A friendly help by refrt333

Small, scared and lost, he has to get noticed by her gigantic friend to get some help. But that will soon cause some troubles...

Categories: Giantess, Entrapment, Feet, Footwear, Gentle, Unaware Characters: None
Growth: None
Shrink: Micro (1 in. to 1/2 in.)
Size Roles: F/m
Warnings: Following story may contain inappropriate material for certain audiences
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes Word count: 4693 Read: 43448 Published: April 14 2019 Updated: April 30 2019
Chapter 1 by refrt333

"Imposing". That was the only thing that came to my mind looking at that tremendous display. Before me, big as a palace, stood the foot of my friend Tiffany. 
The black fabric of her shoe went up to her ankle, the only portion of flesh left uncovered by her never-ending black jeans that reached up to the chair which stood far above me. I didn't remember how I ended up at that size, under a chair in a seemingly endless marble floor of what looked like the corridor of my campus. I just knew that I should have acted and fast, but I was bewitched by that vision of grandeur. 
Some minute passed before I started walking on the cold floor towards her. It was only when I passed over the edge of the chair that I was finally able to see her entirely: the other foot was dangling lazily over her crossed legs; higher still, a black shirt that accentuated her bosom and finally her heavenly face, framed in long, chestnut locks. Her dark eyes, surrounded by the golden, fine frame of her glasses were pointed towards the heavy textbook on her lap and her gaze was following her neatly painted fingernails, that scanned through the thick lines of the book. That girl was an astonishing sight. And I had to try to be saved by her from that situation. 
The only way to do that, however, was to get noticed, which was quite a challenging task. I approached her shoe: the size of the enormous footwear made me feel uneasy: if Tiffany wanted to, she could easily step on me to death. Although intimidated, I touched the greyish plastic sole of the shoe, lightly consumed from walking. I began climbing the black side of her shoe, trying to reach its tip. The face of my titanic friend was now covered by the book she was reading. From her point of view, it would have been pretty easy to spot me, a pinkish dot against an ocean of black fabric, but, unfortunately, she wasn't looking. Before me stood a long black plain, interrupted only by tied shoelaces, up to her bare ankle. 
Suddenly, a shift backward made me lose my balance and I had to grab the fabric to endure the push. Tiffany put the other shoe in front of the tip of the first and started to pull it out. An obelisk-like foot appeared before me, clad in a transparent, nylon sock, while she adjusted an annoying wrinkle on it. As if she knew she had a spectator, that action seemed to me some kind of warning, reminding me of her grandeur before me. She shoved the foot back into the shoe and I could continue my climbing. 
I had taken just a few steps when the shoe I was on was suddenly moved upward. I barely grabbed a handful of cloth to hold in time and when I looked again before me I saw, over the long leg stretched in the air, the gigantic, innocent face of Tiffany, looking right towards me. "Got you..." she said with a reprimand tone. I tried to stand up to explain her the situation, but as I moved a quick leap of her foot made me fall prone on the tip of the shoe. 
"Do not move. Not a single muscle." she said in a cold tone, while a hand with perfect nail polish was headed towards me. I tried again to get up, but the hand of the gigantic girl reached me and grabbed me in a soft, yet irresistible, grip. I was covered in her warm hand and lifted away: a feeling of vertigo seized me and, captured in the darkness of her hand, I started to panic.

When her hand opened, I was curled in a ball and scared to death in the middle of it, while the massive girl was examining me with a curious smile. 
I could hardly stand up and, albeit being intimidated a little by her massive visage, I began telling her about the little I knew about how I ended up at that size on her shoe and how I needed her help. Tiffany observed me carefully throughout my speech and when I was done she replied, with a patient tone, but almost smugly "Alright, I couldn't hear a single thing of what you just said, because you are a little too small for my ears, but I promise you I won't leave you here, all alone". She lowered her hand and slid me back on the cold floor, in front of her massive shoe. Then, she began to apply pressure on the heel of her shoe, until her foot came off. With a slow, careful movement, she placed her nylon-clad foot on the floor right before me. 
The hot steam exhaled by her slightly hot foot covered the marble floor in its surroundings, while the faint scent of sweat, just barely perceptible, reached my nostrils. I was so stunned by the sight of that little, everyday scene from my new perspective that I didn't notice her gigantic hand before she picked me up. "Sorry, but I need to keep you safe until I get home" she said, bringing me closer to the entrance of her shoe and sliding me in. I fell inside and when I got up, I noticed the greyish print of her heel and, far away in the darkness, five smaller marks, left by her toes. I looked up just to see the massive hand moving away and Tiffany's bright smile, while she waved at me. Then, I was covered by the shadow of her colossal foot, about to slide in. 
"Hold on tight... And try not to die down there!" Tiffany said with a giggle, while her foot started to descend inside. I couldn't believe my friend was doing that to me, but when her foot started to chase me with no intention of stopping, I ran as fast as I could towards the tip of the shoe. Soon, my eyes adjusted to the darkness and I saw the nylon sock getting closer and closer, with five perfectly painted toes clearly visible underneath. Pressed against the tip of the shoe, I stood between her second and third toe, playfully brushing against me to ensure my position. With a twisting movement and a tremendous impact, the giantess moved her first step. I immediately doubted my chances of survival during the long way home. With each step, I was smashed hard against the sides of the shoe or the toes of my friend, but I did my best to endure that torture: I was sure that once we got to her home, my friend would have surely helped me. But as the time went on, I grew more and more tired and the scarce quantity of air was getting damper and hotter, as well as faintly sweaty. I had lost the notion of time when I heard Tiffany's voice booming: "I'm home!". Right then I started to black out, I fell on the bottom of the shoe and, right before losing consciousness I prayed Tiffany not to crush me beneath her, hoping in her carefulness. 
When I woke up, I was trapped on the wooden surface of a desk, in the impossibly big room of the girl. Four pieces of duct tape held me down, one for each of my limbs. On my left, the giantess' feet were casually placed on the desk, while she comfortably laid on a chair, busy looking at the screen of her phone. I tried to wiggle, pointlessly, and she noticed me. She laid down her feet, put her phone on the desk and came closer to me. "Good morning, sleepyhead!" she said with sarcasm "How was your trip? I hope my shoes were comfy, but judging from your conditions when I took you out, it wouldn't seem so" she added with a giggle. "Anyway..." she began while bringing a finger up to her chin "I tied you up that way for an... experiment". A grin grew wider and wider on her face, while she added, excited "You know, I don't think you have many possibilities to grow back to normal size... According to my measurements, you are now a cute little boy of 2,47 centimetres in height!".

This story archived at http://www.giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=8254