The curse on men Part 1: an unaware story by Jamilton
Summary: Part 1 of 3. An explosion at a research centre goes wrong and causes men to shrink to a miniature size.
Categories: Giantess Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Nano (1/2 in. to 2.5 nanometers)
Size Roles: F/m, FF/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: No Word count: 1781 Read: 14073 Published: August 07 2014 Updated: August 07 2014
Story Notes:
When all my friends and me shrink in my house we suddenly can't even move and that's just when hell walks through the door.

1. Introduction by Jamilton

2. The unaware killings part 1 by Jamilton

Introduction by Jamilton
This is the beginning of a story that changes life as we know on earth. This part is full of women who are completely unaware of what has happened to the men on earth. It is also my story that ended my life in a cruel and painful way.

The worlds best scientific research centre in Central London tested an experiment to shrink everything on earth except for the natural resources. They hoped to help the food problems and create more room to grow these large foods and build bigger houses.

As they mixed together the formulae they added the final ingredient to complete the experiment and help the world. The ingredient which will be unnamed for security reasons was tipped into the bubbly red mixture. A large chemical reaction happened causing a massive explosion in the laboratory and spread across the world.

In an instant the formulae was in every corner of the world so everyone had contact with the new compound. This was what was happening to me at the time of this occurrence.

I was having a party with my friends in my house. My stepsister who's 1 year older than me (18) was also there. Usually stepsisters would be horrible cruel bitches who thought of no one but themselves but mine was really nice and gave me support. She knew that I wasn't coping very well when my mum died when I was ten and was always there for me.

She was sitting on the sofa next to my friend Aaron who tried to chat her up. What he didn't realise was that she was a lesbian and had no interest in him. But in self pity she gave him a kiss to make him feel better. Next to Aaron was his best friend Luke who was a bit glum looking to see his friend who he knew from nursery not "hanging out" with him for 1 time in 10 years.

I also had a fat friend called Jack and I guess you can imagine where he was. He was right over the snacks stuffing his big red cheeks with Doritos and salsa without even taking a breath. Outside where 2 of my cooler friends (or they thought they were cool and smooth) sunbathing in a game to see who could get the best tan in 2 hours.

Harrison and Finn (their names) were also doing the competition with my best friend Ciaran but he got a stomach ache and was on the toilet trying to empty his stomach from the pain. Waiting outside was Tom who was getting a bit impatient waiting all this time. He was standing right by the door for about 10 minutes and we had no other toilet.

Finally there was me. Hi I'm Joe and I'm 17 if you hadn't guessed already by me saying about my 18 year old stepsister being 1 year older than me. I had just got a text from my girlfriend saying she had dumped me and I was feeling depressed so I went to my room and lay down on my bed.

Then I looked across my room to see our spare mattress ready to be blown up. Later that day my cousin Hana would be coming to stay. My stepsister Nicole was sharing with my younger twin sisters so she had to stay in my room. I had a complete crush on her and best of all she was my age.

I wanted to make myself useful so I pumped up her air mattress and made her bed. Just as I was putting the bed sheet around the bed the explosion happened and a giant white light appeared for 2 seconds before vanishing revealing what the experiment had done.
The unaware killings part 1 by Jamilton

Everything was a bit of a blur as my friends woke up from the weird flash of light. Tom went to reach his ear to get rid of the ringing sound in his ear but somehow couldn't move his arm. "What the fuck!?" He said to himself confused and just opening his eyes. He was lying on the floor staring up at the ceiling that seemed far away.

Then in the corner of his eye he saw the handle of the toilet door towering over his body. His brain was still working to figure out what had happened and why nothing in his entire body was working. At the same time Ciaran had just arisen from this large pond. He then realised as his body tilted upwards that he was lying in the toilet bowl. Just like tom he couldn't move at all.

Somehow the drug that caused this effect on males also caused their body's to completely freeze. They didn't even have to breathe but they remained alive. Everything felt weird not being able to move or breathe. Many more people awoke from this weird indescribable thing that happened.

More people realised that the effect had made them shrink as jack found himself head first in a pile of salsa dip. The red mixture got in his eye but he couldn't blink to get rid of the pain. Also tom had realised what had happened after time pondering his conclusion. Harrison and Finn were wearing sunglasses at the point so were unaware of what had happened to them.

Luke woke up and saw the fabrics of the sofa pushing against his face and heard my stepsister talk. "Aaron Luke Jack where did you all go?" She asked out loud. Luke eventually realised his problem and started to panic. He soon went into shock and suddenly his heart stopped beating from the shock to him. He had always had heart problems and it didn't help his situation any better as he passed away quickly.

Aaron new exactly where he was and enjoyed where he now was. As he was kissing with Hana he leaned into her, as he was shrunk he fell straight down into her boobs. He was now stuck between her two fleshy tits and new that if any in his body would work he'd get an erection.

Feeling confused and a bit concerned from what happened she started to sweat and grabbed a tissue to dab away the sweat. It was the sweat that pushed him deep into her boobs and she reached in pressing her boobs against him hard. Suddenly he didn't like his new position and started to panic. He held in the pain but soon was given a very slow but very painful death.

While Hana was still wandering what happened to everyone the front door opened and in walked 3 people. They were my cousin Nicole who stood 20 miles over Tom who looked up in utter surprise. The toilet was just by the front door so 3 large girls stood over him taking their shoes off and walking into the hallway. The other 2 girls were my little twin sisters Milly and Molly. Molly stepped out first moving her foot right over Tom who prayed that she would notice him of at least at that point not kill him.

Molly's foot came down but only caught Tom under her little toe. The pain filled Tom's body but didn't kill him. He felt a few ribs breaking and new what could happen if more pressure was added to him. Then Milly stepped in and slammed her heel right onto Tom's face. He was killed instantly spraying blood everywhere across his now squashed body. To a normal sized person it would look like they killed a tiny bug under their feet.

Then the twins headed into the bathroom where Ciaran was just getting a bit scared and alone. If he could shiver he would and you could sense his fear on the moon. Milly came over the toilet and looked down in the bowl. He thought that she had seen him but was just looking in the reflection on the still water. She turned around and lowered her jeans and white panties I front of him.

In the mean time Georgia came and slumped down on the sofa next to Hana. She sat right next to where Luke's dead body rested and looked glum. "What's the matter with you?" Hana asked Nicole. "I just broke up with my boyfriend who told me I wasn't good enough for him. I'm just going to grow old and die alone" she said back now bursting with tears. Hana tried to comfort her but she even knew that talking wasn't the best option. Instead she leaned over and gave Nicole a hug.

Back in the bathroom Milly sat down on the toilet seat showing her asshole and pussy right I front of Ciaran. Suddenly a green liquid came over him and covered his body. Milly was pissing all over Ciaran who was drowning in the waste. Molly who was examining her face in the mirror said "don't flush please I......". That was all Ciaran could hear as he was pelted with more piss as Milly just finished her pee.

Ciaran was glad to hear what he heard and saw Milly stand back up over him and slowly pull up her panties and jeans. Ciaran saw as Milly walked away saying "ok then I won't flush" which made him even more delighted. Suddenly moments later another shadow loomed over Ciaran, which he looked up to see Molly now standing over him.

She then turned around which showed her naked ass and lussy I front of him. Ciaran also noticed that Molly was wearing a tampon which she flushed out her period juice over ciarans head. The force from the blood and sticky stuff that came from her pussy moved Ciaran a few inches towards the back of the toilet bowl. He thought he was safe from being pissed all over but was proven wrong when he saw he asshole open up.

At first loads of farts came out of her but then a giant sky scraper sized piece of shit exited her ass and fell into the bowl. It landed right next to Ciaran and caused a massive wave over him that sent him under the water. More smaller piles of shit came down keeping him under the water. The heavy motion just kept him conscious as she saw Molly get up and put her hand on the handle of the toilet.

He watched as she pulled it sending water coming from everywhere and was sent down the long pipe. His body smashed around the sides of the pipe and caused major blows to his head and lungs. One head on collision made his scull crack open that made him bleed to death.
This story archived at