More Precious than Gold by Franchise Writer, Devoool

After The Straw Hat Pirates land back in the Grand Line after there adventures in Skypia, Nami finds a rather strange treasure from the gold they looted.


One Piece story, if you don't like anime, don't read.

Categories: Adventure, Young Adult 20-29, Butt, Couples , Crush, Entrapment, Gentle, Humiliation, Insertion, Instant Size Change, Lesbians, Odor, Scat, Violent, Vore, Watersports Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: F/f
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: No Word count: 79842 Read: 38073 Published: January 29 2015 Updated: January 29 2017
Story Notes:

I don't own the rights to One Piece in any way and make no money off my story.

1. More Precious than Gold by Franchise Writer

2. Chapter 2 by Franchise Writer

3. More Precious then... more Silver? by Franchise Writer

4. More Priceless Then Platinum by Franchise Writer

More Precious than Gold by Franchise Writer
Author's Notes:

This was a requested story by Devoool, the credit for the idea goes to Devoool.

i hope you all enjoy.

~ Takes place after the Skypia Arc ~

Nami watched the gates of the Navarone Fortress slowly drift farther and farther from sight before she let out a breath of relief. We made it, were safe. A smile slowly sneaked on her lips, it had been one thing after another. First there adventures in Skypia, the fall there boat took, than winding up smack dab in the middle of Navy headquarters.

“Looks like the Grand line really has it out for us.” Nami shook her head before climbing off the lookout perch. As she slid down she noticed everyone else had already left for the night. There Octopus friend was still flouting them to safety in the air so there was no need to watch for others up here.

Yawning tiredly Nami decided to join them in sleep, the events of the past few days really taking their toll on her. As she walked towards her and robins room down below deck she noticed her treasure room’s door cracked open. “Damnit Luffy I told you not to go in there.” She grumbled.

As she was about to close the door she took a quick peak in at the mountain of gold they had received from the villagers of Skypia. Biting her lower lips eagerly she fidgeted for a moment. “Ok just a quick looksee then off to bed.” Nami slipped into the room making sure not to disturb the others before looking over the gold more carefully.

She didn’t have time to inspect what the others took on board since they were running for their lives from those giant cannon’s they had. “Huh, I wonder why they wanted to shoot us to begin with.” Shrugging she went back to inspect her treasure with glee, her eyes shining with excitement after touching each expensive piece.

Each piece she touched she couldn’t get enough of. The feel of gold on her finger’s, the way the rubies and emeralds clacked when they touched, it was almost like ecstasy for her. After digging for a while she saw something rather strange.

Nami moved a few hand full of coins to the side before seeing a strange green light. Reaching in she pulled out a small golden chain, no not made of gold the metal wasn’t as heavy it was just colored. She would have tossed it aside with disgust since it tried to hide its shame with color but what was attached to it made her reconsider.

There was a spiraled crystal in the center that gave off a faint glow. Running along the sides of its spirals where little webs of gold, real gold not the fake kind the chain held. “What kind of stone is this? It’s not a natural florescent or it would shine differently not… glow?” Nami rubbed her thumb over the gem feeling a strange warmth run over it, almost like it was living.

“Stalling Miss Navigator? You know I hate waiting.” Nami jumped as someone spoke behind her. Turning she already knew who it was. “R-Robin don’t scare me like that, and I wasn’t stalling I just wanted to take a quick look what the others brought back.” Nami blushed.

After Robin had joined there crew after the Alabaster incident Nami had played it off and avoided talking with her after she endangered her friend Vivi, but as time went on Nami couldn’t take it. Since she was younger whenever she was around other women she would always get different urges. Deciding she probably wouldn’t live long working with Arlong she embraced them in full.

Whenever she met with someone she found cute she would do what she wanted with them. It didn’t work out as well as she planned the first few times but after years of practice lying and cheating her way to steal for Arlong she adapted a natural flirt she could use for any and all women.

She did the same with Vivi to but she couldn’t lie to her long, she had grown too fond of her. After Robin joined Nami watched her closely, studying her, learning what she liked. It didn’t surprise her that her other crewmates turned her off, then again most women wouldn’t look twice at them and think anything special to begin with.

She liked to talk with Chopper but the way they talked and acted wasn’t anything special, she only looked at him as a child, more maternally. But then she looked at her. The first time they talked it didn’t take much to see in Robin’s eyes that she like her.

Deciding to play off that she guessed Robin probably lived a similar life as hers, although she probably didn’t lie or go as far as Nami did but still one similar none the less. Working for Baroque Works and Crocodiles right hand, she could have any girl she wanted.

Smirking Nami waited patiently until the right moment, it wouldn’t be long if the way Robin eyed her had anything to say about it. Finally she found what she needed, Nami watched as her other crewmates left for shore on one of the islands they had docked at for supplies but Robin stayed behind, she wanted to finish reading her book and didn’t feel the need for anything.

Nami remembered the conversation she shared with her vividly; it did change her life after all. Nami approached Robin in her red two-piece bikini; she wanted to pull out all the stops. “How’s your book so far Robin, must have been good if you didn’t want to go on land with the other’s.” Nami smiled lying down on the lawn chair next to her.

“It’s quite good Miss Navigator, I can say the same to you.” Robin smiled going back to her book. Offhanded compliment, she’s nervous and trying to make small talk, probably not a lot of experience with women initiating things. Nami smiled back, “Thanks, I just wanted to break in my new clothes I got from Alabaster.”

Robin smiled nodding before flipping the page nonchalantly. Playing coy now? Nami put on her sunglasses before stretching out, her arms raised as she displayed her body for Robin. Nami watched Robin’s reaction behind her shades for anything. Biting back a smirk she watched Robin sneak peeks every so often, her face slowly darkening.

Got you, turning onto her back Nami slowly pulled the strings of her Bikini off before reaching towards the side table for a bottle of sun block. “Hey Robin would you mind putting some sun screen on my back, I can never reach every crevice.” Nami whined slash pleaded, choosing her words specifically.

“I’d be happy to Miss Navigator.” Nami heard Robin put her book down but not stand up. “Dos Fleur,” Nami blinked back surprise as she felt a pair of arms gently touching her back. “If you don’t mind your lotion would get my hands sticky, I wouldn’t want to ruin my book.” Robin smiled before picking her book back up and flipping the page.

Name shuddered as the new appendages curtesy of Robin’s Hana Hana no Mi. Wow, these feel just like real hands. Nami bit her lower lip suppressing a moan as she felt Robins oiled hands make contact with her bare back. “Sorry if there a little rough, when I summon them they just do what I tell them, I can’t control exactly how they do it though.” Robin smiled before turning another page.

Nami’s toes curled in pleasure as she felt the hands kneading into her skin while rubbing the sun block on, it’s like they know exactly what to do this feels like a massage. Nami couldn’t take it and let out a low moan before blushing. “I take it your enjoying yourself.” Robin smirked.

“Y-Y-Yea, this feels nice. It’s kind of like a deep tissue massage actually.” Robin moved her book down to watch, her smile turning into a grin. “Well I can tell them to do that actually,” Robin folded her arms before the hands started kneading once more but now rubbing in circles and using their thumbs to push in more.

Nami’s eyes widened in pleasure, this feels amazing! I haven’t felt a massage like this since, since… Nami blushed recalling the last time she had one was from her sister Nojiko before she joined Luffy’s crew. “I hope you’re enjoying it, I used to give these to the others at Baroque Works. I can’t say I miss any of them but I do miss, Miss Valentine’s company. She was very pleasant to be around.” Robin blushed, something Nami picked up on by her tone.

“Miss Valentine, she was with that one man, I think he was called Mr. 5? How did you two know each other, I didn’t think they ever went to Alabaster.” Nami tried to gleam as much information as possible. “She did on occasion and whenever she came back she stayed with me. Most nights we would stay in and talk, amongst other things.” W-wait… did she just imply???

“O-Oh? What kind of things?” Nami asked blushing. Nami felt the hands moving lower down her back as they kneaded. “Hmm well the usual girl talk I suppose, different outfits we liked, different men we hated, who was better at kissing.” Nami’s eyes widened as she felt Robins hands squeeze her ass making her jump in shock.

“R-R-Robin?!”, “Yes Miss Navigator?” robin spoke in her usual tone as she flipped another page of her book. Nami let out an eep of surprise as the hands moved under her Bikini bottom to grab her bare ass, slowly squeezing her cheeks as if testing how they feel.

“W-W-Why a-are y-you,” Nami tried to speak but couldn’t form any words, unsure what to say never having been on this end of the conversation. “Why playing with you of course, after all that’s what you wanted to do with me, or more my body I’m assuming.” Robing smiled before closing the book having finished it.

“Do you think I haven’t noticed the look’s you give me? I knew you didn’t like me before even when I tried bribing you but you slowly warmed up to me.” Robin turned to her side resting her head on her hand as she watched her hands playing with Nami’s ass.

“You think the full extent of my Hana Hana fruit allow me to grow just arms? Let’s just say I’ve been watching you very closly since the day I arrived.” Nami blushed knowing full well what she was implying. The whole time she thought she was observing Robin, it had been the other way around entirely. “T-Then y-you… then you know that I like you…” Nami blushed.

“Like me? Here I was under the assumption you just wanted me as eye candy. I’m flattered Miss Navigator, not many people would see me as anything but that.” Robin moved next to Nami, her real hand cupping her face. Nami’s breath hitched as her head was turned towards Robins.

“I’m glad I set this meeting up with you, it was painful watching you watch me for so long without any…” Nami squeaked in surprise as she felt Robins fingers gently poke the outside of her anus, gently wiggling as they tried to get in. “Touching,” Robin whispered next to her ear before giving her a quick lick.

Nami moaned in pleasure now wanting to just jump the archeologist but the arms coming out of her back forced her down into the chair. “So, what now then? I want you, I really do. I might go as far as to say I like you, which I’ve never really meant to another before. Your attitude, the way you flaunt your body, and even the gentleness you hide I find so, alluring.” Robin stroked Nami’s cheek gently.

“And as far as I can tell you feel the same about me. So what do you want to be Miss Navigator?” Robin’s arms released Nami’s ass before pushing up the speechless red head until she was sitting eye level with her.

“I-I, I w-want to, I mean I would like…” Nami wanted to just scream and kiss her already but she had never felt like this! One moment she had everything under control, and the next she was like putty in Robin’s beautiful, silky smooth, gentle… Nami blinked trying to stay focused.

“Let’s start with this and see where it goes then since you don’t have an answer.” Robin leaned in before stealing her lips. Nami’s eyes widened. I-I-I’m k-kissing her! N-n-no sh-she’s kissing me! Nami’s eyes slowly closed in pleasure as she let Robin control the kiss, it was new to not be in control but… it wasn’t so bad.

From that day on Robin and her had been *Dating* in secret, if you could even call it that. Whenever they entered a new port in town they would look for other women to join in there fun, the way Robin played with them, it was so exciting!

But as time went on Nami noticed more and more Robin would always remain in control, no matter what they did. Every time she tried to be Robin would always turn it around and be the dominate one. It was exciting to a point but she kind of missed being in charge. Back in the east blue all women who she bedded where her playthings until she discarded them but, now she was Robins.

She tried bringing it up with her but Robin merely smiled when she did. “That’s because you are mine Nami, I thought you knew that. I love you but you’ll always be mine to play with.” Robin leaned in kissing her before her hands crossed. “Un Fleur”, robin whispered. Nami fell over gasping.

One of the many things robin liked to do with her no matter where they were was use her Hana Hana no Mi on her. Currently Nami was on her knee’s gasping in pleasure as she felt Robin’s tongue licking her nether lips, FROM THE INSIDE!

“Mmmm, as always you taste sweeter than any fruit,” Robin smiled rubbing her hand over Nami’s cheek before walking back to their room, her tongue still licking away pleasantly. And that about sums up my life until now, Nami thought dryly.

It’s not that she didn’t love her Robin, which she grew to call hers but she wanted to be in charge for once, she wanted to call the shots. Even if only for a night. “I know your love of gold takes presidents over most anything but,” Nami felt a pair of hands come out from her hips before groping her chest.

“Couldn’t you take a break and play with me.” Robin whispered now standing behind her. “You know I can’t stand not having your touch every day, let alone hour.” Robin whispered the last part drinking in Nami’s shivering form; her words always did seem to have that effect on her.

“Robin… I know I was coming to bed when I saw the door left open. It was only going to be for a moment when…” Nami blinked remembering what was in her hand. “Hey Robin by chance do you know what kind of stone this is?”

Nami wiggled out of Robins hands much to her displeasure before showing her the strange pendant. Robin perked her brow looking it over. “Well the chain is old and has been painted; the bindings are just as old but are of a different metal and the stone…”

Robin trailed off looking at it strangely. “Actually Miss Navigator I can’t say I do know. Maybe it’s indigenous to Skypia?” Nami sighed shaking her head. “Robin for the last time stop calling me that, where well past Miss Navigator.” Nami smiled, she didn’t understand why Robin continued to always call her that, even in private at times.

Robin smiled nodding, “Old habits.” Robin picked up the pendant observing it closely for anything. “That’s strange, there’s some kind of text inside the bindings.” Nami looked closer surprised she hadn’t even noticed it. “Can you read it?” Robin squinted at the tiny writing mouthing inaudible words for a few minutes but frowned in defeat.

“I can make out some of the text but it’s too badly damaged. Still it’s a fine piece and can no doubt make you a profit.” Robin smiled knowing Nami’s greed better than most. “What could you make out?” Nami asked eying the stone almost hypnotically.

“Well as far as I can deduce it’s some kind of fetish idol, I can’t imagine how since the size is too small for what I would imagine things like that to be.” Robin smirked while Nami blushed. Robin picked up the necklace before hanging it around Nami’s neck.

“But if it helps for what where about to do than it’s alright in my book.” Robin smirked as she tugged Nami back to their cabin. Shutting the door Robin locked it, having made the mistake of not the last time they played around. I’m just glad it was Chopper who walked in and not the others. That might have been awkward; he’s still too naive to understand what we were doing thankfully, she just played it off as them hugging.

Robin folded her arms over her chest, “Seis Fleur”. Nami felt six arms start striping her out of everything before shoving her to the bed, Robin already half naked herself as she drank in the beautiful sight before her. Guess I’m going to be used again, I just wish she wasn’t so dominate with me… I want to be in charge tonight Nami frowned.

Both women covered their eyes in pain. “Ahh, what is that?!” Nami squinted as she looked at her pendant, it was shining now in a vivid green light, it was blinding to say the least. “I-I I have no idea Nami.” Robin replied just as startled as she covered her gaze.

The light flickered out leaving the room to be illuminated by the candle fire. Nami blinked a few times rubbing her eyes. Once she opened them Robin was nowhere in sight. “Robin?”, “Yes Nami?” Nami jumped in surprise as she looked down.

Nami almost screamed in shock having to cover her mouth or else as she stared at Robin. Robin rubbed her eyes in pain before her vision came back to her. Once opened she immediately released something was wrong. “W-what’s… what’s happening?” Robin noticed the same surroundings but at a much larger scale.

The desk, the two chairs, the book shelf, the bed, and her giant girlfriend! No… not giant, Robin shivered at the realization. “It appears I-I’ve shrunk.” Robin stuttered a bit, her calm rational side crumbling just a bit at the impossibility before her.

Nami nodded dumbly before her eyes widened. Yanking off the necklace she looked at it in fear, afraid she might shrink herself. “IT DID THIS!, IT DID THIS TO YOU!” Robin nodded now understanding what happened. “Nami… What did you wish for?” Nami blinked in surprise at Robins tone, it was strict and imposing, strange at her height it was still kind of scary.

“W-w-what? I didn’t wish for anything I was just laying her when…” I wanted to be in charge? The stone blinked a few times before dying out again. “THAT! Tell me you thought of something what it was.” Robin asked with worry. “I… I wanted t-to be… in charge tonight.” Nami blushed.

“B-BUT N-NOT LIKE THIS! I d-didn’t ask it to shrink you?!” Nami stammered with worry. Robin frowned in understanding. “It’s a fetish charm Nami, there rare and I had believed to be gone from the world. They date back centuries and where lost to mankind. Somehow one ended up in Skypia and is now in your possession.” Robin informed crossing her arms with annoyance.

“I’m so sorry Robin I… I didn’t mean to.” Nami felt her eyes tearing up now, what if Robin was stuck like this forever! This is my entire fault. “No need to cry Miss nav- Nami. There’s a way to reverse it I know of but…” Robin blushed unsure how to say it.

“If there’s a way to fix it tell me, I’ll do anything!” Nami stammered out. “The charm’s where destroyed because they gave the user power over almost anything they desired. In this case you wanted to simply be in charge of me, well the charm made it possible for you to be without me being able to resist. I am completely powerless to whatever you do to me. That’s also how you reverse it. You must live out your wish.” Robin crossed her arms blushing.

Nami looked at Robin slack jawed. I… I have to use Robin to… but she’s only 3 inches tall! Will she drown?! No she could suffocate first! “I c-can’t do that Robin, I could hurt you.” Nami blushed in embarrassment. “Well the alternative is not fulfilling your wish and I having to get used to doll clothes” Robin shook her head in slight amusement, how can she find this funny! Nami thought.

Nami slowly reached down to pick up the tiny Robin, She feels so warm. It’s like I’m holding a doll but she’s still Robin. Nami blushed knowing what she had to do even if it meant harming Robin in the process. I can’t live with myself if I hurt her but… I can’t live with myself knowing she spends the rest of her life like this.

Nami took a deep breath before nodding. “O-ok Robin… I will… I’ll use you.” Robin was sweating a bit but there was a calm smile in place. “To be perfectly honest I’m not all against this,” Robin smiled shaking her head. Nami gawked in disbelief.

“Y-you do realize I’d be… and you’d be my…” Nami found the words for what she imagined hard to say. “That I’d be nothing more they a living breathing toy that could do absolutely nothing to stop you if you chose to do anything and everything with me?” Robin smirked.

Nami blushed nodding. “Well that was your wish after all, I’m a little disappointed that we didn’t get to play more first though but I suppose I’ll just have to make my own fun when I’m down there.” Robin crossed her arms before multiple hands appeared. “I wonder if I can find your g-spot at this size, maybe I can sprout some hands to specifically pleasure there and there alone.” Robin grinned viciously.

Nami shivered at the thought. Maybe this won’t be as bad as I originally thought. Nami’s lips slowly moved into a smile before a grin. Nami leaned back into their bed, her legs spread eagle. Biting her lower lip Nami moved her hand lower before spreading her nether lips apart.

“I hope with your power you don’t drown in there.” Nami smirked. Robin rouse her brow, usually dark humor was her forte. As Nami lowered robin, the tiny Archaeologist couldn’t help but shiver with fear and excitement. Her Nami’s beautiful, dripping, crotch slowly approaching her, teasing her.

Nami released a low moan as she felt Robin’s hands moving in first. Robin wiggled her arms, testing to see what it felt like. It’s wet, of course. The warmth is unimaginable; it’s heating my entire being. Robin grinned before moving forward more, Nami’s hand pushing her all the way in.

Robin felt darkness surround her, the intense heat on all sides mixed with the slippery walls was a unique feeling, one she had never even thought about before, than again who would imagine they’d end up in this situation to begin with?

Nami shivered as she pushed Robin’s legs into her, her lover now completely consumed by her hungry quim. Nami gasped folding her legs up on instinct as she felt robins first initial movements, sh-shes going deeper in! Nami moaned rolling back into her pillows, her hands making their way to her breasts as her friend explored her inner depths.

Robin couldn’t see anything, she had to touch and feel every crevice of her Nami. As her hand touched a little deeper she heard a loud muffled moan. I guess I found something she likes, Robin smirked crossing her arms. “Seis Fleur” Six arms appeared where her hand once was before all gripping that spot.

The effect was instantaneous. Nami’s eyes shot open before she covered her mouth screaming. T-T-THIS P-PLEASURE! Oh god Robin! Nami bit her knuckles, trying her hardest not to wake her fellow crew members with her thralls of Ecstasy. Robin felt herself pushed back and forth, the walls now tightening up on her along with the breathable air growing thinner.

I need to really give her something to feel. I’ll also need to brace myself, this might turn out bad if she doesn’t control herself, Robin grimaced. “Ochenta Fleur!” Suddenly Robin sprouted arms in pairs all along the inside of Nami, stretching her walls and clutching every inch in sight. Once the eightieth arm sprouted they all started to grip and squeeze as they wiggled and thrashed.

Nami’s eyes widened as she screamed, her knuckle bleeding as she bit into it. “ROBIN!” Nami finally screamed as her body rocked hard into the bed as her orgasm shot through her like lightning. Robin had her extra arms clutching onto her trying to hold her in place for the initial flood but it wasn’t even nearly enough. Robin felt like she was hit by a tidal wave her arms not standing a chance as she was shot out of Nami like a torrent onto the now sopping wet bed below.

Nami’s eyes where closed as she tried to catch her breath, Robin having just gave her one of if not her most explosive climax of her life. Robin coughed up some of Nami’s juices as she let fresh air enter her lungs. I… I almost drowned. Robin moved her hands up wiping some of Nami’s release from her eyes; it stuck to every centimeter of her body.

Nami slowly lifted her head having to give it some effort, her body not wanting to do much else but rest. Nami looked down at Robin who looked like a washed up cat, her hair sticking everywhere, a thick layer of white coating her body. “W-why… Why d-didn’t you change back?” Nami breathed out having trouble forming words.

Robin panted just as tiredly. “I… I don’t really… know…” Robin tried to think it over rationally. I’m sure I read it right; those who wish for release shall be granted there darkest of desires. Until they release what they want the pact shall remain until otherwise. Loosely translated it should mean after the user’s wishes come true the affected should change back, so why am I still small?

Robin’s eyes slowly widened. She didn’t get what she wanted. “Nami I know what we did wrong.” Robin said now scowling for her ignorance. “What? I just had the most pleasurable orgasm of, of… I think my life.” Nami shook her head in disbelief that using Robin had made her feel so good.

“Be that as it may it’s not that pleasure that breaks the spell, it’s the pleasure you get from your wish. You weren’t really in charge; once you put me in I took charge… again.” Robin frowned, even at 3 inches she still tried controlling Nami… was this what made her so sad to begin with?

Nami was about to protest but her words died on her lips. Seriously! Nami frowned now. Even when I’m a giant I’m still being submissive. If I really want to help Robin I need to be more aggressive. “I-I’m sorry Robin b-but I… I need to do whatever I want to you, whether you like it or not.” Nami said sternly picking up her friend much to her shock.

“I’ll do whatever I have to, to fix my mistake, even if it’s not pleasant for you.” Nami frowned before flipping onto her stomach. I wanted this for a while but, I didn’t imagine it would be with Robin 3 inches tall, I hope she doesn’t hate me after this. Nami felt herself tear up, wiping them away she clenched her eyes sternly. I’m sorry Robin.

Robin felt Nami’s grip around her tighten a bit as she was shaken around. As Nami rested on her stomach she moved her free hand to her ass pulling her right cheek to the side. What is she… no, she can’t be! She wouldn’t dare! “Nami! What are you-“Robin didn’t have a chance to finish as her entire upper body was shoved into Nami’s ass.

“I’m sorry Robin…” Nami whispered as she felt Robin struggling frantically in her hand. Moving her friend and lover deeper in her breath hitched as she felt something poke the outside of her anus. Robin’s eyes where wide with shock as she moved deeper into Nami’s sweaty ass.

Living on the sea didn’t exactly give ether of them time to freshen up much so Nami’s ass was well past filthy. Robin’s nose wrinkled in disgust as her face was pushed into Nami’s anus. I-it’s so warm, and the smell! Robin screamed up for Nami to stop pleading but her begging was unheard as she felt her head being pushed in harder now.

Nami moaned, a few tears escaping as she shoved Robin into her ass slowly. She wanted to just do the deed quickly so Robin wouldn’t have to live through the horror’s she no doubt was dealing with now but if she wanted to fix robin she had to enjoy it. The absolute feeling of power over her, after months of Robin being in charge now she was; now she was calling the shots; now she had the power!

Nami grit her teeth with anger trying to channel that to forget her sadness. I’m sorry Robin but you had this coming! You shouldn’t have just forced me to do what you wanted! You should have let me be in charge! EVEN ONCE WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE! Now Nami felt it, her being fueled with rage and lust as she felt her tiny friend thrashing inside her filthy asshole.

That’s right suffer in there, I want you to be tormented for what you put me through. Nami shoved Robin the rest of the way in now, as far as her finger would let her. As she pulled her finger back it was smeared with the remainder of her last bowel movement. Nami felt her eyes trying to tear up again but she shoved it away, instead focusing on the pleasure that was Robin screaming and kicking inside of her.

Robin screamed as the rest of her body was shoved into Nami now, she felt filth caking her body, along with Nami’s orgasm still coating her body she easily picked up the filthy remainders coating the inside of Nami’s anus. Now her entire body being smeared as she was shoved deeper into Nami’s ass.

Robin felt tears streaming down her cheeks as she was pushed farther up before Nami’s finger was pulled out, now she was all alone inside of her lover’s asshole, the smell was unbearable! “NAMI! P-PLEASE LET ME OUT OF HERE!” Robin screamed and begged as she cried into her friend, but all she got in response was the tight filthy walls surrounding her to clench up, smearing more filth into her face.

Robin gagged now as she felt what was the remainder of Nami’s lunch now being forced into her open mouth when she screamed, the taste would forever be imbedded in her mind. Robin thrashed kicking and screaming but it was no use. The only way she could get out was if Nami so pleased, she was completely and utterly helpless to her giantess of a girlfriend.

This is my punishment; this is just a fraction of the pain I must have made her feel. Robin cried softy, not just for her predicament but for how she must have made Nami feel, helpless. Whenever Nami wanted to be forceful something inside me shot her down not wanting any part of it but now… now I can do nothing… I’m forced to endure this… this hell!

Nami moaning in bliss. She loved anal, in fact it was one of her favorite things but when she started dating Robin she would have no part of it. I can’t really blame her, my ass must be filthier than an outhouse, Nami blushed.

When she lived back in the east blue she would always force whoever she bedded to eat out her ass no matter how filthy it was. The pleasure of making those girls lick my filthy hole, it was pure ecstasy! And now… Now my robin is inside of my filthy hole! Nami felt her lips perk into a grin.

She’s neck deep in my shitty ass, and I can do whatever I want with her. Nami clenched her ass hard and felt the struggles increase. Chuckling she moaned clenching and unclenching, enjoying all of her little robins struggles, I can’t even imagine what it must be like, no usable air, she has to breath in my ass.

Nami’s eyes widened as she got a wicked idea. I did this a few times to some of the more submissive girls I was with, now its payback time! Nami clenched her stomach pushing hard. I know… its unlady like… but I… I… Nami moaned as she felt herself let out a loud muffled fart.

Nami moaned biting her lower lips, her hand moving to her crotch as she felt Robins struggles and screams intensify tenfold inside of her. Robin’s eyes watered as she felt Nami’s excrement smearing her eyes, the pain was more like a dull sting but still one of the many problems ailing her. Suddenly Robin heard a loud gurgle.

“Oh god no… please don’t… don’t do this…” Robin felt tears falling now as her filthy prison got a lot worse. Instantly Robin was blasted with Nami’s rancid air as she farted, Robin’s face taking the blunt of the force. Robin screamed in discomfort, her eyes and mouth had been open as Nami’s filthy shot into her face. Every orifice on her body was now being plugged with her lover’s filth!

Robin kicked hard trying desperately to do anything to end this horror. She needs to be pleasured by my pain… Robin grimaced knowing what she had to do. Struggling she moved her arms up, the tight walls painfully gripping her. “Cien Fleur!” Robin screamed, tears streaming down her eyes.

Robin felt her Hana Hana no Mi taking effect instantly as she gagged, her mouth clenched shut as she tasted everything! Robin had used her power to sprout a hundred limbs, those limbs being tongues. Nami was now feeling the power of her Devil fruit as she used it to clean her asshole from the inside out.

Nami screamed covering her mouth. S-She’s, She’s licking my, what is she… Nami clenched the mattress screaming in pleasure now, not caring if she covered her mouth or not as she felt tens of hundreds of little wet movements inside her ass, licking and tickling her anal cavity. Nami furiously rubbed her quim, her finger’s pounding in and out of her hard as she creamed in ecstasy.

“I… I need to…” Robin moved her hands a little higher forming a few more limbs. “For you… my Nami…” Robin whispered as she used the last of her energy to form a few more tongues, this time on the outside of Nami’s ass.

Nami gasped in pleasure as she felt intense pleasure shoot through her, unknown to her there was other forces at work as Robin’s other tongues licked furiously on her clit, so small to even be seen by the frantic Giantess.

Nami finally reached her limit as she screamed in bliss, her second orgasm of the night rocking her body, shooting through her like a million bolts of electricity as she climaxed. Nami felt her body shutting down; the pleasure was just too much, it was overloading any rational thoughts she had left. She never felt this good in her life! The power, this power! She liked, no LOVED IT!

Nami slowly felt herself slipping off to sleep, forgetting she even had her shrunken lover tucked away deep within her sweaty ass, a blissful smile present on her lips…

Chopper walked by the girl’s door curiously. “Maybe I should check on them, it sounded like Nami was in pain… No I bet there just hugging again, I better leave them alone.” Chopper smiled walking off back to his hammock.


Nami was slowly woken by a strange tingling feeling. Moaning Nami bit her bottom lip enjoying the foreign pleasure. W-what… what is that? Nami wondered sitting up. Looking around the room Nami blinked in confusion, her mind still a bit hazy from the night before.

“W-wait… Robin and I… ROBIN!” Nami’s eyes widened looking around frantically. Nami heard something jingle and looked down in confusion before her eyes caught the quick shine of something golden. Reaching under the covers she started to pull on a chain before a light green stone was pulled out, a faint glow emitting from it.

“I-it… it wasn’t a dream…” Nami looked at the pendant in fear. This thing alters the very laws of nature, just for someone’s pleasure?! Nami felt angry at first but slowly it subsided. No… it just gives people the power to do what they wish, it’s not bad itself, only when used by bad people…

Nami looked the necklace over for a moment before something occurred to her. Where’s Robin? As if on cue Nami gasped clutching her stomach in shock. “W-W-Wait… I… I pushed Robin…” Nami jumped off the bed frantically running to the bathroom before slamming the door.

“Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap! She’s still in there!” Nami frantically moved her hand around poking and prodding her anus trying to feel Robin, but she couldn’t feel a thing. She must be too deep in; Nami grimaced, her face turning pale with horror.

Oh god what do I do, what do I do?! Nami frantically paced back and forth trying to figure out how to reach Robin. She could crawl out? No she must be battered and exhausted she’d be lucky to be even breathing… Nami screamed slamming her fist onto the sink in anger.

“DAMNIT! How the hell do I get her out?” Nami hung her head in shame, now regretting ever pushing Robin inside her. Nami slowly opened her eyes feeling tears dripping from her cheeks before her eyes landed on the toilet next to her. There’s no way I can do that!

Nami blushed not wanting to imagine what it would feel like. She could get crushed, or suffocate in my… Nami shook her head trying to rid her mind of such thoughts. Nami tried to think of anything else but she was running out of time. “Damn, I’m so sorry Robin…” Nami locked the bathroom door before sitting on the toilet.

Nami tapped her wrist waiting, but seconds turned to minutes. Jeez I can’t just go on command! Nami hung her head waiting for anything but time was against her. Growling she jumped up moving around a bit, trying to get anything moving but she just didn’t feel the need to.

Nami blinked before covering her mouth in disgust. Oh god I can’t do that ether… Nami moved back to the toilet waiting, praying for a different result but nothing happened. Nami finally screamed in anger moving to the small cabinet next to the sink.

Looking through different pouches she finally found what she was looking for. Nami pulled out a small root from the bag grimacing at the sight. Last time I had problems Chopper said to chew on this… Nami pinched her nose before tossing the root in her mouth, her face turning to one of pure disgust.

Just as bad as I remember, Nami cringed chewing it rabidly, trying to make it more bite sized before swallowing. Nami immediately washed her mouth out, the flavor lingering horribly. Panting for air Nami poked her stomach wondering when it would take effect before she heard a loud, unnatural gurgle.

“Oh god!” Nami fell to the floor clutching her stomach in pain before crawling back to the toilet. Nami barely made it on the seat before clutching her gut in pain once more. “T-this… is… hell!” Nami panted out feeling the horrible medicine Chopper had given her after she had a bad case of constipation.

Nami’s eyes widened as she felt the contents of her ass forcibly shoved out, the toilet under her echoing loudly through the small bathroom. Nami wanted to reach in and tug Robin out from under her but her hands where busy holding her stomach as she felt herself letting loose into the toilet.

Nami panted hating everything about this moment. Robin fates unknown, I’m in more pain then I am monthly, the smell is making ne nauseas, Nami stopped her train of thought, counting the bad things was probably not the best thing to do in this situation.

Nami grit her teeth bearing with the pain as she tried to think of good things. Gold, my nakama Robin, my crew, are time in Skypia, last night… Nami blushed remembering how good it felt, to be in charge again. Nami frowned in disappointment, I shouldn’t be taking pleasure in Robin’s pain, she could be dead! But… the pleasure was unlike anything I’ve ever felt…

Nami let her thoughts drift for a while but noticed something. Releasing her gut the pain was now gone, minus the lingering gurgle. Nami wiped her ass with some paper before tossing it into the pail next to her. Nami plugged her nose in disgust looking at her handiwork. It was near impossible to see into the murky brown water but none the less she tried to find Robin.

Nami looked around before she saw the water moving lightly. Instantly Nami’s hand shot into the filthy water grabbing something. Nami pulled something solid out looking at it, the filth and muk clinging to it to heavily to tell what. Running to the sink Nami shoved her hand under the running water desperately cleaning it off.

The relief in Nami’s eyes was uncomprehendable as she saw Robin’s unconscious form slowly revealed to her. Nami cried softly cleaning her friend off, she was in a horrible condition. Once the majority of Nami’s excrement was washed away Nami tried to hear a heartbeat, her ear pressed into Robin’s chest.

“She’s alive!” Nami cheered, tears falling from her eyes freely. Nami unlocked the bathroom moving Robin to their bed as she carefully laid her down, afraid even the lightest of touches might damage her after her ordeal. Once she was tucked in Nami looked upon her with a small grateful smile.

Nami’s happiness was short lived however as she heard a loud gurgle, pain starting to shoot through her stomach once more. Blushing Nami franticly ran back to the bathroom where she remained for the next hour.


Robin’s eyes clenched a bit before slowly opening as she regained consciousness. Moaning in pain she rubbed her head, the light blinding her. Robin wrinkled her nose, something smelled off to. “Robin!” Nami screamed happily as she ran out of the bathroom to kneel beside her tiny girlfriend.

Robin looked at Nami in surprise before memories came flooding back to her mind. “So… it wasn’t a dream.” Robin whispered before coughing, her throat incredibly dry. Nami was already prepared handing her small friend a thimble full of water.

Robin smiled taking the bucket sized thimble from Nami as she let the fresh water run down her parched throat. Coughing a bit more, the pain was now lessened considerably. “So… I guess that didn’t work.” Robin frowned, Nami as much in the same mood.

“I-I’m so sorry Robin… I just… I thought if I did what I wanted with you it would force the magic through… I’m sorry.” Nami whimpered, tears freely falling now. Robin crossed her arms before two miniature arms sprouted from the sides of Nami’s eyes before wiping away her tears.

“I don’t blame you Nami, I thought it would work to, I know you didn’t just do it to… to get back at me.” Robin frowned in disappointment for having thought that at first. Nami picked up the necklace glaring at it with hatred. “There has to be something on this stupid thing that can change you back.” Nami tried looking over the writing growling in frustration, there was no way she could read it, even Robin couldn’t fully translate it.

“Put it on please Miss Navigator.” Robin rubbed her chin in thought. Nami blinked in surprise before putting on the necklace. “Ok what now?” Robin hummed thinking for a moment. “What do you wish now? You got your last wish didn’t you?” Nami blushed before nodding hesitantly.

“But at what price… Now you’re stuck like this, what if it’s permanent?!” Nami shook her head with despair. “So what do you wish now?” Nami looked at Robin like she was insane. “I wish you were back to normal, that’s a no brainer. Robin smirked as she saw the necklace glow bright green, before flashing brightly.

Nami covered her eyes this time remembering what happened last time. As she peaked an eye open just a bit her eyes shot open in surprise at what she saw. “Just as I thought, I might have interpreted the last part wrong.” Robin smiled before crossing her legs as she sat on the bed, back to her normal height.

“Those who wish for release shall be granted there darkest of desires. Until they release what they want the pact shall remain otherwise, I assumed that meant once you got your wish it would reverse it but what it really implied was you could use the pendant again.” Robin smiled warmly.

Nami immediately tacked Robin into the bed kissing and hugging her for dear life. Robin smiled pulling Nami’s head into her should comfortingly. “Don’t worry Mis- Nami… I’m quite alright. It wasn’t to bad ether.” Robin blushed at the fact a part of her secretly enjoyed it. Nami didn’t seem to hear her though, her head nudge into robins neck seeking comfort as she cried softly.

Robin held Nami close as she let her girlfriend cry her remorse, best she get it out now less she hold it in later.


It had been a week since the incident with the Fetish charm took place. Incident aside both where closer than ever, in fact it even seemed like robin changed for the better, well at least in Nami’s eyes. Whenever the two where alone she didn’t act as dominant as she used to, in fact it seemed almost she liked to be bent to her will.

After the weekend they spent on Long ring long island fighting against the Foxy Pirates for their crew mates back they were headed out, much to Nami and Robin’s displeasure. They had, had a fun encounter with the captain’s first mate Porche and didn’t want it to end so soon, but their own captain wanted to set out, it’s not like they could really tell him no.

Nami and robin watched the Foxy Pirates boat sail away in the opposite direction with sadness. “Don’t take this the wrong way but I’m kind of going to miss being on there crew.” Robin smirked licking her lips. “You’re lucky you got to join, I only got sloppy seconds when you cornered her on their boat.” Nami grumbled much to Robin’s amusement.

“I’m sure we’ll taste her again.” Robin smiled walking away. Nami blinked in surprise before chuckling. “I think the saying goes see her again.” Robin looked back shaking her head, “I know what I said.” Robin moved her fingers up beckoning Nami to follow her before walking below deck. Nami shivered with excitement and annoyance.

I hate it when she teases me like that! Nami quickly followed after Robin giggling. Nami moved into their cabin before shutting and latching the door, they didn’t want to be disturbed for a while. Nami shivered with excitement as she saw Robin already stripped naked on their bed, her legs spread wide apart invitingly.

Nami slowly stripped off her clothes, making sure to make a show of it for Robin, she always loved to do a strip tease before they began, it put both of them in the proper mood. Once Nami tugged off her thong, flicking it towards Robin she slowly, tantalizingly crawled onto the bed, her breasts wobbling back and forth as they dangled in front of Robins face.

“So what are you in the mood for?” Nami licked her lips eagerly. Robin blushed not saying anything, her face looking somewhat concerned. “Robin?” Nami asked worriedly. Robin bit her lower lip before her hand moved from under the pillow next to them. “D-do… do you think maybe we… maybe we can try this again?” Robin moved her hand forward showing Nami what she held.

Nami looked at Robins hand confused before her face turned to one of fear and shock. In her hand was the very charm that caused them so much trouble just a week ago. “ROBIN WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT! I TOLD YOU TO TOSS IT INTO THE SEA!” Nami screeched in anger, her tone cracking a bit.

Robin frowned now not liking Nami’s reaction. “Nami this is still a priceless piece of History, I can’t just throw it away or destroy it like the fools of the past.” Robin hugged the gem to her chest. “That priceless piece of history almost got you killed!” Nami whispered harshly. “I thought that at first to Nami…” Robin had a thoughtful look now.

“What do you mean Robin?” Nami asked confusion evident in her voice now. “For all intense and purposed I should be dead right now.” Robin said bluntly, much to Nami’s shock. “The human body, devil fruit aside can’t withstand the combination of intense heat, dehydration, lack of oxygen, and pressure that can break boulders. But I’m still alive.” Robin shook her head in disbelief.

“And it’s a miracle; now let’s throw that thing away!” Nami tried to snatch the gem out of Robins hand but Robin tossed it over her shoulder, one of her Hana Hana hands popping out of Nami’s back to catch it. “Let me finish Miss Navigator.” Robin said sternly, her words shutting Nami up instantly. She hasn’t called me that for days…

“Your wish was to be in charge of when we played around am I correct? Nami nodded blushing. “Did you harbor any resentment, hatred, or vengeance for me? Did you wish to do me harm or even… kill me?” Robin crossed her arms; Nami’s shocked face being all she needed to see.

“WHY WOULD YOU EVEN THINK THAT ROBIN! I love you…” Nami whimpered sadly. “That’s just it, I don’t and that’s why I believe I’m alive today. You wished to be in charge of me, not to hurt me, the gem did just that making sure you got your wish and enjoyed it.” Robin smiled.

“How could a stone know all that! This is insanity.” Nami shook her head not believing a word of it. “Then lets test it, make a wish.” Robin’s hands moved around Nami’s neck placing the amulet on her. Nami panicked trying to take it off but Robin’s hands held her own down.

“Robin take it off! I… I don’t want to do something I’ll regret.” Nami whispered, stray tears starting to form. “Nami, I’ve never said this to another soul before but I’m saying it to you now. I trust you with my life, and that’s why I’m putting it in your hands, I know you wouldn’t wish anything to cause me harm, and that’s why I know no matter what you can never do anything to hurt me.” Robin cupped Nami’s cheek affectionately before leaning in for a deep kiss.

Nami’s words died as she felt Robin’s tongue controlling there kiss, forceful like before… The gem around Nami’s neck glowed brightly much to Nami’s shock before flashing. “DAMNIT I HATE THIS THING!” Nami screamed rubbing her eyes, the flash blinding her like before. “I think it will bring us immense joy, blinding light aside.” Nami blinked away the bright dots playing across her vision before she looked down in fear.

Standing on the bed, her hands resting on her hips was Robin, a smile on her face. “NO, NO, NO! Not again!” Nami screamed cupping Robin in her hands as she looked at her three inch frame. “SEE I TOLD YOU! I TOLD YOU SOMETHING WOULD HAPPEN DAMNIT! WHY DIDN’T YOU LISTEN?!” Nami screamed in anger and sadness.

“Because nothing has happened Nami.” Robin said smugly. Nami looked like she had grown a second head. “YOUR AS SMALL AS MY MIDDLE FINGER, HOW CAN YOU SAY NOTHING HAPPENED!” Robin rubbed her ears; Nami’s voice was extremely loud at her size especially when she was shouting.

“I was wondering if you’d realized this or not but your knuckles are clenched Miss Navigator.” Robin pointed down. Nami looked at her confused before she dropped Robin to the bed, her hands where clenched tighter then she even realized, her nails having dug in and drawn blood.

“Robin, I-I’m… -I’m so sorry…” Nami felt tears forming as she looked at Robin, not believing she had just clenched her lover so tightly, the pain must have been excruciating! “It’s quite all right Miss Navigator, in fact you just proved my assumption correct.” Robin said once more, the same amount of smugness in her tone as before.

Nami looked at Robin with confusion. “Imagine squeezing a piece of fruit tightly, what would happen?” Nami looked at Robin confused not understanding where she was going with this. “It would get crushed so what?” Robin smiled nodding. “My body is smaller and twice as frail as one, don’t you think you just now squeezing me would have made me.” Robin popped her lips for sound effects, Nami’s eyes widening at the thought.

Nami shivered before anger flooded her expression as she reached down snatching Robin. “YOU MADE ME SHRINK YOU KNOWING THIS WOULD HAPPEN! WHAT THE HELL ROBIN I ALMOST HAD A HEART ATTACK!” Robin frowned apologetically. “I apologize Nami; I didn’t mean to scare you, quite the opposite actually. At this size it appears I can’t be hurt, well I suppose I could, given the right circumstances but none the less, you can’t kill me.” Robin smiled.

Nami sat quietly with Robin in hand as she let her little lover’s entire words sink in, this was just too much information to take in at once let alone have done before her very eyes. So when i… when she was in my… she couldn’t be hurt? She should have been killed 10 times over but…

Nami’s eyes moved down towards Robin, slightly unnerving the archaeologist. Nami’s eyes widened as she now realized a crucial detail of everything that had just happened. “Y-you… You liked being used by me?” Nami asked in surprise. Now it was Robins turn to blush, she slowly nodded embarrassed.

“b-b-but I- I don’t understand! Y-you, you’re so dominant and forceful with me, why did…” Nami couldn’t keep a clear train of thought as she tried to let everything fit into place. Robin rested her Elbow on Nami’s finger, a distant look on her face before sighing.

“My past has been one of tragedy, you’re the only one who truly knows my past because I trusted you with it but… something I failed to mention was that I’ve… I’ve never really…” Robin blushed not sure how to say this. Nami looked at Robin with worry nodding, urging her to continue.

“I’ve never been with anyone longer than a week, so I’ve never been dominated… Until now.” Robin blushed with embarrassment and a hint of shame. Nami looked surprised to hear that. Both of them had kept tallies of who they slept with and how many, mostly as trophy’s, that’s one of the reasons they hit it off so quickly, there where exactly alike in so many ways.

“You’ve never once been with a Dominate partner?” Nami looked at her unbelieving. “I don’t trust anyone Nami, my past made sure of that… I couldn’t afford to let my guard down for a moment, even in bed.” Robin frowned with regret at the many missed opportunities.

Nami felt her heart flutter with both joy and sadness. Joy that she was the first, Robins first. She was the only person she trusted. Sadness for her never experiencing the pleasures of being dominated. while she didn’t particularly like being dominated ether, to never have experienced it would have been a shame in and of itself. Nami cupped Robin to her chest hugging her tiny friend.

“I’m sorry Robin… Never letting your guard down even… even in the company of others must have made everything lack luster…” Robin nodded sadly. “It’s one of the reasons I want this now… I want to be used by you Nami. I want to be used in any way you see fit, with no way to stop you at all, to be powerless!” Nami looked at Robin with shock, her friends words seeming so out of place for her.

“How can you like that? Doesn’t it scare you to not be in control?” Robin blushed shaking her head. “It used to but… that night I first shrunk and was completely helpless, it was the first time in my life I felt true fear.” Robin shivered remembering it. “You could have done anything to me, and even did horrible things to me but…” Robin now blushed brightly.

“It was one of the hottest things I’ve ever felt, being used by you.” Robin whimpered, the noise sounding almost alien from her. Nami just stared at Robin shocked she could even say such things. “How?! How could you like being used as… as my sextoy? I… I shoved you up my ass for crying out loud!” Robin shuttered crossing her legs, something Nami picked up on instantly, her eyes widening yet again with shock.

“YOU WHERE TURNED ON IN MY ASSHOLE?!” Robin bit her knuckle blushing as she turned away but nodded. “It was the ultimate way of putting me in my place, using me like that was… it was horrible, the taste, the smell… it still haunts me but…” Robin turned back around her face showing a look of pure bliss. “It was the biggest thrill of my life! I… I was so turned on, I couldn’t help myself… I… I must have came 6? No, no 7 times!” Nami’s jaw was now hanging, is this really my Robin?

“R-Robin? Are you alright?” Robin’s face went back to its usual stoic self, a faint blush now in place. “I’m fine Nami, I’ve just never felt such feelings… its unique.” Robin cupped her cheek, turning from side to side. “Now let me ask you something Miss Navigator.” Nami looked down with a scowl, why does she keep calling me that!

“Nami!” Nami said harshly. “Stop calling me that, I’ve told you I hate it.” Robin shivered nodding. “Tell me, did that feel good?” Nami looked at Robin confused, her words not making sense. “Didn’t it feel good to talk down to me? Put me in my place?” Robin grinned. Nami wanted to immediately deject it but something in her stopped words from forming. “Just like I thought…”

“You enjoyed using me didn’t you Nami, enjoyed using me as nothing but your sex toy, shoving me in and out of both your crotch and ass, a living being that couldn’t stop you if she wanted to, the power.” Robin felt her hand moving towards her own trimmed nether lips, her eagerness evident by the wetness of her thighs.

Nami blushed shaking her head, eyes clenched shut. “N-N-No! I… I don’t get off to… I mean it, well I don’t…” Robin giggled before continuing. “You do to! You got off and even passed out using me, you enjoyed every moment of it, don’t try denying it Nami.” Nami wanted to scream no and tell Robin that she was wrong but deep down; she knew that was a lie.

She did get off using her; she loved every moment of it! Sure she was scared that she might hurt her, or that she could never change back but still… the feeling, the rush of power she had, it was pure and adulterated ecstasy! Nami frowned not liking that side of her but had to admit, it felt good.

“So what now Nami?” Robin smiled leaning on her fingers. Nam looked at robin with confusion before it dawned on her. I have Robin in my hand. She’s three inches tall and can’t fight back; I could do anything to her… Images ran through her mind, each one looking more tantalizing then the last as she imagined all the fun things she could do to the small archaeologist.

Robin gulped knowing there was no going back now, that’s the same look she had before she… Robin remembered Nami’s face perfectly before she was shoved p her ass. The thought of going back in there wasn’t a pleasant one but at the same time she couldn’t contain her excitement.

“Your right…” Nami whispered, her eye’s a bit dull, her mind clouded now with lust. Robin’s brow rose with curiosity, she wasn’t like this before. “I can do anything to you Robin… and you can’t stop me.” Nami’s lips started twitching a bit into a smile, her face looking somewhat insane. “You’re nothing but a toy in my hands.” Robin’s eyes widened hearing her words, does… does she mean that or is she playing with me?

Nami chuckled as her fingers flicked Robin back as she landed on her ass. “Even my index finger is too much for you, I’m surprised the great Nico Robin is so weak to a simple flick,” Nami chuckled darkly before her hand closed around her trapping Robin.

“Let’s get things straight, you and I, where no longer equals, your less than me. You’re now nothing but my toy, something for me to use when I want and how I want. Get used to it Robin, because that’s going to be your life from now on.” Robin felt fear rush down her being at Nami’s words, the terror from before flooding back into her. Robin stop, this is still Nami, your Nami. Robin gulped steadying herself, Nami would never intentionally hurt her, and at this size unintentionally hurting her was out of the question.

Even with everything Nami was saying she never felt safer in her life. Nami grinned as she saw Robin nodding dumbly. “Good girl,” Nami patted Robins head like you would a pet. “Now let’s get you acquainted with an old friend.” Nami chuckled before laying back into their bed, her legs spread wide apart.

“I believe it was you who said you couldn’t stand being away from my touch, well good news, you’ll never have to be from now on, welcome home.” Nami chuckled spreading her nether lips apart, Robin’s head inching closer and closer to her dripping entrance, the pleasure already flooding out of her.

Robin shuttered in pleasure and fear, the heat was so intense last time, and when she climaxed I was washed away like a pebble in the ocean but, I want… Robin felt her tongue stinking out a bit. I want a taste! Nami grinned seeing Robin’s eagerness before she slammed her head inside.

Nami grunted, trying to bite back a squeal of pleasure as she shoved her friend inside her. Nami gripped only her feet as she shoved Robin the rest of the way in, groaning as she felt the small archaeologist moving within her.

Robin felt like she hit a wall at first but it slowly gave way as Nami’s juices covered her frame, easing her inside her. Sh-she… she’s being rougher with me, Robin shivered with excitement unsure what to expect. Nami grinned as she slowly pulled Robin out until just her head was still inside. “I hope you held your breath because I’m not pulling you out until I finish toy.”

Nami grinned knowing Robin heard her before she violently shoved Robin all the way inside before tugging her back out. Gripping her friend’s ankles Nami started shoving her in and out at a rapid pace, using her like a dildo.

Robin clenched her eyes shut in discomfort. She’s rubbing me raw! Robin felt her body sliding in and out at speeds a normal human’s couldn’t withstand. If I wasn’t like this I’d be nothing but a bloody smear by now, Robin thought darkly.

Nami screamed now in pleasure as she shoved Robin in and out rapidly, not stopping at all for her friend’s sake, the pleasure was all that was important to her. Nami clenched tightly around robin, using her inner muscles to hold her down as she tried forcing robin in harder now, gripping and tugging on her tiny body, milking as much pleasure out of the little woman’s body as she could manage.

Robin couldn’t move an inch, it didn’t matter if she was slicked up by Nami’s juices or not, her inner walls where gripping her in a vice! She couldn’t even breathe! She’s using me like you would a toy, I really mean that little to her now. Robin felt tears welling up in her eyes, but something stopped her from crying.

“WHY WOULD YOU EVEN THINK THAT ROBIN! I love you…” Nami’s words rang through her mind causing all sadness, fear, ageist, regret, and pain to be gone instantly. Robin remembered al the times Nami had said that, she could tell when someone was lying, Nami being the easiest. She still loves you, trust her and never forget that.

Robin smiled, comfort aside as she felt her body still being used mercilessly by her Nakama. Nami groaned biting her lower lip. I’m so close… I need more. Nami pulled Robin out until her head was only left inside. Smirking she started twisting the shrunken archeologist body until her lower half was rubbing against her clit.

Robin felt the strange circular nub and knew what Nami was doing. I can’t let her down, Robin grit her teeth before kicking into Nami’s clit. Nami’s eyes widened in shock before she screamed loudly, shoving Robin all the way inside before cupping her crotch, her orgasm now shooting through her like lightning as she climaxed hard into her hand, Robin trapped on the inside of the flood.

Robin felt her body thrashed around as Nami came into her. Robin’s body hitting something soft, yet hard by the force of her orgasm. Fluids surrounded her body now; she was practically swimming in Nami’s juices. Robin shuddered at the thought but the lack of air was starting to get to her. Was Nami trying to drown her?!

After another minute Robin’s lungs were on fire, she felt like she was going to pass out but suddenly the fluids started to drain, her body flowing with them. Nami moved her hands back gasping in pleasure. I kept her inside, bathed Robin in my… no I marked her, and she’s mine! A sickening grin formed at the thought.

Robin coughed, some of Nami’s fluids falling out of her mouth as fresh air rushed in. She had never felt so happy to breathe again in her life. Robin shivered as she felt the cold air nipping her skin now, she was still covered with Nami’s juices, so sticky, so cold.

Robin felt a gentle pair of fingers wrap around her body lifting her up. As Robin squinted looking at Nami she felt her eyes water, not with sadness though. Nami looked at Robin’s body, a look of worry and fear on her face. “R-robin, are… are you alright?” Nami asked worriedly.

“K-kind… kind of a weird thing to ask a toy.” Robin chuckled before coughing a bit. Nami frowned moving Robin up to her lips before gently kissing her. Robin shook with pleasure, feeling her Nami kissing her; she was so warm, so gentle. Pulling away Nami smiled cradling Robin.

“Your only my toy when where playing, your still my friend and love.” Nami smiled warmly. Robin felt her mouth forming a grin. “I… I can live with that.” She smiled before she fell into unconsciousness, too worn out after her rough treatment. Nami looked worried but sighed in relief as she saw Robin breathing softly.

“I can’t believe she likes this… if we swapped places I don’t… I don’t think I could bare it.” Nami shivered in fear. She’s braver than anyone I know, I love her so much. Nami moved Robin between her breasts, squishing her in place, with her juices still clinging to Robin she stuck in nice and tightly.

Nami leaned down and pecked Robin’s head before pulling the covers over them. There was more time to play tomorrow, she needs her rest tonight. Nami felt a smile grace her lips as she let sleep claim her and her Nakama, her Robin.


“Hey Nami have you seen Robin?” Chopper asked carrying a book under his arm. “I think she’s sleeping in, she had a rough night’s sleep, I wouldn’t disturb her.” Nami smiled back. Chopper frowned nodding, “If she needs some medicine tell her to come by my cabin, I still have something for insomnia.” Chopper waved his hoof before walking away below deck.

A grin spread on her lips as Nami watched her crew mates going about their usual business. Luffy and usopp where screaming loudly as they fished, defeating the purpose to begin with. Zoro was snoring just as loudly as he slept on one of the rails of the going Mary. Sanji had been in the kitchen the whole morning working on something big, will probably taste delicious to.

Nami gasped biting her lower lip, her legs fidgeting around. And then of course there was Robin, who was still where she belonged but, it wasn’t there room. It had been a week since Nami and Robin had started using the Fetish charm for fun. At first it was just in bed but after the second or third day, (it’s hard to keep track with so much pleasure), Robin had requested there fun to go past that.

At first she was skeptical, who wouldn’t be with friends like there’s but a few white lies here, Robin making an appearance there, and voilà, the entire crew was fooled and none the wiser of Robin’s true ware bouts.

“Jeez Robin, if I didn’t know better I would think your trying to get out.” Nami chuckled as she felt the tiny movements deep within the confines of her ass. Yes, Robin had requested and was now a Permanente tenant to her rear. The pleasure was infinite, the face she had their friend, her Nakama shoved inside of her and her crew didn’t know.

I wonder if this makes me an exhibitionist, Nami tapped her chin in thought before shrugging and going back to her tanning, enjoying the pleasant feeling of Robin playing within her.


Robin moaned as she heard Nami talking with Chopper outside her fleshy prison, I’m right here but no one would ever expect this. Robin shuddered in pleasure, she always did whenever someone asked about her were bouts, it was one of the biggest turn ons for her.

Robin moaned as she felt Nami clench her muscles around her, tightening her already cramped prison more so. I love it when she squeezes me, Robin grinned moving her finger’s faster now, moaning in bliss as she masturbated inside Nami’s asshole.

After a week of play Robin had willing accepted her role even going as far to call Nami her goddess and bow down before her when they were in bed. She loved everything, her Nami could be a gentle loving goddess and pleasure her whole body with her massive tongue, or a cruel and vindictive one using her and her anal plug, slamming her tiny body in and out with no remorse, it was ecstasy!

Currently they were going on 14 hours straight, Robin wanted to test how long she could stay inside of Nami so she had to constantly stay moving, once she stopped Nami knew to take her out from ether passing out, or just plain exhaustion. Robin screamed as she reached her peak hitting her orgasm, her legs bucking against Nami's inner walls.

Robin heard Nami talking with someone outside her prison but couldn’t hear much with the walls of Nami’s fleshy ass blocking it out. She could make out Nami’s voice of course but other’s not so much. Chopper being the only acceptation, his voice was a different pitch then others.

Robin felt Nami tighten her grip before releasing and squeezing once more. “Two clenches’, I land?” Robin tried remembering how they set up their way of communicating. Robin began thrashing wildly before Nami clenched her again holding her in place.

Robin smiled as she felt Nami laying back down on her chair. If Robin wanted to come out all she had to do was stop moving, but if she wanted to stay she just had to lash out. For some reason even Robin couldn’t fully understand she felt much safer inside her Nami, she didn’t like being out of her more then she had to. There was of course times such as when they ate dinner she had to make an appearance but that only came once a day, but when they landed…

Robin smirked, if they made land Nami didn’t have to keep her story up. If the others went to check on her it would just look like she went ashore like the others did. Robin smiled snuggling back into Nami’s filthy flesh, enjoying the grimy feeling it gave her.

Yet another one of her strange turn on’s, being covered with Nami’s filth made her feel worthless, but her goddess still kept her even if she was. Robin shivered enjoying the strange thought before closing her eyes. She wanted to rest for a little, hopefully Nami didn’t take her out while she slept.


Nami laid enjoying the warm sun shining over her body, it was one of her favorite pass times, of course playing with Robin trumped that but doing both, that was sweeter then gold. Nami scowled as a shadow covered her body, the warmth leaving her. “Hey Nami we’ll be hitting the next island soon, you going to wake Robin up?” Luffy asked as he watched the island in the distance inching its way closer to them.

Nami smiled giving her ass a few squeezes. As she expected she felt frantic movement within her ass. “Nope, I’d say let her sleep it off, she really had a rough night’s sleep, I think the ships rocking kept her up.” Nami shrugged laying back into her chair. Luffy shrugged walking away before hopping over the rail towards the lower deck to tell the others.

Nami felt robin’s movements die down a bit and wondered if she wanted out or not. Na, she’s fine, maybe just tucked out from all her fun, Nami giggled before standing as she went below deck to get changed, the shore was now within sight.


Nami stepped ashore with her crew; they had docked on a small island not really mapped out. It was no bigger than Long ring Long Island but at least it had a decent sized town. This would give them the chance they needed to stock back up on supplies, food being the most promenade, there fearless captain having ate there months’ supply in a week.

Nami looked at the list given to her by Sanji; he gave each of them some kind of list to look for. Nami read down the list of spices shrugging before walking away from the others, she wanted to explore the island and view its treasures, and hopefully she’d find some of the female variety.

Nami giggled perversely, to bad Robin’s not out with me, she always had the best eyes when it came to spotting potential prey. As Nami walked casually through the streets she smiled at the sites, they filled her with warmth. The small island reminded her of her own. The town was simple yet not poor, the people all wore smiled laughing with each other happily, it reminds me of the times before Arlong took over.

Nami shook her head sighing, she hated dwelling on the past, it only caused her turmoil. As Nami rounded the corner she noticed the streets getting smaller and smaller until she only saw alleys. “Huh, I guess they built there town close together, not much space can be wasted on an island like this.” Nami mumbled walking down the small pathway.

As she neared a fork in her path she heard a loud cry of pain. Nami’s eye’s widened in shock, was that a kid screaming?! Nami immediately broke into a sprint, her Clima-Tact already formed into her Bo-staff. As Nami ran down the thin pathways she stopped in shock at the site before her.

Standing over a little girl was 5 women, all wearing leather with matching emblems. There not pirates, there thugs, Nami scowled before gritting her teeth in anger at the battered and bruised child before them crying into her hands.

The apparent leader of the group knelt down glaring at the kid. “Nothing to say to us now kid? That’s a crying shame right girl’s?,” The leader chuckled, the other women laughing with glee alongside her. “Mean…” The child mumbled into her hands as she cried.

“What was that kid? I couldn’t hear you down there.” The leader taunted. “YOU’RE JUST A MEANIE!” The child screamed, glaring angrily at her. The leader clutched her chest staggering back in mock pain. “Damn those kids’ words hurt me, I feel terrible, and you know what I’m going to change for the better from now on, just because some stupid, sniveling kid called me a big meanie.” The leader smirked before kicking the girl back down to the dirt.

“Learn your place kid; it’s on the ground groveling at your better’s boots.” The leader chuckled. “Your nothing but a meanie!” The kid screamed tears falling freely. The leader tsked raising her foot over this kid. “Now, say you’re sorry and maybe we won’t have to teach your parents a lesson like we are with you.” The girl’s eyes widened in fear as she sniffled sadly. Clenching her eyes she looked away from the woman over her.

“P-please… Don’t hurt my parents any more…” Nami had enough now, she couldn’t take it. “HEY! Leave the kid alone, only the weak prey on the helpless.” Nami growled brandishing her staff. The leader cast a glance over her shoulder. “And who the hell are you? Why do you care for this trash?” She stomped on the kid causing her to cry out in pain.

“I SAID LEAVER HER ALONE!” Nami said through gritted tear, her eyes willed with rage seeing the younger girl crying helplessly. “Oh yeah? Why should we, why do you even care, it’s obvious you’re not from around here since you don’t know who you’re talking to.”

Because she reminds me of myself, Nami frowned. “Because I can’t stand by and watch you kicking her around, you animal.” The leader’s eyes sharpened into a glare. “Leave her to us, we can take this tramp,” One of the other woman chuckled. “Oh please she wishes she was a tramp, just look at how she dresses, she’s nothing but a ratchet.” Another laughed.

“I don’t know look what’s in her hand, I bet she’s a pole dancer, she obviously takes her job with her-“One of the women started before the end of Nami’s staff connected with her face launching her backwards. The others stared in shock, surprised anyone would put up a fight against them.

“That was your first and last mistake, get her girls.” The leader barked. Nami twirled her bo-staff preparing for a fight, she could take them. Breaking her staff into three’s she tossed the middle rod in the air before twirling the other halves like batons.

“Cold Tempo, Heat Tempo!” The gang stopped to start at her with confusion as glowing orbs slowly formed around them, all flouting in different undefined directions. “What the hell?” one of the women whispered poking the strange orbs before recalling her finger at the heat radiating from it.

“Jeez don’t touch the damn things there scalding.” One of the other women shivered poking a blue one. “Not all of them, this one’s cold.” “Just fucking lay into her already.” The leader shouted rushing forward, ignoring the orbs as a miner nuisance.

Nami smirked as she crossed the two batons letting the orbs combine. “Fog Tempo,” Instantly the orbs all popped as they touched shrouding the alley with a dense fog. “What the hell! Is she using a Devil fruit?”, “No her stupid sticks did this.” Nami caught the middle piece of her staff reconnecting it into its staff form before lunging forward.

Swinging in a general arc she smiled as she felt her staff connect with multiple people. Three of the women where launched backwards outside the thick mass of fog. The leader being amongst them rubbed the light drip of blood from her lips, her eyes fiery with rage.

The leader pulled out a pistol aiming for the fog, she’d hit something this close. “LADY LOOK OUT!” The kid on the ground shouted right before the leader shot blindly into the fog. Moments later the fog dispersed and showed two people still inside.

One of the women was panting tiredly, having shown signs of fighting but the other was lying on the ground motionless. As the fog finally cleared completely the leader smirked seeing Nami lying face down in the dirt. “Got you, you little bitch.” The leader holstered her weapon getting up.

“You’ll pay like she did for trying to help her kid.” The leader spat looking back at the girl now cowering in fear. As the other women got up they moved next to Nami looking over her body. “Hey guys, do you see where she was shot?” The rest blinked in surprise trying to find her wound but they didn’t have much time to.

Instantly Nami swung her legs in circle knocking the entire gang in front of her to their asses before swinging her staff across the ground launching the women backwards in an arc. “Your aim is lousy, I thought you guys where thugs but you’re not even trash.” Nami smirked brandishing her staff towards them.

“I’ll give you one chance, leave her alone or I’ll make you.” Nami threatened. Nami’s small victory was short lived however as she saw the leader get back to her feet, hatred evident by her glaring eyes and gritting teeth. “You don’t tell us what to do, no one does.” The leader pulled her pistol back out before aiming it at Nami.

“You really think you can hit me, just try it.” Nami twirled her staff ready to dodge her shot. The woman smirked as she slowly moved her hand towards the kid, pistol now pointed at her head as the kid stared in fear, the gun just a foot from her head. “Let’s try this again, drop your stick, come over nice and slowly, or I blow her head off. And if you think I’d lose any sleep over garbage like her you’d be dead wrong.” The leader said darkly cocking the hammer back, her finger twitching just a bit on the trigger.

Nami stared in fear as the little girl cried in her hands, too scared to look at the gun pointed at her head. “D-Don’t play games with me! If you pull that trigger, I’ll knock you out and make sure you’re locked up for life!” Nami screamed her hands and brow dripping with sweat, the anxiety in her voice making the leader smile.

“Is that so? I can live behind bars; I was locked away for years in a Navy prison. Can you live with the guilt of killing a kid though?” The women said darkly. She called my bluff Damnit! Nami cast her eyes towards the crying child and sighed in defeat. Nami dropped her staff to the ground letting it break into its three separate pieces.

“Good girl, now be a nice little cunt and walk over here for punishment.” Nami knew the leader would try to kill her one she got close; if she was willing to kill a child then she was no different. Think Nami, Think! Your crew won’t be looking for you we’ve only been docked for a few hours. The odds of running into one of them are slim to none to… Damnit.


Robin was slowly roused from her sleep as she was thrown about inside Nami’s ass. “What the hell is Nami doing, jumping jacks?” Robin mumbled in annoyance. Robin yawned stretching a bit but didn’t feel Nami paying any attention to her, odd…

“D-Don’t play games with me! If you pull that trigger, I’ll knock you out and make sure you’re locked up for life!” Robin’s eyes widened hearing the fear in Nami’s voice. Robin felt Nami shiver before a loud clank was heard. Something’s going on outside, Damnit my Nami’s in trouble!

Robin thrashed around trying to get out to help, but knew she could do nothing inside her. Suddenly Nami clenched Robin’s body hard before she stopped moving entirely. Robin wondered what happened but could do nothing as she waited for the outcome.


Nami took a slow step forward thinking desperately for something, anything she could do. Her thoughts where instantly halted however as a shock of pleasure shot through her body. Nami stifled a moan, her eyes glancing down in shock. Robin’s still inside my ass, jeez this must have felt like an earthquake to her with all my movement, Nami frowned before her eyes widened.

Nami’s knew what to do now. God I hope this works… “Hey why’d you stop? March your ass over here or else the kid gets offed.” The leader taunted. Nami glared at the leader and her group silently whispering to herself.

“What was that?” The leader asked not hearing her. Nami closed her eyes wishing it to work. “I wish you all where helpless, and I was in charge, I wish you were in Robin’s shoes. I wish it now!” Nami covered her eyes smirking, the group of women however screaming as they covered their eyes, a bright green light flashing from between Nami’s breasts.

Once the bright light died down Nami peeked through her fingers smiling evilly. All the women where on the ground shielding their eyes and trying to rub the blindness away. Nami walked past them towards the kid as she cried softly into her hands, her eyes clenched shut fearing the pistol still pointed towards her.

“Hey now, there’s no need to cry anymore.” Nami said in a gentle tone kneeling next to the little girl. The kid whimpered slowly opening her eyes as she started at Nami’s smiling face. “The bad people are gone now, don’t worry they won’t come back.” Nami smiled.

The girl whimpered before crying again as she latched onto Nami hugging her. Nami was a bit taken back at first but pulled her into a gentle hug soothing her. After a couple minutes Nami helped the kid to her feet, luckily she wasn’t in too bad of condition, a few cuts and bruises but nothing life threatening.

“you should run home now, I’m sure your parents are worried about you.” The little girl frowned nodding. “I just wanted the meanies to give back what they took from my daddy.” The girl cried. Nami frowning glancing over her shoulder at the thugs as they started to gather there baring now.

“Don’t worry; I’m sure you’ll get it back. What did they take anyways?” Nami asked with curiosity already having a guess. “They took my daddy’s papers; he just came home with it from work.” The girl said sadly. “Without it daddy can’t buy us food.” Nami looked over the girl guessing it Berī they took, the child looked ill nourished, and this probably went on for months.

Nami wanted to just walk away now, leave the girl to run home but sadly her time in the Stray hat Pirates and with Robin changed her, technically for the better but still changed her none the less. Sighing Nami reached in her pocket before lifting the girl’s hand.

The Girl looked at Nami confused as she felt something heavy touching her hand. One Nami moved her hand the young girl looked at the strange object with shock and wonder. Nami scowled having never done this before, it almost hurt. “Just give those to your daddy; he’ll know what to do. If he asks where you got it just say a pirate took care of those bandits.” Nami said trying to make her charity sound less heartless.

The little girl stared at the strange metal coins with wonder having never seen such things before. “What are these Miss?” Nami fidgeted a little still not used to the whole hero thing. “There gold, and very valuable. Whatever happens make sure your daddy gets them, he’ll know what to do. Don’t let anyone stop you on the way home alright? Now go on kid head home.” Nami smiled ruffling the child’s hair.

The kid’s lips slowly moved into a smile as she stared at Nami with joy. Nami blushed as the kid tacked her with another hug, jeez this is awkward. “Thank you so much miss pirate!” the kid laughed hugging her. “Yea, yea, just go before I regret this.” Nami mumbled. she just gave a kid the equivalent of 20,000 Berī, a small fortune in and of itself.

The child nodded smiling as she ran, her fist clenched as she run through the alley back home. “I think I’m going to be sick.” Nami rubbed her temple feeling a headache forming. She felt bad for the girl but still handing a child a pocketful of gold? If anyone who knew her saw it they would think her insane.

Nami’s thoughts however where interrupted by the tingling sensation in her ass, drawing pleasure and a blush to her face. Oh yea I can’t forget them, Nami turned around resting her hands on her hips as she glared at the now fully aware band of thugs.

“Stooping so low as to steal from the helpless and poor I understand, pirates do that daily. Taking the life from a kid? Only monsters do that.” Nami growled, the street thugs now cowering in terror at the giantess standing over them. “Well guess what, time to pay the price. From now on I’m your judge, jury, and if you’re lucky executioner, but I doubt it though. Get ready because you’re about to get a life’s sentence.” Nami reached towards the screaming women as they tried to run.

They didn’t make it more than a foot however as Nami easily scooped them up, looking over their shrunken forms with curiosity. There only an inch a piece, much smaller then Robin. A sickening grin began to form on Nami’s lips. There nothing now, nothing but my toys who deserve a far worse fate.

Nami chuckled darkly unnerving the woman before she lower the screaming band into her pocket. They can’t crawl out, but just to be safe. Nami looked over the corners of the alley making sure no one was present, especially the little kid, I don’t want to scar her… or maybe that’s how lesbians are born? Nami wondered thinking that wouldn’t have been such a bad thing, the kid did look cute, she’d grow up to be beautiful no doubt.

Nami pulled off her short’s before her thumbs grabbed the bands of her panties, sweat coating them. I really worked up a sweat, I wonder if its wet and humid for Robin inside my ass, Nami shivered wanting to know the details, hearing them from Robin was always such a turn on for her.

Tugging her panties off, she strained them letting her sweat drip off before smirking as she stuffed them into her pocket and over the wiggling band of women. I hope they like the smell, it’s only going to get worse from here on out, Nami chuckled pulling her shorts back up and picking up her Clima-Tact as she walked out of the alleyway.

I know Sanji asked me to get some ingredients for him but I think he’ll forgive me, Nami smirked heading back towards there ship. Right now she had more important things to do, mainly her own pleasure at the hands of her new victims.


Nami stepped back onto the going Mary noticing a few of her crew members already back. “Hey Nami-swan, did you get the items on my list?” Sanji said happily. Nami smiled before putting on a pouty face, “I’m sorry Sanji I completely forgot, and I hope I didn’t hamper you at all.” Nami bit her knuckle wiggling from side to side as if embarrassed.

Sanji clutched his heart lovingly, “Of course not my Nami-swan, you could never hamper me! I’ll just get them myself, don’t you worry.” Nami dropped her pout to be replaced with a smile. “Thanks’ Sanji, you’re always so sweet,” Nami cooed walking past him as she felt his gaze on her back.

I wonder if I should ever tell him I’m not into guys. Best not, he’d die of blood loss if he knew me and Robin where both sleeping with each other, amongst other things, Nami blushed walking below deck towards her room.

Chopper walked past Nami carrying a few books and bags. “Hey Nami are you checking on Robin?” Nami nodding waving to him. “I just checked I don’t think you should see her yet.” Nami froze looking at him in confusion. “Y-you checked on her?” Chopper nodded smiling. “Yea I thought she might want some medicine so I put it by your nightstand but she didn’t reply to me when I tried to talk with her, I think she’s sleeping heavily.” Chopped frowned.

Nami breathed a sigh of relief that could have been bad. “Thanks’ Chopper, your always looking out for us your so helpful.” Nami smiled. Chopper laughed rubbing the back of his head embarrassed. “O-oh stop it, you know I’ll blush if you keep saying such thing, I mean I won’t blush I’m not flattered or anything at all.” Nami smiled shaking her head.

Waving goodbye to the young doctor she entered her room locking it. Nami looked by the nightstand and low and behold there was a small bowl with some kind of liquid in it. Nami looked at the bed blushing as she saw the pillows and blankets all crumpled and in disarray.

Good to know not making the bed fooled him; nothing escapes his keen eyes Nami chuckled. Setting her things down she tugged her pants off tossing them onto the floor carelessly before heading to the bathroom to “Retrieve” Robin.


Robin waited in darkness for something to happen, she knew Nami was alive and well thankfully but still she didn’t know anything past that. Robin heard chopper and Nami speaking together quietly; guess where back on the Going Mary.

Hearing a slam she guessed she would be coming out soon enough. As predicted Robin was right as Nami’s anal muscles clenched moving her body around. Robin pushed herself with their motion letting her body slowly be pulled out.

Covering her eyes Robin looked below her seeing the toilet a few inches away, it always unnerved her Nami removed her here, one flush and she could drown in the ocean, amongst other things she didn’t care to think about.

“Nami are you alright!” Robin asked immediately as she was pulled towards Nami’s face, a pleased blush present on her features. “Y-yea, it’s kind of a long story.” Nami sighed moving Robin to the sink to wash her off before she started her day’s story.

Once she finished Robin was scowling angrily. “I’m sorry Nami, I… I shouldn’t have been selfish.” Nami looked at Robin confused. “When we land I should accompany you no matter what, not remain where I like…” Robin blushed ashamed she chose her pleasure over Nami’s safety.

“Robin I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself,” Nami smiled leaning down to kiss her now cleaned girlfriend. “I know but what if you didn’t have the charm?” Nami tapped her chin in thought shrugging. “I’m guessing the same outcome with a less pleasant result since you’d have been with me and we beat them together but wouldn’t have shrunk them.” Nami smirked as she saw Robin huffing in annoyance. “That’s not what I meant.” Nami giggled, “I know.”

“So what do you plan on doing with them?” Robin asked with curiosity. “Not just me Robin, I have use for you.” Nami grinned viciously, a look Robin had grown to like as of late. “I’m listening,” Robin smiled.


Nami walked out of the bathroom with Robin, back to her normal size, a grin plastered on their faces. “Are you sure you want to do this? I’m sure there more suited for you Nami.” Robin smiled adoringly; her Nami was perfect for everything.

“I’m sure, I want you to know what it feels like when I play with you, but you don’t have to be as gentle as I am.” Nami grinned. Robin gave Nami a deadpanned expression. “As gentle as you are with me?” Nami smirked strutting past Robin who sighed at her lover, before following her towards the bed.

Nami reached her shorts before kicking them into the air onto the bed. I bet that woke them up, Nami smirked before sitting down with Robin. Reaching into her pocket she tugged out her now dry crinkled panties first. “You put your thong in there with them? You can be quite cruel at times Nami.” Robin smiled shaking her head.

Nami scowled at that, “Last time I check you loved being in my panties, they should feel honored.” Robin nodded knowing it to be true, after all it was an honor for her to be used, at least in her eyes. Nami tipped her shorts upside down letting the five women fall onto each other, they didn’t really care if they were rough with them or not, they wouldn’t feel pain… sadly.

“Wakey, wakey toys, your goddess is in the mood to play.” Nami said loudly. Robin shivered enjoying Nami’s dominate personality at a different size, it felt new to her. The women mumbled varies curses clutching their heads in pain before realization dawned on them, where they really where and what was sitting in front of them.

Both Nami and Robin sat as naked as they day they were born in front of the five women, both their legs opened to display their trimmed nether regions. “Welcome to your new lives, as our toys. This here is Robin, or better known as your Jail. She is my toy but for your short stay you’re holding cell.” Nami smiled cheerfully.

The women looked at the giantess’s with shock and confusion. “Robin, if you’d please.” Nami commanded. Robin humbly bowed smirking before turning around, her ass on display for the band of women. “This specifically is why you will know Robin as your jail.” Nami grin turned feral as she slapped Robin’s ass, eyeing it with pleasure as it jiggled, along with Robin’s content moan.

The women’s eyes widened in shock and terror know understanding what she truly meant. Nami smirked as she saw one of the women try running, where the hell does she think she’s going? Nami rested her head on her hand watching the girls follow their screaming friend.

“When do you think they’ll notice where on a bed?” Robin inquired. “Three, two…” Nami started counting as she saw them stop at the end of the bed. “One” Nami moved a foot closer to the women, which was basically the entire distance they had run. “Aww, prison life isn’t that bad, you get a nice warm place to stay, you get to be with your friends, and if you’re hungry I’m sure what ever Robin eats will taste at least one, one-hundredth as good as it did going in.”

Nami had to stifle her laughter as she watched the women breaking down in tears. Does this make me a bad person? Nami shrugged before grabbing the women. “This is punishment for the lives you ruined back on that island, and no doubt other ones to, consider this your atonement, it might take a few decades.”

“Spread ’em Robin.” Nami commanded, much to Robins delight. Being forced around at her real height was just as fun, she really couldn’t say no to her Nami, not that she wanted to anyways. Robin crossed her arms, “Dos Fleur,” Robin grinned, two arms sprouting from her lower back to spread her ass apart for Nami.

“I forgot what a beautiful sight this was.” Nami smile faintly blushing. Robin shuddered hearing Nami’s praise of her body. “Thank you Nami, I miss yours to.” Nami chuckled before looking back at the tiny captives in her hands. “Don’t worry I’ll put you back once we deal with these naughty toys.” Robin nodded eagerly.

Nami looked down at the cowering women deciding who should be first. Her eyes locked on their leader before she glared. “You should get the honor of going first, that way you go the deepest.” Nami picked up the struggling captive as she screamed in terror.

“Just relax, this will only hurt a little,” Nami snickered before pressing her finger into the back of her head, pressing her face into Robin’s anus. Robin gasped feeling the foreign pleasure, it felt different to say the least. Her gasps turned to pants and then moans, as she felt Nami’s finger slowly working its way in, pressing the tiny bandit deep within her anus.

“O-o-oh god, I see why you enjoy this so much, it feels divine.” Robin panted happily, her tongue hanging out in pleasure, a sight Nami incredibly enjoyed. Seeing her calm, stoic Robin panting and gasping like, like… Nami blushed not sure what to call her really.

Once Nami’s finger was as far up as it could go she tugged it out sharply, causing Robin to moan in pleasure, her knee’s shaking under her. “One down, four to go.” Nami grinned viciously before she slowly worked each one in one by one. Nami pushed the last screaming woman in with her middle finger, there was some resistance but once she shoved hard it gave way.

“Hey Robin have you used the bathroom recently?” Nami asked with curiosity. Robin was a sweating mess now as she panted into their bed, ass still raised in the air. “I… I don’t… think so…” Robin panted in pleasure. Nami’s smile turned into a perverse smirk, they must be neck deep in shit, no wonder I had such a hard time shoving them all in.

Chuckling Nami pulled robin into her lap hugging her lover close. “How does it feel Robin? How does it feel to have 5 living people deep inside your ass?” Nami whispered in Robin’s ear, her body shuttering in pleasure. Nami moved her hand down to play with robin’s womanhood, her other hand groping Robins breast as she toyed with her body.

“You enjoy it, don’t lie. The feeling of power you missed when you play with me? The feeling of being in charge.” Nami whispered licking Robin’s ear. Robin shook her head disagreeing. “N-N-No, I live to please you Nami, I… I never want to go back to what we had before, when you were sad.” Robin said quietly.

Nami blushed, a warm smile on her face. “I don’t plan on letting you, but that doesn’t change the fact we can both be in charge, Keep those toys in your ass for a day, I command you to not let them out, torment them, clench your ass hard! Make them suffer for what they did.” Nami said viciously. Robin shivered hearing Nami’s angered tone; she could be so scary at times yet so warm and gentle with her.

“I plan on using them to don’t get me wrong but feel there struggles deep within you, feel there torment. Enjoy it; thrive on it like I do with you.” Nami whispered rubbing Robin’s clit, her fingers tweaking Robin’s nipple as she continued her oral assault on her ear lobe.

Robin writhed in pleasure under Nami’s touch, everything combines it was too much! The frantic movement deep in her ass, Her Nami playing with her lower lips, pinching her clit, the soft gentle touch of her hands, there was just so many things!

Nami grinned seeing Robin panting in her arms, I wonder if I can make her scream. “I wonder what it must be like now, you’re a naughty toy you know, you could have just used the bathroom when we were in there but no, you chose to hold everything in, chose for the tinier toys to be shoved neck deep in your shit, maybe I should punish you later for being so mean, or… maybe I should reward you.” Nami whispered blowing on her ear as she pinched her clit hard.

That was it, she couldn’t take it. Robin screamed loudly as she bucked her hip into the bed, her orgasm rocking her body. Nami laughed gleefully as she watched Robin spasm in her arms, simple petting and words rendered the great Nico Robin a sweating mess, and it was so wonderful, Nami smiled happily.

Nami let Robin slink onto the bed before standing over her. I hope this works, if not I don’t know what will happen; Nami frowned before clutching the pendant around her neck. Nami closed her eyes as she wished. The stone flashed brightly before dying down. Nami opened one eyes half expecting it to have not worked but smiled smugly when she saw Robin’s tired panting form just three inches tall, laying on her bed.

“So I can shrink you with people in you, they must be neat microscopic now, imagine, shit inside of shit, and you inside of me.” Nami grinned. Robin slowly smiled, still feeling the pleasant tingle of the women struggling deep inside her.

“Now time for your “Reward” Nami chuckled picking Robin up. “I want oral this time toy, make my anus sparkle’s.” Nami smirked before pulling her cheek to the side displaying her asshole for Robin. “As… As you wish my goddess,” Robin whispered, mesmerized as she saw Nami’s anus closing in.

Nami mewed in pleasure as she slowly inserted Robin, making sure to twist her body back and forth as she eased her in. Robin immediately felt the familiar humid, heat of Nami’s ass as her head was slowly worked in. The smell was just as potent as she remembered.

As Robin was slowly pushed in she took the opportunity to lick Nami’s inner walls the deeper she went. Nami bit her bottom lip moaning, even at three inches she could feel Robin’s tongue licking her, and it was like little shocks shot through her whenever Robin licked somewhere.

I wonder what those shrunken bandits must feel like, being shoved up someone’s ass, then shoved up another’s ass, Nami shivered with glee wondering why something like this never crossed her mind till now, the more shrunken toys she acquired, the more fun could be had. The possibilities where endless!

Nami gave one final push and shoved Robin all the way up her ass panting happily, her tongue lulling out of her mouth in pleasure. Robin squealed with joy as she was roughly shoved all the way inside Nami’s ass. “I’m home,” Robin whispered a comfortable smile in place as she wiggled to make herself cozy, Nami’s rectum squeezing her entire body.

Nami laid back into her bed giving her ass a few clenches, grinning as she felt Robin’s struggles, she’s happy I see. Slowly her fingers found their way down her breasts, before circling her navel and finally starting there decent where she really wanted to feel. Nami gave her clit a quick flick shuttering before she plunged her fingers deep into her crotch, moaning loudly as pleasure flooded into her from both ends of her body.

“Y-yes! Yes, Robin lick my filthy asshole, lick all your goddesses shit!” Nami moaned, she had no clue if Robin could hear her or not but she always liked to imagine she could and listened to her every command like a good little toy.

Robin heard Nami moaning and panting as she worked her body deeper in, licking along Nami’s anal walls the deeper she went. She really worked up a sweat, the flavors all new; Robin shuddered tasting Nami’s salty sweat, amongst other things. The taste wasn’t ideal but the feeling of her tongue brushing Nami’s filthy, rigid flesh, her cleaning away Nami’s ass like she was nothing at all, the feeling was incomprehensible.

Nami moaned as she thrusted her fingers in and out, the pace quickening or slowing to match whenever she felt the pleasure of Robin’s licks, trying to match her pace. Her other hand moved up groping her ample breasts, her thumb and index finger tweaking her nipples. I wonder why I even cleaned my toy, she’s just going to bathe in my waste again, where she belongs.

Nami had long stopped caring for Robin’s safety; they had proven time and time again she couldn’t die when she was shrunk. Robin had suffocated, drowned, been crushed, and still didn’t feel any pain. She could do anything and everything she wanted and Robin would be safe. Nami smiled presently as she imagined Robin choking down her waste, a shiver running down her spine at the image.

She even stopped worrying for Robins wellbeing, well at least when she was shrunk. Whenever Robin was at her normal size Nami always showed her how much she cared for her, she was her Robin after all. But at her current height, she was nothing but a toy to be used however she saw fit. Smirking Nami thrusted faster, clenching her rectum, forcing Robin deeper up her ass for her own pleasure and amusement.

Robin screamed in pleasure, her own fingers deep in her crotch as she felt the 5 struggling women screaming and thrashing about, the heat must be hellish for them. Robin grinned enjoying their suffering, if everything Nami said was true, they deserve worse. Robin clenched her ass every time Nami did hoping it gave them more pressure down there.

Just the thought of what they must be going through was enough to push Robin over the edge as she came, screaming her climax. Nami screamed pinching her clit as she felt herself reaching her peak. Robin’s so deep, I bet her face is covered with my shit by now, such a filthy girl, I hope she likes her mud bath.

And with the last of her thoughts Nami screamed once more, her orgasm rocking her body as she clenched her ass hard, crushing Robin with her powerful anal walls. Robin grunted as she felt herself crushed by Nami, there was no pain but it was a bit uncomfortable.

Finally the walls surrounding her eased up letting Robin slide down a bit, the filth and sweat making her entire form slippery at the touch. Robin panted happily as she felt her eyes slowly closing, to worn out for much more. “I… I should be ashamed… Goddess Nami should have more fun with me but I… I can’t keep up…” Robin panted tiredly but her little vision was fading. Robin gave her ass a few last clenches before she fell into a cozy sleep, deep within Nami’s ass.

Nami breathed slowly, her breath rugged and coming in pants now as she came down from her high. As Nami relaxed into her bed she felt Robin’s movements slowing until she stopped moving entirely. I guess I wore her out; I’ll make her pay for not pleasuring me to sleep later, Nami grinned viciously before yawning tiredly, the day taking its toll on her body.

“I guess I’ll just skip dinner tonight, I’m sure the others won’t mind.” Nami stretched before lying down for the night, letting sleep slowly take her as she let her last thoughts drift to what Robin must feel like with her own toys wedged deep within her own filthy ass…


~ Epilog ~

It had been one month since Nami and Robin found the strange golden fetish charm from Skypia. Their lives had only gotten better since. The gang of women terrorizing the cities surrounding the flouting city of Water Seven had been disbanded and most mysteriously disappearing. The Navy had no leads as to where they had gone, the only clue they had was a child’s report that a pirate had saved her from them shortly before they had vanished. That had been the last incident recorded, the matter being dropped entirely. Strangely enough the other close islands surrounding Water Seven had also died down in crime, is there some kind of connection?

Currently the Straw Hat Pirates where battling it out in Enies Lobby. A military group known as CP9 had captured a member of their crew, the notaries Nico Robin. All members of her crew where on edge as they tried to save her from being sent through the gates of justice, yet one kept a competent smile in place. That member being none other than Nami.

After a month of use Nami and Robin had unlocked the full potential of the strange charm, and learned how to use it for other purposes then just shrinking. It could change reality in more ways then one, ways Nami and Robin had exploited to the fullest whenever they docked.

And what of Nami and Robin now?


Nami walked through the building known as the halls of Justice as she looked for Robin, a pleasant smile plastered on her face as she hummed. As she checked the doors she found one leading to a large steamy room, a large bath directly in the center with scented leaves flouting in the water.

“Hmm that looks refreshing,” Nami mumbled wondering if she could afford the time for a quick soak. “Oh it is, it’s my personal bath, I missed it so while I stayed on Water Seven, you can’t imagine the joy I felt coming back to it.” Nami heard the door behind her shut before a lock clicked into place.

Nami smiled turning slightly to see who she had been looking for standing there. “Kalifa, so nice to make your acquaintance again and alone no less.” Nami smiled eyeing her luscious body, lust evident with her wondering eyes. Kalifa smirked flipping back a stray strand of hair and pushing her glass up.

“And Nami of the Straw Hat Pirates, I’ve heard only praise about you.” Nami smirked knowing only one person would praise her for anything. “So I take it you and Robin already got *acquainted*?” Nami grinned. Kalifa turned away blushing furiously. “S-she… she can be very persuasive at times, no wonder she has such a high bounty.” Nami shook her head with both disappointment and amusement. The real reason Robin let herself be capture, she’s persistent when she finds something she likes, Nami sighed.

Always giving me sloppy seconds Robin, guess I’ll have to punish you extra once I get you back. “So how do you want to do this?” Nami smirked. Kalifa smiled back reaching between her breasts as she pulled out a key, the same key she saw Fukuro with earlier.

“I managed to get the real key to Nico Robin’s shackles, the other 4 being fakes.” Kalifa pushed it back between her bosom. “If you want it you’ll just have to take it from me, I can’t make it easy after all.” Nami smiled strutting over to her. “Indeed you don’t,” Nami’s eyes brightened with excitement as the pendant around her neck began to glow. I have time before they reach the gates…

“Let me show you why Robin praises me like the goddess I am, Ka-li-fa,” Nami moaned out.


End Notes:

And Finito!

I hope you all enjoyed, and thank you for the reviews i assume you'll leave because your nice :P

Chapter 2 by Franchise Writer
Author's Notes:

Well this is a strange thing for me lol. I made this story a long time ago as a gift to a friend and i never planned on expanding on it but he twisted my leg and made me offer's i just cound't refuse lol so i welcome you all to chapter two of this massive cluster of events known as One Piece ^,^


This chapter contains spoilers to the show so if you don't want to know anything past the Water 7 Arc do not read.


But if you have watched past it then by all means enjoy it's lemony goodness :D


So without further adoo~


turn off the lights,


Sit back,








Nami lay on her bed boredly as she felt the gentle waves of the ocean bumping against the Thousand Sunny. It had been a week since the incident on Enies Lobby and something about her time there bothered her, but she just couldn’t figure out why.

‘After we escaped Enies Lobby, I expected to feel amazing, especially with my new soap girl but what is it about this that makes me so…’ Nami frowned, unsure of the right words herself. “Is everything alright my goddess?” Nami leaned up slightly to look between her feet.

“N-No… everything’s fine Robin just… I don’t know.” She sighed in defeat. Robin pouted seeing her goddess in such a mood. Giving her feet one final lick like she had been for the past few hours she got up before making her way over towards Nami’s stomach.

“Is there something on your mind?” Nami shrugged casting her vision up as she stared at the ceiling. “I just feel kind of bored really. I’ve been bored before but this is different. It’s almost like my life’s gotten kind of stagnant after we rescued you… or more picked you back up since you went there willingly.” Nami scowled at Robin.

“But if I hadn’t gone there, then you wouldn’t have gotten your new possession my goddess. Don’t you like it?” Robin asked with worry, fearing she displeased her. Nami shook her head smiling. “I do love it I really do Robin, just like I love you. You’re still my favorite possession though.” Nami reached down to gently pet Robin.

The shrunken Archaeologist shuttered happily as she felt the gentle fingers of her goddess stroking her. Lying back, Nami cupped Robin close as she gently pet her like you would a pet. ‘Still though it was nice to get her… so why do I feel sad after I left Enies Lobby?’

The nagging feeling pestered her for a while before she finally decided not to dwell on it further. There was no point dwelling on the past, she’d eventually figure it out anyways. “Let’s take a bath. You can scrub my back for me.” Nami finally announced causing Robin’s eyes to light up in excitement.

“C-Can I use it?” Nami grinned setting Robin next to her. “You may, but only on me of course.” Robin nodded eagerly before her body slowly started to grow back to its original height. Nami lifted the charm from her neck eyeing it over.

‘Funny how one little item can change the outcome of my life.’ Even with a better understanding of the fetish charm, there was still so much she had yet to discover. One of the things she found out however was its ability to change objects into different things to suit the user, something she exploited quite frequently.

Getting up from the bed, she turned briefly to give Robin’s ass a quick smack. “It’s feels good to do that again. Don’t get me wrong you’re still staying your usual height but, I kind of miss you at this size.” Nami chuckled seeing Robin whimper under her touch.

“I-I’m always yours to do with Goddess. Whatever you want to do with me I’ll always accept it.” Nami looked into Robin’s eyes smirking. In less than a couple months her life had taken a complete U-turn. She was now dominant both in and out of bed with Robin. She had a power that rivaled any devil fruit user’s she had seen thus far, and she even gave some of her gold away!

‘That was only once you’re not doing it again!’ Nami scowled looking down. Cupping Robin’s chin, she forcefully led her into a kiss, making sure her dominance was known by her tongue fiercely probing the archaeologist’s mouth.

The brunette quivered under her touch, moaning loudly as she let the redhead take full control like always. She loved every moment of it. Feeling her tongue being shoved against her cheek as Nami bit into her, it was fantastic…

Breaking away she smiled lovingly before giving her cheek a gentle pat. “I know your willing but even if you weren’t I’d still use you for anything I wanted. You’re my property after all, don’t forget it.” Nodding Robin bowed lightly before following after Nami as she went towards their (really just her) bathroom.

As Nami entered she immediately discarded her usual clothes to the side before gently wrapping her thumbs over a dark pair of panties, clearly in need of a good wash. Robin grinned from ear to ear as she saw the filthy rag her goddess had been wearing for weeks.

“Are you going to change it into something else again goddess?” Nami lifted the panties up giving them a quizzical look. “Nope, she’s right where she belongs.  I hope you enjoy it down there, I know I enjoy you soaking up all that sweat.” Nami smirked tossing the panties to the floor uncaring.

Robin looked at the discarded garment before shaking her head amused. One of the first things Nami had done once she figured out she could change people into objects was changing one of the shrunken gang member’s she had obtained awhile back into a nice pair of white lace panties.

By their darkened appearance it was quite apparent they were well past dirty. Something that did pester her however was if Nami changed a person into an inanimate object, could they feel anything or even realize what’s going on around them?

She figured they had to considering what Nami had done to Kalifa but she had no idea if that applied to non-Devil fruit users. Smirking, Robin stepped into the bath behind Nami as her eyes traveled over her bare form. Reaching for the soap, Robin snickered seeing the strange ornament they had in place of a bar.

In place of a usual soap bar was a miniature figurine of soap which looked to have been cut into a very well sculpted girl. To anyone else that’s probably what they would have thought it was. Nami gently tapped the pendent before it faintly glowed signaling it’s effect.

One of the things Nami had immediately done once learning how to properly use the charm was make the blinding light it emitted much less blinding as well. By far it was one of her better choices. “P-P-Please… s-stop…” Nami looked over her shoulder sighing.

“Robin it’s talking again. Make it stop.” Nami said coldly. Robin smiled lifting the small soap statue up looking her over again. With its color now changed to a light tone it revealed its true form to her as Kalifa.

After Nami had learned about her Devil fruit power’s, sparks started to fly in her mind as she imagined all the things she could do with an actual soap girl. In the end, turning her into a living bar of soap was kind of mundane but it fit her needs quite nicely.

“P-Please… I’m, I-I’m begging you…” Kalifa pleaded quietly, her defiance broken after days upon days of remaining inanimate as a living statue. Lifting the pleading girl up Robin pressed her into Nami’s back before gently dragging her body over, her flawless skin.

One of the perks of Kalifa was the fact she acted as intended in water. As Robin scrubbed her up and down over Nami, suds began to form as they gently cleaned off her skin from the sweat and grime that had stacked up over the past couple of days.

Stroking the tiny blond up and down, she scrubbed her into Nami as she tried to please her goddess. By the gentle moans she heard, it was probably working to. Nami breathed a sigh of relief as she let Robin bathe her. It seemed like she didn’t do much for herself anymore.

She never had to make anything to eat; Sanji always did that for her. If she wanted pleasure of any kind Robin would jump at the chance to do anything be it a massage to an orgasm, she was always on top of her game like a good little pet.

‘Maybe… maybe that’s why things seem so dull, is it because I’m not really doing anything for myself?’ Her thoughts where halted suddenly as her breath hitched. “D-Did I tell you to wash my breasts Robin?” Nami said quietly, unnerving the brunette.

“I-I’m sorry goddess, you said for me to wash you, I-I thought you wanted me to be thorough.” Robin looked down with worry. Sighing Nami waved her off before leaning down more for her. “Well you already started get back to work. I’ll think about punishing you later if you do a bad job.”

“Yes goddess!” Robin immediately went back to work scrubbing the crying blond over her. ‘Geez, it’s not even fun to control Robin anymore… Am I, am I getting tired of her?’ Nami’s eyes widened in shock, how could she be tired of Robin, she loved her!

Shaking her head at the notion she breathed deeply as she tried to push the dark thoughts away as she let Robin work her magical finger’s over her… wait how many finger’s was that? Nami blinked in surprise as she felt herself being touched in multiple places.

Looking back she smiled warmly as she saw Robin’s many hands scrubbing and cleaning her off, tongues coming out of some of the hands licking away the filth to. ‘Way to go the extra mile. I guess you’re off the hook for earlier.’ Closing her eyes she relaxed further letting Robin do the rest.

Biting her bottom lip, the redhead moaned softly as she felt two of Robin’s many hands move between her legs. “I-If my bath is going to turn into this, you need to be in your place.” Nami muttered quietly as the pendant glowed briefly.

Feeling the hands on her vanish she reached behind her back before grabbing the tiny archaeologist. “Make sure to scrub me down to. If you’re only going to pleasure yourself I’ll still punish you later.” Nami warned before pushing robin under the water and between her legs.

Panting quietly, Nami looked behind her as she heard a gentle splashing in the water. “Oh right your still here aren’t you.” She reached back grabbing Kalifa’s flailing form. “Geez, she couldn’t even finish using you, what a bad slave.”

Lowering her hand under the water she pushed Kalifa’s tiny form towards her ass before groaning softly as she shoved the blond against her anus. It had been a day or so since she had her ass cleaned so it wouldn’t be too filthy for her soap girl but still. Being shoved up someone’s rear wasn’t exactly an ideal situation for anyone. Pressing harder she cooed softly as Kalifa’s tiny form was pushed further in.

‘She’s lucky to get this honor.’ Smirking Nami nodded as she moved her index finger as far as she could, trapping her soap girl deep inside her ass. Leaning back, she sighed contently as she felt the wonderful sensations of her toys.

Robin was definitely trying to get back in her good graces. Feeling the rapid movements everywhere inside her, she was no doubt using her Hana Hana no mi. Kalifa on the other hand was just thrashing about, uncoordinatedly. ‘Maybe I should punish her to? Sounds like too much work though. Maybe I’ll have Robin do it…’

There were other things she could turn Kalifa into, to make her point. She already turned most of the female gang members into her possessions. ‘I guess I could turn her into food and eat her. It’s not like it would kill her… then again, the last ones I ate didn’t settle to well.’ Nami shuttered remembering the awkward feeling of pushing out whole food still intact.

‘I already have panties, a toothbrush, sock’s and a reusable tampon… is there anything else humiliating I could turn her into besides my living soap bar?’ sighing Nami raised her foot up over the water as she inspected her leg.

‘There’s that feeling again… I’m so bored of them all…’ They were fun when she first got them. They were shiny and new! But now… they were just useless toys that she had no fun playing with… well except Robin, but she was different.

“Maybe I should tell Robin about this…” Nami thought it over and nodded. Maybe her original toy could give her some insight as to why she was so tired of her pets already. Suddenly her eyes widened as a guttural gasp escaped her lips.

“W-W-What the hell?!” Looking under the water, she reached for her rear before poking her entrance. Sure enough, she felt lots of squirming appendages inside her. “G-Geez, Robin…” Nami panted softly as she felt the rapid movements inside both her entrances now.

‘She always knows when I’m not being pleased.’ Shaking her head, Nami had to smile. Robin was the exception. She always knew the right way to please her, to make her just special enough to keep her interest.

Leaning back, Nami moaned loudly as she basked in the pleasure flooding through her. Kalifa was worthless right now, but as long as she had Robin… she was enough. She was all the pleasure she needed.

Moving her hands towards her breasts, Nami began groping her chest vigorously as she tried to coax her body to its release. Panting, her finger’s played with her hardened nubs as she flicked and pinched her nipples, groaning as she felt Robin’s hundreds of hands pinching and grabbing her ass and inner walls.

With the stimulation from all ends it didn’t take her long. Screaming loudly, she bucked her hips in the water as she felt her orgasm flood out of her, along with Robin. With that out of the way, she panted quietly as her eyes looked towards the water, watching Robin’s limp form slowly rising to the surface.

Lowering her hand she fished out her tired toy before sprawling her out on her stomach. With the wave of her hand, Nami activated the charm growing Robin back as she hugged the archaeologist into her. “Good girl, very good girl.” Nami praised as she pet Robin’s head.

The brunette moaned, nuzzling herself into Nami adoringly as she basked in the praise of her goddess. “Don’t think I didn’t notice your work back there as well. You definitely did better than Kalifa.” Nami smirked as she continued petting Robin like a pet.

“I-I… I wanted to make my Goddess happy…” Robin said tiredly as she continued to cuddle up to Nami. “Well you certainly did. I think I’ll let you have real food tonight, how does that sound?” Robin nuzzled her goddess further, happiness evident in her form.

“You spoil me Goddess.” Chuckling, Nami pushed Robin off her as she reached around her back. Hissing in pleasure, she fished in her ass for a moment before pulling out the limp form of Kalifa. Apparently Robin had thrown her around a bit.

“You did terrible as usual Ka-li-fa,” Nami sang out grinning chesurely. “I think I’ll have to do something worse to you. Maybe I’ll just toss you into the sea. You’re hardly worth keeping if you can’t do what you’re supposed to.” The blonde’s eyes widened in despair, she didn’t want to be a slave to the psychotic redhead but she didn’t want to die either!

As Nami pondered what to do with her little soap girl, her thoughts were suddenly disturbed as she heard a loud explosion which shook the ship. “W-What the hell was that?!” Robin pulled her arms away looking out the port hole on the side of the tub.

“I don’t see any Navy ships. Is it possible we hit a reef?” Nami shook her head sighing. “The explosion was topside. I bet it was Franky, he’s always making something explode.” She shook her head sadly. Standing up, Nami waved her hand briefly causing the green light of her pendent to flash.

“N-NO, P-PLEASE I DON’T WANT TO GO BA-“Robin looked down at Kalifa as her body slowly turned back into a solid statue of white soap again. “I guess your bath’s over then Goddess?” Nodding, Nami took the bucket next to the tub before dumping the warm water over her to wash off the excess soap.

“Come on we better check what’s happening up there.” Robin dunked her head underwater as she washed off Nami’s essence still coating her before following her out of the bathroom.


-          - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


~ Topside ~


“What’s with all this noise, what happened?” Nami pushed the door to the deck open, annoyance clear in her tone. “The booze flew in the air, and then it blew up!” Chopper stammered in shock. Nami’s face went blank as she stared at her crewmates looking towards the sky.

“Maybe what we heard before wasn’t an explosion but some kind of a signal?” Robin muttered stepping outside the cabin after Robin. “What kind of a signal shoots fireworks?” Luffy scratched his head clearly confused.

“F-Fireworks?!” Nami’s eyes widened in shock. “It had to have been a signal flare then. It could just be a prank but if it’s not…” Robin trailed off, her expression turning grim. “I-If it’s not?” The other’s looked to Robin fearfully.

“Perhaps… we’ve alerted someone and there about to come looking for us.” As panic broke out on the ship, Nami suddenly felt a shiver run down her spine. ‘Somethings isn’t right… the air pressure, it’s shifting…’

Gasping, the redhead immediately moved towards the wheel of the ship. “Everyone get into position we have to escape, south to south west, a huge storms coming in!” The other’s looked to the clear skies skeptically but nodded knowing she was never wrong about these kinds of things.

As everyone began tying down there supplies and raising the sails the clouds overhead suddenly turned dark. Rain soon followed as a harsh torrent of water poured down on them. ‘It’s just like I thought, this storms not natural. Is this someone else’s doing?’

Hearing the crackle of thunder overhead, she decided not to dwell on it now. Escape was there first priority. “Franky do it!” The cyborg nodded changing the gears on the wheel of the ship as its wheels emerged.

As the Sunny began paddling out of the storm Nami watched the dark skies overhead getting darker and darker as they passed. Her feeling of unease only increased however as they delved further and further into the darkness.





Nami watched the rain slowly coming to a stop as there ship began to slow. “I guess we made it out of the storm alright, but where are we?” Looking overhead it was as dark as night, almost like the sun had been abandoned and left alone, only for the darkness to consume it.

‘Wait a minute…’ her eyes widened in surprise. “This is it… we paddled the Sunny into the sea Kokoro told us about.” “So this is the Florian Triangle then?” Robin walked up next to her as she looked out over the ocean.

“The ghost sea…” The redhead walked around as she looked around the surrounding waters. ‘I guess where not far off now from Fishman Island now.’ As she heard the bickering of her crewmates as they teased Usopp about them being in the *Ghost Sea*an eerie melody sung through the air caching her attention.

“What is that? It sounds, like singing?” all their thoughts where cut off however as Usopp screamed loudly. Looking Behind her, the blood from her face drained as she saw a large torn apart ship slowly flouting next to the sunny. “I-I-It’s A, A, A… IT’S A GHOST SHIP!” the crew screeched in fear.

As Nami watched the imposing vessel slowly drifting by them, her eyes widened in fear as she saw a lone figure aboard the ship, the one who was apparently making the haunting melody they all heard prior.

“Someone’s actually riding the ship…” Robin muttered in surprise as she saw the person they had been hearing coming closer. All their faces went blank with fear as they saw the figure come into view. ‘T-This can’t be real... is, is that really a… a...’ “S-S-S-S-Skeleton…” Usopp whimpered as they saw the ship slowly passing them.

“No freaking way…” Zoro muttered in fear. As the ship passed by completely, Nami let out the breath she had been holding in, perhaps they weren’t going to- “Did you see that! There’s a singing skeleton on that ship!” Luffy screeched excitedly.

‘Oh crap…’ Nami looked at her captain in fear knowing full well what was going to happen next. Immediately he bolted towards the ship but was stopped by Sanji. ‘Geez, why does this always happen to us? Well at least the others are trying to stop him from going.’

Nami watched as Zoro and Usopp tried to talk him out of it but it was clear he wasn’t going to listen. “Alright, well he can’t go alone.” Zoro finally declared before walking forward. Nami stared at him blankly before he lifted up a handful of sticks.

‘Oh you’ve got to be kidding me!’ “Alright where drawing straws to see who stays and who goes on the creepy ghost ship with Luffy.” Nami shivered in fear as she looked at the other’s clearly wanting to go already.

“C-C-Can’t we j-just let Luffy go?” Zoro shook his head holding the sticks up again. ‘W-Well ok… m-maybe this won’t be so bad. I-I-I mean there’s 8 of us, and only two of us have to go… I-I bet I won’t even get picked. What are the chances of that?’




Nami cried as she climbed up the rope ladder behind Usopp and Luffy. “W-Why did it have to be me of all people, I want a recount!” She sniffled crying harder. “Come on Nami get up here, its ghost time!”, “GIVE ME A SECOND!” She screeched angrily as she slowly climbed up behind them.

Sniffling, she shook her head sadly. “I should have made Robin go, she would have done it for me…” Looking back at the Sunny she contemplated going back but she was already at the top of the boat by now. ‘L-Let’s just get this over with…’

“Geez I really don’t want to do this…”, “Why not? You were all excited about finding a treasure ship earlier”,” THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL THIS IS A TREASURE SHIP! LOOK AT IT, IT HAS SINGING SKELETON’S ON BOARD!” She screamed back furiously.

As she continued to climb her body suddenly froze as she saw said skeleton looking over the edge of the boat as they climbed up. ‘T-that’s it… we’re dead…’ Climbing back down, she immediately tried to get off the boat but a hand suddenly shot down before grabbing her.

“Come on you don’t want to miss this!” Luffy screamed pulling her up to the top. As she fell to the deck crying her eyes widened in fear as she saw its full form. It looked like a skeleton of course but it had on a rather tattered gentleman’s clothes. With a top hat covering an afro and a cane slung around it’s wrist, along with a porcelain tea cup in hand he was definitely something they would only find in the grand line.

Quickly scampering behind Sanji she peeked out behind his shoulder fearful, almost afraid of what was about to happen to them. The skeleton’s mouth widened slightly upon seeing them before his hand rose towards his top hat.

“Why good afternoon, Yohohohohoho! Why thank you all for stopping by. You must excuse me for not greeting you properly before, I really was quite surprised. It’s been so many year’s you see, wandering these water’s all alone. I’m so used to ghost ships you humans’ frightened me, it’s quite ironic isn’t it?”

Nami shivered in fear as she looked at his hollow features. ‘W-W-WE FRIGHTENED HIM?!’ “But by all mean’s please come inside and take a seat. I’m sure you have many tales to share.” he said happily. As Nami and Sanji looked at it fearful, Luffy immediately laughed juvenilely.

“Whoa, it can talk! It’s a singing, talking, afro skeleton!” Luffy laughed excitedly. “We’ll all be damned…” Sanji lit his cigarette in surprise as he stepped closer towards it. As Sanji moved away, its eyes locked onto Nami causing her to shiver in fear.

“Huh… oh my! What a charming young woman you are, beautiful!” Nami blushed shaking her hands somewhat embarrassedly. “O-O-Oh, n-no, no I mean I, w-well…” She stuttered trying to form a complete sentence. ‘I guess even the dead think I’m beautiful…’ Her ego rose somewhat at the thought.

“I’m all eyes for ladies like you… Or at least I would be, if skeleton’s had eyes, Yohohohoho!” He laughed at his joke happily. ‘M-M-Maybe h-he’s not all t-that bad after all…’ Setting his cane down, he brushed the dirt off his shirt before walking up to the redhead.

“Could you perhaps, show me your panties?” Blinking once, then twice, a tic mark appeared on her brow before she grit her teeth. “YEA RIGHT!” She screeched before kicking the skeleton squarely in the head launching him backwards.

As the skeleton fell down it laughed cheerfully. “Yohohoho! Feisty, I like it! That hurt me right down to the bone… because I’m a skeleton you see”, “I GET IT!” She screamed still enraged he would ask her such a request.

As Sanji and Luffy stared at them in surprise, the ladder suddenly breaking out in laughter. Stepping forward he crossed his arms grinning. “I have one question for you. Will you join our crew?” Nami’s eyes faded as she felt a foreboding feeling run through her.

“Yes, why certainly”


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~Back onboard the Sunny ~


Nami rested her head on her palm as she listened to the skeleton they had just been picked up. Apparently Brook was once a pirate like them. Then again with his tail he fit right in with everyone else. ‘I almost feel bad now for hitting him…’ As she let her thoughts wander, something did catch her attention.

“As for my shadow, it was stolen from me.” Brook said solemnly startling the others. ‘How can someone steal a shadow? I guess it has to be some kind of Devil fruit user…  It can’t be any stranger then a talking skeleton.’

Sighing, she stood up about to go back her cabin but stopped as she saw Brook standing as well. “Well, with that aside how about I play a song for you?” Brook stepped back before going over towards a case he had brought onboard with him.

As he reached down to pull out an old viola he laughed happily hearing the gentle tune as he tested its strings. “I am skilled with a great many instruments you know. When I sailed the seas with my old crew, I was there musician.” Upon hearing that Luffy cheered and begged for him to join there crew once more.

‘Geez, if it wasn’t for his shadow he’d be with us now. I’m not sure if I should be sad for the guy or not.’ Nami shrugged before going towards the door, however… Nami froze as she heard Brook rasping loudly. Looking back she stared at him with a mix of confusion and concern before he broke out into a loud scream, falling backwards.

“Hey what’s wrong, you’re freaking out?!” Sanji slammed his hands onto the table angrily before brook pointed a shaking finger towards the ceiling. “G-G-Ghoooooooooooost!”  Nami looked up above her before sweat began pouring down her face.

“W-W-What the hell is that thing?!” Poking its head out of the wall was a small white specter with a goofy smile on its lips. ‘Holy crap, it really is a ghost!’ The ghost moved through the wall looking them over before flouting out through the ceiling.

“I-It’s just leaving?” Zoro muttered before there ship suddenly shook violently. “What’s going on with the ship?!” Brook’s eye (sockets) widened before he broke into a sprint leaving the others in the dining hall. “No, it can’t be!”

Nami walked out behind him before her eyes widened as well. Staring at the open waters a massive wall blocked them from the front. “I-Is that a gate?!” Brook nodded shaking his head in dismay. “Oh what terrible fortune, they must have been watching you. That’s the only thing that makes sense.”

Nami was about to inquire further but brook took off heading towards the back of the boat. “Come to the rear of the ship, hurry!” Nodding she followed after him, signaling to Robin to follow her. As they moved to the railing their eyes widened in horror.

“What in the hell is that?” As the rest of the crew followed behind them they looked upon what appeared to be a massive island, literally shrouded in darkness. “D-Did you by any chance pick up barrel from the water’s near here?” Brook asked with worry.

Luffy’s eyes widened before he nodded. ‘So that’s what the signal was earlier. It was to alert whoever’s here to our location. But how did they find us, we paddled out of the water’s we were in?’ “What is this place?” Robin muttered quietly.

“This is the ghost Island that wander’s these parts… they call it, Thriller Bark.” The other’s shivered upon hearing the name of the place. “So let me get this straight… who ever sent out that signal earlier has been following us this whole time?” Nami summarized thinking things over.

“Indeed, you’ve been targeted by the denizens of this island.” Brook stepped off the railing he was on before walking away. “W-Wait where are you going?” The skeleton grabbed his cane before walking towards the edge of the ship.

“Truly this has been a fortunate day for me, not only was I able to meet you but my wish has been granted as well.” As the other’s watched Brook leaping through the air, Nami immediately went towards her cabin.

Making her way to her room, she went towards her maps and logs looking the area over, confusion clearly present on her expression. “Is something wrong goddess?” Robin stepped in after her. “This island… it shouldn’t be here.” Nami flipped through all her sea charts not understanding how this was even possible.

“My log post doesn’t even register this island either, I don’t get it.” Robin tapped her chin with worry unsure of what this meant. “I suppose we should talk with the others then, somethings about to happen whether we want it or not.”

Nami slammed the charts down angrily. “I know that, that’s what I’m afraid of!” Cringing, the brunette bowed before stepping beside Nami. “Would you like me to go back in my place goddess?” Thinking it over, Nami shook her head.

“We might need you to fight. I can’t use my power in front of the others so if we’re grouped together I’ll only be able to use my Clima-Tact to fight with.” The thought of being defenseless was terrifying, especially on an island like this, but she could never show her friends what power’s she had… especially not what she’s done with them either.

Feeling a pair of arms surround, suddenly made her feel safer. “I promise you my Goddess, as long as I’m by your side I’ll always give you my life.” Robin whispered into her ear as she rested her head on Nami’s shoulders.

Feeling more at ease now, she nodded before taking Robin’s hand in her own. “Let’s go check on the others. I bet Luffy’s already trying to get on the island.” Nodding, they both left the cabin to follow after their other crew members.



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~ On the Island                 ~


“Owe, owe, owe, owwweeee!” Nami whined as she rubbed her rear. Craning her neck up she ground her teeth as she saw the tall wall she had just crashed into. ‘Jeez, it’s got to be 6 or 7 meter’s tall. Its lucky we landed on something so soft or we might…’ Nami heard a crunching sound under her.

Looking down, a shiver ran down her spine as she stifled a scream. ‘B-B-bones, t-these are all bones!’”Uhhhh… what, what is this place?” Looking over her shoulder she sighed. ‘Glad to know there alright… but still.’ Nami bit her lower lip worried.

After Franky had showed her the Mini Marry, she had just gotten so excited she had to take it for a test ride… she didn’t actually plan on getting on the island without Robin beside her. ‘I’ll have to get back to the ship, that’s top priority.’

“Glad to see you guys are alright. Where lucky, that was quite the fall.” Usopp and Chopper rubbed their heads in pain as they gathered there bearings. “H-hey, how did we get down here?” Looking around Nami already had a rough idea of what happened.

“I’d say this was a trap build around the entire island. This mote’s meant to capture people who try to travel here by themselves. Now I’ll admit crashing into the mote was one hundred percent my fault but you’ll forgive me because I’m cute right?” Nami grinned before hearing a growl from her less than thrilled companions… wait that’s not them…

Looking into the darkness that surrounded them Nami peered around till her eyes landed on an eerie, glowing pair of eyes. ’M-Make that two pair, wait three?!’ Backing up a creature growled at them before stepping out of the shadows.

Slowly a three headed dog came into view as it growled menacingly at them. ‘Y-you’ve got to be joking…’ “No, it can’t be… C-Cerberus?!” Chopper stammered backing up before both Usopp and him broke into a sprint screaming.

Upon seeing it’s pray run, the vicious dog charged Nami. ‘Let’s see how scary you are as a puppy!’ Nami raised her hand before screaming suddenly as she was thrown over Chopper’s shoulder. “DON’T JUST STAND THERE RUN IT’S GOING TO EAT US!” Lowering her hand, she gulped in fear, knowing she couldn’t use her powers with these two around; her worst fears had come true.

She was powerless…







Robin’s eyes widened as she moved towards the edge of the ship. “NAMI!” The other’s followed suit as they tried to spot there navigator and crewmates but the murky waters were all they saw. “I can’t see a damn thing out there,” Zoro scowled as they tried to look past the thick fog that encompassed the island.

‘Goddess is in trouble,’ gritting her teeth, Robin was about to go below deck to take the waver to the island before the ship suddenly shook to the side. “H-Hey what the hell was that?!” Sanji looked around franticly before the anchor to their ship suddenly dropped down, locking there boat in place.

“That’s strange, I just built this ship so there’s no way the gears are loose.” Franky frowned looking over the edge of the boat. They didn’t get much time to ponder what happened however as the hatch to their lower deck suddenly opened up on its own.

‘W-what?! No, this can’t be the work of ghosts, that’s ridicules…’ Robin shivered slightly. She was a toy to her beautiful crewmate, were ghosts really such a stretch? As she watched strange phenomenons happen left and right she was suddenly caught off guard as she felt a pair of hands grab her from behind.

“Guh, s-somethings, grabbing me?!” Robin grit her teeth as she tried to push away the strange creature but suddenly went ridged as she felt a warm, wet feeling slide over her neck and face. ‘D-D-Did a g-ghost just lick me?!’

All of a sudden it just stopped… Robin fell back panting softly as she looked around with worry. ‘I-I want to go back to my place… I don’t feel safe…’ she shivered. When she was inside Nami, no matter where, she always felt like the world could never get her.

‘G-Goddess… I’ll come get you soon, please be safe… for both our sakes.’






‘Un…be…lievable…’Nami rested her head on her palm as she watched her crewmates talking with some strange freak named Hogback. ‘First we get chased by a freak of nature three headed dog, then tree’d by it! And then if that wasn’t bad enough we get trapped in a cemetery, chased again but this time by freaking zombies! And now after being forced into this creepy castle, their just calm and collect about all of this?!’

Sighing, Nami looked around the dining room they were currently sitting in. The mansion they were in looked very regal and fancy, strange considering where it was located. ‘This doesn’t add up. This Island had to have been relocated from somewhere else. Not to mention the good doctor living here by himself? Well… not all by himself.’

Nami’s eyes traveled to Dr Hogback’s servant. ‘She isn’t half bad looking. If it weren’t for all those scars on her body I might just try something with her.’ Nami shuttered slightly as she imagined all the fun she could have with her. ‘It’s been awhile since I’ve been with anyone new… maybe I’ll play with her if I’m desperate.’

Almost as if knowing she was being thought about the servant known as Cindry looked towards Nami before standing over her. “I’ve prepared a bath for you. Since you’re filthy you should take a bath before you go to bed.” Cindry muttered coldly.

‘Oh what a charming personality you have… maybe I’ll leave her be,’ Nami scowled as he stood up. “Fine, let’s go guys.” The other’s blinked in confusion before seeing her stern expression. “I’m not going to bath by myself. You two stand outside the door while I take my bath.” ‘I don’t trust these people. Even if I’m better off on my own I don’t want the others to get hurt either.’

Usopp and Chopper whined before following after her. As she found the bathroom, Nami smiled seeing the steam leaking from under the door. “Alright you two stand guard, I won’t be long.” Hearing them whine, Nami ignored their protests in favor of cleaning herself.

As she stepped into the bathroom, she shivered with anticipation. ‘I know I just bathed earlier but my bath was interrupted, to bad I won’t have my soapgirl with me, I could really use her right now.’ Stripping her clothes off, she sighed contently as she felt the warm air soothing her skin.

The sensation only got better as she stepped into the massive tub. ‘Ohhhhh…. Yea….’ She smiled happily as she sunk into the water. ‘Geez, this guy might be a freak but he really knows how to please the ladies,’ she grinned rubbing the dirt and grime off her arms.

As she washed herself off a frown fell over her. ‘Robin’s not bathing me… I know I felt bored when she did it for me but I don’t like this feeling either…’ She honestly had no idea what she wanted. She hated it when Robin did everything for her, but when she did it on her own she just… “Feel like I’m wasting my time.” Shaking her head, her chin sunk under the water as she tried to understand what this meant.

‘Maybe… maybe I’m not bored with Robin but bored with her treating me like a goddess? I know I felt amazing when I had my other toys worship me but breaking them was the best part.’ Once broken they were just that, broken.

As she tried to figure everything out a suddenly splashing nose caught her attention. “Usopp if your trying to peek on me I’m going to murder you!”, “What the hell are you talking about where still out here?!””Yea, Usopp and I haven’t moved from this spot.”

Nami stood up looking around. They weren’t lying; the door hadn’t been opened since she came in. Hearing another splash, she suddenly froze. ‘T-T-That, That came from inside the… bath… room…’ Looking around she stepped out of the water before going towards her clothes.

“Alright bathes over, I’m coming out alright gu-“Nami screamed as she felt a hand suddenly cover her mouth. ‘W-W-WHATS GOING ON?!’ Hearing a guttural growl, Nami screamed again but she couldn’t so much as utter a word in her current position.

“My, you are a pretty girl…” Her eyes widened as she heard the deep voice from her invisible assailant. “What pretty hair too, you’re much more beautiful than the lass on the ship. You’ll do nicely.” Struggling hard, she tried to get out of its grasp but its strong hands had her pinned firmly in place.

“Oh? What is this?” Nami’s eye’s widened in fear as her pendant was slowly lifted up. ‘T-T-THE CHARM?!’ “Such a pretty trinket, no wonder it’s on a treasure like you. Maybe I should take it with me so I’ll have something to remember you until your my bride.” ‘NO!’

Screaming she kicked her legs up before hearing a grunt of pain. All of a sudden her body was released as she fell to the tiled floor roughly. “Grrrr, you’ll pay for that, I’ll-“, “J-JUST GET AWAY!” Nami shrieked raising her hands. All of a sudden the pendant flashed before the invisible assailants growling ceased.

Gasping loudly she tried to stop her heart from breaking out of her chest. Clutching the charm she looked around in fear but whomever, or whatever tried to take it was gone now, possibly forever? ‘Just get away? Damnit I could have been more specific!’

As she struggled to her feet the door slammed open. “Nami, we heard you cry is everything all-“ Usopp started before a wash bucket hit his face. “GET OUT, DON’T JUST CHARGE IN HERE IM NAKED!” Nami shrieked.

As her two crewmates scampered out in fear, she fell back to the floor shivering. ‘I-I know they were just looking after me but… I can take care of myself, I just did.’ Taking a deep breath, she sighed looking around a few more times before getting dressed. Reaching for her panties she stopped before frowning.

“Change back.” The filthy cloth garment slowly turned pale before shrinking and changing its form before it became a small person. Looking down at the small woman she had made into her undergarments she lifted her limp form up.

“I want you to wiggle inside me alright; you’ll be my reminder in case I forget.” Nami muttered as she touched the charm around her neck. ‘As long as I have it on me, I’m a goddess, and none of these things can harm me. The shrunken, women nodded obediently. ‘I guess being shoved inside of me is a step up in her eyes.’

Bending over, she pressed the girls face into her anus before shuttering as she gently shoved her up her ass. Breathing a sigh of relief she smiled feeling the gentle wiggled deep inside her rectum. “You’re not Robin, but you’ll do, for now.”

Standing back up, she dressed herself before blushing lightly as she felt the cold draft around her, tickle her neither’s. ‘I-I guess wearing a skirt was a bad idea today. As long as I don’t bend over I should be fine. Besides, my slave has a better purpose right now.’ Her face darkened.

“She’ll be there to remind me whenever I doubt myself. I am a goddess, and reality is just my plaything.” Moving to the door, she rejoined her crewmates outside. It was time they got off this island, and it was time she got back to her Robin.


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~ With the other Straw Hat’s ~


Robin twitched a bit as she walked. It had been a few hours now since she’d been separated from Nami and things couldn’t be worse. It never dawned on her, how insecure she felt without her. After being so close to her, suddenly being cut off was almost painful. She was addicted to her goddess. Nami was like a drug she’d just been cut off from.

‘Goddess… where are you…’ Looking from corner to corner of the massive building she and her crewmates had entered she had taken it upon herself to look for Nami on her own. After splitting up, she found numerous zombies around the massive manor but they didn’t bother her.

The undead wasn’t exactly something that scared her before and after being put through Nami’s punishments; they were little more than a joke. Speaking of jokes… Robin felt the carpet under her shaking before she jumped back as it began to rise.

“Ha I bet you weren’t expecting me!” A face appeared on the rug along with a number marked 261. ‘More surprise zombies… how many are there?’ Looking to his number, she sighed startling the zombie by her calm demeanor.

“W-Wait, aren’t you terrified of me-AH!” the zombie suddenly screeched as hands appeared over its body bending it in weird shapes. “I don’t have time for you, just stay there.” Robin muttered absentmindedly as she walked past the struggling zombie.

“AHHHH! G-Gekko Moriah won’t forgive you for this! Y-You’re just going to be caught like all the other’s an-“before he could continue a hand cupped his mouth silencing him. ‘What are the odds of wandering into one of the seven warlords abodes so easily?’

Considering they had encountered 2 already it was almost like they were destined to find them all. Shaking her head, she twitched some more as she walked. ‘P-Please Goddess… where are you, I… I need your touch…’ Biting her lip she picked up her pace as she looked for Nami hurriedly.

Turning to a new corridor she suddenly froze as she stared at zombies littering the ground lifelessly. “What on earth…” Stepping up to one she poked it confirming what she guessed, they were most definitely dead…er.

‘This wasn’t Goddess, she never kills enemies, and I doubt any of our other crew mates could have done this either…’ Thinking it over a moment, her memories flashed as she remembered Brook from earlier. ‘I suppose that does just leave him, unless there was some kind of uprising I wasn’t aware of.’

Stepping over the zombies she followed the trail of bodies hoping it could lead her towards her goddess faster. Maybe, just maybe brook would know where she was? It was better than just aimlessly wandering after all.




Nami groaned as she began to wake. ‘Son of a bitch…’ She clutched her side in pain as she looked at the light bandaging on her. It had been months since she had been injured and this was most definitely a feeling she didn’t want to experience again, pain.

‘Geez, I wonder if they were just waiting for us the whole time…’ After she had left the bathroom with the others they confronted Dr. Hogback and somehow they ended up fighting some samurai zombie. With a single swing he incapacitated all three of them before they fainted.

‘D-Damnit… DAMNIT! I’m a Goddess! I shouldn’t be beaten so easily!’ Standing up, she looked around angrily before blinking as she looked at the surrounding area. “What is this place a nursery?” Plants and tree’s covered all sides along with flashy pink furniture and spotlights.

“Geez, it’s like some kind of outdoor stage…” As she looked around a loud groan startled her before she looked down. Blushing she jumped off what she was standing on embarrassedly. “S-Sorry chopper, I didn’t even notice you.” The young doctor groaned leaning up.

“Thanks for getting off of me, I couldn’t breathe.” Scowling, she decided not to take that as an insult as she helped him to his feet. Looking beside him Usopp was there to but he was still out cold. “Any idea what happened to us?”

The reindeer shook his head as she surveyed the area alongside her. “I guess after we were attacked we were taken here for some reason.” ‘What possible reason would they have for taking us to a garden?’ as she thought about it a sudden chatting caught her attention.

Hiding near some bushes were two large squirrels with masks on. Stitches covered their bodies like most of the creatures on the island. “Oh crap, oh crap! Mistress Perona won’t be happy about this!”, “Y-Yea we should probably go get help before they wake up an-“

The squirrels squeaked in pain as something stomped on them hard. “So who pray tell is Mistress Perona?” Nami said curiously as she watched the tiny animals struggling under her foot. “C-Crap the pirate ladies awake”, “W-We need to warn-“The squirrels squeaked in pain as Nami stomped on them harder.

“DON’T ACT LIKE I DIDN’T ASK YOU A QUESTION!” Grinding her foot on them they whimpered before telling her everything. “She’s our leader! One of the mysterious four!”” Yea, yea, yea s-she’s the ghost princess, the one who watches over the island for master Moriah!”

‘Moriah? Why does that name sound familiar…’ “I don’t know who Perona is but who’s Moriah? Also you said the mysterious four, does that mean there are two others?” The squirrels began to panic struggling franticly to get away.

“W-W-Where not allowed to tell the enemy anything!”, “Y-Yea we won’t say a word even under threat of torture!”, “That can be arranged…” The animals screamed louder in fear as Nami watched the pathetic excuse for zombies struggling.

“U-Uh N-Nami!” Looking over her shoulder, her face went pale as she saw Chopper and Usopp slowly being surrounded by stitched together animals. ‘M-More zombies?!’  “Ooooooh now you’re in trooooouble!”,” Yea you’re going to pay you mean pirate lady!” Stomping her foot on the squirrels one last time, she moved beside Chopper and the now awake Usopp as they watched more and more of these stitched together solders beginning to swarm them.

‘What the hell is wrong with this place!’ The animal solder’s where worse than the zombies they encountered before. Stitched together animals standing on their hind legs were bad enough but all their infuriating shrill laughter’s were driving her insane!’ Lifting up her palm she was about to do something about them but stopped as she saw Chopper and Usopp shivering next to her.

‘Damnit there’s a lot of them… I can’t just use my charm with them here either, crap….’ Looking for anything that could give her a way out of this her prayer was answered but, not quite in the way she expected.

“Loooooola I command you to stop!” Blinking the three members of the straw hat crew looked to the forest surrounding them as they saw tree’s slowly being shoved aside. As dust began to rise a massive pink and white figure appeared soon followed by a smaller figure.

“WHERE IS SHE, I’M GOING TO KILL HER FOR STEALING MASTER AB’S HEART!” Squinting Nami had to make sure she was seeing things properly. “I-Is that a warthog wearing a wedding dress?” The other’s nodded checking their eyes too, as the scene played out confusing them greatly.

“LOLA I’M YOUR COMMANDER AND I’M ODERING YOU TO STOP!” Nami had to stifle a laugh for the first time since coming to this place as she watched the massive warthog make a U-turn from the path she was running as she ran back towards the small figure.

“FINE IF YOU WANT ME SO MUCH YOU CAN HAVE ME!” As the scene played out, Nami looked around before nudging Chopper and Usopp. “W-What is it Nam-“She moved a finger to her lips pointing to the animal solders surrounding them. They were as tranced with the scene as they had been moments before.

“Let’s go while their distracted alright.” Nodding, they all started to slowly walk away before quickly ducking into the bushes near them. “W-What the hell was that about?!” Usopp stammered as they continued to run.

“Who cares it bought us some time let’s not waste it. We need to find Luffy and the other’s and get the hell off this island.” Nodding Chopper and Usopp ran behind her as they moved towards the outline of a large building.

As they ran a loud scream brought their attention upwards. Stopped in their tracks, the three pirates looked up before screaming as they jumped out of the way as the massive warthog from before suddenly crashed in front of them.

“W-What?!” Nami coughed as the dust began to settle before she froze looking directly in the face of the Warthog, her angry gaze almost piercing her. “You wicked cat burglar! You’ll pay for stealing master Ab’s greatest treasure!”

Nami blinked once, then twice before her eyes widened in surprise. “W-W-Wait m-me, treasure?! W-Wait hold on a second, I-I mean I know I’m a pirate and all but I haven’t stolen anything yet!” Nami stammered backing up as the massive pink warthog lifted a large ax up from seemingly nowhere.

“You stole his heart! And now I’m going to tear yours out of your chest!” the now clearly feminine warthog screamed as it lifted the ax up to swing at her. Jumping back, she fell to the ground barely dodging the massive blade landing between her feet.

“T-T-That was way too close for c-comfort?!”, “Don’t worry I won’t miss twice!” the warthog screamed angrily once more as she attempted to sever Nami in half, but before the blade could connect it was suddenly shattered as something knocked it away.

“LOLA STOP THIS, I WON’T LET YOU HARM MY BRIDE!” Blinking, the redhead looked behind the Warthog now known as Lola as she saw a tall figure with animalistic features. “Don’t worry Ab baby, this won’t take long, once I get rid of her we can be together till death do us part!”, “YOUR ALREADY DEAD!”

As the two began bickering to each other something dawned on Nami about the man’s voice. ‘Wait a second…’ Her eyes widened as she got to her feet. “HEY YOU’RE THE PERVERT WHO TRIED TO RAPE ME IN THE BATHROOM WEREN’T YOU! Everyone looked at Nami shocked before looking towards the man.

“W-W-Wait Rape?! I wouldn’t put it that way, I-I was just sizing you up is all. And I’ve decided you’re going to be my bride. Remember the name Absalom. It will be the name of your future husband.” The man grinned bearing his fangs.

“Pass…” Absalom suddenly face faulted by her calm response. “IT WASN’T A CHOICE! You’ll be my bride one way or another.” He growled animalistic, before his body suddenly began to fade. ‘Crap he can turn invisible, I forgot.’

Looking around franticly, she suddenly screeched as she was lifted in the air. “Now come along with me and we can get married right away!” Absalom laughed running away with her. Looking behind her, she saw Chopper and Usopp running after her but there speed just couldn’t keep up with this guy.

‘Well it’s about time…’ Grinning, she waited till she was sure she couldn’t be seen before tapping Absalom’s shoulder. “Yes my bride to be?”, “Do you even remember what happened last time you grabbed me?” She suddenly stopped moving as Absalom gasped.

“WAIT, WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME BEFORE?! One minute I was looking you over and the next I was in the middle of the forest?!”, “Huh, so that’s where it sent you.” Nami mumbled more to herself then her current captor.

“S-So you have a devil fruit power?!” Chuckling, Nami’s pendent glowed before Absalom suddenly flew backwards into one of the nearby trees. Landing gracefully, a grin spread over her lips as she looked towards the small hole she assumed, her captor was still in.

“First things first, let’s clear up this notion that I’m your bride, it’s not happening.” She waved her hand before Absalom suddenly became visible, shocking him. “W-Wait, what did you do to me why can’t I disappear?!”

Her grin suddenly turned malicious. “Second, I don’t keep my body like this so a pervert like you can get off to it. I don’t even swing that way in all honesty.” It took a second for Absalom to register what she meant before his face suddenly went crimson.

Flicking her wrist he was suddenly shot backwards once more into the same tree as she pinned him in midair. “Third, you made a huge mistake targeting my crew.  We don’t take kindly to being captured.” Waving her hand the now screaming man was launched airborne.

“Forth, I don’t take kindly to being separated from my Robin either,” She dropped her wrist as Absalom shot into the ground loudly. “And finally…” She whispered darkly stepping over towards him. “I don’t care who you are, or even think you are, if you ever try to look at me like a piece of meat, you’ll invoke my wrath. I’m a Goddess after all.”

Snapping her finger’s Absalom suddenly vanished from sight, giving Nami a sick sense of satisfaction. ‘This is my power, and this makes me a goddess to everyone else.’ Her eyes shined brightly as she looked in the crater. Struggling to move was the small form of Absalom, crawling pitifully.

‘Broke his bones, took away his powers, shrank him… I feel he’s still getting off easy. He couldn’t feel pain after he shrank so that’s kind of like pity… I wonder if there’s another way I can hurt him. Reaching down she picked up the small man glaring at him before the ground suddenly began to shake.

Looking over her shoulder her eyes widened slightly as she saw the Warthog from before charging her now that she had stopped moving. ‘For such a large creature she certainly is swift.’ “GIVE BACK MY HUSBAND YOU CAT BURGALAR!” No longer worried, Nami raised her hand before her pendant glowed softly.

As the zombie got closer it suddenly tripped over the ground as it cracked under her casting her to the ground right before her feet. The warthog growled about to charge again but stopped as Nami kneeled down next to her.

“Let’s clear a few things up. I’m not after this Absalom guy’s heart. He’s a pervert who keeps following me. I don’t even like men in general.” Lola’s eyes widened as she watched Nami dangling something in front of her face.

“Let’s make a deal. I’ll give you him back if you give me some information about this island. Imagine having your man tiny and helpless for you to do whatever you want with him. For the price I’m asking, I’d say that’s a pretty fair deal.” She grinned.

Lola immediately shot up bowing before her. “Y-Y-YOU REALLY MEAN IT?! Y-You’re not after master Ab’s heart and you’ll give him back to me?” Nodding, Lola cried tears of joy as she watched her tiny husband struggling franticly to get out of Nami’s hand.

“W-What do you want to know I’ll tell you anything!”, “I want to know everything.”





Nami shuttered as she watched Lola skipping away happily with the shrunken general now known as Absalom. ‘I almost feel bad for the guy. I can’t even fathom what she’s going to do to him.’ Shrugging she stood up before thinking things over now that she had the proper perspective.

‘So Thrillar Bark is actually a massive ship not an island, and Gekko Moriah one of the seven warlords of the sea is it’s captain. We can’t catch a break can we?  First the world government now this… Things are never normal for us it seems.’ Shaking her head she sighed. ‘Robin you better be safe I’m coming for you now just stay put.’

Giving it a moment’s thought she decided to head back to their ship. If Lola hadn’t lied it would have been taken to the ships small docks where they held captured ships. As she began walking, she suddenly remembered Usopp and Chopper were still behind her somewhere.

‘C-can I just leave them? It might sound bad but I’m better off on my own anyways…’ Thinking about it for a few moments she finally shrugged and continued walking towards where the Sunny should be. They were straw hat pirates, they could take care of themselves… she hoped.



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~ Back in the mansion ~


“Yohohoho, yo hoho ho… Yohohoho, yo hoho ho…” Robin listened quietly to Brook as he sang to himself. After following the trail of bodies they did in fact lead to the talking skeleton. After hearing about what he knew about this island, it was in her best interest to stay with him. This place was dangerous alone, especially with those spiders’ she had encountered earlier.

“Do you know how long it will take to reach the upper floors?” Brook stopped humming looking over his shoulder. “Yohohoho, well I did take quite the fall when I was thrown off the roof but… I doubt it will be much longer. In fact, I think I see the corridor I fell from now. “Robin looked over Brook’s shoulder as a slashed chamber door came into view.

“Will you be joining me in my fight?” Robin looked down before she shook her head sadly. “I’m sorry Brook but I need to find Nami first. Once I do though we’ll come back and help you retrieve your shadow alright?” The skeleton laughed joyfully before giving her a cert bow. “Well then it seems we both have rolls to fulfill in this event. I wish you luck Miss Robin.”

And with that he moved to the severed door before the clashing of metal soon began. ‘Stay safe Brook.’ Looking down the dark hallways that lead higher, she began to follow the steps. Since Brook had made his way from the middle of the small tower to the bottom, that only left the very top of the highest tower and the landscape around the island left where Nami could be.

‘I suppose I could have checked the Island first before the manor but it seems this was easier in the long run. Besides, Brook’s company was very… enjoyable.’ A small smile spread over her lips. For a dead guy he was very lively.

Looking around it seemed like the Surprise Zombies from this point on had almost stopped. There were less and less paintings along with carpeting and furniture pieces where they could hide. ‘I wonder why there’s none here, yet they flooded the bottom portion of the mansion.’

It seemed counterproductive in the long run but then again, they probably didn’t expect people to make it past the upper levels of the towers. Or perhaps there was another reason? Thinking all her options over, she shook her head before continuing.

It didn’t matter if zombies blocked her path or not, her goddess was probably looking for her now and she had to find her soon. Twitching slightly, a light whimper escaped her lips. Her spasms had returned once Brook had left her company. Even with him reassuring her, the situation was still pretty dire. She needed to be with her goddess soon or else…



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~ Back with Nami ~


Nami was in a much better mood now. Now alone, she could use her power’s as she saw fit. One after another she was attacked but it didn’t matter. With a simple flick of her wrist, (if she even bothered to show off) zombies where sent flying to who knows where. She didn’t even have to worry if she killed anyone, they were already dead.

As she made her way to a large set of stone steps she smiled seeing the shoreline of the island below. ‘I guess Lola was being truthful, not a bad trade at all.’ She shook her head amused as she descended the steps. However, as she neared the bottom she stopped as she saw the Sunny come into view.

‘What… the hell… are they doing?!’ Nami’s eyes burned angrily as she saw zombies on board forming a line as they pilfered the ship. ‘You’ve got to be kidding me… they kidnap us then steal from me!’

Running down the steps enraged she jumped the last few as she ran towards them. “GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF MY TREASURE!” The miscellaneous zombies blinked looking down from the ship as they saw a lone girl running towards them.

Before they had time to act however, Nami raised her hands as her pendent glowed brightly. Immediately the zombies one by one ricocheted away in varies directions as she flung them from side to side, not caring where they went.

As the last of the screaming zombies were torn from her ship she panted softly, her adrenaline slowly dissipating as she looked over the Sunny. ‘Trash, they have no idea who their trying to steal from!’ “Geez what kind stupid pirate ship doesn’t even have any treasure!” Nami’s eyes widened as she looked to the door leading below deck, a lone feminine figure slowly coming out.

Her look was somewhat gothic, with black, white, red and bright pink as its primary colors. Her hair was tied up into two high pigtails with black and white flower hairpins holding them in place. On top of her pink hair sat a red crown with a black cross adorning the top. Below her stomach were her black and white striped tights that cover her entire legs along with a mini-skirt and a belt with a red heart belt buckle and bright red buckled boots to match. With a thick layer of make up over her, her crimson lips and dark eyes gave her features even more feminine appeal. The last thing Nami noticed however was a small red umbrella, shaped somewhat like cute chibi demon or devil, giving her a childlike gothic look when finished.

“Oh well, I guess we’ll at least have some food to bring with us-“As the woman stepped fully into view she stopped muttering to herself as she saw Nami staring back at her. “Who are you?” The redhead glared at her before growling angrily.

“What do you mean who am I this is my ship! I should be asking you that!” The woman smirked, looking Nami over. “Oh that’s right; the Straw hats did have a couple female members. I guess Absalom didn’t capture you yet, what a pathetic excuse for a general. I can’t believe he’s still in the four with the way he acts.” She verbally berated her comrade before walking up to Nami.

Looking the woman over, a feeling of unease began to spread. “So I take it your Perona the ghost princess?” Perona looked at Nami curiously before chuckling softly. “Horororororo, how do you know about me? I’m flattered really but I pride myself on my subtlety. I wouldn’t be a good spy for master Moriah if I wasn’t.”

As she talked, the uneasy feeling Nami felt only increased. ‘She’s dangerous, I should just take care of her now… but, what if she knows where Robin is?’ Biting her lower lip, she decided to wait. If this ghost princess tried anything, she’d reduce her to a doll in seconds.

“Hororororo, you’re not going to answer me? That’s rude you know.” Raising her hand up, Nami was about to act before she suddenly felt a cold feeling run through her. ‘W-W-Wha… what… is… why…’ A small ghost slowly left her body giggling as it moved towards Perona.

Falling to her knee’s, Nami felt a crushing feeling of regret. “Why… why am I here, what’s the point of living…” Tears slowly began to form as she felt pity for herself. As she lay there, Perona stepped over to her as she recalled her ghosts.

“I bet Absalom would be willing to do anything to get ahold you. I could make him beg like a dog if I wanted Horo horo horororo… but…” Perona bit her lip as she kicked Nami over gently to stare at her front. “You look kind of… cute.” Blushing lightly she had to admit, it had been some time since she last had anyone to play with.

“What’s the point of living…” Nami muttered again as tears gently fell down her cheeks. Kneeling down, Perona wiped them away grinning viciously. “Don’t say that you have a purpose… to serve me like the insignificant insect you are, Horororororo.”

Nami craned her head upwards slightly as she nodded. “Y-Yes… I, I need to serve you, I’m not worthy of anything else…” Giggling louder, Perona picked Nami up bridal style as she began walking back to her room. She had a new toy to play with for a while, or at least till she was bored of her.




Robin threw open the skylight of the roof she had made her way to before growling angrily. Looking out over the island her eyes burned. With her teeth grit, she slammed her fists on the shingles trying her best not to scream. “Damn it! Where are you Goddess?!” She whimpered looking around furiously.

As her eyes locked onto the second tower, she immediately jumped off the roof. To anyone this would seem somewhat suicidal but as she neared a large stone bridge connecting the towers together, she crossed her arms.

“Cien Fleur Wing!” hands started forming out of her back, as they grabbed onto one another before becoming a large pair of pale wings. Gritting her teeth she concentrated carefully as she landed. Using this ability was very taxing on her, and with Nami constantly using her, she didn’t have much time to practice it either.

As she landed, the wings immediately vanished causing her to breathe slowly as she tried to get some of her stamina back. As she got to her feet, she began walking shakily as she fought through the tired feeling coming over her before entering the large building in front of her.

“P-P-Please… Goddess, I’m coming, I promise…”


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~ With Nami ~



“I’m garbage… I’m not fit to be human… I’m pathetic, an insect… I should just die… I have no purpose…” Perona smiled down at Nami as she listened to the redhead muttering incoherently to herself. Every so often a small ghost would fly through her, causing the navigator to start muttering new forms of her worthlessness.

“I’ve already told you, you have a purpose cutie. You get to be my toy. I promise to take care of you to. Just think there’s no better purpose then to serve me.” Nami’s head nodded slowly as she continued muttering quietly.

It didn’t take Perona long to reach her room, even with the additional weight she was carrying. Stepping into her corridor, she made her way towards her pink bedroom before the door opened for her. “Welcome back mistress per-“,”SHUT UP KUMACY! What have I told you about talking! I hate your stupid voice it’s not cute what so ever!” She screamed at a large stitched together teddy bear as it covered its mouth fearfully.

“S-Sorry Mistress-“,”WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!” She glared at him as he remained quiet. “Good, you’re much cuter that way. Listen I want to be alone for a while so please send all animal zombies on patron. Have them find the other straw hat pirates and by no means let any of them enter my room am I understood?” The bear was quiet for a moment before nodding.

“Good, now go away.” Turning she walked past him as she made her way, towards her large pink bed. As the door clicked shut behind her, she tossed Nami onto her bed before crossing her arms. Multiple ghosts slowly started flying out of her body as they flouted in front of her. “Check the room and see if there’s any surprise zombies around, Hogback always likes to place them in weird places.” She instructed to the happy apparitions.

The ghosts giggled as the circled the room, floating in and out of walls. After a few minutes they all came back relaying their memories to her. “Good, we’re all alone now.” Turning back to Nami, she strutted over to the shivering woman as she sat next to her.

“I’m worthless…”” Yes you are, but I’ll still use you.” As she gently stroked Nami’s hair, her irritation spiked suddenly. “Damn it why is your hair so silky and perfect! It takes me hours to make mine feel like yours it’s not fair!” Giving Nami’s a quick tug she scowled jealously.

“I’ll use you alright, you miserable toy!” Throwing her leg over, Nami she straddled her as she looked down at the redhead’s limp body. Forming a small ghost, she gently pressed it into Nami as her body shook. “There we go, that should make you nice and obedient for the night. It would be a pain to stop mid-way if you found the will to fight.” She tsked thinking back on past experiences.

Nami shuttered as new tears began to form. “Shhh, shhh, its ok my toy, no need to cry. Mistress Perona’s here to play with you.” Nami nodded as she sniffled a bit. Reaching down, the pinkette gently undid each of the buttons on Nami’s blouse before pulling them to the side, her eyes widening as she saw how large the redheads assets really were.

“G-Geez, no wonder Absalom wanted you. Well tuff your mine,” she grinned lasciviously. Reaching behind her, she heard a gentle click as she pulled the straps of Nami’s bra away. Quickly being rid of the garment, she shivered with excitement as her eyes landed on the navigator’s soft, supply bosom.

Reaching down she let her palms squeeze Nami’s breasts softly as her fingers sank easily into her flesh. ‘T-Their so firm and, p-perfect!’ Perona shivered as she continued to molest Nami’s chest. It had been ages since she had found pirates with members she actually found attractive.

While she didn’t solely swing the other way, when a rare female came around she liked, it usually ended badly. In most cases Absalom would find them first and pronounce them his bride. In worst cases Hogback would find them first and take them away to Moriah.

Moving her thumbs over the redheads perk nipples she gave them a testing flick, smirking happily as she heard the soft moan that followed. ‘You really are a prize. I might not give you to Absalom at all…’ Thinking it over, she decided to save negotiations for later. If she did grow bored of the redhead for some reason, she could always change her mind after all.

Giving her breasts a few more squeezes she leaned down before her lips were a hairs length apart. “Horohorohoro, so cute,” She whispered as she leaned in, her lips gently pressing into Nami’s as she stole a kiss from the whimpering navigator.

Furthering it, her tongue forced its way inside, or more gently tapped Nami’s lips as she was granted entrance to her mouth. Controlling it, she explored every crevice, as her own tongue danced with Nami’s. After a few minutes, Perona pulled back panting softly, as her cheeks dusted with a light shade of pink.

“You’ll do nicely, horohoro~” she giggled leaning back up. Lifting Nami somewhat she pushed her back so she was leaning against her pillows before Perona crawled between her legs. “What a cute skirt. It shows off your curves perfectly and hides what I want the most.” The pinkette praised as she hooked her thumbs under Nami’s waistband.

Tugging down her skirt, Perona blushed furiously as she saw the unexpected sight of Nami’s bare crotch right in front of her. “Y-Y-You don’t have panties on?!” Confusion played out on her face before she glared. “Absalom must have taken them when he spied on her, damn it that pervert!”

Sighing, she tugged Nami’s skirt off before tossing it aside carelessly. While the panties would have made a nice trophy, the redhead herself was more than enough to make up for it. Pressing on her thighs she spread her legs further as she inhaled the limp girls scent.

‘V-Very potent… I like it,’ Perona blushed looking over Nami’s trimmed nether lips. It was apparent she took very good care of herself below. Was it possible she had a lover on board her boat she wanted to show off to? Thinking it over, the pinkette shrugged before leaning in like she had with Nami’s lips.

“Let’s have a taste,” she hissed quietly as she extended her tongue. As the pink appendage made contact with Nami, they both shuttered. Moaning softly, the ghost princess pressed her lips against the redhead’s lower pair as she savored her warm essence flowing into her mouth.

Nami shook on the bed squealing loudly as Perona tasted her. Working her tongue in and out, back and forth, she made sure to explore as far as she could reach as she continued to drink all the nectar she could from her captive toy.

Once satisfied, Perona pulled back much to Nami’s dismay. “Don’t worry I’ll be going back there soon, but now it’s time for you to do your part.” Perona’s voice was a bit lower as she growled a guttural purr. Reaching down her skirt, she pulled it to the side to show the redhead the wet spot beginning to drip through her panties.

“Use your tongue for something other than worshiping me,” She humphed, pulling her panties down along with her boots and knee socks leaving her lower half bare. As Nami watched the pinkette’s bare nether lips come into view she nodded obediently moving towards her. However as she was about to move her head in Perona shoved her back glaring.

“Crawl. You’re an insect remember, you need to know your place.” Nami nodded feeling the pity from before fall over her again. “Y-Yes… I’m not worthy of you…” She whimpered as tears started to fall from her eyes once again.

Grinning, Perona moved her hand to the back of Nami’s head gripping her hair tightly. “Never forget that,” She remarked snidely before shoving Nami’s face into her crotch. The navigator nodded solemnly as she began licking Perona’s folds causing the “Princess” to wale obscenely.

Perona’s eyes rolled back as she fell backwards in bliss. ‘Guh… h-how long has it b-been?!’ She grit her teeth as she felt pleasure flooding into her. Months, years? She honestly had no clue when the last time was she had someone else get her off, and she was in heaven.

Letting her tongue lull out a bit she forced Nami harder into her as she began grinding into her face. “Y-Y-Yes! She screeched in bliss as she bucked her hips harder into the redhead’s lips. Nami’s eyes were dulled as she continued to lick Perona’s nether lips.

Everything she was told just suddenly made sense… This was what she was meant to do. Closing her eyes she continued eating her out as she nibbled lightly, her gentle teeth driving the pinkette to new heights of pleasure.

As Perona rode Nami faster she felt her peak encroaching quickly. Giving her a few harder humps she let out a loud scream of ecstasy as she felt her orgasm flow out of her like a torrent. Nami’s eyes widened slightly as she felt her captor’s violent movements forcing her to take it all in.

As Perona’s movements began to die down, she panted softly as her firm grip on Nami’s head lessened before falling away completely freeing the redhead from her rough entrapment. Lying back, a grin spread over her lips as she looked down at Nami’s expressionless face.

“Y-You’re… You’re good at this… To good actually…” She shook her head amused. “It makes me question your orientation really. You’ve had to have practiced this before… you were just so… wonderful…” She praised quietly before leaning up.

“I don’t think I’ll ever give you up actually… your… addicting,” Perona licked her lips as she saw Nami remaining emotionless. Crawling to her knees, she cupped Nami’s chin she pulled her into a fierce kiss. Her tongue played with Nami’s briefly as she licked up her own essence that remained in her mouth. Drinking in the flavor, she made sure to give the redhead plenty of oral attention before pulling away briefly to catch her breathe and diving back in for more.

This continued for a short time before Perona felt a familiar feeling between her legs again. ‘That didn’t take long at all. You’re driving me insane with pleasure!’ Grinning viciously, she pressed her palm on Nami’s chest before pulling lightly.

Nami shuttered as her eyes rolled back. Slowly the small ghost she had placed in her before was withdrawn as it giggled happily. Once the specter was out, Perona’s amused grin turned sadistic. “Do you want me to pleasure you in ways you’ve never imagined?! I can make you a dog by the end if the night, how does that sound? It’s a step up from the insect you are, Horororo hororo,” She laughed happily as she saw Nami panting softly under her.

Tugging her shirt over her head, she avoided her crown as she stripped the last of her clothes away. Perona quivered as she gave her breasts a soft squeeze, drinking in the pleasure that followed. “It’s only fair you get to see you’re princess’s body since you’ve so kindly showed me yours, Horo hororo.”

As she tugged off everything but her crown, she kneeled over Nami’s presented form dominantly. “Give me a smile; I want to see you happy when I defile you.” Nami forced her lips into a smile as she felt more pity flowing around her. The ghosts lingering effect was still there from before.

“Good girl, so obedient to. Maybe I should reward you…” Her smile increased as she lifted her palm up. Slowly a small ghost formed similar (if not the same) to the one before. “Did you know us Paramecia Devil fruit users can use are powers for more than fighting?”

She did in fact know that since Robin and she had experimented quite often in the ways of pleasure but she remained quiet, unable to speak up pitifully. “One of the things I found out was how to make my ghosts solidify.” She giggled happily as the ghost in her palm hardened slightly.

Nami’s eyes slowly began returning as she watched Perona; her body however still wouldn’t obey her. Giving the ghost a gentle flick it wiggled before giggling. “I call them mini hollows. There great for combat since I can make them implode or explode but… I found one of their use’s by accident.” She trailed off as she cupped the ghost in her hands.

Pressing her hands down she began molding the specter before showing Nami what she meant. The ghost remained the same but now held a cylinder shape. “Isn’t it cute? It has all the same powers of my other ghosts but now it can touch you.” She tapped the hardened ghost on Nami’s thigh making her shutter before crying softly.

“Aww don’t be sad, I didn’t even get to show you the best part.” Perona cooed as she moved the ghost between her legs. The specter wiggled for a moment before moving into her, her grin turning vicious now as she kneeled over Nami. “You like it? I was considering calling it my Horo Horo phallus but I don’t think I will, it’s not that cute… maybe I’ll think of something when I use it on you.” She laughed happily giving her makeshift strap-on a stroke.

Gripping Nami’s hips she raised her up before flipping her over on her stomach. “Get on your knees and elbows, like a good girl.” Nami nodded solemnly as she followed her instructions. As she raised her rear up, Perona salivated as she saw the redheads glistening folds. She didn’t even need to play around with her, she was more than ready.

Cooing softly, the ghost princess moved the tip of her phallus to Nami’s entrance as she lightly stroked her back and forth with it. Instantly tears formed as Nami felt the pity and sadness prior flooding back into her.

“Hororororo~ it must be tragic. All this pleasure I’m going to give you laced with despair. It kind of cancels the pleasure out doesn’t it?” Nami nodded sobbing into the bed. “Well to bad, I’ll enjoy it.” Perona whispered viciously as she plunged her ghost into Nami causing the redhead to scream with conflicted emotions.

Perona gasped in pleasure as she felt the tip of her ghost moving in and out of her. It had been a while since she had played with her ghosts like this and her first time trying them on others. The feeling… was euphoric.

Grinning, the pinkette gripped Nami’s hips tightly as she let her finger’s sink into her firm rear. Thrusting faster she drank in the screams of the navigator. Nami wailed as she felt pleasure coursing through her but the sadness of it all came with it crushing her mentally.

Sinking down in the bed, she bit her lip whimpering as Perona continued to use her. ‘I’m… worthless… I’m no g-goddess…’ Nami shook her head in pity as her hips where thrusted upon. Perona shivered as she felt her climax creeping up on her.

‘W-Why so s-soon?’ Perona growled slowing her thrusts as she tried to prolong her pleasure but her captive was just too much. Her whimpering form, her lust worthy body, the way she writhed as she was impaled by her ghost… she wasn’t normal.

Shaking her head, Perona finally conceded and began bucking into Nami violently as she screamed in bliss. Nami screamed in unison with Perona as her orgasm soon hit to, the only difference being hers was one of remorse.

Giving her hips a final thrust, she shoved her ghost phallus as far in as she could, screaming in ecstasy as she felt the other end shoved farther into her. Both women wailed in unison as there orgasms shot through them into one another, the white ghost becoming clouded as it absorbed there mixed essences.

The ghost giggled playfully before it began fading, the fluids held captive inside it splashing between their legs as Perona fell on top of Nami panting loudly. The pinkette’s eyes where glazed as she rested her head on Nami’s lower back.

As she felt the navigator’s body rise and fall with every panting breath she took, a smile graced her lips. “I… I like you a lot.” She shook her head before nuzzling her cheek into Nami. “I’ve never felt that close to anyone, let alone my own captive.” She chuckled softly as she pulled Nami closer into a hug.

As she laid there she felt herself getting sleepy but knew she had to remain awake. After she put her captive somewhere safe, she’d have to go and report to Moriah that she’d be keeping her. As she was about to rise however a loud boom suddenly shook her bedroom, causing her to look around in shock.

“Gran Fleur!” Suddenly the door to her room shot off its hinges as Kumacy rocketed into her room sprawling onto the floor. “K-K-KUMACY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” Perona screeched as she tugged the covers of her bedsheets up to shield her chest… however.

As the bear lay still, she saw the smoke from the entrance of her room dissipating, and a lone figure appearing where it once stood. “G-Goddess…” Perona blinked looking through the dust before her eyes widened.

“G-G-Goddess… W-What did you do… TO MY GODDESS!” Robin screamed angrily as she stepped into the pink room. Her body was littered with countless bruises having fought her way to the top of the tower where Perona’s room was located.

“W-Wait, you’re that other pirate that was with the Straw hats.” Perona squinted before her eyes widened. “Nico Robin,” she smirked seeing the brunette panting softly as she tried to stand, clearly exhausted.

“What… Did you do with her?!” Robin screamed again as she looked at Nami’s motionless body. Glaring, Perona stood up in all her naked glory as she grinned sadistically. “I played with her. She was a fun toy and I enjoyed her body thoroughly. But now that I’m done with her I might give her back if you take her place.” Perona grinned sticking out her tongue.

That was a lie of course, she adored the redhead and would never give her up but the look on Robin’s face was well worth it. “Y-Y-You… Y-You p-played with her!” Robin screeched, enraged.” Nodding, she had to quickly jump back as a massive hand slammed into the ground where she stood prior.

Perona’s eyes widened as she looked at the giant fist twice as big as her bed firmly imbedded in the ground. ‘So that’s how she broke my door.’ Robin’s massive hand faded as it changed back. As Robin crossed her arms she was about to attack the pinkette but froze as she felt a chilling feeling go through her body.

Perona grinned as a small ghost flouted out of the top of Robin’s head as it moved back towards its mistress. Falling to her knees, Robin remained still, the feeling of sorrow and pity that Nami had experienced now flowing through her.

“Hororororo~ Good girl. You’re already kneeling before your princess. Perona walked over to Robin as she looked over her form. “You’re quite the looker to but I think I’ll stick with my current toy. Absalom can have you.” She giggled turning around but stopped as she heard an eerie chuckling from the brunette.

“Why would I serve a master… when I already serve a Goddess?” Perona nearly screamed as she turned to see Robin crawling to her feet. “B-B-BUT, I, I KNOW I HIT YOU WITH MY GHOST!” She stammered in shock.

Robin grinned as she crossed her arms. “Seis Fleur, Cutch!” she bit out venomously. Perona summoned another ghost shooting it into Robin but it was too late. Robin’s six hands gripped Perona tightly pinning her in place as the ghost flouted through her.

Robin staggered a bit but started walking closer to the ghost princess as she stared at Robin in horror. “M-M-My ghosts… why aren’t you affected by my ghosts…” She whispered in a raspy voice as tears fell from her eyes, a primal fear rising over her as she looked at the homicidal face Robin was giving her.

“Horo Horo no Mi,” Robin whispered quietly as she stood in front of Perona. The pinkette’s eyes widened in shock, how did she know about her devil fruit?! Robin chuckled softly before breaking into a fit of giggles confusing her further.

“The horo horo fruit, I never thought I’d see it but… I guess there are still surprises in this world.” Robin bit back as she shook her head. “H-How do you know about my devil fruit?” Perona whispered out before flinching back as Robin gave her the same look as before.

“Most devil fruits are cataloged even before there eaten. As an archaeologist it’s my duty to have knowledge on most things… devil fruits are no different.” Robin said quietly as she moved her right leg behind her.

“As to why your ghosts don’t affect me…” She grinned before bringing her foot up as she kicked Perona backwards causing her to fall into the frame of her bed painfully. “I’m already worthless…” Robin grinned looking Perona in the eye.

The pinkette felt her fear rising once more as she saw the serious look in Robin’s eyes. “I serve my Goddess… I’m her plaything, I’m nothing compared to her…” she continued stepping closer to the bed. “Your ghosts invoke pity and sorrow in people for what they are… but I’m already trash… and I love being it.” Robin laughed loudly as she belittled herself.

Perona struggled vainly as she tried to get away from the brunette, she was insane?! Robin stepped over Perona before flicking her wrist. “Twist~” Perona screamed as she arms bent her awkwardly pinning her into submission.

“Stay put for a while…” Robin muttered as she crawled over to Nami, her eyes shining brightly as she saw Nami lying emotionless on the bed. “G-G-Goddess… P-Please Goddess, snap out of it…” She whispered shaking Nami.

“I-I’m an insect….” Nami mumbled before she felt a stinking pain on her cheek. Looking up she stared at Robin as she glared at her. “DON’T SAY THAT YOU’RE MY GODDESS!” Nami twitched a bit as she continued staring at Robin.

“You’re my Goddess, my cruel, malevolent, loving Goddess! P-please… use me, do what you want with me, I’m the insect!” Robin stammered as she tried her best to snap Nami out of it. ‘Y-You’re… my insect?’ Nami stared at Robin confused as her eyes began to regain their color.

Twitching more, Nami’s lips began to move as they turned into a frown before she bared her teeth. Robin smiled as she heard a low growl coming from Nami before she was suddenly shoved backwards by Nami as she leaned up angrily.

“G-Goddess!” Robin said happily before she was suddenly slapped. “Never… touch me like that again.” Nami said threateningly as she glared at Robin. The brunette cupped her cheek nodding. “I-I’m sorry, please punish me for my transgressions, I… I had to snap you out of it though.” Robin whispered lowering her head before she suddenly felt her body pulled into a hug.

Nami rested her chin on Robin’s shoulder smirking. “Good girl, as long as you learn I’m happy with that.” Robin whimpered nuzzling into the redhead. It had been far too long since she had felt contact with her. “Y-Y-Your to... to kind with me G-Goddess…” Robin bit back tears as she clung to Nami for dear life.

Nami stroked Robin’s hair softly as she continued petting her. ‘I missed you to…’ After a moment her surroundings suddenly dawned on her. Looking down, her eyes began to burn as she looked at Perona’s twisted form.

“You…” Perona eeped as her body went rigid. The tone she had just heard was even scarier then Robin’s! Crawling lightly she gasped in pain as a foot pressed her into the ground. Nami used Perona as a stepping stool as she walked over her body and to the floor before standing over her.

“I’m pitiful, worthless, trash, an insect, garbage… Am I leaving anything out or speaking to fast for you?” Nami said quietly as she saw Perona’s shivering form below her. Grinning Nami kneeled down as she patted her cheek.

“You said so many mean things to me… *Princess*. Tell me, do you think you’re better than me?” Nami said coyly as Perona whimpered louder, her nose running a little as she cried softly. She could see it now, her life was flashing before her eyes as she experienced pure and unbridled terror like never before.

As she was about to scream no, Nami raised her finger silencing her before she even spoke. “Don’t lie to me… or else this will only get worse for you.” Nami said the hollow threat not overly or under playing it. Knowing she was about to die, Perona gulped as she nodded solemnly.

“Is that a yes?” Perona licked her lips slightly to wet them as she spoke. “Y-Yes… I, I thought I was better then you…” Nami nodded as she patted her cheek again. “Good girl, you didn’t lie to me… but you still didn’t please me with that answer either.”

Shivering, the pinkette closed her eyes expecting the worse before she suddenly felt her body freed. Opening her eyes shocked, she looked at herself as the arms on her were now gone. Glancing to the bed, Robin smirked sitting cross legged as she watched Nami with awe.

“Eyes up here, I’m the one talking.” Nami snapped, drawing Perona’s attention back. A light blush appeared as she stared up at the still naked redhead clearly uncaring about her appearance. “My name’s Nami but you can call me a few name’s from now on.”

 Nami took a step back as she crossed her arms. “You may call me Mistress, you may call me Goddess, or you may call me master… actually I don’t like that last one just Mistress or Goddess,” She shrugged surprising her.

“What about Devine One or my Queen?” Robin offered making the redhead smirk a bit. “Those work to I suppose, but let’s just keep it simple for now.” Nodding, Robin remained quiet as she watched Perona now with interest.

‘S-She can’t be serious…’ Nami smirked seeing the confused look she was receiving. “The names are fitting for me, I am a Goddess after all, and a Mistress to all my playthings. Robin is my current favorite so I give her the option of calling me what she chooses, but for the most part she sticks with Goddess, such a good pet.” She praised the brunette now blushing furiously as she bowed to her.

“You honor me Goddess.” Nami grinned looking back at Perona. “But… you’re different than other women I’ve seen. Your bad don’t get me wrong I will be punishing you for what you did to me and very severely at that but… I can use you.” Nami grinned further as she saw the fear in Perona’s eyes.

“U-U-Use, m-me?” Perona stammered as she looked at Nami shocked. Was this a joke, what the hell was going on?! Nami nodded as she turned around before sighing. “You see… I find myself in a lot of tough places even as a goddess. I need underlings to serve me properly. Right now Robin’s my only loyal one… but that doesn’t mean I don’t have uses for trouble maker’s either.” She smirked before frowning as she saw Perona crawling to her feet.

“Did I say you could stand?” Perona remained quiet as she glared at Nami. “I thought I was better then you and I still do. What makes you think I’d serve someone proclaiming themselves as a goddess?” Her tone was one of anger and… jealousy?

Frowning, Nami looked down at the pendent on her neck before back to Perona. “Tell me… what makes gods and men different, or in this case goddesses and women?” Perona scowled unsure of what she meant before she suddenly saw the green pendent around Nami’s neck glow.

“The answer is power.” Perona looked around shocked as she saw her body slowly begging to shrink. “W-W-WHAT IS THIS?!” She screamed in fear as she shrank more and more before she stood at a mere three inches tall.

“Power…” Nami grinned stepping in front of Perona. The ghost princess froze as the ground shook around her. Looking up, she felt her body go limp as she fell to the ground it terror as her captive, now captor, having become a giantess.

“Power shapes the world, and defines who’s in charge. I am a Goddess and my power’s unbridled.” Nami spit as she lifted her foot over Perona. “I can take a life when I choose…” She said quietly lower her foot.

The pinkette screamed as she tried to summon her ghosts but nothing worked. Feeling the end upon her, she clenched her eyes shut and cried expecting to die… however. The shadow of Nami’s stained foot remained over her for a few moments before she withdrew it.

“Or I can save on… You feel that, its fear. Fear’s what decides and drives us to do things. And fear is what makes me a Goddess.” Nami said emotionlessly as she felt a euphoric feeling wash over her. Her eyes lit up happily, it was the feeling she lost in Enies Lobby.

“Rise ghost princess Perona,” Nami stated her full name making the pinkette look up fearfully as she leaned up. “I have use for you, and you will serve me one way or another. Your power’s are… very useful.” Nami shook her head amused.

The ability to make people wither and weep with a simple flick of the wrist, it had its uses. While she herself could easily do much worse, this did pose opportunity. “I’ll say this once so listen carefully. I want you Perona, your power, and your body.” Nami licked her lips as she looked over the shivering pirates form.

“You’re cute, cuter then most for one thing, and with your powers I could have even more protection from people… well like you.” She chuckled softly before kneeling down and over her. Her massive, bare nether lips loomed over Perona causing her to gasp as she smelled the alluring scent from before now magnified.

“You like it dontch’ya, it’s like a drug, my body. Once you taste me your addicted.” Nami said somewhat egotistically as she grinned. “If you serve me you’ll get access to it, I’ll become your temple of worship… you’re Goddess.” She said quietly as she saw Perona’s eyes glazing over a bit.

“You’ll also get the honor of being one of my favorites. This honor’s rare and only held by Robin. If you decline my offer however…” Nami stood back up snapping Perona out of her trance like state as she received a glare from the redhead.

“I’ll just use you like an object, a pathetic toy I can use and discard when I please… basically what I was to you.” Perona looked down somewhat ashamed unsure of what this feeling was inside of her. “Well?” Nami said impatiently as she crossed her arms.

The pinkette remained silent as she let everything sink in. “W-Why, m-me…” Nami blinked in surprise as Perona looked up defeated. “Were you not listening? I want your power! And your body…” She bit her lip giggling. “It looks delicious. You’re pink curls, your busty chest, and of course that cute laugh.” Perona blushed furiously as she looked down.

“I can remember it all you know.” Perona looked up confused before it dawned on her what Nami meant. “Everything you did to me, I remember it all vividly. It felt nice,” Nami smirked leaning over her captive again. “But all the pleasure I gave you then, is nothing compared to what I can give you now.” She whispered huskily as she blew gently on Perona.

The ghost princess shuttered as she felt herself being bathed in Nami’s hot breath. As she was blown on, the air nipped her skin making her shiver with… excitement? ‘Pleasure… so much, p-pleasure…’ She couldn’t even fathom it.

“So you’re answer Per-o-na~?” Nami sang her name out. Looking up conflicted she knew what answer she had to say. ‘If I say no… I’m going to die… but, I guess I could If, If I didn’t want this to...’ she thought it all over carefully. She held no real loyalty to Gekko Moriah. After all she was just a pawn to him anyways. ‘And she’s offering me more than an army…’

Feeling like time stood still, she glanced back at Robin’s grinning face. She looked… happy belonging to Nami… maybe she could be happy to? “Y-Y-Yes… I’ll… I’ll be yours, Mistress.” Nami grinned moving her hand down. “Step forward and prove it then.”

Gulping fearfully, Perona clenched her eyes as she got to her feet. Moving one foot in front of the other, she walked forward before her feet stumbled over Nami’s large fingers causing her to fall into her palm. Nami lifted her hand back up as she looked Perona over.

“Consider this your welcome, and your collar.” Nami whispered huskily as she moved Perona towards her pursed lips. The pinkette nearly screamed as she saw Nami’s mouth open up but fell silent for some reason.

The redhead was her enemy but… she felt, safe? Nami moaned softly as she moved Perona’s legs into her mouth before shutting her lips over her waist leaving the lower portion of her body in her mouth as her stomach up hung out.

Seconds went by and the fear from before slowly started to return. Was she tricked?! Did the redhead plan on killing her now, or maybe prolonging the pain for what she did to her? Shivering, she clenched her eyes but remained still.

After a minute Nami grinned before she reached towards her head. “You pass… Welcome to servitude.” Nami flicked at Perona’s head as her small crown fell away leaving her with nothing on now. Before the pinkette could question what she meant by passed, she suddenly gasped as her body went rigid.

Screaming loudly she squirmed as she writhed in Nami’s mouth much to her amusement. Rolling her large tongue over her, she started squeezing Perona with her cheeks as she pinned her down. “Ish good ishn’t it?” Nami tried her best to speak but her speech came out a bit awkward.

Forcing her tongue between Perona’s legs she lapped at her sweet nether lips as she sucked on her body greedily. Robin moaned softly as she watched Nami dominating Perona. It was a sight she had truly missed. Reaching between her legs she moved her hand under her jeans before brushing her own lower lips lightly.

Nami cooed as she kissed Perona’s stomach as she played with her. Every scream, every spasm she had was music to her ears. Pulling her in a bit further, she pinned Perona’s legs with her teeth now as she went to town on her crotch leaving the pinkette helpless to her oral assault.

Perona’s tongue hung out now as she wailed obscenely. The pleasure, Nami hadn’t lied, this was unlike anything she had ever experienced… it was… it was… she didn’t even think there was a word for it. It was just too good…

“I-I-I’m yours! All yours!” she shrieked giving herself to Nami completely. The redhead smiled knowingly as she continued lashing Perona’s lips with her large appendage. Sucking on her harder she continued violating her in every way she wanted until Perona gave a final scream of bliss before going limp as she fell unconscious.

Feeling the movements come to a stop, Nami gripped her new toys arms before tugging her out and dangling her. “Well that didn’t take long… and she passed out to?” Nami shook her head with annoyance. “I honestly expected more from you, this is just sad.”

Robin giggled as she sat cross-legged on the bed. “Well she did just play with you. I’m guessing you wore her out before she felt any real pleasure though.” Robin shook her head sadly. Nodding, Nami clenched her hand around the pinkette before moving to the bed and sitting beside her Robin.

Silence passed over them a moment before Nami sighed. “Does it bother you that you’re no longer my only favorite toy?” Nami asked honestly but was met with a gentle hug. “I don’t care. You’re my Goddess and you can do whatever you want with me and have whoever you want as you’re favorites.” Nami was about to respond but froze as Robin nipped her ear. “But I’ll always know I was your first.” Robin grinned before nuzzling herself closer to the redhead.

A small smile spread over Nami’s lips as she hugged Robin closer. “You’re never leaving my side again… I missed you too much.” Robin whimpered hugging Nami harder. “It… It hurt to be away from you…” Robin cried softly surprising her.

‘It actually hurt her when she wasn’t with me?’ A small frown formed as Nami pulled Robin closer. ‘I don’t think I’ll ever let Robin out of my sight again… and with your help I might never need her to be around either.’ Nami smirked as she stared down at Perona’s dainty form.

Laying the unconscious *Princess* down, Nami pulled away from Robin before smiling seductively. “You know, my new toy didn’t please me after I accepted her… care to rectify that?” Robin quivered as she saw Nami spreading her legs suggestively.

“Y-Y-Yes, I, I mean YES!” Robin stammered as she crawled towards Nami quickly. However before she could even touch her, the redhead raised her hand. “Not at that size and not with those on. I want to feel you in here,” Nami whispered as she turned to present her rear to the brunette.

Robin nodded quickly as her lips twitched into a smile. “W-Whatever my goddess wishes I’ll do it!” Nami shook her head as the pendent glowed faintly. “I know, that’s why you’re my favorite after all.” Robin grinned as she began to dwindle down to a few inches in height, her clothes falling away having not shrunk down with her.

Nami shivered with excitement as she watched Robin crawl out of her garments before kneeling in front of her. ‘W-Why do I feel so… Good!’ She didn’t understand it. She and Robin had played plenty of times before but this feeling, I-It was like the feeling she had back in Enies Lobby!

Reaching down she cupped Robin gently before examining her. ‘Why do I feel so… powerful? I’ve done this every day since then but why now?’ Leaning down, she gave Robin a chaste kiss before raising her ass up. As she brought her wiggling toy up, she heard Robin’s moans of excitement. Apparently she couldn’t wait any longer.

Deciding not to punish her any further, she dropped Robin between her cheeks before spreading them apart. “I trust you know where to go.” Robin didn’t need any encouragement however as she quickly nuzzled herself against Nami’s anus as she began pressing herself against it.

Shivering, she let out a quiet moan as she felt Robin slowly forcing herself in. “H-Hurry up,” Nami snapped after a moment as she felt Robin struggling to fit herself in. If the brunette was talking back she couldn’t hear however.

Feeling the frantic movements she knew she was trying but decided to speed it along. She needed her in there now! Pressing against Robin’s small frame, Nami gave her a hard shove gasping loudly as she felt her tiny form shoved all the way inside her ass.

“T-T-There, n-now do what you do best and serve me!” Her small toy didn’t need encouragement, as she soon began wiggling and squirming inside the redhead as she burrowed her way deeper inside Nami’s ass much to her pleasure.

Lowering herself back on the bed, she leaned back before getting comfortable. ‘N-Not bad, maybe I should shrink this thing down and take it back with me.’ Thinking it over for a moment she scowled before tossing the notion aside. A massive pink bed would probably raise a few unwanted questions.

Gasping softly, she moved her hands towards her aching nether lips. “S-Such a good girl Robin…” As she gently pet her own folds, her eyes traveled back to Perona’s unconscious form. “I guess I’ll get you acquainted with your new home while I’m at it.”

As she picked up the limp girl, she gave her a final look over before grinning. ‘Maybe you’re the reason I feel so good…’ The feeling of power, it was always enticing but… when she used it on Robin it seemed like second nature but on her…

Nami moved Perona down as she gently pressed her into her folds. ‘You’re new… and I’ll get to break you…’ Her grin soon turned into a smirk as she forced Perona into her roughly. “All toys, all of you… everyone actually…”

Shaking her head she chuckled as she moved Perona in and out of her slow at first but quickening by the second. “Everyone I want, there just property now, my property… I can do anything to anyone!” Her chuckle grew quiet as she fell silent, her body shaking as her eyes widened.

‘This feeling… That’s what I’ve been missing…’ It wasn’t using others or the power she had over them, it was the power she had over everything! No one could oppose her. She was like a true goddess... Slowly her hand began to move again as she thrusted Perona back in.

“I want more…” Her lips twitched upwards as her grin spread. “Everyone I find, there just t-toys to me… T-They should be happy to be chosen by me!” she shook her head again before laughing happily. It was so obvious, why didn’t she see it before!

Lying back, she cooed happily as she played with Perona more, her mind now at ease to it all. Giving her ass a few clenches she shivered as she felt Robin’s steady movements. “You’ll still be my favorite Robin, but from this point on, you’re never leaving me again…”

Almost as if Robin heard her, the redhead moaned loudly as she felt her toys movements increasing quickly. Gripping Perona’s legs she quickly began slamming her in and out now as she eagerly tried to pleasure herself.

“Y-Yes, YES!” Screaming happily, her free hand moved towards her breasts as she began to grope them roughly. Her whole demeanor changed in fact. With the realization that plagued her mind now gone, she was free…

As she writhed on the bed blissfully, she knew she’d have to be quick. They were still technically on the enemy’s ship after all. Giving Perona a few more thrusts along with Robin’s repeated struggled inside her bowels she soon screamed as she reached her peak.

Going rigid, Nami moaned loudly as she felt her orgasm flooding out of her and onto her hand, catching Perona’s limp body brought by the current of juices. Panting softly, the redhead dangled Perona over her face as she looked at her.

“You caused me a lot of trouble… but you’ll make up for it with time.” Closing her eyes she opened her mouth wide before dropping the pinkette in. ‘I wonder how she’ll react when she wakes up.’ Licking her own juices off the unconscious girl she savored her flavor for a few moments before bringing her to the back of her throat.

With a light gulp, she was gone. ‘I suppose it’s to be determines how I get her out.’ Shrugging, Nami stood up before giving her ass a gentle tap. “It’s time to head back now Robin. Hopefully everyone’s alright, I’ve taken enough time off looking for you.” She smiled before collecting her clothes.

As she redressed herself she scanned the ground before realizing where her panties were. ‘D-Damnit…’ Looking back to the bed she let out a small sigh before collecting Perona’s old pair. ‘Pink…’ Shaking her head, she put them on before tucking the loose charm back in place between her breasts.

‘I guess that’s everything…’ Giving the large room a final look she set off to find her crewmates… amongst other treasures…



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~ Epilog ~



“Life… is… good…” Nami mumbled happily as she basked in the sun. After she had reunited with her crew and they took down Gekko Moriah, they had left the Florian Triangle. The trip itself wasn’t bad but it’s what they found afterwards that was just so…

“Perfect…” Nami mumbled again as she lounged on a long chair. “Is everything alright Miss?” The redhead lifted her sunglasses slightly as she looked up at a tall man holding a tray. “Yep, it couldn’t be better.” The man nodded lowering the tray down beside her.

“Well we strive for perfection here at Spa Island. We have plenty of hot springs, sauna’s and of course bath accessories such as milk or even cola if you so choose.” He gave a light bow before moving next to her. “And for you Miss may I get you anything else?”

“No I’m fine, thank you though.” Robin mumbled as she lay on her stomach with a bored expression. The attendant gave her an odd look but nodded none the less. “W-Well if you need anything please don’t hesitate to-“,”Will do but could you not stand right there your blocking my sun.” The man blinked before stepping away.

“M-My apologies, I-I’ll just be going then, enjoy yourselves.” The attendant left quickly much to Robin’s amusement. “Robin doesn’t act like that you know.” Nami whispered darkly. Leaning up the brunette nodded. “I-I’m sorry Mistress I’ll try harder to act like her. I’ve only been around her a few times though since where kept in different places.”

Pulling her shades off, Nami glared at her before lying back. “Don’t let it happen again. If one of the crewmates found out what’s going on it would be rather hard to explain.” Robin nodded as she looked down glumly. “I’ll… I’ll do better Mistress…”

Nami relaxed back in her chair as she gave her ass a few quick clenches. As she expected she was met with a few wiggles from within. ‘Robin, I said I’d keep you in there from now on but I might need to have you train Perona...’ Sighing, she looked at the identical copy of Robin lying next to her with worry.

One of the uses of Perona’s ghosts was creating copies of herself. With a little tweaking however it wasn’t hard to make them appear as Robin. The hardest thing to have happen however was giving her, her power’s back, which took a few tries.

“Hey Nami, Robin! Can you believe this place?” Nami looked up as she saw Chopper running towards them. “Yea, this really is amazing. I can’t imagine how hard it must have been to make a flouting Spa in the middle of the sea.” Nami grinned, this place really was amazing.

The young reindeer nodded before looking at Robin. “Do you like it here to Robin?” Perona was quiet for a moment before nodding. “Quite, it’s very peaceful here especially compared to Thrillar bark… although I do miss the dark demeanor of it…”

Chopper looked at her confused for a moment before Nami stood up. “H-Hey why don’t we go see what Luffy’s up to. I’m sure he’s probably doing something fun.” The young doctor looked back at Robin before nodding. “Uh, sure… Are you coming Robin?”

Perona leaned up slightly before shaking her head. “I think I’ll just rest her for a while, I’m not feeling too well.” Nami’s eyes widened as she reached for chopper who instinctively moved towards Robin. “You’re not feeling bad are you? Do you need me to check you’re-“Nami grabbed his hoof before stepping in front of Robin defensively?

“S-She’s… she’s having a certain event we women have… you should just leave her be Chopper. The reindeer looked up before nodding. “Umm, ok… well I hope you get better soon…” He waved before walking away quietly, clearly worried for his crewmate.

Perona looked up worried before Nami gave her a harsh glare. “He’s our doctor what were you thinking!” She spat venomously making the brunette (pinkette) shrink back in fear. “M-Mistress I, I’m so, so sorry! I… I wasn’t thinking and, I’m I’m…” Perona trailed off at a loss for words.

Reaching over to the tray one of the waiters’ left, Nami grabbed Robin’s drink before pouring it over her. Perona flinched as she watched the water fall through her body. “Do I need to remind you that if someone tries to touch you, they’ll pass through you?!”

Slamming the cup back down, she growled angrily before taking a deep breath as she tried to calm herself. “M-M-Mistress…”Perona whimpered on the verge of tears but was silenced with a hand from Nami. “I’ll deal with you later. Just keep working like you are now. If you do a good job I might forget this… might!”

Perona nodded before she moved her real body within Nami. Lying back, the redhead sighed softly as she felt the gentle movements inside both her entrances. The order’s she had given her were very simple. Pleasure her enough that she enjoyed it but not so much as to cause her an orgasm. The longer she was pent up the better it felt later after all.

Looking over to the ghost Robin Perona had made she sighed sadly. ‘This will be doomed to fail if we don’t practice this properly. I can’t have that happen again or else we’ll be found out…’ Changing her thoughts around, she folded her arms as she watched other’s around the Spa, or more precisely the females.

A sly smile graced her lips as she watched the bikini clad women diving into pools and sunbathing together. ‘Hmm, I wouldn’t mind playing with you toys… you are average but still desirable. I bet I could lure you away simple enough to.’

As she observed varies women her eyes locked on to one in particular before widening in surprise. “No way…” Getting up she moved across the pool before standing behind a slender young woman with dark blue hair. “Well, well, well, I’m surprised to find you here Porche.”

The women froze before looking behind her. “N-Nami?! Wait what are you straw hats doing here!” She scowled looking around for the rest of her crew but was stopped as Nami grabbed her chin. “Why look for them when I’m standing right here?” Nami leaned forward right beside her ear before giving it a swift lick.

“This place is big you know… I’m sure if you looked hard enough you would find them but… since I’m right here why bother Por-che~” she sang out before giving her ear a nip. The bluenette shivered as her thighs clenched together.

“I-I-Is… Is your other crew mate nearby to then, Robin?” Nami smiled slyly nodding. “She’s closer then you’d think actually. Why not come with me so we can… catch up?” Porche looked conflicted as she looked around with worry.

“I, I… I can’t Nami… I have to find the two girls I was after for Foxy.” Nami grinned further as she stroked her cheek tenderly. “How about I help you and they can join in to?” Blushing, she shook her head. “T-There not those kind of girls their two young ones who have something my boss wants an-“She froze before covering her mouth.

“I shouldn’t have said that… I, I need to go…” She was about to leave before Nami grabbed her wrist with slight annoyance. “Just come with me, and all your problems will be fixed.”  Porche froze as she saw a light glow emit from the redheads cleavage but nodded none the less… for some reason, this felt like something she needed to do.

“Sure… y-yea let’s go…” Smirking, the redhead pulled her wrist as she led them back towards her ship. She had just found a new toy to play with and privacy was a must. “Perona I’m heading back to the ship, take the day off.” She muttered as she walked.

Porche looked at her confused but said nothing as she was led away, her fate forever changed by the redhead…


End Notes:






Thank you all for reading and i hope you enjoyed the sequal to it :)

Will there be a third part for it? its honestly to early to say, i just have no idea if i will or now.

But either way please review, its your reviews after lal that keep me writing.


Until Next time guys ~

More Precious then... more Silver? by Franchise Writer
Author's Notes:

Hey guys, just wanted to post this up for you all. It takes place after Chapter two but it's not chapter 3. So 2.5? Anyways please enjoy and like, and your reviews are always appreciated.

Commissioned by TechniMIND, please check out his work on Eka's Portal, he's a talented artist and a good friend.


~ Aboard the Thousand Sunny ~


Nami's eyes slowly began to open as the sun gently cascading through the porthole's lining the sides of the boat. As she rose, the orange haired navigator yawned tiredly after resting for what had to have been a full day.

It had only been a couple days since she and her crew, fought off against Gekko Moria back on Thriller Bark. The fight was definitely their hardest yet. She even considered using her true power to stop him. He wasn't one of the Seven Warlords for nothing after all.

Thankfully it didn't have to come to that. Smiling faintly, Nami shook her head amused. Her captain was one of a kind. Rising to her feet, Nami walked tiredly towards her window before gazing out at the glimmering ocean of red.

The sun was just barely rising and it gave the sea, a magnificent visage of beauty. Leaning against the wall, she sighed contently as she continued to watch the sun rise. If things had ended differently on Thriller Bark she might have never been able to do this after all.

As her mind traversed over the somewhat distant memories, like they had happened years ago, she remembered something important… or more, felt it poking her. Nami rubbed her legs together as a faint blush played across her cheeks.

It seemed her pets wanted out. Stretching out her sore and bruised body, Nami lazily yawned once more before making her way towards her private bathroom. Upon entering, she looked around at all her makeshift slaves in delight.

After coming to terms with what she truly was to others, she found much more joy in tormenting her playthings. Running her hands over the tiled sink to her left, she gazed over her toothbrush with a knowing smile.

That bandit had been like that for over a month at least. Nami half expected her to have gone insane after such long solitude. Then again she was used every day at least, so she couldn't be that lonely. Giggling at the thought, Nami sighed before stepping towards the small, porcelain toilet next to her tub.

As she looked at it somewhat thoughtfully, her mind went over all the horrific things she had done to her slaves with it… those memories pleased her the most. Raising the lid, Nami bent over before pulling down the flashy pair of pink panties, she was still adorning.

As she tugged the garment off, a look of disgust played over her face. ‘I'll never understand how she could wear these… there just so…' Nami shivered. They screamed ugly in her eyes, not to mention uncomfortable.

However, after getting aboard the Sunny, changing into different clothes was the last thing on her mind. She was completely and utterly worn out. After touching her bed, she all but collapsed into its silky folds upon touching it.

It was mid-morning when she laid down last, and now the sun was rising once again. She had to have been sleeping for over a day. Shaking her head, knowing she was getting off track, Nami flicked the used garment to the side of the bathroom and as far away from her as she could possibly get it.

Sitting on the toilet, she didn't really even need to push lightly before she felt the contents of her bowels beginning to come out. Moaning quietly, she bit her lip in pleasure as she felt the wiggling mass being forced out of her deeper parts.

After a few minutes, filled with entertaining splashes below her, Nami stood up, finding no need to wipe after all. She had slaves to clean her up now. Turning around, the orange haired goddess gazed into her toilet as she tried to differentiate what was what.

It didn't seem she needed to however as the large clump of excrement, she had just released began to separate revealing two distinct forms swimming around in the murky waters. One seemed to be patiently waiting while the other was thrashing about and squeaking vehemently.

Smirking down at her two pets, Nami giggled softly, drawing both their attentions towards her. "Good morning my favorites, did you both have a pleasant stay?" Hearing nothing from either of her pets, Nami smiled.

It seemed Perona had learned her place rather fast. She half expected the ghost girl, to keep screaming after her internal trip through her body. She was rather happy now she hadn't spat her back up in the end.

Reaching into her toilet, uncaring of how dirty it had become, she plucked the two girls out of her waste, before moving towards her sink. Humming quietly, more for her own entertainment then theirs, Nami began washing them off forcefully, knowing she couldn't really hurt them in the end.

After scrubbing them down to the point she felt comfortable enough to carry them around, Nami turned off the hot water before grabbing a small wash cloth next to the sink. Once again, she rubbed both her pets over somewhat violently much to her amusement before unfolding them into her hands.

As both Robin and Perona landed on her hand, they shivered lightly before looking up at Nami with questioning eyes. "G-Goddess… why am I out…?" Robin finally spoke up first drawing Nami's attention. Sighing, the Orange haired girl merely shook her head.

"Don't think this will be a common thing pet… I just need you out for now. I'll be shoving you back inside your home soon enough." Through her words, she saw the happy smile grace Robin's lips as she nodded. She had really changed so much.

Directing her gaze away from her once friend, Nami looked down at Perona before smirking. "You, however, will be staying out of there much longer. I think it's time I start introducing you to your new life." As Perona gazed up at Nami with unhidden fear, she nodded.

She didn't know what to expect after all… but the pleasure her new *Goddess* promised… it was just too much to turn down. As Nami exited her bathroom, she strode over to her bed before setting her two pets down next to one another.

Now getting a much larger view of her Orange haired Goddess, Perona blushed as she stared up at her towering form. She didn't think, she'd ever get used to it… to this. Moving away from her pets, Nami went to her dresser before rifling around for a moment. As her eyes lit up, she withdrew a striped pair of blue and white panties before moving back to the bed with a smirk.

As she pulled up the fresher, non-pink garment, she gazed at Perona with a leisurely smile. As she stood over the pinkette, Nami lowered her hand to her before waiting patiently. Knowing what her goddess wanted, Perona crawled onto her hand before feeling herself lifted high into the air.

"I think to start things off, I want to show you what your new life will be like." Perona listened in silence as she was carried over to a small dresser with what looked like… a doll house? As Nami stood over it, Perona blinked her eyes in genuine surprise.

It was, in fact, a small doll house. It wasn't that fancy either. Single storing, small, square… really nothing fancy at all. Even the peach colored walls were common. Looking up at Nami questioningly, the orange haired goddess merely chuckled before lifting the top of it.

Now looking inside, Perona looked around the basic set up still confused. There was a couple bedroom, a bathroom, a living room with two do-, Perona's eyes suddenly widened. As Nami watched her newest pet's reaction she only grinned.

"See something you like?" Blushing furiously, the pinkette just shook her head confused. "W-What… what are they…?" Sitting in the living room were two… dolls? One looked like a little girl, wearing a light blue dress. She had dark blue hair and a mischievous look on her face.

The other doll, however, was kneeling in front of the younger one with a look of anguish on its features. It had dark blue hair just like the little girl, but it appeared to be significantly older. However… this doll was naked and showed off just how anatomically correct it actually was.

They looked so… human. But they weren't moving, weren't breathing. They were dolls… weren't they? Lowering her hand, Nami rested her palm, along with Perona inside the doll house before smiling warmly at her two dolls.

"Do you like them, Perona? The little one on the couch is my favorite doll. She's just so cute, don't you think?" As Perona stepped closer to the little girl doll, her eyes observed it closely. It had light, pale skin but… it was in fact just a doll.

Suddenly Perona shrieked as they girls eyes blinked causing her to fall backward's in freight. As Nami's hand glowed lightly, she couldn't hold back a chuckle as she watched Perona gasping in shock as the little girl doll began to move.

As the little girls form yawned tiredly she rubbed her eyes a bit before looking around. It was almost as if she had just woken up. As her eyes traveled towards the naked doll in front of her she smiled happily before watching it in bliss.

However, the little girl's eyes soon noticed something off to the side. Looking towards Perona, the girl simply raised an eyebrow at her. "Who are you?" Perona was still gasping lightly as she felt her heart desperately trying to break out from her chest!

That was the scariest thing she had ever seen, and she lived with zombies and ghosts her whole life! Hearing no response from the pinkette, the girl favored ignoring her as her eyes traveled back to the older version of herself still kneeling in anguish a few feet away.

As Nami watched her little dolls calm reaction to Perona she had to chuckle. Looking up now, the girls eyes widened before a big grin spread across her face. "Mistress Nami!" Lowering her hand for the girl, the blunette quickly climbed on her hand before bouncing excitedly at the sight of her.

"Good morning Lil. Did you have a pleasant sleep?" The blue haired child, now known as Lil nodded quickly as she hugged Nami's thumb as if it were another person. "I had a great dream, Mistress! I was with my sister all night and even big sister Robin was with us. It was wonderful!" She chirped with no hidden enthusiasm.

Giggling, Nami nodded before giving the girl a quick kiss engulfing her face in the process. Lil giggled happily as she tried to return the awkward kiss to her *Mistress*. All the while this was going on Perona just stared at the strange sight still unsure of what was happening right in front of her.

She just saw a doll come to live, said doll act like nothing even happened and then call her goddess… Mistress? She was a child wasn't she?! As Nami broke the small kiss apart, she lowered her hand back down before setting Lil in front of Perona.

"Why don't you introduce yourself to my newest favorite Lil?" The blue haired child looked towards Perona before frowning. "She's one of your favorites like big sister Robin?" Nodding Nami moved her hand behind Perona before giving her a light shove forwards.

As Perona stumbled towards Lil she just stared at the child in a mix of confusion and slight embarrassment. Lil on the other hand just blinked at her before turning her head to the side slightly, in befuddlement.

"She doesn't look that special to me." Gritting her teeth at the audacity of the child Perona stood up now, glaring at her. "Hey! I am special, I'm the Ghost Princess, Perona I'll have you know!" clenching her fists in anger at the yawn Lil gave her, she wanted to send her ghosts through the child to show her, her place but feeling nothing happen it hit her.

Her horo horo powers were still nullified by Nami's… *gift*. As Nami watched the interaction amused she looked towards the other doll before sighing. "Hey Lil, do you want to speak with your sister today?" Looking up towards Nami now, the little girls eyes widened in happiness as she nodded.

"Big sister Robins here! Please, let me see her, I've missed her!" Sweating slightly at the statement, Nami craned her neck towards Robins sitting form before shaking her head. "U-Uhh… No Lil, I meant you're… other, big sister." She directed her gaze towards the kneeling girl now causing realization to dawn on the little girls face.

"Oh… Arbell…" Lowering her head, Lil sighed before nodding. "S-Sure…" Her tone didn't sound happy, rather, it sounded more disheartened then anything. Raising her hand slightly, Nami directed her gaze to the naked doll on the floor before her hand glowed a slight shade of green.

Perona watched, much less startled now as the doll began to twitch before falling forward as it gasped and cried in what seemed to be the pain. Curling into a ball, the much older copy of Lil known now as Arbell sobbed into her hands before crying louder.

Stepping towards her sister Lil moved in front of the small couch before sitting down and crossing her legs. "H-Hey Arbell… Are you feeling any better today…?" As the blunette looked up with tear soaked eyes she just slammed her fist into the wooden floor below her as she gritted her teeth.

"L-Lil… W-Why…" the older woman croaked out in a strained voice. Curious now, Perona stepped behind Lil as she watched Arbell's crying form. "What's up with her?" Frowning Lil shook her head. "Big sister won't accept Mistress Nami's gift… she still cries about it and still wants to see… Salchow…" She uttered the last part with bitter contempt.

Hearing the crying girl wail louder now at the mention of that name, Perona observed her closely. Nami to crossed her arms frowning as she stared down at Arbell in annoyance. She was a very disobedient toy. She wouldn't listen, constantly having to be forced to do things, and refused to even agknowlage her. She was the exact opposite of Lil.

As much as it irked her, Nami didn't punisher her like she would with her other disobedient pets. Lil had insisted she could change her sister's mind, but each day, she seemed more and more unsure. Shaking her head, Nami raised her hand again before Arbell's form went still.

"N-No, l-l-let m-me, go! I want to see my Sal-"Before she could finish whatever it was she planned to say her eyes grew hollow as her body turned back into a doll, still kneeling on the ground in front of a very unsettled Lil and Perona.

As a silenced passed over them, Lil looked up at Nami with saddened eyes. "I-I'm… I'm sorry Mistress… I'll…. I'll try harder next time…" Lowering her hand in the doll house, Nami gently pet Lil's back which seemed to calm her trembling form.

"It's not your fault Lil, we've been over this. Someone like her… she won't break unless you make her, and I don't think you're up for the task yet." The small blunette pulled her knee's to her chest before burying her head in them.

"Don't make her disappear… she's still my big sister… even if she's not like big sister Robin…" Clutching Lil carefully, Nami raised her up before pressing the quiet girl into her cheek affectionately. "Don't worry, your still my favorite doll, and I want to keep you happy. I won't touch your sister… yet."

Hugging Nami back, Lil sniffled a bit but nodded none the less. "Thank you, Mistress…" All the while this little scene was going on Perona watched still somewhat confused. Who were these people… and why was this child calling her Mistress?

Moving Lil back to her lips, Nami gave her one more kiss before smiling. "Time to go back." Frowning Lil sighed before looking around. "Can we play longer next time…? I feel like it's been awhile since we played…" Nodding, Nami smiled at her before setting her back down in the doll house.

"I promise next time we can play as much as you want alright?" Nodding happily, Lil smiled lovingly at Nami before she bit her lip, her cheeks growing a slight tint of red. "C-Can… Can big sister Robin play with us too?"

Grinning now, Nami nodded once more which seemed to make the little girl ecstatic. "Thank you, Mistress, you're the best! Hopping back on the couch now with a slight jump in her step, she crossed a leg over her lap before resting her elbows on her knees with the same mischievous look she wore as a doll.

"Maybe next time you'll listen… Arbell…" With her last words muttered Perona watched as the girl's still began to shine softly signaling her state of being as her body went stiff. As Nami lowered her hand once more, she gently patted Lil's head before moving her hand towards Perona.

As her goddess's fingers wrapped around her, the pinkette just started down at the two dolls now in the same positions she had found them in. ‘She willingly let herself be turned back…' it just seemed so unreal to see such willingness for something like that.

As Nami lowered the roof on the dollhouse once again she sighed, grabbing the tiny princess's attention. "It's sad that she still thinks so much of her sister… that woman's a lost cause," Nami tsked in annoyance before looking back down at Perona.

"I'm guessing you have some questions?" Knowing she could ask now, Perona tried to sort through what to even ask. There were so many questions she didn't even know where to begin. Licking her lips to wet them, Perona tried to think of what was on her mind first.

"W-Why… why is she here…?" Looking somewhat puzzled at the statement, Nami tapped her chin in thought. "Well if you mean Lil, you'd have to ask Robin. She wanted to keep her for some reason. I wasn't really on board with it at first but…" Nami blushed faintly before a smirk crossed her features.

"Robin put up a rather… persuasive argument. In the end, I've come to like her. She kind of reminds me of… well me." She chuckled before looking back at the dollhouse. "Arbell on the other hand… she's a useless toy." Nami whispered bitterly surprising Perona somewhat.

"She doesn't follow orders even when I force her, and punishing her only seems to make her resist more. I would have just made her a slave like the others already but Lil begged me not to… and honestly, I have trouble saying no to that girl." Nami shook her head somewhat ashamed.

Looking back at the dollhouse herself, Perona looked up at Nami flummoxed. "You turned her into an actual doll, though, isn't she already a slave to you, goddess?" Looking back at Perona, Nami's smile widened now.

"This is what I wanted to teach you first Perona. There's a fine line with my possessions. You happen to be a favorite, a rite I rarely give out. Lil and to a much lesser extent Arbell are toys. I like… well one of them. But slaves…" Her voice took on a dark tone now.

"Slaves are the lowest of the low… there, not people, no, they're not even insects to me." Gulping in fear at the dark tone the bubbly navigator now took, Perona nodded in vague understanding. She had some kind of system for people she captured… how far it extended was still known, though.

Feeling her body moving slightly, Perona watched Nami walking towards her bathroom now with an agitated look. Shivering in fear now she watched carefully, (not wanting to anger her goddess) as she stepped into her bathroom before setting her down on the sink.

Clenching her hands now, Nami looked around the large bathroom before her dark eyes landed on Perona startling her. "Tell me, what do you, see all around you?" blinking once, then twice, Perona looked around puzzled.

‘What does she mean by that? We're just in her bathroom.' Looking around nothing honestly seemed out of place. "I-I'm… I'm a sorry goddess but, I don't understand what you mean, I don't see anything out of the ordinary."

Scowling now, Nami shook her head. "That's not what I asked. What, do, you, see." Gulping in fear at the darker tone now, Perona quickly looked around before naming things off quickly, anything that came to mind.

"U-Uh, t-toothbrush, a bar of s-soap, umm… S-some tissues? Q-Q-tips…" She fumbled for anything else but she didn't understand what Nami wanted her to say. However, Nami's dark look took a lighter one now as she smiled approvingly.

Moving her hand over a small box of tissues, Nami pulled one out before showing it to Perona. "Look special to you?" Shaking her head now, Nami just chuckled. "That's because it's not special, it's just trash." Raising the tissue to her nose, Nami blew into it for a moment, clearing her sinuses before lifting the used snot rag up.

As her hand glowed a faint green, Perona watched before her eyes widened in shock. Cupping her mouth she gawked in a mix of curiosity and horror as the used tissue in Nami's hand slowly turned a faint pale color before changing form altogether.

As its form started to shrink it became quite clear what it was. Nami smirked to herself as she watched the snot covered person change back after having just used her for her needs. "These Perona, these are slaves."

Gulping in fear at what looked like a lifeless form in her hands she said nothing. She feared her for good reason… but with every cruel act, she displayed her fear was renewed. ‘A-And I'm one of the h-her favorites…?' That realization never felt so good to her.

She thought being turned into a doll was horrific but… Looking around at everything in the bathroom, she could only imagine what everything actually was. We're they people, all of them… everything in there?! She honestly didn't know.

Stepping away from Perona, Nami moved towards her toilet before lifting the lid up. "Trash is trash, and once you're done with it, you throw it away." Letting go of the little person, Perona could only watch in shock for what seemed like the tenth time since waking as her Goddess casually discarded it into her toilet.

Hearing the faint splash in the background further made her shiver. She wouldn't actually flush it would she?! Setting the lid down, Perona sighed somewhat as Nami walked away uncaringly. Her relief was short lived however as Nami stood back over her now.

"To answer your question, yes, there is a very big difference from my toys… and my slaves." Nodding vigorously, Perona now knew the difference, it was practically spoon fed to her after seeing this. Lowering her hand back to Perona now, Nami grinned before letting her newest favorite follow along.

"In time you will learn more about my slaves, after all, anything under a favorite is your slave as well." Perona looked up surprised at hearing this. She assumed she was just going to be there for whatever Nami wanted but the way she just made it sound, it almost sounded like she could have a little freedom from time to time.

The thought didn't appall her by any means, she was just, pleasantly surprised, although something did pester her on that note. ‘Could… could I actually use these people as carelessly as she does…?' She wasn't a good person by any stretch of the imagination, she knew that already but actually doing what she wanted with someone else then just throwing them away afterward?

Perona let her mind wander for a bit after that, only half hearing what Nami was telling her. It wasn't till she was set down that her undivided attention was placed back on her Goddess. "H-huh," Nami looked down at Perona with a raised brow.

"I said I need to take Robin now, we'll be back later after we check up with our Captain." Nodding dumbly, with a faint blush Perona looked over at her fellow favorite who seemed to be shivering slightly. As Nami raised her hand, Robin's form began to change much to her apparent dismay.

As she stood tall at her original height, the pinkette couldn't help but wonder why she looked so saddened. Quickly getting off the bed to change, Nami watched Robin as she dressed lackadaisically. "When I come back, we have a lot to talk about so rest for now…"

Perona looked back up at Nami before nodding. She looked troubled by her friend's mood. Then again she barely knew the brunette so she couldn't honestly say if she was different than usual. Once Robin was changed into one of her usual outfits, both she and Nami left, leaving Perona to her own thoughts on their bed.

Flopping back into the sheets, the ghost princess bit her lip wondering, just what she had gotten herself into…?


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~ With Nami ~


Shoving open the door to her cabin, Nami pinched the bridge of her nose before sighing in annoyance. After she had checked in with Chopper on everyone else it seemed like they'd be drifting north for the foreseeable days to come.

Luffy was still unconscious, not that she expected him not to be. Zoro was unconscious as well though which surprised her, she hadn't seen him that winded when he fought off Gekko moria. Sanji was somewhat ok, thankfully enough to still cook for them while they recovered.

 As for Usopp and Franky they didn't seem the least bit hindered. And as for their newest member… shivering, Nami just shook her head. ‘Why did he have to let that creepy skeleton join our crew?' He was crude, perverted, and to joyful for any normal person. Add to the fact he was dead seemed to make him a whole lot scarier to her.

Robin stepped in behind Nami with a frown of her own as well. They had heard some good news from Chopper, and some bad. As it stood with the caption and first mate unconscious, Nami was basically in charge of the ship till they recovered, which meant she wouldn't get as much time with her newest favorite as she'd like…

However, she would get long periods between checking on the ship and her own time. That was a silver lining at least. As Robin shut the door for her, both women moved towards her bed before sitting down softly.

Looking over her covers, Nami smiled softly as she looked at Perona's sleeping form. She really was cute like this. No doubt she'd stay that way for a long time. As her smile began to fade, a frown soon spread over her lips.

"What's wrong Goddess?" Robin whispered quietly, seemingly noting the pinkette sleeping soundly. "Do you think it's possible to change a wish or alter it before it comes true?" the question caught her off guard somewhat.

After seeing everything Nami could do by bending the rules of her powers, it didn't seem like anything couldn't be made to happen by her. "I think whatever you wish will always happen, regardless. You're my goddess for that reason after all." Robin cooed quietly, before resting her head on Nami's lap.

Smiling a quiet smile, Nami petted Robin's hair soothingly before looking back at Perona. The next few days would probably be trial and error for her. But in the end, it would give her a deeper understanding of what laws she could break, and what ones she couldn't.


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~ Two Days Later ~


"I-I-I'M S-S-SORRY MISTRESS!" Perona screeched as her body was sat upon further. The heavy weight being pressed into her wasn't painful, or excruciating, but the lack of air made her feel like she was suffocating endlessly!

Nami rested her bare bottom on top of Perona with an unamused look present on her features. It had been a couple days since she had first shown Perona around and what her life would be like but now that, that was over her training began… and she wasn't off to a great start.

Bouncing lightly on the shrunken ghost Princess, Nami smirked before standing up. Gasping quickly, Perona coughed as she drank in air, her whole body flushed red from the intimate and embarrassing contact with her Mistress's ass.

"Now, try again." Gulping in fear, Perona quickly nodded before pressing her hands together. Slowly a small ball of white began to form before extending ever so slightly. "Keep it coming, don't lose focus…" Nami mumbled, more as a silent threat than encouragement.

Soon the small white orb took on the distinctive features of one of her ghosts before floating slowly into the air before suddenly popping into nothing. Glaring down at Perona, the pinkette didn't have time to scream before she found Nami's ass firmly dropped on top of her once more.

‘Why can't she do it? I grew her back and shrank her again without wishing her to be helpless… so why can't she use her Horo Horo powers!' it was infuriating. This had been going on for the past hour. She had first tried being comforting with her training approach but that didn't work at all.

Next, she tried to threaten her with punishments if she failed. The progress was somewhat improved but still flawed. She could barely shape a ghost before it just popped. ‘Is this my fault, do I need to change the wish again?'

Rubbing the bridge of her nose, the orange haired goddess sighed in exhaustion before standing back up. Gasping for air once again, like she had been multiple times, Perona cried softly as her hands shakily moved together to try again.

She didn't want to displease her Mistress but she just couldn't get her powers to cooperate with her! "What's wrong now…?" Nami growled as she saw the small white ball Perona began to form shutter and pop much quicker than last time, her eyes growing fearful.

"I-I-I'm s-so sorry M-Mistress…*sniff* I, I just can't make one, they won't listen to me!" she cried out, tears bursting from her eyes as she cringed, expecting another impact from Nami's ass any moment. ‘Think… maybe punishment isn't the proper course of action…'

Sighing once again, for what felt like the umpteenth time that day, Nami moved to the side of the bed before sitting herself down Next to Perona instead of on top of her this time. Moving her hand over Perona's naked form, Nami's hand glowed for a few seconds before the pinkette's body grew back to its original height.

As Perona laid there crying, Nami smirked. She was so helpless at the time, it was no wonder she clung to Gecko Moria. She wanted to feel safe around people stronger than herself. She got her wish now but, Nami doubted it was how she ever imagined it.

Crawling over Perona now, Nami's nude form pressed itself into the shivering girl before she cuddled her. "There, there, I'm not angry with you… much." Nami cooed quietly before laying a few light kisses on the cowering girl's neck.

Perona moaned quietly as she felt the intimate contact. It was times like this she most loved being near her Mistress. She was so loving when she chose to be… but her personality could change in mere seconds to a much crueler one. She was the scariest person she had ever met…

"Can you summon one of your ghosts for me now my little Pe-ro-na?" She laid a kiss with each syllable of her name, causing the pink haired princess to melt into her hands. Nodding quickly, Perona raised her hand before focusing on her powers.

Almost immediately a whole ghost formed singing and flying about like they usually did. "I… I d-don't understand it… when I'm small, they won't form… but, but like this, it's second nature to me… I'm sorry Mistress…" she whimpered quietly before tucking her form into Nami.

Frowning, Nami knew she couldn't fault Perona that much. It was most likely her pendant suppressing her abilities. It just infuriated her to no end why. As she continued to pet Perona a thought occurred to her. ‘Maybe…'

Leaning up now, Nami moved her hand under Perona's chin before directing her gaze towards her. "Alright, I want to try something new this time but you need to promise me you'll try your best alright?" Her tone was somewhat insulting. It was like she was speaking to that of a child but Perona nodded quickly. As degrading as it was, it was a tone she'd be happy to listen to over her angry one.

Lifting the pendant from her neck, Nami moved Perona's hand towards it before resting the small gem in her palm. "I want you to make a wish. Wish that you could do what I wanted, with no restrictions on what you can do. Am I clear?"

Nodding, Perona sniffled once more before sitting up. She'd never touched her Mistress's pendant before… but she could feel an alluring feeling coming from it. Blushing, the pinkette closed her eyes before focusing intently.

A few moments later the pendant suddenly glowed but… nothing happened… As Perona's eyes opened she looked herself over before shivering. "I… I d-don't think it worked… I'm so sorry Mistress, I'll, I'll try-"She stopped talking quickly however as she saw a happy grin on Nami's features.

"Are you sure you wished for the right thing? It had to be a truthful wish, something you wanted. Are you sure you made the right wish?" Gulping, Perona's eyes hardened before she nodded. "I… I wished to make you happy, happy in any way I could…"

Raising her hand over Perona Nami grinned now as she watched her favorite slowly dwindle to mere inches till she rested at the height she enjoyed the most. Now looking up at her Mistress, Perona blushed further seeing her dangling breasts right above her.

"Try now and maybe I'll give you a reward if you do well." Nami cooed quietly before watching her little princess with interest. Gulping, Perona closed her eyes before focusing on her powers. Slowly a small ball of white formed in her palms before it began to rise of its own accord.

As its shape took form into that of a ghost, it laughed happily before flying around its mistress. "I… I did it…" Perona's eyes watered slightly with joy. Her powers, she could feel them flowing through her once more. The feeling was almost foreign to her after having them turned off for so long.

As she heard a quiet chuckle above her, the pinkette looked upwards before her whole face turned red in embarrassment. Smiling down at her little princess with lust, Nami bit her lips eagerly. She was hoping it would work this time for her.

After so many failed attempts, Nami needed a break… and Perona could be a good way to vent her frustrations. "Very good, such a good little girl you are. I think you need to be rewarded for doing what your Mistress asked you to."

Feeling Nami's fingers circle around her, the blushing ghost princess nodded wordlessly as she felt her body beginning to heat up. She was flustered. It had been over four days since her Mistress last played with her… and if her dripping quim had anything to say about it, she was four days late on her next release.

Hugging herself into Nami's fingers, Perona moaned quietly as she felt her orange haired goddess's middle finger rubbing back and forth between her exposed legs and pressed against her bare neither lips. This feeling, she ached for her touch…

Lifting her upwards as Nami rolled back into her sheets, she easily spread her playthings legs, there was little to no resistance, she was practically begging for it… and Nami drank it, in. Pulling Perona closer towards her lips, she grinned before giving her crotch a testing lick.

As she expected, even with the slightest touch, Perona's moans echoed loudly for her to listen to. It was the soft sounds of women's moans that always turned her on. The power knowing she could make them shutter by such simple actions. It was the power she knew she held over them that turned her on to such great lengths.

Pressing her tongue into the pinkette's folds now, Nami moaned quietly as she pressed her lips into her, causing her voice to vibrate into Perona. The steady moans she heard soon increased in volume after that.

As her tongue licked up and down, she made sure not to dull her skill she had honed over the years. Side to side, circular then counter clockwise, she could change the tune Perona made with her every lick. Nami was half tempted to make the poor girl sing. With the way she was practically screaming, she knew it would be easy.

As Nami pulled the girls thighs closer to her lips, she forced open Perona's legs further as her tongue viciously lapped at her flooding lips. With Widened eyes, Perona soon screamed as her climax shook her very being.

Shuttering in Nami's hands now, she panted tiredly as she felt her goddess's tongue still drinking in her gift. The pleasure, it was as blissful as she remembered. She was being bathed in ecstasy, and she never wanted it to end…

Pulling Perona away from her mouth, Nami soon licked her lips before planting a light kiss on Perona's tired face. "You were really pent up weren't you? Your taste, though…" Nami shivered at the recollection. "I'll make sure to indulge you more… that is if you keep pleasing me." She smirked seeing Perona's tired form nodding vehemently.

"I… I'll do whatever you want… P-Please let me please you…" though her voice was strained, clearly tired from her recent orgasm, Nami paid no mind to it. In fact, she needed a little release herself. It had been a couple days since her last one and with Robin's steady movements inside of her ass, it was like a ticking time bomb just waiting to drive her mad.

Moving Perona lower, the little princess moaned quietly as she saw Nami's gigantic nether lips coming closer towards her. "Go back inside you home, for now, I'll play with you more in a bit… after I play with Robin that is~." She giggled before spreading her labia apart.

As she inserted Perona back in, she shuttered in bliss. She fit so well like she was made to be shoved inside of her. Biting her lip, Nami let out a quiet moan as she pressed on her favorite's feet, pushing her in the last of the way.

She didn't even need to clench her. The pinkette's every curve served her perfectly, making sure her body stayed in place. It truly did please her knowing this. Stretching on her bed, the orange haired goddess moaned quietly before rolling onto her stomach.

She did want to play for a bit but Perona deserved a rest. No, now it was time to play with her other favorite. Clenching her ass tightly, Nami moaned as she felt a small mass being pushed outward. As she spread her cheeks apart slowly, her hand moved away from her rears supple flesh before she began pressing lightly on her backdoor.

Biting her lip, Nami groaned as she tried to force Robin and Robin alone out. Soon her efforts were being rewarded as she felt the shrunken archeologist's feet wiggling slightly against her fingertips. With a few more clenched pushes, she soon began to tug on her form before she came all the way out.

Clenching her eyes closed by the sudden and blinding light all around her, Robin groaned as she felt the warmth, once surrounding her now gone only to be replaced outside of her goddess. Looking around with haze filled eyes, the little brunette soon looked up at Nami with questioning eyes.

"G-Goddess…?" Nami rolled back onto her back before lifting her once friend over her face and examining her. ‘Her eyes are dark, and her voice sounds strained… she's hardly the Robin I remember anymore.' The thought of her friend being broken and turned into a toy did worry her… a little. But at the same time, she loved the fact she did it.

Their relationship had been one-sided for a long time after all. Being completely in control of Robin's every action, it was just too much. She was her Goddess. She lived to serve her every whim. She hadn't even let her out of her ass in four days for food or water.

The pendants effects truly were terrifying… Smiling up at Robin, Nami blew her a kiss before rubbing her cheek lightly. "How is my little plaything feeling? Your struggles have been less and less recently, do you not like pleasing me?" Nami pouted making the brunette's eyes widen.

"N-N-No, I… I live to serve you Goddess!" Feeling the little struggles in her hand, Nami knew she was telling the truth. She was completely and utterly warped into her toy… and that turned her on to no end. Smirking, Nami shrugged before holding Robin over her by her arms.

"You're pathetic, so pathetic indeed. It makes you wonder why I even keep you around with how useless you are to me, doesn't it?" Seeing Robin's emotionless eyes as she berated her made the orange haired navigator shiver with lust.

"Maybe I should just flush you down the toilet where all the other shit belongs. Do you want me to throw you away like the garbage you are, Rob-in~" Shaking her head slowly, Robin wordless tried to speak but it seemed like she was having trouble focusing?

"I-I'll… I'll do better, p-p-please just put me back m-my Goddess…" Laughing now, Nami shook her head truly amused. "Begging to be shoved back up my asshole, you really are a piece of shit, aren't you?" Smirking now, Nami rolled back over onto her stomach before raising Robin over her butt.

"I'll make you a deal. If you can crawl in on your own, I won't throw you away. But if you can't, the only deep and damp hole you're going in is the toilet. Sound fair?" Not waiting for a response she half expected Robin to not acknowledge, Nami dropped her in before folding her arms under her chin amused.

As expected once Robin's body bounced against her ass cheeks the shrunken girl scampered down as she tried to force her way deeper in. knowing her once friend was to week to do so on her own, Nami moved her arms downward before spreading her ass apart, letting the brunette tumble downward before falling against her sensitive anus.

Nami bit her lip before mewing in pleasure. She could feel her, ever frantic movement, every desperate struggle to get back into her home. She really did feel pathetic back there. ‘You really aren't worth being a favorite anymore…' As her thoughts turned dark, she did feel something else building up within her core.

Moving her hand below her stomach now, she smirked before pressing lightly against her neither lip's. As much as it saddened her, knowing her friend was no longer the same person she used to be, she kind of liked the new robin.

Submissive, frail, pathetic… just a toy for her to use as she saw fit. Groaning, Nami panted softly as she dug her fingers deeper into her folds. She wiggled them back and forth for just a moment before she felt the lightest touches of Perona inside her.

A toy in her crotch, and one trying to get back in her ass, could she ask for anything else more pleasurable? As Robin's movements began to lessen, Nami knew she was exhausted. After all, she was never going to actually get inside her on her own. Clenching her anus a few times, she could feel Robin's arm inside but that was it.

‘She did better than I expected, maybe she's still useful after all.' Moving her free hand back towards her rear, she spread her ample cheeks apart for a moment before pressing her index finger against robin's small form.

"Let me give you a hand you pathetic excuse for a toy~" Moaning louder, Nami pressed on what felt like Robin's head, before shoving it forward, just barely entering her filthy asshole. Pulling her hand away, the orange haired goddess panted in pleasure as she clenched her ass tightly.

Feeling Robin's desperate struggles, she smirked. Her head was inside but just her head. With her anus clenched she was probably suffocating too. Groaning, Nami thrust her hand deeper into her quim now as she felt her pleasure boiling over at the thought of her old friends desperate need for her tainted air.

Propping her ass up now, Nami groaned through gritted teeth as she felt the frantic struggles from within her folds. It seemed her movements had woken Perona up… and she wanted to play to. Clenching her ass harder, Nami gasped before she felt her lips tighten around her fingertips, her orgasm slowly forcing its way out of her as she reached her climax.

Slumping back into her bed tiredly, Nami panted tiredly, as she tried to catch her breath. That had been one of the best releases she had ever felt! As she tried to calm herself it seemed she still had a couple unruly toys that had other ideas.

Scowling now, Nami shook her head. "Disobedience…" Crawling to her feet with shaky legs, she smirked before waddling her way towards her bathroom, her body still refusing to listen to her properly after her recent orgasm.

As Nami pushed the door aside, she quickly made her way to the toilet before sitting down, her tired legs shuttering under her every move. Sighing now, the orange haired goddess shook her head amused. Reduced to a tired mess by toys one, one hundredth of her size, how belittling.

Cupping her quim carefully so Perona wouldn't fall out, Nami pressed lightly on her bowels before groaning in relief as she felt their contents slowly being pushed out of her… along with Robin. It didn't stop there either.

As Nami continued to massage her nether lips lightly, a cruel smile danced across her lips as she felt herself finish. Moving her free hand to the side, she grabbed a few strips of toilet paper before wiping her ass down and discarding them below her.

"You didn't get inside you know… you didn't obey me, Robin…" Standing up, Nami looked down into the toilet before seeing Robin's submerged form underneath her waste. "You're lucky I'm such a nice Goddess or I might have left you in there overnight unless you want that as punishment for your failure?"

Hearing no response from the limp girl, Nami frowned. Reaching into the toilet, she quickly plucked the brunette out before moving towards her sink. As she quickly scrubbed her hand down, and her toy… somewhat, she lifted her back up to eye level before leveling her gaze.

She looked almost unconscious. She was definitely tired. "I'll tell you what; you still need to be punished for your disobedience so… as punishment you need to clean my ass tonight. You're not allowed to sleep until it's spotless… and you're not allowed out until I think it's clean enough."

As robin's head slowly rose up it fell quickly, her energy was all but gone. Shrugging at the limp attempt at acknowledgment, Nami bent over before spreading her cheeks apart. As she positioned Robin back over her dark anus, she groaned in pleasure as she forced the shrunken girl deep into her bowels.

Feeling the light struggling, Nami bit her lower lip before shoving Robin as far in as her fingertips could reach. Pulling her hand back, she gave her anal muscles a few quick tugs before sighing. Robin was nice and deep in there, just where she belonged.

Moving to wash her hands once again, the orange haired navigator frowned somewhat. Robin wasn't the same… she probably wouldn't be anymore… Shaking her head sadly, she soon smiled. She had Perona now, though… maybe it was time to forget about Robin as a favorite.

Deciding to sleep on it, Nami yawned tiredly before moving back to her bed. She'd have to play with Perona later. She needed her sleep now to…



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~ The Next Day ~


"It needs to be darker, it's still too light. The others will notice it immediately… or at least, Sanji will.", "L-Like this Mistress?" Nami bit her lip as she started to circle Perona. After her little ghost girl got her powers under control, they had begun to work on her apparitions appearance.

So far it was coming out good but… Frowning, the orange haired navigator looked over Perona's jaw line before shaking her head. "Her face is too rigid, change it. The spectral version of Perona nodded before her hands moved upwards as if she was grabbing something.

As they gently petted the air, her face slowly began to change as well. "I, I think this is better… is it?" Crossing her arms, Nami nodded somewhat. Her appearance was almost identical to Robin's but… "Your voice, it's still the same… You need to change it."

Gulping visibly, Perona nodded before her lips moved on their own, no words coming out as she spoke in silence. As Nami watched the strange interactions Perona's ghost double did, she smiled a small smile as she looked behind her. Wanting her newest favorite to get to know Robin, she had given her a taste of what Robin endured daily… she didn't appreciate it as much as the little archeologist did.

She could feel them both. Their bodies pressed into one another's so lewdly, it turned her own just imagining how hot and bothered it must be making them. She knew it was true for Perona at least. Her cheeks were turning redder by the minute. It seemed her ghost's physical appearance matched its masters unintentionally.

As the apparition, Robin's face shuttered, Nami began to sigh. Giving her ass a light clench, the ghost in front of her groaned quietly before looking back at her. "W-W-What's wrong M-Mistress?" Sitting down on her bed, Nami crossed her legs before resting her chin on her palm with an amused expression dancing across her lips.

"You're taking your time in their, do I need to speed things up for you both?" As Perona's ghost gulped in, visible fear, she shook her head. "N-N-No… I, I think I have enough to go on… let me try again…" Silence passed between Nami and Perona before the ghost Robin's eyes looked back at her.

"D-Does, does this sound about right Mis- M-My Goddess…?" chuckling at the change of her honor fic, Nami nodded. Her voice sounded eerily of Robin's, minus the stutter in her words, but that would probably vanish when she addressed others. She liked it when it happened to her, though. It showed she still feared her Goddess…

"Alright, I think that's enough for now Perona… It's getting late. We'll continue this more in the morning. Hopefully, you'll have everything fixed correctly then." The ghost girl nodded before her form began to fade away leaving Nami alone in her room… well, mostly alone.

The light wiggling in her rear was the only reminder she wasn't. Lying back in her bed, the orange haired goddess sighed tiredly before looking up at the ceiling in thought. Luffy had just awoken this morning. It was only a matter of time till the rest of the crew finished recovering enough to gather. If Perona didn't perfect every last detail before then she'd actually have to bring Robin back out… but…

As her eyes hazed over, her scowl grew. Robin wasn't the same woman she was before. If her crew saw this they'd know something was up. No, she was right where she belonged, and if she had it her way, Robin would never have to come back out.

She didn't need to eat, sleep, and bathe. She needed nothing but her Goddess. Feeling the foreign wiggles continue once more, Nami sighed. ‘At least, one of my favorites belongs there…' Rolling onto her stomach, Nami propped her rear upwards before pushing lightly.

As her hand snaked its way between her cheeks, she felt around for a moment before she found what she wanted. With a light tug, (and a few not so subtle moans,) she pulled her hand back before looking down at the dirtied form of Perona.

She looked revolted as well. "My, my, such a dirty little girl you've become. Did you like being in my ass, Pe-ro-na~?" the pinkette looked away from Nami sheepishly before her nose wrinkled. "…" Raising a brow at the quieted words, Nami leaned down to hear her better.

"What was that?" Gulping in fear, Perona looked up with uncertainty. "N-N-No… I, I d-didn't like it M-Mistress… I, I don't like being… dirty," Her words were somewhat hollow as she looked over her dirty and smeared form.

Chuckling quietly, Nami nodded surprising the ghost princess. "No, it doesn't suit you all. You're meant to please me in other ways, though, and you do that wonderfully." Feeling her cheeks flush, Perona nodded as her eyes darted away.

She'd serve her Mistress in any way… but she really hoped it wasn't in her ass again. Just seeing her other *favorite* as she called her caked and coated in her waste was enough to churn her stomach. As she felt her whole world beginning to turn, the pinkette looked up at her goddess as she stood up, off the bed.

Nami stretched somewhat tiredly before making her way towards her bathroom. She needed to clean her little ghost girl before she'd play with her. The thought of her tasting her own excrement wasn't very pleasant. ‘I wonder how Robin stomachs it so long…'

As she stepped into the tiled washroom, the orange haired navigator quickly turned the sink on before lowering Perona under the tepid water. Feeling the warmth all around her, surrounding her in a shower of pleasure now, Perona mewed quietly.

She could feel her mistress's fingers rubbing her everywhere. The filth that caked her body was being washed away. As Nami watched the pinkette's face changing into a look of pure bliss she giggled. She really wasn't hard to please it seemed.

As her eyes traveled over her little ghost girls form, she soon locked onto her breasts. With the running water moving over her, she was pleasured to see every little bounce and movement they displayed for her.

Trailing her thumbs upwards, she gave Perona's breast a quick flick eliciting a quiet eep from the girl. Grinning now, Nami continued to poke and play with Perona's more, sensitive sides as she bathed her. Why couldn't she have fun while she cleaned her after all?

As Perona found Nami's index finger pressed squarely between her legs beneath the flowing water, she groaned in bliss as she was stroked rapidly under the hot water. This felt amazing… Biting her lip, the pinkette tried to hold out, tried to make the feeling last longer but she could do nothing.

Her mistress's nimble fingers were just too much, at this size! Crying out, Perona bucked her hips into Nami as she felt herself climax. As Nami watched her little favorite spasm and shutter, she chuckled quietly, her own legs beginning to feel shaky under her.

Even if she was new to her collection, Perona really knew how to turn her on with her wails of ecstasy. Lifting her out of the water, Nami looked over her little toys form for any remaining filth she might have missed before nodding to herself.

Hopefully, she wouldn't need to punish Perona anytime soon with her ass. She liked her little ghosty being clean and squeaky… and wet… biting her lip, Nami grinned before moving back into her room towards her bed.

As she flopped down on her mattress, her eyes hazed over with lust as she gazed longingly at her startled toy. "M-M-Mistress…?" Grinning, Nami pulled her legs up before spreading her knee's apart. "Oh, Perona~ I think it's time you pleased your Mistress."

As she was lowered down, the tiny ghost princess blushed as she saw her form, being moved closer towards her Mistress's nether lips. Feeling her own lust beginning to raise once more, her head moved on its own as she nodded subconsciously.

Nami shivered with lust as she gently pressed Perona into her folds. She only needed to press lightly, though. As the pinkette made contact with her sensitive flesh, she began moving her own form around as she clung to her outer lips.

Shuttering, Nami moaned loudly as she felt the light shocks of electricity from Perona's touches shoot through her. It seemed she was just as skilled as Robin… maybe even more than her. Perona stroked and moved her body in an attempt to please her Mistress as best she could.

There was just such a vast difference in size though that made her worry she wouldn't be able to. However, her fears were extinguished quickly as she heard the low moans of pleasure soon growing too loud wails.

Grinning, the little ghost princess pressed her body into Nami's folds, her arms forcing their way into her as she tried to crawl inside on her own. Nami panted quickly as her hands moved upwards her breasts.

It seemed like Perona knew what she was doing; she could leave the rest to her. As her thumbs brushed against her sensitive nubs, the orange haired goddess groaned. She felt herself beginning to get close, it wasn't fair, and she had only just started!

Growling, Nami moved her hands back down from her chest in order to ride out the pleasure for as long as she could. Perona trailed her tongue up the length of her Mistress; she wanted to taste her essence as she was bathed in it.

As she tried to pry apart Nami's lower lips she succeeded only somewhat but that was enough. Diving forward she forced her way inside of her, before being rewarded by screams of bliss from the giantess. Darkness now surrounded her, along with a feeling of unbearable pressure, but she didn't care.

The only thing that mattered was pleasing her Mistress. Gripping her sheets, Nami gritted her teeth as sweat traveled down her form. She couldn't take it anymore! Perona knew exactly where to press inside of her to make her scream!

Shaking her head, she tried to hold herself back longer but she just couldn't resist the lust trying desperately to escape from her quim. Bucking her hips in the air, she let out a loud scream of ecstasy as she felt her climax shoot through her.

As Perona felt the walls around her tighten painfully she was soon drowned as well as a wave of her Mistress's juices soon crashed into her form, forcing her outwards and out of the humid cave she longed to be in just a bit longer.

Falling onto the bed, Perona coughed and wheezed a bit as she tried to clear her lungs after having nearly drowned. As she laid in the small puddle of her Mistress's juices, as the small smile made its way to her lips.

She liked her new life… it was never how she imagined it but… she wouldn't change it for anything at all. As a massive hand moved to grab her, the pinkette made no attempt to avoid it. She simply smiled as she was raised upwards towards her Mistress's beautiful face.

Taking a moment to catch her breath, Nami sighed before feeling the light fatigue wearing off. Looking down at Perona she grinned before licking her lips lustfully.

"So, are you ready for round two?"



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~ Epilog ~


~ Spa Island, aboard the Thousand Sunny ~


Nami smiled a chesure smile before leading Porche towards her cabin. "A-Are you sure none of your other crew members are on board? I can't be seen with you, you know…" Looking back at the nervous girl in front of her, Nami just grinned.

"Oh don't worry, no one will ever find out about you, I can promise you that." Nodding quickly, Porche followed Nami into her cabin before the door was shut behind her. "We should make this quick… if Foxy finds the girls and I'm not there when he does I could get into some big trouble."

Pulling her shirt off, the orange haired navigator turned her head to the side before smirking. "Oh don't worry this will be quick, almost instantaneous really. Raising her brow, at that, Porche was about to comment but stopped as she saw a small glow being emitted from Nami's chest.

"I think you'll be a toy, not quite a favorite but, I have a soft spot for you." As the girl was about to respond the faint glow she saw before flashed across her vision blinding her completely. "Welcome to your new life, Porche~"


To be continued…


End Notes:

Please review and give me those nummy stars i enjoy :D

Until next time peoples!

More Priceless Then Platinum by Franchise Writer
Author's Notes:

Hello everyone, it's good to see the smiling faces of those who still follow this story on this site, and i welcome you to the forth enstallment!

This chapter was once again a gift for my good friend TechniMIND and if you haven't seen any of his work, i encourage you to hop on over to Eka's Portal and check him out. You won't be disappointed.

So if your new here and you've made it this far already, i hope you like what you see, and if you feel in the mood, please let me know how you feel. Your tasty, tasty reviews are always appreciated. ^,^

But without further adoo~



Sit back,



Kick off your shoes,



Get comfy,













~ Aboard the Thousand Sunny ~



The suns beautiful rays shimmered brightly down upon the clear waters of the Florian Triangle. While usually, the demonic waters as to their name's sake were anything but that, the crew of the Thousand Sunny had little to no problems crossing it… well, at least after passing through the large waterspouts that had seemingly risen out of nowhere.

Resting at the helm of the ship, Nami watched the cool waters as a gentle breeze tickled her cheeks. It felt nice after the air had abandoned them back there, and she was looking forward to returning to the normal sea that made up most of the Grand Line. Averting her gaze from the waters around her, the redhead looked now at the next challenge that loomed ahead of them.

‘Here we are again…’ Standing before them, was the Red Line, literally. Its large imposing walls separated them from the other side of the seas. They had sailed from one end, all the way to the next… yet still, it hardly even seemed like they had begun their journey.

‘Well, a few things have changed since I first started at least.’ Feeling her lips twitch upwards into a smile, her hand instinctively moved to her neck where a light bump was felt. Tugging her top open briefly, the navigator smirked as she saw a small jewel slightly protruding from her chest, right between her bosoms. The necklace she had used to gain her powers while magnificent and beautiful was just too risky to wear anymore. Hell, the living water they had just encountered proved that. What would happen if it had simply slipped off her neck and fell into the ocean?

No, she wouldn’t take chances like that, not anymore. After they had departed from Spa Island a few weeks back, her current favorite had asked her a question, and a simple one at that. But, she had never thought about it till she brought it up. Thinking back, Nami shook her head amused. It was an even easier answer but one she hated.

‘Why do you wear your pendant Mistress? Isn’t that a risk to your safety? Pickpockets, natural disasters, even bad luck. Why not put it on a choker or even better keep it inside you like you do with me or Robin? Wouldn’t it be safer then?’

‘She had a valid point…’ And the answer she gave was simply, it never occurred to her just how many times she could have actually lost it. Back at Water 7, on Enies Lobby, even Thriller Bark. It could have fallen off and she would have been powerless without it… well, not fully but definitely worse for the wear.

Immediately addressing this issue, (after thoroughly rewarding Perona for her foresight into a disaster just waiting to happen) Nami had decided to do like she had said. Of course keeping the trinket inside of her body wasn’t exactly ideal, so she did the next best thing. Tapping the tip of the green gem, its spiral casing making it look rather exotic on her skin, as if some type of piercing, Nami grinned.

She had simply forced the gem inside of her. If it was within her very body there was no way she could lose it. And of course, the way it was embedded into her chest now left her other… crevices open for different kinds of gems. Speaking of…

Clenching her lower lips, Nami waited patiently till an Image of Robin appeared behind her. Yawning tiredly, the brunette rubbed her eyes before looking up at her Goddess. “Is something the matter? I thought your crew just got out of trouble. You’re not in any now are you, Mistress?”

Smirking at how she grew worried for her safety rather than her own at the thought of trouble, Nami shook her head relieving her. “Don’t worry, I’m quite alright and we’re alone Perona. Take a look ahead.” Looking away from the redhead now, Perona’s eyes widened slightly as she saw the Red Line right in front of her.

‘Oh wow…’ It was beautiful. “Luffy, Brook, and Usopp are in the submarine looking around below the waters. Sanji and Franky are in the dining hall as well. I think Choppers in his office waiting in case something happens to the others down there… and Zoro…” Nami paused before looking up at the observatory. “Is, doing his own thing.” She sighed. She was worried for their swordsman. He didn’t act the normal way he usually did after the events on Thriller Bark. She wondered if everything was really alright after their fight with Kuma.

Believing in her Mistress’s words, Perona still looked around for safety before releasing her form. Floating over towards the navigator, the pinkette adopted her pose as she leaned on the wooden railing of the ship. “So what are you doing out here alone? Is something wrong?” Shaking her head, unsure if that was the case or not, Nami looked down at her Log Pose again before scowling.

“It seems we’re stuck…” Furrowing her brow, Perona was about to ask what she meant until she saw the compass pointing directly below them. “Wait, is your log-pose acting up? You said we were headed to Fishman Island right? It’s not really underwater… is it?” She didn’t have very much knowledge of the world past her home town and that of Thriller Bark’s island.

She had been recruited by Gekko Moriah at a young age and never really cared for learning about other places. Studying was just too boring! But to think, the island was underwater? Even if the name was *Fishman Island* that made her wonder how anyone had ever even seen it in the first place. It was a rather well-known location but even so, she still had never seen it in pictures or heard too much other than the name from stories some of the Zombies on the island had remembered before their personalities were erased.

Cupping her chin, Nami shook her head unsure herself. The island was a secret to many even if the name was not. “That’s what the others are trying to find out now. Hopefully, we’ll hear back from them soon.” Nami muttered as she pointed over to a transponder snail sitting next to the ship's wheel.

Nodding slowly, Perona closed her eyes before humming. “So if it is, then what? It’s not like you guys to just give up in the face of adversity… you proved that well to Moriah…” She mumbled somewhat bitterly before the redhead shot her a scowl. Sighing, she shook her head.

“We’ll just have to play it by ear and see what’s to come. If we’re stuck here for a while it won’t be all that bad I suppose. I know some of my toys have been rather neglected these past few days.” Nami murmured, the sadness evident in her tone. Robin she didn’t have to worry about. After Thriller bark she had come to accept something in herself and only acted upon her Goddess’s wishes. Whenever anything else happened she didn’t seem to even notice. Her whole world revolved around Nami. But her other playthings, however, weren’t the same.

Porche was still being broken in so she needed to tend to her. She hadn’t played with Lil in some time either. Of course, that was mostly due to the fact Robin would no longer be seeing her. The brunette was not the same person she once knew after all. ‘Maybe I just need to find a few other younger toys for her to befriend.’

Expanding her collection was always nice. Besides those to and Perona, however, she couldn’t care less about the others. All the shrunken toys she had. Bandits, pirates, even nobles. They were all her playthings and nothing more. She didn’t care about their existence, only her favorite ones.

‘Perhaps I need a new favorite to invest time into.’ Her favorites were much better to be around anyways. The mindless slaves she kept in masses were a dime a dozen compared to her precious few she deemed to be favorite or a toy. But where to find one? It wasn’t like a cute girl who adored her would just fall out of the sky for her to enslave… err, course into her new life. “AHHHHHHH, THERE IT IS AGAIN!” Blinking, having been pulled into her own thoughts from her short conversation with Perona, Nami looked back at the transponder snail as it wobbled and moved around frantically trying to relay its message to them.

Running over to the table as her captain's juvenile laughter resonated from the phone, Nami picked up the receiver and listened in. “Hey, what the hell is going on down there!” Hearing Brooks screams answer her in return, the redhead growled. “Well would you look at that, you guys are getting into trouble again.” Perona sighed as she floated lazily above Nami.

Hearing something suddenly surface from the water beside the ship, however, caused the ghost princess to quickly take Robin's shape again as both she and Nami looked below them. “Hey, we’re back!” Luffy called out from below as he crawled out from the shark submarine their ship used. Staggering slowly behind him shakily, both Brook and Usopp as pale as a ghost sighed with relief.

“I thought for sure I was a goner…” “Same… I’ve never been so thankful to be in the open again.” Scratching the back of her head in confusion, she wondered just what the heck it was that caused them all to scream so much before the ship suddenly began to shake.

As the water beside the rear of the ship surged forward a massive creature suddenly roared in anger causing all five of them to look to it, Nami’s expression rather blank now as she saw what it was that had caused the others to scream so loudly. “Is… that a bunny?” Perona whispered, her expression showing just as much disbelief… and a little bit of fondness for the creature.

To their amazement, it looked like some type of crossbred creature mixed between a rabbit and a fish. ‘Why am I not surprised?’ Compared to all the other crap they fished up for Sanji this didn’t even faze her anymore. As it continued to roar angrily it suddenly lunged for the ship starting most present before Luffy jumped on the front of the ship to meet it head on.

“Please, if you think you can beat me out of the water. You’re in for a surprise!” Luffy laughed before his arm shot backward. Punching the massive creature with ease, the poor thing flailed in the air before falling back into the waters below. ‘How anticlimactic…’ Shrugging, Nami was about to turn and leave before Perona pointed above her.

“Uhh, Mist-, err, Nami what’s that?” Pausing, the redhead looked up to where she was pointing before squinting her eyes. It looked like something was falling from the sky. As a loud scream suddenly echoed in the air, Nami had little time to process what was happening before something suddenly hit her causing Perona to freak out. Her Goddess had been struck!

Groaning, Nami tried to lean up from her painful fall before feeling something heavy on her chest. Wincing, she grit her teeth before her breath suddenly evaded her lungs. Gawking much like Perona and the others were now, Nami shook her head in disbelief.

Lying on her chest, was a panting girl, her expression full of distraught from whatever had happened to her. “Wow, you saved us!” Feeling her jaw tremble as she tried to grasp what she was staring at, Nami simply shook her head unable to form a proper sentence. Resting on top of her was a green haired girl. She had short hair and wore a rather tight tank top that did little to hide her… assets. Right below it, however, was what left her speechless.

‘A-A-A t-tail… s-she has a tail?!’ wiggling back and forth on her lap, the girl cheered gleefully as her pink fish like protrusion swung back and forth energetically. ‘She… she has a tail… She can’t be what I think she is, can she?’ Latching onto Nami’s neck, the girl laughed happily as she hugged the stranger with joy.

“Thank you so much, that was a lot of fun!” “Oh yeah, that was a blast! In fact, I had so much fun I’m going to jump right back into his mouth!” A voice yelled loudly back at her in anger. Blinking, Nami pulled her vision away from the stunning sight, before her expression turned blank.

“Now do you want to tell me why you didn’t run away from that thing when you saw it!” Frowning, the green haired girl folded her hands before looking down ashamed. “Well, that’s the thing, I kind of didn’t see it…” “Of course not, it’s not like it was freaking huge or anything!”

Standing next to them… was, for better terms… a starfish. It wore a pink and green Reggie hat… and, it was talking… Crossing its arms, err, fins… nubs? It huffed angrily before looking away. At this point, Nami wasn’t even sure what she was going on anymore. This was just so random.

As it continued to berate the girl currently lying on top of her, the starfish paused abruptly before looking down at her. “Maybe you haven’t noticed, but you’ve got a little something under your tail there.” It pointed to Nami. Blinking, the creature Nami could only assume to be a Mermaid looked down before screaming as her jaw dropped.

“AHHHHH! I’VE CRUSHED A HUMAN, OH NOOOOO!” Griping Nami’s shoulders, the redhead let out a yell of surprise as she was shaken violently. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Are you alright?!” Forcing the girl to stop her hysterics, Nami shook her head quietly as she licked her lips to speak.

“Y-Y-Yeah… I-I’m fine… never, better…” Her voice was soft, almost so faint the Mermaid might not have heard her if she wasn’t currently straddling her waist. As the other crew members of the ship came out to see what was going on, all looked at the green-haired Mermaid in disbelief, none more so then Nami as she felt her cheeks redden.

“Y-You have a tail…” Pausing her abrupt ramblings of apologies, the green haired girl looked down confused before letting out a high pitched scream startling all present. “OH MY GOSH, THERE’S A BUNCH OF HUMANS!” Nodding slowly, Nami looked to her crew as they tried to comprehend what was going on. It seemed they were in just as much shock as she had been.

“C-Calm down, stop screaming!” Nami suddenly blurted out, the green haired girl’s wails finally registering to her. This day was getting weird quickly… weirder than it usually did for them that was for sure. But fate had a weird way of presenting opportunities to people...


After all… it had just revealed to her, her new toy…



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~ A few hours later… ~


Resting her chin on her palm, Nami watched in fascination as she observed the green haired Mermaid now known to her as Camie as she chatted with her crewmates aboard the Sunny. A lot had happened since they found the Mermaid that morning, but it seemed like it had calmed for now.

After finding out a little about the girl, it seemed apparent that she was in danger. Human trafficking was extremely popular in the Grand line and to a lesser extent in the New World as well. But a Mermaid wasn’t human… they were much rarer.

People would spend their entire lives hunting them down to auction to the highest bidder. Narrowing her eyes, Nami glowered in silence. She’d be damned if she let one of the pirates like the ones they had just encountered take her away… she was hers.

Smirking at the hypocrisy in her own words, the redhead shook her head. She wouldn’t force the girl to do anything she didn’t want to do… but one way or another, she would end up as her toy. It was now a matter of figuring out what made her tick. Eying her up and down in amazement, Nami soon bit her lip.

The green haired girl was young, rather naïve to. She spent most of her time traveling, and a lot of that escaping capture. She liked adventure, which was something to note. Along with her companion… Looking away from Camie, Nami studied the Starfish known as Pappug. Apparently, he was some type of designer and a famous one at that.

‘I didn’t know there were any.’ There had to be, though. After all, what did Fishmen wear? It figured there would be some who would design clothes and other fashionable retails. But still, it was rather odd. Glancing back to Camie now as she chatted with Luffy about the way to Fishman Island, the navigator once again tore her eyes away as she looked at their… other, guest…

Sitting next to Camie was a Fishman with six arms… one she knew rather well. “Mistress… is something wrong?” Blinking, Nami looked away from the Octopus-Fishman before sighing, Perona’s expression full of worry. She could sense something was bothering her Goddess ever since that Sea King from earlier spat up the mermaid and starfish creature.

“I’ll… I’ll tell you about it later. Let’s just say, I have some past history with Hatchin…” She whispered darkly. Furrowing her brow, the pinkette looked to the strange Fishman curiously. They seemed like a friendly group… albeit strange. But the way Nami made it sound, it didn’t seem that way.

Tearing her gaze away from him, Nami soon went back to Camie as she listened in on the conversation. It was important after all. “The world government isn’t exactly fond of pirates as you might have guessed so you wouldn’t be able to get through Marine ford. That only leaves one way for your kind to get to the New World.” Pappug announced before grinning.

“The passage you all would be taking is the great seafloor route! Straight through Fishman Island!” He announced excitement clearly in his tone… however… Sulking immediately as he realized his words were falling on deaf ears, he pouted.

“The thing is, the Seafloor route is pretty dangerous. Like really dangerous since it’s full of Sea Kings and ships full of human people get eaten all the time.” Camie chimed in causing the others to listen to her instead. Furrowing her brow, Nami chose now to join in the conversation, something in the Mermaids words surprising her.

“Wait did you say Ships get eaten all the time? I thought the route was underwater.” Turning her head confused, Camie soon smiled causing the redhead's cheeks to darken. “Yeah, it is.” “Well, then what type of ship can get us across the Sea routes floor?” Looking at Nami confused, Camie soon smiled once again. “Well, this one will do.”

Now it was everyone’s turn to stare at her in surprise. Ships weren’t exactly aquatic in nature. “No way, the Sunny can’t handle pressure like that. It’s not equipped to go underwater.” Franky announced with his arms crossed. “Well sure it’s not now, but once we get to the island we’re headed to it will be.” Camie chirped happily.

“Huh?” Giggling, the verdette moved her hands over the grass on the ship before smiling. “We’re going to get the ship coated when we’re there to say thank you for saving us.” As the others continued to chat, Nami ran through her words again. ‘So we have to travel through Fishman Island to get to the New World and in order to do that we have to coat our ship?’

It seemed like an extreme measure to get from point A to point B, but it wouldn’t be called the New World if you simply sailed there now would it. Sighing, she moved her hand away from her chin as she crossed her arms.

Things were going to get hectic fast, she knew it. Hopefully, once they reached the island Camie and Hatchin had mentioned things would be a bit clearer.







“Here it is, the Sabaody Archipelago!” Pappug announced drawing everyone’s attention. Looking to the island approaching in the distance, Nami could only think of one word to describe its visage. “It’s beautiful…” The island was a light shade of green with an aura surrounding it. Trees grew infinitely high into the air as the leaves created a type of rooftop covering the whole area.

Adding to its already beautiful appeal it other oddities surrounded it as well giving it a rather mystical look. Floating all around the island, and if she had to guess the cause for its brightened atmosphere where bubbles of all shapes and colors. They floated high into the sky before popping and splashing down onto their brethren below.

All and all, this was one of the most alluring islands she had been privileged to see upon coming to the Grand Line. And it seemed her crew mates were just as entranced as she was. As they approached the oncoming landmass, Nami quickly turned heel and headed to her room. She had to plan her next moves accordingly. And sadly, she needed a little help from both her favorites for this.

Entering her room, she quickly shut the door behind her locking it, before heading to her bathroom. Moving over towards her toilet, she pulled her tight jean shorts down before taking a seat. “Perona, come out.” Without the ghost girl needing to materialize, Nami soon reached her fingers into her quim as she searched for her shrunken toy.

Hissing as she tried to control the pleasure she felt, the redhead soon latched onto her before yanking her out, her breath coming out a bit ragged as she felt her face flushed with pleasure. Wiggling in her hands, Perona blinked away the dots in her eyes as the light assaulted her. “M-Mistress…?” She hadn’t been taken out in days. And it was usually important when she was, had something happened while she slept?

Grabbing a couple strips of toilet paper, Nami moved the pinkette up to her lips before letting her breath wash over her. Quivering as the warm gust of air blew onto her, Perona mewed happily. She liked it when her Goddess did that. Extending her tongue, Nami licked up and down the smaller girls frame as she cleaned her off. After a few minutes, Perona’s moans doing little to ease her own aching quim, she pulled away much to the smaller girl’s dismay.

Rubbing her up and down with the paper, she quickly dried her off before setting the wobbling girl beside her. “M-Mistress…” Ignoring the longing in her tone, Nami looked below her as she grunted. Relaxing her anal muscles, the navigator soon sighed as she felt the contents of her bowels come out. As it splashed into the water below, she waited for good measure to make sure she got everything out. It had been a few days since she last went and tried to hold it off if she could. Robin liked it that way…

Quickly grabbing a few more strips of paper, she cleaned herself up before tossing it into the bin beside her. It would be counterproductive to throw it into the toilet she was going to be searching in. Pulling her panties back up, she soon stood up before kicking away her jean shorts. She would have to change into something else anyways.

Staring back now into the toilet, Nami cleared her throat. “Robin, come, your Goddess needs you.” Looking down as well, Perona watched as a movement happened within the bowl. After about a minute, a pair of hands soon emerged from her Mistress’s waste before the rest of the Brunette surfaced as well. Gasping as air entered her lungs for what had to have been days, Robin drank it in.

Looking around in confusion her eyes soon found their way to Nami’s as she stared up at her confused. “W-Why... why am I not in you Goddess…?”  Nami had kept her inside her ass ever since the events that happened back on Thriller bark, only ever getting her out when she had to go to the bathroom but then she put her right back in. Crossing her arms, Nami rested her back against the wall as she played over the events in her mind.

“I need both you and Perona’s help. A new Toy has entered the fray, and I think she might become my next favorite. Surprise entered Robin’s eyes before she nodded. Perona on the other hand only huffed in anger, something Nami noticed immediately. “What is it…” Stiffening, the smaller girl pouted as she bit her tongue.

“N-N-Nothing Mistress… I just-“Going silent immediately as a hand slammed next to her, Perona looked up in fear, Nami’s eyes darkening as she stared her down. “What… is, bothering, you?” Her tone was icy as she spoke. She didn’t like the way her princess was trying to beat around the bush. Shivering with fear, Perona gulped as she tried to look anywhere else, but Nami’s whole form in all its glory took up her entire field of vision.

“I… d-don’t want another f-f-favorite around here…” Perona finally whispered the sadness in her tone evident. She knew her Goddess’s system by now. Favorites, toys, and slaves. She and Robin were the only two favorites and with Robin always inside of Nami’s ass, she was privileged to be played with and pampered till her heart's content.

But if she got more favorites… would she end up like Robin? Confined inside of her Mistress forever? Never brought out once she got bored of her… Tearing up at the thought, Perona quickly shook her head. “I d-don’t want to be… to be… “Perona tried to speak but was silenced once more as Nami’s finger moved up to her face covering her lips.

Staring Perona over with indifference, her expression soon softened. “You’re jealous and worried I’ll stop paying attention to you. Is that it, Per-o-na~?” shaking with fear and anxiety, the pink haired princess looked up despairingly as she nodded. Chuckling, Nami shook her head in amusement. “Listen up my favorite~. You are special to me, and I could never forget about you, just like I could never forget about Robin either. As my, collection, grows in size don’t think for a second I’d just leave you be.” She paused as her fingers brushed over Perona’s naked flesh, her eyes staring her over hungrily.

“You’re mine, Perona… until the day you die; you are mine and always will be mine. And I’ll use you as I see fit. And if you ever forget your current place in life…” Nami paused as her eyes grew glazed with euphoria. “Then I’ll be hard pressed to make you remember it, even if I have to spend every waking hour, of every day, drilling it into you… into your body… into your mind. That you are, mine…” she whispered huskily, her tone dripping with licentious venom.

As her hand pulled away from Perona, the shrunken girl fell to her knee’s as her whole body quivered, her Mistress’s words shaking her to her very being. “G-G-Goddess…” Smiling, Nami cooed to her two favorites as she shifted her attention to Robin now. “Don’t think that speech was one sided either Robin, it was for the both of you.” Smiling up yearningly, Robin nodded. “I would never think that of you, my Goddess… You’re my everything.”

Smirking, Nami nodded. She wasn’t worried about Robin. She was broken, in mind and body to love her. Perona would still take some time getting to that point. Reaching into the toilet, Nami plucked Robin up uncaring of the filthy state she was currently in. Moving over to the sink, she turned the faucet on before running hot water over Robin’s tiny form.

After about five minutes of constant scrubbing, Nami finally turned the water off before examining the shrunken archaeologist. ‘Well she still smells, I’ll have to fix that some other way.’ Her powers probably had a cure for that. Maybe make her skin secrete perfume? Smiling in amusement, Nami set Robin down beside Perona before looking them over, her two favorites.

Clearing her throat, Nami spoke up as she began telling them all that had happened. How they had reached the Red Line. How they had become stuck at a crossroads. What had happened beneath the ship, and finally what washed aboard it, or more, who had. She knew Perona knew of this already but it would be easier to go over everything in one go rather than talking to each of them individually. As she finally came to the part of Camie, Robin looked up thoughtfully.

“A Mermaid… what an interesting discovery. So if you don’t plan on capturing her, then what will you do to make her join you Goddess?” Biting her lip, Nami shook her head. “I’m not sure yet, that’s why I need both of your help. If I imprisoned her and bent her mind, then she wouldn’t be favorite material anymore. What makes you both my favorites is coming to me by your own will. I like it when my toys think for themselves after all. No, her personality and naivety I adore. She’s like a child in that regard.” Nami chuckled. Her body was anything but that of course. Her breasts alone were almost as big as hers.

Feeling her mouth water at the prospect of feeling them herself, Nami quickly shook her head. “Anyways, we’ll be landing shortly on a small island. It’s called the Sabaody Archipelago. What I need from you both is to come with me as we explore the island. Robin, you’re to stay with Camie at all times. Be her guard while we’re there.” She said sternly causing the brunette to nod in understanding.

“Mermaids are valuable to slavers. And I’m guessing there will be a few on the island as well. From what I was told this island is one frequented by Pirates like us.” Feeling a nagging thought enter her mind Robin soon looked worried. “W-W-What about you Goddess? W-Will you not be with us…?”

Frowning, she shook her head. “No, I need to be elsewhere for now. My stock is low.” As both girls blinked in confusion, Nami moved her hand over to a small box next to the toilet. Reaching in, she pulled out a small person maybe but an inch in size. As she struggled in the giantess’s hands, Nami quickly pinched her silencing all movements.

“Keeping track of all the slaves I have has been rather tedious. Some have escaped, others have been thrown out. I’m pretty sure more than a couple have been flushed away or went down the drain after I bathed as well.” She sighed. Flicking the person back into the box uncaringly, Nami’s eyes soon hardened as she saw the fearful look Robin was giving her.

“I need to restock my supplies. Who knows how long it will be till we next land. From here on out we’re headed to the New World. And I can’t stand the thought of being without my playthings.” Nami purred. She used them for everything after all. Clothes, food, feminine products… they had plenty of uses. But they were expendable sadly.

Glancing back to Perona now, Nami smirked. “You, my little Princess will be coming with me. You will be my eyes and ears while I’m wandering the towns. Use your ghosts to scout for me while I go from place to place. Find me as many cuties as you possibly can. Pirates, nobles, bandits, all are fine. But… try to avoid townspeople if possible. All women are my property, but, I think they can be excluded for now.” Nami smirked.

She didn’t mind turning lowlifes into her playthings but the ones who didn’t do anything wrong she tried to avoid… unless they were really, really cute~. Then their lives were forfeit to their new Goddess. Grinning from ear to ear, Perona nodded eagerly. She liked doing things like this for her Goddess. If she did a good job, sometimes she would be rewarded with a couple of the slaves she could keep for herself. As much as she liked her new lease on life, she was still a Princess after all. Servants were a necessity for someone like her.

“With pleasure Mistress.” Noticing the two different reactions brought forth from her favorites, it was Nami’s turn to look at Robin now as she seemed disheartened by the prospect of her role in this plan of hers. “What’s wrong Robin?” Biting her lip, the brunette shook her head as she looked up at Nami.

“G-Goddess… you’ll be away from me… I… I don’t like being separated from you…” She whispered shrilly. Her skin ached whenever she wasn’t within arms reach of her. And she had only been outside of Nami for fifteen minutes and her skin already was beginning to itch. Sighing, Nami nodded knowing about Robin’s new condition.

“Robin, I’m counting on you. I need you. Camie is important to me, and I don’t want her getting into trouble… and knowing our crew that tends to happen more often than not. Please stay with her, it’s only for a short while, then I’ll put you back where you belong.”

As she turned around to show off her ass, Robin nodded, her eyes lingering on Nami’s perk rear with lust. “Y-Yes Goddess!” Smiling warmly, Nami raised her hand as she passed it by her shrunken girls. With a faint green shimmer, soon both began to grow, they bodies expanding outward until they were the same height as her.

Stumbling off the cramped sink they were both sitting on, Perona was first to stand as she stretched out her tired limbs. “It sucks that all the fatigue you put us through comes back when we change back. It makes staying small seem like a dream in comparison.” She yawned, her eyes feeling rather heavily leaded now.

Shrugging her shoulders, Nami slipped past them as she made her way back into the bedroom. “And that’s why I keep you small~.” Following their Goddess, both Robin and Perona went into the room as they changed into clothes for the first time in days. Going out into public the way they were now might be counterproductive, and the last thing they wanted to do was draw any unnecessary attention to their Mistress.

After all, they were on a mission now weren’t they? And by day's end, a new playmate would be joining them soon enough. The prospect rather enticing after the calming words from their Mistress…



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~ Sabaody Archipelago, Grove 26 ~



Walking down the streets of the shopping district, Nami’s eyes scanned from left to right as she observed her surroundings. This place was amazing. After docking, half of her crew followed Hatchin while a few others stayed behind on the ship. It wasn’t long into their journey though that Nami saw her chance to explore. She couldn’t do what she wanted with her crew around regrettably, but that didn’t matter now that she was alone… well, almost.

Glancing to the skies, the redhead's eyes glinted with amusement as she saw little wisps flying through the air that she knew to be Perona’s ghosts. It would take a little time, but once Perona memorized the island, the entire island, she would have free reign of where to go for the best… merchandise.

Her only regret, however, was Camie. Sighing, Nami shook her head dismayed. After seeing the Shopping district come into view, she had invited the Mermaid to join her, and possibly try to course her into what she had in mind but… she seemed hesitant to go with her for some reason.

‘Could she be on to me?’ That didn’t seem likely. She hadn’t shown much interest in the girl, well, more than her usual amount at least. It made her wonder why she wasn’t up to going alone with her. “Maybe if Robin came with us?” Tapping her chin, Nami simply shrugged. She’d have opportunities to persuade her in the future. For now, she was going to enjoy herself.

The Sabaody was a perfect place for her. Pirates of all origins met here. This was the gateway to the New World after all. Pirates on her left, bounty hunters on her right, she had an endless supply of people to pick and choose! Giggling with glee, Nami picked up her pace as she stared for Perona’s mark.

Upon entering one of the many groves that made up the island, she had informed Perona what to do. And it seemed like she followed her instructions to the dot as well. Looking into an alleyway, Nami’s eyes locked onto a small spectral waving hand. Jogging over towards it, her face lit up with excitement as she saw one of the little apparitions currently circling a girl in her late twenties.

She had dark brown hair and wore tight clothing. With a cutlass strapped to her side along with a pistol it was rather obvious she was a pirate or a pillager. Either or didn’t matter. Walking up to the downed girl as she cried on the sidewalk, Nami soon grinned. “I’m a bug… a lowly bug…” “Yes, you are… now let me show you your place in the world bug~.”

Waving her hand over the hopeless girl she soon dwindled into nothing before she was cut off a few centimeters high. Pinching her tightly between her fingers, Nami moved the girl up to her lips before her tongue came out. Staring at the imposing maw before her, the defeated woman didn’t even scream as Nami sucked her into her mouth.

Tilting her head back, Nami swallowed her whole before licking her lips. Who needed a bag to carry her playthings when her stomach was more than willing? Not to mention a perfect hiding spot. She could extract them later through whatever means she felt necessary. Moaning softly, Nami quickly shook her head.

She couldn’t get distracted now, she had other pitiful insects to collect and join their fellow bug currently dwelling within her. Turning to leave, Nami walked back into the streets, none the wiser of the abduction that had just occurred.

This was the Sabaody Archipelago after all. Abductions happened every day, and no one cared about them anyways…






Sitting down at a lavishes table fit for that of royalty rather than commoners or pirates, Nami sighed with bliss. After a couple hours of wandering, she had grown tired and wanted to take a break for now. She had called Perona off a little while ago and let her go about her own business.

Parting with her favorite, the redhead had soon come into a small establishment that had looked like nothing more than a small café on the outside but it was anything but that on the inside. Rich red walls with royal tapestries lined the interior. Exotic smells that rivaled that of their ships own kitchen as well wavered through the air. This was a wonderful place to take a break.

Moving her hand to her glass, Nami brought her drink to her lips as she took a tentative sip. Purring from the citrusy flavor her beverage gave her, the navigator leaned back in her chair before sighing once more.

She could get used to this… well, more than usual. She’d have to get Sanji to make her some of these next time she saw him. As her eyes began to close as she listened to the faint music that played throughout the restaurant, the peace that was there suddenly stopped as a loud bang was heard from the entrance of the establishment.

Opening an eye, Nami looked up, a bored expression present as she silently seethed. ‘And I was just beginning to relax…’ Staring at a large group of men all dressed in black suits enter, they made their way to a table before *kindly* removing the people eating there already. Once it was vacant, they all stood around it as a smaller man compared to the rest sat down.

As he called over one of the waiters, Nami could only watch in curiosity. ‘Is he a pirate? Or possibly some type of noble?’ He and his men acted a little of both. “Mistress?” Blinking, Nami almost jumped out of her seat as she saw a head suddenly come out of the wall next to her. “Perona!” flinching from the tone, the ghost girl came through all the way before sitting down next to her.

“S-S-Sorry to disturb you! I, I just wanted to see if everything was alright… you seemed bothered…” she blushed, her tone growing quiet as Nami’s anger lessened. Raising her brow, Nami soon sighed, now more of an annoyance than relaxation. “What, were you watching me this whole time? Didn’t I tell you to go off on your own for a while?”

Smiling warmly, Perona nodded as she propped her hands beneath her head. “I did for a bit Mistress, but it’s so boring without you around! Plus I had a mini-hollow watching you while I wasn’t there… I, I wanted to know if something happened while I wasn’t there… D-Did did I anger you, Mistress…?”

Shaking her head, Nami soon mimicked Perona’s posture as she looked over the restaurant. It was flattering to have her little princess act protective around her. ‘You’d think it would be the other way around.’ She didn’t like sharing much after all…

“It’s fine Perona, just don’t do something so blunt next time like coming through a wall… We’re supposed to blend in remember?” She whispered darkly. Folding her arms, Perona pouted before looking towards the group of suited men across the room.

“It’s not like anyone would have seen me but you Mistress, not with Capone coming in here and all.” She pointed out. Blinking, Nami looked at her confused before her attention shifted to the group of men. “Wait, do you know who those people are?” Nodding her head, the pinkette looked back at Nami somewhat surprised.

“You don’t? He’s one of the supernova’s Mistress. I would have thought you would have known that since your captain is one of them too, same with your swordsmen as well.” Looking up now in shock, Nami quickly shook her head. She didn’t have a clue what the pink-haired ghost girl was even talking about.

“Perona, I have no idea what any of that means. What’s a Supernova and what do you mean Luffy and Zora are ones.” Humming in surprise, Perona snapped her fingers before a small ghost suddenly appeared beside her. Opening its mouth, she reached inside before pulling a small stuffed animal backpack out much to Nami’s amusement, and slight disgust.

“You’ve been holding out on me on what you’re really capable of Pe-ro-na~.” Blushing furiously, the pink haired girl remained quiet as she pulled the zipper to the side and reached. After digging around for a minute she soon pulled out a small stack of papers.

“Here, take a look at these.” Pulling the papers away, Nami looked at them confused before her eyes widened. “Are, are these wanted posters?” Nodding, Perona tapped the one on top with a masked man on it. “Back on Thriller Bark, Master Moriah always wanted strong pirates shadows for his zombies so it was my job to memorize all the bounties of strong sailors that came through the Grand Line. These ones are a special bunch, however. They're known as the 11 Supernova’s.”

Flipping through the posters, Nami’s eyes widened as she landed on Luffy’s. “And you said both Luffy and Zoro are… Supernovas?” Nodding her head, Perona pointed to the bounties before continuing. “These are all the new pirates that surfaced over the past year, each with a bounty well over 100 million. It’s the reason they hold the title of Supernova. No other generation has had that many people come into these waters in one go and raise as much commotion. Your captain definitely picked an interesting time to set sail.” Perona giggled.

Flipping through the posters, Nami soon stopped as she came onto the picture of the man in the restaurant. ‘Capone "Gang" Bege, captain of the Fire tank Pirates, bounty, 138 million. Looking up from the paper briefly, Nami soon scowled. The man seemed like the shady type… And coming from another pirate that was really saying something.

“Well, that explains why he came in here acting like he owns the place. Sheesh, and here I thought this would be peaceful.” Nami sighed in dismay. She just wanted to take a break and now her peace was disturbed by pirates. And dangerous ones at that…

Handing the papers back to Perona, the ghost girl placed them back in her backpack before looking to Nami with worry. “I-Is everything alright Mistress…? D-D-Do you want me to go out and find you another place to relax?! I-I don’t mind really…” Smiling coyly, Nami’s hand moved to Perona’s lap before it passed through her.

Pouting, Nami sighed knowing Perona’s form was astral. “Go get your body. We’re going to get back to work.” Nodding, Perona was about to dissipate before the door to the restaurant was kicked open once again. “Come on already! I’m starving here!” Looking to who entered now, Nami’s eyes widened slightly as she saw a woman barging in, a multitude of men following behind her.

She was slim, rather lithe in appearance from head to toe. She had on extremely tight clothing as well revealing her rather… Nonlithe bosom and rear. Her hair was currently cascading down her back seemingly uncut in any way, but it was smooth to the look, her pink lock’s almost identical to Perona’s in pigment. She had on a skimpy shirt, with a tight brown jacket barely doing work covering her backside, let alone her front. With a pair of skin tight maroon and black striped jean shorts as well, it all looked almost painful on her form. Resting below her indecent clothes were her boots and knee socks now, their colorful patterning causing the rest of her clothes to look off no in appearance. All in all… she was a strange sight to behold. But out of all things that she had seen, the one thing that Nami noticed first, was the way she acted.

Coming into the building even more forceful than the other pirate had prior; she stormed her way to one of the tables before screaming at waiters to bring her food. Propping her chin beneath her hand, Nami’s head turned to the side as she examining the girl. “Now who are you…?” As something was set in front of her, Nami looked down before her eyes widened in surprise.

“Jewelry Bonney, Alias –The Big Eater, captain of the Bonney Pirates.” Perona read aloud as she let Nami look over the wanted poster in front of her. Scanning the sheet, Nami hummed silently as she stared at her bounty. ‘140 million, a little higher than the other guys.’ That brought up an interesting question. Looking up from the wanted poster, Nami smirked, her curiosity piqued. ‘Just what are you capable of to raise such a high bounty?’

She liked a girl with power, and it seemed the new pinkette might have a lot of it if she was able to amass a larger bounty than even Zoro. Both girls watched in silence as they observed the Bonnie pirates, the captain apparently oblivious to anything else around her as food was brought out. Digging into the meal, she ate it with gusto rarely seen by anyone else other than her own captain.

“Hmm, quite the appetite you have. I’m guessing that’s why they call her the Big Eater?” Cringing from the way she gobbled down the food around her, Perona looked away in disgust. “M-Mistress, please tell me you’re not actually thinking about making her one of your slaves.” Turning her head towards her favorite, Nami raised her brow. “And if I am?”

Blushing, Perona looked down dejectedly. “W-W-Well… you already have… a cute pink haired f-favorite… who’s not as gross as that woman!” Chuckling from the childish way Perona phrased her objections, Nami soon shook her head. “Get your body back and continue scouting. I’ll catch up with you shortly.” Opening her mouth to complain once again, Perona soon went mute as she was cast a glare.

“Did I stutter?” Lowering her head, the ghost girl nodded before fading away leaving Nami alone now to her own doings. Looking back at the new pirate, Nami soon grinned. Perona was right, she did seem a bit… repulsive, with how gluttonous she was… but, she could exploit that. Leaning back into her chair, Nami crossed her arms and waited. And opportunity would present itself shortly, it always did…






“More, more food! “


“Bring, me, more!”


“Tell the chefs to hurry up, I’m starving!”


Kicking the empty plates off the table as if they were toxic to the massive piles of food near them, a fuchsia-haired woman growled as she stuffed her lips repeatedly. With a slice of pizza in one hand and a hunk of mutton in the other, she chewed on both, her teeth tearing into the food unbiasedly. “More, come on already!”

“Bonney, the chefs said their cooking it as fast as they can make it. I’m sure more food will be here soon.” A stout man told her, the woman seemingly deaf as she continued to bang her hands on the table. “I don’t care, tell them to hurry up!”

Stuffing the rest of the food in her hands into her mouth, she reached for the next plate as she began cleaning that one off like she had with all the others. As eyes landed on her all across the restaurant, Jewelry Bonnie ignored their stares and judgments as she focused on answering the call of hunger that plagued her day to day. She could never seem to get enough food sadly.

Stepping near the table, a chef currently carrying another plate towards her was yanked off his feet as the pink haired pirate tore the food from him. “Hurry up and bring me more!” she wailed angrily. Scampering away in fear, the man quickly ran to the back of the kitchen to fulfill her request. Pirates were notorious in this town, and angering them was always a mistake. They’d just have to wait till the Navy arrived if a fight broke out.

Kicking another pile of plates away, the woman soon looked around as she saw people leaving left and right. ‘At least I’ll get some service now, what’s taking these people so long!’ As her eyes continued to roam, it wasn’t long until they found their way to a certain redhead that caused her to pause and figure if she was seeing this right or not.

Sitting at a table across from hers, a short-haired woman with rather appealing… assets… watched her with naughty eyes. Knowing that look from experience, Bonney soon grinned. She hadn’t planned on finding someone like this in an upscale diner, but this was the Sabaody after all. Moving one of her feet off the table she currently sat at, Bonney kicked an empty chair next to her outwards before smirking.

Watching as the woman stood up to come over, the pinkette could only purr as she continued to fill her mouth. Perhaps she’d be filled in other ways once she was done here now to…





Staring at Bonney and her alone, Nami began to grin as she saw her patience rewarded. As an empty chair was kicked outwards, the navigator stood up. She knew an invite when it was given. Sauntering over, a sashay in her step deliberately, she had to smile. It had been awhile since she used her charms like this. It felt kind of good to go back to her old, courting habits.

As she approached the table a pair of men tried to stop her but much to her surprise the woman’s feet kicked them in the back of their heads as she glared at them both. “Hey, let the lady sit!” Bonney barked, her crew backing up in fright.

“S-S-Sorry captain!” waiting a moment to make sure it was alright, Nami resumed her walk before sitting down, her smile never leaving as she observed Bonney close up. As she inspected her face it became clear why she was called what she was. “Beautiful piercing, where did you get it done?”

Snorting, Bonney took a few more bites of food before answering. “I didn’t peg you for the kind of girl into cosmetics.” She chuckled. Ignoring the fact she was speaking with her mouth open as she ate, Nami continued to smile as she looked around at the men surrounding them. “And I didn’t think you needed bodyguards to talk with a girl like me, I guess we we’re both wrong.” She sighed, the disappointed look she was giving the pirate causing her to growl.

“I don’t need guards girly,” Bonney snapped before looking to her men. “Head back to the ship or go off on your own for a while.” The pink haired captain waved her hand causing her men to look at her surprised. “B-But Bonney, s-shouldn’t we-“Whatever he was going to say didn’t leave his lips however as Bonney’s foot collided with him. “Come on, I said give me some space!”

Backing up in fear, the rest of her crew began to shuffle out of the diner leaving just the two of them now at the table. Grinning lecherously, Nami licked her lips. “I like a girl in charge, especially when they show… dominance!” Stuffing the rest of the food in her hands down her throat, Bonney grinned herself. “Is that so? Well then, how about I show you just how dominant I can be~.” She purred.

Leaning in, Nami laced her fingers beneath her chin as she continued to court the captain In front of her. “I’m all ears.” Watching as the woman raised her hand, Nami had little time to react as her body suddenly went stiff. ‘W-What…?’ Looking around in shock, Nami watched as she suddenly began to shrink.

Trying to calm her panic, Nami could do little not to freak out as she suddenly looked up at the woman, a cruel smile present on her features. “Cute, I think this could be fun.” Bonney grinned perversely as she stared down at Nami’s smaller form. Feeling her chest lighten and her shirt drop down, the redhead had to clutch her clothes as they nearly fell off her.

Once her body began to stop, Nami tried to regain her composure, but it was sure as hell hard! What the hell just happened to her?! Noticing the panicked state her guest was in, Bonney chuckled before reaching into her pocket. “So how about it girlie. Are you still looking for someone… dominant?” She muttered mockingly.

Looking up as something was presented to her, Nami’s brow rose as she looked at a small hand held compact. Reaching for it, the navigator almost jumped again as she looked at her petite hands. ‘What the hell did she do to me!’ Quickly taking the mirror away, she opened it up before looking at her reflection… the outcome, not being who she expected to see.

Grinning from ear to ear, Bonney continued to eat as she watched Nami’s shocked reaction as she stared at her new self. ‘M-My face… what the hell did she do!’ She… she was a kid! Staring herself up and down now, Nami nodded knowing it to be true. Somehow, the pink haired pirate had made her younger.

What little time to think about the implications of this she had, Nami was soon stopped as she heard the chair in front of her scrap against the floor. Looking up now, Nami gulped in fear as she saw Bonney standing over her now, a vicious smile present on her features. “Is it what you dreamed it would be cutie?”

Staring at the woman confused, it soon became apparent what she meant as Bonney moved in front of her before sitting down on her lap. Grunting from the discomfort that followed from the much larger girl mounting her, Nami felt her cheeks flush red as she looked up from between Bonney’s large breasts, her entire field of vision completely surrounded by them.

Shaking her head free from her bosoms, Nami soon grinned as she continued to watch the larger girls actions. “N-Neat trick. Is this how you treat all the ladies? Or… am I special?” Nami purred before her face suddenly went crimson as she heard her voice crack. Laughing as she watched Nami’s face blushing, the pinkette giggled happily.

“Oh, you are special~.” Bonney smiled. Moving her hands around the younger girls head, the pirate pulled her face into her cleavage as she began smothering her. “But I save this treatment for women like you in particular. You know, the ones who like a little, dominance!” She growled, her voice becoming guttural now as she ground on top of the younger girl's lap.

Blushing profusely as she was molested publicly, Nami tried to look around at the other occupants of the restaurant but Bonney would have none of that. “Now, now, don’t be a naughty girl! You just stay right where you belong~.” She grinned.

Gritting her teeth, Nami’s eyes soon narrowed. This was getting out of hand fast… and she could feel herself being turned on from this too. She had to put a stop to it before this escalated any further. Pulling her face back once again, Nami smiled darkly as she looked up at the larger girl. “I think you’ve made a mistake…”

Furrowing her brow, Bonney paused her rotations on top of Nami as she looked down at her confused. “Oh? Is this not your thing then? Did I mistake you for someone actually fun?” Smirking snidely Nami’s hand moved upwards as she touched the tip of her pendent through her sagging clothing. “No, this is hot as hell in all honesty.” She remarked off-handedly before a green glow enveloped her.

Staring down in surprise, Bonney fell backward onto the floor in shock as she felt the redhead suddenly expanding beneath her. “W-What the heck?!” As her features grew more feminine and less childlike, Nami soon sighed as she looked herself over. “There we go, all better.” Standing up and over the pink haired captain now, Nami smiled in amusement as her dominant demeanor all but abandoned her.

“W-What the hell, how did you break my power!” Wagging her finger back and forth, Nami clicked her tongue. “I did like what you were doing, but… you got one thing wrong.” Moving in front of the shaking girl, Nami quickly adorned a perverse smile. “I like being the dominant one.” Before Bonney could even react it was already over.

Falling unconscious, Nami wasted no time as she scooped up the shrunken girl in her hands. Looking her over, the giantess hummed. ‘So you can change people’s ages.’ It was a useful ability, but, she could already do that. Perhaps Bonney knew of better ways to use it than she did, though. Tapping her lips as she considered the possibilities, Nami soon grew aware of her surroundings.

Blinking slowly, she turned around before noticing the shocked look on everyone present. ‘Crap…’ she had just done that in front of them! Gritting her teeth, Nami silently cursed as she raised her hand. ‘Well… at least I saved some time now…’


She had plenty of new slaves to bring home with her…



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“Geez, what a waste of time… half of these people aren’t even cute. Do you want them, Perona?”


“What?! If there not cute why would I want them?”


“I don’t know? But I need to do something with them!”


Feeling her brow beginning to twitch as she and her little ghost girl made their way back towards her crew, Nami looked over the odd assortment of people in her hands. Cleaning up the mess in the restaurant had taken about thirty minutes, and that was thirty minutes of time she wouldn’t be getting back either. Sighing, the redhead plucked one out from the crowd to toss in her mouth before moving the rest into her back pocket. There had to be a purpose for them later if she looked hard enough.


Watching as her Mistress gulped down one of the men she had procured, Perona continued to fly above her as she stared with interest. “Do, they taste good?” Coughing abruptly, Nami nearly gagged as she swallowed the man the rest of the way down, a soft chuckle escaping her lips from the random question. ”N-No Perona, they don’t really have a taste.” Nami snickered before wiping away her saliva.

“It’s more about the feel of them going down. The feeling of being so powerful you're actually taking away another’s being fully. That’s where the real pleasure comes from.” Nami smirked, her hand beginning to trace her stomach now.

Lying upside down, the pink haired girl hummed as she thought it over. “I don’t think I’d like it. It would feel too much like I’m eating bugs.” She shivered, her skin beginning to crawl from the thought. Smiling, Nami shook her head amused. “It's alright my little Princess. That just means more for me~.” She whispered, her tongue sneaking out as she licked her lips.

Chatting in relative leisure, Nami listened to Perona’s report. She had just finished scouting the island and now had the place mapped out for her. As she went over the list of possible targets, Nami’s demeanor grew anxious. There were a lot of influential people here apparently… and a lot of fun to be had with them as well.

Focusing her thoughts back on what Perona said about her crew, she soon nodded. “You did well Perona. Let's meet back with my crew. I need to hear Robin's report now… and probably take her back to the ship. She can’t stand being away from me long…”

Thinking back, Perona nodded as she recalled what her ghosts had seen. “She did seem to be shaking a lot now that you mention it. How come she acts like that Mistress?” Shrugging her shoulders, the redhead shook her head. “I wouldn’t be able to tell you in all honesty. It just sort of happened over time. The more Robin interacted with me and with my powers… The more she grew addicted to them. I guess that’s the closest thing I could compare it to, an addiction. She’s suffering from withdrawals when she’s away from me too long, and it hurts her.” Nami mumbled sadly.

She had thought about just leaving Robin inside her for the rest of her life… but that wasn’t a cure. That was just feeding the problem. ‘I’ll have to find a way to lessen her pain… or at least stop it so she can be outside me longer.’ The more she thought about it, the more it made sense. She needed her favorites to be active in her endeavors. Just look at how helpful Perona had been so far.

If she was mindlessly obsessed like Robin was, would she be able to use her Horo Horo powers as effectively as she did? Probably not… Sighing, Nami crossed her arms as her little Princess led her to a secluded area. "Is it time to go back already? I saw this beautiful boutique that had the cutest-" Trailing off, Perona looked at Nami's bored expression before sighing. "Yes, Mistress..."

Raising her hand, the redhead soon made her pink haired favorite dwindle down, her clothes shrinking with her this time as she retook her rightful three inch mien she had come to know and grow accustomed to. Tugging her crown off her head, the pinkette summoned one of her hollows before dropping the trinket inside for later. She didn't mind if her clothes got ruined inside her Mistress, but her crown had to stay pretty!

Picking Perona back up once she was finished, Nami moved her over her jean shorts before tugging them down with her other hand. "Tell me when you're good to go and we'll catch up with the others." Nodding obediently, Perona sunk in before crawling her way around. She knew where to go by now.

Hissing quietly, Nami stared back and forth over the alley before moaning in bliss. Why did it always have to feel so good when she was just putting her toys away? She wanted nothing more than to just shoved Perona into her and then tug her back out to rinse and repeat till the sweet, sweet, kiss of ecstasy greeted her as her longtime lover~.

Sighing as Perona's movements began to die out within her, Nami gave her inner muscles a gentle clench as she felt the girls position within her. 'Nice and snuggly.' Moving her shorts back in place, the redhead waited patiently before Perona's spectral form appeared, her breath coming out labored as her cheeks grew redder by the second.

"D-Did you really have to squeeze me, Mistress! I-I don't know how long I can wait..." She whined, her ghostly body shivering with lust from the prospect of her Mistress playing with again. Smirking, Nami's reply came in the form of a gentle pat over her crotch before she began to walk away. Groaning, the ghost princess flew behind her, her whines and moans never ceasing the rest of the way there.



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~Sabaody Archipelago, Grove 13~


Staring out the window of the small bar they inhabited, Robin sighed as she continued to rub her arms up and down, the constant itching worsening. ‘G-Goddess… where are you?’ Hearing a small crash behind her, the brunette turned around as she noticed her captain laughing amongst the others, Camie included. They seemed to be rather lively even with all they had witnessed so far today.

Frowning, Robin pondered what she had learned so far… it was rather difficult to concentrate on any tasks her Goddess gave her with her whole body burning like it was. ‘You like going out to see the towns. You can’t travel alone though so you bring along both Hatchin and Pappug where ever you go. You’re interested in fashion along with other varies hobby’s assorted from cooking to sewing and designing. You’re easily startled and amazed by things you see and find out and…’ Smiling fondly, Robin chuckled.

‘And you have a crush on Goddess.’ It was just a guess on the last one, but the way she acted around Nami before seemed skittish, almost too much so. Observing her closely, it didn’t take long to notice her certain… interests with other women as they passed her by. The faint dusting of her cheeks, the way she squirmed whenever she brushed against her purposefully. It was rather obvious once she looked into it.

Why she guessed it was Nami in particular, well, that had to do with her catching the Mermaid, to begin with. They always say emotions of love are brought on by grand acts… even if that act was sheer luck and a total accident. Staring back out the window, Robin sighed once more.

Her Goddess would like this news, hopefully enough to return her to where she belonged. She couldn’t take much more of this! Jumping up from her seat instantly, Robin’s eyes widened with joy as she saw the exact person she had been praying to see.

Taking off and out the door much, to everyone’s surprise, Robin sprinted down the steps as she saw Nami ascending them slowly. “G-Goddess!” Pausing her leisurely walk up the steps of the large grove, Nami looked ahead of her as she saw Robin running down to her. Smiling, she waited patiently for her favorite to come before embracing her in a hug as she lunged into her.

“H-Hey Robin, I take It you missed me?” The redhead chuckled. Nuzzling her face into her shoulder, Robin nodded as she felt the pain beginning to lesson. She had her Goddess again.  As the two began walking back up the stairs, both went over what had happened to them individually. After listening to Robin’s review of the events, a small smile made its way to her lips.

‘So that explains why she didn’t want to get too close to me.’ That made things a little easier now that she thought about it. Coming to the door, Nami was about to let herself in before it burst open, her captain walking out with a look of enthusiasm. “Come on you guys, let’s go find this guy!” Side-stepping out of the way, the navigator raised her brow as she saw Luffy trying to take off, her other crewmates seemingly just as excited.

“What did I miss?” “Oh Nami-chin, welcome back!” Looking over her shoulder now, Nami soon smiled. ‘Just the Mermaid I was looking for. As Camie and Hatchin walked out of what looked to be a bar, the redhead made her way next to Camie as she tried to glean what was going on. “So where is everyone headed?”

Walking with a bounce in her step, Camie pointed ahead of them passed the tree lines where a small arch could be seen. “The human person in there said we could find the ship coater we needed at the Sabaody Park! Oh, I’ve wanted to go there since I was a child, this is a dream come true!” She wailed in excitement.

Watching as both Pappug and Hatchin tried to real in her eagerness to go there, Nami pondered her statement. After a few minutes of walking, a dark smile graced her lips. “Well, I guess we should get going then. I’m sure we’ll find who we’re looking for there.”



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~Sabaody Park~



As the Straw hats came into the new grove that housed the massive amusement park, Nami could only shake her head. ‘This place really is a wonderland.’ They had everything on this island. Staggering in surprise as both Luffy and Chopper ran ahead of her, the redhead looked back as she saw Camie’s hesitance, her eyes eagerly drinking in the sights.

“Wow…” the verdette mumbled, her eyes locked on the many flashing lights and rides present. Feeling something tighten around her hand, however, brought the Mermaid out of her own thoughts. Looking up, she began to blush now as she saw the playful smile Nami wore.

“Come on, my crews already inside, let’s not let them have all the fun.” Before she could pull the Mermaid any closer, however, Pappug intervened much to her annoyance. “Absolutely not! We can’t take Camie into a place like this. Are you out of your mind?! I absolutely forbid it!” Flinching from her pet/friends tone, Camie looked down at the starfish on the verge of tears before Nami stepped in-between them.

“Now, now… I think you can let her enjoy just one ride… right?” The redhead whispered, her free hand sneaking down between her breasts as she tugged her shirt little ways down. “Of course no-…” Blinking, Camie looked down at her friend confused. “Pappug…?” Turning around slowly, the starfish started to walk away now as he waved to them. “Have fun Camie…” He mumbled, his voice a bit monotone in contrast to its usually loud one.

Moving to follow after him, Camie was soon stopped as Nami pulled her back. “Don’t worry about him Camie, he said to have fun. So let’s go.” She purred, her hand covering her charm backup in the process. Frowning, Camie looked between Nami and Pappug before finally staring up at the Park.

Biting her lip, the allure was eventually too much. “Ok… l-lets go in.” She whispered quietly, an air of trepidation present now that both Pappug and Hatchin weren’t near her. Nodding, the redhead pulled Camie with her as they entered the park together. The first step in her plan was underway, and it wouldn’t take long for the next phase to fall in tow as well.




“Look how high we are!” Camie screeched, her excitement contagious as both Robin and Nami giggled from her energetic demeanor. Resting high in the sky, all three girls sat in one of the separated rooms of the Farris wheel, one of the Sabaody parks biggest attractions, and one Camie had been rather vocal about coming to.

Watching the girl's eyes twinkle as she stared down at everyone below, Nami could do little more than smile. She seemed really happy about this. Fishman and folk of their nature weren’t allowed on this island, or, at least they weren’t without discrimination, something she had not been aware of upon coming here.

As both girls sat across from Camie, they continued to watch in amusement. It wasn’t until they were at the very top of the ride however that thing's started to get interesting. Stumbling as the wheel suddenly stopped mid-rotation, Camie looked down confused. “Huh, why did they stop the ride?”

“Because I told them to.” Blinking in surprise, Camie looked back at Nami now confused. “But how did you get them to do that for you? Did you pay the human person to stop it?” Smirking, Nami shook her head as she crossed her arms beneath her chest.

“No, nothing like that. I simply asked and he followed my orders. After all…” Nami paused as a dark gleam entered her eyes. “A Goddess always gets what she wants…” Looking up at Nami now, the Mermaid stared at her quietly as she tried to figure out what she meant. “I don’t understand. What do you mean Nami-chin?”

Feeling the hair on the back of her neck rise as the redhead chuckled ominously, Camie’s back slowly pressed itself into the wall of the cart as her eyes were glued to Nami. Something felt really wrong with how she was acting in comparison to earlier.

“Don’t be afraid Camie. I know fear’s natural, but I assure you. I don’t plan on harming you.” Nami muttered coolly, her demeanor coming off more regal now as she addressed herself. Slowly looking away from the redhead, the mermaid glanced to Robin with uncertainty but the brunette was of no help. Smiling lovingly at her Goddess, Robin soon touched Nami’s arm as she showed her pleading eyes for what she wanted.

“P-Please… now my Goddess?” Glancing to Robin, Nami’s grin widened before her hand rose over her head. “Yes, you can go back now. You did very well Robin, you’ve pleased me greatly~.” Moaning from the verbal praise she was receiving, the brunette slowly started to glow before her entire form began to diminish.

Cupping her mouth, Camie gawked in silent shock as she watched Robin shrinking before her very eyes. Pulling her hand away, Nami smirked down at her shrunken lover before directing her attention to cowering girl. It seemed her display of power had a strong effect on her like she had planned.

“As I said, a Goddess always gets what she wants, and a Goddess, I am.” Shaking her head slowly, Camie was still paralyzed as she watched Robin’s tiny form bowing to Nami. “N-Nami-chin… w-what’s going on…?” Reaching down to cup her shrunken favorite, the redhead began petting her gently as she looked back at the verdette.

“I simply wanted to talk to you, alone,” Nami muttered sternly, her humor now gone as she tried to personate authority.

Turning her back to Camie, Nami smiled perversely now as she tested Robin's theory of the girl. Tugging on her jeans, the hem of her shorts began to pull down slowly as Nami presented her ass towards the gawking Mermaid. Looking at her friend's strange actions, Camie began to shiver slowly as her eyes zeroed in on her ass slowly being revealed to her.

"N-N-Nami-Chin..." Ignoring the questioning call, the navigator chose instead to show her just what she meant by Goddess. Pulling on one of her cheeks, Nami spread her ass apart before moving Robin forward. "You've pleased your Goddess thoroughly my little favorite. Enjoy your reward." Crying out in shock, Camie shook her head as she tried to process what she was witnessing.

Moaning in euphoria, Robin's expression turned into one of pure happiness as her face was pressed into the redheads anus. She needed her touch for so long... Twisting Robin around as she relaxed her anal cavity, Nami bit her lip in pleasure. She had meant this to be a simple display of dominance, but something about doing this in front of another person who wasn't a favorite or slave of her was just such a turn on.

Once Robin was in up to her neck, Nami peered over her shoulder before giving Camie a wide grin. With a final push, the brunette was suddenly gone. Pressing herself all the way into the window, Camie shook with fear as she saw her friend's horrifying act. What had she even seen!

Growling quietly, Nami wiped her lips dry as she felt her saliva trickling past them. That had been a little to fun. Hooking her thumbs around her waistband, the redhead gave her shorts a tug upward as she adjusted her jeans back in place. Turning back now, her eyes lingered on the Mermaid as she processed her emotions. She could see fear, a lot of fear. But, it was there. She couldn't hide it from her knowing eyes. Lust...

“Since you fell out of that sea kings mouth earlier today, I’ve been fascinated by you, enraptured might be a better word actually.” She whispered, her voice sounded rather guttural as she looked the green haired girl up and down. Blushing slowly from her words, Camie looked like she was about to speak but Nami would have none of that.

Stepping up to the girl, the navigator's hand moved to her lips causing her to squeak in surprise. “Shhh, I’m not finished~.” Nodding slowly now, whether in fear or… something else, she didn’t know. Her whole body was shaking, her scales were rigid. She didn’t know what was even happening anymore!

“I’m a Goddess Camie. If you don’t believe me and think I’m lying, look at what just happened to Robin. She is one of my followers and my most loyal subject. And for her loyalty…” Nami paused before giving her ass a sharp slap. “I reward her with pleasure unbound~.” She moaned, ass clenching and gripping the smaller woman as she felt her movements from within.

 Quivering, Camie looked down towards the redhead’s ass slowly. Watching it move back and forth… left to right… it felt, hypnotic. She didn’t want to stop watching… Snapping her fingers in front of her face, Nami quickly brought the mermaid back to her attention. Chuckling, she soon shook her head.

“None of that now. I don’t shower my affection to just anyone you know. It’s reserved for my most loyal subjects… and I want you, to be one of them Camie.” Opening and closing her mouth to speak, the Mermaid tried to talk but, her voice just wouldn’t come out. What was happening to her?!

Giggling, Nami’s arms wrapped around the girl as she trapped her in place. “Can’t speak? Feeling a little flushed? That’s just the effect I have on others. A Goddess’s love is a strong love. It can give you pleasure interminable… and I’m ready to give you it in full. Here, have a taste~.”

With little time to react, Camie let out an eep as her mouth was forcefully assaulted by Nami’s lips. Kissing the petrified girl passionately, the navigator forced as much emotion into her kiss as she possibly could. She had to sell it after all. Letting her tongue dance against Camie’s, she licked over the interior as she tasted her new plaything. It was well worth the wait.

Moaning into the kiss, the Mermaid soon began to shake before falling into Nami’s arms, her tail failing her as she felt the will to stand suddenly leave her. She was helpless… but, she was too enthralled to care. This, felt, heavenly… her lips were electric. Her tongue was on fire! Her breath was not her own, the faintest hints of something more breathing through her lungs and into her core. It was just a moment but a moment well spent as seconds ticked away like minutes in her mind.

Breaking the kiss, Nami’s tongue was the last thing to leave the Mermaids mouth as she licked away their shared saliva, the taste unlike any girl she had ever had before. Wiping her mouth dry along with hiding her rosy cheeks, Nami soon chuckled as she continued to savor the exotic taste. ‘Amazing…’ She could think of many words, but it was a simple one for a simple pleasure.

Looking down at the silent girl, the redhead soon pulled her into her as she moved to sit down. Vaguely aware of what had just happened, Camie soon came back to the present as she stared up at Nami’s… affectionate face. “Did you enjoy it? Did you enjoy my love? It wasn’t enough was it…” She whispered. Not even needing an answer from the mute girl as she watched the longing look in her eyes, Nami nodded.

“I’m prepared to offer you it in excess Camie… but in order to give it to you… you have to call on me.” Opening her mouth to speak, Nami once again silenced her as she placed her index finger against the prone girl’s lips. “Not now. When I say call, I mean to call upon me, and I'll be there to rescue you. Take care of you. And to love you, but if you make this call, there's no going back. Think about what I’m offering you. Make sure you want it, or else you’ll doubt me… and I won’t accept doubt from any of my followers.” She whispered sternly.

Moving the rigid girl into her own seat, Nami smiled as she raised her hand into the air, the ride immediately beginning to move further showing off her powers to the awestruck Mermaid. She was completely, and utterly speechless by what she had just witnessed and experienced… and she didn’t know how to process it either…

As the ride soon came to a stop, the door swung open letting them exit at their leisure. Standing up first, Nami moved to the door before glancing back at Camie, her expression thoughtful and conflicted by all she had heard. “When you make your decision, just call out my name, and I’ll be there. But only call me, when you’ve chosen correctly.” Nami’s tone once again took on an authoritative one making her explanation as clear as she could be.

Stepping into the park, Nami waved to Camie before leaving her on her own. She had a lot to think about after all. Coming to the entrance of the park, the redhead waited before Perona’s spectral apparition appeared, her cheeks a bright shade of crimson telling her she had been witness to it all.

“M-Mistress… do you think it was wise to just leave here like that? I mean, you could have demanded an answer right? It’s obvious she liked the kiss… I can’t imagine anyone wouldn’t…” Grinning from the pouting face her little princess was making, Nami simply smiled. “I could have true, but that would be too simple and in the end, it wouldn’t cement her faith in her new Goddess.”

Looking back at her Mistress in confusion, Nami simply waved her hand ending the conversation. “You’ll see soon. Do you have your surveillance network up yet?” Nodding quickly, Perona quickly summoned one of her ghosts as it laughed happily in front of her. “I did as you asked. There’s a mini hollow stationed at every grove entrance and another ghost scouting above the streets so I can see the whole Archipelago. But why do you need me to keep them up? I don’t know what that ship coater guy even looks like. Looking for him would be pointless without a face to recognize first.”

Grinning mischievously, Nami soon chuckled as she began walking back to the Sunny. “That’s not why I made you do it, Perona… I have other reasons for this.” Puffing out her cheeks as her Mistress left her question hanging, the pinkette soon flew after her angrily. She hated when she did that to her!


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~ Aboard the Thousand Sunny ~



Clenching her eyes, her tired, tired eyes… Jewelry Bonney began to stir, her ears ringing incessantly and her mouth dry to the bone. Groaning, the pink haired pirate soon opened them as her vision spun around in circles above her. What the hell happened to her? Where was she?

Leaning up slowly, the pirate's answers would have to wait as a more pressing issue arose. Shivering, her hand moved instinctively towards her jacket to pull it closed… but, it wasn’t on. Looking down, her eyes widened in disbelief. ‘W-Was I drugged?!’ She was stark naked!

Crawling to her feet slowly, her legs beginning to shake under her as she attempted to stand, the bare woman cursed as she felt her strength sapped for some reason. “D-Damn it, what the hell happened to me!”

“So you’re awake?” Freezing upon hearing the voice, Bonney spun around before looking left and right, a chill flowing through her as she tried to pinpoint where the voice came from. She was in some type of room… but at the same time, it wasn’t…

It looked almost like she was on a table… but that couldn’t be right. If she was, then it had to be fifty feet across both sides! Not to mention the fact the ceiling above her was literally hundreds if not thousands of feet high! She had to be in some type of temple, no, scratch that, palace. It was far too regal and new to be anything but.

But that still begged the question… “W-Who the hell are you? Did you do this to me?!” She shrieked in rage, her temper not hindered in the slightest from her unknown assailant. Hearing a high-pitched giggle all around her now, the pink haired captain took a slow step back as she tried to assess her situation.

“So quick to snap, naughty, naughty~.” The voice purred further vexing the pirate. “Cut the crap and show yourself!” Hearing the laughter suddenly cease, the pinkette soon felt an ominous presence all around her. “It’s not nice to order your betters around. You wouldn’t want to make me angry now would you?”

Scrunching her eyes, Bonney grit her teeth in rage as she tried to think back. She knew this voice! Crew members… past pirates she fought… mercenaries… lovers…? Clenching her fists, the fuschia haired pirate soon looked up angrily. “Show yourself now you bitch! I know who you are!”

Hearing silence following her demand, Bonney grew angrier before a crushing presence suddenly hit her from behind. Coughing in pain as she fell to the smooth ground, the downed woman screamed as she felt the air knocked out of her from the painful blow. “I told you… don’t make me angry. I hate when my pets bite the hand that feeds them…”

Glaring at the invisible woman, Bonney seethed in a venomous rage but she could do little more as she felt the soft wall crushing her body above. What type of power was this! “So you say you know who I am? Does that mean you remember what happened, even after I tweaked your mind?” Scowling, Bonney refused to speak in fear of being crushed once more but the voice apparently wasn’t looking for an answer as a soft mumbled echoed above her.

‘This could be a problem… I erased her memories of me in the restaurant but they came back when she heard my voice.’ That could be detrimental to her future endeavors. She’d have to practice more with her powers in the future… but for now, there was no point keeping this charade up any longer. The amusement was gone…

Crying out in surprise as her body was suddenly flipped over; Bonney stared up at the ceiling in confusion before shivering in fear as something began to take shape… something big. Casting away the haze over the smaller girl’s eyes, Nami’s mirage soon faded as she tucked her clima-tact away. Staring down at the shivering girl indifferently, Nami soon smile as she saw the fear in her eyes.

She looked even cuter awake now then she did when she was unconscious. “Hello, my little plaything~.” Staring up in disbelief, Bonney continued to shake as she tried to process just what the fuck she was seeing! ‘SHE’S A FREAKING GIANT!’ But that wasn’t possible! Giants didn’t shrink to normal sized people! Just who the hell was this crazy bitch!

Licking her lips, Nami drank in Bonney’s silence now. “No bark? Improvement… I like it.” Snapping back to what she had said prior, the pink haired pirate soon growled. “JUST WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, GETTING OF CALLING ME A PET!” Souring, the redhead pouted as she gripped the shrunken woman gently. “Well for starters I’m the Goddess who’s currently holding your life in her very hands…” Glaring darkly, her hand soon began to tighten causing the shrunken captain to yip in pain much to her delight.

“Need I go on?” Biting her tongue (as much as it pained her to ever do so), the pink haired woman said no snide remark as she felt the painful fingers entrapping her lesson their hold. “Good, you’re not as mindless as I was beginning to believe. Now, let’s get on with this, I’m sure you have some form of questions, so you may ask… one.” Nami announced.

Grinding her teeth, Bonney tried to wiggle out of the redhead’s colossal hold on her before feeling her prison clench once more much to her displeasure. “Strike one… get three and you’ll lose the chance to be a part of something wonderful… choose carefully what you do from now on.” Looking into Nami’s cruel eyes, the pink haired captive knew her words were full of some kind of truth, as strange as that seemed.

As silence filled the massive room around them, Bonney weighed her options… but, they all looked rather grim. Changing her age would do little to help her situation. As a kid, she’d just be angry and crush her. And as an elderly woman, she’d probably be just as angry and still crush her… Closing her eyes, the pink haired pirate chose the less lethal route.

“W-What do you want from me…” Humming, Nami soon grinned. “So right to the point? A wise question to ask.” Moving her hand back to the table, the redhead’s fingers suddenly lessened causing Bonney to fall to the hardwood once more, the chill of the air now nipping at her from the loss of warmth she had surprisingly felt comforting prior.

Crossing her arms, Nami stared Bonney over as she contemplated how she was going to answer. “What I want… What do I want? Hmm, What I want…” Nami trailed off before grinning viciously. “Is to have you join me, Jewelry Bonney. Join me, and become one of my favorites.” Blinking slowly, the shrunken woman stared up at her blankly.

“Just what the hell does that even mean?!” She barked angrily much to Nami’s annoyance. “Strike… two… That is not how you’ll address your Goddess.” Gawking at such an audacious statement, Bonney wanted to scream at her and call her out for such a vain remark but… she felt something holding her back. Something keeping her in line from doing just that… fear.

‘Strike three…’ The redhead said when she got to three something bad would happen to her. But what the fuck could be worse than this! Turning her head to the side, Nami hand rose in the air before snapping her fingers. Staggering back in shock, Bonney mouth soon hung agape as she saw a new person suddenly appear out of thin air.

‘A-Another one?!’ Just how many freaky giants were there? Looking to Nami with tentative eyes, Perona smiled happily. “You called Mistress?” Nodding, Nami moved her finger downward as she pointed to her new focus of interest. Looking at the table, Perona happy demeanor soured upon seeing the other pinkette. “So you did end up shrinking her then? So what is she going to be? A toy or a slave?”

Grinning mischievously, Nami glanced to the pink haired captain before chuckling. “I think she’d make a good… favorite~.” “WHAT!” Perona shrieked before sputtering as she pointed angrily at the woman. “B-B-But, But, But, you don’t even know this skank! Why is she going to be one of us?!” Feeling a tick mark form at the top of her brow, Bonney ground her teeth angrily.

“WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU CALLING A SKANK YOU OVERSIZED DRAG QUEEN!” Gawking, Perona clenched her fists angrily. “How dare you! I’m a princess you know!” “Well, I don’t see your kingdom anywhere pinkie!” “What is wrong with you!? Do you not see where you are! I mean just look at you, you diminutive harlot!” “All I can see is the colossal billboard face of yours! I mean just look at those eyelashes! Have you even looked in a mirror before?” Cupping her mouth, Perona soon began to tear up as ghosts formed all around her.

“THAT’S IT I’LL MAKE YOU WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN!” “WELL JUST FINISH ME OFF THEN SO I DON’T NEED TO SEE THIS ANYMORE!” Bonney screamed angrily as she waved at Perona’s entire form. Cupping her face through the whole conversation, Nami sighed as she shook her head in dismay.

She had wanted Perona to display her loyalty to her in front of the pink haired pirate, not call her out and cause a fight between them! Clenching her inner muscles, Perona’s spectral form suddenly went rigid before she could make good on her promise. Gulping, the ghost girl looked at the annoyed expression her Goddess was giving her before shrinking considerably from her prior hostile demeanor.

“Ha, your all bark and no bite you coward!” Clenching her fists, Perona quickly disappeared as she tried to hide her anger inside of her Mistress. There was no way this bitch was going to be a favorite! Clenching her legs, Nami gasped quietly as she felt her little princess voicing her opposition to her from within.

“P-Pardon the… disobedience of her… she’s still being broken in.” Nami moaned, her teeth scraping her lower lip as she tried to calm her little princess down. Crossing her arms angrily, reality soon began to set back in now as Bonney grew as pale as a ghost.

Staring up at Nami in fear from her outburst, the shrunken girl backed up with worry. Noticing the quick change, the navigator soon grinned. “I’ll let your remarks slide since it was my little princess who started it. But make no mistake. You still have two already…” The redhead whispered darkly.

Sighing internally, Bonney looked away now as she felt her cheeks flushing red, her inner kid having gotten out just to pick a fight again. Moving around the table, Nami paced back and forth as she figured out what to say. She had planned on simply displaying her powers but, Jewelry Bonney wasn’t just any ordinary woman she encountered. If she wanted to convert her… she’d need to give her a bone.

“You must be hungry… After all, the last time we talked I interrupted your lunch. Tell me, what would you like to eat?” Feeling her stomach growl now, her glutton having been forgotten to her after being witness to all this, the shrunken pinkette soon growled. She didn’t want to say anything but she was right. She was damned hungry still.

“E-Everything… I like everything. B-But Pizza! Margarita Pizza. A-And roasted sea king!” Listening closely as more and more food was listed off, Nami chuckled quietly as she lost track of all the things the smaller girl was requesting. ‘Just how much food does she think she can eat?’ It almost sounded like Luffy was ordering for her.

After she was finished thinking off anything else, Bonney soon felt her stomach growl again before whining. “I’ll go get you your food, but…” Nami paused causing the shrunken girl to stare up in dismay. “You need to ask me for it first.” Going silent, Bonney glared at her angrily now. She knew what she wanted to hear. The phrase had all but been spoon fed to her… spoon fed…

Clutching her empty stomach as it barked at her once more, Bonney bit her lip. She had barely eaten twenty plates when she got there. That wasn’t even close to what she usually had. Closing her eyes as she shook with anger, her mouth soon opened on its own. “P-Please… Goddess…?” Grinning widely, Nami turned around before simply walking away.

Watching her leave unsure if she’d even come back with food or not, Bonney quickly looked at her surroundings as she tried to figure a way out of this. ‘A few inches tall… powerless against her… and no idea where I even am…’ Coming to the conclusion that had also been spoon fed to her, she was indeed shrunken and that bitch and her pet weren’t giants. Looking up and down, she quietly sighed.

‘So I really am stuck here…’ She was on a table, in some chicks bedroom, probably aboard a ship headed who knows where. Just what the hell did she want from her? Flopping down considering there wasn’t really a chance of her escaping this high up, the shrunken girl thought over the redhead’s words.

“Become a favorite? What the hell even is that? Does she want to make me some kind of pet! Me?!” She was Jewelry Bonney. Captain of the Bonney pirates with a bounty well over one hundred million! Just who the hell did she think she was to kidnap her and treat her like… like…?

Sighing, Bonney shook her head. This was bad... really, really bad. What of her crew as well? Were they looking for her? Probably not… They couldn’t find their way out of a paper bag without her, the useless lot. Scowling, the shrunken girl nodded knowing if she was going to get out of this situation it would have to be her to do it.

But just what the fuck was this situation?! Was she a captive? Was she a pet to some crazy devil fruit lady! Was she… was she a toy…? Looking over her naked form, several lewd thoughts crossed her mind… not all unpleasant actually. Shaking her head quickly, Bonney snapped out of it. Whatever this chick had planned for her, it wasn’t good. She had to get away the first chance she got!

“Easier said than done…” She scoffed before looking over the side of the table. She had to be at least ten storing’s up. Lying on her back, Bonney soon closed her eyes. She wished this was a dream. Some kind of sick, sick dream her lust had brought upon her. Or perhaps some type of bad food poisoning induced coma. Anything had to be better than this… right?

Hearing a loud click from the door opening back up, Bonney soon opened her eyes before staring at the large entryway the redhead had gone through. “Sorry that took so long, Sanji wanted me to eat it there in front of him and tell him what I thought, but I knew you’d rather eat it yourself so I decided against it.” Nami chuckled.

 Growing as stiff as a board, Bonney’s eyes widened to an immeasurable size as she stared at what could only be described as heaven. ‘I-Is that real?!’ She didn’t have a clue who this Sanji person was, but what the giantess was carrying was plenty real. And it, looked, delicious…

Kicking the door behind her shut, Nami walked slowly to the table as she tried to hold her own. With both hands outstretched, she carried two massive pallets on both arms, each filled to the brim with a small mountain of food. But of course, to Bonney, it was more than she had ever seen at any one time. Clutching her stomach as it screamed its approval from the sight, the pinkette tried to control her mouth as drool dripped out involuntarily.

Looking down at her new shrunken interest, Nami soon smirked. “I believe this is about everything you asked for. Right, Bonney?” The redhead cooed. Shivering from the sight, the shrunken woman could do little but nod her head, her mouth currently drenched with her hunger. Setting both plates down on either side of her, Bonney wasted no time at all as she dug in, her taste buds screaming in ecstasy from the wonderful flavors.

Sitting herself down, Nami simply watched in amusement as she witnessed probably the only person alive who could match her captain in hunger and table manners. She was just scarfing the food down without a second thought. Did she even chew?

Moving her hand to one of the plates, the navigator plucked a piece of fried fish between her fingers before lowering towards the pirate. Without thinking anything of it, Bonney quickly snatched the food away with her teeth before swallowing it whole and moving onto whatever else was within arm’s reach.

‘She really is cute. Much too cute to be a simple toy.’ It was troubling really. She wanted her to be a favorite for sure. She was strong, adorable, and could probably aid her with her future plans easily. But that rebellious streak had to go. Tapping her cheek, the redhead looked over the pallet of food Bonney was sitting on before her eyes widened slightly.

‘S-She’s almost half way through it?!’ She really did have a big appetite. Feeling her lips beginning to twitch into a smile, Nami leaned down till her face was next to the ravenous girl.  “Does it taste good, Bon-ney~?” Nodding her head without looking away from her meal, the pink haired pirate continued to toss more and more of the food into her gullet, her stomach never ceasing its growl.

Nodding her head, Nami’s tongue soon crept from her lips before making contact with Bonney’s head, her warm appendage causing the shrunken girl to falter, but, only for a moment. Nudging her away, the diminutive girl continued to eat, her cheeks now a shade redder than before from the odd interaction.

Giggling, Nami licked her lips now. “Imagine, having food like this, whenever you wanted. 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Imagine never needing to lift a finger to get it either. Imagine never having to fear again… fear from the navy… fear from other pirates. Fear from… going hungry.” Pausing as she saw the smaller girl beginning to slow down now, Nami soon purred.

“While you’re at it… imagine pleasure beyond your wildest imagination as well.” Stopping from her food altogether, Bonney quietly listened to the whispering snake behind her. ‘W-What is she talking about…?’ It sounded… great really. But that was a fantasy. You didn’t get handed the world's bounty without ever lifting a finger.

Clenching her fists tightly, Bonney soon turned around, a fierce look in her eyes as she stared into Nami’s more alluring ones, a vicious smirk present on her lips. “W-What does that even mean… what are you getting at! Why are you even doing this! Any of this!” She flailed her arms angrily.

“What game are you playing? And just who the hel-... Heck, are you anyways…” Bonney bit her tongue abruptly. She couldn’t forget that third strike thingy the giantess had mentioned. Smiling proudly from the way Bonney had quieted herself down, Nami chuckled, her tone sounded melodious in the process.

“As I’ve told you, and I hope you soon understand… I am, a Goddess.” Clenching her hands, Bonney shook her head. “That’s not possible! Y-Your just some kind of devil fruit user, aren’t you!” Sighing, Nami shook her head. “Denial is understandable but it’s very true. Here, let me show you…” Towering above the much smaller girl, Bonney soon began to fear for her life as she saw Nami’s dark look.

But, it seemed like she wasn’t the focus of her ire. Stepping to the desk next to them, Nami looked over her papers before plucking a small toothpick she had used a few days ago between her fingers. Moving back over to the table, the giantess quickly showed her the small stick, confusion evident on her face.

“And how the hell does that prove your some kind of deity or something.” Bonney smirked. Smiling back, Nami quickly got to work with her new abilities. Watching the toothpick closely, the pink haired captain soon furrowed her brow before her jaw soon hung agape by what she was seeing. “A Goddess needs only the finest things, and an ordinary toothpick to enter my mouth is a waste… So I used her.”

Moving her hand back down to the table, Bonney looked down in disbelief as she saw a battered brunette seemingly transform from a piece of wood back into a person. Looking up shakily, the girl’s eyes were hollow… like she had witnessed some sort of horrific trauma and had been rendered mute because of it. Extending her hand slowly towards the unknown woman, she was swiftly silenced as Nami’s finger came down, smooshing her into the table right in front of Bonney much to her horror.

Shivering with newfound fear, the pink haired captain tried to rationalize it… but she was coming up with no answer to this. She had been shrunken… watched her turn invisible… and now transform a living person, err… a toothpick into a person? She didn’t know! ‘This is too much… what the fuck is happening…’

Watching her newest favorite reacting badly to her display of authority, Nami soon sighed. “I have many possessions. I classify them into three categories. Slaves… such as this one…” she paused to twist her finger back and forth on the still pinned brunette. “Toys, which I frequent often for… pleasant~, activities.” She purred, her voice turning guttural in the process before a small smile made its way to her lips.

“And… “Leaning down, Nami gave the terrified girl a loving look before blowing her a kiss. “Favorites… And I think you're special enough to be one of my favorites Bonney. This isn’t a privilege I give just anyone. I have hundreds of slaves and dozens of toys… but, I only have two favorites so far. And, I, want, you~.” She cooed.

Feeling her knee’s buckle beneath her nude form, Bonney fell as she continued to shudder from what was happening. ‘S-She’s serious… s-s-she’s fucking serious… I-I’m… I’m like some type of object to her… a plaything…’ And there didn’t seem like a way out of it either. Feeling a gentle touch on the side of her face, the pink haired woman quickly recoiled back in fear much to Nami’s dismay.

“Aww, don’t do that… You told me in the restaurant earlier you liked things a little… kinky~. How about having your whole life turned into one pleasant dream? An endless expanse of wonder and fulfillment? Doesn’t that sound nice, Bon-ney?” Frowning as she saw the smaller girl still shaking, she wondered if she had gone too far or not.

‘Was she weaker than I first thought?’ That wouldn’t do. Reaching down, Her hands soon found their way around the smaller girl before the shrunken captain started to scream. “N-N-NO, LET ME GO! I, I 'BE YOUR S-SLAVE!” She shrieked, fear and anger fueling her as she thrashed in Nami’s hands.

Staring down at her indifferently, the navigator chose not to respond as she snaked her fingers around the pinkette’s smaller form. Crying and screaming for her to stop, Bonney could do little more than stare upwards in terror as she saw Nami’s face looming over her naked form. “Perhaps I should say it again… I have three types of followers. Slaves…”

Her hand quickly clenched as she locked Bonney in place before staring her down. “Toys…” Moving her face closer as the smaller girl continued to cry, her lips soon began to take on a lighter note before she ended her cruel gaze with a loving smile. “And Favorites… favorites which I treat as my loyal subjects. Favorites who I shower my affection onto endlessly. Favorites, who get to share in the bounties I bring forth…”

Moving her lips over the quieted girls face, Nami soon blew gently on her tear stained cheeks. “And as a favorite, I only have one rule for them to follow. Do you know what that rule is, Bon-ney?” Shaking her head in fear, the cowering woman clenched her eyes shut from the unknown looming before her. “My one rule is that you love me, and shower me with your loyalty incomparably. I am your world, your light, your love, your salvation, your queen, your caretaker… and…”

Nami trailed off now with a knowing look, her eyes lingering on Bonney’s fearful form. “Your, Goddess…” puckering her lips, she slowly brought them onto the shrunken pirate's body before laying soft, feather like kisses over her. Opening her eyes, Bonney gasped as she felt a tingling sensation shoot through her. ‘W-W-What… what is t-this…’

She, she was kissing her… but her whole body… it was heating up from such a simple act. Shivering once more, the pink haired captain closed her eyes as she felt the warmth travel over her, the cold no longer bothering her as she felt Nami’s strong grip upon her.

She should be scared… but why did this feel so… good…? Coming to her face, Nami made sure to kiss her extra-long there, her perk lips acting as soft, heaven like pillows brushing against her. As they parted, Nami looked back into Bonney’s eyes now before smiling. The fear and terror present… was no more. Now, her eyes showed confusion, wonder… lust.

Licking her lips, Nami moved the smaller girl back to her mouth before letting her warm breath wash over her. “Anything you could ever dream of… I can give you. Anything you’ll ever need… I can provide. You’ll never be hungry, never worried for your own life. All things will be taken care of. All you must do is say it. Say it, Jewelry Bonney. Say the words I want to hear, and all this…” Nami broke off before moving the shrunken girl back to the food. Back to the room. Back to herself…

“Could be yours… I just have one rule. So what say you…? A favorite… or…” Her tone turned dark as she lowered her once more. Staring down with new fear, the pink haired captain looked at the crushed woman Nami had shown her earlier. She, she was still moving… even after all that she saw, she was alive…

Looking back up now, Bonney quivered as she felt the answer come to her without delay. ‘A slave… or something more…’ Gulping, she closed her eyes before answering, the words being ones she had never uttered before in her life. “I… I’m yours… G-G-Goddess…” Smiling victoriously, Nami nodded before moving her hand downward.

As she set Bonney back on the table, the shrunken girl shook with anxiety. What would become of her… what of her crew mates… what of her piracy…? Was this the end of her era… the beginning? What was going to happen now…? So many questions… and for what. What was the answer to any, to all? She didn’t know.

Noticing the look of the unknown, one she had adorned many times before she took up her true calling, Nami quickly eased her fears with her words. “You’re going to be alright my little favorite. I won’t hurt you~. And everything I promised you will come true. You, are, mine.” She said sternly showing her authoritative side.

Looking up slowly, Bonney nodded before glancing away, uncertainty still there from the sudden life changing decision she had been forced to make. Pursing her lips, Nami soon smiled as she saw her newest favorite accepting her fate. It would take time, but, she’d enjoy it all the same. Just like Perona and Robin had.

“I’ll give you this, as a sign of good faith Bonney~.” Looking up slowly, the pinkette suddenly gasped as she felt her body shifting around her. Watching as the world slowly began to change, her vision leveled as she came face to face with her new Goddess, back at her original height.

Looking up slowly, Bonney didn’t know what to say. But it seemed Nami had other uses for her mouth instead. Reaching behind her and into her jeans back pocket, the redhead pulled something out before cupping the woman’s face much to her surprise. “Say ahhh~,” Nami whispered as she opened her mouth wide.

Nodding slowly, or at least what she could from the strong grip on her chin, Bonney opened her mouth up before sticking her tongue out like Nami’s was. Giggling, the navigator moved something into her newest favorite’s mouth before watching in amusement. “Now close and enjoy.”

Feeling her face released, Bonney closed her mouth before doing as she was told. Trailing the object off her tongue and pressing it into her cheek, the pink haired woman sucked on it for a moment as she wondered just what it was. It was small, and kind of squishy…

Moving it between her teeth, she soon began gnawing on it but it was like it was made of some type of rubber. Whenever she chewed it, it never broke apart. Forcing her tongue against it harder, the pinkette soon blushed as she enjoyed the strange sensation she was being given. ‘What the hell is this thing? Some kind of gum?’

Counting in her mind, Nami soon raised her hands stopping Bonney entirely as she looked to Nami with worry. “Do you like your treat?” Frowning, Bonney nodded her head slowly, still unsure of what it was. It didn’t exactly have a taste… but, it was fun to chew on none the less.

“Good… now swallow.” Blinking, Bonney looked to Nami in surprise, but her face was stern. Nodding her head, the pink haired pirate frowned before rolling the object to the back of her tongue and tilting her head. Gulping down the small morsel of whatever it was her Goddess gave her, a look of absence passed over her face as she felt the need to have another of whatever it was she had been given.

Licking her lips, Nami chuckled softly as she reached into her back pocket once more. “Did you like it? Here, why don’t you have another…” As her hand was brought around, it took but a second before Bonney’s stomach dropped. In her hand… was a small cluster of people, all shrunken down to the size of peas...

Looking up slowly in confusion, the pinkette suddenly coughed as she felt her stomach churn. “D-D-Did… Did I j-just…” she tried to speak, but the ever increasing smile she was being given was all the answer she needed from the redhead. Cupping her mouth, Bonney took a step back in horror before looking down at her naked navel.

Inside her stomach… was someone else. She just ate a living person. Shuddering, Bonney was suddenly embraced as she felt herself hugged into her cruel Goddess being cradled gently. “Did it taste good? Does it thrill you to have that insect I gave you, all the way in here…?” Nami whispered as her finger traced over Bonney’s stomach.

Whimpering, Bonney clenched her eyes shut unsure of what she felt. She had just eaten someone! And she was being asked if it thrilled her! “I… I d-didn’t know…” Scowling, Nami moved another of the shrunken people she had procured earlier that day up to Bonney’s lips. “Well, you know now. So eat him. You are the Big Eater aren’t you?”

Staring down at the wiggling shrunken man caught between her fingers, Bonney shook her head. She could just eat someone! Gasping as her mouth was forcefully gripped, the pinkette cried as she felt her cheeks pinched forcing her lips apart. “Now, now, don’t disobey your Goddess. Especially if she gives you an order,” Nami whispered darkly.

Staring up at the cruel face of her Goddess, Bonney clenched her eyes shut as she opened her mouth fully. Nodding, Nami moved the shrunken man she had acquired over her newest favorites lips before glaring. Waiting for something to happen, Bonney’s eyes stayed shut as she tried not to witness the horrific act she was about to be subjected to… but… something else came. Something else she hadn’t been expecting.

Opening her eyes in shock as she felt her lips enveloped, Bonney stared at Nami in surprise as the redhead kissed her aggressively. Clenching her face, Nami forced her tongue into the captain's mouth as she dominated their kiss. She had to break in Bonney just like she broke in Perona, but… she had been foolish.

No two favorites were the same. And where something like this might have been second nature to Robin or Perona, it wasn’t yet for Bonney. She’d have to fix that momentarily. Moaning into the kiss, Bonney flushed red as she felt her own tongue pinned against her cheek. She didn’t dare fight back… anything could set off Nami… and she didn’t want to get in trouble.

As they kissed, something soon fell against the fuschia haired woman’s throat causing her to cough in between their shared kiss, but Nami forced their faces to remain attached. Smirking, Nami moved her tongue back in her mouth before pulling out more of the hidden *gifts* she had placed in there prior. She’d correct Bonney slowly but surely. And this was just the beginning.

Struggling a bit as she felt more and more wiggling sensations enter her mouth, Bonney’s eyes widened to new proportions as she realized just what they were. Attempting to pull away, her hair was suddenly tugged on causing her to cry in pain, but Nami showed little remorse as she kept their faces locked. Glaring at her, Nami tightened her hold on Bonney’s head as she whimpered in her grip.

‘Good girl.’ Pushing the rest of the people inside her mouth now, Nami soon pulled away letting them both catch their much-needed breath. However, the redhead's hand quickly shot out before cupping her favorite’s mouth as she caught her attempting to spit out some of her presents she had left behind.

“BONNEY DON’T YOU DARE SPIT THEM OUT!” Nami snarled causing the pinkette to go pale. She had never heard her sound like that… even when she was mad at her earlier. Shivering in fear, Bonney clenched her teeth shut at she trembled in terror from the menacing glare she was being given.

“I give you a gift… and you try to throw it away! Perhaps I made a mistake in choosing you… Did I make a mistake? Huh, Bonney?” Nami whispered darkly. Shaking her head slowly as tears came to her eyes, Bonney continued to whimper as she forced the wiggling sensation in her mouth aside.

Nodding, Nami moved her hand away from the cowering girls face before she crossed her arms. “I don’t know why you’re acting this way, but it’s going to stop here, and now. What I gave you were gifts. Treats I created myself. There not people Bonney. Their toys, food to be eaten, insects to be stepped upon. As a favorite, you’re in the rare position to do just about anything you want with them… and you’ll soon learn that that’s exactly what you’ll want to do in the end. They, are, not, people… They are our playthings!” She hissed once more, her tone finite as she tried to make her words as clear as possible for her.

Leveling her piercing gaze, Nami tilted her head back signaling Bonney to do the same. She would break her, and if it required her to fix the gluttons diet to only tinies from now on, she’d damn well do it too. This level of open rebelling would not fly for her. Shuddering as she felt the sensation of dozens of people all fighting inside of her waiting cavern, Bonney clenched her eyes closed as she tried to ignore it… but, it was impossible to do that. Especially after what was to come next.

Tilting her head back slowly, the ex-captain sucked all the people in her saliva towards her gaping throat before gulping them down in one swallow. Feeling as the squirming mass began to fall downward; Bonney once more began to cough as she shuddered in disgust. She had done many horrific things to people as a pirate… but this… this was on a whole other level.

Frowning as she watched Bonney’s grief-stricken expression, Nami closed her eyes to think. She had thought something like this would be right up Bonney’s comfort zone. She loved food, so why was… this… different… Blinking slowly, Nami suddenly grinned. ‘There not food to her… yet.’ Reaching into her back pocket, the redhead fished around for a moment before pulling out another person. She had felt a couple slip away when she first grabbed them, and it was a good thing too.

Lifting the shrunken person up, Nami studied her for a moment before smiling cruelly. As the woman looked up in terror at the giantess’s sinister expression, she was suddenly silenced as she felt her body changing on its own. “Don’t scream, save them for what’s to come…” Nami whispered giddily.

Turning back around, Nami cooed softly as she stroked Bonney’s tear stained cheeks. “Aww, did I scare my little Bon-ney? Goddess Nami is sorry~.” The redhead whispered, her voice softer now as she continued to pet Bonney gently. Shivering as her tears slowed down, the naked woman looked at Nami unsure of why she had suddenly acted the way she did.

Moving her face towards hers, Nami’s tongue moved from between her lips as she swiftly licked one of the cowering girl’s tears off her cheek much to her embarrassment. Purring, the navigator stroked her favorites face before laying a gentle kiss on her cheek. “Goddess was wrong in forcing something like this on you so soon. We’ll wait till you’re ready. How does that sound, my little, Bon-bon?”

Sniffling, Bonney looked at Nami in disbelief. Why was she treating her like, like some kind of child for acting the way she did! Gritting her teeth, the pinkette soon closed her eyes before nodding. What could she say besides yes? She was her Goddess now after all…

Grinning, Nami moved her hand over to the girl’s lips before facing her supple skin. As the redhead's finger traced her lips, Bonney instinctively moved her tongue out as she tasted the lingering feeling that had been left behind… behind… something… something was left, behind.

Blinking slowly, Bonney licked her lips again, before sucking on her lower lip. ‘W-what is that, taste…’ Something was on her skin. And it tasted… sweet, really sweet actually. Watching slowly as her newest favorite began licking her own lips rather obscenely, Nami soon giggled. “Do you like it? Your Goddess made you something really special. How does it taste?”

Biting her lip, enough to draw blood at least, Bonney soon looked to Nami with wonder. “W-What, what did you do…?” chuckling, the redhead moved her free hand around now before showing something to Bonney, something she was sure to like. Staring down into her palm, the supernova looked confused at first before her cheeks flushed pink.

Crawling on Nami’s hand was a shrunken girl… but, she looked different. Her skin was a dark brown color… and she was leaving some type of trail behind as she crawled away screaming. Moving her hand away from Bonney’s cheek, Nami poked the girl’s tiny body before bring her finger back to her lips. “Here, another taste~.”

Before Bonney could protest, Nami’s finger was already in her mouth. Sucking on the digit, Bonney’s eyes widened once more. That same sweet taste was there. Moaning, she closed her eyes happily as she continued to suck on her Goddesses finger. It just tasted so good!

As her hand was soon pulled back, Bonney quickly whined before watching as the navigator's other hand moved over to her face now. “Here, I made her for you after all. Have another taste…” Nami whispered sternly.

Looking down slowly, Bonney licked her lips once more as she felt the sweet flavors present beginning to fade… she didn’t want them to fade, though. Eyeing the sweet girl over slowly, Bonney felt some of the trepidation and grief from before leaving her as she stared at the shrunken girls crying form. She… she just looked so, delicious…

Moving her tongue out, Bonney leaned down before giving the girl a long, lick. As her pink appendage trailed over her, Bonney moaned loudly from the sugar sweet taste she savored. She was delicious! Quickly licking the girl again, and again, and again… it didn’t take her long to move her into her mouth completely.

Sucking on the shrunken candy woman, Bonney moaned happily. So sweet, so chocolatey and sugar coated. She was like a squirming, wiggly piece of candy. Moving her between her teeth now, Bonney soon began to chew on her and found she pleasantly acted the same as the others had before. It was like she was some kind of gummy candy that never lost her flavor!

However what pleasure she derived from the shrunken woman’s turmoil was soon intensified as she felt something suddenly touch her quim. Gasping, Bonney suddenly became aware of her surroundings now as it dawned on her where she still was.

Grinning from ear to ear, Nami hugged her newest favorite tightly as her hands dug in between her exposed neither region. “So I take it my little Bon-Bon likes her candy? Good, now just lie down and let your Goddess give you the pleasure she promised~.”

Shuddering as she was guided over towards the bed, Bonney was soon laid down and fondled against her will… but, she didn’t mind. Sucking on the girl some more, the pinkette closed her eyes in bliss. From the pleasant sensation in her mouth and between her legs… this wasn’t as bad as she thought it might be.

Giggling as she saw her reluctant favorite now transitioning easier into her new role, Nami continued to pet her lower lips. Massaging her sensitive skin, her fingers soon pressed inward as she curled them within her quim. It had been awhile since she handled another woman at her normal height, and judging from the cute sounds her little Bonney was making she hadn’t lost her touch either.

Moving her head down, the navigator began kissing her thighs as her hands preoccupied themselves. Her skin was soft, very soft. In contrast to many others she had in this same position, it was somewhat of a surprise to her. Jewelry Bonney, a battle hardened captain, mewing beneath her touch and powers. Breathing in her scent, Nami purred lustfully as she pulled her hand back to have a taste of her own.

Whining from the loss of the redhead's touch, Bonney tried to move Nami’s hand back but was only rewarded with her own arm being swatted away. “Bad Bonney. My favorites don’t tell me how to play with them. I get to pick.” Nami smirked, her tongue trailing over her damp fingers as she drank in her essence.

Biting her lip, the pink haired captain nodded sheepishly before going back to her candy girl. But, she was gone… Blinking slowly as she tried to figure out what happened Bonney nearly shot up as she searched her mouth with both her tongue and hand… but, she ate her…

Looking up slowly as she continued to lay light kisses over her supple flesh, Nami raised her brow before it became apparent what happened. Smirking, the redhead simply reached into her back pocket once more before pulling the last person she had left out.

‘I… I ate someone… again…’ and this time, she did it willingly. Shivering from that thought, Bonney wanted to deny it... but… She hadn’t been forced that time. It was all her… feeling her attention brought back in the form of Nami’s hand moving in front of her, the troubled woman soon looked down before feeling her eyes lit up once more. In her hand, was another candy person?

Feeling her mouth water from the sight, Bonney wanted nothing more than to grab it but… what would become of it if she did? Would she just eat it again…? Could she damn someone to her stomach, all because of her hunger…?

“This my gift to you Bon-Bon.” Forcing her eyes off of the sugary morsel presented to her, Bonney stared to Nami with questioning eyes. But the look she was being given, told her all she needed to know. ‘T-There… there just her playthings… and so am I. No matter what happens, that’s what we all are. Hers…’

Feeling her lips twitching as she tried to understand it, the pinkette began reaching for the shrunken person before she was even aware of it. Lifting the candy girl up, she turned her around and studied her. She was screaming and terrified… and she was going to be delicious.

Opening her mouth, Bonney closed her eyes as she felt her fate slowly being decided for her. She couldn’t fight what was coming… so she’d just have to embrace it instead, and pay whatever price it forced upon her once it was all over. She had a new life to live… and she would have to live it by its new rules. Rules governed by her. “F-For you, my Goddess…”

Nami’s eyes lit up with joy as she watched it begin. Bonney’s training was now underway. Moving the shrunken candy girl past her lips, Bonney moaned as she tasted her sweet flavor. Shivering as her Goddess’s kisses continued, the ex-captain laid back in happiness as she felt a heavy weight slowly being taken off her shoulders from her decision.

‘Food… safety… p-pleasure unending…’ She’d have it all. Crawling up Bonney’s body, Nami soon came to her lips before cupping her favorites chin. “You’ll do nicely, Bonney. Welcome home~.” Kissing her parted lips, both women shared in the pleasure as one another’s hands soon began moving and exploring their new companions forms.

However… “Mistress it’s terrible you have to come quickly!” Blinking, Nami leaned up in agitation as she saw Perona materialize beside them. Looking down at her Goddess slowly, the floating pinkette soon blushed as she saw the compromising position she had just interrupted… and with a hussy like her no less.

Drumming her fingers over the naked woman’s navel, Nami glared at her little ghost princess now. “Can you not see I’m a little preoccupied?” Blushing, Perona quickly shook her head. “I-I apologize Mistress for disturbing you and your… thing, but it’s important!” Leaning up angrily, Bonney was about to snap at the spectral girl but Nami intervened swiftly. The last thing she wanted was to kill the already dying mood now.

“What is so important that this couldn’t have waited, Perona?” Gulping, the pinkette fidgeted before looking around. “I-It’s about Camie… S-She… She’s been captured!” Staring at Perona quietly, the ghost girl felt herself growing pale. Her Goddess was silent…

Closing her eyes, Nami soon sighed before raising her hand and waving her away. “Tell me when you find her. She should be at one of the slave auctions. Check the groves and get back to me.” Gawking, Perona couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“B-B-But, y-you're not mad?! I thought you’d be enraged about this! What if something happens to her? Didn’t you want-, “Cutting off her princess mid-rant, Nami once again waved her hand. “I said go find her Perona, as I said, I’m in the middle of something… or more, on top of her.” Blushing heavily. Bonney smirked before looking up at the glaring pinkette.

“As to why I’m not angry… it's rather simple really.” Grinning viciously, Nami looked back at Perona as she licked her lips. “I knew she was going to be abducted in the first place.” Looking back at her Goddess speechless, Perona wanted to ask her how that was possible but… she had been given orders…

Fading away slowly, the room was soon vacant except for its two known residents. Turning her attention back to Bonney now, Nami simple giggled as she saw the confusion present in her features. “Don’t ask. It’s far too complicated to explain what that was about. Let’s just say, I have my eyes and ears open at all times. And they're currently set on a certain Mermaid I discovered awhile back.”

Looking at Nami in shock, Bonney wanted to ask her questions now more than ever but… “Ahh!” gasping loudly as her breast was gently bitten, Nami continued to purr gutturally, her tongue flicking the pinched flesh between her teeth as she continued to savor her newest conquest. Pulling back to kiss the spot she had just bitten, the redhead quietly giggled.

“I’ll introduce you later, but for now, where were we?” Whimpering as her Goddess advanced onto her, Bonney gave in. The pleasure to come was just too much to ignore…



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~ Human Auctioning House, Grove 1 ~



Walking up the steps leading to the Sabaody Archipelago’s largest slave auction, Nami’s nose wrinkled in disgust. She could smell all the filth around this place and it made her skin crawl. Not to mention all of the… animals. Looking left and right at the varies men eyeing her up, the redhead swiftly moved inward. She had something to collect after all.

Pushing open the door, Nami looked around at the darkly lit room before making her way to an open chair. It seemed like the auction hadn’t started yet, so she had plenty of time to plan. What was about to go down, would surely cause her and her crew to have to leave. Especially once Luffy came here. Though she got a head start on coming here with Perona’s scouting, it was only a matter of time till the others learned the ware bouts of the missing Mermaid. It was her crew after all.

“Beautiful ladies, and esteemed gentlemen of the Sabaody, welcome! The show is just underway and we have a grrrrreat line up for today folks. What we have in store is sure to make you scream your approval!” Looking to the center stage, Nami soon cringed as she watched a brightly dressed announcer riling up the crowd around him.

Shaking her head, the redhead propped her feet up on the seat in front of her as she continued to watch. How long would this take? She wanted to see Camie soon, and her patience was already waning since she had been interrupted earlier.

Feeling the seat next to her taken up, the navigator didn’t even bat an eyelash as she felt a pair of familiar arms cling to her arm. “Goddess… why did I have to come out so soon...” Cupping Robin’s cheek, Nami smiled at her sadly as she drew circles on her cheek with her fingers. “I’m sorry Robin. I wouldn’t have taken you out after you did such a wonderful job for me earlier, but… I’ll need you here for what’s going to happen.”

Looking to her Goddess in silence, the brunette nodded slowly before clinging to Nami tighter. “Please put me back soon... Goddess.” Smirking, Nami began petting her closest favorite as she continued to watch the show. During the time it began to where it was now, she had seen multiple men and woman brought out, none of which she knew nor even heard of but it seemed like the crowds were easily impressed, a stark difference than her own tastes when it came to whom she catered.

‘Perona you better be right about her being here…’ If she had to waste her precious time here instead of where her Mermaid truly was, then she’d be a very, very angry Goddess when she next saw her Princess. As if she had spoken aloud, the pinkette in question soon materialized before looking around. “So were here? Has Camie showed up yet?”

Giving the girl a deadpan look, the ghost girl quickly shrunk from her gaze. “If she had been brought out yet do you really think I’d still be here?” Shaking her head sadly, Perona chose not to speak having already gotten on her Mistress’s bad side for the day. She would be reprimanded later, she just knew it!

Closing her eyes, Nami listened off-handedly as she began thinking about her plans for the future. She had a favorite clinging to her arms and a favorite within her quim and lastly, a favorite inside her own stomach, a place Bonney had been vocal about not going but, after a long talk it seemed like that would be an appropriate place to keep her…. Now she just had to worry about finding a new place to hide her tinies she captured. ‘She’d probably eat any that I ate…’

Shaking her head in amusement, Nami’s attention was soon brought forward as the announce started playing music. “Now for today’s main event! I bring you something we have not shown for many years! A rare find that will make all of you weep with joy! I give you, a live, freshly caught, MERMAID!” As the curtain was removed showing off what was behind it, Nami soon grew angry.

Sitting in a fishbowl, being displayed to all these people, was a very terrified Camie... her Camie. Clenching her armrests in rage, she was soon pulled back tightly by Robin who was seemingly levelheaded after being inside her for her short time. “Goddess, don’t do anything rash!” Sighing, the redhead nodded before relaxing in her chair. She just hated the fact all these animals were looking at her Camie. She was hers and no one else’s…

As the crowd around them roared to life, some in approval, some in anger for having spent all their money on their other slaves, and some crying from the sight of a real mermaid. All and all… it was pissing her off. As the auctioneer began bidding, Nami pondered how to approach this. She could outbid anyone here most likely, her wealth was infinite, but she couldn’t bear the thought of parting with her precious gold. But then again, it was Camie who in her own right was worth more than her wealth. But still giving up-


Blinking slowly, Nami’s eyes rose as she looked down at the center stage. Everyone was silent, all three girls included as they processed what they had just heard. “I BID FIVE HUNDRED MILLION!” Shock rained down upon the auction house now as everyone was in a silent uproar after hearing that. No one had that much money, how could anyone compete!

Looking just as shocked, both Robin and Perona looked at who had made such a bold statement before their eyes widened. Standing in the middle of the auditorium, in their own private booth no less, were three, Celestial Dragons. Cupping her mouth in horror, Perona shook her head. If they bid on Camie… then, what could they possibly do to stop them…

Standing up slowly, Nami’s eyes were cast downward as she heard everyone's voices around her, not caring anymore what was being said. Looking up to their Goddess now, both Robin and Perona paled. Her eyes were hollow… and they could see her anger bead up and roll off of her in a harrowing wave.



Stepping forward, both girls quickly clung to Nami, but the redhead shoved them back, her anger unfathomable to all but her. Looking directly towards Camie, she slowly glared. And to both her favorites shock, the Mermaid looked back at her. Gasping in her fish tank, the green haired Mermaid screamed and waved as she stared up at Nami in shock.

“NAMI-CHIN!” Crying in happiness, she waited to see what happened… but, she wasn’t moving. Looking up at her confused, the Mermaid called out to her again… but still, she didn’t move. “N-Nami-chin… w-what are you doing… Y-Y-You can’t let them take me… Nami-Chin…?”

Leveling her gaze, Nami closed her eyes and waited. Watching as her only hope ignored her cries, Camie grew despaired. Why wasn’t she doing anything! She had to get help! Hatchin, Luffy-chin. Somebody! But… she didn’t move…

Why wasn’t she helping her… why…? ‘Call you… Y-You told me to call you…’ But she was calling for her. Shivering slowly as it began to dawn on her, Camie clenched her eyes shut before crying. She was calling the wrong name… “…”

Opening her eyes slowly, Nami’s gaze was indifferent as she watched the Mermaid mumbling slowly, but her words were crystal clear to her. Raising her tearful gaze towards Nami, Camie clenched her eyes shut before screaming at the top of her lungs. “SAVE ME GODDESS NAMI-CHIN!”

As the Auction house began mumbling after the strange statement, the room around them began to tremble. Smirking, Nami looked to her favorites as they grew worried. They weren't really about to do what they thought they were… were they?

Sighing, Perona began to float while Robin stood up. It seemed a fight was about to go down… and this wasn’t going to end well for anyone… Waving to the audience, the auctioneer tried to calm everyone down before panic erupted as a pair of arms suddenly sprouted from his back. “W-W-W-WHAT THE HELL?!”

“Clutch…” Watching as the man in front of them doubled over in pain, all eyes turned now to the very top where the commotion first began. What they saw… was not quite what they expected. Pulling out her clima-tact, Nami began twirling it slowly as she created her own atmosphere for the room.

She’d need cover for what was coming next. Flying above the audience, Perona grinned viciously as she began summoning her hollows. It had been weeks since she had last had a fight, this would be fun. “Negative Hollow!” crying out in fear as ghosts began attacking people left and right, chaos erupted.

As many people tried to flee, varies arms or ghosts controlled the flow of the room turning it into their Goddess’s playground. Smirking once she had enough clouds, the redhead tapped her staff together before fading away. “Mirage tempo~.”

Jumping from chair to chair, Nami soon came face to face with the panicked Celestial dragons in front of her. Directing her malice towards them, her hand rose from the mirage as she extracted her revenge for the audacity they displayed. “Five hundred million… to buy my property. You've crossed a terrible line…” As the three dragons looked up the materializing girl in front of them, they didn’t even get a chance to protest the girls appearance as they fell over unconscious.

Nodding her head, she chose to leave them there for now before making her way down the chairs and people, indiscriminately stepping over them all as she presented herself to the terrified Mermaid. Looking to Nami now in fear and wonder, the redhead smiled coyly. “You’ve called my name, and I’m here to free you. From this…” She tapped the glass fishbowl before grinning. “And from your pain, your troubles, and your worries. I am your salvation, and I will give you everything you could ever ask for. So, say it again Camie.”

Pressing her hands to the glass, the verdette continued to cry as she stared into her friend’s eyes. “P-Please… Please save me Goddess Nami-Chin. I-I-I’ll be whatever you want me to be, j-just don’t let them take me!” She shrieked in despair. Nodding her head, the redhead grinned giddily. She was never one for long drawn out scheming, but all of the pieces had fallen into place just perfectly.

Camie crushing on her for saving her life. The trip to the amusement park, a place she had always wanted to go since she was young. And finally saving her once more from the hands of her abductors and a life of pain and suffering that was sure to follow. It had been hard for her to figure out just how to maneuver all of her players but, the slavers that had been following them for some time played the fool better then she had expected. Well, and Camie being the real piece to control the game. With all eyes on her, she just had to wait till the trap was laid, and here she was now. Prize in hand...

It was perfect. Of course, she still needed to collect her prize. Forcing her staff back together, Nami pulled it behind her before swinging hard into the glass prison Camie found herself in. Bracing for the impact, the Mermaid watched in anticipation as a small crack was formed on the outside… but, just a crack.

Looking to Nami with new found fear, the Mermaid needn’t wait long. Smirking from the tough exterior, Nami moved her hand towards it before pressing her finger into the crack she had made. ‘I want you, to shatter!’ Gasping from within, Camie watched in awe as spider cracks suddenly shot out all around her prison before the entire orb burst causing her to fall with the wave… right into her, hands.

Shivering in fear, Camie looked up slowly before feeling her face heat up. Cradling the Mermaid bridal style, Nami smiled down at her as she let her warmth flow over her. “I told you, didn’t I? Everything would be fine. Now that you’re mine of course.” Clinging onto Nami tightly, Camie sniffled and nodded her head. She didn’t care what kind of a deal she made. Nami-Chin said she was safe… and she was free.

Turning back around, Nami observed the auction house around her with amusement. It seemed her favorites were doing a wonderful job of distracting everyone for her. She would have to reward them both once she got bac-

As a loud shot rang out in her ears, Nami blinked slowly as she watched a few strands of her hair fall in front of her, and the sensation of blood trickling down her forehead. “NAMI-CHIN!” Blinking, the redhead moved her free hand off of Camie as she touched the warm spot she felt near the base of her head.

Pulling her hand back slowly, her eyes widened. ‘Blood…’ Had someone, tried to shoot her? Feeling reality set back in, Nami glanced around frantically for the assailant, but, Robin had beaten her to it. “GODDESS!” Staring up at the brunette with questioning eyes, Nami’s attention soon shifted to whom her favorite currently held in an arm lock.

“L-Let… go of me you filth! You c-can’t, t-touch me!” Glaring intently at the woman currently bent backward's by the four sets of hands clutching her, Nami moved towards her still cradling Camie close as the Mermaid looked at the wound Nami had received.

Stepping up the chairs leading to the private area, the redhead was soon faced to face with one of the Celestial Dragons. Apparently, she had woken up faster than the other two… and gotten a shot off in the process. ‘I could have died… by, it…’ Gritting her teeth, Nami set Camie down on the chair next to her as she clenched her fists in rage…

She was pissed. Mad at the woman who nearly killed her. Mad that she was in pain from the bullet graze. And mad at herself for this happening again. It never mattered, did it? All the power in the world… and she always found herself in situations where she could have died. It infuriated her to no end. And it seemed like this woman was the perfect person to take it out on.

Kneeling in front of the trapped woman who was screaming through her exhaustion, Nami grinned from ear to ear. “YOU CAN’T DO THIS, I AM A CELESTIAL DRAG-“ Cutting the woman off mid-speech in the form a hard slap on her cheek, the dragon looked at Nami it disbelief. “YOU WILL REGRET EVERY CROSS-“ Smacking her once more, Nami soon giggled as she watched the shock present on the woman's face now for not being struck once but twice in a row.

“Keep barking, this is a lot of fun. I’ve never liked you Celestial dragons… and to think I’m standing here now hitting one.” Smirking, the redhead simply shook her head. Glancing over her shoulder to Camie now, the Mermaid cupped her mouth in horror from what she just saw. Hitting a Celestial Dragon… it was a death sentence.

“N-N-Nami-chin… y-y-you just… Y-You can’t touch them or else-“ Cupping her mouth once again as she saw the redhead slap the woman once more, the verdette couldn’t believe her eyes. Shaking her hand from the stinging pain she felt, Nami sighed with pleasure. That felt pretty good, and it got rid of a lot of her pent up frustrations.

Watching in amusement as the woman cried from the pain, Nami soon lifted her chin up or more, forced her head forward after she tried to pull away from her touch. “You tried to shoot me. And that's a crime you'll pay for dearly. I don’t care if you’re a peasant… a noble… or, a Celestial Dragon.” Looking back at Camie, Nami smiled warmly to her now.

“A Goddess is above all, and you just pissed this Goddess off. As punishment… I sentence you to imprisonment, for the rest of time…” She whispered darkly. Scoffing from the insane words, the woman tried to scream at the redhead once more… but… something was different now. Looking up slowly as she felt the hands around her loosening up, the Celestial Dragon suddenly screamed as she watched everything around her growing.

Gawking in horror, Camie as well couldn’t believe her eyes. She was shrinking someone else! And it was the Celestial Dragon?! Humming as her pendant vibrated beneath her chest, Nami made sure she was a good height of half an inch before ceasing her abilities. Flicking the clothes aside and along with the shattered remains of her asinine air tank helmet, Nami soon plucked the screaming girl between her fingers.

“YOU WON’T GET AWAY WITH THIS! THE NAVY WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD! I’LL KILL YOU MYSELF! STOP THIS AT ONCE! YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME I’M A CELESTIAL DRAGON!” Ignoring the long winded rant she was being forced to listen to, Nami looked back at Camie now with a sultry grin. “Present your rear to me, Camie.”

Blushing heavily from the request, the Mermaid wanted to say something to such a request but… She… She was a Goddess. A real Goddes! A Goddess who wasn’t afraid of the Celestial Dragons. There was no doubt in her mind after seeing all that she had done and could do. Whimpering from her embarrassment, Camie nodded before bending over and presenting herself to the redhead.

Grinning Nami stepped forward before feeling some of her mirth leave her as she looked at Camie’s scaled derriere. ‘Crap, how could I forget that!’ She was a freaking Mermaid! Wanting to smack her own forehead for being so stupid, an odd thought presented itself to her now. “U-Umm, C-Camie… how do you…relieve yourself?”

Looking back at Nami confused, her face immediately turned crimson as she saw her touching her groin. “W-W-WHAT?! I-I MEAN, W-WE HAVE. YOU, YOU KNOW THAT WE-“Screaming from her embarrassment, Camie hid her face before feeling a gentle hand placed on her shoulder. “I’m sorry but I don’t know much about Mermaid autonomy… Show me.” Nami whispered her own voice a bit shy from the unusual request.

Shaking her head, Camie wanted to deny her, but… she just couldn’t. “P-Please Goddess Nami-Chin! Don’t make me show you it!” Smiling down at her, Nami moved her free hand to her clima-tact before it began producing its mirage mist once more, shrouding them both in its hidden field. “There you go my Camie. I’ve given us privacy. Now please, do as your Goddess asks, and I'll reward you for your loyalty in abundance later.”

Shaking in front of the redhead, Camie moved her hands slowly towards her waistline before present gently against the base of her scales. Watching with curiosity, Nami was soon rendered speechless as she watched the scales slowly inching away to reveal the Mermaids naked rear to her, cheeks and all. Looking at the folded scales in wonder, Nami simply shook her head. It was like the area where her waist met her navel was some kind of clothing she could just pull down!

“T-That’s remarkable Camie. How far can you do that?” Blushing further, Camie gave the loose scales a tug indicating they were already as far as they could go. “M-Mermaids can peel o-our scales up or down l-like this. B-But, we usually only do it when… when…” Biting her tongue Camie shook her head, still mortified she was showing her new Goddess her dirty parts.

However, whatever embarrassment the Mermaid felt, it suddenly increased tenfold as Nami’s hand firmly gripped her cheeks. “AHHH! D-D-DON’T TOUCH THERE, PLEASE GODDESS IT'S FILTHY!” Camie shrieked as she continued to hide her face from the redhead. Nami, however, was enthralled with just how soft her skin truly was beneath her scales.

‘I don’t even think my skins as silky as hers.’ Pressing her face against the Mermaids pliable cheeks, Nami shivered with lust as she felt the softness surrounding them. This was the skin of someone inhuman, and she loved it! Moving her lips over Camie’s cheeks, she gently gave her petite rear a chaste kiss further causing the Mermaid to cry.

“LET ME GO YOU FILTHY ANIMAL, YOU ARE SICK!” Pausing mid-kiss, Nami growled having been interrupted from her tender moment with Camie’s beautiful stern. Looking down in her hand, her expression soured as she saw the naked Celestial Dragon cursing and screaming at her still.

“Don’t you ever shut up? Do you not see where you are? Are you so ignorant to think belittling your Goddess is a wise decision? Perhaps, you pampered nobles are all the same. And that makes this, much easier…” Nami whispered cruelly.

Bringing the shrunken girl forward, the blonde dragon cringed with disgust as she saw the Mermaids bare ass presented before her. “ GET THAT FILTHY FISH FREAK AWAY FROM ME! SHE IS JUST A PUTRID ANIMAL! I CAN’T BREATHE HER TOXIC AIR!” Cringing from the woman’s words, Camie looked down in sadness but Nami wasted no time in comforting her.

“Don’t listen to a word she says Camie. You’re a beautiful woman and my sexy little fishy~.” Eeping, the verdette covered her face again as she felt her face glowing red. She had never had someone speak to her like that before, let alone a Goddess! It was just so embarrassing!

Smiling at her shy little favorite to be, Nami soon moved her attention to the matter at hand… or at least the one in her hand. Glaring at the noblewoman, Nami’s mood lightened up as she felt the satisfaction of what she was going to do next.

“As I said Dragon, I sentence you to incarceration, for life, for your crimes against a Goddess like me.” Glaring at her in rage, the shrunken woman couldn’t help but grin. “And what prison do you intend to keep me in. The world government would never allow such an act. You’ll be in chains and hung by days end!”

Grinning viciously, Nami shook her head slowly. “This isn’t a prison just anyone can get into, and no one can escape from it. Only I, control these prisons. And you are my inmate… here...” Moving the shrunken woman forward, her expression was one of confusion. The only thing in front of her was that filthy fish.

Feeling the cogs in her brain slowly clicking into place, the woman’s eyes widened before she looked up at Nami in shock. “Y-Y-YOU WOULDN’T DARE! I’LL HAVE YOU HUNG! YOU’LL BE KILLED WORSE IF YOU EVEN ATTEMPTED SUCH A THING! I-I-I’LL, I’LL HAVE YOU SHOT TO DEATH, AND-“

Forcing her thumb over the shrieking woman, Nami sighed in annoyance. “Damn this bitch talks a lot… Camie, be a dear and relax your body for me. I’m going to give you a great honor that I rarely give to my favorites. I’ll explain that later, though. For now, just do as I command.”

Turning her head, Camie wondered what she was about to do but she listened none the less. Resting on the chair she was laid against, the verdette tried to calm her nerves but that was near impossible with her naughty bits exposed like they were! It only got worse though as she felt the redhead's hand return.

Shuddering from Nami’s touch, Camie bit her lip as she continued to hide her face. “N-N-Nami-Chin…” The Mermaid whimpered her Goddess name, but the navigator was too preoccupied. Smiling cruelly, Nami’s thumb moved over the prone girl's ass as she spread her cheeks apart. As her puckered hole was presented to her, the Goddess couldn’t help but moan.

‘I’ll definitely be tasting you later~.’ Licking her lips, Nami wanted to have a taste now, but…’ Looking around at the chaos outside her little mirage bubble, she knew that wasn’t very practical. Both Robin and Perona were still fighting for her. She’d have to relieve them eventually.

Knowing she had to do this quick, as much as it might bother Camie in the process, Nami position the crying woman over the Mermaids rear. “Just relax. it's just a filthy fish lady's asshole~” the redhead mocked, before pushing the blond face first into Camie’s puckered anus.

Screeching from the sudden jolt of pleasure, Camie began to pant as she looked over her shoulder mortified. “N-N-Nami-C-Chin… w-what are y-you doing to me?” She had never felt something like this before. It, it was weird. But, at the same time, it felt pleasant. Why, though, what was she doing to her?

Biting her tongue as she worked the struggling girl into the panting Mermaids ass, Nami growled as she felt Camie fighting her. ‘Well I can’t blame her, this has to be a rough first time.’ Anal anything usually was. Being a bit more forceful with her, not so much caring for what happened to the shrunken girl anyways, Nami began thrusting her in, Camie’s gasps and shrieks filling her ears in the process.

“Camie I said to relax!” Nami snapped angrily, before sighing as she saw the Mermaids tear filled cheeks. “I… I'm t-trying N-Nami-Chin…” Letting going of the half inserted girl, the redhead moved upwards before cupping the younger girls face. “Camie, my Camie. Just think of something nice, and don’t clench. I’m punishing this woman, and you are my contrivance to do so. She’s now your's Camie. This Celestial Dragon who wanted to buy you like a common object, is now your toy, just like Robin is my toy, and in time you will be too.”

Sniffling, Camie was speechless by what was going on. But Nami didn’t give her much time to think it over as her lips connected with her own. Kissing Camie passionately, the redhead gently stroked her cheeks as she tried to calm her down, and it appeared to be working too.

Moaning timidly, the Mermaid shivered and inched closer to Nami as she tried to deepen their kiss. This was her first time… well, she was her first at least. After the Farris wheel and all… Pulling back slowly, their saliva still connecting them as they breathed in one another's air, both just as intoxicated by each other’s presence.

Staring into her Goddess's eyes, Camie's lips parted as she felt her voice slowly coming out now, the redhead no longer scaring her as much as she had prior. "D-Do I have to go inside y-your... naughty area like Robin-Chin? I... I don't think I'd like it there..."

Cupping Camie's cheeks, Nami shook her head slowly. "No my little fishy. You can go wherever you want. And I'll accommodate you because I'm a kind Goddess. And I promised I'd free you from all fear, including the fear you have... of me." Nami whispered sadly.

Looking away ruefully, Camie nodded knowing her words were true. Even if she was rescuing her... she still terrified her. Her power, what she was doing to people. It was horrifying... and awe-inspiring. She didn't know what was going to happen next.

“N-Nami-Chin… c-can we please leave this place…?” Nodding her head, Nami moved her face forward before giving her newest favorite a kiss on her cheek. “We can leave, but first, we need to finish this heathens sentence. Help me finish it Camie.”

Blushing heavily, the Mermaid closed her eyes before nodding. “O-Ok… b-but p-p-please be gentle…” Nodding in return, Nami moved back around before snickering as she saw the Celestials legs kicking frantically outside of her asshole.

Gripping her feet tightly, Nami began twisting the girl back and forth as she kept her eyes on Camie. She was biting her knuckle, but she wasn’t as vocal as before either. Feeling the smaller girl slowly inching in, it didn’t take long till nothing was left at all. Twisting her finger up to her nail inside her, Nami popped her finger out of Camie’s asshole before leaning forward to give her cheeks one last kiss.

“T-Thank you N-Nami-chin… I-I-I'll keep your g-gift for as long as you want me to...” Camie whispered, her cheeks a shade darker than they were moments before. Glancing back to her, the navigator smiled happily as she heard the Mermaids acceptance. She'd make a favorite out of her soon. “Call me Goddess from now on. Or Mistress if you’d prefer.” Blushing, Camie nodded. “Alright, Goddess-Chin. Thank you…” Snickering, Nami shook her head. "Close enough."

Pulling the Mermaids scales back up, her fascination still ever present by how such a remarkable trait was even possible, Nami once again lifted Camie up bridal style before hugging her close. “Alright, it’s time to leave.” Removing her mirage, after collecting a few playthings for later, Nami stepped up the staircase before meeting Robin at the top.

“G-Goddess… I, I can’t k-keep going…” She panted tiredly. Looking outside the door, Nami nodded as she saw her Captain and a few other pirates fighting. Somehow the Navy had come, and it seemed like a war zone now than a regular fight. 'One of the bugs here must have tipped them off to what had happened to the Celestial Dragons.' It had been her fault. She didn't have her mirage up the whole time...

Sighing, the redhead patted her favorite who moaned in happiness from her Goddess’s touch, before moving to the top of the staircase, the brunette following swiftly behind her. “Alright, we need to get back to the ship. Luffy and the others can take care of themselves. For now, we should split up… That means you to Camie…”

Looking at Nami first in shock, then in fear, Camie quickly clung to the redhead as tears swelled up in her eyes. “B-B-But, but Goddess-Chin, they’ll try to capture me again! P-Please don’t leave me!” Shushing her wailing Mermaid with a kiss, Nami nuzzled her gently before setting her down. “It will be fine Camie. You know where our ship is, just make your way to the water and swim over. We’ll be all the distraction you’ll need.”

Sniffling, Camie nodded her head sadly before stepping back, her rear twisting a bit as she felt the lingering movements within her. After summoning Perona to her side, Nami issued her orders to each respectfully, before they all nodded.

It was time to leave the Sabaody. They had lingered here long enough.



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~ Grove 40 ~                                       



This was bad… really, really bad. Running as fast as her legs could take her, Nami panted in exhaustion, every once any awhile pausing only for a short breath, and to check if they were still being pursued. Things had gone from bad to worse when they left the Auction house back on Grove 1.

Making it back to relative safety for a short time, all her crew came together and formed up to make a break for it for their ship… but it wasn’t just the Marines here on the Sabaody. An admiral came as well along with some kind of human cyborgs!

Gritting her teeth, Nami shook her head in anger as she saw her crew mates both ahead and behind her. She didn’t know how much longer they had but once they got to the Sunny, they’d have to pray they got off a coup de burst and got away or else they were in a whole new world of pain.


Faltering from her run, Nami’s eyes beaded with fear as she turned around. In place of where Zoro and Usopp had been… the swordsman was nowhere to be found… and in his place, was one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Bartholomew Kuma. ‘I-I-Its… it’s the real one…’

They had nearly been wiped out by him alone back on Thriller Bark… and now he was here along with an Admiral of the Navy and an army of marines and human weapons. Feeling her shoulder grabbed, Nami looked up absently as she saw Robin pulling on her. “GODDESS LETS GO!”

Turning around slowly, Nami clenched her teeth before running. She… she was powerless here. What could she do against him? Against all of them! She couldn’t do much to someone of their caliber… powers aside, she wasn’t strong enough and she knew it.

“NO, USOPP!” Clenching her fists, Nami shook her head as she heard the fighting continue. Her Captain had given them orders to run, but damn it she wanted to fight back! “SANJI!” Feeling tears well up in her eyes, the redhead continued to move but she could hear it… hear them.

“BROOK!” Sniffling as she cried harder, Nami tried but she just couldn’t do it anymore… she couldn’t.” FRANKY NO!” Halting her run, Nami turned on her heel before glaring hatefully at… freezing up in place, Nami stared at the imposing form of Kuma, standing right in front of her…

As his hand moved towards her, the redhead knew she couldn’t react in time… and she was going to be-

“I’m sorry, Goddess…” Hearing a popping sound in front of her, Nami slowly blinked as she felt her heart skip a beat. Staring behind her to where Robin had just been… she was now gone… Turning back slowly, Nami began to shake as tears streamed down her cheeks, but these ones were not from despair... and not of fear either. These were tears of hatred…

“I’ll… kill you… I’LL KILL YOU!” Raising her hands towards Kuma vainly, Nami willed herself, wished for him to disappear like he made all the others do! But… he was faster…




and she was gone...


To be continued…


End Notes:







Well ladies and gentlemen, i do hope you enjoyed the ride, and look foward to whats going to happen next. I'm sure you won't be disappointed. Please stay tuned and until next time guys.


See ya~

This story archived at