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Murder Most Foul Part Three
by Bytsize

It was still dark, the sun just beginning to lighten the Eastern sky, as Robert Graves

drove through the wet streets heading for the Jack Simm's Company offices. He had risen ahead of his alarm clock and rushed his morning routine so he could be off to work a little earlier. He had not known this level of excitement or anticipation for years, he had to get to the office to check on his experiments, to see if any changes had occurred. When he got to the lab, only the cleaning ladies car was in the lot, he parked in his usual spot and went in through the employee only door, using his card key to gain access.

He switched on all of the lights, as he did every morning and started the coffee. Robert could hump his wife, for hours, but he could not begin his day without coffee. Who can? Once the steaming liquid was starting to do it's work, only then did he head over to unlock his desk and peer inside. There he found the results of the previous evenings work, just as he had left it, both still tiny and alive, the cat looked healthy and content.

Kim Simms, Jack Jr.'s wife, was the first of the owners to show up each morning, and today was no exception, her little red BMW zipped right into her spot, and she bounced out and into the lab with a perkier than usual attitude, Robert hated this. She came in with a small bag of groceries and set it at her desk, which was just a few feet down from Robert's work area. She went through the bag and removed it's contents, some milk and cat food, and a big sticky bear claw, with tons of frosting. Robert watched as she wadded up the paper bag and tossed it into the waste can. Without a word, she left and got a cup and proceeded to get her own coffee, as she was going, she seemed to be looking for something, under and around her desk. Robert realized, when he heard her call the cats name, what she was looking for. When Kim returned, she was sipping her coffee and also carrying a two position cat food dish, which she placed on the floor and filled with dry food and some of the milk.

She called out for the cat again, when it did not show up, only then did she talk to Robert. She asked him if he had seen the cat, he said that he had seen it run out of the building when he opened the door. This seemed to satisfy Kim, so she turned back towards her desk and started in on her bear claw. She was working and eating at the same time, a half an hour later, the doughnut was nearly all gone, when she asked Robert for a file, he replied that it was in her brothers office, which it was, because he had brought it there only yesterday. Kim went to get it, leaving the last bit of doughnut alone on it's napkin. Robert looked at it, and suddenly an idea came to him that made him tingle with lewd excitement. He went back and fetched the miniature cat, within it's tiny container and dumped it right into a huge ( to it ) glob of sticky frosting, using his fingernail, he sunk the struggling feline, out of sight, within Kim's remaining bit of pastry. None too soon either, for as he was returning to his desk, he heard Kim's high heels clacking across the floor, returning from her quest.

When she came back, he waited for her to sit down, then he began to question her about this and that, to do with some of their mutual projects. At one point in this conversation, Robert's pecker began to rise, when he saw Kim pick up that last piece of bear claw, and shove all of it into her mouth and begin to chew. Robert watched as she chewed, at one point, he saw her grimace, as though she bit into something that did not belong, but she kept going and finally washed the entire contents of her mouth down with several swallows of coffee.

Robert felt funny over what he had just caused to happen, what he could not know, was that, he had just opened and walked through a door into another system of morals, and he was forever changed because of it, each one would become easier, soon, they would mean nothing at all.


Janis was still lying in her bed, naked, staring at nothing in particular, remembering the details of her dream, she was fingering her pussy, when the phone rang. It was Serina of all people, she was calling Janis to ask her about a dream that she had had, a dream that was both frightening and exciting. Janis freaked out as Serina told her about this dream.

"For some reason, I was a guy, and I am not sure why, but my name was Cambodia, geeezzzze, what is up with that?"

"Well, anyway, in this dream, I was picked up by some white bitch of a Giantess, who looked a lot like you Janis girl, and let me tell you what she done with me, she stuck me in her mouth and proceeded to swirl my naked ass all around in her nasty mouth, drenching me in her fucking spit.

Next thing I knows, I'm being spit out of this bitches mouth, just completely covered in her ole spit, I just barely get my eyes open, when I sees myself heading straight for some black woman's ass hole, at least this is a pretty black ass, and not some skinny cracker ass hole I'm heading for, I think.

I try and grab the rim of her ass hole as I land on it, but I am so covered in slimy spit, that I slip and go right on inside this big black ass. There was at least enough light to see that it was a clean ass, no nasty poops to deal with, so I just kept sinking in, way down deep inside. In fact, I went so deep, that I started to fight for something to hang on to, but I was helpless, all of that soft pink flesh, kept surrounding and allowing me to sink ever further.

Then the woman who had me up her ass, closed her butt hole up tight, and changed her position so that I stopped sliding into her colon, to me, I must have been in ten feet or more, I guess." Serina paused.

"What happened next ?" asked Janis, in a nervous voice.

"Nothing happened, I was trapped, and tried to climb out, but she musta sat down cause there was no climbing back out the way I went in. It was so hot and stinky that I musta passed out, cause next thing I remember was a giant turd starting to crush me to death, It had slid up and covered most of my body while I slept, it just kept coming, when I started to scream, some of it went down my throat, then that was it, I just woke up"

"I'm gonna dream about shoving the bitch, that dropped me up that ass, up my own ass, and make her live in there for awhile, see how she likes it." Serina finished.

"Your ass is so pretty Serina, that being shoved up there would be a reward, not a punishment, child." Janis responded. Both women laughed for a long while over this.


Robert had spent most of the day, going over the assets that he controlled, as well as what assets the other company officers controlled. A plan had been formulating all day, and he was busy testing it, to see if it were possible, after working late into the evening again, he had managed to find several flaws and many strong points within his plan, tomorrow he would start the ball rolling.

Just as he was about to switch off his computer, he turned and saw Martha Clumm, the office gossip and snitch standing right behind him, reading his screen.

"Now I have you she declared, Ms. Simms will be very happy to find out what you have been up to, and I shall see to it that you get what is coming to you. Now, Mr. Graves, what have you to say for yourself?"

"Martha, you're a nosey fucking asshole!" While Martha's mouth stood open in shock, at the foul language, Robert decked her; with one punch, she was out cold. Robert drug her over to the shrinker, and when he was finished, Martha was less than half an inch high.

He picked her up, wondering what to do with her, when all of a sudden she awoke and became hysterical. Even at this tiny size, this bitch was loud, so, without thinking much about it, he dropped her down the front of his trousers, and inside his briefs, down, down, down she slid, until she glanced off of his pecker and slid down and got wedged under his balls. He let go of his pants allowing them to snap shut. What he had not planned on was how hard even this little woman could bite. He pulled the fabric that held her against his nuts and allowed her so slip underneath the sack. This time she came to rest right beneath his anus, how fitting he thought, as he sat down on her. Several minutes later, her struggles were getting very weak, he unbuttoned his fly and ran his finger down beneath her. He leaned back in his chair and lifted both feet up and pushed, the tiny body was forced up, way into his anus, at which time he flexed his sphincter, and all motion ended.

He switched off his computer and put all of his things away, he drove home, Martha still up is ass. When he got home, he went to the rest room, twenty minutes later, when he walked out the door, all evidence of Martha, including her car and all of her effects, were working their way out to the sea, embedded deeply in his waste.

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