A Sock and a Bet by AnonWriter

A girl loses a bet.

Categories: Entrapment, Feet, Footwear, Humiliation, Instant Size Change Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Minikin (3 in. to 1 in.)
Size Roles: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 899 Read: 19709 Published: March 17 2015 Updated: March 17 2015
Story Notes:

Couldn't think of a stupider bet. Suggest in the review.


Also on: http://userdne.deviantart.com/art/Sock-520856654

1. Lauren's Sock by AnonWriter

Lauren's Sock by AnonWriter

Ashley was stuck. The fabric behind her had grown warm and damp, and, exhausted, she tried to turn and find a cooler spot. Suddenly, the massive pillowy wall on top of her pushed down, and Ashley found herself crushing in to the fabric and against the hard mat below. Of course there wasn't a cooler spot, at least not one she could get to. She felt like she was being permanently pressed into a hot bed during the warmest, most humid, day she could imagine, and the oppressive wall above just wouldn't let her adjust herself without consciously increasing the pressure to force her back into place.

"The derivative of 2x cubed is... uh..." Lauren tapped her foot. "6x squared? Yea, that sounds good." It was a warm day, and Lauren was studying for her calculus finals in the library.

Meanwhile, inside Lauren's shoe, Ashley was an entirely different situation. Ashley had lost a bet, and as a payment she had to shrink and get a day of 'crush.' This was the first time they'd done it, and Ashley hated every minute as she was smashed between the fabric of the sock and Lauren's toe, with the hard mat of the sneaker's sole making it that much worse. "I'm going to KILL her when I get back to normal."

Suddenly the whole compressed structure become weightless and Ashley's heart sank. The whole area seemed as if it was hovering, as if the ground had completely disapeared - Ashley didn't even feel the sole of the shoe - before it came down again faster than ever, Ashley's face slammed into the toe with a fierce whiplash, the mat smashing against her back and forcing the fabric to push her body against the compressing, rubbery, rough, pillow above.

"The derivative of the square root of sin(3x)^(cos(6))? Come on!" Lauren gave her foot a good stomp, and she noticed a tiny bit of wetness on the base of her big toe as it smashed into Ashley's face.

Ashley screamed as her body slammed against the floor. Her back snapped as her face was crushed against her friend's toe, the rough part of the tip crushing her nose. Ashley knew her body wouldn't actually break due to the effects of molecular compression, but the pain was completely real, as was the choking humidity and dampness of the sock. She couldn't take any more of this.

"At least she's wearing socks this time."

Lauren began to pack up, and she gave her foot a few stamps on the floor. It wasn't necessary, but hey, Ashley lost the bet.

When she got home Lauren kicked off her shoe, sat down at her desk, and peeled off her sock. Ashley tumbled down to the rough carpet, tired and groggy, and struggled to look at her massive friend above. She could barely see Lauren's long, dirty blonde, hair and brown eyes beyond her gigantic sole, gently hovering above as Lauren sat cross legged. Ashley could see every bit of what had just made her life a living hell, every scuff and detail coming from a foot that's more used to the roughing against the surface of a worn shoe.

"Welp. Time to grow." Suddenly, Ashley felt her body shoot up and within a second she was staring at Lauren's smiling face. She gave a look down, Lauren's sole was now normal, gently waving.

"I'm going to fucking KILL you!" She screamed.

"Fair is fair." Lauren playfully replied.

"No. Like actually. What the FUCK was that, Lauren! You were going to KILL me!"

"You know I wouldn't."

"Fuck you."

"Uh huh."

Lauren got up from her seat, and Ashley saw her face to face.

"So?" Lauren asked.

"So!" Ashley lifted pulled back her fist for a punch. In a moment she was facing a set of massive toes.

"So?" Lauren said, she raised her big toe and roughly scraped it against the carpet.

Ashley gulped. She should've just taken it. It was fair.

"Look. I'm going to give you a bit of time to relax. A good taping to my toe should give you all the time in the world to think about what exactly losing a BET means." Lauren raised her big toe. "A few hours under this guy and you'll know how it goes."

Lauren bent down, picked the tiny up, and put her the desk. Holding Ashley down with her hand, she reached for the tape.

"Stay still or I swear you're gonna regret it."

Ashley did as she was told as Lauren ripped a small piece of tape.

"Great." With a piece of tape in one hand and Ashley in the other, Lauren sat down on the floor. She popped her sole up and pushed the tiny girl against her big toe, pushing her down, face against her sole, and making sure the tape stuck with a few good taps with her finger.

"Have fun." Lauren smiled.

Ashley spent the rest of the night against her friend's toe as she typed on the computer, hovering above the ground, shaking with her sole, as Lauren sat crossed legged. Sometimes she'd put her on the floor and scrape her against the carpet, and Ashley's back was red with rug burn by nightime.

"I'll grow you back in time for school, hope you can sleep all smushed up like that. G'night!"

All for a stupid bet.

This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=4988