a step backwards, however, her calf hit something, causing her to fall on her back.  She yelped, once again as she felt her grip on the ground failing, and her bare flesh falling into a small object.  Whatever it was easily crumbled under her weight and she found herself laying on the floor, several shards of…something on and around her. 

As if there weren’t enough pain in her body already, Eve’s sores were irritated as she was lying on whatever had been put behind her.  She closed one eye, grunting as she put her hands down, picking herself up.  Reaching to her back, she felt where a stabbing pain was and pulled something out that seemed to be stuck to her back.  Pulling it in front of her, she looked at what looked like a tiny wooden board.  There was a nail sticking out of it that looked no more than a centimeter in length to her.  Her head tilted in confusion as she looked at it.  “What is this?  There was nothing like this here befo-“

Eve’s thoughts were silences as she turned herself around, looking at the object she’d just tripped over.  Both of her hands quickly came up to her face as she gasped when she saw what it was.  Shattered, right behind her feet, was open floor and a bad, no bigger than half Eve’s height.  Her eyes had widened, much like Samantha’s had a moment before, as she realized what had happened.  Eve hadn’t done anything funny, and the device wasn’t broken.  Samantha had missed Eve and struck the bed with her device instead.

Eve turned around and stared up at Samantha, who was still struck in shock.  The girl’s mind was swirling with ideas, but all the wrong ones.  The fact that Eve was still 2 inches and the fact that her bed just got demolished by said woman was enraging her.  Her grip on the device became tighter and tighter with every second as her face started to get red.  She called down to Eve again, asking her what she did.  Eve, doing the only thing she could do, and something she’d been wanting to do, she did.  The frustration and agony Eve had been feeling this entire trip was finally catching up with her.  “You…You missed!”

As soon as the words left Eve’s mouth, she regretted it.  Samantha’s face only got from frustrated to pissed-off from the tiny woman talking back to her.  She immediately pointed the shrinking device towards Eve and her frustration took over her mind.  “Get over here and say that again!  I DON’T MISS!  YOU DID SOMETHING!  Now come to me and tell me or I’ll make you shorter than the tips of my toes!”

Eve, realizing that Samantha was losing her better judgment, took in the words that had been thrown at her.  She was in trouble, deep trouble, but maybe she could use this to her advantage.  She started to plan an idea, realizing the situation Samantha was giving her.  Pushing herself forward, she took a few steps until she made it to that gigantic, bare foot that had been planted in front of her.  Sitting down on top of the girl’s big toe, she looked up, fear in her eyes, ready to yell up to her again.  This was the moment of truth, the only solution she had to get out of what Samantha had in mind for her.

“I SAID YOU MISSED!  You have all the firepower you need, but you missed the target!”  Eve felt a sharp pain in her gut as she sent that last statement out.  She knew what Samantha would do, and it would end up either really good or really bad for her.  She carefully watched and made her move as the remote whipped over her and sent it’s shining light down at her. 

End Notes:

As Eve speaks up to the goddess-like Samantha and the beam fires down towards her, what is going to happen?

Chapter 34 - The Tables Turn by L2K7
Author's Notes:

Both Eve and Samantha are taken by surprise when the light of the device envelops the entire room...

Samantha was completely enraged with what Eve had done.  She hadn't said a word, but she didn't have to.  As soon as Eve came out and told her that she missed her target.  Her face was getting red upon hearing that.  Not only was she suspicious before as to how her bed had mysteriously shrunk and the fact that Eve had fallen and destroyed it, but now that tiny woman was daring to mock her by claiming that she had 'missed'?  She was getting closer and closer to just smashing Eve into oblivion from how she was acting.  

She, however, didn't view it that way.  She was incredibly frustrated with Eve, so she simply called down to her to see what she was going to do, demanding her to repeat that last statement.  She wanted to see just how rebellious Eve would get against someone who was several dozen times bigger than she was.  Much to her surprise, Eve kept fighting.  She yelled to her, even louder than the first time, telling her that she missed again.  Samantha's head was starting to quiver as that girl had laid herself down over her foot as she'd yelled up to her.  

Samantha was starting to lose it at this point.  She didn't take rejection and argument too well.  When Eve was screaming and asking to let her go, it was one thing.  She was helpless, both verbally and physically, but now, Eve was standing up to her.  It almost sounded like Eve actually stood a chance against Samantha.  The fact that she had the ego left in her to do that to her was incredible.  For this reason, Samantha didn't immediately smash her into the ground and go after Rachel.  Instead, she thought that she'd just make Eve more helpless, just as she'd aimed to do a moment before.

She hadn't said a single word.  All she did was hit a switch on the device she'd been using to shrink Eve and everyone else she's done this to over the years and pointed it down at the tiny woman, who was on her toe.  She didn't waste any time, talking or anything.  She simply pointed and fired, shining that same light down towards Eve, expecting her to instantly be shrunk down to less than a single inch in height, more than enough to kill Eve's spirit before she punished her for disobeying and defying her at that time. 

As the light poured down towards the tiny woman, it expanded out, filling the entire room with illumination.  Samantha's eyes widened at seeing this, not expecting their entire room to be filled with the light.  She'd never made someone this small before, so perhaps it took a lot more power to be able to accomplish it?  She didn't know the reason, but she felt a little woozy as the light was filling the room.  Within moments, Samantha felt herself falling, along with Eve, presumably, letting out a loud thump on the floor.  

Eve had timed her actions to the point where she'd hoped that her plan would work.  If what she thought would happen actually happened, then she was about to gain the upper hand on Samantha, for once during this venture.  If it didn't, she would be who knows how small and would soon have her life ended under an endless foot.  It was, however, a risk she had to take.  If she didn't take this risk, she wasn't sure she'd get a second chance at stopping Samantha.  She could only hope and pray that luck would be on her side, as opposed to Samantha's. 

Eve had pushed herself away at the last second, in the hopes of not being caught in the blast of the ray and, as she had shoved away from the toe, she felt herself being blown back.  Her back had slammed down against the hard floor, aggravating the bruises that were still on her body.  She grunted as she landed, the mas illumination covering the room.  She held her eyes shut until all of the light that was still filtering in went away.  Her breathing was deep as she slowly opened her eyes, checking to see just what had happened.  

As she looked up, she blinked, seeing that the blurred ceiling was just as far away as it was before.  It looked as if her plan had worked.  She had either not gotten caught up in the blast of that device had malfunctioned and not worked as intended.  She was riding on the idea of her plan having worked, the only way to rid her of that goddess-like psychopath, or at least rid her of the threat she posed.  She heard a loud clunk in front of her as she regained herself.  Pushing herself forward, she looked and eyes widened at what she saw, just beyond her naked body. 

Samantha's body was aching all over as she woke up from whatever had knocked her out.  She whimpered out in pain for a moment as she slowly lifted herself up to see what had gone wrong.  There was definitely something out-of-the-ordinary about that blast.  She'd never seen the device fill up the entire room before.  She'd hoped that it hadn't shrunk Eve to a point where she'd no longer be able to find her.  After taking a deep breath and coughing for a moment, her eyes opened and she looked forward.  Her eyes widened as she looked forward and saw something terrifying.  She screamed and fell on her butt as she saw Eve in front of her.  Her scream went out at the top of her lungs, as the truth about what happened had occurred to her.  Things had changed...everything had changed. 

Eve sat up and looked forward at what she assumed was Samantha.  It definitely looked like Samantha, but something was...different.  This person wasn't towering over her, like a goddess.  She was on her butt, screaming as if her life was about to end.  What's more is that she was no longer huge.  She was , in fact, smaller than Eve was at this point.  Eve shook her head and rubbed over her eyes as she looked at the tiny Samantha that now sat between her feet, making sure she wasn't seeing things.  Her plan had worked.  Not only had she escaped the blast, but Samantha was now the cowering one, no bigger than a few inches in comparison. 

As Samantha looked up at the towering Eve, she was scared, really scared.  She looked behind her and saw the shrinking device, now dozens of times as tall as she was.  She looked at it and back towards Eve.  She thought about running for it, but as she began to stand, she saw Eve change.  Her eyes weren't widened anymore.  They looked down at her with an icy stare and it scared Samantha, a lot.  Samantha got up and began to run the other direction, but was thwarted easily.  

She fell to the ground as shadows surrounded her and ten massive toes slid in front of her, creating an impassable wall.   Samantha started to sweat as she looked around.  In front of her was a wall of toes, to the sides were walls of foot and leg and at the back was the rest of Eve.  Samantha looked up towards Eve, fear in her eyes as she could now she what she did to her.  There were several dark spots all over the massive body, showing the bruises that she'd inflicted on her. 

As Eve looked down at the tiny Samantha, she had a smile on her face, a wide smirk-like smile as she looked down at her and produced a booming voice, raising her eyebrow in the process.  “Going somewhere?”

End Notes:

With Samantha now at Eve's mercy, what fate will befall the psychotic girl?

Chapter 35 - Eve Decides Samantha's Punishment by L2K7
Author's Notes:

Eve is now in control, but what is she going to do with her tiny souvenir?

The situation had changed, completely, for both Samantha and Eve.  Eve was sitting on her butt, black bruises all over her body, her head aimed down towards her ankles and feet.  As she looked down, she had a wicked smile on her face as she saw the tiny woman that was Samantha, falling to her butt and looking up towards her, with a look of fear in her eyes.  Eve had seen her trying to run and had used her own tricks against her.  She’d created a cage around Samantha.  If the girl wanted out, she’d have to climb over her legs or feet and hope she couldn’t catch her.

As she watched Samantha, she saw that she was getting very scared.  Eve liked this very much.  The girl deserved it, after what she’d done.  Eve looked at her and realized that the thread Samantha posed was no longer existent.  She could literally just get up and walk away from her.  Rachel would never find the girl, and Eve wouldn’t want to find her.  However, something was keeping her there.  There was a look in Eve’s eyes as she eyeballed that tiny woman.  She wasn’t through with Samantha yet. 

Samantha was shivering as she looked up at Eve.  That woman whom was once tiny compared to her was now towering over her.  Their roles had, quite literally, been switched.  Now Samantha was the scared, cowering one, and Eve was the towering, giant one who could do anything and everything she wanted with Samantha.  Everything inside Samantha’s gut told her that this was a terrible situation, and she was right to think that way.  She could only imagine what Eve was thinking about right now, having the person who’d tortured her at her feet, only a mere few inches tall in comparison.

Eve’s grin only grew larger as she looked down at that tiny woman.  She finally broke the silence and decided it was time that she spoke down to her tiny tormenter.  With a booming-sounding voice, she sternly spoke down to her.  “You’re not going anywhere, Samantha.  Not now that I’ve got the advantage.  You were the big bad goddess who was hurting me and threatening me and my daughter.  Well, not anymore.  Now, you’re the tiny one and I’ve got you right where I want you.”  She grinned even wider as she began to move her arm, reaching down for the tiny Samantha.

Samantha’s entire being was shivering.  She could see that enormous hand, reaching down for her.  She knew she was in trouble now and all she could do was scream at the top of her lungs.  A tiny, mouse-like sound flew through the air, and could barely be heard by Eve.  The hand stopped right above her head as she screamed out and fell to her knees.  “Please…I’m sorry, Eve!  Please…don’t hurt me!  Forgive me!”  Eve couldn’t believe what she was hearing.  Moving her hand out from above the girl, Eve’s voice echoed through the area as she started laughing at the top of her lungs.

Eve laughed for a good couple minutes until looking down at Samantha again, fighting off the watering eyes she was getting.  “You’re sorry?  Really?!  I’m finally in control and you’re sorry?!”  Eve then looked down at Samantha and moved her hand above the floor right next to her.  Curling her fingers into a fist, she slammed it into the ground, knocking the kneeling girl over, causing her to start crying from fear.  “Sorry doesn’t cut it, you little witch!  You KILLED my husband!  You tortured me, and threatened to hurt my daughter!  Sorry doesn’t fix this!”

Eve’s rage was swelling as she was reminded that this girl was the reason she no longer had a husband and Rachel didn’t have a father.  It was her whom had caused their family so much grief.  Now, there she was, small enough to fit virtually anywhere, and at her disposal.  Bending over towards her, she looked the shaking girl in the eyes and got a very angry look on her face.  “You don’t get ‘sorry’, Samantha.  You’ve caused nothing but despair and torment in your life.  You killed your own parents, my husband, and you’ve been threatening to kill me and my daughter as well!  You don’t deserve to be forgiven!”

Eve brought her finger down as the whimpering Samantha continued to shiver on the floor.  Using her thumb and index finger, she yanked her into the air and brought her right in front of her face.  She swayed her hand, back and forth, letting the girl dangle in the air as she looked at her, thinking about what to do with her.  “Now, here we are, Samantha.  Karma has finally caught up with you.  Now you’re the tiny one and I’m the big, powerful goddess.  Now I have control over your life.  But, what should I do with you?”

Samantha’s head was spinning as she was dangled in the air.  A thousand feelings were jolting in her head as her titanic slave waved her back and forth.  This wasn’t going to be good.  She knew it wasn’t.  She was quaking in fear as the giant woman who now held her was thinking about what she should do with her.  She let out a plea as Eve went silent, hoping that she could get her mercy.  “No, please!  Please, just let me go!  I won’t hurt anyone else, I swear!  I won’t hurt anyone!  I’ll be a good girl!  I’ll be good, I swear!!!!”

Eve could only smile at what Samantha was throwing towards her.  She wanted to be let go.  Eve had thought about what she could do with Samantha.  She could step on her, or eat her, or a host of other things.  However, back in Eve’s mind, she knew that killing Samantha would make her no better than Samantha, herself.  She took a deep breath as she looked around the area.  As she looked over in front of her, she saw the device that Samantha had been using, and she got an interesting idea. 

“I’ve got the perfect idea.  I’ll let you go free, but not before we do something about your size, my dear.  Let’s go take a trip to that little trinket you’ve been messing with, shall we?”  Samantha’s eyes widened as Eve got up and started walking over towards the remote, begging up to her.  “No…No!  Please, not that!  Please, I’ll do anything you want!  Anything!”

Eve simple ignored the girl’s pleas, making her way closer to that remote…

End Notes:

As they walk towards the giant shrinking device, what has Eve got planned?

Chapter 36 - Accidental End by L2K7
Author's Notes:

Samantha tries to devise a plan to keep Eve from doing this, with disastrous results...

“No!  No, Eve!  NO!  I’ll do anything you want!  I’ll show you how to use it!  I’m sorry!”  Samantha was in tears, crying for her life as she was dangled in the air.  She fought off the harsh winds of being carried with the now-giant Eve as the woman headed towards the shrinking device.  Samantha knew exactly what Eve was planning.  She wasn’t going to kill the girl, but she would make her wish she had.  She was, without a doubt, headed over to that device so she could make Samantha so small that not even she’d be able to see her anymore.  Samantha would live as a microbe, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Eve simply kept walking, ignoring everything that Samantha was saying.  Eve knew herself all too well.  She was aching, but she was still an affectionate person, and Mother.  If she let herself listen to Samantha too long, she might start feeling sorry for her and start second-guessing the idea of tormenting the girl with her own device.  As the girl screamed further and further, Eve’s eye eventually began to twitch.  She knew she couldn’t ignore her forever if this kept up.  She ended up stopping, about halfway towards the device and looked at her.

She took a long, strong breath through her knows, blowing back Samantha’s hair and causing her body to sway even more violently as she dangled between Eve’s two fingers.  “Would you just be quiet?!  Even when you’re the size of a bug, you’re unbearable!  So, Samantha, just listen to me for a moment, alright?  You’ve lost.  You lost your chance at getting rid of me.  You lost your chance of ever becoming close to Rachel.  It’s over.  I’m going to do this to you, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.  I don’t want to kill you.  Otherwise, you’d probably already be a bloody stain on the bottom of my foot or hand by now.”

Samantha took in everything Eve had just said and squeaked her voice, completely shutting her mouth and becoming silent.  Her hands were shaking at what Eve had said.  The idea that Eve would have immediately smashed her with her foot or hand was frightening to Samantha.  Her mind pictured the scenario, and it frightened her even more.  She cold almost see the gigantic, soft, bruised foot dangling over her, and coming down with unimaginable force.  She began to cry again at that thought as Eve kept watching her and smiled.

“Good girl.  Now, if you’ll excuse me, we’ve got work to do.  The threat you pose needs to be gone, forever, and the only way to do that and –not—kill you would be the make you small enough that you couldn’t do anything, to me or to Rachel.  So, we’re going to go over to that nifty device you’ve been using and we’re gonna make you smaller.  Now, we don’t want you to be lonely, so I think that after I’ve made you the size of a speck of dust to me, I’ll walk over and let you climb up onto my foot.  Since you love your own feet so much, I think it’s only fair that I allow you to be close to mine.  After all, I’m not heartless, like you are.”

Samantha’s eyes were twitching.  Although she loved toying with her little pets with her feet, she couldn’t stand feet that were normal-size to her, let alone the scale that Eve was talking about.  More than likely, Samantha would end up small enough that Eve’s foot would seem endless to her.  She shook her head around and needed a way out of this.  Her body was stuck between two fingers and it was a long way down.  There had to be a way out of this, there had to.  As she looked around and tried to focus past the lightheadedness she was experiencing, she noticed Eve’s fingertip.  There was a sizable bruise on it, and the girl got to thinking.

Within moments, Samantha has devised a plan.  A bad one, but the only one she could think of.  If Eve’s bruise was tender enough, she might be able to get her to drop her if she bit into the bruise and aggravated that tenderness.  Within nothing to lose, Samantha did just as she’d planned and dug her teeth into the bruised finger that held her, as hard as she could.  She could only hope and pray that Eve would drop her, and that she’d be able to find a safe way to the ground.  Eve was almost at the remote, and she didn’t have any time to think of anything else.

“OUCH!” Eve yelped in pain as she felt a surge of torture flying up her hand.  She immediately started shaking her hand up and down, flopping the little Samantha all over the place.  Losing sight of her grip, her fingers fell apart as her hand did a downward motion, launching the tiny girl towards the ground at frightening speeds.  Samantha screamed at the top of her lungs as she was flung down to the ground.  Her life flashed before her eyes just as she impacted the ground, directly in front of Eve’s big toe.  Her body hit the floor and everything went dark.

Sucking on her finger, Eve eventually realized what had just happened.  Gasping, she looked down towards the ground.  Directly in front of one of her feet was a mess on the floor.  A crippled, bloody pile of what was left of Samantha’s tiny body.  Eve kneeled over and frowned down at the tiny corpse, letting out a sigh.  “Darnit, Samantha…I wasn’t going to kill you…yet you did this.  Well…all I can say is that now you can rest in peace.  You won’t be able to hurt anyone anymore.”

Eve let out another sigh as she stared down at Samantha’s body.  Inside her, though, she was smiling for a little bit.  It was finally over.  She had made it through this situation.  The threat that Samantha posed was finally gone.  However, the reality showed itself as the ground began to shake around Eve.  Her head twisted around towards the doorway, knowing what was happening. 

The threat of Samantha was gone, but Eve’s adventure was only just beginning…

End Notes:


To Be Continued in a Later Story…  

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