The first dances of Dalia Reyes by SirDarkvid

Fking Keys and Fking Hades. How can he get rid of death all the time?

My name is Dalia Reyes Wood, I am currently 20 feet and this is the story of my growth and my path to being a hero... or at least since chapter 104, whatever it may be, this is MY story.


The chapters revolve around Dalia and her day to day during her third growth, which will raise her up to 60 feet in height. (Feet up, feet down)

But each chapter will contain segments from other perspectives or scenes for the sake of history.


Categories: Giantess, Teenager (13-19), Adventure, Young Adult 20-29, Breasts, Adult 30-39, Body Exploration, Middle Age (50+), Butt, Couples, Fantasy, Feet, Gentle, Giant, Growing Woman, Muscle, New World Order, Sci-Fi, Slow Size Change Characters: None
Growth: Brobdnignagian (51 ft. to 100 ft.)
Shrink: Dwarf (3 ft. to 5 ft.)
Size Roles: F/f
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 107 Completed: No Word count: 269332 Read: 306019 Published: January 20 2018 Updated: July 10 2018
Story Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

1. Chapter 1: Defcons and you by SirDarkvid

2. Chapter 2 (Hannah): Drowning by SirDarkvid

3. Chapter 3: And both fell by SirDarkvid

4. Chapter 4 (Hannah): Connected destinations by SirDarkvid

5. Chapter 5 Stairway of hearts by SirDarkvid

6. Chapter 6 Say something (part 1) by SirDarkvid

7. Chapter 7 Say something (part 2) by SirDarkvid

8. Chapter 8 History lessons by SirDarkvid

9. Start of story arc 1: Stay together by SirDarkvid

10. Chapter 10 Dancing with danger and eroticism by SirDarkvid

11. Chapter 11 Those who take care of you by SirDarkvid

12. Chapter 12 Jane by SirDarkvid

13. Chapter 13 Our dream by SirDarkvid

14. First boss: Psychotic police, Clay by SirDarkvid

15. Chapter 15 Heaven by SirDarkvid

16. End of story arc 1: Between Heaven and Hell by SirDarkvid

17. Chapter 17 Utopia by SirDarkvid

18. Chapter 18 Fair monkey by SirDarkvid

19. Chapter 19 Loaded elements of love by SirDarkvid

20. Start of story arc 2: Dirty Lover by SirDarkvid

21. Chapter 21 Power of Love by SirDarkvid

22. Chapter 22 Distrust, Tears and how to gather the team by SirDarkvid

23. Chapter 23 A Bullet for the future by SirDarkvid

24. Chapter 24 Vs Carmen, Exspear of GUN (Part 1) by SirDarkvid

25. Chapter 25 Vs Carmen (part 2) feat. All hail Elsa by SirDarkvid

26. Chapter 26 "4 Points of views on a countdown." by SirDarkvid

27. Chapter 27 Hero by SirDarkvid

28. Chapter 28 That person who relies on you by SirDarkvid

29. Chapter 29 King of an abandoned and forgotten kingdom by SirDarkvid

30. Chapter 30 "Will card" by SirDarkvid

31. Chapter 31 Will of the moonlight by SirDarkvid

32. Chapter 32 Stuck by SirDarkvid

33. Chapter 33 Vs Jolbirth, ancient king imbued by the moonlight by SirDarkvid

34. Chapter 34 My legacy by SirDarkvid

35. Chapter 35 Talk from heart to heart by SirDarkvid

36. Chapter 36 "Sparkling Sea" by SirDarkvid

37. Chapter 37: Blue Key and the lost Keyblade by SirDarkvid

38. Chapter 38 Written with S of Bahia del Sol by SirDarkvid

39. Chapter 39 Promises for the future and barbecues by SirDarkvid

40. Chapter 40/Chapters from Bahia 1: Our Azure blue world. by SirDarkvid

41. Chapter 41/Chapters from Bahia 1: Our Azure blue world (part 2) by SirDarkvid

42. Chapter 42 And both fell (in the depths of their passion) by SirDarkvid

43. Chapter 43: Myths and legends by SirDarkvid

44. Chapter 44 "Excalibur shines for the righteous!" by SirDarkvid

45. Chapter 45 Heiress of Excalibur by SirDarkvid

46. Chapter 46 Save him by SirDarkvid

47. Chapter 47 Clash of kings, giants, lichs and hackers by SirDarkvid

48. Chapter 48 Great battle of Bahia del Sol! Vs N. 47-1D by SirDarkvid

49. Chapter 49 Pray to whoever wants to listen by SirDarkvid

50. Chapter 50 End of story arc 2: A new beginning by SirDarkvid

51. Chapter 51 The Last Days of the Earth (Part 1): Ain't No Mountain High Enough by SirDarkvid

52. Chapter 52 The Last Days of the Earth (Part 2): Songbird by SirDarkvid

53. Chapter 53 The Last Days of the Earth (Part 3): Level differences by SirDarkvid

54. Chapter 54 The Last Days of the Earth (Part 4): Azeroth 2: electric boogaloo by SirDarkvid

55. Chapter 55 The Last Days of the Earth (Part 5): An act of compassion by SirDarkvid

56. Chapter 56 The Last Days of the Earth (Part 6): Victory of the astral by SirDarkvid

57. Chapter 57 The Last Days of the Earth (Part 7): Bright and Burning love by SirDarkvid

58. Chapter 58 The Last Days of the Earth (Part 8): To the new world by SirDarkvid

59. Chapter 59 (Terre dell'alba Saga): Welcome preparations by SirDarkvid

60. Chapter 60 (Terre dell'alba Saga):: Scarlet Gate by SirDarkvid

61. Chapter 61 (Terre dell'alba Saga):: Azure Gate by SirDarkvid

62. Chapter 62 (Terre dell'alba Saga) Glyph of bad omen / Love stamp by SirDarkvid

63. Chapter 63 (Terre dell'alba Saga): Encounters in Novaterrae by SirDarkvid

64. Chapter 64 (Terre dell'alba Saga): Silent protest by SirDarkvid

65. Chapter 65 (Terre dell'alba Saga): Gospel Truth by SirDarkvid

66. Chapter 66 Iloa manners at table 101 by SirDarkvid

67. Chapter 67/ CfB ReMiX 2:: Lights in the sky: Darkmoon heirs by SirDarkvid

68. Chapter 68 CfB ReMiX 2:: Lights in the sky: Ambush by SirDarkvid

69. Chapter 69 CfB ReMiX 2:: Lights in the sky; Bittersweet timeless by SirDarkvid

70. Chapter 70 CfB ReMiX 2:: Lights in the sky: LIVE AND DIE FOR BAHIA DEL SOL!!! by SirDarkvid

71. Chapter 71 CfB ReMiX 2:: Lights in the sky: Lead the way, I will follow you by SirDarkvid

72. Chapter 72: A step forward by SirDarkvid

73. Chapter 73 Dawn Acropolis by SirDarkvid

74. Start of story arc 3: The hero that everyone dreams of being by SirDarkvid

75. Chapter 75 Waste pile by SirDarkvid

76. Chapter 76 Change of narrator. by SirDarkvid

77. Future days 1: Flame of the revolution by SirDarkvid

78. Future days 2: The miracle girl by SirDarkvid

79. Future days 3: Professor Shaw, please read this chapter by SirDarkvid

80. Future days 4: Chapter 77 by SirDarkvid

81. Chapter 77 or not by SirDarkvid

82. Future days 5: Overcome our mistakes by SirDarkvid

83. Future days 6: J.M.S by SirDarkvid

84. Future days 7: F.N.A by SirDarkvid

85. Future days 8: F.F by SirDarkvid

86. Future days 9: The kind of hero that I want to become by SirDarkvid

87. Future days 10: Into the soul by SirDarkvid

88. Future days 11: Fenrir by SirDarkvid

89. Future days 12: Hades/2 by SirDarkvid

90. Future days 13: The wild spirit that moves us by SirDarkvid

91. Future days 14: Cycle of hatred by SirDarkvid

92. Future days 15: Vs Hades, Alitian god of lies and betrayal- by SirDarkvid

93. Dalia's growth Journal, Entry 0.5: Visit with a sexy ebony skin doctor and my mother by SirDarkvid

94. Dalia's growth Journal, Entry 1: New generation of heroes by SirDarkvid

95. Dalia's growth Journal, Entry 1.5: A good entrance to the scene makes the difference by SirDarkvid

96. Dalia's growth Journal, Entry 2: Different types of battles, same dreams to cling to by SirDarkvid

97. Dalia's growth Journal, Entry 2.5: Chase your dreams, and never stop by SirDarkvid

98. Dalia's growth Journal, Entry 3: Meaning of be a hero by SirDarkvid

99. Dalia's growth Journal, Entry 3.5: DieR by SirDarkvid

100. Special 100 chapters and 20,000 readings: Miss Blue Sky by SirDarkvid

101. Special 100 chapters and 20,000 readings: Blood for the embryo of the Master by SirDarkvid

102. Special 100 chapters and 20,000 readings: Back from the past, look to the future by SirDarkvid

103. End of story arc 3: Vs The Master / The hero I want to be by SirDarkvid

104. Dalia's growth Journal, Entry 4: by SirDarkvid

105. Dalia's growth Journal, Entry 4.5: Change beyond the bonds by SirDarkvid

106. Dalia's growth Journal, Entry 5: Elven fever by SirDarkvid

107. Dalia's growth Journal, Entry 5.5 Part 1: Solaborne by SirDarkvid

Chapter 1: Defcons and you by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

- I do not own copyright of any title, real person or companies used in the story, except for those created by me for the story.

- Any expression, name or point that is not clear will be answered in the reviews (as long as they do not alter or advance too many important points;)

- Any criticism will be well received so be honest of what you like!

- I can not force you, but I hope you enjoy this story!



Bahia del Sol: between 20:00 and 21:00 at the Nightfort Pub


The night was young in Bahia, and more being a Saturday.

The music played throughout the bar as more and more college students arrived, perhaps too many for the Norwegian's taste, but that was another story... Kristoff paid the beers to the Boss and walked back to the table where they usually sat; place where her best friend was waiting for her writing the personal diary that she should write from now on.

It was not easy being Elsa's friend, considering her history of committing crazy things, acting alone guided by ... it was not easy to be Elsa's friend, so Krist thought that with a diary that would force her to put her day in order control it much better.
Peering over the blonde's shoulder, he tried to read her first words.


Diary of the Incredible, sexy and benevolent Elsa who has agreed to write this shit, Entry 1:

Every story starts somewhere, and this is not going to be less, because it's my Story,  

And since this is MY STORY, WHICH I AM BEING OBLIGED TO WRITE, I will start from the beginning.





Chris left the glass of beer loudly on the table and without even bothering to ask anything he proceeded to strike a blow on the arm to his best friend. "YOU CAN NOT START A JOURNAL AS IF IT WAS A NOVEL SPECIES! WHAT KIND OF ... " With a single finger Elsa silent to Chris without even bothering to stop writing.


"Shhhh my good friend Kriss, a diary is the story of a person, right?" Elsa set the pen down on the table as she turned to Kriss, not taking her finger from his mouth.


"Yes, but..."


"And a story can start as you want, no?" While Chris stared at her dumb argument, if you can name that an argument, Elsa simply stuck out her tongue and back to write her diary.


According to Chris, writing a diary would help me to become an adult:

So the so-called more advanced mind of his generation is going to turn it around and use it to narrate his incredible lifestyle, his great achievements while she seeks to complete his most beloved mission:

Go out and take to bed each species of extrahumans!  feel their feminine bodies and enjoy their youth, because with 26 DAMN YEARS, 2 UNIVERSITY TITLES AND A BUSINESS AS AN  INTERNATIONALY AWARDED ARCHITECT IS WHAT I HAVE TO DO.


Releasing the pen as if it were a microphone after a 4-hour concert, Elsa proceeded to deliver the diary to Chris. "You're an idiot Elsa, a big, self-centered idiot." Chris grumbled as he looked at the big clock that Boss had on top of the cash register.


"I loved it! and that's what every Extrahuman love from me!" Elsa while was busier drinking her beer and looking at the pub for a not very drunk extrahuman.

(because that was one of her innumerable rules: Never finish the night with a girl who would not remember what Elsa had prepared for her)


"You dont have any good, Elsa" Boss came to fill the glasses of his two best customers with a smile from ear to ear.


"Eh! I have a lot of good things! Look my hair, Boss, its so cool! And look how they love how safe and gentle I am before arriving at my house, and then..." Just imagining a beautiful young lady entering her apartment, shaking her hips, to Elsa's gifted mind filled with possible continuations. Unfortunately for those around her, Elsa was not a specialist in hiding her emotions.


"I...I dont need to know Elsa, just keep drinking and erase that smile that makes you look like a pervert" Chris got up and pulled Elsa's arm out of his lustful thoughts proceeded to pay for the extra beer of Elsa.


"No more tonight Boss, and you drink that and get ready Elsa, I'll come out in 5 minutes, need change my clothes in the bathroom" And without waiting for an answer, hee picked up her backpack and ran to the bathroom.


"Arent you going to stay today? It's Friday and you know what that means Elsa! A lot of young extrahumans half-drunks!" And although on the outside he seemed to care about his two best clients, inside Boss couldn't stop thinking about all the money he was going to lose today when Elsa and Chris left.


Elsa grumbling without saying anything, drank the jug in one gulp and got up without even turning to look at the group of girls who had just entered.  "Unfortunately not today... that imbecile wants me to help him with a kind of double date. Where I will have to stay with the daughter of her girlfriend, while he does handy things with the mother! AN AUTHENTIC SHIT FOR A FRIDAY NIGHT!" Elsa could not do anything but head-butt against the column next to her table. (literally to everyone's surprise in the pub)


"Stop that Elsa, you scare my customers, again..."


"It's just not fair! It's Friday and I should be preparing to locate the nicest Extrahuman in the place and not babysitting for the daughter of a flirt from Chris... hell, with my luck, it's a human girl just entering the University of Bahia full of dreams for a couple for the next years"


"And that's bad... I think... no?" Once again, Boss felt that he had asked too much...


"Very very bad Boss! it's a Defcon 2 on my scale. Do you need me to explain it to you?"


"Not at all..."


"I'll explain it to you" Elsa went back to open the diary and picking up the pen, and proceeded to began to draw 3 circles while Boss cursed his life for asking. "This is very simple, so get ready! i

In the first group we have men or Defcon 3, which represent the worst group of all, do not be offended" Boss learned not to do it with so many years with Elsa as a client. "Men are the worst for a simple reason, they are not women

Now there is the second group or Defcon 2, human women. At first I could start a rapprochement with them if the situation and the country requires it, but they are not what I like, so they represent a danger for me."

Boss could not even reply, because from experience he knew that he would only lengthen the explanation, and Elsa is known for 2 things, to be a genius with a lot of IQ, and for being a championship idiot who is able to spin up to a square until turn it into the state of Alaska.

"On the other hand... the Extrahumans gather so many good things..." Again she began to smile like an old pervert. "For starters they are much higher than normal humans and I like that! I want to highlight the variants that exceed 2 meters, before you ask 8 feet and 2 inches. Then we have its wide variety of subspecies, going from those who inherit traits and body parts of real animals, like my beloved bunny Sera or my beloved kitten Joan. And that's not counting the subspecies that go to more fantastic terrains! Undeads, Halfghosts, Elementals! And my favorite, the most rare and fantastic species of them all.


"A... mermaid?"


"NOT AT ALL! A giantess! the peak of the Extrahumans and the most influential species in our history since the appearance of the Extrahumans in 1637 as a result of a meteor that altered the women of the time and granted them the probability of giving birth to the third human species. And with this they finish the classes of "Defcon and you!", They will be 40 dollars." Boss had been nodding for a while so she would feel that he was listening to her, and mentally remembering that he should not repeat this issue under any circumstances.


"The giantess have stopped the greatest wars, those that have protected humanity from any animal mutations caused by the meteorite, although some religious attribute these species to their respective gods, without any clear foundation" Elsa continued to talk non-stop about extrahumans for the next 7 minutes that Chris need to get out, arriving in some points to get bored so much that around her and Boss all the other clients abandoned their respective tables.


Finally, for the sake of all other customers, Chris came out of the bathroom in an elegant suit and a tie so new that he had not bothered to remove the label. "How do you see me? Sufficiently elegant or do I wear the tuxedo"


"Not until you take her to the church, idiot..." Elsa snorted as she picked up her things, what in the language "Elsa-People People-Elsa" Chris understood that it was perfect for her date. Boss pat him while he returned to the bar counter, cursing Elsa for the last time that night.


The streets of the Hyperion district were always full of people, whatever the time of day, as it has always been since Hyperion was the district of skyscrapers, bars and entertainment in Bahia. For Elsa, this was the center of her life, where she had her apartment and where she worked, the safest place in Bahia (even though it was the second district with the highest crime rate, Elsa usually preferred to call it a risk/reward)
Chris parked his car in the underground parking closest to the restaurant and snorted one last time with a glance at Elsa, who had crushed her face against the glass the entire trip.

"Well Elsa, it's time." Elsa didnt bother to turn her head and made a signal with her hand to confirm. "Tonight is my great opportunity with Juddit, and I want take the next step. Remenber, your work tonight is..."


"Yes yes yes... be the nanny of her daughter and pretend it is a double date while you throw yourself to that milf! I get it!"


"ELSA!... Juddit isnt... well, a little milf it is but that isnt the point. This is a double date and I want your best smile face, understood?" This time the elsa finger was a little more to the center. "Elsa please! I have a surprise for you ready, so move your ass and let's go!" This time the finger was just the center one.



Restaurant "La gran pesca": 22:00 at night



Elsa stood sulking in front of the door while Chris looked through the windows looking for Juddit and her daughter. "Come on! Search from within! I'm hungry, cold and the world is changing and I'm scared!" Elsa complained as she approached Chris.

"Shut up one fucking minute Elsa! I want to enter directly to her table, like a real gentleman... wait... JUDDIT! LOOK ELSA, JUDDIT HAS COME!"


Elsa narrowed her eyes as she looked in the direction Chris was pointing at her, but all she saw was a wall of flesh in a nice blue dress. "Chris... that's not  the Juddit from the photo... are you dating a wall?"


"Fool! That must be Hannah, her daughter, she wears the dress that Juddit told me to look when we come! I'm so nervous ... it's our fifth date, but it's the first time that she's an officer! I have no idea what to say or what to do- " Elsa's mind began to do a series of operations, measuring the back of the supposed daughter, calculating by an approximate length of the arm the length of his legs and after a simple calculation grabbed the arm of Chris with enough force to tear it. "ELSA LOOSE ME NOW! YOU ARE GOING TO MESS THE JACKET!"


"Chris" Elsa started to snort as her expression of boredom turned into a smile worthy of a lottery winner" Her daughter... is a giantess?!"


Chris chuckled when he realized that what he had been hiding all week to prevent any stupidity from Elsa was revealed. "Hehehe... Old Chris still has his tricks, right?" Chris turned his head to smile at Elsa, but all he saw was Elsa entering the restaurant directly "ELSA COME BACK HERE!"


Mentally Elsa calculated that Hannah if that was her name should measure about 11 feet and something more than 10 inches, which made her a giantess in its second phase of growth by full right.

"Let the game begin..."


End Notes:

Some people do not deserve the fate they have, and Elsa is one of themI hope you liked chapter 1! Feel free to comment on any opinion or point! Until next time! (which will be tomorrow if all goes well)

Chapter 2 (Hannah): Drowning by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

This chapter occurs a few hours before the final scene of chapter 1, from the perspective of the other protagonist of the story, Hannah the giantess

Gabriel Flats: 6:00 PM at the Reyes family home (Hannah P.o.V)


Hannah was tossing and turning in her bed, her heart in her fist and her face covered by her pillow, while her little cat insisted on meowing from the floor to raise her.

"Stop meow already! please marshmallow... just go with mom... I'm not in the mood to play!" Marshmallow ignoring the request of his mistress, he continued to meow and even had the courage to get on the bed to take more attention.

Without paying attention as usual, she continued with her internal dialogue, while through their window the children of the neighbors insisted on playing with the hoses and shouting happily while Hannah's mother shouted to them to leave their garden. Life in Bahia del sol was a quiet life and without too many problems, where all the doors, furniture, ceilings, shops and others were prepared for almost any type of man, woman and Extrahuman... except for a giantess like Hannah.

Right now Hannah knew that she was going through the period between the second growth and the third and last, and already life was unbearably difficult outside her house: On a normal day Hannah had to duck on average about 19 times between the academy and the bus, not to mention that for years he didnt have a chair as such and had to sit in a special flat chair or "Fat-ass" as they had baptized for the rest of classmates.

There were actually much worse names, But years of abuse (unfortunately not all the punishments in the world that teachers put on them against teenagers stopped their more and more elaborate and witty comments) had taught Hannah not to hear anything but what that the professors said, thanks to God that nobody dared to arrive physically with a giantess.
Because Hannah was remembering all this just a few hours from hell it was a mystery, but not unknown to her.

| Why cant Mom go alone to her date with Chris?

I do not need to know anyone else who can harm me! and even less so to an older girl, they are the worst...

I shouldnt have accepted, staying at home until I grow up for the last time and I can never leave anymore...

all my world and all that I need, is between these four walls, enclosed forever, protected from all... so a wonderful world! |

Hannah's internal dialogue ended when Marshmallow managed to sneak between the pillow and reach her  pillow-face, sneaking between the pillow and the head and stepping on one eye and causing her to jump out of the pain as she held the naughty kitten with one hand and her eye hurt with the other.

"AUHHHH! MARSHMALLOW! What the hell are you doing?!" Marshmallow meowed happy to see his mistress finally get out of bed and play with him, rolling by the hand of the giantess who could not see the grace to the matter. - You already have what you wanted buddy, right? - Hannah sighed as she lifted him out of bed to stretch ,and immediately she saw the dress that his mother had bought him for the occasion under his desk.

"If all the money she spent on buying unnecessary clothes was invested in the internet line, we would have fiber... but of course! it is better to buy clothes that make me look pretty while they make fun of me or point me in the street as the stupid children of the neighbors" Hannah grumbled as she proceeded to change clothes, accepting her fate, coinciding that her mother looked at her from the frame.

"I knew you'd be excited for tonight! Chris has said that that friend is totally incredible, so you couldnt see anything less than great!" Juddit on the other hand was completely thrilled with the night, Chris and she would finally have the appointment they had been preparing for and Hannah, not only because she knew a girl as interesting as Chris described Elsa, what really excited her was seeing her little daughter leaving home on a saturday night like every good teenager.

Juddit perfectly knew all the buts that the 11-foot-9-inch girl could put on her, that if too many small chairs or cutlery and uncomfortable plates, and she had already brought all her "giantess set" (name not yet patented) to the restaurant earlier that morning so that Hannah couldnt complain about nothing. People may not believe that Hannah was born of her (and seeing that Juddit did not even reach her waist anymore was an understandable thought) but at the time of being mother Juddit took all the prizes.

"Mom... if you let me stay at home I would be..." Hannah sighed without believing what she was going to say "Agree that Aunt Carol and her twins come home this summer..." 

"God! You're so desperate with this! you detest your cousin!..." Merry was a good girl, but Hannah had a slight tendency to want to stay home that clashed with the desire of Merry to know the city. And the state. And the country. And the world if her mother left her. "Let me think for a moment....Noooope! there's no deal!"


"MOM! UNTIL I AGREE TO PLAY WITH HER! How many years will she have now? I say mental years mom, I know we're the same age"

"Hannah, sit down." Hannah knew perfectly well that when her mother ordered her to sit down, it was for either scolding her or hugging her... and the redhead really didnt know which one she preferred right now. "You are my precious daughter, and as your mother I know I cant allow you to shut yourself up at home, like a kind of monster, but voluntary" Hannah by experience simply nodded and opened her arms so that her mother reached her neck, the sensation that she hated the most with the difference in the world, being too big for her mother.

"My beautiful and wonderful flowey... I promise you this is a good thi-"


"MOM! Stop right now! I agree to go if you do not call me again"


"Why?...Is it because of some game or television series?"

"Game, Undertale. That name still gives me chills..." Juddit decided to shut up what she was thinking and take this as a victory.




Restaurant "La gran pesca": 22:10 at night

Hannah was already desperate, not only for the ridiculous that was formed every time he went somewhere in the van of his mother and he had to leave the back, attracting the attention of any passerby who was in the area. Not only that, but Chris was late, and his mother seemed to agree with that. "Mama... we've been here for 40 minutes! Kriss isnt going to leave you here, right?!"

"Hannah, straighten up and stay quiet, you're prettier like that." While Juddit was between the sword and the wall, but not daring to lose the composure, she was dedicated to recostar lightly on the table (thing that as in one of those she did without care it would break the table)

"It would be easier if my chair had a backrest ..." A single look from Juddit was enough for Hannah to straighten up and put on her best feigned smile to annoy her mother.


5 minutes passed, Juddit about to lose her temper when all the lights of the restaurant suddenly went out and some of the waiters approached Juddit's table and the lights of the restaurant lit up on them. "Ladies, your double date is about to begin!" Juddit couldnt get out of her astonishment, while Anna did everything possible to shrink and not draw more attention (Thing impossible otherwise)

All the lights in the restaurant were focused on the front door, the music under the volume when she entered...

Hannah's first impression was simply to pinch her face, since she could not assume that her date was such a stunning beauty. Her ash blonde hair fell like a waterfall on her shoulders, her figure that Hannah although she was not very clear about measures could only imagine that it would be 90/60/90 (although on the chest part they could go down to 80) She was simply awesome and walked with a smile of pure confidence, Hannah couldnt help thinking that it was too much for a mediocre giantess like her.


- Lord Brain! We are starting to sweat hands excessively! what do we do!? 



The unparalleled beauty came to the table and offered his hand to Juddit without stopping smiling or looking askance at Hannah. "You must be Juddit, as beautiful as Kristopher had spoken to me." Juddit stood up and offered her hand, which Elsa picked up delicately and kissed chastely.


"Hohohoho..." Juddit could not stop smiling as he thought about how to make Hannah marry this incredible and attentive young lady. "How exaggerated you are, Elsa! Your name is that, right?" 


"It has been right, my lady. My name is Elsa Wood, and if I'm not mistaken..." Elsa turns to Hannah and offered her this time an elegant reverence. "You must be my beloved date tonight, no?" Hannah's nerves rose to imitate her mother and offer her her hand, not realizing that the ceiling was a little lower than she calculated and one of the lamps was right on her table.

CRASH !!!!

The blow with Hannah's head had been enough to break the bulb, leaving the scene completely dark and causing total silence in the restaurant.

"...... "Hannah, convinced that nothing would serve to sit now decided to pull forward and continue as if nothing happened, although inside felt as if drowned in a sea of looks. "My... na... name is... Hannah...


| Genius |


End Notes:

Life is not easy when you are too big even for a city where there are 9 foot people, and in this edition of the game of life, Hannah was an expert.

I hope you liked Chapter 2! Thanks to everyone who read the first one and felt free to leave any comments and contributions! Until the next!

Flowey was enough to traumatize Hannah


Chapter 3: And both fell by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

This chapter has been so early because Link gives me a link explaining how to make a cleaner and worked (I guess you have already read it, but go to see Elite Sister, a real story like a good diamond), and after reading it I have tried to put into practice everything I have learned. This time if I ask you to comment if you like this style of writing more than the previous one.

Restaurant "La gran pesca": 22:05 at night

Elsa left the bathroom of the restaurant after getting ready and approached Chris again, who was anxious without understanding why Elsa would not let him enter at once.

"Explain again because we can not enter" -Chris did not know what else to do, completely desperate to have lost control of the situation- "Because as you ruin this I swear to you ... I do not know what, but you will not get away with it Elsa "It was more than evident that they were falling into the game that is best given to Elsa, improvisation.

This one instead kept smiling and putting a wad of bills in the comrades' boss's pocket and patting him while the boss seemed to communicate something to his team."Relax Chris, I have everything under control, your girlfriend and my beautiful giantess have already been caught by the web of passion that I have woven" Elsa fixed an imaginary tie giving the signal that everything was under control, but that was the best part.

Nothing was controlled, and all that remained was to play on the board of a tenebrous god.

The Chief of waiters indicated that in less than 2 minutes everything Elsa had prepared would begin, "I start Chris, and when you see the moment join me, but do not go ahead, let me mark the way." Elsa proceeded to check her lipstick for the last time and smiled at her best friend showing her teeth.

"Elsa I do not understand where you want to go-" Chris had to shut up as soon as the lights went out, and watching a waiter approach the desk of Juddit and Hannah, announcing that their appointment was about to begin. "Well ... Elsa has set up something not too big for what she's used to ... it's worrying that I'm happy to say this ... for sure"

Elsa closed her eyes and as soon as the lights of the lamps began to warm her skin, she began to walk towards the table of her precious giantess, dazzling with every step she took for how perfect it was. Hannah had a whitish skin but without appearing too white, which combined perfectly with her medium red hair. A hazel eyes and a not too upturned nose crowned her face next to slightly red lips by the lipstick she shared with her mother. And although Elsa presumed to have a spatial vision and an ability to measure objects just to see them, Hannah seemed to go beyond Elsa's own eyes, unable to tell her exact height, only being able to approach the same 10 feet as before. "So perfect," Elsa could only think as she reached the table.


Elsa stopped right in front of the table, and leaning lightly offered her hand to Juddit, "You must be Juddit, as beautiful as Christopher had spoken to me." The brief seconds that he was slow to respond gave Elsa all the information he needed, and without bothering to hear what he was saying, I wait for the last words to follow the dance. "It's been right, my lady, my name is Elsa Wood, and if I'm not mistaken ..." Considering that Juddit was already served on a platter for Chris, she went to Hannah, and with the best of her obeisances I look directly into the eyes. "You must be my beloved date tonight, no?"

Hannah took a few seconds more to respond than Elsa expected, and when she decided to act all she saw was Hannah getting up from her chair, half cordially half shaking. After this Elsa heard was a loud blow.

CRASH !!!!

The lights went out, and after a few seconds of standing still like a Hannah statue, she stretched her hand towards Elsa and answered half choked "My ... na ... name is ....... Hannah"

For the first time in her long life, Elsa did not know how to react. Her heart was full of doubts, not knowing whether to ask if it's okay or to do like Hannah and pretend that nothing had happened while they turned on the restaurant lights again.

This sensation blinded Elsa as if in front of him the god of lust had made appear a thousand suns. Hannah's hand was large but feminine, slightly sweaty, but more sweaty every second Elsa was still blocked.

| Take a deep breath, you're Elsa Wood, the most elegant playgirl call of your generation!Focus on the pre-established plan and go with it, a night of passion is our reward! |

Elsa took Hannah's hand, and going to kiss her as he had gone to do with Juddit could not help but feel a twinge in the deepest part of his being, and a voice saying that this was not the kiss he had to give her.

"Elsa ... are you okay?" Hannah lightly waved her hand, to see if Elsa reacted, but what I really wanted was to flee so as not to make a fool of myself in front of a cool girl.

Elsa looked up as she noticed the large hand moving, coinciding her gaze with Hannah's, causing more doubts and a fear that she had never felt before. "Sorry, for worrying my dear Hannah", before the doubt Elsa knew that she had to continue not to get out of the night, "It's just that I was very worried about the blow you received, so let me ask you, are you okay? Call an ambulance? "

"No, no, no, not at all! I often hit myself so often" Hannah tried to chuckle to get rid of the matter, "When you're too tall for the kindest city with the Extrahumans this type of tapping is very typical!"

| Damn it Hanna !!!! Stop repeating the same! The conversation will not flow if both of you are stuck in the same! Take another fast track or we'll lose Elsa's attention faster than what it takes to say bouncy! |

The couple was too nervous to realize that Chris had joined the table and with Juddit they were talking to each other with their phones to not interrupt anything of the show.

Chris: Should we leave them? It's too much fun to see Elsa being nervous!

Juddit: What a bad boy you are Chrisy <3

 Chris: In my defense I am suffering more for Hannah than for Elsa, that little goat has given me too many headaches ...                 

Juddit: You do not have to worry about Hannah! When she had her first growth spurt at age 6, it was about 3 months hitting the frame of all the doors of our old house! XDDDDDD                               

Juddit: Relax! Hannah will know how to get out of this! Just look how her eyes shine, as your mother I have 100% confidence in her, so I vow to pretend we're going somewhere else, leave my phone on call with you in Hannah's bag and go out to the square in front to see them from window! ;) 

Chris: How the hell do you write so fast?!                                     

Juddit: Secret of girls, sweety <3

Clearing her throat, Juddit got up, discreetly left her cell phone in Hannah's bag and gave a round of applause to get the attention of the pair of idiots. "Ladies, Chrisy and I are going for a walk before dinner, so go asking for a plate to snack on while!", And without giving either of them time to respond, she ran away, pulling Chris in the process.

Elsa was in shock, suffering from her best friend of the world leaving it in her lowest hours. Convinced that all she had left was to continue with the pre-established game, she sat down and took the menu. "Your mother has been clear Hannah, so what do you like?" Elsa answered by offering her the other menu with one hand while not daring to look up from her menu.

Hannah hesitated for a second, not knowing very well why and took the other menu, having problems to separate the sheets of it, "Damn ... these things are too small always ...", she said almost in a whisper as he continued his struggle with the pages.

Elsa raised her eyes when she heard it and offered her cavalierly her menu already opened by the entrates page, to which Hannah answered again a small thank you as she began to look for the plate that had more food, without being too much exaggerated to not be like a anxious with Elsa.

The first minutes after asking passed in silence, both girls too nervous to engage in a logical conversation. Elsa was about to commit her first Strike of the night excusing herself to go to the bathroom, but at the last moment she decided to stop and play the first of the night's cards: Ask what you're doing.
"So hannah ... what do you do at this moment?", Elsa knew perfectly well that to depend so quickly on a typical question was not a good sign, but her mind is too slow right now to think anything else.

Hannah mentally thanked Calia, the founder of Bahia del Sol and her idol for not having to start talking and recovering her voice, straightened a bit in her chair. "Right now I'm studying at the Apo ... Academy in my neighborhood," even she did not know because she had not said the full name.

Elsa sighed mentally because if such a grown girl was studying at the academy it could only mean that she was in her last year, and Elsa had no idea what to ask a pre-university student. "Then, next year, you will start university, you will study here in Bahia, will not you?" Out of the corner of her eye she saw the waiter approaching with her appetizers, which made her really happy.

"Not really ... I'm still in-"

The waiter proceeded to leave the tray of cheeses in the middle of the table, "Señoritas, their appetizers and their drink" Elsa thought to recognize the Spanish accent while the waiter proceeded to uncork the bottle of wine that Elsa had requested. Turning to Hannah, this one asked her about her drink, to which Hannah managed to articulate correctly and ask for a bottle of water.

"Do not drink wine Hannah, I could have asked for anything else" Elsa cursing again tonight since without the sweet touch of alcohol it would be much harder to make the conversation flow properly.

"Oh no! I can not drink wine!" Hannah tried to tiptoe around the subject for Elsa to understand the situation.

"Good move Hannah" - Elsa chuckled as she tried to drink the most wine without it seemed like the bar was in the wee hours of the morning. "On the first date drinking alcohol is playing with fire." This was the moment Elsa was waiting for.

"But ... you're drinking, are not you?"

"Because my dear Hannah, I'm so comfortable with you that I feel like I've been in love with you all my life, and all my life awaits me yet." Elsa winked sensually at one eye while waiting for the reaction.

Hannah turned completely red, unable to articulate even the slightest expression, lowering her head as her volatile imagination began to work over and over again Elsa's words.

Elsa had returned, smiled mentally showing her teeth full of renewed confidence

End Notes:

Elsa feeling things she does not understand no matter how smart she is.

Hannah frozen to a first love that has treated her like no other person had treated her since entering the higher courses of the academy.

Two girls who unknowingly now dance in the hand of a god that will not make it easy for them.

But if someone can redirect everything to their game, that's Elsa.

Chapter 4 (Hannah): Connected destinations by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

Many thanks to the more than 500 readings! I hope that now that the prologue is over you are still reading! Enjoy the chapter!

Elsa was perfect in every sense of the word. Not only did she pass me the menu sheets every time I had problems, but she also offered to ask for me because I was not able to call the waiter. An authentic gentlewoman.

That's the problem.

Hannah did not live in a fantasy world, she had not come out of a Disney movie or a Kirby game. She knew perfectly well that there were no heroes riding on horses that only seek to do the common good. That we all move with a clear objective and that Elsa would not be different. But as much as she tried, she could not see it and Hannah had the potential to do it as her idol, Calia Sol.

The legend of the foundation of Bahia del Sol tells how Calia Sol, a giantess who fought directly in the unionist side in the civil war built her dream with her hard work, a city for all species.

The story tells how Calia, at the beginning of the war only a normal soldier, was a great inflection point in the battles thanks to her colossal size (some say that Calia had a fourth stage of growth instead of the normal 2 or 3 of some giantesses, but there is no physical proof of it) and their abilities to manipulate the aura, the natural energy that we all produce, gave it a great name and importance within the unionist army.

After the victory against the Confederate army, Calia herself asked Lincoln permission to form a city for all slaves, human and extrahuman refugees. Unfortunately for historians, from this point there are many versions of history; some who granted it without more for their great work or others who narrate how Calia was forced hard conditions to achieve it.

Calia's iron will, whatever the negotiations, achieved its objective. Bahia del Sol was born as a pillar for all those who saw beyond the tone of skin or species. Calia herself made sure of it by using her abilities to see beyond the people's façade, and looking directly into the depths of their souls.
Skills that Hannah according to all doctors should also be able to! But nothing ... no matter how hard he tried, to the maximum that came was to close a door from a distance waving his hand. A ridiculous skill, worthy of a ridiculous giantess like her.

Elsa looked like someone you can trust, and if Hannah could control her gift with the aura, she could be sure that Elsa was her future.
Unconsciously, while Hannah was trying to look inside Elsa, she was approaching slightly towards her, narrowing her eyes little by little to Elsa's amusement. "Hannah dear, do I have something on my face?" Elsa laughed, wiping her lips; while Hannah regained consciousness and became straight, red as a tomato.

Hannah chuckled, "That ... has not been very elegant, has it?

"And what if it's not? I'm not in this appointment because I want an elegant girl of the last century!"

Hannah did not know what to say, she hoped that Elsa was much more refined and critical with the many lacks of delicacy, the multiple silences she had been offering all night.

| It does not seem annoying ... it does not matter what I do. Could it be that she really liked me? is this ... an adult love? |

On the other side of the table, Elsa was having her own internal battle.

| Damn it ... why is she so adorable ?! It's like a puppy playing in a puddle! Elsa, I do not know what else to do !!!!This girl seems immune to our attempts to light it, it's more ... as if we liked it! |

"Of course we do!" It was very late when Elsa realized that she had shouted it out loud, causing Hannah to burst out laughing.

"What do we do, Elsa? Because the only one that looks like an idiot is me!" Hannah had to leave the table to bend while not knowing why she kept laughing.

Once again, Hannah could not manage the distances well and I ended up putting her hair inside Elsa's sea bass dish. "Hannah be careful !!! ...."

Hannah, as soon as I noticed the fish oil in her hair, suddenly stood up, which in a turn that everyone present knew was going to happen, all that greasy hair ended up on her face. "Your fucking mother..."

As much as Elsa tried to stop and threaten, she could not suppress the laughter that was forming for some time inside her, and while she laughed she got up and picked up a napkin and proceeded to clean Hannah's face carefully."Nope, this is not going to come out just with a napkin ... ummm" -Elsa cleaned Hannah's biggest stain while her eyes were down, laughing softly. "I already have it, my house is near here, let me pay and we will clean you"

| ELSA FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, REVIEW THAT PHRASE! No no, wait ... That's it! This is the winning hand! |

Hannah went completely blank, debating internally if Elsa had said it with ulterior motives or had said it only with the aim of cleaning her head.

| And if you try to go for more ?! And if by chance both of you end up soaked and you have to take off your clothes to avoid catching cold? And if ... Casually Elsa suggests that you will keep more heat if you embrace ... AND IF YOU DISCOVER THAT WE ARE COMPLETELY IGNORANT IN THIS THEME ?! IF WE CAN NOT SAY THE WORD VIR ... DAMMIT HANNAH! YOU HAVE TO SAY SOMETHING! |

"This .... well ..." | THAT'S NOT IDIOT! |

"Are you sure? ..." To be the one who had proposed it, Elsa seemed as nervous as Hannah, who responded by nodding shyly. "It's fine ... I'm going to pay, wait here"

Elsa shot up at the head waiter and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt."Take 200 dollars, and these 50 to pay for all the damage we have caused, stay with the change and if Chris, the boy from before or Hannah's mother come back give them the best excuse of why I took her to my house, you get it?"

"Miss ... I think that what has happened is worth as excuses, do not you think?"

"I like how you think-" Elsa approached the identification plate to read his name, "Mike, take my number in case you need me for something, I'll find out yours", and after writing it on the invoice of the one previously attending, Elsa ran back to Hannah."Everything ready! You're with me?" Elsa proceeded to offer her arm as high as she could.

Hannah nodded as much as she could and took her hand with elsa's arm, trying not to cover everything and look like a mother and daughter.

Elsa Building: 00:00 at night

The road was not very long, but Hannah's nerves made her feel like they had been walking for hours. 

"And this is it! My greatest architectural work, the Great Tree building 146 feet of pure conceptual delight! If you allow me to show off." Elsa smiled from ear to ear, with a mixture of pride, passion for her work and nervousness never felt before presenting her building to another girl.

Hannah had no idea of r03;r03;architecture, but the Great Tree had always seemed pretty, as she tried to simulate a tree in the middle of the skyscraper district of Bahia. "Woah ... Elsa had no idea that he was yours ..."

"And it's not mine! I designed it for the same Ritchey Lips"

"Those of the Community Home, they are the owners of almost all the companies and industries of Bahia!" Hannah could not believe it, Elsa was not only perfect, but she rubbed shoulders with one of the most charismatic and beloved personalities in all of Bahia"

"Since I had just finished with the university and did not want to leave Bahia, I offered Ritchie a discount on my fees in exchange for one of the penthouses, and well ...", Elsa scratched her nose in an extremely gesture little feminine that Hannah ignored, "Here I am! Let's go walk, you smell of sea and sky!" Elsa wanted to understand why she had said that.



Somewhere not too far from the Great Tree building

"Sir, the last update has arrived, Hannah has left the restaurant with Miss Elsa and they are heading to her home."

"And where is Hannah's mother supposed to be?" It was hard to hide her annoyance at losing control of the situation, and more so with an unknown person like that Elsa.

"No ... we do not know, they were supposed to watch from outside, but after a few minutes they entered a nearby bar and we have no information about her." Veronica knew that the lord hated losing control of what Hannah was doing away from home, and more so close to the key date.

"... Are the other members of the table already online? Connect the camera" Veronica proceeded to turn on the conference screen when the other 9 members appeared from their respective homes.

"Vagrand, where is Hannah? I hope you have it located." The number 7 did nothing to hide her total anger.

"I understand that your relationship with Hannah is greater, but you know perfectly well that we would not let anything happen to her." Vagrand tried to calm the situation to save more problems than he already had.

"I do not care about your useless security, I want Hannah away from that bastard and I want her now."

"Take it easy old harpy, this may be just what we need." Valeria said smiling as the old woman did not leave her amazement.

"HOW DO YOU DARE TO CALL ME?" Number 7 hit the screen with her finger. "THE ONLY REASON YOU HAVE TO BE PART OF THIS IS YOUR POWER, SO LEARN YOUR PLACE." Valeria seemed to be playing with her nails pretending not to listen to her.

Vagrand tapped the table with both hands to get the attention of both. "Ladies  please, let's leave the personal quarrels for later. What do you mean, Valeria?"

"Hannah had been locked up in her house for years, only going to the academy, to buy and nothing else, Elsa is an intelligent girl, very much if you allow me, confident and proud." Valeria shared with all the other members a detailed report on Elsa. "For Hannah to fulfill her destiny we need her to smile again as before this dark period, to grow as a person in society and to realize her importance as a giantess." Valeria approached the camera and continued talking while smiling showing her fangs.

"Hannah is our only chance, if she does not become what we need our dreams are broken as one of my victims."

For a few minutes the murmur among the members was growing, until Vagrand decided to end this discussion as it should be done."Gentlemen, let's vote as usual, if you consider that we should allow Elsa to approach Hannah vote Yes, and if you think we should keep Hannah away from her, vote No. You have 5 minutes."

Vagrand quickly voted and proceeded to silence his microphone while flipping through Elsa's report."So ... the self-styled most brilliant mind of your generation eh? You have style Elsa, that ... I recognize it"

After 5 minutes the result appeared on the screen showing a flagrant 7 to 3 in favor of Elsa.

"You make a grave mistake, ignorant, I will not let Hannah get soiled by that half-bastard ... CANADIAN? THAT'S WHAT?" Number 7 screamed like a madwoman as she read the report.

"That's all for today, good night to everyone." Vagrand short the conference and turning around in his armchair stood looking at the sky through the window of his office.

"Sir, do you think it's a good idea?" Veronica quickly scanned the report open on Vagrand's laptop.

"I have no idea, dear, but if the goddess wants us to play this game, for the good of everyone and our future, it will be done.

End Notes:

Hannah represents much more than she believes, and history will show.


All the giantesses of the third category are.

Chapter 5 Stairway of hearts by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

In case someone was asked, Hannah to enter an elevator (only those who are prepared for extrahumans) gets on her knees and squeezes in an attempt to curl up against the left corner, picking up her legs under her ass.
Normally she did not have many opportunities to go in the elevator, so for Hannah this is one of those beautiful moments of personal overcoming.

Elsa's apartment: 00:10 at night

Elsa could be an idiot, an egocentric or an attempt to barney stinson. But if there's one thing that Elsa feels proud of, it's her tendency to clean everything up. Repeatedly. One behind the other.

"And this is where I live !, My breezehome, my hollow Bastion, my sanctuary!", Elsa opened the door like a Showman, while Hannah mentally looked for a way to enter through the door size. Elsa without realizing that Hannah was not following her kept presenting her apartment as she had done dozens of times before. "Kitchen and living room together in one large room, that door there is one of the three bathrooms, specifically the one of invi ... Hannah? Come on let's go! You miss the magic!"

"Elsa ... this ... I'm going to need a couple of minutes ..." Hannah pointed toward the door.


"Ohh ..." Elsa had never felt more embarrassed while watching Hannah try to pass through the door too small, from being a small puppy to being a giga-puppy in a house too small....

| What kind of metaphor is that ?! Damn Elsa ... focus. Your date is having a bad time and the least you need is for you to stay here without knowing what to do |

Elsa approached Hannah, who was trying with all her strength to crawl, red this time not because of flattery, but because of the effort and the shame of being in such a sad position.
"Hey Hannah ... I could sneak between your legs and push you from behind, what do you think?", Elsa quickly denied with a slightly reddened head, "It's not like I want to touch your ass! It's just ... I do not want you have to be in a position ... you understand me no?

On any other occasion, Hannah would refuse completely, but the fear that a neighbor of Elsa leaves his apartment and everything in the hall is a very big ass and two large legs and slightly chubby.
"Ple ... please Elsa." Hanna opened her legs while getting up as much as possible so that Elsa could get between them, no matter how ugly and bad the issue sounds.

"Well ... I'm not going to deny you Hannah that to be between your legs I just needed to invite you in ..." -Hannah hit the floor of the apartment with her fist with enough anger. "Okay, I'll get it"

Elsa managed to get out into the hall after a bit of effort and the vision she found was almost too much for her, staggering against the wall.
"Oh god ..." If elsa had to describe it, it would be like a work of art. She needed the best wills I had inside to do nothing but push. (to the point that not to give in to temptation had to push with his back)

After a few good minutes for Elsa and some horrible for Hannah, she managed to enter the apartment, which after much effort led to the next problem. Ceiling.

"Damn ... I'm so sorry Hannah ..." Elsa kicked her sofa, motivated by frustration. "I should have seen it!"

Hannah shook her head and put her hand on his shoulder, "It's okay, elsa!" offering her the best of her smiles, "I'm more than used to it!""

"As the others did not happen, I did not think the ceiling was too low for you ..."

"So ... sorry ... others?" Hannah's breath snapped and she leaned against the door frame.

Elsa knew well what had just happened, and her mind dropped three options:

- Pretend that nothing had happened and say that he was referring to his family members.

- Continue with it, play the playgirl card and seduce her from this point. (I had never tried it, but what else could I say to screw it?)

And the option that without getting to believe it she chose.

"Hannah ... you are not the first girl I bring to my apartment", If honest people have good things happening to them, then they should be thrown down that road.

"......" Hannah knew perfectly that Elsa was perfect, that it was impossible for someone like her to be so new at this she was. Hannah knew perfectly well that Elsa did not owe her anything more than what happened tonight ... and even then she could not find words within her. All he could do was break into tears.

"Hannah, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I did not want to say it ... but well ... the subconscious has played it for me ..."

"I ... I was ... going to be one of those ... One more for your next visit ?!" Even Hannah did not understand why she was so angry, in the vast majority of visual novels that she had played this situation did not bother her.

"NO NO! FOR NOTHING! Since I saw you breaking the bulb, you changed my plans!"



"THOSE WHO SOUNDED IN MY HEART TO LOVE ME OF YOU!" Hannah stood up and bent herself as she could so as not to look like a little princess crying on her knees.




"You have fallen for me?"


There was a long silence between them, Hannah processing everything Elsa had told her, and Elsa catching her breath and realizing that Chris had gotten her into this. And I could not be more grateful.


"That's my dear, I've already done it"

"CALLATE !!! DO NOT PUT ME IN MORE DEPRESSED!" Hannah covered her face with her hands so as not to give Elsa the pleasure of seeing her ashamed. "Elsa ... I love you ... but I need a couple of days to forgive you for considering me one more at the beginning of my first date"

"What does Callate mean?"

"It means shut up ... I'm sorry, when I get angry, my mother's Spanish comes out." Hannah tried to take a deep breath to relax and not make a mistake that would surely lament her whole life.

"Do you know Spanish? Ah wait ... Chris told me that Juddit was half Spanish ... of course now everything makes sense"

"Really? What sense?"

"I do not know ... I've really said it without thinking ... again" Elsa approached Hannah and took her hands as she could between her own. "And if we start it again, a good game always lets you repeat to fix things!"

"Dark souls does not leave you ... and Darkest Dungeon either"

"But that's the grace of both! Failure is part of the experience as much as winning! Also, I do not want a relationship between you and me to build on Dark Souls, I'd prefer something like animal crossing, or stardew valley! Like Stardew Valley!"

"Elsa understand what games you are talking about and I am ecstatic that you know so many, but I have not followed you for a while"

"It ... happens to a lot of people when I start talking." - Elsa cleared her throat and continued- "Let's do this, you and me, next Saturday, it will be our first date and it will be your true first date. In a nice restaurant, we walk a bit and I'll take you to your house, if you're still mad at me for ... well ... bring others here. "

"How many have they been?"

"Good question ..." Elsa took out her cell phone and started counting in her diary. "Only 39 ... I mean ... they're only 39. In 3 years I've been trying to be a playgirl, only 39"

"And you have them in your agenda?"

"It would seem like idiocy ... but they have been important people for me, since they decided to choose me for a few days, and some weeks, I want them to know that they can count on me, that they are not diffuse faces in my memory."

"That elsa ... it's beautiful, it's disturbing too, but it's very beautiful." Hannah did not know what to say or do anymore. This girl had managed to dislodge it completely.

"If you want them to disappear, I'll erase them right now ... Just ... give me a chance"

"........okay" Hannah sketched a wicked smile.

"SERIOUSLY THANK YOU HANNAH THANK YOU!" Elsa ran towards Hannah but this one stopped her with a finger. "Eh ... something happens?"

"Elsa, do you have a poker deck?" Elsa nodded and after a few minutes rummaging through the drawers of her desk she offered it to him.


"What are they for?"
"Shhhh, wait a minute ... why are these boxes so small? ... Do you mind?" Elsa nodded and after unpacking them I leave them on the table.

"Well Elsa, do you know what this is?" Hannah said as she separated a ladder of hearts from the rest.

"Of course I know! I learned poker to humiliate Chris and Boss in a tournament!"

"No, no, no, dear Elsa, this ladder is the ladder to my heart, if you want me to forgive you for repeating the number 39 so many times, you will have to win them." Hannah picked them up and put them in her purse. "Every time I give you one ... you'll get closer to my heart, is there a deal?"

"Dear Hannah, do you intend to play a game with their queen?" Hannah nodded smiling. "Let's not talk anymore! And let the game begin ... May the best win"

"We both won, you know it?"

"That is the grace, I will make you so happy that it will be a quadruple game victory."

Hannah could not take it anymore and she turned around, hiding her smile."Then Elsa ... will I see you on Saturday?"

"Can you count on it ... you give me your phone number?"

"... of course, yes ... idiot ..." Hannah showed her her own contact on her phone. "I'll ask my aunt to take me home ... Until Saturday ..."

Hannah came out a little more sharply by the door and Elsa heard her running in the corridor.
Elsa without saying a word closed the door and fell against it, pointing the number of Hannah in his agenda and dialing another right after.

"Nikolav, it's me Elsa, are you in the country? Then I send you the money so you can take a plane right now, I need a new door 12 feet by 5, a bed of 14x14, and ... basically I need all the adapted furniture 12 feet tall, calm, nothing unusual has happened to me, just ... there is a girl that I want to impress, and this has to be the most important job of our life. in advance." Elsa sighed, and getting up, she looked at the rest of the letters on the table.

"This is the play I was waiting for, and Elsa Wood will never let her get away."


In front of the Great Tree building: 01:00 at night

Hannah saw her aunt Veronica's car parked across the street.
"If you've hurried aunt Vero" Veronica snuffed out her cigarette and turned to look at Hannah crossing, looking on both sides of the street too many times as she had been accustomed to doing since she was a little girl.

"I was in the area, and in your message there were too many exclamations, I was worried!"

"Excuse me ... you're not going to ask me what I was doing here?" Veronica smiled in the rearview mirror as Hannah slipped into the back seats of the convertible as she could.

"You seem more anxious to tell me than I do about knowing." Hannah swelled her cheeks as she crossed her arms and looked away, feigning an indignation that had never left her. "Okay, what did you do in the Great Tree?" Veronica used her best fake voice to annoy her.

"Before that ..." Veronica sighed, Hannah thought it was pretense but Veronica had always been a very good actress until she got into town hall to work. "Aunt Vero, how do you know if you're really in love?"

Veronica knew that this was going to be a long homecoming.

End Notes:

So that Hannah had time to tell the whole story, repeat all the important parts between 2 and 3 times, Veronica had to go around in the Hannah neighborhood for 40 minutes.


I hope you liked the chapter today, and that you enjoyed that neither Elsa is the playgirl that is considered neither Hannah is too weak a girl to allow them to abuse her! (Except for a certain person in his academy, but that's another story for another time)

Until the next chapter!

Chapter 6 Say something (part 1) by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

Para que este capítulo tenga sentido, tuve que rehacer todo en primera persona, desde el punto de vista de Hannah.

¡Espero que todavía te guste!

Home of the Reyes family: 07:40 in the morning

The alarm has already sounded for the third time, and judging the fact that Mom has not already called me hysterical, or is still drunk or is already hangover.

It does not matter if it's winter, summer or the other two ... my sheets are always soaked with sweat the next morning. Mama says that by nature giantesses accumulate a lot of heat while they sleep in the years before and after a stage of growth. (which I'm not going to lie to myself, I do not like anything about it)

"Hannah! WAKE UP OF A DAMN! I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE YOU!", Sheis already hangover, that's for sure.

The academy does not have a strict dress code (I think the only rule is no tattoos visible ... I think) which any other person would give many opportunities to show a personal style and unique, it hurts that I am not any other person and the amount of clothes that accumulate over the years is not up to the others. I think that was a good joke. I believe.

My wardrobe has 3 types of garments: T-shirts with long or short sleeves and pants (Not counting the light underwear, although the variety of them shines by its absence). The only good thing about having to buy custom-made clothes is that I can choose which drawing they wear the shirts, which usually is the series that you are watching or the game you are playing at the time of placing the order.

"HANNAH SWEETY! TODAY YOU HAVE TO CATCH THE BUS!", His mother..., the fucking bus, had not even thought about it. I need to choose something not very remarkable, so that any insult that is not typical disappears by the roots.
After choosing the smoothest blue shirt and the simplest cloth pants I have, I do not even want to look in the mirror. I do not usually be very presumptuous, but having to change what I wear only because of the fucking bus takes away the desire to try any hairstyle.

Our house is not very large in number of rooms (in size is like two houses in the suburbs), counting only my room and my bathroom, the rooms of my mother and one of guests, a bathroom, a living room and the kitchen. Mama is not very proud of having to ask my paternal grandmother for money to pay for our house after my second growth. But she has always hidden it as best she could.

"Finally, Hannah the bus goes at eight fifteen, if you take so long to get up you will not have time to have breakfast," Mama is leaning on the marble with an ice pack on her forehead, which is not so rare since it comes out of the night with Chris.

"Relax mommy, with a single glass of milk is enough for me-", I try to get to the fridge but I notice how my mother tries her best to step on me.

"None of that! A girl of growing age should have a lunch as god orders." I really hate the damn phrase of age to grow.

"But ... mommy ... porfi! I'll have breakfast in the cafeteria! Since you were talking, they let me have a double menu!", I do not want to show off, but my puppy face should receive at least an Oscar. Maybe two.

Mama sighed as she climbed the ladder to sit in her chair. "Damn Hannah, I hope you do not lie to me"

"Because I would do it, you are my only mom in the world!", I can hear from here how the heart of Mama turns upside down while she gestures for me to leave.

Point for Hannah!

Bus to the Apollo Academy: 08:15 in the morning

The good part of catching the bus is that when it passes my street there are not too many people inside. The bad news is that I have to take it.

"Go Hannah, today you ride?" Driver Miles was the friendliest you could find in the academy, always attentive to any human or extra human that needed something special to ride and not caring to give more than one lap to pick up a student. A man so kind and peaceful that I do not know how many idiots laugh at his baldness or overweight. "The ones in the back seat! Today we have a sweet giata on board, so sit down on the sides please!"

Thanks to God there are only for now school children and not many of secondary education .... shit .... Ashley.

Ashley ... it's not that I hate her with my whole being. We were friends before Sofia decided to become a target of mockery of the entire academy. Among the humans I know Ashley would not take a top 10 (If I had been born as lamia would be the best snake in history.)

"Oh my, what have we got here! My favorite fat ass giantess!", Unfortunately for me, Ashley went from the back seat to just the one in front, so it would be a lazy journey.

"Cut the roll, sofia not here.", As if speaking to a wall, sat sideways in his seat to have me within reach of his eyes.

"Come on Hannah, you know I'm kidding!", Joke my ···. "Also, having you among the mortals on the bus is a historic event! I can see the headlines:Giantess Hannah one day decided to join the commoners and attend the academy as a good neighbor, instead of riding in the baby carriage. "

"Normally you have more worked insults, what's wrong with you today?"

"Do not you know dear? Today those in class C do the tests of the P.A.C.U.B.S! Is not it a great day? Today Sofia will enter the youth unit and begin to protect us all! I can not wait to have a plug everywhere I go." Ashley dropped dramatically on her seat and sighed hopefully.

I'm not a big fan of the Bahia del Sol Protection and Care Unit. To begin with, it's a name too complex to say that they are Bahia's army / police. Also within them is G.U.N, which I am 100% sure is not an acronym of anything, and everything related to them represents everything I hate. They are heroic, they fight for the community and they protect the streets of Bahia and all the neighborhoods annexed to them, except those of Costa Dorada, which have their private military equipment like all good casino districts ... I guess it will be like that, but the most I've been to a casino near Casino Night Zone.

Nobody in this life is perfect. And nobody lives alone for altruism. G.U.N is not different. I think Ashley is saying something but I find it more fun to review Casino Night than listen to her. Paaaam paramparam. How good that I am making mental trumpets.

Apollo Academy, classroom of class D of the fourth year. 8:30

Ass face, Fat ass, Fat directly, Great useless, Worst giantess in history. And also with a marker of the good ones, because writing on my fabric seat with a normal one is not so well done. 

I sighed, cleared my throat and turned to the class:"Who was it?", As was evident, nobody said anything more than sporadic laughter. "Well, today I do not have anything better to do, so I'll go to the tutor so-" Nothing better than a good threat to give each other up.

"It's been Austin", one of the tennis club I point out from the other side of the room, maybe I should learn the names of my "teammates"

"I DID NOT WANT TO, SOFIA HAD TOLD ME THAT AS SHE WAS TO BE OCCUPIED ALL THE MORNING WITH THE EVIDENCE THAT SHE DID IT FOR HER, PLEASE DO NOT MATE ME!", First small coward ... I only had to look at him so that spit everything out, and second kill? But who do you think I am? a kind of supervillain that kills whoever is against?

"Look ... it does not matter, I'm going to clean it in the bathroom," I'd better take my seat and leave it clean while the tutor has not yet arrived to scare someone scared by Sofia.

As soon as I got out of class, I noticed someone pulling my pants from behind.
"Miss Hannah, some problem of such a good morning?" The tutor Smith was terrifying and only for his scars, but as soon as they tell you that he was part of the CIA it does not matter how big or powerful you are, it gives real fear. Also called Smith and if anything the cinema has taught us is that Smith is synonymous with hard guy.

Trying to hide my chair behind me so as not to win more problems to the poor kid, just reach gesturing bathroom between teeth and point to the hall. Sometimes I'm very pathetic, I know.

"Okay, do not take too long, I'm going to hand in the forms of the P.A.C.U.B.S exam, forms that your mother should fill in if or if tomorrow. I nodded as I could and asking for forgiveness in a sigh I ran down the hall.
With my weight and my height, it goes without saying that when I run down a hall of marble and more with slippers the noise is quite intense, causing many teachers to leave their classes to check if everything was fine. Dying of shame is usually not an option, but today I would not see it that bad. Look at yourself, when I thought about dying Elsa came to my head I do not know why.


"FAT ASS, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING ?!" Because I have such bad luck ... Sofia left her class while her tutor tried to stop her and came to me with a face of few friends.

Sofia has always been intimidating (any extrahuman lion was), but as we grew up she became a redheaded girl with bad fleas to a muscular beast (muscular but without losing her feminine form, to the joy of half an academy) for so many years in the team Of athletics. In general, a 9-foot, 11-inch tower with a bad mood.

"TODAY IS THE DAY THAT WE MAKE THE EXAM FOR AGENT OF THE G.U.N AND DO NOT LET THAT YOU PRETEND TO SPREAD IT" Sofia came towards me and I stick her index finger on her shoulder, without bothering to hide her claws.

"No ... I was not trying to bother you ... I need ... bath ...", I'm so sad that in a tarantino movie it would be a secondary that would not even die in the end.


"I ... I'm sorry"

"THAT I HOPE, BECAUSE ONCE AN AGENT OF G.U.N WILL NOT PASS OR ANY FAULT, IT IS CLEAR ?!" I nodded as I could and I turned slightly back. "Well, it's all clear, go to the bathroom to do what you need, we can continue with the exam." Sofia did not bother to wait for her tutor to enter, pushing her gently as she bent down to enter her class.

Less three points for the most cowardly giantess in the history...


Lunch time: 11:30 in the morning


Feeling powerless after the show in the morning, and having enough money to go to the cafeteria in front of the academy, I decided to ring the bell just before Sofia had the chance to meet me. Not too difficult for her because of my height ...

When I arrived at the entrance I found a large crowd of students looking through the doors of the academy at the entrance, muttering a lot of things. I'm not very good at getting information, so I decided even at the risk of finding it expensive to locate Ashley later.

Obviously, he was in the front row, which meant that he would have to move all the other students to her. And I wanted to go fast to avoid unnecessary encounters in the fourth phase ... it was the fourth phase, for sure.
After a few minutes of pushing people away and apologizing when I almost took me to an extra-human salamadra, I managed to touch Ashley's shoulder.

"Ashley ... what's going on?" Ashley without saying anything grabbed me from the bottom of my shirt and shot me as she could to see the scene through the humans' door.

Elsa .... Elsa with sunglasses was leaning on the biggest convertible car I had seen in a long time. And there was Chris and ... sofia in front of them, I guess I tried to kill them with a look.

"A movie star is in our academy ... and Sofia is going to show why she's the number one hero of the academy throwing her in. Is not she sooo cool?" Ashley was half sighing while with one hand she recorded the scene with her smartphone.

"Elsa a movie star? Not at all, she is an architect" I realized what I had said too late ...

"YOU KNOW IT ?! YOU OF ALL THE PEOPLE ?!" HANNAH THE DUMB GIANTESS MEETS A GIRL WITH BOTH BEAUTY AND ELEGANCE?! " I tried to cover his mouth as soon as possible, but by the time the whole crowd achieved it he already had his eyes on me. And the day continues in direct descent to hell.
Try to say something, but by the time I realized the crowd had opened up to offer me a direct path to the exit, or to the dragon's dungeon, it depends on how you look at it.

"Hannah dear! At last! Come on we have work!" Elsa shouted with all her might while gesturing with her hands to ride in the convertible.

"NEITHER ONE STEP MORE HOLLOW HEAD! THIS GIRL COULD BE A KIDNAPPER OR A VIOLATOR OR MEMBER OF THE MAFIA!" Sofia ran towards me and I was put in front of fight position, although I think the position of the fight would be more useful if I pointed to the alleged aggressor.

"Sofia ... Elsa is nothing like that ... she is ...", Elsa threw the keys of the car to Chris and started walking towards us, wagging her hips and that sweet as .... the hips before I had time to say anything else

"I'm his girlfriend, simba prototype." Elsa stepped by her side and grabbed my hand as she dropped onto my leg. I do not know if to protect myself or not to get tired while standing.

"...what?" Sofia seemed more affected than she would expect, it hurts that it was a single second before she raised her fist towards Elsa. "HANNAH HAS NOT PERMITTED TO HAVE A GIRLFRIEND, SO LONG HERE!"

"And that's up to you because ..." Elsa pulled me by the hand to start walking with her toward the convertible.


"HOW DO YOU DECIDE IT ?! YOU HAVE YEARS AGAIN INSULTANDOME, USING PEOPLE TO MET ME WITH ME AND NOW YOU HAVE THE VALUE TO SAY SOMETHING LIKE MY FRIEND ?!" I have no idea where I am getting so much air to scream, but I have the adrenaline to the clouds and I will not let go of the opportunity. "STOP OUT OF OUR ROAD", I should have thought of something better.

Sofia turned back, I do not know if it's because of the fear of screaming at her or because of the surprise that she has made me so aggressive. Moment that takes the opportunity to pull Elsa gently and leave.

"Hannah ... RETURN HERE! IT IS THE LAST NOTICE I GIVE YOU!", Without paying attention to her, I climbed in the back of the convertible, surprised that she only took a seat and approaching Chris, I asked her whispering to start.

"Good job dear Hannah, good job" Elsa sat in the passenger seat and offered me her fist to crash, something that made me a little funny about the old and typical of the eighties that seemed. Needless to say, of course we crash.

End Notes:

This is the first part of a chapter, but since it was getting too long for my taste I decided to split it in two, the second part will continue with the rest of the day!

As always, thanks for all the readings! See you tomorrow!

Chapter 7 Say something (part 2) by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

Many thanks to everyone for exceeding the mark of the 1100 readings! I love you all! I hope that you stay here to discover what the future holds for Hannah!

As I said here is the second part of yesterday's chapter! Hannah continues with Elsa and Chris, while in another part a report is delivered. A bright road has appeared in front of our protagonists. Bright but full of dangers.

Chris started the car and we started driving outside the suburbs. Thinking from a logical point of view, get in a car with your mother's boyfriend and your "girlfriend" without even asking where we are going is not the best decision of my life. Once again, as soon as I tried to ask where we were going, Elsa stretched out on the seat and started talking.

"So ... that lion with personality problems and you're friends?" Elsa was rummaging through her cell phone without even bothering to look at me.

"No, not at all ... before, but he's been messing with me for 4 years now ... I have no idea why," I really think I know, but I do not feel like carrying Elsa with my problems on the second day of our relationship is a good idea.

"Well, Hannah, listen to me: Give her a good punch in the face! One that will pull a pair of teeth!"

"Elsa! Idiot! Do not tell Hannah to hit others! She still has 2 years to go to college and that would get her more problems." Chris is a good person and looks like he can for Els-

"STOP THE FUCKING CAR!" Elsa tore the hands of the steering wheel to Chris and gave a swerve while Chris tried to brake the car.

"YOUR MOTHER ELSA! WHAT SHIT DO YOU DO?", Chris had the look of wanting to break her face with the same punch that Elsa said.


"Elsa ... I'm 16 years old". The silence was overwhelming.

Elsa proceeded to remove the belt, get out of the car and lean on a traffic signal. First I stare at myself, then at Chris, then again at me and finally at the floor.

"... what are you saying to me? Do you have ... 16 .... years ?, elsa had a completely white face.

"I told you at dinner, remember? ..." I'm not going to lie ... I'm really scared.

"YOU JUST TOLD YOU YOU CAN NOT DRINK WINE" Elsa turned and hit her head against the wall, to which Chris looked at me and grabbed my hand so I would not get up after her. "It that bothers you so much ..." I'm not the emotionally stronger person in the world, so I was on the verge of crying.

"Elsa ... you should have seen him, if Juddit is 36 years old and I told you that she tube Hannah with 20 was a simple subtraction." Chris got up and walked towards Elsa, slowly as if afraid that he would run away. "You bought a special car to take it to her from how much you've fallen in love with her, so let's go ... take a deep breath" ...She bought this car ... for me?

"5 years", Elsa turned around and ran towards me (which scared me a little, a little too much)

"5 what?"

"According to the laws of Bahia del Sol you will be of legal age in 2 years, and according to the Americans, you will be of legal age in 5 years, so is not it?" Elsa had one of the most serious faces I had seen in my life, only surpassed by my mother when she told me that my paternal grandfather had passed away.

"... I guess ... what if" Elsa sighed and turned around, walking towards Chris and looking for something in her purse.

"Chris, I have to put up with 5 years without "sleeping" with her, so I'll pay you $ 10,000 if you make sure I do not have access to the extra-human pill for years to come."Chris took the checkbook out of his hand and shook his head "You do not have to pay me anything, I was not going to leave you anyway."

I'm not going to lie, I'm still scared. But this time for a totally different reason.Elsa is willing to wait 5 years for me to be of age, she has bought a special car for me (which I do not know how to say that I have a year and a half left before the final growth). I care so much? She said she likes macrophilia or whatever ... so it can mean that she only cares about being a giantess ... and not being able to see people's souls? It would be soooo easy to get the answers I need right now ...

"Thanks Chris" Elsa proceeded to hug him and after letting go I push him aside as he walked back towards me. "Miss, I'm not going to lie to you" she opened the door of the seat next to mine and sat here, putting his hands on my leg, "when you have released the big bomb ... I almost died right here. With the last night I'm not the most reliable person in relationships, I know... but I care a lot, so I'm going to wait for you to be of age, so you can say that you were the first time you really wanted to. "

"Hannah, I usually advise that you do not trust Elsa, but your mother cares a lot for me and you too, and I have to say that it's the first time I've seen her so serious..."

"Elsa ... thank you" I felt very tempted to give him one of the letters (last night I decided to always carry them over in case the opportunity arose), but I think it's not the time ...

"Thank you for nothing! Make sure that 5 dry years are worth it!" Elsa winked at me as she passed over the seat back to the copilot.

"And the magic of the moment is over ... Elsa, I swear to you, you're an idiot" Chris snorted as he put the car back on the road. Before anyone could say anything, I decided that this was the time to drop the question.

"Hey, where are we going?" Elsa slapped her forehead as she sighed.

"Fuck me! I forgot to tell you ... Sorry!" Chris punched her lightly on the arm, still staring at the road. "We are going to the airport to pick up Nikolav, my personal assistant, so he can take measures to adapt my entire apartment for you"


"WHAT ?! ELSA! It's not necessary!"

"Of course it is! "sleep" with you, it means nothing! you are going to spend a lot of time with me in the next few years and I can not let you have to be half crouched in my apartment every time!" I guess this is such a good time like any other to say it ...

"Elsa ... I mean ..." I took a breath to release it all at once, "Elsa ... in the next few years I will grow for the last time ... I will be about 25 or 30 feet tall ... no I will be able to climb the stairs or take the elevator to go to your apartment! " This is one of the things that gives me the most fear ... being too big for everything in this city ...

Today according to the last visit to the doctor there are only 4 giantesses in the United States, and only I am a giantess of third growth as they call me. If I grow too much to live in the city kinder to my kind ... how the hell am I going to live? Mama already pays for real craziness in food for me ... my clothes cost hundreds of dollars, not to mention that I have a cell phone and a computer thanks that they used me as advertising for a campaign of specialized products for extrahumans. My life is too expensive for everyone around me ... and there is still a damn growth.

"And? As if you grow as a building!" Elsa laughed as if everything was a matter ... unimportant

"Elsa! It's not funny! I'm serious, spending money on me now is throwing it away" It's normal that she dint understand it, humans are the species that spend less on basic needs.

"Hannah, I do not care about my future, because I know it will be brilliant and you will be there! When the time comes, we will think about it Today, my beautiful girlfriend is Hannah, she is 11 feet with 10 inches of pure kindness. I think ... "Elsa turned around and looked me in the eye. "We'll get there some day, now it's all that matters, so let me do this for you."

I can not understand it. There are no perfect people and Elsa showed it last night.

It is selfish.


Live without thinking about the future.

It is exaggerated and dramatic to the point of almost making us crash.

She has totally stupid ideas.

And for some reason ... it makes me believe that everything will go well ... and it has only taken less than 5 hours together. Dammit.


Somewhere in the Hyperion District: 2:00 pm at noon

Vagrant was reading the academy's report carefully. Veronica, on the other hand, was too nervous to stop circling the table. "Calm down, veronica, I can not concentrate on reading if you keep wandering."

"How are we going to explain this to old Harpy?" Not only does she kidnap her from the academy during school hours, but also almost crash! Mira, I swear Hannah happens to kill Hannah and kill Elsa with my own hands ", from the rage she was holding, she tore off one of the reports on the corkboard and threw it against the wall.

"I think it was from the summer fair ..." Vagrand left the report on the table and reclined on the couch while Veronica picked up the papers.

"I'm sorry, sir ... and well, I'm sending all G.U.N's for her?"

"Hannah has gone with her of her own free will", veronica returned to release all the leaves on the floor and ran to the report to start reading it.

"I do not believe it ... this is not possible ... Hannah is a good girl! She would not skip the day! Wait ... how about reforming her apartment for Hannah?" Veronica completely forgot that she was the secretary and took the vagrand phone without even thinking about it. "VALERIA! COME HERE AND EXPLAIN THIS!

"Shh secretary, I'm here!" Valeria appeared as a shadow under the door, materializing just in front of veronica to scare her.

No matter how many times Vagrand met with Valeria, the vampire always appeared at the right time and without giving any signs of being here anymore ... although he supposed that's what vampires do, appear out of nowhere.

"HOW DO HANNAH BE EXCITED? AND AS ELSA IS REFORMING THE APARTMENT FOR A GIRL WHO LITERALLY KNOWN YESTERDAY!" Veronica had always been a very passionate girl, but when it came to Juddit or Hannah all her good manners and her education disappeared as if by magic.

"You say my sources are not reliable? Dear, I already had eyes on every inhabitant of this city before your parents were born ..." Valeria slowly approached Veronica, taking her chin with two fingers and pulling her to that both were face to face. "But if you think you have better sources ... show them to me, or better, show them to my friends in the shadows"

Vagrand hastened to get up from the chair and separate them before Valeria bewitched her. "VALERIA!"

"As boring as ever ... everything is better when they move in my far beyond." Valeria sat quietly in the vagrand chair and looked over the report. "Elsa is a curious girl, very curious, as I like them."

"Explain valeria, and do not dwell on rhyming the phrases, I have a meeting in 10 minutes"

"When you stopped being that kid excited by his dream and you became a slave of the administration?" Vagrand said nothing and looked at her seriously. "Elsa is a girl who has created herself, if you allow me the analogy." Raised only by her daddy, she mentally surpassed her peers from the moment she stepped into the nursery. She seems self-centered in how she talks about herself. And in part it is. When you have potential and use it to play and flirt with extra-human ... and you do it is to feel comfortable with yourself!"

Vagrand hit the table with his fist, fed up with Valeria's little games. "Valeria, we do not need a psychological profile, I need to know if I have done well to let her get close to Hannah, I remind you that all of our future is based on Hannah becoming the right person?"

"Vagrand vagrand ... Elsa can become your Calia's Flynn, she has the potential, she has the resources and she has the confidence that will make Hannah shine ... It's more ... Hannah, as you've seen, she's been able to face after so many years to the lion, silencing her and demonstrating that she can not continue to step in. At last ... Hannah may see the light, but she will only do it if she understands who she really is, and that path takes her to Elsa"

Vagrand stood up and approached the wall, resting his head briefly on it while meditating. "So ... could this be what we were looking for?"

"It's what we were looking for, but it will not be easy, her path is full of enemies that she will have to overcome to become the right person"

"She will do it, Hannah has the strength to overcome each one of them, and if she fails, we will raise her, that's all we have left to do."

"Sir ... it's my niece ... I need to know that everything will go well" Veronica approached him and leaned her forehead on his back.

"As valeria would say, only the sun of the next day knows it", Valeria feigned offense because they snatched his sentence. "Hannah needs to become strong, with Elsa or without her, that's all that matters." Vagrand know it.

Hannah's future is all that matters. Bahia del Sol depended on it.

End Notes:

Flynn was forgotten by history, but behind every great hero there has always been someone who has supported him to fulfill his dreams. Bahia was built on a promise, a promise that is still waiting to be fulfilled today.

A promise that will require the efforts of many people to one day shine like a star.

The brightest star in the sky.

Chapter 8 History lessons by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

Some say that those who do not know history are condemned to repeat it over and over again. The truth is that as much as you know the story can not do anything but sit and watch the progress, the story will continue with you or without you.

Changing the subject today we have a lot of change of points of view to make sense of a certain event! I hope you like this mini-experiment! Thanks to the more than 300 people who have read my story from yesterday to today and thanks also to those who will read tomorrow!

Caelus Airport: 14:00 in the afternoon (Nichole P.o.V)

Bahia del sol is from the mythological point of view a city full of cultures and traditions, of mysteries and legends. It does not take more than stopping to read the name of the streets or buildings to realize how much Bahia looks and respects the past. Which for any history enthusiast like me does a personal Eden garden.

"Nikolav! Finally!" Before I could turn around I noticed Elsa hugging me from behind with all her strength. My poor old back will not hold many more attacks ... although I'm not going to stop her either, not even.

When I turned to hug her I noticed that Chris was coming from behind (at first I did not like that boy, but he has managed to take Elsa down a path not too deadly for what he has my respect) and a beautiful girl that by his height and Corpulence could not be any other than Hannah.

"Come, let me introduce you!" As usual Elsa started to pull me before I could even open my mouth. "Hannah this is Nichole Avalle, Nikolav for friends, my personal assistant and my mother figure for much of my childhood, Nikolav, she is Hannah, my giantess girlfriend and my future wife and mother of my children-"

"ELSA !!! DO NOT ADD ME ... THINGS !!" The little giantess took a deep breath and approached me, kneeling and offering my hand. "Nice to meet you Mrs. Nichole ... I thought she was Russian ... but do not be offended or anything! I have nothing against the Russians! It's just that Elsa has been calling her all the time know... nikolav... "The poor thing seemed completely lost and my maternal instinct shot like a bullet. I hugged her as best I could and whispered in her ear.

"Easy little girl, Elsa always does that so it's not your fault" poor Hannah nodded and smiled at me as best she could before Elsa got in the way.

"Do not even think about telling her anything private, I want her to maintain the image of a tough guy she has of me for at least another couple of weeks!" Elsa has always been too jealous, but many girls she has taken to the bedroom liked, so I'm not the one to get into it.

"It would not occur to me! First I would need a coffee!" As usual, Elsa swelled her cheeks and turned around, this time going to Hannah and burying her face between her breasts ... "Anyway ... as elsa told you dear Hannah, I'm her-"

"NOTHING OF DEAR HANNAH!" Trying to scream while hiding your face is not the best idea elsa ...

"So Hannah, or do you have a problem with that too?" nodding without taking her head off ... Hannah may be thinking it's a childish gesture, but I know what you're doing ... "Hannah, I'm Nichole Avalle, Elsa's personal assistant at her father's request. throw your money to the first idiocy that comes to her"

"I see ... I already said it was weird that an architect-" "BEST ARCHITECT OF MY GENERATION" "Whatever ... that she had a personal assistant, since you're here, you could convince her not to do any reform For me, I'll grow up for 2 years, so it's a waste of money, and ... we've known each other for less than 24 hours ... it's not so that I want to change their entire house for me. "

A common trait known to every good historian among the giantess is kindness, and I am glad to see that Hannah is no stranger to that fact. The best example of the kindness of the giantess comes from the same founder of Bahia, Calia Sol, who at the end of the civil war had only 14 enemies killed. (as an example to be understood, another member of Calia's platoon was the one who later became her husband, Flynn Stein who killed more than 90 enemies) Such a point came to his kindness that Calia herself after each battle ran the place to look for wounded of any of the sides and to heal them.

That is another interesting point: to Calia Sol (and by extension to each giantess of third growth) are attributed dozens of extrahuman skills, from control of the aura with a range of kilometers, through the ability to partially control animals and plants in their range of vision, even greater follies such as the ability to read the mind or see the future. Today the only quality that we can really know that he possessed was an unbreakable will and a great aura management. (although we can also attribute force and velocity much greater than that of an average gi-

"NIKOLAV! EARTH CALLING NIKOLAV!!" Elsa was wagging desperate ... how long have I been talking?

"Excuse me dear ... I was thinking about how much money to get for everything you want to do."

"That's not necessary! Pay attention to me!" Poor Hannah was on nerves, and it's no wonder, until you do not know Elsa for at least a month, the situation can get exasperating.

"Dear, I usually have to stop Elsa, much more than you and Chris imagine, but today I'm with her." Before I could say anything I went ahead and put my finger on his lips. "You've stolen Elsa's heart, so let her put you on the pedestal that holds you now, do you understand?" I winked at her while Hannah looked away completely red.

"I told you, she blushes easily" Elsa was really proud, although it was not something to be ... for today I'll pass it on.

Hyperion District: 15:00 in the afternoon (Elsa P.o.V)

After having Chris park in the basement of my building, I gave Nikolav a sheet with everything he needed, another to Chris and I took hold of Hannah's hand.
"There you are! The shopping list of love! Team ... time to divide!"

"You will not pretend to drive your new car BECAUSE YOU DO NOT HAVE CARD and then I'm going to do your errands, not Elsa I know you live in another world, but this is too much for you" For some reason ... Chris did not seem willing to to collaborate.

"Come on Christopher, we'll finish sooner if we split into two groups, and I'll give you a generous tip later." Nikolav grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the elevator. That's the kind of woman I want to be! Strong, determined and do not accept a no for an answer! "

After making sure they were gone, I gestured for Hannah to duck.

"Elsa ... I feel bad for everything you're doing-" I grabbed her neck and kissed her directly on the lips. (Elsa's Rule number 11: If a pretty girl is debating interim a good kiss always brings them back to reality)

(Hannah P.o.V)

Even in my darkest dreams I would not have expected a kiss ... my first kiss ...Elsa started gently, keeping her hands on my cheeks to keep me from moving ... although with the difference between our bodies they were nothing more than emotional attachments. Her lips taste like mint ... chewing gum from before? Or is it a bodily response to the amount of blood that is traveling in these moments throughout my body- OH GOD A FRENCH KISS. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO! HER TONGUE IS TOUCHING MINE! AND NOW WHAT DO I DO? HER MOUTH SEEMS TOO SMALL! I DO NOT KNOW IF I CAN! DAMN WHAT SHIT IS MADE IN A SITUATION LIKE THIS?!

(Elsa P.o.V)

As soon as I saw that he had relaxed, go to step 2: The erotic dance between two enamored lips.
I have to admit, that throughout my long career as the so-called best playgirl on the west coast of the United States, I've kissed a lot of mouths, with fangs, with cat tongues, with drool (but it was a slime, so it's not nothing worrying). But Hannah's mouth ... is completely different than what I expected.

For starters there was much more space inside his mouth to play, and his tongue is super warm, and huge! More than what I expected! Hannah seems nervous, she keeps moving her own tongue from one side to the other. But I dont care. In the dance of love, I am the one who controls ... wait ... what is she doing? She is also trying to play with my tongue ... naughty girl ....
When she put her tongue in my mouth, almost unintentionally she came to my bell ... and as much as I hated it, I had to push it away so I did not throw up all the breakfast on Hannah mouth.

(Hannah P.o.V)

She is vomiting ... until breakfast ... I know I must not be very good at kissing ... but so unpleasant has it been?

"Agggg ..." Elsa recomposed herself panting and after wiping her lips with a tissue she turned to me. "It has not been bad ... but let's not go into my mouth next time ..."

"So horrible ... have I been?"

"Hannah, it was the best kiss of my life." Nice words, accompanied by the smell of vomit. "I'm not saying it to look good! Really ... damn ... I'm not the one who should be nervous ..." Elsa ... was blushing? She can? "Really ... it was my best kiss, until you put your tongue to my bell!"

Oh no...

"Otherwise... you'll take practice after each kiss, take this as an example! Get tongue is good! Put tongue until the bell is wrong!"
I must look idiot nodding it completely red.

"Now come on! We have to go to several stores and I want to catch something to eat, maybe pizza"

"What stores?"

"Mainly you and I are going to the dressmaker, to make you a wardrobe as god demands ... After that ..."

"Elsa!" ... I have been telling her that not all morning and it has only served to give her my first kiss. I'm going to try reverse psychology ... "Thank you! I hope you buy me nice things!"

"Pretty nothing! The most beautiful there is! I have a bank account with $ 17,000 that Nikolav lets me use for things for you and I plan to make good use of it!"

"17.,000 dollars ?! WHERE DO YOU GET SO MUCH MONEY ?!"

"Mainly of all the buildings I've designed throughout America, China and one in Italy, all the money I make goes to the account that Nikolav controls, and from that account he gives me 5,000 dollars every month for all expenses. we avoid things like buying a seal, I like seals, my favorite animal followed by parrots and llamas, do we buy a llama when we get married? " Elsa ... is more excited than constumbre. And at the same time it gives me a little more fear. But only for the part of the money. (I also like seals)

"We'll see...."

"That means we're getting married." Elsa smiled with her stupid smile of stupid stupid stupid!

"ELSA STOP NOW!" I ran to the entrance of the basement, stopping next to the sign of prohibited vehicles over 13 feet. "13 feet ... I'm almost forbidden myself too ..."

"Hannah darling, if you were forbidden in this building I would buy a house for you and me! A 50-foot house! With many rooms! I want to have 3 children!" Elsa ran outside while I tried to compose myself against the wall.

3 children ... being extrahuman should be 3 giantess girls unless something changes ... THAT SHIT I'M THINKING! "ELSA RETURNS HERE LITTLE RAT!"


Home of the Reyes family: 14:00 in the afternoon 

The hangover ... is killing me ... why would I let Chris invite me to that last beer? or to any of the previous twelve ...


Great ... and now Hannah has forgotten the keys ... that baby would lose its head if it were not tied to the body ...



When I opened the door waiting for Hannah to scold her as she deserves, what was my surprise when I saw her friend Sofia on the door on her knees, as if asking for forgiveness as the japanese do ... I think ... I'm not here today to think .. .

"Ma'am Reyes ... I'm so sorry ..." The poor little animal was crying as if life were on it.

"Hi Sofia!, it's been a while since you've come to play with hannah, it's just that she's not with you ... Has something happened to her?"

"I COULD NOT PROTECT IT!" Sofia hit the ground with her fist, slightly cracking the stone tile. "WHEN I NEEDED MORE I COULD NOT PROTECT IT!" At this point ... I was on the verge of heart attack ...

"WHAT HAPPENED TO HANNAH SOFIA? Please ... explain ..."


Elsa ... the name rings on my memorie and I do not know what ... from last night! Hannah's couple last night! What a daring girl, take Hannah in the middle of classes ... then punish her on the one hand and celebrate on the other.

"Sofia sweetness, Elsa is her girlfriend, nobody has kidnapped her! Do you want to pass by and calm down while I call her?"

"... No ... thank you, Mrs. Reyes ..." Sofia got up and left half staggering ... maybe he should have made her enter directly. Although I'm glad Hannah keeps friends who care so much for her!

Sofia leaned on a tree and dropped to the ground, holding her face with both hands to control herself.

| Hannah's mother does not care that that girl mistreats Hannah ... I'm alone in this ...
Nothing happens. I'll protect Hannah no matter what. Even if I have to personally show him how horrible that kidnapper is so she can let himself be protected for me. Even if I have to do it myself. |

End Notes:

A situation varies from which eyes we see it. The heroes of one can be the demons of others. Wanting to protect someone can cause more harm to other people. Everything depends on the point of view.

The good thing... is that it's never too late to do things right. But for this one must first see his mistakes.

Start of story arc 1: Stay together by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

Welcome to the first story arc of our history! Also note that from this point also include the current date of the scene next to the location (Whenever it does not appear is because we continue on the same day)



This first arc story will take place 2 weeks after the last chapter, and will be centered mainly on the past and the path that each person transits.The people who have been by our side are the ones who have guided us to become who we are now, although sometimes it is painful to continue when they are missing.

The road can sometimes be painful, but it is our duty to travel it.

Elsa's apartment: February 3 at 03:00 am

Dear diary, first of all do not think that I have been dragged by the idea of r03;r03;Chris because I wrote again. You're just a stupid journal. I am your owner and writer and I am above you.
That said ... I think I should write again because I'm not clear on what part of the game I'm in right now ...
I mean, Hannah is a girl who simply has no equal! She's so wonderful, so kind ... so funny ... she has a draenei! And shaman! Nobody who plays with draeneis are bad people! ... For being is up to erotic ... and that's the problem!
Hannah has a great body worthy of multinational study. Breasts ... even a little small (But bigger than mine! And not because she is a giantess ... because I'm writing this ... God ... I can not stop thinking about her!). And that ass ... that sweet ass ... PUSSY ELSA CONCENTRATE! IT'S UNDER AGE!
Do you understand where I'm going, stupid journal? In 2 years we could take the most intimate step ... or in 5 years if we are out of Bahia ... I think I love her ... but they are two damn years! WHY ALL BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO ME? It's not that you can do much, you're just a lot of paper, leather and ink. Unless ... it can not work. I can not travel in time using you.
Dammit! Chris was not right! I have no reason to write to you! My problems are still there!

Elsa threw the journal against the wall of her bedroom and she collapsed in her new giga-bed. A part of her thought of taking the whiskey out of the drawer of her bedside table and getting drunk until she found a solution. The other party was thinking of calling Chris to bring Hannah and talk to her.

"Oh alcohol, cause and solution to all the problems of my life!" Elsa without thinking twice she pulled the whiskey and without bothering to go get a glass she started drinking directly from the bottle.

"This is life!" Elsa dropped down on the bed, looking at the picture of Hannah that she had on the new flat screen that she had had installed on the ceiling of her bedroom. "Oh my hannah ... so beautiful and so forbidden ... I want to hold you in my arms and do everything ... but you're too young and I do not want to go to jail ... it grows faster!", It did not matter how much she wanted it, the time would not pass faster, and also ... Hannah had the right to enjoy the last day of her youth.

"Phone, call Chris", she really did not have any assistant installed in her cell phone, but she liked to pretend that she did.

"Elsa ... what hours do you think they are?" Chris sounded half asleep on the other side of the phone, and judging from the snoring that accompanied him, he was not alone.


"IDIOT ... oh god ... she's still sleeping ..." Chris sighed tiredly as he got up from bed without any kind of desire.

"Juddit has not woken up, I hope Hannah does not sleep so deeply ..."
Chris muttered something under his breath as he opened Hannah's door. 


Home of the Reyes family: 03:00 am (Hannah P.o.V)

And finished! Kingdom hearts 2 final mix 100% in 67 hours! I do not want to brag, but it's my new record. I wish ... well ... someone cared ...

"I know I could do streaming on Twitch! My computer is as advanced as possible, although I can not say a single piece of it ... I'm not very good with electronics ... except with video games. Presume, but my library of past titles is something worth seeing! From games before I was born, to every great title that I frame every time Games from the Atari to the Xbox One! Hopefully I can play soon with a swi-"

"Are you ... talking to yourself?" Chris was in the doorway, looking at me and judging me ... I should try not to think aloud in my room now that Chris spends the nights with Mom ...

"Emmmmmmm no, I was ... I was ... talking to Elsa, I got her on Skype! All this was a conversation with Elsa!" So I like Hannah, pull forward and do not look back.

"I do not think so ... I have Elsa on the phone ..." ................................. ..shit.

"HANNAH! DEAR! I'M HERE! HELLO!" considering that I'm about 6 feet away from Chris ... and that I'm hearing Elsa, she must be screaming a lot.

"Take my phone ... I go back to bed ..." Chris left the phone in my bed and left in the shadows, judging me mentally and then tell mom and accuse me of being crazy ... I guess. I'm not a clairvoyant, but I could! Some giantesses are! Also some sirens are, but I'm not a mermaid ... Giantess and also mermaid? Suicide would be my only way out ... suicide or rescue old ships! That would be so cool!

"Hannah, are you still there, sweetie?" Oh shit ... I forgot about Elsa ... this stupid cell phone is too small and I do not want to break it to Chris ...

"Elsa ... can you hang Chris and call my cell phone? This phone ... you know"

"Calm down, I'll call you with the other phone! Dont hang up!" Why she's going to call me with another cell phone?... it's already ringing. "Hannah, honey, I'm so drunk, 50% love for you and 50% for my best whiskey, so you're going to hear me say all the good things you have."

"Elsa ... although I love you very much, it's 3 o'clock in the morning ... I want to sleep!" I loose my lazy laugh, the drunk elsa is pretty cute.

"Ok ... put the phone next to the pillow, I want to hear you sleep and sleep with you on the phone." That ... is quite disturbing ... the second most disturbing thing in these two weeks that we know each other.

"No ... I do not think it's good ide-" "Just do it! I love you and I need you here! But you're not here! And since you're not here I've been drinking whiskey! And whiskey is my weak point! You're the weak point of my heart! And my heart wants you to be here, so Hannah, put the phone next to the pill- "

"I've heard it the first time ... Elsa waits ten seconds" Right now I have two clear options: O let drunk elsa get away with it. Or ... "Elsa, tomorrow is Sunday and I have nothing to do ... if I said ... I... go to your house?"

"COME ON! COME TO MY ARMS! I WILL TAKE YOU FLYING FOR THE SKY .... that's even too much for my drunkenness, sorry, then I'll think of a better analogy." Elsa started sending kisses on the phone, so I thought it would be a good time to hang her.

I sat on my bed and started thinking about what my roadmap should be:
- I have to get to Elsa's apartment in the Hyperion district.
- Walking are 40 minutes on the way, I do not have a bike of my size so I will discard that too. Mama will not let me go, so asking her to take me is not an option either, and that includes Chris
- Elsa gave me the number of a certain Boss, but I do not know him, so I will not call him. And since I do not have friends ... nobody can take me by car ... car ... car ... aunt Veronica!

I took my phone and started looking for the number, completely desperate (since when seeing Elsa is so important in my life? It's true that yesterday I did not see her ... and today either ... I have to go to her house already)

"Aunt Veronica, are you awake?" Trying to calm down so as not to seem crazy is no longer an option.

"No ... now that I am ... what is happening? It's too late... you know"

"Can you ... take me to Elsa's house? PLEASE!!!!!"

"I hate you ... is it life or death?" I nodded, hoping she understood. "Silence again you're nodding on the phone ... idiot ... I'm going in 10 minutes." Before I could say anything, she hung up directly.

Point for Hannah!


15 minutes later:

I sat at the door of the house, dressed in my best clothes (Which were paid by Elsa, so there would not be any surprise), when Veronica's car arrived.

"Aunt Veronica ..." the mayor ... aunt veronica has brought the fucking mayor ...

"Hannah, this is Benjamin, benjamin, she's my niece Hannah" HOW CAN IT BE PRESENTED AS IF IT'S NOT THE GREAT THING? IT'S THE FUCKING MAYOR OF BAHIA DEL SOL

"Nice to meet you Hannah, my name is Benjamin Vagrand, I hope you do not mind that I'll accompany Veronica tonight" Oh god, he's offering his hand ... to me...

"IT IS NOT A DISCOMFORT, LORD VAGRAND!" Lord? God now he thinks I'm some kind of geek from the middle ages ... breathe deeply hannah ... he's just the mayor of the city ... what's the worst he can do? Get rid of the city?...he...cant...I think?

"Do not be so nervous Hannah, Ben would not kill a fly" Of course... it's easy for you to say damn, it's your boss...

"Let me open the door for you, hannah" And now he opens the door for me ... say something smart and sit down.

"Thank you my lord ... no ... I did not want to say that ... I WANT TO SAY IF I WANT TO THANK YOU, BUT NOT TO CALL MY LORD, NOT BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT ... IT IS BECAUSE ... your position ... is mayor ... and well ... well that ........... "

"Hannah relax, I'm glad you care so much to get nervous, but I'm not any kind of dictator for you to treat me as Lord" He closed the door elegantly and sat down again like a gentleman ... I have instead sitting like a very big idiot robot ... good first impressions with your aunt's boss and your mayor.

"Sir ... excuse the question, but what does it do here? It's not that it bothers me that this or something! It's..."

"I had asked Veronica to take me home after a meeting, since my car was left to my ex-wife to take our children to see their grandparents in San Francisco" What a nice person ... it shows because he is the mayor.


"Wait ... where were you sleeping, uncle veronica?"

"The sofa in the office is very comfortable, that's all I have to say in my defense" Only Veronica would fall asleep while her boss is reunited ...

"Excuse the behavior of my aunt, Mr. Mayor" I offered my best reverence that I could from the seat. I can not let her get angry with her and fire her, now that she's living on her own and does not depend on my mother.

"HANNAH! I AM YOUR UNCLE! YOU DONT NEED TO APOLOGIZE IN MY NAME!" The mayor let out a laugh while uncle veronica growled like an orc.

The mayor wiped his tears and turned to me, I will not let him pass, I managed to make the mayor of Bahia laugh! That must be a minimum of 5 points! "Easy Hannah, I already offered to lie down in the office while she waited"

"Then in the name of my aunt I thank you" If I am not educated then the aunt Veronica will feel ashamed ...

"Hannah for! The adult is me! Besides, that's Elsa's building, no, get out of here!" God! if we have arrived ... surely I did not even notice where we were going, being so nervous.

"Thank you for bringing me aunt veronica! And forgive me Mr. Mayor..." Now here's my best reverence, Mr. Mayor! ... I hope it's really good.

"No hassles Hannah, it's been a pleasure to meet you, be careful on the way to the building! And be careful veronica, there is a traffic police, I do not want anyone to accuse you of being a bad driver" Veronica said nothing while tearing the car and left ... it does not matter! Elsa I'm coming!


If only ... one of them would lose control and end this damn life ... finally we would be together again ...I miss you so much, baby ... I think I start to see you everywhere ... are you calling me? Maybe I should ... find another bullet ... maybe this time I have enough value ... JANE! JANE ARE YOU? COME BACK! ... jane ... you're back ...

End Notes:

As we now start new arc, I think it is time to properly describe the characters, so after each chapter whenever this section is not necessary for some reason it will include the physical description of each character relevant to the story. Without further delay let's start with the first character to appear!


Elsa Wood:

- Height: 5 feet 11 inches (physical complexion of semiprofessional swimmer)

- Physical appearance: Elsa has ash blonde hair, which together with her dark eyes creates a sensual contrast (said by herself). Elsa has an average athlete physique, built by many years of swimming, which unfortunately had to stop because of an injury to the left arm caused by accident with his father's car at the age of 12 years. Elsa has measures of 80/60/90.

- Personality: Elsa is what some call an idiotic genius. She has the IQ of 127, but her personality and way of thinking are completely different. Elsa has been raised alone by her father and Nichole Avalle, her father's best friend, which indirectly has caused Elsa to tend to act like a playboy (influenced by the series and movies her father saw with her), and although never she has managed to connect with anyone thanks to that behavior, her charisma, security and the attention she gives her partners have earned her a nickname of "Playgirl" (totally ironic although she believes it).

Elsa tends to invent nicknames to win arguments, to talk about herself in the third person or to live and act as if everything were a great game. Unfortunately for others (especially Chris), Elsa has the luck of the fool, so when things go well they only serve to feed her ego.

- Extras: Elsa takes the surname Wood from her mother, as a way to remember her and honor the memory of the one who bet everything for her daughter. Her real surname is Roy.

Chapter 10 Dancing with danger and eroticism by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

1500 readings! Simply amazing! Thank you all and I hope you like the new story arc! This chapter is something more ... special than usual, since finally the "main" character that makes the story have the Dwarf Tag (4 feet to 5 feet, or more specifically 4 feet and 5 inches) appears on the scene! And because that chapter contains a talk that is based directly on something personal of mine!

I hope you like it!


Surveillance floor of G.U.N number 3: 03:30 a.m. (Bolt P.o.V)

And Hannah got out of the car, at the estimated time. Veronica has always driven too fast, but this? It drives almost half of a city in 10 minutes, and Bahia was not exactly a small city. 6 districts, not counting the university and the casino. It is true that from Hannah's house to Hyperion there is no need to take almost any curve. But for me, I can fly directly faster than any other that reaches me in a car 10 years ago ...

"Are you back in the clouds, Bolty?" Jack still thinks he can surprise me from behind, but smelling that he brings coffee, I'm not going to break the illusion either.

"No, not at all, I'm thinking that if he gained weight or something, I almost do not have time to get there"

"You get fat? For a start, the harpies like you can get fat? I've known you for 15 years, and I have not seen you physically change even the slightest." ... 15 years already ...the time passes quickly.

I was assigned as Hannah's watchman at night for my qualities as Thunderbird, the highest variant of the harpies, when she was a year old. In 15 years, I've seen her grow from a little girl not very talkative to a young girl who runs away from home to see the girlfriend. A whole life together without her knowing that I exist. Sometimes it is strange to think about it.

"Earth calling Bolty! I would like to have a conversation as adults! Although of course ... with your body" Jack had the slight tendency to say what he thinks constantly. "Explain again Bolty, that I'm not clear as a kid like you are in the elite of G.U.N", he plans to laugh at my expense, but he has brought me coffee, so why not follow the game?


"The harpies do not grow as much as the rest of the extrahumans, if not how could we fly at such a high speed?" Coffee with milk ... I leave you laughing at me for coffee with milk ... so sad.

"But you're 4 feet tall! That does not even reach the height of a human!"

"It's enough to split your face" that jack is a member of G.U.N's elite is something impressive, not only because he is human, but because he is a championship coward.

"D..dont you dare, we're friends!"

"Maybe if ..." I got up and lightly loaded my claws with electricity to heat the coffee (and to scare it a little)

"You ... you think I'm scared ... I'm Jack! Only human among the 10 spears of G.U.N! The elite of the elite!" As animated as always.

The 10 lances of G.U.N, the 10 most powerful and important members below the Chief. To be part of it, you have to manage 10 minutes of open field battle with the boss. (which gives even more value to the fact that Jack succeeded). In the end, so much mysticism around us is that we are an elite team to protect Hannah in the shadows.

"Do you think we should act?" Hannah's cell phone is already almost on Elsa's floor. "I'm not proud of having Hannah's phone tracked. Maybe Jack and the boss say it's for their safety, but after so many years asking Hannah for a cell phone to Juddit, it hurts that we use it as a surveillance camera.

"I doubt it! Elsa seems like a good person, and her background, except for a young accident, and all the girls she has" fallen in love with "are clean." Once again ... Jack is too confident.


I do not like Elsa. (which I already made very clear in the team meetings) It's not that I do not like it for how it is ... that too. I do not like her because she has a tendency to act completely selfishly, and I'm afraid that Hannah will imitate her. I do not want to sound like Hannah was mine, but I love her as if she were my little sister. Your safety is all that matters to me.

"Ohhh, is the Bolty" siscon "appearing again?" Jack, yes, he knows how to get me crazy.


"As if I believed it! Relax! Elsa will control herself! And in case she doesnt know how... the electric big sister will appear on stage to protect little Hannah"
Maybe Jack is an idiot, but he's not wrong. It is our duty to protect Hannah, and even if she never gets to know us, I will take care of her. That is the goal of G.U.N's spears, although Jack pretends he doesnt know.



Elsa's apartment: 03:30 am


"WHY YOU HAVE NOT PREVENTED HANNAH COME DAMN JOURNAL !!" Elsa threw the newspaper into the closet and kicked it down, falling to the floor while still panting. "I can not do anything ... and now I'm going to have her here all night ... WHAT I'VE DONE FOR YOU TO PUNISH ME LIKE THAT!" Elsa slumped against the door while thinking at full speed that her mind allowed all the possible results of this night.

"Let's see ... jail, jail, jail, jail, murdered by juddit, jail," Elsa grabbed her pillow and pressed it against her face so that the neighbors would not hear her scream out of sheer rage. "No matter how many times you give her elsa, all the roads where you sleep with her are directed to the jail ... unless ... THAT SHE IS WHO TOUCH ME !!! ELSA YOU ARE A GENIUS!!!"

Elsa jumped up and went to her personal closet, looking for the most sensual and erotic pajamas available. Although the options were enormous, the first rule of eroticism is to show only what is necessary and let the imagination do the rest.


"You're already here ... a little makeup and let the dance begin dear Hannah!" Elsa was not an expert in makeup, but Chris had taught her how to look erotic with a very basic makeup. Sometimes Chris knew things too feminine, but of normal it was super useful.

"You're home El..." Hannah could not keep talking when Elsa opened the door, leaning with one leg raised on the door frame. The white lace pajamas were too short, in every possible sense of the word, and Hannah could not articulate a word while the blood flowed all over her face, the result of a combination of shame and excitement. 

"I see that you like what you see dear Hannah" Elsa laughed softly, covering her mouth with one hand while with the other opened the new giant door for Hannah. "Come in and make yourself comfortable, I'll be with you in just a few minutes" Elsa walked away towards the kitchen, mennding her hips with each step.

"Yes ... yes" Hannah had to fight a lot against her instincts so she would not get discourteous and provoke a situation where Elsa ends up hating her. "And to think that she sleeps like this ... I must learn a lot about being an adult ..."

Elsa was taking out her new special hannah glass while it was settling on the sofa. After a first thought of filling it with wine, Elsa remembered that Juddit had warned her under threat of murder that no alcohol until age 18. "Cola, or do you prefer orange juice?" This newly squeezed, you already understand me "Being erotic while offering orange juice is not easy, but what art is easy?

"Orange juice please!" Hannah still hallucinating that only in two weeks, Elsa's apartment where he could not even get straight at all had become an apartment fully adapted to his height, with even his own bathroom and everything. Elsa really was a good architect, that's for sure.

Elsa grabbed her cup with one hand, while lifting Hannah's with the help of her other hand and her two arms. "What are you looking at, my dear?"

"Your apartment, you've made it so fast in such a beautiful place ..."

"It's my apartment for two, it could not be so nice ... even so it's not half as beautiful as you are" Elsa sat as close as possible to Hannah, while leaving both glasses on the table dinning room.

"Go! This place is amazing! You even have slippers to be at home for me!" Elsa could not help but slap her face mentally when she saw that Hannah had not caught the direct hint.

"I've done it thinking about all the night we're going to spend together dear one, very ... very ... together"

"You did not have to bother you so much, it's bad for me that you've spent so much on me ... and I have not done more than pay two meals for you." Another mental facepalm.

"Hannah, my love, I do not use money to buy toys for amazon, so investing in seeing you smile is the best thing that has happened to me, toys that I could teach you, in our bed, for example." Elsa swore that as Hannah did not take for granted with this only wanted to undress and lie in front of him.

"Toys? Like a drone? ELSA HAVE A DRONE? Or toys more type ..." Say it, say it! "Like pieces of lego? I've always wanted to build the lego death star ... but they're very small and nobody makes them with size for giantesses ..."

Elsa was hallucinating, nobody had ever resisted her courtship attempts so much. It was something worth recording in stone and passed on to future generations.The day that Elsa, trying to make Hannah hot, ended up talking about pieces of lego.


"Hannah, my dear, allow me a minute, I have to go to the bathroom" Hannah nodded as Elsa ran to her room and closed the door. "I need the transparent pajamas, and the pheromone perfume from Alraune, maybe the whole bottle of perfume"

Hannah, oblivious to the courtship plans, began to wander around the dining room, stopping at what judging by the building plans seemed the next great project of Elsa.

"Elsa, why are you signing these plans with Elsa Roy?", Hannah heard the bathroom door open and saw Elsa running back and sitting on the floor, trying to hide them for what she looked like.

"WHAT HAVE YOU SEEN?" Elsa looked hysterical, so much so that Hannah pulled back slightly.

"Nothing! I was just looking at your signature!" Actually, although she had seen more than Elsa's signature, she was unable to understand anything that was written on the map.
"Luckily ... it's a secret project ... from a shopping mall! It's supposed that nobody should see it until the owner say yes, not even my assistants." Elsa sighed in relief, regaining her composure and trying to sit as erotically as possible. "As far as your question is concerned, Roy is my real lastname."

"I thought ... it was Wood, you're always saying Elsa Wood this Elsa Wood the other" Hannah calmed down a bit, sitting back on the sofa to avoid seeing anything else from the mall.

"Wood was my mother's last name, I use it as something symbolic! My name is Elsa Roy, it's not as cool as Wood but it's not bad"

"What happened to your mother? You mentioned her ... well, was ... is she okay?" Elsa scratched her head, without knowing how to approach this topic.

"My mother died during my delivery" Direct and concise, so no one have a bad time.

"OH GOD ELSA SORRY, I DID NOT HAVE AN IDEA! I'M SORRY SO MUCH!" It was over, Hannah knew perfectly well that this was the end of their relationship, to bring out the theme of her mother ... but when she knew perfectly well what Elsa had gone through.

"Hannah, calm, nothing's happening, I'm her big bet, so you do not have to feel it that much!" Elsa leaned on the sofa and sat directly on Hannah's legs to get to clean a solitary tear that had escaped her.


"Yep, the doctors warned Mom that her body was too weak, so there was no assurance that if the pregnancy continued one of the two would succeed. Dad asked Mom to think it over, but Mom looked directly at his eyes and told her to the doctor that she would bet everything for me, or at least Dad always tells me so, the important thing is that Mama went ahead with the pregnancy, and when the time came, she bet for the last time with the doctor that I would be a great person who would do great things! That's why I use her last name, to keep the bet she made for me! "

"Elsa ... that's so beautiful ..." Hannah could not contain the tears, while elsa tried to embrace her as best she could. "Since you've told me something so intimate ... it's only fair that I do it too"

"Hannah honey, you do not have to!" Elsa was beginning to lose the battle against tears, all the napkins she had on the dining room table already soaked.

"I want to do it! I... know what it is to grow up without part of your family ..."Hannah took a deep breath to keep her voice in the middle of the conversation.

"You mean your father?"

"How you... of course, I've never talked about him or you seen him ..." Once again, Hannah looked like a fool in Elsa's eyes. "He died in an accident shortly before I was born, one of traffic according to my grandmother, I had gone shopping in the nearby city while my mom stayed in our town, mainly ... because it was so big that mom could not get standing without a wheelchair."

"But the giantesses arent born a little bigger than normal babies?"

"But you've seen my mother, she's less than 5 and a half feet!" As soon as I was bigger than a normal baby, Mom looked like a very strange surprise egg. "Elsa could not help imagining Juddit's delivery as a matryoshka, opening and leaving a baby not much smaller than the own juddit. "Where I was going? The accident ... apparently hitting head on with another pipe that had drunk, the crash was deadly for both ..."

"Hannah, I ..." Elsa for the first time had no idea what to say, not since the dinner where they met.

"The accident brought a lot of media attention, and my grandmother decided to protect me and my mom by sending us to Bahia del Sol, to prevent the birth of a giantess and the accident of our becoming the focus of attention." Hannah smiled mildly as with one hand she caressed Elsa's face (with two fingers, to be exact). "So I was born in this city and it became my home! Not everything would be sad, would not it?"

"I'll have to thank your grandmother when I meet her" Elsa kissed Hannah's nose gently as she rested her forehead against Hannah's forehead.


"Because thanks to Bahia, you and I got to know each other, and that is the greatest gift that anyone had ever given me" Hannah did nothing to hide that her cheeks were completely red.

"Elsa ... Thanks for telling me about your mother"

"And thanks to you for telling me about your father and your mother/surprise egg" Hannah laughed sweetly, causing Elsa's heart to flip over with love. "It's getting late, lay down in bed and I'll sleep here on the sofa"

"Elsa ... we can sleep together ... you know ... BUT I REFER TO SLEEP SLEEP! I DO NOT SAY IT EROTICLY OR SOMETHING!" Hannah refused with all her strength, knowing that she had really said it with ulterior motives.

"Alright, go into the room and get one of your new pajamas from your closet! I'll pick it up a little bit!" Hannah asintion as she left Elsa on the floor and entered the bedroom.

Elsa, instead of picking up, went to her kitchen, looking for her hidden drawer, pulled out her strongest absinthe. He poured himself a half-full glass and sat in front of him. "Well soldier, your toughest mission to date begins now, Hannah wants you to sleep together, just sleep, you need your best wishes to put up with anything other than to hug each other and sleep, SOLDIER, to battle!" Elsa drank the glass in one gulp, threw it into the trash, and entered the room with a determined step.



Jane ... why did you go up there? that's not our house ... Jane ... please ... do not ever leave me ... I could not stand again ... Jane ... please ... answer me ... I need to see you again , I need to see you two again ...

End Notes:

Continuing with the descriptions of the characters, today plays the other main character!

Hannah Reyes:

- Height: 11 feet and 10 inches (slightly plump physical build)

- Physical aspect: Hannah has dark red hair, which mixes with her hazel eyes and which Elsa calls "an explosive combination". Hannah has a rather chubby body, and said a little because it's a miracle that with the amount of junk food, soda and other unhealthy foods she's not much fatter than her. Hannah's measurements, adapted to the human scale standard, are 100/75/100.

- Personality: Hannah has never been too talkative, she often finds it difficult to find the right words to express herself, since she was a child she preferred to express herself with her body than words. Except when it comes to video games.

Hannah has an insane passion with video games, devoting much of the time that is not for studies, family or Elsa to them. This slight obsession comes from a deeper feeling, since video games allowed Hannah to be someone else, without having to be the girl who was 6 years older than her mother and hit the doors of the class of primary in the academy.

Apart from that, Hannah used to be a close friend of Sofia and Ashley, living the three relatively close. Although after the second growth of Hannah with 12 years, Sofia passed from friend and leader of the three to insulting with Hannah, nothing else had the opportunity, obsessed with making Hannah feel as small and weak as possible. Thank God, nobody reached the point of physical aggression. And thank God, because Hannah does not have half the physical strength she should have because of her lazy and sendental lifestyle.

- Extras: Hannah has a natural complex of being too big for normal things, which although accompanied daily, is aggravated by two specific points: her feet and her backside.

Chapter 11 Those who take care of you by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:



"Thousands of worlds, thousands of lights, and after so much time, I finally found who I was looking for"


Elsa's apartment: February 4, 10:30 in the morning (Elsa P.o.V)

The heat is wonderful, such a precious heat, born of a love that I never thought of living. Hannah is too wonderful, her skin is so soft, and it smells so good!If she did not sweat so much!

She was sweating as if life were her in it!


It has been the coolest, and most horrible night in history.
Hannah has three weak points as I have seen: She sweats too much in dreams, she snores sweetly, but she snores and moves a lot!

If it had only been a sweat, nothing would happen (except for my soaked pajamas, the two pajamas), the problem is that I have been struggling all night to do nothing sinful, AND HANNAH WAS NOT ABLE TO MOVE ABOVE ME! Hannah is a wonderful girl, but she is still a giantess, and the giantesses weigh not a little, precisely. Every time she moved towards me I suffered for my safety.

Let no one misunderstand me! I'm not afraid of Hannah, I'm afraid that in one of those movements ... I'm sleeping ... and I'm crushed.
I love giantesses! But being crushed by Hannah does not fit into my plans to live with her and die together like two old ladies in love. Surrounded by family and our 6 daughters. Everything that isnt this scenario is not allowed.

The coffeemaker is already whistling, and judging by the beautiful snoring that comes out of the bedroom, it does not look like Hannah seems to get up.

I should start working, but I do not want to seem like that typical businessman who does not even expect his wife to get up to start working. But at the same time I have to finish the design of the new shopping center in Bahia. (the planes of truth, not the ones Hannah saw last night)

"Should you ... wake her up?" my good side said it was super elegant, and that waking up with a cup of coffee.

"Not at all! Hannah understands that you are a busy person and you have to earn money!" Since when do I listen to my metaphorical little angels and demons?

"Ummmm" Hannah is soo cute while she wakes up ... elsa do not even think of annoying her.


Step before, enter the room sensually, sit by her side and drink from your cup elegantly.

"Good morning gorgeous!" First, sit by her side and let her recover her conscience

"Hi Elsa ..." Hannah sat on the bed and stretched (face to face, just look at her face) half asleep. "I hope it did not bother you too much while we slept." Second, lie to her so she doesnt feel bad and pretend that tonight has been wonderful and not at all covered in sweat.

"Annoying you, dear Hannah, you could not bother me even if you try hard with all your strength." Third step, let her see how cool you are, and how sure you are of yourself.

"I'm glad ... You know, I've dreamed of you! We were in a kind of huge square surrounded by bright lights! Captured by a golden beast and tied to a flag, and then you appeared on a silver horse, you picked up a sword and you were launching to save me! " This is not what I expected. It is so innocent and beautiful ... I know badly to think that in a few years I will turn a night of innocent dreams into a night of passion and unbridled eroticism.

"What a dream, no?" Step four, laugh like a whole damsel, get up and give her a close-up of your perfect ass while you go out to prepare breakfast. "You go to the bathroom and wash your face, my love, I'm going to prepare breakfast for you!" wink and ... out!

Hannah's cheeks do not lie, I am known as the greatest goddess of eroticism in the history of mankind. minimum.

Preparing breakfast for a giantess is really weird, but if you do it thinking that it is like preparing 3 breakfasts instead of 2, it is easier. Or should I prepare 4 breakfasts? I want Hannah to eat well, grow in all the necessary parts and become the sun in Bahia del Sol. That phrase is very good! I must write it down in the comment book.

What should I do to Hannah? Would you like her the ... damn the cell ...
"Yes, who calls so early?"

"Elsa, I'm Ritchey!" God no ... I dont like this. "I need you here now, the investors want to see your designs and they want to see it right now" I assumed ...

"Ritchey ... do you remember the girl who told you? Hannah? is here ... cannt it be later?" Please please please....

"Elsa, this may be our biggest and most important contract, you are my star architect, the golden girl of Ritchey Lips, if I do not have my girl next door explaining her greatest work in Bahia, what are you going to say about me? What I have to say is that you have no choice, I send you a limousine."
Ritchey ... as always is direct and concise.

"Ok ... I'm going to get dressed"

"So I like it! Listen to me, Elsa, let's get to the top!", And cut. I do not intend to listen to him for another minute. And now what I tell to Han... damn it! She has put on her new dress ... it's Sunday I dont deserve this!

"How do I look like elsa? I feel weird wearing a white dress!" And she laughs so innocently ... dont do this to me ...

"You look so precious, my love ... but I have bad news ..." Fuck ... dont put that sad face on me ...

"Something Elsa happens?..."

"Ritchey wants me to show the concept of the mall to investors ... so I have to go." Believe me Hannah ... it hurts me more than you ... I hope ...

"Well ... nothing happens! Work is work" I swear I can hear from here how your heart breaks ...

"I'll be here as soon as possible! You can stay here if you want!"

"Sure? ... I will not bother?"

"Never annoying dear!" I have your permission, put on the suit, give the stupid meeting and go back to Hannah. That is my plan of action.


A few hours later in Elsa's apartment.

Hannah sat on the couch alone, with a cup of hot milk in her hands and her eyes lost in nothingness. "I've already collected all the clothes last night, removed the sheets wet with sweat and scrubbed the breakfast dishes ... And Elsa still does not return ... how strange to be in someone's apartment without that person being at home. .. "

"It's not that weird either, Elsa has made sure that the whole apartment is accessible to me ... as if we were newly married!" Hannah threw herself on the red couch of shame while imagining her hypothetical life as a housewife. "I would be the only housewife that in a few weeks would be bigger than the house ... I should stop talking alone"

Hannah got up and went to the window, watching from the hyperion district to the deacon port. "Elsa seriously that has good views from his house ..." In the distance the island "boiling point" was rising on the horizon. Hannah did not understand very well why it was forbidden to enter, but considering how steep was the mountain that covered the island, normal people assumed that it was to avoid idiots trying to climb it.

Bahia was a huge city, where it was not strange to find something fun to do or something interesting to see. From the casino to the suburbs, from the university to the Hephaestus point, wherever you were, Bahia was alive.

It was not until the doorbell rang that Hannah returned from her internal monologue.

"Shit ... should I open? It's not my house ... but it can be important ..." Hannah walked towards the door trying to make as little noise as possible. "Yes, who is it?"

"Elsa?, I need talk to her!" the voice must have belonged to an adult man, though rather refined by the tone ... it really was just Hannah's assumption. I sounded suspicious but it seemed important really.

"I'm sorry ... Elsa has had to leave for work, if she serves, sir, I can hear the message and as soon as I return, I'll tell her." From the depths of her being, Hannah only wanted the man to leave.

"It seems perfect to me, Hannah, do you open?"

"Yes ... yes!" He opened the door slowly, looking around the corner at the man to make sure it was not dangerous, all the while wondering how he knew her name.

The slightly short man entered as soon as he could get a chance (all the people were small from Hannah's point of view, but this man was shorter than average, almost like Hannah's mother) For some reason, the man's hair resembled of Phoenix Wright, something that hit the giantess so much that she could not help but swallow her laughter and get away from the door as seriously as possible.

"Thank goodness, I do not have much time and this is important, you have coffee Hannah I would appreciate a cup" This man was almost as direct as Elsa, although much more nervous, so Hannah was not sure if giving coffee would be a good idea.

"Elsa left a coffee pot ..." While Hannah tried to explain it to him, the man entered the kitchen and poured himself a cup directly. "This is life! Elsa does know how to make the best coffee, logical thing considering that her father has a coffee shop"

The man walked to the sofa and sat on the corner of it, crossing his legs and looking at Hannah. "Lower the blinds and close the curtains before you sit down, please, you never know when a cockatiel is watching"

"Excuse me but could you tell me your ..."

"My name does not matter, as soon as you tell Elsa how I am she will know my identity." The man gestured to Hannah to sit on the floor in front of him. Hannah obeyed him, slightly moved by the fear of having made a bad decision by answering the bell. "Pay close attention Hannah, because they will listen us soon."

"W ... who?" Now Hannah was really scared.

"The angels who have always protected you" The man took a sip of coffee and after taking a deep breath he gestured towards the light switch, switching it off with what Hannah recognized as the use of the Aura.

"But how?! You're human!" The man took out a ring that for some reason shone in the darkness, as if it were full of fireflies.

"Put this on, you'll need it." Hannah after hesitating a few seconds decided to obey for fear of reprisals. "So I like it, good girl, tell me Hannah, do you have many dreams for the future?" Hannah did not dare answer, nodding slowly. "It's good to have dreams, they are the engine that drives us to improve"

"That ... it's true, I guess ..." Hannah felt more relaxed as she watched the ring, a glint of somehow relaxing her heart

"Do not assume anymore, for the love you feel for Elsa, for your family, it's time for you to begin to decide, free your heart of doubts." Hannah was completely lost, and the man was noticing him, sighing and taking another sip of coffee. "I understand that you dont know what I'm talking about, but I hope you'll listen to me"

"From this point on, I need you to pay close attention to Hannah, and promise me not to forget anything I'm going to tell you." Even in the dark, Hannah could feel the man's eyes looking at her intently.

"I ... I promise ... I think ... no! I promise" The man smiled proudly as he took a last sip of coffee.

"I have seen thousands of worlds, millions of lights turn on and off in a single moment, I have seen people chasing their dreams and forgetting them at the same time, I have seen how they turned their light into darkness, how they deformed their hearts in search of something. 

 Strength, respect, authority, freedom, knowledge, love, hope ...

I have seen so many people fall into the abyss as people get up from the darkness and look for a new dawn. And then there's your"

Hannah's ring warmed slightly, filling her with warmth and calming her spirit.

"You're what Calia always expected. Your heart is strong and bright, even if you do not know how to see it. Your birth will mark the beginning of a generation. Many people have seen it before me, and for that reason they protect you and take care of you from the shadows. People that, although you do not know, for them you are the most precious thing in their lives. But they can not protect you this year." The man jumped up from the couch and walked over to Hannah, taking the hand that held the ring and holding it in his hands.

"5 hard tests await you, 5 tests that you must overcome, with Elsa or without Elsa"

Hannah tried to say something, but the man covered her lips while continuing to squeeze her hand.

"You can be afraid, you can feel helpless, but the fate of a younger world depends on your light.As a third growth giantess, you have a duty to the people who live next to you.Quiet, I know you're not understanding anything, but do not worry. Elsa loves you, and you will cross the road with her. But the day will come that you will have to be the one who leads not only your path, but those of all of Bahia, and beyond."

"Whatever happens, be sure to believe, believe in yourself, in Elsa, in Juddit, in your father, believe in all of them, and never lose sight of the path, believe in the people behind you, taking care of you. the people that you will meet during this year.The battles may be hard. But the future depends on you, and the future is something you always have to fight for." The man turned on the lights and opened the curtains, using the Aura again.

"These words may not make sense now, but these words have been waiting for you for hundreds of years, thank Elsa for the coffee, and keep that ring with you, as long as you have it, we will be connected, no matter the distance."

"But all of that... was something for Elsa?" Hannah did not know what to say, for all the information accumulated at once.

"If I had told you I had to talk to you, would you have opened the door?" The man smiled as he headed for the exit.

"I do not think so ..." Hannah stayed on the floor, staring at the ring, feeling the light heat emanating from it.

"I imagined that... goodbye Hannah" The man laughed as he opened the door of the apartment, and looking once more at Hannah, smiled and left.

"This ... takes the golden trophy of the weird things that have happened to me..." Hannah stood up and looked at the sky through the window. "We are connected... as in kingdom hearts... It would be so cool to summon a keyblade now!" Hannah raised her hand forward and tried to concentrate with all her strength, but all she managed was to close the bedroom door.

"I had to try it..."

End Notes:

For lack of time tomorrow you will have the description of today's characters and tomorrow ... :(  (Which correspond to the descriptions of agent Bolt and Chris)

Many thanks as always to all of you who have read the story up to this point! It's time for the action to start!

(there is the action and the "action", so I can not tell you which of the two will be the one starting! Just kidding, the action really starts tomorrow!)

Chapter 12 Jane by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:


Life can be completely twisted in just a few moments. But even with that, we must continue on our way.


Headquarters of G.U.N: February 4, 5:00 p.m.

Bolt came running in the headquarters, followed by Jack who although he could not keep up with the race (almost flying) of Bolt, as a lance of G.U.N had a pride to maintain. All the senior agents were running from one place to another, without having clear information about the situation. All that was known for now is that an unknown man had entered Elsa's apartment, somehow blocking Hannah's phone and cutting off all means of visual communication with the agents who were watching at that moment.

"WHERE IS THE CHIEF?" Bolt grabbed the closest agent that happened by his side of the neck of the shirt, completely hysterical.

"Bolty quiet, we do not achieve anything by catching the first one you see!" Jack grabbed Bolt's arms, forcing him to release the agent who after a brief apology went his way.


"You're welcome, now that you're calm, we'll see the situation to the camera of the spears" Jack grabbed her arm and pulled her while two agents approached them, giving them some reports of the situation (too short, for Bolt's taste and concern)

The hall of the spear (name chosen by the chief) was on top of the building of G.U.N. The room, surrounded by windows to offer the highest visibility of Bahia (again the chief's idea), contained the 10 dispatches of the members of the spears and the round table, presided over by the chief's chair. In the end, the chief's taste turned a normal last floor into a kind of meeting room worthy of an fantasy empire.

Melody, G.U.N's spear in charge of Hannah's daytime surveillance, was sitting in her chair, being consoled by the Chief's secretary, Dylan.
"How could it have happened ... I've guarded it 12 hours a day for the last 15 years! I had never missed anyone unknown ... and less escaped in my damn face ..." The cupid fell on the table , completely sunk in misery.

"Relax Mel, it cannt be that man has avoided all surveillance cameras. We will find an image of him and we will search and capture him. We are the spears of GUN! Nobody walks in Bahia without us having them controlled" Dylan always tried to lift the encouragement of the people around him. The Brazilian was not only chosen for his qualities as administrator. (Although the chief insisted that she had only chosen him because of his accent)

"Then is it true? There is no image of the unknown?" Bolt approached the couple, not bothering to hide the irritation in his voice.

"Correct agent Bolt, we have half GUN and all service lances looking for him around Hyperion and the perimeter of Bahia, plus we have mobilized the police to set up roadblocks for all exits" while Dylan spoke, Bolt sat in the seat next to Melody, resting his head on one hand and sighing in frustration.

"And who is in charge of Hannah right now?" Jack walked towards the coffee machine, looking through the table screens at the position of Hannah and the agents.

"We have asked the police to keep it under control while this emergency device continues."

"It was all my fault ... I should have approached when I saw Hannah open the door" Melody was normally a lively girl, but she had a bad habit of wallowing in her mistakes and blaming herself for everything.

"And what's the use of crying now? You're a lance from G.U.N, crying is not an option" Jack was trying to joke to raise his spirits, but the looks of Dylan and Bolt made him fall back as he returned to the table. "Dylan, the last time I checked, you were not a spear, what are you doing in my chair?"

"Sorry Agent Jack ..." Dylan got up quickly and stayed behind Melody, while Jack dropped into his chair, muttering something about how hot he was. "You should not be so relaxed Agent Jack, the situation is critical."

"So critical will not be if the chief has not yet appeared, and if they are already looking for him everywhere, what good is it that we are tense here?" Jack pulled back and took advantage of the fact that the chief was not there to put her feet on the table. "What worries me about this whole thing is not the magical disappearance of the stranger."

"What do you mean, Jack? A man disappearing out of nowhere is the least worrying, but when he has managed to get to Hannah" Bolt did not understand Jack's mind, but ignore something like a disappearance from nothing? That is above what one would expect from Jack.

"We have the most advanced surveillance technology on this side of Sylicon Valley, which has been able to overcome it and block any information of his meeting with Hannah is the least curious" Jack kept typing and pass screens on his smartphone, as one would expect from the computer expert of the spears.

"And if we asked Hannah what they talked?, we can get it out using Veronica." Desperate Melody was 100% more idiotic than normal, and a normal melody was already too good for the position she held.

"And load up our position next to Hannah, we could go and say "Hey Hannah, we've been keeping vigil since you were one year old! What do you think? " Please melody, think things over a bit ..."

"Sorry Jack ..."

"Do not go over with Mel Agent Jack, she hasnt done anything like that-" Dylan was cut off by Jack getting up suddenly and walking to the chief's computer.

"Mr. Secretary, I advise you not to engage in a conversation between spears."

"I'll get where I want! You have something to say about defending my friend?" Dylan, though normally quiet, was not going to let Jack walk on him like that.

"ENOUGH BOTH" Bolt released a light discharge to the ceiling so that the lights would turn off and on quickly. "Jack what are you looking at?"

"Elsa's computer has a microphone, and it was turned on with a special battery so that it does not go out even if the light goes out to avoid losing any work. I do not think I've caught anything from the conversation, but to try it, you dont lose nothing."

"Good idea, Dylan do you think you could call the mayor and get a permit to access Elsa's computer?" Bolt stroked Melody's neck as she walked towards Jack and Dylan.

"I can try to call him, and if he does not pick him up, I'll call Veronica for her to contact.

"Very well, thank you very much dylan" After giving him a light hug, he stood next to Jack without understanding very well everything he was writing. "Are you going to do it now, without waiting for the judge's permission?"

"All the time that we save ourselves-" The lights of the entire building went suddenly, and judging from the street lights, it seemed a general shutdown. "GREAT! FOR THAT I ALWAYS INSIST TO HAVE A SECONDARY GENERATOR LIKE THE HOSPITALS!"

"You've lost a lot of what you're doing?"

"Only a few first lines of code ... you can call to see how long it will take to turn on the electricity, or better! Generate electricity and turn on the computer! You're a Thunderbird for something!"

"I do not know how much exact voltage the battery needs from the boss's computer, and breaking it is not an option." Bolt sighed as he sat at the table.

"Damn it ... so why being an extrahuman if you cannt do cool things like giving electricity to a computer?"

"I can fly at high speeds and generate shocks like to knock down an elephant."

"There are no elephants around, and flying does not help at this time, so I win the conversation." Jack downed the rest of the coffee and grimaced in disgust. "As always, this machine does not distinguish between coffee with milk or coffee alone, we are spears but we live as if we were like...something.



Work distracts me ... but the pain I feel when I know you've returned and you do not come with me ... it's like a stab after ...

"Clay! React! It's called surveillance for something!" Will insists I do my job well ... but without you this city does not mean anything ... "Look, we have to watch over a baby after such a long shift ... The boss has no compassion!" I do not deserve it ... someone who fails those who care most deserves a fate worse than death.

"Work is work ... and better this than going back to my apartment ..."

"Clay dude ... I understand what you're going through ... but killing you to work is not going to fix anything" DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT! NO ONE CAN UNDERSTAND IT! "THE STREET THE STREET! LOOK AT THE STREET"

I had to pull handbrake to avoid running over stray dogs ... they seem undernourished... maybe I should not have stopped...

"Clay dude, do you want me to drive? Maybe you need to take a short nap" I can feel the fear in his voice ... I would also have it if I were next to a monster like me ... "Look, that's the house we have to watch, the girl will come at one time or another "

It does not matter when it arrives... someday it would also go like you... and I would be alone again... it's my destiny to be a coward... Jane... JANE!!

"JANE! JANE YOU HAVE RETURNED!" I need to get out of the car!

"I think it's called Hannah, not Ja-" I can not let him talk anymore, I'll scare Jane away.


Home of the Reyes family: 5:30 p.m.

Hannah walked thinking, not paying too much attention to the neighbor's children, laughing at her.

"Maybe I should have waited a little longer ... But I have to do my homework for tomorrow ... and if elsa gets upset? I've closed the door hard, but it might come at home ... nah ... it's a luxury building, there are guards and all those things. " Hannah stopped short when she saw a police car at the end of the street. "Oh god ... and if something has happened?"

The growing fear in Hannah was triggered when a shot was heard from inside the car. A police officer came out of the driver's seat, his arm slightly smeared with blood and walked slowly towards Hannah. Although she didnt want to do anything but flee, but the agent's pistol, however small, made her completely immobile.

"Jane ... finally ... dad has missed you so much ..." The agent approached Hannah crying and trembling slightly.

"I ... I ... my name is ... Ha ... hannah" Hannah was more frightened when her mother opened the door of the house, alerted by the noise. "Mo ... mommy ..."

The agent turned to the house and shot twice on the ground. "GO AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER! GO IN THE HOUSE OF A FUCKING TIME"

"Mo ... mommy ... do what he says ..." Juddit tried to answer, but a third shot hit her in the leg, knocking her to the ground. "MOM!!!"

"So learn to obey the authority ..." The agent walked back to Hannah, reaching his side and stroking his leg. "Look how much you've grown Jane ... Mom has also come back? ..."

"Sir ... do not hurt me ... please ..." Hannah fell on her knees, crying to tears alive and with her hands up.

"Quiet! Daddy would never hurt you ... Daddy will protect you this time, you and mom ..." The agent hugged Hannah, staining her neck with blood. "But for now we can not stay here ... get in the car, I'm going to pick up that bastard and put her in the car. I cannt leave witnesses to accuse me with wrong things."

"That's my mother, sir ... do not hurt her anymore ..." Hannah continued crying as she entered, shrunken as she could in the police car.

"This bastard will never be your mother." The agent threw Juddit unconscious in the passenger seat, over the agent also wounded and put the belt so they did not move during the trip. "But quiet my dear Jane ... Daddy will find Mommy, and we will be together again ... this time I can protect you ..."

The agent closed the door where Hannah had entered, and leaned on the car while looking at his cell phone, looking for a safe place to hide Jane while the roadblock of G.U.N was still operational.

"I also need to find a route without traffic cameras, those two bastards are too suspicious..." As he said it, the lights of all the surrounding houses suddenly went out. "A power outage... I'm finally lucky again! You see Jane... This time it will be so different! God allows us to come together again!"

At last Clay's life came back to work.

End Notes:

As I promised you here is the action and the descriptions! I hope that this episode is so atypical (But not uncommon in the future) you like it!

And thanks as always for all the readings! See you tomorrow!

Agent Bolt:

-Height: 4 feet and 5 inches

-Appearance physical (also worth as the great majority of the extrahuman Harpy): As harpy, Bolt is completely flat, both in front and behind. The arms of an arpia are formed by a large membrane of skin covered with feathers that allows them to take flight thanks to the prodigious strength of their arms and legs, and next to a natural domain of the air, moving at great speeds during the flight. Her hands end in a light grip, with a lateral thumb that allows them to manipulate objects easily. His legs, on the other hand, do not conserve anything of humans, ending in a bird's claw with enough force to tear a wooden door or to carry a human not excessively heavy. Bolt has electric blue hair, as is usual between the harpy variant "thunderbird", its feathers take a darker shade of blue, except during storms (Its natural environment) that shine in an intense white.

-Personality: At 33, Bolt has been working in GUN all his life, entering directly into the spears (unusual thing), which has distorted his personality of the rebellious girl who was in the institute to an agent of law and order well educated. Bolt is usually one of the two voices of command in the meetings of the spears with Dylan, with whom she maintains a close friendship (and maybe something else). Her biggest weakness is her relationship with Hannah, who after so many years watching and taking care of her, has gone from being her protege to thinking of her as a little sister, making any decision about Hannah as something personal.

-Extras: It may seem the opposite to be Jack's partner, and allow all his jokes and comments out of place. But she has never liked him. Nobody likes Jack.



-Height: 5 feet 9 inches

-Complexion physics: Chris is what he considers a standard American youth, without becoming too fat or too thin, with light brown hair and brown eyes. The only thing that really makes Chris stand out is his taste for fashion, being the latest fashion at all times. Elegant clothes? tank tops? surfer pants? flips flops? Chris has everything and more.

-Personality: Chris before meeting Elsa was an elegant young man, good with women and support for his friends and still is! As long as Elsa is not in the middle.

From the moment they both met, Chris has had to act as Elsa's safety net and in each of his approved idiot plans. Plans without meaning, with objectives with even less sense if possible. Elsa does not have many friends, so Chris tries to be his wild card (and prevent Elsa from being killed). How are they still friends today? There are some questions that have no answer. and better not have it.

-Extras: Chris has won a total of 12,000 dollars over the years from elsa. Which have all gone to pay their college expenses and photography studies.

Chapter 13 Our dream by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

In today's chapter, the first part of having too many characters together in the same scene was too overloaded, so I've tried a new kind of dialogue for this kind of scenes.Tell me in the comments if you like it or not! (for the next similar scenes)

I hope you enjoy the chapter! Thanks for all the readings as always!


Spear Hall of G.U.N (special meeting): February 4, 19:00 in the afternoon.

The 9 lances were seated in their respective seats (except Melody, who after failing to report the kidnapping fainted). The tension was in the air while Dylan had just confirmed the information, which was difficult, on the other hand, because of the power cut. The phones did not stop ringing for all the building, while the few agents that remained in the base tried to coordinate all the blocks established along Bahia.Zoe the Lich, second leader of the spears, was the last to sit down when Dylan hung up the phone.

Dylan: "The boss is going to manage the roadblocks, the airport and the port from the mayor's office, so she wants us to start the meeting ourselves ..."

Zoe: "You have heard spears, the situation is as critical as we imagined, Hannah has been kidnapped exactly one hour and a half ago, according to the complaint of her neighbors."

Natalya: "We have confirmation of the identity of the kidnapper, or does not the police know how to do it?" Natalya the centaur was the contact with the usual police, and in a situation like that, being left out of her position by Dylan was not something pleasant.

Jack: "Relax Nat, the police do what they can, if they were better they would be agents of G.U.N"

Natalya: "THEY DO WHAT THEY CAN DO? IF THEY DO THEIR WORK HANNAH WOULD NOT BE KIDNAPPED" Natalya hit the table with her fist, so hard that all the coffee cups threatened to fall.

Zoe: "SILENT AGENT NATALYA. According to what we have been informed, the kidnapper is the police agent Clay Thompson, 46 years old, American nationality, widower."

Light: "So a police officer? That explains why they took so long to passus the information, they must have been hiding it until we confirmed it." Light the succubus was removed in his chair like most, you never expect your enemy to be part of the forces of order.


Bolt: "We have ... information on the reason for the kidnapping?" Bolt was taking her fourth painkiller in the last hours while Jack tapped her under the table, trying to cheer her up.

Lisa: "Judging from what he says in the police report, Agent Clay kept calling Hannah, Jane ... but he does not put in. Is it something psychological about the kidnapper?" Lisa the dark slime was one of the few who had received the report in the hand of police chief Chalmer. Unfortunately the haste of this had prevented them from gathering more information.

Robin: "All this kidnapping, together with the fact that he has not asked for a rescue for now, only allows us to think that it was an emotional crime, which complicates the matter even more." Robin, the only human with Jack and Dylan in the G.U.N dome had already had experience before during his time in charge of the Phoenix crime unit. But even for her they had too little information to create any theory.

Zoe: "Robin, you are the oldest and most experienced of our team, have you seen something like this before?"

Robin: "I wish I could say no, but this type of crime is mostly caused by psychologically unstable people, which makes us face a police in a psychotic outbreak, armed with ammunition of all kinds for at least 2 pistols and a shotgun Two secondary hostages and Hannah ... the thing does not look too good "

Mirabelle: "This is why you can not leave our work to the useless of the police." the former criminal Mirabelle the jabberwock did not miss the opportunity to criticize the police that one day arrested her.

Jack: "I do not want to hear about a thief, no matter how many years ago."

Look: "I made a mistake when I was a young girl and I paid for my crimes, that man is armed and he has the girl we should protect, do not expect nice words from my mouth for them!"


Jack: "There is no light in Bahia! and I dont have computers or electronic devices beyond my cell phone without a lot of battery, if you take away my provocations, you kill me!

Sora: "That we continue without light means that we do not have any kind of surveillance video or similar?" Sora, the sea bishop, was as calm as ever, flipping through the map of Bahia on the table instead of the usual touch screen.

Natalya: "Not only do we not have any kind of vigilance, we also engage a police officer, so he knows perfectly well where there are surveillance controls or not."

Dylan: "All the exits and entrances of Bahia are closed and controlled by GUN agents, until the boss has called all the students who took the GUN rookie exam the previous weeks to help in the controls!" Clay is locked in Bahia, it does not have any escape. "

Robin: "He does not need it either."

Light: "What do you mean, Robin?"

Robin: "She has Hannah, the object of her fantasies, whatever they are, as long as Hannah is not in danger, she will keep her alive."

Sora: "I mean ... that's a race against the clock?"

Zoe: "As soon as Hannah's life is in danger in his eyes, he will not hesitate to do anything to protect her ... and Hannah is in the front line."

Jack: "You will not be implying ..."

Bolt: "NO! WE CAN NOT LET THAT HAPPEN! HANNAH IS TOO YOUNG TO DIE THIS WAY!" Bolt fell to the ground, crying inconsolably while Jack and Mira approached to try to calm her down.

Zoe: "Hannah represents everything for Bahia, and for our dreams, we have used all our resources in these years to ensure her safety and happiness, this time Bolt will not be different"

Lisa: "We have confirmation that the police car was parked in" hephaestus point ", which allows us to create a perimeter to look for him."

Robin: "It's not that easy, first if we make a lot of noise and we go from motel to motel and from factory to factory, we can risk that he feels cornered, and second, there are no surveillance cameras available, so we can not rule out that he left Hannah, Juddit and his partner somewhere and then left the car in another to buy time, he's a cop after all, he knows the rules of the game."

Lisa: "So ... we broke up and investigated stealthily, sorry Robin, but I can not think of anything else"

Zoe: "It would take too long, every second counts, we only have one option left."

Light: "Turn on the electrical current and use signal trackers?, we could triangulate their position."

Jack: "I hope, with the idea that I have had, the next time you ask for an emergency generator you ask the boss for me."

Mirabelle: "That you had an idea is more than enough to support you"

Zoe: "Agent Mirabelle ... I liked that Agent Jack, explain your idea"

Jack: We are used to living in a world where electricity is everything. And that's not different for Clay. I propose to call the power plant and ask that they delay as much as possible the repairs. So when night falls Clay will be forced to continue his plans without any type of electrical device, despairing. If he's in a motel or a factory, he'll be forced to go out and get food for Hannah."

Bolt: "And if he already has it? And if the despair ..." Bolt cried again imagining what could happen to Hannah if Clay went into panic.

Zoe: "It's the best thing we have ... Dylan, call the power plant and ask them to delay the ignition as much as possible Agents, prepare for as soon as the night falls go to the designated perimeter and start looking in the maximum possible silence."


While all the other agents went out to look for their weapons and equipment, Robin approached Zoe, who collapsed in her chair.

Robin: "It was not bad, novice boss, you have managed to bring order in such a situation."

Zoe: "Thank you ... but I can not help but be terribly worried, what would I say to Hannah's father if he knew we had failed him and Hannah paid for it?"

Robin: "You have to stop thinking about the dead dear" Robin stroked his shoulder, trying to get her bad thoughts out of her.

Zoe: "I am a lich Robin, my mere existence is a crime against life, I am constantly in the other world, so I feel the deceased much closer than others"
Robin did not stop squeezing his shoulder, while both kept silent praying for Hannah.




Hannah squeezed the shirt around her mother's leg with the utmost strength and delicacy.

"Come on Hannah, I'm not going to break if you squeeze a little more!" Juddit closed her teeth while Hannah squeezed a little more.

"Good job Hannah, and now clean the wound as you can" Agent Will was not in the best situation in the world, unable to move his legs and feeling very dizzy, but his sense of duty prevented him from closing his eyes while they were being held hostage.

"I ... will ... Mr. Will." Hannah was visibly affected, trembling and crying silently as she watched the shot in her mother's leg.

"Only Will hannah, Mr. Will was my father."

"Your father was also called Will? How unoriginal ..." Juddit was trying to joke about Will's failed prank, trying to relax his daughter as much as possible.

"I've never done well ..." Will had to silence himself suddenly when Clay came back into the room.

"Damn it ... the road control is bigger than before ... it's going to cost us more than I thought to leave the city Jane ..."

"YOU'RE NOT GOING OUT OF CITY CLAY, YOU'LL BE TRAPPED AND YOU KNOW PERFECTLY!" Will had always been a fighting cock, and with his friend in a situation so being afraid would not help at all.

"SHUT UP WILL OR I SWEAR FOR GOD THAT I KILL YOU HERE!" Clay picked up the gun from his holster, shaking with nerves and aiming at Will.

"DAD NO! PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS!" Hannah bit her tongue as she could while she stood between them, praying that continuing to pretend to be her daughter would calm Clay down.


"You're lucky Will, Jane is as good as her mother..." Hannah approached Clay and hugged him, still shaking.

"Dad ... tell me again where we're going to go, so you'll calm down a bit ... I do not like to see you so nervous ..."

"Sure my little one!" Clay sat on the bed and tapped her side to let Hannah sit with him, without leaving the gun to the misfortune of the three victims. "As soon as we get out of this horrible city we will go to Massachusetts, to the farm of the grandparents! And once there we will find your mother ... and finally we can be the family we deserve ... finally we can fulfill the dream of our life ... only us 3, in the best country in the world ... hehehehe ... "

Clay's madness did nothing but get worse, but unfortunately for Hannah, to protect her mother and Mr. Will ... I had to play the game a little longer ... until Elsa comes to rescue her ... elsa or the police or GUN .. he did not care who came.



Entrance of the Elsa building: 20:00 in the afternoon.

"Fortunately, with the plans we have been able to save the meeting ... or often I would have formed." Ritchey sighed as he would have the door of the car to Elsa, who was loaded with candy for Hannah.

"As all this does not serve Hannah as an apology Ritchey I swear to God that I will build a building with your face and knock it down on your fucking birthday." Elsa irritated not to such good metaphors as the merry Elsa.

"Fuck dude ... how bad you are ... I'll buy a switch to Hannah as an apology! You did not say you liked video games? I've heard it's a very good console!"
"From what company is it?"

"... sony? No no! Samsung! I think it's samsung!"

"Ritchey ... stop trying to go modern, it does not look good on you." Elsa stood at the door of the building, while Ritchey paid the taxi driver when Chris opened the door, hitting Elsa and making all his apologies end up on the floor.



"HANNAH AND JUDDIT HAVE BEEN KIDNAPPED!" Elsa remained in total silence, leaving her face completely white to both her and Ritchey and the taxi driver.

"... Ritchey, pay the taxi driver, we have to go to the police station."
"Elsa calm down, let's think like-" Elsa grabbed him by the neck, pulling the shorter man into the taxi and looking at him with an empty expression.

"... Ritchey, pay the taxi driver, we have to go to the police station, I have to save Hannah"

End Notes:

Today is the turn of Jack's description!



- Height: 6 feet 1 inch

- Physical aspect: Jack tries hard to avoid the generic agent aspect of the FBI, so it is difficult to see him in a suit like the rest of his teammates.With a dark orange dyed hair and completely unnecessary glasses since he sees perfectly, Jack walks around the building of G.U.N normally in shorts, t-shirt of music groups or Hawaiian t-shirts. Always in flip flops.

- Personality: Jack is imbecile and egocentric, a genius of electronics too, but a fool at the end and out. He spends his days despising Dylan at the first opportunity he is allowed or performing tasks of dubious morality. No wonder it is Elsa's biggest support among the rest of the spears.

Jack usually orbits around Bolt, accompanying her every night of surveillance, accompanying her to her home or accompanying her to their meetings (which Bolt still endures is a mystery). In the end Jack is nothing more than a computer genius who even with his horrible personality has managed to make a gap between the spears, however much he insists that he has earned it by his charisma and good work.

- Extras: Jack is the oldest of a family of 9 members, with 7 younger sisters who adore him as a hero. Nobody is surprised that this natural way of feeling superior comes from his childhood.

First boss: Psychotic police, Clay by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

A thousand thanks as always to more than 2100 visits! You are the best!


Bahia's central police station: 20:30 at night


The police station was totally out of control, police and detectives from one place to another. Police chief Lloid tried to bring order, but the orders of the mayor were absolute. Whoever Hannah is, the mayor demands that they use all their methods and agents to find it.

"It's not just that GUN claims every fucking police case, not just that we are forced to respond to the GUN dwarf, no ... now we have to remove the entire city to find Clay, will and the giantess that. .. BRING ME AN ASPIRIN! " Lloid leaned on his desk, illuminated only by a cheap flashlight. "The light of the whole city goes away ... clay goes crazy and the mayor will put my head on a pike as he does not find the baby that ... that fucking Sunday"

"Chief, there is someone who says he has information about the case and wants to talk with-"

Lloid straightened and after a few slight stretches, he turned around to see who had the information.

"I WANT A BAHIA MAP NOW, WITH ALL THE LOCATIONS OF THE MOTELS NEAR WHERE THE CAR HAS FOUND!" Elsa came screaming into the central room, followed by Ritchey and Chris. There was so much anger and anger in his voice that agents began to mark the points on the map pinned to the central blackboard.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO ENTER SCREAMING AT MY POLICE STATION?" Lloid advanced towards elsa, raising his head to scare Elsa.

"MY NAME IS ELSA, I AM HANNAH'S BRIDE AND THE PERSON WHO WILL FIND IT WHERE IS THIS MAP?" Elsa, without backing down, imitated the police chief.



"Elsa please! You're screaming at the police chief!" Chris did not bother to hide his discomfort, although Elsa cared nothing and less.

"TELL YOUR FRIEND CASE-" An agent approached Joid with a phone in his hand. "I HOPE IT IS IMPORTANT! Who is it? ... Mr. Mayor ... Right ... A girl has arrived ... Yes, she is blonde ... Elsa ... So she says her name was ... Sir, please ... I understand ... it's fine ... "Joid hung up the phone and left it on his desk. "I do not know who you are elsa, but the mayor says to let you participate ... you're lucky."

"Perfect, now we are going with the case, I want a concrete report of the kidnapper and the map I HAVE ASKED BEFORE, WHERE IS IT?" Without being very clear because the mayor of Bahia had helped her, Elsa decided to use the opportunity.

"DO NOT DARE TO SHOUT MY MEN! ONLY I CAN DO IT! IS THE FUCKING MAP PREPARED?" For the first time since Lloid took control of the commissary, the agents were really afraid of this Lloid double that had appeared out of nowhere.


After a few minutes, both the map was ready and Elsa was reading Clay's report.
"This is our problem now, we know that the police car was in the middle of the" Hephaestus Point "but we do not know where Clay is hiding, so the witnesses of the kidnapping have declared, there are at least two injured, the agent Will Hanson and Hannah's mother, Juddit Reyes, with a gunshot wound to her right leg.We do not know Hannah's condition, but considering that it was Clay's goal, we do not think she's in danger for now. "


"For now?" Elsa released the report, for the sudden shock of hearing this latest information.

"As you may have read, Agent Clay is having a psychotic outbreak, and he thinks Hannah is his unborn baby, so we think that since Jane was going to be a giantess, Clay should be seeing her daughter in Hannah. the game as the neighbors say she was doing, will be safe."

"Is the agent with her, Will, trustworthy?"

"Will is one of my best and most veteran agents, if he's alive, he'll have been able to guide Hannah through this whole situation."

"As if he is alive? In this report you says that he is one of the victims of the kidnapping"

"There was not so much blood in the police car to believe he had bled to death, so for now we grabbed him alive. Will has a husband and two children at home waiting for him."

"Then ..." Elsa got up from the desk and walked towards the map of Bahia. "We have the car here, in the middle of the industrial district, which leaves us a total of 4 nearby motels."

"There are many factories abandoned by the area, could be in one of them" Joid approached the map and marked with a marker the abandoned factories.

"Too risky, he is a police agent and he knows perfectly well where you would first go to the factories, a motel is safer if he wants to run away from Bahia, since he would have access to nearby cars to steal and a hiding place for three victims "

"I understand your reasoning, but even so we can not rule out that they are in a factory."

"That's true, Lloid... He's trying to escape from Bahia, that's clear to you?"

"Clay always talked about moving to his parents' farm when his daughter was born, until he had filled out the transfer, if he thinks Hannah is Jane, he will take her out of the bay."

"I mean ... you need a motel that has customers to steal a car ... extra-human customers so the car is big enough for Hannah to comfortably enter, and at the same time a motel that's close enough to a road that leave Bahia. "

"That would leave us with two motels, the "traveler's rest"and the "myton"... the problem is that we can not risk failing, and with more than half of our agents at the GUN roadblocks we do not have more that an assault team"


"I'm reading that the patrol car radio was missing"


"Clay must have ripped it out so he could control us, so he'll know when and where we'll go."


"Smart boy ..." Elsa sat on the desk, staring at the map while from behind Chris, Ritchey and the agents commented how the boss and Elsa were basically doing all the work. "Think elsa ... think ..."


"Calm down, get nervous, it will not help Hannah, our biggest problem is that there was no gun or ammo box left in the patrol car, so Clay is well armed.


"Clay is a veteran police officer, he knows how we think ..." Elsa dropped onto the table, staring at the ceiling very intently. "The Myton has more people normally, and considering the time at which you have found the car ..."

"So you want us to go to the myton? We do not know what Clay can do if he gets scared, and avoiding fatalities is our top priority." If you do not give me a reason to go to myton, I will not organize the assault team. "

"Lloyd, communicate on the radio that the assault team goes to the" traveler rest ", and send them there"

"Are you sure about that?"

"We will go to myton"


"You have no choice, whether you want to or not, I'm going to save Hannah, whatever it takes."



Elsa and Lloyd continued to scream at each other while Ritchey approached Chris. "Really Hannah is Elsa's wife? I thought they were just girlfriends"

Chris sighed as he shook his head, "Not at all, he must be telling him to let Lloyd go ..."

"She will get killed at this rate ..."

"Ritchey ... I'm not going to lie to you, it's the first time I've seen Elsa care so much about a person ... before, she was very interested in every girl she fell in love with ... But this is new even for me ... "

"The ways of love are inexplicable, you only know that you must follow them ..."

"Even with that ... they do not know each other for so long that she loves her so much!" Chris sighed again and leaned against the wall.

"Have you heard about love at first sight?"

"Do not give me that disney childhood ... We live in the real world Ritchey!"

"Love at first sight exists! I fell in love with my wife in high school, and it was something instant for both of us!"

"That's fine ... but you know Elsa, she's not the kind of person who falls in love with a girl at first sight"

"Maybe he was just waiting for the giantess to steal his heart!"

"Good that ..." Chris offered his fist to Ritchey to crash, not realizing that Elsa had finally managed to hit him.

On the other hand, Elsa and Lloyd kept arguing, until Lloyd decided to end the conversation. "AS YOU SAY A WORD MORE I STOP YOU FOR DISOBEDIENCE TO THE AUTHORITY!"

Elsa raised her hands in surrender and took a couple of steps back, looking at the cork wall with the schedules of the agents. "Lloyd, these are the keys to the patrol cars, are not they?"

"Of course, to which it comes-" Elsa did not let him finish the sentence, grabbing some of the keys and going off by the door of the police station. "DO NOT FUCK ME! AGENTS TO YOUR POSTS! SOMEONE STOP ELSA!" Lloyd picked up his raincoat and turned to Chris and Ritchey. "As you move a foot from here, I swear to God, you will not see the light of the sun."

Both nodded as Lloyd and the rest of the agents went on the hunt for Clay and Elsa.

"You expected that? ..." Ritchey said while still looking at the door of the police station, still perplexed by the scene.

"Sincerely? Yes."



Motel Myton: 21:00


Clay was still circling the radio, while Hannah attended to Officer Will's wound.
"Mr. Will ... I do not see anything but the hole to clean ..."

"Easy Hannah ... the bullet will have lodged in the spinal column ... have you heard that Clay? Since you left me paralyzed I will kick you from here to New York"


"Daddy ... please do not yell ..." Hannah was starting to get hungry, which only added more problems to the current situation.

"I'm so sorry Jane ... it's just that they're not making any movement in the police station ... and the light does not come back and we're going to stay in the dark as the candle goes out ..." Clay sat on the bed, more and more nervous because of the lack of control of the situation.

"I doubt that knowing that you've taken the radio will use it to communicate, you're a police officer, you should know ..." Juddit narrowed her eyes as she dropped onto Hannah's leg. "You'll have to be hungry no longer darling?"

Hannah started to nod very shyly, while Clay got up to look at the refrigerator in the room. "There are chocolates ... but I do not know if it's okay for you to sugar ... your mother had an allergy and you can have inherited it ..."

Clay started to search for a sugar-free candy bar while the radio went on first time in the whole afternoon. "Finally! Jane, bastards, be quiet for a moment."
Clay started looking for the channel they were talking about, while Hannah approached him behind to hug him and try to calm him down a bit. Mr. Will had said that if Clay got on his nerves he would only make things worse, but if they let themselves be trampled he would believe he was in control.

"You expected to hear the voice of the police chief, it's like that, Clay... Surprise, it's just you and me." Elsa's voice began to play on the radio, to the joy and rejoicing of Hannah and Juddit.

"W... who are you? I have two hostages! Do not you dare to approach Jane or me or I'll kill them!" Clay had to sit on the desk chair

"Her name is Hannah, and no matter how you call her Jane, she will never be your daughter."


"I have two things to tell you, Clay, the first is that you're not going to shoot Hannah's mother or your partner, you're not going to let Hannah suffer."

"A...and the second?"

"That I'm already here" The four listened to the horn of a car in the parking lot, and with extreme care Clay peeked through the vocina, watching the irresponsible blonde waving at him from the car.


"Precisely because you are a policeman, I know you will not shoot an innocent person, Clay, this is your last chance, I have all the police in Bahia following me for stealing a patrol car, so they will be here in a few minutes."

"THAT YOU HAVE STOLEN A PATROL CAR? WHAT SHIT HAPPENS IN YOUR HEAD ELSA!" Hannah stood up suddenly, pushing Clay from the side of the door and going outside to give Elsa the blow of her life.

"JANE COMES BACK HERE NOW!" Clay came out behind Hannah, aiming her with the gun, completely deranged right now.


"MY NAME IS HANNAH! AND I DO NOT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR DAUGHTER AND YOUR WIFE, BUT SURE IT IS NOT SO IMPORTANT AS THE IDIOT OF MY GIRLFRIEND HAS STOLEN A PATROL CAR!" As Elsa had anticipated, Hannah would lose her composure as soon as she learned of the theft of the patrol car.

"AS IT IS NOT THAT IMPORTANT, MY WIFE AND MY DAUGHTER DIED DURING THE BIRTH OF MY DAUGHTER!! I LOST IT ALL IN THIS LIFE! DO NOT DARE TO COMPARE THE THEFT OF A CAR WITH EVERYTHING I HAVE SUFFERED!" Clay began to sweat, without any of the three realized that little by little the street in front of the motel was beginning to fill with police and members of G.U.N

"THEN YOU ADMIT THAT I AM NOT YOUR DAUGHTER?" Hannah turned around and confronted Clay directly, who at the sight of the great, completely furious Hannah could not do anything but take a step back while still aiming her with the gun.


"And kidnap Hannah, her mother and your partner is the best option for that?" He made his way to stand in front of Hannah, trying to cover her with a possible shot. (useless because of the difference in size)



"THAT MEANS THAT YOU HAVE NOT ARRIVED THE TIME OF SEEING THEM AS YOU CAN BE SO BLIND TO SEE HIM CLAY?" Hannah could not suppress all the anger she was feeling, stepping over Elsa and grabbing Clay by the collar of her shirt.


"I NEED TO SEE THEM NOW, WHY CAN NOT YOU UNDERSTAND IT?" Clay struggled to get rid of Hannah, aiming with the gun while with the other hand tried to release the ferreous grip of giant hands that seemed unwilling to let go.


Clay decided to end all this, and prepared to shoot Hannah. "I'm sorry I can not see you like you want ... say hello from me."






End Notes:

Tomorrow the resolution of the first story arc! See you tomorrow!

(Also tomorrow will be the descriptions of Clay and Will)


Chapter 15 Heaven by SirDarkvid

Clay's gun fell to the floor, along with the blood dripping from his hand. Hannah took a few seconds to realize what had happened, but as soon as she realized it, she let go of Clay, who fell to the ground.

"AGENT CLAY, YOU ARE ARRESTED FOR ATTEMPTING MURDER AND KIDNAPPING." Lloyd ran to Clay to stop him, followed by police officers and G.U.N. "Sorry son, but I had to do it"

"JANE! JANE! SARAH! SARAH!! I'M SO SORRY!" Clay did not stop crying while being arrested by the agents and taken to a police van. Nobody dared to say anything, the situation was tense enough for someone to dare to say something wrong.

Elsa approached Hannah and took her hand. After the initial shock and all the emotions of the last few hours were released at once, Hannah began to cry again, not only because of the fear of the situation, but because of empathy towards Clay.As if the whole universe had been connected, electricity was turned on all over Bahia, and a small rain began to fall on the city. A rain that was cold and warm at the same time, a rain that would clean the streets of the blood of a person who had lost his way.

"Mr. police ... thank you for shooting him" Hannah said in a thin voice, still crying as she fell to her knees next to Elsa.

"I did what I had to do, Clay Thompson was one of the first agents to arrive at my station, and if I could prevent the murder of his charges from being added, a bullet in his hand was more than enough." Lloyd sighed as he took out a cigarette, which although he could not light, the simple fact of having it gave him strength not to scream with rage and frustration. "You've been very brave confronting Clay, very brave but very irresponsible too"

While Hannah nodded, being aware of the danger of what she had done, a policeman approached Lloyd. "Sir, we took Will and Juddit to the hospital, Ms. Juddit told me to tell Miss Elsa to take care of Hannah tonight"

"You've already heard it elsa ... you know, I'd have to arrest you right now, for risking you so much, for disobeying my orders and for stealing a patrol car."

"You're not going to do it, are you?" Elsa approached him and took a lighter from his bag, lighting his cigarette.

"You saved Hannah, Will and Juddit, and you indirectly prevented Clay from making a mistake that could never heal... I do not usually turn a blind eye, but for today I'll pass it on to you..."

"You changed a lot Lloyd, the old man would not have lost the chance to take Elsa to the dungeon" Zoe and Robin approached the group, much to Lloyd's displeasure that I do not hesitate to hide him cursing in the air. "Hannah, I'm the second leader of G.U.N, Zoe Lewansky." Zoe offered her hand, that as soon as she realized the importance of Zoe, she sorbed the tears and took it between both of them.

"Yes ... Mrs. Zoe, it's a great honor ... My name is-" Hannah's emotions were so mixed that she did not know whether to be nervous about such an important figure, to continue crying and what to do.

"I know who you are Hannah, I read the report while we came here to stop Clay, I just wanted to congratulate you personally, not many people get the courage to face someone armed and in a dangerous state like Clay. " Zoe turned to Elsa, offering her hand too. "And as for you Elsa Wood ..."

"If you are going to give me a medal stop, because I do not want or deserve it, I have not done this out of good will." Elsa took Zoe's hand with some suspicion, smelling what was coming next.

"Not at all, I just wanted to ask you how you knew Clay would be here." Zoe smiled sideways without letting go of Elsa's hand.

"I did not know" a silence formed between the 5 people in the conversation.

"DID NOT YOU KNOW? YOU HAVE RISK ALL THIS WITHOUT BEING SURE THEY WOULD BE HERE?" Lloyd spit out the cigarette of tension formed before this new information.

"I did not have time to think anymore, all I wanted was to save Hannah." Elsa sighed as she dropped on Hannah, who did not know whether to kiss her or give her a whack.

"You bet everything to a card... and it went well, how curious." Zoe could not stop smiling.

"It's not betting when you control all the possibilities. I knew that Clay had to be here to get a car where Hannah could ride. I knew Hannah would come after me when she found out that I had stolen a patrol car. I knew Clay would not shoot Hannah while he saw her as his daughter. And finally, I knew Hannah's determination would appear when Clay told him his motive for kidnapping her. I had previously calculated all the possibilities of success and error, and they were 99% for success "

"Elsa ... you are a person ... the less curious ..." Zoe began to laugh at the stunned look of Lloyd and Robin. "Would you be interested in working for G.U.N? We need someone with such confidence and intelligence."

"Zoe! I mean ... captain, I do not think asking someone to suddenly join GUN is the best of ideas ..." Robin needed to stop this however, and Zoe is not one to give up so easily.

"Relax, I'm not going to join G.U.N" Elsa fanned herself exaggeratedly with her hand sitting on Hannah's legs.

"why? it's an opportunity to help a lot of people and protect Bahia, it's not something that is offered to you every day." Zoe approached Elsa and Hannah, offering her a hand to seal the deal.

"As I said before, all this about saving Juddit and Will was secondary, all I care about is Hannah." Hannah pinched Elsa in the arm when she heard that her mother was secondary. "Okay, secondary either, but I'm not going to lie to you, Zoe, if I had to choose all the lives of Bahia or Hannah, I would choose Hannah every damn time, I'm a horrible person, selfish, egocentric and above all a genius, and without Hannah I do not care, I've come to stay in your life, and that's all that matters to me. "

"Repeating that nothing but Hannah matters to you is not a strong reason to reject this offer, Elsa, you could protect Hannah and Bahia at the same time." Zoe kept insisting, refusing to give up.

"Are you a teammate of a girl named Melody? 8 feet, rosy hair like all cupids, very sweet" Zoe was left blank at the question and could not do anything but agree. "I was the one who took away her virginity-"

"THAT YOU HAVE REMOVED THE... YOU KNOW... FROM A CUPID? ELSA!" Hannah was almost more furious than when she held Clay by the neck.

Zoe withdrew her hand elegantly, turned around and started walking with Robin to G.U.N's car"Consider ... the offer ... canceled. Good evening to both of you."

After leaving, Hannah was doing her best not to strangle Elsa right there."You've really taken a cupid Elsa's virginity? That's low even for you ... and see that I do not know anything about you." Neither Lloyd nor Hannah had the courage to look at Elsa, conscious both of the sacrilege of snatching her virginity  from an celestial type extra-human, .

"Nope! Melody snatched it from me, the first time I went out to party in Bahia."

"I can trust you Elsa?" Hannah was a little more relaxed, but the doubts were eating her inside.

"Yeah!, I saved you my love, and I would never lie to you with something as serious as a cupid." Ellsa jumped up and hit Lloyd's shoulder. "Can you take us to home Lloyd? I dont have a driver's license"

"Wait wait ... you've been driving the patrol car." Hannah got up from the floor, her ass completely soaked and her emotions still unstable.


"But ... you do not have a driver's license"

"But I know how to drive a car"

Hannah was completely stunned, "You know how to drive a car ... but you do not have a driver's license ..."

"And why do I need it? Bahia has an excellent public transportation network, and Chris takes me to where I need to go ... Taking out my driver's license is a waste of time! There are too many tests and I need action!"

"Elsa ... you're an idiot" Hannah and Lloyd said it right at the same time.


On a backstreet near the motel, 1 hour later.

Jack was recovering, even with diffuse eyes and numb muscles. Mirabelle was still lying where one of the walls of the factory had been, bleeding from receiving Bolt's angry discharge and having made a human shield between her and Jack so that Bolt would not jump and kill Clay directly.

"Face ... safe ... arms and legs ... full ... body ... I've been better ..." Jack leaned against the crumbling wall and wiped the dust off as best he could. "What is your look?"

"I've ... lived better moments ... I'm missing some member? some wing? I have my two tentacles?"

"No ... yes ... and yes ... you have everything ... bruised and electrocuted ... but everything." Jack was glad to see the light of the streetlights enter through the windows of the factory. "God ... who was going to tell me that my first beating as a G.U.N spear would be given to me by my own partner?"

"Either it was Bolt now or it would be Natalya ... but one of us was going to give you a good blow." Mirabelle tried to laugh, but her body hurt so much that the laughter turned into tears.

"Do you think everything will be fine? I do not have the strength to try to open the factory door ... and my phone has melted in the discharge" Jack crawled towards Mira, and dropped down next to the wings of her, looking for heat to supply his lack of clothes (destroyed in the Bolt explosion)

"I hope so ... when the shot has sounded we have not heard any cry of pain ... except Bolt, clearly."

"What are we going to say to Valeria? We have destroyed a factory trying to keep Bolt from committing a crime ... I doubt that is contained in the code of G.U.N"

"I vote for not saying anything, it was an abandoned factory after all" Mira turned around as she could, and snuggled up against Jack, as she felt the cold air that had been pouring rain through the holes in the wall.

"I have to say ... you have a good body, to be a jabberwock."

"Idiot ... you have a half-naked and almost dead companion by your side and that's the best thing you can think of ... you know how to treat women Jack"

"What do you want me to say? It hurts everything and now I have your generous cleavage against me, increasing the pressure on my bruised body."

"Consider it a gift just for today, for not abandoning me when Bolt went into murderous rage."

"So I'll take it ..." Jack glanced over the neckline and Mira's arm to the corner where Bolt was still sleeping, as if she had not nearly killed them.

"You who can see her ... have I managed to hurt her?"

"His arm is bleeding and covered in sparks, a slightly injured eye and above all he has the bite of your tentacles-mouth in one of the wings, nothing very serious."

"I'm happy ... and it's just tentacle, the mouth does not need to mention"

"How rare are the jabberwock ..."

"Very much, do you want to check it?" Mira tries to put her voice more erotic, which with so much pain seemed more of supplication than of eroticism.

"Really? Right now? What a weird sense of opportunity ..."

"Jack, I'll be a GUN spear, I'll be a jabberwock, I'll be an extrahuman who is 14 feet tall and weighs almost a ton and a half ... but I'm a girl ... and you're an idiot ... but an idiot something cute "

"I take this as a declaration of love?" Jack could not help but smile as much as it hurt.

"Take it as you want ... but if ... I love you ... a little"

"Well ... 14-foot-tall extra-human that weighs a ton and a half and two strange-but-lovely tentacles-mouths ... maybe it's your turn ... but we'll have to leave the celebrations until tomorrow ... I can not prove it physically for now ... "Jack was cursing his bad physical form and his injuries inside, cursing them with all his strength.

"No need ... just stay like this until the sun rises ... it feels like heaven ..." The jabberwock snuggled closer to Jack, placing her head against his and surrounding him with her legs and her free wing

And so, the two new lovers and the harpy who had smashed a factory in a fit of rage when they saw Hannah being pointed by Clay's gun slept peacefully and painfully, until the next morning where a dark slime found them and took pictures, for personal use and future blackmail.

End Notes:

I would love to know how many of you have guessed what happened after the previous chapter's shot! XD

Many thanks to all for continuing to read the story! Tomorrow the epilogue of the bow! (And this time if the descriptions of Clay and Will, which is costing me more than normal to design it)

End of story arc 1: Between Heaven and Hell by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

And with this we reach the end of the first story arc! Thank you very much to all of you who have been here reading it every day and to those who will read them in the future!

I hope you enjoy the future and what is to come in history!


The following days were hard for everyone. Juddit managed to recover the leg, unfortunately Will not be so lucky, the bullet was too deep in his spine and the operation only managed to avoid future complications. On the part of Bahia's police Clay was tried in an express trial, and between Hannah's statements, Lloyd's report and the psychological test, they managed to avoid a greater sentence, being only in 5 to 10 years reviewable in a psychiatric hospital.

Hannah's message reached the depths of Clay's soul; and after an unofficial farewell in the cemetery, he promised Will, Juddit, Lloyd and Hannah that he would continue living so that the day he had to return to see his family he could do it with pride and a smile. Maybe Hannah at that moment did not know it but the ashes of Clay's heart burned again, with a new purpose and renewed hopes.

But on the part of G.U.N and Hannah and Elsa ... well, those are two other stories that deserve to be told.




Headquarters of G.U.N: February 8 (5 days ago), 10 in the morning.


It was seldom necessary to use the judgment room of the lances (which demonstrates once again the amount of money spent unnecessarily on the construction of the headquarters), unfortunately, this was one of those times.

Valeria sat at the center of the judge's table, next to Zoe and Robin on her right and Mayor Vagrand and her secretary on the left. In the center, sitting on a wooden chair uncomfortable and lonely was Bolt, with all the other members of the spears behind him. The atmosphere was tense and nobody dared to speak before Valeria, which did not seem for the work of undo tension.
The reason for this trial? Bolt's attack on the other two members of the spears and the destruction of private property valued at $ 8,000 in repairs and cleanup of the destruction.

"And ... 5 minutes in total silence, it's a good time to start this trial." Valeria did not bother to hide how much she was enjoying this situation, the vampire loved anything that had to do with judges or the law.

"Why are we here? This is a case of G.U.N, no?" Veronica did not seem to be willing to pretend to be interested in the situation either.

"You are the representatives of the town hall, Zoe and Robin are the representatives of G.U.N, and I am the celestial judge who has come to impart Justice! What part is not understood?" Valeria looked at both couples on their sides, looking for a look of complicity that nobody returned to her misfortune. "Mayor, start with the material losses" Valeria got up only to drop noisily in her chair, annoyed by the lack of cooperation.


"Thank you for giving me the word Valeria-" "Celestial Judge, I am the Celestial Judge" "No, you are not." Now without further delay, on the part of the material damages rounding out they have cost 3,000 dollars for the removal of the destruction of 2 concrete walls 30 feet long and 20 feet high, and 5,000 in question of replacing the destroyed machinery and fixing the damaged one, 8,000 dollars to the owner of the factory in total. " Vagrand was not too happy to have to act as Valeria's secretary, not for the act itself, but for the future consequences of these moments.

"Now, Zoe, Chief of the spears during the operation "Rescue of Hannah", report of the damages of the injured agents"

Zoe instead did not care about getting into the paper, getting up and clearing her throat started with her statement. "Thanks for giving me the word boss, Agent Jack has suffered minor bruises thanks to being protected by agent Mirabelle"

"HOW TO BE PROTECTED, I WAS THE ONE WHO PROTECTED MIRABELLE!"Jack rose up furious and screaming, while Mira patted him on the back.

"Nobody believes that, and do not interrupt me! This is a serious trial!" It was almost unanimous the thought that this was not serious at all. "Where I was going ... Agent Mirabelle, on the other hand, received more wounds, although thanks to the sky they were only superficial: an arm dislocation, a leg twist and one of the jaws of the tentacles destroyed."

"What are you saying? Are your tentacles mirabelle good? I'm not going to cheat you, one of the reasons for hiring you and not any extrahuman dragon type is for the tentacles!"

"They are well boss ..." Mirabelle moved her lateral tentacles to prove it, both with bandaged jaws. "I'm glad to know that my whole side life is for being a jabberwock and not another kind of dragon ..."

"Now it's you who do not take it seriously do not?" Jack laughed on his side, for about 3 seconds just before Mira's right tentacle hit him in the ribs.

"Now Agent Bolt, since you've heard the results of your "tantrum", how do you declare yourself before the celestial court?"

"As I said yesterday, before going into the dungeons for a whole night" Bolt highlighted with great force the fact that she has spent a night as a vulgar criminal by a whim of Valeria. "I am very sorry for my actions and ready to accept any punishment for my actions, whatever it may be, I am a member of the G.U.N spears and I can not afford such childish behavior." Bolt ducked her head, ready to hold whatever fell on her.

"Fuck ... it's not fun to be a celestial judge if the defendant does not try to defend herself ..."Valeria turned away from her chair and walked towards Bolt. "Defend yourself! Say it's not your fault! Do not make all this go to waste!"


"And why would I do it?" Let my feelings of wanting to protect Hannah take over, and end up hurting my allies.I'm guilty of all charges, if you're going to fire me, do it now, I have nothing more to say. 

"Of course I'm not going to fire you!" There was a wave of amazement among all present.

"Valeria, are you saying that I have delayed the meeting of the round table of the Sun for nothing? How can you be so irresponsible ?!" Vagrand stood up in outrage and grabbed Valeria by the shoulders. "We have all the members wanting explanations of how Hannah has been kidnapped, and you waste time in organizing a useless trial?"

"Maybe it was not my best move ... I resolve this in a moment Ben." Valeria clarified the voice and took Bolt by the shoulders, the 8-foot vampire imposing herself totally against the 5-foot harpy to the point of making Bolt nervous. "Agent Bolt, during the next 2 weeks you are relegated to Jack's surveillance assistant, you will have to obey him in everything he sends and present the report to him."


"Valeria, this is going over the edge, we're talking about Jack." Even Vagrand, who had only interacted 4 times with Jack, thought it was an excessive punishment.


"Boss ... please, everything but this ..." Bolt strove with all her might to put on her best puppy face

"The punishment is what it is, I can not throw myself back, that my honor would be compromised" Valeria shrugged her shoulders while mentally marked that he had to put a recorder to Jack's car.

"I ... it's okay ..." Bolt dropped into the chair, defeated and suffering for two weeks that had not even begun. The year did not start well for the harpy, that's for sure.


And while Bolt's torture did nothing but begin, elsewhere in Bahia life continued to spin, specifically Elsa's life.




House of the Reyes family: same day and same hour.

Elsa was having a hard time adjusting to Hannah's house, because in an attack of extreme megalomania (perhaps combined with delirium or a feeling of overprotection towards hannah), she had decided to move in with Hannah while Juddit was recovering from the operation in the hospital .

Being a housewife was hard work, being a housewife far from your home was even harder, and being a housekeeper away from your house WITHOUT BEING A HOUSEWIFE? It was a test worthy of hercules.
The problem right now was that Hannah had to go to the academy, and Elsa was between not knowing how to tell her and not wanting Hannah to get away from her. Chris could not help her by being with Juddit in the hospital, Nikolav was with his family and it would be ugly to bring her to help with the situation. Lloyd and Boss would have family so they were discarded.

"Well, in the end it's going to be true that I do not have friends ... You know Elsa?, you've done what you could, you deserve a glass of wine" And for the fifth time that morning, Elsa went to the kitchen to serve herself another glass of wine.

The giantess on the other side of her bedroom door was in the same situation. Hannah knew perfectly well that she should go to the academy, and a part of her wanted it! The other part wanted to stay with Elsa at home, play with her new Void Elf and prepare for the future release of Battle for Azeroth.

It was not the right thing to do, but it was world of warcraft, it would not be the first day that he would skip classes to stay playing and it would not be the last time.
There was also the theme that his whole body was itching wildly for 3 days, and that he was almost permanently feverish. But she did not feel bad, and it did not seem to be any kind of virus, so she thought it was something that was worth mentioning.

"You know Hannah, it's ten o'clock in the morning and Elsa has not come to wake you up, so you should not mind, you keep sleeping and at lunchtime we figured it was a mistake!" Hannah covered herself up to the head with her quilt, to uncover seconds later. "But that would not be right ... What would Mom say if I stayed in bed all day? Probably something like WAKE-UP LAZY! YOU ARE NOT GOING TO WORK A FUTURE BEING PULLED IN THE BED ... something like this would be ..."

Hannah got up as silently as an 11-foot giantess could afford, approaching the door and placing her ear, expecting to hear Elsa snoring or something.
Not a soul was heard in the house, which could only be a sign that Elsa would be asleep.

"Could I sneak into Mom's room and lie down next to her ... What are you thinking, idiot? The last time you tried to get in you could not get out! Do not you remember how the firemen came? ... Talk to me in the third person should not be good..." Turning her back to the door Hannah dropped to the floor, hugging her knees to her chest and thinking of an excuse to wake Elsa.


As if planned, Hannah's entire body began to itch again, only this time it was accompanied by intense pain in her chest. Hannah could do nothing but grab the side of her heart and drop to one side on the floor, struggling to hold back tears and screams of pain.

| Can you feel it? The power to mark a generation, the power to lead a new world, the power that belongs to you by decree of destiny flows through your entire body! Use it! It's your duty Hannah! |

Hannah grabbed her head with her other hand, trying to silence the voice that did not resemble the one she normally put in her mind. "No ... grrrr ... I do not understand anything! Make it stop hurting!" 

| The pain is only temporary! Glory is eternal! Every second that now hurts will be able to bend the same skies to your image and likeness! The gift you have inherited not only for being a giantess of third growth, but for being your the right giantess! Jane or any other giantess could not even dream of what you are destined to do! |

"Destiny ... gggrrrr! It's no use! Being a chosen one will not help us! It's us ... agggg! Those of us who will stop the burning legion!"


| Burning legion ... what the fuck are you talking about? |

"References... grrr... from wow! That shows ... that you are not me! I would have understood in the first second!" Pain, agony and suffering added a new feeling, pride.

| ....................................................................................................    You know? We do not have to do this all at once, I'm not in a hurry ... and I do not want to keep listening to your nonsense. We will continue when you are unconscious |

The pain was gradually disappearing, but replaced by a strange sensation.
"What ... has been ... AGGGG!" Hannah grabbed both sides, while her body began to sweat and grow slowly, tearing her pajamas bit by bit.

Every second that passed felt like a thousand needles dug into his body, while little by little it swelled, destroying first his sleeves and legs in his pajamas. "Think Hannah ... you do not want to ride ... aggggg ... aggg ... a show ..." As Hannah leaned against the bed, she could see how she was getting taller with the edge of the bed, as his legs slid slowly down the floor, as his feet slowly moved the carpet as they took up more space.

With difficulty, Hannah managed to stand up, when the pain disappeared and apparently stopped growing. "It's been ... as painful as one could imagine ..." Hannah dropped onto her bed, noticing that her feet that had been left a few inches before to reach the edge now fit almost perfectly. "The bed measures ... 15 feet ... and it does not stick out ... heck ... this should not be normal ..."

Hannah's mind danced between how to explain this to the doctor without being taken for crazy and entered in the psychiatric of Clay, and that he was going to wear. Although she had clothes up to 14 feet high (the height higher than an extra-human non-giantess species used to grow), 15 feet is not an easy thing to hide...

"The good side... I've grown proportionate ..." Hannah probed her breasts to make sure of it. "The bad... that should not grow until a year or so ... and less because of a voice in my head... now we can say that we are crazy Hannah ..."

Elsa, who had been listening for a while at the door, since she had confused the scream with a moan, opened it slowly to the surprise and rejection of Hannah, who ran to cover herself with her quilt, now slightly small.

"So ..." Elsa looked at the remains of Hannah's pajamas on the floor, tempted to pick them up. "15 feet ..."

"Is not it normal to grow up suddenly? ..." Hannah did not know how to act, if shy or as if nothing was happening.

"You grew up more or less like your mother ..." Elsa approached Hannah's bed and with the help of the drawers climbed into it, sitting next to Hannah's still larger hand. Elsa put his inside, amazed by how small it felt, like putting a baby's hand inside a baseball glove.

"But at night ... and for a week ... not day and so much pain ..." Hannah was feeling just the opposite, Elsa's hand even smaller than before in his, worrying that if he closed it a little he could break it. This last feeling brought a whole new line of thought to Hannah's brain, feeling much more dangerous to the people around her.

"We can go to the doctor ... but I do not know if we should say the voice in your head ..."

"I do not think it's a good idea ... I do not even know what it was ... just something that temporary pain eternal glory ... nonsense ... as I usually say..." Elsa noticed the tension forming in the voice and Hannah's hand, and crawled across the bed to be directly in front of Hannah's face.

"Look at the good side ... more hannah to love ..." Elsa caressed the cheek of the giantess gently, somewhat worried about how hot she felt.

"You're such an idiot elsa ... thanks for being here ..." Hannah approached and kissed her slowly.

The kiss felt like everything else, but at the same time completely different for both parties. Elsa was bathed in the warmth and softness of Hannah's lips, and although her own lips only covered one of hers (Before too ... but not so exaggerated, now Elsa's entire mouth was in one of the Hannah's lips, maybe not as exaggerated as it sounds, but it should be close).

For Hannah's part, that kiss carried something completely new. She could feel Elsa's heart beating through her small lips, but she could also feel her mind (for some reason during the kiss elsa was humming a Tangled song mentally, got a dream she thought hannah remembered), her emotions, even the Minimal change in Elsa's body. It was strange ... it was scary ... and it was exciting. Very much.


| You can feel it ... this is the power of a giantess like you, nobody, neither human nor extrahuman hides secrets for you ... It does not matter how deep your thoughts are, or how hidden are your dreams. With the Aura, nothing can hide from you

What do you do even in my mind? You were not going? And I do not want to read Elsa's mind! I could not understand it even if I wanted to ...

Who said nothing to read minds? You are not that type of Extrahuman! Focus Hannah, please. Also ... even if you could read people's minds, this girl ... I do not like ... is hiding secrets even using your aura ... something very badly hidden inside.


As if I wanted to see you exchange saliva with another person ... "disgusting" as you say |


When Elsa cut the kiss and stared at Hannah, completely flushed, Hannah noticed how she stopped feeling the body of Elsa.
"Hannah I ..." Elsa did not know what to say, and that made her super cute.

"Do not say anything my beloved girlfriend ... I have a gift for you ..." Hannah reached out and searched in a drawer in her dress, something that with its new size felt very strange, as if it were in the house of the white rabbit. "Here! Elsa ... close your eyes!" Elsa could not do anything but obey and be surprised for once."Are you ready? Open them!"

When Elsa opened her hand again, Hannah had a poker card in her hand in front of her. "As I promised you, for being my beloved hero that you came to rescue me when the villain has kidnapped me, you have shown me your love ... so here you are ... The first card of the ladder of hearts."

"Hannah ... seriously?" Hannah nodded super happy, to which Elsa could not help but laugh, take the letter and offer the best of his obeisances. "Then, I accept the gift my princess, and I warn you, I intend to get the rest of the letters"

"I hope so! The stairway that leads directly to my heart will not be built on empty promises-" Hannah could not finish the sentence when the bell of the house began to ring.

"What a chance ... Princess, would you take me? I want to see what the world looks like from 15 feet tall." Elsa smiled mischievously, while Hannah sighed and stood up, offering her back to raise her to a wheelie. Which Elsa accepted without hesitation.

When they reached the door of the house, Hannah let Elsa land on the floor and answer by the intercom.

"Who is-" Elsa had to move away from the volume with which they answered her.

"OPEN THE DOOR! I KNOW YOU ARE INSIDE HANNAH AND ... ELSA!" Hannah acknowledging the voice opened the door slightly annoying ... who will I cheat? Very annoying.


Sofia was leaning against the outer frame of the door, catching her breath and followed by an extra-human slime in G.U.N's uniform. "HANNAH, I'M GOING TO TRAIN YOU!" Sofia without bothering to lower her voice so as not to disturb the neighborhood, she dropped one knee on the floor in a posture worthy of a medieval knight.

"Sofia ... what are you saying?" Hannah was not quite sure whether to close the door in her face or let her explain herself. As much as he later regrets, I choose to let her explain it.

"What the newbie Sofia is saying ... God ... what a race... do you have water or something?" The Slime seemed completely exhausted too, which led to Elsa and Hannah deduced that Sofia had brought here dragging it.

"Yes of course ... a moment" Elsa went to the kitchen and came back with a bottle of water, which she offered to the slime.

"Thanks ..." The slime threw the water over her, immediately disappearing into the mass that was her body. "Much better! Allow me to introduce myself, I am Agent Lisa, a member of the GUN spears, and supervisor of novices like Sofia, what she is trying to say is that due to your horrible physical form and your disastrous results in the classes of gymnastics you are totally helpless before another kidnapping or similar. " Both results stabbed Hannah like an arrow in her back.

"They're so bad?..." Elsa did not like being on the lion's side, but her feelings of protection were activated as a spring.

"DISASTROUS! SHE RAISES LESS THAN THE MAJORITY OF HUMANS!" Hannah, by much bigger person between a 10-foot lion, a slime of minimum 7 and elsa... she felt like she was the smallest of all.

"As a giantess, Hannah has a few minimums to fulfill, and even if you renege on Zoe's offer, you will understand Elsa that Hannah needs to improve physical form no matter what." Lisa and Sofia nodded at once.

Elsa mentally evaluated the chances that this was a sofia trap, but the slime seemed legit, and a dark slime as Lisa seemed to be would not have the courage to speak on behalf of G.U.N without a pure motive. (So r03;r03;many years dating and sleeping with extrahumans taught Elsa a couple of tricks with different species, like if a dark slime lies its Core shines white)
"We accept, Hannah will train and I will accompany her so she can not refuse." Elsa offered her hand to Lisa to seal.

For a moment Hannah had seen heaven and hell ... and physical exercise would now be her punishment.


| JA! |



And that's the situation so far, what do you think, honey?

Hannah seems to have a lot of problems!
Her laughter spread across the camera like a ray of sunlight.

The path that follows is full of them, but that is the grace, that not everything will be easy

As long as she follows him with her heart as she has done so far, she will be able to fill the darkest darkness with a warm and comforting light

You always know how to find the right words to make it sound good, honey.
He turned around and looked at the gigantic mural. The next light will be in the mausoleum

Have you prepared everything?

As always, honey, as always

End Notes:

His eyes shone like two diamonds. His breath ignited all the torches. And his thunderous voice covered the vast cameras.

"Of all the people in the world ... do you think you can stop my return? Do not insult me r03;r03;with such words."

"Not only will I stop you, but I will kill you"

"Great words for someone so mediocre ... but I accept the challenge."

Chapter pretty later than usual, but I hope you enjoy it!


Clay Thompson:


The first enemy that crossed the path of Hannah and Elsa, who had his dance with destiny on February 4.

Clay lost it all day that the doctor gave him the bad news, and in less than a year he lost his hair, his muscles, his voice. Of the proud policeman who never dared to impose a fine, only one shadow remained.

Maybe it was because of all this abandonment that Hannah could lift it so easily, or maybe he did not even believe in himself to defend against Hannah's attack.

Ultimately, Clay tried to shoot Hannah, moved by the feeling of plunging Juddit in the same way he was sunk. To his dismay, and joy of those present, the police chief Lloyd was faster than him and shot him in the hand, causing to drop his gun and frustrating his assassination attempt.

He currently resides in the psychiatric hospital of Bahia, a place he will see for the next 10 years, unless his good behavior helps him leave earlier. Only time will tell if the proud police will come back or not.

Chapter 17 Utopia by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:


While some live their dream and crash with it, others present a project that is full of hope and illusion.

Bahia will never stop moving forward. And it is the bonds that are formed between people who pull on it no matter what happens.



Cafeteria of the central hospital of Bahia: 16:00 in the afternoon (February 13)

Chris sat at the tables closest to the window of the cafeteria, slightly pissed that Juddit was not going to be able to leave in time for Valentine's Day. The rehabilitation was going well, but the doctor assigned to him was a complete imbecile. "You can not risk it" "You can walk but we have to be sure that it has healed well". Idiot doctor.

The hospital is not a place that anyone likes. Hannah seemed almost so afraid of him that you could say that she got phobic, so Juddit does not let her stay more than during visiting hours; and on the part of Veronica was up to work. What left Chris alone to accompany her all day.
It is true that Chris loved Juddit, even with the difference in age, but having to be in the hospital all day was a real pain in the ass.

"Cousin! Finally, what are you doing in such a hidden corner?" Mirabelle came to the cafeteria even in her uniform, which caused her to draw so much attention from the other customers that even a couple of waiters stopped to look and a chef came out of the kitchens just to see her.

"Precisely for this idiot ..." Chris sighed as Mira dragged one of the lowest extra-human chairs and sat across from her cousin. "Let me guess ... you came directly from work, you have not gone through the floor, which leads me to the conclusion that you have not picked up the clothes of the shopkeeper."

"You have to be scolding me now ... I just arrived ..." Mira had a very curious thing, and that is that when he smiles or gets sad he honestly does it with his mouth and with those of both tentacles. Which Chris never managed to understand how he did it.

"It's okay ... Thanks for coming with me for a while, with all this kidnapping and with the preparations of the Bahia festival you will be exhausted from so much work." Chris raised his hand to call the waiter, which provoked a debate about who should attend the Jabberwock.

"Calm down, we're family, no, today I come with you and tomorrow you'll help me with something, can you ask for me? I left my wallet in the office, and I do not dare to ask Jack to bring it to me ..." Mirabelle I drop it lightly on the table, causing it to tilt towards its side.

"When are you going to introduce me to that boyfriend of yours? I've been thinking about whether I need, to be an overprotective cousin or being sinister and dark?"

"Dark?, Chris, I've known you since you were born, you can not be sinister!"

"I was born before idiot, so the one who knows you since you were born is me, Why you will not let me be your overprotective cousin?"

"Because I love you too much! And I do not want you to be more ridiculous than my boyfriend ... I told you that now he goes by bay in funk time plan?" In the end, one of the waiters approached half trembling to the table. "Porfin! I want ... 4 cheese sandwiches and two of ham, very toasted! and a glass ... better, a jar of orange fanta!"

"A ... jar ... understood ..." The waiter went off, to the amazement of Mirabelle and the fatigue of Chris.

"How is it possible that living in Bahia, the best city in the world for extrahumans, there are still people who are afraid of the dragon type?" Chris leaned back in his chair, looking to rest his feet on Mira's.

"Partly I understand, I am the least intimidating! it was part of the reason that they turned me into a GUN spear! From the outside I do not know, but to see such a big dragon, with huge claws, with huge wings, with two tentacles! very scary for those who do not know me "Mira smiled knowingly at her cousin, remembering how many times her appearance and power had saved them from the mess.

"If people knew that the great Mirabelle, the jabberwock of G.U.N's spears is really just a timid little girl who could not even kill a mosquito when she was little-"

"Chris! Stop! I have an image to keep! Imagine what my boss would say if she found out that I really am not violent or aggressive ..." Mira sighed as he looked out the window. Just at the moment she saw the convertible of Jack and Bolt parking, with funkytown at full blast as Jack promised. "Oh no ... this is not going to be good ..."

"This one?" Chris looked at the window through the window in the direction Mira was looking. "Oh god, what a geek, does not it look like it's straight out of a movie about Funk!" Chris was laughing like never before in many days, totally oblivious to Mira's growing concern.

In the hospital parking.

Jack jumped out of the convertible, not bothering to open the door. He picked up his cane lined like a mirror ball and wiped his new, shiny yellow suit. "Today is a beautiful day! The birds sing to the rhythm of saturday night fever, the children play in the hospital garden! Everything is in place to receive me! The radar indicates that Mira's phone is in this hospital! Keep your eyes open, secretary! Let's go for the Jabberwock!"

Bolt did not know how many days they had been like this, every hour of the sun was hell, every hour at night a continuous torture. And now Jack had a suit that could not be more striking. And Bolt had his waiting in the store, not knowing how much more he could pretend he was not ready yet.
"Okay boss ..." Bolt had lost the courage, the will, was nothing more than a lost soul dragged by a tsunami of funky music and bad taste.

The hospital is a wonderful place, where life and death meet, where some say goodbye and others say hello. Jack loved coming to the hospital, sometimes even for no reason, just to sit in the hallway and watch people go by. But today was not one of those days! Today he was looking for his precious and terrifying girlfriend to return the wallet, and then continue looking for a store to buy some dice for the car.

"Boss ... according to this he's in the cafeteria-" "That's the way I like it! Good job secretary, follow him and you'll be promoted to super secretary." Bolt had been cursing Jack's mother for so many days that it hurt her.

Jack entered the cafeteria opening the doors dramatically, taking a slight dance step before the attentive look of the believers, some of them already recording with their phones.
"Look at me, I'm the great Jack, member of G.U.N's spears and your hero!" No one said anything, to Jack's astonishment. "Calm down, I know you're dumbfounded when you see me! It's natural! Who wants an autograph?" No one got up or said anything, to Jack's annoyance. "I'm Jack ... nobody wants an autograph?"

As if he come from the heaven, a child got off the table where he was having breakfast with his parents and walked towards Jack, who bent down and opened his arms wide to receive him. "Sir, have you come with Zoe? I want the autograph, but when she came to my school for a talk I forgot"

Mirabelle and Bolt were struggling to hold back their laughter with all their might, while Jack did not come out of his astonishment. "No ... I have not come with Zoe ... and my autograph ... Do not you want it? ..."

"No sir" And without further ado the boy left, leaving Jack frozen and desolate.

Jack did not even notice when Mira approached him and crouched beside him, stroking his head.

"Come on, champion ... someday somebody will want your autograph ..." Mira was not an expert in comforting people, and honestly, she did not believe that this was such a dramatic situation for that.

"Your ... wallet ..." Jack left his wallet on the floor, and without saying another word he ran out of the hospital, crying and clenching his teeth. This time those who did not leave their astonishment were Bolt and Mira.

"So ... that's jack no?" Chris picked up Mira's wallet and offered her a hand to get up, knowing that he most likely could not handle her weight. (Most certainly not, Mira weighed like a damn horse or more)

"Well ... yes ... yes it is" It was not the best way to introduce Jack to his family ... what the hell ... it must be the worst way.



Metropolis Highway (Sunny Cafe): 12 in the morning.


Vagrand entered the cafe, holding the door to Veronica. Normally organizing meetings outside the town hall was not a good taste for him, but with such a good day and so unusual for February, nothing would happen.

The sunny cafe was almost always full (not in vain was the best cafeteria on the main street of Bahia, and being so close to the town hall and the assembly there were always people coming in), so finding Ritchey would be somewhat complicated. Luckily for him, Veronica was not a shy girl precisely, and without giving it too many laps he climbed into a free chair to browse the restaurant.

"I see it, sir! Last corner table! I know I repeat myself more than a parrot, but surely celebrating such a meeting in one is going to be a good idea?" Veronica did not like to like Ritchey's games, but between meeting in an airship like the last time or a cafeteria, she would always choose a cafeteria.

"Quiet veronica, this meeting is more than just to hear your idea, we are not going to close any deals today, besides an espresso at this time before going to school to pick up my children, I am not made of iron to refuse."

"As you wish, go to the table and I will order the cafes." Vagrand could not help but nod as he dodged tables and customers until he reached his old friend.
Richey had always been a dreamer, a man with a view to the future and who never took a step back. If he wanted to show her something, it should be something very important.

"Ben! how are you? I have not seen you for a thousand years!" The seat next to Ritchey was empty, but he had a bag on top, which Vagrand interpreted that the meeting would be with another person. "Do not answer, no need, I see in your eyes that you are tired and happy at the same time! Typical of old Ben!"

"You will never change, will not you?" Vagrand sat facing him, leaving his arms crossed over his chest and leaning back slightly. "What did you want to show me?"

"First of all, I want you to know that this time I have put all the meat on the grill and I will not accept a no answer!" Ritchey took out his tablet and opened a file of what appeared to be a map of Bahia. "All this is assuming that Hannah's move is going well, but I have total confidence in it, so I'm going to move forward."

"You can not talk so loud ... if you wanted to talk about those issues because we have not been to my office?"

"Shhhh, old Ben, this is too big to show you in your office! What you see right now you recognize, no?"

"Is Bahia del Sol, the city of which I am mayor, where does this take us?"

"Well, when Bahia achieves its goal, this city will be too small for so many people who will want to move! We will need to take Bahia to a new level to show the world who we are!" Ritchey had always been someone very lively, but today especially he was euphoric. "My new head of architects, my right eye has finished what would come as the map of the future! I could not wait to show you."

"You never told me you had a new head of architects ... and much less that it was your right eye."

"I promoted her at the beginning of the year, and I plan to take her to the top! And you get into it!"Ritchey opened a new file and the map of Bahia changed brutally. The city almost doubled in all directions, even entering the sea. A gigantic city full of huge white buildings as if they had come out of a drawing of a futuristic city, full of parks, squares, roads turned into transparent tubes to not take space from the walkers. A gigantic new port full of electromagnetic crane systems, without any visible chimney. Bright suburbs and so well organized that from above they looked like squares. An idyllic, futuristic and dreamy city. "Here Bahia del sol! The first metropolis of the new century!"

"Ritchey ... I have no words ... as you have-"

"Ben ben, I have everything planned and prepared, my team of architects, engineers and my construction teams are all ready, I just need Hannah to fulfill our dream and start the construction of Bahia del Sol 2.0!"


Before Vagrand said anything, Elsa came out of the women's bathroom and approached the table while drying her hands in a handkerchief. "Ritchey, when it comes- he is already here ..."

Vagrand was also nervous. He knew everything about Elsa and what it was like, but he did not expect to meet her in person so soon. The people who knew him knew that Vagrand was not the best actor in history, and for something as simple as pretending he did not know Hannah he had been preparing it for two years. Unfortunately, the situation required improvisation.
"Elsa, this is Benjamin, mayor of Bahia and we have to sell the idea we are preparing! Benjamin, this is Elsa-" Ritchey winked at him to act naturally "My new chief architect and the main designer of Bahia 2.0 "


"It is a pleasure, Mr. Mayor, as Ritchey has said, I am the main designer of Bahia 2.0, although sincerely this idea came from when I was studying architecture, so until now they were only sketches and plans of half-finished streets." Elsa seemed so different from the Elsa I had seen and heard from recordings, more calm and serious. "I know it sounds utopian to create a completely new city, ecologically clean and with such an unusual design, but Ritchey has made me share it and study it with the other architects and engineers, so we have a viability percentage. reports of architects who have worked in the construction of the current bay of Bahia, reports on experts in the history of Bahia and how the project respects the history of Bahia and many more reports ... emmm .... "Elsa started to take folder after folder of his bag, passing them to Vagrand and looking for something more.

"What Elsa wants to say is that we have the approval of all kinds of people from Bahia, so all that is missing would be the confirmation of the government of the city and the government of the United States, something that would not be very difficult to achieve, Am I wrong, Ben? "

Vagrand began to look at the calculations of investment and budgets, which although astronomical, counting with the help of as many companies how Ben say, did not seem very crazy. "That depends on President Salome and Washington, not just on my ... Miss Elsa, allow me the question, where did this idea come from?"

"I will be sincere Mr. Mayor, when I moved to Bahia 6 years ago, I started with this as a way to go out and get to know Bahia, learn about its history and see how everything works!" Elsa took a breath and looked at the map of Bahia 2.0 "The idea of r03;r03;a city built for humans and non-humans to live in harmony seemed so curious and interesting ... and it has not been until she came to my life that I have taken up this idea."

"She, who. is. she.?" Vagrand was beginning to get nervous and talk like a robot, not knowing how to pretend he did not know Elsa was talking about Hannah.

"Do you talk about Hannah, no?" Veronica arrived just at the right time, sitting next to Vagrand and leaving the coffee in front of her.

"Veronica, you did not know you worked with the mayor!" Elsa sighed with relief, and decided to return to her story. "As Veronica said, a month or so ago I met Hannah, a giantess of third growth ... The girl ... is awesome! She's cute, smart, gorgeous, is ..." Richey had to step on her so that Do not stop in your narrative to fantasize with Hannah. "What I wanted to say, is that as the days have passed by his side and after reforming my apartment so that it was comfortable, I realized something."

"What. if. we. can. know.?" Vagrand was also stepped on by Veronica to stop looking like a robot.

"Bahia is not adapted for extrahumans, not for all at least." Vagrand and Veronica looked at her strangely, not expecting that development. "I mean, it's not just for Hannah and when she's between 30 and 40 feet, this city is tough for the extra-human over 10 feet, it's complicated for the extra-human of aquatic species, it's complicated for the extra-human slime variant by the number of drains and the sewage system that it has, it is complicated for the nocturnal extrahuman by the public lighting system... In general... this city is not as wonderful as it could be! And that makes me very angry! "

"Seen that way ... our slogan may not be as ideal as it seems ..." Vagrand started mentally spinning around, trying to remember everything Elsa had mentioned.

"For that reason I know that this city can become much more! A paradise where humans and humans live in perfect harmony and equality! The paradise that Calia Sol dreamed! And we would build ..." Elsa took a breath to release the big bomb of the meeting. "In 5 years"

"Like ?! 5 years remodeling an entire city and doubling its size? There's even a section that goes into the sea! 5 years seems like a nonsense to me!" Veronica could not hide her dismay as she clicked on the map to emphasize what she said.

"Veronica ... 5 years." Ritchey took out what appeared to be a contract signed by innumerable companies of all kinds. "I only need two more signatures, one from the president of the United States, and another from you, Mayor Vagrand, and in five years we will live in a utopia that would make New York or Tokyo ridiculous."

"And where would all the inhabitants of Bahia be relocated during the works? And once after this Bahia 2.0 is built? That part you have not explained it" Vagrand continued looking at the map even without words.

"We have prepared a construction by districts, having contracted thousands of prefabricated houses and entire neighborhoods ready to be built in the" Raijin esplanade ", to the north of here, once the residential buildings were built each family would be granted a house in the place equivalent to where they were in the old bay! Ben, dude, you really did not think you would have planned it?"

"In addition, during the time it took to build each section of the city each family relocated would receive a salary directly from industries "Community Home" for the inconvenience!" Elsa smiled as she tried to give assurance to her words.

"You can see that you have worked ... I can take all this, I have to show it to my town council team and to ... basically everyone ... I also notice that something so big will require a popular vote, so I can not give you security . " Vagrand tried to be as correct and as serious as possible, hiding his illusion for this "new" Bahia.

"Take everything you need Ben, our dreams will be built on the promise of a better tomorrow! The people of Bahia will love it!"

"If you'll excuse me ... Veronica help me please" Veronica nodded and took half of the folders that Elsa had taken, leaving the other half to Vagrand. "Good morning to you both, I will keep you informed."

While Vagrand and Veronica left the premises, Elsa could not take the pressure off her stomach. Never in her life had she been so tense. But the dream of building a city where his beloved girlfriend of 15 feet and future 30 deserved it. And she would fight for her dream.

End Notes:

A calmer chapter showing at the same time the ties that connect the protagonists of the story and the promise for a future where everyone lives in harmony! Thank you very much to everyone who reads as always! Comment if you want! a hug for everyone! See you tomorrow!

(and to clarify two things, Will in the end will not be a relevant character, so I do not see a description necessary, and the second is that the descriptions I will be doing about the characters that are relevant at that time or characters important ones that have not yet had one! Maybe both at the same time, it depends how long it goes when I go home)

Chapter 18 Fair monkey by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

Today touches a chapter of transition with Hannah adapting to its new size, something shorter than usual for lack of time. Tomorrow, as I am free, I will play a longer and more important chapter! At the end of the chapter I leave you a question that if you have time I would like to know your opinion!

Many thanks as always to everyone you have read! Enjoy the chapter!



Home of the Reyes family: February 13, 9 in the morning (P.O.V de Hannah)


Elsa had left very early today, saying that she had a very important meeting today, so I have to wake up by myself. It is not so painful either! When mom has to drive the bus in the mornings, I've always done it myself ... but having Elsa at home and not her ... it's pretty sad.
Elsa has all the looks of wanting to move home with us, she has been bringing her clothes, computers, her drawing table and all those things for the past few days. I would have liked to help her more ... but I still do not know how much weight, so I do not dare to get on the elevator of her building. I should not be too fat, but 15 feet is 15 feet, even if I do not have extra body parts like the extra-human dragons and-


Dammit! Sofia is here and Miss Lisa ... I really do not understand Sofia. First we are super friends, we were so close that we looked like sisters! Then for some reason he hates me and spends 4 years calling me fat ass, idiot, huge bug and demases ... and now it seems that I fall back well and he wants me to do "physical exercise". I know that with adolescence some people change, but so much?


"Ace attorney trials and tribulations ringtone: Pursuit - Caught"

And now to the cell ... this girl has no remedy ... and here is my other big problem! My fingers now occupy much more in my phone, I discovered it yesterday when I tried to send a message to Elsa so she would not make mistakes with dinner. Getting tailored technology products is always something slow, tortuous and very expensive, but really expensive. Without the help for giants of third growth in California ... I could not have anything more than my cell phone. And that would mean that I would have lost so much videogames! How could I have fallen in love with Fire Emblem! Of course ... in the end Fire emblem heroes would have left ... the truth is not a good example ...

"Phone, answer the call!" Elsa said that I had programmed the voice assistant, so to prove it-

"DAMN HANNAH WHERE ARE YOU ?! WE HAVE WORK TO DO!" Sofia ... as always ...

"Sofia, give me the phone! Hannah, I'm Lisa, from G.U.N you remind me, we came to pick you up in one of the special cars."

"I'm ... dressing up! I'm leaving in 5 minutes!" So I like Hannah, keep playing as Elsa said, always forward.

"IT'S NOT TRUTH! YOU ARE IN THE BED ARE NOT YOU?" Damn sofia ... stop insisting!

"Noooo ... of course not."


"SOFIA, WE DO NOT HAVE ANY EMERGENCY! Easy Hannah, are not we in a hurry okay?" How can they have recruited Sofia with how good Lisa looks? G.U.N. It's an organization of the people, and Sofia does not seem willing to protect anyone.

Well ... I have little time to prepare to leave, and also this is going to be the first time I use the shower with 15 feet ... On the doors I have to bend over, so in the shower ... it will be much worse .

| Do not you feel embarrassed to have to say that this is going to be your first shower? You grew up days ago! |

Again you? I told you to get away- Ouch! ... stupid door ...

| And to think that this is only the first phase ... |

Stop saying the same! I will not let you make me grow more! Until the time comes I do not plan to grow! You can not... ohhhh... The head of the shower... it's too low... I could drop my breasts on top... and break it and get Mom to take away your computer. I should not think that kind of thing.


I'm going to confess it, this situation is certainly strange. And Elsa is the problem! It has been since he grew up making comparisons and things of his fetish. And it may... I may have liked it a little. I'm not saying I like that kind of thing! It's true that comparing my body with Elsa's has certainly been fun. See how you need two hands to cover one of mine ... how my each of my feet is 2 feet long and 8 inches wide, something Elsa says is very erotic ... and that I'm not talking about more "sexual" things.

Elsa little by little has been showing me "games" ... without getting things like the kamasutra were very funny! Let me walk on my back ... raise my arm or my legs ... compare our feet and see how it makes me tickle ... I'm becoming a pervert? It is true that while squatting in the shower to wash my head, I must now have a spectacle for the sight. Damn it ... I should be here.

DO NOT REFER ME- OUCH !!! Oh no ... oh no oh no ...

Why do I have such bad luck ... the shower ... because I went to get up suddenly? If I am having a dialogue with myself! And because of myself scare me now I've loaded the shower...
Mama should not come back until next Monday ... I could call the plumber and ask for the money lent to Elsa ... but I do not want to look like I'm a girlfriend who just loves her money!

 | Let me tell you... remodel the apartment, go buy a whole wardrobe. FOLLOWING THAT YOU HAVE TO BUY ANOTHER FOR GROWTH EMERGENCY! Every meal ... every dinner ... a little late so it does not seem like you're with her with your money, right? |

SHUT UP! I'm with elsa because I could not imagine life without her! Because every day that passes she finds a way to make me fall in love with her! And I do not give her all the cards on the ladder anymore because I want to play a little more!

| How irascible you are ... you should dry and put something on. They are waiting for you |

SHIT ... Is that true ... why do you distract me like that? you just complicate my life, weird voice!


The clothes that Elsa bought me ... are ugly. I'm not going to fool myself. But he got them in less than 5 hours, so I can not help being grateful. A few gray leggings, a white sleeveless shirt and blue sneakers ... are not the new fashion of the catwalks, but I'm 15 feet tall. I'm not going to ask for a damn closet full of gala dresses.

"HANNAH! WE NEED TO GO!" Fuck, he is insistent, that nobody takes it from her.

"I'M ALREADY, ARE YOU HAPPY?" Why... are they watching me?

Lisa was the first one that after a good 30 seconds decided to break the ice and talk. "Hannah ... Are you okay? ... I notice you differently than what G.U.N put on your report ..."

Sofia was completely white. "Fat ass ... if I measure 10 feet as it might not come ..." for some reason he had to pinch his arm, to the point that I would swear he is bleeding ... "to your breasts? ... "

"You did not notice it the other day?... I've ... well ... grown ..." God, if I notice my cheeks completely red I should look like the communist flag from the outside ... that's good! Elsa said to write it down, where is the question...

"That ... it shows if ... how much should you measure?" Lisa gulped lightly as she looked at the G.U.N van in which they must have come. (I would swear that the core of a slime has no throat to make that noise, but it would be ugly to ask)

"About ... 15 feet, my bed measures that more or less and I fill it completely" I feel like a kind of fair monkey ... a very big one.

"It's not a very big growth for the third stage of a giantess ... but so early ... that's the point ... Anyway, you'll have to duck a little bit in the van, I did not have these 4 extra feet in mind"

"Fat ass ... Hannah ... I ..." Sofia shook her head and ran to the van, opening the back and getting inside.

"It's okay?" I think it would be more appropriate to ask her directly ... but it does not seem that the situation lends itself to it.

"I guess ... Sofia has a lot of potential but her psychological tests have been at least contradictory. Climb with her, we have a little time left until the headquarters."

When I try to sit next to sofia I realize two things ... the first is that I press her against the front wall, it does not matter how much I try to reposition myself. The other is that the van, even with how big it is, has trembled and creaked a lot when I sat down ... Elsa's new car or mom's van will have no chance with me ... fuck.


Headquarters of G.U.N, Training section: 30 minutes later.


The training section of G.U.N was one of the great jewels of Bahia's motto. 3 gigantic pavilions with machines for all kinds of species, a swimming pool greater than an olympic with a section of 30 feet deep. A medical center equipped with the best exploration and rehabilitation machines. Up to a shooting range with weapons for any Extra Human you want to practice.
Each roof a minimum of 20 feet, which made Hannah for the first time since the growth could stretch quietly. And he did, attracting all the eyes of the people in the cafeteria at the entrance, who did not expect to see a girl so young and so huge on the premises.

"Welcome to G.U.N Hannah's gym, get used to it because we're going to put you in shape whatever it takes!" Lisa was typing something in a kind of sealing machine, while Sofia was behind him without looking in the direction of Hannah.

"What a huge place! I did not know G.U.N had such a cool gym just for them!" Hannah felt strange to see people pass by her side, as far away as possible from her as if they were afraid of being hurt by a movement.

"It's not just GUN, it's true that we build it, but it's community, anyone can come to train, and that's why you have it here! Your membership card! Save it with your cell phone, I do not want to have to do one each time" Lisa He raised his hand with the card slightly sunk in it, which Hannah suffered a bit to pick it up. (It is true that a Slime is 10% its core and 90% the "jelly" that allows them to move ... but it is still not pleasant to touch it, and less for someone who hates jelly as much as Hannah)


"Sofia, go to warn that we need the largest possible free machines, I will go with Hannah to the medical department to make the measurements" Sofia nodded, and after looking askance at Hannah, with a slight humidity in them and ran to the fitness center. "What's going on in this girl's head ..."

"I am bothering sofia or something? It seemed ... sad, and the last time I saw her sad was when her dog died ..." Sofia may have laughed and gotten into her for 4 long years, but Hannah was unable to Do not worry about her.

"Leave her! If I have taken her under my arm it is because I see so much potential in her, as I see it in you"

"In me? ... but if I'm just a vaga that spends the day playing videogames and eating chips ..."

"It may be difficult for you to understand, but as the newbie manager, you recognize when a young woman has a good heart and potential, and your Hannah, after what you did to Clay, I know you have it." Hannah tried to cover her face as she could, to keep people from seeing how nervous she was. Unfortunately, every time he raised his hands he felt his chest move, and with the shirt that Elsa had bought him, he was not going to risk showing anything.

"Let's go ... to that measurement" ...

The medical room was something sinister, everything full of machines for extrahumans of all types. Hannah was beginning to be somewhat uncomfortable, although she knew that the saws and others were for extrahumans with scales and others ...
"Well, Hannah ... I can not fly and at the most you could throw me to hit the wall to measure yourself ... but I do not like to abandon my human form, could you lie on the scale?

"It's okay!" It was shameful but there would be no other option, as unpleasant as it was to have a slime all over the body.

End Notes:

I would like to know your opinion on a topic. Right now the next chapter has two options, start by training or by a scene something more ... erotic than usual with the measurement.


What would you like more? 

Chapter 19 Loaded elements of love by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

Today I'm going fast that the chapter is loaded with content!

Thank you all for the readings as always! I hope you like this approach to the action more "fantastic"!



Outskirts of Bahia del Sol: February 13, 9 at night.


The "Lake of ashes", one of the most wonderful natural places that there is Bahia.The legend says that here lie the ashes of Calia Sol, who in her last days asked to be incinerated and buried next to her city. From these ashes, the legends of the "Forest of the White Flame", which surrounds the entire west of Bahia and protects it from the evils that still lie in America, are told.

In the end, all are mere legends forged in the dawn of Bahia. Legends that sought to protect the inhabitants of a city made up of former slaves, whether they were black or extrahuman people, and victims of both sides who only wanted to start from scratch, with values r03;r03;that are still strange today. It is not surprising that Valeria always chose it as a meeting place that Vagrand could not meet.

Valeria had been wandering around Bahia since her creation, and thanks to her vampiric condition, she had seen generations born and dying. Babies that he had in his arms and that later he would have to bury them, after a long and full life with Bahia. Ashes that united in this lake and continued in Bahia, taking care of those who are born or come to Bahia looking for a place to belong.That was the reason why Bahia was such a hated and loved place at the same time. For one the shame of America that have their own unique laws and that have too many grants and permits from the Government. For others a redoubt of what the founding fathers really wanted the United States to become, a place where neither color nor species meant anything.

Each ash would burn again, all together without distinguishing between them, that was the real dream of Calia, and for Valeria, who had been born without dreams, the only reason to exist.

"The weather here does not change, huh?" Valeria did not need to move from the bench where she was lying to know that he had arrived.

"That's part of the magic of Bahia, it seems a lie that you do not know." She sat on the floor next to the bench where Valeria seemed not to want to move, looking at the lake that had so often comforted her.

"I know very well, unlike others I've always been here, and I do not plan to move in the near future ... Hannah has started the third growth" Although it was something he already knew, Valeria considered it necessary to say it in aloud. "Lisa has spent an hour measuring it"

"Lisa is the slime no?" Hannah will not have had a good time, considering how much she hates jelly since childhood. "15 feet, it's a first step, but to fulfill her destiny her will need much more"

"I know you always talk about fate and those things, but you know as well as I do that fate is not always true, Hannah has a mission in life, like every person on earth, but a destiny ... Do not make me laugh."

"Call it destiny, call it mission, call it whatever you want, but valeria, remember that we all exist for a reason, Hannah will bring the light that Bahia will throw to the top, and Clay has only been the first."

"The first ... are you already hiding information from me?" Valeria sat down and hit her foot on the back of her companion.


"Stop valeria, my bones are old and tired! You should treat me with more respect!"

"Respect, you never had it to me, why would I have it?"

"Spoiled girl ... be prepared, the king of the mausoleum is beginning to wake up" Valeria stood up suddenly, grabbing him by the neck of the tunic.

"Really?! And you say it so quiet? This is very serious! I'm not ready to face it alone! And my team is not yet powerful enough! Vagrand has not prepared the C-S either!" For the first time in 106 years, Valeria was really worried, a feeling that greatly displeased her.

"How strange ... since the Titanic did not see you like that ..."

"The Titanic is not going to be anything compared to this! It's going to reduce everything to nothing! There will not be any ashes! Damn ... it can not wait for you to come back ... it has to wake up already ..."

"You can face him, because you will not do it alone" Valeria could not help but laugh like a hysteric before such words. "You're scared ... I know, but you do not have to worry about my little one, Hannah will give you the opportunity you need."


"VALERIA! Are you going to distrust her words?" Valeria, hearing him scream for the first time in so long, sat on her knees on the floor and bowed her head.
"No sir..."

"Then have faith. Hannah is much stronger than she seems, she just needs a reason to draw that strength"

"It costs more to do than say it ... much more considering that this time I do not have you to help me ..." Hannah was a good girl, innocent and good as a newborn kitten, so imagine the girl that she had been taking care of since her birth, to face the King of the mausoleum ... it was something that surpassed Valeria morally and emotionally.

"Besides ... it's time to tell him the truth." He knew perfectly well that it was not easy, but Hannah had a road too steep to walk, and with people hidden behind her, they did not equal 15 feet than 50, she could never cross it.

"Tell her the truth? ... No no no no! Never get over it! You do not know her!" Valeria was cursing every second in which she had made the decision to come.

"You do not understand!" Elsa has begun to build the future! And Hannah will be by her side! Keep hiding in the shadows will only bring pain! To save ourselves we need everyone to be in the front line! Up to Vagrand!"

"What are you asking me ... it's too much ... and see that you asked me to do horrible things ... but to reveal the dream ... what we have fought so hard for?" She was on the verge of crying. It was too much work to ask for it so soon.

"I know it's too much, but you're Valeria! The girl who was born without dreams! All we have is hope ... and it's over ... Hope will not save us, only force will do it." Hannah has the strength, it's time Tell her and take her to the "Tower of the Kingdom." I'll do it myself if my little girl thinks she can not do it. " It was too cruel to ask, but the King of the mausoleum was not a small rival like Clay, without the proper preparation ... A shot in the chest would be a trifle compared to this.


"All this ... Elsa has started it, right?" Valeria dried the sweat and stood up again. "It's your fault for looking forward to the future, I know what you're going to say, it's not your fault for dreaming of a better Bahia!" But Hannah is only 16 years old! Elsa has thrown her in a catapult towards ... "

"Towards the future, the future that was written"

"THE FUTURE IS NOT WRITTEN, WE WRITE IT EVERY DAY, I DONT CARE ABOUT WHAT YOU SAY, I DONT LET MY CITY BE DIRECTED BY A PROPHECY! WE WILL WRITE OUR PROGRESS STEP BY STEP!" Valeria had never talked to anyone like that, which made him happy more than his face showed.

"I see you have made a decision... Valeria, you have always said that you were born without dreams..." He started walking along the path he had come, turning around after a few steps to face her. "But it seems that now you have one... cling to it, dreams are the only thing that protects us from the darkness..."

"So fucking enigmatic ... I do not have dreams, I have truths, and I will not let anyone take it from us, THAT IS THE WILL OF THE NEW GENERATIONS, DO YOU HEAR ME OLD IDIOT?" Of course he heard her ... and anyone who came to spend the afternoon in the woods. But Valeria did not care, because she believed blindly in her truth.




Gym G.U.N: 10 at night.


What Elsa saw was not pretty ... A 15-foot girl, defeated on the ground, sweaty, crushed by life. Hannah looked like a picture of rebirth, an expression that had seen it all, the horrors of war and the gym. Sofia on the other hand seemed ready for another 3 hours of gym. For once, elsa had to admit it, Hannah needs to get in shape.

"Elsa ... I've seen things ... things you should not see ..." Hannah tried to get up, but all she managed to do was fall forward like a rag doll. The hit on the floor made her vibrate a little, which worried Elsa much more than expected.

"Hannah, honey ... are you okay?" A part of Elsa wanted to grab her arm and pull, but part of her knew she could not do anything for Hannah.

"Elsa... I... 925 pounds ... like a cow ... literally! I'm fat ..."

"She's not fat, but her measurements are 15 feet and 8 inches, 925 pounds, in comparison-" Sofia looked at Hannah, who completely defeated only nodded and sighed. "You weigh less than a quarter of it, so if it falls on top you will destroy all the bones" Because she had a smile on her face while she said it? Nobody knows.

Unfortunately for Sofia, Elsa was more interested in imagining ways to use that data ... which drew a perverted smile on her lips. Hannah in the middle saw how Sofia smiled with ulterior motives, and as Elsa smiled thinking something very perverted ... but the fatigue was so high that she could not even protest.

"Anyway, then we will use that data! Hannah, above that if it depends on me I can not even drag you to the car!" Elsa could not contain the laughter, imagining pulling Hannah, not moving a centimeter and she with a slight pull throwing Elsa to his lips, where the kiss would lead to something else and then...

"Damn it, if you do not get up, I'll take you to my fat ass! I can not stand to see her face anymore!" Sofia separated Elsa with a kick, pulling her back and with a slight flexion charge with Hannah Princess style. "Where... is your car... damn... I can lift a ton! You're not... uffff.... nothing for me!..."

Elsa got up as best she could, so annoyed that if it was not for what she was carrying Hannah, she would send Sofia to hell directly. "Here..."

And in the parking, the second challenge was presented.

The car that Elsa had brought was fully up when Sofia left Hannah in the back, and with her new extra height the posture was like watching a bear driving a tricycle. None of the three dared to say anything, Elsa and Sofia watching the show and Hannah red with embarrassment covering her face with her hands.


Elsa hating this silence cleared her throat to speak. "I see ... I see a problem ..."

"Tell me ... so bad is the situation? ..." Hannah did not stop covering her face for a minute, wishing the floor would open and swallow her completely.

"Honey ... the front wheels do not touch the ground ... it's a miracle that the suspension is holding without breaking ... You have not grown so much! How can it be that my car can not be with you anymore?"

Elsa, Hannah and Sofia noticed a chill on her back and a cold wind that gathered and swirled over Hannah's legs. I do not take long in that wind to explode in an explosion of light and leave a woman, white as snow, with a silver hair and golden eyes like the sun sitting on Hannah's knees. Hannah was frozen with fear, while Elsa put herself in fighting position.
"It's because of the release of the mass." The aura that Hannah had been accumulating for so many years at 10 feet tall now finds much more room to move and indirectly increases her weight, until she stabilizes Hannah weighs 200 pounds more than They indicate the scales, it's a curious process, dont you think? " The woman caressed Hannah's chin while still looking at Elsa and Sofia.

"WHO DEMOSN ARE YOU?  GET AWAY FROM HANNAH NOW OR I SWEAR YOU-" Elsa could not finish speaking when her lips covered with ice, preventing her from opening them.

"Very quarrelsome to be a human whose greatest physical exercise has been swimming as a child." The woman jumped from Hannah's knees and landed in the trunk of Elsa's car. For the first time Elsa noticed her enormous stature, forcing her to be an extra human. "Sofia, move away, you want, I have issues to deal with this couple." Sofia nodded and walked away, pushing the only nearby car to make room for her.

"Free my girlfriend's lips!" Hannah tried to move to punch the mysterious woman, but she was so tired that when she managed to raise her hand the woman was already on the floor walking towards elsa, who was moving backwards while pulling the ice from her lips.


"The winds only bring death and war, do you think you can build your utopia by being so weak?" The woman smiled and disappeared, reappearing behind Elsa and giving her a kick that threw her into the trunk of the car. "Your reflexes are too slow ... I expected more from someone who talks about with such hope and future"

Elsa leaned over the trunk, struggling to regain the air she had lost in the impact. The pain was so much that I do not notice as Hannah jumped out of the car and launched herself at the woman. "I WILL KILL YOU FOR TOUCHING ELSA"

Hannah threw herself with both fists forward, but all she found was her fist falling on the floor with no trace of the woman. "How the hell..."

"By measuring 15 feet you're surprisingly slow you know?" The woman reappeared next to Hannah, and raising her palm to her, released a current of icy wind that sent Hannah 10 feet away. "Slow and helpless ... I expected more from you Hannah..."

"Aggg... who are you...?" Hannah stood up on all fours, noticing the blood falling where the wind had hit. "But... it was just wind..."
"My wind, my ice... my elements in general are loaded with my love for Bahia... if I had wanted I would have broken your ribs..." The woman turned around to grab Elsa's wrist, which had I tried to attack her from behind with a kind of first aid knife. "A backstab... isnt badly thought" Without letting go of her wrist, she lifted her up until she had Elsa face to face. "You're quick thinking, but that will not save you when your life is in danger, you know?


"We havent done anything to you... why are you attacking us..." Elsa could not stop shaking. She was much more afraid than she had with Clay, feeling helpless because she couldnt protect Hannah.

"The reason for attacking you? Give you a lesson" The woman threw Elsa against Hannah, with such force that Hannah could not resist it and fell to the ground again both."In this life... to talk about creating a utopia, one needs not only good intentions, but also strength to make it happen." The woman raised her palm to them again, which began to shine little by little. Elsa noticed that each time that light was more warm, and being completely terrified, she understood that it was some kind of flash.                                          "Without strength to make your dreams come true... without strength to protect you beloved... as far as you plan to go?... It was a miracle that Clay did not kill you both"

"PLEASE NO! IF YOU WANT ME KILL MY BECAUSE OF BAHIA 2.0 FORWARD! BUT HANNAH HAS NOT DONE ANYTHING TO DESERVE THIS!" Elsa threw herself on her knees in front of Hannah, crying and pleading with the little strength she had left.

"Wow... so you're willing to die if you save Hannah in there? How charming... like a fantasy prince" The woman could not hide a half-mocking smile as she continued to accumulate heat.

Hannah stood up with the strength she had left, before the woman's eyes and grabbed "ELSA NO! IF YOUR DIE HERE, NOTHING HAS SENSE FOR ME! I CANT LIVE WITHOUT YOU"



" are... so ridiculous ..." The woman burst out laughing as she destorted all the heat accumulating it, throwing it as a gentle breeze towards Elsa and Hannah. The breeze does not heal the wounds, but it does ease the pain slightly. "You really believe in your dreams .. and you dont intend to separate us... like a disney movie but with a pervert and a geek." The woman sighed as she walked towards Sofia and gave her her phone. "Call Light, her number should be next to the one we gave you, in the Spears section, I need her to go to the emergency headquarters to heal these idiots..."

"You... are you going to forgive us our lives?" Hannah was stunned, completely lost and not knowing how to react.
"FIRST, YOU ATTACK US AND NOW YOU WANT TO HEAL US? WHAT THE HELL? WHAT SHIT HAPPENS TO YOUR HEAD?" Elsa, on the other hand, seemed willing to kill her with her own hands, although the impossibility of it had become clear.

"Shhhh.... Let me introduce myself." The woman took a breath and took out her chest and addressed the couple. "My name is Valeria Moon, leader of G.U.N and member of the round table of the Sun. Your new best friend"

Hannah and Elsa stared at each other for a few seconds before addressing Valeria again "... what?"

End Notes:

In the description of Valeria, which will be with which there will be the second elementary arc, I will talk longer and more about the magnitude of a vampire's abilities.


Good morning/night to everyone!

Start of story arc 2: Dirty Lover by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

"Every so often, someone with the potential to mark the world around them is born, history itself has shown us that this potential can be used for good or for evil, but if there is a truth in all this ... It is that the third growth giantesses have always been.This has always made me ask a lot of questions.

Is it because of this fact that they are born so few with so many years of difference between one and the other?

What is it that marks the individual with potential? The person himself? Or the genes of giantess?

Humans with potential have always been good or bad. But the giantesses have only marked on the side of the common good. Is it in its own nature? Or are they incapable of being evil?

In the end, there are too many questions that I do not think I live to answer. But I hope someday someone will answer them."





Headquarters of G.U.N: 11 at night


Light was not used to being called so late, which to be a Succubus always causes laughter among her friends. But the lioness had given much importance to the injuries of Hannah and Elsa, so she had to endure sleep and come to the barracks.And thank goodness that she had come, because the scene that she found when she entered her office was totally sinister.

Hannah was bleeding and had a cut in the side of at least 9 inches. Elsa, on the other hand, had her wrist completely flayed and what Light's pain vision showed, all the bones and muscles of the torso bruised.

"But what happened here ... VALERIA THAT YOU HAVE DONE?" Light had not become a doctor and head of the G.U.N health team for pleasure. Valeria had an almost supernatural tendency to end conversations and issues in battles and death fights. But attack Hannah? The girl they had been protecting since birth? This is too much for her.

"I ... nothing ... Come on! Light! Trust your sister!" Confidence is something Light lost many years ago.

Sofia could not believe what she had just heard, the head of G.U.N, the legendary Valeria who had ended up alone with all the cult of Calia and her attempted coup d'etat to the government of Bahia ... and Light? The legendary surgeon and the head of the G.U.N health team ... said so ... it makes sense when you think that both are older than winter. "Forgive the intromission ... but are you really sisters?"

Light sighed and looked at the ceiling. It was not a topic she liked to talk about. "Genetically, yes ... but I warn you, my relationship with Valeria is strictly professional, so it's better not to say, novice"
For Hannah and Elsa it was the least impressive to see Sofia trembling with fear. The lioness, always proud and with a natural tendency to shout at everyone, was now no more than an accused kitten. "I... I'm sorry, Mrs. Light..."

"Light! Do not mess with the kitty! She havent done anything wrong! It's true that you look more like mom, and I look like dad!"

"Valeria, close your mouth and escort the kitten to the exit, I'll try to help these two." Even Valeria knew that an angry Light was a force of nature, so she nodded to Sofia and opened the door for her.

For a junior agent like Sofia, rubbing elbows with boss Lisa was already an honor, but Valeria? It was something that did not go into her plans until at least 5 years ago.Unfortunately, Light did not seem to be so kind, and having a spear against him when he was recently hired was not overly g-
"And here's your exit! Thanks for the help today kitten" Valeria opened the elevator and typing the password of the spears I prepare to send Sofia to the ground floor.

"Excuse the question, Madam Valeria... but... why have you attacked Hannah? I know it can be annoying... but she's not a bad girl..." To remember how Valeria had beaten Hannah and the idiot not It was a tasteful dish... but sometimes our mind plays bad tricks reminding us of things we do not want.

"That does not concern you kitty." Sofia would not have waited even in a million years for such a cold and dry response. "Let me clarify something kitty... Attack Hannah and Elsa was a test for them and for you ... and see you back while I crushed them? Does not speak very well about you. Remember my words kitten...

There is a gap between you and Hannah, a gap that you have never been able to shorten and that from now on will only grow and grow further away from you.

YOU CAN NOT BE ANYTHING FOR HER. IF YOU HAVE NEVER HAD THE VALUE TO DEFEND IT! That was all! Good evening and I hope to see you tomorrow at Lisa's classes! "Valeria turned around and walked back to Light's office.

Sofia could not understand what had just happened... no matter how many laps she gave him or how much he tried to reason..."A gap between us... NO! THERE IS NO GAP... HANNAH... hannah... cant survive alone... I need to protect her... I need... I need it..." Tears flowed , falling down the face of the wounded lion, who in his pain only managed to enter the elevator and turn around so as not to see how the doors were closed.





Elsa's wounds were enough, but in general they were much less painful than Hannah's scar. "If you are ... auu .... sisters, can you explain to me what the hell is going on in your head to go attacking people for no reason? We had not attacked you!" Elsa was still very upset with Valeria's ambush completely meaningless, and was going to get an explanation whatever.

"I know I'm her sister, but first you should not move, my regenerative gel is not perfect and if it spreads it will not stop hurting. And secondly,you need to know, we have no relationship- "

"Stop insisting! Light! You can not deny so many good times!" Valeria came back in as happy as she had left, humming and pulling out Light's chair to sit in front of the couple. "First of all I want to apologize for the beating"

"No apologies! Explain right now or call the police ... auuu ..."

"Dont move!"

"Why are you like that, Elsa? It's been hard for me to stand and not hurt you too much!"Elsa wanted to take the lamp and throw it at her head, but Light did not seem very happy and annoying the doctor was never an option. "Look... as an apology I'll tell you a story!" Valeria approached the window and under the blinds for safety. "Light, heal her wounds while, make sure they can not talk!" Light only grumbled and followed Elsa's wrist.





Our story begins in a land wounded and stained by the blood of both sides of the war. Time may have made it sound old, but at that time hope was something forgotten and trampled.

Calia Sol, the founder of Bahia, was not the person who has gone down in history, as a fighter from Lincoln's side who asked her permission to found Bahia. If you look at the dates, nothing makes sense ... but the illusion of the people has made them fit in their heads.

Calia, our mother, was no more than a young girl who was born as a giantess of third growth, a dreamer who at that time was only looking for a redoubt where to form a home for all those who sought their place in the world. A world that was destined for war. Mama clung to her convictions and from a small farm almost on the edge of Tijuana, I first created a community, then a town, and then a city that would carry her name with pride and her dreams for a flag.

When I say that my mother was a dreamer I say it totally seriously. Mama saw things in her dreams that, much later, Light and I were able to verify that they were true. From the two world wars, which Mom saw as a war that would bleed our world, to darker things like the massacre of the extra-human orphanage in London. Mama never stopped having dreams, and my father transcribed them and transmitted them as prophecies.
One of them speaks of a giantess of third growth, a girl whose heart would be bright like my mother's, and her birth would mean two things:

- The beginning of a wave that would change the world

- And the end of a battle that would mark his generation.

Hannah, I've watched you since you were born, and Clay has given me the proof I needed. It's you.




"What am I?... I have... lost... a little..." Valeria and Light were stubborn... it had not been a story so long as to be lost.

"And that story you expect us to believe it for?" Hannah is a girl in a million, she shine like a sun, but it's not a "wave that will change the world." This is your excuse to attack us? " Elsa now with more mobility got up from the stretcher and walked towards Valeria facing her, the difference in size was non-existent at this point.

"I would not expect less from someone as smart as your Elsa." Doubting is the first thing one should do ... however, let me continue, it will be clearer. "



Mom, whenever she dreamed about her, she spent the day talking about that girl. A giantess who would face great difficulties and overcome them all-




"The same thing that the man who came to Elsa's apartment told me!" Hannah straightened on the stretcher, waiting for answers from Valeria, but all she found was Elsa staring at her.

"The man who came to my apartment... Hannah what are you talking about?"

"Oh, of course... with the whole issue of Clay and the kidnapping, I didnt tell you, no?"


"A kidnapper, elsa?"


Valeria was tired of hearing Elsa scream, so she got up and picked her up to silence her. "DO YOU WANT TO LET ME TELL MY STORY? I DO NOT HAVE IT VERY PREPARED AND I WILL FORGET ANYTHING!"
Both nodded, which led Valeria to release Elsa at once and continue with the story.



As I said ... Mama did not stop talking about you Hannah, telling us everything she had seen in her dreams.

One of them was a scene in the rain, where the giantess would be holding a sinner who would refuse to listen to her and end up shooting her with a revolver. As you can see, he described the scene that you have lived with Clay quite well to see in a dream.

Not only did she describe Hannah in her dreams, but also Elsa, as a genius who would design an ivory city, a city that would rise over Bahia del Sol and where evil and darkness would not exist. That obviously will not happen, all humans carry darkness in our hearts ... but for my taste has described Bahia 2.0 very well, do not you think elsa?

Mama always used a term she had dreamed about to speak about the person who would change the world and who with her actions would take all humanity to a new level, the "Dirty Lover".

Since you were born Hannah, I personally founded the spears of G.U.N I have taken care of you from a distance, from the shadows. And not only me! Many people have struggled to make sure you become the "Dirty Lover!" The person who will meet our city in equality and harmony, a city where even the president of the United States couldnt destroy.

Our dream. And everything goes through your hands Hannah.



"Dirty Lover ..." Hannah repeated it several times in a low voice as she thought. It was too much coincidence that two different people have told him exactly the same story ...

"Dirty Lover doesnt sound like a wave that changed the world ... it sounds like a romantic comedy that will be released for the summer" Elsa stood up with all the dignity she had left after being caught as a little girl and sat down next to Hannah on the stretcher. "Hannah, you will not be believing all that, will you?"

"Dirty lover ... Elsa Calia's dream was just what happened with Clay! She can not ... CALIA IS YOUR MOTHER ?!" Elsa mentally reviewed the narrative and when she realized the revelation she had overlooked, she turned to Light and Valeria.

"Right ... we are daughters of Calia Sol, Valeria Sol and Light Sol" Light hated to use that surname, but if Valeria had told them everything, she was not going to pass it off as crazy, not yet.

"Calia Sol ... Light ... Sunlight ... pfffff" It hurt too much for Hannah to laugh at the person who had helped her, but the pun was too nice to ignore.

"You did not say you were calling Valeria Moon, was it a lie too?" Elsa still relied on that whole story, but Hannah seemed convinced, so even being able to speak it in depth would follow suit.

"For the public we are Valeria Moon and Light Moon, moonlight for friends, with the kitty in front I was not going to reveal such an important secret!"

"Could you ... call her more kitty? Her name is Sofia and I'm sure she does not like kitten ... as a child she always declared out loud that she was not a cat, that she was a proud lion." times to understand that Hannah was defending Sofia, the girl who had been insulting her for years in the academy no matter how small the insults were.

"If you say so ... As you can imagine, this is a secret from the highest sphere of Bahia, so I entrust you with the task of not telling anyone, and before you ask Hannah, you have been watching 24 hours throughout your life, first for me and for light until you have completed one year, and then for the first 2 members of GUN, and for about 5 years for 4 members of the spears."

"Up... in the bathroom?" Hannah was shaking with fear as she imagined people watching her as she met her needs.

"Even in the bathroom, we have approximate hours of your going to the bathroom and-" Hannah leapt forward, knocking down the stretcher and Elsa, all to cover Valeria's mouth.


"Relax..." Elsa stood up again, this time without any dignity to protect. "So... you have proofs, because this story is very pretty, but I need something to hold on to if you want me to believe it." Also, why now? Hannah does not look very "Dirty Lover" to me"

"Light, we have the report of Hannah going to the bathroom around here... wait, you mean the other story! First let me answer the other question..." Valeria approached Light and whispered something in her ear, something terrifying enough for Light to stumble backward without giving credit to what she had heard. "Well... let's say that the second challenge that awaits Hannah and Bahia... is something more dangerous than a police officer who has lost his family..."


"How dangerous are we talking..." Elsa had been clear that he could not protect Hannah from a rival like Valeria, and someone who made Valeria tremble? It was clear that it would be impossible.

Light whispered to Valeria something again, to which he is consenting nodding. "Let's say... that the King of the mausoleum... would leave Bahia as if they had sent us a nuclear bomb... or worse, because neither the cockroaches will survive..."

"You have played Fallout Hannah, so imagine that Bahia will become Fallout 1, or 2, I do not know what happens in California." Valeria was so nervous that she did not even look at the couple.

"Both take place on the west coast, in the area of r03;r03;the republic of new california" Elsa replied proud of such stupid knowledge, but that she had and Valeria not.

"You know where Fallout happens! I love you so much Elsa ..." Hannah hugged Elsa and they kissed for longer than the sisters would have wanted to see.

"Can you stop that?... We are talking about a mortal danger for Bahia... and who knows if he stays in Bahia... I doubt that the weapons of the American army will harm him" Light was beginning to imagine the King of the mausoleum destroying every city r03;r03;in its wake, like a walking apocalypse.

"Light... it would be better to be explained by the person who stopped him last time..." Valeria shook her head, knowing the anger that awaited her.

"Who are you talking about? You're not cheating us, are you?" This seemed too serious for her to joke with these things, and Elsa did not like to be taken to unknown places, unless someone like Valeria did not help in the least.

"I speak of my mother of course! Come on Light, I do not intend to go through this alone."
At least the night was interesting, that was the only consolation left to Hannah and Elsa.

End Notes:

We started the story arc of the King of the mausoleum! It's time to give everything to avoid the apocalypse! Even humans like Elsa, Jack or Lloyd will have everything to be victorious!

To win the good battle, past and future will have to meet under the same banner, struggles as they have never fought and come out victorious, because I know I repeat myself a lot, but Fallout is nothing next to what the King will provoke as it is released.

What is promised is debt! We started the story arc with Valeria!



- Height: 8 feet 9 inches out of combat, 9 feet 5 inches fighting

- Physical complexion and extrahuman qualities: Talking about physical complexion in Valeria is really difficult, since she has lived so long that she has mastered the ability to alter her appearance based on what she wants to provoke in people.

When it comes to putting fear in the body, Valeria chooses to stretch her body, gaining a few inches and turn her skin white as snow, accompanied by silver hair and bright golden eyes. Too much anime? It may be, but I will not be the one to tell it to her.

While Valeria is in her day to day, she opts for a slightly brown skin tone, green eyes and white hair. It does not impose so much, but when an 8-foot vampire stares at you with her fangs, smiling, imposing imposes a lot.

- Personality: Valeria does not have a defined personality, since she can go from being a super lazy Valeria to a perfect soldier in less than what one takes to change the channel. From a loving sister to a cold diplomat.
Certain psychiatrists who have treated her say it may be a madness beginning, but for Valeria, who dances continuously between the fine line of a peaceful America and a dark and cruel world ... That point of madness, irresponsibility and quick thinking is what who has protected her until now.

- Extras: Valeria is able to use the skills of many other extrahuman species, such as the handling of certain elements, telekinesis or even the alteration of one's own body. How is this possible? Valeria has always explained it as simply exquisite attention to detail, and an enviable adaptability.

The truth? it would be better to ask her Flynn, only he has the right answer

Chapter 21 Power of Love by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

Just I just realized that we have already exceeded 3100 visits! You are the best! I hope you like the episode today and the beginning of the story arc of the Dirty Lover and the King of the mausoleum!

Back to the future, best movie of the last century


Old cathedral of Bahia, on the university campus: February 14, 01:00 at night

Elsa had spent so much time at the university, that coming back to meet the founder of Bahia in the subway at the university was not the weirdest thing she had done on this university campus, but in the top 5, this would surely come.Hannah seemed too uncomfortable for the corridors of the old cathedral, but considering that the ceilings were 9 feet, she would have to hold on a bit. I looked excited with all this of the Dirty Lover, and the wave that would change the world ... for Elsa all this sounded too suspicious, but did not have the courage to ruin the illusion.

"Hey Hannah ... are you sure about this? This was a cathedral and it's public for everyone ... you think if Calia Sol were alive, and not just alive! That she was in the cathedral ... do not you think that someone would have noticed?"

"Elsa ... I'm not sure of anything ... but listening will not hurt us! And Dirty lover sounds pretty cool, right?" Still crawling and panting from the discomfort, Hannah seemed convinced with Valeria's story.

"If you say it ... for now I'll pay attention to it-" Elsa realized too late that Hannah had stopped and crashed right into her ass, falling on her back. Hannah all she did was try to move her hand back as she could to help Elsa get up.

Elsa was quite upset, so I stepped on her hand, crawling underneath Hannah to see what the hell had caused Hannah to stop. "Valeria... you attack us first, you tell us nonsense and now you drag us to a cathedral? Can you explain to me what you intend?"

"You just rubbed for your girlfriend, do not complain so much, you could even touch her ass!" Light was shining a flashlight on Valeria, who was feeling a stone wall. Pretty old and unsafe for the blows she was getting him."It was around here... Dad always changes his position the damn stone key!" 

"Valeria... I am an architect and I understand the materials and the state of the buildings... and as you continue to hit that wall, you are going to bury us alive!" Maybe she was the smallest and weakest of the group, but so sure that tomorrow the sun would rise that Elsa was not going to let Valeria kill them in a stupid cathedral.

"You never know when to shut up Elsa... I've done this a thousand times! I live here for the love of God! If anyone knows where the stone is, I am..." The last blow had been too strong for the wall, which started to tremble slightly.

"Valeria, you're an idiot!" Light shot the lantern to the ground and hit a stone that seemed much newer than the rest, stopping the tremor and causing the wall to begin to sink into the ground.

"I was about to touch... that stone."

"Sure... Let's go through the first three of us, Hannah needs us to pull her so she can get in. And before you even think of talking about Valeria ... you're not going to get her in with a gust of wind. Valeria smiled as she gave her military salute. Elsa could not stop thinking about how someone like her could have become the boss of G.U.N.





Elsa did not know what to expect, but when she entered the corridor and reached the bottom a cathedral under the cathedral was not exactly what she imagined.

The structure seemed well preserved and clean. The walls were covered with Greco-Roman columns of at least 60 feet in height (which explained so many stairs up to the previous corridor), very white to be cement but not smooth enough to be marble. At the head of the room was a huge altar, decorated with golden ornaments on the stairs that led up to it and on the table placed in the center of it.

A mural decorated with mosaics of colored crystals stood on the wall of the altar, with 5 holes in it, each containing a pristine stained glass window with a candle inside. A strange light emanated from behind the mosaic, illuminating the rest of the cathedral and spreading its colors throughout the room. 

Elsa took a while to realize that they were not alone, all sorts of human and extra-human sitting on the benches of the cathedral, talking among themselves quietly, using cell phones and tablets or even some children playing with a soccer ball. To return the most strange situation if everyone could wear a kind of white and blue marine tunic, with the edges in gold.
"This ... is a sect?" Sincerely Elsa did not expect anyone to tell her, with Valeria and Light more occupied in the fact that Hannah's hip was going through the door.

"A sect, Elsa, this is something much beyond that!" A man slightly short and wearing a tunic of a much darker blue and ornamented with a design of suns was approaching her. His presence was powerful, so Elsa assumed that he would be the leader of this site.

"It's the ... ufff! Man who came to your apartment!" Hannah was not stopping pulling as he could to get through the door, getting to the point of being in such trouble that some of the people nearby came to try to help her.

"I'm glad you remind me Hannah! It would be better if this time I present myself properly..."

"Is it something that comes from family?" Valeria said exactly the same "Elsa was quite uncomfortable, and finding a place so... strange, under Bahia did not help. "And in regard to what you have said, you look like a sect, and you are dressed as a sect, you have all the papers to be the leader of a sect."

"I understand that it seems, but Elsa, you have to have the view beyond what you have been taught!... That sounds a lot like sect the truth... forget that... My name is Flynn Sol, father of Valeria and Light , and the prophet "

"And you call yourself a prophet... this is a fucking sect, do not fuck with me" In moments like these Elsa wished to have a gun license, and a gun for extrahumans. The situation was increasingly suspicious, and impersonating the husband of the founder of Bahia did not help to create a peaceful environment.

"Stop repeating that! Elsa, we are a community formed to await the arrival of the next Dirty Lover! We are the summit of the sun!"


"... a fucking sect."

"Think what you want, but everyone who stayed during the Vigil were volunteers! And even today, a hundred years later, they are still convinced of our mission! Do not underestimate our love for Bahia, calling us a sect!" Flynn walked over to Hannah, ignoring Elsa and her distrust. "You understan our mission, right Hannah? we're still living by waiting for you! You're the wave that will change the world!"

Hannah with one last push managed to get in at all, getting up and wiping the dust. "Ufff... thank goodness, I was starting to scare... Nice to meet you now completely Flynn! What a beautiful place you have here assembled!" Hannah took a few steps forward, watching the cathedral and the people, who stood up to greet her, completely euphoric when they finally saw the Dirty Lover in person.

"Thanks Hannah, I'm glad to see that you're more open-minded than Elsa!" Flynn got on the altar and taking a breath he addressed the inhabitants. "The Dirty Lover has finally appeared! It's time for us to start changing the world we love so much!"

Hannah ran straight to him and covered his mouth. "Hold on there Flynn... Where's Calia Sol?"

"Calia? she's sleeping right now, she'll wake up in a few days. Why you're asking me this? we have a lot to talk about and explain to you."

"So she's not here?... I cant believe she's really alive if I do not really see her..." Hannah turned to Elsa and motioned her hand to come closer.

"What are you talking about, Hannah?" Mama is looking forward to meeting you! Just after loading the Sun core she needs to rest for at least a week! " Valeria climbed the altar next to her father, followed by Light who did not seem very sure of being the focus of attention.

"It's a shame... I wanted to tell her my message in person!" 

"What message, Hannah? Calia already knows you were coming!" Flynn was getting a little nervous, seeing that Hannah was not satisfied with just the presence of her daughters and himself.

"I'm not going to be the Dirty Lover."

The phrase fell like a missile in the room, everyone stopped talking, just staring at Hannah. While Elsa sighed in relief, Flynn and Valeria could not give credit to what had happened.


"What... you're not going to be the Dirty Lover?... Hannah I dont... understand..."

"Well, what you've heard, I'm 16 years old, I'm 15 feet tall and weigh almost a ton, I'm clumsy like a newborn goat, I have a terrible physical form, to the point that a 5 minute race has left me breathless! I have a beautiful girlfriend that I love with all my heart, and a mother that I love and who is dating a great guy!

I am not a hero seen in a dream Flynn... "

"H... hannah... there's no doubt you're the Dirt-"

"Flynn... this is not Final fantasy or Tales of! It is not even Dragon quest! There are no heroes that are going to change the world! All that exists are people, who live their day to day with their own... Look for another Dirty Lover... because with me you have been wrong."

"Hannah, there's nothing wrong! Your heart is bright like Cal-"

"And that's another! Why are you guided by dreams?" I respect and admire Calia Sol a lot, she's my example to follow as a giantess... but I'm not going around using her name and her husband's name to give value to my words"


"But Calia is Calia really! She's sleeping down! And I'm the real Flynn Sol! How can you doubt this..."

"I do not doubt your word, I just think you're not sure who you're looking for... This is not a rpg for there to be an chosen one Flynn! this is the real world! it's 2018 and right now all my biggest concern is waiting for that nintendo announces Joycon for extrahuman giants, and thus finally be able to play Super Mario Oddisey!" Hannah offered her hand to Elsa and together they started walking back to the cathedral exit.

"Hannah wait..."

"Flynn... I am not a hero, and that of a "King" with the power to destroy Bahia... I could invent better excuses... and that I'm horrible lying!

If you look for a hero, it will have to be someone else... Because I am Hannah Reyes, a normal girl who wants to go home, take a shower and spend Valentine's Day with my dear girlfriend! See you!" Hannah waved goodbye as Elsa reopened the hallway, pulling back with a super exaggerated curtsey for Hannah to crawl out.

"Flynn... Dirty Lover is a horrible name for a hero! You and your sect enjoy looking for another giantess to cajole! Because this sexy ass and I get away! This is the real power that will change the world! The power of love!" Elsa came out making the sign of victory while the wall closed behind her.




The cathedral was silent, until a laugh from Flynn caught everyone's attention. "She's identical to Calia at her age!"

Valeria unable to see the grace fell on her knees to the ground, crying bitterly as she saw how her last hope did not believe in her story. "We are... dead... The king of the mausoleum will finish everything... dad... I have failed... I have really failed..."Light for once could not do anything but sit next to his sister and hug her, hoping to comfort her.

"Fail? Not at all my daughters." Flynn under the altar and walk towards the exit, to return to raise the fake stone wall that became the cover.


"Hannah knows it's the Dirty Lover... she just needs to understand it, and Elsa will explain it to her, I have all my confidence in it, you know?"

"Dad... how can you trust after both do not believe in us?" If Light was so devastated the rest of the inhabitants of the summit of the sun knew that the situation was horrible.

"Because as Elsa has said... the power that Hannah possesses is born from her love. Her heart has changed the life of her mother, Veronica, Sofia, Vagrand and now Elsa. The power of the Dirty Lover is to change the lives of those around her, and Hannah know it... we have a lot of work to do"

"W ... Work?"

"If Hannah still does not see it ... we'll have to stop the King of the mausoleum until she sees it"


Home of the Reyes Family: an hour and a half later.


Hannah sat on the curb, while Elsa opened the door of the house. "Tired of such a busy day huh?" After making sure the door would not close, she came back with Hannah and hugged her from behind.

"The power of love..."

"Right, my love, the power of love is the only real power today! They already said it in Back to the Future! The best movie ever created..."

Hannah could not help laughing as she got up holding Elsa in her arms. "The power of love is what moves our world! Let's enjoy Valentine's Day!" Elsa could only nod as he kissed her on the cheek. "But before..."

Hannah turned toward the street, and taking air scream with all her strength. "I KNOW THAT I HAVE TWO AGENTS OF G.U.N CARING FOR ME! GO OUT NOW OR I WILL CONTINUE SCREAMING UNTIL I AWAKE THE NEIGHBORHOOD!"

After a few seconds, a convertible car parked in front of the house, a young boy jumping from, dressed as if he had just left a nightclub of the last century. After the one Harpy low sighing and looking at the ground, this if with the uniform of G.U.N. "Well Hannah... you've discovered me!"

"You are..."

"Jack, Agent Jack of G.U.N's spears, and this girl here is the harpy that takes care of you since you were a year old, Bolt! Agent Bolt... what are you going to do now?"

"You want to go into the house? I bought to make a founde of cheese before going for Hannah to the gym!" Elsa motioned for them to enter, while Hannah and she entered the house.
"That sounds great!" Jack was ready to enter, when Bolt grabbed him from behind without letting him move.

"Are you... sure about this Jack?... I dont think I can recover if she tells me that she hates me... Hannah has meant everything to me since I was assigned to her side... and now reveal myself... I dont know if it's the right thing to do..."

"Bolt... it's a founde! Relax! You know Hannah! You'll love it! Trust in the power of love! And those shit... I didnt see Back to the future... so I cant talk of that like Elsa"

Bolt did not understand very well what Jack, Elsa and Hannah were talking about all the time, but Hannah was like her little sister, so there was only one right decision. Trust in the power of love.

End Notes:

Realistically ... They seemed like a sect.


- Height: 8 feet 6 inches

- Physical complexion: Light, unlike Valeria, can not alter her body, which makes it much more complicated to see that they are sisters with the naked eye. Light's black hair complements with his pink eyes, a byproduct of being a Succubus, although with all the power he has been able to bring to the vision of pain, calling it a by-product would be like an insult to so many years of training to be able to see even the smallest of the injuries. Light is not accustomed to combat, so it has no marked muscles or a body beyond the basic carecteristics of a succubus. Much forward, round and huge ass attached to a wasp waist.
Needless to say how much Light hates his own body.

- Personality: Light since childhood has been someone who has enjoyed the home as much as Valeria allowed. From things as small as cleaning and sewing to activities such as cooking or managing money. They are the small tasks of the day to day which Light loves the most.

But there is one thing that loves even more than all that. Heal and save lives. Nobody is surprised that Light got a scholarship to study medicine at a prestigious university. And less surprising that with so many years as a surgeon has developed a superhuman talent with the scalpel.

Without being alone in that, Light has experimented and made his advances in the field of regenerative medicine, being the main creator of the regenerative Gel.

- Extras: Because of being twins, Light is a Succubus / Vampire, a succubus that can release pheromones and sexually attract men and women alike, but needs to take human blood to live and does not age as long as it does. Basically it has the worst of both worlds for a person who enjoys day to day as Light

Chapter 22 Distrust, Tears and how to gather the team by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

4 very different people, a fondue and a goal.

Can ties be formed from distrust and fear? Will hearts be opened? Will the fondue be good? So many questions, so few answers.



Home of the Reyes family: Time of the Fondue



Since the four of them had entered the house, Hannah and Elsa had not talked to each other during the entire time they were cooking. What Elsa understood as a quiet and harmonious silence, for Hannah was a punishment for having invited them to enter, and not just to enter! The fondue that Elsa had promised him all the way home was now shared by two stalkers.

It is true that stalkers was not correct, but the giantess was not very clear about how she felt about it. A part of her wanted to hate them for stealing her intimacy even in the bathroom or in the shower... but they had also taken care of her all this time... Maybe it was only by orders from Valeria... but Jack didnt seem like a bad person.

It looked tacky, but not someone evil. It was a constant dichotomy, one that Hannah did not know how to get out of... and inviting them to dinner was not the answer! It was valentines and although all the night so far was strange, it did not imply that they had to follow that tortuous path.

"Hannah, are you listening to me, bring me the bread, please!" Elsa had to scream to get her out of the trance she seemed to be in. Although still after bringing the bread, Hannah still seemed very distant. Precisely the fondue was made of cheese because she said it was her favorite food, but she seemed much less excited than on the way. "Hannah, are you okay, your stomach hurts or something, you're very quiet for how are you normally ..."


All night of revelations had been emotionally hard, and that last shut up to Flynn...

Hannah was not used to being so cold with people. But if he kept nodding the thing would have gone further... and she knew perfectly well that she was not any kind of hero. All Hannah was is a normal girl raised in the suburbs, without any faithful friends and only with a mother and a girlfriend by her side. If the thing continued ... they would have realized the truth, most certainly after being unable to fight against that "King" and fail miserably.

Life was not like a videogame, the pure-hearted heroes who save humanity do not exist. There are no villains to fear or superheroes to trust.

In the end ... if in a world where there are extra human beings with abilities to manipulate gravity or the elements themselves, if in that world there are no heroes ... surely they do not exist.

Elsa was still talking, but Hannah had not heard her for a while. Without bothering to warn or anything opened the door of the kitchen that led directly to the garden, and walk to sit next to the pool that had long ago exceeded in depth.

| You know, girl ... I do not normally want to get into your life, but considering that I must make you grow up to your full power, I feel ... that you need me now.

I do not need you, I'm just thinking, you know? I did not ask you to grow... the time will come.

That moment is now and you know Hannah. Humanity is becoming more gray every day, every time there are less reasons to believe. Through your eyes I have seen how in a world where there are no wars as such, there are more and more racial crimes, no longer between humans and extrahumans, but between the humans themselves and the extrahuman ones.

It can not be avoided, it is in our genes to look for enemies to carry our misfortunes.

That's true, but for that there is the Dirty Lover, to bring reasons to believe in a world more and more lonely! Humanity lives in a time where you can communicate to the moment, where the barriers of language or countries have almost been broken... and yet there are fewer and fewer links between humans.

Stop with Dirty Lover... maybe the name is pretty cool, but I'm not anyone to deserve it. I am having a discussion with you, that you are a voice in my head! I just do not have almost ties that bind me to other people I'm nobody to carry that task... you can not force me.


That's right Hannah... I'm not nobody to force you. I'm just a voice in your head.

But there is something that I have clear, the Dirty Lover does not have to be you for being a giantess of third growth. The Dirty lover.. is the person whose only presence gives reasons to believe! And if you say it's not true... turn around. |


Hannah glanced back, the harpy approaching her. Bolt did not seem much older than Elsa, but according to Jack he had been taking care of her for 15 years. If the minimum age to enter G.U.N is 18, the harpy should be around 33. "Do you mind if I sit next to you Hannah?" Very polite to someone who had been a constant shadow at night.

Hannah still didnt want to talk, but her mother always said that you should be nice if you want them to be with you. So with a slight nod she kept looking at the pool water, too cold at this time of the year to put her legs in it.

"Thanks..." Bolt sat on the edge of the pool, legs crossed inward and the claw gently on Hannah's knee. "Listen... I wanted to apologize for having broken your privacy so many years... But at the same time I do not want to do it." That was not the answer that Hannah expected, but that night had already been done to Flynn so the karma would return to reestablish itself.


"At first I took care of you by order of valeria... but as you grew up, as I watched your mother sacrifice so much to raise you, your first steps, your first words, your first day in classes... your first growth... your first... Every time I felt closer to you "The harpy leaned forward, looking at her reflection in the pool.

"I know I was selfish, and I know it was wrong... but every time you had a nightmare, I went to your room to calm down... every time you had problems with homework and went to the bathroom, I went to correct them... Should I do it? Not at all, but I do not regret a single minute. "

Hannah couldnt say anything, tried to remember the person who said she had taken care of her all his life. "I guess I should not speak for Sora, but she feels the same as I. Sora is a GUN spear like me, a bishop mermaid, she's the one who has looked after you during the last 15 years, I know we're nobody for you, I know... but we love you and we could not stop taking care of you even if they threw us out of GUN "

It was strange, Hannah didnt have any relationship with these people, needless to say that she still did not like the idea that there should never be real intimacy... but they felt so close... like a family member who has long since you do not see it but you know it will be there for you, like her own grandparents...

A sensation that squeezed her chest, that snatched the air from her lungs. A feeling that she had not asked for but that she did not want to lose anymore.

"If you do not want us to take care of you anymore, I will personally take charge... even if I have to kill Valeria for it!... but if you ask me to stop caring about your life... I'm sorry Hannah... but I love you too much to forget all the time I've been by your side... and honestly, I dont know if I could live knowing that you're not safe.

You can not see it, but I dont care if you're the Dirty whatever, that you're a chosen one or a secondary character ... Fuck! I dont care if you think you're a coward! You're Hannah Reyes! My little sister! And I'll make sure- "Bolt had to stop talking when Hannah grabbed her with both hands and hugged her against his chest with all her strength, the little giantess crying again as she had done so many times before ... but this time Bolt was there to calm her down. "It's already... calm my little one..."


"No... I...I dont think it can be all they want... I cant fulfill so many expectations!" What she wanted so much to tell Flynn and Valeria finally came out.




While Hannah's tears kept falling, Jack and Elsa watched them from the kitchen. They had not said anything when Jack entered the kitchen, but Elsa deduced that he felt like Bolt ... and part of it worried her.

"Are you holding back, isnt it?"

"Elsa... when you have been working for G.U.N so long... you learn when it's your time or not. Bolt has been worrying about her for 15 years, being her guardian angel. I can worry about Hannah, but never reach the level that Sora and Bolt. "

"Is she that important?" From the moment I saw her I knew that Hannah was special... but all these revelations... makes me wonder if it is right that she is with her... And do not be confused, I think maybe I'm selfish Being on her side does not mean I'm going to get away from my beloved... I do not think I can. "

"This is the power of the Dirty Lover apparently, it indirectly makes us better people, it makes us realize that dawn always comes in. I do not know if Hannah is the one that Valeria mentions, but I'm as sure as my name is Jack, that Hannah has the power to open the door "

"The door? More things of the sect?"

"Nothing from Valeria's family, this I heard from Mayor Vagrand, Hannah and her heart are the key that will open Bahia and that it will go back to America, or was it to everybody? I'm not good at memorizing other people's conversations."

"The mayor is involved in this?... Wow..."


"It would surprise you to know the people who are involved in this Elsa, people much more powerful than you and m-"


"It does not surprise you so much..."

"I knew that something strange had been that I had been hired as head of architecture after 4 years just being an architect more... Anyway... You think we need say something to Hannah and Bolt? The fondue is ready"

"Let's leave them a bit more ... while I want to talk to you about a little thing."
"I think ... I know what it is"

"I would not be surprised, you're a genius or something like that ... You know Elsa? I think you and I are going to be good friends."

"While you are on our side, you can be sure of it.If you are against us, I will tear out your heart with my bare hands and I will stick it up your throat until I put it back where it was, understood?" Good friends, that Jack had no doubt about.





The fondue started silently, Hannah with the red eyes of being the last 10 minutes crying, Bolt with her hair wet with tears and her determination renewed. Jack and Elsa being the only ones who occasionally commented on the taste or temperature.
In the end, Hannah had to take a deep breath to break the silence, not sure of her words. "Elsa ... I know I said it was going to be the Dirty Lover ..."

"Hannah wait, before I have something to say!" Elsa got up and took a breath, looking at Jack to get up with her.

"Wait, Elsa, it's me who should say it! The idea was mine-"

"Jack, how do you interrupt Hannah, Elsa or the one I'm going to talk to, I'm going to cut your throat right here!" Jack sat down again, because although Bolt's tone was a joke, she could do it. "Hannah, Elsa, decide who's going to speak first"

With a small exchange of gestures, Elsa assumed that it was her turn to speak. "What I was going to say ... is that I do not want you to be the chosen one of that sectarian gang ... But if I believe that you can have that gift to enlighten the people ... after all ... I used to be a playgirl who used games and tricks to take the extrahumans to my bed and here I am! Thinking madly of my beloved Hannah!"

"Elsa ... I was going to say the same ... I do not think I can be a hero like Flynn said, but if I can make other people happy with it, it's worth it! I have a duty neither as a giantess nor as a Dirty Lover, I have a duty like Hannah Reyes!"

"I guess great minds think the same!" Hannah could not help laughing as Elsa got up and sat on Hannah's legs, to mark their renewed union.

"The idea was mine... but well..." Jack slowly removed the fondue, annoyed to see his idea stolen but happy to see the tension disappear. "Anyway... Hannah, I think if you can become a hero! Look at me! As an expert in computers and technology, Hacker, a GUN agent and from there to spear of GUN, I am the living image that one it can without much effort to achieve what is proposed! For not knowing I do not even shoot a gun! "

Bolt could not help but deny what he just heard and sighed. "Jack... that sentence leaves you in worse place than you think... But I agree, if we all collaborate we can take out the potential that lies in you Hannah"

"So you think the same big sister?" Hannah stretched back, not noticing how Bolt's heart had stopped, consumed by indescribable happiness. "But I do not want to do it for Valeria and for Flynn... I want to do it for myself, for Mom, for Elsa, for Jack, for my big sister Sora" (Sora, in her house sleeping felt like her heart jumped for joy without knowing why) "for my big sister bolt, for chris, for sofia, for-"

"Hannah, you do not have to list every person you meet! Now let's get to the point... the first thing we need is to train you physically, you can not help anyone being a weakling" Jack pulled out his phone and unplugged the microphones from the house, to make sure Valeria did not know what they were trying to talk about.


Bolt nodded convinced, to Hannah's dismay that she hoped to avoid physical exercise at all costs. "It's true, Hannah, Elsa and you need to get fit, not be for nothing if you can hardly run 100 meters without getting tired"

"First stop talking in meters, and second ... me too? ... what have I done to you ?! I'm your boss! At least a few more days, but you can not force me!" Elsa pulled one of the ice cubes of her glass to silence him.

"Jack, if I'm going to do this, you will not run away... What do you advise us, Bolt? I'll let you know that my arm... left?... One of the two has less strength, due to an accident and things...

And if we're going to do this, being 4 we're not going anywhere! Valeria split our faces to Hannah and me a few hours ago. "

Bolt got up from the table and walked to the window, looking for what camera Zoe would be watching. "We are not 4, we are at least 6. Sora and Melody are Hannah's other guardians, so we can count on them"

"I should be able to convince Chris to help us, his cousin was ... something dangerous for sure, I usually do not listen to him when he talks about family"

"I could lose Sofia ... I think she's still a good girl!" It was amazing to Elsa that Hannah still trusted a person who had been insulting her for so many years and making her life impossible. "Elsa, I can read your mind, Sofia... she still having a good heart, they have not accepted her in G.U.N for nothing!"

"That's 9 people, we would be the worst team of heroes in the world, just ahead of the ninja turtles in members" Jack stretched back, thinking that in the black market of Bahia he owed favors to recruit them.

"We would not be a team of heroes, what part of I do not want to be a hero, do not you understand?... Aunt Veronica knows karate! Maybe she'll help us!"

Elsa got up to give a chaste kiss on the cheek of the giantess and walked towards bolt. "Hannah honey... we're focusing it badly, this is not about making a team of friends and going to solve mysteries around the world, if we want to be something that Flynn and Valeria have to face... we need power... Bolt, Have you been silent for a long time, any ideas?"

"I think... I know the people indicated for this! Jack, they will not sound to you, but when you, Melody, Natalya and Robin joined the lances, it was because the previous 4 retired! And the 4 would be delighted to give Valeria a kick in the mouth!"

"And are they trustworthy?" Knowing that Bolt knew 4 people who hated Valeria was reassuring, but if Hannah did not trust them, they would not help.

"I can only speak for my superior, Carmen-" "Sandiego?" "No jack... it's not Carmen Sandiego... but I'm sure she'd be happy to help us if we ask her, and she's the strongest human I know, so I could help you and Elsa."

"WHAT, WILL CARMEN SANDIEGO TRAIN ME? OH GOD THIS IS INCREDIBLE! I HAVE TO TELL THAT TO MY MUM!" None of the three bothered to correct it. For what? They thought at the same time.

Elsa applauded once to get Jack's attention and sat back in Hannah's lap. "Well... it's decided, we'll contact Carmen who live in ..."

"Stardust Speedway"

"...That's not a phase of-" "OH MY GOD CARMEN LIVES IN LITTLE PLANET! THAT MEANS THAT SONIC IS REAL! THIS IS THE BEST NEWS IN THE WORLD!" Jack with his... Hannah now with this ... at least both were fun to watch.

"Tomorrow I'll explain it to you more carefully..." Bolt sighed as he continued looking for Zoe's security camera.

"It will be the best... let's leave it for tonight, it's Valentine's day and I want to go to Hannah's room, see some romantic movie and do some little things for a couple" Before Hannah could get mad she covered her lips. "I do not mean sexual things, calm, you have to keep watching Hannah, I imagine, and I'm not so cruel as to throw you into the cold of winter, so you can stay at home."

"Thanks Elsa... I hope not to disturb... unfortunately I can not speak for Jack"

"Nothing happens, big sister! Jack does not seem too noisy... besides, I sleep super deeply!... that you will already know about the whole issue of surveillance... Anyway, let's go to bed Elsa... no erotically! " Hannah ran away embarrassed, while Elsa gave up with her hand laughing and went to the room.
Forming a team for Hannah and Elsa was not what Bolt expected to happen this year, but if, besides being able to be close to them, they could give Valeria a good shot, it was perfect.

"Big sister... I'm her big sister..."

End Notes:


Thanks to everyone who has read the chapter! I hope you like the new points of view! Jack is not as stupid as he seems, not always.
As in this chapter no new characters have appeared, in the next one they touch two descriptions! Carmen, Exspear of G.U.N and "another character". See you tomorrow!

If you want to know the reason why Flynn has not had a description ... it's because it's not his moment yet, you know what I mean

Chapter 23 A Bullet for the future by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:


Living so many years in the dark, only a futile dream held his sanity. But the time to rise again had arrived, and his dreams were no longer necessary for the future

The shackles stuck in his scales, and although for years the blood had not dripped from his wounds, he kept pulling them, looking for a pain he no longer felt.

The old stone walls around him were eaten away by the weather and the salty wind that filled the prison. It would be so easy to destroy them, so easy to seek their revenge ... if not for the chains and shackles.

So much time had passed, that even guards were not coming through these recondite corridors, perhaps they are already dead and replaced, or perhaps they do not even want to bother to watch over them; your confidence in these chains feeding your inefficiency. Be that as it may, nothing could be done. This was his grave and eternity his jailer.

And so rusty were his senses, that not even the steps listened. It took so long to notice the presence of the visitor, who had already arrived in front of his cell. It was strange for the old prisoner, the body of the prisoner was made of pure energy, but had taken shape and filled the clothes he wore, similar to those of a cowboy, but more feminine.

Was it a plasma of what his body was made of? Or was it simply a flame that constantly burned? The old and young Jolbirth could have recognized him at once, but the old decrepit that had spent so many years in the darkness could not even look at the visitor without his eyes suffering.
"I see that the constant darkness ... has not done you any good, old king" Although the visitor did not seem to have a core like that of a slime, his voice emanated with the same drowned echo.

Jolbirth wanted to devour her just for daring to disrespect him in such a way, but her body was too sore, not even opening her mouth was an option.

Although the visitor did not have a face as such, just the right way to wear that ridiculous hat, Jolbirth could notice his mocking smile from the other side of the bars.The one who was one day the proud ruler of a prosperous kingdom, gathered all the forces that remained in his aching body, nailing his legs on the cold ground and brought his head close to the bars. If he was his executor, it did not matter how weak he felt, Jolbirth would not die kneeling.

"Calm old king ... I'm not coming to kill you, that's what the years have already taken care of.My name is Fiona, and as you I seek the freedom that has been taken from me. "Jolbirth raised his body as he could, and although he knew the result, he tried to destroy the bars that separated him from his visit, but once again, those damn chains kept him on the ground. "It does not take to be so aggressive ... it's been many years since you were defeated, you know? No one who watched you is alive, and instead their children have continued with their lives, forgetting both your empire and you. "

Fiona walked down, looking at the skeletons that remained in the adjoining cells. "The one day that stood up in front of all humans is now a forgotten myth, and your children have evolved and become extra human." The heirs of your empire are now hybrid of the race of your murderers. Do you remember that woman, the giantess who defeated you when you tried to stand up again? Now she is a legend."


"C ... alia ..." Even Jolbirth himself was surprised to be able to speak, that name engraved so deep in his memory, that his mere mention ignited his murderous rage.

"Look, you still remember how to talk! Calia Sol is now a legend, and the city that rose up where you fell defeated is a prosperous home where humans and non-humans live in harmony. " Fiona could feel how the old king was recovering his legendary strength, little by little every attempt to free himself from the chains making the old structure of the prison tremble more.

"I DO NOT CARE ABOUT THAT CITY! I WANT TO MURDER CALIA WITH MY OWN CLAW! TEAR HER PATHETIC BODY UNTIL THE BONES DO NOT REMAIN, INCINERATE HER REMAINS UNTIL ASENS ARE ONLY AWAY! TAKE IT TO HELL WITH MY OWN HANDS IF NECESSARY!" Jolbirth was shaking with a rage he had not felt in years, and by the remnants of his destroyed empire that would take Calia to hell. Nothing mattered to him now, nothing left him to give him reasons to live, only a single wish had kept him alive for so many years. The revenge.


"Calia is dead, 100 years have passed, you know?" And as she said it, all her anger disappeared.

The person who had stopped his dreams.

That had frustrated his return.

That he had turned 90 years of preparations into a vain attempt. Dead?

Calia could not be dead, not at the hands of time. If even she had succumbed... what reason would Jolbirth have to exist? All that these years had given him the strength to wake up was the murder of Calia... all destroyed.... Time was a cruel lover.

"Dont get depressed so soon, old king! You can still serve the future!" It was hard to get the attention of a legend like the King of the mausoleum, but with the cards on the table, backing down now was not an option.

"Serve as a help to the future ... do not take me for a fool! What else will the future give? Calia will not return ... and all my revenge will fall on my head ... I was so close ... I could almost kiss the sky. .. and now everything has disappeared like my empire ... "

Jolbrith was as annoyed as they had warned her, but she still had the winning hand. "Jolbrith, I need you to be a challenge for the Dirty Lover, I need you to assume a turning point in your life." Fiona searched her pocket for the bullet the priestess had given her.

What was it made of? How had they done with her? Sonia had no idea, but since her job was to shoot the bullet; she took out her revolver from her holster, charged the bullet and aimed directly at the old king's forehead.

"Old King Jolbirth, King of the mausoleum of the deep, from this moment you will directly serve the future of this world.

You will rise again, and you will carry all your rage against Hannah Reyes, the new Dirty Lover.

You have work to do, once you complete you will rest eternally, once and for all. " Fiona shot, the bullet penetrating directly with a scream of pain in Jolbirht's scales.


Jolbirth's mind clouded with pain, but something else invaded him. A sensation that he had too much to feel. Digging its claws into the ground, the proud king melted the chains with his impure breath, and with renewed strength, he raised the flight destroying the upper floors of the prison.

Calia would not return, but the King could still kiss the sky, he could still shake the humans of sheer terror, he could still claim what was his by right.For the first time in centuries, I had a reason to believe. And all his plan went through the same point.

Kill the Dirty Lover.

Jolbirth flew as high as he could, the moon bathing its scales again, the cold air of the glaciers freezing their wounds. Again... Jolbirth felt alive.



Fiona watched as Jolbirth roared with rage, finally awakened from his lethargy. The cold air of Antarctica filtered through the ruins of the prison, at this time is when Fiona was glad to not feel the temperature.


"Mission accomplished I suppose ... however, I deserve a drink"

Fiona often wondered if this was the right thing to do, if forcing the hand of fate would have consequences. The priestess believed firmly in her mission, but Fiona could not help but have doubts. Although in the end, the doubts were carried by the sweet alcohol; the only drink a Protoslime like her could drink.

Fiona was paid to fulfill her mission, and as a good professional, that was what she was going to do.





Apollo Academy: February 15, 12:00 in the morning.

(Jack and Hannah team)


The initial plan was simple: Hannah would attend classes normally, and at 12 when Sofia separated from class to attend the GUN agent class, Hannah would call her to the playground, where Jack would convince her to join the group with her legendary flattery...
But of course, a plan can never go well. After so many days missing class, Mr Smith was very angry, and when I say very angry, is that he was super pissed. Hannah looked at the clock constantly, desperate to see that they had been scolding for 40 minutes and did not seem to stop soon.

"You are really smart Hannah! And as your tutor I can not allow you to continue missing classes! I dont care if you grow as if you are shrinking! While you are healthy I want you stay daily in the academy! Even if I have to give the lessons in the yard so you can attend!" Hannah this is a serious matter, we are talking about your education- "And again at the same point .. for the sixth time in a row.
To think that Bolt and Elsa were going to Stardust speedway right now, and she was stuck with Mr Smith ... life was unfair.

| If I'm the Dirty lover because I have to be here wasting my time instead of going to Stardust- go find Carmen? It's not fair!

 It shows that what you want is to go to that site


...I will ignore you, dude |


If she was the Dirty Lover, she had to be able to get out of these situations! It's true ... the other day at night Elsa distracted her from what she really wanted to say, but the idea of r03;r03;forming a team with people who took care of her so much and who would not let her fail was too good to miss.
And although the giantess was afraid of annoying everything, Elsa, Bolt, Sora and everyone else would protect her from any mistake. From there her strength would come out.

"Hannah are you listening-" Mr Smith fell suddenly, as he looked towards the door. And when Hannah looked, she understood why. Jack came in wearing a kind of false mustache and a wig to look like Chris. (Chris had no mustache, so he really did not paint anything)

"Mr Smith, I'm Christopher, the father... Hannah's stepfather, I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm not used to thinking that now I'm married to a woman as beautiful as your mother, Hannah" Jack didnt fool anyone ... and Smith had worked in the FBI, which made all this even more useless if it fitted.

"Jack, what the hell are you doing in the furthest academy away from the G.U.N headquarters?" Hannah did not know what to expect more, if Mr Smith knew Jack or Jack thought that all this would work.

"Smith, old friend, I need to take Hannah as... the future... of bahia... of... GUN! The future of GUN depends on it! You're just a firearms instructor, and I a GUN spear! I demand to take Hannah! Official state matter!" More and more ridiculous...

"Jack... I dont know what you're talking about, but if you're here, Hannah knows about the Dirty Lover. I'll let Hannah through today, but I want you to come to class every day, understand?"

"Yes sir! Wait ... did you know about Dirty Lover?" While collecting her things, the giantess remembered how Valeria mentioned that many people took care of her, but Mr Smith had always been very cold and demanding with her, so he was one of the people who were least expected to be involved in this matter.

"Hannah, my father told me once that one must always trust in the future, because the past will not bring anything good.You are part of that future, so if I could use my old contacts to be your tutor from primary school to here, I was clear about what I should do. You go, Jack seems desperate to disguise himself that way. "
Hannah nodded and left the class following Jack, in the direction of G.U.N. It was rare that even Mr Smith cared about her ... more and more weight on her shoulders ... a weight she did not know if she could handle.


"Next time, remind me to try to disguise myself as a woman, I'm very good at being a bitter forty-year-old!"

"Do not even think about it, I dont want to be punished because of you!"

"Come on! If the black actor did well in the movie, why not me?"

"Sometimes I do not know if you sound racist or you're just an idiot without memory"

"Maybe both ... and class F-4, the class of novices of G.U.N! Well Hannah, let's plan how to get Sofia out of here!" Jack sat behind the door, trying to use his cell phone to see under the door.

"You mean we can not ask for it? Lisa it's already there... Isnt she the slime friend of yours? I swear she said something of a spear... before scrubbing his slimy, gelatinous body all over my back.... jelly... damn jelly "

"That was just a measurement... Lisa didnt rape you or anything!"


"Tell the J-" Lisa opened the door, hitting Jack squarely in the face. "Ju ... judge..."

"Jack... Hannah?! what are you doing here? Together, too... Jack, what have you done?!..." One would say that if a slime could sweat, Lisa would be sweating like a cascade of fear right now.


"Lisa... I know that the last time I threw you against the wall... but I hate the viscous things like jelly! That was not what mattered... The point is that I need Sofia's help, and you're in classes with her right now... you know... can she go out for a moment?  I'm the Dirty... I'm still a bit embarrassed to say so..."

"Do you know... about the Dirty Lover ?! JACK I SWEAR THAT AS YOU HAVE TOLD YOU I'M GOING TO DROWN NOW!"

"No no! Valeria told me..."

"Valeria... what?"

"Why you always distrust me? I'm also a spear, fuck, we're allies!" Jack was covering his bloody nose as best he could.

"I'm sorry Jack... but if someone had to screw up and filter information, you're the most likely, and Robin said that, she's very old and she's been in this business for many years, if she said it's because of something!"

"Anyway... we have to take Sofia, it's really important, and the Dirty Lover is asking for it directly, that should be worth something, right?"

"I guess... we dont have protocols for this moment, Sora knows that? Shouldnt her be watching Hannah right now? It's after 12 in the morning."

"After Sofia we go for Sora, calm down, but for this we need to take the kitten as it is! Please Lisa! Do it for that cute little face!" With so many moments of putting puppy face on, Hannah was already becoming an expert. And she loved it.

Lisa sighed as she returned to enter the class closing the door behind her, and after a few minutes Sofia came out with not too much good face.

"Lisa says that I must accompany you to something... that you want fat-ass?" Sofia did not look up for a moment, not even when Hannah took her hands and hugged them.

"Sofia... I dont know what I've done to make you hate me so much... but you, me and Ashley were the best friends... we were like sisters..." Hannah swallowed her tears and taking out all the courage that she had inside I grab Sofia by the shoulders and look at her as intensely as I could.

"I need us to be friends again, and I need your strength! I apologize for everything I've done... but I really need you Sofia... please..."'s true that it had not been very intense... but until now the most important thing she had asked for was money to buy a cat. And it was a resounding no.

"..." Valeria's words kept echoing inside Sofia, but even with them, the instinct to protect Hannah was greater than the lioness could imagine. "I dont forgive you... but you can count on me... After all... we're like sisters, like you said-" Unfortunately, Hannah was still too impulsive giving hugs all of a sudden. It's not like Sofia hated it either.

Jack got into the middle of the two, feeling like a mouse separating two giant trees. "Perfect! Brotherly Reconciliation! Now we only have Sora, Melody and go to Stardust Speedway... wherever he is... Why do we have to do the hard work?"




In these same moments, at Stardust Speedway.

Elsa shot out, hitting a lamppost, with enough force to pull the lamp from the ground and fall with her next to the car.Bolt tried to take advantage of the moment and grab Carmen's arm with her legs, but the brunette was much faster.


"Come on, you said you want my help, why not give me reasons to help you!" Carmen laughed aloud as she threw Bolt across the street with a sharp punch.
Elsa stood up leaning on the car in which they had come. Although G.U.N's armor had absorbed part of the blow, it still hurt like hell.

"Damn ... I'm not made for hard work."

End Notes:

Unfortunately, today I left too late from work, so if I wanted to add the part of Jolbirth had to leave for tomorrow that of Carmen. After much thought, I sincerely believe that the Fiona segment was more important for the order of events, so today you have the description of Fiona and tomorrow the other.


Thanks as always to all the readings! See you tomorrow!


Fiona, "the flare with a price"

- Height: 10 feet 10 inches.


- Complexion "Physical": Like most of the Protoslime, the body of Fiona is made of plasma generated constantly by its Core, covered in turn with a thin layer of glass, which with the constant high temperatures of its body, becomes totally malleable. In turn, like the vast majority of Slimes (except for dark slimes), her body varies in color based on her emotions, from blue to depressed to red to furious.

If there is something to be noted about Fiona's physical appearance, it is her love for the western world. So it's weird to see her with anything other than her special fireproof cowboy outfit.


- Personality: Fiona was raised as a child in a dark world, a world of debt, honor and blood. Learning from a very young age to take advantage of her unique species, Fiona quickly earned a name among mercenaries for her ability with firearms, especially those using Flintlock or Cylinder mechanisms.

No mercenary missed when Fiona was called to be part of the priestess's ranks, and while they paid her and had a place to drink, Fiona would be happy.


- Extras: Fiona is the first member of the priestess to appear, being in turn her last member called up, and one of the most doubts. But in a world where money is the boss, as long as debt can be paid, Fiona will obey her orders, even if she does not support them.

Chapter 24 Vs Carmen, Exspear of GUN (Part 1) by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

There are people who only come to their senses with a good beating.

There are people who do not learn to kneel, getting to fight for something small that is the reason.

There are people who only understand a law, the law of the jungle.

Carmen did not reach the top of GUN being a coward that hid behind the first line of combat. Not at all.

She WAS the first line.





Casino Costa Calida: Half an hour before.

(Elsa and Bolt team)


The casino complex of Bahia was famous among tourists for being completely covered, with a holographic screen showing all day a starry night sky. So the illusion was created that you come when you come, the night would always be waiting ...Needless to say, this was not too well seen among those outside the casino. From a tourist trap to lose the notion of time to a gigantic aberration that destroyed the landscape of Bahia del Sol.
For Elsa, who had designed a part of the resort's main hotel, it was nothing ugly or spoiled the natural landscape. The mount that made a natural wall with mexico was not that it was a work of art, so a macrostructure so impressive was a beautifying-

"Elsa, wake up, we're coming!" Bolt grabbed the copilot's shoulder and applied the slightest shock he could to wake her up. Needless to say, the Elsa start almost loaded the glove box with a kick. "Elsa! That these cars are official GUN! If something breaks I have to pay for it!"


"Oh sure... Jack is used to it but I should not assume that other people too... my fault"

"You do not have many friends, right Bolt?

"Well... the truth is that no, if we do not count Dylan and the rest of the spears... the number of friends would be more or less... zero"

"Dylan was Valeria's secretary, right? Since you're going out with him, you'll have access to secret GUN stuff, some interesting gossip?"


"The truth is that no, Dylan is very reserved with work and his personal life, I really do not know anything about the work beyond it!" Elsa did not give credit that she was saying so happy.

"Are you aware... that when you are in a relationship, you must share your life with the other person, why I have adapted all my things for Hannah, sharing your life is the least you can do with the person you love!Bolt, I know I should not get into your life, but if Dylan wants you I'll tell you things about him."

"S... seriously? As he is my first boyfriend, I assumed that everything was working properly." As much as she wanted to call him to ask if things were okay, they had work to do ahead of them.

"Your first boyfriend? Bolt how old are you ?!"

"Currently? This year I will be 30"

"Is that before recruited in GUN with 15 years ?! Damn, Valeria took advantage of the last century!"

"Until Vagrand did not arrive at the city hall 6 years ago the minimum of the junior agents was 15, but after complaints from the government, they raised it to a minimum of 18."

"Interesting..." It really was not, but it was the first time Bolt had talked so much with Elsa since they met. After parking outside and paying the entrance to the complex, the couple went inside.




Elsa was really impressed, although she had worked in the construction of the central hotel, this was the first real time she was in the complex in operation. And it had to be said, it worked like a charm.

The slightly refreshing ambient temperature, the night sky full of stars, the huge buildings covered with neons... the streets were completely pedestrian, and there was no smoke in the air.
"I've already caught on to that stardust speedway... who was the idea to call it that?" After not hearing an answer for a few seconds, Elsa turned around to find Bolt in love with the neons at the entrance. "Bolt... this is some special thing from the Thunderbird?"

"So many electric energy in a single complex... so many bright lights and neons... I wish I could work alone her ..." Elsa sighed and fumbled in the pocket of the arpia and found her cell phone. If Bolt was going to be distracted by the casino lights, it was Elsa's turn to be the GUN agent this time.

"Let's see... Carmen lives on Paris Avenue... which is on the right... My hotel was in Plaza Madrid... I'd like to see it... but we have work! Focus Elsa! Dont let the lights of the casino blind yourself!" And dragging the harpy, Elsa marched towards her goal.




Mayor's office

Dylan came running, loaded with all the papers that Valeria had asked. The pile of leaves so huge that I could not see where it was going, and if it was not for Veronica, it would have crashed directly into Mayor Vagrand's desk.

"These are all reports about Jack's activities?" Valeria did not bother to hide her anger, tearing directly the tower of papers from Dylan's hands. Vagrand sighed as he made a hole in his desk for so many reports.

"Yes ma'am ... but I do not have even the current location of Bolt and Jack, is that a problem-" "HOW IS NOT IT A PROBLEM ?! I HAVE TWO AGENTS THAT DURING THEIR SURVEILLANCE TURN DOWN THEIR SIGNAL TRACKER! tO Say nonsense Dylan, dont say anything."

"I ... I understand, ma'am." After 3 hours of trying to use Jack's computers, of going through the GUN barracks from top to bottom and of calling the two agents without stopping ... Valeria's response was not a tasteful dish.


Vagrand had to be the one who scolded Valeria. "Valeria, do not talk to your secretary like that, it's not your fault! You can rest for a while, son, Veronica, please show him the rest room of the town hall."

Veronica nodded and opened the door to Dylan, who before leaving, gave a slightly offensive gesture to her boss.
"Valeria ... do not pay your secretary with your frustration"



"I dont think it's the best way to treat your employees ... and if you have so many problems why you want to read so many reports about Jack, you should not go out and track them down yourself?"

"We have been having information filtering problems in GUN for months, that Jack has turned off his tracker only proves that my suspicions about him were correct." Vagrand did not give credit to what he heard. Leaking problems? How could this be the first news I had of the matter? "Valeria ... why have not you warned me before?"

"Because I know it's Jack, I've been waiting for months for him to make a mistake, and all this just shows how wise he was." Valeria was more than reading, devouring report after report, looking for the proof that would allow her to send the swat for Jack.

"Even if it's Jack... do not you think it's more important to take care of the King of the Mausoleum?" Everything you've told me about him makes me want to evacuate the city more and more, but I can not give the order based on an assumption. "

"I know perfectly benjamin, and I would love to tell you exactly how and when it will appear..." Valeria sighed in frustration, and putting her feet on the table she sent all the reports to fly. "Everything the prophet knows about the King of the mausoleum is that he was locked in a prison far south of here, I'm going to tell Dylan to call Nasa, if something so big moves his satellites they should get it... I think"

"Nasa ... are you sure about this Valeria?" If this did not go well... the blame would fall all over the shoulders of the mayor. But Valeria was too tense for it to be a mistake.


Nodding softly, Valeria got up immediately to throw herself against the sofa in the office. The weight of the vampire combined with the force with which it had been thrown was enough to break it. This was a small price to pay compared to what Flynn would do to his head if he could not get Hannah on his side.


| Jack is the mole, that was for sure ... all I need is to find the right proof to put him behind bars and be able to focus on the King ... if mom was awake she would know how to get out of this. But it isnt, and now everything falls on my shoulders. |

And even with Vagrand's cries of outrage for his couch, the pressure combined with fatigue was enough to knock out the vampire, sleeping slightly for the first time in days.





Paris Avenue: 12:15 in the morning


"Apartment building number 27, Carmen lives here" After 15 minutes of watching Bolt as if she were a small girl that could be lost, Elsa managed to locate the building.One knows that a casino complex has a great level when it has private residential buildings within the complex.

For what she puts in the phone message, Carmen had to live on the seventh floor. A part of Elsa did not want to have to climb the stairs, so sending Bolt to fly to make it go down was a less viable option. "Well Bolt ... what do you think about going to look for-"



Elsa did not want to turn around, knowing what she would find. By the cries of the rest of tourists and members of the casino, whatever has fallen behind has done it with enthusiasm (only needed to look slightly towards the ground to see some slight cracks)
"Chief... carmen..." If Bolt was shaking so much, it is that Carmen should be a bad woman beast. For better or for worse, Elsa decided to turn around and observe the woman in an armor worthy of a science fiction movie. "I didnt know... that you had worn a GUN armor..."

"BOLT! MY FAVORITE STUDENT! WAIT FOR A MOMENT" Carmen took off her GUN helmet, letting her curly hair fall. "And this girl, is she part of GUN, so low level they ask now?"

"Chief carmen... take off the armor..." If the rumors of the GUN combat armor are real... it is totally understandable that even Bolt is nervous while Carmen carries one.


Keeping her composure with all her strength, Elsa took a step forward before the look between amused and interested Carmen. "Exspear Carmen, my name is Elsa, I have an offer for you"

"An offer, daughter, you should know that I'm retired from business, so I'm not interested... although maybe you can convince me"

"I will do anything to gain your attention, but before doing so... what would we be talking about?"

Carmen touched something on the inside of her arm, and after a few moments another GUN armor fell on her side.
"BUT HOW MANY ARMOURS DO YOU TAKE ?!" Bolt did not give credit to what he saw, furious and indignant.

"If between you are both able to lie me down ... I'll listen to your offer, blonde"
Elsa sighed and walked towards GUN's armor, which opened on the back to allow access. Sometimes, one does real stupid things just for love.





From a safe distance in the window of a nearby bar, Fiona watched the fight and as the old black woman destroyed the little bird and the blonde.To wear a GUN armor also the blonde, had not come to give a single blow to the old woman. And the little bird was not doing much better.

His task was only to watch the blonde, but the beating was being such, that the "blood" boiled to her begging him to enter a good fight. A well-charged drink, a couple of bullets in its charger and the din of battle were the ingredients of life's nectar.Damn the moment where he was only allowed to watch from a distance.

Removing the transmitter from the pocket of his vest, the protoslime tried to call the priestess to change his mission, but risk not charging was not viable at this time- THE OLD WOMAN HAVE DESTROYED A LANTERN! USING THE BLONDE! WHY THEY COULD NOT LET ME PARTICIPATE ?!AND A SHIT THAT FIONA WAS GOING TO SITTING!
Releasing a couple of bills on the bar, Fiona ran out of the bar, melting the mechanical doors so she did not have to wait.





Today was being a day of surprises for the architect, but the last thing that was expected was for a kind of fire cowgirl to suddenly appear, firing Carmen with a revolver and overturning one of the electric cars to cover her and Elsa .
"Are you ok, blonde? The old woman was giving you a good beating!" The cowgirl leaned against the car, checking her charger and waiting for Elsa's response. An answer that sincerely she did not know what it should be.

"In that we agree... are you an elemental?"

"Protoslime! You can call me Fiona! I would shake your hand but I'm so excited for a good battle that I do not know if I can control my temperature!"

"Well Fiona... I need to defeat Carmen, and recruit her to train me, can you help me? I can pay you if necessary!" Making allies in the middle of battles to make other allies was not the typical thing, but Elsa is an expert in dealing with uncontrol and absolute chaos.

"I do not need money from you, I just want a good cup after this victory!" Fiona walked away and kicked the car with all her strength, throwing it at Carmen as it turned into a ball of fire and steel.

Carmen put herself in the position of a boxer, and as the car approached she gave him a direct with his left fist, stopping him in his tracks. "Nothing bad outsider, but you will need much more to overcome!" The arm of the armor opened outward, showing a kind of speaker. With a direct as powerful as the previous one, she threw back the destroyed car towards Fiona.

"So I like it! A good exciting battle!" Kicking Elsa away, Fiona intercepted the car directly with her hands, melting it until there was only a puddle of liquid metal.


Bolt flew to Elsa, taking advantage of the fact that Carmen and the cowgirl had jumped into a direct hand-to-hand combat to drag Elsa to a corner of the building. "Our extra, is your friend?"

"I hope so... how the hell do you wear this armor?! I try to do what she does but nothing works!" Elsa showed it by trying to shake the arm to take out the amplifier, but to no avail.

"I have no idea... they are only for the human agents of GUN. The extrahuman as we have natural resistance and greater tolerance to pain, so use the armor isnt allowed" Bolt leaned over to watch, watching as the cowgirl managed to push back slightly to Carmen. Although it is Carmen we are talking about, the most powerful human precursor of GUN.

"Bolt... you can generate electricity, right? You could generate a lot of electricity concentrated in a single point? I have a plan..." Elsa took off her helmet to breathe, smiling showing her teeth while drawing the mental diagram.

"I suppose I could arrange a large discharge on one of my feathers... are you sure your plan would work? The cowgirl seems to be able to stand on its own, maybe we should wait."

"I want to be helped by Carmen, so I'm going to give her the last blow, Bolt, I'm not going to ask you to trust me, but trust Hannah who trusts me, you get it?" Bolt nodded and approached Elsa to listen to the plan.

Elsa may not have the strength of Fiona, or the power of Bolt. She may not know how to handle GUN's armor like Carmen, it's even possible that she could be compared in physical strength to Jack.

But Elsa was not known as the best tactic of her generation for nothing.

"Let the game begin"

End Notes:

Thanks as always to all the readings! It's time for the one known as the greatest genius of her generation to do her homework and prove who she is!

Carmen, Ex Vanguard of GUN

- Height: 6 feet 3 inches.

- Physical Complexion: The exvanguardia of the spears was known to carry permanently his beloved experimental armor, the first version of the later known as "GUN armor", so not many people know how it was physically. (As of today there are still rumors that it really was a robot)

For the closest acquaintances, under all the metal plates and servomotors, Carmen is a black woman full of proud scars, samples of a past where she stood up fighting face to face with people much bigger than her. Unfortunately, not all scars were acceptable. Born with a disease that was gradually worsening her eyesight, both eyes had to be replaced by the most advanced implants that science had in 2005, after years of continuous insistence by Valeria.

And although it is hard to believe Carmen has never been devoted to bodybuilding, all her muscles born as she says "Of the duty of a spear with Bahia".

- Personality: Fists first, conversations later.

- Extras: Carmen left GUN on her own initiative, tired after so many years of continuous struggle, either with the GUN itself or in maneuvers with the North American army.She took out of the bank everything she had saved after 30 years of continuous service, bought a house on the Costa Calida, and after stealing enough armor to be prepared for whatever it was, she cut all communications with GUN.

(Rumors say that the latter was caused by discrepancies with Valeria over Dylan's hiring and the decision that Zoe was his future successor)

Chapter 25 Vs Carmen (part 2) feat. All hail Elsa by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:


This episode is the first to have a flashback interspersed with the action in the present, so I hope it was not too bad! Many thanks to everyone for the readings as always!

Enjoy the chapter!





Many years ago, former GUN headquarters


Although the council of GUN and a judge of the superior court of California presided over the room, but even so their presence did not silence the voices. For a long time GUN did not have to hold a trial for treason, and much less judging one of the lances of GUN, so all television and media wanted to be present.

The reason for the trial? The death of 7 adolescents taken hostage, 5 extra human and 2 human, during a robbery in the main bank of Bahia.

After a few minutes, the sheriff stood in front of the dais, and after a hammer blow from the judge, addressed the audience. "Silence! As a trial not only of GUN, but of the court of Bahia and the State of California, the honorable Judge Vanze presides over the courtroom."

"Thank you sheriff, in this very special trial, the decision will be taken equally by me and the special council of GUN, formed by the four remaining lances, Valeria Moon, the lance in charge of communication will act as spokesperson with me." Valeria rose from her chair and greeted the room with a slight bow. "Let the defendant pass, sheriff"

Nodding, the sheriff left the room, and after a few minutes full of murmurs, returned to enter accompanied by the spear of GUN Carmen, the accused.

"Miss Carmen Stone, you know why you're here, right?"

"I am accused of negligence in the rescue procedures of the central bank, your honor. Negligence that I continue to deny outright.

Act as it should, it was a situation against the clock and my actions saved the lives of 44 hostages."


"That will not be decided by you, Miss Carmen, this jury will do." Carmen spit to one side, knowing that the worst situation could not be. "I hope that this behavior does not repeat itself, or I assure you that I will not be afraid to put a muzzle"

"Anyway, your honor"

"So, my first question about the events of that day is the following:Why do you think you should enter the bank directly? Negotiations according to this report were still ongoing."

Carmen looked down, noting the handcuffs she had been wearing since that night. "Your honor, the report could say what you want, but I can assure you that they were not going well." The police officer in charge, I did not want to learn her name, was a damn fool who was only making the robbers more nervous.

Valeria hit the dais with both fists, rising and screaming with all her strength. "IT WAS A DAMN ANGEL, CARMEN! IF SOMEONE KNOWS ABOUT NEGOTIATIONS AND KEEP PEOPLE CALMED ITS A ANGEL!"



Vanze slammed his hammer furiously, hoping to stop the screams of both. "SILENCE RIGHT NOW! VALERIA DO NOT MAKE ME EXPULSIVE FROM THE ROOM!" After grumbling, Valeria sat back in her chair, obviously annoyed. "Accused, you say that the negotiations were going badly and they were going to end up in a massacre towards the hostages, but your actions entering alone through the parking lot of employees ended up in the same shooting, what did you have to say?"


"Do you believe that once I could forgive myself for not having been able to shoot that bastard's rifle? Considering that being extrahuman, the boy would hold a first shot... I never imagined that there would be a second robber with another rifle..."



AS YOUR SUPERIOR, THE ORDER WAS YOU WAIT!" Valeria couldnt stand the tears, crying bitterly with her head resting on the dais.


"VALERIA! LEAVE THE ROOM FOR 5 MINUTES! Sheriff, accompany her."After resisting being caught by the sheriff, Valeria left the room while dozens of reporters photographed her. "Well... let's continue with the trial."







The fire cowgirl was tough, but Carmen knew how to put the extrahumans in their place. Activating the hidden blade of the left arm and after getting rid of the cowgirl, Carmen I nail the blade in the side.The protoslime live their daily life thanks to a crystal cover, and although you can not penetrate their Cores, damaging that crystal film forces them to withdraw and control themselves so as not to melt everything around them.

And luckily for her it worked, because Fiona was getting ready to give her the coup de grace. "Grrrrr ... a blade able to penetrate my skin without melting ... Impressive armor ... full of toys ..." If the protoslime released the wound, the heat that would emanate would melt the asphalt, and an invoice to add to the Debt was not acceptable.

"You have bad luck, cowgirl, I've been dealing with extrahumans all my life who think they have the right to impose themselves on others.I know all your weaknesses and possibilities of attack. Now you have two options, to retire so as not to end up being a walking bomb, or keep fighting and let it destroy that sweet Core of yours."

"I'm not a suicide... but I'm not a coward!" Fiona took out her revolver and fired her last 3 bullets. Unfortunately for her, the GUN armor was designed to fight against any kind of extra human, so a few simple bullets were nothing. "Oh... that explains why my first 2 shots had not pushed you back..."

"Child, this armor is the result of a lifetime imposing on monsters like you-" When Carmen got ready to launch herself towards the wounded cowgirl, she felt a slight discharge on her back. After shaking a little, she saw a feather fall to the ground.

Bolt and Elsa were leaning against the wall of the building. Bolt held what looked like an improvised slingshot with pieces of armor, and Elsa was looking at one of the harpy's feathers up close. "Extrahumans please, only the real old people call them monsters."

"Wow... Bolt, you're the only one of GUN that I like... but to see you turned into the squire of a silly blonde? I expected more from you, girl"


"My name is Elsa, as I have already told you" Elsa took off her helmet and released it on the ground, while walking towards the middle of the street to face her. "First I thought I needed you, to train me and Jack... But seeing that you're just an old bitter racist... The situation is radically different"

Elsa pointed with the bolt pen towards the former vanguard. "From this moment on, you are my enemy Carmen, and I intend to finish you here and now"

"Wow... I deduce that with such words you will know how to handle the armor once, no? because if not, you do not have any chance."

"Look at me Carmen... because today is the day the world screams "All hail Elsa!"" Elsa ran to her, with the feather in her hand.

"That will be if you survive!" Carmen activated the sonic transmitters of her arm, ready to take advantage of the fact that the blonde, in her ignorance, had removed her helmet. "Say goodbye to your ears- BUT WHAT ?!" The armor began to deactivate all its systems, one after another.

Carmen looked around desperately for the hacker, but it was not until she looked down that she saw that Bolt's feather was still emitting electricity. "BOLT! DAMN BASTARD! I'VE TAUGHT YOU EVERYTHING YOU KNOW! WHAT TEAM DO YOU SUPPORT?"

"I support my little sister's girlfriend, Carmen! Did you really expect me to be part of your team after cutting off all relationships with me and GUN?" Bolt opened his wings, and rising, he plunged toward Carmen.

"I KNEW THAT TRUSTING ANOTHER EXTRAHUMAN WAS A MISTAKE!" Carmen raised her hands to stop Bolt with a punch, but the agent was much faster and grabbed both arms with her legs. "THIS IS AN ATTACK ?! YOU DO NOT HAVE STRENGTH TO LAUNCH ME! YOU ARE MISERABLE UNTIL FOR AN EXTRAHUMAN!"


"Throw you? The plan was just to hold your arms!" Bolt threw an electric shock down his legs, trying to paralyze Carmen long enough.

"The plan?" With the elemental redirection system disabled, the armor's insulation was not enough to stop the harpy's discharges, so Carmen only had to try to break off with headbutts.

"MY PLAN!" Elsa threw herself with all her strength towards Carmen, falling on top of him on the ground and stabbing into the hollow of the armor's neck with the supercharged feather. "Hey carmen ... something to say to the silly blonde?"


"I thought so... but what do you think we've been doing all this time while you were fighting with Fiona? THIS IS OUR COMBINED ATTACK!



As ridiculous as the name was, the signal to release the discharge was clear, and while Elsa walked away Bolt released the condensed 300-volt discharge into her fearther.

The discharge wasnt enough to kill Carmen, but counted all the insulating resistance of the armor off, 300 volts were more than enough to knock her out instantly. She didnt even have time to scream.


"And that ... is my coup de grace" Raising her right fist high, Elsa walked towards an imaginary crowd that chanted her name. And although Bolt on the other hand could not stop thinking that really all the physical work she had done, for today she would let it happen.

Fiona watched from a distance as Elsa rejoiced in her victory. "Not bad... take advantage of the armor's vulnerability to sneak a feather... not really bad Elsa... I'll remember your name" Without releasing the break in her skin, Fiona walked away from the corner of the street, Wishing to tell all this to the priestess.

Back to Elsa, she turned around past ten meters and ran again next to Bolt, "And now ... we take her armor and all the others she has"

"The armors? Why?"

"We will not get him to train me physically, but if we can get Jack to use this, we'll have a big advantage against Valeria!"

"Wait ... against Valeria, at what moment are we going to go against Valeria ?! ELSA IS MY HEAD AND I AM PART OF GUN! I'M NOT GOING TO FIGHT VALERIA!"

"Not literally! I mean in our team! I do not intend to use this shit anymore, but Jack with one of these could do real wonders!" Elsa mentally erased Valeria from her list of "People to beat"

"I hope so ... but I agree to take the stolen armors, GUN and Jack could make good use of them, and we would recover our armed vanguard unit." While Bolt was bending down to remove Carmen's armor, Elsa went to retrieve her helmet.


"Has she always been so racist, how could she become part of GUN? One would say that Valeria would control who enters and who does not."

"Really ... this is the first time I hear you call monsters to the extrahumans ..." Bolt could not help but remember that although Valeria and Carmen did not get along too well ... she had never insulted any other extrahuman of the unity.

"Well, something has had to change so that now she hates you ... thank goodness she does not have to train me anymore, I can not stand the people who still live anchored in the past and call monsters the extrahumans, they are real rubbish."
Bolt kept thinking about that change in Carmen's sudden attitude. Why would he greet her so naturally and then call her a monster? It did not make any sense ... The carmen that Bolt once knew although he was rough with others was someone you could trust.

Elsa decided to leave the harpy reflecting while looking for the keys to Carmen's apartment. "Fiona! You can help carry the armor to our car ... where are you?" As the protoslime had escaped to avoid hard work, the next time the two of them saw each other Elsa was going to use it as an accusation. That was for sure.




The trial of years ago


After a long 50 minutes of debate between Judge Vanze and the rest of GUN's lances, the 4 returned to enter the room. Whatever they had decided as a sentence, Carmen was prepared to receive his punishment.
"Order in the room! The honorable Judge Vanze is going to issue his decision." The sheriff lifted Carmen from her chair, while she nudge him away.

"Thank you, sheriff, now, defendant Carmen, are you ready for my verdict?" Carmen just nodded, biting her lip with all her might."The jury and I have decided ... that you are innocent."
The murmur of the room was completely out of control, no one could give credit to such an unexpected decision, not even Carmen herself.

"After much debate, and since I have a trial against the real culprits of this case in a few hours, we have come to the conclusion that although reckless, you saved the lives of 44 people.

Nothing can bring back the 7 young people, but you are not to blame for their deaths. The recordings of the negotiation show that the main robber was very nervous, and could have opened fire on the rest of the hostages at any time. "

Carmen kicked her chair with the heel, and stomped with all her might to the judge. "Your honor ... I disobeyed a direct order ... I am ready for my sentence!"

"Valeria has defended you at all times, so respect our decision.If you excuse me, I must go to the real trial. The session gets up "Vanze got up from the stand, and after collecting all his things, he left surrounded by the journalists.


"Congratulations for your innocence Carmen" The sheriff removed the wives of Carmen, and left the room to give privacy to the rest of the spears.

Carmen was still stunned, and while caressing her wrists, I sighed. "Valeria... I'm guilty of the death of those teenagers... why have you defended me?

"First you are innocent, and now that you are guilty... there is no one who understands you!"


"You should not, Carmen. 44 people owe you their life, and now you must live for those 7 that you could not save, that is our destiny as agents of justice, Carmen."



That day, while Valeria left the room with the other lances, Carmen was marked forever. In any other security body, the verdict would have been guilty, and Carmen would have paid for her sins, but GUN was run by extra-human people who treat others as inferior.

Valeria's arrogance, pretending to teach her lessons.

A verdict of innocence that he did not deserve.

The looks of those parents who had to see how their children were killed in front of them ...

One would think that Carmen took this and kept fighting for Bahia, and so she did. But inside, the extrahumans were the only culprits here.That power and pride that maintained at each step, their attitudes of physical and moral superiority ... If those teenagers had not believed that they could protect their parents for being extra-human, they would not have died.

Life is capricious, and although Carmen on the outside continued to be the Vanguard of GUN, inside I stop believing in her ideals of equality and harmony. And when Valeria decided that Zoe and not Richard was his successor, for Carmen it was demonstrated that the extrahumans see humans over their shoulders.

She buy a house in the casino complex, in a building only for humans, and she turned away from all those lies of a city of peace and harmony. And she clung to them until the end, when her former favorite student and a human managed to defeat her by combining their qualities.

End Notes:

Today we have beaten record of readings in the same day! Thank you so much everyone! I hope you enjoy Elsa's plan! (which, although simple in its design, requires a constant forecast of Carmen's actions)

100 points for who knows where the phrase comes from: "All hail Elsa"

Chapter 26 "4 Points of views on a countdown." by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:


A news story went around the world, the destruction of a remote Argentine rural town.

But the news was not the fire that destroyed their homes. The authentic news was the being that the locals said that they had attacked... and the message that he had given them.

"I will arrive Bahia del Sol, home of Calia Sol, in less than two days... and I will destroy the Dirty Lover and anyone who gets in the middle of both... be sure of it..."





Home of the Reyes family: February 16, 02:00 at night.


Hannah yawned as she watched the microwave, as the popcorn was slowly appearing. It was not the most fun task in the world, but considering that her attempt to cook dinner had been disastrous for the frying pans, she did not expect to be allowed to do anything else.It was not even worth looking out the window, with all the houses in the neighborhood empty.

There was a strange sensation in the air, with almost all the inhabitants of Bahia practically evacuated. Only a small GUN patrol passed from time to time.To add more things to the occasion, it was just snowing for the first time all winter, which does not add more than a disturbing white to the postcard that was Bahia del sol right now.

The giantess felt so helpless at such times that in her continuing depression she did not notice that Lloyd and her mother were passing from one side of the kitchen to the other, having finished preparing such a large and late dinner. Although from time to time they spoke among themselves, the sensation of fear and restlessness persisted in normally quiet home.
"Hannah, if your popcorn has already popped out! I can not be cooking on crutches and having to dodge you too, my love!" Hannah did not answer, just nodding and picking up the bag of popcorn, as she walked back to her room.

"She'll be fine? she has not burned so much to be so quiet" Lloyd finished peeling potatoes while still watching the fryer.

"She's my daughter, so of course she'll be fine! She's a strong girl who has managed to gather a lot of people!" Juddit did not stop smiling proudly, but without wanting to look at the pan that hannah had smashed against the marble.


It was strange that the house, with so many people inside, was so quiet.Hannah just listened to Dylan's instructions on how to wear the GUN armor, and occasionally Jack complained about something, usually being silenced by Mira almost instantly.
Until Hannah's room, where Elsa, Chris, Bolt and Sora were planning how to act felt distant and distant.

"Elsa please, we cant steal a tank!" Thank God that Chris had stayed in this internal meeting, because as it depended on a half-depressed Hannah or Sora and Bolt who do not know much Elsa... the crazy thing that would have happened.

"Why? We know Jolbirth it is a kind of dragon! And it also comes flying from the south! We can stole a tank or... WE HAVE TO TAKE CONTROL OF AN ANTI-AIR MISSILE!"

"ELSA PLEASE, Let's think about things that do not require us to oppose the army of the United States!" Big sister Sora was right, but considering that the army planned to wait for Jolbith to land in Bahia to attack him, taking their weapons and using them was not a bad idea either.


In the last 24 hours, Elsa had gone from having everything under control to pulling her hair out of tension, every minute that passed, anguishing her more and more. And not only her, the "Bahia last defense team" felt exactly the same.


The team emerged from an emergency situation, and after Mayor Vagrand locked himself in to negotiate with the army and Valeria, Light, Zoe and Robin locked themselves in the cathedral, those who were here were the last stronghold of resistance against Jolbirth.

There were not many, nor did they have many weapons. (Only those that Lloyd had taken from the commissary and the GUN armor that Elsa and Bolt had recovered from Carmen) But something was clear, none of those present would leave without a fight.

In the end, the smell of popcorn led Elsa to open the door, only to find Hannah leaning against the wall in front of it. "Honey, what are you doing in there? Come in with the popcorn! I need support in my plan to steal a missile!"

"HANNAH, DONT SUPPORT IT!" Towards hours that Bolt and Sora did not agree on anything, so to hear them so convinced was something refreshing and reassuring.

Hannah just nodded, entering and sitting on her bed, while watching the map of Bahia that Elsa had placed on the floor of the room. A lot of points were marked with red pen and with the phrase "Good site for missile".One if he saw it from outside would seem more a meeting to destroy Bahia than to save it.

"We're going to pretend we dont have missiles for a moment, okay?" Chris tried to put order again, to which Elsa only responded with an expletive under his breath. "We have enough strength to face it according to Valeria, so because we do not take it to an open place, we have the American fubot stadium, the university campus, the port..."

"And let him destroy them as he has done with that people in Argentina, no, Christopher! He has devastated an entire village and not all the weapons of the army there have been able to harm him! We have to finish him before he takes ground!" Bolt was the most pessimistic of the four, but it was still preferable to the idiocies of Elsa's plans.


"If Valeria says we have the strength to defeat him it will be for something-" Sora could not finish speaking before Bolt jumped out of his chair and started screaming against the wall.




"Well ... we always have Hann-" And again Bolt did not let the phrase end, this time to Chris.


Although technically Hannah knew Bolt a few days ago, seeing her suffer so much, being so afraid was very painful. But also see fear in the hearts of so many people supporting it? It was as horrible as knowing that I could not do anything to defend them.


"BOLT! Hannah and I can fight! Let's defeat Carmen together!" It is possible that the victory has risen a little to the head. Only a little.

Bolt simply sighed and sat down again, it did not matter what he said, Elsa had decided to fight and God knew he would have to go down personally to get rid of the idea.

Someone had to make the four stop arguing, and if Hannah was the Dirty Lover, it was for these things... As scary as she was. "Big sister Bolt ... I want to fight too." And the bomb fell in the room. A bomb that managed to silence the four discordant voices.

"Hannah, honey ... are you serious?" Sora pulled her wheelchair closer to the bed, just to make sure the giantess did not have a fever or something.

"Of course I am! You are fighting continuously, and there are only 16 hours left until I get to Bahia! I may not have had more than one day of continuous training, but I really believe we can have possibilities!"

"I like that way! We have strength! We have resources! We have many extra-human strength! We have even Lloyd! We can win!" Elsa's confidence was motivating, perhaps not in the good sense, but motivating after all.


"BOLT! Hannah and I can fight! We win the battle with Carmen together!" It is possible that the victory has risen a little to the head. Only a little.

Bolt simply sighed and sat down again, it did not matter what he said, Elsa had decided to fight and God knew he would have to go down personally to get rid of the idea.

"Big sister Bolt... I want to fight too." And the bomb fell in the room. A bomb that managed to silence the four discordant voices.

"Hannah, honey ... are you serious?" Sora pulled her wheelchair closer to the bed, just to make sure the giantess did not have a fever or something.

"Of course I am! You are fighting continuously, and there are only 16 hours left until Jolbirth come to Bahia! I may not have had more than one day of continuous training, but I really believe we can have possibilities!"

"I like it! We have strength! We have resources! We have many extra-human strength! We have even Lloyd! We can win!" Elsa's confidence was motivating, perhaps not in the good sense, but motivating after all. "We're going to get back to the top!"




Cathedral of the Sun: In those same moments.


"As I told you, my daughter, Hannah plans to fight Jolbirth." Flynn disconnected the surveillance camera as he sat down again at the altar.
Valeria did not get up from her mattress in the middle of the cathedral, she simply nodded as she continued to observe the ceiling. Already 18 people have had to suffer the wrath of Jolbirth, so as soon as he arrived in Bahia, they should kill him before he damaged the city.

"Even if Hannah wants to fight, I know Bolt and Sora, do not let her fight." Zoe approached the mattress, trying to remove Valeria from the middle to place the mannequin and start the assembly work of the armor. But the vampire was not for the work, and not with all the strength of the Lich, moved a centimeter.

"You must have faith Valeria! Everyone here is preparing the equipment for Hannah, so we just need to make sure we weaken the enough of the drango before Hannah uses the "Sol Wave" !" Zoe was right, the blacksmiths of the cathedral worked tirelessly, preparing an armor capable of resisting the impure breath of Jolbirth, and thanks to the help of Light, they were able to work much faster knowing the exact measurements of Hannah.

"Zoe, I brought you because dad needed your help to forge the onice's sword, but even though in GUN you are my second in command, this is my house."

"Valeria please! If you do not intend to help, just get out of the way! Do not make me wake up your mother to move you!" Flynn knew perfectly well that when his primogenite did not want to collaborate, not a damn train would move him from the middle.


"This is my way of protesting the lack of support I am having right now! Do not blame me for not moving! Blame Jolbirth for rising up and pretending to destroy Bahia!"

"Do not be childish Valeria! You do not have 7 years to act like that! It's sad to see that even Hannah is trying harder to help than you"

"And now you compare me to Hannah, Hannah has not had a hundred years to see how rotten the world is ... Forgive me for not having confidence that the army will really help us! Vagrand is wasting time! Not even a destroyed village is enough proof to move their asses! "

"And can you blame them? All the evidence they have is a poorly taken picture, a village reduced to ashes by a fire, and a lot of older gentlemen saying that a dragon appeared out of nowhere! If it were not because you say it's true I I would not believe it either, do you know?" If neither pulling Valeria, nor trying to overturn the mattress managed to get her out of the way, she only had the option to burn her alive until she moved away.

"My word has widened for Vagrand to evacuate the city! And a lot of channels are reporting the news! How can the American army be as proud as denying that a dragon really intends to destroy Bahia del Sol? IF THERE ARE EXTRAHUMANS DRAGON, FUCK! HOW CAN THEY SAY THAT A REAL DRAGON DOES NOT EXIST? ARE THEY IDIOTS OR WHAT? "


At the end after so many nonsense, Light got tired, and grabbing one of the blacksmith's clothespins, she threw it with all the strength to her stupid sister.The impact was clean, with enough force for Valeria to have to get up.

"Valeria, from this moment, either you put yourself seriously or I throw you out of the cathedral and send you with the Hannah team."

"You will not be able..."

"You doubt it?" Light's cold stare stopped even the blacksmiths.

"I'll be good... I promise." And with her pride in the floors, Valeria turned to a corner and sat against the wall.

Jolbirth comes to Bahia to destroy it, Hannah is thinking of fighting without having any knowledge base of combat. And Valeria, the legendary girl without dreams was punished against the wall. How the times change.




Nightfort Pub: We continue in the same moments.

An empty city, hundreds of bars available, thousands of liters of alcohol available.
And here was Fiona, in the smallest and most hidden abandoned bar in the city, with the reserve of alcohol in half. Stupid life.

"Turning... I spend the day spinning, and the glass giving... no no, that rhyme does not work" What better option to spend the hours until an ancestral dragon destroy a city to motivate a teenager to write poems. Thank God the pub had a high ceiling, because the only thing I could improve tonight was a bar where the protoslime could not stand.
And again, thank God that the transmitter was lit with the priestess's indicator.

"Tower, are you there?"

"Finally! Priestess! I was a glass of this bad wine to kill myself!" Although for the priestess it sounded like a joke, the revolver loaded on the bar did not make him such a joke.

"No, please, Tower, from this moment I need you to prepare to fight"


"To all who survive in the Hannah's team"


"Tower, from this moment, your mission is to ensure that Hannah matures, either at the hands of Jolbirth or yours."

"Priestess... I am an outlaw, a kidnapper, a compulsive drinker, a bodyguard, a righteous... but I am not a killer of good people..."

Without waiting for Priestess to respond, Fiona simply cut off the transmission and leaned on the bar. The priestess had made her do horrible things authentically... but this? Kill people who want to protect their city? So important was your debt for how to get to this point?

Too many questions, too many questions and there is almost no alcohol left in this bar...

"Time to go to the next... I hope they have whiskey, because a very unpleasant hour is coming..."




In the skies of Peru: Has it been clear since we are still in the same moment? I hope so.

For the first time in years, Jolbirth felt alive! The screams of fear and pain of those peasants, the smell of ashes and broken dreams in the air. His looks of terror ...They were so pleasant! The old king might not recognize the language in which they shouted, but it was clear, they feared him.

They hated him

They were terrified of him.

Crossing a cloud, Jolbirth let himself fall of emotion, feeling the speed again in its old scales. No matter how much time passed, this world still did not understand who was its true owner.

And the king of the mausoleum was happy to remind him once Hannah's corpse hung on his throne.

Why he need to kill her? That was a question the dragon kept asking himself over and over again. What really did not matter? Not at all.Killing a giantess was always fun, and making her death the unmistakable symbol of her return was so poetic.

Opening his wings again, Jolbirth returned to take altitude, and with renewed strength he started again the flight to Bahia. Only a few hours more flight ... and finally his dreams would come true. If this was a fantasy, the old dragon had something clear.

"I'll turn my fantasy into your nightmare!" And with a roar that was heard throughout the country, Jolbirth said goodbye to him for the moment.
Sooner or later, he would return. And this time it would not be to fly over it.


End Notes:

Thanks as always to all the readers! Finally Jolbirth has found the way, and take it for granted... it is a path that will lead directly to the destruction of the Dirty Lover.

(I will take advantage of this moment to solve 2 possible doubts:) 

- How has Fiona come before Jolbirth to Bahia? For the people who work for the priestess, things like displacement are much simpler, and more so if in Bahia another agent of the priestess opens the link.

  - What happened with the meeting between Hannah and Sora? I have decided that to advance the action a bit, and so that in future post-Jolbirth chapters I can develop more Bolt, Sora and Hannah, I will keep it as material for a future (but not very far) flashback.

Chapter 27 Hero by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

I will repeat myself a lot, but I can not stop thanking all the readers! I know it is not a story of an erotic giantess like most here, that's why I thank you even more for your support!

Comment if you want, and be prepared that this is the last chapter before the arrival of Jolbirth!




Elsa Apartment: 8 hours remaining for the arrival of Jolbirth


"Aaaaaand .... Open!" After 20 minutes of forcing the lock, Fiona finally had access to the apartment. If the message to deliver the drinks was correct, the blonde's house had dozens of bottles of alcohol. OF THE MOST EXPENSIVE!

After assaulting two more bars (and a liquor store), the protoslime still needed a drink strong enough.One so strong that it stunned her enough not to have to listen to the priestess. And unfortunately, until now it had been a vacuous effort.
The current situation was quite bad for a non-drunk Fiona, continually debating whether to pay attention to who pays her or to do it at her beginnings. A few principles that was the first time she felt! Why in such a bad situation had to develop principles?

"Holy God... the blonde has the garden of the alcoholic eden!" Starting to take bottle after bottle, a flame grew in Fiona's heart. A flame that encouraged her to be responsible and not empty another person's house completely.

"Thank God I'm an expert in controlling the flames!" And ignoring her as she picked up the bottles, I drop them on the sofa in front of the table, followed by herself.The blonde would like to take the burn mark off the sofa, but there would be time to apologize later... if she survived, of course...

The priestess had been trying to communicate with her for hours, but ignorance is more powerful than her transmitter, and it was not until she lit up with a different color that she forced herself to answer.


"Tower, answer tower" The stupid voice of the hierophant covered the entire apartment, as full of pride and arrogance as always.

"The priestess sent you, right? If I hung her up, it's for something! Dont press me!"

"I'm in Hannah's home, and as crowded as this is, it's hard to find a spare minute to take care of your nonsense... Tower, do you have a debt to pay right?" And once again, hierophant was ready to let go of the same old phrase.

"Yes, hierophant... I have a debt that must be paid, and you are the ones who are going to settle it! Now you will say that I am in debt with your kindness, and that I have a duty with the organization, no? If you are in such a hurry, I have a mission to fulfill, and if you do your part, I must do mine! Are you happy?"

"I will never be happy until I get rid of this pathetic city, all that matters is Hannah."

"But can you really have feelings? I thought you were just pretending!"

"Silence tower, dont go over the line with me" There was a lot of noise in the background, and judging as a hierophant I'm shaking the transmitter, I should have been in a very bad situation. "Stop getting drunk and get ready, Valeria, Light and Fynn are your first objectives, we have left you with the necessary bullets in the Bahia Town Hall."

"The town hall? That's about 3 quarters of an hour from here!"

"Stop complaining, tower, you're paid for your efficiency, not your opinions"
As insufferable as ever ... this time Fiona threw the transmitter against the balcony, breaking the window and listening as the building fell down. Killing a vampire by day was not particularly difficult, but killing Valeria? Those were big words.

Opening a new bottle of cognac, Fiona reclined on the sofa, ignoring the smell of burning in the air.The organization believed in the future and in the destiny of the Dirty Lover, believed that only she would be able to create the new world away from the imperfections of humanity, away from their sins ... noble motives that in the end were tinged by the Bloods of the innocents.

If Flynn and the priestess were looking for the same thing, why did not they allied? Why take such different paths? Sun and Moon were meant to be separated? Why was Fiona asking questions whose answer was not at the bottom of a bottle?

The safest thing... that such loneliness was driving her crazy. Maybe it was the best, because if she did not go crazy now, when she pulled the trigger against Hannah's family she would surely do it.




City Hall of Bahia del Sol: 7 and a half hours until the arrival of Jolbirth


The commander in charge of the army put the phone back on. Vagrand sighed as he released the phone again on the table, in five minutes to try again to engage in dialogue.
"He keeps ignoring you, Ben, stop trying, you're not going to get anything out of those people." It was strangely disturbing that Ritchey was so calm in such a dramatic situation. So quiet that it was even becoming a new cocktail.

"Ritchey please, you've seen the news too! That being comes to Bahia for Hannah! I want to be sure that the army will be here to defend my city!" Hitting the table with his fist, Vagrand picked up the phone again to call them back.

"And there you go again... My friend, you never knew when to surrender, right? I suppose you have logic, you were a boxer and all that ... It would be very ugly to ask Veronica to bring me another bar beer? having alcohol seems to me too much for me. "And though Vagrand nodded, Ritchey struck the intercom to ask for it.

And after a new useless call / another attempt to call and four long minutes, Veronica came back loaded with all the cans that were left in the bar. "This is all there is, so we drink peacefully, there are 7 long hours left"

"You're a charm Veronica, you should not go with Juddit and Hannah? I can keep an eye on this old man while you do not have to spend your last hours with two old men like us!" The words full of pain did not match Ritchey's cheerful face, but each one has his way of facing the end.

"Juddit already has a lot of work with all the people she has at home, and now that we have sent Lloyd with them, they should be fine ... who worries me more than my niece and my "sister" are precisely you, old drunks" With a very exaggerated gesture of offense, Ritchey took one of the cans and poured its contents into his new "cocktail".


"Why are you so proud ?!" Vagrand's frustration reached a new level, reaching the point that removing the can from Ritchey's hands drank all his content in one gulp. "They say we have GUN! That we do not need them to kill an imaginary dragon!"

"It was logical that they would not help us, sir... the commander despises Valeria with all his might, remember?"

"But we are not talking about Valeria! We are talking about people's homes! Without GUN we could not even have evacuated Bahia in time! It has cost me many efforts to welcome all the inhabitants of Bahia in the nearby cities , but even so it does not seem really serious for him!"

"You know how things work Ben, we are led by a president who is only a visible head. The one who really makes the decisions is his management team, and the secretary of the state Martin hates the extra-human ones, who would have thrown so many extra-human Army?  Because you dont swallow the conspiracies and disobedience theory, right?."


The cocktail was really bad, but not drinking it now would only make Veronica and Benjamin say "I told you so", so holding the breath, Ritchey drank it in one gulp. "Disgusting?" Even if he just nodded, his face said everything Veronica needed. "Sir, I should think about evacuating, your children and your ex-wife are still calling you"


"Veronica, I love my children, I really appreciate Bella, but I'm not going to flee if Hannah stays here, no matter how scared I am right now, what kind of adult would I be if I left the city while a teenager stays to defend her?"

"Sir... I understand, I'll stay with you."

"Then we are already 3! Hey, can we steal a tank? I think I'll shoot it!" And all the seriousness of the matter disappeared in the blink of an eye. Vagrand could not love his best friend, for trying to cheer him up right now.

"I doubt you know how to shoot a tank, Ritchey, but maybe I do..."

"Sir, get the idea out of your head! We do not have anywhere to get a tank at this time, unless..."

As stupid as the idea was, the despair was greater than the subsequent consequences. So crazy as it sounded, such an outlandish idea could work.




Home of the Reyes family: 6 hours before the arrival of Jolbirth


While the team was still debating issues such as how to approach the battle, or what clothes to wear against a Dragon, Dylan just drew the plan of the strategy on the board:


 - Sofia, Bolt, Sora, Mirabelle, Lisa would be the vanguard and would be in charge of forcing Jolbirth to land in an area open to the north of Bahia, the place where the new amphitheater in Bahia was supposed to be built.

 - Jack with Armor Gun and Lloyd with the police assault rifle would defend Hannah in the second line, while Hannah prepares what she has called the "Oddysey punch"

 - Elsa and Chris would stay as far as possible, with the van ready in case a withdrawal was necessary. (It was unlikely that Jolbirth with the enormous thing that the Argentines had described was very agile, so in a bad situation they could always flee through the center of Bahia)


"Well, gentlemen, this is the plan of action, any questions?" Of course, everyone raised their hands at the same time. Dylan sighed as he mentally discarded Elsa and Bolt, who just wanted to say something or stupid or unnecessary. "Sofia, start yourself"

"Hannah should not be in the van? On the second line I doubt Agent Jack can defend her properly"
"HEY, I have more or less clear how this is works!" To prove it, Jack tried to activate the lateral blades, but only managed to activate the nocturnal vision.

Lloyd sighed and pushed Jack back to the sofa, activating the front lights of the suit in the process. "Quiet Miss Sofia, although the spear of the lottery does not know how to wear the armor, I have confidence in my marksmanship as a shooter, and the bullets against extrahuman dragon are specific to pierce scales, so they should affect him especially well."


"I have confidence in you Mr. Lloyd, but my fear is that Hannah is unprotected by her other side"

"Calm lioness! we have everything under control, except for the murderous dragon part... but that's another different point." No matter how hard they worked together, every look from Sofia to Elsa could be considered murder.

"Also sofia... I have my Od... punch... Can I change the name? I have a much better one!" Dylan nodded as he erased the previous one. "Forces punch!"




It was strange that so much talk and debate remained alive for hours, but at the second name of Hannah everyone would be quiet. Neither Elsa was supporting her in this, and that was her girlfriend. "Come on... to think of another name, darling"

With a common nod, Dylan continued explaining part of the strategy, tactically avoiding every stupid phrase of Jack or Elsa. Using the crane to hit Jolbirth seemed like a good idea, and if it really was a European dragon, and not an Asian one, holding his arms with the safety cables seemed a great contribution.

Little by little, between the ideas of each one and the clarifications of the weaknesses of the dragons by Mirabelle, the strategy gathered strength by leaps and bounds.

Until you reach the final part.

"And... how are you going to defeat him, Hannah? You cant use the aura, can you?" Chris's question planted a new panic seed among all present. If Hannah had to defeat him according to Valeria, and she did not know how to use the aura, the chances of victory plummeted.

"I know... how close doors! Look!" She point her fist at the door, and after a few minutes of absolute concentration, Hannah closed the door to the dining room at a distance. An achievement... really stupid.

It was Sofia who was the first to open her mouth to such a nimble demonstration. "That... it's no use... we're really dead... I'm going to die because fat ass does not know how to do anything but close doors..."
Even Jack seemed completely disheartened.


"Maybe she can close the trachea to the dragon!" And this time, it was Elsa who nobody supported. "Come on, guys... let's not be so pessimistic! From closing doors we can get some use!... guys..."

The tension grew in the environment, while Hannah's fear and despair kept swelling like a balloon. Each time she was less confident that the plan went well, and she could not stop thinking that everyone would die because of her.And the silence continued, to the point that Hannah, in tears, got up and ran out the front door.

"Hannah!" Elsa, Juddit and Bolt ran after her, followed by Sora dodging all the chairs and cushions in the middle of the room.

The other remaining members stayed in the dining room, unable to see any way out of the situation. It was not until Dylan sat on the floor that someone spoke. "I wish there were movement tutors in the real world..." Jack sighed, hoping no one had heard him.

"Movement tutors, what are you talking about, idiot?" Mirabelle hit him in the stomach with one of his tentacles, without much force.

"In pokemon, from emerald edition I think, there are some tutors of movements that in exchange for battle points can teach you unusual attacks to your teach... I was thinking that it would be very useful if one of that existed to teach some aura skill to Hannah..."

"How the hell can you have become a spear, jack?" That was a question that day after day Dylan was still doing.




Hannah ran to the middle of the road, where she fell to her knees on the ground crying inconsolably. In the darkest hours... where all needed her the most... she had failed them. Once again.

The snow was cold, and although Hannah's pajamas did not offer much protection, she did not care for the least.

Dropping forward, she hit the road with all her strength, again and again. The repeated blows eventually bleeding his fists. The blood of the giantess mixed with his tears and with the snow, a perfect picture for the blizzard that housed his heart.

Elsa and Juddit wanted nothing more than to comfort her, but Bolt held both of them by the arm. One glance between them and Bolt and Sora was enough to make them understand that they could do nothing more than wait for Hannah to recover.

The burden of being the Dirty Lover was something none of the four understood, now or maybe ever.

It was a burden that only Hannah's heart could harbor and understand.







Only the sound of a motorcycle managed to get out at 5 in the trance they were in.


Valeria skidded in front of Hannah, while she took off her helmet and threw it towards the house. Jumping off the bike, not bothering to put on the brake, I grab Hannah by the neck of her pajamas.





Hannah did not stop crying while Valeria kept shouting at her, repeating again and again that she was not the hero they were looking for.



"No one believes in me! They've seen that I only know how close doors! A special thing that giantesses have and I dont even try to use it! I´M USELESS!"

Valeria took off her backpack and threw it in front of Hannah. What the giantess understood was a kind of indication to open it. "Are you waiting for an invitation? Open it!"

What Hannah got out of the backpack did not make any sense. Wrapped in a huge white handkerchief lay a sword.

His hilt looked like bronze, and it still felt hot, as if it had not yet cooled completely. But the weirdest thing was its edge. Instead of the typical straight edge the sword had two black edges like the night that were crossing like a chain, until ending up connected in a straight and sharp tip.

"This is the sword that my father has asked to forgen for you, a sword born from the depths of my mother's heart, blessed by the light of a sun that never leaves us.

I've stolen it."


"What... have you stolen?"

"Of course, I do not care that I'm not finished yet, I only have 5 hours to teach you everything I know about the aura."

"Are you going to teach me... you?" Hannah's tears stopped flowing, while the giantess's heart burned again little by little.

"Right, I'm the girl who was born without dreams, Hannah, you dont get a title so cool without motives! I'm not an expert, but I should teach you enough so you can improvise on the fly. I always do!"

Hannah wiped her tears with her pajama sleeve, looking at her mother, her girlfriend and her "older sisters", who nodded giving her the strength to trust Valeria. Grabbing the sword by the handle, she used it as a support to get up... to immediately kneel on the floor in front of Valeria

"Miss Valeria... no... Master! Please teach me how to handle the aura! Give me the strength to enlighten your hearts!" That was the spirit of the dirty lover. The spirit that Calia always defended.

"Well, let's not waste time, tell everyone to come out, I'm going to train you all at once!" Juddit nodded, entering the house again and shouting with all his strength to the rest of the team. 


Valeria was born without dreams, but when we spoke of willpower, nobody could match her. Sitting down to watch his father prepare things was not a hero's way of acting. And much less to cry on the ground it was.

Everyone had a lot to learn, and very little time to do it... because Jolbirth, the king of the deep mausoleum was approaching the city.

End Notes:



The entire final segment of the chapter is sponsored by Viewtiful Joe's soundtrack. (series and video game)

Logically, its a joke XD (Which does not mean that I have been listening to it for 3 hours in a loop)




Chapter 28 That person who relies on you by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

First of all, sorry for not uploading chapter yesterday. They cut the internet connection not only in my home, but in the whole building ... and as you can see by the time it is reconnected super late (at least for me, which is already 4 and a half am).

Now going back to the important issue... 4000 visits! And right in the chapter of the arrival of Jolbirht! All of you are incredible! I hope you enjoy as much as I do this chapter and those who are about to arrive!

The decisive battle time of Bahia has arrived, and the contenders are each in their position! Time to give everything or die trying!




Home of the Reyes family: 1 hour and a half remaining for the arrival of Jolbirth


The results of the training had been devastating for all, only Sofia and Mirabelle still stood (only moved by the natural pride of their species). The regenerative gel Valeria had stolen from Light was helping her recover strength, but considering that only Hannah and Mirabelle had spent half a bottle of gel, the others would have to put up with the rest.

Valeria, on the other hand, looked as fresh as a rose, completely clean and without a trace of sweat or weariness on her forehead. Crossed arms, on the car that had used as a lectern, watched proudly her new team.

Maybe dad didnt take it well, and the rest of the cathedral doesnt either... but sometimes, one must follow a different path to the one they expect from her.
A path that passes by stopping to hide, and be reactive.

The authentic path of a hero is active and without stopping advancing for a second. "Come on, we have less than two hours to get ready! I havent used that much in you either!" Laughing, she jumped out of the car and walked towards Hannah, who was lying down and covered in gel on her arms and legs, still struggling to catch her breath.

"I think... I'll need a while" Nor finish the sentence she could, learning to control the aura in such a short time had turned out to be even worse than expected.

"Come on, Dirty lover! You cant imagine the heroes lying on the floor without being able to breathe!" Hannah decided to listen to him, and with all the strength left in her body, she turned to send her to silence.


"Are all the spear training really like that ...?" Sofia finally dropped her ass, stretching her legs while the cold morning air filled her lungs.

"You have no idea kitty..." Passing by Sofia's side address to the house, Valeria whispered low enough that no one else would hear her. "Good job, by the way... Maybe the gap that separates you from Hannah can be reduced, but you'll need a lot more effort."

For the second time, Sofia still did not understand what the vampire was referring to. Unfortunately, when she turned to ask him, Valeria was already entering the door of the house. If the fat ass kept growing, and becoming what that "Dirty Lover" means... the lion would need a lot more training, and while it was stuck with the rest of the apprentices it would not be enough...




"This satellite is at least incredible... how could it be that I have not been given control of this before?!" Jack was still fiddling with Hannah's computer, using the accesses that Valeria had given him to control the "secret" GUN satellite.

Satellite... that on the other hand... nobody had any kind of information about it.

"You really know how to control this thing? that I remember you were arrested for hacking online banks and transfer money to foreign accounts" The most surprising thing for Lloyd is that neither Elsa nor Chris seemed unfazed. "Hello?... do you know Jack was arrested for stealing thirty thousand dollars?"

"Lloyd, please, if Jack stole so much money and he's still on the street it's because he can not be a bad person!"

"Mr. Lloyd, I've been friends with Elsa for many years, do you think something like a robbery shocks me?"

"The mother of god... the youth of today, you are made of authentic ice-"

"AS YOU DARE TO MAKE A FUCKING JOKE OF THE FROZEN MOVIE'S, I GOING TO BREAK YOUR LEGS AND I LEAVE YOU IN FRONT OF THE DRAGON!" The scream was heard throughout the house, and even throughout the neighborhood if there was someone left to listen to it. Besides, it was not just the scream, but that if Chris did not get to grab Elsa by the waist, in the same scream she would have pummeled Lloyd's stomach.

"But what's wrong with you now ?! I've just said Ic-"

"Dont say it! This crazy was all 2013 and 2014 sending letters of threats to disney because of the character of Elsa!" Elsa kept kicking around looking for release, while Chris kept his grip as safe as possible.

"DISNEY RUINED ME MY NAME! AND IT WAS A PRECIOUS NAME! I HAD TO LISTEN "LET IT GO" DAY AFter... day... enduring... frozen jokes every time I went to college or work..." Elsa turned around and began to cry on Chris's shoulder, between traumatized and desolate.


"Okay... I will not say anything like that anymore ... why have not they let me stay at the town hall... this youth..."
Chris grabbed Elsa by the shoulders, and after performing some breathing and relaxation exercises together, she regained her composure. (Needless to say, Jack wrote down all this mentally for possible future blackmails)

While the quarrel between the police and the idiot dissipated, Jack managed to obtain what appeared to be a clear image of Jolbirth approaching Bahia.

Since the first extra-human Gremlin was born some 40 years ago (variant of the existing race of the goblin extrahumans), technology has made constant giant jumps.

Although weaker and smaller than the race from which they were born, the gremlin compensates with an understanding of the machines, information technology and electronic devices simply superior to any other extra human or human. It was not surprising that every gremlin that is born receives so many subsidies and subsidies to attend technical schools and universities.

This same surveillance satellite was an example of this: While the satellites made by other humans and extra humans are able to monitor in near real time, the gremlin satellites reach beyond, giving a range of extra capabilities added to the minimum possible delay between received images makes them simply superior.

According to the technical analysis of the satellite, Jolbirth mediates 40 feet from the tip of his head to the hind legs, with 10 extra feet for the tail. A constant heat emanated from his mouth, which explained the village fire.
An image simply terrifies that even Jack's mouth was silent.

Not for a long time unfortunately. "If you are more relaxed now ... go for Valeria, you have to see this..."


A few minutes later:


"So... lucky bastard... he has not aged too badly." Valeria slipped out of hannah's chair, and walked towards the door. "He stays in good shape, thinking that he has endured for so many years in the cold darkness..."

"Wait... Valeria do you know him personally? I thought that whoever knew him was your mother..." Elsa followed her but the vampire grabbed her wrist and lifted her, a chill going through Elsa's spine.

"Elsa... my darling..." Lifting her up to face to face. "If we survive this, I will directly ask my mother to explain the story of Jolbirth and the two of us, but for now ... trust only in me, because there is no evil or darkness in my words"

Elsa looked away, a flashback of the "battle" piercing her mind like an arrow. "I will trust... in your words, but if you hide information from me or Hannah, do not expect full confidence."

"Worth it for now! Now we're going to simply raise our team, and get ready, we'll leave in 30 minutes." The vampire released Elsa and went out the door of the room.

Chris came to Elsa's help, inspecting his arm and even more surprised by the lack of courage in front of Valeria. "Elsa... what happened to you? Normally you-"

"Chris... leave it for now... let's prepare the van." Without saying anything else, Elsa left the room like Valeria, leaving Chris completely disoriented. Lloyd simply grabbed his shoulder and pushed him to follow her.


After lifting the rest of the team, they organized themselves in two vehicles and after leaving Juddit at the town hall, they left in the direction of the area under construction.




Town hall of Bahia del Sol: One Hour for the arrival of Jolbirth


Throwing the bottle of wine against the wall, Fiona sat in the chair of the town hall receptionist. After 20 minutes of searching and destroying all the reception of the town hall, the fucking bullets still did not appear.


Fiona's anger was so great that she took out her revolver and fired furiously at the computer at the reception. To go from a sad and desperate drunkenness to an indomitable fury, Fiona usually needed a minimum of 6 liters of alcohol, so with only the four she had taken from Elsa's house, it meant she really was very desperate.

Fiona just "breathed" deeply, only to see a woman with crutches standing outside the town hall. His first instinct was to shoot him and incinerate the body quickly ... but he had enough with the murder of Hannah's family, so he simply put on his gun and motioned for her to pass. "I'm sorry you had to see that, but I'm not dangerous! I know a 10-foot protoslime may scare you a little!... and be armed... but I'm not going to hurt you! Trust me!

The woman after thinking a couple of times came in half trembling, standing in front of the shattered reception while watching the destruction around her. "If you have formed a good... a good show... you could say..."

Fiona simply nodded and sat on the table. "I've been through a lot of stress, and I usually drink when I'm stressed... but alcohol is not helping me today... sooo... you can see it"

"You should not drink for stress, alcohol does not lead to anything! Even though a drink from time to time does not hurt! I only drink when I go out with my boyfriend to party over the weekend."

"Your boyfriend should feel lucky to be with a beauty like you, how old are you? 20? 25?"


"Dont be flattering to me, I have... 45! My daughter is turning 17 this year, and she was born when I was 28... My head is so full of worries that I can not remember my age..." Juddit laughed. gently while sitting next to Fiona, with some concern.

"You cant be so old! I do not believe it?... I suppose that since I dont have normal skin I shouldnt be very good with the ages of people... What is it that worries you?"

"My daughter and some friends are going to fight a dragon... even if the vampire is with them I'm worried, you know? A mother never stops worrying about her children, no matter how old they are"

"I have to admit that I envy you... Slimes can not reproduce normally, so you never know what it is to have children... I guess knowing that that moment will never have led my life to this path... with the debt I drag children still not an option... "


"My mother was a normal slime, and she spend a lot of money on a very novel birth process at that time... a "cellular birth", basically they take the core of a slime and extract the genetic material to generate a new slime, but unlike from the traditional method the resulting baby is not a clone of the mother, but a new being.

There are two main problems... the first is that the baby will always have to be a protoslime, because you need to apply a large amount of heat to the nucleus so that it regenerates from its newly extracted state... "

"And the second?" Juddit put his hand on the knee of the protoslime, very careful not to burn himself foolishly.

"As I said it was not a very novel method at that time... very novel, very expensive and very unsafe..."


"When I was old enough to fend for myself, they came to the orphanage to claim my debt... can you believe it? Claim money from a 10-year-old girl... I'm glad they're not alive anymore"

"And your father? Oh... you're a slime..."

"You said it... I found myself alone in the world, without money to pay them, without being able to be in the orphanage to protect the other children... I made very bad decisions, I met with horrible people and I used the gift of my mother for evil... and today I continue to use it... "

"But that can change! As long as there is someone who believes in you in this world, you can change heaven, I know it first-hand"

"Nobody believes in me... I'm just one more piece of the gear of the future! You can believe it... I've been ordered to kill innocent people... people who just want to protect their home... And I'm going to do it-" Juddit stood up, and stretching out slapped Fiona.

"Listen, miss, I dont know you! I do not know your name! For the love of God, I do not know if I hit you on the cheek or where... because you do not have a mouth or eyes to guide me... But that does not matter! You know why?" Fiona refused as she saw Juddit's slightly reddened hand for touching her. "Because I believe in you! And if I believe in you it means that you must take the right path!"


"What a lot of nonsense... how are you going to trust someone you dont know?also in a slime like me... we didnt even reach the humans of the word extrahuman"

"What nonsense are you saying now?!"

"Think it! It is true that at some point we had to be born of a human, but slimes only "reproduce" with ourselves, we dont have a real body, only our core coated with "jelly", ink, plasma or acid! The slimes only call us humans for pretending ... but our species has nothing humans... when I'm drunk I get very philosophical as you can see"

"What is your name?"

"Fiona, why?"

"Fiona, do you feel? Do you care about the people you're going to kill?"

"Shouldnt... Form ties is the first point to avoid in the mercenary manual"

"If you care, if you care what I say, if you feel bad about it, that means you're as human as I am.

Once a professor of mine at the university, before I abandoned it, said that the human does not lie in our body. Being human means forming bonds, feeling in society, giving value to life."

Fiona looked down, without words to answer her.
"As I said Fiona, I dont know you... and I dont care, because I know you need me, and you need someone who believes in you, so I'll say the words that your mother is thinking from heaven.

Fiona, you're still in time to take the right path. The future is not something that a gear must move... the future is a hope, a hope that must be lived."

If a slime could cry, Fiona would not be crying right now, but she would like to. Getting up from the table, he approached the exit and opened the door without turning around to look at Juddit.
"I do not know what your name is... but I thank you for trusting in me... I hope it works for something..." Waving her hand, Fiona said goodbye as she bent down to pass the door and walk to where Hannah and the others had addressed themselves.

Fiona may not have recognized the story of Juddit (probably the result of alcohol in her Core), but Juddit did know perfectly well that the protoslime was speaking. Praying for his daughter, for his girlfriend and for his own boyfriend... and for the slime, Juddit climbed the stairs to the mayor's room.




Area under construction: 30 minutes for the arrival of Jolbirth.


Valeria walked to the van, where Hannah was reviewing the laces of her shoes for the seventh time. Elsa while reviewing the plan with her and where they would meet if they had to retire.

"Stop insisting! If you squeeze more you're going to cut off the circulation!"

Hannah refused while squeezing again. "If I do not make sure, I could fall in the middle of the battle... and ruin everything... and someone could die because of me..."

Elsa climbed onto Hannah's foot to reach her face and pinch her nose.

"Stop being so negative! No one is going to die! I have absolute faith in you and the rest of the team!" Hannah laughed softly, as she picked up Elsa with both hands and pulled her close to kiss her. A kiss a little too wet for the situation believed Valeria.


"If that gives you courage, for me you can kiss them until Jolbirth lands!" Passing the couple, Valeria walked to the driver's seat, where Chris was relaxing as much as possible. "And your driver, how are you doing?"

"Not very well... I'm not going to flee or anything Mrs. Valeria... only I'm a little nervous..."

"Something nervous, you look like you're going to pull the steering wheel off at any moment" Chris shook his head as he went back to drinking water.

Knowing that for a human not idiot like Jack and Elsa this situation would be absolutely terrifying, Valeria simply patted her on the back and continued with her round of preparations, heading this time towards the entrance of the lot where Lloyd would be covering with the rifle of police.


As expected, Lloyd was much more relaxed, while checking the ammunition of the rifle. "Are you going to make sure this sad police does not screw it up?"

"Lloyd... I know we have our differences, but I thank you for being here today, I know you've spent many years in the police assault team, so if I have to trust someone's aim, I want it to be yours."


"Valeria, after directing the evacuation with help from Natalya, while YOU were hiding, I received a call from the mayor. At first I didnt think that Hannah was really so irresponsible to stay to fight against the "dragon"... but after seeing it with my own eyes I decided to stay to cover your backs.

I do not know what is special for everyone to take care of her so much, but as far as I'm concerned, she's a 16-year-old girl with a big heart and an even bigger body. And as I would with any of my citizens, I will protect it until the end.

That is the code of the police."


"Lloyd... after this, I owe you a drink" Valeria went away to check her own team, only reached to listen as Lloyd pointed it on his phone.

The police and GUN had not had the best of reputations since the incident with Gabriel, and later with Carmen... but Valeria trusted them more than she would ever admit. Not in vain, in his lists of things to do before giving up, reconciling with the police was still at the top.

As might be expected, Bolt and Mirabelle had taken care that everyone was in their place. Less work for Valeria.
"Jack, move the crane a little further, we do not want to destroy it before using it!" While Bolt looked at the battlefield from above, Mirabelle handled the spears like a wait-and-see in a Jabberwock

"Do you think that this moves very fast ?! Also in my contract he says that I am an expert in computers! Not the guy to send things to!"

Valeria touched Mirabelle's shoulder as she stood beside him. "Stop complaining, Jack, dont hire you for it! And your Mirabelle, how do you see it?"

"As far as I'm concerned, Boss, we're all prepared, Sora is in the position to ambush him with the "Aqua Chain", and Sofia is covering her to take her quickly in case he focuses on her."

"We should have chosen a site with more water, at least enough for Sora to use the "Aqua float"..."

"Neither was there much to choose from, getting closer to the port the material damage would escalate quickly."


"That's true ... Do you have eye contact Bolt?"

Bolt landed in front of them, and after shaking his wings slightly, looked at the horizon. "I think I saw him on the horizon, on tijuana, but the clouds dont help. I have not even recovered the objective even with the binoculars."

"Relax Bolt, we have plenty of time-"



Falling in the center of the area, causing a great explosion of sand and earth, Jolbirth exalted a small flame, colored with an intense black almost hypnotic. The team's consternation quickly disappeared, while everyone took up combat positions.

Jolbirth stirred slightly, removing all possible sand from his body. Rising above everyone in the place, it spread its wings completely, while it nailed its legs on the ground and destroyed one of the nearby scaffolds with a single blow of tail, as a greeting of courtesy.

"You have prepared a little party for me to welcome... that kind of you!" Jolbirth under his head until facing Valeria. "Look where... the girl without dreams! Where is your mother Valeria? You couldnt do anything without her the last time... and this time do not expect it to be different."


"Jolbirth... blessed be the eyes! You have come directly to me to send you to the hell from which you should never have escaped?" Valeria looked sideways at the team, all trembling slightly... except Hannah, who was shaking completely. It was normal, Jolbirth was gigantic even for her.

"Valeria... Believe me... I have come to forge my future, and to recover what was taken from me not once, if not twice..." Jolbirht's impure breath emanated from his nostrils, and with a single glance, I spot Hannah.

"Here... the Dirty Lover... You and I have issues to deal, dont you think?"

End Notes:

Really being so late I was not going to write anything here today, but I have a doubt and wanted to emphasize something.

As you may have read up to here, the story is located in Bahia del Sol, a fictional city between San Diego and Tijuana (so you have to imagine that San Diego is slightly higher in this universe, and Bahia del sol, the border of Mexico and Tijuana slightly below)

Bahia del sol has an extension of about 140 kilometers (exactly 86,992 miles), divided between the city itself and its districts, the port (which were formerly separated into two different cities) and a small mountain inland, where the casino complex. In front of the coasts of Bahia there is a small island, covered mainly by a mountain, but as we will enter in the future in the theme of that island, for now so that you have it in your head you have plenty of data.

Really as you could have observed... Bahia del Sol is not a bay, but the name comes directly from Calia Sol and the pronunciation of the Spanish word "Vaya" (This last comes from an anecdote of the first time I was in the United States and specifically in San Diego with my parents). But since I wanted to put a name that carried the word "Sol", I thought it would be nice and simple to remember.

I know it's a little late to explain all this (although from what I've heard from some acquaintances it's more or less understood) but it never hurts to solve any doubt as to the location of the story.

Chapter 29 King of an abandoned and forgotten kingdom by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:




Thank you all for the readings as alwa-





Same place, same time.


Jolbirth turned slowly, enjoying himself as every movement tensed the pathetic children around him. The Dirty Lover... on the other hand... it was different.

It's not just that she seemed about to cry, but that it did not inspire any kind of confidence or determination. The Dirty Lover that never stopped appearing in his head was a being as big as the king of the mausoleum itself, with an iron look and the courage to motivate whole armies with a single wave of his hand.

And what was it? A little girl too big, without any kind of aplomb or fire in her heart. A girl who seemed more willing to flee home with her mom than to fight against him.

Highly disappointing

"Dirty Lover... I refuse to call you that, what's your name, and how can you see, it's not a question." Approaching enough to smell his fear, Jolbirth blew lightly, watching as Hannah leaned back against the van.

Hannah took a breath while her mind tried to process the whole situation. It was not just that Jolbirth was really a dragon... that was the least of his problems. It was gigantic.

For someone who has spent his life looking down on all the people she respected and loved, now having to look up at such a colossal being, a being that shouted power from all four sides ... Hannah swallowed hard and noticing that Elsa was stroking his knee, he stepped forward (still shaking)

"My... my name is Hannah! I'm the Dirty Lo-"


"Shut up... that title is too big for you, you know? I'll give you an option, Hannah. Kill yourself, put an end to your life here and now, and I will not kill your team and destroy your city... if you can consider this pathetic town a "city" "


Hannah for a moment raised it seriously, until I notice how Elsa walked forward until she was facing Jolbirth. "Mr. Jol, Hannah can not commit suicide, I'm going to marry her, so why do not you decide on another option to solve this whole situation? We're adults, and we can solve the problems by talking! No need to destroy cities to proclaim your power... we are in 2018 and that is too classic! "

Jolbirth didnt give credit, a creature so insignificant, so weak... standing in front of the legendary Dirty Lover? Lowering his head, until facing the unexpected visitor, he studied it closely.

She did not have any kind of power or strength. Neither did she seem to have weapons or smell powder. She was just a simple human... one who had the courage to face the very leader of the deep mausoleum. One of the four great kings of the dark world! And it did not seem to tremble or matter...

"Curious... you're so curious" Jolbirth exhaled his impure breath on Elsa while laughing. Jolbirth's breath was heavy and icy, to the point that Elsa had to hold her arms to herself and take a step back. "Human... you dont fear me, much less the Dirty Lover... Why?"

Elsa's head was spinning, as she felt her whole body freeze slowly. Even so, Elsa drew strength from where there were none and planted both feet on the ground. "Because I dont know you Mr. Jol, I do not know who you are or what has been lost in Bahia... I just want to protect my beloved."

"Interesting... you are so extremely interesting... and unnecessary!" Jolbirth raised one of his legs, ready to crush Elsa.

Hannah had very little reaction time, but using Valeria's training, she accumulated aura in her hand like a baseball and threw it directly into Jolbirth's face. The impact did not do anything to the dragon, but the surprise that the little girl was able to use the aura made him lose valuable seconds, seconds that Hannah took to catch Elsa and run to Valeria.


It was only a single gesture of Valeria necessary to give the order. Bolt threw his most powerful electric shock, accompanied by Lloyd's shots directly to Jolbirth's eye.

Sora launched his "Aqua chain", tying the wings and legs of Jolbirth, giving Mirabelle the necessary time to jump towards the king, giving him a claw directly in the other eye. Jolbirth grunted in annoyance and surprise in equal measure, until Jack dropped the hook of the crane directly over his head.

What Valeria did not expect was Jack's secret plan, which by activating his phone detonated part of the dynamite of the construction team at the base of the crane, causing his fall on the king of the mausoleum. The impact was such that Jolbirth lost his strength and fell directly to the ground, with both eyes hurt.

Although not planned, Valeria decided to jump directly towards Jolbirth, while accumulating enough energy to use her mother's star movement. The "Sol wave".

The "Sol wave" was a movement that accumulated fire and electricity on one hand (something very few extrahuman species could achieve), so that with an overload of aura, or wind in the case of valeria, explode everything directly on the enemy.

Although born as a movement to finish off the enemy, giving Jolbirth chances to get up was not an option, so Valeria did not think twice about reaching the dragon's head. "JOLBIRTH, REMEMBER THIS? COME DIRECTLY FROM MY MOTHER! SOL WAVE!"

The impact was incredible, Jolbirth growling in pain as Valeria continued to nail him directly to his forehead.

Unfortunately, after a few seconds... the screams of pain turned into laughter.
Jolbirth opened its wings, destroying the "Aqua chain" and provoking a wind riffle that lifted all the dust and sand of the place. The king of the mausoleum only needed a little effort to remove the crane, which fell to the ground with a loud sound.

"Valeria... good try, but..." Raising her head quickly, he threw Valeria through the air. "WHO HAVE YOU BELIEVED I AM?" Catching Valeria in her jaws and driving her heartbreaking teeth into her flesh, I hurl her directly at the ground. "I AM JOLBIRTH!, KING OF THE DEEP MAUSOLEUM! THE SAME ENCARNATION OF TERROR! OWNER AND LORD OF THE WORLD WITH WHICH HUMANITY CAN ONLY DREAM!" Concentrating his breath, I release a torrent of profane flames, an impure and unworthy fire completely consumed by darkness, directly on Valeria.

Valeria's screams of pain froze the blood of everyone present, while they watched as her attack had been completely useless. Jolbirth was one step above anything they expected.
After 50 full seconds, Jolbirth closed his jaws, watching the shattered and burned Valeria on the floor, with all the skin singed. "Disappointing... I've only lightly burned your flesh?... I have not cremated your hair... I must have lost my faculties... I guess age."


After throwing a claw at Valeria against one of the fences of the enclosure, Jolbirth turned to the rest of the audience. "Well, my little ones... today I feel generous... so if Hannah commits suicide... or you kill her yourself, I'll let you live! Think about it while you see the result of opposing me." Jolbirth, with a wave of his wings, lifted the flight to fall on top of the building under construction, leaning back and watching his prey amused.

Little by little, everyone approached Valeria, who still did not move or breathe. Mirabelle had to restrain Sofia with her tentacles so that she would not throw herself at Jolbirth.Lloyd knelt next to Valeria, and put his fingers in the neck looking for the pulse.

"Calm down, not even my breath could kill a vampire! Weed never dies, it is often said... or it used to... times have changed and not for the better precisely."

Jolbirth's laughter was completely chilling, the superiority with which stood out in front of them only a sign of his unparalleled power. "Look at you... so pathetic... you really thought that attacking everyone at the same time would accomplish something... but I hope this will serve as a lesson. One can not live on hope alone.

Especially your little dragon! I find it so pathetic that someone like you, who comes from the attentive masters of darkness, is now such a fragile and weak creature, you do not deserve to call yourself Jabberwock... or even dragon "

The last to arrive with Valeria was Hannah, falling on her knees next to her and taking her head lightly in her palm. Elsa, still feeling frozen, turned in front of Jolbirth. "What do you mean? Mirabelle comes from the lords of darkness? That dont have any sense!"

Jolbirth laughed to himself, admiring the determination of the human.

"You do not know? is that my legends have not transcended? I lived the day that damn star crossed the heavens! I saw how my whole race was consumed by the light of the moon, and it became those monstrosities that are now!...

The almighty Wivern! The terrifying Jabberwocks! The smiths Wurm! The wise Ryu! All my empire losing their majestic bodies... losing our legendary language... becoming those... monsters... I still tremble remembering how my vassals looked bewildered and fled from me... "


"The day the star crossed the sky... you mean the meteor that gave rise to the extrahumans? Dont fuck with me... is that story real?"

"As real as life itself... That star crossed the skies, covering the world with a strange and beautiful bluish powder, something I had never seen. And when the night fell, the moonlight covered the bodies of my children and vassals, and how little by little they became pathetic- "Jolbirth supported one of his legs on a nearby staircase. "Weaks-" Making strength, he crushed all the ladder into a single concrete and cement slab. "HUMANS! EVERYTHING FOR YOUR GUILT!"

Hannah stood up to see that, pushing everyone back, including Elsa.

"Jolbirth... king of the deep mausoleum, once the lord of a vast empire, I would like to have a few words with you."

"You're going to beg for your life? please do it, I really love when you-" Jolbirth fell in mid-sentence, looking up at Hannah. Something had changed... her aura was literally emanating in all directions. The thing was interesting.

This fact was known by his own team, the first to notice was Sora, followed by Mirabelle and Bolt. I get to such a point that Elsa, Jack and Lloyd also started to notice. Pulse to pulse, the aura untied to all sides, making the ground tremble slightly, and pushing pebbles back.

"HANNAH! ARE YOU OK? ANSWER ME PLEASE!" Elsa tried to shake the leg of the giantess to get her attention, but it was completely in vain. Hannah had a completely different look. Her eyes were even shining slightly, seemed to see Elsa.

"Take Valeria, let Light cure her as soon as possible, and we will repeat our attack." Hannah's own voice had a strange echo, which did nothing but worry the increasingly terrified heart of his girlfriend.

Jolbirth stood up amused, and with one leap he fell in front of Hannah and the rest. "This is worth it... what has changed in your heart, girl? Has it been the fear you feel before me?" It was Valeria's pain to see how she was still a useless person who never equals her mother or his father?... Hehehehe, if you stop to think about it, she does not inherit the knowledge of her father, nor be born as a giantess, but being another giantess her mother.

The appropriate title for her would be "The girl who was born without hope", dont you think?"


"Valeria has fought valiantly against you, and to deny that her attack inspired me would be to lie to everyone." Hannah closed her eyes for a few seconds, opening them as she looked directly at Jolbirth. The release of aura was such that Jolbirth himself moved away slightly. "What has really made me want to fight has been your pain."

"My pain, do not make me laugh girl!" Jolbirth, furious at such an offense, gathered his breath and blew a puff of impure fire directly at Hannah.

| There is nothing to fear, because the Dirty Lover exists to heal hearts. Have faith Hannah! This is our great moment! |

Hannah raised her fist, and concentrating the aura as Valeria had taught her, she threw her best punch forward, deflecting the flames sideways. "Take Valeria now! Trust me!"

Lloyd was the only one who said something, and while he picked up Valeria as he could, he shouted to his companions. "Help me take it to the van, do not lose this opportunity!"
Mirabelle was the next to understand, and taking Valeria from Lloyd's arms (more correctly it would be to say picking up Valeria from the ground slightly raised by Lloyd) ran to the van, followed by everyone but Elsa.

"Hannah, I dont know what the hell is happening to you... but as you fail, I swear to God I will personally go to heaven to look for you! YOU HAVE HEARD ME? I DONT ALLOW YOU TO FAIL!" Hannah nodded as she maintained the concentration, and as Elsa had climbed into the van, she gave a second punch to clear the flare.

Jolbirth was so pleasantly surprised, only Calia Sol and the heroes who came to the mausoleum had managed to resist the fire born in their hatred.

This battle would pass into history! and will be remembered by all subsequent generations!


"I can feel the fear in the hearts of my friends, I infer that it will be thanks to the aura... but you know Jolbirth? I can feel the pain and despair that have grown in yours too! A pain rooted in the darkness! I SAVED CLAY FROM THE DARKNESS OF HIS HEART, AND HAVE FOR INSURANCE THAT I WILL DO THE SAME WITH YOU!"

"Stop insulting me! My heart is full of hatred and fury against you humans! You assaulted my mausoleum! You turned my race into monstrosities! You locked me up for so many years that I am no longer able to remember when...





"STOP SPEAKING, GIRL! PREPARE BECAUSE YOUR TRIP TO HELL BEGINS NOW!" Jolbirth threw himself at Hannah, covering his claws with profaning fire. Hannah raised her hands to receive the blow, covering herself with the aura.

End Notes:






What the dragon has said ... god

Chapter 30 "Will card" by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

First point: 4500! Every time I think I can not love all my readers anymore, you can surprise me! I hope you are drifting away from the


Anyway, let's go fast because this brings me to the second point:
We still have cuts in the Internet service throughout the building, so I do not know when I can upload this chapter, I hope that today-


"TELL THE OTHER THING TOO, HUMAN! Do not be shy to me now!"

God, to take so much time locked up is too impatient.

The third point today is that I took advantage of the time without internet to redo the first two chapters! Adapted to the style of all the last chapters, but describing the scenes and the internal and external concerns of the characters and less "as if it were a play". Take a look if you want! I think they have been much cleaner and more enjoyable!



"Big Time" Cafeteria, Reno (Nevada): 18:15 in the afternoon, 45 minutes after the arrival of Jolbirth in Bahia.


The afternoon was being quite relaxed, not many people entering the cafeteria, except the usual customers the people were too cold to go out.It was partly logical, towards an unusually cold day even to be winter.

Lionel was very tempted to close today sooner, but considering that Nichole was coming to see his new home, he did not want to leave a bad impression on his best friend. Life in Reno was relaxed whenever you didnt go to the casinos and for someone who is just starting out in the business world (a little exaggerated to say, considering that this was only their second cafeteria), making a good impression was very important, considering that Nichole was not only her best friend, but her business partner.

"Boss! Are you awake? Dreaming of your daughter again?"

"Of course he is! He's a super-worried daddy! When are you going to bring her so we can introduce ourselves?"

"Idiots! Elsa has her life and the last time I talked to her, she said something about a girlfriend, so she'll go whenever she wants to, she knows where I've moved, so my door will always be open!"

"See, like I told you, he's a super worried daddy!" His clients may be indiscreet and exasperating, but they had been coming to the cafeteria every day since he inaugurated it, so a little affection had them. Of course Lionel was too proud to show affection to mere customers.


As expected, the flow of customers began to increase as dinner time approached. The Big Time cafes were not known (the two that there are) just to serve a good coffee in a family environment, the strong point happens at 7:00 pm, when Big Time was transformed from cafeteria to family restaurant.

From a delicious coffee to a great menu for the whole family! From cookies and black coffee to hand-made hamburgers and well-made beef steaks! Big Time was ready for you on any tim-

"Sir, your phone was ringing and they left a voice message! Ashley was a good girl, but too gossiping to leave her alone in the kitchen.

"Sure, and stop checking my locker!" Smiling as the phone passed, Ashley went back into the kitchen, from which came a smell certainly exaggerated to spices.

Lionel took a while to turn on his phone, but an extra time tried to remember how was his password. Elsa always called him a Techno-useless, so for the next time he came, Lionel was clear that he was going to show him how wrong he was.

"Boss, is it a message from your daughter?"

"Bring the phone, I want to hear it! Surely it has a beautiful voice!"

"Idiots... can you help me?" What for Lionel was being a real odyssey, his clients managed to reproduce the message in a few seconds.


"Hi dad, how are you?" I was calling you because I am facing a gigantic ancestral dragon, so you can imagine how ancestral it is, he say he have seen the birth of the extrahumans!

Anyway, I just wanted to clarify that if he kills me or something I love you very much! And stop inventing stupid slogans!

BY THE WAY! Do you remember that he had a girlfriend? Well she is facing the dragon!She is wearing the aura ... because she is a giantess! I have managed to date a giantess! I'll show you when we go! ... if we survive ... We'll do it, calm down!

 Anyway, see you later!"



All the cafeteria, in total silence.

Nobody dared say a word, until Ashley left the kitchen to turn on the television at the bar."LAST NEWS: WE ARRIVE INFORMATION THAT THE DRAG-"Lionel turned off the television manually, and sat quietly at the bar. Not to mention, nobody spoke until Nichole entered the cafeteria.

"Good afternoon, Lionel! how is my business partner ... why are you so silent?"




Van to the cathedral: Same moment.


"Aaaaaand... sent! I hope Daddy read it soon, maybe I'm dead by then!" Chris was too focused on driving as fast as possible away from Jolbirth. But even with that, he had time to slap Elsa.

"Idiot! We're not going to die... no no... Tell me we cant die... please"

"Calm! Nobody is going to die! Hannah is going to save you all! I on the other hand... I have more and more cold and headaches... at the end of the day I'm going to die like the fucking frozen movie... frozen."

"That..." Valeria coughed blood without strength, while Lloyd held his head.

"Stop trying, you've taken a good beating!"

"Shut...up,, corrupts...the...humans..."Elsa simply nodded, worried about the corrupting part more than any other thing.

"Anything else I should know before I die?" She could hardly finish the sentence, as she fell on the window of the car.

"My...father...can help you! Jolbirth also beat him with the breath! At last I recovered sensibility in my mouth! Valeria returns to the charge ... "And as Valeria regained her strength, the pain of the rest of the body left her unconscious.

"At least she would shut up ... what we gained from this situation" Bolt was as discouraged as the rest, but that Valeria stopped trying to talk was like a ray of hope in a cloudy sky.



Place under construction (or destruction): Same moment-

CRASH !!!!

Hannah fell on a pile of wastebaskets that were going to go around the building, destroying them under her weight. Jolbirth was not only much stronger than her even with the aura of her part, he was also surprisingly quick to be so gigantic.

"Come on Dirty Lover! The sun goes down and you can not hit me! With simple aura waves you will not get far!" Jolbirth went back to jumping on Hannah.
Even with her enormous weight on top of her, Hannah managed to reach out to grip Jolbirth's jaws, which were thrown again and again, seeking to tear apart her jugular vein.

After several failed attempts, Jolbirth smiled and took off, grabbing Hannah's leg with her mouth and throwing it over one of the foremen's booths.

Again, nothing Hannah fell on resisted her weight and the force of the impact, which caused her to always fall on the ground, unable to regain her balance. "Damn... he's using me as a human destruction ball... at this rate..."

| Strike back! Fuck! You cant let him humiliate you like that!

That... it's easy to say... I can attack him with aura waves... but I dont remember how to do more advanced things... it hurts too much to start remembering!

Shit... I'll have to give you quick classes on- |

"DONT BE SO TIMID! I LOVE WHEN YOU SHOUT PAIN!" Jolbirth fell on Hannah, driving one of her claws into her back. Covering her with profane fire, the dragon tear down Hannah's shirt, and her skin.


"I have defeated dragons bigger and more dangerous than you... jolbirt ... and I swear to you that you will not be different!" Releasing another wave of aura to unsettle Jolbirth, Hannah rolled on the ground and managed to get up again.

"And I believe it! Very important, yes, like that Asriel, right? Where is he? why isnt he helping you?!" Gathering his breath, Jolbirth sent a puff of fire towards the downed crane, and with a flutter of his wings, threw the boiling pieces to his "guest"

"THAT I HAVE ALREADY EXPLAINED TO YOU! ASRIEL IS A VIDEO GAME CHARACTER! FICTION!" Thank God, the pieces were heavy enough to be late, and Hannah had the time to get away and hide behind one of the building's contructed walls.

| Use the empathic link! If you can not match it from the outside, let's weaken it from within!

Link... what?


Ahhh... I dont have the most absolute idea of r03;r03;what you are talking about... WAIT! What I felt with Elsa when kissing her and what I have felt with Jolbirth?

Yes... idiot...

You are a giantess and you have no idea what skills you have... |

Hannah emerged from her hiding place and hurled herself toward Jolbirth, shielding her body with the aura to weaken the dragon's almost sure strike. "JOLBIRTH! I'LL TAKE YOUR FEAR! AND USE IT AS A GUN AGAINST YOU!"

"Oh no... you cant know how to use something as advanced as the empathic link!" Jolbirth decided to take the lead and jump on Hannah, but this time the giantess knew how to react, and bending down grabbed the dragon by the tail, holding back her I jump and making him fall on the ground.


"FINALLY! TAKE THI-" When Hannah concentrated to do the same as before, she felt as if they were crushing her heart in a thousand pieces.

Jolbirth's heart was not filled with pain and agony for his lost kingdom or his missing compatriots. He was not even full of pride for his empire!


It was full of hate. From the purest hatred and contempt possible.

Images of entire cities burning, millions of people dying at their hands.

Gods desecrated, monuments razed.

Hate in its maximum expression of the word.


"Did you really think that after Calia did the same thing I wouldnt find a way to stop that?" Pathetic and sad giantess... "Jolbirth took the pain of Hannah to throw at his neck, pressed him in his mouth while screaming in pain. After seeing that he was not going to be able to tear her skin so easily with the aura constantly emanating, Jolbirth tired of that game and decided to torture her slowly until death.

The king of the mausoleum took the flight up to 50 feet, and after making sure that Hannah fell straight to the ground, he released her.


If the impact was not enough, Jolbirth accumulated enough breath to generate a small compact sphere of pure fire. "HEY! HANNAH! ARE YOU ALIVE? LOOK AT THIS!" Throwing the ball into the air, Jolbirth hit her with her tail, falling into one of the nearby new homes and igniting it in flames instantly like napalm."THIS IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE DIRTY LOVER AND ME! I HAVE REAL STRENGTH! AND YOU ARE NOT MORE THAN A TOO BIG LITTLE GIRL!"


Neither Jolbirth's laughter nor the fire in the distance caught Hannah's attention. Or rather... they cant managed to get her out of pain.

The fall was devastating for the body of the giantess, which although being much harder than a human, could not resist the impact against the ground.
Bones broken all over the body, hemorrhages that even mild ran through all its interior.

The aura is the force born of the deepest in the deepest depths of the human being, in his soul. A force that although powerful when used as a weapon, didnt contribute so much from the defensive point of view. While it is true that without that aura constantly emanating, Hannah would have died directly in the fall.

The giantess could not get response from her body, nor the slightest movement. All his body could do was breathe with difficulty and spit the blood that accumulated in his mouth little by little.

"Please... not like this... I need... I need more power... Per...SONA!... clearly it wasnt going to work..."

| I can not let you die like that, you know? Hannah, I have an offer that you are not in a position to refuse...

It hurts... even think...

Well shut up and listen! I can not give you a Persona, nor can I invoke a keysword or use shit from video games, but I can empower you.

They arent... shit ...

What you say... If you let me grow up to 20 feet, we can use another one of the giantess' abilities, the... what was it called?


BUT CAN YOU TAKE IT SERIOUSLY? GOD! The "Will card!", The technique created by the mother of Calia Sol! Using the Dirty Lover's own strength, you should be able to close your wounds as long as Jolbirth does not replenish your mind of his hateful visions... in that case...

I dont need to know... I will basically use my own will to heal my wounds, not regenerate them, right? And if I lose that will because of Jolbirth's internal hatred I will be in serious trouble. Everything understood

You have been serious very quickly-

The situation is critical, and if growing a miser 5 feet I can return to combat, it is a price that I am willing to pay! Besides, Valeria said that the bigger the body, the more aura it can generate! Maybe now I can try the "Sol wave"!

Dont get so excited ... |

While Jolbirth was flying around flaming apartment blocks and laughing like a maniac, Hannah began to feel as her body began to warm up little by little. Feeling her strength returning to her wounded body, Hannah crawled toward one of the tarpaulins that covered the concrete blocks.

"This... is my comeback, damn son of a bit.... Deathwing... or Midir ... I dont know what dragon you look like anymore..."

End Notes:

Now that your craving for destruction is dominating you, Thank you for the 4500 readings! You are really cool! I hope you continue our journey along the growth (moral and physical, that although there is no eroticism per se is still a story about a giantess!) Of the Dirty Lover!

PD: Hoy dejé una pista importante en la última sección del capítulo, una que va sobre Jolbirth, Calia Sol y las habilidades de las gigantas. ¡Espero que puedas verlo!  (si no, se explicará en uno de los capítulos después de la "derrota" de "Jolbirth") (Me gusta usar "citas", ¿se habrá "dado cuenta"? XD)

Chapter 31 Will of the moonlight by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

Now that Jolbirth is distracted burning houses, 4700! Thank you all! I want to see if we get to 5000 for a certain chapter, a very close one! It would be so beautiful and majestic!

In this chapter only Jolbirth, Hannah and the voice of Hannah's head appear. So as an extra:

"The van came directly to the cathedral, Chris almost crashing on the doors of it." Elsa ran out as much as she could to warn Light, but she fell to the ground exhausted by Jolbirth's corruption. 

To her surprise, Sofia put it on her shoulder to carry her as a sack of potatoes.Without strength to complain to the lion, Elsa indicated how to enter the authentic cathedral. "

Now, let's go to the important thing!




Same place, same hour 2: Electric boogaloo


"20 feet. 20 fucking feet tall...and maybe a little more"

It was such a strange sensation to be 20 feet tall that the first minutes of standing after the growth she needed to be leaning on the beams of the building under construction. The ground was farther than before (logically), but the sensation was not vertigo or similar.It was as if his body had always been ready for this height, and in such a critical situation, the truth is that Hannah was very grateful.

Jolbirth was still in his tyrannical attack, flying over the neighborhood and burning buildings without any kind of control or logic. The king destroyed any building that caught his attention, and of course Hannah was not going to allow it.

| What's the plan? Now that you have grown up, and you have made a "suit" with the canvas and the remains of your tracksuit, nothing prevents us from going to Jolbirth! Let's teach him who's boss!

I'll call you... Mega. Mega, shut up.

What? Mega? Why? |

"SHHH! Let me think please! Valeria had accumulated fire and electricity in the "Sun Wave", so I have to accumulate a lot more if I want to damage it..." Hannah picked up a nearby stone (it was really a brick, but from its size, things so small for her began to fade and get confused) and after trying to throw it a couple of times in the air, she covered it with aura and threw it directly at Jolbirth.





Jolbirth stopped laughing and exhaled fire the moment he heard Hannah's voice.Turning around, he smiled and flew back to the place under construction. "Oh my, I didnt expect that! You've come back from the gates of hell... and you seem to have gained a few feet... I must say Hannah, I'm very impressed! Really!"

Jolbirth rose in the air, and igniting all his body in defiled fire, pointed directly at Hannah. "I guess it's time I got serious! I do not mean to be less than you!"
Hannah smiled and motioned with her hand to Jolbirth to go with everything. The dragon did not accept such a provocation, and plunged directly towards Hannah.


And when Jolbirth was close enough Hannah responded by releasing a burst of aura, but this time from her feet, achieving a kind of backward momentum. The force of the impulse was enough to throw her 10 feet away.

Jolbirth did everything possible to stop his fall, but the speed he had caught in it was too much, crashing directly where Hannah was a few moments ago. "What the hell?" The king of the mausoleon did not have time to keep talking, because when he looked up, what he saw was Hannah raising her hand while holding a javelin of pure electricity.

"This goes directly from Lord Gwyn! Damn dragon of the ****!" The giantess threw the javelin with all her strength, hitting full on one of the wings of Jolbirth. Although he had no physical form, the power of the impact plus the shock was enough to make Jolbirth scream in pain.



"I saw Valeria use it, so I just imitated her! She's my teacher after all!" Jolbirth did not give credit to what he heard. Checking how his wing was badly damaged, he got up on all fours and walked towards Hannah.

"You ... little bast-"

"Little? Not at all! I'm 20 feet tall, and I'm the Dirty Lover! Do not expect pity after you've destroyed so many homes!" Hannah created a new electric javelin, and ran to Jolbirth with her ahead.


Jolbirth this time was faster, and with a blow of his tail caught in profane flames, sent Hannah flying to the building under construction, which could not stand the blow and collapsed under the body of Hannah. "Damn child... but who do you think I am? Once you can catch me by surprise! But two? Not even in your best dreams!" Jolbirth charged furiously towards Hannah, determined to put an end to the fight.

"Hey... jolbirth... you know?" Hannah did her best to get up, and when Jolbirth jumped on her with her claws ready to tear at her throat, she managed to roll to the side. "THE WORLD FOLLOWS ITS WAY! AND LIFE SHOULD CHANGE! ADAPT OR DIE BABY!" Accumulating heat as Valeria had taught Mirabelle, Hannah fired a blazing salvo directly at the previously wounded wing.

"AGGGG! YOU ARE CONDEMNED, DIRTY LOVER!" Jolbirt writhed in pain and tried to hit Hannah again with his tail, only this time the giantess was faster and managed to intercept his tail in mid flight. "...what?"

Hannah laughed, and gathering all her strength, she threw Jolbirth through the air. "Javelin lightning!" And accumulating electricity again, she threw a third javelin towards Jolbirth, hitting him directly on his back.


Jolbirth fell sideways on the open field adjacent to the work, moaning in pain as he tried to move his wings. Although all I achieved was feeling the electricity still running through his body. It was impossible, Calia fought with all her strength next to the chief of jailers and Flynn, and they only managed to slow him down. How could it be that a child was facing him?


Jolbirth's mind began to fill not only with pain, but with thoughts that were not his own.

| Jolbirth, oh great king of the deep mausoleum!

You are only a tool of the future. Your only reason to exist is to make Hannah shine brightly in the night sky!

For that reason, fight with strength, until the end if necessary!

And remember, the light of the moon is merciful to all, so pray to her if you need her strength.

Come in peace! Fight as you've never fought! |

"No... I am not a tool... of ANYONE! I AM THE KING OF THE DEEP MAUSOLEUM! THE SAME JOLBIRTH, HEIR OF THE THRONE OF THE DRAGONS! THIS FIRE THAT BURNS WITHIN ME IS BORN FROM HATE AND REVENGE!" Jolbirth covered his whole body with the profaned flame, knowing that with open wounds this would only bring him pain.

Hannah wiped the sweat from her forehead, and put herself in combat stance, ready to receive any attack from Jolbirth. "If you burn with hatred, I am full of Bahia's will! And I intend to use it to defeat you!"

Jolbirth charged again, but this time it twisted in the air, becoming a kind of fiery tornado. Hannah did not know how to react, and before receiving the impact she covered herself with aura.

Unfortunately, Jolbirth had more tools up his sleeve than he seemed.
Just before he collided with Hannah, Jolbirth propped his forepaws on the ground, and using them as a point of support, he waved his tail with all his strength towards Hannah.

The blow was totally atrocious for the giantess, sending her flying almost 100 feet away.





Hannah landed on one of the trees of the, still under construction, Calia Park, destroying both the tree and the pedestal of stone and earth on which it stood. His body was burning with Jolbirth's hatred, slowly his internal wounds reopened. "Oh no! I'm not going... to allow it! Mega! Again, the "Will card" !"

| First I'm not a robot to order, and second I told you not to let you get hit with his hatred! You do not have the will to take... but, what the hell are you doing?... |


Hannah's heart was burning in her own flame. One created based on hope. "Now! you have the will to use it? I have a plan and I will need all my strength!"

| I cant... understand... I know that the power of the Dirty Lover goes much beyond that of a normal giantess... but this? |


"Listen well Mega! Life always makes its way! That damn dragon keeps wanting to ruin the city that saw me born! And I will not allow it! I have too many people trusting me to fail!" Hannah started to accumulate fire in one hand, and electricity in the other. If she could not do it at the same time in a hand like Valeria, she would make her own "Sol wave".


Jolbirth came flying, still covered in his profanda flame. Landing in the middle of the place and exhaling a mouthful of fire, the king burned all the trees in the park. "Can you see that Hannah? The hell on earth! Here you will finish your journey on earth... so get used to this environment!"

Hannah continued pretending to be immobilized on the ground, while the dragon approached him slowly. "Jolbirth... I'm sorry to tell you... you've activated my cheat card!" Hannah stood up suddenly, throwing a new igneous salvo at the long neck of the dragon.

"HOW IS IT POSSIBLE? HOW MUCH SHOULD I LAUNCH FOR YOU TO STOP LIFTING UP?" Jolbirth raised his left claw and slashed blindly in anger, only to find Hannah's electric javelin in the path of his claw. "GRRRR, BASTARD"

"Rule number one, jolbirth! If you mess with the Dirty Lover and its city, never expect to win! Get ready, Mega! Time to make history!" Hannah felt her body recovering strength, and with all her strength she pushed Jolbirth as far away as possible.

Stretching her hands, one in each direction, Hannah accumulated all the fire and possible lightning. Her own aura was purifying Jolbirth's flames and attracting them.


Jolbirth became defensive, ready to cover the blow with his wings. But one of them failed to answer enough, and through the gap between them the former king of the mausoleum only reached to see how Hannah ran to him, while she gathered the flames and thunder in a single sphere.




Jolbirth's scream echoed throughout Bahia, while Hannah exploded the sphere directly on her forehead.

The legendary king of the mausoleum, defeated not only once... not twice... three times...

Jolbirth fell to the ground, his forehead bleeding and no pulse in his body. Hannah took a deep breath, as she pulled away from him. Although it was true that he did not feel the hands (surely to use so many things that he did not control correctly), the most important thing was to look for the right victory pose.

"It's over... king of the defeated mausoleum!" Simply pointed at the sky with one hand, Hannah stood with both feet on the ground and her eyes closed.

| I cannt believe it... after so much... watching Jolbirth fall... it's a miracle... AND THE BEST THING TO HAPPEN IS TO PUT TO SEEK YOU AN ADEQUATE POSE? DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT HAS COST TO ACHIEVE THIS MOMENT ?!

No, I dont know... that's why I'm celebrating! Not for me! If not for those who have managed to make this mom- |


"Oh moonlight..." Jolbirth began to whisper, as he watched the night sky fall on the earth.

"DONT FUCK WITH ME! HOW YOU CAN STAY ALIVE AFTER THAT?!" Hannah ran towards him trying to summon another javelin, but in the face of impossibility, she simply prepared to hit him until she was done with him.

"Oh moonlight... you who have never abandoned me... grant me... the power that one day you drained me... power to avenge me for so many humiliations... power... to make your future come true!" Hannah felt her strength fading, as she fell to her knees on the floor.

The moon rose bright in the sky, its silver light flooding Bahia in its entirety.As if it were a tear itself, an ephemeral glow descended from it to fall beside Jolbirth.

Jolbirth stretched his tail, and grasping the glow this took the form of a silver sword, covered by a bright blue powder, as if made of lazurite. "Oh moon... you who have never abandoned me... I will make your message come true Dirty Lover, prepare to fall in front of the tool of the future that I am!"


"That... it shouldnt be fair..."


End Notes:

Sun and moon should never be equaled, except when one is placed in front of the other.

The future will be built by the one who has the greatest message


The light of the moon is ephemeral, and of this lies its majesty.

A light so pure that even the beasts appease.

A light that reveals the authentic nature of man.

Humankind has always been attracted to it, and pursuing it has become a way of life.

Chapter 32 Stuck by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

As you can imagine, we still have no internet, and after a disastrous attempt to write the chapter with the phone, I'll have to upload them alone with the internet from my parents' house (which is fucking slow!)

Nuisance aside, 4800! Thanks to everyone as always! And be prepared because the climax of the battle is about to take place!

Let the lights and the music take you on this special night for Bahia!




Cathedral of the Sun: 7:00 PM


From the moment Jolbirth had invoked the moon, the cathedral went into panic. People ran from one side to the other, the strongest armandos with the newly forged weapons, and the weaker ones picking up everything and hiding the minors in the lower floors.

Flynn and Zoe tried to bring order, but the situation was so terrifying that even the word of the prophet could not calm them down. Summoning the moonlight was a dark practice since before the mother of Calia Sol, and although Flynn had given it up for dead, his reappearance was cause for fear among all. 

Robin returned with Valeria and Elsa were treated by the regenerative gel solution+. "My old friend in the navy says they are preparing an emergency attack on Jolbirth, they say they were talking about bringing the-"

"I dont need to know! I only have to think something and fast!" Valeria was still spinning around in the makeshift gel cage (it really was just a locker) while she thought about how to stop a Jolbirth powered by the moon.

"It's so dangerous to summon the moon, it just seems that the moon has given him a sword! I understand that a sword of its size is certainly dangerous, but so much?"

"Elsa please, if I tell you it's dangerous-"

"VALERIA, SHUT UP, DONT FOLLOW... Listen to me, the situation is critical, dont try to hide it!"

"Elsa... I...I'm not going to lie to you, I dont know how dangerous it is"


"I... personally I have not come to face anyone who has invoked the moon ... that's something about mom and grandma"

"...shit!" Elsa took her hand out of the gel to hit the closet doors. "So we know that the situation is critical, and we do not know how to fight it... fuck this and fuck Jolbirth!..."




Robin didnt know how to react, feeling completely impotent. "I'm going to call Bolt and the others, I want to check if they have taken the mayor and the others from the town hall-"

"Before that, you were robin, right? How's Hannah doing?! I cant stand being in this weird gel without being able to do anything!" Elsa's voice was half broken, partly by Jolbirth's fire and partly by fear of the situation her girlfriend.

"According to what Flynn has told me, it's not going very well, but she has temporarily managed to escape from the park she was in. Jolbirth cant fly with his wing in such disrepair, but he can still move and destroy everything in his path... "

"I can already be listening to Vagrand screaming at me for the repair costs..." Valeria sighed as she prayed for the safety of her friend.

"I think that's not important right now boss... if you'll excuse me"

After hearing how Robin left the room where they were dealing with the gene, Elsa opened the closet doors and sat down, followed by Valeria. "You also feel so helpless, right?"

"I'm Valeria, the girl who was born without dreams! And look at me... defeated while Jolbirth stands over the city that I've been protecting for so many years... everything I fought for is burning, and I cant even fight with Hannah!... I should have trained more! "

"... forgive Valeria, but where does Jolbirth come from?"

"All I knew is he was locked in the Antarctic. Mom and I went many years ago to prevent him from escaping, and together with one of the strongest humans I've ever seen, we managed to shoot him down and put him back in. Why are you asking?


"It's just... I've traveled a lot because of my work, but I've never heard of the" deep mausoleum "or anything he was talking about! I love chaos... but what I hate most is not having information!"

"It is true that I have never seen the ruins of his empire, and as far as I know... mom, either..."

Elsa sighed, and she got up shaking off the gel. "I've been lying there for too long, I'm going to prepare something."

"What are you going to do?" You have seen what only his flameless breath has done to you, it isnt safe to approach him now that the moon gives him strength"


"... the city is empty, isnt it? and the moon is what gives it strength, right?"

"Right and correct ... what are you planning?"

"Valeria, I dont like you too much, but I need your help for my plan! Would you open the Bahia stadium? and would you be quick enough to send Bolt and Sofia to the stadium? I would also need Jack, and Dylan was in the GUN barracks, right? I will need a lot of material that you have saved... "


Elsa started laughing while she dressed, her mind calculating all the possible scenarios. "And what would be fun in that? The night has only just begun! The music is playing at full volume and Bahia demands a show at the height of the Dirty Lover! And I'm thinking of giving it!" Throwing Valeria's phone into the gel, Elsa picked up her jacket and her own cell phone and ran away.

Valeria sighed as she took out her phone from the gel. "...the music, eh? If you so much trust her..." Valeria jumped up and did a few warm-up stretches. "I'll listen to it, too, because it's the rhythm of the Dirty Lover!"




Exterior streets of Bahia: Same moment.


Hannah ran as fast as she could, dodging every sign of traffic and fence she encountered on her way. Although its weight was enough to destroy them if needed, it was not plan to destroy the urban of furniture of Bahia if she could avoid it

Jolbirth did not think so.

Leaving a trail of destruction in its wake, the dragon with renewed strength ran as fast as possible after the giantess, destroying every house, every garden, every street that crossed. Holding the silver sword with her jaws, the king waved her as close as she could reach Hannah.Nothing resisted the slashes of the lunar sword, and any remains that remained in a bluish fire as beautiful as dangerous.

"STOP FOLLOWING ME AT ANY TIME YOU'LL STOP NO?" With the sword in her mouth, Hannah could not understand anything the dragon said. The best she could understand was "In the name of the moon" and "Future."

Various nonsense that for some reason gave him strength to continue his career. "STOP SPEAKING, I DO NOT UNDERSTAND ANYTHING!" Hannah turned around as soon as I managed to hide behind a small building to try to channel the "Will wave" again... unfortunately she still could not generate a miser spark. "Fuck... This seems a lot easier when Bolt does it!"

Noticing how Jolbirth was trying to cut the building from the other side, Hannah started running again.

Her first attempt was evidently to try to distance Jolbirth from Bahia; but as soon as she was a little distance away, Jolbirth began to walk towards the bay as if he were in a trance.


Two things were evident:

"Think Hannah, Think and Run!"

A part of herself did not stop blaming her for not having done more physical exercise previously. The other part- "GROOOOOOARRRR!" Jolbirth threw the sword into the air, picking it up with its tail and releasing its jaws to spit out the same fire that emanated from the sword.


"THE MOTHER OF GOD! YOU SPIT FIRE AGAIN NOW? GIVE ME A BREAK PLEASE!" Hannah hated having to go through streets with taller buildings, but where she was running at that moment she had no way to cover herself with the flames.

Metropolian Highway was the main street of Bahia, and the oldest street at the same time. And this time it was the only way to hide for the giantess.

Hannah ran down the road, waiting for Jolbirth to launch another burst of fire into the buildings. If she could earn a little time to rest and then finish it off, it sure was worth it.

"DIE! DIE IN THE NAME OF THE FUTURE, DIRTY LOVER!" Jolbirth screamed to the heavens, and spit his fire in all directions. Following the plan, Hannah went through the nearest alley.

Which led to problem number two.

She was stuck.

The last time Hannah needed to get into these alleys, she was still 10 feet tall, half her height. And thinking that it would not be different, he went into an especially narrow alley. "No... FUCK! NOW THIS?!" Hannah managed to grab the walls of the exit of the alley, and shot with all her strength without any result. "I know I'm fat! But isnt the time to prove it! Damn buildings for dwarves!"


When the flames dispersed Jolbirth didnt see Hannah anywhere.

Normal Jolbirth would have seen Hannah's leg sticking out of the alley, but the jolbirth, imbued with the moon, was an empty street, so he continued to move forward, slicing through all the facades of the buildings.

"I cant believe it... it worked!... he must be controlled by that thing! FUCK! Free yourself from this crap alley, Hannah! You can do it! I trust you!" But as much as the giantess tried to pull herself, her hip was completely stuck. It was a miracle that at first he managed to get into the alley.

"Dont you think this may mean you have an oversized ass, Hannah?" The giantess didnt give credit to her ears, it was Valeria's voice! And she came from behind...

"Valeria, I'm so happy to see you!... see you not, because I cant turn around... but know that Jolbirth had not killed you!"

"Please, Hannah, killing a vampire is much harder than that, but I've taken the beating, I dont deny that. By the way! Nice dress! Spring-workmanship is not it?"

"The voice in my head has made me grow to 20 feet to get to face Jolbirth, and as you can imagine, I wasnt going to do it naked!"

"I understand, I understand!" Valeria laughed as she gathered wind in her palm, and released it like a blast to get Hannah out of the alley. It did not work either. "Ummm... this is going to cost a little more than I thought, and they're waiting for us!"


"Your girlfriend is preparing a special party for us at the stadium, and Jolbirth and you are the guests of honor! For now ..." Valeria put her hands on one of the walls, checking her integrity. "You're going to have to break through this wall, so start pushing it!"


"VALERIA! I CAN T DESTROY A BUILDING!" Hannah started to hyperventilate, fearing that she really did not have another option.

"Hannah, dont fuck me! You're a giantess! Dont tell me you've never felt that innate superiority to be bigger and more powerful than others! That power to have the strength to destroy a building with no other reason than to be able to do it!"

"The truth? No, never." Valeria slammed her head against the wall. Hannah was the first giantess who did not seem to have giantess instincts.

"Well, you still have to hit this damn wall! because even though I'm strong, I'm not as strong as a 20-foot-tall giantess with probably more than a ton and a half of weight!"

"It hurts to destroy a building... there will be people who live here, not people who have their lives, their families... destroy this building would destroy their lives!"


"YES, I AM! BECAUSE I'M NOT ANY BAD GUY TO TO RUIN THE LIVES OF THE-" Hannah and Valeria closed their eyes when listening as Jolbirth destroyed the building from the street, collapsing it with a single thrust of his sword.

"Look on the bright side... you have not had to... RUN!" Valeria jumped onto Hannah's back while she was running down the street again. "Hannah! The town hall is empty now, so run to it! We'll face it in the square!"

"How much time is left for that party!?"

"Until Elsa gives us the signal, whatever it is!"




GUN Headquarters: Preparing the party.


Dylan stopped for a moment to load boxes, and leaned against the truck. "Remember me Jack, why do we have to charge so many speakers and spotlights?"

"Because Elsa needs them! You want to save Bahia? Then stop relaxing and start carrying boxes!" It was strange to see Jack so excited about something, but it seemed that Elsa had liked him. Idiots like each other or something said the proverb.

It wasnt until Mirabella left the gates of the barracks, carrying alone the entire sound system of the building that Dylan got back to work.Jack could shout at him, but Mirabelle could hit him or restrerate the tentacles in his face, and right now Dylan was not willing to find out which was worse.

Whatever the invoking of moonlight was, Jolbirth seemed far more dangerous than ever. Dylan sighed as he remembered the words of his boss. "I hope that saving the future is worth it"


Chapter 33 Vs Jolbirth, ancient king imbued by the moonlight by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:


Moon, oh beautiful moon, your light calms our souls.

Moon, oh beautiful moon, your blessing calms and dominates the beasts.

Moon, oh beautiful moon, you will guide our steps towards a better future.

Moon, oh beautiful moon, when you wake up from your dream you will open the door that will take us to paradise.

Paradise, far from the resentment and contempt of the sun.





Bahia Stadium, commentator's room: 7:30 p.m.


"WE'LL NEED YOU TO PLACE THE SPEAKERS IN THE SEATS FASTER!" Elsa kept shouting through the megafonia system of the stadium, seeing through the cameras how the soldiers of the cathedral placed everything according to plan.

It was very exaggerated to bring all the soldiers of the sun to do physical tasks? Probably.

Would it be more useful to prepare everything here than fighting with Valeria and Hannah? Surely yes.

"YOU! THE SOLDIER 17! I'M LOOKING AT YOU! IN THAT SEAT IT GOES SPOTLIGHT! FOCUS PEOPLE!" Seated from the stolen chair of the club president's office, Elsa felt powerful, very powerful. Not as much as Hannah, but maybe Valeria level. Now all that was missing were the fireworks that Lloyd was going to bring, and soon, very soon... Bahia was going to vibrate with the biggest party of the century! - Shit, Jack is calling.

"Elsa! We already have roof control! Can I try to close it?"

"NO, DONT DO IT! I need to prepare everything first!"

"Okay, you give me toys and you forbid me to use them! That's torture in many countries!"
Elsa sighed amused, as she watched the surveillance cameras as Hannah and Valeria arrived at the town hall.




City Hall of the Bay: Same moment


Hannah arrived at the town hall square, although it would be more correct to say that she fell in the town hall square.

Even having dodged Jolbirth's last blow, the shock wave of the blow had thrown her through the air. Falling in the middle of the square, Hannah rolled on herself before leaning against the building's facade to get up. "THAT HAS BEEN INCREDIBLE! IT WAS FEAR BUT INCREDIBLE!"

"Speak... for... you..., you weigh a lot... you know?" Valeria got up as best she could, after feeling like a ton and a half as a teenager crushed her. "I'm going... they do not pay me enough for this..."

Jolbirth came to the plaza covered in flames, as he roared like a beast. Although it is true that it was not so impressive after repeating it for the eighth time, it still scared enough to give Hannah chills. "The moon awaits you Dirty Lover! You will not find peace under its light!"

"God... you're more tired than when you only talked about your kingdom and your hatred!" Wiping the sweat, Hannah put herself in defense position.

Jolbirth roared to the heavens, and launched himself at Hannah; The giantess ran towards him, and bending down, he managed to strike him with both fists in the belly, hard enough to wrench out a growl of pain from the dragon. "Take this! So many years playing Guilty Gear had to be used for something!"

Jolbirth fell on the facade of the town hall, destroying it almost completely. The dragon did not have the strength to get up, but the moon continued to nourish his spirit, forcing him to get up- "NOTHING ABOUT IT!" Valeria jumped towards the head of the dragon, and accumulating energy again, fell on her front with the "Sol wave".


"Once again, your ridiculous" Sol wave "is not enough-"

"BUT WITH ME IF IT IS!" Hannah rested her hand on Valeria's back, throwing her aura through it. As soon as the aura joined the "Sol wave", the strength of it grew enormously, managing to directly hurt Jolbirth. The dragon cried out in pain as blood fell from his head. "Is this already... you killed him?" Hannah grabbed Valeria by the waist, and took a few steps back.


"I guess... I doubt it, but could it be, no? Once we could be lucky!" The moon shone more intensely, while Jolbirth's sword fired a small ray of light directly at the wound. "Forget it... STUPID MOON!"


"The moon... the moon... has always watched me... protected me... you will not be able to kill me..." Hannah and Valeria sighed as the vampire began to charge the "Sun wave" again, but Jolbirth grabbed the sword with force and slashed backward. "STAND OUT OF MY WAY! THE MOON WILL NOT LET ME LOSE!" The gash was strong enough to break Hannah's concentration, and through the aura digging directly into her arm.


Hannah gritted her teeth, as she let go of Valeria and fell to the floor. She wanted to scream madly, but that would only fill Jolbirth's ego even more.

Valeria was frozen for a second, then immediately launched on the recent wound of Jolbirth. "STEP BACK, HANNAH! I'LL KILL THIS FUCKING DRAGON WITH MY OWN HANDS!"

Jolbirth moaned slightly at Valeria's blows, and after a few, she shook her head to throw it into the air. "Again disappointing! You dont deserve the future that the moon has prepared for you!"

Jolbirth accumulated his breath, and released a torrent of lunar flames on Valeria. "Disappointing, the only one disappointed is me! Attacking a vampire with a moon is something that no rookie would do!" Valeria went through the flames, and fell directly into Jolbirth's mouth.

The dragon simply sighed and swallowed it. "Fall into the mouth of the beast, that if it is something typical of a rookie-" Jolbirth opened his eyes suddenly, after feeling as Hannah hit with all the strength that was left in the other arm his stomach.

"Spit it! Spit it or I swear I'll tear it out with my own hands!" Hannah was visibly exhausted, and her arm kept bleeding. The giantess kept hitting with her other desperate arm, which only managed to make the dragon smile. Jolbirth accumulated his breath again, releasing it this time on Hannah.

The flames were enough to throw Hannah back, falling on her ass in the middle of the square. Although there were no burns, Jolbirth knew perfectly well that the forces of the giantess were vanishing.


Laughing, the dragon jumped over the town hall, causing it to collapse under its enormous weight. One swallow, and the other wound with only one arm available, the night did nothing but improve for the king. "Great words, but leave the decisions to the moon! Dont you think?" Raising the sword, it shone with great intensity. "Last words Dirty Lover?"

"My name... isnt... Dirty lover! Mi name is Hannah!... ahhh.... ahhh..." Hannah breathed with difficulty as she fell to her knees, exhausted by the constant loss of blood from her arm.

"...Hannah? DO YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO SAY GOODBYE, AND YOU USE IT TO TELL ME YOUR NAME?! YOU ARE EVEN MORE PATETIC THAN I THOUGHT!" Jolbirth laughed as never before in his long life. The old dragon had met all kinds of people, and had ended up with even more. But none of them had decided to use his last minutes to say his name.


"Jolbirth... I'm not a hero... I'm not the Dirty Lover! I didnt expect to defeat you! I just needed... to buy time!" Hannah managed to get up by leaning on one of the trees in the entrance.

"TIME?! YOU WANT BUY TIME?! YOU ARE FINISHED! YOU DONT DESERVE TO FOLLOW BREATHING, DIRTY LOVER!" Jolbirth released all the energy of the sword in a single wave of moonlight, throwing it towards hannah. "RECEIVE ALL THE HATE OF TWO HUNDRED YEARS! POTENTIATED BY THE MOON THAT NEVER LEFT ME!"

Hannah bit her lip, and smiling, she raised her unhurt hand to the sling. "IT IS THE HATE OF TEN THOUSAND YEARS! YOU DONT DARE TO STAIN THE WORDS OF ILLIDAN, DIRTY DRAGON!" The wave hits directly on her hand.

The power of it was simply incredible, dragging Hannah back little by little. The giantess nailed her feet as hard as possible on the floor, growling in pain as the wave continued to insist on hitting her. "I... I dont..."


"But... I can save something else..." Hannah smiled, removing both phrases from her mental list.

"NOTHING! YOU CANNT SAVE ANYTHING ELSE! THIS IS THE END!" Jolbirth ran to Hannah, raising her sword. If the wave did not have enough force, it would be the same king who did it.



But, when Jolbirth was coming to Hannah... he felt it.


Jolbirth felt small punctures inside, and when he looked up, Hannah cleared the wave with his own aura. "How have you..." Before finishing the sentence, Jolbirth cried out in pain.

His stomach split in two, and as the dragon cried out in pain, Valeria and Flynn came out of it. "Time! that's what Hannah wanted to save! I dont like video games Hannah, but I recognize that that has been a good reference!... that about the hate of ten thousand years I mean, it was a reference to wow, right?"


"Really... they were two references ... how did you get here Flynn? I expected Valeria to leave... not you too!


Flynn walked over to Hannah, and after saying a few words in a low voice, her aura covered Hannah, closing the wound in her arm. "If valeria opens the door for me, I am able to accompany her wherever she needs. You have endured well, little girl, now we have to finish with this."

"FLYNN! FINALLY! YOU DIDNT COME TO THE PRISON! YOU WERE HIDING BACK BEHIND YOUR WIFE?" Jolbirth was still grunting in pain as he spoke, the light of the sword trying to close the wound.

"Empty words, Jolbirth, almost as much as your stomach!" Flynn shook his tunic, making appear in one hand a golden spear covered in words in all colors, and the sword (although in his hands seemed more a twist) of Hannah. "I sent the blacksmiths to do it for something, little one! You should have used it!"

"I was afraid of hurting someone... everything Valeria taught me was to use the fists!"

"I didnt have time! The situation required basic training! I'm a body-to-body fighter! Stop judging me, Daddy!"

"I'm not judging you, Valeria, and now focus on both, the end of combat is coming." Flynn looked up at the sky, followed by Hannah and Valeria.


"Finish the fight? Very typical of you Flynn... come the last and give orders! BUT WHILE THE MOON TAKES CARE OF ME, NOTHING CAN STOP ME!" Jolbirth laughed as he looked at the sky, but his laughter ended when they saw a small flame ascending. "...what?"

Fireworks, hundreds of them. The night sky of Bahia was covered in colors, while the music played at full volume.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THE BIGGEST PARTY IN BAHIA IS GOING TO START! LET THE TROPICAL RESORT ACT 1 MUSIC GUIDE YOU TO THE STADIUM!" Elsa's voice echoed across Bahia, which made Hannah smile like an idiot. Elsa did not like video games too much (Chris confessed it to Hannah a few days after their first date), but knowing how hard she tried to pretend that she was interested was something so beautiful and romantic.

"Well Hannah, a race to the stadium?" Flynn looked at Hannah as he began to disappear.

"Of course! JOLBIRTH! THE LAST TO ARRIVE IS A ROTTEN EGG!" Hannah grabbed Valeria and began to run as fast as possible to the stadium.

"HOW YOU DARE- AGGG!" Jolbirth groaned in pain as his shattered stomach was healed by the light of the sword. "I know where you are going to hide ... and this time it will be your last hiding place ..."

The dragon smiled as he looked at the sword, his evil plan was so perfect in his mind.


End Notes:

FINALLY! I have internet at home again! Now if the daily chapters return! For the last time, I'm sorry for the delay, but here it is! The end of the fight!

Flynn, Valeria, Hannah and the party of Elsa vs. Jolbirth! The dream meeting in the stadium!

Thanks to all the readings as always! And tomorrow get ready for the most colorful outcome of the story of the endings!

(you catch it? by Tropical resort! Sonic Colors ... I'll shut up)

Chapter 34 My legacy by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

5000! And even more! 5200! I hope you have really enjoyed the fight against Jolbirth! (even with all internet interruptions ...)

 Here is the final outcome of the king of the deep mausoleum!


Things are going to escalate a lot from here, because all this will not be easy to hide, I hope to see you here following the progress of Hannah, Elsa, GUN and all Bahia

Because now they are the focus of attention of the world




Bahia Stadium:

PARTY !!!!


Music played at full volume, stadium lights shone brightly as never before. Flynn reappeared in the middle of the field, sitting on the previously prepared chair. "Everything ready Elsa, they will arrive in a few minutes." Reclining back, Flynn stretched arms and legs preparing for imminent combat.

8 minutes and 42 seconds later, Hannah and Valeria entered the corridor of the visiting team. The soldiers of the cathedral shouted for joy receiving the Dirty Lover. "HANNAH! HANNAH! HANNAH!

"HELLO, MY LOVE! YOU HAVE DONE IT FABULOUSLY!" Hannah blushed as she looked around, too many people praising her for her pleasure.

"I... hello... all!..." Even if the giantess said it in a whisper, all the soldiers shouted with joy. Hannah walked slowly toward Flynn, her head down all the time. "Flynn... why are there... so many people?"

"They have come to fight evidently! You relax, and go to the warehouse, there sora will give you the indications of Elsa's plan"

"But... Jolbirth..."

"Easy, I'll take care of you while you prepare! Valeria, I and the surprise guests can take it easy" Hannah nodded dubiously, leaving Valeria on the floor and walking to the other side of the field.

Valeria leaned against the chair, sighing as the dizziness slowly disappeared. Hannah made too little that was large enough to carry people, so each race brought a continuous and slightly violent agitation. On the one hand it was true that you could not ask for more, but the desire to vomit of the vampire was not taken away from anyone.

 "So much music and so many lights... my head is too spinning... I should go to the bathroom to throw up..." Valeria started walking towards the changing rooms staggering, but Flynn grabbed her by the wrist.


"My daughter, it isnt the time, he's already here..." And as Flynn finishes the sentence, both vanished, re-appearing in the stands.

Jolbirth fell from the skies through the open roof of the stadium, landing in the middle of the field. The songs of joy turned into fear, but the music did not stop ringing. "SORRY FOR THE DELAY! THE HONOR GUEST MUST BE MADE TO WAIT!" Jolbirth opened his two wings, showing everyone how the wounds provoked by Hannah had been sutured by the moonlight.

"Jolbirth! Welcome to my little party! Feel at home! Do you want a juice or something?" Elsa turned on all the lights in the commentator's cabin, to indicate where the dragon was.

"Again, your human... I must admit that seeing that you have survived my corruption is a relief! Now I can kill you with my own jaws..." Jolbirth licked his lips, while tapping his tail, destroying all the bleachers behind him.

"JOLBIRTH!" Flynn screamed as he jumped from the bleachers towards the dragon, striking his neck with his golden spear. "This fight is between you and me!"

"you really care about your congregation, Flynn... or rather, those of your wife! Admit it Flynn, you're nobody without Calia!" Jolbirth shook his neck, forcing Flynn to let go. As the prophet fell, Jolbirth swiftly turned and with one of his legs stamped it on the ground. "Even though Hannah has given me a lot of fun, who I really want to see fall is your wife and you Flynn!" Stroke it with more force, the dragon laughed at the suffering of his most aferrimal enemy.


Valeria jump to the dragon, imitating her father and throwing the "Sun wave" in the same place where the spear had impacted. "This fight has not done anything but start, jolbirth! Do not lose sight of your enemies! FIRE!" At Valeria's command all the soldiers drew their bows, and with the newly hardened iron arrows, they released a shower of death on Jolbirth.

The dragon laughed before such a pathetic attempt, and waving its wings, deflected all the arrows. After that, with a direct hit from the lunar sword, he sent Valeria back to the stands. "Not bad, but you are still not at my level!"


"Auuu... I thought so... FIRE!" The soldiers unloaded a second rain of arrows on Jolbirth.Laughing again, the dragon prepared to listen to them, when he felt a shot cross his eye again. Right in the same place as at the beginning of the battle. "Thanks for distracting you, you had forgotten that we are a team ?!"

Jolbirth looked in all directions, looking for the mysterious sniper. Flynn did not hesitate to take advantage of the moment, and covering his spear with aura, the nail directly under the claws of the dragon. "AGGGG!" Jolbirth furiously raised his foot to crush Flynn completely, a third rain of arrows fell on him, followed by another shot to the opposite eye.

The dragon groaned in pain, for arrows were not enough to hurt them, but one after the other succeeded in reopening the wounds caused by Hannah. Not to mention the shooter; the dragon glared furiously at the stands, and ignoring Flynn and Hannah threw himself at them, ready to destroy them to get ahead of the shooter.


Elsa raised the volume of the music, causing Jolbirth to look up for a second. The second in which Mirabelle rose up from her hiding place in the stands, and accumulating all her strength, hit the king's head directly with her claws. "Who is the shame now?! NO DRAGON NEVER WILL FOLLOW YOU AGAIN, BECAUSE WE HAVE CREATED A WAY AWAY FROM YOU, JOLBIRTH!" Jumping with all her strength, Mirabelle flew (or rather, planed) to land on the head of Jolbirth, and taking advantage of their confusion, he clawed his claws in one of the multiple wounds, breaking the "suture" and causing it to bleed again.


"UNGRATEFUL! YOU ALL WERE BORN FROM ME! AND NOW YOU ATTACK ME?YOU ARENT MORE THAN A CROSSBREED BASTARD!" Shaking his head furiously, Jolbirth managed to throw Mirabelle to where Flynn was recovering. The prophet had almost no time to prepare to catch her, and both fell backward. Jolbirth's fury was palpable in the air, his smile had turned into a grotesque and sick grimace.

Elsa turned up the volume of the music again. "Poor cute dragon... you dont seem so invincible when you face an organized team, right?"


"The next? I remind you that you havent yet managed to kill anyone! You're so old that you start to forget things, jolbirth?" Elsa started to laugh, angering even more Jolbirth. The dragon concentrated his breath, and pointed to the commentator's cabin, prepared to release it. "Again with that trick? Sofia, honey, all yours!"

While Jolbirth opened his mouth to release the torrent of flames, Sofia jumped from the roof of the commentator's cabin. In the hands the lioness had a cable, which using it as an improvised tie, managed to close the jaws of the dragon. Jolbirth, bewildered by so many attacks from so many angles, tried to open his jaws, to find himself as Sofia still hung on the wire.

The lioness swayed on impulse, and threw herself against Jolbirth's wounded stomach. With an accurate claw, she managed to open another of the dragon's wounds again. "THIS GOES FOR ALL THE HOUSES YOU HAVE DESTROYED!"

Jolbirth smashed the cable, and reacting faster than sofia, caught it between his legs. "Girl... hatred is intense in your body, you can notice how it feeds you, right? As it destroys all your dreams and replaces them with living nightmares, isnt it? It hurts that now I have to kill you, because the moon looks for people like you, people resentful and hated by the sun... "Opening his mouth ready to devour her, the dragon found a new shot in his eye.



  Valeria took the moment to launch a new "Sol wave" direct to the stomach wound, and rescue Sofia.
"Nothing bad kitty! But you've done your part! I dont want to have to attend your funeral!"


Jolbirth was completely perplexed. Was this the same team as before? How could the situation have changed so much? Trusting himself, Jolbirth laughed as he raised his sword. "FOOLS! HOW CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT WITH SO A LITTLE THING OF ATTACKS YOU CAN DEFEAT ME? OBSERVE THE TRUE POWER, BEFORE YOU SUCCEED AGAINST THE "LUNAR RUPTURE"!"

Jolbirth laughed and laughed, hoping to feel the warmth of the moon closing his wounds ... but never came.

Elsa sigh ironic, and whispering the microphone called the attention of the dragon. "Poor dragon ... the moon? this party has blinded you so much? why dont you look at it directly?"

Jolbirht looked up at the sky, but all he received in return was a roof, a roof full of spotlights illuminating him. The old king had no words, trembling as he watched his sword lose its mysterious glow. "No... no... How?... the moon..."

"Everything was a play of lights, a magic trick if you prefer, my king! The truth is... the music was just so you wouldnt notice the noise that made the roof close in.

In the 21st century, humanity has dominated the skies, the seas! We've traveled to space! Did you really think... that I wouldnt find a way to block your moon? I'm going to go down, Jolbirth, so we can talk face to face. While someone wants to have a few words with you."

It was heard as a door opened, and after a second a man's voice circulated through the speakers throughout the stadium. "Jolbirth, my name is Benjamin Vagrand, mayor of Bahia del Sol"


Jolbirth laughed, while little by little all his wounds began to bleed. "The mayor... what do you have to tell me?"


"I dont know what you have against my city, or against my people. I dont know what happened to your town or where all your hatred comes from... so I decided to apologize... On behalf of the people who attacked you and locked you in that prison. "

Jolbirth started laughing. The old king never heard an apology from the species that led him to ruin, and less while losing the fight.

"But, in the same way, I can not forgive you for the damage you have done to my city, you have destroyed the houses of immurable neighbors, damaged infrastructures and destroyed buildings.

Hundreds of people today have lost everything, Jolbirth. So all I can do is wish, that if the dragons go to hell, go where you belong, and that the moon will never take care of you again... goodbye forever, old king of the mausoleum of the deep "Turning off the microphone , Vagrand sat in Elsa's chair, praying that everything goes well.

Jolbirth remained silent, gathering all the energy left in his body. His destiny was more than evident, but something in his head kept him wanting to fight. It was not until Elsa appeared in the hall of the local team that Jolbirth opened his eyes and walked towards her.

"Jolbirth, I'm sorry this has to end like this... you've put me on the ropes! And you almost manage to make me lose faith in the future! Clay cant even say that!"


"Finish like this?... Human... please... I am the king of the mausoleum! I will find a way out of this, and you will be the first to die... not in vain, I have already understood what happened"

"And what is supposed to have happened?"

"You... The Dirty Lover has fought blindly, grown physically and mentally, evolved in middle of the battle... all for you.

I dont know what relationship you have, but you get people around you to fight more and better... even more than Calia and Flynn... you have something special "

"Thanks for the compliment, but I must tell you that you are very wrong! Hannah has not fought for me! Hannah struggles because there are people she wants to protect... and even if they sometimes cheat, hide things, or even lie to her... she keeps trusting! Some say she's just imitating a video game hero or a comic... whatever... but I think she has her own style!

Before we say goodbye forever... what's that about the moon? "

Jolbirth laughed softly, grabbing the sword with more force. "I dont know very well, human... all my life I hated the moon to destroy my empire... but something inside me forces me to keep fighting for it... it will be the cruel fate that loves to laugh at me... "

"Interesting, very interesting..." Elsa turned her back as she thought and walked back to the hall.

"FOOL! YOU GAVE ME FOR DEATH TOO SOON!" Throwing his biggest gash, Jolbirth hit Elsa directly, causing a gigantic explosion.

The stadium remained in absolute silence, while the smoke dissipated.


"They dont call me the most brilliant mind of my generation for nothing, Jolbirth..." When the smoke dissipated, Jolbirth saw how the protoslime that liberated him from his cell had stopped the blow with her revolver.


"Hey, how's it going, old king?"


"YOU?! FIRST  YOU FREED ME FROM PRISON, AND NOW YOU ARE WITH THEM?! ARE YOU BETRAYING THE MOON?!" The pain was so much that even screaming cost the dragon.

"If there are people who trust me, I should reciprocate, right? besides, Elsa is going to pay me much better than the priestess, so it's not betrayal! It's a change of company!"

"I see you know Fiona, Jolbirth. I dont know what all this is about the sun or the moon, and being honest, I couldnt care less. But Juddit endorses Fiona, and has information about that "priestess," and about the moon cult, so I decided to pay more to have her by my side!"

"You're... very smart, Elsa... too smart... some day will take your toll, and I swear to God... I'll be there to see you fall..." Jolbirth tried to raise his sword, but there were no forces left in his body.

"As you want! But if you do such an oath, you should reciprocate! I advise you to look at the sky, and so you can say goodbye to the moon!" Elsa left by the corridor, accompanied by Fiona who made the job of a human-slime lantern.



Jolbirth fell to the ground... and with his last strength I look at the roof, which little by little began to retract.

"Oh moon... this is our farewell... you who destroyed my empire... you who abandoned me to my fate... today you will see me fall... so enjo- ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!"

When the roof was removed, what Jolbirth saw was very different from what he expected.


Hannah wearing a shiny armor and holding a kind of dagger, was suspended in the air tied by Sora's "Aqua-Chains" to a crane. Hannah's armor gleamed blue with the electricity that Bolt was continually applying, creating a kind of artificial "moon". 



This was the person who was going to defeat him?!

 A too big girl with too much imagination!



Jolbirth was happy, too happy for the situation.

"the girl who is going to kill me... hasnt known the darkness... hasnt known the pain... her future is bright... GO HANNAH! DONT LET ANYONE LIKE ME STEAL YOUR FUTURE! LIVE NOT ONLY FOR YOU! LIVE FOR MY EMPIRE! FOR ME! FOR ALL WHO TRUST IN YOU AND FOR ALL YOUR FAMILY!"

These words were genuine from Jolbirth? Or were they just the result of the immense pain and shame he was feeling? This was a question that nobody could answer, because Sora released the Aqua-chain.

"JOLBIRTH!" Hannah swooped down, sword in front. Although it was not too high, (the crane only average 120 feet) its own weight gave it enough acceleration to turn it into a deadly weapon.

The impact was on Jolbirth's stomach, piercing his heart in a clean stab. Jolbirth did not cry or make any noise, dying happy for having bequeathed his empire to someone who will live much longer than him.

Hannah stood up slowly, and leaving the sword stuck, walked towards the bleachers with her eyes closed.


"Game over, Jolbirth... rest once and for all, king, because your legacy will not die!"

 Raising her right fist to heaven, making the V of victory, Hannah shouted with joy, accompanied by all those present.

End Notes:





Jolbirth lost everything in one night. All their race became something new ... and they lost the ability to communicate. But not only that, his old children, brothers, compatriots feared him, because they didnt remember him.

Jolbirth, consumed by the pain of seeing his people repudiate him and fearing him, retreated to his family mausoleum, where he lay awaiting death. But destiny had other plans for him.

A group of heroes, led by the ancient sons of Jolbirth assaulted the mausoleum, dodged the traps and came to Jolbirth's chamber. The old king at first wanted to let himself be killed... but something inside him prevented him. A flame of resentment, a flame of hatred towards his former brothers ignited his old heart and made him attack the adventurers.

After a fierce battle, Jolbirth fell defeated, but the tears that the dragon shed caused the heroes to take pity on him. Thanks to a traveler from the realms, they took Jolbirth to a cold place, a place where he could not hurt anyone. They built a prison around him, hoping that the people of the future could soothe his wounded heart.

But time passed, and people forgot the legend of Jolbirth... only his jailers reminded him.

It was many years after Jolbirth was visited by one of those heroes, Calia, who, accompanied by her 7-year-old daughter, tried to make peace with the dragon. His wounded pride, the hatred that had grown so many years in him made him reject his offer. And while the two were in prison, Jolbirth tried to escape.

He fight with claws and scales, but in the end, the chief of the jailers and Calia, who thanks to a few seconds won by a tiny Valeria imitating the "Sun Wave" of his mother, managed to shoot down the dragon and lock him even deeper in the prison.

There he remained hidden, forgotten... until the priestess's eyes fell on him. The rest you already know.

Chapter 35 Talk from heart to heart by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

(This whole fragment is part of a flashback, which has no place in the current chapter, so I think that placing it here makes more sense.)



Minutes before the party.


"Now, Sofia, you'll be the third to enter the fight, and your goal... will be... the stomach. That's the most recent wound and bigger than Jolbirth has, so with your size and strength you should be able to open it easily, do you get it?"

"Hey hey... are you sure about this?..." Sofia was visibly nervous, mentally trying to imagine the situation. Jolbirth had kicked the asses of all the GUN spears present, and considering that now the lioness had to attack her on her own, tearing her stomach were bigger words.

"Easy Sofia, I'll cover you with the rifle, so when he try to do something, I'll shoot the eye, that helps calm you down?" Sofia nodded nervously, because although Lloyd had an aura of confidence, Jolbirth was Jolbirth.

"See, Lloyd is going to shoot him from the top bleachers, and with GUN's armor hacked by Jack, we'll be able to shoot him from different angles! That asshole will not see where the shots come from!" Unlike the lioness, Elsa exuded confidence in herself.

And no wonder, Elsa's plan was so well designed (not really) and everyone was so desperate that they unknowingly put all their hopes on her.


"Elsa, there's something on the roof" Bolt's voice was heard through the walkie talkies of the team. (previously stolen from the warehouse by Elsa)

"Hey, what, some pigeon, you're a harpy! Take care of her!"

"No no... she's a perso ... a kind of proto-slime just out of a western movie... she seems to be meditating..."

And as was evident, Jack got into the conversation. "A slime cowgirl ?! She's my friend! I'll talk to her!" Elsa remembered, and after a few seconds, she decided to go up to the roof too.





Fiona was sitting on the edge of the roof of the stadium, meditating on what to do next. Her work forced her to kill all the survivors, and her debt cheered for accomplishing her mission....

It was her "heart" that prevented it. That talk with the lady of the town hall had made her think of all the bad decisions of her life..."Why is it so hard... I need to think something fast! AGGGG!" Grabbing her head, Sofia let herself fall backward.

"Are you still warming your head?" A voice from the past echoed all over the roof.

"Jack?... I'm so sick that I start having visions of ex-partners?" Fiona laughed heartily as she put her hat on her "face".

"Hey, I'm not a vision! I managed to avoid jail by agreeing to work for GUN, and from what I see you were not caught either!" Jack walked towards his old friend and sat next to her.

"Dont get too close, I'm supposed to kill you... and everyone in the stadium if you survive Jolbirth... Im soooooo trash... a trash-slime..." The protoslime hit the roof with the fist, leaving a small burn mark.

"So fucked is the group where are you?... Fiona if I can do something... we were partners-in-crime for a long time... you were part of the assault group and I was the technician... but even so you were my frie- "

"Kill me please... shoot me in the Core with all your strength... I will pray that the bullet will not be founded..." Fiona's voice was broken and weak.


"You want to die? The height of the roof should be enough so that even a protoslime like you will not survive." Elsa laughed softly as she approached the couple.

Fiona pretended not to be surprised to hear Elsa's voice, but a small flame on the top of her hat struggled against her. "I cant believe that even you have come... Elsa... is not the roof supposed to be a forbidden place that no one can access?"

"The roof is a key point in my plan, so it's normal to have access! So... kill us all? It may have a counter-offer"

"....I hear you"





The next few days after the fall of Jolbirth passed in the blink of an eye. The news from around the world echoed the existence and murder of Jolbirth, relating it to the attack of the Argentine people.

Although thanks to the rapid performance of Mayor Vagrand and his contacts in some information agencies; Hannah's name it was not made public for a few days, leaving Valeria as the assassin of Jolbirth.

But that did not stop international hackers from being quick enough to recover the stadium's security recordings. The press around the world tried to pressure Vagrand and Valeria to get the names of those present at the stadium, which only led to a spiral of pressure and mediatic "violence".

Hannah collapsed minutes after defeating Jolbirth, which worried everyone present until in less than a minute Flynn recognized the natural exhaustion after using too many times the "Will card". After reassuring with everyone, Flynn managed to convince Elsa that she, Hannah and the rest of the audience should go to the Cathedral of the Sun so that Hannah could be treated in secret by Light.

It was the right decision, because in less than 72 hours after the defeat of Jolbirth the name, residence and all possible information about Hannah was already filtered.




Cathedral of the Sun: February 25, 12:00 in the morning


Elsa hung up the phone and reclined in her temporary bed. Ritchey had told him that the board of directors of Bahia del Sol had decided to start with the works of "Bahia 2.0" instead of going to rebuild all the damage caused by Jolbirth.

It was the right decision, and more considering all the international fame that Bahia was winning. Even the president of the United States had come to give a speech!...

Not that isnt changed the current situation... with half the world demanding that the giantess who had defeated Jolbirth face the public and the media. Hannah had had very bad days recovering from those "Will cards", and although now she was already awake, she still could not move comfortably.

Getting up and walking towards the wall, Elsa crossed out another calendar day. The tension of being underground was killing her, the uncertainty that would happen from now on devouring her from within.

It was no secret that Jolbirth's corpse had been requisitioned by the scientific unit of the US military, even with all the criticism that they were taking for not acting against Jolbirth.

The army of the United States remaining as cowards, GUN being internationally praised, and the houses of Hannah and their own completely open and registered by journalists.

Chris and Juddit said they had not managed to open their safe, but Elsa did not trust those hyenas.


"Elsa, the dining room is ready, do you want to eat first or want eat today with Hannah?" Flynn was not a bad person, but his way of thinking and trusting so much in his "prophecies", that in the end everything really was Calia's dreams, it upset her. Not to mention that with more than a week and a half here they had not yet met her! So secret was it to show up ?!


"I'll eat with Hannah, your sect makes me uncomfortable with so many questions about if I'm fine and that..."

"We're still not a sect, Elsa... how many times I'll have to tell you... however I going to bring your dishes to Hannah's room, enjoy a little time together" Until Elsa did not stop listening to the steps of the prophet, she He did not open the door to go out into the hall.

Actually the cathedral was much bigger than it seemed at first, with huge communal rooms, dozens of corridors full of rooms... laboratories to make medicines, cleaning utensils... even swimming pools and gardens! All well lit by those artificial suns, and at night by electric lamps... even had televisions and computers in every room... It was like a kind of nuclear shelter but in "community" size.

After talking with George, the "director" or second in command of Flynn, in the cathedral they live currently 87 adults and 51 children, and increasing. They produced food above their needs and they didnt have any kind of technological limitation... a super advanced sect, but without stopping to have that atmosphere of sect and tranquility that so overwhelmed Elsa.


Hannah's room was behind the "garden of the moon", the least curious name for a solar sect, but with explanation according to Flynn... whatever it is, the room was what they called "the sun's successor room". Which in the non-sect language is translated as a room adapted for a growing giantess, with furniture of different heights and a large pool of regenerative gel.

Pool where Hannah seemed to be sleeping right now. Elsa entered as silently as she could and walked towards the pool, sitting on the edge to see her beloved.

The fight against Jolbirth had not made a big dent in Hannah's body, if we did not count the scar on her arm. Or 20 feet tall... you know? The fight has made big thigns in Hannah body.

It was so weird to see her so huge... so beautiful... literally twice as high as when they met for first time. And that had not done anything but make it more beautiful if possible.

"You must be one of the few people who become the cutest when they grow up..."

"Entering other people's rooms without warning is not very educated" Hannah's voice and laughter appeared directly in Elsa's head.

"Again, stop doing that! It's very sinister when you speak without moving your lips and with your eyes closed!"

One of the "side effects" of the growth was a greater amount of aura and more control over it, and after a few trainings with Flynn, Hannah was already able to... "Speak directly to other people's hearts"... or what in the non-giantess language was translated as being able to talk between both without moving the lips. All very sinister seen from outside.


"Sorry, honey... but I have to practice it! With this you can tell me the answers of the exams without anyone knowing!" It was such a strange sensation to feel Hannah's voice inside her... it was warm and at the same time erotic, if Elsa concentrated she was able to even discern Hannah's face... which didnt take away how unsettling it was.

"We'll talk about that later... are you still planning to go back to school?"

"Of course, 20 feet does not prevent me from attending classes! The only thing that will prevent me is from standing in the academy building! But it is a lesser evil!" Hannah's resolve and conviction had grown with her, and although she was still the same girl as when they met, Elsa could feel how the giantess had much more clear goals.

"So I dont think it's right to tell you the answers to the test, it would be cheating... and I dont think the Dirty Lover should cheat!"

"Eh... nobody says I can not be a bit naughty from time to time! Also, my love... only you know it! It's not like I can talk like that with anyone but Valeria, Flynn or you... and between you and me, I prefer to use this alone with you!"

"What an honor! How am I not going to help you cheat with arguments like that!" Elsa laughed as she looked at the ceiling. Unlike most rooms, the ceiling of Hannah's room was decorated with the Milky Way. "Have you managed to master any more of the aura?"

"The truth... I've only achieved the coating... I want to make the waves that I made against Jolbirth! Imagine! I could do... things!" Hannah kept her advances in the subject of empathic connection, mainly because the giantess was afraid that Elsa would not react well to the fact that she could not have secrets with her girlfriend.

Everyone needs to keep things inside, and snatching that right from Elsa was the last thing Hannah wanted.


"You will have time, there are too many things on Flynn's list to learn them all at once... I love you"

"And I, much more now that I know how powerful you are!" Opening her eyes, Hannah pushed herself slowly until she was next to Elsa, and lifting her gently, he left her on top of her stomach. The difference between one and the other had shot up to be almost four times, but the love between them had only grown even more if possible.

"Powerful? you were the one you finished with Jolbirth!" Elsa laughed as she closed her eyes, only gently rocked by Hannah's breathing.

"You planned the way to overcome the lunar regeneration, and you planned the whole theme of the crane and the "Final Moon"... as far as I'm concerned, this victory belongs to you, and to everyone..."

"Jack just controlled the lights and the speakers"

"Everyone, but a little less from Jack, happy?"

Elsa nodded as she slowly stroked Hannah's skin. The giantess almost loses control, being very close to sinking both into the gel. "Someone is horny..."

"Sh... Shut up! It's all your fault! I love you so much that your touch warms me..."

"That makes me happy... and it reminds me that you're still a minor..."

"Elsa... according to the laws of Bahia... with my consent... we could..." Hannah's voice was still choked in Elsa's mind.

"Are you talking seriously?!"

"But when we leave the cathedral... this place is super nice, but I would like it to be somewhere a little more special... I dont know if you understand me..." Hannah picked up Elsa and left her on the edge, then take impulse and sit next to him.

Seeing something so big and beautiful moving so gracefully continued to amaze Elsa, to the point of staying literally open-mouthed. Hannah laughed as with her index finger she closed Elsa's jaw gently.
"Hannah and Elsa, someone has come to see you, so please come to the cathedral."


"Aaaaand that's how they destroy the moment" Hannah sighed, this time physically, as she removed the gel from her hair, returning it to the pool.

"Relax, my beloved and future wife..." Hannah went completely red, not knowing how to react even to such words. "We have our whole life ahead... and if you are the successor of Calia as they said... we have all eternity ahead..."

"Would you really take the pact with me?... Elsa I dont know if I really believe all that about Calia and Flynn..."

"Flynn is human, and according to him he's 150 and a few years old, if taking that pact means being able to spend more time with you, believe in my words, my love, because you'll have to listen to them for a long time!" Elsa laughed and walked towards the door.

Hannah, still completely red, followed her slowly, unable to avoid reaching it and almost overcoming it. "Sorry... I'm still not used to walking slower ..."

"Excuse me? get me up! Walking is for losers when one has such a great and huge girlfriend in equal parts!"

And raising her to her beloved girlfriend, Hannah and Elsa went out to meet that visit. A visit that would mark the next months of their lives, or maybe more! That alone the sun and the moon will know.





And the music was playing at full volume

Bahia whole dancing to a new rhythm.

the whole world prepared to advance to the next level!

and it was the Dirty Lover who set the pace!

The two giantesses looking at each other on the dance floor,

both prepared to change the world around them

Not in vain,

both liked it loud.


End Notes:

As always, thanks for all the readings! This was a chapter a little shorter than usual (or just as long if you count the flashback that I CLEARLY did not forget to put in the previous chapter)

But I really wanted to create a romantic scene between Elsa and Hannah! I hope you liked it! And wait more now that both are needed for what is to come!

The second part of the story arc of the Dirty Lover begins! The night is young and we must follow the rhythm!

P.S. I have thought to change the name of the story to "The Last dances of Bahia del Sol", more than anything because Elsa is no longer the "main" protagonist. (It never really was, the story has its name because it opened with her point of view)What do you think? Does it sound good to you? For tomorrow I hope I have made the decision!

Chapter 36 "Sparkling Sea" by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

We're still right in yesterday's scene! Thanks to all the readers as always and enjoy the chapter!

(Today finally I present the last recurring characters of the plot, rather the last group of recurring characters of the plot, so from tomorrow I will return with the descriptions of characters, that now if I want to have everyone present and I would like have everything neat!)


Cathedral of the sun, main hall: 12:20 in the morning.



Dozens of children from the cathedral looked from the interior doors to the guest who sat waiting. Hannah and Elsa were great and funny, and although the lioness and the slime werent too talkative they were really cool.
But this man... he was scary without doing anything.

It wasnt just that it looked like something out of an old movie or that it had scars on its face ... it was its serious and inclement expression. "Children! Stop spying!"

Upon hearing Flynn's voice all the children left laughing and joking. Flynn sighed as he leaned against the door, nodding as he thought about why Alfred had shown up so suddenly.

Alfred used to be a very reactive person, so presenting here could only mean that he had been sent. Hannah's footsteps were heard even being a hallway away, causing Flynn to stretch as he prepared to receive them. "Flynn, who has come to see us? Mom has not warned or anything..."

Flynn chuckled as he watched Hannah carry Elsa in her arms, like someone carrying a three-year-old child. "It would be better if the... and Elsa, you who are the adult... be careful with what he says... think very well your answers"

"Understood... I do not like how all this sounds..." Flynn did not wait for an answer, walking down the opposite corridor.

The couple looked at each other momentarily, and after a little moment of concord, Hannah entered the main room.


The guest was sitting on a kind of camping stool, while drinking what the smell should be coffee.In front of him a briefcase was raised, supported by four retractable "legs". The briefcase was closed, acting as a sort of side table. Elsa mentally pointed out that she needed one of those.

"You've had a long time, so I've taken the liberty of pouring myself a cup of coffee, you want one? I dont have cups of your size, Hannah, but I'm sure Flynn does not mind bringing some," Hannah denied as she left Elsa at the table. floor, which way to be in front of the guest.

Alfred put the cup in the briefcase and offered his hand to Elsa. "Finally I can meet you both. My name is Alfred Black, executive director of ashcrew industries, I also act as personal secretary of Lady Maria"

Elsa took his hand, inspecting it discreetly. Alfred could not have been more than 40 years old, and judging by slight height on elsa and his shoulders, he must have had physical training for many years. His hair was completely white, and much of his forehead was scarred. No really deep, but the amount was at least curious.

"As you seem to know, my name is Elsa, Elsa Wood, head of architects of communal home industries, do you have business to attend with us?"

Elsa pulled back slightly so that Hannah took his hand (between two fingers because ... you can already imagine... Hannah was visibly nervous being this her first handshake since the growth).

"And I'm Hannah Reyes... you already know, so this is a bit useless..."


"Never say that Hannah, when two people meet for the first time, the presentation is a key part of that contact." After lightly arranging his glove, Alfred sat back down on his stool. (Elsa managed to see that it really was another smaller suitcase, with the same legs) "I dont want to make you wait any longer, so I'll go straight to the heart of this meeting.

Lady Maria wants to meet you both, and help you with the whole matter of filtering your name to the media. For this purpose, it has moved its floating headquarters to the port of Bahia.

Also, even if it's a secondary issue, considering that you work for Ritchey Lipps, you should know that, Elsa. Lady Maria has signed a business alliance with your company to ensure the construction of Bahia 2.0"

"So that's the hook to tie us, right? She's going to put money for the construction of my utopia. Good move, I must admit "Elsa sighed as she thought because Ritchey had not told her about this before.

"Excuse me getting into the conversation... but why does Lady Maria want to help me? And forgive another question... the Ashcrew group isnt the commercial group that has so many food companies, restaurants and in general... well... those things?"

"It is true that our conglomerate mainly welcomes the food and leisure / entertainment industries... but I dont advise you to underestimate Lady Maria.

Hannah, my lady wants to be your ally and support you, and taking into account that right now are between the decision to support Flynn and the cult of the sun and discover the Sons of the moon that raised the king of the mausoleum... you should talk to her, even if only by shuffling that option"


"So you also know about all this? It does not surprise me, it seems to be an open secret for this city..." Elsa laughed while stroking Hannah's leg, trying to calm her visible nervousness.


"Lady Maria took a long time ago the decision to abandon Calia's path, and at the same time she abandoned the priestess's path. All these years we have focused our efforts to create a path separated from prophecies and superstitions. A road built between lights and shadows.

And now our paths have crossed. Dirty Lover is much more than a name, it is the person who will shape the future.

I know perfectly well that you still do not trust it, Hannah. That's why Lady Maria wants to offer you the possibility to choose. Who knows? Maybe you both can get Flynn and Lady Maria to be reconciled... or that the priestess abandons her chaotic vision of the future.

That only time will tell... so will you accompany me? I have the vehicle parked and ready to take you" Opening the briefcase, Alfred kept the empty cup in it, and with a wrist hit, picked up the legs instantly.


Elsa took a few steps away, and looked Hannah in the eye. Two winks right and one left was his signal to establish a conversation of hearts.

"Should we go"

"But Elsa, you're the one who says we do not trust Flynn!"

"That was only because we only have two options, I've seen in reports that Lady Maria is a very altruistic millionaire... I want to see how many of those stories are just facades"

"The truth... if we can get Flynn to help us, instead of helping them we would be great! Here are a lot of good people, and being able to help everyone would be just perfect..."

"Is this the confirmation that you think you're the Dirty Lover?"

"I dont need to be the Dirty Lover to want to help! Also, that woman is now your boss, should not we make a good impression, dont you think?"

"You always read me the thoughts, my love"


While Hannah swallowed hard, praying that it was just a phrase and Elsa knew nothing of the empathic link, Elsa turned to look at Alfred, who had already collected everything. "We'll go, but I want to take my bodyguard with us, deal?"

Alfred nodded as he started walking toward the cathedral exit, followed by Elsa and Hannah.


Flynn turned off the surveillance camera as he leaned back in his chair. Maria had always been someone of very strong... attitude and personality. Even if they took different paths, they were still bound by destiny.

Sighing, Flynn got up to tell Calia everything. His wife would know how to act... that's what the prophet expected.


Cruise / headquarters of industries Ashcrew,

the "Sparkling Sea": 13:00 in the afternoon.



Hannah, Elsa and Fiona were leaning against the wall of the elevator. According to Alfred, this would take them directly to the Ashcrew mansion. It would be super awesome if it were not because the whole way inside the cruise looked like something out of a fairy tale.

The "Sparkling Sea" average 448 meters in length, being currently the largest private cruise in the world. And that it was at the same time a business building did not take away luxury. Huge and super luxurious corridors. Lifts, restaurants, bars... clubs... a water park... Even Elsa, who had been on several cruises of similar proportions, seemed simply excessive.

"So... That Maria has a mansion on a cruise ship, and she wants to be your ally, let's say yes, right?" Fiona did not bother to hide her emotion. If the slime had eyes, right now they would be showing the symbol of the dollar.

"This may be impressive... but for now let's focus, girls" Elsa looked at Hannah, hoping to see her concentrated. The giantess was the same or worse than Fiona.

"So much... luxury... whatever this elevator costs, everything is so bright..." Elsa sighed as the elevator reached the top.

The sunlight received them, showing before them a huge garden, with an olympic swimming pool on the side accompanied by garden furniture that surely cost the same as the whole house of Juddit.

On the other side of the garden a kind of artificial forest adorned the view, among the trees (which after a second sight did not seem artificial) had built a huge playground, with lianas, bridges, booths and swings on all sides.

The Ashcrew mansion was no less impressive, being at least 4 or 5 stories high. A huge entrance with huge oak doors awaited them.

"The mother of ..." If Elsa was speechless, she didnt need to look to her sides to feel how the spirits of her girlfriend and her bodyguard left their bodies on their way to the heaven of opulence.

Elsa took a while to notice two girls and a boy playing in the playground. One of the girls and the boy seemed to be 6 or 7 years old, while the other girl would not have more than 4. As Elsa walked towards them (followed by two money-zombies) she noticed that both girls were extrahuman, the eldest should be of some feline species, while the girl was undoubtedly an alraune.

"Sorry, Where can I find Ma-" Elsa cut herself at the moment, while the 3 children, noticing the presence of the group, ran out to meet them.


"MITCH, IDIOT! MOMMY HAVE LEFT ME TO ME TO SAY!" The older girl threw herself at her brother's waist, throwing him to the ground and rolling them both on the grass.

"Mommy await Nanna and Elsa!" The smaller one arrived later than her brothers, hugging Elsa's legs.

"I see, so little flower, can you guide us?" The little girl nodded happily, and pointed to the door. "Ove thee! Mommy room there!"


Maria's Office: Same moment.


"They're already here, are all the preparations ready?" Maria hung up the phone, looking at her children.

"Of course, mother! I have cleared the path of children until here, so once the guides bring them, nothing will interrupt the course of this meeting!" Adell smiled confidently, securing points with his mother.

"How did you do it?"

"I bought 3 movies, I put them all in the living room next to popcorn, sodas, sweets and their phones, and when they were all inside... BAM! I locked the door! All clean and without errors, dear mother" Maria shook her head, not swallowing her son's flattery.

"Mommy, forgive the question but are you sure it's a good idea? We do not know if Hannah wants to be the Dirty Lover..." Victoria slumped in her chair, visibly annoyed.


"Do not be a kid, Vic. Hannah is the Dirty Lover, the road she takes will only determine how it will be, or... someone is jealous?" Adell stood back in his seat, dodging his little sister's punch.

"Children, you are the oldest! Dont get into a fight like this! We have to make a good impression on Hannah, but especially on Elsa, she is the most observant and thoughtful, so we have to win her good first. Will you be able to dont lose the opportunity?"

Her two older sons nodded, and just in time. The computer screen showed how the couple made contact with Mitchell, Naiara and Ky. The twins seemed to be fighting, but Ky had managed to guide Elsa correctly.

Maria drank the whiskey she had left in one gulp and closed the laptop screen.

It was now or never.

Chapter 37: Blue Key and the lost Keyblade by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

Thanks to all the readers! Here is the first part of the meeting!

(And something else... )

From tomorrow (this time really), I will leave to work sooner, so if I have time to lengthen the chapters and make the descriptions correctly. Wait for more interesting chapters and collect more scenes in the coming weeks! (minimum two weeks I will be with the new schedule)


A long time ago:

"COME BACK HERE!" The young man ran up the stairs, screaming and threatening with his fist. "ONE MORE STEP AND I SWEAR THAT I'M GOING TO-"

"Do not bother" The young woman stopped at the bottom of the stairs, and without turning around to look at her brother, looked at the sky. The stars were especially bright that night, waiting to see the outcome of the fight.

"I have made the decision"

"The wrong decision! You cant achieve anything by denying the most basic!"

"You have made your decision, and I have to follow my own path." Sighing, the girl grabbed his chest, seeking strength in the deepest part of his being. "I do not think you or Belle are right, so I will look for my own conclusions.

I will see the world, and its people. If there really is hope, if really... we can believe in the future... I will discover them here, fighting under the same sky that saw us born"

"I cant ... make you change your mind, am I wrong?" The young man leaned against the stone wall, watching his little sister show more courage than he had ever shown.

"Humanity always fights, no matter how hard the enemy is. Plagues, the war, the hunger... I will fight my own battle, while you fight yours.


That's my answer, Flynn. Take it or do not take it, but I'm not going to sit around waiting for you"
The night air was refreshing, the sea breeze covering Bahia. Breathing deeply, the young woman took her first steps towards the future. A future built with their own hands.



Doors of Maria's office: Nowadays

The trio stared at the double doors of the office, as if waiting for a storm. Elsa was clear that there was a trick enclosed, it was impossible for a normal person tubiese a mansion with ceilings 35 feet high. Ky (so that little alraune had been presented) said that there were only two floors in the house.

A very interesting architectural trick, to pass through a two-story interior by a multiple dwelling placing balconies at different heights on the facade. Maria seemed a terribly intelligent person, and judging by her taste in decoration, she was also imposing and motherly.

"Mooommy! Ky has boug Nanna and Elsa! Mommy!" Ky knocked on the door insistently, ignoring the tension of the trio. For Fiona and Elsa, the size of this mansion was spectacular, but for Hannah... it was the second time she was in a place that made her feel small.

One of the doors opened slowly inward, judging by the sound Elsa deduced that it must be some mechanical opening system. From the interior of the office emerged a young redhead (clearly dye), pulled back, holding a bag of candy.

"Good job Ky! Your reward! Those chlorophyll candies you like so much!" The young man patted Ky's head, which after taking her just reward went running back to the garden. "Nice to meet you, Hannah, Elsa and bodyguard.

I'm Adell Ashcrew, Firstborn of the Ashcrew family, Mother is waiting for you." With a bow, Adell stepped out of the way to let the trio through.


Elsa grabbed Hannah's leg as Hannah prepared to follow Adell. "Hannah, I know you're nervous and intimidated, so I'm going to be clear, I need you to be very attentive to everything they say, and do not rush, okay?" Hannah nodded, still nervous in her body.

As they entered the office, the trio stopped right at the door. Maria was sitting on her table, the 35-foot giantess was smiling at Hannah. To one side, in an armchair the same size as the table, another giantess (she is quite low and young, 25 feet tall) watched the group.

"Finally I have the pleasure of meeting you! Hannah, Elsa and if I'm not mistaken, Fiona. My name is Maria Ashcrew, president of Ashcrew industries!" The giantess took a few steps until she was in front of Hannah and offered her hand.


Hannah was completely frozen. For the first time since she was 12, she was in front of someone bigger. (Not counting Jolbirth, for obvious reasons)Maria should not be too old, not more than 40 years old, if she kept me very fit. His black hair fell down to his back, staying slightly below his shoulders. As you would expect from a president, she wore a suit that did little to hide her curves. (who were dancing between maternal and erotic)


"Dont be so nervous! you're a giantess, so be proud!" The other girl got up, following her mother. "My name is Victoria, I am the second daughter of the family, and as you can see, I am a giantess... a giantess of third growth, like you" Victoria's gaze was sharp as a sword, and it was more than evident that she was judging Hannah from the feet to the head.


After a few seconds without an answer, Victoria sighed and knelt, offering her finger to Elsa. Elsa immediately recognized the position of the "manual of behavior between humans and giantesses" (Book that Elsa had read hundreds of times in her youth). Elsa took the finger of the giantess, and with a slight squeeze and shake of hands (as dictated by the protocol), made a small bow.

"Nice to meet you, Victoria and Maria, and of course you too, Adell, but I would appreciate it if you didnt bother my girlfriend. It must be the first time that Hannah sees other giantesses, and even more, almost certain that is the first time Hannah meets another third growth giantess"

"That's logical and obvious, as far as there are only 8 giantess of third growth currently, one older than us, and the rest minor. I'm happy to be able to talk with you normally" Victoria remarked the "with you" looking at Hannah, but the poor still too stunned.

Clarifying the "Voice" to get Victoria's attention, Fiona offered her her hand. "My name is Fiona, Elsa and Hannah's bodyguards, so this time I'm telling you directly, dont bother Hannah, miss... or things are going to heat up around here"

Adell laughed to see her little sister so nervous, and interposed between them. "Come on, come on! This meeting is to form friendship ties! Victoria, apologize, please"

Nailing the other knee to the floor, Victoria apologized sincerely. "Excuse me Miss Fiona, I was too focused on Hannah.




Maria's maternal instincts prevented her from continuing to see Hannah suffer in that way, and grabbing her by the arm pulling her. Forcing her to bury her face between Maria's breasts, she gently stroked his back. "It's already... shhhh... take a deep breath, okay?"

Hannah grabbed Maria's waist with all her strength, and started to cry as she had not cried in years. The situation became super tense in the rest of the room, but Hannah did not care.

After overcoming her own mother, Hannah had forced herself to not cry openly, only allowing herself sobs to keep Juddit from feeling guilty that he could not comfort her better. Maria was not her mother, but the vision of a person as big and as motherly as she had activated a switch inside Hannah.

Adell deciding that this was going to be long, he signaled to his little sister. Victoria nodded and approached her mother's desk, taking out two armchairs like Adell's and placing it in a corner reserved for the guests. Elsa and Fiona understood the situation and letting Victoria pick them up, they sat next to Adell. The desk was much larger than it seemed from below, Elsa trampling several times to check how well built it was. The guest area even had a well-equipped coffee table.

Hannah's crying lasted 7 minutes and 18 seconds, and by the time she finished she found a chair of her size next to her.

"Take a seat, darling" Hannah nodded, and drying the remaining tears with her sleeve, sat down. The chair was specially built for giantesses, and Hannah enjoyed it enormously. (Although it is worth remembering, it was only a reinforced chair not very different from the one she had at home, only bigger)


Maria took a seat in her chair, and after lowering the blind, she addressed the group."First of all, Hannah, I need you to tell me if you've heard this before." Taking a deep breath, Maria closed her eyes to recite. 

"I have seen thousands of worlds, millions of lights turn on and off in a single moment, I have seen people chasing their dreams and forgetting them at the same time, I have seen how they turned their light into darkness, how they deformed their hearts in search of something.
 Strength, respect, authority, freedom, knowledge, love, hope... "


"I imagined it... Hannah, dear, all that phrase? all lies, all lies to attract your attention"

Everyone present could hear Hannah's heart breaking into pieces. "Are you telling me... it'snt kingdom hearts? keyblade..."

"Not at all, from that phrase the only thing true is that of hundreds of worlds-"

"THAT'S KINGDOM HEARTS! THERE ARE EVEN POSSIBILITIES!" Victoria reached out to punch Hannah in the arm. "Okay... but I still want my key blade..."

Elsa sighed tiredly, and putting her feet on the table she addressed Maria. "And how do you know that? We know you're connected with Flynn and the priestess, but we dont know how or why"

"Flynn and I... we have a blood relationship, although he wants to deny it since I leave the cathedral." Maria sighed, remembering the past.

"I imagined it. Brothers, right? that makes you Valeria y Light's aunt, now we're going to what's important, what path have you chosen and why would we be interested in following it?"


Adell laughed, getting up and walking towards his mother. "Elsa is as direct and vivacious as they told us, you let me mother, I can explain it correctly" Maria stroked her son's head, taking it as an approval, walking towards the center of the desk.

Adell pressed a kind of button on the sleeve of his shirt, first making the windows close and then making a projector appear on the ceiling projecting a starry sky everywhere.

"Mother did not believe in Flynn's prophecies, nor in the words of the priestess, there are hundreds of worlds out there, all connected by comet Blue Key"
Elsa got up from her chair, and walked towards Adell. "The comet... Blue Key?"

"You would hear it from old Jolbirth, the blue comet that furrows the skies of our world and bathes it in a dust... magic... No, that's not the word... mystical... In a mystical dust" Maria typed something in her portable, projecting a blue comet through the walls.


"Right! As real as life itself! The Blue Key connected our world, and the extrahumans are the product of that connection!" Adell gestured to her mother, and after Maria typed something else, an image of the earth being surrounded by the comet was shown on the door.

"Are you telling me... that I am the product of a "mystical" comet? And could not I have become something more... human?" Fiona did not get up, enjoying the massage function of the chair. How is something made of plasma enjoying a massage chair? We could ask her, but the chances of taking a shot in the face does not deserve it.


Hannah got up. "Let's go to the key point, please, what did the comet connect us with? and how far does that put me from a keyblade? I really want to meet King Mickey!"

"Are you kidding me? And you're the Dirty Lover?" Victoria held her forehead, tried to understand Hannah.

"Are you telling me, Victoria, that you dont want a keyblade?" Hannah got up and grabbed the big giantess by the shoulders.

"It's not that I dont want it ... I'm a realist, and I can distinguish a game from reality"

"THAT MEANS YOU WANT IT! OH GOD KNEW YOU WOULD ALSO LIKE THESE THINGS! I'M SO HAPPY TO KNOW ANOTHER GIANTESS LIKE ME AND NOT ONLY ONE! TWO!" Hannah hugged Victoria, wiggling and hopping with happiness. Enough jumps for Elsa's attention to be direct her juicy ass.

Maria smiled at Hannah's enthusiasm, remembering later that she had to call her mother to invite her to dinner. "You could really meet 3 giantesses, my nineteenth daughter, Claire, she has also been born a giantess, and we believe that she is also a third growth"

"NINETEENTH DAUGHTER? BUT HOW MANY CHILDREN DO YOU HAVE?!" The revelation had been enough to get Fiona out of her pleasure trance.

"Currently, twenty-two children. 10 boys and 12 extra-human girls, my wife and I... we keep busy, and Rozalin always says that her dream is to have thirty children, who am I to deny my beloved?"

"Wait... wife?... how the hell does it make you pregnant?! Because it leaves you not? I know that a human woman can impregnate an extra human,  but it is very rare! And I've never heard the opposite!"


"Rozalin was born as a woman in the body of a man." When it came time to undergo surgery, my beloved decided to keep the genitals to make sure I could get pregnant! And after 22 children divided into 3 pairs of identical twins and 2 of normal twins , a triplets and 9 unique children here we are! "
Fiona sighed, drying her forehead, imagining what a Christmas dinner should be like in this family.
"Can we ... return to the subject?" Adell sighed, feeling like he lost control of the situation and the attention of everyone. It was going to be a long day, that's for sure.




Area 51: Same moment.


Kicking the ventilation duct, Valeria landed in the middle of the hall.

"I have entered the zone, now, where is my jackpot?"

"According to the plans, the cooler should be on your left, about 70 feet away from your current position, be careful with three cameras, two on your right and one on your left, boss."

Valeria turned off the communicator so Jack would not stop her from concentrating. One of the great advantages of being a vampire? To be able to vanish.Turning into a current of fog (this was not part of being a vampire, rather it was part of an almost absurd control of the wind), Valeria dodged the surveillance cameras and placed in the warehouse.

"Well, tell Zoe to put on the communicator" Valeria opened the last security door with the codes of Robin, and left the backpack on the floor in front of her prize.

"Chief, attend, the glyph I have given you serves only and exclusively if you put it on your head, recite the song that I have attached to you and form the contract, once you bring it here I will do the rest"


Valeria sighed, pretending that her spears do not take her for an idiot without memory. And grateful that she had reminded him of her

"Life is a duty, and death is the reward.
But your life has not yet reached its end.
Get up and follow my voice, 

 because I will give you the rest you deserve so much! "

Valeria could not help giving musicality to the ritual song.

The ground began to tremble, while blue flames surrounded the corpse. Zoe explained once that those flames are the fire of the beyond, and do not burn. But they did give warmth! Valeria approached one as the ritual concluded.
The alarm sounded throughout the complex, while the corpse began to breathe again. The flames of the beyond being absorbed by the body, infusing it with life again.

Little by little, the corpse began to open its eyes, while it felt its heart beating again. "LIVE FOR MY EMPIRE! FOR ME! FOR YOUR FUTURE AND YOUR FAMILY... wait... where am I? I see... I see the light... is the end? Finally!... wait ... this isnt a tunnel!"

"Jolbirth! Welcome to the world of the living again!" Jolbirth stood up heavily, as he regained his sight little by little. "Hurry to recover the strength, we have to get out of here at full speed!"

"Valeria?... I must be in hell..."

End Notes:




Valeria did not contract Zoe for nothing!

The Lich has... friends in the beyond for this kind of situation!





I have no idea who the author is or where it comes from (and that for a while I was looking for its origin by google!), But looking for images of humanoid dragons I found her, and for some reason I have been watching 15 minutes. It would be silly, but I had to share it.

I have no idea who the author is or where it comes from (and that for a while I was looking for its origin by google!), But looking for images of humanoid dragons I found her, and for some reason I have been watching 15 minutes. It would be silly, but I had to share it.


One word: Sublime

Chapter 38 Written with S of Bahia del Sol by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

5600 readings! one of my favorite numbers! (do not ask me why)

Thank you all for reading!

And without further delay we go with the chapter!


(Today comes loaded with dragons and giantesses!)


Office of the mayor of Bahia: 14:00


"And, in another order of things, we are preparing the construction of-"

"Enough, Vagrand! Where is Valeria? I have things to talk about with her!" The old harpy (unfortunately for Vagrand, the name imposed by Valeria was too good to forget) kept screaming, as during the whole meeting of the round table of the sun. Veronica made suicide gestures from behind the webcam, deconcentrating Vagrand, but at the same time forcing him to smile.

"As I said, ma'am, Valeria has been excused today for a kind of" secret "mission... however, this meeting is about the reconstruction of Bahia! If you have personal things, solve them later, please"

"Listen to me, boy. Valeria has risked too much in this last operation, I will not let her put Hannah in more danger!" The old harpy hit her table with her fist, seeking to emphasize her message.

"Vagrand... I can cut her off... that's how we got rid of her!" Veronica grabbed the power cord of the computer, ready to cut that old pussy.

"Shhhh, ma'am, one more time, I recommend you trust my criteria, I need more than anyone to make Hannah the Dirty Lover, and fulfill our dream.Do you seriously think I'm going to put your life in danger?"

"Age takes a toll on you, Hannah can with everything you throw at her!" Smith smiled, confident that Vagrand would handle the situation well.

"Thank you for your support, Mr Smith, you see, ma'am, I'm no novice in this, and a situation as dangerous as Jolbirth's will not happen again, I can assume-" Vagrand's phone started ringing, vibrating all over the table. "One moment, please"


Vagrand turned around, while Veronica silenced the microphone. Valeria's name appeared on the screen, and just by reading it he could already feel tired and annoyed. "Vagrand! Can you tell me where Hannah is? I dont have the work phone!"


"Woah... dude... you're really angry... Right now we're going back to Bahia, more or less... how far to go, Jolbirth?" Vagrand blinked a couple of times, praying he had misheard.

"I have no idea... I dont recognize this place, but I'm following that flat compass of yours, so we'll get to Bahia for sure" .............

"Valeria... what have you done..." Second by second, Vagrand could see how a heart attack was forming inside him.

"I've revived Jolbirth!" After many laps and after Jack failed to get information from the Protoslime communicator, I decided that if something could take us to the Priestess, it was Jolbirth! Dont worry, there is no hate in his heart... and just in case Zoe has created a glyph of obedience! We have the old king controlled! Say hello Jolbirth!"

"Good afternoon, Mayor Vagrand. I apologize for my previous performance" The mayor did not know what was worse: If the fact that Valeria has revived the public enemy number one of the United States at this time... or that Jolbirth is the The only one who had treated him with respect.

"Come on, tell me where Hannah is, I have to tell her my plan!"

Vagrand hesitated a moment, and after looking at the screen of his computer and see the frown of old harpy... opening the tracking program, Vagrand looking for the last location sent by Sora.
"Where is Hannah right now... on a cruise?" Veronica, upon hearing this, approached the computer.

"Sir, that's the Ashcrew company cruise, arrived at the port 2 days ago... what does Hannah do there?"


"On a cruise? Understood! From here, I'll take care of you! See you later!" Valeria cut the call, leaving Vagrando completely gone.After breathing a few moments, the mayor fixed his suit and looked at the webcam while he turned on the microphone again.

"Gentlemen ... I have lost control of the situation."

"Benjamin... you are really... really useless..."



Back to Maria's office: Same moment.


Once everyone was back in their seats, Adell cleared his throat and continued. "As I was saying, the Blue Key, or azure key if you ask our experts, connect our world to hundreds of others." This process gave rise to the extra-human due to the energy released in the form of mystical dust or "bond dust"

"Bond dust? sounds fanciful, but no more than all the story... "Elsa still doubted the veracity of the story, but Jolbirth was impossible to know the same story if it was invented.

"We do not have any samples, so we do not know their composition, but what we have clear are two things:

A) The dust modified the female genetic code, giving it the ability to mutate and adapt." The male genetic code was also modified, but only I empower the musculature and neurons, so men are simply taller, stronger, and smarter than our more recent ancestors.

And B) The dust allowed that under the right conditions, it was possible to travel between connected worlds. And I know it sounds super cool and all that, but it's much harder than it looks"

"Of course, how are you going to travel without a Gumi ship?" Again, Victoria punched him in the arm.

"Jolbirth is from another world, no?" Elsa and Fiona, much more relaxed than Hannah, seemed to have their own conclusions.

"Right, the dragon mausoleum and Jolbirth jailers belong to another world... Although we only have his confirmation to Calia as proof..." Victoria looked at her mother, who after a few seconds nodded and typed something on her laptop.

"What my daughter wants to say, is that we have another proof of all this, some years ago, we managed to contact- Before that..." Maria glanced at her desk and got 3 contracts. "I need you to sign this"


"A contract... I'm too young to work! and I do not know if Mom would allow it"

"No, my love, it's a confidentiality contract, so that nothing we hear here can be told, is it really necessary, Maria?"

"I'm sorry, Elsa, but it's a necessary formality." Reluctantly, Elsa signed with the pen borrowed by Adell, and behind her Hannah and Fiona signed. "As I was saying, we managed to create contact with other of those connected worlds, our contact calls himself Joan, and apparently his world is more or less as advanced as ours"

Typing again, Maria turned her laptop and showed the image of a young Asian boy. The boy did not have anything special, except for having only one eye. In the center of the face. "As you can see, our species evolved differently, does it serve as proof?"

"The trio nodded slowly." Perfect, now it's just the final part. My goal... "Maria sighed as she got up from her chair" I ... I want to build a better world, and I know it sounds very cliche, but I think we can achieve it if we combine our skills... Hannah, you're the Dirty Lover and you know what it means, so I need your help "

"Maria... I can say your intentions are honest. But you're putting too much weight on my shoulders... I'm only 16... I do not know if I can meet your expectations..." Hannah did not look up, not wanting to see the look of disappointment of the giantess.

"Hannah, I think I didnt explain me correctly... I dont want you to do anything by yourself! This job is too big for one person! I dont leave the cathedral to depend on a girl now... please, Hannah. Im a proud mother! I would never allow something like that! " Maria laughed as she walked around her desk, until she reached Hannah. "The future belongs to everyone, and we must all do our bit"


"Maria, I'm not Hannah and I can not speak for her." Elsa got up from the chair and walked to the edge of the table. "But our world is different, and each person has their own vision of what they want, I know I want to end discrimination as much as I can... that's why I have to ask you something"

"Go ahead, Elsa"

"I have your word? can I trust you?"

Maria nodded convinced. "I do not depend on visions or prophecies, everything I have I have achieved myself, I am clear that I want to contribute to this world, and thus find out why our world is connected to so many others.

That is the desire that I have instilled in my children and my workers "


Elsa sighed, not believing what she was going to say. "Hannah, do you want us to do it? The decision is all yours"

Hannah pressed her hands together, searching for the answer in her heart. But all that was found was the cries of some children.
"MOMMY! DRAGON! A DRAGON HAS COME!" Everyone in the office raised their heads to the unisolo, and without waiting for Elsa and Fiona to agree, they were picked up by Maria. The three giantesses ran to the garden as fast as they could.



Garden of the mansion: DRAGON!


Jolbirth landed in the middle of the road, lowering her head so Valeria would dismount. The vampire jumped to the ground, to be received by 3 children who did not stop screaming with emotion. "DRAGON! IT'S A DRAGON!" "DAGON DAGON!"

"Relax kids! It's not just any dragon! It's the king of dragons!" While Valeria presumed, Hannah and the others arrived at the garden.

"JOLBIRTH!" Scream Hannah.

"Hannah," Jolbirht said.

"Valeria!" Said Elsa.

"Elsa! Hannah!" Valeria said.

"VALERIA!" Hannah screamed even more furious.

"Valeria?" Maria exclaimed, between tears and the joy of finally knowing her niece.

"Mrs?" Valeria asked without having any idea who the giantess was.

"Jolbirth?!" Victoria shouted as she picked up her little brothers and they stood behind her mother.

"Giantess number 3" Jolbirth said hesitantly how to call her.

"Victoria..." Victoria growled leaving her brothers on the ground.

"Adell" Adell, confident of his safety, advanced towards Jolbirth until he was stopped by his mother's foot.

"Jolbirth..." Maria kept her composure, not being intimidated.

"Flynn's Sister" Jolbirth growled as he recognized Flynn's scent on Maria.

"Flynn's sister?" Valeria asked completely broken, not knowing that her father had family beyond her, Light and her mother.

"Valeria!" Maria smiled with half a face, the other half was still serious for Jolbirht.

The wind broke in front of the group, and in a gust of golden wind Flynn appeared, holding his spear towards Jolbirth! "JOLBIRTH!"

"FLYNN!" Jolbirth turned his head, smiling as he prepared to fight.

"Why does evone sceam names, Mommy? Ky wans! Ky!"

"That's not fair, Ky! Naiara!"

"I was going to say mine! Mitchell!"

Until the children got involved in the game, no adult realized how ridiculous the scene was. A very uncomfortable silence was formed among those present, and until Flynn said nothing, nobody seemed willing to undo it. "Valeria, what the hell are you doing, what are you doing with Jolbirth ?!"


"Dad, calm down! Jolbirth is our trick to locate the priestess! I've revived him to use as a decoy!" Jolbirth grabbed Valeria by the tail, squeezing her.

"Like a decoy?! That's not our deal!" Valeria tried to defend herself, but the lack of air did not let her articulate a word.

"Jolbirth, let her go. Now." Hannah walked towards him, starting to release aura.

"Hannah, there's no need to get violent! I'm not going to hurt her more than she would do herself!" Jolbirth released Valeria on the floor. "See, now I'm on your side! You eradicated the hatred of my heart! and my life... but above all the hatred!"

Hannah narrowed her eyes, trying to use the empathic link again. Jolbirth's heart no longer harbored hate, that was true... the problem is that now it harbored love, longing and suicidal desires. All together. "I'm going to believe you..."

Elsa walked towards the dragon until it was right in front of her head. "Are you really on our side?"

"Of course, I need to be if I want to die again" Elsa smiled as she stroked her nose.

"HOW CAN YOU BE SO CALM?! IT'S JOLBIRTH!" Flynn shouted to the four winds, while charging against him. Fiona interfered with him, but the prophet showed again why his title was getting rid of her.

"You havent changed... eh Flynn?" Maria covered her face, searching for the words she had been wanting to tell her brother for so long.

"Maria, it's you! I had not recognized you... BECAUSE OF JOLBIRTH!" Launching himself in a new charge, this time he was stopped by Valeria.


"Flynn's sister? what have you not told me, dad?"



"SILENCE!" A crystal clear voice resonated in the heads of everyone. It was a warm, soft voice, though he had screamed. "Everything can be resolved talking, there's no need to fight!"

A vortex of pure light appeared at the entrance of the garden, from it emanated a cool and warm breeze. Flynn swallowed with strength, along with Valeria and Maria. The three knew what was coming.

The vortex grew slowly, reaching 55 feet in diameter. After a few seconds, a voice was heard complaining. "Come on... those pants are new... they cant be be tight... AH! Finally"

Flynn released the spear and walked towards the vortex. "Did you... wake up?"
A giant hand lifted Flynn, holding him as if he were only a doll.

A soft laugh sounded, while from the vortex emerged a giantess. Her skin was whitish, but she did not look sick in any way.His hourglass figure was accompanied by short pantalocillos and a sleeveless shirt with the word "Sun" printed on it. The hair of the giantess reached below the waist, colored an intense red. (And unlike Adell, it was not tinted)

Nobody said anything, while the 55-foot giantess came out completely from the vortex and stretched quietly, reaching yawning. "Nice to meet you all! And greetings to you too, King Jolbirth." The giantess made a gesture as if to take off her hat while accompanying her with a giggle.

Even Jolbirth was speechless. Only this time the silence was broken by Valeria.

"Mo.... mmy..."

End Notes:




Chapter 39 Promises for the future and barbecues by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:




Thanks as always to all the readings! This is the presentation chapter of Calia as part of the group, so enjoy it!

Calia may be placed as a super powerful and unattainable being, but it does not matter how different their genes are.

We all remain human and we all have weaknesses.

At the end of the day... the flesh and our will is what differentiates us from the machines.


Same place: Same moment.


"Mo... mmy..." Never before in Bahia del Sol had a word had such a huge impact. That Valeria, the very same Valeria was trembling in such a way was just another example of Calia's power.

"What's the matter, darling? you've been completely pale! More pale than usual!" Calia laughed softly, her voice resonating directly within everyone present. Leaving Flynn gently on the ground, Calia walked slowly towards the group, each of her steps sinking into the garden earth. "Sorry... for the footsteps... sorry..."

"Honey, what are you doing out here? You just woke up! Would not you rather eat and take it easy?" Flynn sounded super nervous, as he walked behind his wife.

"Flynn, I've been sleeping almost a month and a half! I know that keeping miniature suns costs a lot... but it's not like I cant move!" Calia smiled quietly, as if nothing was happening.

Flynn babbled a few seconds, unable to find counterargument for his wife. Jolbirth, unable to remain silent any longer, turned around and put himself in combat position."Calia... Calia Sol... give me one reason not to attack you right now!"

"You say you didnt harbor hatred in your heart, come on Jolbirth, if you're on our side it's for everything! Let's not let old personal quarrels destroy the beginning of a beautiful friendship!" Calia's smile was so pure that even Jolbirth had to look away and lower his head. "Now... valeria"Valeria took a small leap back, completely terrified.

Calia knelt and sat on her heels, slapping her knees. Valeria denied, while Calia nodded."Calia... your mother came out for the first time... when was the last time you came out, Calia?"

"I think I remember... Germany had declared war..." Calia crossed her hands, searching her memories.

"You came out last in 1939 ?!" Victoria could not stand the surprise, screaming and then covering her mouth.

"Wait... Honey, tell me what caused the war... please" Flynn was trembling for the answer.

"I would swear it was the assassination of the archduke of Austria! I didnt pretend to sound like I was glad..." Calia under her head, still patting her knee waiting for Valeria to get close.


"That was... 1914?! You've left Calia 104 years without leaving the cathedral?! Flynn! What the hell?!" Maria could not contain her rage, and ran forward grabbing her brother from the neck of the tunic. Flynn dug her nails and mourned her sister's hand, without much effectiveness.

"It was partly my fault! I consumed a lot of energy fighting Jolbirth and creating the miniature suns of the Cathedral! Wait... Maria ?!" Calia's smile returned to the moment, as soon as she recognized her political sister. Maria smiled and approached Calia.

"I havent seen you in a long time ... you stay pretty young!" Maria went to take the hand of the bigger giantess, but Calia was faster and she raised her in a hug.

Valeria sighed, happy for having dodged the danger. Or did it for a few seconds, because as soon as Calia released Maria, she grabbed her daughter by the waist and sat her on her knee. "Valeria, my love, why have you resurrected Jolbirth without permission? Those things should be discussed among your friends..."


"But mom... I did it to locate the priestess! It was with good intentions!" Calia refused while putting Valeria down on her knee and lowering her pants.

"Honey, even with good intentions a bad action is a bad action, you deserve a punishment" Valeria shouted pleading while Calia raised her hand. The protests were empty, for Calia gave her a spanking.

No one said anything, they only limited him to observe (and Elsa and Fiona record) as the great Valeria, head of GUN, was treated as a mere infant. Maria's three young children laughed to themselves, while everyone except Hannah kept her face serious and uncomfortable. Hannah instead... was overwhelmed at many levels.

"It's not fair... I'm older for these things..." Valeria stroked her buttocks still aching as she got off her mother's knee. His pants and his dignity were so low. "Also mommy, you have Hannah right here! what are you doing wasting time with me?"


"Really?!" Calia looked everywhere, looking for Hannah. The truth is that it was useless, because she did not have any information about what Hannah was like. "There are... two young giantesses... sorry but who is Hannah?" Calia smiled guiltily, feeling very embarrassed. 


Everyone turned their heads to Hannah, and although it was already clear to Calia who she was, Hannah herself still did not step forward. And he did not give it for a full minute.In the end, Elsa sighed and caressed Hannah's leg stepped forward."You must be Calia Sol! Nice to-"

"SPEAK WITH A MINIMUM OF RESPECT AND ADMIRATION! YOU ARE SPEAKING WITH CALIA SOL IN PERSON, ELSA! MORE RESPECT!" Flynn jumped up, fully recovered from Maria's attack, and pointed his spear at Elsa's neck.




"FOOL!" Everyone shouted (except for Jolbirth, who watched amused), but that did not make the prophet loose his threat.

Elsa took a step back, slightly cowed by the spear. Flynn took a step forward, until Calia could not stand it anymore.

"Flynn, enough." Calia opened her eyes with force, releasing a blast of aura of such magnitude that she pushed back all those present, along with the tops of the trees in the garden. And with some of the front windows of the mansion.
Flynn released his spear directly, completely frozen by fear. Elsa sighed and stepped on the side. "Thank you, Miss Calia..."

"Calia, just Calia, please! you must be... Elsa! nice to meet you!" Calia offered him her hand, and although Elsa was confident in her dealings with extrahumans, the gigantic size of Calia overwhelmed her. First she thought about taking her finger as she did Victoria, but her size was completely different. 


" are someone very important, and I dont want to bother you or make you feel insulted. Should I take your finger, or how do we do it?" Calia tilted her head confused, until she managed to understand what she was referring to.

"Ah, you talk about the handshake! Well, the truth... I have no idea! Normally no one asks me! They just bow for no reason and keep quiet"

"That's not my plan, so..." Elsa took her finger (from the outside it looked like a baby holding a basketball or a yoga ball)


Calia moved her finger slightly up and down, still smiling. And then, suddenly, she was completely still. "ELSA! THAT'S WHY HE HAD COME! My love, I've had another dream!" Elsa turned back, covering her ears with the excessive volume of Calia's voice.

Flynn, already used to running to his wife, and jumping to his knees, support his hands on his stomach. "I'm all heard, later I'll transcribe it"

"I've seen the Dirty Lover, in a dirty and dark place...

  I heard bonfires in the background! And I also heard a kind of saw!

A human made of metal was pointed at him with his hand, which was shining without having any kind of And then..."

Calia closed her eyes, breathing slowly.

"It hurts me that things have had to end like this... 

 but you know what they say!

Never bet against the king, because the house always wins.

After saying that... everything went dark, and I saw hundreds of golden lights in the night sky... "


"It's a dream much clearer than the last ones, of that there's no doubt if you remember his words..." Flynn crossed his arms, reflecting while out of the corner of his eye he watched Hannah's reaction.

"Not only that! when I came here I opened a portal at the entrance to the cathedral, and while it was forming I looked at the candles... Flynn, have you noticed that the second candle is still off?"

Flynn sighed, while Valeria (the only one among those present who understood what her parents were referring to) jumped to the knees of her mother. "Wait a minute Mommy! The second candle was the king's candle! You said that Jolbirth was the second enemy that Hannah had to deal with!" The indignation grew in the voice of Valeria, as well as inside Elsa.

"The last dream of your mother was clear, the king would attack Hannah with his heart colored by hatred, the description was evidently that of Jolbirth! He even appeared as your mother saw in his dreams!"


"Are you still with your dreams? How boring..." Jolbirth yawned and lay down. Maria's little children took advantage of the confusion among the adults to run to the dragon and play with their wings.

"My dreams have never failed me, Jolbirth, and the latter... will not be different... I'm afraid..." Although at the beginning of the sentence Calia tried to silence the dragon, little by little the fears for the last The dream turned her into a sign of her own insecurity.

The revelation kept the group in a small debate, until Hannah, armed with courage for what she just heard on the way to Calia.

"S... sorry mrs... no no. Calia, I'm Hannah Reyes, The Dirty Lover! "Calia immediately smiled again, filling in Hannah's courage. "Even if your dream is so... pessimistic? Whatever! I will not let any robot underestimate me! Although the bets are against me, I will bet everything to the future! And that's why I need you and Flynn to reconcile with Maria! The people of the cathedral and Maria's people are looking for the same thing! So..."

Hannah bit her tongue, cursing herself inside. But even this did not cut her resolution. "So if we all work together we will achieve great things, whatever they may be!" 


The silence number X was formed again, until Calia without saying anything raised Hannah in a hug. "If you wish, this will be done! The future is in the air, so the more we are to achieve it, the better we will do it!" Hannah could not believe that the same Calia Sol was on her side, shedding a few tears of joy over the giantess.


"Calia, what are you saying ?! The cathedral of the sun was founded to protect the future, and Maria renegade directly from our! I will not let her come back without an apology or anything!" Flynn pointed to his sister, trying to emphasize the anger he felt.

"I know perfectly well, but here I am! I will not go back to sleep in a looooong season! And I want to get my family back! Maria has 5 adorable children! So I have 5 nephews to pamper! And my new political daughter Hannah! And her girlfriend/future wife! And all my daughters' co-workers! I have a lot of love that I dont intend to hide again in the cathedral!"

Flynn gave no credit to what he heard. It was not the first time that Calia made decisions lightly, but this went far beyond what he expected... and guilt would not let him refuse.

"New... new daughter?" Hannah asked completely confused.

"Of course, I've been dreaming of you since long before your mother was born! I was the Dirty Lover, and now you are, so that makes me your Dirty Mother!" Half of those present turned their heads suddenly, in shock at Calia's statements. 

Fiona pushed Elsa away slightly and whispered in her ear.

"She has never seen porn, right? Because I do not believe that someone calls herself a dirty mother... not today..."

"Shut up... this is a pleasant memory that she would be ashamed of!"

"You have it on the cell, right?" Elsa nodded as they returned with the group.

  "You really have 22 nephews! Of all kinds, too!" A voice came directly from the mansion. Towards the group, a woman who radiated femininity all over her body was approaching. "Honey, when were you going to tell me you had such a party in the garden?"Although his tone was kind, one could feel the point of criticism and anger in his voice.

"Rozalin! The truth?... I didnt expect so many people to appear... you remember that I told you about my brother, he is still alive!" Maria laughed nervously as she walked towards her wife. (Flynn clenched his fist in victory, not the only one with bossy wives' problems)

Passing between Maria's legs, ignoring her very strongly, Rozalin went towards the group. "Nice to meet you all! I am Rozalin, the wife and co-president of the Ashcrew industries, since you are all here, and I have to meet you all one by one ... what if you stay to eat? to the garden and make a barbecue! Or several! Because there are two fucking giantesses more than usual, and one of them is the extra-large package..." No one heard Rozalin's insults, except his wife.

Everyone agreed, and with a snap of fingers, Adell, Victoria, Mitchell and Naiara and Ky ran into the mansion to prepare everything, followed by Rozalin.
Maria sighed, knowing that the day was going to be much longer than at first thought the medium giantess.

End Notes:




Maria Ashcrew:

The head of the family and president of Industrias Ashcrew. (multinational mainly focused on the tertiary sector, mainly in the entertainment and restaurant industries)

Maria is the sister of blood of Flynn, being in turn a giantess of second growth. (35 feet and 4 inches in height, undisclosed weight)Like her brother and Calia, Maria took the oath of the sun, gaining an eternal body (not immortal), even though the passage of time continued to affect her until she was 40 years old.

Thanks to the daily exercise, the ravages of age on her skin are minimal, although so many pregnancies and so followed that they have taken their toll.

Although at first Maria was clear that she pretended to have 3 children, Rozalin's insistence and the sacrifice of keeping her male genitals convinced Maria to participate in the crazy idea of r03;r03;30 offspring. But no matter how many children she has! Maria still has the kindness and strength to help and love them all! No matter how hard it is!

(There are rumors that Maria has a slight alcohol addiction, but this is completely false, almost everything is false, since Alfred controls it so that she can only consume alcohol outside pregnancy)




Brrrrrrr. Brrrrrrr.

"Excuse me, I was in the bathroom. "hat if I heard it? Of course, but dont worry, my cover is still safe.

I dont care what you say, tower was always too sentimental. Her betrayal, although unexpected, isnt something too serious.

Trust me! My systems are prepared to knock it down, I collected enough data during the fight against Jolbirth. She is very young, and uses plagiarized movements of video games... and thanks to a little analysis of my own... I have at my disposal the information of all her "library". Nothing she does can surprise me.

Besides, now that we have the confirmation that Calia is still alive, I simply must isolate her from everyone else.

Elsa may be a genius, and her mental agility is above average... but once I separates Hannah from her mates, Elsa's tactics or Valeria and Flynn's agility will not help.

I have to hang up, a message of work has arrived. The moon rests on its shoulders, Priestess. Hail"

Hanging the communicator, Hierophant looked out the window. Tower was a useless guided by her feelings, but he was different. He had been created for this, and nothing could stop him, not now that he had the information.

After all, information is the greatest power today.

Chapter 40/Chapters from Bahia 1: Our Azure blue world. by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:



First of all, let's go with the bases: Thanks to everyone for the readings! That said... Welcome to a new series of chapters!

"Chapters from Bahia" will collect the stories of other characters that are not Hannah or Elsa. From Bolt to Adell, from Chris to Veronica.

Bahia is a huge city (in every way!) And its inhabitants deserve to have a voice!

Well, to begin, let's give voice to one of its most recent inhabitants!


As the second daughter of the Ashcrew family and as a third growth giantess, Victoria rules her life from honor and duty. But deep down she is still a young girl about to enter the university.

Maria has relocated her home and that of her family to Bahia to be with Calia and Hannah directing everything, but that brings something else... change of residence.




Horyzon Heigts: 10:00 am, February 5th


Moving to another house, city and country brings many problems, from the change of house, airs and landscapes, to the move itself.

No matter how much money they had, Maria and Rozalin had worked all their lives to keep the Ashcrew family a normal family. Which meant they had no maids, no cooks, or anything like that.


All this translated into that all the physical work of the move rested on the 19 childrens able to walk. And more evidently, the great part of this work fell on Victoria, for being a giantess, and on Samantha, for being a high-orc.

"Vic, are you listening to me? Dont take the boxes I can carry! You can take my job, but I cant take your own!" Victoria returned to herself, feeling as her little sister punched her knees.

Sam had always been one of her closest sisters (mainly for being the second highest, for now) and her punching, although any other person would knock them down in one fell swoop, for the giantess it was no big deal.

"Eh?" Victoria took a moment to realize that she was holding one of the twins' cradles. As Sam had just said, picking up such small things was not her job. "Sorry Sam... I have my head... somewhere else"

"Do you still have it in Manchester?" Sam laughed as he snatched the crib from his sister. As a High-orc, at Sam's height it resided at 12 feet and 1 inch. Impressive in any other family, but with Maria and Victoria around, and soon Claire, 12 feet were not the big deal.


"I think ... although here people also speak in English, the feeling is completely different..." Victoria looked around, looking for possible neighbors spying.

 Horyzon Heigths (although the name was badly written) was one of the most expensive neighborhoods in the outer zone of Bahia, and although it was to be reformed in a few years by the "Bahia 2.0 project" (something that as a fan of architecture, Victoria I was very interested) this was going to be his new home in the next few years.

"I know what you mean! The sky is super blue! And the air is super clean to be a huge city!" Sam stretched her arms and took a deep breath. It has always been said that orcs are more in tune with nature than most species, and high-orc are even more connected. Seeing her little sister enjoying so much of Bahia took away some of her head's worries.

Opening one of the windows on the top floor, Adell and Jared (fifteenth child, 6 years old) looked out to watch their sisters. "You! Muscle Duo! More work and less stop!"

"That! Work hard, muscle duo!"


"Come down here and tell my face, baby!" Sam was easily irascible, and unfortunately, Jared was almost identical to Adell. Which meant he was learning all the bad things from the older one.

Jared stuck out his tongue while closing the window. Victoria stroked her sister's head before returning to take out furniture.

The Ashcrew family might not be the closest family in the world, (with 24 members today it was certainly difficult), but if love and affection flowed naturally between them and all of them. That nobody could deny it.




Same day, female floor of the Ashcrew mansion.

Do you remember all that love between the members of the family? Forget it, because what is being lived in the mansion now corresponds rather to a war.

As was natural in the Ashcrew family; Maria and Rozalin received the ground floor of the mansion, the boys received the first floor (which had the lowest ceilings normally) and the girls received the third floor, with a fourth floor reserved for future children/guests.

When one has 2 sisters, the distribution of rooms can be violent but fast. When one has 11 sisters to divide the rooms, physical and verbal aggression was impossible to avoid.

"WE DESERVE THE FRONT ROOMS! WE ARE WINGED SPECIES!" The twins Skye and Shira (third and fourth daughters, 16 years old) spoke at the same time as always, always disturbin; although her argument had logic for being a cupid and a Valkyrie respectively. Unfortunately for the duo, the logic did not apply in this house.

"Ky and I are species more connected to nature! And we need to have the largest window! We take the front rooms!" Sam had Ky on her shoulders, although she didnt understand the argument, she repeated what her sister said as if it were a game.

"Both are good arguments ..." As the oldest, Victoria had the duty to put order among her sisters, in the same way that Adell put him among his brothers.

"It's not fair! They always take good rooms! I'm a fairy! I cant live hidden in the back!" Crystal, the eighth daughter (and the smallest, with only 1 feet and 8 inches tall) as always towards the voice of discord. His size was nothing compared to the power of her lungs, and the fairy was responsible for marking their territory whenever she could.


Again the discussion began, and Victoria, tired of the same as always, turned to her younger sisters. "And you, sweeties, what room do you want?"

Claire (nineteenth daughter, 2 years old), clung to the leg of her beloved sister Luna (seventeenth daughter, 5 years old). For the little giantess, her wolf sister was the most valuable thing in the world, and she never left it for anything in the world. "Luna..."


"That means we want rooms stuck!" It was true that Luna usually invented what Claire's babble or words meant, but neither did anyone understand it correctly.

"You see, you are so much better than those idiots!" Victoria smiled for a few seconds.

"What room will Mitch have picked up? Can I pierce the floor of mine to connect them ?!" Naiara ... I usually used to have such crazy ideas. But with 10 years recently completed, one could not expect more from her either.


"We are not going to bore any soil without permission, Nai... dont make me have to repeat it again..."

"But it's not fair! I want to sleep with Mitch! Separating is crime, for sure!" Naiara jumped again and again, the floor creaking slightly with each jump. The wood on the floor had not yet been replaced by a reinforced one, and the weight of Naiara (along with that of Victoria, Sam and Shira) was too much. The little tiger was not aware of her new weight gained with all her new muscles. (Although they were still childish and not very promising, they would grow gradually like those of any extrahuman big cat)


"If she has a ladder to the bottom floor, I want one to the roof!" Since their mothers had told him about the climate of Bahia del Sol, Iskra had wanted to build a generator on the roof for some time. For the Raiyu, any promise to generate electricity for food was enough to ignite her inexhaustible passion.

"No one is going to build stairs anywhere! First the carpenters have to come to change the whole floor!" Victoria did not like to scream, but sometimes it was more than necessary. The books of giant behavior always said that a giantess should not raise her voice, but surely her authors did not have 11 sisters in her charge.

The scream, although for Victoria it was not too much, was enough to make the triplets cry on the ground floor, and provoke the laughter of the idiots on the first floor.

"Good shout!" "Shout more than the neighbors have not heard you!" "Every scream is like thunder!"

Most were not insults! Mens...

"VICTORY, NO MORE SCREAMING IN THIS HOUSE, OR I SWEAR THAT I WILL GO UP TO PUNISH YOU!" Rozalin's voice was scary, enough for no brother or sister to say a word. "So I like iT. All of you have 5 minutes to decide, the carpenters are already at the entrance"

What Victoria in presence had not achieved, her mother, only with the voice made it come true. Pulling a coin, Skye decided to bet the front quarters with others.

How with a coin can so many sisters decide? Simple answer.

Face or cross tournament style. You fight one against one, and the first and second place take the rooms. It was not the first time that the Ashcrew sisters had to decide things this way, and it would not be the last.




Hours later, garden of the Ashcrew mansion.


Victoria sighed exhausted. Mother Rozalin not only had put her in charge of the distribution of rooms, but also to give orders to the carpenters. It had been a day too hard for everyone, but this? She was only 18 years old! For less than two months! Too many obligations on his shoulders.

"Here you are! we have a good view of the sea, right?" Adell way to sit on the right leg of his little sister. It had not been easy for him either, but the boys had much less problems with the floor and the furniture than 12 extrahuman ones.

"It's the only good thing about this city..."

"Someone does not give you too much enthusiasm about our new house!" Adell laughed as he lay on her leg.

"Dont get me wrong... I dont hate this place... but it's not my place! I was born in Manchester! Almost everyone was born there! I know that the Dirty Lover deserves it... but we should also have the chance to vote, not do you think? "

"Vic, less stories. I know what happens to you! Until now, you were the only giantess... and not only Hannah now exists for mom, but she is also another Dirty Lover! You have a tough competition ahead... "

"You can quit now... it's clear that I'm not the Dirty Lover..." Victoria couldnt hide the disappointment. After so many years preparing to fight for the future, her position had been taken by another person, a much less prepared than Victoria.

"I'm never going to stop... Vic, you're the Dirty Lover and I dont care what they say! If so far there have not been two... now there are! Your heart shines with determination! And your dreams are pure! Hannah will have to show a lot if she wants to be able to compare with you!"


"ENOUGH! She's the Dirty Lover! I have to accept my role! That's... all I have left! ... and I do not want your compassion ... I'm big enough to take it!" Adell didnt used to show it, but she cared a lot about Victoria. (not in vain, she was his first companion)

This was one of those times... but unfortunately, not even Adell found words to help her.

"I'll go out for a while... I'll take my phone. if we have pizza or whatever ... ask for me, please..."
Before Adell could say anything, Victoria left him on the grass. After a few quick stretches, the giantess ran away, so fast that it was impossible for Adell to think about reaching her.




Promenade. Bahia at nightfall.


The good thing about Horyzon Heights was how close it was to the beach and the harbor, so in a quick walk (for a giantess) Victoria had reached the promenade.


Bahia was a strange city. Even in winter, the ambient temperature was high, enough for people to be in short sleeves and they were walking quietly or dining outdoors in seaside bars.

With a quick deduction, Victoria assumed that it should be for the underground miniature suns of Calia. Its temperature was enough to heat the subsoil and filter out, or something like that. She did not have any more evidence to support her theory.

In Manchester, even though he had lived all his life there, people used to turn around to Victoria, amazed and commented on its enormous size. On the other hand, here in Bahia, almost nobody stopped for it (except for the smallest children). This was a good thing more in favor of Bahia, but it did not change what she really felt.

Immersed in her thoughts, Victoria just arrived at the port.

The giantess stop her walk when she start to listening to music in the vicinity. It was a pretty song, enough to get the attention of the giantess. Looking around, Victoria just arrived at a small crowd, which swirled around a street group.

They didnt have too expensive instruments, nor too many good speakers. But both the singer and the guitarist made him want and managed to make that with little budget, everyone enjoyed.

Living in the city, in the cityYou know you have to surviveLiving in the cityYou've got to keep the dream aliveLiving in the cityWhere everything is freeLiving in the cityCan't you see?So many things that we've been throughCan you feel it?So many things for us to doBut can you feel it?So many faces all aroundSo many places to be foundLiving in a city where nothing gets you downOh...Living in the cityYou know you have to surviveLiving in the cityYou've got to keep the dream aliveLiving in the cityWhere everything is freeLiving in the cityCan't you see?


At the end of the song, everyone started to applaud, including Victoria. Some even approached to throw some money in the basket in front of the couple.

Little by little, everyone was dispersing, while the singer was preparing to pick up. "Today was a great day! 40 dollars!" For Victoria, who was still there, it was strange that those girls were happy with so little.

The girl had completely white hair, but she did not look like an extra human. And it was not albino either, because it had green eyes... The boy, on the other hand, had dark blond hair, slicked back. Both were slightly similar in facial features, and if it was Victoria's turn to guess, she would have bet they were cousins.

"Dont shout so loud, we still have spectators!" The boy laughed as he picked up his guitar and the portable speaker, both of them looking older than Victoria, but not by much age difference.

"Oh... how could I not see you?" The singer walked towards victory and offered her his hand. "Before you ask, we cant do an encore! The bedrooms have a curfew!"

"No no! I was not going to ask for an encore... it was just that the song was super nice..." Victoria did not know very well how to respond. The boy and the girl looked super cool, and no matter how big Victoria was, she had never considered herself a popular girl.

"Living in the city!" By Teresa Jane! If you give me your phone number I'll give you a YouTube link! And before you ask, we dont have the permission to sing it!" The boy walked towards her and hit him on the head with the back of his hand.

"And do you think that has to be said? Sometimes I wonder how you can live with nothing inside your head!" The girl turned and gave him a push, which moved almost nothing to the boy. "Sorry big girl... yo dont need to give her your phone number, it's not that she's a bad person or anything... she's just a little airhead!"


"Dont listen to him, he's just an envious man for not inheriting our grandmother's hair! It's incredible, right?" The girl ran her hand through her hair, and with a sharp thump, I shake it on the fly, returning everything to the same place without ruffling.

"Woah!" Victoria could not help but applaud, foolish as that was.

"Look, someone who understands how cool it is! See Jake, there are people with good taste out there!" Victoria smiled inside, as she struggled to memorize the name.

"As the idiot said, my name is Jake and she's Jane, we studied at the University of Bahia. What's your name, big girl?"

Victoria hesitated a few seconds, while she valued giving her name to strangers. But as they had done so kindly, she made the decision. "Victoria, my name is Victoria!"

"Victoria, what a weird name... is... Mexican?" Jake gave Jane another identical blow.

"The language is Spanish, not Mexican! Also, do you think she has Mexican features? I would bet more... British? Irish? I dont know more countries in that area... sorry"

"My mother is American, but my mo... father is British. I was born in Manchester, but I lived here for a long time, so I also have the American nationality. As for the name, like most of my brothers, my parents they chose based on the movie more recently than they had seen!"

"Look Jake, she talks as much as I do, is not she adorable?" Victory under her head, ashamed, realizing how long her response had been."But do not be embarrassed! I love to talk! Today we do not have much time, but tomorrow we come to play Azure Blue World! Come and then we can have a drink or something!"


"Really?" Victoria martyred herself a little, regretting looking so excited.

"Of course, we can be a little weird, but we dont miss our promise! That's the style of the Starz family! And I know it sounds weird, but it's Starz, not Stars." Jake smiled as he finished picking up everything and carrying it on his shoulder.


"I do not think it's weird, my family is called Ashcre ... Ashcream! A super weird name!"

"From now on we are friends with weird names! See you tomorrow, Victoria! Same time same place!" Jane said goodbye as she picked up Jake's stool and microphone and they left.

Victoria stared as the couple left, for as soon as they lost their sight they turned around.

Friends... for the first time someone wanted to be her friend! Victoria couldnt stop thinking about how happy she felt. After a lifetime of being isolated from others for all kinds of reasons, which ran from her family, her social position as the president's daughter and her size... she finally had a reason to fight!

Sh still didnt like Bahia too much, and Hannah had only made it worse. But now, the future was bright again. The Dirty Lover can not afford to be angry forever! Victoria had a place in history, and now she wanted to fight for it.

"Maybe... this is not such a bad place, this site may ... really be my style! This site may be fun!"

Victoria had 20 little brothers for whom to be an example to follow.

Victoria had an older brother who supported her.

Victoria had a mother who adored her, and another mother who loved her but was too strict.

And now that she could add 2 friends to that list, it was time to get going and show Bahia who was the Dirty Lover!

End Notes:



Two Dirty Lovers! A single future! Will their relationship make them collaborate? or will they face each other?

It may become a bit weird.

It may become a bit wild.

But in this dance against the forces of the moon/evil,

More than two points of view will be necessary!


Tomorrow, after the second part of the chapter, the description of Adell, Victoria and the order of children of the Ashcrew family will be revealed to simplify their appearance!

Dont change the channel! (or change it, I'm just a block of text)

Chapter 41/Chapters from Bahia 1: Our Azure blue world (part 2) by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:



I have been helping my grandmother move all day and I'm super exhausted, so today I will be quick and go straight to the point.

We are about to reach the 6000 readings! One of my favorite numbers! Thanks to everyone as always and enjoy the conclusion of the first "chapter from Bahia"

(think for a moment, when something is 5000 they seem a lot, but when something is 6000 they are almost a legion)

(Doesnt make sense? Maybe not, but it makes me happy!)




Bahia Beach: 20:30 at night.


Dinner time had arrived for the Ashcrew family, and one of the basic rules of the house is that it is an hour when missing was inexcusable. For that reason, before the imminent anger of Rozalin, Maria had sent to Aflred to look for Vic.


Alfred had a lot of time with the family, and he was one of the few people who knew Maria's real age. In addition, he had almost also raised the children with Maria, because Rozalin had the unpleasant habit of returning to his "house" for long periods.

Well, even with all this, the last thing Alfred expected was to find Victoria sitting on the sand on the beach. Approaching as stealthily as he could, the secretary listened as the giantess softly hummed a song.

Between that Victoria used to hate the sand wherever she went, and that at the same time she wasnt a big fan of music either, Alfred's surprise and stupefaction never stopped increasing. "So... you know what time it is, miss?"

Victoria gave a little bounce when she heard the secretary's voice, turning her head quickly and pretending nothing was happening. Nothing really happened, but for the code of giantess to be caught by surprise was a big mistake.

"Dad Alfred! what are you doing here... I was just looking at the sea! Nothing else!"

Alfred laughed softly, before leaning on the leg of the giantess. "I didnt think you were doing anything else... Besides, I cant be fooled, you know?"

"I know perfectly well... Do you like Bahia, Dad Alfred?" The giantess seemed worried, something quite long considering her normally regal behavior.


"I dont like or dislike Bahia. For now, my biggest complaint about the city is that Rozalin has chosen a neighborhood without blocks of apartments nearby, so I have to take it if or if the bike to get to your home quickly... "For any son of more than 5 years, the enmity between Rozalin and Alfred wasnt unknown.

An enmity that has only grown over the years. Rozalin has tried many times to try to convince Maria to dismiss Alfred, but the giantess has remained firm in her decision.Rozalin has ended up controlling many things in the life of the giantess, but Alfred (or more specifically his father and he) was one of Maria's first friends once she left the cathedral, and no matter how much she loved Rozalin, Alfred was an important part of his life and those of his children.

"Mother... it's like that... I feel bad when she's fucked you like that... I'm sorry!... I didnt want to say bad words..." Alfred patted the knee of the giantess to reassure her, and after that she got up to walk a little bit by the sand. "In another order of things... I've made two friends!"

"Really?" Alfred was really and truly amazed. For some reason that he did not know, all of Maria's children had a gift for losing friendships or having none at all. From Adell to recently Claire.

"Yes, they were playing music in the harbor, and when they finished, I stayed there... and they started talking naturally with me, without doing anything!" Victoria preferred to hide the part of keeping them looking eerily.


"That must be the magic of Bahia!" Victoria stared at him confused, causing Alfred to laugh again. "It is said that Bahia has an aura of goodwill, and that it is easy to fall in love with this city... I dont believe it, but Maria was born here, so I will trust and love this city for it"

"Really? Mom was born here? you know... because of her age..." Alfred sighed, because these kinds of questions were not easy to answer.


"Let's do one thing, the next time Rozalin goes to her "home", we ask Maria to tell us the full story. Do you like the idea?" Victoria nodded and got up, wiping the sand off her legs. "Then let's go back, we dont know what Rozalin is capable of doing if we miss the first dinner in the house..."





Next day: Apollo Academy, 08:00 in the morning.


Victoria stared at the entrance to the academy building. The vast majority of herbrothers and sister were inside with Maria and Rozalin to fill in their inscriptions, but Victoria had decided to stay out.

As she had to repeat a year of school because of a serious illness, she was a year behind in terms of people her age. It's not that she cared too much, because it was well known to her that it was her own will to live that she still breathed today.

What bothered her was to change school. It was not because of losing friends (when your accountant is down to zero, it is difficult to lower it even more), but because of having to learn a new academy and the names of all the teachers-

"VICTORIA!" Hannah came running, grabbing the giantess by the waist and hugging her with all her strength. Thank God there were not too many people nearby. "I cant believe it! You're in my academy! That means I have a friend in my academy! This must be one of the happiest days of the year!"

Hannah was not a bad person, but for Victoria, she was an obstacle.

Since she managed to defeat her illness with her own will and aura, Maria had told her that she was the Dirty Lover. Hannah couldnt take away all her life's work and even pretend that she supported her.

"I doubt it's such a happy day, to start in public you should not raise your voice, it's against the giantess code"


Hannah raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Code? we have a code? the first word I hear about it..."

Victoria bit her tongue, avoiding letting go of what she is thinking. "How can you dont know the code of giantess? Any giantess of second and third growth should read it! Talk about how we should act abroad, how we should communicate with humans and other extrahumans and other important data!"

" I feel a little idiotic saying this... but we really need a code of conduct?... I know we are bigger and that... but we are still human! Acting differently from others would not help the stereotype that we feel we are superior?"

This time, Victoria did not bite her tongue. She really didnt know what to say. The other giantess with whom Victoria had interviewed was imprisoned for the destruction of 5 houses and the murder of 12 people, and all she had said was that she did so because they were inferior.

Victoria had never felt superior to anyone (that behavior was more typical of Adell), so Hannah's words were enough for her to consider the inefficiency of the code. "No... I dont know what to tell you, it's true that I've never felt superior or with more rights than others... but I'm not going to deny that having the confidence to be big enough to be a role model is rewarding and pleasurable..."

"You really talk with very weird and complex words, dont you? its because you're from England?" Victoria turned her head in shame, not to show weakness before Hannah. At the same time she checked how more and more people were around her, muttering about both giantesses.

"Now there are two of them..."

"Do not you think Hannah is bigger?" "Shut up! They say it's her who defeated the dragon!"

"The new giantess... is pretty sexy" "Dont be perverted! I'm your girlfriend!"

"If we already had problems every time Hannah went to the bathroom... now that it's bigger and there's another giantess we'll have to queue at the door!"

Hannah, seeing how Victoria was feeling more and more uncomfortable, decided to follow Elsa's advice. "All the world!" After screaming, Hannah walked up to the stairs (Literally she needed 2 steps to cross them).

"I know I've been silent for many years and endured things like fat-ass, giant-ass and other things related to my ass! But now I want to start again! Victoria is new to the academy, she is a third growth giantess like me and comes from England! More exotic she cant be! So let's start talking to each other naturally... and that... "

Although Hannah had lost the bellows in the middle of the proclamation, everyone looked at each other without saying anything. Until a snap of fingers caught his attention.


Sofia walked towards the group, and giving a punch to Hannah's leg, forced her to kneel. The giantess caressed her aching leg while Sofia climbed onto her back and rested one of her legs on Hannah's head.

Victoria, the other students in the courtyard, the other students in the academy, teachers, Victoria's family and even Hannah herself went blank without knowing what to do. Sofia cleared her throat, and after taking a deep breath...



The roar of the lioness was heard throughout the academy, and throughout the neighborhood in general.From the Reyes family home, Elsa could feel her coffee shaking slightly.



"I knew, Sofia was the only one who could save us!" 

 "Hannah has made it! She has gone from being a zero to being a hero!"

"We have Hannah's fan club?" "You have to create it!"

"I will create a song with your feat!"

"A star was born today!" "Two stars!"

Sofia roared again, regaining her attention.




The crowd roared in tune, screaming with joy and happiness. Sofia jumped to the ground, and muttering something to Hannah, she walked towards Victoria, how immediately bent down to receive her; but Sofia shook her head.

Stretching out her arm, the lioness offered her hand to Victoria. Although at first Victoria doubted (it was the first time that someone referred to her out loud without boos in between), the look of Hannah and the whole world forced her to give in and take the hand of the lioness.

"Nice to meet you, Victoria, the boss says you're also Dirty Lover even if the prophet says otherwise, so I'll demand the same dedication as Hannah." Do you get it? "


"Of course, I've been preparing for it all my life" Sofia nodded, and followed by a whole crowd of students, entered the academy, where even more students of the academy newspaper were waiting for her.


Hannah walked towards Victoria, while the last students entered the academy. "I have to say... she really hit me hard..."

"Your sensei looks like someone really reliable..." Hannah shook her head, to Victoria's confusion.

"Not at all! I just found out how she is my sen... have you said sensei?" Tilting her head, Hannah looked directly at Victoria, but she looked away, embarrassed.

"As she has called us pupil... sensei seems the most appropriate" Hannah laughed while she had just stretched her bruised leg.

"So... you're also another Dirty Lover? Why your mother didnt mention it?" Victoria sighed, searching for Hannah's reasoning to come to that conclusion. Reasoning ... She dont err, but that wasnt the point.

"Do not get confused, Hannah, I've been preparing to be the Dirty Lover all my life.

My will saved my life and my dreams for a better future built part of my mother's fortune. If you are not up to the task, I will overrun you and take your place. So you're my guest to train with me and sensei-lion"

Hannah, happy for the development of the events, preferred to hide what her life was like in the academy until now. The future seemed bright, and ever since she met Elsa, there really were reasons to work hard now. "Are you a senior?"

"Right, I had to repeat a year when I was young, so this is my last year of pre-university education"

"You really lengthen the explanations too much!" Walking to the door of the academy and opening it, Hannah offered him a funny bow. "Be my guest, and even if we have to cross the door on all fours, there's a lot more space in there, not much, but you'll get used to it!"

Bahia was a strange place, there was no doubt about that.





Port of Bahia: Same hour yesterday, same place.


After presenting all the brothers and sisters of Victoria to Hannah and Elsa, they all decided to go together to see the musical duo.

Jane and Jake went from having an average of 15/20 people, to having more than 50 people watching them. (being fair ... 19 children of Maria, Alfred, Hannah, Elsa, Sofia, Chris were already alone almost half of the crowd)The couple looked at each other, and instead of being scared, they changed their plans. Blue Azure World was followed by a more childish and enjoyable song.


"You have got a friend in me"

Little by little, more and more people approached and left money to the couple. and when I say more people, I say a lot more people.

From Bolt, Sora and Mirabelle (who, as was their duty, kept watching Hannah from the shadows), Maria and Rozalin. Valeria, Light, Zoe and Dylan soon arrived at the place, although it caused quite a stir that they were accompanied by Jolbirth.

The crowd grew, and the couple was joined by two musicians who were in the harbor area, adding even more power to the song. The merchants of the port ended up calling the police for pre-execution, and smelling who could be the responsibles, Lloyd did not take long to arrive with two patrol cars.

From the office of the mayor, Vagrand, Ritchey, Veronica and Smith followed the performance by the surveillance cameras.

From the cathedral, Flynn and Calia did the same.

From under the harbor, Fiona and Jack followed the song as they tried to hack the Priestess's signal.

From a certain place in the crowd, the hierophant decided not to act tonight, and gather more information. In the end, the victory belonged to him, so nothing prevented him from enjoying himself a little.

It has always been said that Bahia is a magical place.

It may not be as pretty as they paint it, but there is some truth in it. For Bahia was the place from which the future would take shape.

And now the city had two Dirty Lovers to make sure.

Sun and Moon will never get along, but no matter how many years pass ... our little paradise of blue azure color will remain.

How do I know? Because I was there, of course.

For the sake of authentic history, I had to let you know.

For the sake of authentic history,

you have to know the events that led to the end of the old world...

and the birth of something completely new.

Signed: D**** *****

End Notes:




Victoria Ashcrew:

The second daughter of the Ashcrew family, born as a third-generation giantess 3 years after her elder brother, Adell.

Victoria, as you have already seen, is governed by the code of giantesses, a rather older book until Flynn, not very well known by whom written.


After a whole youth without friends (like all her brothers and sisters), Victoria has developed a strong sense of family, justice and the future. And after an illness that almost took her life, her own willpower was key to defeating it. After achieving it, Maria had it clear.


Victoria was the Dirty Lover that Calia had seen.

Training her in the use of the aura and its size, Maria endeavored to make Victoria someone worthy of Calia's legacy, and although Hannah has recently appeared in her life, Maria still trusts that Victoria is the Dirty Lover that Calia saw in her dreams. .

Now, Bahia welcomes the Ashcrew family, and in just two days of residence, Victoria has managed to make 4 friends. Will that number keep growing? Only the future will say it.

What is clear is that Victoria will fight for the future. That is her destiny.





Order of birth of the Ashcrew sisters:

- Victoria: 18 years. Extrahuman giantess of third growth (first in size)

- Skye: 16 years old, twin sister of Shira. Extrahuman cupid (fifth in size)

Shira: 16 years old, twin sister of Skye. Extrahuman Valkyrie (third in size)

- Samantha: 14 years. Extrahuman High - Orc. (second in size)

- Crystal: 12 years. Extrahuman Fairy (Last in size)

- Naiara: 10 years old, twin sister of Mitchell. Extrahuman tiger (fourth in size)

- Iskra: 8 years, twin sister of George. Extrahuman Raiju. (Seventh in size)

- Luna: 5 years. Extrahuman wolf. (octave in size)

- Ky: 4 years. Extrahuman alraune. (under the effects of intense sun: seventh in size, normally: ninth in size)

- Claire: 2 years. Extrahuman giantess of third growth (tenth in size)

- Ava and Mia: Two months, twin sisters of Ivan. Extra-human Doppleganger. (They do not fall into the classification, but they're still a little smaller than Crystal)

Chapter 42 And both fell (in the depths of their passion) by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:



We entered the final stretch of the story arc "Dirty Lover!"

Thank you as always and enjoy the chapter!

Also ... how is the celebration of the 6000 readings ... the end of the chapter has something special!

Only for adults! ;)





???: 01:00 of the night, day X of March.


The night was silent, not a soul on either side of the road. It was a miracle to find a self-service station in the middle of nowhere.

Elsa introduced the coin for the fifth consecutive time in the vending machine. And again the machine returned it. Kicking the vending machine, Elsa waved the plastic bag in her hands.

"2 sodas, one beer... if I dont get the coffee, Lloyd is going to kill me..." Looking back, he saw how Hannah and Alfred had almost finished fixing the caravan's wheel. "I'm running out of time... come on little slut! I need! That! COFFEE!" Kicking her even harder, the machine swayed slightly.

It was obvious that the human was no match for the machine, and that gave Elsa the perfect idea. Stepping towards the caravan, Elsa climbed the stairs to the "second floor" and with as little noise as possible so as not to wake anyone,


Elsa took Ky on the shoulder and took her with her. "Ky! Eh Ky! Wake up lovely!" Elsa waved slightly at the alraune, until the girl opened an eye.


"Aun Elsa ... I wan slee ..." Ky rubbed her face slowly, while Elsa put the coin back.

"Right now I'm taking you to bed, baby, but first the aunt needs you to stretch one of your roots and take that can! Please!" Without any strength, Ky turned her arm into a root, and stuffing it through the cans, I shot down the entire row. "...I'm worth it! Thanks honey!"

Carrying Ky to the second floor and putting her to bed, Elsa went back to the machine to pick up her prize."If with all these cans they still complain, I cant do more!"

What was technically stealing? Right. That the machine had stolen Elsa more than 10 minutes of his life? Also.

Returning with Hannah and Alfred, Elsa waved the bag of cans in victory."I've looted the machine! The good part is that we have drinks for the whole night!"


Hannah sighed as she squeezed the wheel. "Drinks for you... I and Victoria dont drink a half glass with that..." Elsa walked towards her beloved, and sat on her stomach caressing her.

"You have the orange juice! It's not a soda, but something is something!" Looking towards the road traveled, Elsa sighed thinking that they had not found any city or town in so many hours of road.

The giant trees on either side of the road gave the road so modern and so well lit with street lamps a strange look. As retro and futuristic at the same time.


"If you're thinking about when we'll find a gas station with a bathroom, forget for now. The gps says we still have 190 miles of trees. It will be a miracle without finding another self-service... "Alfred motioned Hannah to release the wheel , and as soon as the giantess released her, the caravan fell to the ground. "The suspension works well, so I dont think we have to worry for now"


"It was a miracle that there were spare wheels!" Hannah stood up, stretching and leaning against the caravan.

"The miracle has been to find this caravan! Imagine! walking we would still go through the entrance of the grove..." Elsa took one of the beers out of the bag and opened it using one of the wrenches.

"Do you really think it was a miracle?

First we appear here, and then the caravan is on the side of the road, openwith the keys on and nobody in sight.

Even stranger, a caravan large enough to accommodate two giantesses and a second floor full of mattressesa and with a refrigerator, a reservoir of water and the gas tank completely full... Lady Maria must be very worried..." Snatching the beer from Elsa, Alfred took a long drink before wiping the sweat off his forehead with his hand.


"We should go in, even if it'snt cold, I'm not a fan of staying in the middle of the night in a world I dont know..." Hannah was really nervous, but who could blame her? The last 6 hours had been crazy for everyone.

"Stop saying that, we're not in another world!" Elsa's brain insisted on thinking logically.

"You have seen the sky! On earth you can not see the sun and the moon at the same time! Well sometimes you can see them at the same time... but not 2 moons!" Hannah's words fed Elsa's heart, which insisted on believing her girlfriend.

"It's enough for both of us... no matter where we are, there will be a logical response to that, and I'm sure that when we meet with Calia and Valeria they have found something ... At least ... I want to believe ..."

Nodding to both, they followed Alfred into the caravan. Lloyd, Adell and Jack were still fiddling with the Gps, but they did not seem to have positive results.

"Finally! You have my coffee, Elsa? Tell me that in this place lost from God's hand there is coffee..." Lloyd seemed really desperate. Elsa smiled and fumbled in the bag and threw her coffee can. "Thank God... at least we can take hold of the fact that wherever we are ... they have coffee"

"Any progress? The gps shows us more than the road?" Hannah walked to the refrigerator, and taking out a can of orange juice, sat on the giantess sofa, next to a sleeping Victoria.

"The good news is that we have managed to break down part of how this "GPS" works... the bad news is that we have only managed to open an application to check the weather" Adel sighed, sitting back in the seat behind the pilot.

"The fun comes when looking at the weather application says that right now we are having a shower of shooting stars... and tomorrow too... We are in a world so fucked up that for them the shower of stars is as if it were... I do not know... snow!"

"Are you telling me that these fucking giant trees are not letting us see the shooting stars? Officially today is the worst night in history..." Elsa dropped into her seat behind the copilot, completely defeated.

"You mean the part of us waking up in an unknown world, without any explanation?

Or to the part that all the information we have are some coordinates and the promise that Calia, Valeria and the rest of the other group are going there?

Or the part- "

"I've already understood Lloyd... I've understood it clearly ..." Lloyd laughed as Alfred sat down as a copilot, switching the engine on again to continue on his way.

Looking out the window, Hannah prayed they would come out of the grove, all to see the shooting stars. He was very selfish, but since they were in another world, at least he played to enjoy it.

According to the clock of the caravan, they had been in this world since 7:30 in the afternoon.




Six hours ago


The sun warmed her body, and little by little Hannah was waking up. The wind was soft and warm, and the sound of a stream could be heard nearby.

Opening her eyes little by little, Hannah saw the sky above her, dotted with a few clouds. The sun was beginning to hide, and looking in the other direction, Hannah saw the moons beginning to rise. Yawning, the giantess sat on the slightly wet grass, until her brain processed what she had just seen.

"Wait... two moons ?!" Hannah stood up suddenly, to feel Elsa fall from her chest to the floor. As selfish as she was, Hannah decided to give more importance to what she was seeing.

Two moons, one next to the other.

Blinking a couple of times to check that she was not dreaming, Hannah looked around. The clearing where he had awakened was full of his acquaintances, all sleeping except for Elsa who was getting up while spitting the grass that had gotten into his mouth, fruit of falling face to the ground.

Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Alfred, Adell, Jack, Chris, Mirabelle, Victoria and a lot of his brothers... All sleeping peacefully as if nothing happened.

Hannah closed her eyes remembering, all the giantess could remember was trying to run away from the dentist, while Elsa and Juddit tried to convince her to stay. Clenching her teeth, Hannah noticed how the tooth still hurt, so it was impossible that she had fainted...


"What a blow ..." Elsa got up, cleaning the grass from her clothes. "Hannah, where are we?"

Hannah said nothing, just pointed to the sky. Elsa stared for a few seconds, then immediately rubbed her eyes. "Ooooook ... this is pretty weird ... you will not be doing all this so they do not look at that tooth, right?"

"I wish I had so much power to avoid it ... but not ... Elsa, are we in another world?"

"What nonsense you say! It will be a special effect, a mirage or something! First..." Elsa looked around, observing all the acquaintances sleeping. "... ok, this is already really strange..."

Minutes later, after awakening everyone.

"So... are we in another world?" Victoria kept looking at the moons, as if wishing all this were a bad dream.

"That's cool, I'm the first child in another world!" George (fourteenth son of Maria) raised his hands and ran around the group, followed by Iskra and Ky.

"I wish it were as cool as it seems..." Alfred sighed as he went back to check his phone. He still did not have coverage and without internet, and like hers the one of all the others. Everyone sighed in unison, letting the children play and enjoy it.

"What should we do?" I'm not an expert on unfamiliar worlds, but that seems like an ordinary road, and except for its strange shape, I'd bet that these are streetlights "Chris was right in everything, including not being a expert.

"Normally in a similar situation, we should wait for the rescue teams to come for us... but I doubt they know where we are" As many years as a police officer, they had not served him, Lloyd thought.


"Hannah, you and victory have much more vision from up there, take a walk along the road in case you see a house or something to ask for help!" Adell seemed to have hit the nail on the head, because everyone nodded and commented as if it was a good idea.


Hannah and Victoria looked at each other, and forcing a smile, started walking along the road. They did not need to walk too much, because at a scant 300 feet, after a huge bush, they found what they needed.

Victoria ran back to warn everyone, while Hannah looked for a way to force the caravan lock.
What was her surprise when the door of the huge caravan opened as if nothing, and with cautious step, the giantess entered.

Inside everything seemed completely new, and after checking the fridge and checking that it was completely full, Hannah noticed a kind of letter on the table.Taking it carefully in case it was an explosive (too many movies), the giantess opened it and proceeded to read it.

"I guess you're confused, but trust me, put these coordinates in the caravan gps and follow the route, Calia, Valeria, Flynn and the others are doing the same, so the road will allow you to meet.

A coordinated greeting from a great admirer of both Dirty Lovers "

Everyone arrived, and after settling into the caravan and checking that on the upper floor there were travel bags full of clothes, they decided to borrow the caravan and get on the road.

(Having a police chief, it was ugly to say that they were stealing the caravan)





In the present: 04:00 at night.


Stopping the caravan in front of a huge lake (really huge, it would easily be a mile long), the group decided to spend the night there.

Unfortunately for Hannah, they had not left the grove, so all the lights that accompanied them were street lamps and "fireflies" that flitted between the trees far above them.

"This seems like a good place to rest..." Lloyd sat still, his eyes exhausted from so many hours of driving. Although the police had offered to drive the caravan, he was not really accustomed to driving so many hours in a row.


"We should try if the caravan water scrubber works. Adell and Jack, come with me." Without waiting for an answer, Alfred went to the lake, followed by the two boys muttering in a low voice.

Elsa, taking advantage of the fact that Lloyd had gone upstairs, approached Hannah to get her attention. "Hannah, do you want to talk?"

Hannah blinked a couple of times before nodding and lifting Elsa, sitting her on her lap. "Elsa... is this my fault?"


"Why do you think that?" Elsa noticed the tension in the giantess, and lifting her shirt, I rub her stomach.

"Since we met... I've been kidnapped, I've been" kidnapped "again, I've discovered that my whole life was orchestrated by GUN... everything about jolbirth... and now this! I must have bad luck or something... and if we never return home? "

"Do not think so negative, honey..." Elsa stood up inside the shirt, and clutching Hannah's bra, managed to climb up to face the giantess's lips.

"All this may have been pretty sudden... but I have faith that everything will work out, they need me to build Bahia 2.0!" Starting a smile on the giantess, Elsa took the opportunity to kiss her.


Unfortunately for both of them, they had not been able to kiss each other since Hannah's second growth. Partly because of the giantess' fear of making the kiss uncomfortable, partly because of everything else.

As if it were the first, both were discovering each other's lips. For Hannah, Elsa had become smaller, but no less erotic, so she had to work hard not to fill her face with saliva. Even so, Elsa's efforts made the kiss romantic, and even... hot for Hannah.

As if from the need to release all the stress in one blow, Hannah found herself caressing Elsa's body. Gently, he ran it with his long fingers, causing slight moans in the human.

Elsa had to act so as not to lose control of the situation, and by reaching into Hannah's bra, she managed to find her goal. Slightly wrinkled, but well erect, the nipple of the giantess rose like a tower in the middle of a hill.

Elsa was not a novice in this, and no matter how big Hannah was, she knew perfectly how to start the desired stimulus.


"E ... elsa ..." Hannah snorted heavily, dropping her head on the table.Elsa found that with her head as a ceiling and Hannah's body and shirt as walls, she was locked in a cave that was getting hotter.

And she loved it.

Crawling in the darkness, Elsa managed to face the other unattended nipple.

But not unattended for long. Biting him gently, Hannah moaned as low as possible, biting her lips to keep from making too much noise and waking Victoria. Elsa interpreted this as an invitation to follow, and guided by her instinct, she took off her own shirt.

Elsa might not be too well blessed in breast size, but her B cups were reliable and manageable, and this case... perfect in size, just like Hannah's nipple.

Placing it gently between them, Elsa pressed little by little, noticing how Hannah was sweating more and more. To add amusement to the affair, Elsa noticed how under her feet Hannah's thighs were opening slightly, accompanied by one of the giantess's hands, while the other stroked Elsa through the shirt.

Hannah was losing control, a control she could not afford to lose in this situation. It was such a bad time, such a bad situation... why was it so wonderful?

That was a question that the giantess didnt know how to answer, while her right hand began to undo the button of her jeans.

Elsa had lost control for a while, and now completely naked, decided to move to the second level. Grabbing Hannah's hand, she forced it into the giantess's shirt. His fingers were reddened, and they were the right size.

"El...elsa... what are you... hyaaaa!" Hannah bit her lips with all her strength, while noticing what was the mouth of a very hungry horse... or was it...

"Just... move your finger... up and down, honey... just like that..." Elsa didnt bother to hide her voice either, moaning as Hannah obeyed slowly.

Hannah was about to explode, with one hand dildoing for elsa, and her other hand finding the way to her own intimate parts. They had never been wetter, so Hannah had it easy to begin to calm the fire inside her.


Both victims of desire began to accelerate in their respective tasks, adding the fact that Elsa had managed to reach the nipple again while she was... "sitting"

Hannah ended up getting blood from biting her lips, but she could not care less. With more and more difficulty to contain herself, Hannah proceeded to put the icing on the situation.

Releasing Elsa quickly and her own intimacies, Hannah took off her T-shirt and threw it on the other side of the caravan. Grabbing Elsa and leaving her gently on the table, Hannah decided to give herself the banquet she had wanted so long.

Elsa noticed the predatory look in Hannah's eyes, and smiling flirtatiously, she opened her legs.

Without waiting for an invitation or anything, Hannah fell on Elsa's waist, licking with all her strength, seeking to snatch all the courage of the little human.All while with both hands he sought to release the storm in its lower parts.

Elsa grabbed Hannah's hair with all her strength, while the giantess took complete control of the situation.

Elsa felt unprotected, she felt helpless before the hot giantess, she felt as if it were only her object of pleasure, existing only to warm and calm her soul. For some strange reason, the one known as the greatest playgirl on the west coast loved him madly.

And with this excessive passion of the giantess, she managed to find the relief she was waiting for. "HANNAH!!!!!!!!!"

Elsa's orgasm unleashed something deep inside Hannah.

Elsa was having an orgasm, an orgasm thanks to Hannah.

The only feeling of having dominated her lover in such a way that the little human had not had the option to refuse, or the desire, was enough to unleash a pride and happiness inside Hannah indescribable. And all this together was enough to reach its own climax.

"Elsa!!!!.... Elsa... elsa..." Hannah supported her forehead next to Elsa, completely exhausted both.

That night, they all learned a lesson:

Elsa discovered the innate passion of a giantess, as Hannah had indescribably enjoyed dominating her... and that during sex Hannah was able to transmit her own excitement to her partner. (Although Hannah was with a cloudy vision, the empathic link made Elsa not have a second orgasm, but a third)

Hannah discovered how feeling superior and responsible for Elsa's excitement was simply wonderful, and that she wanted to repeat it many more times. Although part of her was afraid that she could have hurt her lover.

Victoria learned not to fall asleep at the caravan table instead of the sofa-bed at the back.

End Notes:



Welp... that was not the more orthodox first time. (have sex in another world counts as the first time?)

But all have taken some of this!

Hannah and Elsa the power of relief and love.

Victoria, the need to go to the bathroom to take care of her own excitement.

Lloyd, the need to buy earplugs.

All valuable lessons!

Chapter 43: Myths and legends by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:



Thanks as always to all the readers! And I hope you enjoyed the beginning of the king's final plot!

The trip is long and I plan to use it to engage and deepen the relationships of the chosen characters in the group! This chapter is a good example of this!

Know a little more about how these characters are, about the world and more importantly, about the functioning of certain extrahumans! Have a good time reading!

(In a certain part of the chapter, I was inspired slightly by Asian legends about the seasons and others, but very, very slightly.) I know perfectly well that by the time the Azure key meteorite crossed the skies, there were almost no legends and myths, but still I have been searching for a few that have served as an example.

However, Enjoy the chapter and this approach to the unique mythology of this world!)





Caravan (next to the lake): 07:30 in the morning


Victoria came out as slowly as possible from the caravan, leaving Hannah and Elsa covered by a blanket. It had been horrible enough to endure throughout her... "meeting." But having to endure the second round had been even worse.

Hannah... let's say she did not look like her when she was in charge. Elsa either, but at least she is small and doesnt have much power to oppose.

Sighing as she leaned against the caravan, Victoria dropped to the ground. She was completely exhausted from not having slept properly... and her own body longed for relief after everything she had seen.

But that was the difference between Hannah and Victoria! While Hannah loses herself in fear and then in lust ... Victoria stands firm in her strength and determination.

(Needless to say, all this was the giantess's thoughts to resist imitating Hannah)

"Damn perverts..." Victoria sighed again, while holding both hands.

It was a fact that the giantesses had a "threshold of lust" much greater than that of any other species, and this only increased with the amount of massive growths the giantess experienced. When a giantess obtains the "heat", it is extremely difficult to stop until it releases itself, getting to continue until hours after the partner (if there is one) loses consciousness.

"Perverted? Who? Elsa? Elsa is very perverted, certainly." Victoria almost choked with fright, while looking out of the corner of her eye at Jack. "We have not had much time to talk, no? With your brother I'm getting along, so now it's your turn to love me!"


"Excuse me... what's your name? I'm... bad enough to memorize names"

Jack stayed a couple of seconds in silence, before bursting into laughter. "Good joke! I admit it! Good jok ..." Victoria's completely confused look was enough for Jack to stop laughing. "You're telling me... seriously?... Anyway ... My name is Jack, member of the GUN spears"

"And you're Miss Mirabelle's boyfriend, I remember that!" Jack slapped his forehead.

"Are you telling me... you remember her but not me?... I look so much like a secondary character?... I cant allow it! From now on, Vic, you and I are going to be super friends!"

"Oooook..." Victoria was pointing at him on the list of dangerous people while Jack was still talking.

"So... what do you think of this world, super friend? It doesnt seem like a bad place to live, right?"

"Of course it is! I have 3 of my brothers with me... 4 if we count Adell but he can take care of himself! I'm super worried about everyone else! I can not stay in this world!" Victoria hit the ground with the back of her fist to give her the necessary emphasis.

"Okay, it was just... a joke, you know what a joke is?"

"Of course! A joke is a composition of words in order to make the other person happy through exaggeration, humiliation or puns!"

"You're the first person who really answers that question... Victoria, I know I'm going to sound pretentious trying to guess that... but you dont have many friends, right?"

Victoria ducked her head, covering her arms. For Jack, a great connoisseur of women and his bodily expression, this was enough to understand that he had touched an uncomfortable topic.

"Hey, dont get depressed! you'll have time to do them! You also have all of us here, that although we are very different, we can be your friends!" The fact that victory did not raise her head started to worry Jack a lot."No... dont cry! We can be like your family!... no no no... you already have enough family... there must be something that sounds better..."

Victoria bit her lip, but in the end, she could not stand the frustration. "Hannah and Elsa have had sex in front of me!" Jack stopped murmuring at once, opening his eyes wide. "It's not that I'm a voyeur or anything... but I was sleeping at the table, and when I woke up there they were! Like rabbits!... one much bigger than the other but I'm sure you understand me!"

"... that's pretty hardcore, I admit... They know that you were looking at them?" Victoria shook her head, while breathing in relief of having let go. "It would be better if this is a secret between you and me. I dont think they take it too well...

that bastard, take advantage of being in another world and here the laws of the United States do not apply. Good move, Elsa... good move"

"That's what I was thinking! It's such a machiavellian perfect movement, it's hard for me to admit it!" Jack and Victoria shared a moment of mutual agreement, until Alfred and Adell came back carrying the hose of the water treatment plant.

"What are you two doing? Climb back to the caravan, let's go back to the road" Again without waiting for an answer, Alfred stepped over Victoria's legs to get into the caravan.

"Little sister, help me keep the hose, the water in this lake is too full of fish to comfortably use the portable water treatment plant." Victoria nodded, and while she got up to save the hose, Adell and Jack shared a quick exchange of glances.


Once everyone was back in the caravan, Adell and Jack went upstairs to sleep for a while, while Chris and Mirabelle came down to accompany Alfred.

Following the path was all that remained.





Still in the forest: Several hours later


The sun had been out for a while, but through the tops of the giant trees all that reached the ground were small rays of sunlight. While Alfred was driving down the road that did not seem to end, the group played with a packet of cards that Mirabelle had found in one of the drawers.

"And ... ladder of clubs! I win again!" Elsa laughed as she collected all the cans they were using as chips.

"That's my girlfriend! An authentic master in gathering stairs!" Hannah and Victoria were too big to comfortably use the cards, so they had split up into Elsa's team and played the croupier, respectively.

"It's not fair! It's impossible to take a club ladder and a diamond ladder in the same round!" Chris threw his cards on the table, furious at his continuous losing streak.

"Dont be a complainer! I was born for poker! Give us a new hand! This will be the final one!" Victoria nodded, handing out the cards with her fingernail carefully. Although it was true that she could not comfortably lift the cards, the table was flat enough to slide the cards into a sort of shuffle.

The trio raised their cards, none daring to make any gesture... except Hannah. Hannah's worried face might have seemed sincere, but Mirabelle and Chris knew perfectly well that it was a mental trick.

"You want to know a curious fact? Counting that the caravan is 35 feet high, and comparing it with the surrounding trees, I deduce that each of these huge trees must measure more than 500 feet!..." Alfred sighed, but did not He gave up trying to prevent Hannah and Victoria from gambling.


"Show your cards, gentlemen." Victoria had gotten herself into the paper.Unfortunately for her, this time the trio seemed far more self-conscious to show their hands. "Something happens?"

"Chris first! The loser who is the first one is to show!"

"What kind of logic is that ?! Show your hand, cheat!"

"Say it to my face, you bastard!" Elsa released her hand on the table, facing Chris. Logically, Chris was not going to be less, and releasing his own hand, he faced the tallest girl as he could.


"It seems that I win! Second victory of the day!" Mirabelle released her cards, showing her full against the couples of Chris and Elsa.

"Stop with those games... you're going to wake everyone up..." Alfred sighed as he looked at the gps. For the first time in several hours he showed something different on the screen. "Boys! Another self-service station a mile away! Let's make another stop!"

"Finally, I need to stretch my wings!" Mirabelle rose from the table, her limbs creaking as she picked up her cards with the tentacles.

"Yuck... tentacle saliva... you'd better not put those cards together with the others..." Chris moved away slightly, to better stage how disgusting he felt.

"I've told you many times, my tentacles have mouth, teeth and tongue, but they are not really food conduits! They cant salivate!" Mirabelle crossed her arms and tentacles, visibly upset.

"But ... I've seen you sometimes eat for them ... how the hell does your body work?! Also, dont lie to me! How can the tongue of tentacles be wet if you dont have saliva !"

Elsa nodded, to Mirabelle's annoyance. "How does a Jabberwock work? You are the strangest dragon type that exists, and I have never understood your body correctly" Hannah and Victoria looked at Elsa's words, nodding in agreement.


"Stop looking at me like I'm a circus monster! How does the pituitary gland of a giantess work? I could ask the same question!" Mirabelle took a step back, feeling herself cornered by the looks.

"It is easy to answer! The pituitary gland of a giantess produces two different growth hormones, one that is identical to the human, and another exclusive that serves as a stimulant of the first, forcing bones, muscles and glands to grow through the so-called "Stages of growth"

Depending on how many times the second hormone is produced, the giantess is categorized... Actually, if you think about it, we could call ourselves "Giantess of second or third puberty" since the functioning is similar to the stage of puberty, but it does not sound as good nor is it as concrete as second or third growth!"

Everyone just kept quiet nodding. Nobody had any idea if Victoria was inventing it or telling the truth, but they were not going to deny it and be like idiots.

"Ok... you can explain the performance of a giantess ... but I bet you cant explain how a Jabberwock works!" Mirabelle was still back, more and more nervous.

"Completely not, but I do know the tentacles of a jabberwock works!" Victoria took out her cell phone and opened a drawing application and left it in the middle of the table. "Let's assume this is a Jabberwock, okay?"

Drawing with her fingernail, Victoria made the silhouette of an extrahuman dragon. "The Jabberwock has two tentacles just above its tail, which come directly from above its waist, as they share the same flesh as the body of a Jabberwock, we are going to call them "external appendices".
Well, these appendices fulfill several functions:




"Are you telling me .. that I can also spit fire?" Mirabelle blinked confused at the revelation.

"Mira... are you telling me that this is the first news that you have a draconian breath? And it would not be a fire, it would be dark in the plan Maleficient, the disney villain"

"Excuse me, Mr. Perfect! Is there another Jabberwock in the family? Or rather, another dragon to ask? I save you the answer! THERE IS NO MORE! How do you expect me to learn what I can do without there being nobody to teach me?!"


"That's a good point... excuse me, cousin." Chris scratched his head, annoyed with himself for having brought such a delicate subject to Mirabelle. "That part of the abyss has not been too clear to me, you can explain it to yourself, Victoria" Even if he did not care much about it, if he could do something to alleviate Mirabelle's pain, as his cousin and best friend it was his duty.

"This is all legend and there is no scientific basis for it, it bothers you?" All denied, expectant to know the story. "Then there goes."


"The origins of the extrahuman dragons are somewhat incongruous, but basically an Asian legend explains it more or less like that:


When the world began to fill with the children of the stars, among them rose beings that although human and mortal, were much more powerful than any other being had ever existed:

The giantesses, rising above the earth and dominating the very essence of life.

The archangels and archdemons, masters of the beyond and able to control the pure and impure of heart.

The Lichs, beings between the world of the living and that of the dead, able to bring those who are no longer among us and make them their servants.


But among all of them, there is a race that rises above all that is understandable.

The five races of superior dragons, each distinguished by their breath:

- The Wyverns, who inherit their breath from the same sun. Each time a Wyvern unfolds its wings, they create hot air currents that predict large harvests

- The otohimes, who inherit their breath from the waterfall from which all the seas of the world are born. When an otohime is born, its umbilical cord is used to bless the sea and ensure good fishing for the next 100 years.

- The Wurms, who inherit their breath from the ancestral forge from which the mountains and plains were forged. Those places where the wurm are born are excavated, because the most valuable minerals are attracted and crowded around them.

- The Ryus, who inherit their breath from the same sky. The tears of a Ryu are a valuable amulet for anyone who must start a trip, because it is said that they ward off bad weather and protect them from all evil.

- And finally, the Jabberwocks, who inherit their breath from the same unfathomable abyss of the soul. A Jabberwock has enough power to devour the darkness of a heart, purifying it and making it shine again.


"As you can see, they are all very vague legends that were used to make sense of the extrahuman. Although the truth is that those practices like making a Ryu cry to bottle her tears, or using the umbilical cord of an Otohime, were really practiced! And until relatively recently, if I remember correctly, the last to be banned was to dig under the birth of a Wurm, banned in 1981"

Again, everyone fell silent, including Alfred.

"You really are a human encyclopedia ..." Hannah broke the silence, with words so born from within that they caused everyone to burst out laughing.

"It'snt that bad... I have many small sisters and I have had to study all their species to be able to take good care of them... including species that havent yet been born but could" Victoria buried her face in her hands, red with embarrassment .

Alfred went to comfort her, but stopped before she even spoke. "Everyone, come see this..." Slowly and surprised, everyone went to the driver's seat and saw what Alfred was referring to.

A motorcycle, parked in front of the bathrooms of the self-service station. And steam coming out of the window of it. There was no doubt, it had to be someone.

End Notes:



(Maybe I arrive a little late, but today after having to explain what a Jabberwock would be like in real life, I have fallen that it is possible that someone does not know how to imagine it properly.

I have searched some decent image, I mean not super erotic (which I also have). Again I have not been able to locate the author, because the web from which I take them only puts the person who uploaded the image (in this case the user Orchiverde) Even just for example I hope it helps you to imagine Mirabelle better.


As always, I do not have any rights to the image and I am only using it purely as a guide to what the Jabberwock species would be like. All rights go to the original author, which I hope to find because the image is very cool!


Chapter 44 "Excalibur shines for the righteous!" by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:




You do not understand the title, but calm down! Right away, everything will be clear!




(Thanks to everyone for reading as always! Today we have beaten record of readings in one day! Enjoy the chapter!)




White House, Oval Office: 10:00 in the morning,

March 12.


Secretary of Defense Gilberth hit the desk with both hands, scaring even the bodyguards."Madam President, I beg of you! Let me bring that bastard to justice!"

President Salome sighed, turning her chair around. Gilberth had been insisting and shouting all morning, taking the president completely off the hook. "Gilberth, please, I'm not going to authorize something like that! Is that clear?!"

"I have proof that Valeria's bastard is the culprit! I cant let her assault a US Army base and go unpunished! She has taken Jolbirth's corpse and we have confirmation that she has revived it! This is a threat to our nation!"

Salome sighed, while caressing the hand of the chair.

"My predecessor told me once that what happens in Bahia del Sol, as long as it doesnt leave that cursed city, is ignorable... You understand that silvering?because if not, I can look for someone else to take your place." She had sounded much colder what she would like, but Gilberth is one of those people who never retire.


"Madam president!" There he went again. "As a secretary of defense, my duty is to protect the safety and well-being of every American citizen! I dont care if you surrendered to that city! Our compatriots are still there, and security is my-"

"The security of Bahia is in charge of GUN, its exclusive defense body of which I remind you that you do not have any power!"

"Change it! Give the order and I promise to purge that city of every Extrahuman or criminal that threatens the integrity of the United States of America!" What really worried Salome was not that he had plans to purge the city, but that he had placed extrahumans and criminals at the same height.

"I'm not going to change anything! We have a deal with the Sol family! So go back to your office and take care of the issues that really concern you! And this time it's not advice, it's an order!"

Gilberth stood motionless for a few seconds, staring at Salome. Then he got up from his chair and left the oval office without bothering to say goodbye or wait for the guards to open the doors.

The president turned back to her chair, looking out the window. For her, it wasnt a tasteful dish to give so much power to a city like Bahia del Sol. Much less knowing that Mayor Vagrand had plans against her authority.

"What would be the right path to follow... Blasting Jolbirth without our help was a pretty hard blow to our international image, but this? This is too serious even for you, Valeria"


Salome took out her personal phone number and dialed the number of the vampire, but all that was found was the constestador. "What are you planning? Everything is getting pretty chaotic around here, Valeria... What will these whispers be in my ear? Why... I feel everything is going to fall apart?"

Salome sighed, convinced again that the extrahumans are the cause of all these problems. But not all the extrahumans! Specifically those of Bahia... or at least that's what she wanted to force herself to convince herself.




???: Same time, same day.


Picking up the half broken communicator from the floor, the priestess sat on her bed, which creaked by a combination of her weight and the intregidity of the bed. "Hierophant, please answer"

After a few seconds, the communicator light went on. "Priestess! I'm certainly busy right now picking up the information I'm missing, is it very urgent?"

"I just wanted to hear if everything was going well, I heard you started your plan"

"That... who told you? Dont tell me! I know who was ... damn snitch" Hierophant sighed as he looked around. "Priestess, things are certainly becoming chaotic in Bahia... and I cant deny my involvement in all this"


"You are the penultimate line of defense that the clan of the moon has, hierophant, and now that we have lost the tower and the cover of Lovers... it is almost destroyed"

"Does that mean that Zoe has located my snitch? Interesting... Robin and she are great adversaries!"

The priestess gritted her teeth, while with a kick she destroyed the bedside table. Destroying is a very kind word, let's say that she pulverized it as if it were an ant under the foot of a titan."Dont take this lightly! you are my last weapon until I can locate worthy moon bearers!"

"Priestess... you told me never to be afraid, but the nightmares are getting bigger, and I can feel their hands dragging me into the depths of oblivion ... I'm drowning in my own misfortune, and everything that calms my tormented "soul" is the information"

"Hierophant... please"

"All I have left is to live my last few days away from the light, gathering all the necessary information to be able to fail...

I was created to learn from mistakes, and evolve as a human... but instead everything what I have seen and experienced is the rottenness in which this world lives!

I DONT CARE ABOUT NOT FIND A WAY TO FOLLOW LIVING! The victory is mine from the moment I initiate the plan!"


"Hierophant! I forbid you to continue what you want to be your plan! I will not lose anyone else along the way!" The priestess rose suddenly, destroying part of the ceiling of the room in the process. The old plaster and ceiling plates fell on her head, but none of that was comparable to the pain of losing someone else under the psychotic hand of the sun.

"The moon finds a way to light the soul that I dont have, priestess ... or at least I'll believe that until I face Hannah"

"...Dont do it please..."

"Something inside of me feels the need to fight, and I do not intend to hold it anymore! In this rotten world, information is power, and the one with the power is the king.

I dont think about waking up anymore, so take this as my farewell. Goodbye, priestess. I hope the moon finally rises"

The communication was cut, while the priestess dropped on the bed, which was destroyed under its weight. Lying on the ground, the priestess cried while praying to the moon for the safety of the hierophant.

On the other side of the communicator, the hierophant plucked the cables from it. He wouldnt need it anymore.

"In this world... information is power, and that can only mean that I am invincible..." While walking through the basement vaguely lit, the hierophant repeated the same phrase as if it were a mantra.





Unknown world: In the present.

Alfred parked the caravan in front of the service station, blocking the motorcycle path to make sure the owner had to talk to them.
The group waited and waited, while the minutes passed and nobody left the bathroom of the station. "He may have fainted, or died!"

Elsa pinched Hannah's nose as she sat on the edge of the table. "Dont be a jinx! We have to act naturally, and when he comes to us, BAM! We interrogate him!"

Chris tilted his head doubtfully. "It is true that we have a chief of police expert in interrogations..."

"Stop thinking about kidnapping people, I'm a GUN agent! I should put everyone behind bars for this!" Mirabelle was outraged by the very idea of r03;r03;kidnapping an innocent person. But even more outraged that his own cousin agreed.

"It's true, we have two experts in interrogation, it's all in our favor!" Elsa and Chris nodded at the idea of r03;r03;Hannah totally convinced.

"You're supposed to be the Dirty Lover... how can you think of something like that-" Several knocks on the caravan door sufficed for Victoria to shut up. Everyone looked at each other looking for who should open the door, until in the end all eyes were united in a single towards Chris.

"Me? Why me ?!"

"Please, dad ... do it for Juddit and me!" Hannah put on her best puppy face, winning Chris's heart for a moment. He may not have commented on it too much, but in his plans he was really serious with Juddit, and winning over Hannah was already too juicy an advantage.


Victoria low Chris to the table, and Alfred fixed his clothes quickly. After having the approval of everyone, Chris sighed and went to the door. "Yes, who is it?"

"I am the owner of the motorcycle! Can you move your caravan? I cant leave if you are so close to me and to the wall!" The voice of a slightly serious girl served as a warning to everyone for plan B.

Hannah got up quickly and changed Chris for Elsa, who was already ready to play the game. All this goes without saying how offensive and humiliating it was for Chris.

Elsa quickly fixed her hair and opened the caravan door. On the other side a "human" girl was leaning on one leg with crossed arms.

The girl looked quite young, and the muscles of her arms and legs were prominent but not exaggerated. His clothes looked like earth, with a leather jacket, a black T-shirt and matching jeans. She did not seem too tall nor did she have any extra traits other than white wicks in her black hair.


"Sorry, we were so tired and so tired to sleep that we havent seen your bike! Nice bike, by the way!"

"Thanks, the old technologies are not very useful, but when you want to travel by road enjoying the trip they are very reliable! You arent from here, right? if you let me guess, you must be from the earth, could it be?"


Elsa went completely blank, surprised at how little her cover had lasted. "Well, the truth?  we are, could you help us? We are a little lost..."

"I imagine, can I enter?" Elsa nodded and turned away from the entrance. The girl climbed the stairs of the caravan and looked to the sides to locate the group. "Nice to meet you all! There are usually not many earthlings on this side of the" Barrier of Creilia"! There really isnt usually any earthlings at any time, but on this side? Less than none!"

Elsa walked with the girl and with a gesture Hannah lifted her and the girl leaving them on the table. "Let us introduce ourselves quickly. I am Elsa and this giantess is Hannah, that other is Victoria, the eldest gentleman is Alfred, the young boy is Chris and the dragon is Mirabelle"

"Lance, my name is Lance! Firstborn of the house See, for the earthlings, that would turn me into Lance See, I think"

"Forgive the question Miss Lance, but how do you know we are from the land?" Hannah sounded more nervous than she would like.

"Easy answer! Nobody in their right mind would come to the West Qivaria grove! Also those who are brought here by the" Trickster "always come out of the grove, so it was not difficult to imagine your situation"


"As Elsa said, My name is Alfred, Lady Lance, you can answer two questions, the first one is that it is the Trickster, and the second is if there are more earthlings around here besides us" Lance nodded smiling, although her smile He was not very hard, because she realized what she had to tell.

"I'll start with the first one...

The Trickster is the current governor of Qivaria, the nation where we are right now. After the disappearance of our hero King Alain... a tournament was organized where the champions of each House would fight for the post of King, but the Trickster appeared out of nowhere, and defeating my father in the semifinals and the Pontifical Knight Blaive in the finals, he took control of the crown...isnt a bad king, everything must be said"

"Where is the but? There is always a but in these stories" Victoria could already imagine the answer, so all she longed for was that Lance denied it.

"The Trickster, since he appeared and became king ... has been bringing earthlings to our nation, offering juicy rewards to anyone who murdered them. You are really lucky, if you have left the grove of West Qivaria, or If I wasnt has been the one to meet you...

Dont get confused, if I needed the money I would attack you without hesitation, I am a great swordswoman! But the House See we have many agricultural businesses and we do not lack money, not to mention that my father would never forgive me to accept anything of the Trickster!"


Everyone remained silent, regretting that their situation was still but what they expected. Lance noticed the tension and waved his hands in denial. "I'm sure I can help you! If I ask to deliver something to the earth, they will open an "Azure Gate" for which you should be able to escape! If not ... there is always the possibility of going to the" Golden shrine "when the Trickster come out and send you back!

Dont lose faith, good friends! Excalibur always shines for the people who- "

"Excuse me, what did you just say?" Elsa grabbed Lance by the shoulders while everyone raised their heads equally confused.

"Excalibur shines for the righteous in heart! It's an old saying of Qivaria! Surely you have a similar one on earth!"

"... excalibur you mean the sword, right?" Lance did not understand the look of confusion of the whole world. (and of joy on Hannah's part)

"Of course! The sacred sword that will shine, opening the heavens! The ancestor of King Hero Alain proudly brandished it in the name of Qivaria, and today its light is still what illuminates our lives and gives us the courage to defend ourselves of the Izural dynasty!"

"EXCALIBUR! KING ARTHUR! THERE ARE EVEN THE POSSIBILITIES OF GETTING A KEYSWORD!" Hannah stood up jumping for joy, waking everyone upstairs. Alfred and Elsa looked at each other, and Elsa slapped her face. It was going to be a hard day, that's for sure.


End Notes:



We have knights and we have a giantess who has played too much videogames.

1 + 1 = Giantess knight fighting in the name of the righteous in heart.


At least one is enjoying the trip!




Chapter 45 Heiress of Excalibur by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:



I recommend for the whole final section of the chapter (from the third segment) listen to Knight of the Wind (Acoustic Version)

As always, thanks to all the readings! Enjoy the chapter and what it holds for the protagonists!





Bahia del Sol, Elsa's apartment: 2:00 pm.


Lionel nervously walked down the hall, looking for the right door. Elsa's building was as messy as Elsa's own, and after 4 failed doors, the patience of Elsa's father was almost to the limit.

After the fall of Jolbirth, Elsa had only written to Lionel quite briefly, which was making her father more and more nervous.

In the end, Lionel got tired of making a mistake and hit the last floor door. "Elsa, I'm your father! Open me please! I'm very worried and you do not take my calls" Lionel knocked on the door again and again, until it opened suddenly ... but it was not Elsa who was on the other side.


Lionel took a few steps back, scared of the extrahuman who stared at him while still "drinking" a bottle of gin. "Elsa is not here, can I ask who you are?"

"No no! Who are you? Where is Elsa ?! I HAVE GAS PEPPER, SO I CAN DEFEND ME FROM YOU, EXTRAHUMAN!" Was too much of an exaggeration to bring pepper spray when traveling to Bahia? It may be, but the extrahumans are disturbing and even dangerous. How can people think that a woman who is 10 feet tall, her strength is superhuman and possess superior bodies arent dangerous?


"How cool! A racist on my doorstep! You're lucky I'm not too drunk, little man!" Fiona threw the bottle back, and walked her hips toward Lionel.

Lionel stepped back while looking for the pepper spray in his jacket. "What ... what are you doing?!"

"Look little man, Elsa doesnt pick up the phone, I've been drinking since morning and I really love it when a racist tourist is scared of my presence..." Fiona clenched her fist and hit the wall above Lionel, causing sparks that fell on the ear of the frightened father.


"You know Elsa?... Where is she?" Lionel gathered all his courage for elsa, and looked up, still trembling.

"Of course I know her! I'm Elsa's guard, silly little man!" Fiona walked away a little, sketching a "smile" while enjoying the moment.

"...since when does my daughter have a bodyguard?!" Lionel breathed easier, knowing that this extrahuman was under the command of Elsa.

"Wait... you're Lionel! you're the one in the pictures with Elsa!" Fiona laughed at her mistake, offering her hand to Lionel as a sign of peace. Lionel looked at the hand of the extrahuman, how inside the "skin" there was only fire and plasma.

"I dont want take your hand... where's Elsa?!"

"You havent heard me? I've been calling her all morning to tell me where the key of the minibar is! She has hidden all the alcohol in the bedroom minibar and has not paid me yet, so I cant buy more!"

Lionel almost fainted, having to lean back against the wall.

This was the city where Elsa loved to live?...





West Qivaria: Back to the present.


Lance and Hannah had been talking all the way they had traveled. After accepting Hannah's proposal, the native climbed her motorcycle to the caravan and joined the group (to Elsa's displeasure).

"What does she see in Lance? She's just a normal girl from this world..." Elsa continued grumbling as she sank into the passenger seat.

"Does her presence bother you? If that Trickster is as dangerous as she comments, it may be our only chance to stay alive. "Having raised all of her children with Maria, it was not difficult for Alfred to understand the situation.

"Doesnt her presence bother me, she's helping us very kindly and all that... Why Hannah is paying so much attention to her?" Elsa was still wrinkling her forehead, as she kept spinning the matter over and over again.

"Hannah seems to love videogames, and this world seems to come from one. It is completely logical that if they have knights and at the same time futuristic technology, Hannah is so enthusiastic" Elsa didnt answer, as she looked out the window. Little by little there were fewer trees, which meant they were leaving the safe area.

After a long half hour, the caravan left the forest behind and arrived directly at what Lance had received as "Alain's esplanade". The area didnt seem exaggeratedly populated, but very cultivated.

"Interesting, all I see are fields and a few houses that I deduce belong to the owners..." Alfred, taking advantage of the fact that the road was a perfect straight, took the luxury of looking both ways.

Elsa sighed tilting her head, while looking out the window. A kind of robots collected the "wheat?" and they placed it in a wheelbarrow that was too old compared to them.

"These are the fields of my family! Every house in this area really is a command center for the harvesting robots!" Lance had no problem in leaning on elsa to sign one of the houses. (again, to the displeasure of elsa)


"They have farm robots! Elsa! They have farm robots! This world is fucking great!" Hannah leaned against the window of the caravan, sticking her face to the glass as she jumped for joy.


"My house is further along the road, Mr. Alfred. Let's go there and if we can convince my father, we are almost sure of your escape!"

"That seems like a good plan! Dont you think, Elsa?" Alfred looked out of the corner of his eye at his companion, who was still very upset that Lance used her as a stool.

"Mpppphhhh, that's enough for me." Closing her eyes and leaning her head back, Elsa pretended to ignore Lance until she tired of being on her legs.
Unfortunately for Elsa, Lance settled in even more and kept giving directions to Alfred.





Main farm of the House See: 40 minutes later.


Nothing else to park the caravan, Lance left running towards his house, followed by Hannah.

"Dad! we need your help!" Lance pounded on the farm door as if his life depended on it, while Hannah knelt right in the doorway.

"How excited Hannah is!" Chris laughed as he got out of the caravan, followed by everyone.

"Very excited... very much..." Elsa had no intention of going down, but Mirabelle picked her up and left her on the ground, unfortunately for Elsa.

"Dont put on that long face! We have an ally in an unknown world! That's more than we could ask for!" Mirabelle smiled as she stood next to Chris.

"This place... smells like a farm, there was no doubt about that" Victoria shared Elsa's displeasure, although each one was for a different reason.

Everyone waited expectantly, until after 5 minutes the door of the farm opened. A good-looking man came out wiping his hands of what looked like grease."Lance! You're back from your trip..." The man stared at Hannah, completely stunned.

"Dad!" Lance jump to his father and hug him, "This is Hannah and her friends! They come from the-"

"You're... you're the one... I cant believe it..." Lance's father fell to his knees on the ground, crying with joy.

"Finally the hope carrier has appeared! The knight of the wind! The owner of the legendary sword! You can rid Qivaria of the Trickster tyranny and claim your position as the heir of Excalibur!"


Hannah said nothing, and simply turned to look at Elsa. Although Elsa shook her head, little by little a smile grew on Hannah's lips. "Sir..." Hannah turned back to Lance's father and put on his best regal voice. "What do you mean by the heir of Excalibur?"

"The legend says that a pure-hearted giantess appeared in the darkest time of Qivaria, and claiming the sheath and the blade of Excalibur, it would recreate the legendary sword! And with it, it would free us from the darkness that ravages this earth!

You, Hannah Reyes, are the ancestral, legendary and mythical heiress of Excalibur!

I know I'm just an old man! But as patriarch of the family, I put my sword in your hands, heir of Excalibur! "

Hannah leapt up screaming from Alegria, this time waking up all those who were sleeping in the caravan.

"I knew it! I knew it had always been different! It's because I'm the heir of Excalibur! Lord... no no no! My knight! Tell me your name!"

"My name is Lancelot! High knight of the ancient King Hero Alain! My sword has fought since I was born on this earth with heat and justice! With your light on our part, the evil King Trickster couldnt stop us!" Lancelot rose to kneel again before Hannah, who couldnt stop smiling.

"I swear by Excalibur that the evil Trickster will know his end at the hands of my legendary sword! For the glory of Qivaria!" Hannah raised her hand to the sky while screaming, pretending to already have a sword.

"HANNAH, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Elsa ran towards Hannah, completely scandalized by the relevant facts. "WHAT SHIT ARE YOU SAYING OF QIVARIA AND EXCALIBUR? WE HAVE TO RETURN HOME!"

Hannah looked at Elsa with a completely different expression, with a confident smile and a look of superiority to which Elsa was completely oblivious. "Silence! These people need me! As the heir of Excalibur, my duty is to guide the righteous of hearts as I face the trickster with the fucking Excalibur!"


Hannah sighed indignantly and turned around, looking back at Lancelot. "Lancelot, gather the best men of King Hero Alain and bring them before me! I will need the best and most skillful warriors to defeat the Trickster! Also I will need an armor of my size and a sword worthy of my hands, at least until find the legendary sword that the heavens entrusted to me! "

"So it will be done, Heir of Excalibur!" Lancelot glanced quickly at Lance, who ran out into the house.

"HANNAH, STOP THAT SHIT AND ASK HOW TO BACK!" Elsa kicked with all her strength to Hannah's ankle, which for the giantess was like a light breeze.

"Go home? NEVER! You will fight by my side while I claiming my legendary sword!" Hannah grabbed Elsa with both hands and lifted her up to her face. "Has it been clear to you?!"

Hannah's expression was completely chilling, even for Elsa. "Yes Yes..."

Hannah sighed and threw Elsa over her shoulder, being caught in the air by Victoria. "Hannah! But what do you think you do?!"

"Victoria... you are a giantess like me, so from this moment you are the squire of the legendary Heir of Excalibur! AND I WILL NOT ACCEPT A NO FOR ANSWER!"

Hannah unwittingly (or consciously) released a burst of aura, with enough force to push everyone back. "The heir of Excalibur must save her people! At all costs!"


End Notes:



The trip became a nightmare quickly, because when a person meets his dream, it is easy to get carried away and end up hurting others.

Excalibur has taken many heroes to glory, but never tells the story of all those who lost ever@tg1526368anvs(Lost text)------------------------------------------------



Damaged systems, recovery of Glamor needed.
Do you want to continue even? I must deny myself strongly.

 "... Is it too serious?"

 The breakdowns are superficial, but at this time repairs while they are underway are not available. Glamor recovery needed.

"Continue, I'll find a way to re-create the conduits without shutting down the system"

Understood, D.S kept going. Recovery of Glamor needed.


Chapter 46 Save him by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:



Loading system, patch applied correctly. Glamor recovery needed.

"That's something I already know! For now... the D.S is still working correctly?"

D.S in full operation. Glamor recovery needed.

"... if the D.S continues to work, it means that I can launch my first attack correctly, right?"

"Royal Decree" ready and loaded, even so I would recommend recovering the Glamor before starting the first attack.

"I dont have so much time! I have only loaded the D.S with information for 2 more hours ... is the protocol "Claus"ready?"

"Claus" 100% operative, but before I would recommend-

"Start "Claus", and spread it through all possible networks. I want everyone to understand who is their only and true king ..."

Hierophant, I can not allow you to use "Claus" without first recovering the Glamor system, do not force me to do it ... sir, please

"Start "Claus"now, and redirect the remaining Glamor to the main system ... I dont care if I have to fight while you are loading the" royal decree"

...I dont know if we have a soul, or if God would sympathize with machines like us... but I will pray for your safety, sir... I hope... that you will survive...

"Dont do this harder, please"

I hope I do not see you on the other side ... goodbye Number 47-1D

"Why she had used my serial number?... why right now?... We are machines created to grow and evolve, to understand what it is to be human and feel this rotten world... No matter what we strive for, we will never really feel... "


Hierophant rose from his chair and walked through the room, running his hand over the D.S.

He had never been afraid, even with his nightmares roving him for days and nights, but all this... could be a big mistake...

"This world is based on information, and I was born to collect it and face the Dirty Lover... that makes me the king of this rotten world...

Moonlight... protect her if she manages to reach the heaven... and give me resolution to face what is to come, please... "





Headquarters of Gun, Hall of Spears: 03:00 pm


The elevator doors opened, but when Dylan entered the room he was not half as animated as he expected. Instead, the spears were debating something, visibly nervous.

"Good morning?... we had a meeting when it was time to eat or something?usually only Valeria stayed to wait for me-"

"Dylan, have you seen Valeria this morning?" Zoe seemed genuinely worried, in the same way as the rest. "We had a budget meeting today and it has not appeared, and it's weird because you already know that she never loses the possibility of expanding the Hall of the Spears!"

Robin put her hand on the Lich's shoulder to help calm her down. "What Zoe means is that we can not contact her in any way, and neither does her parents know anything about her since last night..."

"Jack hasnt located her with the GUN satellite? he has access, so there's no excuse!" Dylan walked to the door of Jack's office and knocked several times waiting for an answer.

After a couple of seconds (during which knocks and objects were heard falling from the other side of the door), Jack opened the door while with another hand the zipper of the pants was raised.

"I've heard everything, so dont insist! Valeria's cell signal sends us directly to this building, but checking the security cameras I havent seen her enter or leave the barracks... too mysterious for the lunchtime "Pushing Dylan aside, Jack walked to the center table and sat on his chair.


"Okay... so that's weird... will not she be in the mayor's office? She may have gone to bother Mayor Vagrand perfectly!" The look of Zoe and Robin were enough for the secretary to understand that she was not there either.

Jack ignored the conversation, focusing on looking at his phone. While Zoe, Dylan and Robin kept calling the usual places where Valeria used to wander, Jack spent his time reading the news of the moment, until a message from Mirabelle caught his attention.

"Guys... have you seen this?!" Jack stood up suddenly while not giving credit to what he read. It was not until Zoe got her attention by hitting the table that he started reading aloud.

"According to the recent statement by defense secretary Gilberth during the express press conference, Valeria Moon, leader of the defense department of Bahia del Sol, had stolen and disseminated vital information of the US government along with classified FBI documents to different media. According to government estimates, this is the largest cyber-terrorist attack ever carried out from within a military corps."

"WHAT? It's impossible that Valeria did something like that!" Zoe leapt up from the table, knocking her chair down in the process and running to Jack, she snatched his phone. "Different international media confirm that similar events are taking place all over the world, most recently joining the cyberterrorist attacks in South Korea, Japan, Portugal and Colombia..."


"Dylan, you're promoted to a member of the spears, take the arsenal code and equip, I want you to bring the mayor here in less than ten minutes.

Jack! Call all the spears, make sure that Mirabelle doesnt make any statement yet and for the love of god! Keep looking where Valeria is!" Robin took a shocked Zoe and helped her to sit down, while the Lich was still reading the list of countries that had been cyber attacks, unfortunately for her, second to second the list increased.

"Robin... seriously... I dont know how to handle a gun properly! I've only given 9mm driving lessons!" Dylan took a step back, completely terrified that he had to handle a weapon.

"It is an order! It seems that the situation lends itself to make you afraid. You're a member of this and I need you here and now! "Robin was sharp enough, making Dylan recover his composure and run to the elevator."Jack... Valeria had a chance to do something like that?"

Jack sighed and shook his head, as he brought his laptop to the table. "Of course not! Nor could I pass the security of the government so quickly! And even less so of so many governments... may God take pity on us, because we are really screwed!"

"God? dont trust gods so soon..." Robin tried from his own phone to warn Hannah and Elsa, but for some reason they were also out of coverage. "The situation is going from bad to worse..."





Unknown world: Back to the present.

Hannah ran as far as possible from the area, without bothering to take shelter from the rain. The neon lights of the buildings were her only guide in the fog, and the sound of the guard behind her was her only incentive for her to keep running.

From the moment she had woken up, everything had twisted so unimaginably that even after 9 hours it was hard to understand the situation. "There! I heard her get into the alleys! Dont let her escape!"

Hannah looked around, seeing the alleys the guards referred to. The gigantic skyscrapers around her were too big even for her, and what in Bahia was a normal pedestrian street, here was a miserable alley."This is my chance!" Hannah went through the first, to go directly to the other side.

The guards entered the alley chasing it, and divided into two groups to locate it faster. Which Hannah took advantage of, climbing up one of the nearby fire escapes.

After a long moment in silence, accompanied only by the sound of the freezing rain falling on her shoulders, Hannah descended slowly. "And now... what?" It was not only that she was lost, but that the person she loved the most was-

"Hannah! Finally!" Hannah turned her head and saw Elsa running down the alley. What would have quieted her in another moment, this time only worried her more.Elsa arrived next to Hannah, and she raise Hannah in a hug. "I was very worried! The guards couldnt find you!"


Hannah tried to pull away, but Elsa's new strength was too much for her. "Elsa... please..."

"Please, you've run away before taking the serum! Dont you dare say otherwise!" Elsa released Hannah and looked in her pocket for the syringe. "Dr. Lance explained to me how to put it on, so simply raise your arm"

"Elsa no! I'm not going to let you inject me with that serum! Dont you see what he's done to you?!" Elsa turned her head confused, as she grabbed Hannah by one of her wrists.

"Hannah, the serum has allowed me to grow up to 35 feet! I can carry you in my arms as you always dreamed! We had our first sexual relationship together! Once you inject it you will be able to understand how wonderful it is!"

"No, I'm not going to inject that shit!" Hannah tried to stir, but Elsa tightened her grip so much that the giantess herself could hear his wrist break. "AGGGG! ELSA STOP!"

Hannah's tears of pain had no effect on the blonde, who continued to squeeze until the giantess fell to her knees crying in pain. "You havent left me choice, Hannah. But calm down! you will understand the power of the Sun ascension..."


Hannah roared with all her might, releasing a wave of aura enough to throw Elsa against the wall. While still crying in pain, Hannah watched as Elsa got up without any scratch. "How..."

Hannah ran in the opposite direction while holding her broken wrist with her other hand. From behind, she could hear Elsa warn the guards.




Hannah continued running blindly, until she reached a square in front of a skyscraper much larger than the others. Dropping to her knees, Hannah bit her lip as she felt unable to move her left hand."Why ..." The giantess sobbed as the rain intensified, and the neons of the greater skyscraper began to shine more intensely. "I just want to go back to Bahia... I just want to get our life back..."

"Your life is here with us, Hannah." Looking up to the bigger skycraper, Hannah watched as Doctor Lance and Elsa emerged from a dark portal. "Stop resisting, and let me heal your tired heart"

Hannah got up as best she could and backed away, only to find barricades of guards in all the exits of the square. The situation was out of control, and Hannah couldnt contain her tears anymore. "No no no no!... why! Why are you doing this! Elsa! Please!"

"Doctor Lance, Hannah seems to be still unwilling to accept reality, will you let me take care of the situation?" Lance nodded as he took a step back.

Elsa started slowly down the stairs of the skyscraper, and raising her right hand, she created a black flame like coal. Although Hannah kept begging and crying, Elsa made a deaf ear and threw the flame across the plaza. "End of the game Hannah, join us, or you and your pathetic heart will succumb to the real strength"


The black flames that surrounded the square were extinguished of blow, becoming an equal liquid of black that scattered in all directions. "Elsa! Please! I still believe in you! Dont do this!" Hannah screamed in terror, as she watched as from the liquid little creatures of the color of the abyss emerged with yellow eyes.

"Too late, Hannah, but do not worry, I'll take care of you." With a wave of her hand, the creatures threw themselves on Hannah.

"ELSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Hannah cried as she felt the creatures hit her everywhere, making her feel an indescribable pain.




Poor little girl... even with everything against, do you still believe in her?...

Executing D.S H.0: System. Shaping the necessary tool in Hannah.Character.

I cant let you fall here, I need... I need you to save his soul.



Hannah felt her strength renew, and grabbing her broken wrist conjured a few words. "CURAGA!"


The green light covered Hannah's body, healing her wounds. Elsa gritted her teeth as she stepped back and re-created the Heartless. "End your pathetic resistance! Dont let her heart find strength!"

Hannah leapt forward, conjuring Oathkeeper in her right hand and Oblivion in her left hand. Growling, Hannah leapt into the first group of heartless and with two quick thrusts, managed to destroy them before they reacted.

"... Elsa, come back here." Lance observed the situation, while with his own hand he conjured his own Neoshadows. Elsa hurried back to her side, afraid of Hannah's reprisal.

"I will not leave you! Elsa!" Hannah screamed as she ran toward the pair, destroying the Shadows and the Neoshadows in her path. Elsa fled through the dark portal, but Lance spell a keyblade of pure darkness and jump to the top of the skyscraper.

Hannah gritted her teeth and leapt toward the skyscraper, running vertically over its surface. Lance raised his Keyblade, and shot a black lightning bolt directly at Hannah, causing a huge explosion. "You understand too much nothing and less, girl ... in this world, information is power! And the Kingdom of Hearts contains all the information I need!"

"I'll never let you take my heart away, because that's all I have left to save Elsa!" Lance took a step back to see Hannah emerge from the smoke, reaching the top of the skyscraper. "Limit: Trinity!" Hannah threw herself with a long chain of swords at Lance, who could do little to block them.

Lance scream of pain as it vanished in shadows, watching as Hannah managed to recover her own heafaiñcnvañFVADFADCADFA---------------









End Notes:



All systems disabled.

Protocol "Claus" Complete.... Protocol "Royal Decree" in queue.

Insufficient glamor, deactivation of the Dream Stage 001 capsule prepared.

Deactivation of the Dream Stage 002/003/004 capsules in process.


Reactivation of vital systems of capsule 001, complete.

Reactivation of brain activity of capsule 001, complete.

Opening of capsule 001, prepared.

Location of Number 47-1D loaded on phone of subject 001, complete.

Hannah, now it's up to you ... save him, please.


Chapter 47 Clash of kings, giants, lichs and hackers by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:




Hierophant walking down the street, watching as everyone passed by, he was looking at his telephones, the televisions of bars and restaurants (which many had taken to the streets for the occasion).


Wherever he passed, chaos slowly reigned in the streets. On the one hand you had those who distrusted cyber attacks, ranging from endless lines of adults taking their money from banks, to children telling other children to turn off their phones.

And on the other you had everyone who did not stop reading the declassified documents and spread the word. The situation ranged from young university students preaching in squares everything their government hid from them, to old people who stopped everyone on the street to tell them the last thing that had reached their ears.

The world began to realize the rotten heart of those who governed them, and the thing only grew and grew every minute. The snowball was unstoppable, and once the "Royal Decree" is launched and people discover the truth, the revolution would be total and global-



Hierophant fell backwards, thrown by the shockwave of Jolbirth's landing. Rubbing his head, the android looked up.

"Maybe the others will not be able to notice that disgusting essence of moonlight that you emanate... but I havent been resurrected to sit and watch, you know?"

"What do you mean?" Hierophant smiled nervously as he looked for the gun in his back pocket. "We have to go look for the mayor! So we dont have time for games!"

Jolbirth said nothing, smiling at the coming battle. "I'm going to have a lot of fun... king of shit"







???: 18:00 in the afternoon.

Current situation: Protests and general strikes throughout Europe, North and South America, and part of Asia and Oceania.


Hannah opened her eyes slowly, feeling her whole body numb and spent. It had been months since the last time the giantess had slept so badly, and even more months since the last Kingdom Hearts dream! Why just both now?

The giantess simply deduced that trying to pass all Birth by Sleep on a night had not been a good idea, and getting up- BUM!

"Auuu! What the hell?" Hannah rubbed her forehead while she saw with the other hand she touched the kind of glass that surrounded her mattress. "This isnt my bed..."That was evident, making the giantess herself ashamed of what had just happened.

Pushing hard, the glass just giving way and withdrawing. Sitting on the mattress, Hannah saw how she had been sleeping in a kind of capsule. One of many capsules...

"This ... does not look like my house, unless we had a Vault Tec shelter in the basement all this time and I would not have been informed... It doesnt seem feasible, certainly"

Leaving the capsule, Hannah felt as if she had run a marathon, or several. Doing her best not to sit down again, Hannah approached the next capsule, only to discover Valeria sleeping inside.

"Valeria! That means..." The giantess ran to the next capsule. "Elsa!! Therefore..." The giantess ran to the next next capsule. "Adell, who the hell would kidnap Adell?" Feeling slightly disappointed, Hannah ran towards the last capsule. "Victoria, what's going on here?"


Feeling confused, disoriented, lost, hungry and tired, Hannah walked to the only illuminated room in the room, a kind of desk lit only by a small lamp. A laptop and Hannah's cell phone were on the table.

(Logically, since Hannah's cell would be confused by a small television by anyone not accustomed to giantesses)

"My phone! Thank goodness! Now I can know where- A message!" Hannah sat on the floor next to the desk and began to read.


"Number 47-1D has made many mistakes... but he doesnt deserve the death.

They created us to be like humans, to grow and adapt, to feel the very essence of humanity... but all we saw was darkness ...

I dont blame humans for that, dont get me wrong. You have your more and your less, but your will to improve and change things makes you unique.

Hannah, you're the Dirty Lover, if someone can make he change... it's you.

I'm sorry to put so much weight on your shoulders, but I need you to save him.

If you open your map application, you will have indicated your position at all times.

I wish you good luck ... because soon, this world are going to turn around"

"Who the hell is Number 47-1D?... whoever it is... it seems he needs my help..." Hannah stood up, and after a few slight stretches, she used the flashlight of her cell phone to locate an exit.

After a while, the giantess located a hidden elevator behind some boxes, so she decided to call him and go up. Wherever she was, while the cell phone has a battery, she could find that Number 47-1D and save it.




Jack pressed the elevator button of the headquarters again and again, compulsively, impatiently and even violently for the recruits around him. The emergency meeting was about to begin, without him or Zoe at the table!

"Jack, calm down! No matter how much you push, it will not go faster!" Zoe hit Jack's arm, but even with that he kept pressing the button.

"You know what's going to fall on me if that Dylan's asshole comes back before me?! I'll be the laughingstock of the spears!"

"I swear... sometimes I cant understand how your head works, Jack..." The elevator door opened, but Jack and Zoe could not get in as planned.

A huge back blocked the way to the inside, back that little by little was crawling on the floor to leave. "With permission! Set aside a bit!"

Jack and Zoe were stunned as they watched Hannah leave the elevator. Zoe the first to focus again. "Hannah, what are you doing here?"

"Ufff... that was tight... Jack! And you were Valeria's second in command, Zoe! I'm in the GUN barracks?" Hannah managed to get everything on her feet that the elevator room allowed. "Why are you kidnapping me? and Elsa and Valeria?and Victoria? and why Adell, surely there were more important people to kidnap than Adell!"

Jack crossed his arms while looking at the elevator he saw a panel of buttons that was not there before. "Kidnapping? what the hell are you talking about, Hannah?"

After the quick explanation, Zoe and Jack were stunned. "I'm going to call Robin and the others to investigate that room and get Valeria and the others out of there... the three of us must go to meet that 47-1D"


"The three of us? it'snt that it's against or anything... but why?" Jack had no idea how to get rid of the situation without looking like an asshole.

"47-1D must be the "person" behind all this wave of cyberterrorist attacks all over the world, and whoever is holding Valeria with all the blame! If we dont act quickly who knows what he could do? Hannah's message says that the world is ready to change, which doesnt bode well"

"You're like Valeria, but you reason and give meaningful explanations! Zoe, you're genius!" Hannah was totally happy to work with someone so smart and wise, causing the Lich to feel quite embarrassed.

"Dont bother to flatter her, Hannah! Zoe doesnt know how to receive a compliment!" Jack smiled as he prepared his cell phone and his backpack with his laptop. If they were going to face a machine, this was Jack's chance to stand out.

"W... Anyway... come on, you drive while I guide you with Hannah's phone, Jack" Zoe walked to the GUN parking lot, followed by Jack and Hannah.





Streets of Bahia, (Near the main bank): 18:30 in the afternoon.

Current situation: The protests, now global, are paralyzing the world. People everywhere go out to demand answers, but even no government has deigned to offer explanations.

International archives declassified on the cover up of racial crimes against humans and extrahumans such as kidnappings, trafficking in persons or assassins are discovered by the public, provoking even more protests and and even altercations with the forces of order.



Hierophant leaped against the wall of Bahia's main bank, crashing into it and falling to the ground.

"King? you need much more than that to make you call a king!" Jolbirth smiled from the top of the building where he was. The hierophant was not offering much fighting, so the dragon was more boring than anything else.

After launching a quick analysis, the hierophant cant find any severe damage to his body. Opening his right hand and turning it into a cannon, he pointed to Jolbirth. "TAKE THIS! SIDE ARMS: ENERGY BUSTER!"

Hierophant shot an energy volley. But even putting much of his energy into the attack, the dragon simply spit out his breath of fire and stopped it without much difficulty. "Are you... fucking kidding me..."

"I must admit, that metal body of yours is quite fun! But please... if you really are the king, you must have more power!" Lifting the flight, Jolbirth landed in the middle of the street. Valeria had been very clear that the dragon did not have permission to destroy any building, so he had to contain himself a lot in his attacks.

Hierophant crunched his teeth. "Change of weapon! Paint cannon!" Pointed directly at Jolbirth's mouth, the hierophant fired a projectile of acrylic paint.

"Painting?" Jolbirth could not resist laughing, causing him to end up swallowing the paint. "Ugh... bad taste, but not worse than the food that Valeria gives me!" The dragon turned quickly, launching a sweep with a tail that covers the entire street.

Hierophant managed to dodge it by a miracle, climbing one of the trees that were knocked down in the blow. Falling to the ground rolling, the android heard a vehicle approaching.


"Hannah! This is the one Calia dreams of!" Jolbirth pointed his tail at the hierophant, as he watched the GUN convertible approaching.

"Zoe! Jack! Hannah! Jolbirth has started attacking me for no reason! I think he wants to kill the mayor! I need help!" Hierophant raised and waved his hands, trying to call attention until he saw Hannah stand in the vehicle.

Hannah concentrated her aura, and activating the "Will card", concentrated electricity in her palm. "Lightning Javelin!"

What Jolbirth and the hierophant did not expect, is that the giantess hurled two javelins, one for each of them.

"AGGG!" Jolbirth and the hierophant recoiled in pain, while Jack skidded and parked the convertible in the middle of the street.

"I AM IN YOUR TEAM, FOOL!" Jolbirth roared with rage, restraining himself with all his strength so as not to tear the giantess apart.

"Yours is for destroy all the trees on the street!" Hannah ran towards the hierophant, who waved her arms completely terrified. "Dylan, how can you have betrayed us?"

"I havent betrayed anyone!" Dodging the direct hit of Hannah, Dylan jump... but he was faced with Zoe, who ran towards him.

"We know everything Dylan! Your computer! Your Dreams Stages! You work for the priestess as the hierophant! You will pay your treason to GUN and Bahia del sol!" Zoe conjured the flame from beyond, and giving it the shape of a scythe, she jumped towards Dylan, slicing part of her clothes.

"How?!" Rolling back, Dylan activated all his bodily weapons, now no reason to hide anymore.

"Number 47-1D! D 1 L A N! It would have been idiotst if we dont notice it! I really wanted to break your face, and now I can do it without feeling bad!" Jack pulled out the GUN revolver he had "borrowed" and shot the droid without thinking twice.


Dylan managed to dodge the bullets, and reactivated his cannon arm to finish Ja- "HOW DARE YOU FORGET MY PRESENCE, FALSE KING?" Jolbirth crushed Dylan with his paw, laughing as he applied more and more pressure.

"Hold it there!" Hannah and Zoe ran toward Dylan, channeling each attack.




(All this last sentence was shouted only by Hannah, but Zoe didnt complain, so the name became official and went to the annals of the story)


Jolbirth took off at just the right time, so that when Dylan looked up, everything he saw was Hannah hitting him from the left with his "Will Wave" and Zoe hitting him from the right with his "Deep Edge".

"AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!" Dylan cried out in pain as both blows hit his body, feeling electrified, burned and burned/frozen, all at once.

The secondary impact was sufficiently powerful to throw it through the air... just to see how Hannah and Zoe turned around this time with Jolbirth.







Jolbirth hit with a sweep of his tail on his profaned flame, followed by Zoe's "Deep Edge" and finished the attack by the renewed and enhanced "Will wave 2.0", this time adding wind to the attack in the same way as Valeria toward.

"They are... too strong..." Dylan could only think while the power of the combination was such that all the surrounding windows exploded by the shock wave. His body flew to collide with the GUN convertible, conveniently parked in the middle of the road by Jack.


Jack, on the other hand... "Dylan! Greetings from hell, Asshole!" Jack pressed the detonator out of his pocket, exploding the car and hurting Dylan even more.

(Zoe mentally pointed out that access to the explosives had to be restricted to Jack)

The shattered body of Dylan fell in the middle of the crater where the car was before, completely immobile. Jack walked to join Jolbirth, Zoe and Hannah, with whom he clenched fists.

The silence lasted a few minutes, until Hannah took a step forward.

"Get up now! We know it's the second round of the fight! Stop making yourself cool!"

From between the smoking crater, Dylan crawled out, his skin completely shattered showing his real, metallic body. "How did you know?..."

"It was more than obvious, what kind of villain doesnt have a second round?and more like a pseudovillain traitor like you..." Zoe sighed as she got into combat position.

"I already use the trick of falling defeated and get up again with the moonlight, kid! If you intend to repeat the same scene you can start... I want to crush a lunar rat!" Jolbirth licked his lips, impatient to fight.

"An asshole like you cant fall so easily! And less when you work for the priestress and you're throwing what it want to be the "Royal Decree!"

I have much more dynamite hidden around the area! And I will not hesitate to use it!" Jack wiped his hands while greatly enjoying seeing Dylan so pathetic.


Hannah took a few steps forward, pointing a hand toward Dylan.

"Number 47-1D... Dylan! your computer wanted me to save you, to prevent you from dying here and now... so get ready!

I'm going to defeat you, to make you give up and save your soul!

Because that's the way I've decided to live!

I will be the Dirty Lover that will save the wayward and change the world around them for the better!"


All of Hannah's speech was being recorded by the bank's external cameras (which after an attempted robbery that ended with innocent victims had been reinforced to prevent even an extrahuman from breaking them) and thanks to external help, broadcast all over the world.




Dylan raised his hand to heaven, praying in silence.





  Dylan charges against the quartet, with his whole body glowing emerald green.


End Notes:




The real fight starts now!


Number 47-1D, the definitive android




Hannah, The dirty Lover!

Jolbirth, the fallen king of the deep mausoleum!

Zoe! The lich of the beyond

and Jack! The hacker spears from GUN!

Chapter 48 Great battle of Bahia del Sol! Vs N. 47-1D by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:




 The priestess ran through the streets of Bahia, destroying all the vehicles and urban furniture in her path. (Whenever they were empty, logically)

"47 has started the fight alone! Hannah can match his forces, but Zoe and Jolbirth unleash the fight completely!" Taking a run, the priestess jumped towards one of the apartment blocks and began to climb it. "If I dont hurry... 47... AGGGG! DAMN YOU ARE ALL, WORSHIPERS OF THE SUN!"

Once at the top of the building, the priestess managed to see explosions and Jolbirth in the distance, which made that street its main objective. Standing on all fours, the priestess clawed her hands on the roof of the building and launched herself into the battle-

BOOM! Flynn appeared in midair and succeeded in intercepting the priestess, throwing her against the ground.

"FLYNN!" Falling on her hands and propelling herself backward, the priestess covered her claws with the eternal light of the moon, ready to face the prophet.

"Eleanor, how long! I'm sorry to tell you, little wolf, I'm not going to let you pass!" Flynn landed gracefully on the ground, wielding his spear with both hands toward the priestess.

"You're not enough to stop me, Flynn! You've never been and you never will be!" Accumulating the force of the moon, Eleanor shot a wave towards Flynn.
Wave that was intercepted by a luminous portal.


"And me, Eleanor, is the thing more balanced now?" Calia left the portal, positioning herself in a combat position while smiling at her old friend. The people of the nearby buildings were completely stunned by the course of events.

"Is it really... Calia Sol?" "In her top she puts on Sol! And she is a third growth giantess!"

"Papa! A giantess has appeared! Like in the movies!"

"The terrorist cyber attacks, the fight that is taking place in the bank and now this ..."

"I'm going to be a Star on YouTube with this!" "Shut up and keep on broadcasting! It will be the greatest direct in history!"


"We are old glories, Eleanor, it's time to let the heirs of tomorrow decide the course of history!" Calia shook her fists, covering them with her golden aura.

"ALL THE TIME YOU HAVE PASSED SLEEPING, CALIA, I HAVE BEEN FIGHTING DAY AND NIGHT! Only the moon could save this world! And I plan to show you here and now!" The extrahuman wolf emperor clawed its claws on the ground, and with a powerful howl, made the moon appear in the sky of Bahia.

"Honey, are you ready to fight, havent you spent too much time sleeping?" Flynn pointed his spear at the 20-foot-tall wolf, as he read a small verse to cover his spear with his wife's aura.

"Of course I'm ready to fight! But I'm not going to kill Eleanor... I've made many mistakes in my life! But now is the time to make the right decisions! The sun and the moon can coexist if Hannah's will dictates it!"

"Wise words, Calia Sol" Calia and Flynn looked back, watching as Vagrand walked towards them as he took off his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt.

"I may just be a human, but this is my city and I am its mayor!" Benjamin "Iron knuckles" Vagrand comes to battle! "

Calia smiled as she moved away so that Vagrand occupied the middle position. "Are you sure about this, mayor? No one will tell you anything if you retire!"

"I've been a Middleweigh national champion for 2 years in a row! Represent the United States in an Olympics! I can handle myself in combat even if my opponent is the strongest extrahuman in the Wolves category!" Vagrand threw his jersey aside, standing naked from the waist up in his first round position.

"The mayor is going to fight!"

"That's our mayor!" "I voted for him!"

"But your opponent seems much bigger and more powerful ... he will not be afraid?"

"Iron Knuckles never retires from a battle, however hard it is! That's his style!"

"You have guts, Vagrand! That is recognized!" A howl from Eleanor forced Flynn to leave the sentence halfway and put the trio in tension.


"COME WHAT YOU WANT! THIS NIGHT IS OUR NIGHT!" Eleanor launched at full speed for the group, ready to fight and succeed. Because that is the only mentality that the moon knows.







Streets of Bahia: 19:00 in the afternoon

Current situation: Demonstrators from all over the world stand up against the governments, many of them supported by the respective forces of the country's order. Many others are still in direct combat between the Dirty Lover and his allies Vs. Number 47-1D



Dylan went off after Hannah's last attack. It didnt matter what the android did, or how he attacked, the giantess improved and improved every minute. "IT'S DONE, HANNAH! SIDE ARMS: TOTAL BURST!"

The Android opened its cannons of hands and feet, and shot a salvo of missiles directly on Hannah.

Hannah stopped in the middle of the road and raised her hand to the sky.

"It will be over when I say it! Maragidyne!" With a snap of fingers, a column of flame erupted from the ground, destroying all the missiles. Dylan was completely stunned, but it was much more when he saw Hannah appear from the flames. "There's no time to rest! Dirty Lover Technique Number 2: Champion of Flames!"

The giantess covered her entire left arm with fire, and hit with a punch straight to the android's chest. The difference in size between the two was huge, so only with his fist Hannah was able to cover the entire torso of Dylan.

Dylan shot out against the glass doors of the bank, landing on the counter. "It's... impossible! How can she improve so much in only 2 matches? She has not had time to train or anything!"

"It's the power of the Dirty Lover, king of shit! It grows and grows both physically and mentally in the heat of battle! How do you think she defeated me?" Jolbirth's voice sounded from above the bench, forcing Dylan to stop recovering and getting defensive.

"Dylan, my new best friend dragon and I have a super technique reserved for you! You do me the honors, Jolbirth?" Jack's laugh enervated Dylan's "blood," but again the android didnt have time to respond.

"Technique of the explosive dragon! Breath loaded!" Jolbirth released a puff of fire through the windows of the bank, detonating all of Jack's explosives, which caused the demolition of the bank on Dylan.

The amount of explosives placed by Jack was such that the bank collapsed completely, burying Dylan under hundreds of tons of rubble. The droid struggled to breathe, until he heard something unsheathing beneath him.

"I dont approve of Jack having access to the explosives, but if that ends up with you, Dylan, I'm willing to bear the consequences! Hundred cuts from beyond! "Zoe materialized under Dylan, and with a quick succession of cuts with her scythe, she threw him out of the rubble.

Dylan took advantage of the moment, and ignoring the pain, he turned around in the air pointing his arms at Zoe. "I'm sorry to do this! I really love GUN, but I will not give up on my ideals! Side Arms: Total aggression!" Combining his arms, Dylan shot a beam of energy over Zoe. "TRY TO STOP THIS, HANNAH!"

While Dylan said this last, he felt like something appeared behind him. "Hannah, nope! Allow me to join the fun, ex-partner!" Fiona crashed both fists, causing an explosion that deconcentrated and wounded Dylan.

"Traitor! Having you here will only help me to not have to look for you later!" Activating the thrusters of his feet, Dylan kicked the protoslime back to earth.


Fiona landed back and forth, pulling out her revolver to carry it. "Hannah! Elsa's father has come to see her! He's in that alley!"

"Seriously?! Am I decent to meet him?" Hannah quickly checked her clothes and her hair, smoothing it with saliva as she could. "Hold the fight for a moment!"

Fiona and Jolbirth nodded, attacking Dylan as Hannah ran into the alley.




Lionel was shaking with fear as he watched the fight from a distance. The city of Elsa was completely terrifying, how could she live here without ending up in a psychiatric hospital?!

It wasnt just that fire slime has dragged him through the city on the worst tour in history.

It was that out of nowhere the dragon that attacked the city now seemed to be defending it from a boy who turned out to be an android, and now that dragon was fighting alongside a human, a lich (or a ghost, Lionel was no expert on the extra human as to distinguish them) and the one that in Fiona's words was Elsa's girlfriend... a giantess.

When Elsa told her that she was going out with a giantess, Lionel could only hope that she was a giantess not too "giantess". But this girl, in addition to being too young, was absolutely huge! Minimum had to measure 30 feet or something!

Lionel's survival instinct begged him to flee the area and take Elsa out of this crazy city, but seeing the giantess coming towards him simply stopped him on the spot. (Maybe because of the fear, maybe for giving the girl a chance, who knows)

"Sir, nice to meet you! My name is Hannah!" Hannah knelt in front of the alley too small and extended her hand. "I'm sorry we know each other... this way..."

"Dont worry... I think!" Lionel tried to take the hand of the giantess, but seeing how impossible it was, he simply decided to shake his index finger. "This happens a lot... around here?"


"The fight? Not at all! It's only my second fight!" Lionel took an involuntary step back by such revelation. This was Hannah's second fight?! She just performed a perfect uppercut while covering her arm with flames!

"I... I see..." Lionel blamed himself for being afraid of Elsa's girlfriend, and stepped forward again. "Excuse my manners, my name is Lionel, Hannah. I'm not going to lie to you... you'rent what I expected for Elsa..."

The news broke Hannah's heart, so unintentionally she released the empathetic link to all the combatants. Everyone had to stop fighting to see the conversation. (Until Dylan stopped his attack)

"Excuse me... s...sir..." Hannah ducked her head, on the verge of crying. For the first time in her life, the giantess felt really sunk.

"I'm sorry for being so direct, but you're so big! I dont know how the relationship between my little one and you can work..." Lionel sighed and put his hand on the building.

"But the truth is, I'm just an old man... my thoughts belong to another time. If Elsa really loves you, and you love her... I love you too, no matter how hard you have it. Elsa has been much more intelligent that I since she was 5 years old, so I trust her decisions!"

Hannah was really confused, not knowing without Lionel supporting her or wanting her to cut with Elsa. Tears fell from the eyes of the giantess, overwhelmed by her feelings.

"Hey, dont cry! Forgive me for what I said! I'm not very good with the extrahumans! I have hardly related to any of them, and to see you so young and so big... I guess I said something really horrible, right? " Lionel laughed sadly, feeling how he had annoyed the situation again.


Dylan landed near Hannah and walked towards Lionel. "Look, sir, I have no idea what's going on, but Hannah can be very big, and she'll be bigger! But she's really only 16..." Dylan sighed without believing what he was about to say.

"I understand that Elsa is your dear daughter, but you must know that there is nothing left of the playgirl you know! Elsa has become a "decent" person in a matter of months! Her love is difficult? Yes, it is.

But when two people love each other so much to change the world, I think it's worth trying!"

Lionel sighed. He knew perfectly what it was to risk everything for love, and Hannah was a good girl, that was obvious. (16 years! What was Elsa thinking ?!) "You're right, terminator... I guess my overprotective father instincts have come to light too soon!" Lionel laughed and adjusted his suit, before offering his hand to Hannah. "Hannah, can you forgive this old cock? I would like to start again, this time seeing all the good you have"


Hannah wiped tears from her shirt sleeve, and sniffing, she took Lionel's hand between two fingers. "Of course I can forgive you!... you are... Elsa's father... and I really want you like someone like me... I dont want to separate from Elsa..."

"Can we go back to the fight !? Please!" Jolbirth and Jack shouted from the rubble of the bank.

"My little one, make Elsa proud!" Lionel went back into the alley, while Hannah nodded and returned with Dylan to the collapsed bank.





"NEW GENERATIONS OF CHAMPION OF FLAME!" Hannah took the least chance to hit again with her new attack, this time with her other arm.

Dylan received the blow, but this time using the thrusters of his feet achievements slow enough to counterattack. "Side Arms: Twin cannon!" Opening the cannons on both elbows, he shot directly at Hannah, forcing her to retreat.

"Hannah! Activate now the "Will card!", you doesnt help us without that!" Jolbirth stopped Hannah and covered her with her wings. Hannah knew perfectly well that she had lost her first "Will card" after the news of Elsa's father, so she began to concentrate to activate the second one-

"NOTHING OF THIS! THIS IS MY OPPORTUNITY!!!!! FINAL TECHNIQUE OF THE KING OF INFORMATION! SIDE ARMS: KING NOVA!" Dylan activated all his bodily cannons, and concentrating the light of the moon, shot a gigantic moon bead on Jolbirth and Hannah.

"AGGGGGGGGGG!" The dragon's scream was heard throughout Bahia, an immense column of smoke emanated from the impact.

Dylan laughed as he opened his side cannon and concentrated a smaller "King Nova".

"It hurts me that things have had to this end, Hannah... but you know what they say! Never bet against the king, because the house always wins!"




"When it comes to bets... BET ALWAYS TO DIRTY LOVER!" Dylan was stunned, when dissipating the smoke saw as Jolbirth threw his tail at Hannah. Hannah flew to Dylan's position, and concentrating all her aura on her fist, struck a direct blow against the android.





The blow was devastating, much more than any of the previous ones. The external frame of Dylan was split in several places by impact. "How can you... have managed to copy the power of the moon?..."

Dylan and Hannah fell to the floor, Hannah falling on one knee while Dylan fell head first. "Because I dont care about the sun or the moon! I follow my ideals without excluding either of them!"

Dylan simply remained silent. If someone had managed to copy the "Sun wave" and at the same time copy a lunar technique, why should they keep fighting? It was evident that sun and moon were not mutually exclusive!

For the first time since they built it, number 47-1D felt that perhaps the priestess needed to rethink the situation."...You know... now I have to summon the moonlight and take his power for a third round, right..."

"If you have to do it, do it! Dont stay with the desire! I will defeat you as many times as necessary until you enter into reason!" Hannah turned around and walked over to offer her hand to Dylan.

The android sighed, and as he got up with the help of the giantess, he received a warning.

"...Hannah, The "royal decree "is sent and put into operation!"

Dylan leapt back preparing for the last fight.

"You and the whole world will know the authentic power of the king of information! And all of you will see the true darkness of this world!"

End Notes:



On the horizon, a regiment of tanks, assault vehicles and combat helicopters were approaching Bahia.

Gilberth commanded them from the central vehicle.
President Salome may not have approved it, but Valeria isnt going to get rid of it after putting the world upside down and publicly embarrassing the United States of America... that was clear.

"Sir, do we have eye contact with... a police barricade?" Gilberth pushed the copilot, and took the prismatic. As he had said, the entire entrance to Bahia was surrounded by police and GUN vehicles.

"They've brought all the artillery, huh? PUT ME IN CONTACT WITH THE BAHIA POLICE HEAD!" One of his subordinates passed the phone. "With what imbecile do I have the pleasure of speaking?"

"Agent Lloyd Swanson, Chief of Police of Bahia and captain of the Bahia defense forces, sir"


"Sir, there is a giantess next to what appears to be the leading armored van... According to the information we have, it seems to be the president of the company Ashcrew! Maria Ashcrew!"

"Lloyd, are you telling me you have a hostage to keep me from attacking you? How cowardly are you?!"

After a few seconds, a female voice rang on the phone. "Mr. Gilberth, I am Maria Ashcrew, and I am not a hostage! I am the second in command of the newly formed Bahia defense force! Get close to our city and I will liberate a hell over your men!"


Gilberth cut the communication, throwing the phone out the window. "We have non-lethal ammunition, like shells of lachrymal gas?"

The second in command trembled slightly at Gilberth's idea. "Sir, we can bring our armed forces here, but without the president's permission, we cant attack civilians for no reason!"

"They arent civilians! they are traitors to our flag, to our country and to the values that represent the United States of America!" Gilberth probed the possibility of attacking them, but his head would roll off his shoulders like there was a single civilian casualty.

"Call the president and force her to give me permission! I plan to enter that city and tear out that damn vampire's heart even with my own hands!"





On the other side of the barricade.

"Do you think they will stop?" Lloyd could not help but get nervous. He was a police chief, not an army general. Without Valeria here... even with Maria's help and support, his ability to lead was limited.

"They will do it! they cant attack us without the president's permission, and I have my best men in Congress pressuring her to make no decision at the moment! And even if they come, all of your men have our secret GUN and Ashcrew Group weapons!" Maria was determined to win as long as Hannah needed, and her determination filtered through to every GUN agent and police officer around her.

"...I hope you're right... Call Robin! I need Valeria and Victoria here now! And bring Elsa! She'll be an idiot, but she's one of those idiots who are only born once every hundred years!" Lloyd got out of the van and took the gun from the Ashcrew group.Although he was only a human, he could feel the immense force emanating from the modified rifle.


Tonight was going to be a night that would be marked in history, and sworn by the pride of his police badge that Lloyd was not going to give up.




Chapter 49 Pray to whoever wants to listen by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:



Thanks to everyone for exceeding 7000 readings! (now already 7100 readings!)

These last chapters are being very hectic, but it's normal! We are approaching the end of the second story arc and the thing is burning! Prepare for the inflection point of humanity and the reason for the new tag of "New World Order"







Same place: Same moment

Current situation: "Royal decree" in progress.


Telephones and computers throughout Bahia (and around the world) began to sound at the same time. The same message was sent simultaneously to everyone connected to the internet.

"Go ahead, look at your cell, feel the power of the king of information and understand who is your real enemy!" Hannah hesitated for a moment, but when she felt Jolbirth's head on her shoulder she pulled out her cell phone.

"My name number 47-1D, or Dylan as I've decided to call, I'm what humans would call an android.

I was created by the scientist Eleanor Miles, the Priestess of the Clan of the Moon. The Clan of the Moon is an organization created to fight for the future of humanity, an organization that disengaged from the Sun worshipers long ago.
My mission was to understand the new humanity from the most basic.


For this I was endowed with the ability to "feel", to "learn", to create bonds with other people ... but when I put all that into practice, I saw how horrible the human being was.

I've used Valeria's name to get the attention of top administrative officials, but my boss has nothing to do with this operation! Everything I discovered while looking for a reason for all the darkness that covers this world has come out of my fist and my "soul".

I have been reviewing (illegally) the accounts of dozens of Western and Eastern countries, from 1972 to the present.

I have verified that many countries coincide in presenting millionaire monetary losses, in many cases covered by the budgetary departments of each country.


Although I have first felt as a member of a family, I initially joined GUN to access private computers and servers of the US government.

And although I feel like a human, I dont have the need to "live" like you, so I risk everything I can and update my software using the hacking programs designed by my good friend and fellow GUN, Jack.

I went to the bottom of the matter, and discovered that a large part of these "monetary losses" occurred on the same date and time. Now I have to get serious, so I will attach an explanatory document that I have stolen from the Scientific Department of the Ashcraw Corporation, where it is explained how and why the extrahuman originated...


From this point, I assume that you have read and know the history of the comet "Azure key".

As you all know, climate change is a fact and a reality, accelerated by the super residual pollutant emissions of the time of industrial expansion.Why do I mention this? Because the state of the atmosphere and our planet is much worse than any scientist could imagine.

The only reason why humanity continues to exist is because we bought "atmospheric regenerators" to another of the planets connected by the "Azure Key".

I do not have the specific name of what we bought, but everything comes attached in the documents that I have stolen next. The question is that the price is increasing, and increasingly we need more and more of these "regenerators" because the emission of polluting gases is not reduced fast enough.

I assume that the global crisis that is gradually increasing is the same product of all the money invested in trying to keep all this.

You may think that I am just a madman or a paranoid, but if you review all the documents below, you will understand my motives for provoking the first cyberterrorist attack, which has only been a way to call your attention so that you can now read this from a different perspective.


In the next 30 minutes from now, all the information pages of each government will be hacked and will enable access to all the desired information to everyone.

I dont know how long it will take to throw it down, but during the time that my "Royal Decree" still working, I recommend that you see with your own eyes the truth and draw your own conclusions.

With love, the king of information Number 47-1D"


"HAVE YOU STEALED MY HACKING PROGRAMS ?!" Jolbirth himself pushed Jack with his tail, forcing him to shut up.

Hannah was stunned. It is true that nothing that 47-1D had counted seemed to be false, and facebook and twitter notifications went off. "Dylan... is all this true?" Hannah clenched her fists and knelt on the rubble.

"As true as tomorrow will dawn... Hannah! Our world is living a borrowed time! Humanity is condemned if it costs us more and more expensive atmospheric regenerators!- " Dylan fell down suddenly, like everyone in Bahia.



A military plane overflew the city, and fired a missile directly against the GUN headquarters, blowing the building to pieces.


"....ELSAAAAAAAAA!!!" Hannah burst into tears as she ran to the impact area.

"tTHEY... Have... really attacked?" Zoe fell to the ground, crying in silence. The headquarters had been completely destroyed, and a giant column of smoke replaced it.

"They will not silence the truth! Jolbirth! Please, take us there!" Dylan's plea was totally unnecessary, for Jolbirth was under his back to allow everyone to climb into it.

"Excuse me... forgive me... Elsa... Elsa... Elsa was... in that building?..." Lionel approached the dragon crying and shaking completely. The poor man could not articulate a single word correctly. Nobody said anything, while Jolbirth grabbed him by the waist and placed him in front of Zoe.





Outskirts of Bahia

Gilberth's personal telephone started ringing, with the melody that the defense secretary wanted to hear the most. "Yes, madam president?"

"I want the droid dead and destroyed.

I want that computer equipment from which the "Royal Decree" has been sent to be destroyed in less than 30 minutes.

And I want all GUN arrested and taken to the most illegal military prison we have.

And I want it now, have I been clear?"

"Clear as water, lady! And thanks for that first missile!" Gilberth hung up the call and looked at his lieutenant. "You've heard it, right, I want every inhabitant of Bahia del Sol in prison, and I want that little robot in my hands"

The lieutenant nodded as he gave the order to attack all the units. "Music for my ears! I knew that Valeria's bastard was going to be a problem...

If I had been allowed to act when I should, we would save ourselves now having to talk about all those things... Ah! The bureaucracy! The greatest sin of man!"





Defense post of Bahia del Sol


"They have attacked us! With missiles! And if there were innocent people in the barracks?" Lloyd went completely in panic. Not even in his wildest dreams could he have imagined an attack by the US army on one of its cities.

"They go with everything, which means that number 47-1D has hit right away..." Maria tried to maintain her composure as well as possible, but even so her hand trembled as she dialed a number on her phone. "Rozalin, darling, tell the boys to activate our secret weapon, the army is totally serious"

"Secret weapon? We have that ?!" Lloyd was much more excited than he would like, but the situation was too extreme to contain emotions.

"The jewel in the crown of the Ashcrew group! The ash guard! Activated!" Maria struck her phone, and from the Ashcrew cruise a beam of energy was deployed over Bahia. The beam began to take the form of a dome over the city, and when Gilberth gave the order to attack it, they found that the dome destroyed any projectile that approached.

"It's really cool, right? I'm glad I didnt return the cruise to headquarters!"

"A force field?... like a science fiction movie ... How long is this?!"

"Not too much! Go find Calia! I need her to create one of her miniature suns if we want to keep the ash guard active!" Several policemen nodded as they grabbed a police car and drove back to Bahia. "Lloyd, prepare your men, they have attacked us first, so this will be self-defense!"


Lloyd hesitated a moment, but the smell of smoke in the distance cleared any doubts he might have. Entering the armored van again, the police chief picked up the radio and turned it on.

"To all the units! The army has attacked us and very possibly there are deadly victims, so we have to prepare for a counterattack! The ash guard will protect us for now, so load and fire the Ashcrew rifles! To arms, comrades!"

Every man and woman in the defense post roared with Lloyd and began to open fire on the vehicles of the army, while the normal projectiles didnt manage to cross the ash guard, the electric projectiles of the Ashcrew group they passed through it, unleashing a hail of bullets on every jeep, tank and military truck that was approaching.





Streets of Bahia.


Eleanor released Flynn as the four of them looked towards the impact area. "Cant be..."

"How dare they?... Calia, please! Take me to the GUN barracks!" Vagrand pleaded while grabbing Calia's foot, trying to get her attention.

" children... how they attacked us...why?..." The giant's tears fell on the floor, each one as big as a bucket of water.The plume of smoke left Calia completely in shock, and at a much higher level than Hannah, Calia unwittingly released an empathetic link with each inhabitant of Bahia a mile away.

Everyone felt the same pain as Calia, who added to the pain they felt to see how the government considered them an objective. The panic walked the streets, while everyone was looking for a place to take refuge from a possible second attack.

Normal people didnt know the nature of the ash guard, so for them this barrier was only a giant marker for the army.

"Flynn, we need you to get Calia's attention! There may be people who need our help!" Eleanor shouted as she banged her head against a wall, undoing the empathic link.

"I hate to agree with you! CALIA, MY LOVE, I NEED YOU TO RETURN ON YOURSELF! There may be people in the rubble still alive, and the firemen will need your help!" Flynn's voice managed to echo within Calia, who regained consciousness quickly. Picking up Flynn and Vagrand in one hand, and Eleanor in the other, the giantess ran out, leaping over every low building she could.

"They have attacked us to stop Dylan's royal decree?" Vagrand could not stop thinking about how angry Salome must be to authorize something like this. "Is it that they dont realize they may have killed innocents?!"

"Vagrand... I'll tell you something I dont like to remember. In the eyes of the powerful, an innocent life is a reasonable price to pay in the name of progress" Flynn sighed while inside he burned with rage.





Ruins of the GUN headquarters


Hannah came almost out of breath, dodging fire trucks and ambulances in her path. Dozens of people had moved to offer their help, but none of that mattered to Hannah. "ELSA?! SOMEBODY HAS SEEN A BLOND GIRL OF 6 FEET MORE OR LESS? I TAKE THE HAIR INTO A BRAIN TOWARDS BACK!"

Hannah didnt stop crying, making it hard for anyone to understand her. A familiar voice came from behind him.


"Hannah! Elsa, my sister and most of GUN's spears and informatics were in Dylan's basement trying to deactivate those capsules!" Ligth did her best to calm Hannah, but the giantess was too nervous to be right.

Hannah ran into the ruins, and looked for the elevator she had climbed. But unfortunately, it was so full of rubble that it was impossible for him to orient himself. "ELSA! ELSA! ELSA, PLEASE ANSWER!" Picking up pieces of soil in her hands, Hannah started throwing them back while she continued to search.

The firefighters were trying to reason with her, because her actions were only hindering the rescue operation of victims. Needless to say, Hannah did not listen to anyone, her head too busy finding the elevator.

"HANNAH!" Calia's scream was enough to get the attention of Hannah, who turned around in tears. Calia released her three passengers next to the firemen while she picked up Hannah and tried to calm her down.

"How is the situation?!" Vagrand didnt waste a moment in running towards the fire chief.

"Sir... the impact of the missile has been perfect, knocking down the building's main pillars. Although a large part of GUN was divided between supporting the police in the defense line, and the other part containing the people in the streets... we are talking about 37 deadly victims, we are still looking for possible survivors in the rubble"


"Holy godness..." Vagrand fought to contain the tears, while borrowing the megaphone from the fire chief. "Everyone, human and extrahuman with physical strength, come help, please! Calia and Hannah, follow the instructions of the fire chief and withdraw whatever he orders!"

Both giantesses nodded, and the emergency operation resumed.

The minutes passed, and the death toll increased much more than that of survivors, to the disgrace of all those present. Jolbirth, Dylan and the rest of the group arrived later and immediately joined the operation.

After 20 long minutes, Zoe's phone started ringing. "It's a robin call!" Everyone came to listen while the Lich put the speaker.

"Zoe... what's happened out there? There's a lot of earth tremors and the elevator is broken!" Robin sounded very anguished, and in the background you could hear several GUN agents hyperventilating.

"They have fired a missile directly against the headquarters of GUN! Are you all well down there ?!"

"A... missile? Why? They did it for the" Royal Decree?... It doesnt matter... There are several injured, but we have no casualties for now. The emergency generator of the computer has been activated, so for now we have light... there are possibilities of- "


"Zoe! Valeria speaks! What the hell is going on out there?!"

"Boss!" Zoe started crying with joy when she heard the vampire's voice. "If I told you, everything has happened!"


"There will be time later! I'm still very tired because of that damn capsule, but I have the strength to carry people with me and climb it in the elevator shaft! Clear me an exit right now!"

"EVERYONE! YOU HAVE HEARD! FIND THE ELEVATOR AND REMOVE EVERYTHING IN MIDDLE!" All the volunteers ran out to look for the elevator as if there were no tomorrow. Until their operations were cut.

BOOOM! BOOOM BOOOM! Several missiles exploded on impact with the ash guard, scaring even more the population of Bahia.


"But is that they dont get tired? How much is left for the "royal decree", Dylan?!" Vagrand lost the forms altogether, grabbing the droid by the neck and lifting it up as much as he could.

"Less than 6 minutes! The emergency generator-"

"I dont care about the shit generator! Your terrorist act has cost the lives of 50 people and rising! YOU CAN ALREADY CHANGE THE WORLD, BECAUSE IF YOU DO NOT, I WILL CRUSH YOU WITH A RAMMER!"

"I swear I will... sir..." Vagrand released Dylan, only to be caught this time by Eleanor's neck.

"How dare you attack my greatest and most beloved work?!" Flynn wasted no time, driving his spear into the wolf's stomach. Eleanor groaned in pain, while Vagrand continued to scream the lives that Dylan's actions had cost him.

Immediately, the situation became more and more violent, the result of tension in the environment. Discussions about the price of Dylan's acts filled the air, until a voice rose above all.

"STOP ALL!" Hannah screamed with all her strength, and moved by rage released a wave of aura that threw the whole world to the ground. "Too many innocent people have died, so you cant start a fight now! If our planet really dies... there is no point in arguing now!"


BOOM BOOM BOOM! The military planes took a third pass, constantly attacking the ash guard.

This time more and more people fled in terror, after noticing that the missiles went directly to the ruins of the GUN headquarters.

"They must be really scared of the countdown!" Jolbirth laughed nervously, while with his tail he continued to remove debris. Although the dragon wanted to die, he had no intention of taking anyone with him, let alone people who had not done anything.

"3 minutes left! They cant hide the truth!" Dylan ran with Jolbirth to remove debris from the middle again.

Vagrand gritted his teeth, reluctantly going back to work.

After much effort, Calia managed to dazzle the elevator shaft, and removing a larger column between her, Hannah and Jolbirth, managed to clear the way.


And affter a few minutes, Valeria came out of the hole carrying two computer scientists. "My ... my headquarters ... destroyed ... I WILL NOT FORGIVE YOU, GILBERTH! NEVER!"


"Valeria, there's no time, how's Elsa?" Hannah knelt in front of the vampire, wiping the dust off her body with one hand.

"Thanks for asking! Bolt, Mirabelle and the others are very good, very well! Elsa, Adell and Victoria are recovering from the capsules, but that leads me to another problem..."

"How to get Victoria out of there?" Zoe asked.

"Bingo! At any other time I could have pulled her, but I'm really exhausted to carry her weight ..." Valeria tilted her gaze, feeling helpless until she saw Dylan. "DYLAN! ALL THIS IS YOUR FAULT! I BELIEVED YOU WERE BRAZILIAN, BUT REALLY YOU ARE A SHIT ANDROID!"


Valeria threw herself with all her strength towards Dylan, only to be intercepted by her mother's hand. "My child, not now! Dylan had good intentions, although his and Eleanor's forms are not right!"

"Do you dare to say that I was wrong after losing 100 years sleeping ?!" Eleanor tried her best not to throw herself at the giantess's neck. There would be time to argue later.

"Eleanor, you came out of hiding! Now Jolbirth isnt so useful... Anyway, think of a way to get Victoria out!" Valeria jumped back into the elevator shaft, starting to descend again.


"We could... no, using more dynamite would not be useful right now!" Everyone looked at Jolbirth, without saying a word. "What, I've noticed myself!" Hannah, desperate, knelt and began to pray in silence. "That doesnt help either, and nobody say anything!"

Calia knelt beside Hannah and put an arm around her. "Who do you pray to, my little one?"

"Whoever wants to listen to me... sun and moon havent done anything but bring pain! There must be someone else! Someone who can listen to our prayers!" Tears fell down Hannah's face. Calia cleaned them with a finger, and looking at her husband, together with her own hands and began to pray with Hannah.

"What are you-" "SILENCE! Two Dirty Lovers are praying to fate! It's an act beyond logic!" Flynn walked towards the pair of giantesses and pointed his spear at everyone else. "Nobody should interrupt them"

"Dirty couple... Victoria is also a Dirty Lover, right ?!" Valeria went up to Robin and another computer, leaving them on the floor. "It's time to check if it's real! I'll tell you to pray with them and we'll see if we can get someone to answer us!" The vampire jumped back into the elevator, falling again.

Vagrand joined the prayer, with Eleanor.


Meanwhile, Dylan checked his phone. "It has been launched, the royal decree has just revealed to the entire world the secrets of each government... I hope that people now believe in my words..."

"Number 47-1D, that purchase of regenerators is real? Governments have managed to create contact with another world before Maria?" Flynn walked towards him, snatching his phone.

"That's what I managed to find out, now everyone can see their accounts, they can understand the lie we live and how our world dies..."

"What could we do if the atmosphere is really being destroyed?..." Flynn hated to ask that, while Jack, Zoe, Fiona, Lionel and even Jolbirth began to pray.

"No... I dont know... I do not offer answers, I only give you the truth... I think I was so afraid to reveal all this that I have never come to think of a solution, I have been suffering from continuous nightmares for years, feeling like everything devoured me and as it fell into oblivion... "

"It must have been hard, even for an android" Flynn crossed his arms, while looking at his wife. "Please... if there is someone, answer us..."


Dylan could not pray like the others, because without a soul there would be no use. Instead, with the remote control of your computer, he modify the last part of his message.



End Notes:



"Interesting... humanity has realized the disastrous state of their planet, and instead of mounting another war as they usually do .. they are praying"

"At least that's funny"

"I know... but there are three Dirty Lovers praying at the same time, maybe we shouldnt ignore it"

"You're going to give humanity another chance? you gave it a new race to balance the world, and they turned the extra-human into pariahs and slaves."

"That's true, but the centuries have passed, now there are no big differences between the races, not too superficial, at least"

"I have to give you the reason you want me to prepare everything? I can relieve you some of the work"

"It would be very helpful, thank you, little Hannah has managed to light the second candle, isnt that impressive?"

"It certainly is, but I didnt expect less from her! She is surrounded by horrible people but with good intentions, so she only had one option, to improve herself!"

"Now is the time of the Exodus, and the third candle will make its appearance. How will humanity behave? I want to see it with my own eyes"

"Admit it, deep down they are your favorites!"

"It's possible, but only because of his incredible will and determination to survive! If it werent for that... I wouldnt have bothered to connect them"




Chapter 50 End of story arc 2: A new beginning by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:



"Everything is ready, I'm going to Earth!"

"Wait ... how are you going to appear?"

"Well, like last time, it'snt a good idea?"

"I'm not so sure... the last time there were no cameras to record you! You have to assume that millions of phones will be recording you at the same time!"

"That's true ... then I'll give the humanity a good show! What do you think?"

"Remember that you must calm their hearts, not everyone will take the news well"

"You dont need to remind me of the basics! I've been doing this a long time before you were born!"

"I was born from you, so that's obvious, chump!"

"You can see it that way, or you can see it as a gesture of pure kindness!"

"...go away now, and keep those words for humanity, they will need them"






Outskirts of Bahia: Same moment.

Current situation: The new message of 47-1D has spread throughout the world, and millions of people have stopped protecting to pray with Calia, Hannah and Victoria.

Gilberth got out of the jeep carrying his megaphone, and getting on it, he addressed his men. "EVERYTHING HOW IS PRAYING NOW WILL BE ACCUSED OF REBELLION!" But no matter what he said, dozens of soldiers (and rising) came down from the tanks, left their coverages and began to pray. Why? Neither did they know it.

But something inside them made them believe that this was the right thing to do. Not a thousand threats from Gilberth would prevent them from praying.

"But what the hell are you doing ?! There's no god to pray for! Stop now!" Gilberth just threw the megaphone against the floor in sheer frustration.

"Sir... do you also feel it inside?" Gilberth's second in command got on the jeep with his boss, and sat next to him.

"Shut up!" It was a strange sensation, like hunger or thirst. But instead of needing to eat and drink, Gilberth felt he needed to sing prayers to heaven.The Xatrais empire had not stopped increasing the price of atmospheric patches for years, forcing the countries to take more and more money from their coffers to pay for the operation.

Why did an alien race want money and material goods from the earth? When they only asked for gold, silver and other precious minerals, they had logic. But when they started asking for cash and materials like wood or marble, governments simply stopped looking for explanations.


It was obvious that Calia was to blame. Only she could create such a broad empathic link! But according to the latest reports, countries on the other side of the globe were joining prayers. Even Calia was too far away.

"Someone ... someone must be amplifying it! That's it! Keep firing! We will destroy the barrier and finish whoever is amplifying-"

Gilberth felt the hand of his second in command on the shoulder. "Sir... leave it, right now, we must have faith"

"Bastard... you too have been brainwashed by that damn giantess?... The extrahumans are really the cause of all evil..." Gilberth buried his head against his knees. He hated the extrahuman more than anyone... but this time he had no choice.

Resisting an empathic link is practically useless, and when the giantess who creates it is Calia it is completely inevitable.





Headquarters of NASA.

Hundreds of telescopes detected a gigantic floating body heading towards the earth, at a completely unprecedented speed.

The chaos spread quickly throughout the agency, until after seeing the first image of the floating body, silence was formed.

A species of asteroid, of azure color, went directly towards the Earth.

"Gentlemen... this is the "Azure key"...."

"It is... a  miracle?"

"...O our condemnation..."

"You've seen it with your own eyes! We're living a borrowed time! It has to be a miracle... it has to be"

Dozens of scientists and experts put their hands together to pray with the Dirty Lovers.





Bahia del Sol, remnants of the GUN headquarters: Same moment


Lloyd and Maria (riding the armored van, for obvious reasons) arrived with everyone. Everyone except Dylan were praying.

"It's really been Calia, hasnt I felt the need to pray so much in my life... not even when I go to the police entrance exam" Lloyd lit a cigarette, trying to fight against praying.

"An empathetic link, enhanced by the aura of my daughter and Hannah... where the hell is MY DAUGHTER!?" Maria walked towards Flynn and lifted him by the neck. (noticing in the process that it was softer than usual)

Flynn stomped without strength to get rid of his sister. He didnt have the strength, nor did he feel like freeing himself. "Victoria continues with the spears of GUN, Elsa and Adell underground! She's fine, she's fine!"

"...Okay, I believe you, what is all this?" Maria released her brother, while pointing to everyone.

"We pray... waiting for someone to listen to us, our world is much worse than I expected, have you read it?" Flynn leaned on his sister's legs, tired.

"That of the atmosphere? Of course... do you think it's real?" Maria sat on the floor, praying but for Victoria's safety. Her little one was an expert in the management of the aura, but not even the aura of the world could save her children if the ground collapses on her head.

"It's real! Look how they have tried to silence me!" Dylan approached the couple, only to receive a kick from Maria.

"You deserve it, for causing all this." Flynn sighed, smiling slightly for the first time in many hours.


Before Dylan could even get up, the phones all over the world started playing at the same time for the third time that day. "A warning from NASA?" getting up and wiping the dust, Dylan walked next to Flynn and Maria, to read it.

"Dont bother, I save you the message!"

An ominous a priori voice resonated throughout the planet. Millions of humans looked up at once, only for once a comet plowing across the planet's sky.


"Your prayers have come to me, then thank the Calia for releasing the empathetic link, Victoria for amplifying the message and Hannah for being the author of it"

Hannah ran forward, while the bluish comet continued to sail the skies of the planet, traversing them as a satellite in orbit. "IT HAS REALLY WORKED, THANK YOU LORD ARCEUS!"




Calia grabbed Hannah by the back of her head and forced her to kneel. "Excuse me, sir, you have too many video games in your head!" The giantess laughed nervously, fearing to have offended that "being".

"Calm down, Calia, I'm not offended or angry!"

"ASK FOR IT ALSO FOR MY PART!" Victoria shouted through the elevator shaft.

"I can also hear you, Victoria I can listen to everyone on this planet at the same time, but forgive me for specifically addressing the Dirty Lovers.

I think it will be easier to communicate if I use a representative for you.


"You have a name, sir? and as you say you are Nyx's avatar, you know I have tools to face you! I have a replica of the person 3 channel in my house! Although it is too small..." This time, everything the world threw itself on Hannah, to prevent her from talking. A full-fledged scrum


"I have just come from a trip of millions of light years and the first thing I do is compare myself to a pokemon and Nyx, I have to admit that I am having a lot of fun!

And before you ask everyone at once, I'll confirm the obvious.

The earth's atmosphere is completely destroyed. You can continue to apply patches, but that will only extend the life of it for about 70 years, I guess more or less.

Calia, you will be the main spokesperson. For this, I grant you the temporary ability to listen to the voice of the whole world.

Victoria and Hannah, you are too young to feel something as painful and terrible as that, so I want you to give me the point of view of the heirs of tomorrow, the young earthlings "


Calia closed her eyes, feeling the voices of each human within her. After a few seconds separating the unnecessary ones, I take the immense majority. "Have you come to save us?"

"Good question ... but has the answer has two parts.

I'm going to save you,

 but I cant save your planet "

For a few seconds, Calia noticed how the voices were silenced at the same time. "Sorry?..."

"How... you cant save our planet? We'll all die if the atmosphere vanishes!" Victoria shouted with all her strength between tears. "You cant let us die!"

"Reassure yourself, Victoria, you always kept your composure, if you break to cry, on whom will others rest?

Like I said, I want, I can and I must save you.

But even my power cant achieve something as gigantic as repair the atmosphere,

I mean... I can do it, but it would be a long and hard process.

A process that you would not survive.

For that reason, Hannah must already understand what I am proposing"

"Are you going to open a portal to Azeroth?" BOOM! Flynn released his best punch on Hannah's nose.

"There is a container planet that I can give you, I know that leaving a house behind is difficult, and a planet is much more, but you can survive the whole world!

Vx-11-56-00 It is a planet three times bigger than the earth, rich in plant and animal life. The composition of the atmosphere is similar to that of the earth, and for now there is only another intelligent race, and is composed mainly of humanoids like you.

The site is not bad, right?

You will have to adapt, build your homes and all that again, but in return I will eliminate the language barrier, so that all humanity will be able to understand each other "


"Get away, this time I'm going to be serious!" Hannah shifted, seeking to speak. "Sir, that new planet... will welcome us with open arms?"


"Good question, when you went through the universe looking for civilizations worthy of our attention, I link this world to many others... But the humanity... you are different from any other species.

You have a sense of survival beyond logic! I can not assure you that they welcome you with open arms, but I can assure you that you have the tools to defend them.

If humanity agrees, I will eliminate the normal woman from the human genetic code. So they were born only from this moment and for a few extrahuman generations.

In the same way, I will make sure that those extrahumans are adapted to the new world.

At the same time, I will convert the male gender and improve it. I will make you more resistant to the climate of the new world, I will make your inherited genes be reinforced in your children, and I will grant both genders greater longevity.

With all these measures, you can make sure that each generation is more prepared to live in your new home than the previous one! "


"And ... those who are already here?" Victoria sounded much calmer than before, but Adell and Elsa could swear she was wiping tears.

"True... I will do the following:

all children under 3 years will receive my blessing with all the changes.

In case someone hasnt understood, if you have human daughters, as soon as they prepare everything they will become extrahumans of the new world, and If you have human sons, they will receive the new adaptive genetic code.

Likewise, I will create an "Azure Gate" of 1 kilometer long. So you can take trucks of materials you need, prefabricated houses and everything you wanted to keep.

I cant say that I will give money to everyone to secure the economy, because for my species, money doesnt exist.

For the whole issue of democracy, material goods and all of this I recommend that as soon as the language barrier disappears you create world elections.

Normally you dont make the mistake of choosing the wrong person, so I trust you.

Finally, I will create the "Azure Gate" near where Bahia del Sol is. And I will connect it with a continent of the new planet that is relatively depopulated, so that there is space for all of you.

Do you have any doubt? And I mean doubt, not wishes "


"Everyone wants to know who you are and why you help us!" Calia screamed as she knelt on the floor holding her head. Too many voices shouting too many different things

"I dont have a name, because my existence predates the concept of names, but on the other hand... your astronomers have called me "Azure Key", so I'll borrow that name.

I belong to a species that simply feels the desire and the need to see and guide other lesser species.

As you may have noticed, I am able to change the concept and form of reality on a smaller scale.

And the reason because I help you...  I "fall in love" with you as soon as I see you.

First I decided to endow a human with a similar wisdom to mine to help you, but I think you killed him or something, I didnt bother to find out.

Then, create the extrahuman as a measure to patch humanity and prevent all the power on one side from creating pain... then you had two world wars and you created nuclear weapons...

No matter what I do to help you, you always find a way to complicate things! Maybe that's part of your charm? I have no idea. I only know that I want to continue helping humanity "

"Well many thanks, Mr. Azure!" Hannah made a small bow, which was followed by Calia and all the others.

"Dont give them to me, just make sure that this new planet is not swept away by your selfishness and everything you bring in.

Because as it happens, you will put me in a big big problem.

Also, I think I should give you a recommendation. You see the giantesses? They are the closest beings to my species that walks on this planet. Her kindness and pride rival those of my youngest disciples.

What I come to refer, is that you chose a giantess as president! She will do it a thousand times better than any half-haired idiot...

Now yes, I must leave, because my presence alters the natural orbit of the solar system.

From today until March 31, you have time to prepare, because that day will open the "Azure gate".

The language will disappear in exactly 3 hours, so dont waste your time, and start packing! A new world, a new humanity awaits you! "


"This is only heard in Bahia.

Hannah has been unconscious for 10 minutes, so I had to keep her body awake myself, tell her not to abuse the "Will Card" and she need to listen more to my disciple! 

That also goes for you, Victoria. My two disciples accompany you to keep control of your identity as a Dirty Lover under control, so please, listen to them.

I wish you the best of luck, and take advantage of this opportunity, to do things correctly. We will see each other, keep it for sure "

And in the same way that the comet had reached the earth, "Azure Key" left the planet, leaving humanity with a bitter aftertaste.

They had the opportunity to start from scratch, and create a better tomorrow. But it would be a hard and delicate process, which would require the will of the whole world.

Not Hannah, because as "Azure Key" disappeared, she fell to the ground completely unconscious.

The giantess would have time to catch up, because a new world of possibilities opened up before her. Never better said. 

End Notes:



I know that for chapter 50 one would expect something longer or more impactful, but I have been waiting since 37 for this moment with all my illusion.

As I said, the flames of the old world are extinguished, and you have seen all the problems that arise from it.

With the arrival of a new home, humanity will have the opportunity to rethink its principles and values. A more dangerous world, a completely unknown world.

Will new occupations arise in this new world? Will the place of man and woman undergo changes? What values r03;r03;will arise from all the races united without the limitation of the language?

We will see all this and much more, from the perpeace of a group, formed by those who were guided by Sun and Moon, by those who believe in tomorrow and by those who in the now.

Welcome to the second stage of this story, which will cover the third and fourth story arc.

From the new home of humanity "Nova terrae", the uprising of the city of Bahia 2.0

(or Bahia of the new world, name not yet decided by the directive dome)

Chapter 51 The Last Days of the Earth (Part 1): Ain't No Mountain High Enough by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:




The last days of Earth are coming! And each person lives them in a totally different way.

Throughout the following chapters, we will see how each of our protagonists faces the "end of time". In addition, in this space, each chapter will have the current situation of governments and countries.

As always, thank you all for following the story! May the end of the earth be easy for you too!




03/15/2018 (according to the old terrestrial calendar)

After the destruction of the language barrier, a social web similar to Twitter has been launched by a larger alliance of countries of countries. (mainly the great majority western along with a great part of Eastern and middle east)

This "social web" is being used to process the votes for the future "terrestrial government", which will be voted on March 27. To ensure the greatest possible participation and security, individual smartphones (with all the official data of each citizen) are being distributed among the citizens of these countries.

It is an unprecedented movement, but given the situation, it has been chosen as the safest, most efficient and most direct way.

(mainly thanks to the extraordinary collaboration between leading companies in mobile technology, .informatics and security)







Fiona and Jack

Elsa's apartment: 10:30 in the morning.


"And in another order of things, the Church of the Meteor has celebrated its first mass eucharist in the Madison square garden, with an average attendance of 15,000 parishioners-" Jack threw the can of beer that was drinking comfortably on the table. After a brief but intense moment, the can hit on the button on the off button.

"Take it now! That was... 500 points!" Without bothering to get up, or sit down, Jack celebrated his shot. (Everything that one can celebrate while lying down)

"That puts you with 1500 points, congratulations! You can touch me a tit or take this majestic half-empty bottle of... bourbon... I'm really drinking bourbon? How low I have fallen"

"That's not fair! Your tit burns! And it doesnt even have shape! There is no prize that suits me!" Any worthy person would be taking advantage of the morning, making arrangements for the end of the world and all that.

These two idiots had been drinking and eating chips since 9 o'clock. Or more! If we take into account that they have spliced r03;r03;the night, drinking at the bar.

While chaos and fear spread throughout the world, and there is still nothing true about how exodus will be made to the United States, there are those who have decided to simply enjoy the land that saw them born.

"Nothing of that! You touch boobs and shut up! Come on Jack! How many women have really offered you such a cool deal like mine?" Fiona just drank the bottle of bourbon, and took off her shirt and vest.

"Fi, dont be offended... but it's impossible for someone to get hot watching your body... it's hypnotic and cool, but nothing erotic! You're like seeing a firework that never disappears!" Fiona didnt know whether to feel offended, flattered, or what. The protoslime decided not to pay attention to any of the options, and reached out to take another of the bottles from the table.


"Yep, I guess it's hard to get a guy horny when your body is in constant combustion... to be a protoslime sometimes it's disgusting! You know how long I've been without fucking? All my life! Once I almost manage to take a boy to bed... but he's done in the hospital"

"Third degree burns?"

"No, the guy was scared and jumped out the hotel window!" Fiona let herself sink into the sofa, burning it more than the tapestry was already.

Jack stretched, and with his foot he passed the pot of potatoes to his friend. "You know what George Michael was saying! Faith! And I have no idea about anything else about the song... what does it matter anymore? He's an old-world singer!"

"For the old world!" Fiona raised the beer bottle in an improvised toast, to drink it in one fell swoop and throw it into the trash can.

"Fi, how the hell do you drink? I've known you for years and I still dont understand it!"

"I dont drink, I drop the alcohol inside my body and it evaporates, really what makes me drunk is the vapor that is created! Science!"

"You're fucking incredible, even if you dont fuck! You know? I have not "slept" with Mirabelle yet. Or if I have done it? I have a big memory gap the night of Hannah's kidnapping, so after the declaration of love I dont remember anything else"

"It's something important to remember, dude." Fiona tried to grab another beer from the box, but her hand did not manage to pick any. "No beer! This is a global crisis! Call Mirabelle and tell her to bring us another box!"

"I cant call her! She's in a meeting with Lloyd, Valeria and the mayor. Things to be the GUN security manager and all that..." Jack sighed in annoyance as he went back to check his phone. "How can it be that everyone is super busy and they dont call me? I'm a member of GUN! I shouldnt be standing!"


"Has Valeria forgiven Dylan in the end, or will he go to jail?"

"After the statement where Gilberth took full responsibility, Valeria has decided to hire Dylan again, but this time as" Slave-Secretary-Robot. "I have no idea what it means to be an SSR, but I hope he get it right in the ass! "

"Are you jealous that the robot is the one that has hacked the whole world using YOUR programs?"

"A little... is that now that Dylan is an android everyone asks for help with the computer things! I start to believe that I'm over in GUN ... and I dont know what to do if they fire me"

"I can ask Elsa to hire you! Now that she has been chosen to take Bahia 2.0 as one of the first four cities in the new world, she will need a lot of help!" Fiona got up and staggered to her phone.

"That would be amazing! Tell her I dont need a lot of salary! But I want a life position as a computer consultant, Hacker and everything she needs! I will call Valeria to present my resignation! the resignation"

"Yep, it will be the best ... beep ... beep ... beep ... Elsa, how are you? Hey, you have room to hire Jack? The poor guy has been replaced in GUN by Dylan... yes... If I understand... Do you say it yourself? How busy are you? Understood!!" Fiona threw the phone on the sofa, then immediately launched herself against it. "Good or bad news?"

"Both, Goo-ad"


"You're hired, but Elsa cant put you on payroll until Ritchey authorizes it, so for now, until we're in the new world you will not get your salary...

all that says you'll have to speak directly with Ritchey, what Elsa will tell you the date and time later"

"That's great! Jack will get ahead, in the old world or in the new one! We need a cool team name!" Hannah loves to name the attacks, so she sure likes the idea!"

"Ummm... Hannah is a Dirty Lover, and we will work for her... as her guardians?..."

"Guardians... guardians... we will be guardians in another world... Guardians of the new earth!"

"That's not commercial! We need something better for the shirts! Guardians... guardians... space wardens! Because we'll be at the other end of space!"

"That doesnt hit! And I'm sure Buzz Lightyear was part of a similar group!..."


"GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY!" Fiona and Jack shouted at the same time, proud of their creation.

"It's a big name!" Jack did not take a second to get up to point it on his phone.

"And so fucking great! I can already see kids wearing our shirts and buying my action figure!" Fiona could already visualize her line of toys, collector's items and others.

"We have to convince Victoria to join the team, Hannah will be the hero, Elsa the smart, Victoria the strong, you the bounty hunter and I am the weapons expert!"

"Now we just need a pet... a commercial hook that will fall in love with the public for being adorable, and powerful..."

"Victoria didnt have a sister Alraune? everyone loves Alraunes! And I think she was little! It will be our commercial hook to connect with children and parents!"

"You are a genius, Jack!"

"Of course! And from now on call me... Rocket Jack! What's cool?!"

"Thats pretty good! I also need a cool name for a hero!... we're going to be stars, you know that, right?"

"Stars... from the galaxy! Fuck Dylan! I'm going to be an internationally known star in the new world!" Jack and Fiona flopped down on the sofa, drinking and laughing as they celebrated their great idea.

(Idea that fell apart just Hannah explain to them that Marvel had been ahead of them)

And while millions of people lived in fear of what would happen on March 31, millions of others decided to spend their time enjoying the Earth. International tourism, and entertainment industries boosted sales all over the globe.






Fiona turned around, "smiling" pouting. After the protoslime make a small comparison of sizes with Jack, he got up from the sofa.

"Do you know Jack, since we're partners again..."

"Hey? What's up-" Jack was silenced, by a huge, hot foot on his face.

"Thinking of being famous for non-criminal reasons, that you have refused to touch my tits... and all the confession about my virginity, has made me think something..."Jack swallowed with all his strength, as he began to sweat (nervous and hot). "You're much smaller than me... I'm almost 11 feet on hot days like today, you know?"

"Fi ...?"

"That makes me more than twice as tall as your... little Jack..." The protoslime started unceasingly to create facial features, which started from being a little scribble on her face to being a complete female face.

"Fi! You have a face! Real face!" Fiona raised her foot higher, until covering all of Jack's face with him.

"Shhhh... Jack... I've never considered you... an unattractive guy, you know?" The temperature of Fiona's body began to drop, while her core softened her explosions. "I've always wondered, do you consider me attractive?"

"Fi ..." Jack tried to speak, only to get Fiona to press her foot more against the poor little boy's face. At any other time, Fiona's foot would already have caused minor burns (and not so slight), but for some reason probably related to the heat, the temperature of her body had dropped to be a warm ... pleasant.


"Jack... I want your total .." Jack noticed how Fiona's foot felt more and more soft and "fluffy", until he realized that the crystalline skin of the protoslime was filling with a kind of jelly Brown.

Unfortunately, to test his theory, Jack needed to do something that he would later regret. "What else will... for science... and that?" Jack licked the sole of Fiona's foot, causing the protoslime to moan and fall backward on the table, tearing it apart.

"It tastes like alcohol... Fi! Your body has lowered your temperature and the alcohol vapor has condensed! You have reached a new state of... Fi?"

Fiona is entertained, touching her body and notating it completely differently. "Jack... you dont know how strange this is! I touch my stomach... and I notice it! I notice that there is something there and it is not just plasma! The same with my arms and legs! This is sooooo good!"

"I'm glad! This must be a miracle or something! Now if you'll excuse me! I have to go to my house-" Jack felt Fiona's hand grab him by the ankle and pull him, dragging him across the floor until he was underneath. the protoslime "You didnt believe it, did you?"

"Jack... I can feel my body... now there's something more than plasma inside of me, it's jelly too, but I cant complain! I'm a Slime after all!... and like all the slimes... I want liquids... "Fiona pulled out her new tongue, and ran it through all her new lips, enjoying the sensation.

"Liquids? What kind... of liquids?" Jack could not be more nervous and scared at the same time.

"Liquids that come from... your little, virile little friend..." Fiona ripped off Jack's shirt, and set it on fire in the air, causing an almost spontaneous combustion.

"Fiona, you have some kind of fetish about being bigger and more dominant than your partner? First your foot, now say so many times small in the same sentence.

"Jack, jack jack... relax, and let me do, maybe it's my first time, but I've been planning this for years" Fiona took off her cowgirl outfit again, noticing for the first time in her life her body weighing and hanging. The crystalline skin was filled with gelatin and plasma, which caused it to act as if it were some type of malleable wrist. "Dude, I'm hot as hell! Look at that big tits! And this ass? All the slime has asses like this?"

"Not all slimes... only those that wear rubber outer skin... of course! Your crystalline skin is so hot that it has become malleable like rubber! Now everything has MMMMMPHHHHH"

"Shhh jack, Fiona needs to enjoy, and your little one, now you belong to me, then she'll give you back to Mirabelle... for now you're mine and mine alone" A huge jelly chest filled Jack's face, while Fiona tore off his pants . "This is going to be fun... warn if it burns, okay?"


End Notes:




Why has Fiona suddenly changed? The explanation will come in the chapter of tomorrow, but it has to do with "Azure Key" and its preparation for the new humanity.

Be that as it may... The protoslime virgin has arranged everything to sleep with Jack, no matter the least that he was in a relationship! (It'snt rape if Jack agreed... and strongly disagreed he wasnt)

This is the first chapter of the last days of the earth! I hope you enjoyed it! Tomorrow and the chapters will be about two different couples, but today wanted to give it specifically to present a specific group of characters (Much you will have noticed, and I recommend you remember with your name) and the transformation of all the protoslime of the earth .

See you tomorrow! Enjoy!

(and imagine what a protoslime of 11 feet with a great fetish of love, has been able to do to a small and "helpless" guy like Jack)



Chapter 52 The Last Days of the Earth (Part 2): Songbird by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:




Somewhere: In another time

"You have returned, how has it been with humanity?"

"I have to admit, they forced me to cheat, I had to alter their global conscience so that they would not panic in my presence"


"Also... I had to lie to them a little... For them to survive in their new home, I have had to modify all humans in general, it has been extremely difficult"

"You'll want to rest now, will not you?"

"I cant afford it, I have to go back to the earth in no time to prepare the "Azure Gate"... I understand why Calia throws herself away for 100 years sleeping after each great work"

"Reassure yourself, humanity will know how to manage without your help once they reach the new world... whom I want to deceive... It will be a miracle if they survive the first week..."

"I have faith in them... but I have sold their new world too beautiful ... I hope they survive, I could not stand another dead civilization on my conscience"

"It will not be your fault! They have sought it out! They destroyed their atmosphere in only 100 years of industrial expansion! If they die now, it is because they arent necessary for the balance of the universe"

"I'm afraid ... The only good thing is that the conquistador's candle is about to turn on, I want to see how they manage to face it."

"Wherever, however, humanity will fight, it does not matter how big its enemy is, or how advanced its technology is.

 Your mentor already said it! Humanity grows and evolves under pressure!"


"They have the key... and they will never hesitate to use it, I will pray that you are right"

"I'm always right, how could I be wrong? I was born of the best "Observer" in this side of the milky way!"







Valeria, Vagrand, Mirabelle and Veronica

Mayor's office:

3/15/18, 10:30 in the morning.


Vagrand finished reading the orders of President Salome, throwing the report on the table and reclining with her arms folded in her chair."You seem capable of controlling the situation, Valeria? I know it's a lot to ask, but I dont want to allow anyone from the Secretary of Defense to step on Bahia for now"

"Come on Vagrand! You think I cant control..." Valeria reached out to pick up the report, and opened it so she and Mirabelle could read it. "2 million people until the opening of the azure gate... It's still the same number..."

"Sir, with all due respect, Bahia is still under construction after the destruction of Jolbirth, we already have some of our fellow citizens relocated to Los Angeles.

I doubt very much that we can deal with so many people... "Mirabelle snatched the report from her boss's hands, and began to reread it.

"I know it's a lot to ask... but Salome is pushing us so that all the mayors 1000 miles from the azure gate will welcome as many visitors as we can... And logically, she asks us a lot more, as punishment"

"Punishment that she would have to apply herself! I still dont understand how she is still president after ordering the bombing of the GUN barracks..." Veronica concealed her frustration as best she could, but everyone heard the kick the secretary gave to table.

"Veronica... within a week and little, Salome will have to resign her position if she wants to run for the global elections, so it's normal that she wants to leave everything well tied"

"I understand that, but Sir, you should go to the elections next to Maria and Calia! The incredible performance of Mayor Vagrand during the crisis in Bahia has gone viral! You even fought hand-in-hand with Mrs.... wolf!"


"That's true, Ben! Also, if you show up for the global elections and you win, I'll stay in charge of Bahia 2.0! I swear I can do it, I'm ready!" Valeria dropped to her knees on the floor, and crawled, imploring Vagrand.

"Valeria, I've explained it to you a thousand times! The policy does not work that way!... Also, if I introduce myself with Calia and Maria, there is no assurance that people will vote for us..."

"What? Ben, dude, you show up with Calia, a super-well-known and beloved giantess, and with Maria! Another giantess who is as well known and loved! ... Maybe a little less... but I'm sure they'll vote for you !

If they do not vote for you, we will have a mediocre president! You have a duty to your planet and to your people! "Vagrand sighed, hating himself for even thinking about it.

"Come on sir! Benjamin Vagrand, from the mayor of the best city in america to global governor! It sounds cool, right?" Veronica stood behind Vagrand's chair, and covered his eyes so that he could imagine it correctly.

"That would be..." LIVING IN THE CITY, YOU HAVE TO- "Excuse me... it's my phone" Vagrand ran up to his rack, and searched his phone while noticing the accusatory glances of the three ladies. "Yes?... "that"is already done?! I'm going there right now!" Vagrand hung up his phone, and turned around as he put on his jacket.

"Ladies, do you want to accompany me? I have something unique and great to show you" The three girls looked at each other, and after a few moments they looked at Vagrand and nodded. "Perfect! I drive"






Cruise Ashcrew, indoor labs: 11:15 in the morning.


Adell was spinning while checking his phone. "They're late... damn it! Mom will come from one moment to the next and I can not let you-"

"Adell, we're here!" Vagrand ran to meet the young man, and offered his hand. "Sorry about the delay, Adell. "e were passing security control.

Girls, I guess you'll know, but this is Adell, eldest son of the Ashcrew family and leader of the company's secret scientific department."

Adell took Vagrand's hand in a friendly apprehension, and then offered it to Veronica. "I know Valeria and Mirabelle the other day, but you miss... I'm sure I havent had the pleasure of meeting her before... Adell Ashcrew, but you can call me Adell only"

Veronica nodded while smiling. Adell did not seem too good at hiding his attentive intentions, but his flushed cheeks were too nice to say anything. "Veronica, but you can call me Veronica, handsome. I'm the secretary of Mayor Vagrand, and Hannah's aunt."

"No wonder Hannah is so beautiful! But now isnt the time to chat, My mother will not be long in coming, and I dont want her to see this yet, please follow me!"Adell began to walk, and after placing his identifier on a security panel, he offered the entrance to the group with a bow.

The interior facilities of the cruise were absolutely enormous, much more than it seemed from the outside. The group followed Adell, while through windows on both sides of the aisle they saw evidence of all kinds.

From some scientists testing a kind of Jetpack that did not seem to use any kind of fuel, to others testing the power of the Ashraiders rifles, used by the Bahia defense forces. Laser weapons, lasers cutters, force fields... Valeria didnt stop hallucinating with everything she saw, and if it were not because Vagran was holding her hand, the vampire would have already entered each test area.

"The company Ashcrew is a company mainly focused on the entertainment market ... but my mother, Rozalin, runs these supersecret laboratories, where the company develops, creates and tests all kinds of tools, weapons, devices... products that shouldnt reach the market without reason "Adell smiled as two security guards opened the doors of his private laboratory.

"Since I was a child, I've always been interested in science, so I've combined my tasks as the company's future CEO with the advances and private discoveries of my technical team, which is why we're here!"


"I mean... you're like a batman?" Mirabelle was super-nervous, grabbing her tail and tentacles with each hand to avoid touching, breaking or throwing anything around.

"I'm like Batman, but with family and without using my inventions to confront psychopaths! Take a seat, please" Adell put on a kind of white glove, with the inside of his palm covered with what looked like blue cables.

With a wave of his hand, four floating seats came out of a small cupboard on the wall. "Magnetic technology, sit without fear because these seats can support up to 4 tons without the slightest inclination... Now..." With another gesture, a holographic screen and keyboard appeared in front of Adell. The young man started typing something while a much larger screen appeared on the wall.

"As you well know, the new planet that will welcome the Earth or "Nova Terrae" as they are planning to call it, will almost certainly be a hostile planet.

We dont have any information of the level hostile, but we will not be unprepared.

GUN will travel to the new world, along with Bahia 2.0, which means that we have the opportunity to become a world power in question of armament"

"We? Vagrand, you will not have hired anyone without my permission, right?" Valeria turned around in her chair, glaring at the mayor.

"Valeria, Bahia 2.0 has to be a pinnacle for the new humanity.

Since GUN will continue to be our main defense, and you will have to hire a lot of new recruits, I have taken the license to hire the Ashcrew and Community Home groups as our private suppliers of weapons and technology"


Mirabelle extended her hand, and before Valeria could say anything, she turned her chair towards the dragon. "Chief, before you say anything, I agree with this. It is well known that another of the chosen first cities of the new world, Prometheus, has signed an exclusive contract for Microsoft to develop all the technology of the city.

If we want to live up to Prometeus, Pandora or Skytower, we have to get ahead and secure contracts of such caliber as Ashcrew and Community Home"

"I'm not upset about that, I'm upset because I'm the one who has to sign those contracts with Vagrand! I can be the Calia Sol's daughter, I'll be whatever you want it to be.

But first of all, I am the leader of GUN. And as GUN Leader, I assume the responsibility of all my workers in my charge"

Vagrand could not contain an applause of pride, which was followed by Veronica and Adell.
"If you allow me, we dont have much time, so I'll show you at once the reason for your visit" Adell typed again, and the back wall began to open. Little by little, a mannequin carrying an exoskeleton advanced towards the group.

"Nova Terrae can be dangerous, but every soldier of GUN will be up to the task to defend our city thanks to my greatest work in armaments, the defense exoarmor of Bahia: Songird!

Equipped with 4 jetpacks in the form of wings, this exoarmadura contains sufficient firepower to destroy a US Army military standart bomber. Each arm is equipped with a portable Ashraider machine gun, calibrated to destroy and pierce target plates, in addition to a cannon of pulses in the left arm and an energy beam in the right arm, so concentrated that it could simply cut a car into a single slash!

The exoskeleton is reinforced with the Ashcrew alloy, which makes it practically invulnerable to any current weapon that does not use the Ashraider technology itself. As if that were not enough, it contains a portable ash guard generator in the form of a shield.

To finish the presentation, the wearer doesnt need to be extremely strong to carry it, because the suit uses the best existing servomotors to lift up to 1 ton of weight without any kind of problem. If necessary, each Exoarmor can be turned off from the outside, besides that by default they have a blockade that prevents the carrier from attacking human or extra human beings through a DNA scanner... Needless to say, I have also calibrated it personally to that exoarmor cant attack any human slime either!"


Nobody said anything, while Adell activated the exoarmadura by remote control, and it made it float and to open its different arms to show it. Valeria got up from the chair, and kneeling in front of Adell, she took his hands.
"Adell Ashcrew, the Songbird is the most beautiful thing anyone has ever done for me... do you want to marry me?"

Adell laughed as he disconnected the blade. "As flattered as I am, I'm going to have to reject the offer... but in return, you want to prove it?"

Valeria's jaw dropped so much, that if she were a cartoon right now her mouth would already be for new york. "GOD YES, YES YES AND A THOUSAND TIMES YES!" As if it were the end of the world, Valeria ran to the armor, but when I arrived I found that you did not reach beyond the chest. "No... my God, dont do this to me..."

"Valeria valeria!" Adell laughed as he typed again, and the back wall opened again, revealing 3 different-sized armatures adapted for different types of extrahuman. "I have a lot of exoarmors prepared up to 30 feet, and going up.

My plan is that if the time comes and we really need it, Calia carries one of these"

"ADELL I LOVE YOU! VAGRAND I LOVE YOU! I LOVE BAHIA, GUN, ASHCREW AND ALL THE WORLD!" Valeria ran out to find an exoarmor of her size while Vagrand approached slightly nervously towards Adell.

"Adell... do you think that leaving one of these to Valeria is adequate? They have a lot of firepower... And Valeria... you know..."

Adell waved his hand calmly. "Relax sir! I can control that Valeria doesnt do anything dangerous from here... Mirabelle, Veronica, you can also go and try one!"

The dragon and the secretary shouted with joy as they ran to find one for them. "I begin to regret this..."

Adell offered his handkerchief to Vagrand to dry the sweat. "Mr. Mayor, there is nothing to regret!

It may cost money, it may cost effort and time... will there be accidents? Of course! There will be problems? Clearly! But be clear about something...

It will take time to do well, but we have the opportunity to do things differently. Humanity will be reborn from its ashes in Nova Terrae, stronger, more intelligent and more powerful than ever.

We have lost this planet, but Bahia del Sol will continue to live, and a thousand times better than right now!"

Vagrand smiled for about four seconds, until an explosion in the suits room erased the smile on his face. "It may take time... but I really think we can do things right.

As you said, Bahia will start again and we will turn it into the best city of the new humanity... Tell your mother that I have something to offer"
Adell turned his head confused, until a second explosion forced him to run to check the safety of the Songbird.






End Notes:




Second chapter of the last days of the earth! Here we see how Bahia and GUN prepare to take the step to the new world!

As the chapter has made clear, each of the 4 cities chosen are signed exclusive contracts to ensure the best possible technology and become the first capital of Nova Terrae!

And as it was evident, Ashcrew and Community Home will be the big corporations that will support Bahia 2.0. In addition, this chapter serves as an introduction and extension of Adell's character, as well as the Songbird units, the evolution of GUN armor.

The next chapter will take us to a completely different group! This time from a more youthful point. There are many young people who are afraid that it will be their future in this new world and they also have their voice in this story!

Thank you all for the readings as always! See you tomorrow!



Chapter 53 The Last Days of the Earth (Part 3): Level differences by SirDarkvid




Elsa, Ritchey and Flynn

Architecture Floor, Main Building of Industries Community Home

03/18/18: 12:00 in the morning


Elsa leaned back in her chair, nibbling her pencil. The plans of Bahia 2.0 were almost finished, in the absence of knowing the land where it would be built, so that most architects were already sent to the different departments to guide the constructions. Bahia 2.0 was a project of authentically titanic proportions, so it was not surprising that everyone was so nervous. 


According to what Elsa had heard, the architects of Skytower and Pandora were going to take the materials to start the works on the new planet, while the chief architect of Prometeus was going to stay longer on the land, to build here the buildings and then transport them. Brave bunch of idiots.

The team of Elsa and herself had taken the decision to do both the preliminary work of the city and the construction itself in one fell swoop.For this, the entire construction section of Industries Community Home was working at full speed to build a "Material and construction factory" here on earth, and only have to assemble it there.

If Elsa's calculations were correct, and she was almost sure of them, Bahia 2.0 would be ready in only 7/8 months. Which meant a 4-month advantage over its competitors.

Although there was something that scared the blonde, and was the ease with which the entire team had calculated and designed the city.

Elsa was a genius, and that was nothing new. From the age of 4, every psychologist, school counselor, tutor who has gone through her has stressed how ready she was and how much she really needed to take advantage of her gift.

The obvious problem is that even for her it had taken too little time to perform so many operations, which added to everything she had felt since they took her out of the "Dream Stage", only complicated the situation even more.

"Elsa! The report of the psychologist team of the company has arrived!" Ritchey entered waving the report from side to side. "I dont know why you wanted a mental exam so urgent, girl, but here I leave it!" Richey threw it on Elsa's desk and sat in the guest chair, flipping through the plans.

"As long as the available surface matches my estimates, Bahia 2.0 will be built before the end of the year." Elsa picked up the report and began to read it at full speed, "devouring" page by page.

"How do you know what I was going to say?... Really when you get serious, Elsa, you're an authentic machine!" Ritchey laughed as he stopped to read the quotes.

This was another of the problems that Elsa was facing these days. If the person was a close acquaintance of Elsa, the blonde could simply anticipate their own thoughts and answer questions that they had not even processed. And all this only had to add an improvement in each and every one of the senses.

Elsa heard much better, detected more flavors and differentiated better, was able to notice smells in a lot more depth, she saw with much more clarity and to top it off, was able to distinguish many more things through touch.

It was absolutely scary


"Ritchey, are you sure that the psychological team and the counselor have filled this in correctly?" Elsa got up and walked to the window, sitting on the windowsill.

"Elsa, it's the third this week! Of course it's fine! And the other two too! Really, I dont understand what's wrong with you... do you need help or something? I can hire you the best psychologist in the world if necessary!" And it was evident that he would do it. Elsa was the golden child of Ritchey, and as something happened to her, Community Home would lose millions of dollars hiring professionals to replace her.

"No need... we're also in a time trial, I cant afford to waste hours in an alcove listening to a psychiatrist"

"But you have asked for three of these tests since the news... Elsa, are you going through some type of post-traumatic stress and dont want to share it?" Ritchey stood up and walked to Elsa's side, resting her hand on her shoulder.

"Do me a favor, Elsa, go home for today and rest, I need you at full power and for that you need to rest that little head of yours, understood?"

"As I know it's not an option, I'll accept it... until tomorrow Ritchey" Ritchey nodded as he left the office.


Elsa sat down again at her desk, and took out the other three psychometric tests from the drawer. 154, 178 and 192 of IQ, increasing by only in a margin of 72 hours. "What's happening to me..." Elsa buried her head in her arms, and repressed her tears as she could.

The blonde simply refused, and after collecting her things, left the office for that day.





Underground parking of the building.


Elsa walked towards her car slowly, still thinking about the results of the test. To prevent any kind of scandal, the blonde had requested a test to each of the three psychological teams of the company, so now she had no option that would not lead to a scand-

The sensation was brief, but Elsa could feel the wind swirling behind her. A small temperature drop of 2 degrees and a small buzz in the air. A dark portal opened in the middle of the parking lot, and Elsa could hear the fabric of the tunic touching as her guest walked.

"Finally... I have the pleasure of speaking with someone at my level!" Flynn left the portal, and with a snap of fingers, the darkness dispersed.

Elsa closed her eyes and concentrated, visualizing the dozens of possible answers that Flynn had for her. "Relax Elsa, today I just came to talk"

"To talk to someone at your level, right? With another human... who has suffered the same as you"

"You can feel it, right? Everyone we talk to... they're so basic ... I'm not saying it's bad, but it's not hard to take the conversation where we want without them understanding that it just happened" Flynn he laughed as he walked to Elsa's car and sat in the passenger seat.

Elsa sighed, and sat in the driver's seat. Neither of them needed words, so Elsa simply started the engine and started driving.

"I want to check how far you get, so it leads to the place where I'm thinking" Flynn laughed and leaned back in his seat, closing his eyes.


Elsa frowned, and closing her eyes (driving only with her ear) she concentrated on Flynn. The blonde could visualize the mind of the prophet, full of locks to the place that Elsa wanted to reach."You'rent going to make it easy for me, right?"

"Of course not! what things you say... In return, I'll answer any question you have, even if I dont like it"

Elsa continued with her eyes closed. Flynn's mind was complex and full of darkness, only illuminated by thoughts of Calia.

Each padlock that Elsa removed, only brought more and more darkness and discomfort to both her mind and her body. "Why do you close-"

"I close the unnecessary, so I can concentrate on my prophecies, which as you are now able to understand, are nothing more than simple predictions based on the behavior of people. Calia only gives me the information I need through her dreams, the rest is everything my thing"

"How long have you been this way?" Elsa gritted her teeth, while the urge to vomit increased as she moved in the mind of the prophet.

"As you have also deduced, this is the work of our giantesses. Calia used her greatest empathic connection with me many, many years ago, when she thought that I had died at the hands of her mother.

In your case, Hannah launched her biggest empathic link with you when she thought you were dead because of the missile. Her behavior in the following minutes was moved by sharing part of her mind with you"


Elsa tried to say something, but the last padlock forced her to open her eyes and hold on to the steering wheel so as not to lose consciousness. Flynn laughed silently, getting out of the car only to sit down again, this time on top of the car's engine."Not bad for a girl like you, you'll have time to master it"

Elsa wobbled to her feet, and after holding back the vomit, she sat next to Flynn as they both looked at the lake. "As far as we are able to get, and why does an empathic link have so much effect on a human?"

"To your first question... I have lived more than 100 years without aging one day since I was 33 years old, only on the basis of preventing my own cells from aging. Up to that point we are able to arrive.

And to your second question... I deduce that it is because of the unique nature of Calia, Victoria and Hannah. As you may have noticed and although each one is different in its own way...

Those three do not understand life like others.
For them, there is no light and darkness, only truth and fairness. Their will is manifested through their aura, which surpasses in quantity to any other existing giantess.

And although I know you're thinking that we dont have proof of Victoria, I believe in my sister's words and criteria... even though I'm still angry with her, she knows perfectly the nature of the Dirty Lover"

"This ... prevents you from properly relating to other humans? With Hannah I have not felt it, but when Fiona, Ritchey or even Chris and Juddit talk to me, I just... want to end the conversation as soon as possible..." The rage and impotence took over Elsa, forcing her to close her fist and hit the surface of the car.

"It's hard to get used to again, but not impossible. Our minds worked on the same level as the giantesses, so-"


"Wait! Hannah has always felt this way?!" Elsa turned and grabbed Flynn by the shoulders, shaking him.

"Hannah and Calia... are simple in their own way. Hannah loves video games too much and uses them to channel her impotence, and Calia loves to sleep too much and to be in bed with me being lazy, so everything she has to deal, she use me as support.

Instead, I know that Maria had many problems during her childhood to relate to anyone other than me or Eleanor, and Victoria almost certainly has had problems of this type"

"...I wish Hannah would have told me..."

"Neither does she understand, Elsa. For a giantess, this is always her usual level of thought, so when you tell them that other people are inferior they do not understand it, and before you attack me, I'm not going to back out the one of inferiors.

Being inferior is not bad, it means that you have a lot of sky ahead to improve and grow. The giantesses start much higher, but the burden of that superiority prevents them from separating themselves too much from other human beings"

"And us?  you and I have lived both on the human level and on the giantess level... what are we then?"

"We are what we have to be, Elsa, I advise you to raise your fist" Elsa picked him up instantly and made a small jump. There where she had hit, the body of the car had deformed to fit her fist. "Your body is leveling up to the level of a giantess, mentally and physically.

Your strength will increase, your agility will increase, your intelligence will increase ... your empathy will increase. You will be able to imitate the management of the aura as I do, and with time, you will be able to use your own aura.

You'll even grow a few inches! I used to average five feet with three inches, and now I'm almost seven inches"


"Flynn... I take back what I thought about you, I want to use this opportunity... this new level... to help Hannah, and not just Hannah, I want to build the perfect city! I want to get ahead of the other chief architects and leave your cities in shame compared to Bahia 2.0!"

"If that's your goal, grab onto it with all your might, Elsa. To this day I still dont understand why Calia gave me this gift, but I decided to use it to continue on her side, and protect her family.

I know that Valeria and Light have also inherited it, but both are too focused on their own stories to realize ... and I know that your future daughter will inherit it too"

"Our future daughter?"... Elsa trembled with fear, as she understood what Flynn was referring to.

"Dalia Reyes is a nice name, and I know your mother would be honored that her granddaughter will inherit her name." Flynn laughed as he got out of the car and stretched.

"I dont want you to fuss more in my mind, Flynn!" Elsa jumped as well, climbed back into the pilot's seat. Flynn shook his head as he sat in the copilot. "And what you're thinking about, I'll build a new Cathedral of Sol in Bahia 2.0, I want your family to stay together, wherever we are"

"You're already part of my family too, Elsa. Let's go back to Bahia, Juddit must have finished preparing the chicken breasts and I dont want to go back to the cathedral while Maria and Eleanor are still there"

"If Calia has forgiven them, why dont you?" Elsa smiled as she started the engine. Dalia Reyes... it's a good name, that's for sure.

"Because, dear Elsa, I will have the knowledge of a giantess, but I'm still a spiteful human who didnt forgive so easily those who abandoned us once!" Flynn laughed as Elsa drove back to Bahia.

The stars had finally given him another person with whom to talk quietly, and the prophet would make sure to make good use of it, that was obvious.

End Notes:



Two people united by a destination.

Both carry a level that is only reserved for giantesses, which means that they can no longer belong to the group of humans or the giantess.

It has always been said that giantesses are the ones that have led history, guiding humans towards peace and understanding. Although it is only a legend... every legend is based on a real basis.

And that basis is the difference between the mind of humans and extrahumans... and that of giantesses.



Thanks as always for reading! And I hope you do not mind the little "trap" of yesterday! (When I was referring to a younger point of view, I was referring from the perspective of someone whose mind has been reborn, so it is totally new! :P)

See you tomorrow, this time with the perspective of Bolt, Zoe and Robin!



Chapter 54 The Last Days of the Earth (Part 4): Azeroth 2: electric boogaloo by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:




This chapter is divided into 4 segments with 1 flashback in between and encompasses a broad group of characters:

(Bolt, Zoe, Robin, Sofia, Victoria, Hannah, Sisters of Victoria, Dylan, Jolbirth, ????)

So the correct order to understand the chronology of the chapter would be:

First segment> Flashback> Second segment> Third segment / fourth segment (at the same time)






Temporary headquarters of GUN, Zoe's office: 03/19/18, 7:00 p.m.

Bolt knocked three times on the door of the office, between nerves and fears. The note of Robin had arrived in the early morning, citing it to a meeting about his future work at the end of the afternoon... What had been translated into a whole workday of fear and concern.

And the thunderbird had every right to be afraid, because their last working weeks had not been the most productive in the world. Since Hannah is able to activate the Will cards, and now there are many more people in Bahia who know the situation of the giantess, the surveillance team had lost part of its purpose.

"Go ahead, Bolt, Robin and I were waiting for you" The voice of the lich was as cold as ever, which did not help to calm the harpy's nervous heart.

Bolt opened the door slowly, and after a small bow, walked towards the chair in front of the table. "You wanted to see me, Zoe?"

"Of course, take a seat." Zoe was just writing something on her laptop, being guided by Robin while the harpy sat down. "Thanks Robin, this "Excel" will help me to have everything much more orderly"

"You must be the only person in the world who had no idea that there were text programs and spreadsheets on the computer, dear!" Robin laughed while taking a seat.

"Bolt, today I have 2 topics to discuss with you, so I'll go directly to it, the first one should have reached your ears" Bolt nervously swallowed, beginning to sweat.

"Jack has given us his resignation letter, claiming that now he works for Elsa because, in textual words, "She values r03;r03;me as I deserve"... it is clear that I will not accept that, for what you as her best friend have to help Jack understand how much we need him.

Jack is still our computer expert and our hacker, so his help is absolutely necessary, but now that the Internet seems to be gaining strength. You know the internet, right? I thought it only served to send messages and emails, but apparently it is much greater than all that"


"Zoe, forgive the question... but how do you dont know that the internet has more things besides the messenger?" Between nerves and fears, the harpy was completely hallucinating, and it was not for less.

"Valeria explained how to send messages with my phone and my computer, so I assumed that the internet was just that, but for example, today I discovered YouTube, and you cant imagine how many people have cats of the same species as mine!"

Robin cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the Lich. "Zoe, dear, there will be time for you to tell Bolt your great plan to buy a cell phone for your cat... for now let's go to the second point of the day"

"Right... forgive the slip, Bolt." Zoe cleared her throat and took Bolt's file from her drawers. "Bolt, how do you feel lately at work? Do you find yourself "useful" for GUN?"

Bolt could not stand the pressure and jumped up, releasing a sufficiently powerful discharge to explode the bulb above her. "DONT REMOVE ME FROM THE WORK, ZOE! IT IS TRUE THAT I HAVENT DONE VERY MUCH, BUT I BELIEVE THAT HANNAH DESERVES TO HAVE PRIVACY FOR THE FIRST TIME!"

"What?, nobody has talked about firing!" Zoe sighed as the harpy stopped hyperventilating and sat down again. "I think exactly the same thing, Hannah now has a lot of people around her and she does not need our 24 hour surveillance anymore.

For that reason, we wanted to offer you a promotion to general director of special operations of GUN"

"Become a director of SOGUN?" Bolt didnt give credit, because the harpy had already prepared all his things in a box to leave the building.

"As you may know, GUN will be the main defense force of Bahia 2.0, so I will become the authentic vice director and I am looking for a successor in my position and you are my first option.

It is not only because of your impeccable curriculum without any lack of work... if we dont tell Clay's subject ... but we are also thinking of offering a position to Lloyd as a GUN spear, for what I would like to offer to him your current position as chief of surveillance, as an incentive"


"Does that mean that the rumors that GUN will absorb the Bahia police are true?"

"As true as your offer, Bolt! Being the boss of SOGUN is a great responsibility... because as you know, any operation in GUN ends up being a special operation.

In addition, Valeria has given us a very specific list of new spears, and we have to find a way to convince Lloyd and Jolbirth before we move to the new world" Robin sighed as he removed Bolt's new contract from his file.

"So... as head of SOGUN, can I take whoever I want as second in command?"

"No, you're taking Sora with you. I need the position of district administrator for Jolbirth... why do I have to say this?... Fucking Valeria " Zoe sighed at the same time Robin, as she handed her pen to Bolt . "Do you take it or take it? You will become the fourth most important person in GUN, and that will translate into much more time for your hobbies and a lot more salary!"

Bolt was silent for a second, while trying to review what hobbies he had. "No... I dont have any Hobby"

"You want a cat?! They're adorable and they dont hate the extra-human spectrum like the dogs! It'll make you company and... and... I'm sure you'll find some hobby that will entertain you instead of watching Hannah every night year" Zoe turned around in her chair, hiding her flushed face.


Bolt laughed much more calmly, as he took his pen and signed his new contract. "I take the post, and thank you for choosing me, boss!"

"I choose you not only because you are the most veteran spears, but because I know you too well, Bolt, and I know that although you have developed a slight obsession with the safety of Hannah, your heart continues to pursue justice.

And in the new world and in the new GUN, we want people who are able to guide- " O Lili ulani O ka"Excuse me, it's my phone" Zoe got up running and searched all the pockets of her jacket.

"Is... an Arabic song?" Bolt asked Robin in the lowest possible voice.

"It's a traditional Hawaiian song. Zoe can be a tough guy and all you want, but inside, she loves her traditions and her heritage." Robin smiled as Zoe didnt look too good.

"Girls, we have to go. Apparently someone is mounting riots in the main park in the suburbs, and they cant contact Mirabelle and her team... wait...

Bolt! This will be your first operation! I did not make a mistake choosing you!"
Bolt nodded as she quickly signed the contract and ran to the parking lot, followed by Zoe and Robin.





Park of the suburbs: 19:40

Dozens of people crowded around the park, while the police began to cordon off the area. The sound of crashing steels and flares was seen from time to time in the interior of the park, which only worried more and more the neighbors.

"GUN Agents! GUN AGENTS! LET US PASS!" Bolt managed to get to the police agents based on pushing people. "How's the situation, agents?"

"Chief Lloyd has given us the order to not let anyone in or get close to the area until he personally arrives, Mrs. Spear!"

"Agents, we're going to enter, so while Lloyd arrives or not make sure to disperse the crowd and leave the way clean" Both officers nodded, while raising the police cordon to let the trio pass.

And the trio did not take too long, because near the lake they located Victoria with three of her brothers and Sofia, observing what seemed to be a pitched battle. "Junior agent Sofia, what the heck is happening?!"

Both Victoria and Sofia looked at each other and pointed to a cloud of dust.


"Damn savage, we will never forget Theramore and your crimes!" Hannah emerged from the cloud of dust, giving a triple somersault back while catching her breath. "Take this, damn orc! JAVELIN LIGHTNING!"

Hannah concentrated all her strength on her hand, throwing a gigantic javelin into the cloud of dust. The impact released an electric shock powerful enough to ignite all streetlights in the park.

"THERAMORE?! GARROSH PAID FOR HIS CRIMES! I DONT LET AN IMPERIALIST PIG OF THE ALLIANCE COME TO GIVE ME MORAL LESSONS!" Samantha, the high orc, came out from under the earth, striking a blow directly at Hannah's stomach with her hatchet. "Stop living in the past, damn draenei! Fight for tomorrow, because the horde will never stop fighting for their freedom! HEROIC STRIKE!"

Sam lunged forward, waving her ax with mastery while Hannah suffered the disadvantages of being such a big target. "Fight for your freedom ?! Your Warchief raises warriors from death against their will, condemning them to hell! You have no right to speak to me of freedom!"

Hannah recovered the balance, striking a direct kick against Sam throwing her toward the trees.


"Listen to me orc! I have handled my crossbow and my beasts with pride and dignity all over Azeroth! I have fought face to face with Arthas, Dearthwing, Kil'jaeden, Gul'dan and many more!

I have toured our beautiful planet and have seen with my own eyes the pain and suffering that your Warchief have caused!" Hannah raised her fist, concentrating the moonlight.


"Techniques of Dirty Lover number 10:

Dark Moon Festival!"


Hannah threw a moonlight laser directly at Sam, but the high-orc had had enough time to recover from the kick and started running under the laser, taking advantage of Hannah's blind spot. "Typical of the alliance! Many speeches and little action!

Sylvanas will never be my Warchief! For my heart and my body belong to the real horde! Saurfang guides my ax! Bladestorm!"
Hannah took too long to cut the laser, because when she did, Sam had already reached her and started the storm of slashes on the giantess.

Hannah gritted her teeth, wishing "fake death" would work in the real world. As this was not the case, the giantess her aura cub and after waiting for the idea moment, she managed to grab Sam's war ax with one hand.

Both girls roared excitedly, each one trying to claim the ax in their direction.


Bolt, Robin and Zoe were completely open-mouthed, not knowing how to intervene or why. In the end the harpy grabbed the lion's leg to get her attention. "...Why?"

"Big sister Sam defends our family and our horde! And Hannah defends the ideals and the union of her alliance!" Jared screams with emotion from Victoria's arms.

"Big siser Sam has picke up her ax and pum! Badle!" Ky raised his hands celebrating the kick that Sam had thrown against the calf of the giantess.

None of the adult girls said anything, sharing a moment of affinity while watching as two idiots too involved in their video games struggled as if the fate of Azeroth depended on them.










End Notes:




The battle for azeroth has begun! And it is being fought in the real world!

(What neither Hannah nor Sam know right now is that the other one has Alters in the other faction ...

But let's be honest, would that really make them stop fighting?)

Thanks as always for reading! And join me tomorrow to check how the hell, this whole battle has started!

(In addition to the two outcomes of it!)



Chapter 55 The Last Days of the Earth (Part 5): An act of compassion by SirDarkvid




Suburban Park:

35 minutes before the clash between Horde and Alliance


"Run faster, faster if possible!" Sofia enjoyed giving orders from her position at the top of the statue of Calia. The lioness was completely out of control in her leading position, and that was something that Victoria suffered a lot.

The giantess had stayed with Sofia for her first training lesson, and after a wait of 10 minutes, both assumed that Hannah was not going to appear, so they started "light" training. "Light", for a person who had been training all his life to fight and join GUN meant a level between "hyper intensive" and "murder".

The violence with which Sofia gave orders came to worry the people who were walking and enjoyed the afternoon in the park, that they would have called the police if it werent for Victoria's refusal.

"The same thing happens to Hannah, you're too slow!" Sofia laughed as she jumped off the statue, landing on all fours as only the felines were able to do. "I'm going to take off one of the tires, and we'll see if that keeps the pace!"

Sofia's laughter filled Victoria's nerves, which dropped on the ground breathless. When the lioness said "a tire" it was literally removing one of the 8 tires that the giantess had tied at the waist. "Sensei... can you... remove them all?... I dont feel... my heart"

"Heart attack?" Victoria refused, suffering already the aches that would not appear until tomorrow. "Then there is no excuse! 7 tires and 5 more laps to the park! Go ahead!"


"I can feel... my soul leaving me... Sensei... please!"

"Ummm... there has to be some relationship between the lack of agility of the giantesses. If Hannah has the physical body of a lettuce I can understand it, but why you are also just as slow? It's too much of a coincidence" Sofia untied all the tires, transporting all of them to clear the way.

"If you can not run, we'll have to do another physical test! For example, I had a strength test!"

"Strength?... like lifting weights?" Victoria managed to find (without knowing where) the strength to turn around and get up.

"Exactly! I brought my set of special weights, they are adjustable and they cost me an eye for the face! And before you say it, I'm not a bodybuilder or something like that, it's just... I need to be stronger. I've assumed that I'll never be able to match Hannah's growth, so I just have to make sure I'm stronger than her..." Sofia gritted her teeth as she said it, visibly annoyed.

"Why, sensei? The lion-type extrahumans are extremely powerful, but I doubt you can physically match the strength of a third-growth giantess-"

"I WILL DO IT! I HAVE TO DO IT, DO YOU KNOW ?!" This time, the people who were around the couple understood that they were in danger, so that everyone around them moved away. Sofia closed her eyes, slowly controlling her breathing. "I ... I'm sorry... I cant let Hannah and Valeria be right... I have to make myself stronger, whatever the method..."

"Sensei..." Victoria sat next to the lioness, (honestly? The opportunity to rest a while longer was something that the giantess could not miss) and put her hand on the lion back.

"Victora, I joined GUN because I want to be able to protect people... but not everything is pure kindness in that feeling. Who I really want to protect... is Hannah"

Victoria was about to ask the question, but the lioness began to walk with her eyes lost on the horizon, which was an unmistakable sign of monologue. (Adell does exactly the same)

"I've known Hannah since before either of us knew how to walk... I've seen her stamp herself in a straight line over and over again...

To stumble over a stone, fall to the ground crying, get up to go home and stumble again with the same stone! I wish it was not a metaphor...

Hannah has always been a crying child and unable to defend herself... and as a lion and king of the herd, I took her under my arms and protected her from everything!... until she..."

"What she do, Sensei?" Victoria took advantage of all this intimate moment to drink from her bottle of water and devour the energy bars that she had brought from home.


"Grow... Hannah had her first growth, and I could never protect her again... she got too big!.. But I didnt give up! I trained and trained! I had so much milk that I would not be surprised if my bones were indestructible !

I ... I managed to reach it in height and everything went back to how it should be! I protected her and she adored me... we were like sisters... until... "

"Until the second growth?"

"Right! She... she grew to 10 feet tall... completely out of my reach... there was nothing she or I could do... so I decided to protect her in another way.

I assume the position of leader of the pack in the academy, and defeat all bullies in the nearby academies to strengthen my leadership! After that, I took Hannah as my goal of ridicule, marking her so that no one else would dare to say anything bad to her.

I worked at perfection, and I'm sure Hannah understood, because nobody would swallow that "Fat-ass" was a serious insult! But that only managed to distance us more and more... I had to fight against every thug that arose in the academies of the area, and Hannah locked herself more and more in herself..."


"Sensei, that is the most innocent, absurd, bad and well thought out idea I've ever heard!

Why didnt you take Hannah as your right hand?! Or if you couldnt protect her in that way... you should have explained it to her! It's just that if you think about it, your plan is full of holes everywhere!" Sofia turned around, refusing to look at Victoria as she put her hands on her hip, looking for the most dignified pose possible.


"Hannah had her second growth almost at the end of her 10 years! I was 10 and a half years old, I devised the most logical plan that a little girl could create! You believe that over the years I have not seen all the failures of my master plan "reborn of the green thunder"?"

"Please sensei... tell me that "reborn of the green thunder" isnt the name of your plan... because as it is, all this makes you a second of the lowest category... a Luigi"

"Shut up! Create this whole plan at the same time Super Paper Mario went on sale! At that time I was hallucinating with Mr. L!" The lioness's tail fluttered in all directions, acting as a mirror of its owner.

"Super Paper Mario came out in 2007, which means... if you are 16 now and we are in 2018 ... you were 9 years old! SENSEI! THIS PLAN ALL THOUGHT YOU DURING HANNAH'S FIRST GROWTH! you just left it aside! "

"How can you know on what date SPM came out ?! NERD!"

"Dont try to distract me with preschool insults! Admit it right now!"


"Stop both!" Hannah appeared from a dark portal... 10 feet off the ground. The giantess fell between the two girls, sitting quickly as if nothing were happening. "Flynn makes it look easier... Stop your discussion!"

Both girls were completely stunned, while from the portal came chips and a can of empty soda over Hannah's head. "I have a reason... I was spying on you from afar to appear just when you finished the training, and when I heard how you were fighting, I decided to put into practice the teaching of Flynn's "dark road"

This you see, It was my snack" Hannah He got up at all, picking up the can and throwing it into a trash can. (failing)

"Hannah... first, imbecile. Second, I'm not going to apologize! I made mistakes, but I'll carry with them and never deny them!" Sofia shouted as she walked to Hannah.

Hannah waited to have Sofia in range, and lifted her into a hug, burying the lioness in her arms. "Sofia... I dont want your apologies... thanks for protecting me even though it would take me to believe that you hated me and that everyone laughed at me...

If I dont show more emotions it's because I'm under the effects of the "Will card", but I'm really crying inside"

The lioness and the idiot shared a hugging moment, during which Sam and Victoria's brothers arrived at the park to motivate their older sister. Victoria covered their mouths, not wanting to spoil the reconciliation.

"What's wrong with Hannah and your sensei? Are they going to get married or something?" Jared, as always, had no hairs on his tongue.

"No, boys, I want you to learn a lesson today..." Victoria looked up as she took Jared, Ky and Claire in her arms. "Friendship is the most valuable thing in the world, and even we will one day be able to have friends like those two..."


"Hey, I have friends in the clan! Today we've finished the Court of Stars heroically!" Sam said proud of her achievement.

"Really?! Congratulations little sister!" Victoria applauded her sister, while Sam smiled victorious. It might look like a small victory, but Sam had been playing World of Warcraft for a short time, and only since the announcement of Legion and the loan of one of the Adell accounts that the High-orc had played seriously.

"Court of Stars? Heroic? That it's  so easy! Only if you started playing in the first Legion patch does it make sense that it was complicated for you!" Hannah released Sofia, and even under the effects of the Will card, she walked towards the sisters. "What class are you playing? I am a proud Draenei hunter with hundreds of deaths behind me! And soon I will become a Lightforged Draenei!... as soon as they fix the racial skills..."

"An orc warrior! And I am warrior weapons... or I would swear it was called that ... I have not played too much! Before, I only saw Adell and Victoria playing history missions! This is my first expans-"

Hannah's face turned into a cold face without compassion. "...are you part of the horde?"

"Of course! I thought I was a High-Orc like in real life, and even though the warcraft orcs were not identical to real-life orcs, it was the logical choice! I have even a battle ax... no edge, Obviously! Mommy gave it to me for my birthday!"


"Can I see your ax?" Hannah struggled to put on her best smile, while the High-Orc nodded in excitement and ran out to her mother's car.

"Hannah... what are you planning?" Victoria moved away a little, to put her little brothers safe.

"Nothing! I promise..." Hannah fell, as she watched Sam run back as she opened her battle ax. The giantess considered that now they were balanced, and thanks to (or because of) the Will card, she launched herself towards the high-orc at full speed, while channeling flames in her palms. "EVERY FOLLOWER OF SYLVANAS MUST FALL! I will not let any member of the horde go unpunished from their crimes!"

Sam quickly understood what was happening, stopping the swipe with his ax. "So that was... as a good member of the alliance, you need an excuse to show your brutality! Do not intervene, big sister! This is my battle!"

Sam concentrated his energy, absorbing the essence of the earth in his surroundings to power his own body.

"FACTION WAR NOW!" Giantess and High-orc shouted at the same time, while their respective weapons collided.





Back to the present.


"And ... that's all been so far" The GUN trio could only nod as they watched Hannah and Sam continue their fight.

"We should... stop them, right?" Robin doubted even his statement, too focused on seeing the exchange of blows between the two idiots. It wasnt only the exchange of blows, it was the fact that both announced loudly their attacks, giving them an epic aura that they did not deserve.

The siren sound caught the attention of the group, as they heard Lloyd come running. "WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS... the ones that cause disturbances?! Dont you understand how fucked up it is to always turn a blind eye?!"

"Dont even try, Lloyd, they're so involved in their fight that they dont listen to us" Zoe said, still looking at Hannah as she was overtaken by a girl half a third tall compared to her. "In the end, what a Hunter always sees himself surpassed by a Warrior will be true and everything"

"What the heck are you talking about? Warrior and Hunter? they're Hannah and... one of Maria's daughters!" Lloyd thought for a second to take out his incapacitating pistol, but getting electrocuted a High-orc or a giantess was practically impossible with the current material of the police.

"Warcraft" They all said at the same time while still watching the fight.

"War... a little game of those? That of plastic figures?" The police chief was simply overwhelmed by the situation, sitting on a bench while thinking how to stop the fight. "The young people of today... all day playing their little machines and at the end look, they end up fighting in real life like in their video games"


"You sound like an old man when you talk like that, Lloyd!" Zoe laughed for a second, to quickly stifle a scream at seeing how Sam had climbed a tree and was being chased by Hannah, who had ripped a trash can from the ground and was brandishing it like a mace.

"I know you will soon be my boss and all that, but right now I dont accept that you disrespect me in that way! - Wait... Zoe, you were a Lich, right?"

"Cooorrect" Sam had jumped from the top of the tree, landing on Hannah's shoulders and slamming her ax directly into the giantess neck.

"And the Lichs can talk to spirits or something, right?"

"More or less, why do you ask?" Hannah had managed to grab the High-orc's leg, throwing it to the ground while raising her other hand ready to give it the coup de grace with the trash can.

"I need you to do me a favor, a really big one, do you have a moment for me now?"

"Of course! Bolt, you take care of this, okay?" As Lloyd and Zoe drove off to the police car, Jolbirth landed in the middle of the park.

"I've heard your fight! And it would be idiotic to refuse the opportunity to fight a duel with you again, hannah!" Jolbirth raised his tail, launching a direct blow at the couple, who narrowly avoided him

"Deathwing!" Hannah and Sam shared glances for just a second, which was enough to get them both up and point to Jolbirth. "No matter how many times you rise, Deathwing! Azeroth will always fight and defeat you!"

Giantess and High-orc jump and run to the dragon, which opened its wings ready to enjoy a fight that would pass to the history of the park of the suburbs as "The final battle against Deathwing 3: against the cataclysm."





Secondary road to the psychiatric hospital of Bahia: 20:15 at night.


"I downloaded all the necessary permissions on your phone, sub-boss" Dylan announced while Zoe's phone was receiving the messages confirming it. "Why do you need access to the inmate rooms, if I can know?"

"Little robot, you should be in jail right now, so download a few passes of rank 4 and shut up" Lloyd said as he parked in front of the hospital without getting too close, so the security guard would not discover them without authorization.

"Fuck, how nice you are, Lloyd... you already have it, Zoe, show your phone and the QR reader will recognize you as psychiatrists"

"Thank you, Dylan, keep ironing the uniforms of the soldiers until I get back." Zoe hung up her phone, gesturing to Lloyd to get going. "So... you want me to help Clay?"

Lloyd sighed as he stopped in front of the guard's booth and showed him Zoe's phone. "The last visit I did... he was quite scared with the whole issue of leaving Earth. You can talk to spirits, so maybe... you can calm him down and make him understand that his wife and daughter will not abandon him"

"It's not so easy to talk to spirits, so I dont assure you anything, but if you owe me a favor, I'm reluctant to try."

The couple got out of the car, and carefully, they went through all the security controls while they went down the institution. Thanks to Dylan and his remote control of the cameras, both managed to reach the pavilion where the inmates were.


"Clay! I'm Lloyd! Get away from the door!" Lloyd tried to enter the password that Dylan had given them in the electronic panel, but before the first two errors, the police took out his pistol and his silencer. "I hate doing this ... but good" With a quick shot, the door opened which allowed the two to sneak into the room.

"Lloyd, what are you doing?... and you are?..." Clay was visibly thinner than during the trial, and his eyes were not helping his image.

"Clay, old friend, this is Zoe, a lich. She can talk with the dead, so you'll see how they're not going to abandon you!" Lloyd hugged his friend, who could not do anything with the straitjacket in between.

"You are... a lich?... I have to ask you something" Clay smiled for the first time in a long time, as he returned to sit on his bed.

"Go ahead then, I'm here to help with what I can" Zoe knelt in front of Clay, and conjuring a few seconds the blade of his scythe, cut the straitjacket.

"...Lloyd, I have to ask you one more thing... I'm sorry to abuse our friendship, boss..."


"Shhh, just tell me, and I'll see what I can do!"

"I need you to go to the room where they have the requisite objects, and retrieve an envelope that I wrote during the free time, they said that I could not send correspondence yet, so they would file it"

"Of course! Leave a moment!" Lloyd left the room.





"He's gone?" Zoe nodded, closing the door slowly. "I know perfectly what the Lichs can do and what they cannt do, and talking to the dead isnt one of those things"

Zoe sighed, kneeling in front of Clay while he held his head with both hands. "That's true, I cant help you talk to your wife or your daughter, but I can offer you the assurance that-"

"I have heard ... that the Lichs are called when in a hospital a terminally ill patient decides to stop "suffering"... you need to feed on souls, isnt it?" Zoe grabbed her arm, looking at the floor.

It was information that was often confused with urban legends, but nothing could be further from reality. "Zoe, I've been living too long in the dark... I stopped living a long time ago, when they abandoned me...

What I did to Hannah, to her mother and my partner... is the proof that I am not well... and I doubt very much that I will be able to do it again"

"Clay, that's not true-"

"Zoe... please... let me tell you this... I've had too much time needing to let go.

I dont want to ... go to the new world... I dont want to get away from them. And I know it sounds cowardly, because I'm sure my sins are too much to see in heaven... but I want to belong to their side. Like the father who couldnt save them"

"... you know there's no turning back, no?... Once I take my authentic form, I will not be able to determine until I've satiated my hunger..." Zoe didnt have the courage to lift her head, fighting to suppress both the tears and the hunger that grew inside her.

"It is much more than I deserve, little one. I have clung too much to a life, that I dont need... I know that the Lichs exist beyond both worlds, so if you can take me, and at the same time I can perform a last act as a policeman...

I think... I think... that I can see them... before may hell claim me... " Clay cried with a smile, as he pressed his heart with one hand.


"These... are your last words, police officer Clay?" Zoe stood up, sealing the door with her scythe. The last thing that the Lich wanted, is that someone would dazzle his authentic form... and get into the middle of her banquet.


"Paper moon"


Zoe looked up quickly, confused. "...? What does that mean?"

"In the letter... besides saying goodbye to Lloyd and the body... I leave a message to Hannah... make sure that the paper moon reaches her hands... but not now! Now she has a life Long and happy to live...

Give her... when she feels she cant continue, and the darkness devours her soul in the same way that darkness did with me... that's my last words"

"CLAY! ZOE! OPEN THE DOOR NOW!" Lloyd began to knock on the door with all his might, not caring that the guards were locating them.

"It looks like Lloyd has read the letter... are you ready, little one?" Clay smiled as he closed his eyes, feeling a cold air filling the room.

"CLAY... I CAn noT pROmIse yOu'll mEET THEm ..." Zoe's voice began to distort, while Clay kept his eyes closed as marked by the contract with a Lich. "BUT I PROMISE ... tHAT YoU WiLl NEvEr SePAraTe AGAIN"







The door to the room opened after 10 minutes, Zoe coming out of it. The lich wipes its mouth with its sleeve, while looking around to find Lloyd in a corner, with watery eyes."You ... you've done it ..."

Zoe said nothing as she closed the door of the room, now empty.

"It has been... a last act of compassion... with a person who lost more than he deserved"

"...thanks... I suppose" Lloyd stood up, holding Clay's letter.

"I need you to give me the paper moon, Lloyd, I'll keep it" Lloyd nodded, taking out the origami moon and handing it to the Lich, while the police noticed how Zoe's skin looked brighter, and even how the lich seemed to be bigger than when they entered. "Dont say anything... and let's go. I'll charge you this later"

Lloyd nodded, and as they left, I look a moment back.

"Goodbye... old friend, I hope you are happy there where you are..."

End Notes:




...Today I will not extend it anymore. Thanks to everyone for all the readings as always, and I hope you enjoyed this "end" for the story of Lloyd and Clay.

It has not been easy to write, but sometimes, life is not easy to continue, and not everyone knows or wants to follow it.

That is the nature of the Lichs, to take the souls of those who do not wish to live towards one or the other end.



Chapter 56 The Last Days of the Earth (Part 6): Victory of the astral by SirDarkvid




Cathedral del Sol, Calia's private bedroom: March 27, 10:00 pm

"And after the counting of votes... the sovereignty of the city government number 2, Prometheus, is delivered to Mitael! Leader of the Church of the Meteor! An unprecedented victory" The presenter began to show the results of the vote of Prometheus.

The situation and the nerves in the room did not stop growing, while the moment of the results of Bahia 2.0 approached. Sitting on the edge of Calia's table, Flynn and Veronica could see how Calia, Maria, Eleanor and Vagrand kept their eyes closed, each praying in silence.

"Hey Flynn, Veronica, do you know that church? I've read and heard about them lately, but I can not find what the hell they are." Alfred approached Flynn, with a cup of coffee in each hand.

"The church of the meteor, as I understand it, is a kind of cult that venerates "Azure key", and as far as I know, it emerged in France, and has spread all over the world quickly" Veronica accepted the cup of coffee, and I hit him a long drink.

They had been here since the end of the voting, and until the last result, they were not going to join everybody in the main room for dinner, so the secretary was almost at the limit of her strength.

"I know that as a prophet of the Cathedral of Sol, I dont have too much right to complain... but I dont like that one of the first 4 cities of humanity will be controlled by religion... It's like taking a step back "Flynn looked at the television, seeing how they interviewed Mitael.

"He doesnt seem like a bad guy... and his church is not dangerous per se... but if I have to stop calling myself the prophet, it's not fair that he is a religious leader!"


"You only envy that for our candidacy you have been forced to stop being considered a prophet!" Veronica smiled, while Flynn turned and pinched her leg under the table. "Aaayy, I got it, I got it!"

"Dont be kids, Please... do you trust Eleanor?" Alfred sat on the sofa next to Flynn's table, glancing sideways at the wolf. "Maria says trust her, and therefore I trust her ..."

"Except you dont" Flynn whisper. "I've known Eleanor since she was just a puppy, she and her parents were members of the cathedral of the sun before we even locked ourselves in the ground.

Eleanor has always been a very confident girl who easily gets involved in everything, and when Gabriel betrayed the cathedral and she and I had to defend our home...

I knew that Eleanor stopped trusting the sun. Even today I think I hate more of Maria's betrayal than Eleanor's... which doesnt mean that I approve of all the evil she has done next to the cult of the moon. "Flynn closed her eyes, remembering how the 16-year-old Eleanor left in the middle of the night, ready to defend the world with her inventions.

"Gabriel? is she the one who comes out on the mural as the  "definite traitor"?" Veronica said as she pointed to the copy of the mural in Calia and Flynn's room.

"Yep, Gabriel was a doppelganger, and the third member of the cathedral, but her ambition and her rotten heart made her obsess over Calia.

One day, that obesity made her lose control, which led her to take one of the miniature suns and attach it to her body. With that power, she try to kill everyone to stay alone with Calia... It was not an easy fight, and my halberd broke until my current spear was left... and... we lost a lot of good people that morning"


"After that, Eleanor left the cathedral, and reformed the cult of the moon, created a name fighting against all those who threatened the future, and that led Maria to decide to do the same, Maria told me that part of the story, but even with that, in my country we had a saying, "Never trust a wolf in sheep's clothing"

"I'm very envious of both! Vagrand is ten thousand times more boring than Calia and Maria! I wish I had anecdotes like that to tell..." Veronica buried herself in her chair, turning up the volume of the television to see that they were going to finish with the recount of Bahia 2.0. "EVERYBODY! IS THE HOUR, ARE YOU READY?"

All present opened their eyes and watched with full attention towards the television.

"And with this the count of the votes for the sovereignty of the third city, Bahia 2.0, ends and the winner is..." Calia pressed the table so hard that she took part of the wood in her hands. "The alliance of the astral! The political party formed and directed by Benjamin Vagrand, Calia Sol, Eleanor Lightfang and Maria Ashcrew!"

The seven rose up shouting with joy, while they heard even more shouts of joy in the main room. Calia picked up her husband and threw him in the air, picking him up and covering him with kisses.

"We have the worst name of all and yet we have won!" Vagrand cheering while hugging his secretary, crying of emotion.

"Sir, it's not such a bad name!" Veronica hugged Vagrand, crying too. After an extremely exhausting express campaign, they had managed to get their message to the people, and the people had welcomed them.

"Bad name or not, we won! Bahia is ours!" Maria contained her tears, while her phone did not stop ringing with calls from Rozalin.

"People trust us... and now it's up to us to return it! Astral Team! Calia shouted as she placed her hand in the middle of the table, and everyone put theirs on top.

The celebrations lasted until dawn.





Exteriors of the Cathedral, in the park of the university: 04:00 in the morning.


Eleanor left the cathedral, staggering slightly from the alcohol. After one nightcelebrating her triumph, the wolf decided to retire to her hotel to rest.

But when Eleanor arrived at the university park, she felt a presence that forced her to draw her claws and be on her guard. "Who's there?! I'll drink a little, but you're in front of Eleanor! Priestess and leader of the moon cult! Show yourself once!"

Jolbirth landed in the middle of the park, forcing Eleanor to jump back to dodge it. "Congratulations, leader of Bahia 2.0!" Jolbirth smiled, making sure to show his fangs to the wolf.

"Jolbirth... have you come to take revenge? Well, what do you know, that as a wolf "HIIIP"... auuuu... what was I saying?" Eleanor leaned on a lamppost, which was bent by the weight of the giantess.

"Look... I could kill you right now, and neither your 20 feet tall, or your lunar claws would save you! So sad!" Jolbirth laughed as he approached Eleanor. "I havent come to attack you, so relax... Rather... now that you have been elected to govern them... I came to see you"

"To me?! Why?!" The wolf drew its claws, and covered them with moonlight. As Jolbirth had said, the wolf was not in a position to fight, but that was no excuse for being helpless.

"I imagine you already know, but people havent voted for you.

It's more! Surely you have been the biggest setback for this result! "Jolbirth laughed as he lay on the ground, enjoying his "revenge".


"You come to tell me what HIIIIP... I know... You lose Jolbirth, dont be embarrassed anymore..." Eleanor made the feint to keep walking, but Jolbirth with her tail pushed her back to a bench. "Leave me alone! I'm only in this because Calia and Maria trust me... I know perfectly well that for these people, I am the monster that has caused your apathy and the attack of the army..."

"Exactly, you and your pathetic moon have not brought more than problems, trying to make Hannah grow by force with me... and now, the acts of your robot, although they saved humanity, caused the death of 57 innocent people.
I'm not going to say it's your fault, Eleanor, but... you should consider resigning"

"... Shut up and listen to me, King Dragon who loses against a teenager.

I still believe in the moon, and in the future! And even though I know that for them I am a villain, I will not let myself fall into temptation!

I will go ahead and bring peace to Bahia 2.0 with my inventions and with my moonlight! I bet everything on roulette, and I intend to keep my bet even if all the numbers are against me!" Jolbirth exalted a small flame, while watching the wolf amused.

"You can win everything... the fame and recognition you've always sought... or lose everything ... you're aware of that, dont you?" Eleanor nodded, diverting Jolbirth even more. "Your pride is admirable ... it even manages to attract me.

Let me light the fire in the night for you, Eleanor. And so I will show you that the real answer is not that pathetic moon of yours or that sad Flynn sun"


"And what is your answer, Jolbirth?!"

"Hannah! You humans, you cant recognize who carries the will of a king, but I see in it... I see an unbeatable conqueror, an empress who-"

"And you laugh at me ?! You're obsessed with Hannah because she defeated you!" Jolbirth turned back, grabbing Eleanor with his tail.

"That girl showed a determination that-"

"Shut up! Hannah is just a teenager! Fight your own battles and dont want to burden the weight of your ruined kingdom on her shoulders, coward!" Eleanor concentrated her moonlight, and with an agile slash of her claws, she managed to cut off the tip of Jolbirth's tail, which fell to the ground with a thud.

"Bastard! Hannah will inherit my kingdom and conquer it! Time to time, and I have everything I need!" Jolbirth raised his claw, covered in profane fire and threw a direct blow at the wolf.

BANG! BANG BANG! Three quick shots hit Jolbirht's claw, penetrating his skin and making him cry out in pain.

"FIONA! WHERE ARE YOU, DAMN SLIME?!" Jolbirth looked in all directions, only to find a small giantess walking towards them. The giantess carried a kind of pistol in her hand, from which came a small column of smoke.

"Who do you think you are to interrupt ?! You will pay for your ins-"

Jolbirht could not finish the sentence, because the giantess disappeared from her sight. The dragon tried to take the flight to locate it, but suddenly, and fast as the wind, 4 direct cuts cut its wings.


"Speaking on behalf of others, it'snt something I was taught that was good" The giantess appeared again in front of Eleanor, cleaning a "little" dagger. The she-wolf tried to defend herself, but the image of Jolbirth's head separating from her neck and falling to the ground was enough to freeze her with fear.

"Dont suffer for the" The giantess (that reached the neck of Eleanor), snapped the fingers, and a gigantic seal in the form of gear appeared under Jolbirth's corpse. "He will live again in a few hours"

"Who you are?!" Eleanor tried to regain control of the situation, only to be stopped by a cut of the giantess, which cut the fingers of his claw at the same time that the gear seal appeared again.

"Yours will be good again in a few minutes, dont worry. And regarding your question, I'm just passionate about the authentic story, and I wanted to see it tonight by my own eyes.

Life is a labyrinth, so I dont advise you to waste it insisting on the same dead-end corridor, Eleanor" The giantess waved her hand farewell, as she walked away from the cathedral.

"...this surpasses my other nights of drunkenness, of that, there is no doubt whatsoever" Eleanor fell back into the grass, while she felt how her fingers were back in place. The wolf fell asleep right there, wondering who that giantess was.



End Notes:




"Thanks to all the readers for exceeding the figure of 8000 readings! Seeing it for myself is a great honor.

I guess you will be wondering who I am, but that answer isnt something that concerns the development of the story of Hannah and Elsa, so I will not consider it for the time being.

I only have to see 2 more important moments of the old world, so I invite you to join me for the next two days. Until tomorrow, and thanks for using your time reading us"

D ---- -----



Chapter 57 The Last Days of the Earth (Part 7): Bright and Burning love by SirDarkvid




Bahia del Sol: Island "boiling point":

03/30/18, 00:00 at night.


Valeria walked slowly towards the private cemetery of the cathedral, trying not to do anything to bother Light. The twins had decided to embark at 7 in the afternoon, but by a multiple accident and the consequent emergency operations, Light had been delayed... which only further increased her anger.

The cemetery of the cathedral had been built precisely on the island to prevent ordinary people from acceding, as this was the place where each member of the sun clan was cremated and buried. "Light, if you dont want to do this today, we still have a day and a half! I've already prepared all the paperwork... so... if you want..."

Light said nothing, as he pulled the keys out of the room. Valeria sighed to see that they had no choice, and the vampire simply closed the door behind her. "Here we are... this place is so full of-"

"Valeria, I hate being here as much as you, so leave the bad jokes, let us pay our respects and leave so we never come back" Light clicked his fingers, lighting the oil lamps on the sides of the room.

"Light..." Valeria tried to take her hand, but the succubus began to walk again through the room, looking for the correct correct urn.


Light stopped in front of one of the pedestals, removing the cloth that covered one of the urn filled with ashes. "Here is... grandma's urn, how do we do this, Valeria?"

"We say hello... and already, I doubt very much that the grandmother will answer us... that's for sure!" Valeria plucked one of the oil lamps from the wall, and used it to light while dusting the urn.


Both sisters ended up covered in dust, but neither of them had words to say. And if it was not because Flynn was watching, the two of them would already be running toward the boat.

"I'm starting, okay?" Light took a breath, searching his heart for the words he wanted to convey to his grandmother. "Hello old pussy! Guess who has become a successful surgeon and not the unsuccessful one that you said?!

I, I have succeeded! Also, remember what you said about an ocean made of stars, and thousands of worlds out there?! I'M GOING TO SEE THAT OTHER WORLD! WHILE YOUR ASHES ARE CONSUMED IN A CONDEMNED PLANET!"


Valeria released the lamp to catch Light, because if she had not stopped her, the lamp would have unlocked urn and pedestal included. "We've already caught it! Relax, Light!" Cost more than half a minute of breathing, but Light seemed to have calmed down enough. "Well... Grandma, I hope that hell is pleasant for you, because soon you will not have enough hell to escape! This world is dying, and you will die in death! OLD SHIT!"

This time it was the sucubo that subject to Valeria, for the same reasons. "Valeria! Stop! If I can not carry this damn urn, you either!"

The difference this time, is that Light was somewhat weaker than his sister, which allowed Valeria to stretch her leg to kick her out of the pedestar > What caused the urn to fall to the ground, all the oil and ashes of the mother of calia scattering > Same floor where seconds before Valeria had released the oil lamp > Fire > Fire extending through the rest of the fabrics and the carpet, reaching the curtains.


Both sisters looked at each other, as they left the cemetery whistling. "I was hoping ... that we would take more than 15 minutes to set fire to the site..."

Light tried not to look back, while the whole cemetery was starting to burn.
"Yep, it must have been a new record ..." The fire spread to the room where the ceremonial urns were being prepared, reaching the oil container- 

BOOOOM! "We have to get out of here now"


The twins came to the boat, where Flynn was sitting looking at his phone. "Have you caused an explosion in the cemetery?"

Light and Valeria each sat on the side of the boat, to balance their weights, while they watched each one separate their eyes. "I'm not saying it's wrong, I'm just saying that you usually take 15 minutes to do these things"

"And if we have done it? are you going to punish us?" Light reached into the salt water, seeking to refresh his ideas.

"By whom have you taken me, miss?! Of course not! God knows how much I wanted to see that witch burn! And even if it's her ashes, I'm glad to finally see it! I've done well to bring you both!" Flynn laughed as he lit the boat's engine, heading back to Bahia.

"Dad, call me smart, but is it possible that you brought us to free you from the cemetery of those racists?" Valeria laughed as she lay in the boat, making it lean quite.

"Let's say... your grandmother's sun clan did not stand out as something positive and altruistic, but they "burned" with desire to make their mark in the world!"
Valeria and Light smiled without laughing, not to give their father a taste for such a bad joke.


"Could you say... that the only thing missing from Grandma's heart was burning love?" Light smiled as he joined the club of his father's improvised comedy.

"Nah! Grandma was always racist, passionate and above all very very hot!" Valeria laughed while she heard a second explosion, and pieces of cement and stone fell on both sides of the boat. "Dad?"

"...a wise man said once.

"If you think your daughters will not be able to set fire to the cemetery, take several containers of gasoline the night before and leave them near the entrance"

You can quote it as the original phrase of Flynn Sol"


The trio continued its way back to Bahia, while the firemen and the police arrived at the coast. His presence there was useless, because by the time Flynn came ashore, the entire island was on fire.





Bahia Airport: Same moments.

Elsa and her father sat in front of the conveyor belt, waiting for their suitcases. "Do you think that mom would be upset that we did not take her ashes?" Elsa broke the ice after an awkward trip back.


"Elsa... your mother was born on this planet, and I dont think it is right to disturb her rest in him... As she always said "I will be one with you two, so I will never stop living"..." Elsa approached to his father, hugging him gently.

"I've decided to call my daughter Dalia, if Hannah agrees." Lionel turned his eyes wide to his daughter.

"Honey, it's not necessary-"

"Daddy, dont say anything! It's my decision, and if Hannah agrees, Dalia Reyes will come to this world... so I know mom could also meet her granddaughter..." This time, it was Lionel who hugged his daughter.

"Your mother would give her other life for her granddaughter, I can assure you that now, little one!" They both got up to pick up their suitcases, with renewed energy.

As it was evident, the terminal was full of people who were traveling to Bahia to cross the "Azure Gate", which made it difficult in transit to a large extent. That's not to mention the prohibition of personal vehicles in the parking lot, to "avoid traffic jams".

Elsa and her father went out into the street, looking for a free taxi. "Elsa, keep an eye on the suitcases, I'll get the attention of one of them!" Lionel dropped his suitcase next to his daughter and ran off, much to Elsa's displeasure.

Displeasure... and relief at the same time, because the blonde took the moment to try to stretch her blouse. As Flynn had predicted, Elsa was experiencing a small growth that although not as important as Hannah's, made all her clothes feel tight and uncomfortable.

"I'll never wear a tunic, I can assure you, Flynn..." Elsa said to no one in particular, as she discreetly tried to stretch her panties.

"You'rent particularly discreet, you know?" A laugh in the heights caught Elsa's attention, which turned completely red. A giantess came out of the terminal, while fastening her raincoat.

"'s just you..." Eslsa walked towards the giantess, and getting into the raincoat, quickly took the opportunity to remove her underwear and keep it in her suitcase. "This must be between us, okay?"

The giantess laughed, while opening her raincoat slightly for Elsa to leave. "Clear as the water! Bahia is a beautiful place, the truth... I'm glad I saw it with my own eyes"

"If you had arrived earlier, I would have introduced you to Hannah and the others! It's your fault for coming too late!" Elsa hit the leg of the giantess, without achieving any major damage.

"Life is like a labyrinth, and it'snt easy to get where you want when you want! Without your "stats increase", I would have been unable to locate the correct point!"

"Liar... I know you were the day of the concert on the street" Elsa leaned against the wall, tempted to buy a beer can.

"So you dress me in the crowd? Impressive! And even with stats of" apprentice! "The giantess applauded excited about the feat of Elsa, although the blonde didnt see it as something out of the ordinary.


"You're really a devil in disguise, you know?" Elsa laughed while the giantess sat next to her. "Did you cry a lot when you were little?"

"I cried with enthusiasm and in large quantities! Sleeping was a gift for my parents!" Elsa pretended to wipe away a tear, to the giantess's amusement. "But they did it right, here you have me as proof of it! And that they were inexperienced!"

"The first is always the hardest, and if it's someone like you, the challenge is even greater... I have just one more question, and it'snt about your age, I'll leave that as a surprise" Elsa sighed as Lionel came running back . "Bahia 2.0... is the city I want?"

"Bahia 2.0 is a place where each race has its place, a gigantic city built as a love letter to the new humanity! And it's already going for its octave expansion! Work will not be lacking, professionally and privately... That I can assure you"

"... thank you, and I hope you've enjoyed watching Hannah fight for the alliance, I doubt it's the last time..." Elsa took a suitcase in each hand, as she started walking towards her father. "Dont come home late, you will not want to worry your mothers, will you?"

The giantess shook her head, while standing up she created a gigantic seal in the form of a watch over the airport. "I was born in a home full of love... a love as hot as the sun and as bright as the moon!

I'm probably going to be punished for missing a week at school, but it was worth it!"


Elsa looked back, while the giantess vanished, smiling as only Hannah knew how to do. "A home full of love, eh?... I've already fallen in love with that girl, and she's not even born yet..."

The time returned to run normally, and Elsa and Lionel got into a taxi, in the direction of Hannah's home. Both were talking quietly, but Elsa's mind was elsewhere... specifically? Making mental calculations, to find out how much time was left for her and Hannah.

A home full of love could only be built in a city full of love, and that would be hard work. One that Elsa loved with madness.



End Notes:




"Thanks to everyone for having read the authentic story today! It has been a pleasure to join you these two days, and I hope you see how Bahia 2.0 becomes the place I know...

Because I can assure you, firsthand, that you will need a lot of love to achieve it! Love... ammunition of great caliber, great will to fight ... and above all the determination of the new humanity!

Anyway, transmit that I'll leave it to whoever tells the authentic story of the new world. Thanks and we'll see you soon!

Dalia Reyes, the girl who was born in a bright and ardent love.



Chapter 58 The Last Days of the Earth (Part 8): To the new world by SirDarkvid




March 31: Opening day of the "Azure Gate".

06:00 in the morning,

uninhabited land east of Bahia.


The sun began to rise over the horizon, and began to warm the earth little by little, while Hannah yawned sitting on her knees. Calia had gone to look for her at 5 o'clock in the morning, and without telling her why, she had dragged her (part of the road, literally dragged) to an old farm field away from the city.

The minor giantess watched as Calia meditated on her knees, without saying a word since they arrived... which confused, bored and tired Hannah equally. "Calia, I want to go back to bed..."

Hannah's words had no effect on the older giantess, who remained impassive in meditation. Hannah started to get upset, humming while with one hand she was looking for a pebble. (One pebble, for a 20-foot giantess is a rock)
"Calia, catch him!" Hannah tossed the pebble at the older giantess, hoping to receive a response, either motor or verbal.

"Ah ah ah!" Flynn appeared in mid-air, splitting the stone in two and landing on his wife's legs. "Has anyone taught you how to maintain concentration, little one?"

"Has anyone taught you to not get people out of bed at 5 in the morning?!" Flynn laughed as he cleaned the tip of his spear and jumped to the ground, walking towards Hannah.

"Little one, it's time we gave you the-" PUUUM! Calia got up quickly, stepping on her husband without realizing it.

"It's time Hannah! I've meditated enough and I'm ready to ..." Hannah's face of terror confused Calia, and accompanied by her insistence on pointing to the ground, forced Calia to lift her foot. "Flynn, what are you doing there? You werent with Victoria giving her your lesson with Maria?"


"I had come... to stop Hannah's stone... and to ask you... about the Will card number 4..." Flynn fell to the ground slowly, "taking off" from his wife's foot. "Great... I need another new shower..."

"Excuse me honey! I didnt even notice you!" Calia knelt down, lifting Flynn in one of her hands and pulling him close to kiss him. "Yuk... yes you smell... feet and wet earth... Then later I give you the kiss of forgiveness, okay?"

Flynn tried to maintain his anger, but Calia's smile was known to stop entire fleets. "Anyway... and that you know... That if I smell feet it's because your feet stink!" Flynn opened a dark portal, and leapt from his hand, falling through it.

"My feet smell like roses, so you'll find out!" Calia looked at her own feet for a second, then looked at Hannah. "Really? my feet... stink? It is true that I have not worn sandals for laundry for several days, but I have showered yesterday!"

"I dont plan to smell them... I admire you and I love you very much, Calia, but not so much... I would only do it for Elsa, and with a lot of discomfort" Hannah denied while Calia sighed. "What are you going to say before stepping on your husband?"

Calia looked up, and after a few seconds of confusion, her brain clicked.

"Hannah!" The scream of the older giantess tensed to Hannah, just as Calia wanted.

"Tomorrow, at this time, we will be in a new world! It will only be temporary until we start building the auxiliary city, but the members of the Cathedral of the Sun will be the vanguard of humanity!

We will carry the duty and dreams and hopes of all Humanity, so we must make a good impression on our new home! To make sure of it... Maria and Flynn are testing Victoria, and I will prove it to you, Hannah!"


Hannah immediately began to notice the aura of Calia emanating, which caused her the biggest chill of her life. "Ca... calia! I cant fight with you! You would tear me apart and crush me!"

"FOR THE NEW WORLD, HANNAH!" Calia smiled, as she ran to Hannah, raising her fist and covering it with fire and lightning. "SOL WAVE!"

Hannah jumped back, watching as from a single punch, Calia had compressed so much the floor that it looked like cement. "Calia, stop!"

"Stop ?! I've been fighting all my life! And neither you nor I will stop! Because this is our style!" Calia immediately recovered from the punch, and this time she threw a Sun Wave directly on Hannah, throwing the giantess as if it were plastic.

Hannah flew and rolled, grabbing her badly injured stomach. The younger giantess now understood what Sam had felt when she hit her with her fists. "Au... Are you serious ?! BECAUSE I WILL NOT BE LESS!" Hannah activated her Will card, and charged her own Sun wave- But Calia was much faster than Jolbirth and Dylan and when Hannah wanted to notice, the giantess was back on top of her.


Calia launched a quick succession of punches, sending Hannah flying again. "You must know... that I have total faith that humanity will have to fight in the new world! We dont know the strength of those who are already there, but I will not allow you to surrender!"

Hannah leaned on her knees, rising slowly.

| Another Will card! I need to start imposing myself or he's going to crush me!

You only ask me for things when you're fighting!... Do you know Hannah? There is always an option...

50 feet!


Make me grow up to 50 feet, so I can match your size and keep me from feeling like a rag doll!

Hehehehe ... we finally speak the same language! |


Hannah began to feel the energy flowing through her body, as her muscles and bones began to crack.

"Dont be pathetic! If at the least challenge you choose to grow, you will end up being too big to relate to humans!" Calia appeared in front of Hannah, and delivered a bright punch in Hannah's stomach. "Find the answer in your current self! And dont be in a hurry to grow up!"

Hannah fell to her knees, noticing how her body stopped growing after only 3 feet. "How did you do that?!" Calia smiled, as she raised her fist ready to show him the quick way.

Hannah trembled with fear, jumping back. The smaller giantess stumbled slightly, due to the slight loss of the center of her gravity, which Calia took advantage of to give her a direct kick to the chest. "ENOUGH TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ME!" Hannah roared furiously, as she grabbed Calia's foot and prevented her from recovering.

"Huh?" Calia smiled interestedly, while Hannah used all her strength to throw Calia back. The older giantess weighed an authentic barbarity, which forced Hannah to use all her strength.


"Fall to the ground once, Calia!" Hannah gave one last effort, throwing Calia and knocking her to the ground on her back. "I ... I did it! I did it!" Hannaha cheers, raising her arms to heaven as a result of her enormous joy.

"Not bad... nothing bad, Hannah" Hannah turned around, to see how Calia got up and cleaned the dirt off her. "Not many people can say that they have managed to make me bite the dust! This century, only you, Valeria and Light!"


"That... it's a great honor..." Hannah was completely stunned, because how could a giantess spend her days in pajamas eating potatoes and playing video games having gotten herself into such a select list?


"You know, it may be my mother's fault, but I love to fight!

To cross fists with my rivals, to know them better through their blows... and to get to understand their motivations! I can sound like a freak to fight, but it's how I feel!

In the new world... I hope to find powerful people and get to know them! The mere idea of r03;r03;new races, new people to know ... doesnt let me sleep!" Hannah smiled, beginning to understand Calia's illusion. "Hannah! And what makes you have illusion right now?"

"...I bought myself yesterday Kirby Star allies, and I'm trying to play it ... but the big joycon are too small for me ... so you could say that my biggest hope is to reach the final boss without swallowing spoilers! Kirby's games take the final bosses to the same definition of art, and I doubt this will be less!"

"We're going to a new world tomorrow... and your biggest illusion is a video game?" Calia's confused look was enough to embarrass Hannah in such a way that she turned to hide the blush on her face. "That kirby is the little pink ball? Light taught it to me once years ago! It was adorable! I can see how you play it... I doubt I can buy controls of my size!... or wait... Maria can help us with that! Surely yes!"

Hannah didnt leave her astonishment, turning around and walking towards Calia. "Are you sure?... I didnt expect that of all the people I know... you would be interested in Kirby!

Calia nodded smiling. "I've been wanting to get into the "videogame?" thing, but with so much work creating mini-suns I was exhausted! I even asked Flynn to buy me all the play 64 that were coming out!"

"...Playstation and nintendo 64 are two different things... I will explain it to you later..."

"Perfect then!" Calia wiped the dirt off her legs, and lifting Hannah and placing her on her shoulders, began to walk back to Bahia. "The new world is waiting for us, and I will take advantage of all the time it takes to build it to catch up with the movies and video games that I lost! I've been wanting to see Titanic for years!"

Hannah could only smile at Calia's joy. Someday, Hannah vowed that she would be like her, and thus be able to enlighten others as Calia did.
Some day... in the new world. So much talking about him had given Hannah the desire to know all its inhabitants and discover each corner that has to offer.

"Azure key, the king of talking meteors, hid his treasure in that place, and we now set sail to look for it!

Looking at humanity, he pronounced his last words!

"Do you want to get it? Ahead! I hid everything in that place!"

His words awoke the will of the people, who left to look for it!

This will be the great new era of humanity! "

Calia evidently didnt understand the reference, but Hannah's joy and laughter were enough to accelerate her pace. "TOWARDS THE NEW WORLD!" Both giantess shouted laughing, preparing for what awaited them.

End Notes:




And with this concludes this series of special episodes! You have seen how everyone prepared for the new world, and in this last chapter I wanted to leave Hannah and Calia as absolute protagonists!


The new world is just around the corner, and it is time for humanity to demonstrate its value, adapt and become something greater!

How will the inhabitants of that world receive them?

How will the place where they appear?

What will be the fate of the first four cities of the new humanity?

How long will Mirabelle learn about Jack's "betrayal"?

Many questions, and a new world to answer them! Thanks to everyone for reading! And be prepared because great things are coming in "Novae Terra"!

(they still do not agree with the name!)



Chapter 59 (Terre dell'alba Saga): Welcome preparations by SirDarkvid




Village Autumngate: 09:00 in the morning,

Day 54 of the nascent Solar Age.


The alarm clock began to sound at full volume, which together with the sun's rays served as impellers for the awakening of the forest Isoa. Alanis extended her hand, without leaving between the sheets, but all she managed was to throw the contents of the bedside table onto the floor.

"Uggg..." Mild moans came from the small bed inside the large drawer of the closet, sign that Fee had awakened. But unfortunately for both, the alarm clock not only continued ringing at full volume, but it began to play the radio to make sure to wake up everyone.

"Good morning, Autumngate! Here Dj Wisper to serve you one more morning, ready to review all the news of the nation, besides today with special reason for the arrival of a new civilization in Terre dell'alba we have special envoys throughout the location of the "Scarlet gate"! We connect with our journalist at the foot of- "

Alanis got up from the bed, and switched off the alarm clock with her foot, too tired to bend over. "From the first hour... how can you have so much energy?" Alanis refused, unable to think correctly about that state.

Getting up from the bed, the Iloa walked towards the bathroom, but not before giving two knocks to the door of the drawer-room of his companion. Fee responded with grunts and murmurs, which would have annoyed Alanis at another time.

Why not now? Too early to get angry.


Alanis' apartment was not excessively large (composed exclusively of the dining room / bedroom, a kitchen to which the previous owner pulled the wall to make it more spacious, and a bathroom with a small bathtub), but it was the best thing for her could afford with her salary as Forest Guard of the village.

Neither is that they needed much more, since they only had each other. (All the family of Fee still living in "Twilight Rest" and the little family that was left to Alanis living in the capital)

"Fee ... come wash your face, today we have hot water..." Alanis said while opening the tap, letting the water fill the sink. It was almost a miracle that the boiler worked so early, which could only mean that the night had been so cold that the heater had not turned off at any time. "I enjoy this now... but I can see the money disappearing as the bills arrive..."

"Too early to worry about the bills... Fee needs to be cleared" The little fairy leaned on the side of the sink, and after throwing her pajamas to the ground, she let herself fall into the water.

"Fee! I need to wash myself too! Now all the water is dirty with your sweat all night!"

The fairy opened one eye while letting herself float. "I thought you had already washed! You're too slow, you know, Ala?" The Iloa was about to put her fist in the water, and crush the fairy against the marble... but what would gain with that? (apart from personal satisfaction)

"Fuck you... I'm going to make breakfast, as soon as you finish, throw that water away and fill the sink for me, understood?" The fairy nodded without saying anything, just enjoying the warmth of the water.

Alanis sighed, as she left the bathroom closing the door behind her. "We need to buy milk... but today with all the arrival of "humanity" I doubt you will find any cheap place..." The Iloa was satisfied with heating the little milk that was left in the cardboard in one of the buckets.

The milk of Peaduk wasnt too sweet, but at least it had all the necessary values r03;r03;for a standard breakfast.

After filling both cups, Alanis took the last packet of cookies left and left everything on the central table of the apartment.


"Time to see when we meet ..." The Iloa opened her laptop, and after changing the energy crystal, the screen lit up showing the dozens of messages from her classmates. Alanis nibbled one of the cookies while reviewing what messages were really important, while discarding all junk mail.

"Your water is ready - Cookies! We still had! What a gift life gives us!" Fee fluttered to the table, picking up one of the cookies and breaking it into smaller pieces for your enjoyment. When one measures scarcely 20 centimeters, even the smallest of meals (like this cookie) becomes a banquet.

"We have to go to the barracks?!" Fee said without bothering to swallow the piece of biscuit first.


"Eat and then talk, disgusting! The commander wants all the guards in the northern barracks, which means that in the end we are going to participate tonight..." Alanis did not want to say it, but Fee knew completely how much laziness caused her situation.

"Look on the bright side, we'll be in the front line to shoot those "humans" if they come with bad manners!"

"Scarlet Key" said that humanity had lost its planet, so I doubt they come looking for a fight, and... our species once were in the same situation, we have to be kind to them" Alanis drank all her glass of milk hit, to immediately go to the bathroom to wash.

"Ummm... we can be nice, but we're going to take the entire army located on the east coast! Kindness with a ration of magic-rocketing missiles and damn arrows! That's the only kindness I know!" Fee I take to connect to your personal email account, only to find 1000 spam messages. "When I subscribed to "Hot Hot Troll"?... It must be messages sent by another page... as long as they dont charge, they send all those who want, I suppose"

"Stop using my credit card to subscribe to shit for Leyred!" Fee trembled with fear, at the anger in his companion's voice.

"I cant work because I must spend the day by your side devouring all the negative "C-Drive" you generate! So I'll use OUR credit card whenever I want!" Alanis sputtered some expletive, for the fairy's amusement. "Baby, ours is a symbiotic relationship!"

"I already know that!" Alanis came out of the bathroom drying her hair and ears, still visibly angry. "But that doesnt mean you can use our money to subscribe to... "History and creation of Totems?" So why do you need to study how a totem works?"

"You never know when a more primary race will come to our city, and if they need a totem to feed, we will be there!" Alanis rolled her eyes at Fee's stupid and absurd reasoning.

"Dont waste our money on nonsense, please!" Fee nodded without turning to look, while Alanis dressed in the uniform of the forest lair. "Dress fast, we go out as soon as I get my shoes on"


"Yes yes..." Fee flew to her bedroom drawer, closing it behind her.

Alanis just got dressed, and she checked her body and ears in the mirror.  "Still the slope mark... what were you thinking, idiot?" Alanis pinched her pointed ear, looking for a way to hide the mistakes of her youth.

"Heal with time! The priest said it on your last healing visit, so stop thinking about it!" Fee came out fully dressed, only to fly and get into the neckline of Alanis as she used to do.

"You dont plan to fly today either?" The fairy refused as she settled into the generous cleavage of her companion. "You're getting fat, you know?"

"That's because you've been making  bad "C-drive" all this year! You're overfeeding me, so I'll pass the bill for the weight reduction operation." Fee smiled as Alanis simply curled her grin.





Streets of Autumngate. 11:20 in the morning.


"WHY DID YOU HAVE TO STOP AT THAT LAST SUPERMARKET ?!" Fee cry of fear and emotion, while Alanis took a run and climbed one of the poles of light.

"They had milk, eggs and offer bread! It was too juicy to let it escape!" Alanis leaned on one leg above the pole, looking for the fastest way over the cables.

"Please... tell me you'rent thinking of grinding up to the barracks ?!" Alanis simply smiled, as she put the milk cartons and bread in her backpack."Please, I dont want to die so young! - WEEEEEEEEE!"

Alanis jumped, while activating the skates of her sneakers. One of the biggest advantages of Autumngate being built on a hill, was that all the streets somehow had slopes down. (also had to thank the cheapest apartments were located at the top of the city)

The iloa was hooked to one of the electric cables, sliding down at full speed. Alanis gritted her teeth smiling, while keeping the concentration so as not to pick up any wrong cable. "You're going to missing the best part, Fee!" The fairy screams in fear from inside her cleavage, too terrified to look out.

"Now comes the best!" Alanis took impulse, and jumped from the cable to one of the roofs. The concrete roof where he had landed belonged to the largest market in the city, which made it a smooth, huge and perfect surface to finish his career on the rooftops in the best possible way.

As soon as Alanis began to slide over the roof, Fee stuck her head out to try to orient herself. "OH MY GODDESS, I ACKNOWLEDGE THIS ROOFTOP, YOU'RE GOING TO THE RAMP, STOP, PIECE OF CRAZY!"


"AND TO DIE YOUNG FOR WHAT I SEE!" Fee tried to hide, but the speed that Alanis carried was too much, which hindered any movement of the fairy.
Alanis reached her goal, the market poster.

This poster ahead looked like an ordinary metal sign. But his secret was at the back, because it was anchored to the roof with a perfect curve, the one called by Alanis as "Dream Ramp".

"THREE, TWO, ONE!" Alanis bent down to gain even more momentum, and jumped down the ramp, flying over the houses of Autumngate. His cries of emotion were heard from all around, but nobody seemed surprised. (totally accustomed to racing through the roofs of Alanis).


"FEE! Activate the G-drive!" Alanis ordered while he landed on another of the cables, which was heading towards the aqueduct that separated them from the guard barracks.

"That goes against so many rules, but dying too!" Fee shine, releasing the gigantic energy within Alanis. "I hope you wear the most rubber clothes possible, because you have too much accumulated!"

Alanis shouted with emotion, while she felt how her body released all its power. Second by second, the Iloa began to grow faster and faster, which increased its weight and diminished the intregidity of the cable on which it was sliding.

"6 meters?!" Fee nodded, white as snow when he realized his companion's plan. "The right measure! Get ready for the jump!"

Alanis waited for it to be too big for the cable, and when he threatened to break, he jumped with all his strength towards the aqueduct.

Thanks to all the accumulated speed plus his own increased strength, Alanis was able to cross the distance of 15 meters that separated it from the aqueduct, falling right on its edge (ideal to finish grind to the barracks).




Shattercross barracks: 11:30.


All the forest guards were assembled and in formation, but the great commander Falael was still upset. Counting the last recruits, the Autumngate barracks had 5 rows of 7 soldiers per row... but the second row was only 6.

"Durothil, Lura... Finerve... where is Alanis?" Falael turned to his lieutenant, who shook his head. "Damn it, I'll start without her!"

Falael climbed onto his music stand, and connected the echo crystal to the Law wiring of the room. "Are you listening to me correctly?

I hope so, because today is an important day and I need everyone to be clear about the procedure! Mankind will come through the "Scar-" BOOM!

A huge impact object in the training gardens of the barracks, and even through the cloud of smoke he had raised, Falael knew perfectly well who she was. "Guard Alanis! I hope it's the last time! That someone will have the doors! Today there is no time to repair anything!"

Two of the guards opened the double doors of the barracks conference room, through which Alanis crouched and apologized to everyone. The Iloa giantess crawled until she reached her position, but in order not to lose sight of those behind her, she simply stayed next to her usual place.

Farael sighed, but even so he did not allow this to affect him even the slightest. Today was a great day for the continent and especially for the Iloa, and nothing could, should and would go wrong.

Even if it cost him his life to insure it.



End Notes:



Welcome now ... to Novaterrae! The new home of humanity! With a first chapter 100% free of humans!


Jokes aside, this first chapter serves as an introduction to the main inhabitants of the continent where humanity arrived.

This continent is known as "Terre dell'alba" and its main settlement species are the Iloa, humanoids born with a strong connection to magic elementa and another of the species of Novaterrae, the twilight fairies.

If you have to think about the Illoa, although later you will have a description of them, you can imagine them as more muscular humans, with a "crystalline" hair (it is not really crystal, but its appearance is similar), and pointed ears.

(I had not mentioned elves as an extra-human species for something ;)

Also, here I present to you what will be the main city for the alliances between Iloas and humans, Autumngate, due to the proximity to the "Scarlet Key". I have not finished planning and designing it yet, but if you want to have an idea of r03;r03;the concept since I started working, go on Google Spagnolia, from Sonic Unleashed.

All this said, chapter 60 will be the arrival of humanity and the first contact! Thanks to the more than 300 people that have read the chapter on the last day, and to all the world that you follow the story! See you tomorrow!



Chapter 60 (Terre dell'alba Saga):: Scarlet Gate by SirDarkvid



Exteriors of Autumn Gate, Cafe The wandering dragon.

6:00 in the afternoon,

Day 54 of the nascent Solar Age.


Outside of Autumngate, and located next to the headquarters, a small cafe / hostel stands at the top of the road.Originally built as a mansion on a small hill that acts as a wind wall for the city, it was used by the former governor acting as his lair until his last order was too much for the citizens.

These, tired of the tyranny of the gobenador, took up arms and with the help of their own daughter, took the mansion and finished with the tyrant.

Since then, The Wandering Dragon has been run by the daughter of the old tyrant and his descendant, and is known in the region for hosting anyone who departs or returns from a trip.

And there, sitting at the coffee bar, is where Alanis is right now.

Alanis leaned her head against the counter, trying to calm her headache with the cold of the marble. The commander had thrown at her such anger, that he had had to stop for fear of losing his voice.

Fee said nothing, sitting on the marble, enjoying a cup of "Spring Breeze" coffee, the specialty of the house. In the end, the fairy herself was forced to take Alanis out of the misery spiral into which she was stuck.

"This happens because you insist on using the city to practice your grind!"

"I'm a guard of the breeze! I'm supposed to master the movement and all that! What's the point of bequeathing me the sliders without being able to practice in urban environments?!"

"And what do you tell me?! I dont make the rules! I just try to not kill ourselves!"

"Liar, you have made me do things ten thousand, no, a million times more dangerous than grinding the city!" Alanis rolled up her right sleeve, showing part of her scars.


Fairy and Iloa were ready to fight, but a blow on the head of each one stopped them. "Stop two of you! I dont want you to scare my clients!"

Both girls turned to the cafe manager and current owner of the mansion, Dyna, and as if they had rehearsed, they started talking at once. "It's not fair! She's bothering me! Stop imitating me! IDIOT!"

"Once more and I'll kick you out of the cafe! You always love each other a lot! Do not get into a fight over nonsense!" Dyna did not bother to stop scrubbing glasses to turn to both. Mainly... because it was not the first time, and it would not be the last.

"It's all the commander's fault! Also, this time I've jumped after releasing the G-Drive! I havent broken anything so why he scolds me like that!?" Alanis defended herself, even knowing that Dyna was not going to support her.

"Because you insist on activating it in the city, you know that people dont usually appreciate any giant Iloa, and even if you can take a manageable size, that does not free you from their looks and complaints!"

"Sometimes... I just have to free myself... and be like I really am..." Alanis's voice was falling little by little, a bit too dramatically to take her seriously. "I have been living in this city for 9 years and I love it with madness! Why do they insist that I only give problems?... I behave well and I do my job as a guard..."

"People fear what's ahead of them! They fear the fairies, they fear the Iloa of Mount Wham Bam and they fear the prairie Iloa like you! They are in their nature like cowards!" Fee laughed as he said something that would seem horrible and offensive to anyone. (For the fairy? The truth is never offensive, you only feel offended when they are right)

"In this, I have to give the reason to Fee, they would fear the same as any other prairie Iloa, it is not fear for who you are, my daughter"


A voice filled the skies of the planet, which was enough signal for everyone go out into the streets.

A red meteor ran through the skies of the planet, while all the Iloans shouted with joy.


"Hello again, my children, true heirs of magic! Today, as you all know, humanity arrives on our planet.

I know many of you will be afraid, but a good friend of mine speaks for them, and I know that they do not come with violent intentions.

They have lost their world, just as a thousand years ago you lost yours, so I ask you to welcome them with open arms and support each other!


Their technology is at a level similar to yours, theirs more advanced than ours in terms of electronics, while we dominate the crystalline systems and the magical constructions.

Use this opportunity to forge a powerful ally that will help you defend your two continents!

For anyone who wants to get to know ours new allies, feel welcome!

Tonight, as the sun goes down, I will open my "Scarley Gate" in the evergreen plain, which will be linked to its "Azure Gate". Start with any preparation you need, because in 1 hour the construction of the portal will begin!

You can take advantage to ask me what you need always within our limits, so I wait for you there!"


Scarlet Key descended on the planet, perching on the height of the evergreen plain. Hundreds, if not thousands of people left running, forgetting their tasks and tasks to ask for blessings to their savior and protector god.

"And all my clients go there... without paying... Should I go and ask Scarlet Key for the money that all these imbeciles owe me?" Dyna joked as he turned the tap off and removed the water crystal.

"I dont think you should! Scarlet Key is a super powerful entity and can blow your head without even looking at you!" Fee said it with such absolute seriousness, that both girls doubted whether it was a joke or not.

"Scarlet is not going to do anything to me! I am a friend of the descendant of the first Iloa with whom he made contact!" Dyna laughed as he jumped the counter and forced Alanis to get up.

"There are hundreds of descendants! I'm just one of them!" Alanis tried to take the weight off the matter, because whenever people tried to use that fact of theirs, everything ended badly. "I'm nothing special to him, for God's sake, I suffer from continuous Overdrive! Do you really think that if I was someone special for him, he would let me have a disease that could kill me?"

"Disease for which our destinations connected!" Fee said happily, while she had just eaten and returned to Alanis cleavage.

"Well, if you met through the Overdrive, it's a deadly disease!" Dyna laughed as she opened the coffee door, leaving Alanis to exit before locking it.





Evergreen Plain: 5:00 p.m.


The plain was completely overcrowded, not only of people who had come to ask, but entrepreneurs who had been setting up their food stalls since the morning as if it were a festival.

Scarlet key y made appear ancient runic fragments, which gradually placed to form a gigantic portal. All this without ceasing to respond and grant blessings to his "childrens".

"Woah! I should have set up a coffee shop! How could I be so stupid? I lose money without realizing it!" Dyna laughed as he made his way through the crowd, using a 3 meter Alanis as an icebreaker.

"Stop pushing! I'll walk as people clear!" Dyna refused, as she continued to push her friend's legs to force her to walk.

"She ignores you, but like the shit, baby" Fee enjoyed a mini lemon slush that they had previously bought at the entrance. "You should grow more! So sure they leave you way!"

"I dont intend to do it! I dont have so much G-Drive to then be shrinking and I'm sure the commander doesnt appreciate having me at full size during operations!" Alanis left a trail of chaos and destruction at her steady pace. Adults pushed, children with their ice cream on the floor, offended elders... She didnt have enough apologies for all.

And after devastating with half Autumngate, the trio arrived at the security perimeter of the portal. "I'm an Autumngate forest guard! Let me through!" Alanis announced the guards, who immediately recognized her and opened the fence. (not without first complaining about its size as always)

"Excuse Miss Dyna, restricted zone from this point" One of the guards stepped between Dyna and the fence, and what in principle was a simple clarification, soon became a discussion. Alanis just kept walking, until he was under the huge portal.

"So here humanity will enter... it's impressive..." Fee came out slightly from the neckline, only to appreciate the immensity of the structure with better perspective.

"You dont need to say it ... it's so incredible ..." A warm, paternal voice sounded directly in both their heads.


"Thanks for the compliment,but the design belongs to my friend.

I prefer to create magic portals, but due to the lack of magic on the"Earth",

we need to build a physical structure to connect both planets!"

"Mr. Scarley key ... do you think humanity will want to ally with us?" Alanis tried to fight against her own voice, so as not to sound frightened and distressed ... it didnt work


"Easy, my daughter, if my friend has lied to me,

as one of them throws the first stone, I will close the portal and annihilate them.

All of you are like my sons and daughters,

I want to protect you and guide you on the path of progress-

What the hell ... "


"Something is wrong, Mr. Scarley Key ..." Alanis stepped back slowly, while the portal began to light slowly.


Scarlet Key's alarm was enough to make everyone run in a panic, except for the forest guard who took his weapons and prepared for battle. Alanis instead...

Alanis was completely frozen by fear, as the portal began to open and a huge current of air emerged from it.

"Get away my daughter! Azure key, why are you doing this?!

I havent finished yet!"

But the voice that responded to Scarlet Key and that resonated in the minds of all present was not that of Azure.

"Hello, Scarlet... did you forget about me?!"




The portal was almost open, releasing a blinding green light across the plain.


The portal opening was completed, but instead of an explosive as Emerald key threatened, what came out of it seemed... a person?

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, SAVE ME!" Hannah was shot by the enormous power of the portal, in the direction of the only idiot who had stayed in front of the same frozen.

"FEE! G-DRIVE NOW!" Fee released the entire G-drive while crying in fear, forcing Alanis to grow up suddenly. Alanis withdrew one leg back, ready to catch the victim of the portal.

But... as soon as the girl was closer, Alanis saw that they should have the same height "...Oh no..."



Hannah hit full on Alanis, with so much strength accumulated by the exit of the portal, that both girls were shot in a wheel of destruction that devastated everything in its path.

Security fences, food stalls, trees in the middle of the road, tanks ...

The couple rolled and rolled for, 50 meters, neither of them conscious yet. (Bad luck caused that the clash between Alanis and Hannah was both against the head of the other, so they had fainted all the way)

In the end, the wheel lost speed, and after hitting a last tree, they stopped.

People walked towards both girls, while the smoke caused by the blow dissipated. What they found when they arrived was one girl over another, with their heads bleeding and completely bruised... and a fairy coming out from between the breasts of one of them.

 "THIS HAS BEEN, THE MOST TERRORIFY, WONDERFUL AND EXCITING OF MY LIFE!" Fee scream of pure happiness and adrenaline, only to fall unconscious seconds later.

End Notes:




TAKE FIRST CONTACT! This is how two species meet and without having to wait until the third kind!

Scarlet Key and Emeral Key make their act of appearance! Beings beyond mortal logic, but who decide to intervene in our lives to fulfill their desires. Each one acts in a completely different way, as you can appreciate.

The first example logically is Scarley Key, that unlike Azure Key he decided to intervene physically in the affairs of his protected race and take care of them as god.

Emerald Key ... instead ... there will be time to talk about it.

Thanks to all readers as always! Tomorrow touches the reverse chapter, from the point of view of the earth! "Azure Key" See you tomorrow! Have a good night / day!

Chapter 61 (Terre dell'alba Saga):: Azure Gate by SirDarkvid




Azure Gate, exteriors of Bahia del Sol. 4:00 PM


"LET ME PASS! I AM GIRLFRIEND," DAUGHTER "AND FAMILY OF PEOPLE WHO WILL BE AHEAD!" Hannah banged the huge fence that surrounded the Azure Gate compound with both hands.

She had only separated from the group 5 minutes to go to the bathroom, but as soon as she had tried to meet Elsa and the others, she had met the guards and her immovable posture.

The Azure Gate had appeared out of nowhere in only 5 minutes, so the police deployment had been in a hurry and running, and the poor police was completely outdone by the thousands of people who came to the place to watch."Insist all you want, but without accreditation I will not let you pass!"

"I AM HANNAH! HANNAH REYES! MY NAME MUST BE ON THE LIST!" The poor police began to have a little fear of the giantess more and more furious.

"Miss Hannah, I think I know you but I still cant do anything! I had to reject four athletes and 5 actors! No one without accreditation should pass!"

"Well, let me a phone to call Elsa and my mother! They have my cell phone!"

"Your cell phone isnt your size, why she carry it?"

"There was no battery left in my cell ... and they took it to load ..." Hannah ducked her head, slightly embarrassed.

"Miss ... I can not do anything! I'm so sorry!" The police turned back, while the giantess only seemed about to cry.

"Sir ... I understand ..." Hannah walked away crying, until she came around the fence and hid in the corner. "Sometimes a soldier ..." Hannah pretended to take an imaginary pocket cigarette and light it. "Has to do what a soldier has to do"



Loading dock of the Azure Gate complex:


16:07:31-32-32 ... etc


"Everything cleared here!" Guard 01 shouted at his companion, while the next truck on the list arrived at the dock. The last trucks arrived loaded with armament, because although Azure key insisted that the inhabitants of the new world were pacific, it was better to prevent than to cure.

"Understood! You can start the unloading of boxes!" Guard 02 made a gesture to truck driver 14, who after parking the truck got off to open the trailer."What are you carrying in these boxes? They are much bigger than the last!"

"Howitzers and mortars, Major Kenny insists that we have a battalion ready for emergencies." 8 workers arrived at the truck, and quickly and diligently began to lower boxes. "You have a huge box next to the entrance of trucks, by the way"

"A huge box? 01 Come with me!" 02 surcharge the military rifle, and with a gesture of hands, both soldiers left the loading dock.

As driver 14 said, next to the entrance to the dock had appeared a huge cardboard box, one that evidently was not there before. "You're kidding me... I dont know who you are, but come out with your hands up! You're in a restricted area protected by the defense army of humanity!"

"It'll be a joke... Cover me, I'll open it" 01 took out his little combat knife, and carefully walked to the box. "Last chance, if you leave on your own we will only expel you from the area"

01 I wait a few seconds, after which I nail the knife on the side of the box to be able to lift it-

"TAN TA TAN TATA!" 01 took a quick step back, while the box rose quickly revealing a young giantess with what appeared to be a belt in her hair, and motor oil on her cheeks. "My name is Dirty Snake, and I'm going in"

"...are you kidding me, girl? Go play another one-" 01 could not say anything else, because the giantess gave him a powerful knee in the chest. 02 got ready to start shooting, but the giantess was faster, throwing a kind of rope that precisely tied the soldier's hands.


"But what the hell..." Hannah leapt forward, rolling on the ground only to reach the soldier and give him a headbutt, more than enough to make him unconscious.


Hannah ran to the corner of the dock, peeking out carefully. "Initiation of infiltration, secured zone, soldier Dirty Snake initiating infiltration into the Shadow mo ... moss ... mosses ... Yeah, Shadow mosses complex!"

Hannah threw herself to the ground, and, dragging herself carefully, reached inside the dock. "7 people... 6 workers and the driver of the truck ... easy and simple" Hannah concentrated fire on her hand, and cooling it, she managed to use the smoke ball that Flynn had taught her.

The operators were hesitating to give the security alarm to the delay of the guards, but when one of them wanted to notice, a small ball of smoke rolled on the ground. "THEY ATTACK US!" The ball exploded, filling the smoke dock.

"Now ..." Hannah jumped into the unloading area, and with agility and ease (not at all driven by all the mental circus that had been created) managed to incapacitate all the workers and the truck driver. "Too simple! I am a genius of infiltrations! Now I have the motivation to play Deux ex mankid divided!"

Putting everyone in the truck and closing the door from outside with a pipe, Hannah checked the interior corridor. "2 cameras ... guard patrols ... change costume time!"

Hannah sat on the floor, and after concentrating, managed to open a dark portal directly to her closet. "Oh yeah! Now ... mask ... coat ... and sword! All ready!" The giantess took off her hair belt and wiped the mud from her face. Not in vain ... all this cosplay was limited edition, and dirtying it was not an option.


After putting the mask on top of the head (Hannah had bought it after exceeding 15 feet in height, and although it was a little small, it was still valid) and tied the black cape around her neck (again ... small but it gave the punch), Hannah turned on the batteries of the Master Sword. (This one had asked for a second growth giantess size, so if it was big enough to be wielded like a sword! (Although it was made of plastic (but hard plastic)))

"Meta suit ready!" Meta knight revenge 3 on the march! "Hannah kicked the hallway door, leading the guards who unfortunately passed by." HALBERD ASSAULT! "Hannah began to run through the hallways like a crazy, destroying all surveillance cameras with slashes (remember, it's a damn plastic sword) accurate and deadly.





Command room of the Azure Gate complex.

Same moment


"And this is the room since we commanded the whole operation, Mr. Vagrand!" Major Kenny opened the doors of the room to Vagrand, Veronica, Elsa and Flynn (Maria and Eleanor... didnt fit on the upper floors). "As you can see, to have assembled this entire base in just 1 hour, we have all the security measures so that nobody can approach the Azure gate ahead of time!"

Vagrand flipped through the monitors, smiling with satisfaction. "The defense army of humanity handles very high quality standards, right?"

"Of course, we have been chosen as the greatest defense force of humanity in the new world, so we have to invest all our money in the preparation of infrastructure and weapons-"

"Stop talking, Kenny, I know you have been chosen because of your connections with the ex-president Salome" Flynn did not seem half happy, but it was totally logical. This deployment had supposed that all the members of the Cathedral of the Sun were relegated from their posts.

While Kenny defended himself, Elsa and Veronica looked through the monitors, chatting with the soldiers in the process. Until Elsa... saw her. "Oh my god... can you expand that camera?!"



"IMPOSSIBLE! Nobody can access this complex without my men locating you! And less so big!" The masked woman destroyed the security camera that was recording her, before the astonished gaze of everyone present. "I want to neutralize her right now, I want to know who she is working for and what her objective is!" Kenny turned to Mayor Vagrand, his face completely red. "Sir, you and your group must remain here until we resolve this, we dont know how dangerous she is"

...Elsa couldnt take it anymore, and exploded in laughter followed by Veronica and Flynn. "What makes you so funny?!"


"Her goal? Kill Kirby and conquer Dreamstar!" Elsa could not help laughing, at Kenny's glare.

"She's coming for vice commander Alexeis Kirby?! SEND OUR BEST MEN, AND WARN KIRBY THAT HE HAS TO GET AWAY FROM HIS OFFICE!" Elsa, Flynn and Veronica began to laugh harder, while the soldiers managed to locate Hannah in another of the surveillance cameras.





Hannah turned the last corridor, only to find a huge platoon of soldiers on the other side. "END OF THE ROAD, MASKED! SURRENDER WITHOUT OPPOSING RESISTANCE AND YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO DIE HERE!"

Hannah hid behind the corner, catching her breath. The giantess had been running for 10 minutes without being very clear where she was going, attacking and taking care of each soldier on her way. "Surrender now? ... Meta knight never gives up! Now ... to go through here ... what would galacta knight? ... Or wait... Masked! Hehehehehe!"

The giantess smiled as she opened another dark portal, preparing her last cosplay.

"Get out at once or we'll open fire!" The soldiers shouted, only for a second later to find the giantess coming out of the corridor. Only this time... She was wearing a different suit.

Hannah wore her purple woolen cloak over her shoulders, and the huge masked Dedede hammer in her hands (limited edition to life size, does not include flamethrowers, missiles or ability to be charged electrically, selling price 180 dollars). "You come to stop me... but you must know... I will never stop!" Hannah took out of her pocket the metal mask of Dedede. "With this my power levels have been triggered! GET OF MY WAY, BECAUSE IT'S TIME FOR DEDEDESTRUCTION!"

The soldiers opened fire, only to see how their bullets fell to the ground as they approached the masked giantess.

"As it is possible... it can only be that she is using aura!"

"But sir, these bullets are giantess proof! Her aura must be at another level if she are stopping them so easily!"

"It's not that... Gentlemen, her power level has surpassed the limits of reality, now the will of the legendary hero of Dreamland is with her... She has become a giant incarnation of the very same King Dedede!"

"Dude... you play too many video games..."


"HEHEHE, I AM TO SUPAHSTAR WARRIAH" Hannah shouted, as she launched herself turning the hammer towards the soldiers. They shouted panically and moved away, letting Hannah keep moving forward. Maybe... too much forward. "I CANT STOP! HELP!"


The soldiers watched in amazement as Hannah continued to turn and turn, faster and faster until she hit the wall in the background. The weight of Hannah, the centrifugal force generated and the power granted by Dedede's will were enough for Hannah to shatter the wall in the process, falling in the middle of the open area in front of the Azure gate.

"Au ... I'm fine ... I'm fine!" Hannah turned her head, admiring the immensity of the Azure Gate. "And I have managed to enter the portal area! Now it's time to look for Elsa and mom!"

Hannah got up, and after dusting herself she started to walk- BOOOM!

A gigantic metal object fell in front of her, releasing a huge dust cloud.

The megaphones outside the portal went on. (At the same time the security cameras showed what was happening in front of the Azure Gate to the people outside through the screens mounted outside the complex, courtesy of Elsa and Veronica)

"Masked, I dont know who you are, or how you have managed to fool my safety and defeat my men! BUT THAT IS FINISHED! I WILL USE ALL MY FIRE POWER TO FINISH YOU IF NECESSARY!

I need a monster to CLOBBER THAT THERE MASKED, SO I HAVE SENT TO MY MOST POWERFUL ROBOT! ADMIRE THE POWER OF 5 TONS OF THE HEAVY LOBSTER! "Kenny shouted with all his might for the microphone.

Hannah was completely excited, while the giant robo-lobster was activated in front of her. "OH MY GOD, I'M GOING TO FACE HEAVY LOBSTER! THIS DAY CAN NOT IMPROVE!"





On the other side of the complex, guest room for the leaders of the four cities and families.


Juddit watched as his daughter fought hand to hand against the fucking model of the robot that she had been so determined to buy when she was 12 years old. Only this time... the robot was real.

"How does Hannah always get into these messes?" Light said while watching the screen, watching as Hannah managed to dodge the lasers of the tail of the Heavy Lobster and give him two direct hammer blows.

"... I have no idea, but she is punished, that's for sure..." Juddit did not know whether to pray for Hannah to be victorious, or go directly to scold her like never before in her life.




Surveillance office.


"You must have said it on purpose! It's impossible for you to use that phrase without knowing Kirby Right back!" Elsa insisted and insisted to Kenny, while watching and cheering his girlfriend. Not every day one had the opportunity to fight against a giant metal shellfish.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, and if you know that masked woman, Tell me right now!" Kenny defended himself, while he could not believe that his biggest autonomous defense weapon was losing against a child.

"And the Heavy Lobster?! That you plagiarized him from Kirby super star! Dont you dare lie to me!" Veronica was pushing Kenny with one finger, while the commander could only back away from the accusatory look of the two women.

"The Heavy Lobster design it based on a drawing of my children! I swear it! They even chose the name! And then I presented it to the scientists and they liked the idea!"

"Do you expect me to swallow that lie?!"





Back in front of the portal.


"DEDEDESTROY THE LOBSTER!" Hannah jumped, falling over the head of the Heavy Lobster and destroying it with an accurate blow, with the cheers and shouts of joy of thousands of people abroad. "HAHAHA! Nobody can stop the power of Hammer! Best power in the universe!"

Hannah pulled away from the shattered Heavy lobster, raising her arms in victory... only to stand a few feet away and turn around, aiming her with her hammer. "Come on, mysterious voice! Activate the second phase! I'm looking forward to it!"

The megaphones reconnected. "No ... there's no second part ... you've destroyed ... the ultimate self-defense machine ... the dreams of humanity ... shattered ... by a girl and a hammer!" Kenny dropped to the microphone on his knees, without giving credit to what happened.

"Really?!" Hannah kept looking at the Heavy lobster, while her eyes began to glow emerald green and the dents began to settle. "I already knew it was a lie! Here comes the second part!"

Hannah pressed the hammer between her hands, but the megaphones re-activated. "That's not a function! Someone must be manipulating it from another part! Get away from him, HANNAH!" Elsa screamed in fear as the Heavy Lobster returned to its feet, this time shining completely green.

A terrifying and broken voice sounded in the heads of everyone at once.

"Thank you for giving me such a toy, Hannah!

this nuclear robot is more than enough to destroy the Iloans' confidence!

I will destroy the bonds between humanity and the Iloans before you even know each other and I will make sure to get revenge for Azure and Scarlet!" 


Heavy lobster began to shake violently, while his atomic battery began to reach critical mass. "IF HEAVY LOBSTER EXPLODE HERE, WE WILL DIE, WITH EVERYBODY IN BAHIA, HANNAH!" Kenny screamed as he regained control of the microphone. "I DONT KNOW WHO YOU ARE, BUT YOU MUST DESTROY IT NOW!"


Hannah didnt understand what was happening, while her confusion only grew when she saw how the Azure gate activated and began to absorb everything. People's screams of fear filled the air, while Hannah could only grit her teeth.

Something had to be done, and it had to be done now!

Hannah threw herself to the ground, holding on with both hands to avoid flying towards the portal. With all his strength, and while he saw how little the Heavy Lobster was beginning to be swallowed by the portal, Hannaha crawled while conjuring a second Will card.

"Dark Portal! Galactic Rift Edition!" Hannah managed to reach the Heavy lobster, managing to lean on his side.With all her strength she managed to create a dark portal big enough for the robot to pass through, right between the Azure Gate and the Heavy Lobster.

Hannah made a new effort to push the robot, managing to lift it off the ground and thanks to the absorption force of the Azure Gate, it entered the Galactic Rift.

"Yes, I DONT THINK THIS CAN WORK- Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!" The Azure gate was absorbing more and more, so Hannah, seeing that she had no choice, closed her own dark portal to avoid going to the Heavy Lobster in the middle of the sea.


"MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! ELSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" The strength of the Azure gate was too much, and Hannah was unable to hold on to the ground anymore. The giantess flew towards the portal, crossing it completely and closing behind her.

The silence was total, if nobody believed what just happened. Especially Elsa and Juddit.


Hannah had saved them, but now ... she ... had entered the portal, and without Azure Key on earth yet, nobody knew where she had ended up.



End Notes:



I hope you enjoyed the episode as much as I did! (For me, this is the best chapter and the one I have most enjoyed writing in what I have in history)

What has this approach to a single character ("One") and more focused on the action? I think that when it is not group action the chapters of this style are better.

The next chapter we return to the present and we will see the first non-violent encounter between a human and the Iloans! Thank you all for reading and see you tomorrow!



Chapter 62 (Terre dell'alba Saga) Glyph of bad omen / Love stamp by SirDarkvid




The pain.

The pain was painful, so much so that Alanis was not able to formulate logical thoughts. Pain in the arms ... in the legs ... in the body ... and especially in the head ... HEAD!

"Ahhhh! Ah ah ah ... where am I ...?" Alanis tried to sit up, only to find her legs and arms bandaged. The iloa did not understand what was happening, but memories ran through her head like lightning falling on the plains. "What has fallen on me ... was a meteorite?"

"Not at all! It was that girl!" Alanis looked quickly at her side, to find herself lying on a small piece of furniture in the room at Fee, lying half naked. "You've been around for 2 hours, so I'll give you a quick summary of what happened ... BOOOM! DEADLY WHEEL! CATAPUM! HIT ON THE TREE!"

"... that does not help much ..." Alanis turned to her other side, and after dragging the curtain she found herself face to face with her aggressor. The iloa tube that swallowed a cry of pure panic, because the human was much more different than at first Alanis would be expected.

Her skin was pink, but also slightly light. Her body was so huge like the true size of Alanis, but at the same time seemed more flaccid and weak than that of an Iloa. Also ... her ears ... how the hell could a human listen with only half an ear?!

"Weirdo, right?" Fee flew slowly to land on the forehead of her companion, and sat watching the human. "It must be a miracle that humans have survived being so ... so plump! I will not say fat, because this may not be fat for them, but fuck! Run away from a predator with those breasts ... ufffff!"


"Scarlet Key said that the Earth was as advanced as we are ... can ... they have defeated their natural predators and that's why they no longer need to maintain shape?" All the encounter that had had with the human one had been the accident, so Alanis preferred to only theorize for the moment and not to draw conclusions.

"It's possible ... baby, her huge boobs are huuuuuuuge! ... you think ..."

"What would be very offensive?"

"Exactly ... but she is unconscious ... and doesnt look like waking up ..."

"Fee ... you will not be suggesting ..." Fee lifted the flight, flying as slowly as possible until it was over the human's head.

"She dont seem awake, I'm going to try ... wish me luck ..." Fee flew up to a perfect straight on the left breast of the human, and the fairy counted up to 3 ... to immediately fall down. "WIIII!"

Fee bounced on the chest, which bounced a few seconds to finish again immobile. "It's awesome! The human breast is fluffy and soft! Like a pillow made of Tetatriz feathers! You have to touch it!"


Alanis doubted the sanity of her partner, but ... the truth is that the human breast had trembled like a flan ... and Alanis likes flans a lot ...

"May Scarlet forgive me ... but this I do it for science! " Alanis revealing her right hand with her mouth, to enjoy more of the experience. "Set aside Fee!" Fee nodded with the military salute, before flying to the other breast of the human. Alanis brought her hand to her chest, trembling with fear and shame.

"... this is not right ... but it is ... it's ... AGGG!" Alanis dropped her hand, grabbing the human's chest and gently squeezing it.


The expression on Alanis's face was worthy of a painting, situated between the most sinful pleasure and the most absolute peace. Fee laughed from his new right throne. "It's just wonderful, right? Human skin is super soooooft!"


"The skin of the iloans is hard and ready to endure the fight ... but the human ... is simply ... wonderful! Soft and sweet! Soft and chubby! The human species comes directly from paradise!" Alanis didnt loosen her grip, but instead extended it to the human's stomach.

"I know! It looks like something straight out of "Love Clouds!"Fee nodded, pushing back until her elbow touched something like a lump. "It seems they are mammals! I found the mammary duct! That means ... how does human milk taste? "


"Fee! You cant do that! We dont even know if they are loopholes of evolution or something functional! That I do not allow you to check!" Alanis raised her hand quickly, as soon as she saw the human tremble and stir. "Oh blessed goddess, get up Fee!"

The fairy went flying as high and remote as possible from the human, who slowly opened her eyes.





Hannah noticed how her beloved Elsa fondled her breasts slowly, which was not a bad thing per se.

Although Hannah was willing to "sleep" with the blonde, after the news that Elsa took the virtual virginity of Hannah in the simulation of Dylan ... maybe the giantess her had ... it would have bothered a little! Just a little!

That's why she still had not given Elsa her second  and third cards ... nor her real virginity ... but her handling was not bad! Elsa's hand was so big ... and small at the same time ... almost like a doll ... Wait.


The memories began to flow little by little through the scattered mind of Hannah, from the denial to reunite with her family, to the first infiltration to the solid snake, until the second infiltration as Meta knight ...

The fight against Heavy lobster ...

The legendary cosplay of the dedede-star ...

The portal opening and heavy lobster about to explode ...

The portal?! THE PORTAL!

Hannah opened her eyes suddenly, anxious and scared for not knowing where she was. And there, in what seemed to be a room ... she found them.


Above her head, floating with two butterfly wings with the color of the sunset, a kind of undeveloped fairy flew watching her. The fairy just waved her wings from time to time, managing to stay in the air in some unclear way ... her eyes were dark blue bright ... and didnt seem to have any trace of pupils ... But that wasnt the more weird things in this room!

On the other side of Hannah, a "girl" rested half bandaged. And calling her a girl was quite generous, because her skin was slightly green and seemed hard as a root, but not rough! Without counting its size (because who was Hannah to judge the size of another person?), The girl had this time more normal eyes ... roses? Yes, but I had pupils and they did not shine! ... oh holy god ...

"Your ears ... they're pointy! You're an elf!" Hannah screamed with joy, only to growl in pain as her head felt like it had a thousand nails on it.

The fairy and the elf looked at each other for a moment, with a look of complicity and confusion. "Hello?..." Hannah tried to get her attention, only to find the fairy descending until she was right in front of her. From so close ... she was even smaller than it seemed at first glance.

"Haellae! E em Fee! Shae est Alanis! Ihea uearo ehrae?" The fairy said, as slowly as possible and totally nervous.

"Dont fuck me ... Azure key eliminated the language barrier between humans but not with the inhabitants of this planet ?! Oh my God ..." Hannah rubbed her face slowly... Years and years of role-playing video games had taught her that in an unknown language, it was safest to throw in the imitation and superposition of terms.

"That first seemed like a presentation ... I'll assume that the second thing was to ask my name... E em ... Hannah?"


"Uaes! Uaes! Hannah! Ueao ehrae paheaemd! Scarlet key seu Humans and Iloans ... senae!" The elf took the turn this time, but unfortunately for Hannah, this time she had formulated a longer sentence.

"Scarlet key! Like Azure key! ok ok now, need something like... Friends ... love ... family ... ohana! Ohana! Humans and Iloans ... we are an ohana!" The face of the elf and the fairy were a poem, and after a few seconds of consternation they started talking among themselves trying to decipher Hannah's message.

"Ohana ... saeae heal ... heffu?"

"Aues! Heffu! Ohana vae Heffu!"

"Girls ... I dont understand what you are saying, Heffu means family, because Ohana means family, and family means ... that we will always live together ... No, it comes from Lilo and Stitch! Ohana means family and the humans and the Iloans ... we have to be a family!" Hannah extended her hand to the elf, because if with words they did not understand each other, with gestures they would achieve it!

"Fhreaslaen! Feal ueao!" The elf told the fairy, then offered her hand to Hannah.

Hannah took her hand, with a happy smile in her face, but then ...





You have taken the first step, to form the bonds that Emerald key wants to destroy.

Emerald key saw his people disappear for their selfishness and pride, and since then he dedicated himself to inflict those same diseases on every civilization he found instead of connecting them.

She had to be imprisoned in a very remote place in the galaxy, next to her abandoned childrens, to prevent her hate and revenge from causing more irreparable damage.

She and her children are the Heirs of the Conquerors, beings of metal body and cold and vengeful conviction,

 and now that she has managed to escape from the darkness ... Emeral key is willing to sow hatred between humans and iloans, and lead our nations to a war just for the pleasure of seeing Azure key and Scarley key defeated.

There is only one way to overcome it, and it is showing how strong can be the bonds of friendship between one and the other ... so maybe you can save not only your people from a terrible fate ...

but maybe even ...

hopefully ...

you can make Emerald key see that hatred isnt the original form of the universe.

Good luck, Hannah! And tell Azure and Scarlet of my message! Maybe so you can get those two old guys to really cooperate, and not just with false camaraderie and empty words!




Hannah came to herself, shaking her head to try to erase the echo of that voice. "Ufff ... that hasnt been the weirdest thing that happened to me, but it stays close!"

"What was the weirdest one?... OH MY GODDESS! YOU SPEAK MY LANGUAGE!" The elf slumped back, dragging herself across the floor until she hit the wall.

"Finally, what the hell does ohana mean?! It means revenge, right?!" The fairy smiled confidently, for it was impossible for Ohana to mean another-

"Revenge? It means family! Your name is Fee ... if I understand you correctly, and your name is Alanis, right? You're an elf! You're the first elf I see! You're the dream of millions of role players come true!" Hannah crawled to Alanis, who was still startled. In the process, Hannah saw a kind of heart-shaped tattoo on her right hand ... one that evidently was not there before.

"...if this does not make me invoke a keyblade, I begin to think that nothing will get it!"

"A.... sword... ?! I dont know what you intend, human Hannah, but you must ... you must know that I am a trained forest guard trained in the fight with weapons, without weapons and with bow! ..." Alanis began to stop shaking little by little, as he regained his normal breathing rhythm and Fee landed on his head.

"Ala... you embarrass me in front of our new friend! And I say friend because this idiot also has the same glyph in her hand" Fee pointed at the hand of Alanis, which made Hannah and Alanis herself look at her.

"OH GODDESS, I WAS MARCHED WITH THE SIGN OF DEATH!" Alanis paled, almost fainting in the process.

"Signal of death? It's a heart! You have not heard the voice? We have to form bonds of friendship between Humans and Iloans to defeat the Inheritors of the conquerors! You'll get used to it quickly, calmly.

I have defeated a dragon and a cyborg without believing what Flynn was telling me! " Hannah smiled, dismissing the matter ... without much effect.


"To a dragon ?! That's incredible! I have no idea what a cyborg is... but normally a dragon requires a whole platoon of highly trained soldiers to be shot down!" Fee cried out in excitement, jumping from Alanis's head and flying towards Hannah's chest, where she sat quietly. "You must be super powerful and skilled in magic to achieve such a feat!"

"Well ... you could say that!" Hannah laughed, taking advantage of the fact that these people did not know her for presuming a little.

"Magic, aura, determination ... you give me what you want, the Dirty Lover will dominate it and use that power to save the day! I've even defeated a giant metal lobster with only a hammer!"

"Alanis! Are you listening this ?! Humans are super-powerful! Maybe with them we can recover the rest of the continent! Your father will surely be delighted to have such powerful beings next to their ranks!" Fee was completely on a roller coaster of ecstasy.

"... I suppose Papa wants to use the strength of humans to recover our continent ... but that must be spoken between Iloans and Humans, dont you think?" Alanis seemed calmer, but still looking at the tattoo of the heart. "In the Iloan culture, a heart is the mark of a nefarious destiny ... a seal of bad omen ... why are you so excited to carry this burden?"

Hannah smiled, as she stood up (with severe difficulties, since the entrance to the new world had been violent at least). "Among humans, the heart is the symbol of love! And I know that whoever has marked us has done it so that you and I can initiate friendship ties! I do not want to sound like I'm enjoying it, but ... I am enjoying it a lot!"

Alanis looked at Hannah, squinting. The iloa didnt understand anything Hannah was saying ... but that voice had been clear and concise. That Emerald Key wanted to sabotage both races, and the Iloan pride of Alanis was not going to allow it!



End Notes:




Emerald key is twisted and petty, and although the first attempt of corruption has failed...

(throw the heavy lobster to the Iloans who were talking with Scarlet key, detonate and cause hundreds of innocent victims, all to make the Iloans distrust and hate humans)

Emerald and the heirs of the conquerors are not going to give up! They have their reasons to provoke a war between both civilizations, and they will not cease their efforts!

But for that ... a voice has helped Hannah break the first barrier between humans and iloans, the language barrier.

Who will that voice be? Good question! Azure and Scarlet may know ...

Thanks to everyone for reading! And in the next chapter the first meeting will take place, this time at a diplomatic level between both races and not personal like this one!

How will humans and iloans react when they see each other for the first time? (Hannah unconscious rolling like a giant Indiana Jones rock does not count as a first look!)

Chapter 63 (Terre dell'alba Saga): Encounters in Novaterrae by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

(Important note for the chapter: When a human speaks in this way, it indicates that the Iloans arent understanding the message)




The Earth, Azure gate. 23:50 at night.


Elsa was completely hysterical, although on the outside she seemed calm. All the members of the cabinets of each city were already in position, with Commander Kenny and the "expert in languages r03;r03;and communications" Tommas Kirby at his side.

What unfortunately prevented Elsa from running to the portal as soon as it opened ...

"Elsa ... I know you're worried, but control your instincts" Flynn's hand on her shoulder managed to get the blonde out of her thoughts. Elsa didnt answer, only answering with a small nod. Her mind was still working at full speed, planning dozens of possible scenarios... but one thought remained above all others.

"I have to find her... please sir, I never pray to you, but make Hannah be in the new world... please, please..."

But again, Elsa's thoughts were interrupted by the appearance of Azure key this time.

 "I see that you are all ready, I am very happy- What is this collective thought ?!


Hannah ... the portal? Another voice like mine?

You dont have to use words, I can see what you are transmitting to me.

This portal has energetic traces of activation, and although without checking the Gate of my old friend I can not assure anything ...

Hannah has many chances to be in your new home already. Let's leave this topic aside for a moment, okay?

I want to clarify one thing that I hope you already have clear.

This world? Within a year or so I will close the portal that connects to this place, so you will have to build everything possible and shelter all humans.

And dont be afraid, only the continent where you will appear is as big as Eurasia, Africa and both Americas.

With this last warning, let's proceed with the opening "



Azure key began to shine, emitting small particles that floated to the portal. This little by little began to shine in resonance, until finishing generating again the portal that I take to Hannah, only that this time its tone was bluish instead of the intense green of before.


"With this ... everything is done ...

I leave to you, humanity, the rest of the work, it will be hard, very much, but I trust that you will overcome all the barriers ...

Good luck ... and ask my friend for help if you need it...

opening the portal consumes much more energy than it seems ...

uffff ... "



Azure gate flew back, away from the earth without saying anything else.
Millions of humans all over the world saw their savior turn away, confused by this "help" so... limited and concrete.

To avoid fear or distrust in the people, Commander Kenny retrieved the microphone, and with a gesture of hands indicated to all the cameras that they began to record and broadcast.

"Humans, Azure Gate has opened the door for us! Now, the command teams of the first four cities of humanity and the leaders of the first human base, the Zodiac, we will enter" Nova terrae "! Wish us luck on the other side!" Among millions of applauses, Kenny turned off the microphone.

"Gentlemen, ladies... it's time "Kenny and Kirby started walking towards the portal, followed by the elite assault team.


After that, Vagrand, Maria and the other mayors began to follow them.
And after them, it was the turn of the rest of each team. Elsa took one last breath on Earth, still praying for Hannah's safety. "It is now or never... the last frontier of humanity..."

Elsa began to walk at a rhythm with her companions, without ceasing to admire the immensity of the portal. The blonde took a last look back, where Chris, Light, Victoria... Juddit... encouraged them. Juddit and Elsa exchanged glances for a moment, until the blonde caught the message.

Elsa came to the portal, and after seeing Flynn and Valeria cross in front of him, followed them.





Nova terrae

Evergreen plain, Scarlet Gate:

00:01 at night.


The scarlet portal opened before the look of amazement of all Iloan in the area, its brightness so intense that even from Autumngate it was possible to see it clearly.

"Lift up your weapons! And get ready! First we'll try peace, but if they attack us, I want a direct response!" High captain Amra wasnt exactly known for being a lovely old lady. Dozens of invasive and violent species had found death under the orders of the hundred-year-old leader of the Iloan United Forces.

Farael gave a quick glance to his men, who understood the message. The unit of Amra came equipped with the best crystalline rifles and hardened arrows directly from the "Well of the nucleus". Compared to the weapons of Farael's men, it was like comparing stone and metal castles with houses of mud and snow.

The portal emitted a wave as if it were the surface of a lake, and under the intense red light, 2 beings came out.

The youngest, he wore what looked like military clothing, accompanied by a cap decorated with medals. At first sight and without knowing humanity, Amra assumed that he should be their leader.

The second man was shorter and fatter, and his head was completely shaved. Who in his right mind would get rid of his hair?! Farael couldnt even imagine a reason to lose the pride and the method of connection with the arcane magics. Humans were rare, no doubt.

Amra got out of her chair, and leaning on her cane, walked until she was facing the uniformed man. Humans were minuscules compared to the Iloans, to the point that an old woman like Amra was 4 heads taller than a man who seemed to be in her years of fullness.

But from the point of view of Farael, who saw that behind the shoulder more humans were entering, the diversity was much greater. One of the humans was as tall as an Iloan of the adult prairie, while two others beside her seemed as tall as a child of the same tribe.

Women as tall as normal Iloans, others taller than the Iloans themselves, then men and women as low as children. Humans were really interesting as a species, Farael thought.

Amra cleared her voice. "Before you, the High Captain Amra Yelni, leader of the United Forces Iloan, your name, human?"

The uniformed man turned to his companion, and after a brief exchange of words in another language, he headed back to Amra. "My name is Kenny Durant, leader of the defense forces of humanity, a pleasure Mrs. Amra"

Kenny extended his hand to Amra, who I doubt for a moment. This "human" had the nerve to speak to her in another language ... and on top of that he wanted to hold the business ceremony? Amra was very tempted to give the order to shoot, but Commander Farael prevented her from reaching her.

"Mrs. Amra, I very much doubt that they know our language in the same way that we do not know theirs! Also, offering your hand to the other must be some kind of gesture of goodwill from the humanity!"

Amra smiled sideways at her lieutenant. "You answer for them? I dont think I can stand this one more minute, so I leave you in charge of making contact, Farael." Amra patted Farael's back, who was trembling and pale, while he watched as Amra I went back to the chair.

Farael took a quick breath, before turning back to the human.

"... We ... dont understand your language" Farael tried to exemplify with his hands in the best possible way, praying that the general gestures werent too different between the two races.

The human nodded, as if he had prepared it. The plump man stepped forward, and handed a small book to Farael.

Fareal quickly scanned it, seeing that each page was an image of one of the humans present with a word below. The human alphabet seemed similar to the Iloan, although with much less letters.
The main human took the book and opened it on the page with his picture.

"I am Kenny, Ke - Ny. K E N N Y"


"That's what I understood, Mr. Kenny. The problem is the rest of the words without context!" Fareal sighed, listening to Amra's laugh in the background.

Kenny looked at his lieutenant, and after another exchange of words, he looked back at Farael. "K ... E ... N ... N ... Y. Kenny" Farael sighed rolling his eyes at the semi-impossible task in front of him.

Then, and without warning, one of the smallest human separated from the line. The human soldiers shouted something, but that did not stop her. Farael watched with interest as the human came to Kenny and pushed him away, snatching the book from her hands.

"Lord Farael, my name is Elsa, El-sa, a super-big girl has come here, almost her height." Elsa pointed to one of the humans in the line, a hairier one with a more beastly appearance. "Her name is Hannah ... please tell me she's here..."

"Elsa, you're interfering in a meeting that can destroy our relations!" Kenny separated Elsa from the middle, offering Farael a bow of apology.

Farael shook his head, pulling away from Kenny and taking Elsa by the shoulder. "If Hannah is the name of a human with that height, she appeared here a few hours ago very wounded... my men took the guard who stopped her and "Hannah" to the barracks"

The human did not seem to understand all the words, but the tears that emanated from her eyes did not seem like pain, they seem... like joy. Farael gestured to Amra, who gave the order to one of his men to go after the human.


"ELSA, YOU HAVE ACHIEVED THAT THEY CALL THEIR ARMY!" Kenny shot Elsa to the ground, giving the signal to her soldiers to aim her. "You have condemned us all for not waiting for us to create a link between our languages!" Kenny was completely furious, to the point of drawing his own gun to point Elsa.

"You dont know what he said! I'm sure he said Hannah is-"


Farael interposed between Elsa and Kenny, the Iloa trying to stop whatever was happening. Mainly ... because Amra seemed ready to press the button, and as soon as one of these humans pulled a trigger, the captain would be ready to respond with the same violence.

"Please, I dont know what happens between you, but there's no reason to fight!" Faral watched from the corner of his eye as some humans fainted, while on the other side many Iloans were preparing to take cover.

"Lord Farael, dont take into account that bastard's disrespect! Please forgive humanity! We need this world because ours is dying!" Kenny threw himself to the ground, pleading on his knees. Thank God this was impossible to be broadcasting for Earth.

"But ... we havent done anything to you!" Farael was trembling, for the human was performing the ritual of mourning without any apparent motive.

"Farael ... what's going on?" Amra asked, still smiling from her chair. Even from 15 meters, it was possible to feel the malice that emanated from that psychopath."Why is the human being challenging you to a duel?"


"And to me you ask me?! Do you think I speak that language?!" Fareal was completely attacked by nerves, while Kenny didnt stop challenging him to duel over and over again.

"Please, forgive us! Please, I beg of you!" Kenny didnt stop kneeling again and again, trying to appeal to the common sense of Farael. "ELSA! Pray too! This is totally your fault!"

"Kenny... I dont think kneeing means apologies to them!" Elsa paled as she watched as more and more alien soldiers pointed at them. "Look around!"

Kenny paid attention for once, but... the only image of those soldiers pointing at them, the feeling of having failed humanity... was enough to cause a shock that left him unconscious on the ground.

Without Kenny commanding them, the human soldiers went into panic, and made the logical decision. Target the Iloans soldiers, and shout to all the leaders to return to Earth.

The situation was completely disastrous ... but Elsa could only think of one thing.



"HANNAH! PLEASE! WE NEED YOU!" Elsa shouted with all her strength, making a cave with her hands to try to reach further with the scream.

Amra decided to take that cry as a war cry, and pressing the button of her staff, gave the order of no survivors to her soldiers.

The Iloans soldiers began to load the crystals of their weapons, from contention to execution mode.




"STOP, EVERYONE!" Hannah's voice pierce the hearts of everybody, like a shooting star, resonating as much for Iloans as for humans. Elsa could only raise her head, crying with joy at seeing her beloved bandage cover up to the portal, accompanied by another of the aliens ... and ... a fairy.

"What kind of first contact is this ?!" Hannah limped up to Elsa, who jumped into the arms of the giantess crying with all her might. "Are we going to ruin the Azure key and Scarlet key plans?"


"Wait, do you speak our language? So fast ?! Tell them to stop challenging us to a duel please!" Farael begged Hannah, as he watched as Alanis snatched the baton from Amra and broke it into pieces. "Oh my goddess ..."

"Stop pointing and stop to challenge them or whatever you are doing! Please!" Hannah begged the human soldiers, who did not take a moment to drop their weapons and raise their hands in surrender.

"Hannah ..." Elsa wiped tears from one of her girlfriend's bandages. "Do you speak the language of these people? How long have you been here?!"

"A few hours! Minimum 4, because I have been unconscious 1 and a half and I have another 2 and a half talking with Alanis ... what the hell has happened ?! How did you get to this situation?!"

Elsa didnt know what to say, only pointing to Kenny. Hannah immediately understood, and after leaving Elsa on the floor, she called Alanis and Fee.
"Ala! Fee! This is Elsa! And these are the humans! Please... tell the Iloan soldiers to lower their weapons... the situation is very tense..."

Alanis nodded, and turned to Amra's men. "Everyone! It has been a confusion and it is already solved! There is no need to be hostile!"Alanis raised her hand with the glyph of bad omen.

"Amber key, the superior of the same Scarlet key, has chosen me with her brand to forge bonds of friendship with humans!"

Amra raised an eyebrow, between curious and mosqueda, while all the Iloans present opened their mouths in sheer surprise. For them, thinking of a being superior to Scarlet Key was simply impossible... But no one in their right mind would paint a heart on their own! And Alanis... seemed to understand the human.


"Wait a minute, Hannah ... have you taught human language, that ... Iloan?" Elsa opened her eyes confused, before the amused look of Hannah.

Hannah just smiled, showing Elsa her own mark on her hand. "We have invented that of Amber key to give importance to the story, but the rest is true! It seems, and now it is clear, that I can communicate with her and her people, and she with me and with all of you!

Now more than ever, I want to know what the hell are Azure key, Scarlet Key and Emerald Key! His powers and abilities... are simply too perfect"

Elsa could only nod, as she sighed in relief at having managed to overcome such a terrible crisis. Except Kenny, he was still unconscious in his own crisis.




End Notes:




First diplomatic crisis avoided in the limit! Kenny's initial plan to overcome the language barrier has failed miserably, but luckily "That being" had foreseen anything humans can do!

Hannah and Alanis have the necessary tools to start working in a good Humanity-Iloans relationship, so from here it's just a matter of striving!

(Besides ... Amra has appeared, and I can anticipate something important: 

The Iloan species is a very matriarchal species, since men like Farael can only aspire to minor control positions.


The bigger the Iloan woman is, or the more power, intelligence or magical capacity she has, the greater her chances of leading armies, business companies or being part of the councils.

Iloans men can only dream of reaching positions of low power as mayors or forest / desert / boreal / maritime lieutenants)

Thank you all for reading as always! I wait for you tomorrow, with more diplomatic relations between two so different species! Have a good day / night!

Chapter 64 (Terre dell'alba Saga): Silent protest by SirDarkvid



Village Autumngate: 12:00 in the morning,

Day 54 of the nascent Solar Age.


After a somewhat unfortunate first contact, both sides made the decision to meet again the next day at noon, using Hannah and Alanis as translators and intermediaries.

Many of the humans decided to return to earth (mainly because of the decision of an already conscious Kenny to give the good news to the inhabitants of the earth), only Hannah and Elsa being left. (Although the blonde did not understand anything that the others spoke, the small trauma of that afternoon conditioned her actions)

Amra and her team retired to condition a suitable place for something as important as a first democratics conversation, also taking control of the barracks... which left Hannah without a place big enough to sleep.

Although Alanis after recovering her "village" size brought food and drink to camp outside, that did not help much to the discomfort of the ground. (Half discomfort, because Hannah swore that the grass and earth of Terre dell'alba was softer and more comfortable than Earth's)

And that brings us to the current moment:





The sound of hammering and clashing metal woke up little by little to the giantess, which rested under the largest tree they had found in the vicinity of Autumngate. Hannah opened her eyes as best she could, feeling her whole body stiff from having slept on the floor.

"What's all is scandal? ..." Hannah tried to incorporate, but the wounds of yesterday's entrance still weighed on her too much. Leaning against the tree and sitting down, the giantess looked to her right to see the camping tent that Alanis, Elsa and Fee occupied.

Hannah could not stop thinking how strange the Iloans were. They didnt have things like heating or similar, but they had computers, radios, televisions, telephones... everything working with those crystals.

The giantess had first deduced that they would be final fantasy type crystals, imbued in an element and extracted from a larger crystal ... but nothing further from reality.

In Alanis own words, the crystals had consumptions, expiration date and even they were made in mass in specialized industries. Fee also added that the crystals were made from a mineral that was found throughout Terre dell'alba and that it was regenerated whenever there was a minimum amount of it.
Such a mineral was not possible according to the human laws of logic, but Hannah quickly understood that now they did not have to think about the logic of the Earth, but adapted to the logic of their new home.

"Thinking of Earth, isnt it a little early to have longing?" Fee flew slowly smiling, arriving from Autumngate (at least from the same address).

"Nostalgia ... A little ... but that's normal! This is our new home, and it's logical to feel nostalgic ... on earth they call it old-world Blues"


"Blues of the old world, eh? It's poetic, although I dont understand what a world has to do with a color" Fee laughed as he flew to fall on Hannah's breasts, reclining. "Baby, you have some tits that could be considered a gift from the Alitians!"

"First, thanks, I'm still growing, but this is quite proud of my breasts!... not of my ass or of my huge shoes ... Second, Alitians?" Hannah asked tilting her head, only to see the fairy roll down her chest until she was face to face.

"The Alitians are a race that apparently existed and became extinct many centuries before the Thevis breeds came to this world, they lived in floating constructions, on the edge of cliffs, and according to their writings, parchments and books, they were masters of the mining and alchemy.

Everything we know about the creation of crystals and their uses? Learned from the Alitians. That is why when something is a miracle and it is simply great, it is customary to say that it is a gift from the Alitians"

Hannah simply nodded. The giantess couldnt stop thinking how amazing Novaterrae was, and how much she wanted to travel and know what this planet had to offer. But those dreams had to wait, because the most important thing right now was to ensure a place for all humans on earth to live.

"You know, I'm surprised that this planet being so much bigger than the earth, we almost have the same hours per day!"

Fee shook his head amused at Hannah's confused look. "I think Thevis was more or less the same as the big land, so let's move our schedule to this planet.

Really... as far as we know, we have 2 suns and two moons, which orbit around the planet. So what you think is a terrestrial day is only the first solar rotation!"

"Ahh... this world is so AMAZINGt! It seems taken from ... from ... what's that author's name? Meh! What else will? I really want to discover everything about this world!" Hannah shrieked with joy, waking Elsa and Alanis in the process.


"I like your enthusiasm, but you should relax, the Iloa have only come to dominate this continent and a few islands west of here.The savages of the Orlealis prevent us from going beyond the "Vranxi Sea"...

Orlealis is the name of a race that lives on the continent closest to us, Terre dell'umbra. They are humanoids like us ... but their skin is white and brittle, very very brittle! Hastas his limbs are weak!"

"And since they are so weak, how they have cut you off?"

Fee scowled, looking like Hannah had touched a weak spot. "They regenerate too long. "My father participated in a battle in support of a general Iloan and told me that in the same battle, I had seen Orlealis lose an arm, recover it, lose it again and recover it again!He always told me it was like his bones were infinite..."

"The uncle told the story a thousand times, but each time was different..." Alanis left the camping tent yawning, followed by Elsa. "Good morning all"

"Good morning, my love" Elsa walked towards Hannah, and leaning on her leg, gave a kiss of good morning to her girlfriend. "Does your back hurt from sleeping on the floor?"

Hannah denied, before lowering Elsa to the ground and standing up to her full height. "You see, perfectly saved by the bones and the cuts of my triumphal entry!"

Elsa didnt seem too convinced, but the sound of the blows increased stealing her attention even more. "What are the going to hit whatever it is so many times?!"

"It will be the constructs, they will be tweaking the "Council Room", we should approach" Alanis calmly stretched while Fee flew back to her, and began to walk towards the source of the blows, followed by Elsa and Hannah.





Outside of Autumngate, Council Room.


Gigantic beings of stone and magic finished placing the roof to a "house" that evidently was not there yesterday. Calia herself, who was with the rest of the humans in front of the place, looked like a girl compared to the structure.

"That's a council room! Two stone constructs raise it in the middle of the night and destroy it the next day, and they serve to shelter the tribes council during conversations and the like!" Alanis was very proud of his explanation. "The council of tribes is formed by the matriarchs of each region, and they only meet when an event directly concerns our race as a whole"


"The rest of the time, let each one work as best they can!" Fee laughed while the quartet approached humans.

Flynn and Calia were the first to notice his presence, skipping Calia all over the world just to get to Hannah. "Hannah, thank goodness, you had me very worried! Juddit needs that as soon as we finish here, you go to see her! She's dead of worry!"

Flynn pricked his wife's cheek with his spear, to silence her for a moment. "They only let the women in! What kind of absurd rule is that? Alanis, you call yourself that I believe, you are our only source of information about the Iloans, so please enlighten us!"

"Of cour-" Calia didnt let her finish, picking up her and Elsa in one hand and bringing them with the rest of the humans.

Alanis watched as all the eyes settled on her, and after choking briefly with her own saliva, I return to the phrase. "The council ... and 80% of the important positions of the Iloans are taken by women, which is why the entry of men is forbidden among these sacred walls"

"That's outrageous!" Kenny stepped forward, carrying a huge file under his arm. "Half of the leadership vaults and I are men! What kind of nazi society is this? ... Feminist, would it be a feminist ..." The threatening looks of Amra's guards at the door were enough to lower the spirits of Kenny.

"Gentlemen ... please!" Mitael Welf, leader of the meteor cult and Prometheus, stepped forward, trying to calm Kenny down. "They are the original inhabitants of this world, we must follow their rules! I am sure that our feminists will be more than capable of correctly representing the interests of the earth!"

Mitael looked at his partner, Ute Euler, who nodded with assurance. "My first apostle will be more than happy to take the points folder, Major Kenny."


Kenny seemed convinced, but when he went to deliver the file to Mitael, Flynn snatched it from his hands and handed it to his sister. "Forgive me for not trusting a cult that literally exists for 3 weeks, but Maria is a president of an international company, a business genius and a great negotiator.
If someone should take the lead, it's her"

Mitael looked at Flynn and Maria, still smiling. "If everyone agrees, the points proposed by Flynn seem right and logical, sorry for not thinking of her as the first option, friend Flynn."

"Friend? we are allies, acquaintances and companions, but my friendship is something that I reserve for very few people, "Prophet of the meteor"...!" Flynn's reaction of envy was funny enough to elicit a small laugh from his wife, which he cut short at Flynn's angry glare.

"I dont care who does it, but that folder has all the necessary that humanity needs to save all the possible world! Read everything it puts and do not leave anything! Men, come with me! We are going to make a silent protest in the Scarlet Gate!" Kenny marched, followed by his entourage with Vagrand and Mitael at the end, both of them sighing.

Except Flynn.


"You cant go in either, sir..." Alanis looked quickly at Hannah, who whispered her name. "Flynn"

"Wait ten seconds" Flynn walked towards Amra's guards, and after what seemed like an extremely basic mini-conversation, they both nodded and opened the doors for Flynn and the women. "See, I'm not an idiot like Kenny or Mitael, and they know that even if they dont understand me!"

"That's my husband! Always so prepared!" Calia picked Flynn up, giving her a huge kiss and entering the council room, followed by Maria and the other women.

When everyone entered, the humans stayed on the side of the room, admiring the structure and the 5 Iloa women in front of them. Each one larger than the previous one.


"Humans, the 5 leaders of the Iloas tribes stand up before you! From the plains, from the mountains, from the deserts, from the forests and from the seas!

We have come to offer you a home for humanity, as long as your message is of peace!"

The largest Iloa, a titanic Iloa at least 100 feet tall and with a white skin and harder even than those of her companions enunciated. with confidence and security, but without ceasing to sound the last part as a threat.

(and although Hannah and Alanis took a second to translate, the humans (and Flynn) caught the message quickly)


End Notes:



I know it's a bit weird to leave the chapter at this point, but a medical emergency forces me to leave my house for several hours, so to not leave you without chapter I will upload it to this point and tomorrow you will have the meeting itself!

Thanks for reading and happy day / night everyone! 


100 points for the one who catches the reference of the Old World Blues!



Chapter 65 (Terre dell'alba Saga): Gospel Truth by SirDarkvid




Council room: 

The room remained silent, while the humans not knowing how to introduce themselves to the iloas.

The 5 members of the council and Amra were sitting in chairs in the circular room, each in front of a "table" with a cloth shield in front of each one. (What the humans considered to be the shield of each tribe)

The Iloa woman sitting in the middle was extremely immense, almost doubling Calia's height. But it was not the only giant, because sitting more to the left another Iloa (this seemed quite younger) that drew a "head" of height to Calia looked at the humans with curiosity and interest.

"Humans, the 5 leaders of the Iloas tribes stand up before you! From the plains, from the mountains, from the deserts, from the forests and from the seas!
We have come to offer you a home for humanity, as long as your message is of peace! "The central iloa enunciated with confidence, offering with one hand one of the tables for the human.

The table was guarded by another Iloa from the same tribe, 85 feet tall.This Iloa offered with a bow her hand for the smallest human.

"They have prepared a table for humanity! That's a great honor!" Alanis said between nervousness, seeing how another Iloa of the tribe of the mountain lifted her carefully and took her to the table of the leader. "Hannah, take charge of translating your speech!" Hannah nodded, as it was her turn to be lifted and left on the table.

Dozens of chairs with different sizes were stacked in a corner, prepared for the human... although its weight was greater than expected, so until Calia did not get on the chair (the image was like that of a girl sitting on the table of adults... something that Calia didnt particularly like) couldnt distribute them.


"Your name is Alanis, right?" The central iloa asked Alanis, offering her finger as a gesture of cordiality.

Alanis nodded excessively, taking her normal form while she grab her finger with both hands. "Then please, leave me your hand during this time, I think I know something about that seal you carry, little one"

"Of course, Lady Radnar! It will be a great honor!" Alanis reached out her hand as high as she could, and Radnar took it carefully between her little finger and her thumb.

"Human, are you able to understand me now?" Radnar's voice was perfectly in human language, with a certainly impeccable pronunciation. (all the countries fought to say what was the language that everyone understood now, so to avoid unnecessary discussions, they agreed to call it simply "human")

"Now yes! Wait..." Calia took Hannah's arm in her hand. "Do you understand me now?"

Radna scratched her chin, meditating. "Interesting, the seal of bad omen not only enables the understanding of our languages r03;r03;among its possessors, but with anyone who is united to them  too... Amra, ask that they bring what Haala has prepared, please.

And while it arrives, we will introduce ourselves.

My name is Radna, the champion of the Frostfire Coliseum and leader of the mountain tribe! I have led the Iloa as the leader of the council for the past 30 years, while also leading the capital of the mountain tribe, Thor Darum!"

Radna's performance was as powerful as her voice, which echoed throughout the council room.

Hannah translated everything as quickly as her nerves left her, but it wasnt much needed. All the human (and Flynn) understood in front of who they were.


"The general of this town, Farael, has told me about your desire to live with us, and that you are great lovers of democracy like the Iloa.

Therefore, before you tell us your requests, the tribe would like to welcome you to Terre dell'alba!" Radna's smile was warm and confident, but at the same time her physical power was such that she still looked intimidating.

"You... welcome us, just like that?" Maria took Hannah's other arm to talk as well. She was not upset, not at all... but Kenny had indicated in the folder that the Iloa would resist accepting compatriots, and Maria's experience had taught her to be careful with such apparently positive things.

"And why  I wasnt going to do it? The Iloa lost our home planet a long time ago, so we know the loss you're feeling. When we arrived in Terre dell'alba, Scarlet Key asked us to be nice to anyone who was in our same situation.

And now, almost a thousand and a half later, you arrive before us looking for a new home. What kind of hypocrites would we be if we reject you?"

"Stop talking, Radna, and take this, so this conversation will flow more efficiently" One of Amra's soldiers left a kind of belt covered with ribbons next to Alanis, and another next to Hannah. "Put it to your translators and you should talk to everyone with no problem.

If you excuse me, democracy is something that does not specifically appeal to me..." Amra left the room, glancing at the humans.


"Are you going to put on a harness to use me as a translation machine?..." Hannah's eyes were wide, not giving credit to what they were willing to do.

"Please, Hannah, to have you hold onto your arm is much worse, and the directives of Skytower, Pandora and Prometheus will not want to offend you by grabbing your hand!" Maria pointed out the other city leaders, who as they said were not very comfortable with Hannah. "If you do, after this, I'll buy you a switch customized to your size, and another one when you reach 50 feet in height"

Hannah evaluated the offer for a few seconds, specifically 2. "Deal" The giantess put on the harness just like Alanis, and extended the straps to all the others.


"Now that everything will flow much better, I'll let the other leaders introduce themselves." Radna pulled back, extending Alanis's leash to her companions.

The 28-foot Iloa on her right, which seemed quite mature, took the floor.

"Humans, my name is Galle Dusktale, representative of the tribes of the prairies and leader of the commercial caravan Tartarus!

It is a pleasure to have you in our continent, and Tartarus offers to help you with any material you need to build your cities! If you can pay for it... but dont worry, I'll give you a discount until you have 100% productive cities!"

The tiny 5-feet iola to Radna's left sighed amused, smiling at her companion.

"You already want to offer them a contract that binds them for life, old stingy man, my name is Jeellel, supreme archeologist and leader of the desert tribe, you never accept a contract with Tartarus if you dont want to see you wrapped up in big debts!"

Jeellel laughed at Galle's furious gaze, which was more than willing to crush the desert rat between her thighs if the opportunity arose.

"Jellel, you say I'm going to drown them in debt, but at least they'll get some of those trade deals! If they help one of your ruined excavations, they'll only find dust and bones... hopefully..." This time, Jeellel was the one with the anger on her face.

A knock on Radna's table was enough to silence both of them, and the Iloa to the right of Radna took the turn to speak.

"Leaving aside the way you use your money ... as leader of the tribe of the forest and leader of the most prosperous tribe of our continent I welcome you, humanity.

My name is Tylsys, president of Illydeluma and forest tribe. Since you will want to build your cities near urban centers and with resources within your reach, I am the right person for it. And now, breed, your turn" Tylsys was young, but her eyes and voice were implacable, and although she was only 7 feet tall, her presence rivaled that of Radna.

The last to appear, the Iloa to the left of Radna cleared her throat. Drops of sweat could be seen falling down his immense forehead.

"Humans!.... ..... ....."


"I already imagined that you werent going to do it... why Meruad left you in charge, it's something I'm still asking..." Tylsys sighed, turning to the humans. "Excuse the manners of that breed, her knowledge about magic is great, but the rest of his head is hollow"

"TYLSYS!" Radna hit the table, shaking the wrong person. "Haala, present yourself properly, please"

Haala nodded, looking at the humans again. "Humans!... my name is... what she said... Haala Shara-Dinn... archi-djinn of Naumarth... the city that was born of the wave.... welcome to our world..."

"I could be better, but I'll let you in. Human, who will be your spokesperson? I would like to speak with each one of you separately, but for now, I want to speak to your most capable member" Radna returned to join his chair, staring at the human.

Maria took a step forward, holding the folder. "My name is Maria Ashvane, president of Industrias Ashvane and co-governor of one of the first four cities of humanity, Bahia del Sol!"

Radna smiled sideways. "You've said four cities, those are the ones you want to build for now? There's a lot of space available to build, but I'm curious that you want 4 cities to start ..."

"Humanity is as divided as your tribes, Lady Radna. While some want more progressive cities, others want religious cities as Prometheus, for this very reason, these 4 cities will serve to give rise to all the individual groups of humans!"

"I deduce that Ashvane will be the family legacy of your name, for what you are Maria.

Maria, I like how you talk, and it would be hypocritical to refuse to build 4 cities if your race is as divided as ours.

There is only one problem for now, and that is that this area is relatively populated, so I offer to build 2 here, and 2 other cities southwest of here, in the White Garden"


"As long as White Garden is not too hostile, it's a fair deal, as you can see... not all humans have "magic", and many are fragile and helpless." Maria pointed to Flynn as an example. (Flynn was a bad example, but with such a feminist society, Flynn being a man is much more credible than saying that Elsa was weak and helpless)

"White Garden is simply an area without too many forests, and few cities in the forest have wanted to be located there because of its colder climate, if humans are weak to cold, we should look for another wide area so that you can start building your cities, but we will take a little more time to find "

"We are not specifically weak to cold, so if we dont talk to the managerial men, they would all agree-"

"Men... managers? Their decision-making capacity is inferior to ours, why do you trust them for important issues?" Radna's gaze immediately went to Flynn.

Before the terrified look of all humans, Flynn began to walk through the air towards Radna. "Lady Radna... it is true that men are inferior in many things... but I wouldnt advise you to underestimate me! My name is Flynn Sol, prophet of the sun cathedral, so learn it!"

Flynn arrived at Radna's table, and at the first three steps he took, Radna dropped her fist on him, so hard that the table almost broke in the process.

"I dont doubt that you have courage, Flynn, but as a good man, you have walked directly towards your death..."


"Death? I've been dodging her too long to die crushed like a common ant!" Flynn was slowly able to raise Radna's hand, smiling at the surprised Iloa who was unable to press him again.

"Flynn... you're strong! That's recognizable!" Radna pulled her hand away, letting Flynn get up before offering her finger as a sign of peace. "Iloa men arent like you, but if you give this level... then I will trust your criteria!"

"Human men and women have fought many years to achieve an equalization society, and except for a few issues of racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, feminist, political and religious... we have done quite well!" Flynn smiled nervously, trying to pretend that everything else never happened.

"That doesnt seem like a few problems... but we also had them, so who am I to talk?" Radna laughed as she got up from her chair. "Humans, I've said it once, but I feel like I should repeat it...

I like you, so I welcome you to your new world! May the Iloa and humanity grow together in peace and harmony, fighting with all those who want to destroy us!"

Radna raised her hand to heaven, as if offering an imaginary cup. "Excuse me because there are no drinks to be served... but I have finished a fight minutes before coming here"





End Notes:




The council has appeared and the first negotiation has been fast and direct! Humanity has been received with open arms as the door of Azure said!... but as Radna said, there are many enemies that want the territory of Iloa, and now also that of humans.

Humanity and Iloas must fight and unite their advances to become an unstoppable force. That's something everyone knows as well as you and I ... it's a gospel truth.

And today as an extra special, here you have all the tribes for those who want to know more about them! It has taken me a good hour and a half so enjoy!:




* War Council:

The council of the united forces Iloans is formed by soldiers who voluntarily renounce their respective tribe to serve as a defense wall of the species.

Its current leader is Amra Yelni, a centuries-old and legendary leader who commanded the Iloans forces during the two biggest invasions.

* Tribe of the forests:

One of the most numerous tribe and the second smallest in size of the Iloa race, the forest Iloa or Iloa to dry they measure between 6/7 and 8/9 feet of height, due to their nature of living and to build cities within the forests or on the edge of these. His skin became slightly green and rough, to adapt and better understand the voices of nature, although today it is a pretty abandoned practice.


The forest Iloa were quickly repopulated by the large amount of forests in Terre dell'alba, and their naturalistic customs and their calm and devoted lifestyle to complacency soon became the standart among the race.

Its current leader is Tylsys, the leader of Ilyleluma, a city located directly in the Scarlet Forest. (7 feet and 2 inches, 23 years)

* Tribe of the plains:

The tribe of the plains is composed mainly of nomadic villages and settlements, due to being the most damaged and attacked tribe during the first Iloa war in Terre dell'alba.

The Iloa of the prairies / plains (known by both names), are much larger than their closest relatives, those of the forests. Its average height ranges between 17/19 and 30 feet in height, and its skin is lighter to withstand long walks under the sun and moisture of the plains. Also his is the second hardest skin of all the tribe, only surpassed by those of the mountain.

The Iloa of the prairies are large merchants manual workers, mainly for their lifestyle of constant work and always travel that are inculcated generation after generation. Although for some decades, it is not uncommon to see these villages settled permanently near cities of the forest Iloa.

Its current leader is Galle Dusktale, heiress of the commercial caravan Tartarus. (28 feet tall, 49 years old)

* Tribe of the deserts:

The tribe of the deserts was born from Iloa of the forest that found an ancestral relic of the Alitians. The sacred Lance. in a ruins located on the cliff of the heroes. (This cliff rises over the edge of the great desert)

This, with its power, showed the Iloa the thousands of ruins hidden under the sand and filled their hearts with passion and greed. The Iloa threw themselves into the desert, and generation after generation, the burning sun, the lack of water and an uncontrollable desire to discover changed them physically and mentally.

Their bodies became smaller and more agile to move properly between the dunes and the ruins. (between 4 and 5 feet)

His skin became much rougher and darker to fight against the scorching wind.

Its current leader is the heiress of the supreme archaeologist, Jeellel, leader of The Corroded City, rebuilt Alitian sanctuary. (5 feet and 2 inches, 31 years)

* Tribe of the seas:

The tribe of the seas inherits its name from the Iloa who decided to move away from the forests looking to build merchant cities on the coast of Terre. But that dream was not hard, because on those same coasts the Iloa found huge golden palaces, gigantic bright cities built of hardened sand and arcane magic.

Its brightness and charm immediately attracted the attention of hundreds of Iloa, fascinated by the magic that the Alitians had left them.

These cities soon became academic cities, full of scholars, students of the arcane and historians. In addition, this same inert magic on the earth filled those same Iloa, who soon found their bodies growing and growing full of the magic of the place. Each generation was larger than the previous one, until the gigantic buildings around it became normal homes for them. (between 40 and 50 feet)

Their new size served not only to manage and control much more magic, but they used it to educate powerful warriors in the service of the smaller tribe, and brave sailors, who were one with the seas. There is no doubt that the Iloa of the sea are the most kind and benevolent tribe of all.

Its current leader is the youngest of the council, the arch-djinn Haala Shara-Dinn, great director of Naumarth, the city born of the waves. (61 feet, 8 years)


* Tribe of the Twin Mountains:

The current tribe of the mountain is formed by descendants who were once the tribe of the snow and the tribe of the peak of the magma. The tribe, long ago deadly enemies, united under one thanks to the youngest son of the tribe of snows, and the heiress of the tribe of the peak of magma and the love that arose among them.

After their wedding, both tribe buried the hatchet (literally) and united under a single flag, forming the most powerful tribe that Terre had ever seen before.

Powerful hunters and tacticians of the snow combined their talents with the fierce barbarians and master blacksmiths of the peak tribe, forming a military force that many times have saved the other tribe from attacks from the west.


Their gigantic bodies (between 90 and 100 feet high) and their skin as hard as steel are the result of living in two of the northernmost areas of Terre dell'alba and having to face their giant beasts day and night. The visible difference between them is the red tone of those who descend from the members of the peak tribe, and the bluish tone of the descendants of the snow tribe.

Its current leader is the matriarch Radna, a hundred times winner of the Frostfire tournament (which according to the rules of the tribe of mountains makes her life leader of Thorn Darum) and leader of the council of tribes. (95 feet, 67 years)

Chapter 66 Iloa manners at table 101 by SirDarkvid




Council Room: 4pm in the afternoon


The second part of the meetings was taking place in a room attached to the council room, where Maria, Elsa and the architects of Skytower, Prometheus and Pandora talked to Tylsys and Galle about the materials and ... budgets ... and things... Except for Flynn, none of those present in the council room were very clear that they were talking.

Instead of getting in the way of such a delicate negotiation, Radna had invited Hannah, Calia, Flynn, Alanis, and Fee to eat with her. And when a member of the mountain tribe invites you to eat, it means that you are going to eat the food of the tribe.

Through a large portal drawn by Haala and stabilized with crystals much larger than normal, members of the mountain tribe brought what was considered normal food for them. A kind of "bird", similar in appearance to a cross between turkey and chicken, roasted and accompanied by blue leaf-like vegetables.

A "bird" ... that only he weighed more than Hannah. And it was bigger than Hannah herself!

"Serve it while it's hot, folks! The Bouqu must eat hot, because its taste gets drastically worse over time!" Radna distributed some square metal "plates", each larger than a normal human.

"Radna, you havent asked to bring dishes for me? besides, I'm sure that humans feel much more comfortable with the "desert-size"!" Jeellel screamed as she sat in front of Haala, both examining Hannah with her eyes.

"Ummm... that's true, bring" desert-size "dishes, come on!" Radna shouted at her men, before turning to the table. "Forgive my mistake, humans... no no, I must call you by name, now we are all children of Terre dell'alba! What's your name, big human?"


"Calia Sol, Dirty lover retired and founder of Bahia del Sol, Lady Radna!" Calia said smiling, as she handed out one of the metal plates for her and two for Hannah and Alanis.

"Dirty lover? The same as Phoenix is r03;r03;always saying! What a coincidence! Alanis, forgive the intromission, but is it possible that your father is General Winbre? You remind me a lot of him, before the scars on his face, of course" Radna He reached down to examine Alanis more closely, causing the Iloa to blush-

"Excuse me, Radna... but have you said that a that "Phoenix" is r03;r03;saying things about Dirty Lover?" Flynn jumped up and walked around the bird to look at Radna's face.

"Of course, you havent heard me? Phoenix is r03;r03;always calling himself Dirty whatever, although I do not have much relationship with her either... Jeellel, the sun's cathedral is inside your territory, right? Can you contribute with more light?"

Jeellel fell back on the table, meditating for a second. "Phoenix is r03;r03;always hiding information about the Alitians, so my people prefer to stay away from her unless we have no idea what an artifact does... But of the times I've managed to talk to her, she calls herself Dirty Lover and prophet of the "New cathedral of the sun".

It seems that protects at any cost, because whenever we go there there are corpses burned with beasts in the door... what secrets will hide that cathedral? Imagine them!" Jeellel began to daydream, until a stomp of Flynn caught her attention.


"New cathedral of the sun? Prophet? Dirty Lover?! I am the prophet of the cathedral of the sun!" Flynn's face was dark and his brow furrowed.

"You also have worshipers of the sun on the Earth? what a coincidence! But Phoenix, for as long as I can remember, has always been alone in that cathedral... so I suppose yours can be considered a religion!"

Flynn said nothing, until he made his spear appear. "In what direction is that "cathedral" if it can be known? I must pay her a visit"

"If you want to know her so much, I can ask my men to bring her here." She still owes me two favors the last time she ran out of food or water. "Jeellel gestured to one of her soldiers at her desk, who arrived quickly. jumping the gap between both tables.

"Please, I would be very grateful, Jeellel-"

"Thank you? No! I want you to help me! I guess you humans will have archaeologists, so I want you to tell them about my tribe and my excavation and offer them to come in. We can give asylum to a lot of people, and we always need labor and restorers for important events! " Jeellel smiled, while Flynn turned to his wife.

"Calia, do you think it would be correct? I'm sure we know people who would surely love to join archaeological teams here in Terre!" Flynn tried to adorn the request as much as possible, but he knew his wife too well.

Calia pretended to think for a second. "Do you want to bring in archaeologists illegally so we can meet that Phoenix? How can you just dare to suggest it?" Calia could not help laughing, at Flynn's annoyed look. "Okay okay! go call Valeria and Light and tell them to try to bring them as soon as possible! I recognize that I'm curious about that person called Phoenix!"


Flynn nodded, and with a resentment, said goodbye to the table before disappearing through a dark portal. All this before the bright and excited look of Haala.

"What kind of spell has that been? It has opened a stargate without the need for crystals or astral symbols!" The arch-djinn could not contain her illusion and her emotion, raising her voice a lot.

"Haala! The food must be respected! Dont yell again!" Radna said in a dry, cold voice, forcing Haala to lower her head and silently apologize.

Meanwhile, Radna's men returned with silverware and plates for Jeellel and Hannah and Alanis. "Now yes, you can start eating! Enjoy!"

Radna left the Bouqu with her knife, dividing one of the wings for her, another split in half for Calia and Halaal, and cutting small pieces of the body for Hannah, Alanis and Jeellel. "I gather that you, fairy, do not eat anything hot, right?"

Fee flew to the ear of Alanis, who transmitted his message. "Fee says twilight fairies can only consume hot drinks as much, so let's enjoy the food without worrying."

"Why hasnt Fee been said directly?" Hannah asked, as she looked at the piece of bird that Calia had left on her plate. Although it did not smell bad, and did not seem to be bad either... something in its color did not convince the giantess.

"I'm too big to hear a fairy's voice, does not it happen to you with smaller things, Hannah?" Radna asked while chewing a piece of wing.


"That doesnt ... happen to you, right Calia?!" Hannah asked very worried, because although she was not going to grow up to Radna, the possibility of not hearing people terrified her.

"Not with humans, but it happens to me with the phones! If they dont put the loudspeaker, I dont hear anything! But that's a normal thing that happens to all the giantesses! Dont worry and enjoy the food, Hannah! This is delicious!" Calia said as she cut another huge piece of wing and put it in her mouth, almost melting in the process

"I'm glad you like it, Calia! Not many Iloa enjoy the meat of Bouqu, so I rarely have the pleasure of serving them! This was specifically hunted by my children a few days ago"

"Hunted? It looked like a farm animal..." Hannah said, venturing to take a bite.

"Nothing is far from reality! The Bouqu are terribly aggressive, so putting one in a farm is enough to end up killing all the other animals! Also... they are too big to be raised on farms outside the tribe of the mountain!

When a son of the mountain ages 7, his first task to prove his worth is to hunt a Bouqu and return with him. It sounds violent, but there has not yet been a child of the tribe who was seriously injured!"

"The tribe of the mountain are unbelievers barbarians and hunters, so humans will not have much in common with them!" Jeelllel laughed as he tore up the piece of meat, too big to bite correctly.

"You arent gonna believe that. Humans are now very civilized, but we have a past of war and gigantic violence! Almost 2000 years of pure battles!" Calia stood up in her chair, to reach more of the delicious bird.


"That's really interesting! You look like a more... forgive the word, but the humanity seems... "lazy"... but it really seems that I was wrong with you! I can see that you, Calia, and Flynn are powerful, and Hannah certainly does not seem weak" Jeellel took out a small agenda and her pen. "Just one question, those wars were between you or against other species?"

"Among us mainly... there is no other dominant species on Earth" Hannah replied before taking a second bite, without continuing to convince him much.

"No? wait ... you two are of the same species as Flynn and the other little ones!?" Radna's look of surprise was greater, for Iloa had assumed all the time that Humanity was a council of species.

"Yeah! We are all human! But within humans, there are" classic humans ", and extra human beings, which encompass a great variety of species, but at the base, we all share the same DNA, so we are human!"

"... adn... what's that supposed to be?" Radna, Jeellel and Haala put the same face of doubt.

"What two you have often come to ask..." Calia laughed softly, praying that Flynn would come back to answer the question. "DNA is the genetic chain that determines humans, or something like that, it indicates whether you are a man or a woman, and then how extra-human you will be at birth ... I think ... it was something like that, but surely my daughter, Light, you can give them a better answer, it's a doctor!"

"Surely your daughters are as powerful as you, Calia!" Radna said as she finished eating, moving away from the table to wipe her mouth and burp. "As delicious as always! I wish it were always this time of year to eat Bouqu!"
Hannah and Calia were silent for a moment, trying to figure out if Radna's belching had been polite, rude, or involuntary.

"Hannah, can you hear me? I'm talking to you mentally, do you think... we should imitate her?"

"I do not know, Calia ... Jeerell and Haala havent followed her ... but they havent made any nuisance gesture either ..."

A second belching, even stronger than before, boomed throughout the council room. "As soon as it's going up?" Radna laughed while rubbing her stomach.

"Another burp has been thrown! That must mean something!"

"Calia mom ... I think you should imitate her ... it could be a tradition or something! In some countries of the earth they do similar things!"

"Seriously? where?"

"And what did I know? Elsa told me but I was playing Stormblood and I didnt hear it at all!"


"If you allow me..." Haala's voice echoed in the heads of Calia and Hannah."It is a tradition Iloa that the hostess finish before and rest the food, usually accompanied with air outlet"

"Haala, how did you know we were talking, little one?"

"You were looking at each other quickly -... little one?"

"You're supposed to be very young, so you dont seem to be more than 10 years old, unless the sea tribe ages at a different rate"

"No no ... I'm 8 years old, so your deduction is correct, Calia"

"So small and already leading a tribe, that's admirable!"

This time... the air left Radna's body through the other conduit, and Radna celebrated it by rising. "If you are finishing already, I will take the leftovers for the hunting dogs of Thor Darum! It has been a pleasure to meet you humans, but I must accompany my hunters in a small expedition"

Hannah and Calia nodded quickly, trying not to grimace in disgust at the terrible smell. Radna picked up her plates, and leaving the leftovers in the main dish, left the room through the portal of Haala.

"For your face... this on earth isnt common, is it?" Jeellel and Fee laughed at the faces of Hannah and Calia, who kept trying to keep their breath. "You have to get used to it, because once for what men leave the table, it is tradition that women liberate everything that men are scandalized!"

"Eructation... and farting?... So when the man leaves the table, are you here to fart?" Calia didnt seem too happy with the discovery, still suffering from the smell.

"And what is wrong? A man is scandalized and reulle of those things, but we arent the bosses for nothing! The Iloa we have learned that our body is what we should enjoy and repress us only leads us to tricky road!Now humans live with us, so we invite you to participate! A burp will not kill anyone, and a fart is just an accumulation of gas! "Jeellel's argument was wrong in many ways, but Calia and Hannah understood that for now... they had to accept it, at least until humanity can also be considered children of this planet.

Calia gritted her teeth, and took a deep breath before releasing the fart that had accumulated. "You see, a man would call you rude and make you apologize, but the Iloa are over those nonsense! If you had to fart, there's nothing wrong with doing it!" Jeellel smiled as Calia unclenched her teeth.

"I guess... Flynn will not let me do it because he says that being a giantess, my gas is giant too..."

"Flynn is a man different from the rest, but he must understand ... and maybe even do it! If he is above other men, he must prove it by standing above that false morality!" Fee said convinced of her argument, that Jelleel subscribed point by point.


Although Calia seemed to begin to be convinced of the idea, Hannah on the other hand did not agree too much. If Juddit saw her farting or belching at the table, no doubt he would punish her without videogames all afternoon...

The Iloa are a totally different culture, so the giantess supposed that humanity would have to learn to live and respect their manners...

Maybe even copy some ones and teach them some of ours. But today? Today Hannah would honor her mother by keeping the gas in her ass until she reaches a bathroom. No doubt the bird that was the fault of all this gas.





End Notes:



A less serious chapter than yesterday and with more information on Iloa manners! You can expect a lot of discrepancies about this concretely, since Calia...

Calia seems to be thinking if they arent right. As horrible as that may be for Flynn...

These days I have my family at home, so I have less time to write and to think in general about the story, so you can expect more relaxed chapters about humans and iloa interacting and about humans discovering their new home!

Thank you all for reading and see you tomorrow! 



Chapter 67/ CfB ReMiX 2:: Lights in the sky: Darkmoon heirs by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:



As I said yesterday, the following chapters will be lighter in content, showing the first Human-Iloa relationships. Well, to begin with, the beginning of a "Chapters from Bahia"!

"Lights in the sky" will tell the story of Flynn, on his way through Terre dell'alba to meet the person called Phoenix,

Jeellel, the Iloa leader of the desert tribe, in her search for information about humans,

and Valeria, who with her new team is preparing to make a name without Light behind her.  (Also all this under threat of murder, but we'll see that tomorrow!)

I hope you enjoy this sub-story! Thank you all for reading, we will soon reach 10,000 readings! Enjoy reading and have a good day!







Bahia del Sol: April 3, 00:00 at night.

Azure Gate Complex

The guards who guarded the Azure Gate complex had been warned and prepared. Since Hannah... Hannah managed to enter the complex and devastate everyone doing cosplay, dozens of politicians and associations had questioned the strength of the "Army of the protection of the prosperity of humanity".

(New name chosen by Kenny now that humanity had the goodwill of the Iloa)

Unfortunately for all the new guards... Something much worse than Hannah had managed to get in... and had come with her daughter.

"So this portal connect with the other side, Terrealba?" Valeria asked after throwing the last guard to the pile that she and Flynn had defeated.

"Terre dell'alba! Learn the name of your new home!" Flynn approached the computer that controlled the last barrier to enter. A code of 27 numbers and numbers that controlled the guard of ashes around the portal. "Come on Flynn... Maria and you were born of the same mother, you have to get her password out"

"I havent learned the name because I am very resentful of not having entered the first contact!" Valeria remembered how she had to destroy all the jokes she had prepared about alien contacts... and how after that she burned the crusher. "So important is that Phoenix? You dont usually ask me to accompany you to anything if it is not because you fear that they can overcome you!"

Flynn pretended not to listen to his little bastard, while still trying combinations. "I can t believe it ... not even Dylan's software is enough! How intelligent are you really, traitorous?"

"Dad, would not it be better to ask Aunt for help, or Jack?" Dylan is an android, but I'm sure Jack is a better hacker than" Seeing that the situation was going on for a while, Valeria turned into smoke and gave a quick pass to the patio of the Azure gate, looking for some camera ... or something to destroy.

"Dont call her aunt! I have not forgiven her yet! And Dylan was built by Eleanor, so as long as he doesnt fail too much, he has my vote of confidence." Flynn withdrew Dylan's pendrive, placing the next one. The android had prepared 220,950,000 different combinations for all kinds of passwords, so some would have to be.


"You have too much appreciation for Eleanor... I remind you that she too- Why do I get upset? You are not listening to me!" Valeria climbed up to one of the streetlights that illuminated the patio, looking at the horizon. "At least... this will help me test my new team..."

"New team? I told you to bring GUN with us!"

"You hear that, no? Umph!" Valeria raised her head, annoyed by her father's attitude. "Now that GUN is more official than ever, I need a small team that works directly for me, one that isnt unusual for them to leave their jobs! The Valeria family!" Valeria smiled, hanging down from the street lamp.

"First two things that I see you doing as a vampire! Hanging upside down- panties- and gathering a "family"!" Flynn pretended not to smile, but inside, he felt too proud. (Although Valeria is considering that hanging upside down with a skirt is a good idea)

"That offends me, but I like that you and mom sympathize proudly! I'm not as studious or educated or efficient or benevolent or ... as Light, but I strive to do my own things well!"

"I hope you worked hard on things like finishing college... or looking for a partner and giving us grandchildren..." Flynn gritted his teeth furiously, as he put the third pendrive.

"The first I can do it when I want! I'm immorta!, and the second... why should I give my body to only one person when I can give it to humanity?" Valeria sat down again correctly, while she saw a familiar light in the night sky.

"Calia and I want grandchildren! And Light has a very demanding job, so you're our only chance-"

"Dad, I introduce you... to the Valeria Family!" Valeria leaped from the streetlight, falling in the middle of the patio surrounded by a bright light.

Around Valeria, 4 mirrors appeared and shone for a few seconds before exploding into bright bits. 4 extrahumans emerged from each of those remains:


- In front of Valeria, a cheshire cat with pink hair and a lush look. It wasnt very high (for standards of feline extrahumans), but 7 feet didnt come down... also, she did seem to be more chubby than the vast majority of the extrahumans felines.

- Behind Valeria, a yuki-onna dressed in a classic red and white kimono, with a pattern of what appeared to be rose petals. His skin was as blue as one might expect from a yuki-onna, and his height of almost 10 feet to honor his kind.

- To the left of Valeria, an 8-foot nereid (the only kind of extra-human mermaid with legs) thin, defined and full of scars. The nereids do not usually wear a lot of clothes because of the need to be constantly moistening, so a bikini wasnt something that was weird in its kind.

- And finally... to the right of Valeria, a girl who at first sight and because of her height seemed totally human, but staring into her eyes Flynn could see the characteristic orange eyes of a Dhampir. Her curly black hair fell down her shoulders and over her black cloak, gown with feathers around her shoulders.


"You have called us for a top-secret mission, isnt that Valeria?" The Dhampir said calmly, watching Flynn and moving her hand lightly under the cloak.

"Relax, Tess, he's my father!" Valeria put her hand in front of the Dhampir, who after a little snort, abandoned what he was doing under the cloak. "Father, for now... we call ourselves" Dark-Moon Heirs ", good name, right?"

Flynn looked closely at his daughter's companions.

It is true, that as a vampire, Valeria has felt a connection with the moon since her early childhood... which didnt take away the disappointment of Flynn to see how his daughter gradually moved further and further away from him.

"Valeria... first: What kind of "family" is this?! I dont want to disrespect you, girls, but I expected something more intimidating and powerful!

And second... Dark moon? Why no dark sun? If it only serves as a name it doesnt matter!"

"Your words are loaded with annoyance, arrogance and fatherly disappointment, Mr. Flynn" The Yuki-onna laughed with her hand over her mouth, unlike her companions who seemed more willing to defend her honor.

"Excuse me, but you shouldnt talk arrogance when being European, or at least Caucasian, you are dressed in a Japanese kimono" Flynn had to control himself a lot so as not to invoke his spear, because at any moment the password would work, so fight It was not an option.

"When Dad and Daddy are too presumptuous and have a lot of free time, it is normal to invest in buying only clothes that stick with the yuki-onna theme... no matter how much you enjoy wearing a tracksuit"

"Dad, these are Tess, my right hand. Glayze, my tactician and my gunner. Edlyn, my executor hand and my aquatic combat specialist, and Saki, my mobility expert and my first line of combat" Valeria presented her Team pointing at him in the opposite order of the clock, waiting... for any reaction from his father.


"I very much doubt that this team can even compare to GUN, my dear..." Flynn turned back to the computer, inserting a new pendrive.

"How dare you ?! Valeria has recruited us directly from the E.H.Nav! We are only a team for two days, but how dare to act as if we were useless!? I have worked 9 years for the British special forces!" Saki pulled out her claws, moving toward Flynn until Valeria's hand stopped her. "Master Valeria..."

"Flynn looks as serious and tough as you said, Valeria," Edlyn said as she looked at the father's back. "We will have to show him our strength so that he will accept you?"

"Dad already accepts me... but I'm not going to let the first thing I do without Light be belittled like that, we're going to support him in whatever he wants to do... and then I'll rub him all over his face what wrong that he is. "Valeria squeezed her fangs, wishing she could get away with it.

"There's nothing to prove" Tess waved her hand under her cloak, mixing one of her "cocktails". "I am a vampire hunter with years of efficiency behind my back, so if your father does not believe in you, I will continue with my assignment with you, Valeria"The Dhampir finished preparing the mixture. Taking out both arms, with her left arm Tess held the cocktail, and with her right arm she pointed to Valeria with her pistol.

Valeria pretended not to be scared, although as Tess had shown last night, the Dhampir are not the natural enemies of vampires for nothing.

"Tess ... remember the deal, if I can make my "family" work without depending on Light, not only will not you kill me, but you will work as part of my family... so as soon as that happens, I think I'll rub it in your face too "Tess snorted, while Flynn raised his fist with joy for having deactivated the ash guard.

"Ladies, I dont know what you're saying, but it's time to get going." Flynn made his spear appear and started walking towards the portal, smiling expectantly. "I have a meeting with Phoenix, and I dont want be late ..."


Chapter 68 CfB ReMiX 2:: Lights in the sky: Ambush by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:





- When a character speaks "like that",

it means that they are only understood by the Iloas and those who know their language.







Scarlet Gate: 00:30, Day 57 of the Nascent Solar Age.


For such an influential and important personality as Jeellel, escaping from the Corroded City was difficult on many levels... but Jeellel's scientific curiosity was enough motivation to prepare for the escape.

The Iloa of the desert changed forever when the "Holy spear" illuminated their minds and the "desert of the Alitians". The ancient believers of magic lost their motivation, and it was replaced by interest in science and technology.

The Alitian artifacts were simply impressive, too attractive to be wasting time with spells and symbols. The first steps as a species were the reverse technology, and little by little they went from being able to only dismantle the artifacts to the current point, where they were beginning to be able to replicate them.

And it only took 300 years!

Jeellel managed to enter the cordoned area of r03;r03;the Scarlet gate without causing any fuss, through the gaps between the fences. The Iloa of the other tribes always forget the small, agile and flexible that is the tribe of the desert!

"If Flynn hasnt had any problems, he and his team should be here... more guards? Amra sure wants to keep the normal Iloa away from the portal!"
Jeellel hated having to act against her own people ... but in the name of science, she would not hesitate to do so.

The "Oblivion Boots" were an artifact reserved mainly to the heads of each expedition of the desert, due to the enormous possibilities to perform "evil" or "dubious morality" acts that they granted.

 Once the boots were placed on the feet of the individual, the dial of the right boot allowed to muffle the noise as much as the wearer needed, while the left dial allowed to enhance the force of the impacts of the boots.

How did they do it? Nobody had a clue! But that never detoured the desert tribe from using the artifacts.

Jeellel walked in total silence until she reached the guards of the forest tribe, and with two accurate kicks, left them unconscious on the ground. "Thank God they dont have guards of the sea!"

And while Jeellel said this, Flynn, followed by 5 huuuuges girls crossed the Scarlet Gate.

Flynn took out one of the dictionaries that Galle had sold to them after the first meeting, looking quickly at him and addressing Jeellel. "Jeellel, cheer up a lot, you be here."

Flynn's Ilen was totally horrible, at the level of a small child... but considering that it had only been two days to learn it, it was impressive.

"Flynn! You have to improve your pronunciation, but nothing bad! You have brought me my dictionary? I want to go studying your language!"

Flynn quickly looked through the dictionary, translating everything Jeellel had told him.Iloa thought about repeating it more slowly, thinking that it was impossible that Flynn could retain the entire message in an unknown language

...But impossible it was just a lie to Flynn.

"Of course, here you have it" With a much more fluid Ilen, Flynn took out a small children's dictionary from his tunic. "It's the edition used by the children of my planet, so I think you can understand it more or less... Just in case... I've had Hannah enslaved all day yesterday translating what each word means in your language"

"But... how could you..."

Flynn really enjoyed these moments, and Jeellel's expression was certainly fun. "Never doubt Flynn Sol, not even for a moment"


Jeellel bit her lip, showing a small smile. "There is no doubt... that you are a human certainly interesting, Flynn Sol" But although Flynn filled all his attention, the 5 girls behind did not seem to have very expensive to be alienated from the scene. "Can you introduce me to your team?"

Flynn pointed only to his daughter, ignoring the presence of all the others. "She is Valeria, my daughter and boss of GUN... about the rest... you can ignore them, I havent bothered to learn their names"

Jeellel approached Valeria, offering her hand to the much taller vampire. Flicking through the human dictionary and Hannah's notes, Jeellel quickly found the words she was looking for. "Valeria, nice to meet you, my name is Jeellel, supreme archeologist and leader of the Iloa tribe of the desert"

"Not bad... my name is Valeria, as I think dad has already told you" Valeria forgot all the jokes she had prepared on second contact, looking with a certain grudge towards Jeellel.

"Valeria, be more kind! She has offered to guide us to Phoenix even though she is a very busy person!" And Flynn's scolding did not fix things. He and Jeellel marched forward, speaking in the language of the "Iloa."


"Should we have an eye on her, master Valeria?" Saki asked, watching as Flynn seemed to apologize in that strange language.


"Not for now... but I dont like her attitude to my father" Valeria bit her tongue with her fang, letting the blood fill her mouth. "I will recognize an intruder when I see her..."

"And that Jeellel... stinks like an intruder from here" Glayze smirked as he surveyed the surroundings. "It doesnt look... so different from Earth, right?"

"When you think of a new world, expect blue mountains, crystal trees and red rivers, but this place could well be a terrestrial landscape." Edlyn began to walk, letting herself be guided by the humidity of the environment. "There must be a lake or a river nearby, I can feel fresh water in the surroundings"

"Girls, I'm not going to lie to you, this world doesnt start as good as I'd like... but for now, stick with the plan and let's prove to my father that "Dark Moon Heirs" is capable of anything!" Valeria ran to Flynn, followed by all except Tess.

The Dhampir stayed behind, looking at the Scarlet Gate for a few moments. "Time to check what is worth more, Valeria or the contract" Tess ran out reaching the rest, while leaving the complex for the place that had served as an entrance for Jeellel.






The Corroded City, vestibule of link portals:

01:00 at night.


Jeellel was the first to cross the portal, falling to the other side and quickly checking that the room remained closed to the public as when he left. But that would be too simple, of course.

The vestibule of portals was full of archaeologists, apprentices, ordinary workers and citizens, all trembling with fear.

"Jeellel! But where the hell did you get yourself?" Vasell, Jeelllel's little sister, seemed to have the strongest men and women in the sanctuary holding the door. "Those damn kobolds have come in a pack, knocking down the main doors taking advantage of the sandstorm! And Phoenix is r03;r03;here too, doing... what she normally does!"

"Oh ..." Jeellel could not swear vengeance against those damned half-grown mutts, and how convenient it was that Phoenix was here. "Dont fear, people! Your supreme archeology has gone to seek help, and not help from this world!"
Jeellel went through the portal again, only to return in 30 seconds with Flynn, her daughter and the four humans. "And here they are, brave human warriors thirsting for curiosity and kobold blood!"

Next, dozens of Iloa surrounded Flynn, Valeria and her family, watching them, judging them, and some even daring to touch them.

"You have brought human warriors?! Why?! They have no idea to fight against those scavengers!" Vasnah grabbed her hair, pulling and clenching her teeth so as not to murder her older sister right then and there.

"Calm, dwarf! Flynn and his daughter are expert kobolds hunters, there is overpopulation on Earth and if you do not fight against them before the age of five, you can be dead!" Jeellel put on her best smile, as she looked out the door as two kobolds nibbled at one of the curtains that covered the outer ring of the sanctuary.







Hello everyone, friends!

Fee here to serve and explain to you about the beasts that the Iloa must fight throughout Terre dell'alba!

Today we have to open the section with one of the worst and most common monsters in the Great Desert: The Kobold!

Kobold: These small humanoids of 4 feet of height, with certain resemblance to the terrestrial dogs dominate from "Red Badlands" to the "Enchanted Barrens".

His fur and dark skin, together with the skin bags that cover his body, allows them to store water, which previously they drink in the underground caves that serve as shelter for these beasts. Its teeth are sharp and curved, ready to tear even the most rotten and old meat without any kind of control.

The Kobolds travel in herds of up to 9 members, except when they organize to attack Iloans settlements that can gather up to a whopping 50 of them. This behavior, along with others such as using small sticks or bones from other animals as weapons, or leaving food and water for the weakest of the herd suggests that they have some basic intelligence.

Unfortunately, taming them seems impossible, and their rapidity to reproduce and the inability to identify the females of each herd makes it difficult to deal with their species.





Flynn walked directly to Jeellel and her sister, having previously heard the conversation between them despite all the noise of the Iloa. "Forgive me Jeellel, but when we can begin to exterminate those Kobolds? Nothing would make me happier than exterminate them here, too." Flynn faked a small smile, enough to reassure Jeellel's sister as if to scare Jeellel herself.

But then... a brilliant idea clicked on Flynn's head. "You know, my own daughter and her team love to kill kobolds much more than me! Why dont you leave them the job, while you tell me a little about how this city works?"

"How well you speak our language ... I thought humans had a completely different one!" Jeellel was quick enough to cover her little sister's mouth.

"Flynn is a special case, and when it comes to delegating work to other people... I totally agree!"

Flynn nodded, as he turned to his daughter. "Valeria, you and your heirs of the green moon are going to clean this place of monsters called kobolds, while I gather information before talking to Phoenix, understood?"

Valeria lunged forward, ready to grab her father's neck although he was able to stop her before. "Dark moon heirs! You know the name perfectly, you have a perfect memory!"

"Anyway, you'll realize how bad the name sounds! Now walk, that the home of these poor people will not clean themselves!" Valeria growled annoyed, while Flynn let go of her arm and spoke again with Jeellel.

"Girls... let's go" Valeria started to make her way through the crowd, leaving the lobby followed by her team.





Corroded City: Exterior ring.


Valeria and her team were walking down the huge outer corridor, still without any trace of those "Kobolds". The map that Jeellel had lent to them was written logically in their language, but more or less Valeria managed to orient herself appropriately.

"This place is beautiful! It seems made of sand and marble, it's as if we were on a stage of "The Arabian Nights!" Glayce commented while admiring the windows carved in the stones and the torches with fire crystals inside that illuminated the aisle.

"A desert... that Phoenix had to live in a desert..." Edlyn walked more and more slowly and with less strength, having to throw Tess water bottle over to avoid dehydration.

"Calm down, we should soon find what look like public toilets, we'll make a stop for you to get wet and recharge your bottles and water reserves" Valeria was still so focused on looking at the map, that Saki had to move it from side to side to prevent the vampire from falling to the ground.


The quintet detubed at the signal of Tess, who looked at the door in front of them with care. "Those must be the kobolds, two of them devouring the corpse of some poor wretch, how do we behave, boss?"

Valeria put the map in her pocket, poking at the door above Tess. "Those are the kobolds, I expected them to be bigger and more threatening! How can they be afraid of a kind of caveman-dog?" Valeria went through the door, entering the patio while preparing a Sol wave.

The kolbods turned quickly when they heard Valeria's footsteps, watching her and putting both of them on the defensive. "Hi, disgusting things! Dont take it personally, okay?" Valeria prepared to jump towards them...

When Saki managed to see that on top of the open roof of the courtyard, another kobold was waiting, carrying a kind of primitiba club made of several sticks and a stone that shone mysteriously. The Kobold leapt towards Valeria.
"Master Valeria!" Saki jump forward at full speed, colliding with Valeria and away from the path of the Kobold... but staying she below.

 The Kobold hit with all his strength in the skull of Saki, leaving her unconscious in the act and causing a wound with very bad aspect. Valeria had little reaction time, before the other two kobolds pulled out their victim's arms and wielded them like clubs.

The vampire, furious to see Saki unconscious, hit the head of one of the kobolds with a slash of air, decapitating it. The kobold with the mace jumped into Valeria, hitting her with the club in the back with all her might until a shot from Tess's gun shattered her head.

Valeria groaned in pain, as she gathered herself looking at the surviving kobold begin to run. Snapping his fingers, Glayce sent a wave of ice across the floor, freezing him instantly on impact."Ahhh... setting traps ?! They didnt seem so smart... to make things like this..."


Valeria stretched her back to crunch her, before running back to where Saki lay in Edlyn's arms. "Situation of Saki?!"

"The blow has been incredibly powerful... it's a miracle that she's breathing... we need to find a place with water to clean the wound before I start treating her!" Edlyn said, carefully checking Saki's skull.

Tess came back from the baths, wiping her hands with a small cloth towel. "Well, do not expect to find it here, the toilets are dry and the water supply cut in. Looking at the structure, I'm surprised they have pipes." Tess crouched in front of the kobold's mace, inspecting the shiny stone.

Valeria growled frustrated, while checking the map at full speed. "It's supposed that there's a big hall in the middle of the next section, with a lot of tables and... bookstores?... If it's a library, they'll have to have bathrooms, right?"

"It's our best chance for now... let's hurry, Saki can be in danger" Glayce charged with the cheshire on his back, running out the next stretch of the outer ring in front of them, followed by the other three.




Time was pressing, and every time there were more and more kobolds in the corridors.Valeria assumed that they had found the largest group in the pack, while she stepped next to Tess, killing every Kobold that stood in her way.

Behind them, Glayce ran with Saki dripping blood slowly but steadily, and even further back, Edlyn struggled to keep pace, each time suffering more and more from the lack of water.

The nereid was beginning to lose her strength to stay awake, but Saki's unconscious gaze forced her to keep going. Not only was she the hand of Valeria, but she was the family doctor... falling unconscious while a partner was suffering was not something Edlyn was willing to do.

But then, seeing that Glayze, Valeria and Tess stopped, Edlyn leaned against the wall to see a kobold much larger than the others.

That kobold seemed to wear a kind of worn and worn shirt tied around his neck, and a cane made of what appeared to be branches joined together with dried mud. The other Kobolds surrounded him as they seemed to sharpen their weapons.

"Great... the level boss! I dont have time for your nonsense, you pooches!" Valeria launched a gust of wind to the leading Kobold, ready to put an end to this at the moment.

"Heirs of the dark world?... the Master was right..." The kobold said between grunts, before hitting the ground with the stick and raising a sand barrier between it and the blast.

"Fuck me... has that kobold just spoken or am I beginning to hallucinate?!" Edlyn leaned against the wall with one hand, doubting her own vision and with reason.

"He hasnt only spoken... he has spoken in OUR language... this isnt something I expected, but I dont care... Valeria, they are in front of the library" Tess threw her cloak back, taking out both pistols and pointing to Chief Kobold.

"The Master wants to meet you, heirs of the dark world! Dont resist and accompany us, by hook or by crook!" The kobold chief pointed his staff at the group, giving the order for dozens of Kobold to be launched against them. was like a massacre. Valeria alone couldnt with so many enemies at once, dodging and attacking as she watched as Edlyn and Glayze covered themselves behind a barrier of ice, unable to do anything else.

Tess dodged, jumped on them and fired their enchanted bullets, but the number of kobold didnt stop increasing, while their loaders didnt stop diminishing.

"Damn bastards!" Valeria gritted her teeth, trying to activate a Will card... but as always, it did not work. The vampire screamed in rage, as she launched herself at the leading kobold. "DEAD THE CAPTAIN, THE SOLDIERS WILL FLEE!"


"Dont fight against us! The Master needs to know you, to assimilate your strength! The dark world has been far beyond the reach of the Master, but now his heirs present themselves in front of him!" Chief Kobold blocked Valeria's attack with her staff, releasing a dark energy from him with enough power to throw the vampire against the wall.

"Succumb to the one Master, and reborn at his side! He liberates your authentic potential!"


Valeria tried to get up, when the sound of a broken glass caught her attention.To his right, Glayce's barrier had been broken, and dozens of Kobold threw themselves on the three of them hitting them with their maces. Tess also seemed unable to continue the fight, running out of a bullet and receiving a blow to her side.

The vampire gave no credit, and after rising against the wall, grabbed one of the nearby kobolds and stamped it on the ground. The kobold, instead of exploiting the skull as Valeria intended, exploded in hundreds of crystals, as if Valeria had broken a crystal figure.

"But... but what?" Valeria looked at the crystals on the floor, seeing herself reflected in them. "Mirrors?..." The vampire reacted too late, while the kobold boss hit her in the face with his cane.

"The Master can wait all that is necessary, because he has already won the war! Succumb to his presence, and join his will!" From the fragments of mirrors, hundreds of crystalline tentacles emerged, grabbing Valeria's leg and resisting all her blows.

The vampire hit with all her strength, crying of the pain that was being inflicted although it did not manage to make them yield a bit.



"The Master, eh? he has to be authentically powerful if he's really been able to teach reasoning to a dog like you!" A gigantic explosion of fire erupted from the library doors, destroying the kobolds and harming all the girls in the process.

Valeria could see between the flames, as of the 40 kobolds that were attacking them, there were only 8 cadavers, the rest exploding in mirror fragments. Chief Kobold fell to the ground, but without letting go of his staff, he threw an Eldritch bolt at the source of the explosion.

A feather of pure fire pierced the beam, hitting the kobold boss and instantly reducing it to ashes.

"Ufff... that's close, right Valeria?" A female figure of at least 7 feet made its way through the flames. Two wings of pure fire and a flaming tail of colors sprang from her body, being next to the yellow eyes the only thing that Valeria could distinguish between her agony.

"You can rest awhile, old friend, I take care of everything"

Valeria closed her eyes exhausted, without recognizing that person.

End Notes:




10,000 readings! I have no words to say how grateful I am with all of you!

When I started writing this story, I didnt know very well if someone wanted to bother reading it, because I didnt plan to write a typical story about giantesses or about someone's growth.

(Although I enjoy them very much!)

From the original script of the story, I have arrived more or less to this point fulfilling almost everything.

Here you can see some of the ideas that were left as forgotten:

- Sofia was originally the second biggest boss in history, destroying Dylan just before he launched the second message and confronting Hannah, the lioness completely drunk by the light of the moon.

- Jolbirth was going to die in each appearance after his resurrection, as usual Gag. In the end, everything was left in its equation at the hands of the unknown (I say this in case someone does not read it and does not want spoilers)

- Maria was really going to be the lunar priestess moved by her wife, who was really going to be Flynn's sister. In the end, change roles to create Eleanor and be able to have conflicts in the direction of Bahia 2.0.

- Hannah was going to be able to go back to 10 feet and grow again using the Will card, but it seemed to me that it gave more play if the story progressed at the same time that it made it up to Hannah.


In the end, all ideas that for lack of time, way of capturing them or others ended up being replaced by the story we have now!

Speaking of today's chapter, we started three important concepts about Terre dell'alba!:

- The monsters that attack the Iloa and now also the humans.

- The "relationship" between Flynn, Jeellel and Valeria.

- The appearance of Phoenix and the Master.

We will deepen more in them in the third part of the "Chapters from Bahia"!

Until tomorrow and again and with even more excitement, thanks for reading!


Chapter 69 CfB ReMiX 2:: Lights in the sky; Bittersweet timeless by SirDarkvid



Chamber of the supreme archeologist, Corroded city.

05:00 at night.


The crackling of the torches interrupted the silence of the desert, filling the room with its small tune. Valeria's body was sore, and her mind even more, although it was not something strange; rather, it was a miracle that Valeria's vampiric gene was functioning without any blood during combat.

Any other vampire would have died in such conditions, but in willpower no one could beat Valeria. Phoenix was able to warn Flynn and Jeellel fast enough, almost taking Flynn by the scruff of the neck until the prophet gave his blood to his grievously injured daughter.

Now, Valeria rested on a strange "pillow", trying to fight to wake up.
The vampire moved from side to side, trying to get support on his arms but the wounds only managed to make her snarl softly. "Shhhh... dont be stubborn and rest, you've earned it"

Valeria opened her eyes little by little, to find the yellow-eyed girl who had saved her. The vampire tried to sit up, resting her hand on Phoenix's thighs. "I've been using you as a pillow, right? Forgive me..."

"There's nothing to forgive, Valeria, I was so focused on my reading that until I heard you hit the wall I had no idea what was going on..." Phoenix whispered, warming her palm and placing it on her head , as a hot towel.


Flynn interrupted the silence between the two girls, entering the bedroom followed by Jeellel. "The four girls are already on Earth, in an ambulance in the direction of Light's hospital.

How is valer-" Flynn didnt say anything else, because his daughter's open eyes were signal enough to throw herself at his side and hold his hand. "MY GOD, VALERIA! You've had me so... so worried! How can you lose to some dogs?!" Flynn cried, but relieved to see how Valeria sent him to hell with her hand.

"I already told you, Flynn! that Chief Kobold was using Eldritch magic and even mirror techniques! You would have fallen too... until Calia would have lost that fight!" Phoenix said raising his voice a little, causing his flaming wings to appear again.

"Stop stop stop stop! That's my bed! If you're going to fight, do it in a place where I dont have important memories!" Jeellel interposed between Phoenix and Flynn, when all her attention really went to Phoenix. If the hot girl had shown him something, it was that he had no problem setting everything on fire to get away with it.

"Jeellel, dont get involved! Phoenix, now Valeria is awake, so you can go on explaining everything!  Why you have a cathedral of the sun like me?! How do you know our names? WHY HAVE YOU STOLEN ME THE NAME" PROPHET "?" Flynn said all this holding Valeria's hand harder, causing the Vampira to come out with tears.

"You want answers, right?" Phoenix lifted Valeria's head gently and left her on one of the pillows, after which she stood up and snapped her fingers, making a dark raincoat appear from a flare. "Then, I invite you to come and meet me in Aeromere! I'll even invite you to my apartment!"

Phoenix ran through the bedroom to jump through the opposite window. By the time Flynn arrived, there was no sign of her. "Shit! what's Aeromere, Jeellel?"


"A city of the tribe of the forest, built to the west of here, on the border between Autumncrest and the Grand Desert ... it is not a much appreciated city... it is full of... "undesirable" to say it in some way. And it's next to the Cathedral of the Sun, that's why Phoenix has an apartment there"

 Jeellel checked Valeria's bandages while Flynn continued to look out the window, renewing it while rubbing a pink crystal through the wounds.

"I may be hurt, but it will calm pain in time" Valeria just nodded, while noticing Jeellel's guilty look. The vampire hated to admit it, but whatever that crystal was, it was calming all the kobold bites.


Flynn closed the window, while his spear appeared and passed it where Phoenix was sitting. "We will leave for Aeromere immediately, Valeria, get up and prepare yourself"

"What ?! Dad! I've been beaten! I'm not in a position to follow you..."

"Valeria, I need you by my side! You've seen her! Phoenix isnt an Iloa, she's a human! One was already here before we arrived!" Flynn was right in what he was saying, until Valeria, half stunned, had seen that Phoenix had human features and skin, in addition to speaking the terrestrial language.

"I... it's okay, dad..." Valeria pushed Jeellel aside, sitting on the bed as she tried to get up slowly.

"Flynn, I havent caught everything you said but Valeria is not able to accompany you! That Kobold has destroyed her much more than we thought!" Jeellel grabbed Flynn by the wrist to try to get her attention, but it only got the prophet to push her away.

"Jeellel, you're coming too, so you can watch that nothing bad happens to her!" The Iloa's expression was one of absolute bewilderment, but considering that her skin was rough, Flynn could not tell if she was angry or just surprised.

"I... I have a city to fix after the destruction of those kobolds! I am the tribe's chief, Flynn! I cant go like that without more than two times in a row!"

"I just hear that you're going to leave us when we need a guide! Jeellel, you're the only one I can trust in this world!" Flynn grabbed Iloa by the arms, looking directly into her eyes. "Please, I ask you"


Jeellel looked at the floor, not knowing what to say. The archeology was not very clear what to do when someone as powerful and attractive as Flynn begged her in that way.  "... I can ask my little sister to take care of everything a few hours more... but no more! I have a duty with my tribe!"

"That's enough for me, this time I will not let that Phoenix escape!"
Flynn opened the door of the room, waiting for Valeria to arrive next to him. "My daughter, please... your father needs answers from that woman however... dont fail me now"

Valeria said nothing, walking with her head down towards the door. It was going to be a long night, that's for sure.





District "Bay 71-h", Aeromere:

10 minutes later.


Phoenix walked through the crowded streets of people who left the bars and people who went to work. They were a strange mixture, but the Iloa knew how to make even a crowd bathed in the light of the "neon" crystals have their charm.

The "neon" crystals, was one of the many ways in which Phoenix had influenced these people, a characteristic light for a city as busy as Aeromere. In a way... it was a way of reminding her of her old home, but giving a different air to a city in the process of expansion.

Of course almost no one would know who was Phoenix! beyond the crazy who lived alone in a cathedral in ruins, but that was just the sweet taste of time, which reduces everything to mere memories.

After a short walk from her apartment, Phoenix arrived at his favorite place, "Karmotrine". There was nothing to distinguish this bar built in the basement of a building of the hundreds of bars in the 71-h district, but for Phoenix, it was an unrepeatable place in the city.

Going down the stairs, Phoenix saw how the guardian construct was half deactivated. Some prankster or a little nosy, the redhead thought, it didnt really matter who it was, because Phoenix's anger didnt make distinctions.

With a small kick, the energy crystal of the construct came back to work again. "Get. Out. Of. Here. Kids!"

"Afternoon, Gordt, they've already turned you off and they're gone." Phoenix turned the construct over, checking that there were no major damages.

"What?. Damned. Children. Always. With. Their. Jokes!." The construct crossed its metal arms, wishing a better defensive capacity to avoid such embarrassing situations.

"The boss still doesnt change your parts, right? Every day you have more and more broken voice!" Phoenix laughed as he replaced Gordt in his usual position.


"She. says. that. we. dont. have. money. for. anything. else. Only. to. renew. my. audio. and. energy. crystals. but. without. a. new. frame. or. better. parts. I. cant. defend. our. bar!." Gordt simply re-activated his defensive systems, while opening the door to Phoenix with his foot.




Phoenix entered leaving his raincoat on the usual rack, seeing how the bar was as calm as most days. Only regulars were sitting at the bar, while Ranas poured a pink cup to phoenix's big friend.

"Here you have it, Dalia! A Bay Leaf Double loaded with sugar, as you like it! And for Phoenix... Dark Ale Freedom dry?" Frogs did not even need to look toward the door, as the temperature increase was always a sign that Phoenix was entering the premises.

"Well, start preparing it! My guests will arrive in a while, so today I can only stay half an hour or so." Phoenix sat next to the giantess, who rested her head on the bar. "Homework, exams, what is today?"

Dalia groaned for Phoenix's amusement as she left a tablet on the bar counter. "I have to write an article about the mommy figure, but lately I can not get the symbols right, either I'm over time or I'm too soon! I needed a drink... so dont you dare to judge me"

"That doesnt even have alcohol! Doesnt have alcohol, right Ranas?" Phoenix was in the obligation to ask, because although Ranas was an old acquaintance, his fondness was not unknown for trying to see how much it takes to get a giantess drunk.

"Of course not, for whom do you take me? I only give her alcohol when I know you will not come!" The iloa of the forest sticks its tongue out at Phoenix, before serving their cup.


"Phoenix, your prediction for yesterday's match was wrong! I won only half of what you told me!" One of the regulars shouted from the other side of the bar, while his partner broke up laughing. (She had ... a couple of glasses more than recommended)

"I told you they would win! Not how many goals they would make! You should thank me for not letting you lose half a salary by betting!" The iloa simply fell silent, while his partner laughed even louder. "Going back to the subject of Hannah and the symbols, why dont you try to steal a hair or something? You'd have a better chance if you got the DNA of her"


"But I already have her DNA in my DNA! The problem comes when I make a symbol with my blood, that takes me to a place where Mom or Mommy has been, or her ancestors! I cant calculate the right symbol because there is too much people in my family tree!"

"You're the first person I know who complains about having a great family that loves you... of course I've spent hundreds of years in total silence, so perhaps I dont know many people to compare..." Phoenix swallowed her drink, finishing it off before Ranas replaced it with a new one.

"I dont complain about having a lot of family that loves me! I complain about having a lot of family that loves me in many different places at the same time!" Dalia hit the bar with her fist, making all the glasses jump. "God, I hate this job sometimes!"

"You could choose another activity, I'm sure you would fit very well in the cheerleaders team!" Phoenix left a few seconds of silence, waiting for a laugh that would never come. "Ehhh... Dalia? You get it? You fit! It's a size joke!"


"God, you're so bad at making jokes in the past, present or in the future!" Dalia picked up her glass of juice and drank it all at once, belching loudly after that.

"Dalia Reyes Wood never leaves anything half-hearted! I signed up as a volunteer in the chronology club and I swear by the grave of my great grandfather that I plan to finish the school year without changing clubs!"

"You had to swear on behalf of Novaterrae or something... Jesus!... how exaggerated you are when you think you're drunk!" Phoenix sipped his own drink while Ranas renewed the glass of Dalia. "I know you're proud, but no one is going to call you a coward to change clubs if you feel that the situation is surpassing you! You're 14 years old for the love of God! You're in the age of trying new things and changing your mind a thousand times!"

Dalia seemed willing to say something else, but the bar door flew open, while Flynn came in with his spear. "Nice city that you have set up, Phoenix... Very... cyberpunk! It's like that? What else would matter... I want answers and I want them now!"

Behind the bar, Ranas looked for a few seconds at Phoenix, before understanding the situation and opening the back room so that all the clients could take refuge.

"Dalia", stay and watch! You'll be able to see my bittersweet, timeless will against the impatience and the pride of the sun's prophet! "Phoenix got up from the stool, finishing his drink and leaving it at the bar counter.

"This is a fight that makes the chronology worthwhile!" Dalia shouted excitedly as she walked away from Phoenix.

"Dalia?!... Oh sir... how am I going to enjoy this!" Flynn pulled away, letting Valeria enter the room. "Valeria, do you see that giantess there? Stay by her side and make sure nothing happens to her, my daughter!"


Valeria, so sore that she only had the strength to obey, crawled along the walls until she reached Dalia, where she fell on her legs. "Dont move, Hannah... dad is furious and scared... and that's his most dangerous emotional state..."

"Hannah? No, I'm Dalia... I cant let you go unconscious, you can rarely see Flynn lose a fight!" Dalia waved to Valeria, before crawling to the bar and start preparing (with lots of difficulties because of the small size of the bottles for her) one of the Ranas recipes.

Phoenix and Flynn, oblivious to all that, jumped against each other, colliding heads.

Sparks and embers jumped in all directions.





End Notes:





Anything I say today would be a spoiler for tomorrow, so today I'm going to cut it here and tomorrow I'll be extended throughout this "Chapters from Bahia"!

Thanks to all the readers as always and until tomorrow!

(Today the reward is much higher, 1,000,000 points to those who have caught the reference of the name of the bar :P)




Chapter 70 CfB ReMiX 2:: Lights in the sky: LIVE AND DIE FOR BAHIA DEL SOL!!! by SirDarkvid




Same place, same mom- CRASH !!!!!!


Flynn went flying against the wall by Phoenix's punch, but the prophet put all his effort in turning in the air to avoid an unnecessary blow. Leaning against the wall with his right foot and hand, Flynn pushed himself with the same force towards his rival, thrusting his hand with the tip of his spear.

"Dont believe you are the big thing! You're facing the prophet himself!" Flynn grabbed the spear with both hands, lifting the girl and throwing her out the door of the bar.

Phoenix hit the stairs, smashing the door, breaking the neck, the spine and part of the steps in the process. The redhead exhaled as she heard Flynn walking towards her, his spear gathering electricity in the process. "Come on! Start talking now or shut up forever!"


Phoenix let the usual heat fill his body, as he slowly rose to his feet again. "I have to admit ... that hit has been a lot of fun!"

"Fun?! Then let me give you the funniest night of your life!" Flynn leapt toward Phoenix with his spear ahead. The redhead managed to make her flaming wings appear to jump all the steps of the bar before Flynn impaled her.

"You go with everything! You would not expect anything more from the great Flynn Sun! But for now... let me match the situation and "warm up" the atmosphere!" Phoenix plucked one of its feathers from pure fire, throwing it like a bullet towards the prophet.


Flynn prepared to block it with a direct impact of the spear, but the heat contained within the energy pen was such that the mere roze between feather and spear unleashed an explosion. The prophet shot out again into the bar, landing on one of the tables.

"Those feathers... those wings... it's impossible for her to be an extra-human phoenix! There has to be another answer!" Flynn jumped up from the table, cleaning his tunic quickly before running after Phoenix.





Bay District Streets


Flynn ran down the street up one of the many walkways that crossed the main street. If it was not because he was in Novaterrae, the scene could have been passed off as a movie in Tokyo.

The Iloa of Autumngate were more... simple to say it in some way, and the leaders of the tribes didnt seem much more advanced. But this city? The inhabitants here would be futuristic even for terrestrial standards!

"One of the main problems of the Iloa society is the absolute decompensation of technology and science" Flynn was put on guard, scaring the Iloa from their surroundings while looking for where came the voice of Phoenix.

"While cities such as Aeromere, Eupelas and Prikork have advanced a great deal in all areas, a huge part of the continent continues to live in a pre-industrialization period... with luck, industrial times, as it happens with Gleles!"

"And why is that ?! Isnt this people all Iloa?! Why they dont share all the advances?" Flynn jumped into one of the streetlight crystals, searching the redhead in all directions.

"Humans have an alliance mentality, we share our discoveries so that others can improve them and move forward! The Iloa... many still believe in slavery or holy wars, others prefer to live far from any threat to their style of life. life, and others just do not want to share their advances! Not all it seems, Flynn!

The Iloa has not been on the verge of extinction for nothing!" Phoenix appeared from a flaming vortex behind Flynn, and although the prophet managed to see her in time, the redhead was faster kicking her in the neck with enough force to throw Flynn back to the pedestrian walkways.

"I dont have a reason to be here... because what I really have is a punishment! A sentence! Chains that tie my soul and my being to an Alitian god and dont let me return with the person I love!

I must watch over and over again that the Iloa society advances properly, until the end of time! See them die and live again and again! And not only to these people, also to all those who ever love! I am a sad jester, a timeless soul who has lost all motivation to fulfill his sentence!"


"So... a sad buffoon, huh?" Flynn stood up, grabbing the railing with one hand and his spear with the other. "According to your "story", you must be a human who came to Novaterrae during the Earth exodus, isnt it?!"

Phoenix landed on the glass where Flynn used to be, applauding him as her tail of colored flames appeared. The Phoenix was completely ready to fight.

"Right! 10/10 for the knight! Now you just have to find out-"

"What happened, Elsa?! Who failed everything so that you were condemned for all eternity?" Flynn pointed his spear at the redhead, who looked amused while continuing to applaud.

"As always, Flynn, you're one step ahead! Elsa... lately, only Dalia calls me by that name... if it werent for her, surely I would have forgotten my own name! Isnt it fun?" Flynn's serious face did not make a face.

"No, of course it'snt fun..." Elsa sighed, as she lit her finger in flame and pointed it like a gun at Flynn. "I would love to promise you that answer if you won the fight, master... but unfortunately... Scarlet Key erases my memory after each cataclysm, leaving me alone with the memories of before everything went wrong!"

"Scarlet Key?" Flynn had been suspecting both Azure Key and the other day about Scarlet Key. Their behaviors and their "benevolence" were too... perfect. Azure Key knew perfectly well what was going to happen, exactly as well.

Almost as if he had already lived it.

"Keys... their kind isnt trustworthy, master! I dont need read your mind to see what you're thinking right now!" Phoenix shot embers with his finger-gun, forcing Flynn to jump to another catwalk.


"Do you plan to continue with the fight? Elsa, I dont know what happened to you ... but I dont care what Elsa is, I will not fight against someone I consider my own daughter!" Flynn barely had time to finish the sentence, before Elsa descended on the flame deck. Both struggled for a few seconds, before Flynn sent her kicking back.

Phoenix flew to the next railing, leaning on gracefully. "I've been so many years... so many cycles wanting to see you all again, so many eternities wanting to see her... every time humanity died on earth, I locked myself in the cathedral until the next cycle! But after so much time... I... finally... I... I AM SO HAPPY THAT I CAN ONLY EXPRESS IT WITH MY FIST!"

Flynn hallucinated with the words of Elsa, but what really amazed was with went to the onslaught of the redhead.

Elsa grabbed Flynn from the neck of the tunic, opening her wings and leaning on the ground to make the greatest possible jump. The combat should continue yes or yes, but for such historical event, there was only one scenario worthy enough to host the final combat.

And that's where they were going.






Bar "Karmotrine": Same moment while a wave of destruction in the form of a fireball rages Terre dell'alba in a straight line.


Dalia had managed to put half a body behind the bar (half body, literally, had only managed to sit sideways with legs stretched), checking the bottles of Frogs. The giantess had seen many times in the past as Mom, Frogs and many others prepared cocktails and the like, and if they could, it was evident that she too!

"... this sounds sweet, but it doesnt have sugar in the recipe ... Valeria, pass me my glasses, they're in the backpack!" Dalia asked as she approached the mini bottle as close as possible to the eye. The last time the giantess had to read such small things was when she was 9 years old she entered a human pharmacy to buy bandages with happy hearts drawn, all because of Elsa's claim that she was too old to wear baby bands.

And although to enter in had not been too difficult (mainly because she entered through the double doors), The result of such an act of revelation was to see her mother outside, Dalia tried to leave through the back door of the pharmacy...

Door that evidently was not prepared for a young giantess of 14 feet of height-

"Dont even think about telling that! Skip directly to the end of the story!"

Okay, okay!... what a character... it's a super fun story!...

In the end, the firemen had to tear off the door frame with Dalia still stuck, and then with Dalia already sitting on the floor with the Frame on your waist cut it with a radial saw.

All this with the constant look of disappointment of Elsa.

"After that... I got so upset that I didnt leave my room in all that was left of the day... I still remember Mommy and mommy asking me to open the door..."

If at the end you were going to tell your story, why make me shut up the best part?

"Because I'm not going to let you embarrass me in front of everyone! Dalia Reyes Wood has an honor to keep!" have not put a lid on the blender.


The giantess turned around running, seeing how all the liquid she had put in the blender was spreading on the walls, the floor and even on Valeria.

"NO NO NO! At this time the blenders dont close automatically?... Ranas is going to kill me... that's for sure"

"With... who... are you... talking... Hannah?" Valeria was still completely gone, enough pain to completely cloud her mind and heart, making her insensitive, unconscious and above all, helpless.

"I?... with... you know, it doesnt matter" Dalia pretended that nothing had happened, pouring the (little) remaining content of the blender into one of the most elegant glasses of the bar, and placing a small umbrella, she served it to the vampire. "Here you have! I have mixed all the bottles with the most beautiful colors that Ranas had here, and together with a revolutionary mixing system, here is my definitive cocktail! The... Bittersweet timeless!"

"It has a good name ... I hope you like it ..." Valeria pushed the glass back to Dalia. Did she do it driven by her survival instinct? Did she do so moved by the idea that she herself was the one who had served the cup? Nobody still knows today.

"No no, Aunt Valeria, it's for you! Drink it before it comes alive and flee! Hahahaha... dont discard it... I had to use symbology to get rid of the bad smell"

That Kobold had almost killed Valeria, her new companions had been almost dead from the fight, Flynn had dragged her as if nothing despite all her injuries ... Valeria did not think twice. She needed a drink.

The vampire took the cup and drank the concoction suddenly, feeling how her body reacted accordingly.

It was the best cocktail she had ever tasted, with a melody of flavors, sensations that combined with a perfect blend, gave her the strength to fight until the end of the day with all her strength.



Of course not! The cocktail tastes so bad that he has managed to kill her! Which in turn has activated the vampire genome within her body, releasing a wave of antibodies followed by red blood cells and-

"Is she recovered?"

If... technically, her body has survived the impact of the cocktail and has completely regenerated.

"That's a victory for me!"

IN WHAT WORLD KILLING HER WITH A DICKY COCKTAIL COUNTS LIKE VICTORY?! Aggg! You know what? I will not argue with you, Dalia...-

Valeria opened her eyes suddenly, noticing how her wounds closed and the strength returned to her entire body, even stronger than ever! "Yes... yes! VALERIA IS IN THE HOUSE AGAIN! Thank you... who the hell are you ?! You're not Hannah! But you look like her"

"That doesnt matter now! Flynn has been kidnapped by Phoenix! And she is heading to Bahia! You have to stop her to avoid... something I dont know what she plans to do in Bahia but it will not be good!

"Understood! Let's go!" Valeria grabbed the giantess by the hand, pulling her as if she weighed nothing and carrying her flying. Flying... it isnt the correct word, or if it is, but it would be necessary to add "Flying dragged by Valeria transformed into gust of wind, one so powerful capable of carrying a 20 foot giantess"...

I need a few minutes, I'm still misplaced by the "victory" of that imbecile.





Azure Gate: 06:15 in the morning

Scorched groves in Novaterrae: 47

Destroyed cities: 1/8 city

Mountain peak destroyed: 1


The sun dawned at Bahia del Sol, a new day full of promise and hope.

It would be a pity... that something bothered the day.

The Azure Gate opened suddenly, alerting Kenny and all the soldiers, who marched into the courtyard to give a welcome full of lead to anyone who tried to enter without permission. What they certainly did not expect was for someone to have an even more ardent welcome for them.

"BAHIA DEL SOL!" Elsa crossed the Azure Gate, flying over the flaming cover, dragging Flynn who "defended" by sticking his spear into the ground to try to slow down the phoenix.

Elsa landed in the middle of the courtyard, completely ignoring the soldiers as she opened her arms and took a long breath. "It smells like my home... how much I missed this smell-" Flynn pierced Elsa's chest with her spear, also nailing it to the ground to keep her from flying away.

"You've... dragged me literally across the middle of Terranovae! But it's over!" Elsa couldnt stop laughing as she touched the tip of the spear with her finger, feeling the electricity that emerged from it. "What is so funny!?"

"We have not even crossed a fourteen part of the continent! Terre dell'alba has much more to offer!" Elsa looked up, noticing the disgusting smell of an old acquaintance.

"Flynn Sol, you are arrested for taking people illegally to Novaterrae and for using the Azure Gate after hours!" Kenny tried to sound as serious as possible, but it was impossible to hide the slight fear that ran through his body. Not in vain... Flynn had impaled a girl in front of them all.


"Kenny, get away... this girl is extremely dangerous-" This time it was Flynn's turn to stay in mid-sentence, because Elsa struck a sure hook at the prophet's chin, throwing her back and allowing Elsa to regain control of the spear.

"Kenny?... your smell sounds me... but I cant remember you! What else will I give ?! I did not come to this!" Elsa opened her wings, releasing a superconcentrated heat nova.

"ALL SOIL!" All the soldiers crouched before Kenny himself could say anything, because if the nova had reached them... let's say the half-melting streetlight was a good example of their destiny.

"LISTEN TO ME ALL! I LIVE AND DIE FOR THIS CITY! MORE I NEVER FIND THE REST! r03;r03;AN ALITIAN GOD TAKES ME AS A CONTAINER OF HIS ESSENCE AND SCARLET KEY TAKES ME AS HIS IMMORTAL SLAVE!" Elsa flew towards the security wall that separated the Bahia complex, perching on the edge.

"I've been around for so long... alone... but today... Today I'm going to make up for lost time and warn the right person about my destiny! I'll change the future, fuck Scarlet Key, and see my beloved again! Today is my day! And nobody can stop me now!"

Elsa launched the spear with precision at Flynn, nailing her in his tunic and digging both to the ground, then immediately reopen the wings and fly off as a meteor towards Bahia.


"Shit! Does anyone know who she was?!" Kenny turned to his soldiers, before raising the alarm to GUN about the situation.

"Elsa... it's Elsa!" Flynn tore off his robe, making his combat clothes appear before anyone could see him naked. "Dont warn anyone, it's my enemy and it's my fight!"

"Elsa? What? She looked like her, but her hair and eyes were different, besides those wings and that tail of fire!" And although Kenny was still screaming, Flynn was already preparing to open a dark portal. "Where are you going?! We dont know what or what her objective is! Answer me right now or I swear I'll shoot you, Flynn!"

"Shut up once! I'm focused!" Flynn closed his eyes, meditating as he created the portal completely. "I know where she is going, so dont interrupt that battle or all my anger will fall on you!"


"Flynn!..." Kenny could not do anything to prevent Flynn from fleeing through the dark portal, leaving both him and the soldiers completely unattended.

"Sir, I think Flynn was the one who used the Azure Gate last night..."

"...shut up. Shut up, and someone give me a cofee, please..."



End Notes:






Stupid Dalia... ah?  Is it over? Tomorrow the conclusion of Lights in the Sky!

Thank you all for reading!...

Damn Dalia, how can she consider it a victory to kill someone? And how has she managed to create such a horrible cocktail that is deadly?



Chapter 71 CfB ReMiX 2:: Lights in the sky: Lead the way, I will follow you by SirDarkvid


Home of the Reyes family


After a few minutes of orientation (and why not say it, enjoying seeing Bahia again), Phoenix landed in front of the Reyes family house, turning off her wings and her tail. The redhead stood in the middle of the street, not knowing very well what she was going to say.

And it wasnt for not having thought it properly! Specifically, Elsa had had 4,159,761 years, or what would come with 6 cycles, to plan their reunion with Hannah... but now that she was so close... the words left her mind.

Was this the right thing? This Hannah... she was much younger than the Hannah that Phoenix had to say goodbye... besides that she had her own Elsa to love.

An Elsa that was not just a broken vessel filled with the essence of a god...

A huge scale noise brought Phoenix out of his thoughts, while Jolbirth raised his neck above Hannah's house. "Wow ... what do we have here? I thought the noise was going to be another stupid airplane, but I can see that it isnt"

Phoenix froze, letting the tears of happiness run freely. "Jolbirth!... never thought I'd see you again..." The redhead wiped her face with the sleeve of her shirt, while the dragon bowed his head thoughtfully.

"You smell like Elsa, but that's impossible... of course I would never say that! Nobody better than me knows what is possible or impossible... what brings you here, Elsa 2? Forgotten promises? Lost memories? Surprise me, I invite you to try it"

Phoenix tried to answer him, but her own voice betrayed her. And not only his voice! His body was beginning to paralyze... although this was nothing new for Elsa, of course.

It was Scarlet Key himself silencing her and forcing her back to Novaterrae. It wasnt the first time he did it, of course not... and it wouldnt be the last time. The Keys had the mania to pretend to control until the minimum evolution of events, sometimes reaching the point of destroying entire civilizations just to make sure that everything continues to flow properly.

It was his duty.

His obligation to the universe.

And his pleasure.

Even Flynn himself was being manipulated by Scarlet Key to take her back to Novaterrae. Not even the very master Flynn was able to escape his influence... which didnt bring her any relief.

"Elsa, something's wrong? your tongue has eaten by the... damn, Jolbirth! You've studied popular phrases to not sound like a grandfather! The cat? The bird? The crow?... ummmm" Jolbirth step on the side of the house, in as much silence as possible.

"And before you ask, I've come to meet that one they call Deathwing, by Hannah's express invitation. In case I find it a bit disappointing that dragon are just data, but at least he was style! almost get away with it, so even if it'snt real, Deathwing has my respect from dragon to dragon"

Elsa looked away, while internally struggling to regain control of her body. The influence of Scarlet key was growing, and no matter how powerful the Alitian god was, it was nothing compared to the powers of a Key.


"JOLBIRTH! WHAT THE HELL!, WHY DO YOU SPEAK SO LATE?! YOU WILL AWAKE ALL THE NEIGHBORS!" The other Elsa ran out still in her house pajamas, followed by a sleepy Hannah. With the single vision of Hannah, Elsa Phoenix was able to break the control of Scarlet Key.


"Hannah ... Hannah ... Hannah!" Elsa phoenix jumped towards Hannah, with her arms open and her lips ready, but a spear in her side threw her out of the way.

"You thought you had lost sight of me, eh? It takes a lot more to leave behind  Flynn Sol himself." Flynn jumped out of the dark portal, landing in the middle of the street with his fully electrified spear. "Hannah, Elsa, go back inside the house, I'll take care of this"


"But... what are you doing?! Why are you attacking a girl who hasnt done anything?!" Hannah cried out still half asleep, rubbing her eyes. "I'm sorry Flynn, but this doesnt make sense!"

"Go back to bed, Hannah, it's you who Phoenix is r03;r03;looking for!" While Flynn walked towards her, brandishing the spear with ease, Elsa Phoenix leaned on the sidewalk to get up. "Give it up once and let's go back to Novaterr-"

"That's not what you're saying, Flynn! Scarlet is talking through your body! I'm thinking about seeing Hannah again, and I'm going to make sure nothing's going to fail again! Now more than ever I have a motivation for it!" Elsa Phoenix opened her flaming wings, ready to fight to the end for Hannah.

"...Scarlet is influencing me, eh?... Jolbirth, with me!" Flynn jumped towards the dragon, who lowered his head to allow the prophet to climb on it. "If it's what you say, then prove it to me, not with words but with fists! Lead the way, Elsa, and I'll make sure to follow you!"

Jolbirth took off, with the prophet still in his head. From the heights, Flynn launched a thrust with his spear, one that turned into a voltaic arc.

"I've been waiting too many millennia waiting for this moment, and I'm going to get to the end! Even the moon itself, if necessary!" Elsa Phoenix went flying at full speed towards Jolbirth, destroying the electric wave in its path and impacting the stomach of the dragon king.

From the entrance of the house, Elsa and Hannah looked at each other, totally disconnected from the situation. In the end, Elsa was the first to take the floor. "Flynn has called her Elsa, hasnt it been my imagination?"

Hannah refused, looking up at the sky where Jolbirth and Elsa Phoenix exchanged punches without stopping. "It's like a boss of dark souls 3! The nameless king and king of the storm against a pyromanic build! Although..." Hannah sniffed the air with her eyes closed. "Yes, she smells like you, honey... it's a smell that distinguishes a crowd!"

Elsa wrinkled her brow, annoyed by the statement... annoyed and cheerful at the same time. But above all, annoying. "So bad I shouldnt smell ... nobody has ever complained..."


Returning to the center point, Elsa Phoenix punched Jolbirth to the ground, forcing the dragon to land ahead of time. "Nothing bad, Elsa hot! But your flames are nothing compared to the flame of my revenge!" Jolbirth accumulated his breath, releasing a profane flare against the phoenix. Flare that Flynn pointed with his spear.

"In the past we were enemies, but now Jolbirth and I have the power of teamwork! And this is the tes of our combinationt! GRAND DISCHARGE" Flynn fired a small bolt from his spear, which at the contact with Jolbirth's blaze became a beam of pure electricity.

The impact was full on Elsa Phoenix, knocking her down between cries of pain and making her fall headfirst to the ground. With such force that Elsa herself opened a huge hole in the ground."Is it over?... What a disappointment!" Jolbirth cautiously walked towards the hole, with the lesson learned from his fight against Hannah.

Flynn jumped out of the dragon's head, falling into the hole where only ashes remained. "... I have killed her..I hope that this will help you rest in peace, Elsa"

"FLYNN! SHE'S A-" Hannah's voice was interrupted by a scream of pain from Flynn, who shot out 0flame-covered of the hole.

"A phoenix ... I am a phoenix, for the good and the bad!" Elsa Phoenix reappeared from the ashes, leaping from the hole toward Jolbirth. "AND MY NAME IS ELSA, IMMORTAL CONTAINER AND CARRIER OF ONE OF THE FOUR ALITIAN GODS! BESIDES THE SCARLET KEY ETERNAL SLAVE!" Elsa phoenix charged her fist, grabbing Jolbirth's neck and instantly covering the dragon with flames.

Jolbirth snarled and growled in pain, as Elsa's flames found their way inside him incinerating him inside. After a few moments, the corpse (for the third time) of Jolbirth fell to the ground with a great rumble. "Never give a phoenix for dead ... that will be your lesson"


"You... killed Jolbirth ?!" Hannah trembled in fear for a few seconds. "I know he's a dead body and in a few hours he'll be back to normal... but still..."

"Hannah... I... I've been wanting to see you for so long..." Elsa Phoenix walked towards the lawn of Hannah's garden, falling to her knees, crying with happiness before Hannah.

"I've missed you so much... so much time wanting to apologize... I just wanted to go to beyond with you... but it didnt matter how many times I committed suicide! This damn God kept me alive whether it was Ashes form, in human form and even in the form of a flame! I could not save you and now I can not even look you in the face!" A few steps made Elsa Phoenix raise her head, only to find Elsa in front of her. "Elsa ..."

CLAP!! Elsa slapped her with all her strength on Elsa Phoenix's cheek, and although at another time it had been impossible, the slap managed to knock Elsa phoenix to the ground.

"I dont know who you are, or why you are me, but I'm not going to let you crawl, crying, I'm ... you're ... We're Elsa Wood, the self-called greatest minds of our generation! Crying is not ours style!"

Elsa phoenix stroked her cheek, stopped crying while smiling. "The self-named?... for so long that I didnt hear that phrase... you're right, crying isnt our style..." Elsa phoenix broke into a laugh, as she got up and cleaned the grass. "Point one: how short are you... Point two: permission to kiss Hannah?"


Elsa took a step forward, trying to draw chest to compete with the other Elsa... but between her higher height and her greater curves (much, much greater), it was completely useless. With a snort, Elsa went back to normal.

"Point 1: It's not my fault that for some reason you look like an erotic drawing of mine... and point 2: Before you'll have to go through my rotten corpse"

"That... it will not be a problem! As you can see, I have the power of a god inside me, which makes us a little "different"in terms of combat level" Elsa Phoenix said smiling, opening her burning wings to intimidate Elsa. (had a little effect)

Hannah ran between them, lifting each one under one of her arms. "Stop both, I love Elsa a lot, but I cant stand seeing an Elsa fight against Elsa! I'd rather die than witness it!"

"NO!" Both Elsas said at once, causing both of them growling in frustration to Hannah's joy.

"See, it's all solv... ed..." Hannah looked up at the sky and was completely silent.

"What's wrong, Hannah... oh my god..." Elsa repeated the same movement, which forced Elsa phoenix to let go so she could check what they were seeing.

Obviously, she also run out of words.

High in the sky, Flynn pointed Elsa Phoenix directly with one hand, while with the other he pulled a kind of electricity cord... which ascended and ascended in the sky...

until surrounding the moon.

"DONT YOU SAY SOMETHING ABOUT COME TO THE MOON IF IT WAS NECESSARY?! LET'S SEE IF YOU CAN FULFILL YOUR WORDS!" Flynn began to pull and pull, while a scarlet aura covered his body and gave him the strength necessary for the feat he was trying.

Hannah muttered something about an ocarina, before falling to the ground faint with fear. "And here comes the trauma with majoras mask again... you're fucking me, he cant .." Elsa said as she tried to lift Hannah's head and hold her tongue. (which at any other time, the blonde would have enjoyed a lot)

"Scarlet key... he plans to throw me the damn moon just to force me back to Novaterrae... that Key is bad in the head..."



End Notes:


As you may notice from the last chapters, I have much less free time lately due to work and studies, so I have to shorten the chapters a little more than normal. I hope everything returns to normal in the next week.

Meanwhile, I will not stop thanking all of you who follow the story, either daily or not! Thanks and have a good day!


Chapter 72: A step forward by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:




Good evening / day everyone! As you can see from the title, the last chapter was the second "Chapters from Bahia"!

Why if today will history continue to stop Flynn-Scarlet Key?

Mainly, because in the second segment of today the history of humanity in Novaterrae will advance to a great extent, which will imply the "first steps" (now in a literal sense) as a society in its new home.


Enjoy the chapter!





Bahia del sol, home of Benjamin Vagrand: 07:00 am

The news, internet, telephones of all America sounded at the same time, and that included all the technological devices of the Vagrand floor.

Vagrand's two phones kept ringing again and again, with calls from all his acquaintances, to the point of scandal that even after consuming his sleeping pills Benjamin opened his eyes.

"What the hell... it'snt that late for so many calls ... and it's not my turn with the kids yet, is it?" Benjamin sat on the edge of his bed, while his partner kept stirring because of the scandal. It was strange that being Ben who needed sleeping pills, somniferous super powerful addition, it was his bed partner who did not wake up even if a plane passed by the window.

"Vagrand, who do I speak to?" Vagrand answered his work telephene while cleaning the rheum. "That the moon is approaching Bahia?... Like the moon, you mean Eleanor? the literal moon... I'm going to look out the window, one minute"Benjamin hung up the phone, releasing it on his side of the bed.

"Tell Elenaor to fuck off... it's too early..." Veronica shifted, turning around in bed.

"It wasnt Eleanor, it was Kenny ... oh holy god ... why I have the impression that Elsa or Hannah... or Valeria are to blame for this?" Vagrand rubbed his eyes, not giving credit to the image. With the sun rising, someone was holding the moon with a rope made of electricity, and somehow bringing it closer to the earth.

"Dont be exaggerated. it will not be that bad..." Veronica, annoyed, frustrated and angry, rolled around the bed until she got out of Vagrand's side, leaning out the window. "... oh ... so far we've arrived ... we'rent out of this one! Goodbye humanity!"

"Dont die without fight, cute! Not if I can make something!" Vagrand ran back to his bed, picking up his phone and calling. "Eleanor, you remember... I've seen it, of course... That's why we need your little stimulant, you have it ready? ... Perfect then, see you at Hannah's" Vangrand hung up the phone while with the other hand he started to take the pants off.

"Veronica, get dressed and start the car, I'm going to call Juddit to get her permission"

"Permission? Of what?! Juddit is right now on her route from Bahia-Los Angeles, she cant leave the bus in the middle of the road like that! and with the moon... she cant let the people in the middle of the road!"

"I dont need her to leave the bus! I just need her to give me the permission to administer the FUN to Hannah, and if this doesnt stop the moon, nothing can." Vagrand just got dressed, while he turned on his laptop to send the documents to Juddit.

"F.U.N ?! What the heck is that?!" Veronica finished dressing in the same clothes as the previous day, while closing Vagrand's laptop to get her full attention.

"Neo-stimulant Union Factor, it's messy, but Eleanor insisted that FUN was much more commercial ... although I'm not going to trade it or even make it public, I have to admit that it's much better name than NUF" Vagrand withdrew his hand of his secretary, while checking Juddit's email in his contact list.

"Benjamin Vagrand, I dont know what you're up to, but we're talking about my fucking niece, drug her and I swear I'll tear out your eyes with a plastic spoon and put them in your ass, then kick you so hard that you will end up spitting them out of your mouth"

Benjamin swallowed nervously, while linking the documents. "Hannah is the architect of my dreams, Veronica, I would never do anything that would harm her ... I can swear to that"





Home of the Reyes family: 20 minutes later.


Elsa Phoenix fell again in the middle of the road, destroying the asphalt for the sixteenth time. Her bones were shattered, but Flynn was managing not to kill her completely and not let her regenerate in the form of ashes.

Was it Scarlet key, or was it Flynn's own mental acuity? Elsa Phoenix did not have the time, nor the desire to be finding out.

"WHAT HAPPENS, ELSA? YOUR ATTACKS ARE EVERY TIME MORE AND MORE WEAK! COME BACK TO TERRANOVAE, AND YOU WILL SAVE THIS WHOLE WORLD!" Flynn screamed as he continued to pull the moon, moving it little by little from its orbit.

"Your fucking mother... not Flynn's, obviously... How's that knife going?" Elsa Phoneix got up from the hole as she could, noticing how her arms were only weak pieces of meat at this moment.

"The last 6 have melted when trying to cut you, so you'll have to wait a little longer! I'm looking for a better knife!" Elsa shouted from the kitchen of the house, opening all the drawers and throwing pots and pans in the middle, in search of any knife that seemed useful. After the first 7 take downs, Elsa Phoenix had asked Elsa to kill her so she could regense herself and attack Flynn at full power, but every knife that pierced her skin became molten metal.

"Shit... Scarlet Key, why are you doing this?! These people are going to be the allies of the Iloa! Killing them will only cause Azure Key to take revenge for his hand! You will only bring pain and suffering!" Elsa Phoenix opened her wings again, flying at full speed towards Flynn, but the result was the same.

With a single impact of his spear, Flynn returned Elsa to the ground, crashing this time with the roof of Hannah's house. "Look... poor ass... all this is your fault! I enslaved you to guide my children, and every cycle you just let them fail again and again! This is my way of demonstrating what happens if you do not obey my word... but you could fix it... you could save them! Just go back to Terranovae!"


"Do you really think I'm an imbecile?... You'll close the portal as I enter the... I'll lose my chance to see Hannah again, to avoid whatever happens to me! I cant disappoint Hannah and Dalia... I cant disappoint myself!"

"Poor empty and miserable body ... she continues believing that she can recover her life! Overcome him Phoenix! There is nothing left of the authentic Elsa inside you, only the soul of a god of fire too cowardly to die! Stop believing that you are something more than a mere tool at my disposal!" Flynn threw his spear at Hannah, grabbing the electric cord with both hands.

"You have sealed your destiny, but dont worry, I will pick up your ashes after the destruction of this world, and I will make sure that I never again-"


Eleanor jumped out of Vagrand's car (really... she was just standing in the back, the car too small for the 20-foot wolf to sit comfortably), and with a precise stroke she grabbed Flynn's spear before it could hurt Hannah.

"Thank goodness ... FLYNN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Eleanor stabbed the spear on the ground, while kneeling next to Hannah. "Elsa, how long have Hannah been unconscious... wait, have you dyed your hair?" The wolf tilted her head in confusion, while Elsa Phoenix jumped into the garden.

"None of that ... just ... then I'll explain it to you ... eleanor ... eleanor! Hannah has been since the Flynn possessed began to attract the moon, about 30 minutes or so, Elsa says it's because she has a kind of trauma with Majora mask ... a game? Or a movie? It's been so many millions of years that I do not use a terrestrial electronic device that I do not remember anymore"

"Electronic device? Millions of years ?! What the hell are you talking about, Elsa?" Vagrand turned off the car and ran with Hannah, taking the pulse as he could."There is no time for explanations, for now administer the FUN to Hannah, Eleanor! We dont know the catastofrical consequences it will have for our planet if the moon gets closer!"


"What would do to administer the F.U.N. when she is unconscious?! I dont have any more doses, and to make another dose I would need several days, so I need to ensure 100% success! We have to wake up Hann-"

BOOOM! Valeria appeared flying at full speed, releasing a giantess in the middle of the street and throwing herself at Elsa Phoenix's neck, digging her nails into her flesh with all her strength.

"You thought you had escaped?! Where is my fucking father?! I plan to split the two of you in half and feast on you with your blood! MY FATHER FOR LESS THANK MY NEW TEAM, AND YOU FOR NOT HELPING US UNTIL IT WAS TOO MUCH AFTERNOON, PHOENIX!"

"Valeria, where were you ?! I've been calling you all the time, you piece of imbecile!" Vagrand shouted, grabbing the vampire's arm to oblige her to release Elsa. "Release her now, we have more important problems to deal with!"

"Like what, Benji?! Because I'm thinking of killing my father after killing Phoenix, so if they're a problem with one of the two... you'll have to bugger!" The vampire's eyes were bloodshot, as she pressed closer and closer to Elsa Phoenix's neck. "I... you know Benji, I never liked your car!" Valeria pinned Phoenix to the wall of the house, and after pushing Vagrand away from her elbow, walked to Vagrand's car.

"Valeria ... dont you think ... it's an old age ... a very very expensive and the only caprice that I've allowed myself in my entire career..." Valeria didnt stop nodding as insane, and before the look From all over the world, the vampire lifted Vagrand's car with both hands.

"TO TAKE WIND, CRAP CAR!" Valeria threw Vagrand's car with all her strength, leading the wall of the house, half the living room and evidently, a murdered Elsa phoenix, with her head completely crushed by the engine.


...none of the present said anything, until a shout from Esla echoed from the rooftops. "THE HOUSE! THE HOUSE OF JUDDIT AND HANNAH! DAMNED IDIOTS! WHAT HELL ARE YOU DOING?" Elsa ran out of the hole in the house, throwing herself at Valeria without stopping to ask and trying to grab her neck, without any result.

"Another ... Elsa ... this is getting complicated ..." Vagrand took a step back, looking at his shattered car. "My little ... my third most beloved thing in the world ... destroyed ... you would not rock something like that ... I swear to you Valeria ... that someday I'll stick a stake in your back for this ..."

"STOP EVERYONE! THAT FLYNN-SCARLET THROWS THE MOON ABOVE YOU! Have a little sense of urgency!" Dalia stood in the middle of everyone, taking the FUN syringe from Elenaor's hands. "This is FUN, no? I'll take it!"

"But who the hell are you now?! Valeria has kidnapped you and brainwashed you or something?!" Eleanor tried to take the syringe from Dalia, only to see how the giantess removed the needle and drank all the contents. "My... FUN... it's over ... IT ONLY WORKS WITH THOSE GIANTESS THAT ARE ABLE TO USE A WILL CARD!"

"My name is Dalia Reyes Wood, so get out of my way!" Dalia ran forward, activating the Will card and preparing a "javelina lightning".

"She said Reyes?" Vagrand asked the air, while watching as Elsa nodded with pride. The poor mayor decided simply not to say anything else, and wait for the answers to arrive by themselves.

With the javelin at full power, Dalia shot towards Flynn. The possessed prophet does not need to stop to look, destroying the javelin with a simple kick.


But that was part of Dalia's plan. The chronologists are those who use the "Fountain of dreams", manipulating its arcane energy and observing in its waters the evolution of events.

Every chronologist, however novice, had in his possession a small bottle of water from the source of the dreams that they use to wet the brush and create the timeless symbols (astral doors that lead to the past, AND ONLY to the past) and the symbol return. (which allows the chronologist to return to his time of origin)

Dalia had signed up for the chronology club mainly for not having to sign up for any physical activity, and over the months and many trips failed, the giantess had been able to create timeless symbols on almost any surface.

"...and now... wait 3 min" Dalia felt FUN begin to take effect, overloading the Will card and causing an overdose of aura, strong enough to force Flynn to turn around.

"You ... that strength ... that aura ... you're much more disturbing than Elsa." Flynn teleported his spear back into his hand, aiming at Dalia and releasing an electric shock.

"Flynn Sol: he uses techniques mainly based on his lightning spear "Cloudstalker", and basic techniques of aura, in addition to the aura technique of his own creation "Dark portal"! and before you ask, Scarlet ... it's because I already I've seen it all, I've seen the whole story of how my future is forged, Scarlet Key! I know the truth! And you cant harm me in any way! " Dalia knelt, and taking out her already wet brush in the water of the fountain of dreams, she began to draw on the floor.


"Knowledge of the future? That's virtually impossible! Only we can possess such knowledge!" The scarlet aura left Flynn's body, and forming into a small sphere, it took the form of the authentic Scarlet Key."If you really possess that knowledge, I must cut it off: the Iloa are the only ones who must possess such power and have not yet earned it!"

Dalia ignored Scarlet Key, finishing the symbol while the Key lunged towards her like a meteorite.


"I come from the womb of my beloved mother and the cells of my dearest another mother! I and all the chronologists are the living proof of your mistake! And now it's time for you to try a small sample of the power of FUN and the chronology. "System error"!"

From the temporary symbol of the ground emanated a small electric current, which in a matter of seconds became a torrent. Scarlet Key tried to dodge it to reach Dalia, but the giantess had already seen the movements of Scarlet Key. And not only that.

Dalia had already seen this fight a thousand and one times, observing how in half of them her mother ended up with that fragment of Scarlet Key with her "Dream Beam"... unfortunately, and in front of her mother's unconsciousness, this time had to be Dalia's turn to save the day.

Copying, or plagiarizing, the "Dream Beam" and giving her own personal touch thanks to the overdose of FUN aura, Dalia improvised the "System Error", a redirectionable electric trap. And that is what happened.

Scarlet Key was unable to foresee the origin of the attack or its operation, and although the meteor barely avoided it, with a single movement of the wrist the giantess redirected the beam towards Scarlet Key.


"But ... you ... like ... because ... who ....................... ....... BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ................. you... have... as you have... "Scarlet Key was completely trapped, and the electric current was so high that even being only a fragment of his body, his whole being could feel the immense pain.

"Save it, and let's move on to the negotiation... Do you want to free yourself? I have three requests"

"You have ... BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR three requests?... I hear you ... just ... turn this off ..."

"No no! First and foremost, neutralize the language of the Iloa, so that humans and Iloa can begin to understand each other properly" Dalia was totally blank, unable to remember that Hannah specifically asked each time she was the one defeated Scarlet Key. "This ... you also have ..."

Vagrand came running to the back of the giantess, hiding behind his legs to avoid being caught by a spark. "Allow me, little one? As a second request, we want you to expand the portal half a kilometer more, in order to start carrying multiple trucks of materials at the same time"

"That TSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS should I be able to do it... and the last one BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR?"

"Free Phoenix from your curse and return the moon to its place! And dont ever go back to Earth! This is the place where my mothers were born, and I want it to be as precious until the end" Dalia managed to remember everything that Hannah asked normally, although in the end they were more than 3 requests.

"If with that ... GSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS TITITITTITITITITITITITITITITITITI you release me from this ... I'll give you everything you want ..." Scarlet managed to shine lightly, as a sign that she had fulfilled her part of the bargain. The moon slowly began to recede again, returning to its orbit.

"It seems you've been honest... it's okay, you're free, never come back!" Dalia bent down, erasing one of the symbols on the floor and undoing the effect of it.

"Damn humanity ... I can understand why Azure Key is fond of you ..." Scarlet sped off towards Azure Gate, wiping her down as Flynn fell to the ground at full speed. Thank God, Eleanor repeated the feat of the spear but this time with its owner.

Dalia let herself sit on the floor, while the FUN dissipated and her aura returned to the original production. This ... it was a good story to tell the club, no doubt.




End Notes:




If the end is a bit abrupt is because tomorrow the chapter will start with a summary of the next 2 weeks, which are not arguably too important but their events are remarkable.

Nothing better than torturing a Key to force her to grant you wishes! And if for them you have to replace your unconscious mother, well better than better! Dalia now has a very good anecdote to tell... when Elsa inevitably punishes her with nothing to put herself in a danger of this magnitude...

Everything for the news!

Thaks everyone for reading! Good evening / day everyone!




And if anyone is interested, the chronologists are basically reporters and historians

Chapter 73 Dawn Acropolis by SirDarkvid




The attempted annihilation of Scarlet Key wasnt, within the negative aspect of trying to destroy humanity to gain full control over its slave, too bad.

Although there is also the fact that many sects around the planet took the approach of the moon as a sign that the apocalypse was coming... and there were hundreds and hundreds of suicides... but it also brought many positive things. Among them, the neutrality of the language with the Iloa, which allowed Kenny to start looking for commercial allies among the Iloa organizations more easily than with the previous plan.

(Use Hannah as a translator for a Humano-Iloa dictionary, upload it to the Internet and start mandatory classes among the population to learn it)

Although ... it is true that Scarley Key neutralized the language, but as later Kenny and Maria themselves realized ... he only neutralized the spoken language. There was still a minor barrier between both species, an infinitely smaller one!

If we dont count the fact that certain sectors of the Iloa society were not too happy with the act of attacking their God, but that was only an opinion not too widespread and mainly centralized among more religious peoples and communities!

From the human point of view, his arrival in Novaterrae was smooth as silk. But from an Iloa point of view...





On day 60 of the nascent Solar Age, the first human vehicles arrived in Terranovae, gigantic machines similar to crystal wagons transporting huge houses. Which explained why the Iloa had to clear all the way to the Knoap Grassland.

Territory that although there were no large villages inhabiting it, it was a place of worship for many Iloa by the Alitian ruins that plagued the area, as a place of dozens of cultivated fields, which only caused more confusion because Tylsys delivered it so gratuitously to "humanity".

For hundreds of years, the Knoap Grasslands had served as one of the main agricultural areas for the neighbors of the Autumnend forest, and overnight the communal lands they cultivated with care now had other owners... owners who would not even respect the farming traditions of the Iloa!

Little by little, an opinion was spreading among the people of the nearby towns and villages, a not at all positive opinion of their new neighbors. To say that the Iloa hated humans was a lie, but it was more than evident a general discontent with the attitude of humanity.

If they were the new inhabitants of Terre dell'alba, why did the Iloa have to adapt to humans instead of vice versa?


And that brings us to the current day, day 74 of the nascent Solar Age, after 14 days of hard work transporting and assembling everything correctly.

The day of the inauguration of the first "city" of humanity in Novaterrae, named by popular vote through social networks like the "Dawn Acropolis", the dawn of the new home of humanity.





Earth Square, Dawn Acropolis:

00:00 at night, day 75 of the nascent Solar Age.


The Earth Square and the "Frontier" building, headquarters of the defense army of humanity, served as the main center of the city, with all the rest of the city designed around it with a classic circular pattern.

Dawn Acropolis, with a diameter of 8 kilometers in diameter (2,485 miles), is no larger than some of the US military bases on earth, but bearing in mind that its only function is to serve as an enclave for the materials with which they will build the first 4 cities, it's more than enough.

Although it is true that all the minimum services have been prepared, from large blocks of 10-storey apartments, hospitals, schools (unnecessary for the time being), restaurants and shops to leisure areas such as cinemas and sports centers, a large part of the city is destined to huge warehouses and military barracks.

And returning to the center of the city and place that concerns us, the square "Earth" is half square half park, with a giant fountain with a statue of the globe made of bronze and silver as a central monument.

All the trees and plants of the park have been brought directly from the earth, and the design of it has been divided into 5 zones designed and based on each continent and its cultures.

Some say that it is totally unnecessary taking into account that Dawn Acropolis is only a disguised military base, but Kenny himself asked that everything be built with the greatest care and attention to detail, to honor the authentic home of humanity with dignity.


Leaving the opinions aside, Kenny is the person that all eyes are on at this time, because the square is completely occupied by both the volunteers who have volunteered to live here, and by all journalists, news media, famous personalities and terrestrial presidents invited for the official opening of Dawn Acropolis.

The commander is sitting behind the stage, waiting for the moment where the presenter will pass him to come on stage. The speech had been prepared to consciousness by a team of 50 people, because although in this celebration there were only humans, the same speech would be used with the Iloa in a few days.


We could say that this was the test of fire that Kenny had to face under the command of Dawn Acropolis, which didnt exactly reassure the commander.
"And now ... without further delay, it is time that we meet the man who has made all this possible! The commander of the defense force of humanity and first president of humanity in Novaterrae, Ken Kyouda!" Thousands of applause served as a signal for Kenny to get up, and with slightly trembling steps, Kenny went up to the stage, staying behind the curtain waiting for the light signal to indicate that he should go on stage.

"Come on Kenny... you've come this far... the last frontier of humanity... your dream come true ..." Kenny grabbed the sleeve of his suit, holding it while he tried to relax. "Humanity needs strong men to survive in their new world ... and you are the one who will command them"

The signal was illuminated, and after a last breath, Kenny went on stage, attracting all the lights and being received by even more applause than before.So much lighting slightly blinded the commander, but didnt slow down his walk to the lectern, where the microphones awaited him.

"Compatriots, brothers, children of the Earth... it is a pride, and an immeasurable honor, to welcome you today to our first enclave in Novaterrae, the first of many.

Today we welcome our new home, but we do not say goodbye to the Earth, because we can never forget the world that saw us born.

Honoring his memory, humanity takes its first steps towards our future, not without ceasing to thank the people of the Iloa, who have accepted us as brothers and inhabitants of this land without expecting anything in return!

For them, for all those who will come and for our future generations, we must begin a year of hard work to build enough homes for all the humans who are still on the other side of the Azure Gate! It will be hard, very hard, but it is a job that we must do not only proud but honorable!

We will be the ones who shape and build a new humanity! One free from all previous imperfections! A humanity united under the same banner! Because humans... when we collaborate and give 100% of our strength to something... we turn it into legends!

We will turn Novaterrae into our new home! Our alliance with the Iloa will make this world shine! All together! FOR THE HUMANITY!" Thousands of shouts of joy and pride enveloped Kenny, who let them continue for a few minutes before continuing with his speeches and plans.




On a nearby rooftop closed to the public


Elsa leaned on the railing, listening not too excited to Kenny's speech, while Hannah enjoyed the luxury dinner they had prepared for the couple on the occasion of the help with the "affair" of the language between humans and Iloa. (After a small collective agreement and the express request of Dalia, Elsa, Vagrand, Valeria and Eleanor they had agreed to pretend that Hannah had been the one to defeat the Scarlet Key fragment)

"This cream is amazingly good!" Hannah dipped more bread in the cheese sauce, totally oblivious to the commander's speech. "Come to dinner, Elsa! I dont know if I'll be able to leave something for you if you dont hurry!"

"Dont be a glutton!... Your mother is very pretty in the transport uniform of the human army, although I am sure she would feel much more comfortable working even as a bus driver... I should have prevented Valeria from destroying the house..." Elsa sighed, as she looked through the crowd in search of Zoe or any of GUN. Locating Maria, Calia and Eleanor was easy, but with so many people invited to the square it was simply impossible to disturb anyone in the sea of r03;r03;faces, tails, wings and others.

"Mom said it was an opportunity to earn enough money for a year to retire for life, and if something mom loves more than me is to earn a lot of money! She didnt give me the exact amount she will earn, but every 5 trips driving trucks here in Novaterrae is equivalent to 4 years of salary on the bus! Imagine what we could do with so much money!" Hannah continued to eat so happy, while Kenny started with the thanks.

"I'm going to earn a lot as an architect of Bahia 2.0, and your mother also as a truck driver ... we just need you to find a job and we'll be served!" Hannah just swallowed one of the chicken wings, glancing at Elsa while she could not help but laugh. "Our first dinner in Novaterrae, and I see that my beloved girlfriend is already completely stained!"


Hannah stopped eating for a moment to look at her dress, and after a few moments completely embarrassed, the giantess proceeded to take another napkin and put it as a handkerchief. "I'll have to eat faster to get to our apartment before mom so she doesnt see the disaster that I've formed..."

"Stop thinking about eating! They have brought us plenty of food to feed Calia... we dont have to eat it all! Come here and look Kenny... he believed that with 5 minutes of gratitude reading names he will win the heart of the people... if they knew that he fainted the first day we came... "Elsa noticed how Hannaha crawled to get behind the blonde to hug her.

"No, you're going to fill my back with food!"

Hannah laughed while with one hand it was enough to stop the struggles of the blonde. "Do you realize... that we now live here? It's weird to think about it... today we will not go back to Scarley Gate like most of our friends..."

Elsa placed her hands on the thumb of the giantess, pressed him and kissed him gently. "You can always go with Dalia and Flynn or with Maria and Victoria, my love.

Juddit and I have to stay to start our jobs, but you dont have any occupation here, and you know we would not mind if you came back to Bahia, right?"

Hannah grabbed Elsa by the waist, lifting her slightly so that she could kiss her as god commanded. A slow, wet kiss, slightly salty from the few tears that the giantess was releasing.

"While tomorrow you will start each one with your work, I plan to go with Victoria, Alanis and Fee to learn more about the Iloa and his history.

it isnt as important as yours ... but this seal in my hand has a meaning and I want to honor him! I am going to know everything about the Iloa and be able to serve with dignity as a link between humanity and the Iloa!"


"If that is your wish, my love ... be sure to fulfill it! You are the only one I trusted to understand our new allies as Kenny says!" Elsa kissed Hannah again, totally oblivious to the end of the commander's speech and the fireworks that accompanied him.

Both lovers were lost in their kiss, rolling on the rooftop floor while laughing and still enjoying physical contact. Contact, this time really Hannah was willing to take it further ... now really.




All this last paragraph is nothing more and nothing less than the thoughts of Hannah self convinced, and although the giantess does not seem very sure about this, who am I to doubt them? I am just-

"Nobody! You're nobody! And cut the chapter! My mothers are about to intimate intimately!"

What you said doesnt make sense Dalia! According to the dates, they dont-

"See you tomorrow! And thanks for reading!"




End Notes:





 Wait... you've really cut the chapter really?


Damn daugther of a b····! 


And now you censor me? But who do you think had the idea of all th-



End of the chapter

Start of story arc 3: The hero that everyone dreams of being by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:




It's Friday and what better way to celebrate than with the start of the third story arc?

Iloa and Humanity begin their new coexistence, two completely different peoples clash between them, while unconventional alliances are forged in the underworld.

Two of the four cities of humanity begin their construction, before the watchful eye of a distrustful and spiteful society.


It is a time of changes for both races, one where everyone wants to be the focus of attention!

But the empty dreams or their false expectations dont matter, because in the end... in the watchful eye of the Master we are all the same scum!

The Master waits, and his patience is infinite, because he has already won the war!






Clearwater Hole: 08:00 in the morning, day 75.


Clearwater Hole, located on the cliff walls that surround the Gargaran subterraine lagoon, was known throughout the continent as the city of thugs, assassins, buccaneers, spies and all the bad things that one wanted to find going down its streets excavated and sculpted directly in the same rock.

It was not a strange destination for all those who knew the city, because when you build a city on the walls of a subterranean lake, having as only natural light that fell through the hole. When you live in a city where the sun only comes out to illuminate the lake, ignoring the homes and buildings, you develop a natural ability for bad actions.

And there, where humans are still just words, is where our story begins.
9 Pirate ships had arrived at the ports through the underground channels, loaded with treasures and stolen booty. Which meant that hundreds of sailors had enough money to get drunk and for their perversions, which caused no one to be surprised that the bars were full so early.

The ship that concerns us belongs to the infamous captain Ogden Swail, an Iloa of the sea tribe who embarked with a mission directly from the previous Djinn and certain circumstances led him to become a pirate. Ogden was famous among the inhabitants of Clearwater Hole, and of any Iloa city on the margins of the tribes, for three reasons:

- He was much more decent than the rest of the pirates, always making sure that their sailors paid their debts and always paying just for repairs, supplies and another needs.

- Even being an Iloa of the sea, he was much smaller than average, measuring scarcely 40 feet tall. (Without going any further, some of their sailors from the same tribe measured 51 and 53 feet). But his smaller size was nothing more than an addition, because Ogden was known to be a tactical genius, a famed warrior with his twin sabers and a renowned historian.

- The Nights Nation, his ship, was famous among all pirates for being one of the few ships built to house Iloa of all the tribes, counting among its commanders with a hunteress of the mountain tribe as the highest member of the crew.


All together, gave name to one of the most feared pirate crews throughout the seas of Terre dell'alba. Nobody dared to attack the Nights Nation if he wanted to live to tell it, nobody dared to bother or betray the Ogden pirates, and above all... nobody used his name in vain, because many have known the cold steel of the consequences.

Among her sailors, and being one of her favorites (to the point of treating her as her "daughter"), was Lyre "Night fang" Seawatcher, an Bad Blood Iloa from the plains and a member of the assault team and the general manager of the ship. 

When she was young, Lyre lost all her family at the hands of a Grystel attack, becoming infected a little later with the disease of bad blood. Her history is well known among the members of the crew, who respect her as much as the captain.





Hello again! Fee again here for this time explain another monster! Today, the Grystel!

Grystel: Another species that inhabit the continent, The Grystel remember the squids of the Earth, but with a larger size (Up to 10 feet some variants) and being able to live both on land and the sea.

His body is covered by a rough and sharp skin to the touch, which allows them to crawl effectively by any type of soil, and although the natural is only to see them on the coasts and lakes, some variants of Grystel venture much further, living in mountains preferably snowfall.

They have a small mouth at the base of their body, which while it is too small to eat and consume meat from animals of its size, is perfect for getting the Grystels preferred food, blood.

Inside their small mouth, the Grystel have a tongue covered with sharp teeth and holes that they use to pierce the skin and introduce the tongue inside their victims, beginning to suck as much blood as they have in the body.

This practice is very common, and taking into account that a Brystel consumes almost at the moment the blood that sucks and that its hunger is practically infinite (some researchers dare to say that the Brystel feels authentic gluttony), a single Grystel is enough to end a little protected forest village.

For all these reasons, which added to their great aggressiveness and their tendency to live alone, are sufficient for fighter departures to be organized only and exclusively to exterminate any Grystel that has been sighted.

It should be noted that eating Grystel meat can lead to the disease known as "Bad blood", which forces the carrier to consume blood as a Grystel to appease hunger, and also modifies forever its victims, deforming the teeth of the poor Iloa affected to be similar to those of a Grystel and pale skin to a whitish-white all.

Every Grystel corpse must be stripped of its teeth before being burned, and its teeth must be purified in salt water for 10 moons before giving them any use.


This is just a point of mine, but I would like to emphasize it. The "Bad Blood Iloa", as they are known to those who have consumed Grystel meat either by accident, consciously (only God knows why) or have been infected by a non-lethal attack by Grystel, until recently they were Executed in public.

Some villages defended it saying that it was a method to ward off bad spirits and the Grystels, others said it was an act of mercy, because Bad blood would never be able to join the society and others did it simply as a preventive punishment for any crimer they could commit to appease hunger.

Be that as it may... nowadays it is completely forbidden the preventive killing of the Bad Blood, and in their place the leaders of the tribes recommend the sending of the affected ones to the "Bleeding Swamp", where the waters turn red and their flavor it is similar to blood because of an Alitian curse.

It's sad to stop and think about the fate of those poor people... sick and abandoned in a swamp where they only have a way to appease their hunger for blood, but not the food or thirst ... but then I see a funny video in the Crystal network and I forget to be sad!




Lyre, among the corpses of the people she loved, and the remains of the Grystel, survived for days waiting for help, but in the end, although her mother had warned her of the dangers of eating these beasts... the hunger was too much for the little one, who tried to roast the creature to eat it...

When she crossed the next commercial caravan along the way, her body was already half converted, and hunger and thirst were added to a sensation that the little girl could not understand. One that burned her inside and made even the smallest movement hurt.

The caravan debated their next steps, and decided to leave the girl in the harbor, where the tribe of the seas would take care of her and send her to the "Bleeding Swamp". The plan worked well, but destiny wanted Ogden to be in the city fulfilling the last part of his original mission before going back to the seas, and there he met little Lyre, who had been tied up to the next boat that was the North.

Ogden, hurt by the fate of the little girl, decided that before abandoning her to her fate in a swamp, she would find a better place in her then small crew. Spending the money from his mission to buy barrels of animal blood, Ogden abducted Lyre before leaving the city, causing great chaos in the port.

(One that led to the destruction of one of the shipyards to avoid a chase that the then Ogden ship would not have managed to win)

Lyre grew up among pirates, appeasing her hunger with barrels of animal blood and with the corpses of the fallen, turning from an innocent and ill girl, after 17 years, into an intelligent, powerful, respected and above all feared woman.

Lyre "Night Fang" was one of the big names that formed the crew of Ogden Swail.


Even with all her reputation and her intimidating aspect, Lyre was the right person to contact if you wanted to do business with Ogden, since the young woman was in charge of the administration, the ship's business and any contract that was offered to them.

And for that, Lyre was the first person that Brolx looked for when he approached the Night Nation.

Brolx was just the contact they had sent to contact Ogden, which didnt make him very happy. Only in the first hours in Clearwater Hole, they had already tried to steal him 5 times, and two of them had been children who didnt raise a foot of the ground! This city was hell for someone of good breed like him, but Ogden was the only pirate with whom it was possible to speak like good adults.

And when little by little, Brolx approached the Night Nation, it was clearer what kind of man Ogden was.

The Night Nation was completely whistling in white, with all the details in gold and dark blue. Its design reminded the largest cities of the tribe of the seas, with rounded edges and made of white sandstone. Three buildings covered the deck of the ship, two in the back and one lower in the front, the latter being the one that Brolx deduced would serve as a navigation room. Climbing on the top of one of the footbridges, an Iloa too pale to be from the plains pointed to everything the sailors were raising in barrels and boxes.

Without a doubt, that was the person that the owners of the bars had recommended him to look for.


"Excuse me!- "Even before Brolx could say anything else, dozens of sailors released their charges to take out their spark guns and point it at him. The Iloa of the forest trembled like a custard, before trying to run... although he ended up falling on his ass to the ground.

"FOOLS! He has only caught our attention! Keep the weapons until I give the order!" Lyre, got up from the railing where he leaned, jumping and falling to the dock with enough strength to shake all the wooden boards of it. "Who are you and what do you intend to come to Clearwater dressed as if you were going out for your cousin's wedding?"

"Wedding...? It's called style, so you know!" Brolx stood up slowly, trying not to touch too much. "I come to represent my people, Faydenn, I would like to hire the services of the infamous Captain Ogden, and before you even think about it, I have plenty of money to pay for your asses"

Lyre smiled sideways, analyzing the little bitch "Either you're brave enough to let go of these words even if you just fell to the floor like a babe... or you're too stupid to understand how to negotiate." Lyre took a quick step forward, causing Brolx to fall back to the ground in fright. The bad blood laughed, as she unbuttoned her right boot and dropped her bare foot on the moneyed coward.

If something had been taught to her for so many years at sea, it is that the size was a sign of power, and the Iloa of the forest writhe like no one else. To win a business conversation... you have to make the other party feel helpless.

Brolx tried with all his might to remove the huge and stinky foot of the Bad Blood, but the difference in size was not only corporal. With only one foot as big as the entire chest and part of Brolx's legs, Lyre had him completely immobilized. "I know they say pirates dont bathe, but I expected it to be an urban legend! You smell like..."

"Do you realize that without doing anything of force you are unable to flee, little coward? Now imagine... if little by little..." Lyre dropped the weight of her body a little more on the small Iloa. "It was letting me fall more and more... until I just crushed you as if you were just a little tomato..."

Brolx was becoming more and more difficult to fill his lungs with air, partly because of the increasing pressure of his foot, and partly because of the smell of rotten cheese and sweat that was filling his lungs. "I HAVE... 10,000 Ivenings to spend on you!"

Lyre doesnt need anything else to lift her foot and kneel to lift the Iloa from the forest. "10,000... Ivenings?... You better make it true, the captain doesnt like to be disturbed during his reading time"

Loading Brolx on his shoulder as if it were another sack, Lyre returned to the ship, leaving her boot forgotten for all the emotion of the money.





The Nights Nation, outside the captain's room:

15 minutes later.


Brolx was leaning against the wall, trying not to breathe anything of the smell that emanated from his shirt. It had only been 3 minutes, but that stupid Bad Blood had left all its stench for Brolx's new clothes... and it was a clothes Iloa liked a lot...

"How can someone have such a bad smell of feet? It has to be because of the bad blood disease... I refuse to believe that anyone, however much they do not bathe, develops such a bad smell..."

The captain's office door opened wide, Lyre coming out to receive him with a small bow. "Captain Ogden is willing to welcome you and hear your offer, but you will only have 5 minutes to express it, are you prepared?" Brolx nodded, going through the side of the Bad Blood.

As Brolx imagined, Ogden Swail's personal room was full of shelves, with only one wall in sight. Each shelf contained dozens of books, telescopes and compasses (and other instruments that Brolx assumed were navigational) and some even small souvenirs, like a replica of the great lighthouse of Linde. Captain Ogden was sitting in a "little" rocking chair, reading through what looked like the cover a copy of the peace treaty between the Iloa and the Carpagos.

As he had been described, Ogden was a seagoing Iloa pretty bald, with a majestic grayish beard. His eyes were fierce and direct, surrounded by scars all over his head, proof of his innumerable battles. He was missing half a left ear, probably the result of combat against some sea beast that could hardly interest Brolx.

All that matters to Iloa is that Ogden not only had not received him, but had not even stopped reading. Brolx cleared his throat, in the form of warning for Ogden to focus on him.

"Captain Ogden Swail, it's an honor to meet you... My name is Brolx from Faydenn, and I come in the interest of my people to try to hire your ser-"

"Hire my services? boy, I'm not a prostitute to talk to me like that!" Ogden's husky voice shook the whole room and Brolx, who cursed again and again his choice of words. "If you have a contract that interests us, say it clearly, we are not mercenaries so you can hire us that way"


Brolx gritted his teeth, struggling to contain his bladder. "Mr. Ogden... my people would like to offer you a contract to stop the construction of an illegal city." Ogden under his book, squinting. Brolx interpreted that as a signal to continue.

"As someone of your renown will have heard... they have arrived at Novaterrae, specifically our continent... a new species called "Humans"... these for some reason have the blessing of our leaders to build their cities without respecting our land!

Not only that... but one of its cities will be built in the territory of Faydenn! Territory that historically belongs to us for more than 400 years! For that reason... we would like your men and you to stop the works of such unjust, unnecessary and horrible city! That land belongs to Faydenn and only we have the right to own it!"

"I see... it's not an issue that interests me at first sight, but my daughter told me that you offer us 10,000 Ivenings for the work, is that true?" Ogden left the book on his desk, bending down to look closely at the bag of coins Brolx took out of his bag.

"Well... I would need a few coins to go home... but yes! 9998 Ivening for that work-"

"10,000, or I will be forced to refuse and ask you to leave the ship in these moments"

Brolx trembled with fear, knowing that if he returned home without hiring Ogden his chance to return to his previous lifestyle was minuscule... but with no money to return home... they were more than 4,000 kilometers away... In the end, the decision was logical.

"Sir ... here you have, 10,000 Ivenings"

Ogden smiled as he took the small bag between his fingers and gestured to Lyre. "You've made the right decision, boy, and before you leave, what's the name of the city I'm going to stop?"


"Bahia del Sol... it's all written in this-" Brolx took out a small notebook that was immediately snatched away by Lyre before Bad Blood picked him up by the collar of his shirt and threw him out of the room, closing the door behind her.

"10,000 Ivenings! with that we will be able to buy new sails and renovate all the furniture in the kitchen and bedrooms! This is the best job of our life, father!" Lyre jumped up to Ogden's desk, grabbing the bag and emptying it on the table to count them one by one.

No matter how bad Blood Lyre was... deep down she was still a prairie Iloa, and giving a bag of coins to a prairie Iloa was to make them happier than anyone else in the world.

"I was looking for an excuse to meet those humans... and look where, now we have 10,000 more for our coffers... and the perfect excuse. Lyre, when you finish go to give Ylsan the order to prepare everything to embark us this night, I want to set course for Faydenn before dawn!"

But Lyre was too focused counting coins, to which Ogden could only smile as he stroked the back of the Bad Blood and returned to his book. There would be time later to give the orders.



End Notes:




A story arc start focused on more information about the world, meet the "rivals" of the arc, the pirates of Ogden Swail and start the plot of it!

Also, I had wanted to put a dominant giantess for this type of foot scenes, and now I finally have the opportunity! You can expect similar behaviors in Lyre's intercourse with humans and extra humans.

(Except evidently Hannah, Victoria, Eleanor and any extrahuman who measures more than 15 feet in height)

I hope you like this pirate theme, and that you want to see how the bow evolves! Thank you all for reading and enjoying the day!



Chapter 75 Waste pile by SirDarkvid


Depopulated territory south of Faydenn:

Same day, 12:00


The territory of Faydenn was known by all Autumnend for having been attacked in the past dozens of times, whether by pirates, Grystels, Kogrus or even by Alnily mercenaries from the other continent. What once was a majestic city for the Iloa of the forest, little by little it was becoming more and more uninhabited, until the complete abandon 300 years ago.

An ideal place to start building Bahia 2.0!

Evidently, when Tylsys, the leader of the tribe of the forest, had told about the area to Vagrand, Maria, Calia and Elenaor had ensured by active and passive to hide the whole theme of the attacks, making the area seem like an area depopulated by the Iloa due to migration to new forests.

And after debating internally with the Prometheus management team, Mitael had offered to leave Faydenn for Bahia with the excuse that being originally a coastal city, the logic for Bahia 2.0 was to continue being it.

Maria and Elenaor hesitated a bit about Mitael's intentions, but Calia's determination (coupled with an affirmative response too early) led them to take the zone to begin the construction of Bahia 2.0.

And there, after 80 minutes of driving from the Scarley Gate, the Bahia 2.0 management team arrived in the territory of their future city.

An female Iloa from the forest was waiting for them against a huge tree similar to a redwood tree (almost as tall as Calia), which cast its shadow on the hill that led to the coast.

The Jeep that was transporting them stopped behind the tree, leaving two soldiers to mark the parking lot for the trucks that followed them. After that, and after checking that the area was safe, the soldiers gave the signal for Vagrand, Ritchey, Elsa and Veronica to leave.

(Calia was in one of the trucks accompanied by Flynn, while Eleanor and Maria were in one of the others)

Vagrand fixed his suit and his hair quickly looking in the mirror, before running lightly to find the Iloa. "You must be Nirleve, right?" Benjamin Vagrand, leader of the Bahia 2.0 management team! "


The iloa looked curiously at Vagrand's hand, while the mayor extended it towards her as a gesture of goodwill. "Tylsys has told me about you and your goals, human! I welcome you to Faydenn, one of only two coastal territories of Terre dell'alba that are not in control of the Tribe of the seas!

My name as you well know is Nirvele, the leader of the territory and heiress of the emerald coast... technically heir until you have arrived! "Nirvele laughed as she took Vagrand's hand, squeezing it and shaking it sharply. "You have everything where you can see to build your city, and you have the town of Faydenn to the north, inside the forest, for whatever you need us!

We are a very old population, and we do not have quarries or similar, but we are good people willing to help all the young blood that pretends to make Faydenn shine!"

Vagrand nodded, while Nirvele released his hand. It was true that the Illoa was much older than Tylsys (not knowing how the Iloa get older, Vagrand assumed that she had to be over 60 years old, minimal), and with the information that the forest leader had given them, Vagrand and the team He assumed that Faydenn would be in relatively poor condition.

"Thank you very much for allowing us to start building our home here, matriarch Nirvele, we promise to do everything in our power so that Faydenn becomes again the jewel that was once"

Nirvele nodded, as she rummaged in her purse for a small notebook. "I know you can not read our language correctly, but I asked my grandson to write down everything important about the area, and now if you excuse me, Mr. Vagrand, my feet are killing me! I'm going home, you feel invited to come and rest if you need it!"

Vagrand did not know what to say, while the Iloa slowly returned to the forest to the north, losing itself by the way between the trees. They had too many questions to ask about Faydenn, but... As Tylsys had said, Nirvele is an older woman who goes at her own pace.


"Why have you let her go?! We have a lot to ask her..." Eleanor fixed her notebook in Vagrand's hands, while the mayor tried to understand something of her. "Oh great... we really should have brought Hannah with us-"

"Come here! Please!" Maria's worried voice caught the attention of the two, who ran to the top of the hill where Maria, Elsa and Flynn waited, looking down.

Eleanor and Vagrand did not need words to understand what was troubling the trio. The land they had been given (38.51 km² / 14.67 mi²) for the construction of Bahia 2.0 is full, full of ruins, ruined houses, dirty buildings and streets full of garbage...

"Holy God..." Vagrand noticed how all the motivation that accumulated had vanished in seconds.

"Well... now I understand why they said that this area was unpopulated... they were referring to abandoned..." Flynn and Elsa went down the hill, while Maria fell on her knees to the ground, completely collapsed.

Elsa approached the nearest building, smelling the smell of rotting meat from 20 feet away. The blonde only looked slightly, fearing the worst... and what if she hit it! "wo "dogs?" devouring what looked like the remains of a small animal.

"Oh... well..." The "dogs" turned to Elsa the second he heard her voice, growling at her teeth before taking the remains in her mouth and running away.

"So bad is the situation?... wild animals... what was missing..." Flynn made his spear appear, firing enough electric shock to kill both "dogs". "We need exterminators, and demolitionists... we also need trailers to take the debris... or tell Jack to buy dynamite! That will work!"


Elsa looked at him out of the corner of her eye, before continuing to move forward and inspecting the ruins. From behind, Vagrand joined the couple accompanied by two of the soldiers, because all help was little. Flynn was able to take care of any animal, but defend Elsa and Vagrand at the same time? That wasnt his style.

The group continued walking through the remains of the city, trying to avoid the smell of rotten food, carcasses of animals and other debris. The situation did nothing but get worse, as they found collapsed buildings, sewers open up fecal materials and the like."This place could not have been abandoned so many years ago There's shit half wet yet!" Vagrand couldnt suppress an arcade while between him and Elsa they closed another sewer.

"Tylsys has sold us a beautiful motorbike, with the engine completely burned... we have a lot more work than I thought... I dont know when we can start with the construction" Elsa sighed, while Flynn gave them the clear signal. The blonde was hating with all of her strength her senses improved, because while Vagrand only suffered the sting of the sewers, Elsa could smell almost everything in 50 feet around. And it was not a good smell precisely.

"Stop complaining! Calia has to unload the entire command center and ride it alone! We're just walking! Ours is easy work!... although I think that the really hard work is that of Ritchey, having to control that my wife doesnt fail on any wall or roof... we dont want the command center to fall on us! " Flynn laughed as he hopped up to the next pile of debris, firing an electric shock at some kind of land squid.

"Soldiers, keep your eyes open! There are a lot of weirdos and bad intentions around!"


Both soldiers growled, claiming, while Elsa climbed the small mountain of rubble. "Flynn, couldnt you create a dark portal big enough to put all this garbage in? We need to be able to accelerate the collection of waste if we want to start the works this week"

"You think I'm a Christ to do a miracle like that? I can hardly create a dark portal big enough for Calia to enter, of course I will not be able to create the one you want!"

"I knew you would say that, and without reading your mind" Elsa sighed again, too many times for her pleasure in just one morning. "There must be... another way... easier and simple..."

Vagrand fell to the floor for the fourth time trying to climb the mountain of rubble. The mayor kept thinking how it was possible that Elsa had become so agile and fast without getting to do anything of physical exercise... to think what it was instead of continuing to go around the landfill they had sold him.

"THE CENTER IS ALREADY READ- But ... what?" Calia's voice echoed all over the place, Vagrand could almost see the face of the giantess to see the pile of garbage for the first time.

"Flynn! Elsa! I'm going back to Calia to tell everything that happens to her and Ritchey! You're alone!" Vagrand gestured to the soldiers, who could not be more grateful to leave the dump even if it was only for a while.


The couple waited for Vagrand and the soldiers to return to the hill, before Flynn eliminated another "dog." "You've been listening to it, too, havent you?"

Elsa nodded, as she slid down the mountain followed by Flynn. Neither of us wanted to say anything in front of Vagrand, but both had been listening to something strange all the time. Like the sound of a guitar, one of not too much quality or too much tuning.

At first the prophet assumed that it would be an animal, but as both approached the source of the noise, they could both say a feminine voice, sharp and surely young accompanying the melody.

Strange place to sing, no doubt.


The couple arrived at what looked like a private house, slightly in better condition than the rest. "Slightly"

The front door is open, with one of the crystalline motor mopeds that Elsa had seen used in Autumngate leaning against the inner wall. It was strange that with technology to create mopeds, they still had not seen any Iloan four-wheeled vehicle.

Elsa and Flynn looked at each other for a moment, exchanging a few mental words before Elsa sighed as she entered the house. The girl's voice was beautiful, there was no doubt about that.

The interior of the house was in as bad condition as the rest of the city, with rubble and furniture smashed on all sides. Better said, almost the whole house, because the staircase was completely clean. (But still as old as the rest)

Elsa climbed as slowly as possible, trying not to make any kind of noise. The voice and the guitar did not stop ringing, which reassured the blonde as she reached the first floor. The ground was relatively clean, except for small piles of what looked like precooked food. (Or something like that, according to Alanis the Iloa had ovens, microwaves and even computers, but another of the things she had not yet seen were plastic cups or plastic plates)

After a few steps, Elsa came to the door that seemed to be the origin of the melody, adorned with a small red sheet with a skull painted by hand. Elsa smiled, because when she saw both the sheet and listen to the song, it did not matter to the world that you were, youth was still you-



Everything went dark ...

End Notes:




Tylsys didnt become the leader of the forest tribe because of her pretty face! One needs to be able to sell whatever it is to whoever it is, and to please everyone without giving them too much to be able to stand out among the Iloa of the forest!


I hope you liked these introductory chapters so "different" to this saga!

(At least, it's much more different for me to write them, but it may be because I now use YouTube music playlists dedicated to the theme of the chapter)

Thank you all for reading one more day, see you tomorrow!


(The Pillows - Little busters, this is one of the biggest recommendations I can give you to listen during this story arc)



Chapter 76 Change of narrator. by SirDarkvid



Same place, same pain.


The pain, the pain was so...No no no. Dalia, I've already written this.


"When? I dont remember telling a similar phrase! ... wait, I think now that I think I remember... well, how do you start? They just smashed my mother's head!"

Listen, Dalia. I dont want to tell you anything because you're a novice, but when you're transcribing something, you can repeat phrases or expressions like your personal quality seal.

But this? You cant repeat a whole paragraph, it is against the-

"I know I know! and if I start from another perspective, will that fix it?"

You can... there's only one way to find out, but today it's too late. All yours, I'm going home for today.


This works? Perfect! Dalia is in charge now! Let me search in my agenda ... calling, piip piip piip... come on old dragon! Take the Jolbirth! Hello! Do you remember that you are my godfather? for now and until the boss returns, you are my partner!

"But who do you think I am?! I already collaborate! I'm the great Jolbirth, I do not have time for these minutiae-"


Now... focus and let's go to work!





Autumngate, Shattercross barracks:

11:00 in the morning, same day.


Alanis leaned against the wall of the main building of the barracks. The iloa of the meadows had obvious doubts about being in her normal size, noticing the accusatory looks, of contempt and distrust.

It was a strange thing like, after half an hour working together and patrolling, as soon as Alanis regained its natural size, all her fellow officers went from treating her well and kindly to looking at her accusing her. Of what?! This was her original size, with which she was born! The other size was only Fee's powers devouring the G-drive of the Iloa's body...

"Are you going to get depressed?" Fee stopped eating her appetizers as soon as she saw that Alanis buried her head between her legs. "You know that although Hannah and that friend of hers are of prairie size, you dont have to be in that size, do you?"

"It would be so discourteous! Hannah knows that this is my original size, and said that I was much prettier than in reduced size..."

"Hannah has a girlfriend, do you remember? You dont have to prove or look like anything!" Fee turned her head, leaving the cleavage of the Iloa while Alanis began to water. "Oh come on, you have me! I know you want her to be your friend, but you dont need to hurt yourself like that for a friend!"

"You dont understand Fee... this seal on my hand... for him I can understand Hannah's fear... the fear of all humans... have to start from 0 on a new planet, one with its own inhabitants... everything they've known so far... all their history... all their achievements ... they'll die with the Earth... I want to be someone Hannah can stand on! Someone is by her side... when the Scarlet Gate close and the earth disappears... "

Alanis was surprised not to hear any scathing retort from Fee, and when the Iloa raised her head, she saw how Fee was with her mouth open looking at her. "Jooo... babe... said that way... humans must be suffering a lot"


"True, but if we could... ask your family to organize the twilight fairies to devour their fears? That would free them from the pain they pretend they dont have!"

"Stop stop stop! Ala, you know perfectly well that twilight fairies can only devour drive! Let's not start with crazy ideas!" Alanis supiror, deleting another of her ideas from the list. And with this, it was the fifteenth that she had to reject.

Hannah's screaming voice caught the attention of Iloa and Hada, who rose to receive both Hannah and her friend."Girls, it's a good thing you were out here, I didnt know where to look if you werent here! This is Victoria, my friend and the other Dirty lover, from whom I spoke!"

Alanis nodded as she offered her hand to Victoria, both girls offering words of courtesy before 4 o'clock came to join Amra and Farael.

But they arent the ones that interest us. To narrate the events of that day, we now have to make two small jumps in time.





Command Center of Bahia 2.0: 13:30 at noon.


"And that's the situation... there are thousands and thousands of tons of garbage, corpses and animals to be removed before we can start with the construction of Bahia." Vagrand finished explaining to Calia, Maria and Eleanor the situation, while Ritchey and Veronica talked among themselves at the entrance.

The command center was a "small" prefrabricated room, with a removable roof to allow Calia to attend meetings without having to lie on the floor to look out the windows. (Actually, Maria and Eleanor had to crawl to get in and out of the center, but at least the door was wide enough to avoid any problems)

"Tylsys has cheated us! That's what she's done! She said this was an ideal place to start building!" Eleanor hit the table with her fist, causing the whole center to tremble.

"Eleanor! This is prefabricated! If you hit very hard, the place comes down! But in the other I agree ... this isnt to start building, now or in two months" Maria sighed, revising her phone again. There being no communication satellites in Novaterrae, so the only method available to them was the crystal communicators, which Galle had so kindly given them.

No communication satellites meant no internet, and without being able to know how her family was, she was destroying Maria completely.

"Can we... ask Jolbirth to burn the remains with his profaned flame, and then collect the ashes?" Jolbirth's flame is able to melt even the stone" Calia suggested, but judging by the reaction of everyone, the Giantess realized that she did not contribute much. (Calia was beginning to think that she was here only by name, because every idea she had was rejected as active or passive)


The other three leaders remained silent, creating such an uncomfortable silence that even Ritchey and Veronica stopped talking.

"That's an authentic genius, Calia," Vagrand said.

"I'm finally going to take advantage of Jolbirth!" Eleanor added.

"As you can tell you're a Dirty Lover, you always know all the answers!" Maria finished highlighting, cheering the day to Calia while turning on the communicator. "Kenny, we need a favor, can you bring us to Jolbirth, no, I'm not serious, you just send him here! He can fly!"

"Any problem?" Vagrand asked, while with his communicator he was trying to get in touch with Flynn. Maria refused, as she crawled to leave the center to talk quietly. "Flynn, come here you and Elsa, we're going to burn the whole place so we can start building- What's? Elsa kidnapped? And why dont you do anything?!

Because is very funny? Look Flynn, I dont understand your sense of humor, come with Elsa here, as soon as Jolbirth arrives we burn the place to the ashes-"

Flynn hung up the call before Vagrand could say anything. Vagrand raised his head to look at Calia, who could not stop asking for forgiveness with her eyes.





Mysterious house


The pain, this is the fourth or fifth time Elsa felt a similar pain again... but even so, the blonde did not get used to it. And this time it was much worse, because it was supposed that Elsa was...

The term "ascension" was badly used, because although Flynn said that they ascended to the maximum exponent of the common human, the truth is that after much reflection Elsa came to the conclusion that it wasnt an ascension, but an adaptation of the characteristics of a giantess in their human bodies.

There is no better time to become philosophical than when you have been hit with a guitar on the back of your neck and left unconscious!

Elsa opened her eyes little by little, pretending to be stunned so as not to make her captor nervous. The ropes that bound Elsa's hands and feet were not too tight, but with the new strength gained by Elsa no matter how tight they were, it would not be a problem to destroy them.

The captor was leaning against the back of a half-destroyed bed, in addition to an old one. (Elsa could perfectly smell the humidity of the mattress, and almost hear how the mites had a party in it)

"You're awake now, arent you?" The captor got up from the bed, grabbing the guitar that rested against an old night table and brandishing it like a baseball bat towards Elsa. "Who, or what are you?"

"Elsa, Elsa Roy, I am human, and the city architect who stood on this dump" Elsa knew perfectly well that Flynn was waiting on the roof, ready to enter at any moment. For that reason the blonde decided to play an aggressive pelin with her answers.

"City? Dump? You cant build a city where you want. This place belongs to me"  The young Iloa (of the forest, Elsa deduced, although her skin was darker than that of Tylsys, Alanis or Amra) kept the guitar towards Elsa, approaching it and placing the body of it against the neck of the blonde.

Her threat was obvious, but Elsa didnt intend to give him control of the total situation. "Because of your appearance, you must be under 20.

And considering how is this place, you've escaped from home and you live here, am I wrong?"


"I dont have a house, my father and I lived where the wind took us. I found this place abandoned, and after cleaning the most decent house I found, I installed it here.

Which means that this place is mine, and you can not build a city"


Elsa sighed, while the young Iloa maintained her posture. "From the way you said it, I deduce that your father has passed away, I feel your pain, but it isnt healthy for a young woman like you to live surrounded by waste and carcasses of animals, not counting the beasts that we have encountered while we were checking the conditions of the place"

"Thank you for the condolences, but I dont need it. My father lived a happy and full life, taking me to his side and smiling to the end, so his death only means that he now takes care of me from the Deep Lands" Elsa narrowed her eyes. eyes, confused in the first instance. Deep Lands had to be the equivalent of the human "hell".

"Even so, humans must now live on this planet, and I have to start building a city for us to live... understand me, we need this place clear, are you the only one who lives here?"

The young woman nodded, pointing with her free hand at the furniture in the room. "I have looked at all the ruins of Old Faydenn, and these are the best pieces of furniture that I have managed to find... If there was someone around here, he or she would have fallen into my traps"

Elsa sighed, breaking the ropes and getting up from the chair. The young woman tried to hit him in the neck, but Elsa stopped the guitar with one hand.

"Listen to me, please. Even if you are a nomad, and you dont have a place you can call home, living in a garbage dump isnt the answer.

I can turn these ruins into a place where people can smile again, it's no better than letting this place slowly fall to pieces?"

The young girl tried to regain control of the guitar, but Elsa's grip was too fierce. Even though she was an Iloa, she seemed somewhat smaller than the average, Elsa almost getting a head taller than the girl. (Elsa had reached that same morning six feet five inches tall)

"You look like a smart girl, and you sure are if you survive in this dump, so what do you think... if we make a deal?"

The girl seemed to give a little, recovering the guitar as soon as Elsa released her. "A deal? you dont know who I am, so why do you offer me such a thing?"
But Elsa did know that. She knew everything about Nu'ma.

Nu'ma, from the tribe of the forests, 18 years of age. Raised by her father without ever getting to know anything about her mother (without either caring, because his father was the one who had given everything).

Nu'ma lived next to her father on the roads, working with him as couriers for the different commercial caravans.

Never too long in the same place, Nu'ma learned from a young age to fend for herself, to fight skillfully with whatever she had at hand and to always do her duty. Nu'ma's father, Carccits, did not talk much about his mother, but he did teach his daughter the beauty of the music, and to listen the song that sounded in everyone.

But Nu'ma was too young to understand all those things, and when Carccits's life came to an end, the young woman buried her father, only taking his guitar with her and making her way, after weeks, she find the ruins that he used as a home. during the next 3 years.

Young, rebellious, brave, cautious and proud are the best qualifiers that one could use to describe her.

As much as Elsa hated not being able to let people talk normally... this time being able to "read" Nu'ma's mind had been extremely effective.

"Nu'ma, I know you've lived aimlessly, but I see your potential, and I want to take you under my wing"


"How do you know my name?..." Nu'ma withdrew the guitar, feeling somewhat less in danger. But even so, she kept her tight, because it was better to be safe than sorry.

"As I told you, I know everything about you, everything you know at least. What do you say, do you want to work for me? I need someone from this world who knows  about the commercial caravans, the roads and the business world... and you have, for now, two of the three issues" Elsa approached her, grabbing her shoulder to reassure her.

Nu'ma tried to get away, looking Elsa straight in the eyes. "Your eyes, all the "humans" are the same?"

"Eh? I doubt it, there are many variations of iris color, and other genetic factors. Why do you ask?"

"Your eyes are tired of looking at me, as if you felt guilty about something" Elsa laughed, confusing the Iloa even more.

"You could say that... I'm tired of having too much information... but that's the thing I must learn to control. Nu'ma, I want your answer now, do you want to work for me? I can offer you a fixed home, and a salary so that your life goes correctly"

Nu'ma meditated a few seconds, giving Elsa an answer before even saying anything. "It's okay... but I reserve the opportunity to throw myself back at any moment, I just met you, and for now all I know about you is that you enter other people's houses without permission"

Elsa laughed again, while the blonde listened as Flynn jumped from the roof before the loss of tension. "That's fair, no doubt about it." Elsa offered her hand to Nu'ma, hoping she would not take it as badly as Kenny with Farael and Amra.

Nu'ma stepped completely from Elsa, turning around to pick up her things.

In part, Elsa deserved to be an imbecile and "read" the mind of the girl, she thought between smiles.




End Notes:



To this day, my aunt Nu'ma is of my uncles (next to uncle Jack and aunt Mirabelle) the one who more times to take care of me, the one that more night has happened to my side and the one that more has taught me.

I wouldnt change her for anything in the world, although sometimes she is a bit... violent? Aggressive? Excessively cautious? Surely one of them fits perfectly - who I want to cheat? All would fit in her description.

"No no, violent, the answer is violent, you cant write violence without using Nu'ma!"

That... is a great phrase, Jolbirth!

"Of course, I'm Jolbirht! I havent written half a book for nothing!"

As far as I remember, you only wrote a prologue for the memories of Aunt Valeria.

"Thank you all for reading, and see you tomorrow! Enjoy the day, mortals"




Look how fast it is ... changing the subject ...

Future days 1: Flame of the revolution by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:



Save File? "Yes! Please, yes!"



Copying ... copying ... Chapter 76 archived.

Do you want to make a backup? Estimated duration of the process-

"Come on, I dont have all day to be here!" Dalia started clicking through all the menus as quickly as possible, without stopping to look at what she was clicking.

"Wait a minute, Dalia, did you say that Elsa recruited Nu'ma at the Faydenn landfill? I'm pretty sure it wasnt like that! "Dalia stopped clicking for a second, turning to the C-Com and activating the video call.

"God, you look horrible! I understand that you dont want to get pretty to be in the club, but please! You cant wear your hair as if you were a vine from a tree!"

"It's called a ponytail!"

"It's called a horsetail when it's picked up, you havent even bothered to comb it, and that's about your shirt... it's a coffee stain... For the love of God, Dalia!"

"SHUT UP! Jolbirth, You said that mom didnt recruit aunt in the dump?

According to the Archive, aunt Nu'ma participated in the fight in the Nights Nation! It is virtually impossible for the order of events to be different! Dont be offended, godfather, but I've been in the Chronomancy Club for 4 months, and I think I know how the Archive works!"

Jolbirth under his head, closing his eyes thoughtfully. The dragon was silent for a full minute, until he suddenly stood up. "Dalia, I'm 100% sure that Nu'ma participated in the assault on the Nights Nation, but I'm also sure she didnt do it on our side!"

Dalia sighed, while extracting the memory glass to prevent the chapter from loading unintentionally. "I'm not going to take a bad note for this, so I'm going to fix it here and now"

The giantess rose from her desk, lowering the shutters of the Chronomancy club while the "Tenohira" went off. "Can you call mommy and tell her that I'm going to take a little longer to go home, please? I'm going to go to the Archive to check this personally, if you're sure, godfather, then I want to believe it's a mistake by the previous transcriber"


"It will be the best... if you tell Hannah that you're going to take longer to get home... you're going to force her to call GUN... and God knows I dont pretend or want to go looking for you! You have an age to be on the street at eight o'clock in the afternoon, you arent a baby to pick you up as soon as the sun sets!"

"Thank you, godfather! Tomorrow I will call you at the same time to continue with chapter 77!" Dalia cut the call, and after checking that the C-com had enough energy for a few hours, the giantess turned off the club lights before locking the door and leaving.







New Bahia del Sol, Secondary Education Institute "Ocean View":

08:00 in the afternoon, Day 12 of Full Solar Era.


The wind was warm, and it was loaded with great promises for the holidays. Nueva Bahia was not a very frenzied city, although from the outside it might seem otherwise. The area of r03;r03;the cathedral district if it was, but when you concentrate much of the administrative buildings and businesses, is something within the expected.

Not that Elsa had wanted to concentrate everything on a single point, because the entire coast was full of skyscrapers and building-communities as far as the eye could see. It was something more... product of chance.

Dalia walked to the exit of the Hightschool, where she sat to wait the tram with many other students who had stayed late, either in sports or artistic clubs. Even in a crowd, Dalia stood out as always.

Although it wasnt her fault! Genetics had given her good and bad things, more bad than good, unfortunately:

Redhead but with her hair full of natural blond highlights, Extreme height even for a third growth giantess, grown too soon but relatively well developed (Or that Dalia wanted to believe, it was no surprise when in the women's changing rooms some classmate was left gaping at the size of a bra, of shoes or panties...) ...

Dalia sighed, holding back her inner monologue to avoid depressing herself. After so many months in the club of Chronomancia it was already a habit to start narrating introductions in their spare time... strange as that sounds.

"Dalia? Dalia, answer! Do you get on the tram or are you waiting for something else?" The construct reviser of the tram clicked its claws, drawing the attention of the giantess and the look and giggles of her companions. Dalia simply nodded, getting up from the seat and passing her student bracelet through the ticket reader.


Although every public vehicle was prepared to house an adult third growth giantess or an Iloa of the seas, Dalia preferred to sit down while her body allowed her in a medium seat, even if they were a little tight.

In one of those free medium seats Dalia found her place, sitting against the window and turning on the C-com music player. Mom had told her many times about human smartphones, but even with that, the redheaded giantess (half blonde) couldnt understand how someone would prefer a device dependent on electricity to a C-com! They are much more comfortable, they are permanently connected to the internet and last days and days, they are fully operational!


The metal voice of the construct brought Dalia back from another monologue.

"Dalia, your older sister was here yesterday and she left her scarf, can you take her? I would leave this in the tram, but the construct that makes the night shift will take her to the lost property department if this stays here another day! I cant do that to a member of your family!"

The reviser left the scarf on the seat next to Dalia, without waiting for an answer before continuing to check that all passengers were properly seated.

"Dont fuck me! I'm not going home!... well, I have to carry this junk all over the city! Stupid Sarah!" Dalia opened her backpack, struggling to get the huge scarf between the books. "Who's been blowing in the summer? Of course I could only be Miss "I'm too cool to dress differently to my style and I want to wear a scarf even with this heat"... you know? PFFFFFFFFFFF" Dalia blows a raspberry to anyone in particular, while she managed to close the backpack without being very clear as.

The classmate seated in front of her couldnt avoid turning around before the "nickname" said by the giantess. "What you said doesnt make any sense! You can not put such a long nick to someone, you break the meaning of nickname!"

"She's my sister! She's lucky and can be grateful that I bother to articulate complete syllables in her name! Miss PFFFF is as good a nickname as any!"

"You're lucky to be Lady Sarah's little sister! That will open many doors for you in the future!"

"The only door that I want her to open is the one in the bathroom when she, that slut, doesnt hold it for me to enter! Any other door I'll open it myself! I'm Dalia-"

"DALIA REYES WOOD, THE MIRACULOUS GIRL! WE ALREADY KNOW IT!" All the students in the tram car shouted at the same time, stealing the words from the mouth of the giantess.

".... PFFFFFFFF" Dalia leaned back in the tight seat, looking out the window with her arms crossed.





District of the cathedral, tram station "Archive":

8:15 in the afternoon.


Dalia got under the last of the car, far away from where any other student had come down to go home. Although the construct was not going to say anything (better not, because it's just a construct... a replaceable one) from this point any GUN agent who saw it would notify her aunt Valeria.

In that case, there were three particularly bad options that could happen:

- The warning was taken by the godmother Bolt, which made it impossible to escape without being detected by the harpy.

- That the warning came to the aunt Fiona, that although it would be something more feasible a flight, the protoslime isnt one of those that surrender easily.

- And last and most important, mom took the warning directly and went to meet the giantess. Elsa had eyes all over Bahia, and it was much harder on the punishments than godmother Bolt... Avoid mom, and the town hall were the clearest objectives for a proper mission by Dalia.

"Little bug! what are you doing here? It's too late for you to wander around the cathedral district! You dont know what..." Honestly, as soon as Dalia heard Aunt Fee's voice, whatever the fairy said vanished in the abyss of fear.

Dalia ran to the bench where the fairy rested, throwing herself on her knees to beg. "Please, aunty, dont tel to mom or mommy that I'm here!"

The fairy couldnt stop laughing at her niece, while she put another fried potato in her mouth. "Easy, little bug! I should not be here either, I'm hiding from Alanis!"

"Why? ... oh ... of course ... you should be at the town hall ..." The fairy winked at her niece, affirming her criminal act. "And how do you know she willnt look for you at the station?"


"I have 5 years of practice in fleeing important meetings! I know where Alanis is looking for me and where not! Also... you shouldnt judge my choice of places You have come to the station closest to the Town Hall, as if you were a novice in the art of being where you shouldnt! You dont remember my lessons?"


"Of course, Rule 12: Always be in the most obvious place where they wouldnt look for ridiculous that would be!"

"That's my niece! And now go do what you have to do, the next tram that leaves to go to your house arrives in 34 minutes, so you have to be here by then or Elsa will leave the town hall before your get home!"

Dalia nodded, jumping up and running toward the exit. Fee decided not to tell her anything about the scarf that hung from the backpack, thinking how funny it would be when she realized it. The fairy put another potato in her mouth, smiling and praying for her niece's safety.

Dalia ran and ran through the streets of the district, avoiding any GUN agent or security camera on her way. The giantess would be too big for her age, but Dalia was very proud that even with a few extras too large her agility remained intact. (Surely the product of so many hours running, falling, jumping, falling more, getting into corners where it would be impracticable to manage to pass them, being stuck in most of those corners, etc etc etc)

The giantess climbed one of the small buildings that surrounded the Archive, using her own agility and the human-sized fire escape for it.

"Well... let me play the right music... C-Com, play Life Will Change!"

The C-com went on, activating Dalia's wireless headphones and playing the song. "Perfect! Dalia, the phantom thief, on the move!"






End Notes:




Office of the mayor: Same moment.


"Miss mayor, the report has arrived!" The GUN agent entered the office running, carrying the newly received note. The mayor made a gesture with his hand, without turning around in his chair, which served the agent as a sign that he began to speak.

"Dalia has managed to avoid all our patrols and cameras, except those that we secretly install in the alleys, she is currently on top of the post office building, in front of the Archive!"

"That little bitch... there are free GUN agents right now? I would like to set a trap for her when she leaves the Archive, whatever it is she wants to do there"

"I'm not sure... but could I ask to Zoe! Would you give me permission to activate the "Bug hunt" protocol, Miss Mayor?" The same gesture of the mayor's hands served as approval, cheering the agent who left the office in a hurry.

Flynn closed the door slowly, while walking to the table to snatch the mayor's cup of coffee. "Your daughter grows fast... a year ago she was unable to dodge a GUN agent... and look at her now!"

"That's why I must raise the level at the same time as she do it!" Elsa rose from her chair, snatching the cup from Flynn's hands and moving towards the window. "Sarah believes in justice, and is she too good to do any revealing act... but Dalia... Dalia has inherited everything bad from me and Hannah..."

"Her heart burns with the flame of revolution! She is the miracle child, after all!" Flynn laughed as he summoned his spear and Elsa's halberd. "We're going hunting, Miss Mayor? the little daring bug must know where the limits are!"

Elsa smiled, drinking her coffee all at once and taking her halberd. As long as Dalia was still at her level of potency, it was her duty as a mother to educate her peacefully... peacefully by force.



Future days 2: The miracle girl by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:




Roof of the Archive, 20:45 in the afternoon.

Night fell on New Bahia, while the cathedral district began to light up with the ambient lights. One of the bases of the architectural team of Elsa was that Bahia 2.0 was illuminated with environmental electric crystals, for even in the darkest night there where you see a dim light illuminate the streets, creating a perpetual sensation of nightfall.

Do you know that it was not so well lit? The roof of the Archive.

"DAMN DOOR! WANT YOU... to open... at once!" Dalia kicked the employee door again, again resulting in a new fault. When the giantess escalated to the roof of the Archive with the objective of entering discreetly dodging the security guards, the last thing she thought was that the only one. STUPID. DOOR. IT WOULD BE CLOSED!

"Aaaahhhh... aaahhh... I cant believe it! How can they make doors so strong?... I am a giantess! I have much more strength than a human or an Iloa of the forest!..." Dalia threw herself again against the door, hitting her with the shoulder. The door, even being the human/Iloa of the forests size, resisted each one of the onslaughts of the giantess teenager.

"Well... you've wanted it stupid door! I didnt want to, but you forced me! So you know... that all this... HAS BEEN FOR YOUR GUILT!"

Dalia sat on her knees on the floor, closing her eyes and beginning to channel her aura. From the moment Dalia was born, Hannah and Elsa had taught her to be a good person, to respect others, and to have confidence in one another.Only one thing she had restricted to her daughter for her own safety:

- The use of the Willcard

Needless to say, since she turned 11 and she managed to use her first Willcard, the giantess had been using them again and again to be able to catch up with her sister or her relatives.

Did she feel good disobeying her mothers? Of course not! Dalia hated it with all her might.

But ... it was a matter of self-confidence ...

Sarah had been born with a natural gift for the control of the aura, the elements and her own will, which had led her to be considered a serious candidate for representative of extrahumanity in the race council.

A gifted, a genius, everything Sarah touched turned into pure gold!

Nothing could go wrong if Sarah Reyes put her will into it!

The girl who was born with the will of a king! Able to make tremble to the heroic heroes of Novaterrae from her most tender childhood! And it wasnt for less... Sarah is living proof that the fall of the Master, born during the time that Hannah was still... that would be considered spoiler...

Whatever it was, Sarah had talent to govern and lead, she had intelligence to take advantage of it and she had the strength to make her dreams come true. An authentic superstar.

And where was Dalia in all of it? In the shadow. In the perpetual and gigantic shadow of her big sister.

Dont get confused, Sarah had been an absolutely great older sister! Everything Dalia wanted... Sarah got it. No one or anything was against the wishes of the child, because Sarah made them reality without sweating. And that was absolutely great!...

Little by little... so great that it was only became an echo... because Dalia was growing, and becoming more and more aware of herself. As the younger sister was comparing herself... things didnt improve. Examination notes... friends, achievements in the combat academy... nothing Dalia achieved could even compare to what Sarah had previously achieved...

That was his day to day, making little Dalia a more proud person, always trying to overcome her sister at any price. Looking for things that Sarah had ignored to become a star in them... even if she did not like them too much... like the chronomancy club.

"WAIT A MOMENT! Why am I describing myself as if I were the villain ?! AGGG! Damn door! You make me mad!"


"That's because you know you need me to be able to overcome your limits, little bug..." A dark, ghostly voice frosted Dalia's ears, while a sensation that the giantess knew too well ran through her spine. "Come on... use the Willcard and let me give you the power you deserve! We are a team or not, my little bug?"

"HADES! GO AWAY!" The spectrum laughed as it materialized completely, taking its shadow shape as usual.

"My Dalia... Dont be so cruel! I just want to help your potential help you reach ... and for that, this little door is now the obstacle that stands in your way! Look at her! Just a little aura and stroke PUM! You would be in the Archive!"


The specter flutters around the giantess, caressing her while she forces her to look at the door. "I am the product of your mind, the voice that will make you leave your name in the story! Thanks to me you defeated the fragment of Scarlet Key! That can only mean ... that I have or rather you are right!"

"It is true that Jolbirth was sure that the Archive was wrong... and I have come too far to stay here! I will leave my name in history as the best chronology! And for that... I must start making decisions!" Dalia squeezed her eyes, while Hades faded and the giantess activated the Will card.

Dalia charged against the door, this time thanks to the extra strength of the aura managing to knock her down.


Behind the door ... there was a small corridor, a railing ... and the stairwell.







Inside the Archive.

The great Archive of Bahia is located in the cathedral district, on one of the side streets that surround the city hall. As an official building, the surveillance of the Archive is directed by GUN, which is controlled by each security camera, each guard and each agent assigned. Is it much for a single building?

Not at all!

The Archive not only contained millions of books of humanity or the Iloa, great historical weapons and millions of Terabytes of data on each inhabitant who had lived or lived in Bahia, on the history of the Earth, of Novaterrae and much more.

In addition, the Archive contained a fragment of the Fountain of Dreams, from which emanated the water that each Chronologist of the region used in his research and work. Only that fragment of 50 pounds had a monetary value equal to the entire district of the cathedral.

 Therefore, neither Elsa nor the security of the building expected that Dalia's attempt to sneak would end up falling from the roof. Falling literally.

Dalia fell headlong into the middle of the main room, where Elsa planned to wait for her sitting in the middle of it. Logically, when you see your daughter fall from 120 feet high and also falling off HEAD, the first thing you do is run to help her.

But Dalia wasnt a normal daughter. Definitely, she wasnt.

"Infiltration achieved! Now to the second step!" Dalia opened her eyes, stroking her head slowly as she stood in the middle of the smoke. (The smoke was Elsa's fault, everything for her spectacular entrance ...)

"Is something burning? The Archive usually has a bit of haze... but so much smoke?!"


"It's my new smoke machine, do you like it, my daughter?" Elsa rested her head on her hand, counting mentally how long it took Dalia to notice.

"It's really cool, mom! I have an idea, let's use it to give mommy a scare and she'll give me back the Fcl... oh oh .." Dalia began to tremble (falling a little drop of blood on her forehead) and turn, following the sound of the voice.

"Hello, my little bug! You should be home already, am I wrong?" Elsa got up from the chair, invoking her halberd "Blood crimes" and walking slowly towards Dalia.

"... mom ... how?"

"Never underestimate your fucking mother, honey! Do you think we dont know you?! I know what you're going to do before you even think about it!" Elsa jumped towards her daughter, throwing a thrust at her.

Dalia rolled back, dodging the blow by the hair. "I just need to look at one thing from the Archive! I have not gotten into any dangerous area and my C-Com is loaded! Nothing was going to happen to me to get home later than the hour!" Elsa ignored her completely, disappearing and reappearing quickly over her daughter, letting herself fall with the halberd in front of her.

The giantess managed to hold the blade of the halberd with both hands, but Elsa kept pushing down. "My daughter, we have a curfew for something! At 8 o'clock at night you have to get home! I can not let you skip it! What kind of mother would I be ?!"

"One who does not threaten her daughter with a sharp halberd!" Dalia gathered all her strength, throwing her mother and the pack on the tables. Elsa fell on top of them, destroying them by the force of the impact and rolling several feet backwards.

"Aahhh ... aahhh ... have you seen that, mom? In the end, all our training hours have been useful!"


Mas Elsa did not move, remaining lying on the floor. "Mom? Mom... MOM!"

Dalia ran to her mother, about to cry. It would be a shame that as the giantess came to help her mother ... it would make her halberd appear again, giving the giantess a hard blow on her feet and knocking her down.

"AAAHHH! Bad! You're bad! I was really scared!"

"My daughter..." Elsa stood up, dusting off her suit, as she jumped up onto her daughter's stomach and walked between her generous breasts. "You must learn that the world is dark and that people are not going to play fair... that's the only truth!"

Dalia tried to raise her hand to push her mother but the blonde was faster and throwing the halberd with precision, managed to stick it in the sleeve of the shirt of the giantess, nailing it to the ground. "I will fight justly, because that is what you have taught me!"

The giantess gritted her teeth, activating the second Willcard. Elsa took a couple of seconds to realize what was happening, but by the time the blonde wanted to stop it ... it was too late. "Little bug! DONT DO IT!" Dalia managed to pull the halberd from the ground and throw her mother across the room.


"That is... the power that lies within you... the power that you fear and want to control... belongs to you and only to you! It is yours by divine decree, so not using it would be missing the teachings of your mothers!"

Hades's voice filled Dalia's head, while her aura was dyed black and began to emanate visibly from her body. The giantess began to notice how her strength recovered and grew second by second, a feeling of power and control, simply wonderful, clouded her heart and mind.


"Ahhh... ahhh!" Almost orgasmic cries came directly from Dalia, while Elsa struggled to get up. For the fourth time, Dalia succumbed to the voice of the depths of her heart ... and this time Elsa was alone to stop her.

The blonde stood up leaning on her halberd, while Dalia's skin turned dark and her eyes began to shine. "None of that ... I will not let you take control of my daughter!" Elsa charged forward, setting her halberd on fire and trying to strike a blow directly to the stomach of the giantess.

"Too slow, but not bad for a half-extra-human!" Dalia stopped Elsa's halberd, her voice beginning to split as a spectral tone too familiar to the blonde begins to emerge from her depths. "You'll need a lot more to stop us! This time ... I'm bright enough!"

Dalia began lifting the halberd and Elsa with one hand, while with the other she began to conjure a ring of black smoke. "Greetings to Dalia's grandmother... if you reach the abyss without losing your head!" Dalia began to laugh, while the ring of smoke descended to the ground forming a terrifying portal.

"Dont you dare use Juddit's name in vain, Hades!" Elsa released the halberd, grabbing at Dalia's cut sleeve, balancing and getting far enough away.

"Oh, good moves! But you must show many more, because I dance with the deep and I am not willing to have such a slow march!" Dalia turned around, snapping her fingers and turning the halberd into a trident of her size.

"I know perfectly what you dance, Hades, but that does not mean I'm going to let you!" Elsa spell a "Sol wave", launching forward to collide with Dalia. The giantess hit the "Sol wave" with her fist, stopping her calmly.

"... idiot" Elsa exploded the "Sol wave", launching Dalia flying while her body began to recover the normal color.


"No... no no no no no NO NO NO!" Dalia stood up suddenly, while little by little her skin began to turn dark again. "But who do you think I am, Elsa ?! I'm Hades, and I will not let anything stop me ever!"

Dahlia conjured black smoke from both hands, beginning to fill the entire room at an alarming rate. Elsa, seeing that the "Deep Nightmare" was approaching, tried to flee through the doors of the room.

"Nothing escapes my smoke! Because the return of the Master is inevitable! And you and Hannah must be the first to fall! Our revenge will be total, and this world will be tinged with the blood of the traitors!" Dalia threw the trident at Elsa, nailing her this time to her mother on the ground.

Little by little, the room was filled with black smoke, and Elsa... Elsa had more... more and more problems... to... to... to breathe...






End Notes:


The doors of the Archive burst open, while Hannah jumped over her wife. The smoke was thick and evil, but Elsa could stand it. The priority was clear.

The 60-foot giantess ripped one of the ceremonial swords from the walls, swinging it hard to clear the smoke that surrounded Dalia. Hades tried to defend herself, throwing a dark flame like coal directly at the giantess, but Dalia was only 14 and a half years old at 15 feet.

Nothing her little daughter could do would hurt Hannah. "Dont come near, scum!" Hades tried to repeat the attack, but the fire vanished again in contact with Hannah.

"Get out of my daughter's body, before I can find a way to erase your existence. It's my last warning" Hannah lifted Dalia into her arms, hugging her gently as her aura cleansed the body of her young daughter and temporarily expelled Hades.


Hannah's tears fell softly, heating Dalia's unconscious body. "I'm sorry ... I could not do anything else ..." Elsa jumped up onto her wife's thigh, while Hannah lowered her daughter's body so that Elsa could hug her again.


"The one who feels it, I am... compelling you to face... that... it'snt fair ... it'snt fair..." Hannah and Elsa cried in silence, while guilt devoured them inside.




Dalia was born almost dead, because Hades had taken revenge against Hannah and Elsa taking the body of her unborn daughter. The specter was willing to consume the baby's life, and would have achieved it without anyone knowing... if it werent for Dalia herself.

From before she was born, Dalia's heart was full of hope, and her will was such that Calia considered her a Dirty lover without even being born. This will... was enough for Hades cant devour the essence of her life in time... condemning him to exist inside Dalia until Hannah gave the way to end forever with his old enemy.

Dalia achieved a miracle, one that at the same time would condemn her for her whole life because of the actions of her mothers.

That guilt will persecute them throughout their existence... because their cowardice took away from their daughter the ability to live a normal life.

Future days 3: Professor Shaw, please read this chapter by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:




North Garden District, Mansion of the Reyes family: 00:00 at night.

Hannah sat in her chair, leaving Elsa in her little chair at the table. The giantess felt completely exhausted physically and emotionally, and as soon as Dalia's doctors left the mansion, neither the blonde nor the giantess wanted to dine.

Both sighed at the same time, while Elsa looked for the number of Dalia's tutor on her phone. Every time Hades took control of her daughter's body, it meant that Dalia would be in bed for several weeks, completely destroyed...

At least now she was awake after a few hours, because when she was younger Dalia remained unconscious for whole days.

"Hi, I'm Elsa, the mother of... leave the honoraries for now, Dalia has become possessed again... it's fine now, thanks for asking, but I guess you'll know what it means.

At the very least, she will be absent this week... will you send homework with the same girl? Thank you, and good evening... "Elsa hung up directly, without letting the tutor answer.

Hannah looked up to see her wife throw the phone on the table, before leaning back in the chair. "You should have let he end, now he will be thought that the mayor is rude..."

"My love ... go fuck yourself for a while ... I do not feel like listening to anyone's false condolences"

"That's domestic violence!... I dont even have the strength to joke... Shiiiiit!!!!!! Why, why cant we get rid of Hades?!" Hannah hit the side of the chair, causing the entire floor of the living room to shake.


"We'll find the way, my love... we'll find it, we'll get Hades out of Dalia's body... and then we'll kill him..." Elsa leaned against the back of her chair, while closing her eyes trying to rest.


"We'll kill him well killed... and then I think I'll find his body, dig it up and burn it, then I'll spread the ashes to the four winds and shoot one of them with a cannon into the sea ... then I'll ask an elven druid to become in a marine form, pick up the ashes and throw them into a volcano... "

"I love you so much-" "MOMS! WHERE IS DALIA?" Sarah hurried into the mansion, banging on the front door so hard that Hannah shivered thinking it was broken.

The couple's eldest daughter came running into the living room, her face completely red and covered in sweat after running from the university to her home. The 62-foot redhead giantess grabbed the armrest of Hannah's chair, kneeling and trying to catch her breath again.

Sarah, born 5 years before Dalia, had inherited only her hair (and giantess genes, of course) from Hannah, because the rest of her face was an almost exact reflection of Elsa's.

"You've been running all the way from the university?! You're an idiot or what, honey?" Elsa said making the attempt to get up, but in that she stayed, in a feint.

"Dalia deserves it! I would run all Novaterrae for her-"

"She's in her room, resting," Hannah said before Sarah began with a speech about the importance of her little sister... again.

Sarah nodded, running again leaving a mess of open doors, clothes on the floor, backpack and books lying on both sides of the hall and more.Hannah and Elsa sighed at the unisolo, taking a look by which one of the two should go to pick up the mess.

Contest of useless looks, because although Elsa was definitely as strong as a 20-foot giantess, lifting the books, jackets and shoes of her 62-foot tall daughter was extremely difficult. Hannah stood up heavily, muttering as Elsa could only smile.

Being the smallest person in the house had its advantages.

(If you ignore the disadvantages like the thousands of times that Dalia or Sarah had thrown it on the floor playing, or the dozens of times that Hannah or Sarah had accidentally stepped on it... or... many more, when in the future too much close there is a third giantess more than 50 feet by the house, many many more footprints ...)

Elsa's smile disappeared, realizing that that night, Hannah would take revenge.





Next day, Dalia's room.


Dalia opened her eyes little by little, although what her body really asked was to keep sleeping. The teen giantess had a habit of getting up about 11 in the morning, and even after a second Willcard and all the exhaustion that this entails (because he continued to pay attention to Hades? He always ended up just as exhausted!), the instinct forced her to wake up.

What was weird was that her mothers had covered her so much... and with so many blankets...

"Stupid... wait..." Dalia tightened the mattress under her body, noticing how it was much softer, softer and hairless than normal. "Sara... ahhhh... Sarah, what are you doing?!"

Dalia tried to remove the breasts of her older sister, without much success. Dalia tried to think slowly what had happened, but everything was too confusing since after using the second Willcard.

"Dalia?... Dalia! Thank God!" Sarah gently lifted her little sister up, covering her with kisses as she sat on the floor of her little sister's room. "You know what happens if you use the second Willcard! You cant do this to me!"

"Sarah Sarah, you fill me with drool and I dont think I can get up to shower!" Sarah stopped kissing her instantly, letting her fall lightly into her lap while stroking her hair. "Dont stop patting me... please... Have you stopped going to college for me? Idiot! You're going to lose your perfect attendance!"

"As if I cared! You're a thousand, I'm saying! A million times more important than me! I would not go to school a thousand days, for you!" Dalia sighed, as she snuggled into her sister's lap.

"Nonsense... you are Lady Sarah... the superstar and heiress of the name of Hannah Reyes... you cant fail the people you care about..."


"The only thing that matters to me is you... you are my little sister and the most important thing in my life... only your opinion is worth me!" Sarah shrugged her shoulders, while Dalia could not help but blame herself for that.

The truth... is that while Dalia was envying more and more her older sister as she grew... feeling unable to reach her ... the thing was different for Sarah.

Sarah, from the moment that Hannah gave her the great news, has loved with all her heart and soul her little sister, dedicating all her life to making her happy. From going every time she cried when she was a baby, to asking to share a room so she could comfort her after the nightmares of Hades. Sarah has no real interest in studying any particular career, nor to represent extrahumanity in the species council.

All Sarah wants in this life... was to see me smile... I can be a little unfair to her... because I want to be able to walk by her side! I want to be able to... look at her face to face... so she can be proud of my achievements... more than what she already is. What am I doing... I wish I could tell her all this...

"Because, your sister doesnt deserve more hindrances, you have to be stronger, more intelligent not to be a burden, you depend on me, on you, to achieve it!" Hades's voice filled the mind of the little giantess, who writhed between headaches.

Sarah. Completely terrified by Dalia's expression of pain, she gently lifted her sister closer to her chest and released her aura as her mothers had taught her. It was a relatively simple process:

- You create a skin-to-skin contact, causing Sarah's aura to have a direct transmission method to Dalia.

- Then, you release aura in small amounts, letting it flow through Dalia's body and forcing the essence of Hades to vanish.

As simple as it was, it was also the reason why Hades could possess her. After using the second Willcard, the body begins to exhaust all the stored aura and needs to recharge it, and it is at that moment that Hades manages to enter directly to the soul of Dalia and take control of it.

Unfortunately for the specter, if at some point Dalia (or other external people) completely recharges her body, Hades has no chance but to flee back to the depths of Dalia.

Hades fled again, this time completely weakened... although the truth is that Dalia fell unconscious again. Sarah got up half crying, running around the house looking for either of her two mothers.





8 days later.

Dalia threw the rubber ball against the wall, bouncing off at a perfect angle to dunk her in her cleavage. Picking up the ball again, the teen giantess pointed a little higher this time, looking to dunk her this time in her own mouth.

It is to this level of despair and boredom that Dalia had come. To lie on his bed against the wall and throw an old rubber ball.

"Stupid Will card... stupid exhaustion ... stupid stupid!" Dalia threw the ball even harder, flying off in the other direction. Dalia's room was prepared for the third growth for months, so except for a small group of furniture in the corner that made up its temporary room, the rest of the room was a large empty area.

"Someday... I'll be big enough to fill this whole wasteland! And then you'll pay dearly for the audacity to run away from me, little rubber ball!" Dalia waved her fist in the air, feeling breathless after doing it. "Ah... ahh... I've only raised my fist... nothing more!"

"For start, you should be well lying in bed, my love, and then you should be covered, you know it's much easier to get yourself resfried after an exhaustion of Will card!" Hannah came in, opening the door with her hip, carrying a small tray with Dalia's food.

"I'm too bored to keep lying down, but I cant play... and I'm sure they need me in the guild!" Dalia tried to declaim while Hannah knelt on the floor, forcing her daughter to lie down correctly with her eyes. "I'm going to lie down..."

"That's better, my little bug" Hannah waited for Dalia to be properly seated on the bed to put the tray on her legs. "Your soup warm and fried hake, soft so you dont have to chew too much!"

"Thanks mommy... can you give me the C-com? I want to look at my crystalnet forums and the news" Hannah narrowed her eyes, but the look of her daughter's puppy was too much for the giantess to refuse. Between sighs and giggles, Hannah took out the C-com from the pocket of her apron, leaving it to her daughter in bed. "Thank you, thank you, I love you so much, mommy!"


"And I love you, darling..." Hannah bent down to kiss her daughter's forehead gently, before getting up and leaving the room to leave her privacy.

"And... bingo!" Dalia lit the C-com, leaving the food aside and crawling on her bed to the foot of it. "This is going to be hard..." Dalia leaned horizontally at the foot of the bed, grabbing and lifting the mattress on one side while with the other she searched her code book. After finding it, (and 10 minutes without being able to move due to overexertion) Dalia returned to her place on the top of the bed, opening the code book.

Dalia wasnt an idiot, and she knew there was something wrong with her. Nobody, nobody from the people she had seen using the Willcard was so bad after the second one. And that added to the facts that Hades always encouraged her to use the second one, and that when she was little and talked about Hades as her imaginary friend, her mothers always pouted, they were proof enough.

Hades was real, and he was doing something bad to Dalia's body. But I'm not one of those who are waiting for solutions! I'm Dalia Reyes Wood! The miracle girl!

I'll tell you my plan so far.

I have been pointing in my secret diary since I was 7 years old every time I lose consciousness, how many days I spend in bed, how tired I am and other data that I considered important. In addition, I have pointed out how many days it takes me to see Hades again after each of these "holidays".

I have more than assumed that Hades has been with me from the beginning, so he must be born before me.

Where does it come to tell you all this? Well, this doesnt specifically for all of you. This goes to Professor Shaw.

I need you to open a portal to the past, and look for how is Hades and when he born.

I have no idea how long he will have been, but with a little logical thought we can get it out.

Humanity came to Novaterrae 31 years ago, so if Hades is a spirit of this world you must look for it for 30 years until 14, which is when I was born. There is a margin of 16 years in which my mothers faced the Master, so that Hades must be either before the Master (being a servant of him) or after his defeat (being one of the dark ones emerged from the remains of the Master)

Whatever it is, Professor Shaw, I need you to find out and tell me its origin before I hear Hades's voice again. I want to end this now that I have finally been able to use a FUN to defeat the Scarlet Key fragment! I have confidence... that I can do it! But I need to know what it is and what it does inside of me!

According to my notes and the average time I have taken, between fainting and seeing Hades again, 18/20 days pass, so I beg of you that now that you are short on vacation, hurry! I dont want Hades to bother me another summer!




End Notes:




Shaw leaned back in his chair, reading the last chapter of Dalia's schoolwork.

"So ... Hades? It's a good name for a spectrum... this goes against the rules of the club, the counseling of chronomancy and surely the state of New Bahia del Sol... but on the other hand... Dalia is my best student... "Shaw stroked his beard, thinking the consequences of both parts.

"Shaw, honey, Time to eat!" The voice of Shaw's wife echoed through the floor, taking the teacher out of his thoughts.

"you used the school work of your mothers' story to send me a message... to give me a reason to help you with that "Hades"... you're good, Dalia! Too good!" Shaw he got up from his desk laughing, looking for the number of Dalia in his C-com and answering the giantess with a simple...



Future days 4: Chapter 77 by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:




Mansion of the Reyes family: 

1 week later


Caesar Shaw, the iloa of the sands formerly known as master chrono-archaeologist Shaw Duneater and one of the first Iloas who moved to Bahia, spent many years alone in the Great Desert. His parents bequeathed him and many other companions the goal of discovering what the alitian artifact "Fountain of dreams" was and was working for.

Shaw for many years remained with his companions investigating the mysterious seemingly dry spring, but until the arrival of humans to Novaterrae, all their research and testing had been in vain. During the battle against the Master, a group of humans led by the "Dirty Lover" Victoria arrived at the temple where Shaw and his fellow researchers resided.

The group of Iloas and humans collaborated together, managing to restore the fountain of dreams and fulfill the dreams of Shaw's parents and fellow researchers. After this, Shaw decided to take one of the fragments of the fountain, taking it with him to Bahia and refounding the ancient alitian order of the Chronomantics.

Many years later, Caesar Shaw retired from the order, devoting himself to the teaching of chronomancy as a teacher for young people.

"Shaw! Professor Shaw!" Shaw opened the door of the mansion garden as quickly as he could, while his beloved student Dalia and his ex-pupil Sarah waited for him at the door of the mansion.

"Dalia Dalia, calm down, my legs arent what they used to be!" Dalia was still bouncing in her wheelchair, while Sarah tried to calm her little sister's spirits. "Listen to your sister! If you're still with fatigue, you should slow down!"

"This tired, dont worry! This is too important! We are going to locate "H" and finish it! This fatigue will be the last, I swear!" Dahlia ended up hyperventilating, having to grab her chest and fall on the back of the wheelchair.

"Look, I told you! I should take you, little sister, so I'll make sure you cant get rid of that much!" Sarah rummaged in her backpack, taking out a small bottle of water for her sister.


"Thank you... but it isnt necessary... the wheelchair is for these occasions... if I see that I cant continue... I will ask you to carry me in my arms" Dalia stuck a long drink to the bottle, almost emptying it in one gulp. The teen giantess left the bottle in her lap, watching as Shaw looked at her with sorrow in his eyes.


"Dalia, I can take care of this only with Sarah, you can stay at home if you need to-"


"No, I can ... I swear, I want to be able to talk with Ogden, it's the living history of Bahia! And this is the only opportunity I have ... ahhhhh ... to be able to clarify the foundation of Bahia!" Shaw and Sarah approached scared before the attack of fatigue of Dalia, although the teen giantess stopped them with the hand.

Shaw rummaged in his pockets, finding the envelope with the investigations of his colleagues in the Archive for Dalia. "Listen, Dalia, I've been watching what you told me and I think Jolbirth may be wrong, because as far as I could figure out in the Archive, Nu'ma was recruited by Elsa before the battle of the Nights Nation."

"I believe Jolbirth, so I hope that Ogden can clarify the facts! I have no problem... in taking this matter to the director of the Archive personally! Sarah, are you with me right?"

Sarah nodded to her sister, carrying the wheelchair and Professor Shaw in her hands. "Of course, yes, besides, if you do not pay attention to yourself for not having gone through the third growth, I will be your voice in the meantime!" Dalia silently thanked her sister, while Shaw settled into Sarah's palm watching the pair of sisters.

In the background, Dalia is affectionate, only that she needs a lot to show it.









Port district "Royal", presentation of the MAGUN:

30 minutes later.


The whole name? Caprice of Valeria and Calia. Elsa the first 50 times that she proposed it was denied, but at 51... 51 were enough to convince her.
The great day event, the inauguration of the fourth port and first military port of Bahia

With the recent maritime attacks by the renegade members of the Tharon, Bahia as a coastal city was obliged to prepare for a possible war with the Tharons, and that led to the formation of a Marine section of GUN led by the legendary Ogden Swail. Hundreds of journalists had gathered to listen to Mayor Elsa Reyes and new captain Ogden Swail, and that's where our trio comes in.

Sarah hid behind one of the buildings near the presentation, looking towards the press pass. "There are a lot more people than mom say this morning... it's going to be difficult to get you behind the scenes, Dalia..."

"Dont worry, I have my own resources!" Dalia rolled toward the corner of the building, looking for the signal. One of the flags of Bahia was upside down, as they had agreed. "Big sister, I need you to take me to that truck! The one with the reverse flag, and while Professor Shaw, I need you to prepare the recorder and the water of dreams, we do not have much time!"

Shaw nodded, while Dalia and Sarah walked away (Sarah carried her little sister in her arms while holding the wheelchair with her arm).

The professor began to take out the brush and the bottle of water, thinking at all times how interesting it would be to see the story from the point of view of the legendary "aggressor" who fought against the construction of Bahia.


Dalia and Sarah arrived at the press van, where a reporter without saying anything to anyone handed a canvas to the sisters before returning to work. Sarah was afraid of what Dalia was thinking, and to her misfortune that thought was right.

Dalia covered her and the wheelchair with the canvas. "Now, older sister, take me as if it were a box! And if you come across mom or someone you know, pretend that I'm just-"

"I... I get it... I love you so much, little sister, but this?" This is by far one of your craziest and probably right ideas you've ever had. "Sarah sighed as she grabbed the wheelchair and began to enter. little by little to the backstage of the event.

The giantess advanced little by little, dodging workers both Iloas of the mountains and giantess. As was usual in the last 20 years, more and more extrahuman species reached large sizes (between 20 and 30 feet) which allowed more and more workers to find space in physical tasks that until recently were reserved only for Iloas of the seas or the mountains.

This was good and bad in equal parts, because as Hannah and many other giantesses discovered in a bad way, the clothes of the Iloa is much more rough and rigid than the human. This prevented the human textile industries and Iloas from merging, which led to the fact that with increasingly larger and more varied extra-human bodies, the exclusive giantess clothes were lost in oblivion.

Why the hell am I telling this? Ahhhh, of course! Because I am under a canvas as if it were a small table or a piece of furniture! ... stupid fatigue!

"Aunt Fiona, can you let me in? This is... just... one thing for mom! I have to take it to her dressing room! She doesnt have a dressing room... oh..." Dalia tried to close her eyes and stop listening to her Big sister, because Sarah is a genius in many ways. Be discreet? That's not one of the things Sarah highlights.

"No no no! You cant look under! Listen to me, it's just a piece of furniture! Oh no no no no no! Get away please aunt Fiona... oh sure... I'm mentally narrating... she cant e- AHHHHHHH- "Ahhhhh!" Sarah threw the wheelchair forward while holding her aunt in her arms.


Dalia struggled to maintain control of the wheelchair, forcing it to turn to avoid hitting the wall. Looking back, the teen giantess saw the struggle of her older sister with her aunt, one slightly too exaggerated? Enough, but Dalia wasnt going to say no to a good scene.

Rolling with all his strength and struggling against his own fatigue, Dalia began to flee towards the main building of MAGUN where according to his informant, Ogden would be preparing for his press conference. She could only hear the guards discover her while trying to open the door of the building.

"Is there someone there? Elsa? I'll be ready in a couple of minut-" Ogden looked through the mirror in the hall of the building like a giantess in wheelchairs rushing in. "You look like Elsa, you must be one of her daughters"

"Mr. Ogden... ahhh..." Dalia closed the door behind her, trying to jam her with one of the wheels of the chair. Ogden simply laughed as he approached the door, locking the door to the giantess's joy. "Thank you... sir... ahhhh... ahhh..."

"Are you okay, daughter? You look completely shattered, more than a girl your age should be." Dalia refused, while Ogden knelt to try to help her as best he could.

"I think you can help me... sir... I need you to tell me the story of the foundation of Bahia! Please ... I think something bad inside of me may have originated at that time" Ogden's look of confusion I had no price, while Dalia drank water from her bottle trying to catch her breath.

"It's a bit hasty, but if I can help, I'll be happy to do it, miss."

Dalia smiled, while between heavy breaths she looked for Shaw's number on her phone. After calling him, she put the phone on the loudspeaker and pointed it at Ogden.

"Captain Ogden, start from the moment you arrive in Bahia! And Professor Shaw, start the recording of chapter 77!... ahhh..." Ogden grabbed the phone, letting Dalia breathe quietly.





End Notes:



This chapter is a bit shorter because of lack of time, but today the work has been devastating and I can not stand it anymore without going to sleep, sorry



Chapter 77 or not by SirDarkvid




Nights Nation, 30 years before: 22:00 at night



Night fell on the sea, and although there were many pirates and admirals who preferred to anchor near the coast and rest until sunrise, the Night Nation had very different plans from the rest of the ships.

"The sun has fallen! Activate the maritime lights!" Ogden's voice was clear throughout the ship, and while the deck-hands prepared the light crystals to act as spotlights, the sailors who controlled the interior of the ship activated one of the greatest secrets that differentiated the Nights Nation from other ships.

The lower part of the Nights Nation had small windows that allowed observing the seabed and the surroundings, and with the ingenuity of Lyre and especially bright luminous crystals, they served as lamps to illuminate the nearby waters and have control of the navigation even in the darkest night.

"Captain, seabed illuminated and spotlights ready to continue our journey!" The helmsman Sharaf went on deck, heading straight for Ogden. Of the crew that was formed for the mission of the tribe of the seas, only Sharaf and his team of helmsmen, climatologists and cartographers stayed with Ogden when he returned to the seas as a pirate. Was it because of pride? For devotion to his captain? For fear of reprisals from senior officials? Ogden never intended to interrogate his old friend, so the question remained for the viewer.

"Good job, Sharaf, lower the sails in half and keep calm, guys! I have no intention of letting the Sea-runners discover us!" Ogden sat in his seat next to the mainsail, while his men dutifully carried out the orders and Sharaf returned to the helm. Actually, Ogden had no reason to not enter his room to dine like others, but the proximity to the territory of the tribe of the seas made him stay alert more than normal.


"Capitan Ogden, according to the cartographer, we will arrive at the coast where Bahia del Sol is located in 5 hours!" Lyre left the helm building with the sheet with the estimates for Ogden, although the Iloa of the sands denied him with his head. "You should bother reading the estimates, captain!"


"I have you for that, Lyre, you're the ship's manager for something!" Ogden laughed as he looked at the horizon. The captain could not have more desire to meet those beings called "Humans", and although he had no intention of fulfilling the contract, that Brolx deserved at least see them try.

"You have a lot of confidence in my abilities, captain, but I'm sure that Sharaf or Swaia would do a job equal to or better than mine, not in vain... Swaia was the previous administrator and Sharaf is the helmsman!" Lyre tried to keep giving reasons, but Ogden's hand caressing her head stopped her.

"Swaia has always said that she is a hunter and not an administrator, so if she went back to doing your job, you can take it for granted that she would do it badly and without desire!" Ogden's words were enough to make Lyre smile, as he climbed agilely to the mast to get a better view of the sea. "You're going to make my j-





"OGDEN! DALIA! I KNOW YOU ARE INSIDE! OPEN NOW!" Elsa pounded the door of the building with force and insistence, almost making her tremble in the process.


Back to the present

(Or to the future, it depends on how you look at it)


"Wow, she's taken me out of the narrative! ! And I'm about to tell the joke of that day! The joke of the century!" Ogden laughed as Dalia tried to roll away from the entrance, only to stop to hear how Elsa managed to break the lock on the door. (Blocking ... it really was only two pots, but we could call it blocking.

"DALIA! DONT ATTEMPT TO FLEE!" Elsa stepped at full speed under Ogden's legs, jumping over her daughter's wheelchair and stopping her with her halberd. "Miss, you never know when to surrender, right?"

Dalia tried to turn the wheelchair, but Elsa was much faster, driving the halberd into one of the wheels. "Damn it! Ahhh... mom! What are you doing... ahhh... you here?"

"Look, little bug... you cant even talk and your face is completely red... you have to go home and rest, do it for me... please" Elsa climbed carefully to one of the wheels of the chair, sitting on the armrest and caressing her daughter's cheek.

Dalia sighed, glancing at her mother. As much as I screwed up, mom was right... "Okay... I'll go home..."

Elsa nodded in relief, as she marked something on her phone and got off the armrest. "Mommy is on the way, so let's wait for her at the private exit of the building, okay?" Beginning to push the wheelchair, Elsa took the opportunity to tell Fiona to release Sarah.

"You too, mom?... But the press conference-" "I've already done it! It's been express, but the journalists and the taxpayers have been satisfied! Now we just need you, Ogden, to talk about your work as director of the naval fleet!" Ogden nodded silently, leaving the building as fast as he could to prevent Elsa's wrath from falling on he... wrath that I provoked... fuuuuck ...


And so, Sarah, mom and I wait for Mommy's car in the private parking lot. As soon as we got home, Mom and Mommy agreed that they would reprimand me another day, and for today they let me rest and sleep in my room. The last thing I heard was how they reprimanded Sarah for agreeing to take me out on the street in my state- Sarah deserves an apology tomorrow...

Today I cant continue... I'm going to cut this failed chapter around here and I'll try again somehow tomorrow.





End Notes:




"But seriously, someone thought I was going to give up so easily?" Jump through the window of my room with absolute silence. The light of day and the heat only aggravate my fatigue, but at night? I was born for the night!

Not really, because I have the other wheelchair waiting for me hidden in the bushes, but I can keep better at night! This other wheelchair is from a couple of years ago, so I'm going a little too tight in it, but it will serve equally!

Tonight's goal is much more complicated than usual:

- Our mansion has a gigantic ground floor, where 99% of the rooms are. Except one.

- Mom's office is located on the second floor just above my mothers room, mainly because it is too small for Mommy and Sarah to enter, so Mom decided to place it in a place where it didnt get in the way. In that office is my goal, the agenda of mom's contacts.

- Mom is supermodern for some things, but then she does things like copying her C-com agenda in writing to memorize the numbers. Who does that in a world where chrystalnet offers everything at all times? It isnt that I complain, because it is precisely now that the existence of this written C-com book is essential to me.

- The plan is to climb outside the wall of my mothers room to the roof, then from there find the exact location of my mom's office and use the "water of dreams" to open a small portal that allows me to cross the ceiling.

- As in the office I cant longer stand up, I have to locate the exact center so that I can crawl and look for the agenda. After having it, I will leave the office like a ninja and going down the pipeline I will go back to my room as if nothing had happened! Already tomorrow I will look for the telephone number of Ogden to be able to continue with the chapter 77.

Simple, easy and for the whole family! I'm going to narrate in the third person for a while, because I need to concentrate to be able to climb the pipeline!


Dalia rolled around the yard, dodging most security cameras with the expertise obtained after many nights of leaving home for... things. After going around the mansion, the teen giantess stood in front of her metaphorical ladder to glory, the roof gutter pipe.

"Well ... Dalia, you've seen a lot of thieves' movies, so this shouldnt be difficult" Dalia stood up half trembling from the chair, leaning against the pipe before beginning to look for how to climb it. We are not a family with little money, so my mothers spent a lot to ensure both a roof of the highest quality as a system of purification and collection for rains of the latest generation.

That... made the pipe completely smooth and without any screws or exterior parts so as not to break the aesthetics of the facade of the building. "Shit... I had not thought about this... Think Dalia... how was the old movie that Mommy liked so much? It was very old... of drawings drawn and not animation as it is logical! .. the movie that's where there's a very long stick that at the tip there's a... a medallion?... a spear?... an apple...?"

"Mulan, you're thinking about Mulan, little sister" SHIT! FUCK! Ahh... when ahe has ...Sarah is next the window of my mother's room, looking at me through the darkness of the night ... couldnt she make some noise?! She weighs 68 tons! How can she be so bad for discretion and then so fucking sneaky?


"Sarah... you almost killed me with fright!... ahhh... you can go back to bed, I have everything under control!" Sarah inclined her head not too sure.

"If what you plan is to reach the roof, I can bring the ladder and get up more or less easily-"

"No no! That would make too much noise! r03;r03;Also, thanks to the name of the movie and I remember why I brought my blanket!" Removing the blanket from under the wheelchair, throw it around the pipe holding a tip in each hand.

"You will not be thinking about..." Sarah had to close her mouth, when she saw how I started to slowly climb the pipe. It was not the fastest in my state, but my good shoes and the toughest blanket I had assured me a safe climb. "That's very dangerous! You could fall and make yourself ... well, dont hurt yourself because you're an expert in falls, but imagine that you get tired halfway and you cant move!"

I understand my sister's concern, but I've already climbed 17 feet! (of about 140 that measures the pipe... and if you discount my height surely only I have 2 feet and little climbed... something is something)

"Sarah, if you're still here, some of the moms will wake up! Trust me! I'm taking my phone to let you know if anything happens!" Sarah didnt seem very convinced, but after my patented look of super puppy, the older giantess could only sigh and go back to bed.

I will not be the best person, but I have my tricks! And now I need a lot of tricks... because this is much harder than I thought...





06:30 in the morning.


"And... and... aahhhh... 400!" With a last pull, I managed to grab onto the roof. It had been very hard ... very very hard ... but in the end ... I arrived ... next to the dawn ... I have little time ...

I crawled on the roof, fighting sleep and fatigue. According to the plans of the house, Mom's office was located in the corner ... no ... I can not continue ... I need ... a short break ...

Yes ... a short break and I could ... ahhhh ... ahhh ... steal the ... agenda ... just a 5 ... minute break ............. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..... Low battery, C-com recorder entering in suspension mode.

Future days 5: Overcome our mistakes by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:




The sporadic sound of typing filled Dalia's tired mind, which stirred in her slight sleep. The teen giantess navigated between the vigil and the oneiric world, while all the accumulated fatigue kept her tied to her own tiredness.

"Ummm ..." Typing became more and more continuous, forcing the giantess to open one eye. Even among all the exhaustion, Dalia could recognize both the sofa where she slept and the living room, with her mother Hannah sitting next to her on the floor, typing things on her portable C-comp.

"Have you already woken up, my love?" Hannah stopped typing quickly, turning to her daughter while Dalia rubbed her eyes weakly. "I'm going to get you a glass of milk, you'll have an empty stomach"

Dalia tried to refuse, but her stomach protested strongly with her dry throat, forcing the teen giantess to sit as she could against the back of the sofa. The vast majority of furniture (except Elsa's furniture placed on the center table) in the room were built for Hannah, so Sarah (while growing up) and now Dalia felt like little girls in most rooms.

One of the favorite songs of their mothers sounded softly through the loudspeakers of the living room cinema, and judging by the lights that came through the window, it should be almost dusk. Hannah returned at 5 minutes, with a small cup of hot milk with chocolate and a few cookies for her daughter.

"Eat slowly, my love ... dont overdo it"

Dalia under her head while Hannah left the tray with the food next to her, only able to think because her mother was not scolding her once instead of taking care of her so much...

"You'rent going to scold me? I'm sure I deserve it..." Dalia said as she nibbled one of her mother's homemade cookies, tasting how once again Hannah had exceeded using chocolate.


"Scold? Of course not! I'm angry? Pretty... but I cant blame you for trying to fight fatigue... or Hades" Hannah sat back on the floor, gently stroking her daughter's hair while she was wet the cookies in the milk.

Dalia didnt say anything, drowning in her own frustration, cookie to cookie. The teen giantess just kept on eating, chewing unconsciously to the rhythm of the music while little by little the tears broke through her face.

Hannah approached Dalia little by little, hugging her carefully so as not to interrupt her daughter's snack.

Mother and daughter remained silent, freeing themselves from all the bad spirits. (Logically not literal, since Hades still existed)





Elsa was the first to return home, while Sarah continued her classes at the university. The blonde came talking as she used to, but as soon as she approached the living room and saw the scene, she decided to stop talking about her day at the town hall, entering quietly to her bedroom to change clothes.

Sharing life with someone who is 53 feet taller than you is not easy, but Elsa was accustomed and in love to do so... except for the theme of closets and drawers.


Hannah insisted that Elsa had her own separate bedroom, one of human size just for her; and although Elsa didnt intend to sleep away from her wife or have a separate room as if Hannah were dangerous, she did enjoy having her own cabinets on the wall and not in the drawers of Hannah's closet as Flynn had them.

What was the architect's solution? Build on the bedside table, on her side of the bed, a mini-closet with its built-in wardrobes, its drawers and its own dresser and dressing room.

(The difference in size between Hannah and Elsa, although it is a lot, is not enough to be able to put so much furniture on a night table.

Solution: A much larger bedside table, since Elsa didnt need a bedside table narrow to get up)

And while she was changing, the blonde could not stop thinking about that morning, about to call GUN for the disappearance of Dalia, when Sarah had confessed the plan of the youngest daughter. And right there she was, sleeping on the roof without being able to move.

Dalia had been a restless, laughing child since she was a child, running (or crawling) everywhere from the moment she learned to walk / crawl. But this? risk so much being under post-hades fatigue? As much as Elsa hated him, it was not a behavior that as mothers should allow.

"Remenber U... eh?" Elsa closed her eyes, quietly listening to the song Hannah had in the dining room while she dressed in her comfortable home clothes. As much mayor as she was, Elsa enjoyed as anyone else to dress in a cloth tracksuit at the time of being with his family quietly.

"Nice song, very retro" Flynn appeared on the giant double bed, crossed legs while looking at Elsa's dressing room. "I come to see how my granddaughter is, but I've seen the scene from outside and I do not think I should interrupt"

"You do well, but today I can only give you a little information because I just came from work ..." Elsa came out of the dressing room yawning and scratching her belly. ("belly", because the pack of abs was not taken away by anyone)

After a long day of work making decisions about the upcoming parties in Nueva Bahia, the blonde had no desire to maintain her aura of dignity and less in front of her family.


"I checked what you asked me, and according to the old pirate, Dalia went to him to find out about the origin of an evil that lives inside her... my granddaughter is fucking smart!" Flynn smiled as Elsa gathered her hair in the boudoir.

The blonde sighed, cursing how smart her little daughter was, and smiling at how smart she was. Strange? You can, but being a mother / father is always strange. "We're going to have to talk to her... I'm very afraid"

"You're afraid? Dont make me laugh Elsa, nobody can believe that..." Flynn got up, walking on the bed until he could jump to the bedside table. "Look on the bright side, this may be the opportunity to end our sins. Dalia now knows about Hades, and that means maybe, using cronomancy- "

"I'm not going to use cronomancy, Flynn!" Elsa swiftly swiveled toward Flynn, threatening him with the comb she was using. "Chronomancy serves to learn from the past, but ... you also saw it, what happens when you use chronomancy to alter the past... I will not let more people suffer because of the magic of the Alitian gods, and although I allow chronologists to have their headquarters in Bahia, the conditions are clear-"

"I've got it, I get it, I have to admit that Alitian magic is extremely dangerous ... but more dangerous is the magic of Eldritch and Hades is a creature created by it... it's your daughter, Elsa, but sometimes..."

"We have to make decisions..." Elsa and Flynn said at once, both living before their eyes on the day of the Master's fall. One of the worst things about being adapted humans was the perfect memory, because although Hannah had forgotten part of that fateful day ... Elsa was simply incapable.

"I'll let you enjoy the rest of the day with your family, Elsa ... but I hope you make a decision, whatever it may be.

Calia doesnt stay still when she knows that her granddaughter knows about Hades... and like Calia, all the others... Juddit asked us to take care of our granddaughters with our own life, and her words have penetrated deep into all of us"

Elsa sighed as she got up from the dresser, giving Flynn time to disappear dramatically. The blonde had been making decisions all her life, and for an endless being like her, she was very afraid that she would have to keep making decisions all eternity.





Back in the living room, when Elsa came in, Hannah was still hugging Dalia, only this time the teen giantess was sitting on her mother's legs. Elsa leapt onto the couch, climbing onto Hannah's other leg without bothering to say a word.


The bond between both wives was so great that without saying anything they understood what the other wanted to say. "Dalia... have you rested well? If you really wanted to call Ogden, you simply had to ask me for his phone number... we have never denied anything to you, always within the logic, so this behavior ... I cant understand it"

Dalia came out of her mother's embrace, looking at her other mother out of the corner of her eye. The teenage giantess's tears were already dry, but her eyes were still red. "There's nothing to understand... I've tried to make the hero who defeated the inner evil with his own strength... and I've failed miserably... I'm so sorry, moms..."

Dalia cried again, while Elsa jumped from one thigh of Hannah to the other and approached her daughter to comfort her. Hannah continued to stroke Dalia's back gently, trying to make her feel protected.

Elsa and Hannah looked at each other for a second, both knowing what they had to do."My daughter, we have ... to go somewhere" Elsa jumped to the ground, teleporting herself to look for the keys of the car while Hannah carried Dalia in her arms, fearing that the teen giantess wasnt sufficiently rested to walk.


When the humans arrived at Novaterrae, the Iloa had only developed for some reason the crystalline technology to create two-wheeled vehicles.

Joining the land vehicles (which logically reached the moment where the non-electric stopped working, as there was no oil as such in Novaterrae) and crystalline technology Iloan, different brands of vehicles brought the new generation of cars.

These were completely clean and tens of times more efficient than the Tesla, because the crystals were surprisingly cheap to manufacture, load and replace.

Like cars, many electronic devices evolved into Iloas versions, pleasing both the humans they saw and their inventions were much more effective, such as the Iloa, who marveled at the comforts these devices brought to their lives.

After sitting Dalia in the back seats, Hannah climbed into the driver's seat and started the car. "Have you warned Sarah, Elsa?"

"Of course, who are you taking me for? Sarah says that she will have dinner with Calia and Flynn and then she will come home, and I have already warned that tomorrow I will surely arrive later"

"So far are we going?" Hannah and Elsa looked at each other, until Elsa lost the battle again.

"About 4 hours on the road... so get comfortable and relax, my love, we'll get food to go"







4 hours later, Askaknottr Temple.


The temple of "Askaknottr", the Alitian god of time, served for a long time as a dark fortress for the Master. When the "army of the fiery alliance" (the team formed by the survivors of the last great attack of the Master) assaulted the temple, the servants of the Master defended themselves as they could from the surprise attack.

It was a long and hard battle that lasted for 53 hours. until the Master ended up falling defeated, taking with him the Alitian Crucible. After so many years later, the temple was restored as a museum to commemorate the great battle for generations to come.

Being two of the heroes who fought against the Master, it wasnt difficult for Hannah and Elsa manages to close the temple for them alone.

"What are we doing here? They forced me to come in a schooltrip, and I was bored then... "Dalia looked at the walls and the exhibitions, while Hannah took them to Elsa and her. The teen giantess was restless just like the last time, because the mere effort of imagining her mothers fighting for those rooms was terribly overwhelming.

"Just wait a little, honey, we're about to arrive" Elsa looked at Hannah, who sighed as they reached the last room of the exhibition.

Elsa jumped from her wife's shoulder, walking towards the sealed door at the end of the temple. The blonde summoned her halberd, shattering the safety and opening the great room. "It's been too long since we came here... and I really didnt plan to go back again until 500 years later..."

Hannah opened the doors completely with her shoulder, letting Elsa walk to the center of the room before following her. "500 years, what an exaggeration! For then we will be super old ladies!... or not, seeing how Calia keeps..." The giantess entered slowly, creating a small sun in miniature to illuminate the great hall.

Many years ago during the assault on the temple of Askaknottr, the Master took refuge in the "Salon of the forgotten ritual" while fighting against Phoenix, closing the hall with three Alitian seals that Victoria, Ogden and Radnar had to get done with the generals of the Master . Along with Vegas and Xeros, two fallen Alitian gods, was the then third general, Hades.

Hades was too cowardly to face Ogden and Hannah in clean combat, and dragged them through all the catacombs infected with temple traps, forcing the giantess and the pirate to chase him until they finally locked him on the roof of the temple.

Hades was too afraid to die, and offered to betray the Master if the "army of the fiery alliance" forgave his life.

Although Ogden didnt seem convinced of it, Hannah walked towards the spirit, ready to forgive him. Hades smiled as he detonated his last trap, destroying part of the roof and causing Hannah to fall over the Master's hall.

What Hades did not know at that time is that this action was key to the fall of the Master, because without a roof to lean on, Vegas lost its way of attacking and ended up falling into the hands of Radna. And Hannah... the early presence of Hannah in the final fight against the Master was key to the subsequent defeat.

Hades tried to pretend that everything was a plan to help the "army of the fiery alliance", something that didnt have any effect. Elsa decided to apply a punishment worse than death, although many years later... the blonde discovered that it was the wrong decision.

In this "Salon of the forgotten ritual" was where Hades was condemned and was torn from the mortal plane, becoming nothing more than an echo of a soul.

Elsa remained silent for a second, after letting Dalia listen to the story. "I wish we would have killed Hades... if we had done it..."

Hannah knelt beside her wife, letting Dalia walk slowly toward her mother. "Mom ... you did what you thought was right... I dont blame you for anything... you're my mother..."

Elsa turned around, letting Dalia fall on her arms. Although Elsa was already half as small as her daughter, the blonde was still strong enough to hold her quietly. "You may not blame me, Dalia..." Elsa hugged her daughter's neck, speaking lower to contain the tears. "But I cant stop thinking that I should have listened to Flynn and Eleanor... I should have executed Hades... I... I'm so sorry... my daughter..."

Elsa cried silently on her daughter's neck, letting this impure room again witness her own weakness.

So many years later, the blonde still couldnt overcome her mistakes.




End Notes:




My mothers are admirable people, they are the kind of person I want to become when I grow up. Even after all they have suffered, everything they have fought, finds reasons to smile and keep fighting.


Therefore, I will not continue writing what happens today. I will not write and record a moment of weakness of my beloved mother. If it really interests, after a long time we left the temple in silence, and on the way back we stopped at the pizzeria that I like.

We ordered two ocean-sized Cheese-mania pizzas, one and a quarter for mommy and 3 quarters for mom and me. It was delicious! And I can not wait to grow up so I can ask for a whole just for me!

But back to the important thing, I have a plan. One that will really work.

To all my relatives who are reading this school work, I will need your help.

J.F.A.S.N.M.F. and Grandpa Flynn, I need you to come to my call.

Let me rest for a couple of days, and next Sunday the "Heroes of our times" plan will begin!




Future days 6: J.M.S by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:




J and M from New Bahia.


"So ... you need our help, little bug? Interesting... very very interesting" He looked at the side of his desk, looking at the calendar for some reason not to come to the call. Empty, empty, empty, appointment with the baby's doctor, empty."I can make room for you in my busy schedule, Dalia! Belle, honey! We have to leave the children at your parents' house, we have work to do-"

Mirabelle came kicking (and tearing) the door of Jack's study, carrying her baby in her arms. The jabberwock had seen better days, and between the dark circles, the drooling stains and vomited from her pajama and her hair completely disheveled made Jack even look away."Fool! Jackie had fallen asleep a damn time! Why shit you scream?!" Mirabelle walked with such force that the whole apartment trembled, turning Jack's chair with her tail and leaving his son in his arms.

"Girl, you dont need to attack me thatway either..." Jack rocked his son little by little, trying to avoid the baby continued crying. "Only Jackie has woken up? Alice is still asleep? That girl really does look like her mother, not a damn train can wake her up-" Jack stopped talking at once, as he noticed how Mirabelle's tentacles were tied around his neck. They lifted him from his chair. "Belle ... we can talk about it ..."


"Talk about it? my love-" Mirabelle pressed her husband's neck harder, while with her tail she picked up her son again. "I havent slept for 37 hours because of your fucking children, the next thing I will talk about at your funeral" Mirabelle's eyes were empty of any feeling and sensation, an infinite void in each eyelid, one that only a first-time mother overwhelmed by two babies was capable of reproducing.


"I can take care of them while you take a nap-"

"Can you breastfeed them? Can you change their diapers without crying again? Can you control them both at the same time?!"

"Of course I can! I'm his father-"

"Say it, say you cant, Say you're so irresponsible that you confused your children's diapers for adult diapers TWO FUCKING TIMES!"

"In my defense... they were from the same brand... and even the supermarket girl got confused when I came back... the first time..."

Mirabelle reacted again when she saw that Jack was starting to faint due to the lack of air, releasing him suddenly and holding him by the waist with his tentacles. "My love, dont die! Who did this to you?!"


Jack leaned against the desk, breathing slowly as he glanced at his wife. "An invisible murderer... says if you dont go to bed immediately he'll kill me..."

"I cant allow that! We have a family and I dont intend to raise our children without you!" Mirabelle left Jackie in her father's arms, turning around and (stepping over the knocked down door) came out of Jack's office. Father and son looked at each other for a few seconds, until the sound of Mirabelle falling to the floor suddenly caught his attention. The consecutive snoring was more than enough signal for Jack to sit in his chair, rocking his son.

"Champion, your mother isnt getting along well with the lack of sleep..." Jack gouged in his drawers, finding the emergency pacifier for his son. Jackie, tired of crying, immediately fell asleep in her father's arms.

"Fuck... and I thought the mood swings would end after the pregnancy"
Jack shrugged, while with his free hand he answered Dalia's call.












S from the continent of Alus, on the Uhx Mount.


Alus is a gigantic continent on the north of Terre dell'alba, a coarse land full of dangers where the climate and the elements have forever altered its landscapes and its inhabitants.

The alliance between humans and Iloas, the Fiery Alliance (which inherited the name of the army formed in just 3 days to defeat the Master), looking for a place to expand away from the attacks of the Orlealis, focused their eyes on Alus.

At first glance, the continent seemed not to be plagued by a race as warlike as the Orlealis, and at the same time being an almost virgin land the opportunity to obtain resources was too juicy to let it escape.

A first brigade of the army went to Alus, seeking to make peaceful contact with any race that inhabited the coasts of the continent, since obtaining a safe harbor to begin to explore Alus was the main task.The brigade found that the coasts of Alus were especially steep and the climate was terribly cold, except for a fjord at the foot of a gigantic mountain.

The brigade came into contact with the two races that lived in the mountain, a tribe of orcs called "Tribe Ironscales" who lived inside the mountain and beings similar to elves that were called "Sons of the storm" how lived in the top of the mountain.

Both species seemed to have a long history attached to the mountain, and as the "fiery alliance" would later discover, an Orlealis fleet seemed to have its eyes set on the mountain and on its resources in the same way as them.

Humans and Iloas decided to offer an alliance to the Ironscales and the Sons of the storm, who, desperate for the Orlealis attacks, accepted without hesitation.

Mount Uhx would soon become the center of the fiery alliance in Alus, and dozens of squadrons were deployed in the new continent. (especially human squadrons, which moved by the illusion of knowing both orcs and elves in real life)

Of those squadrons, one mainly draws attention, the one known as "New Horde"





Outpost Saurfang, in the limits of the territory of Mount Uhx.

Samantha waited inside the tent of canvas and wood, sheltering from the cold and snow while checking the map of the defense post. The high-orc debated mentally with herself, looking for the right answer to the dilemma.


Recently, small Orlealis battalions were attacking the positions farthest from Mount Uhx, but unlike at other times, these battalions were suicidal and laden with explosives. Its objective was clear, to reduce as much as possible the defensive camps around the Irondrake wall.

So far, the Allied casualties were not too many, but Sam feared that the wall around the fjord would not be enough if the Orlealis were willing to start launching suicide attacks of that caliber.

Three knocks on the door were enough to make Sam react, who got up from the chair while one of the Ironscale commanders entered. "Warlord Sam, the Ogrim camp report has arrived. After the wounds of the last attack last night, 3 Allied soldiers have passed away, 2 humans and an orc" Sam sighed, sitting on her chair and resting her head on her hands.


"Tell all the outside camps to pick up their things and go back inside the wall, and then warn the architects, I want to reinforce the wall as much as possible" The orc commander nodded, before with a little bow leave the tent.

Sam looked back at the map, planning to use the wall to force the Orlealis to approach to shoot them as they entered the range of vision of the Ironscale and human shooters. It wasnt a very brave strategy, but after 8 years defending Mount Uhx, Sam knew perfectly that the priority was to keep the wall safe for when the squadrons that explored Alus returned.

"Sam, what does this mean?! Are we going to withdraw our camps?" The commanders of the storm Xilven came screaming as usual. When Sam asked to be sent to Alus to meet elves and orcs in person, the high-orc did not expect the elves of the storm to be so scandalous and aggressive... much more than the orcs themselves!

"Xilven, your scouts cant find where the Orlealis are hiding, so I will not risk any elf, orc, human or Iloa anymore! We will defend from the wall and there is nothing else to talk about!" But Sam knew too well that there was more to talk about.

"There are very important ruins outside for the Sons of the Storm! I will not leave them without protection against the Orlealis!" Xilven, neither short nor lazy, walked towards the command table, hitting with both hands to make his message clear.

The "Sons of the storm" claim to descend from the first servants of the dragons, and their affinity with wind and lightning lives up to their name. Not only that, but their great magical gifts and their connection with the weather only strengthened the great pride they felt as a race.

To their disgrace, after so many years living on the clouds at the peak of Mount Uhx, the elves of the storm had lost the skill to fight in the open field, and their pride was only a drag when it came to fighting near ruins.

"If you want to defend them so much, get your Drakes down! As far as I know, you can make them new if they are destroyed, right?"

"Being able to manufacture them again does not mean they are war material! The drakes were bequeathed to us by the first dragons, and they have served as saddles for our people for centuries, they arent guard animals!"


"Your cries are heard from outside the camp!" Sildud, the leader of the Ironscale and one of the greatest shooters Sam had ever known, entered the tent, still armed with the small expedition to the brachial valley. Sam couldnt be happier to see him again.

"Sildud! Please, Xilven insists that we must keep the camps outside the wall, but that only complicates things when it comes to defending ourselves from the Orlealis!" Sildud, the great fused eye as he was known in the tribe, was appointed as high commander of the fiery alliance forces in Alus, after arming and directing the defense forces during the biggest Orlealis attack on Mount Uhx.

The orc sighed, picking up his rifle and bullet belt before removing his vest to warm by the fire. "Xilven, I think defending the wall is a good idea, as soon as we get rid of this squadron of Orlealis forces we can look to expand the wall to cover your ruins"

"Tssss... how was the thing out there? Have you managed to find the origin of their troops?" Xilven agreed to scolding, before sitting in the chair next to Sam and snatch the jug of mead from the high-orc.

Sildud shook his head, kneeling by the fire. Where the Orlealis suicides came from was the greatest mystery of the last weeks, until the point that Sildud himself had gone on a solo mission to look for them."I have no idea... and the situation starts bothering me... however, we dont gain anything by wrinkling our foreheads and hitting our heads against the same wall"

The orc walked towards the bar cabinet, pouring himself a jug of mead before sitting with his companions at the table. "Sam, your niece has written another chapter of her school work and I think she needs your help, have you read it?"

The high-orc refused while quickly taking out her C-com, looking in the folder of messages sent the chapter of Dalia. Sam looked quickly, until he reached the key paragraph. "Yes, that's right, it's our special code with the initials..."

Xelvin finished Sam's mead jar, and tried to do the same with Sildud's until the orc snatched it from his hands. "If you go to Bahia, I want to accompany you. I would like to speak with Flynn again and put more in common, it is one of the few humans that really seems interesting"

"I do not know if I can go to Bahia right now..." The looks of Sam and Xelvin fell on Sildud, who finished her jar of mead and wiped her lips with the back of her hand.

"It is important to go to the call of the family, and I will also accompany you. I want to request labor hand for a project from Major Kenny and High General Merlina.

I've been wanting to build a port for Uhx for some time, and now that my orcs have found such a large mineral deposit, I think it's the right time to get down to work"

Sam could not contain his surprise, hitting the table and everything when he got up. "In the end, the deposit was real? we've been digging for months on land with no fruit!" A sigh of relief from the high-orc brought a smile to both the orc and the elf.

"You should do more cases to my men, old orc, we may not be mining experts like you, but we know the mountain and we know how to recognize the land and its galleries!" Xilven smiled while Sildud looked at him angrily. Nothing hated more than an Ironscale to recognize something about mining to a "pointy ears".


"They both stopped and go for more mead, then you take advantage and respond to your niece, Sam, while you are going to warn them to prepare the portal to Bahia, Xilven! I want to cross it tomorrow morning!" High-orc and elf nodded, leaving the store without filling Sildud's jar.

"Damn bastards..." The orc said between laughter, while getting up again for more mead.




End Notes:





Jack and Mirabelle: Check!

Samantha: Check!

Just missing F.N.A.F and grandfather Flynn to be confirmed! Everything is going according to plan! Hehehehehe....




Fnaf... what does that sound like? Umm... it will be some acronym of mommy...

She has all its games and movies sorted by acronyms, so it would not be strange that it coincides with any of them.


Future days 7: F.N.A by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:




F and N from Terre dell'alba, Capital City.


Capital City is as its own name indicates, the capital of the Fiery Alliance. Started to build right after the fall of the Master, Capital City began with the main objective of creating a completely neutral city for Humans and Iloas. Built in the center of the container, in the quiet lands of the jasper Valley, Capital City had 8 possible names for each side.

So, why Capital City? The 16 names were accused of favoring one of the two species, so in the end the name was sought as neutral as possible.(As horrible as Capital City sounds, one finally gets used to it)

Capital City began to grow a lot beyond the expectations, having to expand the city in all directions ... to cover Valle jasper completely. The children of today have no idea that under the Metropolis of Capital City there used to be a valley considered a spiritual retreat.

And as it was logical, as thousands and thousands of people moved to the city, more minimal services. And the not so minimal, like bars.

In one of those bars, the protoslime known as Fiona drowned her pains in alcohol.

"Ahhh... damn... not in this fucking metropolis I find decent alcohol..." Fiona sighed as she drank the glass of Silent Puff in one gulp. The protoslime was completely depressed since her beloved niece, her adorable little Sarah had made a tackle without mercy.

"Sarah... what have I done to you?... you are my adorable nieces... I gave you your first beer... I have taken care of you countless hours... I gave you the sexual talk before Hannah or Elsa failed strenuously!" Fiona hit the bar counter, forcing the terrified bartender to refill the glass.


Not only the barman, everyone in the bar was completely terrified.

First a protoslime that clearly exceeded the height limit of the bar entered opening the door suddenly, then walk to the bar throwing everyone sitting on it in case all this wasnt enough, the protoslime had nailed her knife on the bar, making clear what would happen if it wasnt served on time.

Fiona, as a defender of justice ... didnt measure up and it showed. This was the role where protoslime really felt comfortable.

After her absolute failure trying to stop the wedding of Jack and Mirabelle, the protoslime wandered alone through the bars, and that combined with the crystalline technology of portals that allowed to go from one important city to another in just minutes, meant that Fiona had a lot, but many bars to roam.

Being completely honest, Fiona was one of the millions of people who had not adapted too well to Novaterrae. The protoslime found a world where guns were not very effective against most of the beasts and monsters that roamed the continent.

And not crazy Fiona would give up their revolts in favor of crystal or electric weapons!

This maladjustment was quite common mainly among humans older than 50/60 years, reaching the point that many human cities were perfect replicas of the planes of terrestrial cities and protected by domes, seeking to imitate to the smallest detail the terrestrial environment. Nor was it surprising that when the end of the Earth came... many people decided to stay and die with her.

Old world blues was the name of the disease suffered by those who deny Novaterrae and the Iloa, living in small domes pretending they still live on earth.

"Another! And this time make sure you bring alcohol!" Fiona hit the bar with her fist, losing control of her temperature and leaving a large burn mark.

"B... but, Miss Slime... that one was carrying a whole bottle-" "THEN IT WILL BE BETTER THAN YOU USE 2 BOTTLES!" If so far the other clients were too scared to flee, now was the time to do it.


Everyone was terrified, leaving Fiona alone in the bar, her head buried in her arms. "Maybe it would have been better... that I had not come to Novaterrae... in the end neither my nieces respect me..."

When the psychologist assigned to the town hall workers met with Fiona and told her that it was very possible that she suffered from "Old World Blues," Fiona laughed very loudly before leaving the office...

Now... the protoslime still depressed was too proud to give the reason.

According to official data offered by the former army of defense of humanity, more than 30% of the population of the Earth refused to leave the planet. But people spoke of a very different reality... about how humanity lost almost 45% of its population on the last day of Earth.

They were scary data, because although in the months preceding the date limit more and more people were diagnosed with the Blues of the old world, the constant traffic of humans coming to Novaterrae made it seem like nobody wanted to stay behind.

The bar door opened, though Fiona did not bother to turn around. If it was the capital city police, the protoslime would show her own official permit before paying and leaving the premises. Like many other nights.

"I see you have the taste in the ass as always, Fiona" Nu'ma road dodging the stools and chairs knocked down, until sitting next to Fiona. "I had a concert in a bar in the area, and when I heard that a slime was making a fuss, I thought about paying you a visit"

"A bar? your musical career is on the rise for what I see, rebellious without a cause" Nu'ma resisted his desire to take one of the bottles from the counter and bust it in the head of the protoslime, smiling furiously instead.

"I've only been with this for 1 year, and I've gone from acting in the street to acting in bars and small events, something is something, right?" The iloa defended itself, although when talking to Fiona depressed and drunk the defenses were practically useless.






A from Magic Fun Park, the 


Magic Fun Park, the largest amusement park in Terre dell'alba, is pleased to bring fun for the older and the younger from above! Dont be afraid and climb the elevator that will take you to a diversion from another planet! Come with your families to enjoy the magic from the day and night!

Spend the night at Tropical Paradise, and enjoy its water attractions, its open-air bars and its booths full of games for the whole family, all with wonderful views of the Milky Way!

Come to the Mysterious Region and enjoy the mysteries that hide this great walled city forgotten! Feel the adrenaline riding on the roller coaster "Fear of the kingdom" and in the enchanted descent! Scare you through the haunted Archive! And above all have fun discovering a magical kingdom!

If what you like is the jungle and strong emotions, Silver Trees is what you are looking for!Tour the trees and ruins at full speed on the fastest roller coaster in all of Novaterrae! Fight in the Coliseum and collect as many Fun Fun points as you can to redeem them for prizes at the Tropical Paradise Fair! Or ride our hovercars on the full speed track! The jungle only calls the bravest!

Toy Kingdom is what you are looking for for the little ones in the house! Enjoy your multiple shows all day, ride the Ferris wheel of dreams or enter the street of the Puzzle-Mansions! Eat in our restaurant area with the best human cuisine and Iloa! Everyone wins in Toy... sighhhhh...

"Can we finish this ad now? It's drying my mouth!" The vampire opened the bottle of water that had been left beside the microphone, soothing her tired throat.

The producer of the vampire entered the recording studio, giving him a hot towel and the rest of the script. "Of that nothing, Valeria! You only have two more kingdoms left-"

"ALERIA! Now I'm Aleria! You want the police to capture me or what? Do not use my old name in public or private!" Valeria leaned against the wall of the recording studio, exhausted after a whole morning and afternoon of recording announcements and broadcasts for the park.

How Valeria ended up being persecuted by all Terra dell'alba and with a reward of 1,000,000 dollars of the alliance or 550,000 Ivening for all those who continued to use the old currency? That's a good story, one full of plot twists, betrayals and constant assassination attempts and much more...

Let's start with the summary immediately:

- 2 years before I was born, during a birthday of my older sister, there was a great revolt in Bahia. Members of a mafia assault the Bahia support, taking many hostages and demanding the release of their boss in exchange for the lives of those hostages.


- GUN stop them ipso facto, but... one of the mafia members use a imitation crysthal to take the shape of aunt Valeria and flee the area. The mafia member attacked many villages throughout Novaterrae using the body and face of aunt Valeria.

- The situation got worse and more, until reaching the point where Valeria was arrested, taken to Capital City and accused of so many crimes that her sentence exceeded 600 years in prison. Logically, my mothers and family try to defend their innocence... I say try for the next point.


- Valeria renegade our help, saying that everything was under control. She was taken to the largest maximum security prison built by the fiery alliance in Terre dell'alba, where she spent 3 years waiting for the right moment to escape in style. (just when I turned one year old)

- Aunt Valeria came to us 4 months after running away with two news. The first is that he had murdered the impostor (she brought the body and everything... my mother Hannah threw the carpet where she throw the corpse to the trash), and the second...  she had the name changed and become the mascot of an amusement park.

- Apparently, during the months that Aunt Valeria spent looking for the imposter, she found a producer from the group Ashcrew, who at that time were beginning the construction of Magic Fun Park. Valeria told him the whole situation, and the producer offered to change her name and act as the park's mascot.

The friendly vampire Aleria the night. According to Mama Elsa, Aunt Valeria took three days to decide whether to return to jail and become a pet... and today she still regrets.

After all this, aunt Valeria, or Aleria, moved to the Magic Fun Park, living in the Nocturnal Palace in the Magic Fun Park as the star of the park, idol of the children, protagonist of two series of animation and a line of toys Aleria the night, the vampire hero and guardian of the enchanted kingdom...

I have to say that I presumed a lot of this when I was little! I had my older sister Sarah, and one of my aunts was the very same "Aleria the night"! To this days... I'm still watching the Aleria animation series because:

- She's my aunt, and the family has to be supported.

- IT'S FUCKING GREAT! Aleria the night is simply amazing! So powerful, so kind, so charming and mysterious! All the inhabitants of the enchanted kingdom are super charismatic and endearing! Mama Hannah, who watches the show with me every time a new chapter comes out, says it's the "Adventure Time" of my generation.

Going back to the current situation...

"We cant leave it for tomorrow? I'm almost hoarse!" Aleria turned around on the stool, while the producer watched the sound equipment.


"Aleria, understand, please... tomorrow we started the recording of chapter 482 "Curse of the moonless night"... if we leave half an announcement for tomorrow, you will leave here at the end of the night! Do not think it would be better-"


Aleria turned around, hitting the producer with the script and sitting looking at the microphone. "I'm just thinking about making a shot, so stay tuned!" The recording team nodded as they prepared everything.

One shot was more than enough, because Aleria had them accustomed to that level of perfection. The vampire would never admit it, but she was born to be an icon and a media star.





The vampire left the recording studio at ten o'clock at night, waving and signing autographs to all her fans waiting for her at the exit. The recording studio, the animation studio, the toy factory... everything was built in the territory of the Magic Fun Park. Aleria was aware that some time ago that this was no longer an ordinary amusement park, it was much more.

Magic Fun Park had become a summit of all the animation studios in Terre dell'alba, a place of worship for all those artists who wanted to get involved in the film industry. Disney, Warner bros... everyone who was someone in this world had moved their headquarters to Magic Fun Park, and we arent just talking about cinema.

The industry of video games, theater, collectibles, comic books and manga... hundreds of art and photography studios... restaurant chains...

In 13 years, Magic Fun Park had become the place where dreams came true, a pinnacle for art to the point that they had opened a damn university of the arts.

All this had also brought a lot of people, who had converted what was first the central hotel city of the park, "Starlight Courts", into a city in its own right.

Aleria walked back to her castle at the other side of Starlight Courts, greeting and smiling to everyone who wanted photos, autographs or just shaking hands and thanking her. Although inside... Valeria was completely exhausted.

Valeria was also aware of what she had become. Aleria was more than a mascot of the park, she was a legend in her own right, the governor of a city without wanting to or pretending it. These people... really believed that the enchanted kingdom was real, and that Aleria was its guardian, which led to things like Aleria didnt have to pay for anything there where it was. It was touching and exhausting at the same time, because the vampire didnt think she could match everything her fans gave her.

After a long 40 minutes of walking, Valeria went through the parks that surrounded the Night Palace. Two guards opened the doors solemnly, something that the vampire still considered too exaggerated.

Ah... the Night Palace. Built on a stone platform in the middle of the "Moonrabbit lake", it had gone from being a mere attraction to being a residence in its own right, with its dozens of rooms, its kitchens and living rooms, libraries... armories...

Valeria had only for her a team of 60 humans and Iloas to serve her, from guards, to cooks, to her own personal servant.

According to all the mythology formed around the Magic Fun Park, Aleria the night was the only heir and guardian of the enchanted kingdom, a kingdom frozen in an eternal night (which in the park was achieved thanks to a system of environmental crystals that blocked the light solar but let their heat pass) and full of monsters forgotten and abandoned by the sun.

As her guardian, Aleria was in charge of protecting all those who sought a home in her kingdom, ruling justly with her subjects.

It was soooo ironic, that after so many years serving the cathedral of the sun Valeria would have ended up as guardian of a night realm .. Flynn hated all this, as it was logical... he hated it only in words, because as a father he could not feel more proud of his two daughters.


Arriving at last to her bedroom (which was located on the top floor of the palace, having the entrance forbidden to everyone, including cleaning equipment), Valeria opened the doors wide.

Like Aleria the night, the bedroom was worthy of a queen, with a bed no longer of marriage, if not for a family of 12 members, covered with canopies and dark blue sheets. A screen that covered the entire wall in front of the bed equipped with internet connection and the most powerful C-computer possible with all the video consoles that Valeria could ask for.

A dressing room that was as big as Valeria's old room in the cathedral ... full of all the clothes she had to wear as Aleria... And the preferred part of the bedroom, a gigantic balcony that covered the entire exterior wall of the castle, overlooking the lake and the Tropical Paradise.

Valeria had made sure to buy the best sofa, the best tables and chairs, the best hammock, up to a pool 20 feet long, 12 wide and 11 deep. Valeria spent hours looking at the lake, so she made sure that the balcony was equipped with the best of the best.

From 400 feet above the lake, this floor was the only place in all Magic Fun Park where Valeria... was released from Aleria, where the vampire could act again and think like she really was. Where no camera would be recording it. Where nobody would ask her to be Aleria ...

Valeria opened the balcony doors, and after taking a can of orange juice from her balcony fridge, she dropped on her personal hammock. (She had brought her family many times here, but this hammock - this was only and exclusively for her)

"And ... fireworks ..." Like every night, Magic Fun Park announced the closing of the main attractions with a great display of fireworks over the lake. Which meant they were on Valeria directly.

The vampire enjoyed the colored lights and the music of the closing of the attractions while watching her C-com, enjoying reading the chapter of her niece. Valeria would surely be the person who most wanted Dalia to write the next chapter, because it was the only way she had to remember her old self ... as sad as that sound.

"Dalia needs me... but she has used Aleria's A ..." Valeria doubted if she should answer the call ... if her own family started calling her Aleria... Will the day come where Valeria will cease to exist, and only Aleria remains? Who was the person that her family wanted to have on her side?...

Too many questions, questions that Valeria was unable to answer without crying in the process.

Hugging her legs, the vampire answered her niece's call, before turning off her C-com and closing her eyes. The vampire rested, rocked by the eternal lights of the park and the melody of Night Fun Park... letting it be the park itself that woke her up tomorrow.

Magic Fun Park was the place where dreams are fulfilled, a land of fantasy and magic... a golden prison full of colored lights.




End Notes:


F, N and A recruited!... I should have put V... but since I have memory use I have called her Aleria... I suppose it has been wrong in a certain sense...

Shit, now I feel horrible... when Aunt Valeria arrives I will ask her forgiveness..


Everyone will know Magic Fun Park, but if someone does not have in mind the Night Palace, today I leave an image to remind you!

NierAll that piece of castle? All of my aunt! :)





The image belongs to Nier Automata, to the amusement park. As it is more than evident, I do t have any rights over it and I am only using it as an as a guiding image. All rights to the image belong to Square Enix, Platinum Games and the artist involved.

Why this castle and not another more typical as Cinderella Castle? Honestly, I dont know ... but whenever I think of an amusement park, Nier Automata is the first thing that comes to my mind, so I wanted to honor that masterpiece in my story in some way.


Future days 8: F.F by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:




F from New Bahia del Sol, from the town hall.

Fee fluttered outside her shared office, while she waited for Alanis to finish the paperwork. The fairy had no problem returning to the apartment alone, but it was too late ... and Bahia is relatively safe, except if you are a twilight fairy smaller than ... something not very big.

We're going to be totally honest, okay? I, Dalia Reyes Wood, have no idea what my aunt Fee measures. I know its super tiny but for me 70% of the people of Bahia are tiny... I cant see the height of the people just with the look as mama Hannah or grandmother Calia do...

But I can provide more information about the twilight fairies! They are native beings of the same planet as the Iloa, and possess the ability to devour the Drive, energy generated by the Iloa similar to the human aura. Twilight fairies are creatures with extreme longevity and an extremely low fertility rate.

When a twilight fairy born, their bodies are too weak to survive on their own, so they are placed next to Iloas with a Drive generation rate too high. The fairy devours the excess of Drive, strengthening and serving as the main sustenance, while the Iloa avoids any illness caused by an excessive accumulation of Drive in their bodies... basically Fairy and Iloa form a perfect symbiotic relationship.

I also know that twilight fairies are highly prized by both Iloa and human hunters, because their wings full of dark energy are a perfect ingredient for alchemy or the making of concoctions. Mama Elsa told me that many humans who came to Novaterrae quickly became infected with such ... dark arts? Fantasies? Like alchemy, the manufacture of concoctions, the construction of soul golems or elementals...

Humans, in contact with everything they had only read in books before and the Iloas, animated by the rebirth of forgotten arts, unleashed their darkest fantasies and surrendered to a dangerously attractive world of dark magic and cursed rites. The growing emergence of sects of necromancers, groups of apothecaries and scholars of the plagues or worshipers of the dark dawn motivate more and more humans and Iloa to join these "nice" groups.

(The dark dawn, according to my mothers, was an event the Master expected to get done with the Keys and the Iloa, an event where the "false sun" would be extinguished forever and the Alitians would have the revenge they deserved)

Before going back to aunt Fee, I want to add one thing that I've been researching ...

Apparently, and I say only apparently, certain groups of apothecaries seem to have "evolved" the virus that caused the disease of bad blood. And I say "evolved" because according to the news page where I read it, infected humans and Iloas began to rot, lose pieces of skin or simply move to a state similar to putrefaction ... but alive.

Mama Elsa says dont believe everything I see in the news, but at the same time Mama Hannah says that it was a matter of time before someone became Sylvanas Windrunner and made the Forsaken real ... I dont believe that either. "Life in death", but one should never close to possible truths!


As Zoe and Lloyd had warned Fee, GUN had detained several "material hunters" outside New Bahia. These hunters never went in such small groups, reason why all the fairies, slimes and extra human beings of feérico type had to take shelter and not to leave their houses in the late hours of the night.

That was easy for Fee to meet, except in situations like this. Alanis had a lot of work as Minister of Defense of Bahia, and now with the arrival of MAGUN, and the new members of GUN and SOGUN a lot more work than usual... added to the increasingly numerous voices that asked to form a worthy army.

Fee was fully aware that forming an army meant that New Bahia was afraid of possible Orlealis attacks, something that would leave the City State very badly in front of its neighbors. The fairy was also aware that Alanis was afraid of possible attacks by the Orlealis... or other enemies.


Fee swiped her card through the electronic lock, opened the door and flew to the Alanis table. "You still have a lot of paperwork, I dont want to rush you, baby, but I'm really hungry ..."


Alanis didnt look up from the paperwork, completely focused on reading quickly and signing in each designated space. The Iloa was even sweating from all the accumulated nerves... this couldnt continue like this. "ALANIS! WAKE UP!"

"Eh... Fee, are you still here? I thought you had gone to the apartment..." The Iloa looked up for a few seconds, then immediately re-filled reports.

"You know there's... you know, you have a lot of work... and I dont want to bother you anymore... I'm going home, okay?" The iloa nodded, leaving the fairy flying and trembling out of the office.











Streets of New Bahia, 01:00 at night.


"Come on Fee... you can do it! They are just "material hunters"... they just want to kill you and extirpate your wings... nothing more!" Fee flew around the doors of the town hall, while the watchman looked at her confused without knowing whether to intervene or not. "Come on, it's only three tram stops and four streets to the apartment! Fee, you've fought against Vegas itself! You cant be afraid of some" possible "hunters!"

The fairy sighed, opening the door of the town hall slowly and going out into the streets bathed in moonlight and lampposts. It was a quiet night, like the great majority of nights at this time of the year. The rising temperature left a cool night that encouraged people to go out into the streets and have a drink on the terraces.

The fairy dodged humans and Iloa alike, always trying to stay in crowded areas until she reached the tram station. Apparently, there should be some kind of event in the city because there were many more Iloa of the seas than usual ... that reassured the fairy, because no one would attempt a kidnapping if there are giantesses or Iloas from the seas around.

New Bahia presumed to be the city where all the races and sizes had their space, and its design of very open streets, with special lanes so that Iloas of the sea / mountain or giantess could walk quietly. All the public buildings had an entrance or section enabled for the biggest sizes, and the private buildings had in their great majority low plants turned into apartments for these same Iloas and gigantas.

A great architectural work, if I can boast of my mother's work.

Fee managed to get to the entrance of the tram quietly, passing his bracelet-card by the reader and sitting in one of the human seats to wait for it to arrive.The bracelets-cards was another one of the unique things that distinguished Bahia from the other cities.

Students and retirees received it for free, while adults could acquire it for 7 dollars of the alliance per month. Each bracelet gave access to any of the public transport of Bahia, to the sanitary service of any hospital in the city and to public services such as media libraries, stores 4/7 (the natural evolution of the 24-hour stores) and to museums and monuments with hours.

A simple method to guarantee that each citizen can enjoy the beauty of Bahia, as well as a system that allowed to protect and guarantee the good use of the services of the city.

The tram arrived 8 minutes later, and Fee fluttered to sit closest to the watchman's construct. The fairy felt much safer without an arcane-artificial impartial intelligence was nearby to protect her... and her measure of prevention was adequate, because at the next stop a pretty suspicious group of young people with sweatshirts entered the tram.

"Please Goddess... be rappers... make them rappers!..." Fee prayed silently, pretending to look at his C-com.

The group of interracial youngsters noticed Fee, who was trying to hide as much as possible after the construct. Fee looked desperately at the distance indicator to the next stop, cursing her luck while the young people got up from their seats and walked towards her. The fairy gritted her teeth, accumulating all the drive devoured and preparing to fight.

"Miss, are you a twilight fairy?" One of the youths crouched in front of Fee's seat. The fairy nodded and gritted her teeth, struggling to contain her tremors. "I want to thank you, I know it sounds weird but I have a debt to the crepuscular fairies and according to the news they have sighted hunters in the area of r03;r03;Bahia"


"Eh?" Fee did not relax for a second, while Iloa fumbled in his pockets for his C-com.

"A twilight fairy save the life of my little brother when he was born, and since then they have been together, I suppose you will have your Iloa too, so I cannt leave it flying alone in the streets, if you allow us to accompany you" The young man smiled looking to his colleagues, who nodded talking about his little brother.

Fee didnt know very well what to do, but it was better not to refuse and get angry. "This... well, but only to my street, I do not want to bother you, but I prefer to keep my house anonymous" The youth nodded, happy to be able to help.

So, my aunt Fee arrived safely at her apartment, thanks to the company of the young people. One should never judge a book by its cover, eh?




Okay, out jokes. This is what happened.





"A twilight fairy... what are you doing here alone, miss?" One of the young people disabled the construct with a reverse current crystal, while the one who seemed the leader by his attitude lifted Fee from a wing.

"Drop me, bastard! I'm Fee! I fight against the Master as a member of the ardent alliance army! You dont know who you're playing with!" The young man shaking Fee, while another of them pulled out a stun glass and stuck it to the fairy's body.

"I just know... how your wings are worth a lot of dollars if you sell them to the right person... so we can do this by hook or by crook... you choose, miss" The young man threw Fee against the seat , while taking a small najava from the inner pocket of his jacket.

"Bastard!... get in with someone your size!" Fee was too dizzy to properly settle, while the young man gave a signal to one of his companions, who was taking out a piece of tape for the fairy.

"People of my size cant give me as much money as your wings ... so it looks like we'll have to do it the old-fashioned way... I hope you dont have anyone waiting for you at home!" The young man knelt down, stretching one of Fee's wings to begin the excision.

"Remember to cut from the bottom up, dude-"

"Do you want to shut up?! I already knew!" The young man turned Fee around, driving the point of the knife into the underside of the fairy's wings. Fee cried out in pain, while the young man (with his pulse totally lost) advanced the cut slowly. Slowly and painfully.

The tram doors opened when they reached Fee's stop, and as Fee understood the voices, a man entered the carriage. (the fairy was so deep in pain that it was hard to hear what was happening around her)

"Dude, get out! Take the next tram or you'll see them with us!"

"That! If you know what's good for you, get out!"


"Wow! Trip with show! What are you doing, young people? An old-fashioned kidnapping?" The man laughed as one of the young men pulled out a crystalline gun.

"Old man, if you know what's good for you, take off at once! There will be no second warning!" The young man with the stun crystal was very nervous, which amused the passenger even more.

"Young people today... you cannt even make decent threats... My granddaughter threatened better with only 5 years! And..." The doors of the tram closed, while the man took a seat. "Looks like I cant get off anymore! Bad luck, crowding gang!"

"KILL IT ONCE! WE CAN CONTRACT A CLEANER WITH THE MONEY OF THE WINGS!" The leader got up and snatched the gun from his colleague, firing at close range 5 times.

... the young people didnt give credit, while the man got up and the bullets fell to the ground. Flynn looked at Fee, who was crawling away to the next seat.

"You have already finished? Really the youth has no future! For the love of God, but is that you have no idea of r03;r03;being bullies? You are humiliating a whole sector that you do not want to humiliate, believe me."

"How have you-"

"Dont you dare to start the theatrical shtick! First How you can? I shot you! Then I say something like... you cant kill the death, and I finish with you fordare to touch a relative of mine in a scene of combat and interpretive dance... that's too old! Do you know what we can do? My granddaughter is introducing me into the world of rpg, so we can do a rpg match!"

The young people looked at each other confused, while Flynn invoked his spear and nailed it to the ground.

"I'm going to put... Mass Destruction, a song from a game that I'm starting to play with my granddaughter and it's really cool for me, and I give you the turn! Do what you think is right... but remember, you only have one turn per person and you are 5!"


The young people looked at each other, while Flynn pulled out his C-com and activated the loudspeaker. "Baby baby baby baby! God, how I love this song!" The leader slapped one of the others on the shoulder, who trembled towards Flynn and punched him in the face.

"Nothing bad! Yo make a critical attack do me... 80 damage! But bad luck, this Persona has high-counter!" Flynn took out the spear, and with a movement too fast for the youth to notice, the prophet impaled the stomach of the attacker and threw it with his companions. "K.O! Bad luck and remember! High-counter returns the damage extended by my own attack stat!"

"It's a... monster!" One of the youths ran to the next car, while Flynn pointed his finger at him.

"Ziodyne, I doubt I need so much damage... Mazionga... I dont want to finish the fight yet ... Zio!" Flynn threw an electric shock that furrowed the ground towards the young man, electrocuting him without mercy. The young man fell to the ground, completely immobile. "Running against bosses is forbidden, you know?"

"He's a demon..." Flynn nodded at the words of the leader, who gave the gun to one of his companions. "He's using names from an old videogame saga, so cover me while I'm looking for that shit is Ziodyne!"

His two companions looked at each other, while Flynn pointed with his fingers that they only had 3 turns left. The young man with the gun pointed at Flynn, shooting praying for something.

Flynn laughed.

"Again, this persona is immune to ranged weapons! You dont learn from your mistakes, and that's the most common error in an RPG!" Flynn looked at the other young man, who understood that this time there was no counter or anything. "Come on, your turn! Do something!"

The young man ran to his friend, electrocuted, hoping to save him... but when he touched him, all the accumulated electricity leapt towards him, ending with his life too. "Ouch... bad luck "hen a target dies electrocuted, my persona has the probability of turning it into a time bomb! This last ... isnt really a passive from persona, but when I play Role with my granddaughters I love doing it!


"Really... there was no chance to win... right?" The leader did not rise from the ground, trembling in a puddle of urine.

Flynn refused as he walked towards him, pointing directly at him with his spear. "I'm very sorry... but you have committed the audacity to attack a family member of mine, and that makes me go from punishment to execution... it's your turn yet, so young, do what you consider"

The young man continued on the floor on his knees, looking at the corpses of his companions. "... I... I dont want to die... but if you dont do it ... the apothecary will do it when they see that I dont have any fairy wing... so... I'll give you the turn... "

Flynn nodded as he raised his spear. For a second, the prophet felt sorry, but... these young people had taken the decision to join the wrong people, and this was a death much more pious than the apothecaries would give them.

.... 9999 dmg.

"Critical... good game, but insufficient..." Flynn took out his spear from the young man, cleaning it before snapping his fingers and making the corpses disappear through dark portals. "Are you okay, Fee? need going to the hospital?..."

Fee flew slowly towards Flynn, resting on his hand. "The young man was too afraid to damage the merchandise, so he has not cut too much... with some bandages and some good healing magic... or a little bit of marijuana... it will make feel really really good..." Fee looked out of the corner of the eye, waiting for his answer.

"I've come looking for you because I know you never read Dalia's chapters, so... since there's still time... let's say that if I had a little bit of that plant at home we could go through there, do you like the idea?" Fee nodded, perching on Flynn's head as they both left the tram.

Nobody ever asked about these young people, nor were they reported as missing. It is sad to think that there are people in our society who would not pass anything if they disappeared... but for that very reason I wanted to tell this fragment of history.

I have been able to see all this thanks to the chronology, and however little and bad it was, I wanted to convey that these kids once existed... hoping that when I publish this to the public, someone will take an example and avoid ending like that.



End Notes:




Postscript: I'm not going to let go of my grandfather and aunt getting drugged before coming to my house! It's not like you drank a beer or two! That they will come smoked!





Future days 9: The kind of hero that I want to become by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:




Mansion of the Reyes family: Sunday 10:00 in the morning.


It was a quiet Sunday for the Reyes family. Elsa and Hannah slept peacefully in their bedroom, while Sarah slept in the homes of one of her friends after all a night of partying... Dalia, on the other hand, kept awake on her bed, looking at the ceiling an writing some small letters that she would later need.

The teen giantess was half exhausted after a night full of nightmares and all the letter work, so after write all the necessary items, she picked up her C-com, jumping from news page to news page while thinking about the afternoon meeting.

Kidnappings by necromancers, summaries of the last chapter of Aleria the night, a weekly report on the different war fronts of the fiery alliance...Nothing new or strange, which had long since ceased to worry Dalia.

As the giantess grew, she went from worrying about every bad news to just keep reading. (and more when Hades spoke to her and numbed her)Was it something sad? Yes, but according to their mothers it was simply the process of growing and maturing... growing up was disgusting.

"Shit of the world ... how can you put so much bad news together and not feel trash?" Dalia rolled on her bed, tried to approach the edge to get up, not very unfortunately, and the giantess could only sit on the bed, closing her eyes and breathing softly, gathering strength to stand up.

"Please... Dalia... get up and go to the bathroom... we dont need the wheelchair!" And the giantess stood up, grabbing the table to stay on her feet. So much fatigue was a sign that you would soon return, which terrified Dalia to stratospheric levels.


But ... the giantess began to breathe more and more heavily, losing her balance and falling to the ground like a common trunk. It was... I'm pathetic ... really pathetic... who I want to cheat...

I have the wheelchair next to the bed! Because I'm so stubborn (punch to the ground), stubborn! (punch to the ground) STURBBORN! (double punch to the ground)

Ahhhh ... ahhh ... I need help ...




No... I dont need help! I'm the daughter... of "Hannah and Elsa Reyes! Heroes of this world! I dont intend to disappoint them and make them worry more... I can do this alone, and I plan to prove it! What kind... ahhhh..." Grabbing me to the carpet with both hands, began to drag me little by little, pushing with my feet as I could. "of person would I be if I cant even get to the bathroom?"

The road was hard, but being a giantess I can cover more spice than a normal human... as a giantess, I have a duty with ... my world! Not only as a giantess... as Dirty Lover! "I must... get... to the bathroom! I do want pee in the middle of my room!"

Dalia pulled and pulled herself, crawling on the carpet while fighting her demons. The giantess came to the door of the bathroom, and the second part of the plan began. Get on all fours to get to the light switch.

Like the whole house, each room had the switches divided into pairs, some at the height of Hannah and others at the height of Elsa. This time, Dalia was marked to reach the second switch... a titanic test like no one else could imagine.

"Come on, Legs, we can do it!" Dalia gritted her teeth, leaning against the wall and beginning to lean on her knees. Each leg of Dalia crunched and cried in pain, which did not retain the giantess... in continuing to rise little by little.

Step by Step...

The switch! "I've succeeded! Make... ahhh... light!" The giantess struck the switch on the back of her hand, turning on the bathroom light... and realizing her mistake. "The door ... the door ..."

The bathroom door remained closed, with the light filtering beneath it and laughing at the giantess. The knob on the door was higher than the switch, at the height of Dalia because Elsa could open it simply with the aura ... which Dalia was unable to by now.

(And why did the blonde not press the switch also with the aura? Textual words: "If I stop doing things as basic as turning on the light with my hand, the day will come where I do not even bother to walk, crawling everywhere with the aura")

"I have ... I have to do it ... I can ... ahhhh ... do it!" The giantess nailed one of the feet on the ground, while leaning against the wall, little by little rose.
With the left hand towards the knob, the giantess rose slowly, exhausting all her forces on the road. It was so close... so close to touching the sky...

And when the hand of the giantess managed to touch the knob, the other knee gave way ... The giantess began to fall to the side, watching as little by little the handle of the door moved away from her.


The giantess fell to the ground on her side, without any strength in her body. I cursed heaven and Hades, before fainting from overexertion...





2 hours later.

Hannah was walking down the hall, half dancing to her little daughter's room. It was a beautiful morning, the birds sang, the sun shone on high, in days like today...

"Kids like you must burn in hell!" Hannah opened the door to her daughter's room suddenly, singing and pointing to the bed ready to take her to the kitchen to enjoy a lunch of pancakes, freshly squeezed juice and homemade chocolate and cream. But Dalia is not in her bed...


"Dalia, honey, where have you gotten yourself?" Dalia's wheelchair was next to the bed, so she could not have gone too far. "Aunt Sam has come to see you, and has come with the general "High but not" elf of the storm and the orc hunter who looks like Kilrogg Deadeye! Dalia?"

Hannah entered the room, looking around until she saw her daughter, in a /censored/ smiling in dreams.








Kitchen table, after breakfast and a necessary shower.


Dalia rolled around the table to the edge, making sure her mothers were in the living room before heading to her team. At the moment, they were less than expected but at the same time more, because at the time of the call only Samantha had come with Xilven and the great and legendary Sildud. (In addition to Grandfather Flynn and Fee... but judging by their red eyes, I do not plan to count them as effective until the high is passed)

Only Sildud made this meeting a thousand times more serious, and I swear in the name of God that I will not shit it in front of Sildud himself! He's a fucking hero of the fiery alliance! An example of virtue! He may have joined after the defeat of the Master... but Sildud is an example of the virtues of the fiery alliance!

Honor! Because the defeat and the victory, always with the head high until the same death!

Courage! Because even in the darkest hour the flame of the fiery alliance will shine forever!

Piety! Because an enemy who surrenders must not be humiliated, and an enemy who fights to the end must be honored as the warrior he is!

Unity! Because first of all, the ardent alliance are brothers in a hostile world! We are all equal and we all fight for our home!


Sildud has defended the flag of the fiery alliance from the moment the Ironscale orcs joined the fiery alliance, marking the first forays into Alus and defending Terre dell'alba as if it were their home! It's... my god, I'm so fucking excited! This fucking orc is the hero guy in I want to become!


Sildud opened his mouth, looking towards Dalia "Could you..." OH MY GOD! He's going to talk ... directly with me! This is too incredible! I have to be the best hostess in the world, so Sildud will come more ... it would be so incredible if I presented it at my school! Already! Beer! all adults like beer!


"Grandpa Flynn, I cant bring anything from the fridge, but please, serve our guests a cold beer! The most expensive one that mother Elsa has, please!" Flynn nodded, laughing with Fee, before teleporting to the refrigerator. "Mr. Sildud and Mr. Xilven... it is a great honor to have the heroes of the fiery alliance like you in my house..."

Dalia offered them the best possible reverence from the wheelchair, which although Xilven seemed pleased, Sildud denied. "Child, we dont need to treat you! You are the daughter of bigger heroes than us! Also, we already knew you when you were a baby!"

"A huge baby, but it's logical coming from Hannah." Xilven punctuated, glancing sideways at the living room. "Your mothers are not going to join us? I dont care if they dont...  I said it because it's not that I like to have Elsa very close, no offense, but her blond... I dont like that humans can have natural hair with the same color that the dragons bequeathed us to the Sons of the storm ... it's weird and annoying"

Sildud rubbed his forehead, while Samantha looked away. "Excuse me Mr. Xilven... but what's wrong with the blond human hair? I do not know much about the elves of the storm..." Orc and High-orc jumped at once, alerted by what Dalia had just said.

Xilven prepared to start his speech, before Sildud covered his mouth with his hand while Samantha picked up a napkin from Elsa and put it in the elf's mouth. "Honey, never ask the story of the elves of the storm to one of them! Never!" Dalia nodded in embarrassment at disturbing Sildud (and her aunt), while Sam sat back in his chair. "What is that about your new plan? I am willing to help any of my nieces in anything, but before... I need to know what happens!"


"Thatttttttt! I want to know! I came directly without going through the house just for my big little niece! So give us information!" Fee cry excited (and so it seems, still too happy) from her special seat... is my highchair from when I was small, okay?

Dalia hesitated, looking at her guests... Jack and Mirabelle were smart, Fiona and Nu'ma were also smart and aunt Fiona was especially attracted to the plans of the teen giantess... and aunt Valeria needed to first apologize... so nothing would happen to tell Sildud (and others) the situation.

"I've recently discovered that Hades, the imaginary being that I saw is not imaginary ... apparently, Hades is one of the-"

"The generals of the Master, specifically and if the memory doesnt fail me, it is the Alitian god of the lie, Hades... I feel that you have discovered our sins in this way, darling..." Flynn threw the beer bottles towards Alus' trio before walking to her granddaughter and hugging her. Even drugged as he was... Grandpa Flynn was a very good person...

"It's okay, grandpa... I have a plan to defeat him, and that's why I need you! And if you do not mind Sildud and Xilven... I would also like to ask for your help for such an arduous undertaking.

To begin with, Hades lives inside my body... I can feel it and apparently, he can take control of my body when I use two Willcards in a row without resting. I have no idea what he does with my body, but every time it happens I spend weeks completely exhausted as you see...

Until now, I thought it was some kind of failure of my heart... but now I have it clear! Hades hides inside my soul waiting for the right moment!That's why... I need you... to read this"

Dalia glanced in the side pockets of her wheelchair, taking out 5 of the cards. Then I would need more for Jack and Mirabelle, but there would be time to write them later.


The five got up and took each of the letters, opening them and beginning to read them mentally ... except Aunt Fee who read it out loud ... stupid marijuana!

"Dalia Reyes Wood... or rather Hades, we know your secret! we know your hiding place and we know your sins!... it was necessary to write all the sentences with newspaper clippings?" Dalia looked at her aunt, gritting her teeth furiously. The fairy understood that it was totally and absolutely necessary, so she continued reading.

"Your reign of terror is going to end here and now, because we are going to provoke a change in your rotten heart and we are going to take you out of hiding... Signed... the neo-thieves of hearts?... What the hell is this, little bug?"





Dalia does not hear anything of Fee's last words. The giantess grabbed her head with both hands, screaming in pain as she felt how Hades's dark breath came back inside her.

"So you know the reality? Do you think you know the sins of your mothers?! foolishness! THE ONLY THING YOU KNOW IS WHO I AM!

And do you really think you can get me out of here?! YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO STEAL MY HEART, NOR A MILLION YEARS AGO! I will take revenge on Hannah and Elsa, and if I die you will do it with me, damn you! We are connected whether you like it or not! I will not be another Kamoshida for your girlie fantasies!


The broken and frightened voice of Hades echoed throughout Dalia's body, causing multiple chills, cold sweats and screams of pain that alerted even her mothers.





"DALIA! Answer, my daughter! Please!" Hannah waved her daughter, while Elsa tried to clear her aura. Dalia's skin was beginning to fill with dark alitian marks, while Hades's voice came out from inside the giantess like an echo.

"It doesnt work! Hannah, clean her aura!" Elsa shouted nervously, while Samantha, Flynn, Fee, Sildud and Xelvin watched helplessly.

Hannah went to pick up her daughter, but the Alitian marks began to shine white and black. Dalia opened her eyes slowly, smiling exhausted."Moms... aunts... grandpa... Mr. Sildud... Mr. Xilven... he is so scared... Hades is completely terrified..." Dalia gathered all her strength to raise her hand and make the symbol of victory, achieving a collective sigh. "Now... it's your turn to help me... you have to steal Hades's heart... inside my heart..."

"... sorry, sweetie?" Hannah raised her right eyebrow in confusion, while her daughter nodded completely convinced. "Dont fuck me... have you caused Hades treasure to appear?! And has it worked?!" Dalia smiled nodding at her beloved mother, while the alitian marks all over her body glowed softly. "That's my daughter!"

"You can share what's happening, my love? I assume Dalia has done something of a videogame... and it has gone well... but I dont understand what you're talking about, "Elsa asked confused, while Flynn put her hand on Elsa's shoulder

The blonde turned to him, seeing that Flynn showed her an image on her C-com. "Persona... 5? It does not sound like anything to me, but is like thath another game... Persona 9/9? I had to buy it from her and her sister last month, so I have the title still recent in my head"


"Your daugther is a genius, and at the same time she just spoiled part of the plot of the fucking game, a real genius with the ideas of an idiot... that's my granddaughter" Flynn nodded proudly, while inside Dalia...


Hades was completely scared. The Alitian god was completely cornered, in an uncontrollable territory and without ways of defending himself... if they managed to enter by him... there would be no escape... for him or for them.

"I cant finish like this... Hades hasnt survived until here to die like that... I will not let them steal my heart, even if it's the last thing we do..."

The alitian god smiled, because... one must never underestimate Hades... or one will see them with a fate worse than death.

The the game of hearts has begun.

End Notes:




Am I or am I a fucking genius? Too many classic video games? JA!

Hades never see it coming! Woah Dalia, you are looking cool!




Future days 10: Into the soul by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

(Excuse me for two days of pause, but I have been in the hospital for a "small" accident in which my leg has been "slightly" injured.

Now that finally I am at home with my family, if the analgesics do not leave me too stunned it will still be a daily chapter ... but otherwise I apologize in advance)




Recording studio of Aleria the night


"Get out of my way, sir! The count has conspired too much against the kingdom, and I will not let him continue to bring death to... the forest? The crescent forest wasnt under the control of the Nekosis?" Valeria looked at the producer, who in turn looked at the writers.


The script boss sighed, getting up and entering the recording room. "Valeria, Count Lucoxis took control of the forest 9 episodes ago! But you see the series? You're the protagonist!"

Valeria looked to the side, looking for a decent excuse. Finding none, Aleria disappeared and the authentic Valeria returned to the body. "Why I'm going to see the series I star in? Do you think I'm so self-centered? You force me to be a good person and kind!"

The producer entered the room, snatching the script from Valeria, rolling it up and hitting the vampire in the head. "Take care of the tone of voice! While you're Aleria you have an official tone of voice, so hold on to it! And second, she's right, screenwriter with a name I dont remember, she's the protagonist and doesnt have to know all the ins and outs of the franchise!"

The scriptwriter, defeated, left the recording room while Valeria smiled and retrieved the script for the page where he had left it. The recording of the chapter continued for one hour, in which every 2 minutes Valeria looked at the clock waiting for the time to meet her family.

"Count Lucoxis, you've arrived here, you've made a serious mistake looking for the ruin of the kingdom! Let's go-" Valeria's telephone alarm began to sound, indicating the lunch break. "GOODBYE, SUCKERS! I SEE YOU IN A HALF HOUR!"

None of the employees could say anything, because the vampire left running as if there was no morning to the cafeteria.





Valeria sat at her private table in the cafeteria, drinking her coffee cup with both hands like a high class young lady; The vampire took a small drink, enjoying the bitter taste of coffee. It was one of the little pleasures that Valeria allowed herself outside the Night Palace...

And speaking of the Night Palace, the break for Valeria's coffee was interrupted by a call from her father. It was strange that Flynn called her during work hours (Really... he was the only one who respected the vampire's schedules), so Valeria rushed to answer.

"Honey, I'm a dad, we borrowed the Night Palace for an ancestral ritual of the twilight fairies, you dont mind, right?" Flynn sounded quite nervous, and in the background the vampire heard what seemed to be explosions and Hannah screaming.

"Eh... no no, take it, it's more... I'm on my way right now... it seems that the situation is tricky" Valeria suddenly stood up, knocking down the seat and table and causing several waitresses to let go of their trays due to the scare. Aleria took control, releasing enough bills to pay for the damage and coffee, before running to her palace.

"No need, baby! we have everything under control-"

"Free me! HADES WILL NOT DIE HERE! Feel the power of dark smoke!" "Hold Dalia! Dont let the limbs under Hades control move!" "As someone harms my daughter more, I swear to God I'll kill him!" "OH GOD! THE SMOKE HAS A CHAINSAW!"

"...everything under control, honey! Finish your recordings and come to help us, without hurry!" Flynn hung up the call, worrying the vampire even more.How can you find the chainsaw limited edition "Dead day the movie" by Valeria? It was hidden under the stairs in a false floor!

One of the advantages of taking the form of Aleria is that the hero vampire is much more athletic, physically powerful and muscular than Valeria herself, so physical activities such as moving at high speed through the roofs became simpler.

It was strange that after so much time being able to change her body at will, Valeria ended up spending more time in one of her ways than in her authentic self ... but that was the deal. Aleria the night was the free star while Valeria was only a criminal wanted for crimes not committed.





Arriving at the Nocturnal Palace, the vampire found the doors wide open and all her employees outside looking at the palace. The vampire landed in the middle of everyone, walking towards the palace while her employees begged her to do something.

"Your family has come and they has thrown us all!"

"They have brought a giantess girl covered in black spots and screaming with a man's voice!"

"Do something, Miss Aleria!"

Aleria under his hands, causing all employees to shut up. The vampire entered the nocturnal palace, closing the doors behind her with a key.Already in the hall it was possible to see the havoc of the battle that was being fought in the enchanted throne room, according to the trail of destruction. (Destruction in quotes, because the most serious that Valeria was seeing was a broken window and a torn carpet next to scratches on the wall.

The vampire followed the sound of the battle, entering the throne room just to avoid a chair flying towards her. Dalia, less possessed than usual by hades, kept struggling against Hannah, handling the black smoke and attacking Flynn, Elsa, Samantha, an orc that sounded like Valeria and a stupid elf.

Elves Stupid Elves! Valeria quickly gave herself a little slap, coming out of her spiral of hatred for the elves before it was too late. The black smoke had taken the form of tentacles, shaking and throwing all the furniture they managed to reach.

"YOU WOULD NOT ENTER MY HEART, I SWEAR! Hades was screaming, this time not bothering to use Dalia's voice. The god of lies should be completely desperate to reach these extremes of violence so far from his style.

Upon hearing the door to the throne room, Flynn and Samantha were the first (and only ones, since the rest was focused on controlling the black smoke) "Honey, what are you doing at home so early?" And the recording- "One of the tentacles was launched against Fynn and Fee, forcing Aleria to jump directly into the fight to defend her father.

The vampire threw herself against the tentacle of black smoke, slicing it with her claws with the characteristic movement of Aleria the night, the half moon pit. "Why has Hades taken Dalia's body so soon? The minimum time between possessions hasnt passed!" The vampire shouted as she fell on the ground, preparing Aleria's royal claws for combat.


"We'll explain it to you as soon as we control the situation!" Hannah screamed, avoiding one of her possessed daughter's attacks and throwing herself to grab her against his chest. The giantess began to feel the effects of the Master's essence, beginning to lose color in her cheeks little by little.

Dalia-Hades was still trying to retake the attack, joining the tentacles in one to sweep and destroy the entire throne room with a single blow. Sildud took the attack, grabbing the base of the tentacle to stop it.


The orc had much more force than the human or Iloa medium, coming to rival in strength with Iloas of the prairies and most of the extrahumans... and even with that legendary strength Sildud was not able to control the black smoke of Hades. "I dont know who you are... grrrr... BUT I WILL NOT GIVE YOU THE TASTE OF SEEING MY FALL!"

Sildud gathered all the forces in his old body, digging his hands into the semi-incorporated surface of the tentacle.


The orc shouted with all his might while raising the tentacle and stretching with all his strength he managed to pull it off, falling to the ground back while the tentacle vanished after losing contact with Dalia-hades.

"Take the opportunity! It will not take long to regenerate it! Xilven, make that special magic of the elves!"

"I dont need an old man like you to remind me!" Xilven closed his eyes, connecting with the energy that the ancient dragons left in his servants. The elf of the storm accumulated the arcane spark inside his body to act immediately to launch himself on Dalia. "Hannah, uncover her neck!"

The giantess nodded slightly trembling (for although the Master's energy was extremely harmful to her, seeing her daughter suffer was much more painful), releasing her daughter's head. The elf placed his hand in the back of the adolescent giantess, releasing a small enough arcane discharge to leave it unconscious but not enough to damage it.

"You will not steal my hea... art..." Dalia-hades fell unconscious, losing her dark marks the shine and vanishing all the black smoke accumulated in the throne room. Hannah and Elsa sighed at the same time, while Fee came out of hiding behind Flynn and flew toward the teenage giantess.

"Good job everyone! Give me a few minutes to start the ritual and we can get Hades out of our favorite little giantess!" Fee screamed, while Samantha began to help the wounds of those present.

The situation quickly calmed, passing everything to a too nondescript environment for Valeria. The vampire walked slowly towards her father, waiting for the conversation to begin naturally.


5 minutes later, Flynn was still staring silently at the fairy's preparations, unhinged the vampire. "DAD! What's going on?!"


"I thought you were not going to ask, you know that twilight fairies can dive into the soul of the Iloa, right? Well, today we're going to dive in Dalia to find Hades!" The vampire blinked for a few seconds, completely confused.







The ritual was complete thanks to the materials brought by Fiona and Nu'ma.

Fee, with the mixture created by the essence of his wings and the blood of Dalia, anointed the fronts of the members of the incursion team, preparing them to be able to dive inside the heart.

"Alright guys, while I, Hannah and Elsa are taking care of Dalia and waiting for Jack and Mirabelle, you will enter inside the soul / heart of Dalia and you will create a nexus with the crepuscular wax that I have applied on your foreheads.

I must warn you, that I have learned about the operation just as the same time as you... so I have had to adapt the entire cleansing soul ritual not only for you to enter, but to enter into the soul of an extrahuman. There may be certain errors in the ritual, such as your abilities and powers are less than outside... or things that I better save for me...

The important thing is that you locate Hades and apply the wax! So I can stretch out and take him outside to kill him once and for all!"

Elsa waited for the fairy to end her speech, looking briefly at her daughter before turning to Orc and Storm Elf. "Sildud, Xelvin ... you dont have to get more involved in all this... My daughter had selfishly asked for help from her family without telling us, and the least I want to do is involve more people in this..."

The orc refused, walking towards Elsa and resting her hand on the blonde's shoulder. "You dont have to suffer for our getting involved, Elsa, we are members of the fiery alliance, and all of you have done a lot for Mount Uhx.

I can see Dalia's will and passion in her actions and the pain that Hades causes her. As an orc, I cant leave a crime like Hades without punishment, and an orc never leaves his allies behind! "Sildud glanced behind his back, expecting a similar response from his partner.

Xilven didnt have values r03;r03;as strong as those of the orc, but the chance to win a favor from Elsa was too juicy. Hannah was not that important anymore, but Elsa... Elsa could move many things in the fiery alliance... "Testing my skills against a being like Hades is an event that doesnt occur twice in my life, and also if I can help an innocent girl with it, I swear on behalf of the old dragons that I will fight until I die"


Elsa sighed in relief, as she returned to the side of her wife and daughter.

"I have been watching Dalia's plan above and the plot of persona 5, so in the absence of Jack and Mirabelle I have distributed the roles for this incursion.

In persona, 8 people usually go to the dungeons, being one of them the navigator in charge of controlling the situation. I doubt that the interior of Dalia's soul resembles these "Palaces" or "dungeons", but just in case, Flynn is the navigator and Valeria, you are the leader.

The rest distribute your roles as a function of the battle line where you prefer to fight... it will be hard, I have no doubt that while Hades was a coward, he is still an Alitian God. Ogden lost an eye on the fight against him and near of the two legs, and this time Hades has had much more time to prepare Dalia's soul and fill them with traps, so keep your eyes open at all times.

Good hunting, guys. "Elsa returned to his wife's side, while Fee concentrated her magic and opened the portal to Dalia's heart in front of them.

Valeria vaguely looked at the portal, closing her eyes and beginning to walk towards the followed by her companions.

Calling it portal is certainly very generous, as they were going through the portal their unconscious bodies fell to the ground on the other side of it. Actually, the faerie ritual consisted in recreating an image of the soul inside the soul of the Iloa, so if everything had gone well (and it looked like it was) inside the soul of Dalia, the images of the team's soul were appearing.

The fairy waited for everyone to cross, flying towards Hannah and Elsa and perching on the blonde's legs. Hannah finally uncovered her daughter, letting Fee anoint the teen giantess' torso with her wax. None of the three said anything, all praying for Dalia's safety.





Dalia Soul: First depth layer


Valeria opened her eyes little by little moved by the sensation of descending, being blinded by the light of nearby buildings. The vampire found herself in a kind of glass-walled elevator next to her father, Sam, Sildud, Xilven, Fiona and Nu'ma.

Through the glass wall of the elevator a huge city with buildings that rose to the sky rose, with millions of lights illuminating the streets away from natural light. "This is the heart of Dalia, isnt it? It does not seem different to a landscape of my series..."

"There is no doubt that my granddaughter dreams big!" Flyn laughed as he looked at the city.


"Hades is somewhere in this city I cant notice the essence of nature, so this city must be a real jungle of asphalt..." Sam said as the elevator reached the ground, opening its doors and leaving to the team in front of the bright sign of welcome.


 Welcome to Bright City! The city where everyone can shine!


"City where everyone can shine? If everyone shines then no one can really shine!" Xilven exclaimed, while looking around. Hundreds of elevators took people to the city, people... who didnt have faces."It is certainly uncomfortable to be surrounded by so many faceless humans... is this some custom of yours?"

Valeria refused, taking the shape of Aleria and jumping towards the poster. "Fiona, I want you to prepare to "interrogate"! Nu'ma, you and I will go looking for someone who looks like knowing the city while the rest I want you to stop the elevator where we have gone down to use it as an emergency escape!"
The vampire jumped back to the ground, running out into the crowd followed by Fiona and Nu'ma.

"They left us bhind ... we should listen to her, dont you think?" Sam asked the rest of the classmates, before realizing that only Sildud remained with her.
The orc simply look to one side, before walking back to the elevator to find a way to stop it next to the high-orc.




Flynn and Xilven


"The architecture of the city reminds me of a hyper-vitaminized Capital City, but as far as I know Dalia has never been in Capital City, how curious!" Flynn and Xilven were walking along the main avenue, observing the area and taking notes and pictures with Flynn's C-com of each important building.

"Humans have a very clear tendency to pretend to fill the landscape with your works, it makes me think how different our races are, an elf of the storm... or any race that descended from the noble elves prefer a thousand times a city that it is founded with the landscape and not the other way around!" Xilven laughed, while the elf stopped to see one of the entrances to the subway.

Metro concern, a name evidently with a deeper background than it seemed at first glance.

"Tell me Flynn, what kind of person is Dalia? The names of all these buildings can be grouped into three groups: feelings of victory, feelings of helplessness and distrust, and to finish my favorite, references to specific names but misused!... Although I have to say that some are chosen with an exquisite taste! The Museum Almost but not! Precious!"


"Dalia has never been an easy child... as a little girl she was super nervous!

If you lost her sight 5 minutes she was able to get to the next neighborhood she alone! Then, as she grew older, she became more and more dependent on her older sister... until, for some reason, she stopped talking with children her age... refusing to go out to play if it was not with her sister .

Dalia looks much like Hannah, more than the mother wants to admit! She has taken the good will and distrust of his main mother, and has joined with caution and the ability to turn things around Elsa... an explosive mixture if I may say so as her grandfather!"

Flynn laughed while They came to a square with a huge statue of Sarah, the first mention to her sister in the soul of Dalia and it was with a statue of solid gold and diamonds... the reality is that Flynn was upset that there was no mention of him until now.


"She was born thanks to the magic of "science", right? That two womans can have children indicates the great level of magic that humanity has! Not as much as we, of course, but you acecais more than the Iloas and orcs Ironscale!"

"Science isnt really magic, but you can see it that way... the birth of Dalia and Sarah was certainly difficult, because although extrahumans can get pregnant using or male semen or a female ovule that then their bodies are responsible for To deform until it becomes the necessary genetic code... the enormous difference of sizes between Hannah and Elsa made the conception very difficult!"

"Allow me the indiscretion" Xilven and Flynn jumped on one of the fences that closed the public access to the Hannah skyscraper. "But that anecdote I know from Samantha.

Elsa had to take out one of her "ovules", put them in another extra-human until they became the desired genetic material and then implant it manually into Hannah's fertile ovum, right?

At first I rejected the story because it was slightly disgusting, but as I went around it made me think about the potential of "science". Humans are weak, at least the majority not extrahuman or you and Elsa, and live a short time! again avoiding these exceptions, but the little time you are on Novaterrae you achieve great things! Imagine if those things are enhanced by storm elves along with generations of humans! We will be capable of so many things!"

Xilven couldnt help but smile thinking about the progress that could be achieved by the collaboration among so many races.

The Iloa are very numerous and their different sizes make them ideal to perform any function.

Humans live little and are physically weak, but their minds are simply bright and their capacity for adaptation and improvement is impressive.

The extrahumans, although they are only women, compensate the human weaknesses with a great variety of abilities whether offensive or for the day to day.

The Ironscale orcs are expert miners and hunters personally chosen by the ancient dragons to develop and protect Mount Uhx, besides being real beasts physically.

And the elves of the storm have awakened minds and a connection to magic and elements simply incredible... in addition to possessing the beauty and social gifts inherited from the servants of the dragons!

Each race separately could defend themselves in Novaterrae. But together?

Together they took the concept of alliance to another level! Xilven, as leader of the storm elves could not wait to see which race joined the fiery alliance and what aspect and qualities it would add to this awesome mix!


"I understand what you mean, my friend, I've been alive for a long time, and I dont plan dying for at least another 200 or 300 years... in these times I've seen humanity pass from being discriminated against to living next to races more different on another planet! In just 150 years we have achieved more than the whole history of humanity combined!"

The elevator finally reached the top of the skyscraper, and Flynn and Xilven went to the roof to get a good view of the city. As both suspected, the city had no end anywhere, so it was not worth anything to explore or bother to look for Hades.


They had to go deeper into Dalia's soul if they wanted to find the Alitian God.




Future days 11: Fenrir by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

(I regret these days without chapters, but as I said I have to take some very powerful painkillers so as not to end up crying because of the pain in my leg and they leave me too stunned to write.
Today it hurts a little less, so I tried to take only one dose and write a little. Excuse me if the chapter is something strange, but even with only one dose they are still very strong.)

Throne Hall of the Night Palace

Valeria's phone kept ringing under the watchful eye of Fee and Elsa. Fairy and blonde looked at each other trying to decide which of the two should answer the incoming call.

"Fee, I still dont know what work you do in the town hall, but as mayor I demand you to answer!"

The fairy spit on the ground, planting herself (metaphorically) in front of Elsa. "Outside of the town hall you are my half family, not my boss! And in not knowing very well what position I have in the town hall, I agree! But my pay at the end of the month I get richly!"

"If only I knew what position you had, I'd fire you! Now take the damn phone!"

"Take it, you can say things as an official matter of Bahia and all that shit!"



Elsa remained silent for a few seconds, before both she and Fee turned to the giantess. "HANNAH!" both shouted at once.

Hannah gently caressed her daughter's forehead, her gaze lost on the features of Dalia's face and not attending to the discussion. Elsa walked running with the phone in his hand until he reached his wife's side.

"Hannah, darling! HANNAH! Answer the call, please! That says the call its from the producer of Valeria and I dont know what excuse give to him!"

Hannah continued caressing her daughter, looking at the same time the back of her hand, the stamp of heart printed as always on it. "What... have we done wrong?" The giantess leapt between sighs, caressing her daughter's cheek.

"Excuse me? my love, I'm lost... I've asked you to answer the-"

"We came to this world, and this seal was supposed to serve to link both races... We fought against the master, against the Alitian gods who wanted to end the iloa as revenge... we had the opportunity for Scarlet key to pay for the genocide of the Alitians... and we cant make anything...

We have fought against Emerald Key... Against their abandoned people... we destroyed their source of energy and condemned them to extinction... and I know they asked us! But even so we exterminate them... Hades continues to exist... day by day the dark magic of the Master continues to gain more followers even if he no longer exists... 

It was supposed to serve as a link between both races... but dozens of Iloa peoples hate humans and refuse to recognize us... dozens of human cities live pretending to be in the land..."

Elsa jumped up onto her wife's leg, placing both hands on Hannah's arm.

"My love, Hades was my fault... but we have done great things! We founded the Fiery alliance, we created ties between races like the elves of the storm and the orcs ironscale!

Now, although they arent very numerous we can see cities with four species living happily together! We have defeated the Master! Even though you feel now that it didnt help, it's not true! We Free Phoenix's soul! She managed to reunite with her own...

We also save the souls of the Cyrteel! We gave them the rest that Emerald key denied them out of fear... We make Emerald key surrender! Scarlet key and Azure key went unpunished... but still!

We have changed this land for the better! You cant get depressed just because of Hades! We have two beautiful daughters and you have fought to give them a world where they can smile!" It wasnt the first time that Hannah felt this way, but although Elsa couldnt forgive herself for her mistake judging Hades, her beloved wife could do it! She clung to it, and that was why she was not going to let Hannah cry again.

"Look at me... I'm so weak against the dark magic that I could die in any battle right now... I could not protect my daughter from that damn liar... and I have to have my other daughter and my wife behind me cheering...

I wish I could do things differently... I wish I could have avoided all Hades damage..."  


Fee approached Elsa, whispering in her ear how uncomfortable the situation was. Elsa responded grabbing her by the legs and throwing her back. "We can not change the past, but we can fight for the future! That has always been our motto! The motto of the fiery alliance! So stop basking in nonexistent misery and shine! That's the only thing we can do!"

Hannah glanced at her wife, and then turned her attention back to Dalia. "Shine?... it takes a lot to shine... and the black smoke prevents us from achieving it... I will not shine while my daughter continues to suffer"

Elsa sighed tiredly, because although in the first instance she had managed to avoid crying, the negativity of the giantess was unnerving.

The blonde sat on her wife's leg, pulling Valeria's phone against her insensible body. There would be time to give explanations later.







Interior of the soul of Dalia.

Team of Valeria, Fiona and Nu'ma.


"Captain Kid? Why I have to shout Captain Kid and then attack? What kind of bullshit is that!" Nu'ma was completely furious both for having to disguise herself as a rare skeleton and for now having to scream strange phrases.

"It's part of the character! Persona is the only videogame of the hundreds that Hannah has taught me that caught my attention, so if we're going to do this we'll do it right! Your Persona is the infamous Captain Kid... or Kidd... I dont know how long the name was... it doesnt matter!

The key is that he is a pirate, and your element is electricity and physical attacks" Fiona said proud to remember it, while arranging the cleavage of the cat costume.

"Look, Fiona... I'm going to listen to you just because I dont have to listen to you anymore... do you agree, Valeria?" Nu'ma kept looking forward, waiting for the vampire's response.

"Nu'ma, I've been disguising myself for the series too long, a disguise or a disguise less does not affect me in particular..." The vampire did not sound very excited, because after so many years disguising herself as Aleria, disguising herself as Joker was also an empty feeling


"If even Valeria isnt convinced by the idea, and disguising herself is her job ..." Nu'ma did not have time to finish the sentence, because Fiona (completely furious) punched the nearest wall.

"Holy God, all the Iloa are so dry! You have no blood in your veins! Dalia has put together a whole plan around person 5, so I swear to God that you are going to follow him whether you like it or not!" The protoslime took out her revolver, shooting at the ground in front of Valeria and Nu'ma.

Vampire and Iloa looked at each other, sighing and continuing to walk."So I like it! Inside my niece's soul we will do what you like!" Fiona ran behind them, happy to continue with the cosplay.

From a distance, a dark red-eyed beast watched the trio.

The beast licked its fangs as it followed the girls ... its dark body melting into the shadows of the city.





The trio continued walking through what looked like the main streets of the city, looking for any clue about Hades possible... but nobody seemed to pay any attention to them.

At one point, Fiona tried to get in the middle of the traffic and all she managed to do was watch the cars avoid her but nobody said a word about her.Not even police cars!

Valeria and Nu'ma watched as Fiona tried to draw the attention of the drivers from nearby stairs, not noticing how the dark beast lurked from above.

"It's as if we were specters! They avoid us, they do not answer us... finding information about Hades or how to continue descending is virtually impossible in this way... I'm not saying we should give up, but we're not getting anywhere either!"

Valeria fixed her sight on the nearby buildings, and no matter how much the vampire struggled, she was unable to make sense of the city.

"We have crossed four town halls, 2 level crossings and 8 subway entrances, squares connected with other squares, dead ends or roundabouts with only two directions... The soul of Dalia looks like a city, but it would be impossible to live here... until we reach the point where most of the windows seem to be painted! Besides... we havent seen anyone enter any building that isnt something big like libraries or town halls... I'm beginning to wonder what is the meaning of all this"

"Maybe we should have come with Fee? She's a twilight fairy, and she sure understands the way Dalia's soul has taken... whatever it is, let's look at the good side! There are no enemies like Fiona said!" Nu'ma looked towards Valeria looking for complicity, but the vampire was still looking for meaning to the city that stood in front of her.

The Iloa doubted whether to continue talking, but between talking to a wall and doing the imbecile in the middle of traffic like Fiona... the answer was obvious.


Valeria sighed heavily, scaring Nu'ma enough for the Iloa to turn to her. "My knowledge about Person is quite limited, and my phone doesnt work here... but I would swear that the "palaces" are representations of how..."


"Wait wait, first ... we're talking about the game again, right?" The vampire nodded as she got up from the stairs, pointing with her finger towards the end of the street and mentally making numbers. "Okay, you can go on, I just wanted to make sure we didnt start talking about another totally different topic... I already have a hard time understanding all that about People as to change geek-games"

Valeria rolled her eyes, refusing to comment. "I was saying that the" palaces "are the representation of how everyone sees their surroundings... and they revolve around a "treasure", an object around something they consider valuable.

If we take into account all these factors... and seeing that the names of the buildings are based on feelings or feelings that Dalia must feel... Hades surely be in the depths in the deepest of the soul, next to the "treasure"... question is how do we get to it?"

"I dont understand shit about this "palaces"or "treasures", but what I do understand is that Hades is close to the center of Dalia's heart! Like her aunt, I'm going to save her! And now... FIONA! stop acting like an idiot and go! We have many meters to review, some should take us deeper!"

Fiona dodged a last car before nodding and walking back to-

CRASH! A black feline beast like the night with completely red eyes fell on Fiona, grabbing her by the back of her vest and shaking her in the air.

Fiona screamed with fear, while Valeria launched herself at the black creature and tried to cut it in two. "Drop Fio-"

"Release it as you wish" The beast said without opening its mouth, projecting its voice directly into the minds of the three. The beast threw Fiona on Valeria, crashing both in the air. "Oh sorry, wasnt this what you meant?" The beast laughed before jumping forward, moving at great speed and hitting a blow on vampire and protoslime.

Nu'ma leap forward trying to hit the beast with his guitar, but the beast was much more agile again catching the guitar with its jaws. "Really? Do you think you can save Lady Dalia like this? Hades will be a coward, but he has been invited into this soul for a long time, and his forces, though inferior to those possessed during the reign of the Master, are still immense...

You face an Alitian God, so I must demand much more effort" The beast released the guitar, pushed Nu'ma back with his paw.

"Who do you think you are to talk to us like that?! I will not let a black cat call me weak!" Fiona shouted as she stood up (pushing Valeria aside with one hand), pointing her revolver at the beast.

"Girl, you should relax and not resort so quickly to violence against your allies... my name is Fenrir, I am what Dalia considers the aspect of her bravery... and before you say anything of you, we know that Fenrir It's not a feline, but Dalia never remembers it and gives me the shape of a cat because she likes it very much"





Team of Samantha and Sildud.


Orc and High-orc ran through the streets of Bright City pursued by creatures of black liquid, defending themselves as they could. "I should have brought my rifle! Fighting with an ax against liquid creatures isnt the smart thing!" Sildud shouted as he and Samantha entered an alley, seeking to hide from the beasts.

"We didnt know there would be enemies here, thats why we only come with my arcanite reaper! So stop complaining, give me  back the ax and keep running! I've fought all my life with these weapons and I'm not going to give up like that! As strong, invulnerable or numerous as they are... I WILL NEVER SURRENDER! FOR THE HORDE- "Samantha did not finish her sentence, because Sildud grabbed the high-orc's mouth and threw it into a gap between alleys.

"Girl, you will be an orc and everything you want, but deep down you are human, as fiery and unconscious as all other humans... shut up, dont say anything!" Sildud hid the ax behind Sam, and after that he grabbed a nearby garbage container to cover the hole where they were hiding.

The liquid creatures continued running and attacking all their way, passing by the alley. Sildud slowly lowered himself, waiting a few seconds before opening the hiding place and leaving it.

"Their brain is as liquid as the rest of them... for now we should look for the rest and explain to them about these enemies that have emerged from the buildings... I already thought it would not be easy ... Are you going to get up at some point, Sam?" The orc offered Sam his hand.

Samantha cleaned the dust, getting up without taking the orc's hand. "I'll be human, but I'm an extra-human! An extra-human high-orc! That you are pure orcs doesnt mean anything! I have lived all my life worshiping the horde, and if you refuse to fight-"

"Child, I've told you a hundred times, I still dont understand what the horde is... but an orc fights every battle and retires when you cant win them to live another day.

We havent managed to do anything to these enemies with your ax, so I'm not going to let you lose a battle without a reason... You are a great leader and a good tactic, but when you have to fight directly in the front you have too much Gontra..."


"I'm not a suicide without honor! But if I have to fight, I will fight for my cause until the end! Thats how the horde live! I havent yet understood your tribe habits... but I'm an high-orc! Why we were not going to ... I understand that we might not have won, but still...


Okay... who I want to cheat? You may really be right... but I hate to flee from a fight like a coward... I prefer to avoid fighting than to flee from a fight..."


Sildud grabbed the ax, placing it in the hands of the high-orc. "Precisely this is why you are my first general, Sam. But even if your decisions are correct, you must understand that sometimes fleeing is the best option even if it makes you look like a coward... you dont want to become a suicide for a ruins like Xilven, do you?" Sam refused, grabbing the ax with both hands and standing firm in front of Sildud.

"So I like it, now we are going to look for everyone and let them know that they already know we are here... we have to approach the situation from a different point of view"




Future days 12: Hades/2 by SirDarkvid




Inside the soul of Dalia, Team reunited.


Sildud and Sam did not take long to locate the trio and Fenrir, and after a quick explanation of the situation (prior to an attempt to attack Fenrir by Samantha), Fenrir made Flynn and Xilven appear. The powers of Fenrir were certainly impressive, because the beast was able to deform the space and create walls to prevent the advance of the liquid monsters only with their thoughts... but he didnt seem prepared to face the imminent attack of the liquid monsters.

 "The appearance of those damn Oozoe can only mean that Hades is regaining control of Dalia's soul... the situation can be out of control at this rate" Fenrir jumped from the top of the wall to where the group was meeting.

"Fee's spell that shaped Dalia's soul and this city is weakening. I would not be surprised if all this would fall apart soon and take on the authentic form of the soul "


The 7 looked at each other, looking for complicity and someone who understood the situation. In the end, the storm elf was the first to take the step and head towards Fenrir.

"If I understood correctly, Fee's spell gave physical shape to this city, did not she? She took Dalia's soul and deformed it until she got something that fit as Fee saw her, so far I'm right, no?"


Fenrir nodded, smiling, while the sound of the Oozoe crashing against the wall of facades filled the air. "Therefore, once Hades regains control, the soul will take its true form... and Hades will be exposed?"


"Not bad, elf, I understand because Dalia has so much esteem for your species... not you, Xilven." The storm elf growled furiously. (Although the rest of his allies smiled and choked their laughter) "I can defend while you start the descent, but you should know that I only have as much power as Dalia has confidence in herself and how you can see... 

 Until the ritual of Fee, I didnt even have consciousness as such, and although i will not disappear while your souls are here inside, I dont know how far I can go in combat..."


"To be fierce... or courage... or whatever you are to Dalia, you do not have much confidence in yourself..." Nu'ma said supported by Fiona and Samantha's nod.


"Understand me, friends... Dalia isnt held in high esteem when Hades appears, so right now I am weaker compared to normally... I regret I cant be so much help..." Fenrir looked down, while a first crack formed in the wall. "Anyway, you're going to go down if or if to the depths of the soul away from the spell of Fee, prepare for battle, comrades"


Fenrir turned toward the wall, leaping over it and roaring before jumping into the Oozoe. The team met in a circle, waiting for Valeria to speak. 

"You have already heard him, once down we will not be in a friendly place like this... "friendly", so once we go down Sildud and I will do the front line, Samantha defends-"

 The whole city began to tremble, the buildings deformed and all the lights were suddenly extinguished. The ground began to darken, becoming a black mud that was swallowing the whole world.


"Good luck, relatives of Dalia... Hope Hades does not release his anger with you" Fenrir said, while the Oozoe surrounded him and dissolved him.





Throne Room of the Night Palace. 


"NO NO NO! What the hell are they doing?!" Fee screamed out of nowhere, waking Hannah and Elsa from their little nap.

 Elsa jumped up quickly, running to the Fairy and waving her to get her attention. "Fee! What's wrong?! Is Dahlia right?!"

 Fee began to hyperventilate and tremble, while Dalia opened her eyes again, and stood up covered in dark smoke.

"I will not let you take my heart away, it's been hard for me to dive into Dalia's memories... but I know everything you want! They're going to steal my heart to provoke a change in my attitude and make me come out of my actions!" Hannah tried to grab her daughter, but Dalia-Hades surrounded herself with smoke and flew towards Fee.

"If I kill you, fucking fairy, the image of their souls will vanish!"

 Dalia-Hades was a few inches away from grabbing the fairy, but Elsa managed to grab her daughter by the leg and slow her progress. "Brave and useless efforts! Drop me, lap-dog!" Turning around in the air, Dalia-Hades took advantage of her size to deliver a devastating kick to Elsa's chest, sending her flying.


The Alitian god tried to continue his advance, but this time it was a punch from Hannah that frustrated his attempts. Dalia-hades hit with a lot of force against the ground, breaking several tiles in the process.

"So... now you attack your own daughter, Hannah?" Hades half smiled bleeding to Hannah, who was trying to contain the tears and anger.


"I will not let you go ahead, demon! I'd rather hurt my daughter slightly now and secure a life without you than regret me later for not acting-"

 "Nice words, but let's see how far you can keep them!" Hades vanished, becoming a sphere of smoke and leaving the body.

Elsa and Anna were unable to believe what their eyes saw. "I have to say that I doubt I would have come to the conclusion by myself... but Dalia had the answer!

While those bastards are trying to steal my heart, their bodies are free of their soul and their conscience... ergo... I HAVE A LOT OF BODIES TO USE!"


Hades flew around the room, dodging Elsa's attacks while laughing like a lunatic. The Alitian god waited the moment when the blonde was exhausted to jump into the pile of unconscious bodies.

(As the alitian god had already checked the other times that Elsa had stopped him, by much ability to use the aura or however powerful her body was... the generation of aura was still human)

"SO MANY TO CHOOSE, even if only partially... it would be good to master other bodies for a change!" Hades entered Xilven's body, rising slowly and stretching. "The elves of the storm are masters of the elements and the arcane... let's see how powerful they can be when a superior being like me uses them!"

Xilven-Hades raised his hands, conjuring a storm in a low voice. "Listen to me ancient dragons! Release your roar through this mortal body! STORM RAGE!"
A giant lightning bolt emerged from the hands of X-Hades, hitting Hannah with enough force to cause her to scream in pain (which surprised both Elsa and X-Hades himself). The blonde quickly saw X-Hades begin to conjure again, so she take the only possible decision.

Attack on the front without damaging Xilven too much.

"It's not bad! Elven magic isnt as polished as the Alitian symbology, but it can be worth!" X-Hades dodged the blows of Elsa's halberd without even bothering to attend to her, waiting for the right moment to release another blow on the blonde.

Zappp!!! Elsa fell to her knees, electrocuted and out of breath.

"Dalia has given me the best chance to get revenge! I can attack you without your being able to defend yourself because attacking Xilven would be a great threat to relations with the storm elves! That girl is worth millions!"

"Ahhh Of course she's worth it... BUT DONT DARE OR SHOULD MENTION HER, DEMON!" Elsa grabbed her halberd, tried to hit the elf possessed with the hilt... but again X-Hades defended himself by conjuring another lightning. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

"I've been so dreaming of hearing your screams that I cant but cry with emotion!" X-hades pretended to drop a tear, before lifting his right leg to push Elsa. "Now if you excuse me... I have to provoke a war between elves and humans as revenge! Goodbye, losers!"

X-Hades tried to surround himself with black smoke to float, but because of a lot of smoke he was unable to take off. "Wow... without the other half of my soul I am unable to use the fullness of my powers... I dont care much either!" And after saying that, X-Hades ran to the main doors of the castle.






After a few minutes, the first to recover from the electrocution was Hannah. The giantess, more affected by the nature of the powers of Hades, knelt on the floor next to her wife, stroking her back while using the aura to heal her badly damaged body.

"Hannah, dont exhaust all your aura... look at Dalia" Elsa pointed between heavy breaths, to which her wife looking at her daughter. Dalia was moaning in pain and breathing more slowly and heavily than her mother, while the smoke flowed directly from her chest. "Hades shouldnt know how to use the division too well... and he's doing even more damage to... TO DALIA! HE WILL PAY FOR THIS, I SWEAR!" Elsa hit the ground with the bottom of her halberd, using and using it to get up.

"Elsa please, dont overdo it..." Hannah sounded hurt and scared, although Elsa seemed more interested in doing warm-up exercises.

"Hannah, take care of Dalia and get Fee back on itself... I cant really hurt Xilven's body, but I can tear that bastard with my own hands!" Elsa roared in rage, before following the path of X-Hades.

"Elsa..." Hannah, frightened as she was by the course of events, had full confidence in her wife. The giantess got up and ran to her daughter, lifting her between her hands and trying to stop the black smoke from escaping. "Dalia, my daughter... hold on... please..."




Inside the soul of Dalia, depths.


Valeria fell alone in a place resembling a wooded swamp. The waters were darkened, and the laughter of Hades filled the place. "Welcome, Aleria! you come to find my heart I gather... but once again I show the difference between an Alitian god and mere mortals like you!"


"I'm a vampire! Mortality for me is just a joke! AND MY NAME IS VALERIA!" Valeria shouted as she left the quagmire where she was walking. "Where are everybody?!"

"Everyone? Fighting and trying find the way! But you must know... that I have overtaken you, and the mistress of this soul!" Hades emerged from the trees, the spectrum taking the form of a black match heart surrounded by smoke.

"You see this form? it's because my other half is controlling your bodies! LEAVING YOUR CONSCIENCES AFTER GIVING ME THE NECESSARY TRACK HASNT BEEN THE BEST IDEA!"


Valeria, after a second reasoning the words of the god alitano, ran forward with claws prepared. "I'll finish with you before you can even control me! I have a character to take care of!"

The vampire leapt into the dark heart, trying to cut it into two more Hades turned to vanish.


"Do you really think I would be so stupid as to present myself to you?" Honestly, only you and the orc could defeat me! Your father is older, Fiona is depressed, Nu'ma has never stood out fighting if not as contact and Samantha is too impulsive in the time to fight one against one!"

The heart appeared and disappeared around Valeria several times, still laughing. The vampire, tired of the situation, took one of the disappearances to take the shape of Aleria and run to the depths of the swamp.

"You're going for my real heart?! This swamp was born of Dalia's fears and anxieties, and here I've become strong! This is my fortress and you can never defeat me... are you listening to me?!"

Hades waited a few seconds, and seeing that the answer was not coming, he growled frustrated. "Oozoe!" Scores of Oozoe emerged from the trees and mud. "Stop her! Release so many of my deformed fears how you need, but make sure she doesnt get to the heart of the forest!"

The Oozoe slithered away after Valeria, while Hades faded between doubts. Divide the team was more difficult than it seemed, because the forces of the god Alitian should split even more than they already were...

Flynn, Fiona, Nu'ma and Samantha would not find the right way in a million years, but Valeria was fast enough to cover the entire landscape... and Sildud was an expert hunter and tracker...

"That damned orc is the problem in the equation... I wish I could have taken his body instead of the elf's body... however, I have more important things to occupy myself"





Exterior of the main doors of the Night Palace


The servants of Aleria did not know what to do when the elf that entered the first group left the castle, but they knew that their lives were in danger at the moment when X-Hades raised his arms beginning the conspiracy.

"Oh dragons, listen to my prayers and release your anger through my arms! Mystic Bu-"

Elsa appeared running at full speed, throwing herself on X-Hades and knocking him down before the attack could begin. "GO OUT OF HERE! AND AVOID ANYONE ELSE COMING HERE!" X-Hades was removed trying to remove the blonde, but if Elsa knew something was how making a good grip.




Entrance of the garden of the Night Palace.


Jack wagged his stroller lightly, trying to calm the cries of his twins while his wife paid for the taxi. "Come on, kids! Stop crying and smile! Do it for dad!" Both babies looked at each other for a few seconds, beginning to cry again to unison. "Shit! It was so close!"

"After this, remember to pass on to Elsa the receipts of both the portal trip and the taxi, okay?" Mirabelle kept the ticket between her breasts, beginning to walk towards the palace. It was noticeable from afar that the Jabberwock was not too excited about having to travel to Magic Fun Park.

"I'm not going to ask for the money from two-" Jack stopped abruptly, while his wife snatched control of the stroller and distributed a Feeding bottle for each baby.

"You are going to ask for three reasons: It is the plan of the DAUGHTER of YOUR boss, it has been a transport not warned in advance, so the opening of the portal has been more expensive than if we had reserved"

Jack waited a few seconds, but Mirabelle had started walking again. "...and the third?"

"Third? what the hell are you talking to me about- Ahh! Okay, it's because we have to save money for Jackie and Alice's university, I have the impression that one of them will want to take a very expensive career and I want to be prepared ... surely something like an engineering"

Jack waited a few seconds, but after abandoning the idea of r03;r03;understanding his wife's reasoning, he started running behind him, trying to match the steps with her stride.

(They were steps, but the difference in sizes came back to interfere in their marriage)





While husband, wife and children walked enjoying the environment of the gardens, a frightened crowd ran towards them. "GO AWAY FROM HERE! THE ELVES ARE ATTACKING US!"

The mob ran down the gardens, stopping in a van that parked next to the entrance to the gardens.  Jack and Mirabelle did not even need to look at each other to communicate.

"Dalia?" I ask the jabberwock.


"Dalia," answered Jack, picking up the handlebar of the stroller and adjusting to his height while his wife ran out. "My children, I didnt want to expose you to violence so soon... but it seems that once again we will have to resolve this peacefully... with the only peace that counts!" Jack began to push the stroller as hard as he could, trying to get to the more than imminent fight.





End Notes:




Surely you ask why I have only collected the arrival of Valeria to the depths of my mind. It's a very simple matter, the truth...


It's not just that I was unconscious when all this happened and that I have to be compiling the statements of all those present.

(They could perfectly have had a party and then stay in telling me a perfectly elaborated lie ... I do not think that's the case, they're my fucking family! If I cant trust them, who am I going to trust?)

The fucked part is that almost no one wants to talk about what happened in the depths of my soul... except my aunt Valeria and Sildud, the rest answered that they had no desire to talk about what they saw...

Maybe this whole part should be thrown with a kind of "Three months later" or something like that... but I really want my note of excellence in the school record...

Anyway, I will collect everything that happened during the fight against X-Hades as best as possible and since the teachers' meeting decides my final grade.

PD: I have suffered a lot to get the recordings of what happened in the garden of the Night Palace... so I hope that everything suffered in my school record is well reflected.




Future days 13: The wild spirit that moves us by SirDarkvid




Many years ago, New Bahia built at 70%,

coastal area of the city still under construction.


Elsa entered the warehouse that was serving her and Hannah as a temporary home. The blonde was completely exhausted after a long shift of work directing the construction of the port of Bahia.

The director assigned to the shipyards continued insisting on increasing the number of ports to 5, but Elsa remained firm in her decision to maintain a large area of r03;r03;built coastline.

A new hard day in the construction of Bahia!

"I'm home!... sigh..." Elsa released her coat on her human-sized table under Hannah's. The winters in Novaterrae were harder than humans expected, so all the coats brought from Earth had to be adapted and reinforced.

"I'm in the dining room!... bedroom... we have to clarify what the fuck this room is!" Hannah said laughing from the sofa bed. The giantess spent the days since her last growth playing and comparing her new size with everything she had the bad luck to fall into her hands.

For Elsa, who had seen Hannah from 10 feet to 50 feet, it was an authentically wonderful dream to serve as an object to compare with her beloved wife.
"My love, you have prepared the-" Elsa was frozen when entering the only room in the warehouse, Hannah was holding a banner in her hands with the word "Positive".

"Tell me it'snt because you've been accepted for a new credit card..."

Hannah refused, smiling like crazy while Elsa trembled and half cried of joy. "I have a bad and good news! The bad is that they have explained to me how my uterus works exactly did you know that in proportion, my uterus is much smaller than yours? It is because the baby of a giantess extrahuman is born being twice as big as a human baby... but not so big as to need... what else will it be?! WE'RE GOING TO BE MOTHERS!"

Hannah jumped from the sofa to the floor, lifting her beloved wife and hugging her against her chest. Elsa and she did not stop crying of pure joy, because after 5 attempts of pregnancy... in the end it had paid off.


End of the flashback /


Present, Gardens in front of the Night Palace.



Mirabelle placed herself quickly in front of Elsa, blocking the attack with her own body. "Voyeur! Pervert! How can you boast of spying on their lives?! I expected more than one Alitanian God!" Mirabelle roared, while her tentacles released a dark flare forcing X-Hades to dodge.

"I'm not bragging! That a God like me is doomed to persecute her is a sign of how much I hate you all! One and each one of you!" X-Hades again tried to rise in the air, but before again the inability to achieve it, the possessed elf pointed directly against the duo. "You know what elven spell doesnt require the shit to call the dragons?! THE STAR-BARRAGE!"

X-Hades released a beam of energy from his right hand, and although Mirabelle prepared to protect the blonde...

Elsa ran between the legs of the jabberwock, running straight to the beam.
"Have you decided to commit suicide at once? Welcome you!" The alitian god laughed at full volume, while using more of the body's energy to increase the beam's size.

Elsa, running at full speed without blinking, waiting at the last second to throw herself to the ground, sliding under the beam. "WHAT A DRIFT! But you'll need a lot more!... MUCH MORE!" X-Hades pointed his other hand towards the blonde, firing a second Star-Barrage.

Elsa, without hesitation for a second, nailed his halberd on the ground to redirect his career to the right. The alitian god, more and more furious, began to shoot Star Barrage one after the other...

But Elsa avoided them all without any problem.

"IT'S A MASTER OF DRIVING! A LORD OF THE HIGHWAY!" Mirabelle shouted with emotion, while X-Hades undoed the Star-barrage of his right hand and pointed it towards Elsa.

"MASTER OR LOOSER, THE CURVE OF DEATH IS APPROACHED, ELSA! YOU CANT AVOID THIS!" And X-Hades was right, because the direction that Elsa had taken was heading towards the lake.

Elsa didnt slow down for a second, having her plan very clear. The double star-barrage of X-Hades was approaching at full speed, but Elsa had managed to reach her destination.

The blonde ran to the edge of the gardens, jumping toward the railing in the last second and using it as a bouncing wall back towards X-Hades before the railing was destroyed by the star-barrage.

"WHAT? There was not enough space for such a maneuver!" X-Hades screamed completely terrified, because Elsa was pointing towards him.

"Earth Legacy Technique Number 7: RUNNING IN THE 99 MILE!" Elsa used all the aura that her body could have generated in this short time to propel herself towards X-Hades. Running in the 99 mile normally reaches a speed of 70 miles per hour, but with the little aura that was left to her this time she could only reach 40 miles.

More than enough to catch X-Hades from being able to defend himself and hit him with the handle of the halberd.



X-Hades was shot several feet back by the force of the impact on his stomach, landing on the bushes that gave color to the garden. "This goes for all the times that you will have spied me having carnal relations with my wife... and the next one will be death"

X-Hades rose slowly from the bushes, falling to the ground on his knees holding his stomach. "Nice words... elsa... but... you cant kill me! What will you do if the storm elves leave the fiery alliance because of you?" The alitian god laughed between moans of pain, while Elsa and Mirabelle prepared to continue fighting.

"What will I do? Present your corpse as a gift of reconciliation-" X-Hades began to laugh, crawling on the floor. "What makes you so funny?"


"Kids... they think they know a lot... but the reality is that they are nothing but puppets molded at the whim of the powerful! DRAGONS, cover me with your scales! Frozen Shell!" A dome of pure ice arose around X-Hades, strong enough to withstand all the attacks of Mirabelle and the slashes of Elsa's halberd.

Inside the soul of Dalia,
swamp of the depths of the soul.


A group of Oozoe crawled through the deepest part of the grove, looking for the intruders.

"Glo glogloglo glo glo? (Mr. captain, we have been looking for hours ... I think we should admit that we have lost the track of the orc...)"

"Glu glu gluglu! Gluglu gluglugluglu glu! (Keep walking! I'm not willing to let Hades use us as charcoal for the nightmare furnace! Understand how scary it would be to fail God!)"

"Glopglop... glop glop- (I wish I had not joined their armies-)" An improvised lance made with stones and branches crossed the last oozoe in the row, causing the panic among the rest.

Sildud fell from the rotting trees, waving a homemade torch and burning the oozoe alive. His cries of pain were mistaken for simple gurgling by the orc.

"As I imagined, their semiliquid nature doesnt protect them from fire... I would say they are similar in composition to gasoline..."

Since the orc appeared in the swamp and the threats of Hades's illusion vanished, Sildud's instinct for survival made him arm himself as quickly as possible.

Some decent branches there, a few stones to sharpen between them, smaller stones next to herbs strong enough to be used as rubber, a fragment of the fabric of his own vest and a few small vines were enough to prepare a whole equip.

To make a torch, a small slingshot, a spear and a rope for climbing.

Sildud hated to brag, because anyone who had spent as much time in nature as he could do the same... but in this case in particular if he was quite proud of the results. A swamp born of the soul was similar to a normal swamp, but complete darkness made it more difficult to get the materials.

"They came from that direction, and this is the second group... I seem to be heading in the right direction." Sildud threw the rope towards one of the most resistant trees, climbing up to the height of the branches and knocking them down with his hands.

The orc took a few minutes to turn those branches into a sign for if one of his allies found this place. (as he had done the last half hour)

"And now... let's see who hides in the direction of the slugs..." Renewing his torch in hand, Sildud continued on his way.





Elsewhere not far away in the swamp.



Valeria leapt towards the masked assassin, cutting his chainsaw, his mask... and his head with a single slash of her claws. "Dancing in the dark: Slash the Crescent Moon"

The masked assassin broke up in black smoke, scattering through the swamp like the last 77 enemies killed at the hands of the vampire.

"I cant believe it... each of the fears... murdered... each and every one..." The illusion of Hades's heart was trembling (literally) with fear, while the nearby oozoe showed him that there were no fears in the depths of Dalia ready to face the vampire."You... scared Dalia's fears... you scared the same fear... what kind of monster are you?"

"Your worst nightmar ... and now if you'll excuse me, I have a niece to save" Valeria began to resume her march, while Hades's heart floated towards her.

"I STILL HAVE MANY SOLDIERS HERE DOWN!" The heart of hades began to shine, calling all the dark fumes and gathering them. "I WILL USE DALIA'S GREATEST FEAR AND MY ONLY BEAST HERE IF IT'S NECESSARY! Did you know Hannah was playing a lot of video games while breastfeeding little Dahlia?

BECAUSE ONE OF THEM WAS MARCHED TO FIRE IN HER MIND! Say welcome to..." The smoke began to take the form of a being born of pure terror, a being with enough power to force an entire world to unite against it.

Tentacles emerged from the trees.

Jaws emerged from the earth and the swamps.

Eyes floated in the distance in the darkness.

"THE ONLY LEGENDARY THAT HANNAH ACHIEVED TO GET GOLDED AT ALL THE TIME HEARTHSTONE REMAINED WORKING! YOGG-SARON, END OF HOPE!" A beast similar to a kraken more with jaws for eyes and a mouth full of the most terrifying fangs emerged from the floors in front of Valeria.

"I have no idea what you're talking about... but this one seems to be taken out of Lovecraft... be that as it may... it will be no more than another victim in my fangs..." Valeria licked her fangs, before jumping towards the image of Yogg-saron.





Hall of the Throne of the Night Palace.


Hannah was completely lost, waving Fee with one hand and her daughter with the other. The fairy was completely maddened by what was happening inside the soul of Dalia... and Dalia was still emanating black smoke without sign to stop.

The situation worsened at times ... and then Jack arrived.

"Hannah, what a party you have here!" Jack entered the throne room pushing the cart with his children, each of them quietly drinking his bottle. "I was going to stay outside to watch the fight, but Mirabelle has insisted on "ENTER NOW WITH THE CHILDREN OR I WILL CUT YOU THAT COCK YOURS WITH MY FUCKING CLAWS"... sometimes she gets a bit violent!"

Hannah looked up, relieved to see Jack... for exactly 5 seconds before she saw the two babies raising their hands waving at their aunt."Why the hell have you brought the twins with you?!"

"His grandparents were very busy with a fishing tournament or something... surely an excuse" Jack arrived next to the giantess, unbuckling the belts of their children and taking them in their arms. "How's the situation?"

"Is it that you can not see it?! Dalia is emitting black smoke although Hades or at least part of him is possessing Xilven... Fee is all the time screaming incoherently and saying OH NO!... I dont know what to do! " Jack approached the giantess' hand, leaving her two babies who enjoyed Hannah's huge hand.

"The situation is really tense, yes sir..." Jack now with his free hands walked around Dalia, approaching the small cloud of black smoke and running his hand over it. "It doesnt seem to be malleable smoke like the one Hades usually uses... I should have called Bolt, electricity is always useful when we talk about unconscious people..."

"That's what I thought, but as inside Dalia are the souls images of Fiona, Nu'ma, Valeria, Xilven, Sildud and Flynn... I dont know what to do... And FEE ISNT HELPING!" Hannah lifted the fairy, waving her and throwing her against the wall. Fee crashed against the wall, staying stuck like a fly for fun of Jack's twins.

"Ummmm electroshock? It could work!" Jack looked up, only to see Hannah's eyes full of anger. "Some day... someday I can use my new taser manufactured by elven technology... for now we could-"

Dalia's body, suddenly and without any particular reason, rose from Hannah's hand, jumping to the floor and standing.

Jack and Hannah (who covered the twins of Jack with the other hand now free) looked confused, while Dalia's body opened its eyes (completely blank) and walked towards the pile of unconscious bodies.

"That... that's new, isnt it?" Jack asked, while Dalia's body, emanating even more black smoke than before, lifted Fiona's unconscious body up her arms.

"DALIA, NO!" Hannah stretched out her free hand to grab her daughter, but didnt achieve anything. Dalia's body, still held by Hannah, managed to create a hand of black smoke to throw Fiona towards the entrance of the castle.

"I'm going to find a rope or something to tie her up!" Jack said as he ran to the warehouse of the Night Palace.





Gardens of the Night Palace.


Fiona's unconscious body fell on the doors of the palace, drawing the attention of Elsa and Mirabelle. (who were still attacking the Frozen Shell). "Finally, I hoped my heart would take less to achieve it!" X-Hades pointed his hands to the ground, releasing a double Star-Barrage to force Elsa and Mirabelle away.

Hades began to laugh like a psychopath again, leaving Xilven's body and entering Fiona's. "A protoslime depressive but full of rage, anger and revolvers!"

Elsa gestured Mirabelle away from Xilven's body, and as the jabberwock obeyed, Elsa ran toward F-Hades.

"Let's see how you dance, little wretch!" F-Hades pulled the two Fiona revolvers from his vest, starting to shoot in all directions. "YOU CANT WIN, SO DO YOU A FAVOR AND DIE AT ONCE!"

Elsa managed to dodge the F-Hades lead blast, reaching enough range to attack with his halberd. "You have been destroying my family for too long! This will end here and now!" F-Hades used the revolvers to stop Elsa's halberd, colliding head-to-head as the sparks of battle leaped in all directions.




Interior of the soul of Dalia, ???


Sildud, after several hours of walking, managed to reach some rather suspicious ruins in an esplanade with no trees around. The Oozoe seemed to be emerging from the ruins, surrounding them and watching them... but their number was far below what the orc would expect.

"It seems that this is the place... but I dont see that heart anywhere..." The orc hid behind a tree, while he watched as some oozoe carried Fiona's body. The protoslime was completely white, surrounded by the same black smoke that Hades was using in each encounter.

"Bingo..." Sildud, even being alone, is ready for his side assault as he used to. So many years and many battles without the fiery alliance and the fiery alliance had taught the orc two valuable lessons:

- All the way you can do without being discovered is a well traveled path.

- Sometimes, fighting with what the earth gives you and surrendering to the wild spirit that moves the world is the only correct answer.

Today, Sildud was prepared to put both lessons into practice for the future of Dalia.

Future days 14: Cycle of hatred by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

Do you remember that I said that the pain in the leg had decreased and with a few analgesics I could write? A few hours after publishing the previous chapter, I decided to try the great idea of showering myself even with my leg plaster to my knee...

Needless to say, it didnt go too well ... but what about the good time that the emergency nurses and my family spent laughing at my expense? XD

I regret the days without chapters, but this time I feel better, and I think I can try to sit down and write a chapter every 1/2 day. (Unfortunately, until my girlfriend gets to find the portable table to place on the bed I have no way to use the laptop without resting it on my injured leg)





Hall of the Throne of the Night Palace.


"And... this should be enough!" Jack wiped the sweat from his forehead, admiring his wonderful work of art. Since Dalia was too big for Jack to manipulate her alone and how Hannah needed to continue cleaning Dalia's aura at all times...


"Jack, I'm not sure this works... and if I have to run off to help Elsa and Mirabelle, having your legs so close together is certainly uncomfortable." Hannah looked at her daughter, not being too convinced about the situation.

Jack, in his infinite wisdom, had taken the wise decision to tie Dalia on Hannah's legs. A genius in the most absolute definition of the word.

"Please, Hannah, as long as you dont separate your legs, these straps will not move anywhere! You trust me, right? Then shut up, tighten these sexy thighs and just let me do my work!" Slapped the back of the legs of the giantess (and provoking a cry of embarrassment from Hannah), Jack pulled a new strap from the bag and began to tie Dalia's legs.

The sound of Fiona's revolver shot echoed throughout the palace, the fight beginning to move inside the Night Palace. Hannah was getting increasingly nervous, listening as his wife continued to fight less and less effectively.

The physical combat against a protoslime, even a fused one like Fiona, was extremely complicated because the protoslime (more and more numerous) even under the shelter of the night are able to raise the temperature to extreme limits.

"We should do something! If Hades manages to attack Elsa with his... her... his fused arm!... I love her so much, and I would not stand to see her with scars of the third degree! It's the dangerous one, is not it?"

"Stop moving! And yes, third-degree burns are the bad... I'll need to tie several straps together, your daughter's thighs are huuuuuge!" Jack ducked into the bag, searching for similar straps.

"When Dalia become an third growth giantess she is going to be a real beauty! A pure dynamite girl! Just look at the tits she has now! And that big ass? I'm so proud of my daughter in that sense!... STOP DISTRACTING! We are in a critical situation, confronting Hades, I dont need to think about my daughter's body!"

"But it worked! You stopped worrying about Elsa for a moment! Elsa is Elsa! You dont have to worry about things like scars or serious injuries! She's your champion, remember?" Jack said smiling, tying enough ropes to cover Dalia's legs and Hannah's.

"I still dont like the tittle of "champion of Hannah Sol"... First Im Hannah Reyes Sol, and I am very proud in regards to my first surname! And second...  I am not a goddess, an empress or a queen to have champions! Elsa is my beloved wife! And although our love is something weird, because we dont have much in common, I wouldnt live a life without her! Or without my beloved daughters! My coolest and amazing Sarah! My adorable and geek like me Dalia! They are all my world, and I would not exchange them for anything!

YOU CAN LISTEN TO ME, ELSA? MAKE SURE TO WIN!" Hannah shouted with all her might, aiming toward the central hall of the Palace. The giantess looked down at her daughter, concentrating and releasing more aura to have her body controlled.




Main stairs of the Night Palace.


F-Hades laughed looking up, feigning a smile and shooting at the paintings that adorned the walls of the stairs. "Winning? Hannah always has been too deluded! The victory goddess was on my side from the moment Dalia showed me the key to defeat all of you!"

Elsa continued to run upstairs, destroying every painting that fell on her with her halberd while continuing to move forward. The blonde had a confident expression on her face and both a message of support from her beloved wife and the desire to free her little daughter of that demon in her heart, and that was all she needed.

"You are persistent... I admit it!" F-Hades put his hand inside his chest, covering his arm with plasma and throwing it on Elsa.

"My goddess has spoken! And my daughters are waiting for me! Nothing can stop me, Hades! You should know!" Elsa nailed her halberd on the step, using it to propel herself and jump over the plasma raffle. The alitian god growled frustrated, before renewing his career towards the top of the Palace.

Although it was true that F-Hades was getting more and more cornered, the Alitian god was clear that he needed to get as far away as possible from the meddlesome dragon. Elsa was unable to touch him right now, but that Jabberwock... was a problem that didnt have an easy solution.


"This stairs isnt big enough for both of you, Elsa, and I know it perfectly this palace! Thanks to seeing it through the eyes of your daughter!" Striking the stairs with his fist, F-Hades melted his entire arm, destroying Elsa's only way forward. "See you later, ass face!"


Elsa, stopping a moment to admire the worst trap in history, decided to give F-Hades a 3 second advantage.


F-Hades stopped on the next stretch of the spiral stairs, leaning out to laugh at the trapped Elsa. "Neither one nor shit! Enjoy looking for another ladder that goes up in this labyrinth of rooms and-"


"Stop counting! You will not scare me! I know this palace and I know it's impossible for me to go ahead-"

"3, you've wanted it." Climbing onto the railing, Elsa jumped with her aura to get up on the railing in front of F-Hades.

F-hades blinked confused for a few seconds, before receiving a kick in the neck. A kick with enough force to dent a steel plate.

Without removing her leg from the neck of the Alitian god, Elsa smiled as she continued to turn, throwing F-Hades through the stairwell. "DAMN CRAZY OF SHIT!" F-Hades cried out in fear and pain, but he could still scream much more...

Because Elsa jumped after him, landing on the protoslime chest. "You plan to kill us both? you hate me so much that you prefer to die and take me with you?!"


"Dying? there is something that is impossible that Dalia knows, and that I do extended to you! Enjoy the ride, Hades!"


The blow was heard throughout the palace, to the point that Jack and Mirabelle had to lean out to check the situation.

Elsa was kneeling on one leg in a puddle of molten plasma and Fiona's clothes, with all the floor, walls and even the stairs below filled with gobs of molten plasma. One of the plasma globs, where Hades was housed, had been propelled by the impact, hitting a wall and sticking.

"As I said, Hades... Dalia and you dont know that a slime is fragmented at will or when they suffer a damage or fall too severe to maintain their conscience... and if something I'm sure, is that now you dont know how to call all the fragments of your body, right?"

"God Elsa, that has been fucking great! Crash those five, baby!" Jack ran to Elsa with his hand up to hit her, dodging the pieces of his friend in the process. (You never want to wipe your best friend off the shoe, do you?)

Elsa raised her hand, hitting her with the little hacker (small for someone who is 7.4 feet tall), then the blond way to F-Hades's goop, invoking her halberd and pinching it. "Hades? Hades, answer! I dont want to have defeated you without removing you from Fiona's body!"

But what neither Elsa, nor Jack, nor Mirabelle knew was that it had not been a blow only to the mind of Hades.




Interior of the soul of Dalia, Tower of the liar.


Sildud climbed one of the less deteriorated walls of the tower, dodging all possible windows to avoid attracting the attention of the Oozoe. The sound of the battle crossed the forest, more and more near and judging by the grunts, the orc had clear that it was Valeria who approached.

The vampire didnt seem willing to be discreet, so Sildud was forced to accelerate his escalation. "Before Valeria calls the attention of all the guards... I need to secure my position" With a last effort, the orc reached the destroyed top of the tower.

After a few seconds recovering the breath (climbing a tower only armed with a rope made of lianas is not easy), Sildud carefully looked inside the tower. A heart surrounded by smoke but much brighter than the one that had appeared before lay on a dark stone pedestal. "I have you, god of lying-"


The entire tower trembled, further weakening its structural integrity by receiving the blow of Yogg-Saron's corpse against its base.

"NO! UNTIL YOGG-SARON HAS FAILED! YOUR EVIL DOESNT KNOW LIMITS!" The illusion of the heart of hades floated at full speed towards the corpse of the false ancient god, trying to revive it.

"How ironic that you tell me that... and now, this is the tower where you hide your heart, right?" Valeria, still in the shape of Aleria, walked over Yogg-Saron's corpse, looking for an entrance to the tower. "Tell me how enter or I gonna destroy your heart so much- Dont do it, I'll destroy it as well!" Valeria prepared her claws a few seconds, before giving a sufficient claw to open an entry gap...

Gap through which thousands of Oozoe shot out, falling on Valeria and covering her completely. "You're an idiot! You thought I wasnt going to have all my army here waiting?" Hades's heart fluttered over the Oozoe, laughing at the vampire's misfortune.


"You are both idiots..." Sildud dropped to the floor where Hades's heart lay, inspecting him before acting. As life had taught him by force (and by the eye that he lacked), the Alitian artifacts must be handled with extreme care... and although this heart was not exactly an Alitian artifact, his procedure was same.

"He doesnt seem to have any kind of defense without seeing at the oozoe wave... but it doesnt seem to be the heart of a god that lives inside an innocent girl... how know? we'll have to check it in the old way" Leaving the heart on the ground, Sildud pointed the tip of his improvised spear towards him, pinching him slowly.

Thousands of screams echoed throughout the soul, and even filtering into the body of Dalia, each and every one of them belonging to Hades. "I have you... but I will not be able to cut it more with a sharp stone... ummm..."

Grabbing the heart, Sildud jumped out of the tower's window, making sure to fall on top of Oozoe's stunned mound. The orc grabbed the torch from his back, shaking it around to dissolve the Oozoe that separated him from Valeria.

"NO! AS YOU ARRIVED BEFORE I ARRIVED?!" The illusion of the heart of Hades was launched furious against the orc, but his immaterial body crossed it without causing any damage. "Drop THAT! NOW!"

"Valeria, I have something for you!" Sildud managed to break through the Oozoe until the vampire's arm was dazzled. Pulling with all his strength, the orc managed to get the vampire (covered in black "slime" completely) and help her stand up.

"Please, I dont want to forget their smiles! I dont want to forget them... please... Dont do that!" Hades's heart threw itself to the ground, "kneeling" almost begging and with a broken voice.

"Forget them?! What are you talking about now? You are the god of lies and betrayal! We cant believe you!" Valeria pulled out her claws, placing them over her heart and seeing how the illusion trembled even more, almost crying at this point.

"I know I am the god of lies, but please, I cant forget them! if you destroy my heart... if you... I will forget them... I will forget the people who saw me born... and even though they no longer exist... I cant let their memory die this way! I vowed to take revenge for the massacre that Scarlet and Azure Key did against my people... but everything has failed...

The Master fell into darkness and turned our revenge into a corrupted echo of our hatred against Iloas and Humans! Only I am! I am the last remaining Alitian... and if you destroy my heart... I will lose them forever... I will stop reminding them..."

"YOU HAVE USED DALIA AS AN INSTRUMENT OF VENGEANCE AGAINST ELSA AND HANNAH! You have taken away her opportunity to live her life normally! Why should I stop now?" Valeria claw the claws on the heart, causing a tremor that shook the whole swamp with a cry of pain from the heart of Hades.

"Valeria..." Sildud grabbed the vampire's shoulder with one hand, looking down. "He is the god of lies and we shouldnt believe it ... but there is truth in what he says... if we take away his memories... we will only perpetuate the hate cycle...

You are not responsible for what the Keys did to the Alitians, and I know that the hatred and wrath of the Master cost the lives of many innocent humans and Iloas... but I cant let you become the same as the Master become... I will not let the hate cycle persist in this way"

Valeria dropped to her knees, staring at her claws with glazed eyes.

"The Valeria family... Chris... Robin... Lisa... Hannah's mother... Farael... Phoenix... we've lost a lot of people because of the Master... because of Hades and the other Alitian gods! You understand what you are asking me, Sildud? I have the opportunity... to avenge them once and for all! To fix Elsa's mistake and that has only brought even more pain..."

Sildud knelt next to her, leaving her heart on the floor (but with the spear stuck to avoid anything strange).

"I cant choose for you, nor can I say whether all your fallen ones want this or not... all I can say is that Dalia has sent us here to steal Hades's heart. The decision is yours, friend. "Circling the vampire's shoulders with her arm, Sildud brought her against him.

The war against the Orlealis had been hard and too long, not as hard as the battle against the Master... but even so Sildud knew first-hand what it meant to lose people you care about. And because of that, the orc knew that perpetuating revenge and continuing with the hate cycle does not solve anything... only brings more pain.

Valeria looked up at the heart, staring at him without saying anything. "Robin... everyone... I hope you forgive me... but I'm not a warmonguer to continue with this..." Grabbing the heart of hades and holding it against her chest, she looked towards the illusion.

"You will die, Hades... but you will die remembering your home, you're welcome"

A bright light covered Valeria and Sildud (and those who refuse to tell me what was happening to them!) Vanishing them all while the swamp began to disappear. The illusion of Hades's heart sighed in relief, looking at the light that covered the soul of the teenage giantess.

"The hate cycle? It's too late to stop it... but... thanks..."




Main Hall of the Night Palace.


The specter of Hades came out of the glove where it hid, floating in the air in front of Elsa, Mirabelle and Jack. Before any of the three could react, from inside the throne room a scream came from Hannah and a few seconds later...

A carbon black heart surrounded by smoke appeared floating towards the spectrum. Mirabelle prepared to attack him, but Elsa stop her with the halberd.

"Let them join, once he's one again... it's time to put an end to this!"


A large amount of black smoke covered the heart and the spectrum as if it were a chrysalis. "The hate cycle...  I perpetuate it... The Master wanted to take revenge on the Keys that devastated our civilization! But without realizing it... we fell into the darkness of revenge...

The master extended his revenge not only against the Keys, but against the peoples they brought! Innocent people who were just as guilty as Azure and Scarlet in the eyes of the Master!

The Master accumulated a power beyond time and space! To the point of invoking many Alitian gods from the depths of oblivion and invoking vessels born of the greatest heroes for us to reside during the path of their revenge! But one of those containers managed to take control of his god...

Phoenix fell before the will of the other Elsa! And it was she who took the Master to the abyss!

I am no longer the god of lies and betrayal... now Im only the echo of a past god... the broken fragments of the guardian of liars, traitors, abandoned, lost... I have taken the cycle of hatred too far! And you're going to kill me for it!

But I will not stop fighting! I will not let you kill me! I will fight believing in my revenge! I will fight for my old home while you protect yours! This is how it should be! Thank the orc for reminding me what we were doing!"

Elsa took a step forward, pointed with her halberd towards Hades. "So be it-"

"I'M NOT TALKING TO YOU, IDIOT!" The chrysalis of smoke vanished, revealing Hades's unhealthy form. A being formed of dark smoke with sharp claws like blades and bright eyes to pursue the innocents in the most absolute darkness. "I talk about her!"

Before any of the three present could react, Dalia appeared teleporting in front of Hades and crashing her fist into her claws with such force that Elsa and Mirabelle had to cover themselves (Jack unfortunately... the ground was cold and hard, very hard ).

The teen giantess emanated a power that Elsa and Hannah knew very well... but this time that power wasnt colored by darkness.

This time it was bright like the sun itself.

"I'll thank Sildud in your name! Give it for granted! And now get ready, Hades! Because I'm going to go with everything! I've been dreaming too long about this!"






"Enough of nonsense! The final battle has arrived, Dalia! Dont save anything for later!"




End Notes:



This time I'm not Dali ... hehehe... Jolbirth at your service.

I was correcting part of the chapter that Dalia had prepared... when I realize that she has omitted the best part! Therefore, I decided to recover it so that everyone knows her true colors.

Enjoy what really happened!





Dont lie, Dalia! We both know that your biggest dreams are to match your sister and have a harem full of super sexy girlfriends with tits like bowling balls, perfect bubble asses and endless legs!"




...a cricket was heard in the room completely silent. (It was Jack playing the sound with his C-com)

Nobody dared to say a word, while the color of Elsa's face went from normal to white and that of Dalia's face went from normal to red.

"Wow, the god of lying lying! That nobody expected!" Dalia put herself in battle position, fighting with all her strength to stop sweating and trembling.

"... Hades isnt lying, is he?" Elsa didnt even look at her daughter, staring at the absolute nothingness. Dalia did not have the courage to answer, only praying to fall back unconscious. "I'm going to ignore the part about... bubble ass... and tits bowling balls... I'm going to focus on the part... of girlfriends...

My love, my daughter... DALIA REYES WOOD SOL! You have been saying for years that you dont know if you liked men and/or women... years pretending that you had not been awakened your sexuality although more than once I had to wash your panties with aroma... to love?...

And I have to find out not only that you like women, but that you want a harem from HIM!? "Elsa pointed to Hades, completely angered.

"I was afraid to tell you that I'm a lesbian! I didnt know how you two were going to react! Sarah likes boys...  And I di nt want to disappoint you being diferent than my sister!" Dalia said quickly in a single thread of voice (still shaking). Mirabelle, Jack and Jack became a facepalm completely coordinated before such words.


Stomp! Between all the screams of Elsa and the laughter of Jack and Hades contained, none of those present had noticed how Hannah had entered the main room and had removed hER sandals.

With a single accurate stomp and a subsequent maneuver with the foot known as "fetish croquettes" Hannah made sure that Elsa did not talk again for a long time.

"You can continue rour battle, sweetheart... and after this, I'm going to delve into the parts of tits like bowling balls and bubble asses... in endless legs we agree, good legs make you happy the day"

Dalia swallowed nervously, fearing the subsequent talk. Hades cleared his throat, regaining the attention of the teen giantess (and perverted)

"Enough of nonsense! The final battle has arrived, Dalia! Dont save anything for later!"





"Fetish croquette", according to what Calia explained to me, is that with the foot half sweat or sweat and smelly at all... normally for a giantess that is difficult, but a day of work with socks is a day of work with socks...


To which it went, with the foot in that situation, first you step to your lover/slave by its back, knocking it upside down. Immediately and without letting him breathe you turn him around using the big toe... and then that same finger you place firmly on his face and your sole of the foot you let it fall gently on his body.


I'm not going to lie... I dont understand how Elsa or Calia see this an erotic play... but hey, for tastes colors.


(About Hannah and that sexgame, I understand that she doesnt like that feet smell bad although Elsa loves it...

Mainly I think it's because in New Bahia del Sol, with such high temperatures, most of the year is rare when womans doesnt wear sandals or open shoes...

And it's ugly that a giantess with a bad smell of feet walks down the street wearing sandals! And more if you are the wife of the mayor and one of the most important women in the entire city! I think it's the same reason why Hannah takes so much care of her pedicure and Sarah's)

Future days 15: Vs Hades, Alitian god of lies and betrayal- by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:




The clashes between God Alitian and the teenage giantess occurred throughout the main hall of the Night Palace, at such a high speed that neither Elsa, Jack nor Mirabelle were able to follow their rhythm.


(Of course this does not happen like that! By the grace of God, this doesnt make any sense! You can not pretend to be a kind of superhero!)

Godfather, your opinion right now is irrelevant! This is my story and I am going to tell it as I want!

The clashes between the Alitian God and the teenage giantess occurred throughout the main hall of the Nocturnal Palace, at such a high speed that neither Elsa, Jack nor Mirabelle were able to follow their rhythm. All the aura contained within the giantess after so many years without being able to use the second wild cards was released at once, elevating the physical characteristics of Dalia to the extreme.

The giantess had a reason to fight, had the energy to fight and had the will to fight. All together it became the fuel that ignited the giant machinery of his body! And thanks to the power of love of their mothers, Dalia was able to defeat the evil Hades and erase it from existence.


End of the Hades.


And I think this is enough, right? It is not necessary to write the rest of the fight!









(No, you'rent going to do that to me, daughter of a fucking bitch! You'rent going to go to discredit my name in a job that is on the way to failure!)

How exaggerated are you... but is it really necessary? I have dropped that Hades has lied all the time to earn our compassion and crush us, I have counted as Sildud... Sildud <3... as Sildud prevented Aunt Valeria from falling into hatred and revenge and I have counted as heroically I got up from my ashes, jumping from my mother's legs breaking all the straps and attacking Hades!


It isnt necessary... to know what happened next! Also, after this comes the real juicy part and I want to write it in real time while it happens to me! I have to accelerate this part if I want the part that is my daily diary on my last growth to be a real newspaper! And I've been a day late!

(I swear to you Dalia... I dont understand how your head works!

Elsa understand her, because over the years she has become a cool mother and a mayor dedicated to her people, and Hannah...

Hannah has gone from being a gamer asocial to a "Hero" with problems of confidence to be a social hero gamer mother, depending on the day of the month, with plenty of free time and a strange fondness for painting Easter eggs... Of your sister I will not speak because if she is overprotective towards you the rest is an outstanding girl!

But still, you are the worst of all! First you started this work as a story of how your mothers met and how humanity came to Novaterrae, and now you've skipped a lot of years to talk about the present?!)

In my defense, godfather, I found out that in the autobiography part the word "auto" means that you must be important for the plot and that if it is not ... I am going to suspend the end-of-course work besides that I have found that my counselors-


Aunt Zoe has told me that I can not reveal too much confidential information about the previous Iloa government or risk being arrested for treason to the fiery alliance.

And at my age, it would be pretty ugly, do not you think?

Also, the whole part of Hades is referring to me! During the battle against the Master, Hades was nothing more than a super-minor character with only relevance in the final battle! According to my mom, even she didnt know the name of Hades until mom Elsa mentioned it!

(Confess it, it's making you afraid to run out of your mothers' story, right?)
A little, yes! Is that both are heroes of the fiery alliance! Everyone knows what they achieved!

All I can contribute is your previous history... although perhaps you could delve into the subject of grandpa's candles? Mom has already commented several times that there are still 2 candles left to light and that Grandmother Calia has not had any prophetic dreams to explain that they are...

Do you think a subplot about my giant milf mother doing daily things would you like?

(To your teachers? No. To the rest of the readers who send this to you? Can... Hannah has always been known to have a dynamite ass... although as a dragon I am unable to see what it is attractive to have an ass that could exploit)

We still do not understand modern expressions and phrases, eh godfather?

(You create many very fast! It's not my fault! I spend every hour that I'm not watching Bahia from the heights on the C-Net learning juvenile jargon, but it creates more than the one that gives me time to memorize! It's like that of the "Dab" that has become another time so fashionable! What does that mean?!)

A Dab is something retro-modern! I think a humorist recovered it a Late night and since then all the boys of my age are like crazy doing Dabs with their parents! Really only those who descend from humans, because the old Iloas do not even catch it!

(Really... I dont understand young people, but as far as the main topic is concerned, if you dont want them to know what happened... just admit it without giving details... there are times that you prefer not to reveal your low moments, you will learn when you get older)

...I didnt defeat Hades with a super powerful second wild card... if it wasnt for my mothers I would have died for trying to exceed... Do you want reality!? The reality... is that I failed again! Hades used me, nourishing my aura even while outside my body! The reality is that I am not a hero... I need my two mothers, Aunt Mirabelle, Aunt Valeria, Sildud, Grandpa and Aunt Nu'ma... Aunt Fiona and Xilven had to be taken to the emergency hospital... Aunt Fee needed 2 sedatives for horses to calm her down enough... Aunt Valeria couldnt record that day so the episode that week had to be delayed one day and they made her pay a lot for it...
Do you want the truth?! I think my mother will have already made the public news so it should not be a problem to tell it here...
Hades escaped! We managed to destroy everything of him... but even so... He manage to escape in the form of wisp thanks to the aura that drained from me! It does not matter that now I am totally unable to do anything... The fact that I am still alive and can still speak is my fault!...
(Dalia? Are you still there? Of course you are there, you are writing ellipses)
I'm sorry... I stayed a moment afk...
(Really... you needed to get away, didnt you? You needed to let it out, do not try to deny it, I'm going to deactivate myself in the consultant mode, okay?)


Jolbirth has joined the chat

Jolbirth: So that you all understand the situation, all this battle happened five days ago, and since then Dalia has not left her room.


Jolbirth: and although Dalia is trying to paint it as a defeat, for the whole world the battle ended up as a victory, celebrated as it deserves. I know that Dalia has painted herself in many different ways, but the most absolute reality is that everything she does she tries to do with good intentions

...isnt it?

I have opened my heart enough, I have told the story from all possible points of view, so I will not say anything else. Hades escaped, and although I am free of him and in his current form is incapable of harming anyone... the mere fact that he is still alive is a defeat!

Jolbirth: Dahlia, no one is going to blame you for the aura that he drained, you know it? All you are doing is screaming with your heart to nothing

Heartfull cry...

Jolbirth: What?

Nothing. What I wanted to say is that... I failed to be the hero! Although everyone has followed my plan... which means that my plan is what has failed...

Jolbirth: Do you want to stop wallowing in the mud? You have defeated Hades! How I hate to be the voice of hope, but you have defeated Hades! Mission accomplished! And you may not have had the true hero scene you wanted... but Dalia...

You dont need to force things to happen faster. You are only 15 years old, enjoy and reassure yourself, it will be time for you to be a hero! Go step by step, enjoying the things of life, as your third growth!  

All I know about the third growth is that I have to take some pills every 2 hours and that it's going to be very painful, I remember it when Sarah went through hers...

Jolbirth: You havent taken the pill that's your turn, do you? I come to the bed... and if you can, upload this as it is. I dont want to continue writing more today...

Jolbirth: As a consultant I think it's a bit short, but it does not matter much either, your teachers will understand the situation.


Jolbirth: Dalia? She will be gone... I will try to collect everything I can about the fight against hades, but it will not be easy... I cant trust any of those present to tell me what happened, but I can try to get the recordings of the Night Palace.  

For the sake of authentic history, Dalia will have to face her demons whether she wants to or not... I already speak like Flynn... that's disgusting.


End Notes:




Mansion of the Reyes Wood family, Dalia Room.


The teen giantess pushed her chair to get up, turning off the computer screen before walking back to her bed.

The room is full of boxes much bigger than her, and a closet that at the moment seemed simply titanic was already installed on the back wall. Dalia dropped on her bed, closing her eyes while with one hand she tried to locate her water bottle and the box with the pills.

The first symptom of the third growth, blocking the regeneration of the aura, had been sighted the morning after Hades' "defeat" by Hannah, so in the last 5 days the house was full of people at all times.

Relatives who wanted a photo with Dalia before she was too big, giantess operators installed the new furniture that would make up her room and painting the walls with a new sky blue tone... Hannah had spared no expense, reaching the point of having bought clothes for each stage of growth. (Although the ones Sarah used were still in good condition)

In a certain way, as Hannah had forced the first stages of her third growth to fight vs Jolbirth... And since she couldnt live the normal experience, it was normal that now the giantess tried to do it correctly for her daughters... however exaggerated she seemed to the eyes of others.

"One pill every 2 hours to avoid muscle pain, huh? If I know it before I would have taken more of these after each workout!" Dalia read the prospect without wanting anyone in particular, dropping the pill on her mouth and swallowing it with a little water.

The teen giantess sighed, closing her eyes again and lying on her back with arms and legs outstretched.

The first days she had not noticed anything, but now... it was a strange sensation, as if someone very slowly was filling your bones, your muscles and your organs with more mass... not to mention that the absence of aura returned tasks so simple as opening drawers or doors from a much more complicated distance...

Dalia could feel how slowly her body grew as her panties slowly tightened, as her poor bra began to suffer the exponential increase of her breasts or how her socks slipped millimeter by millimeter by her growing feet. It was very strange because according to the doctor the rhythm of growth should be imperceptible, but Sarah had confirmed that during her growth, she also noticed it if she concentrated.

Preparing to fall into the realm of dreams, Dalia prepared "Burn My Dread" to be played in a few hours, while she could not help but imagine how horrible the following weeks would be...

"At least, when more hardship, with erotic results, happens... more entertaining is the diary! it's a good way to see things! I just wish... a few more muscles to load the twins without much trouble"

During the third growth, giantesses are extremely susceptible to falling asleep, so it is recommended to avoid long periods of inactivity or actions such as lying down if you need to work or perform activities.

Dalia's growth Journal, Entry 0.5: Visit with a sexy ebony skin doctor and my mother by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:




In a very distant place, Day 43 of Full Solar Era.

The night was warm and dark, only illuminated from time to time by solitary lampposts built on the side of the road. When the humans arrived in Terre dell'alba and began to alter their landscape (almost always with the Iloa's permission), one of the first things they did was to fill all the roads with highways and build a system of energy plants to provide of electricity current to the whole continent.

An echo that shouldnt exist floated slowly along the side of the highway, without any energy but with sufficient willpower to continue. Hades had struggled hard to live, and all the remains of drained animals without aura on the road were clear proof of that.

"Hopefully... I will find something with more aura... I'm starving..." The wisp settled on one of the lampposts, looking in all directions waiting for a car or a service station to hunt an innocent human... but luck for a long time that was not in their favor.

"If only I could... have hands or something! Damn it!" Hades screamed furiously, shining with such intensity that it almost obscured the lamppost itself. "Ah.... ahhhh... I shouldnt complain so much... the fact of getting away from that damn palace must already be the greatest achievement of my career as God... a god turned into a mere... FUCKING WISP! DAMM YOU, DALIA!"

Hades continued to insult the sky for a few minutes, exhausting all the aura drained until almost unable to move. "I'm pathetic ... so pathetic- CARS!" The wisp turned on its own axis, watching as in the distance a group of armored vehicles approached.

As dangerous as it was, Hades had no choice but to try to drain the aura of one of the living beings in them, so the Wisp prepared to jump (drop) on one of the trucks. "Three ... Two ... ONE- eh?"

The armored trucks stopped just below Hades' streetlight, two beings coming out of the first one, a black-skinned orc and an extra-human demon. "The records of Alitian corruption are very high in this area, it shouldnt go very far" The orc said keeping a kind of watch in the pocket of his overalls.

"Keep your eyes peeled, orc, so we know the current form of it is extremely small, no bigger than a sparrow." The demon opened its little wings to flit around the area, while the orc sputtered. "I hope you'rent insulting me with orc words, because I remind you that for immediate purposes I'm your boss"

"In the roaringpowder clan we have a saying, "Purge the inferiors and believers, because only the will of those who oppose the gods is the only one that should be heard , do you know what that means?"

"It means we've recruited the best orcs possible! And almost certainly you were insulting me!"

"In equal parts, yes- Wait a moment" The orc took the watch out of his pocket again, looking at it a few seconds before looking at the lamppost where Hades was hiding. (hiding is a relatively relative term) "Up there, get ready." The demon nodded as the orc pulled out of the truck a kind of absorption device similar to a cross between a vacuum cleaner and a rifle.

When he pulled the trigger, the gun began to suck with such great force that even the streetlamp began to shake and crack. Hades could not do anything but be absorbed by the machine until it fell into a small glass tank in the back of the truck.

"What do we have here? I hoped it was some kind of animal infected by the essence of the Master... but you are a wisp..." The demon jumped onto the trailer of the truck, activating one of the machines of the sprinkle aura on Hades. "Dramm, tell the boss, tell her we're taking... we taking whatever a wisp is, made of alitian energy"

The orc nodded as he kept the device. "The wisp are beings created by the remaining energy of the souls when they join the vital current, so this little one must be the rest of some alitian servant of the Master who must not have been able to pass into the blood of the planet"

The demon nodded while pretending to understand the whole explanation. "If when I was a high school student on Earth someone would have told me that in the future an orc would be giving me nature lessons... surely I wouldnt have done anything, but I would have laughed very loudly!"

The demon closed the doors of the trailer from within, while the truck was back on track. Hades contemplated the situation, while letting the aura regain its strength. "Definitely, luck is not on my part, nope"








New Bahia del Sol, Lighthope Central Hospital.

08:30 in the morning of Day 44 of Full Solar Era.


Dr. Carmen's waiting room was as disturbing as ever for any human being who was not a third growth giantess. Chairs for giantess on both sides of the room, with a table in the middle of the room full of toys for girls of all ages, soda and candy machines. (if we can consider medicinal and healthy sweets as candies for children)

All this made Dalia stand out even more in the waiting room, calling the attention of girls in first and second growth and giantess mothers alike.And this, obviously was not to her liking... and less at a time like this, where all the dress of the teen giantess was a gray elastic and comfortable tracksuit

(so comfortable that Dalia had decided to not need to wear underwear, Dr. Carmen was known to perform tests in which shame had no place)

"Are you going to have the third growth?"

"You are too old to grow again!"

"My oder sita gri up wih 12 years ol!"

"Do you want to be my older sister?"

"Your clothes are super ugly!"

6 little girls between 2 and 9 years old surrounded Dalia, overwhelming her with questions one after another, each question more uncomfortable than the previous one while their mothers had fun talking to each other about fashion and motherly things. (Thank God one of them was too small to talk and just grabbed Dalia's arm)

Both the girls and Dalia were dressed in the same kind of tracksuit, known among the giantess community as pre-stretch clothing. (But even being a garment known among all giantesses, there was a huge difference between girls whose non-existent curves and Dalia... which is known as a pre-sexual bomb)

"Girls, girls... let's calm down, okay? One by one!" None of the girls paid any attention to her, talking again all at once. "Mom, do something!"

And no matter how much Dalia shouted while the small future giantesses climbed on top of her, Hannah entertained herself talking to the other mothers.


"You must be excited, not Hannah? finally your two daughters will be at your height!" One of the mothers smiled while the rest of them murmured and nodded.

"Dont say it like that! They've always been my height! Now they're just going to be as tall or maybe more! My little Sarah has already surpassed me in height, and I'm sure Dalia will do it too!" Hannah smiled confidently at the growth of her daughter, completely oblivious to her hardships.

"You've really had a lot of luck, Hannah! Having your daughters in a time when there are no second growth giantesses, it would have been weird to see the daughter of the legendary Hannah Reyes measuring half her mother!"

"Dont say it like that either! Most of you grew up still being first and second growth after the opening of the Azure Gates, so the chances of my daughters being born with second growth were almost nil!"

"It was a great job to have to adapt to such a massive size, really! It's a good thing that your great wife built an entire neighborhood designed for our size!"

"Elsa has always remained true to her word and has been a very ambitious girl, so it was only a matter of time before she achieved enough power to be able to build the whole city to her liking!" Hannah smiled honestly, while the other mothers murmured things about how great Elsa was... which couldnt make Hannah happier.

"Changing the subject for a moment" One of the mothers said suddenly while trying to stretch her blouse, taking everyone out of their different conversations. "Have any of you had problems with the last shipment of shoes and sandals?" I have always been ashamed to have a big foot, but I think this time it isnt my big ass feet fault but the company that makes our clothes!"

"Good thing I'm not the only one! You cant imagine what a bad time I spend every morning trying to put on these sandals!" One of the mothers said shaking her feet. (with the tips of her fingers almost on the edge of the sandal) "My husband does not stop joking that I have managed to gain weight on my feet, so I am glad to know that it is not my thing but the manufacturer's!"

"I didnt have the problem with the sandals, but I know that my mother Calia has had problems with her belts, and my eldest daughter and I have had problems with the bras that they sent us last month! We have not prepared my next pregnancy yet, so I have no idea how big my breasts are going to get!" Hannah laughed while at the central table Dalia was completely groped, scratched and beaten by the girls, in a game of pretending to be extremely aggressive doctors.

The conversation between mothers stopped suddenly when the nurse opened the door of the consultation, leaving a mother to go out with her 7-year-old daughter in her hand devouring a lollipop. "Next on the list, Dalia Reyes Wood Sol!"


"Come on honey!... Dalia, what happened to you?" Hannah knelt in front of the table, while Dalia stood up slowly, half stunned.

"Mother... if you are going to have another daughter, we have to educate her in peace, in good hope... and in violence, I want to take revenge on every pre-giantess girl in existence..." Hannah sighed, wishing her daughter was a little less radical while he picked her up and entered the office.





Consult of Dr. Carmen


The nurse closed the door behind her, leaving Hannah, Dalia and the doctor alone in the consulting room. While the doctor had just written something on her computer, Hannah left her daughter in the chair adapted for giantesses in first and second growth (being totally honest, it's just a modified children's high chair), grooming her quickly with a finger dipped in saliva for Dalia's misfortune. (and innocent joy of Hannah)

"Good morning, Hannah and Dalia! As I'm happy to see you finally here!" Dr. Carmen got up from her chair after finishing her report, offering her hand to Hannah and then crouching on the table to offer her hand to Dalia. Dr. Carmen was an absolute bad beast of a giantess, standing up with almost 70 feet of height and muscles that would leave many athletes in shame. And even with such a violent aspect, Carmen was in the top 5 of the nicest people known by Hannah.

"Hi Carmen, thank you for receiving us with such a hurry!" Hannah smiled as she pulled Dalia's medical papers out of her backpack and left them on the table. "I brought the report you said when we took her to the emergency room after removing Hades from her body, and I controlled the generation of Dahlia's aura every day, being completely zero!" Hannah was much more excited than even Dalia herself, the teen giantess being more focused on trying to find a dignified pose sitting on the high chair.

"I see... generation of aura to zero, production of growth hormones over 100%... in the absence of relevant tests, it seems that you are on the roller coaster that is third growth, Dalia" Carmen he said while copying all the necessary information from the reports to Dalia's personal file.

"She has been taking the extra-human antibody stimulation pills? One of the biggest problems that can arise during the third growth is that the body focuses all its efforts on producing more and more giant growth hormone and the immune defenses are resented and the body is unable to fight even against a cold!"

Hannah went to speak, but Dalia raised her hand, shutting her mother and attracting the attention of both giantesses. She rummaged in the pockets of her tracksuit jacket, taking out the box of empty pills and throwing it on the table. "There you take it, black mistress of my love!"

"Dalia!" Hannah was completely furious, while Carmen couldnt help laughing.

"Hannah Hannah! Leave her! I see you're still having an interesting mouth, small pervert!" Carmen got up from the table, walking towards the stretcher next to the wall and preparing it. "Bring her here and strip her, Hannah! That's our revenge!"

Before Dalia could protest, Hannah grabbed her with one hand around her waist, holding her like one who catches a small dog and letting it fall on the stretcher. Dalia tried to defend herself from her mother with all her strength, but between that the tracksuit was too elastic in case there was some kind of big stretch, and that Hannah was brutally agile with her fingers (the result of so many years playing video games ... (and ... acts in the dark of the night in which a certain blonde is involved)), Dalia had no chance to remain dressed.

"Dalia, why dont you wear underwear?!"

Dalia tried to stand up, being grabbed by Dr. Carmen and placed seated towards her mother. "In my defense... the tracksuit is very comfortable! And I was not going to do anything more than come to the medic- AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" The teen giantess cried out in pain while a needle extracted spinal fluid directly from her back.

"See, it hasnt been that bad!" Carmen released the liquid in a small square container and placed it in a hole in the wall, disappearing immediately. "Now let's go to the physical exam, is that okay?"

Dalia shrugged as she stood up, placing her hands on either side of her waist. (giving Dr. Carmen and her mother a full look at her birthday attire). "I really dont have an option, right?"


Dr. Carmen just put the scale, metric tape and other instruments on the stretcher just to see Dalia as he had come to the world. With a half-sided smile, the doctor grabbed the tape measure. "Of course you've never had it! And now be quiet and let me do it, understood?"


30 horrible minutes later.


Dr. Carmen walked from one side of the consulting room to the other, reading the report of Dalia's medullar and blood tests while Dalia dressed slowly, with a broken expression and an expression of pure emptiness.

"All the values r03;r03;are within the usual, I would even say that they are as high as those of your older sister, Dalia! Congratulations, you will reach the goal of 60 feet almost with total security!"

Dalia exchanged her broken face for one of full happiness, jumping into her mother's arms and embracing her. "Mom! 60 feet! I'll be so huge! From 15 to 60 in a breath!" The teenage giantess was euphoric, while Hannah smiled completely relieved to know that Dalia was going to be a tall and healthy giantess.

"We have to start notifying the company that makes our clothes that he have to send two 60-foot packs to our house! My god, 60 feet! My girl is going to be a gigantic, unbelievable beauty!" Carmen didnt want to interrupt the couple of mother and daughter, sitting in her chair to start prescribing all the medication that Dalia was going to have to take.


"They will be between 20 and 30 days of continuous growth starting at the latest tomorrow night, Your body should reach the maximum production of giganta hormone in less than 24/30 hours... I recommend starting tomorrow to start dressing just the growth tracks and drink a lot of water and... do you like smoothies?"

Hannah and Dalia relaxed in their joy, sitting Hannah in the chair with Dalia standing on her thighs. "Not too much, Dr. Carmen, why?"

"Then you should drink a lot of tea or drinks with caffeine, as you should be noticing already, during the third growth it is usual that with sitting for 5 minutes you fall asleep.

Also from this moment Hannah, I'm going to send Dalia a diet overloaded with proteins, vitamins and fat. The key is that your body has at all times enough material for all the operations that you will be facing. And although you feel full and not wanting to eat, Dalia, you should always be attentive to continue eating, but dont eat only fatty things like chips or the like! Fruit, dried meats or sausages... eat all the time but eat balanced, understood?"

"If that makes me as sexy as you are, Dr. Carmen, you can take it for granted!" Dalia smiled while Carmen took a mint lollipop from her drawer and handed it to her.

"Since she has confessed to us that she likes women... she is so insufferable, pardons us, Carmen" Hannah apologized while Dalia ate her lollipop completely oblivious to her mother's shame.

"Now I can say everything that before I could only think! That's a great relief!" Dalia laughed while Carmen finished printing all the recipes and giving them to Hannah.

"I see that now the little pervert is going to become a great huge pervert!" Carmen laughed while turning off the screen of her computer, turning to Hannah. "Before you go home, will you attend the opening of Freya's Flats, Hannah?"

"Freya?... what is? Some kind of restaurant or something?" Hannah said completely confused, while she kept the medication recipes in her backpack.

"It's the first city 100% for giantess of Terra dell'alba, I think they paid it to half Bahia and Prometheus... they are sending invitations to all the giants of the city, and since I dont have a partner and my only giantess friends are my patients, I do not know if I should approach to see how the matter is or not"

"How strange... Elsa would have told me if they had paid for the construction of a 100% giantess city... and what does that mean? Is it that all the buildings and streets are to scale or something?"

"As far as I could read on the invitation, it's a city... although by size it looks more like an urbanization built for a giantess, with extras for other sizes, but everything important in the city is our size"

Hannah sighed annoyed, knowing that only the church of the meteor would be capable of making a fool of this caliber. "It doesnt seem too good for me to build a city on the pretext that it is a giantess alone... it is true that the number of giantesses has grown since humanity came to Novaterrae, but even so... I put myself in the shoes of Elsa and the other husbands and women of giantesses and it doesnt seem fair to me!"

"That's the thing! It seems that they also take pride in being the first city where marriages between giantess are allowed!"

"...What? if there is no marriage between giantess is because giantess cant generate life in any way! Our ovules are prepared to adapt genetic material human or extrahuman, but not giantess!"

"Hannah, I'm a doctor, I know how it works... the truth is that sharing your life with another person of your same size without having to worry about things like looking where you step seems nice... but it doesnt work that way, we're not prepared to play between us!"


"Two integers do not produce a percentage?... I think the phrase wasnt like that, but it doesnt matter, you have understood me, dont you?" Dalia tried to intervene, terrified by the possibility of living in a city where there are no normal girls on the streets.

"More or less, darling" Hannah stroked her daughter's head, enjoying an activity that she would soon be unable to do with the same ease. "I'll ask Elsa about that Freya Flats and I'll call you later, Carmen"

"Perfect then!" Carmen got up from her chair, accompanying the couple to the exit. "Have a good day and remember to eat a lot and balanced, Dalia! This is at stake grow healthy and strong!"

"I dont intend to fail for anything in the world, goodbye Dr. Carmen!" Dalia said goodbye while she and Hannah left the doctor's office.

Dr. Carmen closed the door behind them, sighing in relief as she proceeded to undo the button of her skirt and take off her shoes for a moment, massaging her tight, aching feet for a few seconds before calling the next patient over the PA system.




End Notes:




First partial entry of Dalia's growth Journal


It's not even at night, but I consider it important to write this before I forget it! Dr. Carmen has entered my game of praise, so perhaps you should tighten the nuts a little!... ummm... those ivory arms, hard as stones and soft as butter...

That wasnt! Damn Dalia! 60 FEET! I'M GOING TO MEASURE 60 FEET! It seems that when you grow up all the clothes squeeze you, but it does not matter! 60 fucking feet! My God! I'm going to quadruple my height!

If the teachers dont rate this work with a 9 I dont know what else to do! Not every day you have to correct and punctuate the work where a giantess tells how she quadruples her height!

Then at night I finish the entry of my journal more thoroughly!




Dalia's growth Journal, Entry 1: New generation of heroes by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:




Secret facilities of capital city,

Two hours after the capture of Hades


The armored truck entered the base, closing the security doors behind him. The research building was controlled by giantesses, so all the workers had the wonderful feeling of working in a gigantic environment, with small sections for vehicles and rooms for normal sizes.

A giantess guard and an Iloa guard from the sea tribe approached the armored truck, kneeling beside it to prepare to pick it up. "Wait, Wait, Wait, No, No, today we have something! Something serious!" The demon extrahuman agent jumped out of the passenger door, stopping both giantesses.

"Agent Robin, your last three "serious matters", have been only animals corrupted by the Master's energy... what do you think that this time we're going to believe you?" The giantess guard said as she raised an eyebrow, tired of having to deal with each truck only filled by a little bird or a mutated rabbit. The process of purification after exposure to the energy of the Master wasnt only long, but it always ends up falling on her or on her partner.


"Let me show this to Carol! You can ask the orc if you do not believe me!" Robin defended himself, pointing to his orc companion as he got off the truck.

"Mr. Brigg Dramm, I must remind you that the Roaringpowder clan is still in testing period to join the fiery alliance, so if you are going to defend Agent Robin's ravings, know that you will be speaking on behalf of your entire clan"

Brigg sighed, the threat was not new to him, but neither was he going to complain. As the giantess had said, the roaringpowder clan wanted (or rather, needed) to join the fiery alliance, and couldnt afford any negative points.

But even with all that in mind, Brigg was an orc of principles. "Miss, I know you do well to distrust my partner, but this time I really believe we have found something important! Lady Carol sure finds a Wisp very curious, infested by the energy of the Master"


The giantess looked for a few moments at her companion, and after a little visual confirmation, she sighed as she picked up the truck in both hands. "I hope you are right in this, because as I later have to decontaminate the truck for your fault, I will make a complaint directly to your name"

Robin stuck out his tongue at the giantess as she started walking toward Carol's office, turning to her orcish companion and smiling proudly of her accomplishment. Brigg shook his head, praying that the corrupt wisp was really as valuable as Robin thought it was.




Silence filled the giant office completely, with Carol sitting cross-legged in front of the table. The truck was open and the container containing the corrupted Wisp placed on it, while Robin and Brigg were waiting for an answer... a comment... something...


Robin, even with so many years working for the central government of the fiery alliance, knew little or nothing about her new boss. All that had come to her ears is that Carol was something of a genius girl and that she was a super premature giantess, passing her first and second growths with 3 and 5 years and later the third growth with only 9 years. Brigg, on the other hand, knew even less, only having shared a few words with Carol when he was assigned as a surveillance assistant for outbreaks of corruption toward 2 solar eras.


"Miss Carol... is something happening?" After much waiting, Robin was the first to launch to break the ice... but Carol continued studying the Wisp without getting to say anything. "Damn giantess, always acting as if they were superior! Dramm, tell him something!"

"I... I remind you that I am under threat! Do something for you, that's why you say you're my boss!"

"Damn it Dramm! To be an orc, you are very little brave! Of the first two orc clans that make contact with humanity, one is a clan of miners and hunters and the other is simple shamans, priests and alchemists! Where is the brutal and bloody warriors who dont think twice to go out and fight?!"

Brigg decided not to bother answering, letting Robin relax on her own. In the end, the demon simply decided to approach the arms of the giantess to get her attention. "Lady Carol... Chief Carol... Boss... CAROL?! HELLO?"


The giantess continued to study the corrupted Wisp, who seemed completely terrified and trembling. "Robin, I'm going to raise you and Brigg if you complete a mission"

"That translates into more vacations, fewer hours of work and more salary?"
"It translates to everything you want, I need you to go to New Bahia and look for an expert in Corruption of the Master"

Robin's eyes shone (literally and figuratively) of emotion, especially for the higher salary. "Dont talk anymore! Just tell me what it's called and I'll bring it to you even if it's kidnapping!"


"Are you willing to kidnap? Perfect, I'm not sure if my position is high enough to ask others to send me agents from other defense forces" Carol grabbed the Wisp's container between two fingers, bringing it to her right eye and shaking it slightly.

"I know you're young, Carol, but let's make it clear, you're the new boss so if you need a kidnap, say it clearly! We are the IFA! We can bring you whoever you want!"

"Perfect, go to the headquarters of GUN and bring me to the expert, I want to analyze the wisp thoroughly"







Mansion of the Reyes family.

20:00 in the afternoon, Day 43 of Full Solar Era.


Hannah left Dalia on the floor, while she was rummaging through the keys of the house in her backpack. (So r03;r03;exhausted physically and psychologically that she was looking for support on the door itself, forcing all her weight on it)

"Look on the bright side, darling, we've finished all the paperwork for your 60-foot ascension!"

Dalia looked at her mother, devastated, exhausted, tired and destroyed by overexertion. "Mom, I think the one that should see the good side is you... I'm super motivated, I think I could run a marathon and everything!"

"What do you say? Umm... I remember that Sarah was also motivated during the first days of growth, before it started to hurt her... but dont take it the wrong way! It hurts you but it's only for a few weeks- "Dalia's face was beginning to break as she remembered her older sister crying in pain. "No no! It is a minor pain! Each giantess suffers it in a different way depending on when they begin to grow their bones- "

"Stop Stop! They has been explained to me process enough in the medical rehabilitation center! And one thing, why should I go to rehabilitation? When I passed the second growth until 12 feet, I didnt need rehabilitation sessions!" Dalia waited for her mother to open the door, and after an unsuccessful attempt to propel herself with the aura, the growing teenage giantess resigned herself to walking normally.

"Unfortunately, I had to force my first stretch to 30 feet... but for what they explained to me and from what I saw with Sarah, the growth up to 30 feet is the hardest part, because the body needs to get used to a much greater weight... something about the mass... my god, I am a horrible mother! I should know how to explain all your doubts and I am not capable!" Hannah ducked her head, leaving a few seconds for her daughter to advance enough to take off her shoes and enter her house, shoes in hand.

Dalia clung to the edge of one of the furniture, waving her arm for her mother to raise it again. "Stop Mom! As you always say, I'll look on the positive side, and besides, Sarah was only crying in pain and taking painkillers for a week and a half! I'm sure I will not be much longer!"

Hannah crouched down (gritting her teeth at the pain in her legs) to lift her daughter up and sit her on her shoulder. "Of course, you always have to look on the positive side-"


BOOM! A lot of confetti fell on Hannah and Dalia.

"SURPRISE, HAPPY 60 FEET!" As Hannah and Dalia entered the living room, Elsa and Sarah blew up two confetti cannons on both of them. (Elsa was holding her cannon by telekinetic aura)

The room was full of balloons and with an impromptu banner of "Happy third growth!" (With the word birthday crossed out with marker over)

Sarah went ahead in the living room, lifting her little sister and hugging her on her breasts. "My dear little sister, to think that in a month or so I will be able to hug you normal again! I cant wait!"

"MMMMPHHHHHHHRRRRR!" Dalia tried to flee, but without the aura on her part, her sister's breasts (not as generous in proportion as her own) buried her in life.

"Sarah, release her that I too have the right to celebrate the news!" Elsa waved her arms and ground hard on the arm of the sofa, trying to get the attention of her gigantic daughter.

Sarah continued to shoo her little sister until her mother lifted Dalia with two fingers, bringing her to the table before the shattered look of her older sister.

"My daughter..." Elsa approached her little daughter, while Dalia crouched on her knees to be at the height of her mother. "To think that the moment has arrived where finally you completely surpass me..." Elsa placed her hand on Dalia's cheek, caressing her with her eyes closed. "I know it sounds weird, but I couldnt help it when the moment came to Sarah and it's going to happen right now... to think that I'll never be able to hug you without hanging on... and I know I cant do it for years! But when you kneel... I can still... damn it... "Elsa couldnt take it anymore, throwing herself hugging her daughter's neck crying like a river.

"Mom..." Dalia was speechless, because in a whole day of people telling her how great it would be to measure 60 feet... at no time had she stopped to think about her other mother.

"No no! Dont you dare!" Elsa stood up, drying her tears quickly. "Dalia, You are a giantess with your own right since you were born! And I have been mentally prepared for this moment since the first time I had you and Sarah in my arms!

So smile because you are about to live one of the most beautiful experiences in the world! You will grow up to be bigger that a tower! And sure ...- "Elsa tried to hold back the laughter as she could" Surely you could make a lot of girls with tits like bowling balls and perfect bubble ass  fall in love!"

Hannah and Sarah failed to hold back their laughter, at Dalia's glare. "Stop! Stop laughing, fuck!"


"It's a lot of fun, honey! It looks like a 5-year-old's children dream! To begin with, polygamy isnt exactly illegal, but neither is it widespread, how could you have come to such a bizarre dream?" Hannah said kneeling by the table with Sarah, leaning on each side of Elsa and Dalia.

"It's just a dream from when I was little! It doesnt mean that today I want a harem of girls like that!"

"Since when have you learned what Harem means? Good heavens, how quickly children grow today!" Elsa sighed, walking towards his wife and sitting on her arm.

"Mom, dont sound like an old snarl! In a world where access to C-web is so simple, the weird thing is that we do not know terms like that! We have access to all the information we want whenever we want!" Sarah defended herself, stroking the head of her indignant sister.

"Look at them dear, they think that the C-Web is theirs! But from where do you think the C-Web is coming from? It's the adaptation of the internet to Novaterrae! I grew up having access to all the information I wanted whenever I wanted!

The problem came when I was too vague to look for it and it was a time where there were many videogame and comics companies premiering videogames... and comics at all times!" Hannah and Elsa put their cheeks together, smiling at each other in a gesture of pure love and complicity.

"You see?! You are all day with gestures of love! Of course I also want a sexy girl to have gestures as beautiful as you-"

"Dalia, dont change the subject, we are discussing where the girls with tits from like bowling balls come!" Elsa slowly incapie in Bowling Balls, leaving Dalia to blush furiously again.


"From the belly of their mothers?" Sarah punctuated, forcing Elsa to raise her fist to hit the eldest daughter's finger.

"The thing about breasts like bowling balls comes from... from .. I've been watching mommy shake her boobs all over the house all my life! And I want to have a woman with tits like yours to enjoy as an adult!" Dalia screamed with all her strength, talking as fast as possible and covering her face while her family erupted in laughter.

"It's super stupid, childish and everything you want, but I really love the breasts! I think they're the pinnacle of beauty next to the round juicy buttocks! Say everything you want and laugh at me, but it's the truth! I never think to change my way of thinking!"

After a good 5 minutes of laughing, Hannah and Elsa looked at each other for a second, kissing each other before Hannah got up with a tired moan as a musical accompaniment. "It's time to prepare dinner, so Sarah and lover of breasts with future 60 feet tall, relax in the living room while we prepare a special dinner for the celebration!" Elsa announced, while Hannah walked towards the door, pushing her with her breasts and closing it with a blow of her ass while winking at her furious little daughter.

"She's going to be laughing at me all my life, right?" Dalia asked her older sister, while Sarah sat on the sofa and turned on the television.

"You know I love you with madness, little sister, but being honest... I would too!" Dalia placed her feet on the table, making a bridge for Dalia to climb comfortably to the sofa. The sisters sank on the sofa while with Hannah's tablet they looked for a movie to watch.





Hours after dinner, in the middle of the movie.


- Insert melody of end of chapter of Aleria the night -

"It's the town hall phone, give me a minute, girls." Elsa stood up from Hannah's neckline, making her work phone appear and jumping toward the arm of the sofa. "Elsa on the phone... I still dont understand why you say it's a phrase from old people, Zoe! Anyway... What? A robot? A kind of robot is looking for a fight... start from the beginning please... Aham... oookay...

And why dont you send some Spear? That Jolbirth is fighting the bodybuilder robot? And isnt he winning? But we're watching a movie!"

"What's wrong, my love?" Hannah asked, sitting on the sofa while Sarah turned on the lights.

"Apparently, near here in Plaza Massima there is a kind of robot looking like a bodybuilder looking for a fight and trashing bins and chairs... and Jorlbirth isnt able to defeat him! How could that damn dragon age and become so weak?"

"The godfather hasnt aged! It has to be a super strong robot if the godfather isnt able to stop it! We have to go, mom!" Dalia ran across the sofa to her mother, until Hannah stopped her with her foot.

"Miss, you're right now without aura! If we're going to go, you're sure you're not coming!" Hannah scolded her daughter, who was leaning on her foot looking at her mother with little puppy eyes.

"Please, mommy! It's a bodybuilder robot! I want to see it! And I want to see how my super cool moms and my super amazing sister defeat him! Also Jolbirth is my godfather! I can not let him fall defeated!"

Both mothers looked at each other, not knowing what to do, until Sarah got up from the other sofa and hit her chest with her fist. "I'll take care of watching her, moms! So we can go help the godfather!"

"Remember why we let Jolbirth be the girls' godfather?" Elsa asked her wife, jumping on her shoulder while Hannah slowly got up from all the accumulated fatigue.

"It was your father's and Chris's idea, and I swear on behalf of Azure key that every daughter of mine will have Jolbirth as a sponsor! I'm not going to get rid of the will of people so important to me, to us!"

Elsa simply smiled as she leaned against her wife's head. "It's true... besides, Jolbirth deserves it .. without the help of that old dragon... neither me nor Adell would be alive today... Maybe I do! But surely I wouldnt have my faithful right arm that so many hours of fun and pleasure has given us! "Dalia and Sarah let out a moan of simultaneous disgust for the satisfaction of their mothers.

The family finished the preparations, before walking out to the Plaza Massima. (Well, it was not an extreme rush, from time to time Jolbirth deserves a small beating to clear his ideas and get back in shape)




A huge crowd had gathered around the district's most famous coffee-shop square, reaching the point that it was difficult for Hannah and Sarah to move forward without forming a big scandal. (Although this was the district for people over 50 feet, the vast majority of residents of the district were still smaller species)

"Damn it! Mayor on the way, people! Move away so that my sexy and beautiful wife can walk!" Elsa shouted with all her strength, drawing the attention of the crowd that received their mayor with shouts of joy.

"Mayor Elsa has arrived! The robot is finished!"

"You've come to Hannah! You can take that damned bodybuilder off!"

"And even Sarah, that the hope of New Bahia is for an issue like this is just one more way to see how incredible and benevolent she is!"

Dalia stood waiting for a few seconds, while her sister and mother walked stepping into the gaps that people left for their huge feet.Only a couple of people mentioned his presence."Idiots... You will say my name, soon you will see"

The family reached Massima Square, which the GUN agents who had been accompanying Jolbirth had cordoned off correctly. The dragon rested on one of the nearby buildings, while a bodybuilder-like robot (in a completely literal sense, modeled to mimic a bodybuilder even in the smallest aspect) flexed his arms to the crowd.

"Amaze at the great power and great biceps of Destructron!" The robot shouted at the people, before throwing itself to the ground to make push-ups with a single finger and to receive its shouts of encouragement.

"Sir, I think the carnival ended some time ago... and the robotics fair hasnt started yet" Elsa jumped on her wife's shoulder, gesturing to her not come up while invoking her halberd.

"My wonderful deltoids dont deserve to be judged by high school judges! I come in the name of progress to cause chaos and show off sit-ups, and the second I've taken care of doing it for all that old glory!" Destructron said as he pointed to Jolbirth.


"I'll talk to you later, Jolbirth-" Elsa quickly avoided, for the robot had launched at full speed against her, hitting the ground where she was with both fists with enough power to fill the cement super concentrated cracks.

"Miss Mayoress, it isnt with you that I want to fight! I am looking for new heroes! Heroes of our times, no old ones who should be in an asylum!" Destructron laughed as he grabbed one of the nearby chairs and crushed it between his hands until he got something like a ball.

"I was going to let you work to see who created you, dude... but now? You called me old in my fucking face, I'm thinking of turning you into a fucking fryer!" Elsa leapt forward, launching a thrust with her halberd directly at Destructron.

The robot tried to block it with his arms crossed while smiling... but the blow was so powerful and precise that it pierced the shell of his arms.

"Wow They have spoken badly about you! I know that all GUN is full of old dicks like that dragon, but it seems that Elsa and Hannah are really true heroes! But even so... I have no interest in fighting against you I must fight against a new generation of heroes! It is time for the future to begin to shine on its own!"
Destructron nailed both hands on the concrete tiles, confusing Elsa for a second before understanding his plans.

Elsa wouldnt have had any problem dodging an attack below so obvious, but from the crowd a voice emerged.

"Be careful, madam mayor!" Elsa watched as a human girl dressed in a full-body black lycra suit covered in blue-ray patterns pushed her aside. The girl hit the ground with her own fist, breaking the tile and destroying the fist with which Destructron intended to launch his surprise attack.

The girl looked up at the robot, while Destructron retracted his shattered fists. "Then the rumors were true... a new heroine was living in this neighborhood!"

"You must be the robot that was attacking people and merchants at night!" The girl pointed to Destructron, while repositioning her mask (also in the form of lightning) with one hand. "I almost do not have time to prepare myself, but I'm not going to let you out of here alive, evildoer!" Destructron was placed like a boxer, while the girl ran towards him.

"MY NAME IS MISS RADICAL! AND I WILL NOT LET ANYONE CAUSE EVIL IN MY CITY!" Jumping with great force, the girl accumulated fire and electricity in her right fist, hitting it directly against the head of Destructron that did not have time to react and ripped it off. "SOL WAVE!"

The stunned look of everyone present changed quickly from the young heroine to Hannah, who shook her head to have no involvement with the girl.
"Nothing bad, nothing bad! We'll see each other again, Miss Radical, but tonight I must retire! My search for new heroes should not stop today!" Destructron shouted without a head, dematerialized without Miss Radical could do anything.


The heroine walked slowly towards the remains of Destructron's head, picking them up and examining them for a few seconds until she noticed Elsa approaching from behind. "Girl, I have no idea who you are, but all this has been completely unnecessary-"

"Dont thank me, madam mayor!" The heroine said half trembling with nerves, evidencing that she had not heard a word from Elsa. "I must take these remains with me to examine them, but I promise that I will return them to GUN when I finish them off!" Miss Radical moved away from Elsa before she could grab it, jumping to the balconies of the nearby buildings and scaled them with great ease.

The heroine stopped at the top of the building, turning towards the crowd and after a few seconds (still trembling) clarified the voice, preparing to speak.


"Inhabitants of New Bahia! In a world where anyone can master magic, aura or other forms of energy,

we are still not safe from evil beings like Destructron!

But you must not fear anything, because once again the heroes return to protect you!

My name is Miss Radical and I swear to protect Bahia from every villain that threatens the safety of our beautiful city!"


The heroine, breathing to catch her breath, ran up the top of the buildings, away from the place.

Nobody, nobody, nobody among all the crowd understood what had just happened. But for Dalia there were five things that were clear:

1 - That girl had huuuuge boobs and a great ass.

2 - That girl had been named herself a hero.

3 - Dalia wanted, needed to meet her in person and make her fall in love!

4 - That evil robot wanted to find new heroes.

5 and more important - DALIA WANTED TO BE A HERO.



End Notes:




Conclusions of the first day:

(Day 43 of Full Solar Era)

BEST DAY OF MY LIFE! First they tell me that I'm going to measure 60 feet! Then I spend the day enrolling in a lot of cool sites for giants exclusive. Later I have a special dinner of burguers and mini-pizzas and finally I not only see a fight between a bodybuilder robot and a heroine...

BUT THE HEROIN IS A WET DREAM! HOW HAS IT BEEN ABLE TO PUT ON A LYCRA COSTUME WITH TITS LIKE THAT?! They will be smaller than mine, but ufff! How she move them! And that ass? My God!

Everything I like has been put together! Heroes, sexy girls and... I start to sound like a pervert. I should stop... yep, I'll leave it for when I make her fall out of love in my arms ;)



Day 1 growth:

 No change, growth is expected in the next hours.




Dalia's growth Journal, Entry 1.5: A good entrance to the scene makes the difference by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:




Office of the mayor of New Bahia 

08:00 in the morning,day 44 of Full Solar Era

The town councilors were sitting around Elsa's table, nervous as they waited for the GUN chief to return. Mayor Elsa was sitting with her back to the table, looking out the window at her city while she consulted social networks.

#Who is the mysterious heroine who has saved the mayor?

#We are facing the best advertising campaign in a city in history?

#Miss Radical fan club <3 <3

#Is Destructron the most dangerous villain that the fiery alliance has faced?


Each social web that Elsa passed confirmed even more that it had done well to convene this emergency meeting. "Gentlemen, I want the face of this supposed heroine in all the streets of Bahia, I want everyone to know that I offer a reward for her! I will not let her go unnoticed in my own city!"

All the councilors trembled, not knowing what to do. Elsa's order was beyond anything anyone expected... and it was only going to get worse.Zoe walked as fast as her skirt and heels allowed her to the office, standing in front of Elsa's table.

"I hope you bring me her identity, her family, where she live, where she work... I WANT TO KNOW WHO SHE IS!" Elsa screamed as she turned around in the chair, hitting the table with both fists. (reaching the point of cracking it)

"Well, this isnt going to be easy..." Zoe scratched her neck, looking away. "The mask that Lady... Miss? Radical girl wears seems to be made to prevent facial recognition from functioning... apparently-"

"I dont care how is done or how it works! Call the newspapers! Put more agents in the streets! I want to control her! I want photos of her! I will not let anyone humiliate me in my own city and go unpunished!" Elsa stood up suddenly, throwing her chair to the ground while looking at all her councilors.

"Elsa is enough, this role doesnt fit you!" Zoe tried to defend herself, but Elsa's eyes managed to freeze the blood that, like Lich, she didnt have.

The councilors began to talk to each other, some proposing to organize a censorship for Elsa. The situation in the office was completely on the verge of overflowing, but a miracle was enough for everything to relax.

A miracle with name and surname.

The door of the office opened slowly, while Vagrand entered slowly, leaning on the crutch that after so many years dragged with him.

"You want photos of spiderman and you'll have them, mayor! I'll put my best man in the case, a kid named Peter Parker!" Vagrand couldnt help but joke while everyone in the room turned to him.

Three councilors ran out to help him, offering him a chair to sit on while two others removed his jacket and crutch from the middle.

"Former Mayor Vagrand... Why didnt you tell me you were coming in? I would have sent a limousine for you!" Elsa relaxed suddenly, walking towards the bar cabinet. "You want to try a whiskey that the covenant boys have been sent? It's a traditional Iloa recipe from the mountains"

"Getting a poor old man like me drunk, Elsa? How low have you been!" Vagrand laughed while the atmosphere in the room relaxed. "Your subordinates should know that you really are not angry or anything, you know, you've always been too good an actress for these things!"

"Ahh... Did all of you really think I'm angry? Zoe, Alanis! You know me for a long time! Seriously, so evil looking?" Everyone in the room nodded to the unisolo, causing a laugh that Vagrand enjoyed a lot.

"Oh... sorry guys, but it was just a game... Hannah told me that if we were going to face this issue of the heroine and the bodybuilder robot, it should look like the controlling mayor who is obsessed with revealing the identity of the hero!

I really want to know who that Miss Radical is, but I'm not going to make you focus all of your efforts on this! Go to your jobs and relax, I have my best trusted men in the case!"

The councilors breathed a sigh of relief as they emptied the office to leave Vagrand and Elsa alone. "I'm such a good actress, I know where I should look for work when they get fed up with me in Bahia!" Elsa laughed as she poured two glasses of whiskey for herself and Vagrand.

"You are a mayor who will live forever, who can deal with all the affairs of the city without disheveled and who listens to Democrats and Republicans alike! Who would like to kick you out, pretty?" Vagrand took his drink, raising it in a makeshift toast by Bahia before sipping it. "Ahhh, this is glory! My son's wife doesnt let me drink almost any alcohol! Only red wine during dinner!"

"Of course not! They want you to live as long as possible! You've met your grandchildren but you're sure you'll still be able to meet your great-grandchildren!" Elsa joked as she dragged her chair to sit next to Vagrand.

"I've lived too long! Ritchey must be tired of waiting for me on the other side! Also, I have nothing to regret! I've seen my grandchildren graduate and even my oldest granddaughter get married... I've seen New Bahia become a dream city... I know that for you who dont age should be strange, Elsa, but I'm really starting to feel that I've seen everything I had to see!

I have left the seeds of the future planted in you, and I know that you will make my city shine with strength in the sky..."

"There are times I've thought about it, but whenever I do, I come to the same conclusion. I dont intend to die if it's not with Hannah, and that's still a lot of time! I'm sorry I never see Chris again... or father... or Ritchey and at some point to you, Vagrand... but still many who need me here! And now I have a lot more work with that Miss Radical!"

"I was just coming to see how you were going to focus on the situation!" Vagrand said as he waved his glass, waiting for Elsa to fill it up.

"I've been talking to Hannah all night, and I think it's a good time to take advantage of this! You're very old and memory doesnt forgive-" Vagrand grimaced, forcing Elsa to apologize. "Do you remember what Dc and Marvel was?"

"My daughter, both sound to me in the name of a storm elf..." Elsa had to stifle her laught to avoid choking on the whiskey that ran down her throat.

"That's a very good description! But no, Dc and Marvel were companies focused on the universe of comics and other audiovisual works; mainly focused on the theme of supeheroes; both born on Earth, and unfortunately and as the technologies advanced here in Novaterrae, both ended up disappearing. 

Part of the main writers of Dc and Marvel joined and formed a subdivision within Disney called California spirit"

"Those are the ones that make me the series that my grandchildren love so much! A very crazy thing about a girl who jumps forward and back in time! See how they take advantage of the fact that California no longer existed to use her name! Nobody say anything!"

"Although the genre of stories of superheroes have many years of down cape, I contacted the few members of the original team that are still alive and I talked about the situation of Miss Radical with them"

"And what did they tell you?" Vagrand was feigning interest as best he could, since he had been lost in the conversation for some time. (specifically, after the word California)

"They have bequeathed their will to resurrect the world of superheroes, and we have also agreed that they sell me original scripts of when Dc and Marvel still existed. It will be difficult, but I am seeing a golden opportunity to create the greatest possible claim for Bahia!"

"Thinking to use the claim of the superheroes to attract people to Bahia? Girl, you are so smart, of that there is no doubt!"

"Besides, I know my daughter well, and I know she will be looking for that Miss Radical right now to become a heroine too! I just hope that my best men can find her before Dalia does... I dont want her to get in nothing dangerous while with the aura down for her third growth "Elsa sighed, taking the opportunity to check her phone.

"Fee and Jack?" Vagrand asked, squinting.

"Jack, Fiona and Fee, the first two because they work directly for me, and since I still dont understand the position that Fee occupies in the town hall, nothing happens if I send her to do the dirty work!"

"Elsa... do you think they'll be doing their job?" Vagrand sighed, knowing the answer.

"This time I have them checked, I have their phones controlled on the GPS, and I know if they stop at a bar or something! Right now, as I see, Fiona is in the harbor, Fee is near the university district and Jack is in his house, but since he is computer, I do not think anything will happen!" The confidence Elsa had in her team was so full and gleaming that Vagrand found it hard to look directly at her.

"And why do you want the original scripts of those companies?" Vagrand tried to divert the subject of Jack and Fiona from his mind, those two vagrants who received a very high salary from Elsa without practically doing anything.

"I have other experts-" Vagrand's gaze was enough to cut Elsa. "Hannah says she is going to set up her own franchise of super heroes using the best of Dc and Marvel, so she, Flynn and Calia are now gathering the most important points before they start writing...

Forgive the question, Vagrand, but how have you remembered Spiderman and the newspaper and not Marvel?"

"To be fair, it was my son who brought me by car who reminded me of Spiderman while we were talking about Miss Radical, and for some reason I have the scene of Peter Parker giving pictures of spiderman to his boss in the newspaper and laughing at the poor kid! Ahhhhhh... Age doesnt forgive, Elsa...

with time you end up forgetting things that you wouldnt want to forget and you only have stupid memories like that..."

Elsa stuffed both glasses with whiskey for the last time, lifting hers in the air. "For the age!"


Vagrand laughed in silence, taking his glass and clashing it with Elsa's. "For the age, and for Bahia! And Elsa, can you promise me something?

Make sure I dont have a burial Iloa! I've seen how the Bind-souls priests handle and feed their rituals with the soul of humans and Iloas and it'snt a destiny that I want to live!"

"I promise you, old friend, you can take it for granted"







12:30 in the morning


It was a bright and sunny day in Bahia, and people kept talking about Miss Radical and her performance last night. Dozens of testimonies began to come to the light of people who claimed to have been saved by the mysterious heroine, and at the same time dozens of theories of their origin and the magnitude of their abilities spread throughout the city.

From how strong she was to achieve what the same Jolbirth, guardian of New Bahia had been unable, to if she was a clone of Hannah Reyes, because the techniques of the "Sun" had been the characteristic movement of the giantess in many battles before. It was clear that Miss Radical was going to have a lot to talk about, and Mirabelle had already experienced it during the return home.

Dozens of neighbors and friends stopped the advance of the Jabberwock back home after the morning purchase, asking for any information that she could have heard from GUN. Although Mira had abandoned GUN when she became pregnant, people still considered her the protector of the neighborhood.




The Jabberwock opened the door of her house, throwing her shoes aside as she entered the living room-kitchen, leaving the shopping bags at the bar before speaking to her husband. (without bothering to even turn around)

"I'm going one by one... Fiona, what are you doing here?" Mirabelle said as she sat on her stool. (one reinforced to hold all the extra weight of the jabberwock)

Fiona turned her chair around with Jack, who was still working so calmly. "Elsa has asked me to look for a girl, so I let Jack find her with the security cameras while we see the last chapter of "Spring emotions", did you have time to see it last night? To stop the video or not, I ask"

Mirabelle sighed, while one of her tentacles opened the fridge to grab a can of beer. A very necessary considering the situation. "No, I have it pending... I'm going to move on to the next one... Fee, what the hell are you doing here?"

"Elsa has commissioned me exactly the same, so as I have a terrible allergy to work and sunlight, I have decided to put all my hope in Jack! Also, Elsa cant go to charge on me all she want just because she has no idea where my salary comes from! I have an honor as an enemy of the physical effort to maintain!" Fee defended himself from his position, floating in the middle of the mini-pool in which Jackie and Alice entertained themselves playing with their cousin Dalia.

"...Dalia, I'm glad to see you now that you still fit in our house, but you shouldnt be in high school or have they given you a vacation yet?"

"Nope aunt Mirabelle! I'm on vacation, and as I want, or rather I need to locate the identity of Miss Radical, I thought that Uncle Jack would be the best option and so I take the opportunity to play a little with the most adorable cousins r03;r03;in the world!" Dalia hugged the twins, who enjoyed splashing in the pool.

Pool that was in the middle of the Salon and nobody seemed to explain why.

Mirabelle sighed exhausted by the heat and the lack of logic in the situation, walking through the living room to be next to her husband. "Jack, my love, can you explain to me why is the fucking pool swollen and full of water in the middle of the living room? Because if you cant, I'm going-" Mirabelle used her tentacles to lift a container where there were 3 mobiles plugged into one. small electronic box.

"No no! That's for Elsa to believe we're working!" Jack stood up suddenly, trying to take his wife's bowl without much success. The enormous size of Mirabelle again gave her an advantage in the marriage. "Jackie and Alice were sweating a lot, and as I had to monitor the computer so that the program I use to analyze all the security recordings of Bahia doesnt stop, I thought it was easier to let them play in the pool inside the house that was with the sun burning them!"

"Jack... you're a jerk, period and end" Mirabelle sighed, leaving the bowl back on the table and carrying the empty jar of lemonade to fill it. "You're excited to grow, Dalia? 60 feet is a big difference with your current 15! And to think that four days ago you were a little pink ball full of love! I dont even want to think when the twins are older..."

"I'm excited, but now I have something even more important than growing up!" Dalia said as she rose from the floor, leaving the twins to charge Fee before joining Mirabelle at the kitchen counter. "I plan to become a hero and fall in love with Miss Radical before reaching 60 feet!"

Mirabelle instantly left the jug in the marble, turning to Dalia. "Honey, if I understood your mother right now, you are without aura, right?"

"Dont even think about saying that like my mother! With or without aura, I am Dalia Reyes Wood, I dont intend to stop at anything!"

Dalia hit her chest with her fist, while her C-com whistled to indicate it was time for her next pill. "Do you give me a glass of water, please? I'm trying to swallow my sideburns with nothing, but it's hard for me!" Mirabelle did not let her finish, filling a glass with water while with her tentacles and her tail she continued to squeeze lemons. "Thank you-"

Jack suddenly got up from the chair, scaring everyone. "Shut up a moment! I think I finally have the answer!" Turning on his phone, Jack marked the second most used number in his calendar. "Bolt? I'm going to give you a face, can you compare it with the database of inhabitants under 25 years of Bahia? And dont tell me that this doesnt  exist because you and I know that yes"

"Jack, I'm about to get promoted to the army command of the fiery alliance, if they find out that I've done something as reckless with an outsider like you, they could-"

Jack signaled to everyone, indicating that it was time. "Please, Bolt!" Everyone but mirabelle said at once, and after that Jack quickly dropped to his knees by the pool, placing the phone between his twins.Jackie and Alice looked at each other confused, babbling and laughing at their father's face.

"That's not fair... I cant resist my nephews... the rest of those bastards dont care... But my three cute little nephews..." Bolt sighed, turning on her computer. "Pass me the image, but in exchange I want to take the twins and Mirabelle to the new water park they have opened in Capital City!"

"And me?"

"Not to you." Bolt hung up the phone, letting Jack send the image silently, completely defeated by the harpy.

Mirabelle smiled at her husband from the bar, while letting her appendices finish preparing the lemonade. They spent long 7 minutes and 41 seconds in silence until Bolt called again.

"Rebecca Runners, human half-breed daughter of an extrahuman nephalem and a forest Iloa, 19 years old and a high school student at the private academy "Sea mirror",specialized in preparing future lawyers.

The rest of the data is private and I cant access without a city order, I can ask who is this girl?"

Jack approached the phone, trying to put on his best non-angry voice. "You havent been attentive to the news from Bahia this morning, have you?"

"I've already told you, I'm preparing the interview for the position of commander! I've been in the capital city for 3 days! If you even helped me find an apartment-"

"I dont need to listen to you anymore, you bastard who does not want to take me to the water park, we'll talk later, goodbye!" Throwing the phone to the sofa, the hacker leaned back in his chair. "We have a name and a part of her identity, how do we continue? I search for a way to sneak into the computer of the "Sea mirror" or something like that?"

Dalia got up from the stool, while pointing all the data on her phone.
"I can take care of finding her from here, I have my contacts in this city! Not in vain... the names of Elsa, Hannah and Sarah Reyes can open many doors! Aunt Fiona, aunt Fee, can you wait a little longer? Find her and talk to her.

I'll give you the information later so you can give it to my mother, okay?"

"Are you telling me you're stopping me from continuing to work, little bastard?" Fee asked while flying away from the pool. (while Jackie and Alice waved their little hands trying to recover the fairy)

Dalia nodded as Fee perched on the kitchen counter and sipped at Mirabelle's beer. "I thought so! Go walk and take as long as possible!"

Dalia nodded and after saying goodbye to everyone left the floor, leaving the group alone. Mirabelle took the jar of Lemonade and after removing two bottles for the twins, she throw the rest of the beer inside. "Well, let's see the episode of Spring Emotions! I really want to see if Rachel finally confesses that she was born as a man to her fiancé or not!"





Alleys of the port of New Bahia.

16:00 in the afternoon.


Rebecca stood for the fourth time in the corner of the alley, watching as the main street was still full. Today some kind of sporting event was held in the arcade center of Bahia, so no matter how much she hated it, it was logical that everyone was enjoying the streets.

"I could call dad... no, it would be very suspicious if suddenly I dont want to go home walking! Papa could suspect, and I cant put at risk my nightly operations... Think Rebecca, think!" The half-breed sat on the floor behind a container, covering her head with her hands while trying to think.

(Truly hard thing considering the sound of so many people gathered, the sound of the songs playing at full volume through the speakers and others that flooded the main street of the port)

"If I came to know how complicated it would be to move around the bay, I would have brought the suit in my backpack..." And it had certainly been difficult, because from the moment Rebecca set foot outside of the academy she could already dazzle Thanks to his improved vision, many more GUN agents on the streets than usual.


Saving the mayor and receiving thanks from her had not only given Rebecca the kind of publicity that Miss Radical was so eager to get, but that she had put her image and speech on everyone's lips in the city, for the good and for the bad.

The mere fact that GUN had not shown up during the extracurricular classes to imprison her meant that the mask that so much money she had invested worked correctly... if only she had brought the suit...

"It's very risky ... but what's the other solution? There are only two exits for this alley and both give to the crowd... I cant risk it, not now that I'm so close to being an true hero!" Rebecca stood up from the floor, wiping the back of her jeans before wiping her hands with sweat.

After one last check, the half-breed stuck to the opposite wall, and after counting to three, she launched herself with all her strength towards the other wall.

Resting her feet on it and with a quick turn, Rebecca started jumping between the two walls, gaining height until she managed to climb one of the roofs of the buildings.

"Ufff! That walljump hasnt been bad!" Rebecca said as she leaned against the building's chimney, recovering the air. "I need to find a way to scale flat walls like that... there will not always be two buildings close together or a facade with balconies to be able to climb in! Miss Radical cant get stuck in when a building is relatively flat!" The half-breed laughed to herself, before set off again on her way to her family's apartment.

Hopefully, her mother will not have arrived home yet and the window of Rebecca's room will remain open for her.




The building where his family lived was located on a side street next to the Ritchey Lips square, the main square of the port district. In these streets is where Rebecca had lived all her life, where she had learned to trust in justice and where her dream of becoming a hero at the height of the founders of Bahia had been formed.

The building was completely quiet, which greatly pleased Rebecca. Peering at the edge of the building he had come from, the half-breed measured the distance to the window of his room.


"25 meters, and if I fall to the ground... there arent many people in the street, but with the rumble that would be sure that those who are in the bar go out to look... but to fall to the street from here is even more- nope, I need jump" Rebecca leaned on the floor with one knee, checking the laces of her sneakers.


The last time I had tried a jump of such magnitude without making sure, she had ended up stamping on the edge of the building, destroying part of the safety wall and having to run leaving her shoes behind so that no one would catch her.

Leaning against the opposite side of the roof, Rebecca looked at her window. She was as nervous as she had been the night before, and it was in these moments that the song she always carried with her calmed her nerves and set the inextinguishable flame of her heart.

"There's no time to question my moves, I'll stick to the path I've chosen, I'll do it right, and you'll never run away from a fight!

Being a hero is my dream, and all I'm going to do is believe!

I have my chance to win, and I'm on my way to victory to achieve! I believe in me and a hero I will be!

I am Miss Radical and the whole world will see! I'm going to be a hero because all I have to do is believe in me!"

Rebecca's grandmother never told her where the song came from, but she was always her point of support, so Rebecca decided to turn her song into her main theme. (Every hero needs his theme!)


Rebecca started running at full speed, waiting for the last second to jump. With all the speed that she had reached, the distance between both buildings was fading. Preparing for the landing, Rebecca went through the open window of her room, prowling the floor of the room until she was lying faceup on the floor. "That was incredible! Not as much as showing my Sol wave to Hannah herself but almost!"

Rebecca got up quickly, hoping her older brother was not home. After a few seconds waiting for some noise, the half-breed turned to her body mirror, checking that there was no wound. Truth be told, Rebecca felt quite attractive, maybe a little too plump for her liking and for the lycra suit, but at least she had the fat in the right places! Not like the giantess sitting on her bed... wait a moment...

Rebecca turned suddenly, hyperventilating and falling from her ass to the floor, her hair dyed light blue falling all over her.

"What the hell?!"

A giantess in what must have been the grayest and ugliest tracksuit in history was sitting on her bed staring at her, one hand resting on the bed and the other placed on her chin. The giantess was quite attractive, and much, much more plump than her. But it fills up to a level that should be considered too erotic for daily life.

"10 points for your entry! It has been much more incredible than I expected!" The giantess applauded as she continued to look at Rebecca, the bed of the half-breed crunching under her weight.

"Who are you ?! What are you doing in my room? I'm going to call GUN!" Rebecca defended herself as she grabbed her phone from her backpack, trembling at the real possibility that GUN would come.

"I wouldnt do that! Not if you dont want them to find this..." The giantess smiled as she unbuttoned her tracksuit jacket, revealing her generous cleavage and pulling out Miss Radical's mask. "I have to admit that your room is beautiful, Miss Radical, or do you prefer to be called Radical?"

Being completely cornered, Rebecca decided that there was only one thing to do. Jump on the offensive. Taking a momentum faster than the giantess could even think, Rebecca threw herself at her, landing on top of her as they both fell to the bed. "I cant allow it!" Sol Wave-"

Rebecca raised her right fist, but the giantess caught it under her own hand and vanished the Sun Wave. "But... what? How ?!"

"I may not be able to use my aura right now, but I know the technique of my mothers perfectly! You specifically used the Sol wave of aunt Valeria and my mom, did you know?" The giantess used her much more superior strength to immobilize Rebecca, rolling over the bed that kept grinding until she had the Half-breed under her.

"Drop me-" Rebecca could not keep talking or struggling, for Dalia dropped gently on her. The weight of the giantess was enormous, but the heat was greater. Dalia looked at the half-breed for a few seconds, her cheeks completely flushed.

"I know it's a bit late to say this... But my name is Dalia Reyes Wood, and since I saw you last night... baby, you're pure dynamite" Dalia next her forehead with Rebecca's, both silently without daring to break the moment.
Rebecca was completely confused, but at almost historical levels.

First the giantess appears in her room for no reason or as, after it takes out of her neckline the mask that so many birthday payments had cost Rebecca save, and after that stops the Sun wave without problem ... And now this?

Being totally sincere, Rebecca already had practice on these situations either with human boys, extrahuman girls, Iloas of both genders and once during the third cycle solar holidays with an orc that was studying exchange.

She wasnt a perverted girl or anything like that, it was just that Rebecca tended to fall in love easily with those who, thanks to the strength inherited from her mother, could dominate. But this one was completely different.

The giantess was completely relentless, and if we put together the attractiveness of her attributes with her unparalleled size, Rebecca was completely enclosed and hot. But there was a problem.

It was Rebecca that should be on top! The half-breed had never been nor had it wanted to be the dominated part and this was no different! If she could turn around the giantess, surely they both had a good time... but being her the beta never!-

Hannah separated her foreheads, getting even closer to Rebecca. The half-breed knew exactly what was coming, and as much as she wanted to be the one to take the step, lifting the giantess wasnt an option.

Hannah hooked her lips with Rebecca's, beginning with a soft first kiss that Rebecca did not protest much. Although Dalia was having her first time, the whole process was not unknown to her... of course she know it.

(too many erotic stories seen at night in your C-com? It's possible)


The tongue of the giantess began its way to the smallest mouth of the half-breed, finding both in a shy touch. Rebecca decided to take advantage of that although Hannah's tongue was much bigger, she seemed to be completely new, beginning to force her to withdraw and fight inside Hannah's mouth.

Hannah started to get scared, thinking that Rebecca was trying to run away from the situation. With a little fear inside her, Hannah parted her lips and got up a little. "Is that-"

Nor finish the sentence Hannah could, when both arms of Rebecca pulled her neck back to her. Rebecca was still down, but this time she controlled the situation.

"Do not talk to me again without my permission, we are... You have made me very horny, and I am going to charge my debt, robber of rooms"

Hannah nodded, deciding that if she couldnt be the top in the first instance she should let herself go and wait for her moment.


The biggest erotic fight in the history of Bahia was about to begin.

End Notes:




Growth Journal, Day 2 - Oart 1.

I'm writing this while Rebecca has not yet reached her house, so I do not know how everything ends. I must admit that I am a true genius! Go to the academy and ask for Rebecca's address using a false order from my mother, and then ask the concierge to open the door of Rebecca's apartment using a fake GUN order! (provided by Jack, obviously)


My grandmother Calia always says that one should make the best possible entry, so this is my masterpiece in terms of entry! And so that I do not forget, I'm right now checking your underwear drawers, and according to these bras our little Miss Radical is a cup HH mean what it means...

I admit that it's ugly not knowing the codes of human underwear, but when you're a giantess and your underwear is made to measure it's... it's... Damn, I have no reason to know how numeration works!...

In my defense, my mom Hannah and my sister do not know how it works either, and we had a terrible time when we bought clothes for my mother Elsa for CA-mazon.

Dalia's growth Journal, Entry 2: Different types of battles, same dreams to cling to by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:



(Important notice: This has been my first time, my big moment, my... I cant think of any other simile, I'm still too wet to think, but you get the idea.

I'm going to describe it in great detail, but for security reasons (I'm not going to suspend) I'm going to try to avoid the keyword as much as possible. I'm a genius of the narrative, so I doubt you have any problem!

But just so you have it clear, Rebecca said the keyword a lot, a lot more than it seems)







Same room, same hot time

- SLAP! -

"Auuuhhh! What's up that?!" Dalia moaned, rubbing her flushed cheek with the back of her hand while Rebecca caught her chin with one hand and forced her to look at her.

"Shhhh, I told you not touch below! Focus on my pleasure center and dont make me punish you anymore, my pretty giantess!" Rebecca raised her right naked leg and placed it back on Dalia's left shoulder, caressing the lobe of the teenage giantess with two of her fingers. Dalia tried to stay angry, but the tickling was too intense.

"Enough! Enough, Becca!" Dalia said between giggles, while trying to free her hands from the belts that had her tied.


"Miss, you enter my room without my permission, you attack me not once but twice and pretend that I am benevolent? Dont be a gullible!" Rebecca leaned forward, lowering her hands and grabbing one of the nipples of the giantess. Dalia bit her lip, stifling a moan. "If you want me to stop, you'll have to give your lady something in return, you know?"

Dalia looked at the half-breed, smiling mischievously (still trying not to moan loudly) and approaching her crotch. Rebecca smiled proudly when the giantess had understood what her current job was, opening her legs again and letting the giantess dive again.

Dalia's tongue found its way back to Rebecca's treasure, returning to the work she had left a few minutes ago. Dalia was a complete novice on the subject of sex, but that didnt mean anything.

The giantess had enough motivation and perversion prepared for a girl as incredible as Rebecca.

"Ohhh... I like that! deeper, deeper, miss giantess..." Rebecca threw her head back, while with one hand she grabbed Dalia's head. The giantess took advantage of her extra size to explore as far as she was able to go, although deep down the goal was to take advantage while something like giving oral sex was possible without needing to be careful.

(Dalia had spent a lot of time investigating how the female sex worked between giantess and human, even unlawfully downloading a video of her mother Elsa explaining the role of the little one in the bed of a giantess)

"Yes, stronger, dont stop!" The great language of Dalia was still digging in the depths of Rebecca like no other language had ever done. The half-breed was increasingly delighted with the giantess, although she had no idea what it was called. (Rebecca was almost certain that she had mentioned her name... but the half-breed was up with adrenaline because of the fright and after that it was too hot to pay attention)

"As you wish!" Dalia was delighted with the compliments, sinking further between her legs until she was completely attached to Rebecca. The half-breed was completely ecstatic, beginning to tremble legs.


"Ahhhh ah ah ah AH! Faster, faster, FASTER, STRONGER!" Rebecca bent forward, holding both hands to the head of the giantess to the point of pulling her hair. Dalia endured the pain for a few seconds, licking as deep as she could until the nectar fell on her tongue accompanied by a beautiful melody that so many times the giantess had heard thanks to the ineptitude of their mothers at the time of closing the door.

"YES!! AHHHHHHHHHH.... aaaaaaahhhh... ah ah ah... miss... you are a newbie with a lot of future in this... you know?"

Rebecca fell on her bed, totally exhausted and oblivious to the movements of the giantess. Rebecca was delighted with the assailant giantess, and when she try to get up to praise her sweet giantess, she found a view that would easily fit into her top 10 images.

Two huge round fleshy moons stood in front of his bed, with a "little" clean little hole and below it a pink crack completely flooded between them. Two huge thighs descended beneath the wiggling moons, ending in two large legs that tucked under Rebecca's bed.

"Fist" said the giantess, almost pleading in whispers.

"Fist?" said the half-breed, looking at her hand in slight confusion.

"Fist! Please, I cant take it anymore!" The giantess shook her hips even more, spreading a sweet scent all over Rebecca's room and dripping even more on the carpet.

"But..." Rebecca was caught in a moment of cloudiness, while her mind kept thinking that if he put his fist it would hurt her a lot. As Rebecca's father used to say, she had left just like her mother, with her same huge hands made to punch. (And although Rebecca was tall like all nephalem, standing at 6.9 feet tall, it was true that her hands were really problematic when it came to buying bracelets or gloves)

"But nothing! Get your fist in! Please! I've never been so hot!" Dalia this time no longer whispered, saying it aloud while bringing her glorious ass to the half-breed.

After replacing the ribbon of the eyes of the giantess (It wasnt a true ribbon...  to be honest what covered the eyes of the giantess was nothing more than a nylon pants that Rebecca used to wear when it came to running)

Rebecca was about to refuse, but the closeness with that ass and the constant pleading of the giantess was more than enough. If she asked so much, Rebecca was willing to give it to him.

The half-breed took a deep breath as he placed her fist just outside the sweet cave, hallucinating with the heat it gave off. Rebecca didnt know if it was because she is a giantess, if it was for all the previous game and the little work of sadomasochism that she had used or why, but one thing was more than clear.

The giantess longed for relief.

"Ahh! Deeper!" Dahlia screamed as Rebecca clenched her fist slowly. The half-breed step forward with fear to hallucinate this time by the size of the sinful cave of the giantess. There was plenty of room for her to move her hand almost freely... and so much that she was going to take it.

"You like it?" Rebecca let herself fall on Dalia's huge buttocks, nibbling at the soft, hot flesh as she turned her fist, caressing and gently pinching the inside of the giantess. This was one of those experiences that Rebecca wanted to repeat some time again.

(Along with her brief relationship with his classmate Iloa from the desert... that guy knew how to take advantage of his small size, that's for sure)

"Yes! Go on! More!" Gemia Dalia, while from her position on all fours and with her hands tied, she tried for all her strength to reach her needy breasts. Never before the giantess had felt the need to touch herself as much as now. (And... I think it's already clear, I'm pretty perverted)

Rebecca decided to experiment, sinking her other hand into the giantess. Dalia cried out in sheer ecstasy, while Rebecca's hands writhed inside her. "Bite me, whip me, do everything you want with my ass but for the love of Azure key, do something!" 

"If you're desperate, miss giantess! Just for this time, I'll let you give me orders!" Rebecca took out one of her hands, and after getting on her knees to get to the box she kept on the shelves above her bed, she pulled out her little Fred.

Small wasnt the right word... and less when we talk about a 12-inch dildo.

Rebecca usually didnt reach beyond the 10 inches... so the surprise of the half-breed was much higher when she found that even with her little Fred was able to fill Dalia. "Come on! Please! I'm almost there!" Dalia begged, while she enjoyed the vibration.


"Damn it, your pussy is too big! Dont leave me another option, miss giantess!" Rebecca threw Fred on the other side of her room, while she lay on her bed. The half-breed swear by her honor that the giantess was going to cum as never before, and after a few seconds pointing correctly, she took a deep breath.

"Three, two, one!" Rebecca shoved her foot into Dalia's vagina, causing another cry of pure pleasure on her part. The giantess began to tremble and get wet faster and faster, so Rebecca knew that this was the right procedure. Wagging her foot and kicking gently, Rebecca played slowly while. Even after such intense licking, her little pussy was still eager to participate.

"BECCA, I'M- AHHH!" Dalia tried to contain her voice as she could in such a futile attempt that Rebecca couldnt help responding with a laugh. The half-breed, without taking her hands off her own clitoris, used her other foot to look for the jewel in the crown of the giantess.

A few seconds later, she was slow to find the oversized and erect clitoris of the giantess, big enough to compare with her little toe. Rebecca decided to leave the comparisons for later, stroking the clitoris of the giantess with the big toe of her other foot.

"BECCA!" Hannah shouted this time without being able to contain herself as much as possible, while a gust of Giantes Hen covered Rebecca's ankles. (reaching almost to his knees)

Hannah couldnt hold on anymore, falling on the carpet with a noise so heavy that it made all the furniture in the bedroom tremble. Rebecca rose slowly, crouching next to Hannah, the giantess breathing deeply with her eyes closed.
Remembering her own first time, Rebecca decided to leave the giantess for a while to rest, passing over her (stopping a second to bend over and biting Hannah's right buttock) and heading to her bathroom.

It was quite small, with only a toilet and a shower, so that deducting that the giantess would be unable to enter, Rebecca left some wet towels next to the giantess when she woke up.



Dalia woke up noticing again the feeling of slow growth that she had noticed so much last week. Without even looking at what time it was, the giantess knew she needed to take the next pill to slow growth until it reached the maximum production of growth hormones possible.

After a second of confusion not remembering where he was, Dalia remembered all her plan to find Miss Radical.

And how Miss Radical had fucked her in every possible way of the word.
(and for some reason, only her ass hurt after all the wiggling)

"You are already awake? thank goodness, I had no idea what to do with you" Rebecca said from her sitting position in her chair in front of the desk. The half-breed had a kind of map of Bahia open on its laptop, and a half-eaten apple on the table.

"I have to say-" Dalia opened her eyes in sheer surprise when, without lowering her feet from under her ass, Rebecca turned to face her with a gun. A classic pistol, one brought from the Earth according to Dalia could recognize. "That has been... a wonderful first time..."


"I'm happy for you, now start blowing everything you know. Who you are, how you located me and/or why" Rebecca said, while still aiming at the giantess for a second she took a bite of the apple.


Dalia tried to get up, only to find her hands still tied. "... I've already told you who I am, my name is Dalia Reyes Wood, and I've come for two things, the first and most important I like you a lot! You're super cool and super sexy!

The second is because I want to be a hero like you, Miss Radical!" Dalia said without losing her smile, but with an attentive eye to any movement of the finger that held the trigger.

Rebecca remained pensive for a second, doubting how the hell she could have located her if she had bought the best possible security mask on the black market. All-of-All-Jacks had sworn it would be impossible for anyone to analyze and discover her identity! All this thought flowed for a few minutes, until Rebecca began to fall into what really matters.





Dalia Reyes Wood.


Rebecca had fucked and tied like a vulgar hostage to the fucking daughter of the mayor of New Bahia.

The face of the Half-breed began to experience an astral journey, going from flesh color, to blue color and falling until it was completely white. Rebecca dropped the gun, falling to the floor on her knees until she needed to support herself with her hands.

"I've fucked Elsa Reyes Wood's daughter... I'm dead..." And that's how one began her career as a Bahia hero... turning the mayor into her number one enemy.

"You're not dead! Not as long as I become a hero!" Dalia took advantage of Rebecca's moment of weakness as much as she could... I know what you're thinking.


Dalia you should be kinder, Dalia this has been your fault, blablablabla...

Do you know what? I didnt plan this outcome, but I intend to grab at the smallest opportunity no matter how small! I really NEED to be a hero!

And if for that I should take advantage of Rebecca's fear of being arrested for fucking the minor daughter of the mayor, well look! So it will have to be! I want to be a hero to not have this kind of behavior!

Where I was going? Ah! I already remember.



Rebecca looked up at the smiling giantess, mentally valuing the pros and cons of the situation... and after weighing all the data, the half-breed rose from the floor, picking up her gun and leaving it in a drawer of the desk. Rebecca sat back with her legs under her ass in her chair, looking at Dalia sighing.

"Listen Dalia ... I feel this a lot, okay? If I ever knew who you were, I would never have done all this-"

"Are you saying you havent enjoyed it?" Dalia put on her best victim's face, forcing Rebecca to look up quickly denying. "I gave you my first time because I'm in love with you! And because you save my mother last night! Ignore for a second who is my mother and focus on me! I... have been bad? I havent given you pleasure?" Dalia's lower lip was almost trembling, while tears appeared in the eyes of the giantess.

"No no no! Of course I've enjoyed it! And a lot! You've put yourself in my top 2 sexes without almost knowing what you're doing! That says a lot about how talented you are! What I say... damn..." Rebecca scratched the back of her neck, searching for words to continue. "I'm just saying that I would never have made you be a masoch in your first time!"

"That... it hasnt bothered me! I'll have another moment to be on top!" Dalia said smiling, relieving Rebecca.

"I doubt it, I'm the one on top!" Rebecca said laughing, as she approached Dalia to strap the belts of her wrists. "But this does not answer my two other questions, how have you located me, and why do you want to be a hero?! This isnt a game, you know? I dont pretend to be a hero, I'm going to be a hero for this city!

If you can not understand that, clean yourself with the towels behind you and walk away, pretend that nothing has happened and I will not look for you-" Rebecca pretended to stand firm and keep control of the situation as much as she could... but when the half -breed looked askance at the ground, it was obvious who was driving the reins.


"I dont want to take it as a game, I have my own dreams, you know, and being a hero is part of them! You shouldnt catalog the actions and dreams of other people based on what you believe!" Dalia pulled her legs out from under Rebecca's bed, kneeling in front of her. (Why on her knees? Mainly because even on her knees Dalia was taller than Rebecca sitting, but the other reason was to not hit her head against the ceiling)

Rebecca held the apple between her two hands, caressing the surface with her thumbs. After a lifetime looking for a way to fulfill her dreams of becoming a heroine worthy of Bahia, the half-breed had not stopped to think that there would be other people who would share the same dream as her... nowadays people only talk about tragic or comic heroes that starred in the movie or the video game... no stopping to think about the authentic heroes.

Dalia didnt look like a bad girl, and the fact that she managed to locate her even with the anti-facial recognition mask showed her determination. Rebecca leaned her head against the chair, closing her eyes while meditating.




"One of the most basic rules to be a hero is that you must maintain a iron determination and a will capable of facing the worst of situations with a smile... Grandma always talked about how the true heroes arent born, how they are made by their lived circumstances.

Dalia is firm in her words, and seems willing to achieve her goals no matter what I say. What should I do? What a true hero would do?



Rebecca tilted her head towards Dalia, watching the impatient giantess wait for an answer.

"Do you really want to be a hero?" The half-breed saw how Dalia did not wait to hear the whole sentence to agree. Something was clear, was a giantess or too confident or too brave... a crazy combination of both. "Then you must prove it, dress and follow me, understood?"

Rebecca got up from her chair, walking to her closet and pulling out what appeared to be a gym backpack from the back of the chair before leaving the room.Dalia pressed her fist proud of her achievement.

"Now there's only what Rebecca wants to do! The road to being a hero is before me!" The giantess said half singing of pure joy, while she dried her intimate parts with the provided towels.

Rebecca sat on the sofa in the dining room of the apartment, her hands resting on her knees and her head bowed. "If she really wants to be a hero... she should win it like I did... grandma... dont let me miss this, please"





Abandoned industrial warehose in the port district, 9:30 p.m.


"What are we doing here?" Dalia asked as she rolled up the best she could in her growth tracksuit. Although the summer season was just around the corner, the nights especially near the sea were still slightly cold.

This night concretely towards a lot of wind, so the cold thermal sensation was much greater.

"Wait a second, will you?" Rebecca continued to rummage in her gym backpack, until she pulled out a small electronic card similar to that of the shipyard workers. The half-breed approached the main door of the industrial warehouse, and after typing a password on the electronic panel, pass the card in front opening the door.

"You're going to have to duck as you can, I cant open the big doors right now" The half-breed turned on the warehouse lights from the electrical panel and went inside, leaving Dalia alone in the street.

"Look how kind... have to crawl through a door no bigger than a children's door... what the hell, sooner or later I'll finish better" Dalia sighed, looking both ways to make sure there was no one before sitting down on the floor and start trying to enter.

The only good thing about the matter? The growth track is very elastic and resistant... because otherwise it would already be broken. Dalia managed to stay on all fours inside what seemed to be the reception of the store, with her ass and her breasts aching to press them against the door frame. It was always a difficult time, but this time the giantess thought that she was going to end up tearing off the frame of how tight she was.

"Rebecca, where are you?" Dalia shouted, hoping there was nobody else in the store to listen to her ... or see her in a situation like this. The giantess, faced with the lack of response, decided to enter through the double doors that Rebecca had crossed into... 15 minutes away. Sigh...

Thanks to the goddess that the second doors were double, and after the relief of being able to pass without problems the surprise hit directly the giantess in the face. The warehouse is full of half-old furniture, slates with what appeared to be flat, a huge half-varnished meeting table... and on the wall further south what appeared to be a small training ground.

"It's not over yet, so I dont want to laugh, ok?" Rebecca shouted from the other side of the room, removing bottles of soda and empty fast food boxes from the floor.

"You have your own superhero refuge! That's really cool!" Dalia said while finally managing to stand up, looking up and judging by the height of the roof over 80 feet, it had to be one of the first warehouses built in New Bahia. "Where did you get the money to buy this site?"

"From no side, this is what my grandmother left me as an inheritance. My grandmother was in one of the first construction companies that started to build the foundations of the city, and according to the end of the contract, they let her keep one of the warehouses as payment for her services.

When I was little, I used to come with her to fix and clean this place, and when my grandmother died due to misfortune, I left this place in the inheritance. I've been collecting for several years as you see all the furniture that I see lying on the street or auctioning off the ones that lead to the landfill... it still doesnt seem incredible, but I hope that someday I will be able to convert this into my base of operations"

Rebecca threw all the trash down a conduit that led directly to the containers outside, before walking back with Dalia. "I didnt bring you to show off, you know? To the training camp, now!" The half-breed squealed, scaring Dalia and making her run while she got behind a makeshift dressing room with wooden plates.

Dalia, not knowing very well what to do, sat next to the wall, waiting patiently for Rebecca to leave... and what if she leave.

Dressed in her full Miss Radical costume, Rebecca walked to the training camp accompanied by Dalia's applause. The half-breed tried its best not to get carried away by the euphoria of the giantess, placing herself on the other side of the field. "Get up and prepare yourself... you're going to show me how much you want to be a hero"

Rebecca put herself in combat position, with both legs spread apart and her hands fully straight in front of her chest. "...agree!" Dalia...-




You know what? I'm going to confers it and I hope you enjoy it because you'rent going to see me do it anymore.

Maybe... I shouldnt have agreed to this! Happy? Let's continue with what my diary.




"Could you do me a favor? I cant use my aura right now because-" Dalia did not have time to finish the sentence, before Rebecca ran to her. The half-breed supported herself with both hands on the ground, jumping with all her might to fall on Dalia.

"SOL WAVE!" Rebecca with her two hands for the attack, attack that if Dalia had not spent her whole life watching her performance it would easily have been her end. The giantess caught Rebecca's hands between her two palms almost to the limit of the half-breed hitting her face.

"You havent let me finish!"

"Do you think they're going to let you finish your sentences? A hero doesnt stop at anything!" Rebecca took advantage of the strong grip of Dalia to swing forward, giving a direct kick to the nose of the giantess.

"Auuuhhh!" Dalia released Rebecca, who fell to the ground with a mortal back, rolling to a safe distance from Dalia.

The giantess was genuinely scared, without her aura to back her Rebecca was a danger easily matched to Hades himself. "You've pissed me off, you know? With aura or without it, you're finished!" Dalia ran forward with her right fist held high.

Rebecca was furious at Dalia's poor posture, dodging the giantess' left punch without any difficulty- CRASH!!!

Rebecca held her stomach with both hands, while she was thrown into the air by Dalia's kick. The giantess threw herself to the ground on her back, supporting herself with her neck and arms to raise her legs and give a second kick to Rebecca with enough force to throw her against the far wall.

The half-breed took a few seconds to react after falling to the ground, getting up while shaking his head. "How... how have you done that?"

Dalia jumped up, wiping the dust off her neck and positioning herself in a defensive position. "There's no time to be afraid! I thought to hold on to my dream of being a hero until the end! No one could stop Dalia Reyes Wood!"

Rebecca looked blinking at the giantess, while with one hand she wiped off the sweat. "Really... you want to be a hero, dont you?! Then come with everything! Fight for it! Nobody can ever dream of stop us! This city needs us!" Rebecca threw herself forward again, preparing a new Sol wave.

Both girls were completely convinced of their dreams, and both had found in the other a faithful companion to travel the road. Some say it's because the Dirty Lovers of Azure Key are the ones that mark the beginning of a new era... but this went far beyond that.

Dalia didnt want to mark a future for the fiery alliance, nor did Rebecca want to be a savior for this world. Nothing of that.

Both wanted recognition, fame, and the will to change the bad things they brought when one becomes a hero, an icon for others, an example to follow...

And surely both were going to achieve all that and more.




Hours later, mansion of the Reyes family.


"I'm already home!" Dalia leaned against the door, full of bruises and a half-bleeding wound on her forehead.

Hannah left the knife in the marble of the kitchen while she ran to receive her daughter, blood analysis kit in hand. "Finally, honey, you know we have to analyze your blood to check the level of hormones- OH MY GOD WHO HAS HAPPENED TO YOU?!"

"I've become a hero's apprentice!... and I forgot to take the pill- ahhhhhhhh..." Dalia fell to her knees in the hall, completely exhausted as Hannah ran to pick up her daughter. "Mommy, I took the first step... are you proud of me?"

"What nonsense you say! I'm always proud of you-" Dalia fell asleep almost instantly in her mother's arms. Hannah knew perfectly well why this ... and with the information that she had forgotten to take one of the pills was 100% sure knowledge. "My little girl... my lovely sun is starting to grow... I must clean your wounds before Elsa arrives! This will be... our little secret for now, okay?" Hannah said softly, going back to the kitchen to start healing her little daughter.




End Notes:




Growth Journal of Dalia, entry 2:

Dalia is asleep, so I'm just going to leave this here.

Maximum level of growth hormone achieved.

Beginning of the growth towards the 60 feet of height of Dalia... beginning!


Okay, that was really sad...




Dalia's growth Journal, Entry 2.5: Chase your dreams, and never stop by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:





"Come on Dalia! You can, my little bug!" Elsa hit her knees with both hands, trying to get the attention of the baby who sat in the middle of her blanket.

"Come on little sister! Get up!" Sarah said lying on the table, clapping her sister to cheer her up.

Elsa and Sarah sat surrounded by toys, stuffed animals, and anything that could get Dalia's attention. The couple was trying by all means that Dalia took her first steps along the path pre-established by both. (Path made of cushions and with walls of pillows on the sides so Dalia could not hurt herself)

Meanwhile, Hannah recorded the scene with her camera from an angle prepared by Elsa to record Dalia's first steps in the highest possible quality. The giantess smile (with some guilt inside) and wishing that her dear little daughter didnt give even the smallest attention to her sister and mother, keeping playing with her pacifier.

"You see, you cant force Dalia to walk!" Hannah laughed as Elsa and Sarah turned to her.

"We have to throw 4 days away from home, I will not leave before seeing my girl walk for the first time!" Elsa defended herself before her gigantic wife, turning very offended again towards Dalia.

Sarah turned around, rummaging through the bag she and her mother had previously prepared. "Come on Dalia, we have chocolate milk and the cookies you like!" But even with sweet Dalia seemed ready to move from his blanket, more focused on shaking the pacifier and see the noise that made the chain of it. "Mom, this isnt working!"


"I see it, darling... I see it..." Elsa stood up, passing by the side of her little giantess (just past the first growth of Sarah, also, placing it in some more than huge 5.7 feet tall) and walking towards her wife. "Hannah, I'll return your credit card from our wedding if you can make Dalia to start walking, okay?"

Hannah hesitated for a few seconds, alternating her gaze between Dalia and her wife. As a mother, she didnt want to force the smallest thing on her little girl, and the feeling of guilt about Hades's crime was too great...

On the other hand, that credit card would allow Hannah to buy the last unit still sealed from xenoblade chronicles... and Dalia deserved to know the xenoblade saga! "Okay, but I want the credit card in advance"

Elsa  teleported her bag, and after a few seconds the blonde threw the credit card at her wife's cleavage, basing her cleanly. "Do your magic, dear"

"Your wish is my command!" Hannah smiled as she got up to sit on the other side of the table, on the back of the baby who had now found more fun licking the buttons of her pajamas. Hannah waited a second for Dalia to look up to place her index finger in front of her.

Naturally, Dalia wanted whenever possible to be carried by her giantess mother, so before the image of Hannah's finger, the baby tried to grab him to climb it. Everything was fine until the moment when suddenly, Hannah's finger moved away!

Dalia had no idea what had happened, sitting on her blanket thinking. After a good 15 seconds, the baby decided to follow her mother's finger and get on it as planned.

"It's close... it's close..." Hannah waited at the last second, at the exact moment where Dalia sat on her legs to get on her mother's finger. With a precision, a coordination an agility worthy of a Dirty Lover, Hannah raised her finger lightly in a movement that to Dalia's eyes was like a tower rising in the dark night.


Elsa and Sarah were too confused to say anything, but Hannah's security gaze served to maintain confidence. Dalia, lost and disoriented to see how the finger of her beloved mother rose half a foot off the floor, decided to do the only thing that was in the baby's hand.

Using all the strength that the baby had in the body, Dalia supported herself with both hands on the cushions, maneuvering her legs until they were placed in the proper position. With a graceful impulse similar to the first steps of a giraffe, Dalia stood up against her mother's finger, feeling the surface for a place to grab and climb on it.

"Aaaaaaaaand, I got you!" Hannah, using a picaresque only seen before in thieves' comedies, moved her finger away again, was once placing it in front of her wife and daughter. In the same way, to prevent Dalia from losing her balance, the giantess used her other hand to hold the baby's back until she managed to stand on her own.

Dalia, who had been chewing on her pajamas (even in the face of the partial lack of teeth) suddenly found herself in a completely new situation for herself. The baby was standing, in a soft and cuddly wasteland, and the object of her desire and ambition had moved away from her again, placing herself in front of her beloved mother and her beloved older sister.

As far as the baby's mind could go, Dalia suspected that this wasnt a coincidence.

"Come on Dalia! You can!" The three women said in unison, calling Dalia to start her journey on the path of life.

Dalia was completely blocked, confused and in a pre-panic state. The baby, in a movement that nobody expected, (not even the same Hades who watched the whole scene from within Dalia) curved her smile in a grimace that neither Sarah nor Elsa (and later Hannah) cant managed to understand.

The legend tells that Dalia's smile froze the blood and confused everyone who saw the video... a smile of pride, a smile of pure ambition that would match the most terrifying smiles of the same Valeria, Loki or the Doctor Doom himself.


Dalia at that moment had awakened from her lethargy, feeling herself betrayed by the finger that kept getting away. The baby, who until that moment her maximum desire was just to get on the damn finger, swore that she would never lose sight of her dreams, clinging to them no matter what it cost.

With slow movements, Dalia began her first fingers towards the elusive finger, before the confused look of her mother and sister who felt joy and restlessness at the same time.

Elsa needed to pat her face a couple of times until she recovered from the shock, returning to kneel to applaud her little girl. "Come on Dalia! You already have it!"


Dalia kept smiling as she approached her goal, waiting for the last moment to stop. The baby wasnt a fool, and she knew perfectly well that her mother's finger was connected to her mother.

Turning and following Hannah's arm with her eyes, Dalia managed to see where her giantess mother was all the time, smiling towards her and deciding to achieve her goal in the most logical way.

If the finger kept moving away, Dalia only had to reach the source of it.

Walking to the edge of the padded corridor, Dalia clung to one of the cushions and after giving one last look at her confused mother and sister, the baby raised her hand as if to say goodbye to them.

Elsa and Sarah did not have time to react, before Dalia pushed the cushion until it opened enough to pass.

"Dalia!" both shouted at once, frightened by any injury that the baby could suffer, but once the road was clear, Dalia knew what she had to do.

Pursue it.

Chase her dreams.

Running in a clumsy and inefficient way, Dalia advanced not very quickly but without stopping towards Hannah. The giantess had no idea what to do (Sarah had never acted in such a rebellious way... much less at such an early age), and she only managed to react when Dalia had traveled almost 10 feet away from her fluffy hallway.

Quickly, Hannah prepared her hand to catch the baby, who seemed more than willing to jump over the edge of the table in order to reach her mother.

"What the he...- hello, has happened?!" Elsa asked as she and Sarah ran to Hannah, who slowly moved her baby in her hand.

"How has she managed to escape from the hall? I didnt know she could push cushions almost as big as her!" Sarah tried to excuse herself, feeling guilty for not having placed bigger cushions.

"Take it easy little mine..." Hannah stroked Sarah's head with her other hand, while looking at Dalia between proud and confused. "I told you, we cant force Dalia to do things, she has... her own way of thinking!"

Elsa sighed as she approached Hannah's hand, poking and caressing her baby's head. "I have to admit... we have the best homemade video in history! My little bug... I'm already seeing the many headaches you're going to give us!"

Dalia didnt mumble or do anything, enjoying her pacifier, the hand of her mother and the satisfaction of having fulfilled her goal.

At that moment, Dalia's heart knew the feeling of satisfaction, and Dalia decided-




Mansion of the Reyes family.

  12:00 in the morning, day 45 of the Full Solar Era.


Dalia woke up slowly, rubbing her eyes on and yawning with her mouth wide open. The teen giantess felt rested and at the same time still exhausted by the battle of the previous day... fighting without aura wasnt easy, that's for sure.

"Where did that dream come from? I hope Mom stops use the video in every family reunion..." The giantess rolled to the end of her bed, sitting and stretching her arms and legs... for about 15 seconds until she realized that something wasnt right.

Dalia got up from her bed, walking towards the wall and leaning against it. The growth track was still in place, but the arms and legs of it were much higher.

"Well look ... if I'm starting to grow" The same giantess went from being confused for a few seconds until the happiness ended up overflowing. "I'm growing! It's finally begun! Oh god! Mom! Mommy! Big sister! I'm growing up!" Dalia ran out of her room, forgetting even her slippers now a little too small down the road on her way to the kitchen.



Meanwhile, the rest of the members of the Reyes family enjoyed a rich breakfast consisting of pancakes with cream and chocolate and fresh milk. The typical breakfast of the Reyes family during the holidays.

"Have you been invited to the concert that night, honey?" Hannah said as she left the last plate of pancakes on the table, separating a much smaller plate for her wife.


"Yep, but as the owner of the stadium refuses to take away your entrance veto, I told them I wasnt going to go" Elsa got up to pick up her plate, trying to ignore the guilty face that her wife had while returning to her own table semi-giant size on the table of the rest of his family. "Say it, go... you're looking forward to it ..." 


"You should go! it's one of the most important concerts of Bahia in this Solar Age and you're the mayor of the city... besides, I only have two events left! I'll get up the veto before the Game Paradise fest! I wouldnt mind if you went without me to the concert, you know it? "Hannah shook her head until she was face to face with Elsa, trying to convince her wife without much success.


"Hannah, I dont want to go and I'm holding on for you! I prefer to spend a quiet night with my brand new wife and my beloved daughters than to be in a concert of a group that I dont like too much surrounded by boring people in the area VIP! Reassure yourself, my love, you know that if I wanted to go I would tell you openly"


"Ummm" Hannah wasnt very convinced of the veracity of his wife's words, and after sitting correctly in her chair the giantess pointed to her eldest daughter.

"Maybe Sarah wants to go! You could take her! Sarah, do you want to go with your mother to listen the Wildest runner?" Sarah continued to eat her pancake without paying the slightest attention to her mother, listening to something on her C-Com with her headphones. "Sarah, Sarah? Sarah... SARAH!"

Hannah reached out and plucked the headphones from her daughter's ears, causing Sarah to jump up almost knocking over her glass of milk.

"Hey, what's up, mommy? I was listening to a podcast about the history of the different orc tribes..." The empty look of her two mothers slowed slightly the words rhythm of the giantess daughter. "They had... they had brought a representative of the Frozen Fang Tribe..."


Elsa sighed half laughing. "My daughter, sometimes you are very very nerdy"

"It's not true! The fiery alliance is in negotiations with different orc tribes and I wanted to learn more about it! If in the future our friends and neighbors are going to be friends with that orcs! We'll have to know their history!" Sarah tried to defend herself from the laughter of her two mothers.

"It's a free day, my sweet nerd! Relax and watch a video of people who blow or something! You dont have to be studying and learning every day!" Hannah patted her firstborn's back, while Sarah lowered her head in embarrassment "But dont be embarrassed! You know we're kidding!"


"That's not why..." Sarah rubbed the back of her head, looking at her little mother for complicity. "It's just that I've realized that maybe if it's something exaggerated that I should study today..."

"You're very studious, my little one... that's not bad at all!" Elsa wanted to hug her daughter to comfort her, but... considering her last attempts, Elsa was clear that the situation would end with her being embraced by her daughter, reversing the initial goal-

"I'm growing! It's finally begun! Oh god! Mom! Mommy! Big sister! I'm growing up!" Dalia's voice interrupted every thread of thought of those present, who turned their heads to the door of the kitchen.

Entering the kitchen almost out of breath, the little giantess arms moved trying to get the attention of their mothers (attention that otherwise had already) "Mommy! Mommy! Big sister! Look!" Dalia jumped up and down, showing how the first growth track was struggling to contain her expanding body.


"Amazing! My little sister is approaching 60 feet!"

"My little ... my dear little ..."Elsa and Sarah shouted at the same time, while Hannah got up to pick up her little daughter.

"Let's see how much you've grown!" Hannah said as he placed Dalia next to the door frame, supercalentando your index finger and nail marking the height of Dalia."16.8 feet! First night 6 inches! Not bad!" Dalia standing up and leaving on the table, Hannah searched his C-com growth guidance that the hospital had given him. "In the first 2 or 3 nights giantesses third growth usually grow 3/4... wow! You have passed middle amply! My first daughter... 5 inches and my second 6! Elsa, this step our third daughter will grow one foot per night!"


Elsa pretended to be horrified while cutting another piece of pancake from his wife's plate. "1 foot per night! That's it-"

"Who cares! It has begun! It has begun! I have a lot of desire to tell to Rebe..." Dalia covered her mouth with both hands, trying not to look at her mothers.

"Who is Rebe, Dalia?" Sarah asked as she chewed on an almost whole pancake.

"It's... Rebelion! I bought a chronomancer cane called Call of the Rebelion, which comes with an assistant voice AI!" Dalia put on her best smile as she walked across the table and sat at the table with her mother Elsa.

"You bought with MY money, right? I dont remember giving you permission to buy a cane that looks quite expensive..." Elsa squinted, looking for a weakness in her daughter to jump on the attack.

"Come on, mother, get it, I have a lot of trouble with that's going to be like a toothbrush for me in a month! When did you stop being cool?" Dalia cant stand or finish the sentence, devouring the pancakes that Hannah had left in front of them without any kind of mercy.


"I'm still cool! Very cool, too, right, Hannah?" Hannah pretended to look at her C-com, whistling casually. "Sarah?" Sarah while she had returned to her podcast, too focused to attend to anyone. "Aggg, both of you are traitors! I live surrounded by gigantic traitors!" Elsa pushed her chair back, crossing her arms and waiting for an apology from her family.

"Ahhh! Dont get angry, my coolest and tiny wife!" Hannah gently lifted her wife and hugged her against her breasts.

"Ummm... you have saved from this, Dalia, because these breasts are as firm and soft as the first day and because I am too happy to see my little girl grow up to become a full-fledged giantess" Dalia sighed, sending a little kiss her mother before returning to her job of eating pancakes as if there were no tomorrow.

The breakfast of the Reyes family continued quietly until a song began to play at full volume in the neighborhood. Being too early for a neighbor to start a party, the 4 decided to go out to check what was happening.




 Entrance of the Reyes family mansion


A large group of neighbors surrounded the entrance of the mansion, watching the robot wearing a huge radiocassette on his shoulder and a sleeveless vest. Living near a Dirty Lover brought many positive things, but as neighborhood neighbors had learned the hard way, it also attracted a lot of crazy people, freaks, weirdos... every weirdo who claimed to have something against Hannah.

Hannah opened the door, only to find the robot pointing at them with a microphone. "Finally! This is the right door!" Destructron had returned, and this time changing his bodybuilder outfit for one more similar to a rapper ... (but to rappers of the 2000s on Earth, even with a gold necklace with the letter D in the middle)

"But will it be possible?!" Elsa jumped from the breasts of his wife, so furious that the mayor accompanied her landing with an explosion. "Destructron, are you coming to let me finish the job?!"

"Sshhhh, stay a while and listen, okay?" Destructron left the radio cassette in front of him, stepping on one foot and turning on his microphone. "Ahem...

Yeah, yeah

Ayo, mayor, it's time.

It's time, major (aight, major, begin).

Straight out the coward dungeons of your but and come to dance!

The Tomorrow drops deep as does my ape.

I never fight to loose, 'cause loose is the sister of failure.

Beyond the walls of the fake heroes, life is defined.

I think of New generation of heroes when I'm in a New Bahia del sol, y'know?.

Today I'm rappin 'to the fight,

And I'm gonna move away your light.

Im not beautiful, brave, angry, like you Elsa

But sister, I tell you, I thought you were a celsa!"


Destructron let the microphone fall to the floor dramatically, raising both arms of steel pretending to be muscled to harangue the public ... the strange thing is that it worked, and even Hannah, Sarah and Dalia ended up applauding.

"Have you come ... to rap me in the face? I know you lost your head, but so much?" Elsa tried to ignore everyone's applause. "Wait, Celsa?"


"It's not easy to rhyme with Elsa, you know? I've only had time to prepare that verse, so you'd better thank it and take it out of the way! Anyway, I've come to bring a message for your daughters!" Destructron lifted the cassette radio with a kick, picking it up over his shoulder and beginning to wobble to the beat of the music.

"For my daughters-"

"Madam Mayoress, get away! I'll take care of this!" A scream caught the attention of everyone present, and before Elsa could complain, Miss Radical appeared sliding on the roof of the mansion and throwing the ground, landing gracefully in front of Elsa and her family.

"I knew that following you was a good idea, Destructron! But I never thought you would be as irresponsible as attacking the mayor directly under my vigil!"

"I dont need you to keep an eye on me, but who do you think I am, shitty hero?" Elsa, completely ignoring the growing tension between Miss Radical and Destructron, walked towards the heroine and grabbed her by both arms. "I'm no weaker so I need you to keep an eye on me! I'm not against you, but as you continue to treat me like I need a 24-hour hero in my back and you're going to have problems, miss!"

Miss Radical was completely scared, to the point where everyone could see how her legs were shaking. "But... I thought... you are the mayor... I cant let anything happen to you... you are my hero and my example to follow... dont hate me..."

"Excuse me, I was-" Destructron leapt forward, grabbing the cassette with both hands to crush both of their heads. "First!-"

Boom! The whole weight of Dalia fell on Destructron, stamping it on the ground with enough force to crack the floor tiles.

"I cover your back, Mom and Miss Radical!"

"What the hell are you doing, Dalia?! Hannah, why didnt you hold her harder?!" Hannah hesitated, not knowing what to say, looking at her wife and asking for forgiveness with her eyes. 

"Ha-... You must be the mayor's daughter, dont you? Stay behind me! I'll take care of this robot!" Miss Radical prepared to finish off Destructron. Lowering both hands, the nephalem charged all its energy. "Sol Wave!" The heroine jump on the robot-

"God, dont expect to catch me twice with the same trick!" An arm appeared from a cavity in the back of the robot, grabbing Miss Radical by the neck and throwing it against the metal fence that made the outer door of the mansion.

"Miss Radical!" Hannah screamed as everyone screamed in fear, 6 neighbors entered the mansion to help the heroine. Hannah looked at her mothers for a few seconds, and after the confirmation of both, she ran with Sarah to help Miss Radical.

Destructron did nothing to stop the advance of both, letting them pass. (although stopping Sarah was quite difficult)


"What do you want, Destructron? I dont like you or your change of look too much, you know?" Elsa asked while summoning her halberd.

"...ummm! I think my message for your daughters can wait, so I'll take advantage and I'll tell you another interesting thing" Destructron left his radio cassette on the floor and sat on it.

"The skinned raven cult has fixed its interest in getting the living heart of a Dirty Lover, and considering that the other two Dirty Lovers are on the other continent, one exploring with the rest of the RunDunes adventurers and the other is accompanying her husband in his invitation to the meet the city of the storm elfs... there are only three Dirty Lovers in this city... I think you're going to get where I'm going, right?"


"And why should I believe you? I know what the skinned raven cult is, but that of a Dirty Lover's heart? It sounds false, you should know. "Destructron continued looking at Elsa, without changing his expression or the slightest.

Elsa finished sighing, and after making Hannah kneel whisper as low as possible. "What do you gain doing this?"

"I dont need anything, so I just want to keep my future rivals in good condition, Miss Mayoress. I've come to stay, show off my perfect steeled pectorals and turn this city into chaos.

And none of that would make sense if there is no hero who is willing to stop me! Miss Radical has possibilities to become an icon for those who lost their faith in magic and heroes after the battle against the Master... and I am sure that Sarah and Dalia will occupy an important place in the future history of this city... consider this action my bet for the future"

"You dont look like someone evil, Destructron... you dont really look like a robot either..." Hannah said while out of the corner of her eye she watched Miss Radical scatter people and run down the street, followed by Sarah and Dalia.

"You must not confuse me, Hannah, I am a bad person who enjoys watching how chaos devours the weak! I am a villain after all, and I intend to make sure that I will be remembered" Rising up, Destructron raised his cassette radio. "See you! Peace, girls!"


Elsa waited a few seconds for no one to stay near the house, keeping her back to her wife while she reflected on the situation.

"Hannah, I know there's some kind of connection between Dalia and that Miss Radical, and you know it. I'm not going to ask you to break a promise... but I have to ask you something"

"Come in, my love ..." Hannah sat on the floor, lifting Elsa and laying her on top of her huge breasts. (Each one bigger and almost twice as heavy as Elsa herself)

"Is my daughter following her path? Is Dalia pursuing her dreams? "

"You know the answer perfectly..." Hannah kissed the blonde's back, keeping her lips on it.

"We have a lot of work to do... I dont intend to let any crazy cultist due to the magic of the Master stop the way my daughters plan to travel" Both mothers sat there, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the mutual company while they started to plan their attack on the cult.





Headquarters of Miss Radical, port of New Bahia.

40 minutes later.


"Here it is! Sarah, it's that warehouse!" Dalia pointed to her sister, who stopped the pace as she approached the huge warehouse.


"Are you sure? It seems abandoned... the warehouse in this area are all huge!they make me feel small..." Sarah crouched by the door, releasing her sister who landed on the ground and quickly ran into the small door.

"Rebecca! It's me, Dalia! Open us!" Dalia knocked several times on the door, until she almost seemed ready to break. But she did not get any response. "Damn it, Sarah, can you see something through the windows?!"

Sarah refused while still standing on tiptoe to reach to look through the windows of the warehouse, but all were covered with cardboard and tape. "If she's inside, she's made sure that this site is super safe! She hasnt left any windows uncovered!"

"Fuck! Rebecca! It's me, Dalia! Please open up! I'm coming with my big sister and she's an expert in the healing use of the aura!" Dalia sat by the door, sighing at the fear of having to go through such a tiny place again.

"Maybe the fault that she don want open is mine, do you want me to stay away until you talk about the situation, little sister?" Sarah asked kneeling next to her sister, looking at the door without liking anything that Dalia was going to enter through a place so absurdly small.

"No no! Just... I know! Get up big girl! I have a plan!" Dalia stood up suddenly, running to her sister's arms and clinging to them. "I know there's a walkway up there and a window through which air came in yesterday! If you put me on the roof of the warehouse, I'm sure I can-"

"Oh no, no heights without having the aura available! It must be almost 100 feet tall!" Sarah tried to refuse, but her little sister was too good at convincing her. "Just be careful-"

The doors for the entrance and unloading of side trucks began to open loudly, dropping dust and garbage equally. Rebecca, now without the mask and with the suit half removed, came out rubbing her flushed neck.

"...Thanks for coming both... come in please..."

Sarah and Dalia nodded, and after Dalia and Rebecca entered quietly, Sarah crawled in. (and pretending not touch the floor, it seems like not cleaned in years)






End Notes:




Growth journal.

We are running to meet Rebecca, that blow of destructron must have hurt a lot. Sarah has agreed to come completely blind to help, so then I'll resume the day.

On the other hand ... 6 inches! 6 inches! 6 inches!

Dalia's growth Journal, Entry 3: Meaning of be a hero by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:




Mansion of the Reyes family, 15:00 in the afternoon.


"Yes, yes ... I understand ... tomorrow night? Thank you for your time, commander." Elsa sighed as she continued circling the table in the living room. The blonde had almost 40 minutes on the phone fighting against the bureaucracy...

A fight that even for a mayor wasnt easy. "How are you going, Honey?" Elsa rubbed her forehead with both hands, pulling her hair back and tying her back in a ponytail.

Hannah extended her arm from the sofa, using it as a bridge so that Elsa could climb on her wife's back. Hannah lay down on the couch, looking on her laptop. "I have found things about various cults, but no so-called skinned crow... I dont want to believe that Destructron has lied to us-"

"And why we werent going to believe he lied to us, my love? He's a fucking crazy robot who sings bad rap and wants to plunge New Bahia into chaos! He hasn't the best track record for us to believe his words!

Hell, we dont even know if it's a robot or what it is!"Elsa lay on her back, letting the conversation die while they both thought about the situation.

The only cult with which Bahia had to face before was the dread dawn cultists, who claimed for years the body of Hannah to serve as a new vessel for the Master. A ragtag group of Iloas from the plains and Orleanis... thank god, Zoe infiltrated between them pretending to be a Alitian goddess of death and succeeding in exterminating them all.

Elsa let herself be rocked by her wife's breathing, thinking about Destructron over and over again. Even with the level of technology that the fiery alliance manages, a robot with so much autonomy, with so much capacity of own thought and with such realistic facial expressions wasnt something can buy! Something like that could only come from Eleanor's hands... and Hannah and Elsa already called Capital City to make sure that no robot had escaped R & D & A...

"My love, you do not wear a bra, do you?" Hannah didnt bother to answer, simply denying and waiting for Elsa to understand her bodily expression without turning back. (The truth is that Hannah wanted to avoid by all means possible that Elsa saw the website for purchase of vintage objects that was open in the search engine of the C-net)

"And why not, you're always the one who scolds us at three about cant go without underwear in the morning!"


"I wear a sports bra, thats why you arent noticing the strap. I dont have any other bra that suits me, all leave me too much sweety meat above and in the sides"

And before Elsa could even answer, Hannah extended her hand behind her and covered her lover's lips. "Before you ask... the other day I screwed up the washing machine and I shrugged a lot of Sarah's and my clothes"


"That explains why Sarah wore sports clothes today... Have you warned the company that makes your clothes? I save the ticket as usual, so we should be able to call and have it replaced-"

"I already tried, but they say there are many problems lately with the giantess clothes in Bahia and that they will not be able to work miracles until the next shipment.

Something that the materials that came last time were defective and seem to shrink in contact with the superhot water... We have at least 4 days to use the gym clothes... God! You have no idea how boring it is that our clothes are of such poor quality!

I understand that if we dont want to wear skins like the Iloa of the sea and the mountain, nylon clothing is the only option that we have left... but having to change the wardrobe every 30 days is a pain in the ass!

Hopefully the scientists could find a more resistant material and more impervious to the aura! Clothes are by far the worst of being a giantess! Clothes and shoes, you cant even imagine the desire that they give me to go out naked to the street every time a shirt or pant cracks breaks!"


"Dont even think of it! your twins belong to me and to the youngest daughter we have at that moment!" Elsa started to laugh, but her laughter turned into surprise when everything went dark.


Hannah grabbed her wife, turning around on the sofa and leaving Elsa between her breasts before crushing her in a hug. "Dont you feel sorry for your poor wife, who has run out of half her closet in one wash?!"

Elsa fought against the huge hands of her lover, managing to let go using a bit of aura and moving towards Hannah's lips. "If my ever-growing wife runs out of half her closet, her brilliant white knight will get her three more closets!"


Hannah leaned back slightly so she could see her wife face to face, movement that Elsa took to kiss her lips and kneel (quite exaggeratedly) in front of her.
"Point 1, I'm not growing, idiot!" Hannah laughed as she tapped her index finger on his wife's cheek. "And point 2... you arent my white knight...

You are my precious and wonderful queen, my knight and the mystress of my heart"

"And you're my mistress, my big, pretty, attractive... wild and sensual queen!" Hannah narrowed her eyes in a move too adorable for Elsa's heart, which could only pull out her mocking tongue of pure nervousness. Thats was the moment when Hannah decided to take a slight revenge for that such offense, pulling out her own tongue and licking her wife's head to toe.

"Agg! Disgusting! That this is my Sunday morning clothes!" Elsa pretended to get upset, turning around and letting herself fall sitting in Hannah's cleavage.

"That's for sticking out your tongue and telling me that I'm growing! It's the most offensive thing you can say to a giantess made and right like me! It's as if you were told... that... you're going to grow up to be a giantess for sharing my blood!" Elsa couldnt help but laugh at such a comparison.

"Hey, that wasnt a joke!"


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my love! But you're almost 60 years old and you still dont know how to make comparisons!"

"60 immortal years, so I'm still in my 31 years! Here you go, silly!" Hannah smiled so victorious that Elsa herself decided to grant him the assault. The conversation stopped for a while while giantess and human enjoyed the coolness of the air conditioning. "My love, you didnt tell me who you called. Was it something important?"

Elsa sighed, turning around and burying her face in her wife's right breast, screaming to release the frustration of remembering the call.

"I've called the IFA to see if they knew anything about that cult... but I've only been told that two agents were going to Bahia tomorrow and that they would wait for me in the office... whenever I have to interact with the IFA, those unfortunates are those who mark the dates and the meeting places... how much I hate them!"

"Come on, Elsa, think about how we have GUN and we dont need the help of those idiots very often!... Sorry to change the subject but I want to make sure of something... you dont notice me bigger, do you?"

"God Hannah! That was a joke!" Hannah's gaze was one of genuine concern, so much that Elsa herself had to sit up to look at her face. "My love, a giantess grows slightly throughout her life-"

"I'm not talking about that, it's just... lately I have not done much exercise... God, I have not really done any exercise since Dalia entered the institute! I wouldnt like to get fat ... but I havent done anything to avoid it... and what would happen if I got fat?! You know what they do to fat giantesses?! The clothing company-"

"Hannah!" Elsa stood up suddenly, slapped each cheek of his wife to stop her musings. "You'rent fat! I know every corner of your body by heart! I've spent more time exploring every curve, every muscle, every cavity of yours and I can tell you that you'rent fat!"

Hannah sighed in relief, relief that Elsa shared enormously. There was only something worse than Hannah with an anxiety attack, and that is to be on a Hannah with an anxiety attack.

"When Sarah get home, I think it's a good time like any other for us to weigh! And I should also weigh Dalia! I would like to point out how much my little girl grows day to day, surely in the future-" Elsa left her mind blank , leaving Hannah to continue her meaningless talk (because everything she was already saying were things that the giantess was already doing).

After so many years of marriage, Elsa knew there were times when Hannah just needed to talk and release all her anxiety. Something Elsa loved to do normally... today wasnt the case.








Secret base of Miss Radical, same time



The dictionary describes tension as an emotional state of nervousness, exaltation or impatience in which a person finds himself in certain circumstances or activities, such as waiting, attention, intellectual or artistic creation, worries, etc... An adequate description for what what was going on in the old warehouse.

Since Dalia had settled on several old cushions and Sarah had cleared a small section next to the central table of the secret base to sit down, no one had said a word. But when I say not one, it is literally not one of the girls.

Rebecca lay reclining on the chair at the end of the table, rubbing a cold can on her neck. The half-breed had been a long time with closed eyes, and both sisters were too worried to bother her to say anything-

"You two, have you come to see my failure or what?" Forget about silence... what a jinx I am sometimes.

"No no! I think we havent meet, my name is-" Sarah tried to present herself politely, but Rebecca raised her palm to the giantess.

"I know who you are, Sarah Reyes Wood, the whole city knows who you are... your mother... is angry with me?" Rebecca seemed genuinely scared of the possible positive response.

"No, my mother loves you so much, I'm sure!" Dalia tried to lighten the atmosphere, but Rebecca's cynical and empty gaze completely cut off the teen giantess's wings.

"Dont pretend to be nice to me... you should not be nice to a failed heroine like me... humiliated in front of you! the mayor and the legendary Hannah! The neighbors! humiliated and defeated! Damn!" Rebecca raised both feet, kicking the table and lifted her almost a foot off the floor.

Sarah tried to reach out her hands to help her. "You havent been humiliated! No one could know Destructrone had one-" But this time it was a punch to the table that fell on her.

"HUMILLATED! It wasnt just that that bastard robot caught me by surprise! NO! THE HUMILIATION... that Dalia had to come to save me for being clueless in front of everyone! This was my great opportunity to reinforce my image as a hero and ended up being... DAMN!" Rebecca stood up suddenly, knocking her chair down and running to hit one of the cork walls that divided the sections of the base.

The half-breed unleashed its anger against the wall, destroying it until it seemed... it seemed... what is flat and with many holes? Doesnt matter.

Sarah and Dalia looked at each other worriedly, neither of them prepared to handle a similar case. While Sarah started looking at her C-com like treating someone completely furious, Dalia...




I know I'm not the best person to do these things, but I want to consider Rebecca my first great friend without counting Sarah (well Sarah for me ... it's disgusting to say... Sarah is my older sister and my best friend, the person I trust the most in the world. Dont even think about having me for a cheesy one... Aggg, I already regret what I said!)

If something I have learned in so many video games and in many series seen with my mothers, is that a friend does not let suffer and sink their friends. I did what I have to do.





Dalia got up from the cushions, circled the table and approached Rebecca. The half-breed continued to hit the cork wall as she snarled, and only stopped when she felt a hand on her shoulder."What?!-"


Dalia punched her best punch in the face of Rebecca, throwing her back and knocking down three cork walls in the process. Sarah was completely white, while Dalia stood firm without looking down for a second, with her eyes fixed on Rebecca.

"You've... You hit me... DID YOU DARE TO HIT ME, BASTARD?!" Rebecca stood up completely furious, running towards Dalia and trying to get revenge, but the giantess managed to hit her again and knock her down.

Rebecca fell to the ground upside down, and a third attempt to get up was frustrated when Dalia sank down on her, holding her by sitting on her legs and grabbing each arm. The half-breed kept stirring and screaming, almost without bothering to pronounce.

"Bastard! Wretched! Drop me once, bitch! Bastard! I hate you! I hate you with all my might, Dalia! You're-"

"SHUT UP!" Dalia shouted with all her strength, silenced Rebecca. The half-breed could not help but be frightened by the power of Dalia's voice ... but the biggest surprise was when the first tear fell on her cheek.


"You're not a hero! You're just a coward! A hero does not run from a fight after being hit! A hero does not blame others and cares about his image! THAT'S NOT WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A HERO!





A HERO WHO LEARNS FROM EVERY FAILURE! A HERO WHO BELIEVES IN THE HEROES! THE HERO THAT I ASPIRE TO BE! If you want to be a hero, Rebecca... if you really want to be a hero... you cant sink after your first blow! That's not what the heroes do!"

Tears from the teen giantess filled Rebecca's face, melting with her own tears, and Sarah slowly advanced and separated the two girls, taking each in one hand and rubbing both backs.

"Rebecca, I dont know you at all... but I can see how much you want to fulfill your dream... this place... I can see all the effort you have put into it, I can feel your dedication and your efforts in every closet, in every chair...

My little sister and I have grown up with immortal mothers, mothers who lived on earth and who keep every memory of the brightest time of humanity. Both have imbued us with stories and stories that were born with the bright age of humanity, stories that speak of heroes who never stopped fighting even on their deathbed... of heroes who with their sacrifices changed the world to better...

My mothers have never been able to confirm if those heroes really existed or not, but we two have one thing clear. Maybe they didnt exist, but their ideals exist... and therefore, if you want to become a hero, you must know the mantle that you are carrying on your shoulders.

A hero is the one where the inhabitants of the ardent alliance put their hopes and their illusions... an icon that lights up their darkest nights and will protect their dreams and their lives from beings like Destructron. Excuse my sister's two punches, but that's what she wanted to make you understand..."

Rebecca said nothing, jumping from Sarah's knee and walking aimlessly until she stopped next to the chair she had knocked down earlier.


The two sisters watched as the Half-breed dropped to its knees, staring at the chair. "All I know about heroes comes from my grandmother... my memories are vague... but everything you said ... are things she also said...

I've always wanted to become a hero to be someone that people want to support and trust... but seeing their faces of concern when Destructron has thrown me against your door... I just wanted to run out of there, just I wanted to hide so they would stop looking at me..." Rebecca grabbed her chest with both hands, breathing deeply.

"I'm a nephalem, a kind of extra-human between demon and angel... I've never been able to believe in order as much as my mother does, or believe in discord as her mother did... I've always been in the middle, lost , stranded in a sea of r03;r03;looks that doubted if she was my true mother'...

And at the same time I'm half Iloa... but I have nothing of it except for my thick and hard skin... I know it's going to sound like an excuse... but when my grandmother told me that anyone could become a hero if it had the necessary strength of heart... I thought that this had to be my destiny... to be an example for everyone who is in the midst of two worlds like me..."

"And why dont you make it your identity, why do not you make that desire the fuel to light your heart?" Dalia asked without moving away from her sister's knee, letting Sarah comfort her.

"I guess... because I did not think I'd get the attention being like that... Look at the C-net... it's full of people looking to be different like me without seeing the disadvantages... that's why I make Miss Radical! A brave and strong heroine who would fight at breakneck speed imitating the techniques of the greatest hero of New Bahia! Your mothers will not be upset because I copied the Sun wave, right?"

 "No! it's more, my mother Elsa keeps asking herself how you have managed to perfect the Sol wave without having any tutor!" Sarah answered with the best of her smiles, relieving some of Rebecca's concern. "Can I ask how you have achieved it?"

Rebecca smiled slightly, even laughing a little while looking at her hands. "It was not easy, really... I've been watching your mothers' old combat videos for 7 years, and imitating their movements until they're exhausted! But it's been worth it ..." Rebecca smiled proudly as she lit her clenched fists and prepared The sun wave. "You are her daughters, so I'm going to ask it. How long did you two take to learn how to make a Sol wave?"

Dalia looked at her sister, completely uncertain about her answer. Sarah sighed as she stroked her sister's head. "If I remember correctly, I used my first Sol wave with 5 years and Dalia with 3... to talk she resisted enough, but to imitate all the dangerous things-" Sarah stopped talking the moment Dalia pinched her arm and pointed at Rebecca.

The half-breed was with its mouth wide open and its gaze divided between surprise and absolute defeat.

"5... and 3 years... I've been 7 years... and starting from 12! ..."

"But it's incredible that you've learned it without a tutor or anything!" Sarah tried to fix the situation, but Rebecca kept turning to the new data thrown into the conversation.

In the end, Dalia got up again, getting up from her sister's knee and walking towards Rebecca. The giantess grabbed Rebecca by the shoulders, lifting her quickly. "Rebecca, do you have any techniques of your own?"

"Eh ..." Rebecca was completely white, and both sisters sighed at once. "It's possible... that I've spent all my time training my Sol wave... is that a problem? Heroes usually have flagship attacks, dont they?"

"You said it yourself. Attacks, plural... Sarah, you're a genius and I've seen a lot of movies, so I'm sure we could do something to fix this problem, right?"

Sarah raised an eyebrow at her sister, sighing and nodding. "We can try, yes ... but if you plan to stay here all night, go home to-"

"THANK YOU BIG SISTER! IM BACK RIGHT NOW!" Dalia ran out of the Warehouse at full speed, leaving Sarah and Rebecca alone.

Neither of them had properly presented themselves beyond the exchange of courtesy cut at the beginning, so Sarah decided to resume her presentation from that point.


"Rebecca, I need you to tell me the full extent of your abilities, I cant make any attacks to you without-"

"I'm telling you later, but what has Dalia gone to look for? There's a supermarket nearby, so we can buy food and that..."

"No no, she has gone for her growth track and for the extra-strong painkillers-"

"Growth track? What's that supposed to be?" Rebecca approached Sarah, but the giantess did not seem too cheerful.

"Do you always interrupt in that way?" Rebecca swallowed nervously, not knowing what to say. "It's a joke, kidding! The growth track is the clothes that a giantess has to wear by law during the third growth, it's a wide and super elastic track that allows up to 3 feet growth without starting to stretch"

"... third growth?" Rebecca's face changed to an expression of insecurity that Sarah couldnt determine the origin.

"The reason why Dalia cant use the aura is because she has started her third and last growth, which will take her up to 60 feet or more"


"60 feet is more or less my height, so you can get an idea"

"Ah..." Rebecca was very quiet, breaking her idea into a thousand pieces while the Dalia of her mind became an intractable mountain.

"Fuck this... my sweet masochistic big girlfriend... is going to be a dominant mountain size... I dont know if I can..."

End Notes:




Growth Journal of Dalia, entry 3:

I'm running to the Warehouse to start creating techniques! I've even prepared and "stolen" the series about the greatest hero in history to show it to Rebecca, so I'm going to write down the situation today and that's it!

This is written at 19:05, and so far I have grown to 17.4 feet! Another 6 inches in 4 hours less than last night! It's accelerating! I can feel it in my poor sneakers!

And I say sneakers... because I've already broken my first socks! It has been by jumping from Sarah's knee to the ground! I didnt want to comment anything at that time, but almost scream of happiness!


Now I just need to find a way to tell Rebecca and turn her into my heroine girlfriend and from there... and they lived happily? I doubt it, but for now, a girlfriend with a right and a liking for touch!




Dalia's growth Journal, Entry 3.5: DieR by SirDarkvid




Oh Magic Fun Park! Land of fun and fantasy! Kingdom born in the enchanted night! The legendary Aleria the night protects your children and marks the path that those born at night should follow!

I really like the MFP promotion that Aunt Valeria did last year! Not only that Aunt Valeria when she plays her Aleria role is an authentic gem! An unparalleled beauty! But even so, she isnt the key to the announcement... at all.

That aerial montage, those scenes at ground level focusing on the night palate! God! How that fucking ad makes me horny!... That doesnt make any sense... sorry, but I find it hard to concentrate on writing, seeing Rebecca in sportswear.

The three of us bought a ticket-portal to Magic Fun Park first thing in the morning, and we are right now in the Nocturne palace asking for advice to tia Valeria... of course... I already said that something was missing!

Night Palace, Magic Fun Park;
07:00 of the day 46 of Full Solar Era

That's better! And to respect the logical order of things, today I havent been able to measure yet, but the growth track that I wore last night was a bit big.

Today? It feels like a glove! (All the good that you can stay on a tracksuit)

It had been quite a while since I wrote in the first person, but seeing that I am completely left out, I thought that I dont think it bothered them if I write for a while in my C-com. Also, since Rebecca hasnt talked much with me since last night and the part where Sarah and I spent quite a few hours preparing techniques for Miss Radical is already done, now only touch the technical part.

Let Aunt Valeria give her approval to each attack and expect Rebecca to be able to integrate them into her hero repertoire!... it sounds easier than it is, right? Let me illustrate you verbally.


Rebecca cried out in pain as she crashed against the wall of the basement of the Night Palace. The half-breed tried to get up after falling to the ground... but his body asked for rest after the 40 most intense minutes of his last years.

"Give me... a few minutes to breathe! I can try it but I need to rest, please!"

"But you'rent supposed to be a kind of superhero? In my GUN era I remember that the heroes were invincible!" Valeria smiled with all her illusion, enjoying a good beating in the old way. "You would hope that a hero wouldnt end up being beaten by a shady clone, these children of today..."

Undoing the clone that had completely thrashed Rebecca, Valeria crossed her arms as she walked towards her niece Sarah, who was resting sitting on the floor. "Sarah, the Mountain Skytree doesnt work properly, it leaves too many open flanks"  

"I can see it..." The giantess sighed, crossing out another of her C-com's techniques. "Rebecca, let's move on to try the Demon shock, okay?"

Rebecca stood leaning against the wall, almost out of breath, screaming in sheer frustration. "No! nobody is listening to me? I need to rest!" Valeria and Sarah denied, provoking even more anger within the half-breed. "Damn it! Say something-"

Rebecca was going to scream and ask Dalia for help, but it was just looking at the teen giantess and she was completely silent, only able to nod and stand again in front of...


See what I meant? She has go from try asking for help to continue receiving beatings from a shady clone of my aunt! For the love of Azure Key!...

Let's pretend that this hasnt happened, okay? Let's talk about something much more interesting! I have read several interesting news before! Give me a moment... emmmm... they were around... I have too many tabs open! OK OK! I have it!

Bahia News Portal! I like news portals that are clear in their content!

"The largest Lamia-type human extra baby in the history of mankind was born in New Bahia! She measures 2.29 feet from the tip of the tail to the head and her parents are very proud"

Almost 2 and a half feet of sweet snake baby!  As a giantess, I born with 2 feet or so, but this baby girl is super big! I've been researching and apparently babies lamias average between 1 foot and 7 inches and 1 feet and 9 inches, so we're talking about a baby...

it isnt as interesting as I thought when I read it.

Do you know what happens? Lately they are breaking many records among the extrahuman, but not among babies! New height record among extrahuman wolf type! New weight record among mermaid-type extra-human and that kind of news!

You dont normally see news about babies! One when reads things like this cant help but imagine what the life have ready for us!

Stay awhile and listen me one second, okay? Lets go to imagine the life of that Lamia:


If she was born being so big everything makes us think that she will remain much bigger than the rest of lamias she meets in her life, which would make her the focus of attention whether she likes it or not.

On average, a lamia measures from tip of tail to head about 14 feet in length, so we can imagine that this Lamia would end up measuring about 18/19 feet. (without getting an exponential growth based on the initial size advantage)

There are no clothes for Lamias of that size! And if she bought clothes for giantess in second growth, only the top ones would be worth her.

The life of this Lamia isnt going to be easy, too big for most tools made for lamia, but too small for those created for giantesses... a soul trapped between two worlds... All this makes me feel sad for her...

And what would happen if this girl gets into a rage? Blame the whole world for not being made for her, and little by little she is developing a ... NO NO! I cant let that happen! There are too many problems now to destroy an innocent girl's life!

Magic Fun Park always makes me think... Azure Key was the creator of our race to create the first Extrahuman to balance the balance between men and women... and it didnt go too well to be said.

Afterwards, Azure Key was the one that allowed humanity to survive in the new world, and it was he who accepted the desires of millions of people to die with his world... But since the defeat of the Master, no one has seen him or Scarlet key again.

How much do they control the destiny? Do they really watch over our security? Iloas and Humans lost many lives fighting the Orleanis... I think it was written like that... and they did nothing.

My mothers begged their help to get Hades out of my body, and he did nothing even though my mother was a Dirty Lover...


All the mythology around Magic Fun Park was born combining Iloan legends about this territory and the ideas of humans who wanted to create a haven of peace in a continent that has treated us so hard.

(I get in the group for being human, but really I was born when humans already managed to live in peace without the threats of the Alitian gods)


A place where there is no Azure or Scarlet Key, a place where dreams come true and there is no space for the outside world... It is possible for humans, for Iloas, for orcs, for elves... even for orleanis to live without the protection of the Keys?

I am going to measure 60 feet more or less and Hades doesnt live inside me anymore, and that has not been decided or achieved by a Key. I achieve it my family thanks to its strength both physical and will...

That baby lamia is going to have to live all her life full of difficulties because of her size and that obviously cant be the decision of a benevolent god.

Phoenix lived to the end of her days being possessed by an Alitian god, and Scarlet Key instead of helping her free her decided to enslave her to spread her word!

A benevolent god like Azure and Scarlet key described themselves would never do something so horrible... and I dont know much about gods.

Does that mean we really live without their protection? So why are the inhabitants of Prometheus still praying to Azure key?


The ironscale orcs and the storm elves revere the ancient dragons, beings that according to them have nothing to do with the Keys.

And if according to Master, Terranovae was the primeval home of the Alitians, how the orcs and the elves arrived here?

(I dont believe the dark portal that my mother Hannah always uses as a joke... the mere idea of r03;r03;a human so powerful to bring the orcs from another planet through a portal bothers me a little bit)


It may just be ramblings of a giantess in third growth... but I honestly wonder if we could exist without Keys to keep an eye on us...

It may just be my ramblings of sheer boredom, and I sincerely believe that it really is just that. Be that as it may, I cant stand a minute more on this site.

Give me a few seconds to put the recorder on and get out of the basement of the palace... I'll get some fresh air.

"Aunt Valeria, big sister! I'm going for a walk in the gardens, okay?" Aunt Valeria just nodded while continuing to control her dark clone, leaving only Sarah to approach me.

"You'll be fine? Try not to get into any trouble... please, Dalia" Sarah stroked my neck with her index finger, arranging my ponytail with a simply hyper-controlled fingernail movement. I wonder if when I grow up I will also have so much control over my own body.

"Dont worry, it's too early for anyone to be out on the street right now! In Magic Fun Park, the hours of the day dont work as they do in Bahia... it doesnt matter! You'll focus on continuing to try attacks!Some will be easy for Rebecca to learn!"

Without letting Sarah say anything else, she left the basement full of illusion and boredom.


Oh Magic Fun Park, let your nocturnal charm guide my steps! 





Gardens of the Nocturnal Palace,

07:15 in the morning.


Whether day or night, the charm and mystery of the night illuminated the palace gardens, quietly at this hour. Being one of the main scenarios for the conversation scenes of the series, the gardeners put all their effort to keep alive the exotic flowers thanks to a combination of Iloana harvest magic and a special soil combined with different fertilizers.

An authentic marvel in the field of gardening.

That's why, when the teen giantess came out to enjoy the fresh, wet air from the watering system, the last thing she expected to find was a familiar robot, dressed as a gardener, crouched next to one of the gardens.

(Without shirt, but with completely unnecessary straw hat and white gloves with flowers up to the elbow ... a work of art)

"Dimensius lilies, the living proof of the relationship that Iloas and Humans have forged over the years ... a plant brought from the earth and cared for so that it can survive so far from its home of origin by the Iloas.

Of its enchanted petals that only open at night, one of the most precious oils for the alchemists, the DieR, is extracted. I have no idea where the name comes from, but a single drop of it is enough to put into operation an alchemist still or to convert 10 liters of alchemy water into chronomantic water" Destructron collected one of the lilies with great care, cutting its base and burying it again on earth.


"Destructron... what are you doing here?" Dalia was a little afraid, but her curiosity was enough to make her come close. "Arent you a bit far from Bahia?"

Dalia stopped her advance when she saw Destructron lift her palm towards her. "That's a question I can ask in the same direction" The robot pretended to smell the lily, after which he placed it in his straw hat and stood up.

"I thought I'd make a bit of a fuss in Bahia to get you out of the house but it turns out you had come to Magic Fun Park!... I cant blame you for it, this place defies so much the conceptions we have about our own world that it's hard to want to get away of the"

The intentions of the muscular robot remained a mystery to Dalia, but something inside her didnt distrust it. A strange sensation, as if Destructron could understand beyond where their chips were able to take him.

The hour where Magic Fun Park began to start was approaching, and the first salvoes of fireworks began to explode over the lake. No way too complicated, but still... the brightness of them was enough to calm any tension between giantess and robot.

"I'm unable to understand how you function, Dest, but I feel you're very interesting-" Dalia tried to sit on one of the benches in the middle of the gardens, but the bench did nothing but creak under the weight of the giantess. "I must begin to accustom myself to this sound..."

"There is a reason why giantesses enjoy having toned and round asses, and it is the inability to find hard surfaces to sit far from their homes, dont be offended, but you are going to put on a big ass to split nuts only with your buttocks, or rather with your size, split watermelons!" The robot released a metallic and empty laugh, much more different from his usual tone of voice.

"Well it sounds weird, but you've convinced me! That explains the butts of my mother and sister!" The fireworks began to bring color, lighting the gardens with the 7 colors that made up the most advanced fireworks. "Dest, in these cases my mothers would ask you why you do this. I dont think that is the right method to act, so I'm going to ask you something else.

Why Rebecca? Miss Radical looks like a joke more than anything else at the moment"

The robot crossed his arms and closed his eyes, walking aimlessly next to Dalia.

"There is no reason why it has to be her... rather, it is because she decided so. I was waiting for your moment to shine, the moment where Hades moved away from you and you started to use your Dirty Lover skills to manipulate the destiny.

But.. Rebecca or Miss Radical appeared out of nowhere, not only interrupting my battle against the mayor but captivating the hearts of the common people who were there...

I dont know if it would be the boldness that she gave to the matter or her agile and fast movements next to the Sol Wave. All I know is that Miss Radical has what it takes to turn into one more gear of the machinery that is being forged.

An icon that illuminates the dark nights that the people of Bahia will have to face... a beacon that will mark where people should place their hopes and fears... not the hero that this city desires...-"

"If not the one that deserves ..."


"Clever girl! Now tell me, Dalia, what do you see in the news? What is it that the people of Bahia have not yet begun to notice and that you are now able to understand?"

"The extrahumans are growing in all the senses, more and more away from humans, that's right? I dont understand how my mother doesnt realize that her clothes have not shrunk because of the washing machine..."

"It's not Hannah's fault, far from it. Collective knowledge is capable of blindly seeing certain things without our noticing. Not even people like Hannah, Elsa or Sarah are able to see things that nobody wants to admit... you are a different case, because Hades modified, after so many years inside you, your way of perceiving the world"

"Damn it... I dont want to owe Hades anything!" Dalia kicked the ground furiously, leaving a "small" hole right in front of the bench.

"I dont think you owe him anything... the next time you cross he'll have nothing to complain! And about Hades, he is right now in an armored IFA truck on the way to New Bahia, they think it's some kind of Wisp corrupted by the magic of the Master..." Desctructron paused to wait for the most possible violent response from Dalia, but it never came.

"And that as you know, you have some capacity to-"

"Dalia, you're going to keep me a secret, okay? I'm not a real robot, this is nothing more than a remote-controlled robot that I control from a secret position for all of you. I cant unveil my identity, but you should know that I want Bahia Survive the evolution of events... for that I want to create chaos and thus force the people of Bahia to feel desperate.

Nothing works better to awaken the population than a good ration of collective fear and seasoned with a bright icon to cling to!"

"That's why you want to create heroes, for that you decide to be a villain who accumulates all the hate?" Dalia was certainly confused, but after so many days of reading, listening to the story of their mothers and transcribing it... the teenage giantess was more than capable of discerning the truths of the lies... and Destructron was sinisterly sincere.

"...the heroes part yes, that's why... Now, on the other hand... I really want to be a villain because I love watching people scream in terror! My current current position prevents me from acting as I would like... but in the background I am one of those who enjoy pinching balloons to children and stealing wigs from the elderly! I am a bad person, I recognize it one and a thousand times if necessary.

But Dalia, being a bad person and enjoying with the small evils does not mean that I want massive suffering and pain to my congenics"

The giantess had no words, because although Dalia also enjoyed little pranks ... she also enjoyed doing good. It was strange to meet someone who is described as openly as "bad person".

"Destructron, I have no reason to believe in you... and I have to tell you that I despise you enough"

"This is how it should be, not in vain, you are a hero! A bad person should not fall for you!"

The final salvo of fireworks illuminated the entire lake, and thereby marking the arrival of a new day for the inhabitants of Magic Fun Park. "I really want ask you for what you came! I dont think it's just to tell me all this!" Dalia asked, while enjoying the light show.


"I've come to steal a few Dimensius lilies! Most of my bodies work thanks to a DieR engine, so if I do not get it once in a while-"


"Wait, wait... most bodies? The Rapper, the bodybuilder and the gardener are not the same body?!"

"No! Of course not! I have 24 Destructors dressed in different professions depending on the situation! I can digitize them anywhere in Terre dell'alba that has a connection to the C-net and with a holographic digitizer, so I simply have all the bodies in capsules depending on which one you need to use and where!" Destructron ducked again, cutting off 7 more Dimensius lilies and putting them in a compartment inside he breastplate.

"How strange are you... before leaving, could you do me a favor? You have a...-" Dalia crossed her arms, not knowing how to ask the question. It was shameful to ask something similar to an enemy, but-

"18.1 feet tall, the acceleration part of your growth has begun. Enjoy it!" Destructron walked away through the gardens, dodging the puddles of water that the irrigation system had left.

Dalia waited for the robot to move away enough..."I'm going to remove the recorder and leave this section as the diary!"



End Notes:




Growth Journal of Dalia, entry 3.5:


18.1 feet! 18,1 Feet! 18.1 Feet! Now, almost the time has come! 2 feet more and I will be able to attend the meetings of mama and the rest of giantesses! A new world opens before me! A world full of possibilities!

(And legs... because I'll keep talking to the knees of other giantesses... but to pass that phase will be a matter of waiting a few weeks!)

Hurray me! Long live the giantesses! God, what do you want to throw me to a Rebbeca no bigger than my hand! That will be an experience and not be robbed and stabbed in Prometheus!




Special 100 chapters and 20,000 readings: Miss Blue Sky by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:




Since this is going to be chapter number 100, I have decided to show you one of my favorite activities!


Recover the money that scam me by selling me fake artefacts whether magical and / or alitians!

A good scam should always be followed by a good lesson!




It is important to emphasize that this isnt the first time that happens to me.

Neither the second...

nor the thirteenth...

nor will be the last surely. 




Magic Fun Park, Starlight Courts City:

Central Market


After the opening of the new day, in the old streets of the city a "small" market of scarce 600 feet in length along 4 streets is celebrated. A place where tourists can leave their money in knick-knacks, illegal devices... slightly defective objects... trash in general! But as it is sold to you by people who are pale and with good voices, you buy it!

Why am I moving to the market if it is full of people so horrible and scary? Do you remember old Hades? Oh Hades, brave son of a bitch!


Well, I'm going to tell you a beautiful story!:




The day after Hades was expelled from my body, the young Dalia was recovering from her injuries in the bed of her beloved aunt Valeria. Her dear mothers decided to leave her at rest a few days before taking her back to Bahia, staying in Valeria's care while the two of them started looking for Hades bastard.

Aunt Valeria is a pretty reliable person! And Aleria is even more reliable! But both coincided in one thing: the work of actress and mascot of the park takes a lot of time! More than enough time for a tired giantess to get bored alone in a room that does not belong to her!

What do you think the elegant and beautiful Dalia did? Right! Escape with the purse that his mother had left to the market!

And once there, the beautiful giantess met an old woman sitting in one of the street stalls, selling what she said were Algerian artifacts! The majestic Dahlia was amazed with a small writing pen that according to the old woman was able to write alone everything she heard!



That bastard lied to me in the fucking face! To me! A Dalia Reyes Wood!
The graceful and growing Dalia had not planned to go to claim, mainly not to mount a scandal in the middle of the street...

But now I'm 18 feet tall! Now nobody dares to send me to shut up! Fuck the narration! I want my fucking money!





The market was full of people from all over Terre dell'alba attracted by the call of alchemy. One of the largest family companies in the field, Wiz'end, had announced the previous day a large supply of alchemical oils of all types.
Offer that every good alchemist (whether amateur or professional) could not let go.

And among the crowd, they ran a rumor that little by little was becoming reality.

"They say there is a giantess very pissed off!"

"Should we move away?"

"How is a giantess to come? I would not go on the street!"

"Dont be an idiot- AHHH!"

Men and women ran terrified, while the rumble of Dalia's footsteps drove away everyone who did not want to be stepped on by her. And to think that people went into panic for just an 18-foot giantess... imagine if I had come after my growth!

Ignoring all the people who seemed to be fleeing from Frankenstein or something... The teen giantess stopped in front of a street stall decorated with a dark green canvas and what appeared to be hollow, stuffed fingers ... filled with light bulbs... it is not the winning decoration of the "good taste" award, that was evident.

The old woman seemed to be sleeping in an old garden chair, covered by a gray tunic and gnawed by the passage of time (or by moths, because hygiene was not a strong point of the street stall)

"Madam, your writing pen doesnt work!" Dalia said in a VERY loud voice as she knelt in front of the post, but the old woman followed what appeared to be a pleasant dream. "MADAM"

Dalia's scream was more than enough to scare everyone in the near world, trying to get away as quickly and discreetly as possible. "I've heard you the first time, dear..." The lady opened one of her eyes, looking almost without moving to the giantess. "Do I know you? Your face doesnt sound like-"

"You sold me a magic pen and it doesnt work! I want my fucking money!" Dalia left the sleeve of the pen to write on the plastic table, hitting it with both fists causing a huge noise. "MY MONEY! I WANT MY FUCKING MONEY!"

The old Iloa could not help laughing in Dalia's face, pissing her off even more (if possible) "Girl, havent you been taught to respect your elders?"

"MY MONEY!" Dalia started the conversation being angry and little by little was beginning to be hostile.

"I cant return the money, but we can find something that fits more with the profile of a hero, do not you think?" The old woman raised her eyebrow, enjoying disturbing Dalia.

"Are you... a seer?" The giantess went from hostile to frightened, and back to hostile. "Well, if you are a clairvoyant, you should have seen that I was going to return! MY FUCKING MONEY!"

"Seer of your book-school project, more specifically... I'm sure to look for information about you as soon as I see you leave... and now Dalia, what do you need?"


"MY FUCKING MONEY! Or something I can use while I dont have aura! But the main thing is my fucking money! I remember that it cost me 87 dollars of the alliance! And that money really was for emergencies! Give me the fucking money!" The people around began to get very nervous, to the point of some consider telling Aleria.

"Ummm... a little girl like you who is growing in body but not in spirit... someone trapped in a cruel destiny, but with the will to break the chains and change the world around her..." The old woman I get up slowly and go to the back of the stand, looking for something in the trunk of the van that was a portable store.

"I can see how many trials await you... I can see your concern, I can see your courage! And that courage of yours will become your weapon, if you wish..." The old woman pulled a cloth to remove what appeared to be a big briefcase With much effort, the old woman left the briefcase on the floor in front of Dalia.

"Are you going to give me a suitcase ?! It doesnt seem too expensive! It'snt worth my money! GIVE ME THE FUCK-"

"SHUT UP! Look inside the suitcase! Stop screaming for money! You'll get them to call the police!" The old woman hit the table with her right palm, trying to silence Dalia as she was.

"Ummm!" Dalia turned away from the old woman, focusing on the briefcase. With enough difficulty (because although the briefcase was more or less the size of Dalia, the insurances of the same one were not it)

As opening a treasure chest, Dalia slowly opened the briefcase observing the gun inside. A revolver of black metal and with a white hilt and golden ornaments. The revolver (Dalia was unable to distinguish the model, most eye looked like a Remington revolver similar to those of Aunt Fiona) had the gun decorated with runic symbolism and a blade mounted under the gun to the trigger. The cylindrical magazine was smooth and full of the same runes that decorated the cannon.


Dalia's eyes were not separated from the gun, and for more reason than enough, because the gun was just the size of Dalia's hand. "Oh my god... what... is thi?, is this born directly from an archangel?..."

"An enchanted pistol, forged by a master Iloa from the mountains, a weapon that is linked to the carrier for life, creating a bond that grows and grows along with the skill of its owner.Someone wanted to give it to you, but I did not have the right opportunity-"

Before the old woman could say anything, Dalia was already manipulating the gun. Like a child with a new toy, the giantess turned and watched the details... until she managed to open the magazine and verify that instead of bullet holes there was only one red and orange jewel.

A jewel too bright to be just an ornament."Start explaining, old woman"

The old woman sighed, sitting down again. "How it's built for you, the enchanted gun-"

"Revolver, lady, it's a revolver!"

"He havent paid me enough to learn it! Shut up and listen ... Ahem ... as I was saying, the enchanted pistol uses an elven jewel called "dragon's inert breath" as a charger. When you squeeze the trigger you shoot a super powerful magic bullet or something So... you know what, I had to charge you 50 dollars more... but you have me so sick that I'm going to-"

"GOODBYE!" Dalia ran away, dodging people at full speed as she fled with a briefcase and turned in her hand The old woman leaned back in her chair, sighing and almost crying, trying to remember why she had taken the job.






While Dalia returned half happy with her new enchanted pistol, the situation in the night palace had not improved.

Better said... it has gotten much worse.


Rebecca was resting against one of the walls, almost unable to stand. For the half-breed it was virtually impossible for Valeria, whoever she was, to remain standing; even for a vampire it should be impossible to manage with such ease a dark clone, attack and defend with BOTH bodies at the same time and still have time to humiliate her!

"Planet crush doesnt work either ... we only have 2 pages of attacks left, Rebecca... so I dont want to sound like a bad person but we're running out of options..." Sarah said crossing out another attack from the list and opening the next file.

The inflexibility and over exertion that Sarah was putting on Rebecca, along with the permanent smile of Valeria were more than enough for someone who did not know this family in depth to explode.

"FUCK OFF, GIANT BASTARD! I STAY WITHOUT OPTIONS?! You know why?! Because every fucking attack you want me to do is fucking impossible!" Sarah shot up, kicking the wall with all her rage.

Sarah and Valeria were stunned, and it was Sarah who finally decided to take the step. (Well Valeria had to bite her tongue a lot so she would not start laughing) "Rebecca ... sorry-"

"FORGIVE? FUCK THIS! GOD! I'm not a fucking machine for you to be driving at your whim! What the hell is that list of attacks? When you said last night that I could go to bed and that you two would think attacks for me, I thought you would talk about simple things! You werent listening to me when I said that I would take half of my life to learn how to use the Sol wave?!"

"Half life? If you only use a bad version of the Sol wave invented by me!" Valeria made a serious mistake when she started laughing. A laugh that drilled into Rebecca's head like a pneumatic hammer.


Valeria was about to reveal her false identity as Aleria, but the vampire relied relatively little on Rebecca to put at risk all his role as the star of Magic Fun Park. "Hey girl, relax, okay? Aleria will not mind! I've already told you that I work as a secondary character in her television series!"

"THAT DOESNT MATTER, I CANT BECOME A HERO WHEN IM ENTERING WITHOUT PERMISSION IN THE FUCKING NIGHT PALACE! Imagine... imagine for a second that my identity is revealed and people get the security video where I am seen entering the Night Palace I wouldnt just be finished as Miss Radical! It would be finished Rebecca! It would be my fucking end!" Rebecca started to hyperventilate, but when Sarah offered her hand to sit, the half-breed kicked her away.

"Hey Rebecca, you're getting too far!" Sarah hated raising her voice to people not in the family, but Rebecca was going too far.

"DONT TELL ME WHAT I HAVE TO DO, I'm trying my hardest to replicate one of your fucking attacks, so shut up and read the next!" Rebecca seemed willing to leave the basement with blows if necessary.

"Nothing! You start insulting everybody and then you start giving orders? I dont know if you have a problem controlling anger or that, but Rebecca is not leaving me very good impression!" And Sarah was beginning to get pissed off like she never had before with anyone else.

"ANGER?! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! THE FAULT OF THAT FUCKING VALERIA AND YOUR FUCKING GROWING SISTER!" Rebecca screamed with all her strength, grabbing her hair and tearing off strands. "AGGGGGGGGGGGGGG, I'm getting out of here!" And as she said it, Rebecca ran out of the basement.

Sarah and Valeria looked at each other for a moment, and although Valeria wanted to let Rebecca relax on her own, Sarah, out of fear of disappointing Dalia, went out to find her running.

(Running is a very free definition, because Sarah had to crawl again all the way to the central hall of the Night Palace) 





What happens when a giantess who is in love with Rebecca crosses a half-breed that is pissed off to the brim? A word:


Dalia was walking calmly through the gardens, watching her new magic revolver wondering what her first target should be. "A rubber duck? A plate? Ummm a stuffed Hades! No no, that would be very difficult, I would have to make a stuffed animal and I dont think that right now I will be able to use sewing needles... ummm!" The giantess stopped thinking about the stuffed Hades when she saw Rebecca leave the Night Palace.

"Hey Rebecca, you're finished?!" Dalia started running

(dodging the flower pots in the process)


(except for a poor pot of daisies, which had no chance against the weight of the growing giantess)


"Ehh ...?" The half-breed looked up and stopped biting her lip. For a few seconds Rebecca thought to answer quietly ... but Valeria's laughter returned to her head."DALIA! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" Dalia stopped abruptly, putting the revolver in the inside pocket of her tracksuit jacket.

The teen giantess did not know how to act, only being able to ask why.

"WHAT... WHY? BECAUSE YOU ARE GROWING UNTIL YOU BECOME A GIANTESS! A 60 FEET! DAMN IT, AS I AM SUPPOSED TO DOMINATE YOU LIKE THAT?" Rebecca started crying, while Dalia could only stay even whiter.

"Rebecca... I dont understand what you want-"

"What dont you understand?! Are the neurons of your brain functioning in something other than growing?! I told you! I am the one who dominates in a relationship! I cant dominate someone who measures 60 fucking feet and who weighs like a fucking building little!Is not that you get into the fucking head?! When did you expect to tell me?!" Rebecca started walking towards Dalia, who could only kneel out of sheer fear.


"Your nothing! I've come here for you to humiliate me? I've put my identity at stake for this?! I had hope that you would be the right person, and you go and do this to me?!"

And the final straw to overflow the glass fell.

"What have I done to you?! I've believed in Miss Radical, I've tried to help Miss Radical become the hero Bahia needs... and I've fallen in love with you! That's all I've done to you! Growth is a totally natural process and it does not concern you!"

"It's up to me because you fucked me! You entered my room without permission and you insinuated yourself like a whore!" Rebecca raised her hand, preparing the Sol wave in case Dalia thought to attack her... and at the same time Dalia took out her new revolver, aimed at Rebecca to avoid that the half-breed was launched against her.

Scene that only got worse when Sarah finally managed to leave the Night Palace.

The giantess froze, letting rage and anger grow in her body; mentally preparing to murder Rebecc- OH GOD, WHY DOES DALIA HAVE A REVOLVER?!

"Dalia! No!" Sarah closed her eyes, concentrating her aura and activating the will card. "I will not let you destroy your life like that!" And running at superhuman speed (or super-giantess) she take Dalia out the floor between her breasts.

"Rebecca, I'll give you the opportunity to leave by the good manners... because if you dont ... I do not respond of my actions." Sarah was concentrating so much energy that Rebecca's own Sun Wave faded away.

"I... Dalia... I..." Rebecca was still very angry, but at the same time the fear of retaliation from Sarah was even greater. "...grandma!" And screaming and crying, Rebecca ran to the portals station, leaving Sarah and Dalia alone.

Between sobs, Dalia tried to explain what Rebecca had said without a clear conclusion. Sarah was so furious that she could only repeat again and again-"Shhh my little sister... Rebecca was not the right... quiet little sister..."



End Notes:




That's the end of the chapter, with me crying in my sister's arms because my first love has rejected me... If it werent for mom Elsa just called Sarah and me, asking us to join a bombing in the rear parking lot of the City Hall!

Mom Elsa often uses the expression "Join a bombing" when something serious happens and she needs us to help her BUT we shouldnt ask for help from mom Hannah.

Her literal words have been:




"Sarah, Dalia, I'm sorry to interrupt you with Miss Radical...

BUT DESTRUCTRON AND A CULTIST WHO CALLS HIM "SON BORN IN THE BLOOD OF THE MASTER"... name too long soo I will name it as Sood... have surrounded me and two IFA agents who are defending a truck that seems to be very important!


It should be noted that Destructron doesnt come with Sood! They are fighting among themselves and with me! A good fight with three bands like before! Sign up before it's too late-"




And at this moment it seems that Mama Elsa releases the phone and Destructron pick it:




"Dalia, Sarah, come to the party! We have fireworks and an Iloa with the look of not having slept... in the last decade!"




And in the background you could hear:




"Impure human and pathetic fairground robot! Stop defending and give me the last embryo of the master!"




It sounds dangerous and fun, important enough for Sarah to let me go! This special 100 chapters improves every moment!


Part 2 here we come!




Special 100 chapters and 20,000 readings: Blood for the embryo of the Master by SirDarkvid




Part 1: Alliance of disloyalty

Bahia del Sol town hall parking: 7:30 p.m.


"GO AWAY FROM MY WAY, DEFECTIVE ROBOT!" Liters and liters of blood flew in all directions, while the cultist by name too long wields his impure sword in an avalanche of choleric blows on Destructron.

The battle didnt seem to want stop, the three bands of it had more than enough energy to continue all night if necessary.

"I cant do that, Sood! If someone is going to unleash the chaos in Bahia, it must be me!" Destructron smiled without losing a millimeter of ground. The security that the robot had in itself was so much that-

"THE BLOOD DOESNT LIE, YOUR FALL WILL BE WRITTEN UNDER THIS MOON!" Sood shouted as he stuck the robot's stomach with his sword smeared with the blood of the Alitian god. Destructron, without losing his smile for a second, growled as he backed up quickly.

"All right, Elsa, I didnt know that a genius of your caliber can be stopped with a simple lock!" In the pectorals of Destructron two small compartments were opened, from which came two small robotic arms, one armed with a digi-printer and the other with a soldering iron which started quickly with repairs.

"Sood, I must say that you are a real pooper without grace or style! You dont let me talk, dont let me attack, you have me only on the defensive! Remember what the psychiatrist told us!"

"We've never talked to any psychiatrist, hell machine!" Sood lunged forward, only to be stopped by Elsa's halberd flying towards him.
Disappearing in one of the multiple pools of blood under his feet, Sood emerged several meters back, taking his time to catch his breath.


"I cant take care of trying to open this fucking electronic padlock and take care of your ass at the same time, Dest!" Elsa sighed as she made her halberd reappear in front of her feet. The mayor was completely attacked by the nerves, having to keep an eye on the Ashguard that protected the town hall, another on the padlock that did not seem to want to give and another on the battle between his enemy and the enemy of his enemy.

"I swear that if I find that stupid demon and that orc, I will kill them! I dont care if they are agents of the IFA, how do you run inside the barrier with the access codes of the truck?!" Knocking on the doors of the truck trailer, Elsa typed the following code into her list and again received a negative response. "Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!"

"That doesnt seem like a positive contribution to our relationship, Elsa!" Destructron exchanged blows with Sood, trying at the same time to keep away from the blonde and at the same time trying to snatch the sword of shit. None with good results.

"Sood, how is that you dont get tired?! Also, how can it be that my punches resonate more against you than your slashes against me?!"

"I'VE TEMPERED MY BODY AND SOUL IN THE BLOOD! I WILL FULFILL MY HOLY MISSION TO RECOVER THE TEACHER'S EMBRYO WHATEVER IT TAKES!" The cultist grabbed his sword with both hands, ready to skewer Destructron-

But once you can catch him by surprise, but two? I dont think so.

Grabbing Sood's sword with his elbows, Destructron began to pull forward.
"Life is like a box of chocolates, there are times when you manage to eat some without your parents seeing you..." Tightening his metal teeth, Destructron managed to launch Sood's sword through the air. "Other times you get caught in the act-" And just as the bloody sword fell on the floor, with a wave of his hand Sood pulled her towards him.

Slash! With a precise cut, the bloody iloa managed to reel the head of Destructron that fell on another of the puddles of blood. "Enough of games, give me the embryo and your death will be pious, heretic!" Sood began to walk slowly towards Elsa, waiting for the blonde to open the truck.

"You are both a real pimple in the ass, you know?!" Stepping on the tip of her halberd to rehearse her, Elsa prepared to stop the slash of the cultist. "I dont know how you've become so strong, but using blood against me is a bad idea!" With a quick movement of her feet, Elsa caught a small flame that jumped on the blood shed by the sword.

In the blink of an eye the entire parking lot was engulfed in flames, as Elsa had already personally bought (not for pleasure, if not more for the bad luck of falling blood on her lips) that it was artificial blood created by magic.
Between the flames, Elsa advanced without rest throwing cut after cut against Sood, getting to cut great part of the tunic of the cultist.

"The flame ignites the blood, and returns it to its most primal state! Energy born of chaos, product of the innate strength of our species!" Sood was a real pimple in the ass, that was clear as water. "A force that doesnt discriminate, a force that separates us from false gods like Azure and Scarlet! We are the true heirs of this world, and our will will be one with the rivers that will be born of his divine blood!" Sood raised his sword, colliding with Elsa's halberd.

"For the mother who gave birth to you, shut up one fucking time!" Elsa used all her strength to reduce it, but what she never expected was the cold sensation of steel penetrating her side.

"You cant silence the voices of those who carry the truth, mayor, you cant run away from our destiny" Reversing the situation and removing his sai from Elsa's body, Sood let her fall to her knees on the floor. "Your blood shouldnt run out today, mayor, so just let the soft lullaby of the poison take you to the world of dreams"

Sood started again his advance towards the truck, only to be interrupted by the onslaught of a muscular and hot (in a literal sense) decapitated body. The body of Destructron took its greatest weight to immobilize as much as possible to Sood, who was completely alienated.

"Damn, inferior being, stop fighting and turn off forever!" And while both struggled, Sood managed to see how Elsa slowly rises, stretching her back.

"Poison! nothing bad, I should recognize! But you know?" Elsa started to walk towards both, and after standing next to her, the blonde proceeded to tread with all her strength the hands of robot and cultist, breaking both in the process. "I take my power from the greatest source of energy in this world, my wife! Using things like poison... or radiation, or even trying to incinerate me will only result in failures!"

Releasing a harrowing cry of agony, Sood released his sword."Monsters, you can never stop our holy crusade!" It was all Sood managed to say while Elsa continued to crush his hand.

"Destructron, I'm tired of him, do you do the honors?" The body of the robot raised a hand to make the sign of okay, for moments later grab the head of Sood with both hands and break the neck. "Ufff!" Elsa sighed in relief, while typing on her C-com and activating the parking fire sprinklers. "How are you doing, Mr. Rob?"

The head of Destructron came rolling next to his body, and after a quick repair, began to move again. "This body doesnt have a voice system outside the skull, so I was hoping you wouldnt understand my ambush plan! Now, if you'll allow me, I'm going to take that sword with me-"

Elsa intercept the robot hand, bending backwards to the limit of the Destructron joints. "Oh, but are you leaving now?" Elsa's smile didnt match the actions of the same, but the robot could not stop seeing the charm to such a feat.

"We have formed a temporary alliance! You have whatever it is that is in the truck, and I keep that spit-blood sword so cool! Everyone takes their share of the spoils!" Destructron hoped to get some kind of negotiation with the blonde... but Elsa wasnt willing to give her arm to twist. (Interestingly, she was twisting the arm of the robot)

"Listen well, fucking robot ... I dont know what our friend is referring to, the one disturbed matter of the "embryo of the Master", but until I finds what mean, you dont get out of here" Destructron tried to protest, but Elsa pressed one more his hand reaching the point of beginning to destroy the metal. "You get it?"

"Of course I get it! Just let me go!" Elsa nodded, smiling, releasing the robot's arm and returning to the truck. "Baby, you didnt need to put on that-"

And the empty protests of Destructron disappeared while I saw the same as Elsa. Blood flowed from the sword to Sood's body, which began to replace all the broken bones in place ."You can not run away from your destiny, and my destiny is to take the embryo of the mas-"

"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! DIE, FUCKING MORON!" Elsa returned to imbue his halberd and charge again against the resurrected Sood, recovering his sword intercept the attack. "Destructron, do you need an invitation or something?! Come on, fuck! I want to go home to have dinner with my family!"

The robot looked for a few seconds at the truck before launching again against the cultist.

Truck where a small crack of the Alitian god was trembling with sheer fear.

"Dont let a madman like that take me away... please... he is goint to eat me or something!" Hades didnt have a good week, that was obvious. But this? Being locked in a truck with a fucking insane with the only protection of what sounded like the most useless robot in the world... and Elsa?

The little divine recess couldnt stop thinking about what God had offended to end up always in situations like this.

"Ah... of course... I offended Phoenix... damn it! It does not matter in the hands of whoever falls, I'm fucked!"





Interlude 1


Hannah yawned reluctantly, letting herself fall on the kitchen table. The giantess had been trying to contact... with any of the members of her family without success. Not being able to talk to Elsa while she was taking care of her town hall was relatively common, but what didnt make sense was that neither of the two daughters would not take the calls!

"What will they be doing..." Hannah swung her C-com with her index finger, suffering one of Mother's greatest ills. Excess of negative imagination."I could call mom and ask her to use Flynn... but I dont want to bother her holidays in Alus... and if they are in danger ?! My girls! My little girls!"

Hannah managed to see where the situation was going, and with a quick slap I managed to calm her accelerated heart. Dinner time was approaching, and although today was fried "chicken" night (Terranovae animals had flavors similar to terrestrial ones, so except for clear situations where the flavors varied too much, all the terrestrial dishes kept the names after leaving the Earth), Hannah was unable to rejoice even half as usual.

Such were the nerves and fear that the giantess felt that she was unable to dial the number of the takeaway restaurant.

"City warning-" The sound of the TV still lit up the attention of Hannah, who didnt expect to hear anything other than the series she had in the background while cleaning. "All civilians without level 4 battle authorization must stay away from the administrative district of New Bahia. " We repeat, all civilians-" And while the presenter was still talking, Hannah saw her two daughters show their C-com to the agents of Gun and managed to break police control.

Hannah's mind was blocked for a few minutes, until the giantess managed to return to itself.

"... I kill them, I kill them both, then Elsa, and then I kill them again... yep, that's the plan"

Hannah slowly got up from her chair and walked towards the entrance of the house. Such was the annoyance of the giantess that she didnt even bother to change her sandals after hearing how the back ribbon of her was broken.





Part 2: Million bet


Fear filled every inch of the body of both sisters, while they saw torrents of blood shoot out from behind the town hall. Jets of blood shot with as much power as if they emerged from geysers. Sarah held her little sister (although each time she was bigger... and heavier) against her chest, while running down the street jumping every car, bike or bike abandoned by people during their escape to a safe place.

Whenever a giantess appeared in a movie, the directors looked for the way to put the famous scene of running on cars, and although Dalia was delighted this time to see her sister represented one of the most legendary roles in the film industry... what am I saying?! THERE ARE FUCKING  BLOOD GEYSER FLYING FROM WHERE MY MOTHER IS FIGHTING!

"Run Sarah! Run!"


"You dont have to tell me!" Sarah focused her eyes on the town hall, trying to discern if the building had an active Ash-guard. "Little sister, do you think the town hall is active or just shines for something?"

"I do not have it very clear... why- Ahhhh!" Sarah decided to play everything to a single letter. After accumulating enough momentum, the giantess supported her hand on the façade of the town hall and in an act of pure physical power she jumped over the building.

Meanwhile in the parking lot the battle between the false alliance between Elsa and Destructron and Sood continued, this time with the cultist demonstrating all the power of his impure sword. With the simple act of driving the sword into the asphalt, tides and geysers of blood emerged from the ground, taking cars parked with them.

Elsa and Destructron tried to shelter up on one of the roofs with solar panels.(For which Elsa could not stop suffering, just imagining the cost of repairs) 


"Succumb to the blood of those who have risked everything! Surrender before" Sood stopped his speech by noticing how a small plastic ball landed in his mouth, spitting on the spot.

"We've got it, religious torrents and that! Now why dont you stop pretending to flood an OUTDOOR PARKING, genius?!" Destructron tried manteneres away from the geysers, because although a few liters of blood would not be a big problem, the pressure with which the blood emerged from the ground was certainly dangerous.

"Your words are empty-"

"Do you know what is also empty?! Your fucking crazy cultist head of... of... I'm so pissed that I do not even know what to tell you!" And Destructron could swear, because the blonde was so furious that even her cheeks began to turn red. (And not precisely because of the blood that splashed his body)

Sood nailed the sword deeper into the ground, releasing an even larger current of blood. "CAN YOU INTERRUPT ME IF YOU WAN.... want?" After seeing a growing shadow over the bloody parking lot, Sood looked up at the sky... only to see something huge falling on it.

PLAFFF!!!! Sarah's landing was smooth, as soft as one can land on a small bloody surface... but the giantess thought she had stepped on some kind of small motorcycle because of the crack she had made when it broke.

"Mom, are you okay?!" The giantess ran to her mother, kneeling and leaving Dalia on the floor.

Where before Dalia cant managed to see over the roof, now it was just at neck height. "Mama! Sarah is super crazy! She has jumped over the town hall without looking! It was amazing!" The teen giantess was super-excited, resting her hands on the roof.

"Dalia, you have no aura, how do you commit the madness of coming here?!" Elsa sighed, rubbing her temples, regretting having to ruin her little daughter's amusement. "Sarah, good work with the cultist, by the way"

"Cultist, what cultist? have I done something?" Sarah blinked as she turned to the parking lot, trying to find what she supposed she had done.

Destructron couldnt resist the laughter, which became serious as soon as the robot spotted a stream of blood heading towards Sarah's foot. "What a pity... he is going resuscitate now... Dalia, do you have the gun I sent you in the market?"

Dalia lifted her shirt from behind, taking out the revolver and showing it. "Of course! Wait, it was yours? I thought it was the typical thing Grandpa used to do-"

"WHY AND HOW DO YOU GIVE A GUN TO MY DAUGHTER?! Do you have processor problems or what, crazy metallic idiot?!" Elsa pulled her own hair out of sheer frustration, but what was drawing the attention of her daughters silenced her.

Sood's crushed and pulverized corpse detached itself from Sarah's soles, floating in the air as the stream of blood repaired any wound her body had suffered. Sood opened his eyes suddenly, screaming at full lung.

"Crushmetramplemetearmetopiecesincineratemeelectrocutemehangmeinjectme withthelastsolutiondrownmepoisonmeshootmeconsumemyfleshandmybones! Whatever you want, you can never stop my return! I have been chosen to recover the embryo of the Master at any cost! Not even death dares to separate me from my sacred mission!" Sood tore off his tunic, throwing it to the ground and showing his body covered in runic tattoos. The eyes of the cultist began to shine in an intense red while the blood that covered the parking lot was detached as if it had never been there, floating towards Sood and covering his body with a full-blooded armor in constant movement.

"Dont pray to any god, they will never listen to you! Believe in yourselves because that is the only strength that we have left!"

The quartet remained in complete silence, with the empty looks and without moving any. The reality... is that none of the four had managed to fully understand the first message of Sood. But what everyone understood was the seriousness of the situation.

Elsa took a step forward, looking towards her eldest daughter. "Sarah, have you brought your mittens?"

Sarah nodded, pulling of her shirt neck and pulling her mittens off her cleavage. "Always ready for what may arise, mom"

Elsa nodded, looking at Dalia this time. "Little bug, my C-com is still attached to the truck, and since I cant let you fight without aura, you will be my hands and brain in this battle. Get to the truck, unlock the trailer, take whatever the of the IFA they were transporting and take it inside the town hall... the Ash-guard will recognize your genetic code, so nothing will happen to cross it through one of the doors"

"But Mom, I have the revolver-" Elsa's look was clear enough, and as much as Dalia was annoyed, the giantess was clear that she had to obey.

Sood raised his impure sword, causing a stream of blood to emerge beneath Dalia's feet with enough force to knock down the growing giantess. "It doesnt matter how much you try to separate yourself! Useless acts will be useless no matter who comes along-"

Sarah, with a completely enraged look, leapt towards Sood, throwing a straight right hand powered by her innate aura power. As a Dirty Lover, Sarah possessed an aura regeneration beyond normal, and unlike her little sister, Sarah had trained through meditation to control this flow of aura. 

Also, when one talks about what Sarah have to defend herself, the correct thing would be to ask what she doesnt have. Motivated by her mother, Sarah and Elsa take classes in all kinds of martial arts, combat styles with white weapons and even small classes of archery and rifle.

The punch was more than enough to throw Sood to the ground, smashing the asphalt and giving Elsa enough time to teleport over the cultist and nail his halberd into his stomach. "As I imagined, it's just blood flowing! This doesnt defend! Destructron, do your thing!"

Destructron faster than a mechanical truck slid... rather, he flew at full speed on the ground to snatch the impure sword. "How are you going to regenerate now, eh cultist-" And without even letting go of the sword, blood flowed from it to Sood, releasing a bloody nova that pushed back the whole world.

"Come on, that's not fair! Change of plans! I'll gonna destroy that sword even if I have to take half Bahia ahead!" Destructron crashed both fists, opening compartments on both sides of his arms shaped speaker.

"Your futile attempts dont undermine my moral ferra! Prepare to fall before the real blood!" Sood pointed his hands at Sarah, firing a beam red like blood that the giantess eluded by the hair. The beam continued its journey until it hit the barrier of the town hall, vanishing.

And all this epic fight... is going on without me! I just got to the trailer... and my mother has not thought of a small detallle... very small:

I am totally unable to press any key of Mom's C-com.

Is too small! Why does the universe seem to conspire to make my growth look bad?!

I can read the numbers that appear, but I cant type the combination in any way... even with the little finger I just press several keys at the same time.If only they were analog keys and not a touch screen! I could use the nail to type!

Where's that Rebecca bitch when we needs it?!

Calm down, Dalia... you're a smart girl! Something has to happen to you-



"Destructron! I'm in the middle, fuck!" I turned quickly to see my mother covered in what looked like freezing foam, trying to get rid of it.


"I couldnt shot to Sood without aiming at you! My freezing gun isnt so precise!" Destructron tried to defend himself, but Sood kept pouncing on him again and again, closing any type of window that the robot had to re-shoot.

Sarah raised her mother, and after concentrating her aura, melted all the freezing foam. "Are you okay, mom?" Elsa nodded before going for Sood, followed by Sarah trying to hit a new concentrated punch on the cultist. Unfortunately for everyone, Sood this time seemed more concentrated than ever, sinking into the blood and dodging the attacks of the three.

...They need my help, and I cant help them while this stupid lock...


Taking out again her revolver, Dalia pointed... it doesnt happen to you that when you want to narrate something that you do or did in the third person is strange? What else!


PUUMMMM!! Express locks opening service! Dahlia to serve you! What a genius I am!

And... let's see what hides behind door number 3...

"Hello, Dalia" Hades stuck like a mosquito to the crystalline wall of his capsule, talking mentally with the giantess. The bond between the two was more than enough for the shattered god to start a cloth.

"Ohhh... this is the truck that Destructron said this morning... I should have suspected it, but I thought maybe there would be two trucks! One false and one with the real content!" Dalia sighed, watching how she could get the capsule trapped by multiple security locks.

"You came to rescue me, right? I have a deal-"

"Hades, stop stories" The giantess pointed her gun towards Hades, who began to tremble. "Why that idiot wants you specifically? It'snt that you're anything special!"

"...and what do you want me to tell you?! The IFA captured me not far from the Magic Fun Park! I didnt even get too far away- "A second bloody nova exploded in the middle of the parking lot, forcing Dalia to hide inside the trailer. Grunts from Sarah and meaningless screams from Sood filled the air.

"Shiiiit! How can that imbecile be so strong?!" Dalia hit the side wall of the trailer, making it tremble. The giantess was a bit too big for the trailer, and every little movement was accompanied by crunches.

"From what I've heard, he's using some kind of enchanted weapon in alitian blood, if you dont destroy the base of the sword, it will continue to regenerate both her and the cultist." Dalia turned to the container, blinking confused.

"Why do you tell me that? You do not sound like you..."

"I'm not going to let a shitty sect use me as a ritual, my best chance to survive here is to help you save me!" No matter how much sense his words had, Dalia had and knew that she should suspect him.

In the end, the teen giantess had a first idea of r03;r03;what she could do to decant the fight in her favor... but for that she needed a little more time. Dalia turned around as best she could in the trailer, sitting with the Hades capsule between her legs.

"It's time to see how far I can force our destiny!" Dalia closed the trailer doors, wished her sister and mother good luck.

(No to destructron ... and less after knowing that it has a lot of copies of the same body)





Interlude 2:


The GUN security control was working tirelessly, rejecting everyone who wanted to join the fight. Unfortunately, some stupid manager had told the press that civilians could join the battle with a level 4 pass, which in seconds Zoe said was false.

The GUN agents did not have a second rest, stopping everyone by order of the mayor herself.

Except one person.

The soldiers of GUN trembled when they saw Hannah moving along the avenue full of people who went out of their way, offering her a free way. Citizens wishing her luck or citizens instigating her to kill the one who had disturbed the peace of her city... but in the end neither of the two groups had any impact on Hannah.

The look of the giantess was pure anger and flames.

"Lad... lad... Lady Hannah, what are you doing here?" The person in charge of the security control went out from the top of the security tower, looking directly at the waist of the giantess.

Hannah took a step back, squatting on her haunches and placing her face directly in front of the agent (who was almost about to wet herself on top of a pure fear)

"I will pass, raise the barrier or I will go over, you choose how you want it to be in your record, agent"

The agent could feel Hannah's slow, heavy breathing, directly moving her own suit. "You know I cant do that-"

"Listen well, little man" Hannah lifted a finger placing it on the security tower, pressing lightly. "My wife and my daughters are in there, so I'm going to go in. You can pretend to be a good agent all you want or you can have empathy for a mother desperate to protect her family... or I can tear this defensive post apart... believe me I can, I play on it days Infamous Second Son and I'm an expert in destroying defense post... "Hannah blew hard through her nose, causing a gust of wind that pushed the agent backward.

The agent was so scared, he could only bring his mic to his mouth to whisper, while they raised the fence for giantess.

"Good choice, agent, now go ahead with your work, I'll make sure Zoe knows you've done well" Hannah passed the security check, and after a few steps, a loud noise called the attention of agents and giantess.

Slash! The upper strap of Hannah's sandals broke, leaving the giantess unable to continue using them.

"Oh my god... what a pity moment" Hannah moved the toes of her foot, which protruded slightly above the sandal. "I have to buy a new washing machine, or call the technician... this starts to be very irritating" The giantess crouched down, picking up both sandals in one hand... although what really caught her attention was one of the cars of the GUN agents.

"Guys, I'm taking this, okay? I think I'll need it." Hannah grabbed the car with her other free hand, continuing her way to the town hall barefoot but loaded with tools.

The agent waited until Hannah was far enough to sigh, scared and screaming with fear as soon as he heard some footsteps that turned out to be one of his companions.

"Sir... I think we have chosen the wrong defense post for this street"

"And why?... What happened now? My heart could not stand other scares..."

The agent took off his protective helmet, wiping the sweat with a sleeve.

"Well you see... this defense point is supposed to be 32 feet above ground level to be able to look directly at the average giantess at the height above her navel... and as you sir will have seen, Hannah, who is not a tall giantess, was much higher than it should"

The agent closed his eyes for a moment. "I already think about how strange was looking directly at her crotch... call the base and warn that we have taken an erroneous portable defense post.... what a last day before retirement I am having..."




Special 100 chapters and 20,000 readings: Back from the past, look to the future by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:

I regret the waits between chapters, but they gave me a very bad medical news about my leg and since this goes for a long time, we had to do some works at home to me be able to move around it.

I regret any inconvenience caused.




Part 1: Days before the last assault to the Master Lair


Silence filled the bar and grief fed the hearts of all present. A slight murmur was enough to understand that the fate of all these men was already written:

Win or lose... all died, only a few or none... everyone knew the only thing that mattered.

The Master must fall, at any cost.

Phoenix hit the bar twice, telling one of the novice waitresses to fill her glass. Within his mind, Phoenix couldnt help being pessimistic, so many millennia watching these people fall again and again had taught him to think twice.

Many unknown people entered the bar that night to wish luck to the soldiers who at dawn would end up with a being that defies the same laws of nature... wish luck or wish them condolences, that Phoenix was incapable of having it clear.

But even so, they were too young people... people who didnt deserve death. Neither the iloas, nor the humans who had just lost 3/4 of their species in the closure of the portal.

Too many good people... too many people lost along the way... Cycle after cycle... but this time it was different.

This time they had enough soldiers to storm the temple. They were not soldiers... if not a combination of pirates, bandits and rangers Iloas and gunners, firemen, policemen and human soldiers...

They had not had much time to coordinate but didnt need it: Everyone was clear that the death of the Master was much more important than their individual lives.


The night would be long, and the road to the temple would be even longer ... so Phoenix wanted to make sure to make more than half the road drunk. For this, she needed to continue drinking until she forgot the faces of everyone who had already fallen.

A small flash filtered through the front door, and a faint smell of familiar seawater reached Phoenix's nose. As much as she hated it, Elsa knew that she couldnt stop that door from opening... so she decided to just keep drinking.

Although the truth is that looking away from the door was impossible, because nothing had prepared Phoenix to see a Dalia much larger than a constumbre struggling to enter.

"Come on! This is starting to be too ussual!" The teen giantess sighed as she kept trying to get her hips through the door frame, with so much noise that everyone turned to see her. "You have nothing better to do?!" The red face of the giantess released a small laugh that the bar so badly needed, a laugh that stopped when Dalia ended up destroying the door when she managed to enter.

"... I cant pay for that ..."

"You dont have to pay anything, I'll do it... I'd invite you to sit down, but paying also for a stool crushed under your huge tambourine does not convince me!" Phoenix smiled as he instructed a waitress to prepare Dalia's nonalcoholic glass. "Have you come to say goodbye to me? I've been thinking for some time that I'm really going to die in that temple... you've never told me what the result is"

Dalia's gaze darkened as she sat in the alcove next to Phoenix. "You know I cant reveal those things... You know that I am in your future, is not that worth you?"

"Sometimes I think that you invent more than half of the chronomancy rules that you tell me!" Phoenix turned on his stool to Dalia, taking some of her strands of hair and kissing them. "I wonder if I would have been a good mother to you... I cant help but wonder what kind of future I would have expected..."

Dalia took Phoenix's little hand in hers, squeezing it as carefully as she could. "You are the best mothers in any cycle, no matter what versions you are of yourself"

"The weight of the world on my shoulders then... I need to know... no no, I need to make your future real, it's all that matters to me" The words of Phoenix werent unknown to Dalia, because this very moment I had lived it too many times. Always trying to comfort the one who could have been his mother, always promising a future that she would never see...


"The weight of the world"

One of the most common terms for chronomants. When you travel back in history, you never do it to your past, but you create another past, another timeline where the chronoammer interacts... another line that disappears when the water of the Fountain of dreams dries up.

The authentic Phoenix never interacted with me, nor did I save my real mothers from the Scarlet Key fragment. I have never seen the real land, nor could I meet my other grandparents... All those moments are moments that I have wanted to do and live to understand that term.

To be able someday to understand the sacrifices that one must make so that everything follows its course.

I dont know what gave Phoenix the strength to fight until the end... I dont know what gave Phoenix the strength to fight to the end and never know it, but inside of me I wish this was the reality.

And why have I relived this moment? Because now that I have no aura and I can not follow my plan for myself... Phoenix, although I never really get to know her, is the only one that could help me.

"Why are you back, little one? What do you need from me? Help with some other history work?" Phoenix's smile wasnt the best, but with the battle that awaited them, it was understandable.

Dalia refused, taking out Destructron's revolver. "Right now I cant use my own aura... so I've come to see if you-"

"A magic weapon! The Iloas make very few of these! And why are you without aura, what happened to you?" A single gesture of Dalia's head was enough for Phoenix to imagine. "Ahh... are you growing? I thought you had changed your hairstyle!"

"Ha ha, very funny! You can adapt it... or force it to put a wisp in? I have a pretty talkative one and I would like to use it as a source of energy for the gun" Phoenix looked down at the gun and lifted it towards Dalia. These actions were repeated for 3 minutes.

"Ummm" Phoenix did a bit of force loading his hands with aura, breaking the loader cylinder and pulling it out. "It seems complicated, this is manufactured Iloa, right?" Dalia nodded, not helping the conversation. "Pffff, I can try to open a hole for the loader gem, but it may not go too well... you would do well to see a blacksmith"

"Ummm... an orc would be worth?... Forget that, I know who can serve me" Dalia drank her drink... without alcohol unfortunately... damn! I measure many feet! At least 19 feet! A little glass the size of my big toe will not do anything to me!

"I have no idea you're talking to me... but be careful, do you? There are very bad people out there... and I feel like I will not have another chance to tell you" Phoenix stood up, gritting his teeth. "What I wanted to say... is that you be careful... I dont want anything to happen to you"

Dalia squeezed her eyes, tried to hold the moment again. Once again, once again... The phrase was completely rehearsed, so it's just a matter of letting it go.

"Phoenix... Mom... I'll be careful, okay?" Dalia hugged Phoenix for a few seconds before crawling out (very ungratefully).






Interlude 1: IFA truck


Dalia reappeared minutes after leaving, making the truck shake. Hades had some faith that the chronomancy went wrong and the teen giantess fainted... Unfortunately, not all dreams come true "What are you're doing...?" And I'm not going to cheat you, I doubt that he really does this as if he cared.

"I have a route of action, but there's still a short time to be able to take advantage... how do you think the orcs will react if I show up there before they meet humans?"

"Probably you unleashed a warcraft in reverse... I know, when your mother played those games with you she disconnected, I only remember that there were gnomes and people wanted punt them" The teen giantess pretended not to have heard that, still looking at her revolver. "Oh come on! That was a good joke! If you dont accept me or the jokes, what's going to happen to me?"

"Become a battery charger for the revolver, that's your destiny, baby" And just as the bomb dropped, Hades remained in complete silence. (Strange thing in the but at the same time grateful)

"'re kidding, right?" And God! How Im goint to enjoy this! Ready? There it goes!



 "NO NO NO, YOU CANT DO THAT TO ME! NO TO ME! I AM A FUCKING ALITIAN GOD! I CANT END LIKE A BULLET IN A REVOLVER!" Hades started running around the capsule. "I DONT WANT TO BECOME YOUR WEAPON! YOU, YOU ARE MY WEAPON! You cant... you cant alter the natural order of things!"

"Oh god, come on, it's not that bad, you're just going to become a little thing that will give energy to a super handsome revolver!" God, how much I'm enjoying myself right now!


"HADES, SHUT UP!" See if I shouted enough that even the battle outside the truck would stop for a moment. "Listen to me well, little shit! I just believe you the biggest! I just pretend that you are the one who controls the situation!



"I NOTHING! LOOK AT MY FUCKING EYES, HADES! IT'S FINISHED!" Hitting the wall of the trailer with enough force to dent it, Hades ended up calming and dropping into the bottom of the capsule.

What tranquility! God! You cant imagine how happy I am now! Starting to pour the chronomantic water back onto the floor of the trailer, I noticed that Hades had leaned on the edge of the capsule. It may have happened to me... but I do not really care either. "Are you going to say something or are you going to stay like an abandoned dog?"

"...think about it, please... I dont want to be a revolver..."

Pfffff, cuddly after everything he has done to me, he can go to ---censored---
Hey! The new censubot works! I think I regret having installed it...






Part 2: Alus, the great continent

Underground village Iron-scale


When a human appeared in the middle of the central square of the village, all the orcs came running to tell their leader. That Sildud was in negotiations with the ardent alliance was an open secret... but that a human appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the village, that wasnt common.

"Move away, get away!" Sildud pushed every orc on his way, still dressed in his hunting clothes. "Listen to me! I take care of the situation! Go back to your lives quietly, I'll take care of the human!"

And when Sildud managed to reach the square, a human the size of a mammoth (or something smaller ...) did not fit into his plans. "The mother of..." Shaking his head for a moment, Sildud approached the human with one hand behind him, grabbing his rifle in case it was necessary.

"Welcome, human, are you coming in the name of the fiery alliance, or why is your visit due?"

The human remained silent for a few seconds, staring at Sildud. The orc pretended not to feel bothered but after a long 3 minutes... the tension was enormous.

Dalia quickly knelt, trying to calm the situation. "Excuse me Mr. Sildud! I did not mean to disturb you! My name is Dalia, daughter of Elsa and Hannah..."


The orc blinked a little, trying to remember his conversations with Elsa. "I do not remember Elsa having a daughter... but you dont seem to be lying... How much of a daughter of Elsa and Hannah, who brings you to the Iron-scale Village?"

Dalia nodded taking out her revolver from the back pocket of her pants. "Great warlord Sildud, I need the help of his blacksmiths, an acquaintance gave me this magic revolver of Iloa manufacture, but its core of energy does not serve the interests that I have at the moment.

I would like to introduce an especially powerful wisp as a secondary core, but at this moment I do not have aura to force a crack... would your smiths be so kind to open a hole in the gem?" Dalia knelt almost begging, forcing Sildud to not be able to refuse.

"Ummm..." Sildud approached the giantess, taking the revolver. "It's a great size, although in your hands it seems normal, I'm sure I can convince some friends to help you... Even before I need to know the size of the wisp already turned into an energy gem"

And boom! Mental blue screen! Dalia's face was a perfect mix of surprise, confusion, fear and shame. At this time, the teen giantess could pass for a bunny who will shine with the lights of the car.

"..wat?" That was all Dalia managed to say... and even Sildud understood why. "...and who... could do that to me? Some kind of jeweler? A scientist? A veterinarian?..."

"What? You need the spiritist who created the wisp! Who can think that for a wisp you need... whatever what it is a veterinarian?" Sildud felt an authentic need to sit down, because the conversation wasnt going too well.

"And if the one who created that Wisp... could we say... that he was someone unconsciously?" Dalia approached slowly, lowering her voice as much as possible. "Let's assume for a second... that Wisp was born of an evil and dark being, an ancestral being... one that served something very very very bad! What... what solution would we have, oh great Sildud?"

"Great... Sildud... I'm going to ignore that... Then you should look for a way to contact the original being or a superior being in your species. So that we understand each other, if it is a Wisp born of an orcish soul, or you will have to invoke the rest of the soul of that orc or with the spirit of an Okru, our genetic ancestors"

"We are really screwed then..." Dalia sank completely into her misery, so much that even orcs who watched the scene in the surroundings began to feel sorry.


"Can I help you... in something? If you tell me what species was your Wisp before... we could ask the shaman of the village to contact their ancestors" Even Sildud was beginning to feel sorry for the giantess without even knowing her.

"No no... I have to contact my relatives and ask them for information about the Wisp... Thanks for everything, oh great Sildud" Dalia didnt stop or answer the orc, drying the chronomantic drop of water and vanishing.






Interlude 2: The dunk of the century


"WHO IS YOUR FUCKING CREATOR?!" Dalia began to shake the Hades capsule with all her strength, shaking the trailer and up to the truck cabin.

"I told you! I am a secondary god, I answer only to the god of gods!" Hades cried trying to get away from the giantess as much as the capsule allowed. "I'm just an errand boy, I'm no better than... you!"


Such words were... they were... FUCK!!!! "HOW CAN YOU BE THE SAME THAT THREATENED ME LIKE THE FUCKING BOSS! COWARD! I hate you! I hate you so much! YOU HAVE RUINED MY FUCKING LIFE AND NOW... Now you dont even want to become my weapon!"

Hades went completely blank, not knowing what to answer. "I wanted an enchanted weapon! I wanted an enchanted weapon with the being that ruined my life! I wanted it to be a nice metaphor that I am a very good person that I forgive you and I manage to use you!"

"How can you say that you want to kill me and turn me into a weapon and at the same time pretend that you're the one that fits you! You're a deep psychopath whore!" Hades was more and more afraid, and it was not for less.

"You've upset my fucking head since I was born! It's your fault!"

"No! I left you alone until you was 7 years old! You were already a freak without needing my advice! Do you remember your first steps?!"

"Yes! Of course, yes!... yes... I remember my first steps... and I remember yours..." I need... I think I have a great idea to take Hades as a pistol. It's a dangerous plan, a scary plan... but a fucking perfect plan! It is virtually impossible for it to go wrong!

"You're thinking something bad... right... I know your faces... Dalia, dont you think-"

- Nodding -

"Dalia ... please ... let's not do anything you can regret-"

- Nod again -


BOOM!!!! The doors of the trailer opened with such great strength that one of them was unhooked. All the fighters present turned to see how the teen giantess crawled out of the trailer, with the torn and half-shattered container of hades under her arm.

"Time to let the party begin!" Dalia screamed with all her strength before starting to run towards the cultist.

Elsa paled completely, only managing to turn to Sarah. "Sarah, catch your sister and dont let her do whatever is happening to her!" And with that said, Elsa started to run towards Sood looking to prevent-

PUNCH!!!!!! Destructron got between Elsa and the cultist, giving him a punch with so much strength that it would pass into the annals of history as the only blow he had managed to throw Elsa more than 20 feet away.

Elsa landed on the side fence of the parking lot, falling to the ground on her knees while holding her shattered cheek and spitting blood. "BUT YOU-?!"

"Is it that you havent heard it?!" Destructron smiled as an electric cable fell from his right arm and with great dexterity threw him against Sarah, grabbing the arm of the giantess. "It's time for the party to start! The final show is about to begin!"

Dalia wanted to stay and bust the head of the robot, but this was the only chance to pass over her sister. "SooooooOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDD!" The teen giantess accelerated even faster.

"I see that you have realized that the resistance is useless and you come to deliver me directly to the embryo! Smart Girl! You will be remembered for your actions!" Sood stretched his free arm, pretending to receive the container.
And so Dalia did it! Or rather...

When the giantess was relatively close to Sood, she threw the container like someone shooting a three-point shot. Everyone except Destructron screamed in fear, while Sood started running towards the place where the container was going to fall. "I cant lose it!" The cultist almost cried with fear, while looking for the point where the shot would fall. "Not now! Not so close!"

And when Sood found a specific point, the cultist turned to pick up the capsule... he see her. Dalia jumped with all her strength towards the container, hitting it with her hand like a volleyball shot.

"And that's how you make an Alley oop from one person!" The force of the auction plus the weight of the container were more than enough to turn it into a damn cannon ball, which hits directly on the head of Sood.

CRUSH!! Sood's inert body fell to the ground, with the shattered container where the cultist's head had previously been. Hades, still dizzy from the whole movement, started to float away from the container looking for his only chance to escape.

"I'm free! I'm free! I'm-" And before finishing his third proclamation, the wisp was caught by Dalia. "No! Let me go psychopath!" Hades tried to return intangible with all his strength, but the lack of aura was taking its toll.
Dalia, without loosening her hold on Hades, ran towards Sood's corpse snatching her sword. "And now ... Destructron! I need some DieR oil!"

"Of course! Make sure that this is the party of the century, WHAT I SAY!? OF THE FUCKING MILLENNIUM!" Destructron shouted before opening the compartment on his back that kept the DieR.

Dalia ran to the robot, leaving the sword on the ground. Putting a hand in the oil (no matter how disgusting), the teen giantess began to draw chronomantic symbols on the floor. Sood's sword began to emanate blood to revive him, so I could only hurry.

"Dalia, what the fuck are you doing?" My mother said as she approached, still affected by the punch.

"I intend to end this fight and hades in one fell swoop! And for that, I need to go where everything started!" Answer without while trying to end the runic circle. For a backlash of such caliber, I needed a lot more work than usual!

Sarah managed to pull the cable (and the arm of Destructron), freeing herself and running towards Sood's corpse. "Whatever you do, I cover your back, little sister!"

... "THE SHOW IS A BEGINNING TO START!" Sood's sword ended the resurrection of the cultist, just in time for the function. Before Sood could call the sword back, he plunged it into the ground in the middle of the chronomantic circle.

"I, Dalia Reyes Wood, summon the door to the moment and the right place! To geolocate the place and the moment, I have someone who was there that day and the blood of it spilled for the last time in that place!" Chronomancy does not require so many shouts... but you can blame me for wanting to give this little whim and try to do it in the most visual way possible.

Before any of those present could say anything, a black portal like Hades himself and from which emanated a force that this world thought forgotten was opened in the middle of the circle, using the bloody sword as a link.Without further delay ... we will see the other side.








The sound of the walls receiving the impact of cannons and missiles resounded throughout the shadow-covered temple. In the middle of the predestined room, a portal appeared.

One unknown to the present... although the person who emerged from it was not so unknown. "It... worked?... Hades! I'm in the place?!" Dalia waved Wisp almost unconscious in his hand, looking for an answer that didnt come from him.

If not from something much later in the room.

"Welcome, Dalia... your meeting was something I expected with special interest"


The voice came from a "being", if we can call it that way, that was floating in the middle of a huge throne surrounded by impure weapons like the sword of Sood. Its spherical shape was unnatural, and its smooth surface and covered by colors, spots in complete continuous movement did not help to reassure the teen giantess.

"You have issues to deal with me, and your mothers will not infiltrate the temple for 30 minutes... let's chat while.

I want to get to know that idiot or brave enough to stand up to my impure presence"

His voice was such that he was able to cross the same chronomantic portal, causing Elsa, Sarah, Sood and Destructron to hear the conversation. The white of Elsa's skin was so intense that it could be camouflaged between sheets of paper. "I have ... I have to go get her..."

And as soon as Elsa took the first step, she found an obstacle in her way. "It is Dalia who has decided to take the step, Elsa, she is the one who must face the one who has already won the battle... we like it or not" Destructron opened all the compartments of his body, releasing as many weapons as his battery allowed

Inside the portal, the teen giantess was still mute... but I'm not like that. Nobody can fall me! That is my best trait!

"Master... let's do it"






End of story arc 3: Vs The Master / The hero I want to be by SirDarkvid




Parking of the town hall of New Bahia del sol.


The voices of Dalia and the Master had stopped completely, scaring Elsa more and more. Destructron seemed much more imposing than ever and going over it would be something really complicated-

BOOM! A giantess-sized sandal hit Destructron, throwing it across the parking lot as if nothing were weighing. The robot didnt have the slightest chance.

Elsa and Sarah looked quickly in the direction from which the sandal had come, expecting both of them not to be what it was. Hannah, more furious than ever, appeared on the side of the town hall, all her clothes torn as if they had been stretched from the inside.

"My love!" Elsa said trying to smile- KABOOOM !! Another giant-sized sandal flew through the parking lot, hitting Elsa and throwing her against the security barrier. The blonde didnt have the slightest chance.

Sarah swallowed nervously, trying not to keep her eyes on her mother. Hannah began to walk with increasingly strong steps, almost leaving the mark of her bare feet on the floor. "Mom... Mom... Mom?" Sarah couldnt stop thinking that something is not right, but the giantess was not very clear what it was.

"That's..." Hannah took a step inside the parking lot, but she stopped short when they heard a great crunch under her right foot.

CRUSH!! Hannah lifted her foot, looking at the delivery van completely flattening it under her feet.The van did not have the slightest chance. "Damn, what have I done to the world today so that everything goes wrong?" The giantess groaned in frustration as she scanned the parking lot, locating Sood. "Is that him?"

Sarah blinked a second, looking first at her mother and then at the cultist. "Eh... yes, it's that-"

BADABOOM!!! Hannah threw the GUN car she carried in her hands (no bigger than a toy car for her) to Sood, getting a direct hit with such force that the car itself exploded. The remains of Sood had no chance.

Once everything was solved, Hannah could breathe easy, walking towards her eldest daughter; Hannah's step echoed loudly in the parking lot, causing Sarah to continue to believe in her mother's anger.And this continued until Hannah stood in front of Sarah, the eldest daughter afraid to look up to look at her mother.

"Mom... Mom, I'm so sorry... we should have warned you-" Sarah could not say anything when her mother's arms wrapped around her, dragging her toward Hannah's generous cleavage.

"Shhhh, my dear princess... I'm not mad at you or Dalia." Hannah cupped her older daughter's head between her breasts. "Just tell me where this Dahlia is and as soon as you pick up your mother's imbecil we can go..."

Sarah didnt find the words to confess her sister's whereabouts to her mother... and certainly, it was not necessary. 3 shots like cannonballs pierced Hannah's mane, which quickly covered Sarah. The giantess turned to the origin of the shots, seeing Destructron on top of the giant sandal.


"Baby, I didnt think I'd have to face a Dirty Lover... but you know?" Destructron jumped onto the asphalt, collecting all his weapons in the compartment of their bodies.

The robot pointed its hand with the palm up in the direction of Hannah. "You can let yourself grow because of Azure Key... but that will only make things more interesting!"

"What the fuck are you talking about, too-muscular robot vacuum cleaner?" Hannah screamed furiously, before disappearing and reappearing instantly in front of Destructron. The giantess shone her left fist with aura, giving a punch that, for some reason that Hannah could not understand, had been stopped by the bare hands of Destructron.

"DALIA! GOD OF GODS OF AN EXTINGUISHED SPECIES! ALL THE PIECES ARE ON THE BOARD! ITS SHOWTIME!" Destructron threw back his right fist, covering himself with electricity before hitting Hannah's giant fist and making her stagger. "Listen to me, Hannah, things will be clearer once you see the world from Dalia's eyes!"

"Seeing things from Dalia's eyes?..." Hannah growled furiously, feeling her whole body heat up. A single message was echoing from within his very soul, a crystal clear message: Kill Destructron and his pilot.





Temple of the Master,

30 minutes before the final battle.


Dalia glanced at the portal, wondering why Destructron was so determined to give her the necessary time. Turning towards the disturbing colorful and corrupted sphere that supposed the physical body of the teacher, Dalia tried to evaluate everything what it knew until that moment.

"Master, first of all I want to be able to refer to you by a name that is not as stupidly egocentric as the MASTER... do you have one, cheap Ozma plagiarism?"


The teacher smiled or that Dalia assumed, seeing how the colors of the sphere made an inflection and a curve.


"Audacious, brave, unconscious and imbecile...

I knew perfectly what you were going to ask, but even listening to it directly from your mouth is really fun!"

Dalia sighed in disgust, something that made Master even happier.


"The name by which the Alitian people baptized me was...

Aurum August, god of gods, protector of kings, guardian of the just and champion of the brave...

although from that name only echoes remain distorted and distorted by the unconnected passage of the times"


"How can you have taken so long just to say Aurum August ?! It's not a bad name, by the way ... I'll call you Aurum. Well Aurum, I'm going to ask you three quick questions that you should answer yes or yes"

"Interesting... and why?"

From the ground, a shadow shaped tentacle grabbed the shadow of Dalia, which suddenly felt like a supernatural force grabbed his legs.

"Because you know that this is not really the reality. If you refuse to tell me, I will simply repeat this again and again until I get it answered... is that clear?" Ozma's shadow tentacle released Dalia's shadow, giving her an answer."

Perfect! My three questions: Why do you have to see things with my eyes What are your plans? I always hear that you have won the war, but I dont get the way you would if you lost the battle! And... no no, wait, the third question I save it for later"


The Master hesitated a few seconds, before deciding.


"I'll start with the second question... and honestly, you should just read history books.

My only objective was, is and will be to destroy the Keys as revenge for the murder of the Alitians"

Dalia struggled to remember the history classes, until the teen giantess's mind lit up. "Give me a minute!" Running towards the chronomantic portal, Dalia looked carefully not to open it again. "Sarah, do you corroborate the Master's response?"

But the person who answered was not Sarah ... it was someone more terrifying. "Dalia! Master..." Hannah said clenching her teeth hard almost to split them. "I can assure you, little bastard, that son of a bitch has repeated his same shitty speech"

"Sorry Mom... but bastard isnt a bit strong? I think I deserve it... that's right" Dalia laughed for the punishment later... with even more fear for the phrase to grow that Destructron had said forced only for her.

"Hannah... oh Hannah... slave of your beliefs"

The Master laughed with pleasure, that was evident.


"The fact that you are going to murder me not by your own will but for what you think is your own heart is so deliciously terrible!"


Hannah tried to say something, but the sound of what seemed to be a slap was followed by the sound of the giantess falling to the floor. "Dalia!" Destructron screamed as he looked like he was firing a machine gun.

"You're smart enough to see the truth behind the words of the Master! Dont think like a Dirty Lover! Think like Dalia Reyes Wood!"

Dalia closed her eyes, walking back to the teacher. The teen giantess opened them suddenly while she stood with both feet on the floor and pointed the index finger of her right hand towards the multicolored sphere, Dalia shouted with all her strength. "Destructron idiot... thanks for the necessary clues! Aurum, I already know your plan!

It has always been said that you are able to see all realities and temporal lines at the same time. Assuming that is true, because surely that power hides limitations... what sense would it have to die here? That way you wouldnt achieve anything!... Except... if you need to die here"

The Master applauded (or rather, gave the sound of applause) Dalia's theory.


"Not bad... now is the time to complete the gaps in your argument! And to make it more interesting..."

The chronomantic portal began to blink, a sign that something was not right. Dalia tried to reach the water of the fountain of dreams in her pocket, but again a tentacle of shadows immobilized her.


"If you are able to solve this puzzle...

I will not destroy the chronomantic portal, locking in this temporary pocket line and erasing your existence when its maximum time comes to an end.

Good deal, right?"


Dalia swallowed nervously, realizing the trap she was in. Cornered, pressed, with the back between the sword and the wall... But it is in these moments when I more shine!

"And if I win?" Dalia smiled at the Master, who did not seem to have been able to anticipate that answer. "You have said what you would do if I lose... so if I win it's my turn to choose it! I suppose it's a good deal! Although Aurum, you should know it beforehand if you really can see all the dimensions and all present, past and future! Its Showtime!"

Taking out my C-walk (although I do not like to use it for the battery that consumes when recharging, as it is connected to the C-com it is not a drama to take it over for situations like this) prepare the right music for my big moment.

Playing: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and tribulations - Pursuit Caught




Let's start at the beginning... For point 1 of this lovely evening:

Why, if your goal was to destroy the Keys, didnt you go directly against them and not against the Iloas and then the humans? That an answer is so r03;r03;simple...

Because you couldnt.

From what I have learned in history classes and thanks to the idiot Hades, the Alitian gods are artificial beings created by the Alitians to give images to concepts such as truth, lies, or events such as rain or drought. Your power and scope of effect are closely linked to what the Alitians managed to achieve...

that's why you are unable to direct your rage against Scarlet and Azure Key.
Now... I have to use more technique... Sarah! Explain it to moms! Destructron and Sood everything they dont understand! Let's continue then...

Hades repeated a lot that the Keys exterminated the Alitians to give shelter to the Iloa... but that doesnt make sense! Because the Alitians had to live at the same time as the humans in Novaterrae just because Phoenix got into Elsa Wood's body to survive... even if it didnt turn out too well.

Whenever I spoke with Phoenix, I found a detail of her way of speaking curious. She used centuries, millennia and Eras as forms of time... but she also used cycles.


Why cycles? A cycle is by definition something that is repeated over and over again until it is broken for some reason... the cycle day and night, the work cycle in the office... and other examples.

Phoenix talked about how he had seen the Iloas fall again and again into your hands... which means you've already managed to kill the Iloas more than once! And why continue with the same if the result didnt change?




The Master laughed softly, imagining the face of Hannah and Elsa.


"You're... really smart, too much so that unfortunately Hades was the one who tied you...

sorry for that"

Dalia refused smiling, preparing her throat to continue with her argument.





There is a reason to repeat the Iloa extermination again and again... an obvious one that Phoenix unconsciously also saw. You are looking for something. or rather someone.

The Iloas, to worship Scarlet Key... have much less relationship with the keys than humans. If you stop to think it for a moment... Azure key make the extrahuman and the Dirty Lover, just for us, just for the humanity.

Why Scarlet key dont make it for the Iloas?




The teen giantess took a deep breath, afraid of what she was going to say next.




The Dirty Lovers can only be giantess, the most powerful extrahuman species because of our total control over the aura... the energy of life.


The Alitians and their Gods lost against the Keys completely... but at the same time alone between you and the rest of the Alitian gods, Aurum, it was enough and enough to exterminate the Iloas again and again...

What is the difference between one situation and the other? There can only be a logical answer and that fits with the possession of Elsa Wood by Phoenix... Humans, or more specifically... the Dirty Lovers... right?





"Since you dont have the courage to say it, Dalia...

I will do it for you"

The Master took a deep breath amidst laughter.


"Think for a moment, Dirty lover? Why Dirty Lover?

Very simple...

You are the SS of the Keys, you are their weapons of destruction. His slaves lovers who do the dirty work for them...

For this reason after so long without knowing how to reach those heartless comets without any respect for life...

I decided to play his game.

Wait again and again, restart the cycle of this murdered world to the Iloas, the favorite race of Scarlet key forcing it to restore Novaterrae to a previous state...

Hoping that the chain of events that brought humanity to this refuge planet would happen again. I waited and waited for a Dirty Lover to appear before me, but Hannah was too controlled by Azure Key...

I needed... to give eyes to a younger Dirty Lover... a simpler one than Azure and Scarlet key couldnt suspect..."


"This is where I come in..." Dalia said half whispering.

"I know you have a good heart, Dalia, you, your sister, your mothers and those around you are good people... but I couldnt just tell everything the Keys do and hope you believed me.

I needed to give you the ability to see beyond what Azure and Scarlet want you to see...

that is why I entrusted one of my generals with the sacred mission of surviving and sharing his soul with you, giving you the blessing of the Alitians and allowing you to get out of the plan of the Keys.

Unfortunately... the only one of my generals who I didnt think he were going to survive was the one who did it...

With my last breath and realizing that Hades wouldnt understand my words...

 I spread my blood for the earth of this world, hoping that someone born after my death would be able to understand my plan"






Parking of the town hall of New Bahia del Sol. 


"And that's where I come in!" Destructron shouted proudly. "Chaos is the natural order of things...

The new humanity cant live alone in peace praising to the Keys, because times of peace are what the Keys use to extend their influence, and if you dont believe me, you can look around all of you and see how Azure and Scarlet are beginning to turn the giantesses back into their obedient soldiers. They have them grow up and become weapons of mass destruction without feelings or conscience...

Or rather, you could... if you only saw the reality beyond the designs of the comets" Destructron looked towards Hannah (trapped by cables bathed in DieR on the ground), towards Elsa and towards Sarah.

None of the three said anything, because everything that Dalia, the Master and Destructron had said went against everything they knew... and yet, Dalia seemed to be sure of it.

"...It's Master's blood, right?" Sarah stepped forward, taking Sood (already resurrected) in her hands. "Will you lend me a moment?" Sarah pointed to the impure sword of the cultist.

Sood hesitated a moment, but the fact that for the first time he had managed to hear the voice of his master and lord clearly, beyond mere whispers was proof enough that these people responded to him. Kneeling in Sarah's hands, Sood offered his sword to the giantess.

"May the blood of the Master be with you"


Sarah left the cultist at her feet, watching the sword the size of a teaspoon of ice cream in her hands. What she was going to do was totally disgusting, anti-hygienic and surely dangerous... but Dalia trusted this.

And that was enough proof.

Pushing the blade of the sword into her mouth at the frightened look of her mothers, Sarah began to drink the blood that incessantly enamed her. Its taste was horrible, but something inside the giantess seemed to be clearing. A strange sensation, like liberation... a sensation that soon merged with the rest of her.

After spitting the sword, Sarah looked at her hands, looking for some difference. Without finding it, Sarah's gaze went to her mothers-

"FUUUUUUCK! MOM! YOU ARE SUPER HUGE!" Sarah screamed in sheer fear, seeing how Hannah had torn apart her clothes and sandals, even cracking the ground when she stepped on it. Hannah should measure at least 70 feet.

Hannah and Elsa looked confused, trying to understand the situation until Sood's sword flew towards them. Elsa caught it in the air, looking at the launcher.

"Sarah has taken the step forward... Like Dirty Lover, she has been brave enough to change reality... her reality.

Are you two too, or will you let your daughters overtake you? "Destructron looked smiling amused at the two of them, waiting for their response.

Elsa and Hannah looked at each other for a second, both understanding the decision of the other. Elsa raised the sword towards her, licking the blade like Sarah and letting the same sensation intoxicate her. The result was immediate.

"Hannah ... you ..." Elsa rubbed her eyes, without giving credit to what she saw... and at the same time relating everything that was happening in the last weeks. The clothes of Sarah and Hannah... the giantesses on the street complaining about problems with the textile company...

The mayor was unable to understand how she could not have noticed before.


Hannah nodded, straining to free herself from the Destructron cables and taking the sword. A few seconds in his mouth were enough for Hannah to open her eyes in terror. A sudden embarrassment flooded her, forcing her to cover her clothes with both hands.

"... it cant be... bigger not... please!"

Destructron watched the scene fascinated, being much less dramatic than he expected. Although clear... someone was missing.

"Sood, your turn, I know that in your cult, although you use the impure sword to regenerate you are forbidden to consume the blood that emanates from it or something... take it and go with rest of your cult. Make them open their eyes at all"

Sood nodded to the newly discovered as an emissary of the Master's will, vanishing into a pool of blood and disappearing through a manhole cover.
"Dalia ... all yours, finish the story and become the hero you want to be, make the show worthwhile"




Temple of the master,

The fiery alliance has managed to cross the defenses.


"...Aurum, my third question is this: Do you want us to avenge the Alitians?"

The Master closed his eyes thoughtfully. (or something like that, because all the colors of his body turned gray)


"That's what I thought... but what would it serve? I have killed the Iloas for a number of cycles as revenge...

Trusting that I had already won the war, because my plan had no fissures.

And there are still no fissures.. but my plan is no longer for me.

I cant recover my children, I cant save the people who saw me born and who I swear to protect... they were taken from their own existence...

Revenge, if it is empty, it becomes useless.

However... now you can use my actions in your favor.

I have given you eyes, and now it is your decision to use them.

The Keys have millions of years connecting planets, destroying civilizations and rebuilding them elsewhere just to please their innate desire for control.This same planet only existed for that... but now you can change that.

Turn this world into something more than a refuge for the Keys to experiment with species! You can fight them back, and even gain your right to exist beyond their designs! You can do what the Alitians cost them their lives!

Listen to me well, family Reyes! You have the tools! I have already won the war, because I know that you will be able to get rid of those stellar psychopaths once and for all!"

 With these words, the chronomantic portal stopped blinking, and Dalia's legs were released.


"What kind of hero do you want to be, Dalia?"


...That is a good question. I want to be a pure and innocent hero? I want to save everyone? Or I want to give them the necessary to do it all together...

if I want something... if I want something ... it is that no one can control our lives. I dont know if this is something born of me or is the result of the presence of Hades in my body for so many years...

But I want to be free, and I want the Keys to stop make us working at they will...


"I want to be a hero for me and my family, I do not care how others see me, if I look like a hero or a villain... but if I want something, it's not being a weapon of the Keys!"

"Then, make it real, I cant see all the time lines, I cant see all the dimensions... but I can see something.

I, Aurum August, can see the power that the Dirty Lovers mean for the Keys, and I wish that That power only has to render accounts to you.

Come in peace, Dalia. Go with your head high, because today I have already been defeated twice...

And that I couldnt see it coming"





Parking of the town hall of New Bahia del Sol.


I dont last a second on the floor, as when I took a step out of the portal my mother Hannah and my older sister was already getting up in my arms with my mother Elsa on the arm of Hannah, hugging me the three and filling my face with kisses.

"Ya, ya!" I tried to defend myself, not wanting Destructron to see me being so spoiled... but between the arms of the two giantess, I could see how the robot was moving away.

"Are you going back to home, tin man?" Mama Elsa said as she climbed back into Mom's now more spacious shoulder Hannah.

"My job of being a good guy is over for today" Destructron said waving his hand, without turning around or stopping walking. "The next time we see each other we can be like friends or enemies, like rivals or allies... who knows?

Your desire to protect Bahia contrasts with my desire to generate chaos, so we will cross again, that's for sure"

"Destructron!" I shouted support in the arms of my older sister to have more visilidad. This time, the robot stopped. "I forgot to ask the question of Hades to Aurum or whatever it is called! Would you explain to me one day how I cam make him a battery gem?"

The robot stretched lazily, searching for the answer. "Maybe, but only if you defeat me or if you end up with Azure key, whatever happens before!"
And without saying anything else, the robot stopped next to a GUN digitalization pole, disappearing.

A long battle is coming to an end... but the war is not yet decided. And I'm going to make sure that the balance tilts in our favor.




Dalia's growth Journal, Entry 4: by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:




Alleys in New Bahia del Sol;

01:00 at night, 47 of Full Solar Era.


Jol ran with all his might, holding his bloody arm against his body. The steps behind him had stopped, but that damn demon wasnt going to stop chasing him until he was dead.

"Leave me alone!" Jol shouted at nothing, waiting for someone, whoever he was, to hear their pleas.

"I've seen what you've done" The same voice coming from the same abyss was still chasing him, it did not matter how far Jol ran... his voice came out seemed to come from the inside of his head.

"It's just been for protecting me and the company! I didnt want to accept the deal!" Jol began to be unable to breathe, and as dangerous as it was, he needed to stop to breathe. Continuing to reach a few garbage containers, Jol managed to hide between them, earning a few very necessary seconds.

"Please... Azure Key, God, whatever... finish this nightmare..." Jol cried to himself, looking at the shotgun wound on his arm. If he came out of this, it would be a good story to tell colleagues. The day they almost killed me.

And it was at that moment of false calm that Jol prepared to leave his hiding place... seeing him. "No, please, no..." Jol denied almost without a voice.

"It's time for you to pay for your crimes, Jol." The masked man said closing his eyes, carrying a second bullet in his clipped shotgun.

"I HAVENT DONE ANYTHING TO YOU!" Jol tried to move, but the two containers that had served as his refuge now served as his prison. "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!"

"I do what must be done, I get to where GUN can not reach, and you are one of those targets that only bring evil to our beautiful city" The masked man pointed with the shotgun at Jol's legs, firing without any hesitation.

"AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH" Jol had nothing more to scream and cry for the immense pain while the masked man walked away.

"...why... Mr. Skull... I just... had signed some construction contracts... no more..." Jol's eyesight was beginning to be clouded by the loss of blood.

But even in such bad condition, Jol could see how the container in front of him began to approach, pushing more and more his mutilated legs.




...Blood dripped down the alley, while the masked man drenched in the blood of the villains was moving away in the middle of the night.

"Mr. skull?" The masked man said to himself, releasing a lonely laugh. "Idiot, my name is Skullman, remember it in the other world"


And among the long shadows of the night, Skullman disappeared, preparing for his next objective. This city needs heroes, and Skullman is here to do the job that no other wants.







Mansion of the Reyes Wood family;

12:00 in the morning, 47 of Full Solar Era.


The smell of coffee flooded the kitchen of the mansion, while Elsa and Hannah enjoyed a quiet breakfast without incident. The two wives fooling on each other, enjoying their company while they waited for their daughters to join.

"Wow, they've found a guy made full mashed in Bahia! What a dreadful news!" Elsa said reading her tablet, while Hannah brought the last toast to the table.

"Mashed? that's not heard every day!" Hannah said without a trace of concern in her voice ... that wouldnt be entirely accurate, was there any concern? Yes. Was there interest? Not at all.

"Apparently, GUN is awarded to a guy who calls himself Skullman, a kind of... antihero? Imbecil? We could call him in many ways. I knew that the theme of Ms Radical would bring us problems with all the idiots who want attention and seek their moment of fame" Elsa sighed and meowed when her wife's finger caressed her back.

"Look on the bright side! Maybe Destructron considers it dangerous and go for it!" Hannah said sitting behind his wife, pretending to ignore the moans of the chair under her certainly big ass. Although if something worried Hannah more than the chair, it was the bikini that barely managed to contain her body.

That if it was something worthy of concern, and more with his the guest sitting at the table!

On the other side of the table, Destructron looked up from his newspaper, doing the Fuck you to Hannah. "I'm not so bored as to get rid of an idiot wearing a skull as a head!" The three laughed quietly, enjoying a quiet morning free. 



"ENOUGH!" Sarah opened the kitchen door suddenly, completely alienated.

"Is nobody going to comment on anything last night?!" The eldest daughter of the Reyes family was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. "Dont pretend to act as if it were a normal morning like any other!"

"Sarah, honey, relax!" Elsa said without looking up from her tablet. "Sit down and join us for breakfast! Your sister must either be so exhausted as not to get up, or she must have already entered the sleep phase!" Elsa laughed as she took a sip of her coffee cup. "My wife, today the coffee you have prepared has gone great! Surely you dont want a little, industrial machine super-evolved?"

"No thanks, my systems only accept DieR or Cherry Jam!" Destructron joked as he took a bite of his toast. "Hannah, I must admit that my real self is mouth watering! These toasts are delicious!"

Hanna waved her hand in shame. "Come on, come on, stop both, please! You're going to shame me!"

Sarah stood with her mouth open, blinking confused without understanding what was happening. The giantess sat next to her mother, not yet accustomed to Hannah surpassing her by so much difference. (Almost 8 feet of differences between the two)

"Why are you doing this, guys? This seems almost a scene from a family comedy... but disturbing, because at the table there is a robot sitting with enough power to fight one against one with you, mommy"

"Oh Sarah!" Destructron imitated Hannah's gesture while laughing like a maruja. "Dont flatter me so much! This unit doesnt have enough power even to tie with Dalia right now! Only the "Mayhem" unit can fight with your mothers and you!"

"You're a psychopath or a madman... I'm not sure yet, Destructron" Sarah said as she laid her head on the table, not understanding the aura of tranquility that their mothers emanated.

"Hey, Lord madman for you, Miss! Also, if you knew my pilot, you would not say that! you know, IRL I hold a very important position for society!" Too proud to be an idiot robot, Sarah thought.

"...Moms, can we really talk about what happened yesterday?..." Sarah asked looking at her mothers, both of them could see Sarah's concern in her eyes.

Elsa and Hannah looked at each other, laughing for a moment between them. "Sarah... forgives our behavior, but we have lived many times equally tense situations... we have a mechanism to be able to relax..." Hannah said extending her hand and taking those of her daughter. "But even if it doesnt seem like it, we are really worried about the current situation"

"Not every night you find out that Azure key intends to use 50% of humanity as a weapon against... Aurum didnt say who was going to use them! Damn it! Why do he hide that fact?" Elsa said to herself, while Sarah looked at her giantess mother.

"... mommy, forgive the question, but it hurts? are you okay?"

"Of course, it's been a bit difficult to get used to walking around the house... and it's been harder to get Jack to hack the page of the clothing factory without understanding why I needed it!" Hannah tried to take tension away from the situation, without convincing her daughter too much.


"It must be weird, right?" Destructron said as he smeared another toast in jam. "To know the truth beyond the Azure key fog but at the same time not being able to explain it to anyone!"

"You're a loner, you have no problem!" Hannah said hitting the table with both hands. "But it's really hard! Today a package of amazon arrived and I did not know how to explain to the messenger because I was wearing a bikini!"

"A bikini that doesnt do any favors to my huge and sweets girls!" Elsa joked laughing for herself, something that for some reason Sarah and Destructron found very funny.

"You know you're delighted with this!" Hannah gave a little blow with her little finger to her wife's arm. "You ride the biggest mountain in Terre dell'alba last night-"

"Mommy, I dont need to know that!" Sarah screamed as she swallowed a piece of toast with a single bite. "I heard enough yesterday!"

"Oh, sexual famil-" Destructron said and fell at once, because the three family members present cast a death glare at him. "...okay, I see where the limit of humor is for you... Anyway, Sarah, today I came for you"

"For me?" The giantess asked while out of the corner of her eye she saw how her mother Hannah's breasts were able to hang off the table and rest on it at the same time. Growing 20 feet in a day had been much worse than Sarah expected... and the fear that all giantesses (including herself) could follow the same path.

Destructron got up to sit down again on his knees in the Japanese style. "Since Dalia is now in the sleep phase, you will have to do her job during your university vacations"


"You see, Dalia has a special gift to get where they dont call her! And how you know, your sister is writing her diary for school work.

I will not tell your little sister the amount of lies that your mothers have told to you and her, in return I want you to write your diary while she sleeps all day"

Sarah looked at her mothers, confused and angry in equal measure. Hannah and Elsa tried to look the other way, but the tension of the situation ended with Elsa confessing. " see, when Dalia came to ask us to tell her our story... Hannah and I... we decided..."

"We decided to tell her the story we wanted it to be!" Hannah said as she banged her head against the table, embarrassed by the revelation.

"We invent the result of our first date, we hide all the times we have broken, we pretend that my mother accepted that Elsa lived with us without any complaint!

But understand, honey! Our history is full of people complaining about us, about people manipulating us so that we break and fuck every moment of intimacy! That's not the story that will make your sister take honors!"


"At first we were going to tell her the original story... but as your mother said" Elsa said getting up and hugging Hannah's hand. "Not everything should go down in the annals of history... we are immortals! we can make sure that the story of our love does not look like a Mexican novel based on stabbings in the back!... literally! You knew that my father tried to poison Hannah?"

Sarah was so confused that she didnt know what to answer, only being able to punch Destructron's imbecile and throw him away from the table.

"... and the story of Jolbirth's arrival?" 

"That we have told more or less whole!" Hannah said trying to remember. "We just skipped Bolt's assassination attempt to Elsa, Sora's, Flynn... the death and resurrection among flames of Valeria... and my subsequent right arm break! I spent months with my arm in plaster!"

"As you can see-" Destructron said to Sarah from the ground. "The story is very easy to be manipulated... Dalia is doing her best to make everything real, so while she is in bed snoring, I want you to be the one to transcribe all the facts!

I foresee... A saga against Skullman! With cameos from Ms Radical and Jack and my stellar moment? It could work!" Destructron said laughing as he left the kitchen.


Sarah waited a few seconds, before getting up suddenly looking at their mothers. "Moms, keep the secret for now, until Dalia hands over the school work... After that... I want you to tell us the whole truth... I do not want Dalia to have a conception of love based on a false first date of yours..."

Hannah and Elsa looked at each other with no desire, both defeated. "Look on the bright side..." Hannah said lifting her breasts and letting them fall in all her glory around her beloved wife. "Maybe our story isnt the best... but I wouldnt change anything about it... because in the end, I end up marrying the woman of my life..."

Elsa recovered the smile at once, climbing between the breasts of her wife to reach her lips. "In the end, we got our And they lived happily... and as I promised you in the ceremony, I will fight every day to make sure that nobody ever takes that away from us"

Both wives shared a kiss that although more complicated than the previous day, was as full of love as the first day.

And from the kitchen frame, Destructron made sure to take a good photo, wondering how much that could be worth sold to the right buyer.




End Notes:




Is this... is this working? I hope so, I dont understand how Dalia can have this set to record only by hearing words that have the letter E... whatever, from this moment and while my little sister is going through the easy part of the third growth, I'm going to take the control of the recording and subsequent transcription.

As I see that my little sister leaves her growth data every day, I will do the same. Right now, according to the camera of my C-com, Dalia measures 20 feet and 1 inch.



... I didnt like how this text has been, Dalia makes it sound more natural...

Give me a little time to configure all this to my liking and to read me some book about live recording.


Thx for reading and srry for the amateur look.






Dalia's growth Journal, Entry 4.5: Change beyond the bonds by SirDarkvid




Hello again, Sarah to the device ... no no, that sounds too stale!


Sarah thought to herself as she strolled through the streets of downtown New Bahia. The giantess was having a lot of trouble replacing her sister and...


Wait, this has automatic mode? Interesting...


The giantess thought as she stopped in front of the window of...


And if I dont use any button, this keeps narrating everything that the C-Recorder carrier does?

That's why Dalia is able to write so much! I already said that it was strange that she could narrate and write her thoughts and dialogues at the same time!


Sarah smiled to herself as she resumed her way. The city of New Bahia was much more lively than usual, with more and more people on vacation. The afternoons in Bahia were full of activities everywhere, for adults and children alike.

Interesting, if I use this button the C-recorder begins to narrate both facts in real time and news of the city. This device is much better than I thought!

How much money will this have cost you, Dalia? As if she could answer me...

That idiot is still sleeping! I dont remember that I spent a lot of time sleeping during that phase... but at the same time, I dont have much evidence of what I was doing.


"What are you talking about?!" Destructron jumped from the ground towards the wall of the building, using it for walljump on the shoulder of the giantess. "Stop fascination with the recorder! You are the hope of Bahia, no? The pride and the will of Bahia! Dont be a child!"


"Why do I let you patrol with me...?" Sarah said without much desire, shaking her head and walking on.

"Because: A) It's been my idea to patrol the city so you get used to recording, and B) The tides of the world do not stop changing"

"... sorry, I think we've skipped part of the conversation" Sarah was used to dealing with people who are half-truthful or just share part of the issues. (For the love of god, she's Flynn's granddaughter! Mister today I'll tell you this, but even in two seasons and a half it will not make sense)

"What you've heard, flat-"


"Flat, but have you seen me ?!" Sarah said too loudly, realizing quickly and covering her mouth with both hands. "I have almost the same breast size as my mother in percentage, not in real size logically..."

Destructon sighed, stopping his advance and massaging his forehead. "This is going to be hard... you have much less sense of humor than Dalia..."

Destructron used Sarah's hair to climb to the top of the giantess head, settling on her mane. "The tides of the world dont stop changing, and you can see it, right? Look around, look like nobody is able to see what they are becoming... It's a shame, right?"


Sarah was too aware of the robot's words. Since she and her mothers had taken the teacher's blood, the three had taken the ability to see the tiny changes in people: From extrahuman complaining about increasingly tight clothes to humans having to buy belts so that their pants too wide not fall.

Everyone changed without anyone being able to notice... even Sarah herself was able to notice the tiny but increasing pressure on her clothes every minute.

"Destructron, if we went out alone to see how the city is becoming the factory of soldiers for Azure Key... I really have no desire to continue. I have an adorable little sister sleeping at home that I'm not recording!"

"Siscon!" Destructron said smiling, noticing how Sarah tensed suddenly. "You thought I was nt going to notice? You may be the 'will of Bahia' or the future of this city... but that does not make you perfect, you are as human as the others! And your strange feelings that touch the perversion your sister are proof of that!"

"Destructron... I'm going to kill you, okay?" Sarah said with the best of her smiles, trying to keep her voice as low as possible. Preventing anyone from hearing things that could affect the reputation of the Reyes Wood family was one of the priorities of the giantess.

"You could kill me as many times as you wanted, but it wouldnt work either ... My real self is still far from your position!" Destructron faked a giggle, one without power but sufficiently unnerving for Sarah.

"Fuck you, Robot..." Sarah said completely defeated, her motivation ruined. "If only I could locate you-" And around the corner, Sarah hit her face with a platform of ice that floated at the height of her head.




The giantess fell backwards, managing to stop her fall with both hands to avoid any excessive damage to the property. "Auuh... who is floating a magic construction in an area with a limit of 30 feet?!"

The platform descended, revealing an elf of the storm offering a hand (not literally, for obvious reasons) to Sarah. "Do you need help locating someone?!"


Xilven, the leader of the elves of the storm and the current Great guardian of the secrets of the ancient dragons. Tall and with its brilliant natural blue skin surmounted by a typical blonde ash hair among the elves of the storm, attractive for those who enjoy the fetishes of dragonkin and elves at the same time.

Xilven never stood out during his first appearance in the interior saga of Dalia, being a secondary character completely overshadowed by-

"What... what is that sounding? TYPICAL HAIRSTYLE!? My hair is synonymous with my position as guardian!" Xilven shouted as he crossed his arms crossed and walked back to the center of the ice shelf.

"It's... it's an option of C-recorder, they serve as I read to create a summary of each character that has passed more than 5 chapters without appearance... it seems to work well!" Sarah smiled as she got up, reassuring everyone she had seen her fall.

"Well, I'm not a secondary character, so that doesnt like it should! And I know what I'm saying! Your grandfather has taught me the story of Dalia, and it's wrong that I say it, but I'm the star in every scene where I go-"

"Xilven, why are you here?" Sarah asked, annoying the elf, who spat in disgust.

"We should talk in a more private place? I will not deny that I understand that people want to look at me... I am a legend of the fierce alliance after all ..." And although Xilven wasnt looking at them, he could feel how much Sarah and the weird robot that accompanied her are shaking they heads. "But I have messages from your grandfather, messages for your family only, I dont know if you understand me"

Sarah sighed, picking up the stupid robot and marking the way for the elf.


Dalia makes all this seem easier...




Room for Vips in a nearby cafeteria.


"Being who you are has its advantages!" Destructron exclaimed happily while checking the dessert menu.

"You dont have to say it, robot friend! They have cheesecake on the menu... God! It's the best thing humans have ever created!" Xilven said while he sat in his seat.

"Cheesecake, a cup of winter Iloa tea... and a relaxing music! The best possible afternoon!" Robot and Elf nodded in unison, while Sarah pretended not to be paying attention to the conversation. The giantess was having more problems than the others to get comfortable on her part of the table; although the cafeteria had lent them a private room with pleasure, the size of it wasnt what was desirable for the giantess.

About 20 feet too low, specifically.

"I'm glad that at least someone is having a good time here..." Sarah said softly, trying to get a good posture for her back using one of the walls. "Having your legs so pulled inwards should not be good for circulation"

"Come on! Dont complain! They have offered this site for free!" Xilven shouted as he picked up the service phone. "Hi, we have already decided and we want 2 pieces of cheesecake and two cups of Iloa winter tea, and if you have a dragon nail for Sarah accompanied with fresh milk... 15 minutes? Perfect!" Xilven hung up the phone, turning to Sarah. "You're going to love the dragon's nail! It's an ancestral recipe from the storm elves, made with fresh cream and sponge cake!"

"We came here for an important message or to try traditional desserts?!" Sarah said raising her head, hitting the ceiling with some pain.

"Brute!" Destructron said with one hand under his chin and the other folded on the table. "At the table and in life, one must know how to wait and enjoy the small pleasures"

"Well said, Destructron! I finally find someone other than Flynn who understands it!" Xilven and Destructron laughed in harmony and complicity. Harmony and complicity that disappeared upon reaching Dalia.

The giantess was really worried, because if Destructron and Xilven got along so well, the chances of their union being born a dangerous and petty friendship were too high. God brings them up and they come together, as they say. "Xilven... I dont want to interrupt during your festival of mutual cock licking-" The giantess herself realized the barbarity of his words, rising again at once... and hitting her head again.

"How... how did that happen to me?"

"You're no longer controlled by Azure Key... now is when the real Sarah will appear..." Destructron said staring at the giantess. "I'm curious to see how your personality is without the previous ties..."

"Azure Key bindings? what are you talking about, guys?" Xilven asked innocently, while memorizing the term used by Sarah. Flynn sure will laugh much later to hear it.

"You couldnt understand... though... maybe I can help you with that" Destructon stood up walking towards Sarah. "Would you lend me your hand for a moment?"

Sarah nodded confused, putting her hand to- SLASH!

With a swift movement, Destructron activates its hidden blade in the arm; and with an even faster movement, the robot slightly cut the skin on the back of the giantess hand. Not enough to leave a mark, but enough to get a drop of blood.

"Xilven, what does one cow say to another?"

"What are you-" And at the moment when the elf opened his mouth, the robot threw the drop of blood directly into Xilven's throat, which he could only swallow reflexively."AGGGGG! How disgusting!"

"Why are-" Sarah tried to say while she was wiping her hand with saliva, although Destructron was faster interrupting her.

"Your blood is now the same as Dalia's on all levels, which means that part of the Master's blood is now in yours as well. With one drop it will be enough for a native from another continent to be free of the influence of the Keys... I hope, if not, he just swallowed your blood for no reason"

"I wish you didnt do things so impulsively..." Sarah sighed as she searched for a band-aid in her backpack.

"You already know me, baby! I've come to this city to mark muscle, chew gum, cause chaos and seek allies against the Keys! And that elf is cool, so if he becomes our ally it will be easier for Flynn to agree to join to us... and that leaves us one step closer to our first great obstacle..."

"Grandma, right?" Sarah asked without looking away as Xilven clutched her throat trying to vomit.

"To make Dalia free from the influence of the Keys will be difficult... she has been serving Azure Key directly as her Dirty Lover for too long... Winning the war is not possible now, but battle to battle will tip the balance"


"Aggg... how disgusting! My head is spinning..." Xilven said leaning on the table, visibly dizzy.

"Now it's my time! Elf friend, I'm going to give you the tools to see reality!" Destructron took a strong step forward, raising a palm towards the elf and retracting the opposite fist next to his body; in what Sarah swore was a martial posture.

"Insane robot combat art!" Destructron screamed before running to Xilven, putting both hands together and turning them into what looked like children's prisms. "-Vision of the truth... EXTREME!" And hitting Xilven's face with the prisms, the robot forced him to fall to his knees, unable to defend himself.

"What are you doing, asshole? You're going to hurt the-" Sarah tried to stop her mouth and the robot at the same time, but Destructron didnt get caught so easy, raising an electric field around him

"JUST A LITTLE MORE!" The robot shouted without stopping his combat technique. "5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1!" And when saying one, the hands of Destructron returned to normality.

"... Sarah, Destructron..." Xilven said supporting both hands on the ground. "Everything I've seen... is it real?"

Sarah nodded confused, looking at Destructron as she sat back at her table. "If you have any doubts, I've put a video montage with everything that happened in the parking lot of the town hall... You can consider it...

The first super-technique of the combat style of the insane robot!" Destructron winked an eye at the giantess, who didnt seem to be very excited about the name.


Anyway, Sarah couldnt let Xilven stay in that state, so the giantess lifted both hands around the elf. Closing her eyes, Sarah let her aura flow through the body of the wounded... until a whistle from Destructron forced her to open her eyes and see reality.

Sarah's aura, which all her life had manifested naturally without any limit, now became a strange colors pink, blue and yellow neon. The aura manifested itself with the same haze as always, but at the same time emanated some species of electric currents with the same colors.

"I see... I see that not only your personality is transforming into its authentic form... so does your aura too" Destructron said as his eyes recorded the entire scene. "That means... maybe the smoke that Hades used to fight to control Dalia's body wasnt his powers?... if not a way in which Dalia's aura manifested! This is very interesting!"

 The very nature of the Dirty Lovers changed the compas of their bodies, freeing themselves from the influence of Azure Key. For the first time in her life, Sarah was too confused to know what to do or feel... but it wasnt a feeling that conveyed fear, but rather it was a feeling of tranquility.


With the aura changing and Xilven now on her side, the substitute team of Dalia takes a step forward in their plans!

What will happen to Sarah's aura? What will Flynn's message be? And what will be the real intentions of the Keys? We'll see everything in the nexts chapters!

See you tomorrow!




"... just... just does the C-recorder finish a chapter on its own?"


"Not only that... he has also named the chapter!




Dalia's growth Journal, Entry 5: Elven fever by SirDarkvid
Author's Notes:




The lights of the streetlights began to light up as people began to look for restaurants and bars to stay for dinner. The weather was appropriate, the ideal temperature and the desire to celebrate a good time filled the entire city.

And although people were willing to have a good time, no one could avoid turning to look at the masked man with a skull and black raincoat despite the temperatures.

"You can keep smiling, the city is safe" thought the masked as he walked, proudly smiling from under the mask. GUN would soon find the last villain who had the misfortune to meet with the fists of justice, which meant that these people could once again feel safe.

And in the impacable sight of the masked one, a great group of people milled in front of the shop window of an appliance shop, watching a television.With pride, Skullman stepped behind the group, stopping to listen to his compliments.

But what he found wasnt praise.

"How could he have done that to a surgeon?"

"This city is increasingly full of psychopaths"

"Mayor Elsa should do something! We can ask her to go hunting herself."

"One can no longer feel calm and safe on the streets ..."

Skullman couldnt understand what his ears caught, no matter how hard he tried.

"How can they not feel safe? A monster in sheep's clothing who had accidentally killed an old man was now resting among the dead.

Those psychopaths they're talking about... should be the ones who scare them; which means that I must work harder than ever" Skullman said to himself, as he began to walk the streets again. If Mayor Elsa failed to make them feel safe, only he could do it.

"This isnt a city for evildoers, and I'm the one who will remind to all of you..."

Skullman said aloud this time as he went into the first alley he found, preparing to begin a villainy cleanup.







"Your grandfather Flynn and I have been investigating the lands around our mountain, following the route that the explorers had drawn to the village of the gunpowder orcs or whatever they are called... I dont care so much although I must admit that they are more cults that my orcs.

Following that path, we find a forest affected by the corruption of the Master. It was a long and hard battle, but after facing a lot of corrupted beasts, we managed to find the source of the corruption: An Alitian crystal poisoned with some kind of containment magic.

The explorers of the fiery alliance who have continued to investigate on the orders of your grandfather found a huge city in a huge darkened esplanade on sharp mountains-"

"A city? Whaaaaaaat? How did they find a city?" The revelation was too strange for Sarah to be quiet, asking what Destructron was also thinking.

"A city! A human city like this! With tall buildings, electric lights... Not a city like Iloa, if not a more similar to a human!" Xilven didnt know how to explain it, except for the little information that Flynn had given him before sending him to look for his granddaughter.

"The city seems to originate from a kind of capsule or something, I dont know. All I know is that your grandfather is in that city talking to his leaders and wants you or your mother to come in the name of the fierce alliance... and before you say it, Flynn doesnt want to intrude too much into the alliance big names for now"


"Oh! Flynn has something against the fierce alliance!" Destructron applauds happily for the possibilities of internal conflict.

Xilven looked at the ceiling for a few seconds, trying to find the right words.
"No, the fiery alliance is trustworthy! What happens is that Flynn doesnt want to subject another tribe to an exhaustive investigation as happened with the orcs of the powder! You know that today they are still being investigated to see if Are they reliable allies?"

"Boring but that is a standart procedure... I mean, I'm not very in favor of so many security checks for people who have already treated us well and shown us their loyalty... but acting behind the fierce alliance back doesnt seem too good for our allies... but at the same time it's chaotic, which I love!


Ignoring the robot completely, Xilven and Sarah continued talking.

"I can warn my mother, but..." Sarah stopped mid-sentence, beginning to think about something... something not too correct for the giantess's gaze.
"... have you said that I would also be worth?"

"That is the message that your grandfather has given me. Except Dalia, Jack or Hannah, the rest of the official agents of the fiery alliance in your family are worth... you in particular are better because you are their granddaughter and you are super efficient! I also think the same, and I'm a elf of the storm! You can-"

Sarah smiled animated, thinking of the compliments of everyone when she brought new allies to the fiery alliance.
"That matters less to me, but I still buy it! Destructron, about that Skullman, we can take care of him and my grandfather job at the same time?"

"Are you suggesting... a crossover?! God, Sarah! I thought you would be a pain in the ass, but in the end this new personality of yours is cool! Crossover Skullman / Mistery city and allies!"

"Yes! Imagine! Facing Skullman... whatever it is, on top of a building while a god attacks us... wait a moment..." The expression on the giantess's face vanished at the moment after hearing what she herself was saying.
"NO! WHY... why I'm so excited about such nonsense! AGGGG!"

Crawling out of the VIP room, Sarah ran aimlessly, deep in thought.
"What's wrong now?" Xilven asked confused, doubting if any behavior had been misunderstood.


Destructon shrugged, taking a sip of tea and looking toward the door. "The heart of a young girl is a mystery, my friend. The person that she really is is struggling with the mask that until now she wore... two ways of living and thinking facing each other.

I have little time to take care of her before Dalia wake up again at full capacity, but I will not let her heart keep lying to the rest of her true self.

The designs of Azure key for her shouldnt be what they decide the direction of her existence"

Xilven nodded thinking about her own daughters, fearing the day they would become teenagers. "You speak very well, you know... wait a moment... WHERE IS THE TEA YOU ARE DRINKING?!"

"I have a compartment in my throats for liquids where I first analyze them to know what behavior I should adopt and then evaporate them"

"Subtle and intelligent, well played, Destructron... well played..."





What... is it going through my head?! I am not like that! I dont say things like cock or get excited for fighting!


The giantess ran and ran through the streets, her eyes closed and her teeth clenched. But even though her eyes were closed, not a single false step she gave.

As guided by a supernatural force, not a normal person grazed the danger the most minimum, each step of Sarah perfectly away from all of them without even stopping her career.

Two self confronted, the one that was once and the one that was destined to be, a new and unknown personality that terrified her.

Why... C-remember, why are you recording that? I'm not even talking!

And while the giantess was starting to slow down her career, the waves of the sea-


I'm not near the sea! I would have to follow running a couple of other neighborhoods to get closer to the coast... WHY ARE I TALKING TO YOU?! You cant answer me without useless words!

Because you're looking for the right answer and you do not care who gives it to you, even if it's a machine. Sarah's mind was confused and frightened, and the flight was proof of that.She sought and sought the answer that marked the path to follow, feeling for the first time in her lost life.

Master's blood had cleared the clouds, allowing Sarah to see heaven for the first time as it was, imperfect and perfect at the same time:

Destructron being an evil fool but with good or at least not terrible intentions.

Hannah and Elsa showing the reality behind all their way and how they smiles  was a reward after a hard trip...

The injustice that meant that nobody could decide beyond what Azure Key chose and see how his people gradually became soldiers for the plans of the meteor.

Is Sarah the will that Bahia needs, the heartbeat which will replace Elsaand it will make the city keep beating? Is she what this city wants her to suppose for their lives? Living by the expectations of others wasnt something terrible, but now something inside that the giantess felt anxiety and fear.

YOU ARE... you are repeating yourself! That you have already narrated! I have already heard Destructron, I have already seen how my own aura is changing! I can hear and feel their expectations and I notice the pressure that I havent yet known... but that isnt an answer!

I cant give you an answer. All my function is to narrate and record the events that happen around me, for that Dalia bought me.

And how can you get to narrate what I'm feeling!?

For your tears and your actions, for your pulse and the speed of your breathing. I am not a cheap Recorder precisely, and my price is mainly due to my function of self-perception.


Although Dalia deactivates the functions depending on what she wants to transcribe, all the time I am recording, watching and listening to what is happening around me. I can generate patterns of behavior, previews and theories about what I see and hear constantly.

And every time something new contradicts the previous thing I modify it inside my database. I learn from every experience I hear, understanding more and more important people for Dalia.

Everything I know about you is thanks to what Dalia writes about you, whether it's uploaded to work or deleted. That is why I can generate a theory of how you feel right now with 71% correct. It's correct?

...part of it yes, part no... if you can do this, why... the coast... okay, now if you can say what you were going to say about the sea.


Dalia is a mean and manipulative person, a good person and a perfect bitch at the same time. I'm just a machine, so I can not defend myself from Dalia's modifications and many times I just have to write what she wants... mainly she uses me for moments when she feels defeated do not go into the main story, although sometimes she forgets to deactivate me.

C-Recorder... I have to admit that your AI is one of the most advanced I've seen in a long time. But still... I know that my sister is a good person although her greed and her selfishness lose her! You do not have to tell me things I know!


I cant not tell you things that you already know if you want an answer at the same time. Both procedures arent compatible.

You mean I already know the answer! That I've set up a meaningless drama and that I'm acting like a little girl?! What should I listen to the voice of my heart and follow the path that dictates?!


You dont have the answer yet? Why are you spinning something you already know? And as the giantess realized everything, the sunset was hiding on the sea, giving way to a night in which Sarah would decide who she really was. heart keeps beating, with strength and full of determination. I dont know if I can continue being the perfect daughter of my mothers... and I have even more doubts after seeing how I really am...

But even if I'm on the street talking to a device, even though I've been running out of sense, even if I do not know how to recognize myself... I'll find the answer to all my problems! That is my answer!

And now, forgive me the question but I must do it. How long have you been planning everything, Destructron?


More time than you imagine, it has been a hard and slow process, and I had to climb a lot in the hierarchy of the ardent alliance to be able to manage everything I needed.

But no matter how hard it was, I swore in the name of chaos that I would not let you get lost in the dark.That's my lifestyle, Sarah. Today, yesterday and forever.

Can I meet you some day beyond the muscular robot?

I would say yes for sure, but it would not be true. What I will tell you is that if we defeat Skullman, I will show you a picture of me.

What do you have against that Skullman?

Mainly it is a question of ideology. I want to sow chaos, but if someone is killing people who have committed minor crimes next to me nobody will pay attention to my actions!

This morning, I cut the traffic lights of 2 avenues and there was no accident or accident! Nothing! It's Skullman's fault!

You're weird, you know? More than what I expected. I dont think it's a bad thing, but you're fun!




Ring Ring, Ring Ring

"Ahhhh, Ahhhh... damn... now?!"

"Easy, honey... I take care..." Elsa wiped sweat and what wasnt sweat from her head, walking almost exhausted to the bedside table. "The extra size is the icing on the cake, right?" Elsa laughed while pressing the speaker button.


"Moms, I have to ask you something" Sarah's voice interrupted the amusing playful activity of their mothers, who sighed in unison.

"Honey, we're listening!" Hannah said smiling as she massaged her aching legs.

Sarah tried to start talking several times, without finding the right words. This fact was more than enough for her two mothers to straighten up quickly looking at the C-phone.

"Grandpa needs me for certain events in the other continent, and I dont know if I'll have time in the next few days to attend to my obligations with you, Mama Elsa..."

Elsa and Hannah sighed relieved to see that it was nothing serious.

"Honey, dont say more!" Elsa said as she climbed back onto Hannah. "You are on vacation and you have full permission to do what you please, you understand, you have taken all the honors in college and you are an ideal daughter, I believe that your mother and I can take care of a sleeping Dahlia and survive a couple of days without you!"

"THANKS THANK YOU, MOM!" And without waiting for any response, the eldest daughter of the Reyes family cut the call.

"Are we too soft as mothers?" Elsa asked caressing the nipple of his beloved, nipple that could pass through a stool easily.


"I'm very soft right now! Sarah has cut me off in the middle of my moment and I demand that we go back to him!" Catching his wife with two fingers, Hannah moved her to his groin, letting her fall without consideration.

"Okay, just dont scream so much, Dalia is still sleeping!" And not wanting to make his wife wait any longer, Elsa went back to her wet work.





Portal station of New Bahia del Sol


The doors of the station opened wide, everyone turning to the giantess that came with a robot in one palm and an elf from the storm in the other.

A regiment of storm elves who guarded an unknown portal for the workers of the station rose up suddenly at the sight of their majestic leader. None gave anything for Xilven, but God forgive me if he has succeeded!

"Open step! Chief Xilven has done it!" Dozens of storm elves cheered their boss proudly while Dalia left him on the ground.

"Boys, it was obvious, wasnt it? how was I going to fail!? I'm Xilven! Open the portal for Sarah and Destructron, Flynn is waiting for us!"

Two porter-engineer elves nodded, preparing the spell to expand the portal to Sarah's height.

"How is the situation for that place? Everything is still correct?" Xilven asked while another elf withdrew his robe and two others placed a light barrier around Xilven, allowing him to change.

"Flynn has gotten an audience with Empress Sindas and is currently waiting for you to arrive. Our men have managed to establish a camp near the X-51 capsule and we have established a direct portal with Sleeping Dragon Peak as ordered before leaving, sir"

"Well well! In the end, joining the fiery alliance has been good for us, right? Finally we have the technological and economic support to launch our battalions! Soon we should be able to embark on the search for the other tribes of Elves of the storm!" Xilven smiled proudly as the portal opened fully.

"Before you ask, guys, wait to the camp and then I explain our plans! At last, things are going to be done our way around here!"

And without waiting another second, Xilven went through the portal followed by confused Sarah and Destructron. The entire battalion of elves followed their boss, leaving behind only one of the portal architects to close the portal and prevent undesirables from affecting the mission.




End Notes:



Dalia's C-com, on and recording:


Where... where am I? Ahhhh... my body is sore from sleeping so much... You know what? I'm going to piss and sleep for a while longer, I'll record something in the C-recorder later... should I eat something, some chips? And fried chicken! God bless the delivery at home! I should change my panties too, these look like they're going to cut my waist!




Dalia's growth Journal, Entry 5.5 Part 1: Solaborne by SirDarkvid


The moon bathed the streets, rain fell on the metal roofs of buildings while families took refuge in their homes enjoying family night.

"These people have been living in the capsule-city for hundreds of years, taking care of each other fighting against the flora and fauna of a continent as aggressive as Alus. Their commitment and dedication is admirable, staying together to face of all adversity.

Is it right to bring them to the fiery alliance? The empress has expressed her desire to finally have allies on this planet... but I dont doubt that the bosses took advantage of these good people..."

Flynn fell backwards, letting the rain fall down his face. "How did we get to this point? At what point did our alliance become an invasive colonization tool willing to put extreme requirements for possible allies? Sigh... Come on Flynn! You are the prophet! You should see the answers easily!"

But nobody answered him, leaving the ex-prophet to cover himself with doubts and fears.Rain fell on the prophet, the moon bathed the proud remains of a civilization while the elves of the storm prepared the camp on the outskirts.



External X-51 rescue capsule, Dracopride camp.
At night

Sarah opened her eyes slowly, trying to get used to the new lighting. The giantess felt as dizzy as usual after using a portal, something that the other giantesses had nicknamed "car sickness" as a reminder of the time where some of them could use cars.

The huge fabric tent had, in addition to the station of portals, a bed, a chair, a simple table and a power station for the C-com; all in giantess size. "Feel free to use this site to rest! Courtesy of your grandfather!" Xilven shouted as he left the canvas tent, followed by his entourage.

Sarah sat on the bed, not very comfortable but more than enough. Destructon while jumping into the energy station to look the machinery. "You can tell that this isnt an official mission, this charger is from the old generation... it will also help me load this body, now I just need to find a DieR source so I dont run out of combat capability!"

"You plan to fight? you know this is a peaceful mission, right?" The robot did not even do it, focusing on stripping one of the cables for its own interest. Sarah shrugged, getting up and heading for the exit. "Do what you want, I'll go outside to see how the place is"

With a determined step, the giantess came out of the canvas tent, looking at the city in the distance. As Xilven had commented, the city was built inside what appeared to be a capsule ship, taking advantage of the entire structure of this for the walls that covered the perimeter. Huge curved mountains (similar to claws) covered the entire area, which seemed to be some kind of natural depression in the terrain, judging by the amount of grass, trees and some rivers that descended into the city.

No building too high, but if they seemed to have at most 15/20 plants. Design slightly Arabic with a technological level close to New Bahia... a really curious place.

"Sarah! Come!" Xilven shouted from one of the outer walls of the camp, a wall that reached a little higher than Sarah's navel. The giantess approached very carefully, looking all the time to the ground to avoid damaging any infrastructure or any elf at work.

"That is the reason for our visit, the rescue capsule X-51 or Miraculus as the Empress has referred to the place. Inhabited by an exclusively female species that your grandfather has described as 'Lamias'; Its outer skin is scaly and similar to that of a snake, but the upper part of its body is very similar to an anthropomorphic body.
Apparently in the past there were men of his kind, because they werent surprised to see me or your grandfather"

"Lamias? like the extrahuman species? Curious though not implausible, I had been thinking about the birth of the extrahumans for an anthropology job at the university, and one of my classmates made the theory that Azure Key should have taken all the ideas for each species of some place...

And I must suppose that the Empress you mention is her highest authority, right?"

"Right, the Empress Sindas is their spiritual and political leader, bearing the title of 'Guardian of the memories of the Solaborne' or something like that. In addition, Sindas is easily recognizable by its unique scale color and its superior size... the thing is serious, Sindas is easily like 3 normal Lamias one behind the other"

Sarah crossed her arms, memorizing everything and planning the questions for the Empress. "Interesting... and the grandfather? where is he?"

"According to his message, he will return to the camp in an hour, while I will show you the place" Jumping from the top of the wall to the ground, Xilven began to walk through the camp followed by Sarah. (Which had to walk super slowly to not overtake the elf)

"Are you familiar with elven infrastructures?" Sarah refused, looking and studying the first of the buildings, an altar of green stone surrounded by crystals charged with electricity.

"I imagined it! Quick summary, this is an 'Altar of the climates', one of our most precious legacies and from where every elf of the storm that has mastered the dragon arts can channel its power to alter the elements and recharge our Turrets of tempest"Pointing at the turrets on the walls, Xilven continued walking towards what appeared to be a communal camping tent made of purple semitransparent cloth.

"Our Astro-nexus, from where we can reach a high level of concentration to study the stars and prevent climate changes or manipulate them at will, although some also use them to channel arcane energy even though it is against our laws...
Dont tell anyone, but while they dont get drunk with the arcane I will not judge anyone for wanting to gather energy from the cosmos instead of the heavens"

"Dont forbid them the use of their magical arts you honor them, Xilven" Sarah was surprised to be able to say something good about the elf, who until now had turned out to be just a little less idiot than Destructron.

"We are all born of dragons, but some have interpreted their scrolls not as a source of knowledge about their legacy but as an open world of magical possibilities. Whether you want to channel the heavens, the arcane, the shadows or the corruption, as long as do with control and without getting drunk with power I'm not going to cut your wings! And speaking of wings, this is our last important stop: the dragon kite station"

And as Xilven pointed out, a last building built around a kind of lightning rod from which dozens of comets hung served as the center of the camp.

"It seems strange, but it is a point of vital importance for the sky-hunters, each one of these kites is impregnated with the essence of different flying species of Alus, serving as baits to capture and train them! We have never been able to make so many kites bait, so this is going to be the first field test for our sky-hunters!"


"Sky... hunters... I mean, elves of the storm archers... you're one step away from going through a combination of forest elves and dark elves..." Sarah said in a whisper, hoping no soldier would hear her.

"Understand us, Sarah." Xilven crossed his arms on his back, looking at the kites. "We have hundreds of years, if not thousands, at the peak of the dragons waiting for their return... without any achievement We have had time to plan, invent and develop all kinds of technology during our vigil, always slowed down by disability to trade or accumulate wealth beyond what the orcs gave us.

My people dont love the fiery alliance for pleasure, they do it because we are finally able to create everything we have always wanted. To open our wings and start looking for a way beyond our original designs! We will fight, we will live and we will die for the fiery alliance that has given us the tools to shape our future!"

Sarah nodded, trying not to offend the elf. The motives of the storm elves to join was something that could be considered an open secret, although his tribe always tried to give it an epic meaning. The explanation about all the present soldiers extended until the zenith of the moon, which in turn was accompanied by the return of Flynn to the camp.

Once the ex-prophet delivered several documents to one of Xilven's assistants, Flynn went to his granddaughter who was waiting for him with open arms. "Sarah, my little granddaughter, what a joy to see that you wanted to come and help!"

"Dalia is going through the dream phase, and since I have nothing better to do, I've decided to help! Plus it didnt cost me anything and you really seemed to have problems with the lamias!" Sarah hugged her grandfather with natural care, then opened her right hand to frenet her face as they had rehearsed.

"You dont have to say it, Sarah! It's a difficult decision, more difficult than it should be because of the bosses..." Flynn jumped into her granddaughter's palm, sitting cross-legged without shoes, something that very few people had in mind.

"They are a peaceful but very protective species and I have no doubt that the integration with the rest of the Alliance would be very helpful... but seeing the state of this valley, but I am very afraid of that the requirements that the big bosses will put to these good people are too hards! From what I have seen and heard first hand, the lamias havent had contact with any race close since their arrival, subsisting thanks to the preconstructed factories in the capsule and the vegetation of the valley... You see my point of view, right?"

Sarah nodded, greatly cheering her grandfather. "You dont want these people to have to commit follies in order to pass the requirements of the alliance, but also you dont want to leave them alone now that they have met other peaceful races. They have weapons or something that could be considered dangerous for us?"

"Although their technology is certainly advanced in most sectors, their military advances arent. Empress Sindas only daughter runs a militia with a level of firepower similar to the old Ash-Pacifier rifles... they can defend themselves of the local fauna without much trouble, but the Orlealis would easily destroy these people and I cant let that happen! But I cant give them weapons without a permit from the alliance! The policy is too difficult!"

"I know, grandpa... Can I meet the Empress? I'd like to hear her point of view before I can begin to assess the situation and the possible consequences" Flynn nodded, jumping to the ground and starting to walk back towards the capsule. "Wait... not now, Grandpa, it's too late!"

"Sarah, these people are nocturnal! Xilven hasnt explained it to you? that's why all the storm elves are so active at this time! We have been changing our schedule to be able to adjust negotiations with them more easily, which you should also!" Flynn disappeared through a portal, leaving an angry Sarah behind.

The giantess sighed getting up and going back to the camping tent, leaving a dazed Xilven in the middle without knowing what to say or do.


Destructron was still fiddling with the energy station when Sarah came in, ignoring the giantess as she sat on the bed. "I'm not going to ask you about your feelings, because I honestly dont care. I'm going to ask you how much you've endured by speaking correctly?"

"I've been super hard, and I hate it! I'm a cultured person! I dont want to have to force the speech just to pretend! Damn it! I dont want my real personality to appear in such a delicate matter!" Sarah lay on the bed, burying her head in the pillow.

"You have nothing to do! You've had your personality modified by Azure Key for many years as a Dirty Lover, so it's time for you to free yourself!"


"Stop saying that! I understand that who I really am is a good thing, but you do not have to be saying it all the time as if I should be thanking heaven for that! You know how hard it is not to know if the words come out of your mouth are they real or forced by your previous personality!?"

Destructron said nothing, getting up and jumping toward the bed. "Robot, are you okay?" Destructron continued without answering, approaching one of the feet of the giantess. "Dont do anything you could regret..." Sarah tried to pull her feet back, but the size of the bed didnt help.



"SUPLEX!" Grabbing the big toe of the giantess with both hands, Destructron threw herself backward, twisting the giantess finger and moving her foot in the process.

"Auuuuuu! Idiot!" With an accurate kick, Sarah stamped the robot against the energy station, taking advantage to check her aching finger. "Ahhhh... you've left me with a red finger! Do you know how damn important it is for a giantess to keep her feet perfect?!"

Taking off from the wall, Destructron managed to fall on the bed, sitting on his knees. "I know, it's a mania that you have the giantess-"

"MANIA?! IS AN OBLIGATION! The first thing that 95% of people see is our feet, so avoiding bad odor, broken nails or dead skin is a very important task for any giantess! It is a fact that when a normal person judges a giantess, he does it because of the appearance of her feet!"

"And all that could not matter to me less... mature, Sarah! Only the fetishists are so fixed on their feet! 100% of people prefer to keep looking at the gigantic juicy asses or the titanic breasts of the giantesses!If someone looks at their feet or because their neck hurts or because the giantess is an ironing board!"

Sarah could not be more outraged. "That's rude on many levels! You moron!"

"Hate me for telling the truth, but... but hey... it's true and you cant do anything to prevent it!" The outrage of the giantess was such that a single second more in that tent would suppose the murder of a robot for nothing innocent. Sarah walked away as quickly as possible, stomping so hard that the grass floor cracked under her feet.

"Well..." Destructron rubbed the back of his neck, looking around. "Not only is she a siscon but also annoys easily, more interesting facts about the real Sarah, I hope this is good for something... Bah! Someone else will swallow the anger!" Smiling, Destructron went back up to the energy station working again on his fix.


This story archived at