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When Lexi’s hand clasped over Bridget’s entire body again, compressing her little face against palm flesh and blocking even a glimpse of the dimly-lit Enforcement manual, the Omega didn’t so much as flinch, nor did she offer a peep of commentary. The tiny blonde didn’t budge either when the Alpha trekked across the surface of the book and, rather than moving on to the next sequential Beginner’s punishment, began flipping through whole sections at a time. Even though Bridget heard the swishing of chaotically turned pages, which meant she couldn’t predict the coming storm. In fact, Lexi made a point of parting her curled fingers just enough so her sister could perceive this unexpected progression, and flung paper at random to begin with, backtracking then skimming ahead in the book without reading any headings yet.

It felt like trying to throw a pursuer off her scent, when in fact Lexi still held all the agency here, literally, in her hand. She knew it was probably pointless, but couldn’t help it, even while understanding this process wasn’t going to work until she could shake off the nebulous ghost-sensation of a full-size Omega’s presence hanging over the room. But there was no one else “in charge” here. And though she remained physically nigh-invincible, Bridget had no power except that which Lexi unintentionally gave her through hesitation and doubt.

So when working one-handed to peruse the manual became too cumbersome, the Alpha plucked open her pants pocket and, without even exchanging eye contact with Bridget, deposited the shrinkee inside. The only movement Lexi felt then came from the Omega adjusting herself to obediently curl against the sloped cloth basin, her knees pulled to her chest, making no effort to peek over the edge of the pouch and cheat. Briefly the temporary Enforcer marveled at the sensation of how truly puny her sibling felt confined there in her pocket, an unmoving fetally-rolled lump like a newborn rodent. The reminder of their swapped sizes both unnerved and empowered Lexi to resume exploring the manual, now with both hands free, and her eyes glued to the prescriptive text. Meaningless a gesture though it technically was to switch her willing Omega prisoner from her fist into a pocket, it was the act of doing so at all, without warning or consultation, that gave Lexi the confidence she needed to press on.

That first session was the warm-up: half-hearted, uncertain, and spent monitoring Bridget’s reactions at all times for “approval.” But no more.

Bypassing the rest of the Beginner section, a move she was vehemently opposed to less than an hour before, Lexi dug into the Intermediate session listings. The layout was much the same as the earlier examples, detailing an Enforcer’s actions like a recipe, including diagrams, and peppered throughout with more informational blurbs on the inhumanity of humans-to-tiny-humans. Predictably, though, everything here was more intense, starting with the approach to the session “activities,” which featured fewer educational explanations while physically overwhelming the subject, and went straight to the point more often, either suggesting silence on the Omega’s part, or a higher quotient of put-downs based around the Alpha’s crime. The demonstrative pictures, just as cartoonish, took things to a new and more degrading low. Some of them, showing the faceless 3D Alphas getting treated like toys or unruly hamsters or worse, made Lexi feel sympathy and then strange condescension on the behalf of the little inanimate shapes meant to represent nonspecific persons. It almost felt like discovering someone’s private nude photo, or something equally exposed, appear without warning in a school textbook.

Even the “Did You Know?” stories were sadder, with several accounts giving Lexi a fresh pit in her stomach before she could again properly focus on the next helpful suggestions for pounding justice into comparatively-miniscule wrongdoers. Similar to the last segment, these consequences were ranked by their severity rather than style of delivery; unlike last time, however, the Alpha found her imagination drifting beyond precise reenactments of the diagrams. She’d been too afraid to stray much from the directions last time, aside from shortening Bridget’s rest in between fist-pulses. But really, there was nothing to stop her from slamming the manual closed now and never even glancing at it again for the rest of this important day.

No, Lexi internally sighed. Baby steps.

Then the Alpha turned the page once more, her eye catching on the third listing. After reading over the instructions twice, she hopped off the manual, decidedly without snapping a reference pic as backup, and stepped back out of the closet shadows.


Lexi stood on the smooth expanse of the kitchen counter, the same platform where a parade of well-wishing Omegas had welcomed her back to familiar society, but this time in almost-total solitude, save for the shrunken blindfolded Enforcer squeezed rigid in her fist. Indeed Bridget’s presence may as well have counted for nothing, not due to her size, but the severing of communication which began when the Alpha ceased speaking to her sister after the warm-up session, and continued when she elected to muffle the girl’s sight and hearing as she was now.

Secretly of course, the tiny cloth cover wrapped snug around Bridget’s head was meant more for Lexi than the tiny Omega, who took this choice in stride and without altering her receptive posture. Just because Lexi had made the firm decision to start taking charge here didn’t mean she wasn’t also intimidated by the specter of her audience’s judgment, even if said audience had insisted on this day of relentless punishment in the first place. The thicker the barrier between them, focusing Lexi on her task, and allowing Bridget to concentrate on the “healing” process of increasingly-stiff comeuppance, the better off they’d both be.

The house stood empty and quiet still, as it had since Lexi’s strange awakening to a micro-scale sibling, but now that they’d ventured out of Bridget’s bedroom, the Alpha was keenly aware that, although unlikely, it was possible that Evelyn would make a pit-stop at home around midday. And depending on when exactly she entered the room, to find Lexi and a tiny Bridget engaged in the decidedly-unfriendly ritual they were about to perform, there were sure to be some tough words exchanged or, probably worse, some tough facial expressions. Nevertheless, though Lexi had originally preferred to keep the entire hair-brained exercise confined to the Omega’s bedroom for privacy, this spot in the kitchen also just happened to be the most practical surface for their Intermediate explorations. And thanks to the empowered confidence Lexi found by the end of that last round, though she didn’t look forward to such an encounter with her adoptive mother, neither did the risk preclude her from doing the job right.

Bridget was flattened lengthwise on Lexi’s open palm, not struggling or even turning her head in attempt to guess at her upcoming fate, nor where they were. The irony here was that the Alpha herself probably could’ve taken the trip to this point in the house while blindfolded and still known exactly where she was, owing to a decade of riding in the grasp of giantesses and learning just how many bobs of a palm it took to reach every spot in the house. Conversely, the little Omega had never been held in anyone’s hand before today, and so they may as well have been on the other side of neighborhood by now for all she knew. This ignorance, Lexi thought, was probably for the best too.

Stooping in the center of the counter, but keeping her sister level in-hand, the faux-Enforcer produced a set of fabric bands from her pocket, then proceeded to loop them each over Bridget’s legs. These cords were then twisted and then re-looped to avoid slack, ensuring no appreciable movement was possible from the girl’s shoulders down to her ankles. Feeling herself restrained, the Omega again didn’t speak or flinch, but simply cooperated by keeping her arms and legs straight, even when the tension of the rope approached intolerable levels.

This preparation was on-script for the Aegis-authored guidebook, at least as far as Lexi remembered, but the section still made a point of recommending that its Omega reader use great caution when binding an Alpha criminal, to be held tight but not so tight that they were completely numbed. Such a state would defeat the purpose of sessions, which was largely to feel their wrongs reflected back at them; going too far would also risk such grievous injury that the schedule of consequences would have to be spaced out further, thus stunting the inmate’s improvement as a person. The middle size class, the book had remarked, were just as fragile as Betas in many ways, and in some respects more so, due to their frequent and brazen lack of recognition for their physical limits, which their smaller counterparts meanwhile had evolved to learn for survival. This meant a certain amount of unearned tenderness was required when hogtying an Alpha, no matter how tempting it was for a justice-minded Junior Enforcer to be heavy-handed.

With this instruction in mind, Lexi made the first deviation by promptly ignoring the book’s warnings and roping Bridget so firmly that, if the girl had happened to be of Beta constitution as well as height, she would’ve soon hyperextended and curled in one direction under the buckling strain of the cords. Instead, by reading the subtle body language of her volunteer subject, sore but accepting, the Alpha knew she’d secured her sister just well enough to leave her in perpetual discomfort. It was much like what Bridget felt while being clamped and pulsed in a giant fist for half an hour, only this was merely their starting point, and exactly what the little thing wanted. When she’d finished gussying the puny Omega up in iron-tight double-loops, Lexi gingerly plucked her sister around the hips and deposited the three-incher face-up on the countertop.

Withdrawing across the platform, Lexi watched Bridget with every backpedaled step as though she expected the compression to wear off at any instant and the three-inch subject to rip through her cords back into her natural fifteen-story frame. No such commotion occurred, though, even as the Alpha reached the edge of the counter again, distant enough that her tiny sister looked more like a fly entwined in spun webs: her golden hair hanging out the top of her heavy blindfold and rope knots was the last remaining feature recognizable as Bridget’s own.

Reaffirming the need of these measures to herself, reminding herself that Bridget would advocate for them all if she could speak now, Lexi stooped and began re-tying the laces of her running shoes. When she cinched the strings, she tugged with the exact strength she’d used to bind the shrunken Omega, conscious of how it must’ve felt to experience that around her whole body instead of just her foot. Nothing she’d want to repeat, that was for certain, which told her that Bridget was ready. With her rubber-soled sneakers lashed on tight, Lexi closed the space between herself and her sister again, strutting with new confidence. Suddenly she was standing not just before the miniature blonde but above and around her, with Bridget’s blinded, deafened, and lamed three-inch shape positioned between the raised mesh insteps of the Alpha’s pink-and-white athletic footwear.

At this stage, the book had suggested a choice of either dispassionately restating the criminal record of the prisoner’s wrongdoing, or remaining silent. Lexi picked the latter option, and not just because there was no official document detailing the moderate physical and deep-seated emotional wounds the young Omega had been manipulated into inflicting on her little sister. Though Bridget hadn’t reacted to the sounds of loudly confident footsteps drawing near, Lexi was pretty sure she saw that little head tilt in reaction when the temporarily-big sister drew a sharp inhale above.

Controlling her breath as much as could be expected, Lexi teed one foot back, balancing it on the rubber-boughed toe of her sneaker, and posed it an inch from the Omega’s side. Then before she could rethink it all, the Alpha kicked her foot forward: not hard, but more than enough to push the shrinker halfway across the wide counter at high speed.

Watching Bridget skid over the flat terrain bordered on surreal for Lexi, as it would’ve looked almost comical, if not for the complex soup of circumstances surrounding the gesture. She’d taken care on that first boot to not use more effort in thrusting her toes than would’ve been required to send a pebble down the road, but the Omega went shooting off easier than she’d thought. Maybe she’d underestimated her own strength, or just maybe this was less of an ordeal than Lexi had feared. The book, of course, didn’t recommend more than a tap that rolled the Alpha a few inches away, perhaps getting them to fear that they’d get punted to the other side of the room at any second, but never following through.

That wasn’t enough for an Omega, though, and Bridget understood that most of all. Deciding to at least follow the guide’s advice for following one’s feelings in the heat of a session, rather than getting too academic, Lexi shut off the part of her brain still asking moral questions, and chased after her sister.

Naturally the three-incher couldn’t move still from where she’d landed, and didn’t show signs of distress, despite traveling the equivalent of a city block in-scale with her minute stature. Still, Lexi reached her muffled sister in a matter of seconds, and rather than pausing for another slow wind-up, went right for the shot like an MVP striker, battering the little Omega with double the force this time. Not only did Bridget’s ultra-light shape go speeding off instantaneously from the mighty impact on the nose of Lexi’s athletic shoe, but she went airborne, arcing almost as high as her sibling’s eyeline before landing hard nearly on the opposite side of the counter.

She was getting the hang of this now. Lexi felt fired up now, emboldened and assured that this, at last, was the literal and figurative kick-in-the-backside Bridget desired and possibly needed, not the wishy-washy finger-swaddling the Alpha had given her during their first round. They were definitely off-script now, and that was exactly how it had to be. Not even waiting to watch her sister complete the short voyage this time, Lexi was off running again, this time nudging Bridget with the hardy heel of her shoe, but only to set up the next “shot.” The Omega twirled into a likely-sickening tailspin, coming near to the precipice of the counter.

After following closely after her, slamming her feet down in a cacophonous stampede all around the tiny subject meant to discombobulate her, but not actually contacting yet, Lexi swung her leg as far back as she could reach, balled her toes inside the shoe for a firmer bulwark through the curved mesh, then launched her foot at the small but not-so-fragile target.

The blow was so solid, she actually felt Bridget’s body roll up the front of the shoe, depressing the fabric coating just long enough that Lexi was momentarily chilled at the sensation of her sister’s infinitesimally-squirming body cradled against the architecture of her curled toes. She delivered this strike with such enthusiasm, that as Lexi watched her helpless sister soar, she briefly wondered if she’d gone too far, and itsy-bitsy Bridget might topple right over the edge into a ninety-foot plunge to the ground.

Then the Alpha snapped out of this unhelpful distraction, feeling rather stupid, by recalling no matter how small the Omega became, her superhuman composition would still allow her to tank such a stomach-churning descent like a minor spill akin to tripping and falling off a curbside. Lexi shook her head, scolding herself for thinking too gently, since Bridget wasn’t currently in a position to offer this pep talk aloud. But even as the hog-tied Omega sailed far through the air, crossing the entirety of the long counter and landing safely not six feet from that dizzying edge, the Alpha could hear her sister’s voice ringing in her head.

Don’t worry about me, it demanded with love but also exasperation. If you hesitate, this won’t work. If you worry about my feelings, this won’t work. If you go slow or baby me or believe that you’re going to hurt me, this won’t work. Push yourself. Do this for me. Make me like you were, as close as you can. Show me what it felt like, Lexi.

Well, that wasn’t hard to do. The psychology of being imprisoned by one’s own family might not translate, but Lexi could certainly offer up a tangible substitute of her old pain for the here-and-now. Charging as fast as she could across the counter, the Alpha zeroed her gaze on her insignificantly-sized subject, unable and unwilling to fight back, and rather than kicking Bridget again, she raised her sneaker above her, then brought the textured platform down to roost. Most of her weight was balanced against the opposite leg, but in a matter of seconds, Lexi shifted her momentum over into the opposite foot, until she was supported solely by her shrunken sibling, using only the tipped-back heel of the other sneaker to keep from falling.

There was another jump in Lexi’s pulse now, as there had to be, simply because she felt a tiny body under her shoe, and happened to exist in a world densely populated by same-sized beings who, if they were stood upon exactly as she now stood upon Bridget, their bodies would slowly shatter into a crunchy mess in the treads of her shoes. Once again logic caught up a second sooner, however, reminding Lexi that she’d “stood” on Bridget for ten comfortable years, nestled feather-light in her palm, and that was all this was, at least until she began to push down harder.

It felt alien to Lexi to apply anything more than body weight, let alone put effort into stomping, yet this was a move that countless Alphas throughout their grim history had of course performed with total intention. From drunk idiots casually stepping on street dwellers for a laugh, to lowly maids disposing of desperate “vermin” in the house, to giddy adolescents daring one another to squish a Beta barefoot, to full-grown otherwise-loving adults in their total “right” minds who saw it as a birthright to annihilate anything, humanoid or not, that was small enough to liquefy underfoot.

This was the legacy in Lexi’s size class’s DNA. It was the legacy of her birth mother. And no matter how much it made her heart rail, even for a second, at the bodily instinct to retract when she felt a breakable toy-sized life splayed under her hardy sole, it didn’t change the fact that for two hellish weeks which truly felt longer than the year-and-a-half she’d spent in traveling solitary confinement, her friends and family thought her guilty of carrying on that legacy.

Of course, the body she had under her foot now would not break, no matter what she did, and so her reflexive hesitancy was not only unnecessary, but counterproductive. Bridget would not crush into gory smithereens, and even if she did sustain injury by some miracle of physical violence that an Alpha was probably incapable of exerting, she’d heal shortly thereafter. By her own admission, she needed this, and perhaps Lexi, in her own sorrowful way, buried deep inside, needed a little catharsis of her own. Without further guesswork, then, and feeling her veins light up with some of the adrenaline and even twinges of anger she felt for those two weeks of boxed-in emotional strain, the Alpha let her other shoe leave the ground.

She stood on one foot, completely balanced, and just touching ground by virtue of Bridget, only in a necessary perversion of their usual arrangement. From there, Lexi began to funnel the distribution of her weight to an even smaller space, rolling forward off her heels and flexing her toes up inside the shoe so the mass was centralized to the ball of her foot, with the tiny Omega right below. The next step then was performing a one-legged calf raise with the outward calm and serenity of a practiced yogi, though because a three-inch person served as her own support during the gradual rise and fall of the Alpha’s body, the activity radiating down through her nervous system was anything but zen.

However, unlike the fraught months spent away while she wrestled through swallowing her grief alone, there was something oddly freeing in this act, which had to be severely uncomfortable for Bridget, but had the opposite effect for her sister. Leaning back slightly, the Enforcer-for-a-Day caught her balance with the toe of her other shoe against the floor, then pushed off again, harder this time, so her sibling was made to endure the full weight of a body hundreds of times her current shrunken mass, all focused through the hard-rubber battering ram of Lexi’s footwear toe. Then she repeated this bouncy flex upon her shrunken subject, again and again, for dreadfully slow minutes on end until she felt her calf going sore from the effort to continually compact Bridget between shoe and surface, but even then she didn’t stop. She couldn’t.

At the apex of each rise, when Lexi trusted none of her weight to the floor and wholly to the three-inch Omega’s body under her foot, she recalled the skin-clawing frustration she lived with for those interminable days in a glass cage as an accused Beta-beater: the internal scream she had to keep bottled the whole time, but which made her long to grab Bridget by the shoulders and shake her, slap her if needed, until she saw reason. But her sister was too big then, too unreachable, too far gone in her sorrow for that have ever worked, and so now that raw feeling of coalesced fury-and-mourning, which had gone dormant in Lexi out of necessity, was blossoming back up and being expelled through the sole of her foot with every controlled trample.

When the Alpha felt her leg preparing to give out from soreness, she simply swapped limbs, giving that foot a break and putting its twin sole back down before Bridget could so much as shake her head. Then, bobbing her heel up and down off the countertop, she resumed the exercise of quashing an unbreakable shape down into the unforgiving platform. Eventually the majority of the “session” was spent in this manner, not in the game of Alpha-body “soccer” the Intermediate section suggested, but Lexi had come to see that approach was useless. It didn’t relieve her any more than it probably bored the invulnerable Omega. This, now, was a different story, and the Alpha had turned the simple mechanism of her pistoning foot and clenching leg into a device for ridding herself of those wretched backburnered feelings. The silence around them in the vacant kitchen was near-deafening, with Lexi just as secluded from sound as her shrouded big sibling, except for the rhythmic bend and occasional squeak in the contorted rubber underbelly of her shoe, molded for unnatural but prescribed purpose on a miniscule body.

As she’d intended, Lexi lost track of time. They’d certainly been at this for longer than the half-hour stress-balling treatment. Had it been a full hour yet? Even longer? She didn’t know or care, and decided not to learn until she’d decided of her own accord that they were finished. Still, both the Alpha’s calves were getting tired, which meant it was time for a rest, but still not for both of them. God knew that her own rest didn’t start until long after those original wrongfully-delivered sessions were through. So Lexi kicked her invincible sibling back across the counter the other way, and trudged after her, giving her limbs time to recover, then on the opposite end of the stage, resumed treading on Bridget, taking her time and doing so without remorse, exactly the way the Omega would’ve been chanting at her to perform, if only she could see or speak now.

After another wearisome series of punishing sneaker-pumps, treating her underfoot subject like a coiled spring that might rocket her into the air with a hard enough push, Lexi repeated the cycle and punted Bridget back to the other side. Just to avoid falling into a predictable pattern, she varied the menu now, sweeping the Omega around with the sides of her buoyant footwear, standing on her using the broad hemispheres of her running shoe heels, and creating a rampaging clatter all around her by mightily bashing her foot to the ground a half-inch from Bridget’s body, and daringly drawing closer to violently tromping her on each successive impact, without ever doing so.

When at last it felt they’d reached the end, and only when she herself had decided this to be true, a breathless Lexi wiped the sweat from her brow and nudged her hogtied sister with the side of her foot. Bridget was still obediently wordless and only wriggling in reactionary disturbance. Though for a moment the Alpha prepared to sit down and catch her breath, far enough away from her sibling so the self-made prisoner couldn’t hear her heavy breathing, she paused and stopped herself, squinting intently at the miniature golden-crowned bundle of knots and blindfold on the ground.

Once more couldn’t hurt. Literally. In fact, it could only help them.

Was this what they believed she was capable of back then, Lexi wondered, as she stepped on Bridget for the hundredth or perhaps thousandth time of the session? Was this what Aegis imagined for her? Was this what they thought she’d learned from Alma, what she’d suppressed as long as she could until she just had to take it out on the first strangers that crossed her path with the wrong look on their tiny smashable Beta faces?

They were wrong, of course; she knew that much. But that didn’t mean there wasn’t a hint of painful-if-crucial satisfaction to be had, like pulling a long splinter out from the flesh of her fingertip after keeping it stuck there for years. Lexi finished with a huff, slumping to the ground beside Bridget and drawing deep breath, this time unconcerned with whether her sister heard her exhaustion or not.

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