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Nick was unable to breathe. This was the worst situation imaginable--after, of course, being crushed under some unknowing shoe or maybe dropped down an outhouse at a campsite... okay, there were several more unpleasant situations he could imagine, but this right here was a disaster. He was standing in the cargo pocket of his girlfriend's skirt, nude as the day of his birth, staring at the pudgy, grubby palm of an enormous young girl. The palm in question was only increasing in size as it flew closer and closer to him.

Time, in fact, seemed to slow down as his mind flooded with trying to conjure an escape plan. Duck? That would only postpone the inevitable: a young and curious girl would think nothing of digging in someone else's pocket, harboring no nuance of personal space, and that's assuming he could motivate his stiffened-with-fright body to respond in time.

Overhead there was a shrill yelp. Nick's body flew away from Elise's thigh and what sliver of world he could see from her pocket was smeared and streaked in a classic motion blur. Finally, there was a deep, robust clash of thunder and Nick's tiny body was permitted to collapse to the bottom of the skirt pocket.

"What are you doing?!" cried his girlfriend, up and outside. There was a second voice, that of a mature woman saying two things at once, but Nick could only pick out the scolding-noises and the apology-noises. At the young girl's wail, he scrambled to peek out of the edge of the pocket once again and was rewarded with the sight of the young girl being swiftly hauled away by her very flustered mother.

Then gravity failed for a moment and Nick was weightless, until it resumed and placed the pocket around him at a 90-degree angle to where it was. Elise had crouched rapidly and now her tiny boyfriend lay gently against the ouside of her calf. "Are you okay?" she hissed at him, preoccupied with collecting a small load of books from the floor. Nick (correctly) surmised she had staged a small accident when she realized what the little girl was up to.

He heaved a deep sigh of relief at his lover's cleverness. "Very good, thank you, sweetie. Just let my heart resume pumping and we can have a normal conversation again."

"What was going on down there?"

"I'm sorry, it's my fault. I was staring at-... I was looking around at the world outside and I guess that little girl saw me." He blushed, very nearly blurting out the objet d'amour that had commanded his attention and almost led to his capture.

"Well, what in the world were you-..." There was a pause, then Elise rocketed skyward and Nick tumbled in his resituation. "I see. Perhaps stashing you in a big pocket is a little too much freedom for such a busy and curious little man." He detected more than a trace of hardness in her tone. Had she always had such perspicacity of her environment? This struck him as a troubling oversight and he made a mental note to review his past relationship, when he had a free moment, to see if he'd screwed up at points in the past by underestimating her awareness.

The thunderous shudder of her thigh, with corresponding boot-thunder upon the hardwood floor in the bookstore, told him that they were in motion. Lying in the bottom of her pocket, unwilling to stand and peer out again, he saw end-caps and oversized patrons fly by. He wondered where they were headed.

The cloying scent of powdered flowers and chlorine told him: the women's room. Elise's boots clattered on the tile floor, with superior acoustics amplifying them. While he would have done a lot to sneak into such a haven in the past, and while he would have paid two king's ransoms to visit it while a tiny little man, in his current straits he dared not peer outside of his confines. When a simple thumb-and-forefinger could collapse his skull like a grape, he deemed it prudent to let her lead this dance and him to follow her broad and far-ranging steps. Oh, Fate, the bitch goddess who gives to us and takes away.

Elise's own hand thrust rudely into his domain--her pocket--and her cautiously splayed fingers clamped gently but firmly around him, once she detected where and how he lay. The warm insulation of the pocket was stolen and replaced by garish lighting and chill bathroom air. He shielded his eyes from the shock of the fluorescent fixtures with the only arm that was free of her massy palm, and after her blouse raced below his view like a sheet of torrential rain, he found himself hovering before his girlfriend's very stern face.

"You need to do a better job of staying hidden," she scolded--and he assumed therefore that no one else was in here--"and if you won't do that much, it will be done to you." She could have placed him gently upon the public bathroom's vanity, but instead she held him several feet (his scale) above it and released him to freefall the short distance. His bare ass smacked the formica surface that immediately began sucking the body heat out of his tiny frame. To his left was a crappy grouting job around a gigantic sink; to the right was a scummy soap dispenser; and before him, past where the formica tapered and fell away, was his girlfriend's khaki cargo skirt, up to the belt, and then her blouse. A blouse which slowly rose, then quickly rose, exposing the tall, flat plain of Elise's perfect, young woman's belly.

Recent fright regardless, his erection sprang to life. Distantly he thought men's bodies were wired so strangely, but presently he could only stare at Elise's smooth skin, glowing with vitality, sprinkled with fine, tiny, pale hairs. There, that was her darling bellybutton, and he'd always loved it originally but now that he could fit his face inside it, it was beyond cute. And her ribs, that gentle ridge where the bottom of her ribs ended and the slight cavity of her abdomen started, oh yes, that was his favorite too. He longed to press himself, naked and whole, against her skin and absorb that specific flavor of her body heat, to just writhe and kiss and celebrate his girlfriend made of satin.

But the blouse continued to rise and then, way up there--above where there would otherwise have been treetops--was the underwire of her beige bra, and there were the stupendous cups holding those twin blessings to woman and man alike, and... Even his erotic reverie paused for a second. "Elise, are you undressing in the women's room?" he called up, his tinny voice echoing in the basin beside him.

Her arms, raised with the effort of pulling her blouse up to hitch around her neck and shoulders, flopped to her sides. "No, I'm finding a new place for you." She bent at the waist and her face rushed at him like an errant asteroid, stopping to hover just above him. Honestly, he nearly shat himself. "And while this is going to be a real treat for you, I swear, you had better behave yourself or I'm going to turn into one of those troubled little boys that school administration keep a close eye on in elementary school..." her full, rosy lips danced just above him, her breath sweet with the slight scent of decay, "...because I'm going to pull your limbs off." She punctuated her threat with a resounding clack of her teeth.

That did it: Nick's happy hard-on deflated, a failed balloon animal. "Anything you say, dear," he stammered. "I swear."

Her head spun, planet-like, to position her large and breathtaking hazel eye directly above his head. Her pupil focused and enlarged at him, as though it intended to swallow him on the command of its mistress, and as he goggled at it, a transparent fish-bowled Nick goggled back at him from it. "I'm serious, Nick. Every extra minute you live is a gift from me, now, understand? I love you, but I'm in charge of you and if I have to fight you to keep you safe, I'm not going to fight very hard."

Nick's heart fell. "Elise? What are you saying?"

The stunning hazel iris flicked to the left, to the door, then back down upon him. "You're my boyfriend, but this is a very unusual situation. You're living your giantess fantasy now--" (not hardly, he thought) "--but this was never my thing. It's hard to accept you're going to stay this way, and that's bad enough, but having you pull stunts like back in the café or messing with my patience..." Her face pulled back just as her lips started to purse and wrinkle. She took her time in straightening up, then said, "Just behave. Seriously," and reached for him.

He didn't know if it would help, but Nick held up his arms and straightened his bare legs out, rolling to the side as her fingertips approached from the other side, then rolled upon the soft-bedded logs of her fingers. She scooped him much more gently than she'd extracted him from her pocket, raised him up past the beautiful stretch of her belly and into the valley of her bra cups.

Nick stared at her. Her face was inscrutable but for a shade of concentration, perhaps. Her other hand rose in his periphery, disappeared, and then one of her bra cups tugged and opened like the greatest doorway in the entire goddamned world.

Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease, thought Nick.

And it was true: Elise hooked the cup open with her thumb and gently, gently dumped Nick's silly, tiny body against the ineffable sweetness of her left breast. It was all he could do to refrain from leaping in there--best not to tempt Fate just yet--but she landed him upon the upper slope of her soft and silky boob, and he spread himself out to slide deliciously down her curvature. Her nipple turned up between his thighs and lightly stunned his genitalia, but before he could curl up into the fetal position, her bra snapped back into place and squashed him securely against her massive mammary.

"Can you hear me in there, Nicholas?" He nodded. "Can you? Are you okay in there, Nick?" She couldn't see or feel him nod; he drew his hand back as far as he could, aganst the bra cup, and smacked her breast two times. "Okay, good. Two is yes, right?" Two more smacks. "Good. I'm going back out now," and there was a mighty roar as she pulled miles of blouse fabric down over her bra, "...then no more, okay?"

Nick blinked. Two was yes so one was no, but what was I didn't hear any of that? Two large concepts struggled for dominance in his mind: 1) "I need to find a way to get her to repeat that, it might have been important." 2) "HOLYFUCKINCHRIST, THE MOST GLORIOUS TITTY IN THE WORLD IS SHOVING INTO ME!" His cognitive process took too long and she stage-whispered, "Did you hear me?" One smack.

"Okay. I said I'm going back out there, so you get one last chance to squirm yourself into position and get comfortable, and then no more. You are going to lie still in there until we get home, because I get no more breaks for the day. You will not squirm, you will not play with my nipple, and if I even think I feel a trickle of semen running down my boob..." The quietude of the bathroom was replaced with the distant and dull roar of her literary mercantile business, though his cramped quarters stayed a uniform level of dimness. "It's a sunny day, and we sell magnifying glasses. Got it?" Two smacks.

He began to adjust himself--how best to do this? He pondered. Probably a spread-eagle position would be best. It didn't seem like he would slip out the bottom, with the sheer tonnage of this delightful, blessed girl-flesh pinning him in this concave fabric cavern. So if he managed to fall asleep, he could do so safely. Otherwise, spreading himself out would provide maximum enjoyment of her erotically charged surface area.

Nick pushed his tiny arms out to the sides, essentially hugging Elise's full breast in a prolonged embrace, and stretched his little legs out. The curve of her boob and the cup were such that he couldn't keep them straight or his knees would go backwards, so he bent his knees and turned his legs out, a bit like a cartoon frog or something. It looked ridiculous but no one was there to see it and, frankly, it jammed his tiny hips against her breast. That was no kind of bad. His erection obediently lay flat against his own stomach, its burning underside only slightly rubbing against the skin of her tit, and he would just have to suppress his raging libido for a few hours. No problem.

As for his head, it happened to nestle comfortably upon her aureola, his face nudging against the stump of her nipple. He tested the waters by giving her a tiny little kiss, small even by his standards, and when no deathly repercussion was forthcoming, he placed a few more, as he would at intervals throughout the afternoon.

"Are you set in there?" Elise seemed to suspect nothing, and he gave her two tiny-man slaps on her breast. This was just heaven, he was happy with just this. "Okay. I'm going back to work now, and no shenanigans out of you. I mean, if you're good... anything could happen." There was no way for him to know, definitively, but he suspected there was a slight grin at the end of that sentence. Nick sighed deeply, happily, and let the tremendous breast throb and shudder against the whole front of his naked self with every step she took.

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