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“Move around a bit. Make sure you’re comfortable.”

Down on the floor, between June’s feet, Jeremy tested the leather straps holding his tiny limbs to the floor. Then, he shrugged and nodded the affirmative. At that miniscule size, hearing him was impossible without the aid of equipment.


She beamed at her childhood friend. The appreciation she had for him in this moment was immeasurable. No-one other than Jeremy would agree to be shrunken down and used in an experiment involving smelly feet of all things. Judging by the way he glanced at her when he thought she wasn’t looking, there were some ulterior motives there. Maybe she’d played up to that interest to get what she wanted, but it was necessary.

After all, finding someone to agree to this was near impossible.

“Okay,” she said, standing. “I’ll signal the other member of the experiment to enter, then we’ll begin!.

June reached into her pocket and pressed a button on her pager. Two rooms over, its twin should be vibrating. She checked on Jeremy, who seemed confused.

“What’s wrong? Did you think we were using my feet?”

He nodded.

She laughed and shook her head. “God, absolutely not. My feet do stink sometimes, but there’s no way I’d get them smelly enough for this experiment.”

The little guy appeared to be worried by the development. Sorry, Jeremy. Too late to back out now!

Picking up a recorder, June brought it to her mouth and clicked it on.

“Beginning experiment. Observer June. A Study in Pheromones, Female Feet, Variation Five…”

The door creaked open and subject two entered the room, heading straight for the chair. When Jeremy saw her, he really starting testing those straps holding him in place.

“…Family Feet.”

“Hi honey! It’s been a while since I’ve seen you!” Jeremy’s mom said.

“Alison, please. A moment of silence whilst I finish the introduction.”

“Oops. Sorry! I’m just so excited to see him.”

With a smile, June continued listing off the specifications of the experiment. Talking about the implant inside Jeremy that measured arousal and notified them of orgasms; about the drug she’d given him beforehand to increase sensitivity to pheromones and the drug Alison had taken to increase her output of pheromones; about the heavy rubber boots and thick socks that had been provided with to induce excessive sweating.

Every spoken word made Jeremy realise the depth of what he was involved in. As Alison sat staring down at her shrunken, naked son, smiling, giggling and waving, his growing despair became evident in his wild, ineffective movements.

“—and with that, the experiment shall begin. From this moment forward, arousal levels shall be referred to as ‘A-levels’ and orgasm count shall be referred to as ‘O-count’.”


“Okay, Alison. Can you remove your boots for me?”

“Sure I can! But… is Jeremy going to be okay? My feet are real bad right now.”

“He’ll be fine. He knew what he was signing up for,” June lied.

“Really? He looks like he’s desperately trying to escape.”

“No, no. He’s just excited. Take off those boots and you’ll see what I mean.”

With a bemused expression, Alison started unlacing her boots. Jeremy’s inaudible protests and pleas went ignored. As the boots came off, a pungent, cheesy aroma blanketed the room. June’s nose wrinkled, her face screwed up, and she pinched her nostrils closed.

“Sorry, June. I did warn you,” Alison said, blushing.

“I expected as much, don’t worry. All part of the experiment.”

It was hard not to laugh seeing Jeremy rendered stunned by the incredibly offensive smell flowing from his mother’s socked feet. Even more so when she looked at his crotch and found him fully erect. It was twitching with the sheer arousal caused by the pheromones.

“Oh my,” Alison said, chuckling. “I had no idea my sweaty feet could do this to anyone, let alone my own son.”

“The device says his A-levels are incredibly high. This is amazing, I was expecting a strong reaction, but nothing like this! Let’s take it a step further. Remove your socks, please.”

June watched the older woman tug off the socks. It looked like a challenge, and by the end of it her hands were wet with sweat that had seeped out of the socks’ fibres. June tossed a box of tissues over, not wanting to get close.

After wiping off her hands, Alison positioned both bare feet over Jeremy. Sweat beaded on her heat-swollen, reddened soles, remaining for a couple seconds below dripping to the floor below. All kinds of gunk and filth had formed between those thick toes—something June spotted when they spread open to unleash a fresh wave of trapped odour.

June checked her measuring device and her eyes went wide.

“Oh… oh my god.”

“What’s up?” Alison asked, giggling and blushing. “Is he about to blow or something?”

“J-just about! It’s as if he’s being held on the edge, unable to cross over with the smell alone. His A-levels are spiking beyond what I thought possible.”

Alison started howling with laughter. “You hear that, honey? I bet you’ll be coming over to visit me a lot more after today, won’t you? Don’t look so worried, I won’t tell anyone about this. It’ll be a secret between the three of us. Let’s just hope it doesn’t slip out when I’m drunk at a family gathering—you know what I’m like after a few glasses of red. That would be so embarrassing for you!”

“Okay, Alison. If you wouldn’t mind, it’s time for physical stimulation. Touch his ‘organ’, but keep it gentle for now.”

“Got it. Gentle.”

Alison moved her foot down, big toe heading straight for her son’s tiny erection. The soft, wide pad got closer to the tip. Closer. Closer. And, finally…

Jeremy exploded onto his mom’s toe at the lightest of touches. The rest of his body was racked by a few-second-long seizure from the overwhelming level of arousal. In mere seconds, his penis was standing to attention once more and, despite the fact that he appeared to be crying from sheer disgust and humiliation, he started thrusting his crotch at the retreating big toe, eager for more.

“That’s one orgasm. His A-levels dropped for a mere moment, then spiked again. Let’s see what a heavier touch does. Smother him under your sole.”

Alison giggled as she lowered her foot, wiggling her toes for added effect. “Here comes my big, sweaty foot, Jeremy.”

The foot softly set down, causing him to disappear beneath it, swallowed up by the wrinkly sole.

“He’s going crazy under there!” Alison laughed. “You really love my foot that much?”

June laughed too. “That’s on— Wait, two more orgasms! O-count is sitting at three. Stomp him a little; don’t worry, his body can easily take it.”

June caught a glimpse of her friend as his mom’s foot lifted. In that moment his tiny eyes met hers, full of pleading tears. His body had been turned pink thanks to the heat of the massive foot, and he was wet with sweat. Then, he disappeared as the foot slammed back down.

Alison kept stomping, her bare sole meeting Jeremy and the floor with a loud, sweaty slap every time.

“We just hit an O-count of six. Let’s try something else…”

The amount of orgasms kept rising with each new tactic. Alison smothered him as normal, and started scrunching her sole, letting the wrinkles do the stimulating. She wiped her foot back and forth over his body She ground him under the ball of her foot, as if she were snuffing out a lit cigarette. The most effective by far was using her grimy toes to toy with him, aggressively wiggling them whilst he was pressed firmly against their rank undersides.

“Amazing… Simply amazing…” June snatched up a clipboard to take some handwritten notes.

“What’s the O-count at now?” Alison asked.

She was giving Jeremy a break, her reeking feet resting to either side of him. His skin was now bright red, cooked under his mom’s stinky feet, and looked as if he’d just climbed from a pool. Bits of unrecognisable filth from between her toes were dotted around, some sticking to him.


“Oh dear. Seventy-two orgasms under my smelly feet, how humiliating! Poor thing. At least we’ve helped June with her important research. After this, we’ll go out to a restaurant, my treat. Although,” Alison sniffed, “you probably could use a long shower first. I really hope my foot odour washes out!”

“The experiment isn’t over yet, Alison.”

“It isn’t?”

June smiled. “This is a week-long experiment. Didn’t you read the contract?”

Alison grimaced and gave her son a sympathetic prod with her big toe. His upper body flinched away, whilst his lower body instinctively thrust toward it.

“Looks like you and my feet aren’t done yet. What’s next, June?”

“Next you need to unstrap him. He’s going in your socks and boots, underfoot.”

Jeremy’s exhaustion fled upon hearing that. He started struggling once more. Alison dropped him straight into a sock without hesitation, then plunged her foot inside. She giggled.

“Did he have another?”

“Three, actually. One when he hit the bottom of the sock, another two when your foot made contact.”

Alison put on her other sock, then both boots. She laced up the unbreathable rubber, tightening its hold on her foot. June couldn’t even begin to imagine how awful it must be in there for Jeremy, how hot and mind-numbingly smelly it would be.

“Now what?” Alison asked as she stood.

“Now, you’re welcome to do as you please. Go home and relax; go out for a long walk; hell, go to the gym if you’re feeling really cruel. Just come back here next week—around the same time—and we’ll conclude the experiment.”

“Before I go, can I get one of those devices? I’d like to monitor how he’s doing.”

“Sure. Here’s a spare.”

Alison started laughing again as she watched the O-count ticking up. Jeremy’s A-levels remained at maximum, only dropping slightly between orgasms.

“Watch this,” Alison said.

Suddenly, the O-count started rising faster.

June looked at the older woman with curiosity. “What are you doing to him in there?”

“Squeezing him with my toes. Seems like he enjoys it!”

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