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Author's Chapter Notes:

POV alternates between Denny and Jack. Their lives change as Cait discovers her size change ability. 

 POV Cait and then Jack

Cait sighed as she followed the soldier out of her bedroom. She did truly hate being apart from Jack. She was just 16 after the first growth incident, and he was a 22-year-old officer just out of his college’s ROTC program. He’d was part of a logistics platoon, responsible for procuring her food, clothes, and more at Area 51. She was kept at a location literally famous for experimenting on aliens or whatever, but he had made her feel human. He was also one of the few humans she had contact with who weren’t running tests on her. Being that she was a girl barely started puberty in a highly vulnerable situation, and he was a strong, mature soldier she had regular contact with, she developed a massive crush on him. That was until he was taken away. She shuddered as she thought about it- it coincided with her being forced to make that humiliating porn tape. She later realized it actually wasn’t a coincidence, he’d refused to help procure anything that would be used to shackle her and was court-martialed. He’d received an unusually harsh sentence- life at Fort Leavenworth military prison. He didn’t realize his effort had been futile. Not many young Lieutenants would have known the extent to which the upper echelons of US government were intertwined with the Porn Industry and Sex Trafficking. Hell, she herself wouldn’t have complied had they not arrested and indicted her father, the last surviving member of her immediate family, on trumped up white-collar charges relating to his business. They promised her, just shoot this tape, and their “friends” at the U.S. Attorney Office will make it all go away, and that they did. But without Jack there to administer things for her, her treatment got much, much worse. She usually was chained up; all 4 limbs. A drunk platoon once climbed up on her tit and masturbated on it one by one. One of the drunk idiots fell to his death on the hard concrete floor. She’d complained about it to Jack’s successor, and he’d told her that she invited it by being such a slut, agreeing to do that porno. Had she not been chained at that time; she was so mad she would’ve crushed him.


I smiled to myself as she walked away. She was so cute to think that I would be upset with her. She had, after all, saved me from a life at Fort Leavenworth prison.  It was about a year ago now, but I remembered my liberation like it was yesterday. Back then, I had kept count of the days, my only reference point of time, and knew that I was approaching 3 years in the cage. Out of the blue, a guard entered my cell, cuffed me and told me the warden wanted to see me. Off we went.

He gestured for me to sit down in front of his desk and gestured for the guard to remove my handcuffs. He regarded me for a second. ‘What the fuck?’ I thought to myself. He spoke with a low Texas growl. “Now son, I just want to remind you, I don’t decide cases here. I don’t decide who gets put in. Hell, with you, I had to pry the information out of the JAG as to why you was even in here”. He gestured at a TV perched on the side wall of the room. He grabbed the remote off the desk and flicked it on. The site was at first incomprehensible, then awe inspiring. A newsbanner stated “Woman grows giant after solar flare- demands surrender of U.S Government”. She was big, but I couldn’t tell her size at first. A camera simply craned up to see her. She was wearing the dark denim washed jeans and white blouse I’d had made for her. The location label of the breathless correspondent simply stated “Las Vegas”- she’d escaped from area 51 and went for the nearest major city. The correspondent, evidently, wanted to live:

“Despite Cait’s immense height, estimated around 65 miles, casualties thus far have been minimum, less than 10,000, mostly inadvertently crushed when she grew or currently, um, under her bare feet. If we honor her demands, sources say, they are optimistic this can be resolved without further significant bloodshed”.

“65 Miles, Tim, just incredible”. The anchor back in New York responded. “To give our viewers a sense of that scale, and the danger involved, we will now go live to the satellite camera overlooking the Southwestern United States”. My jaw hit the floor. Las Vegas was just a small patch of gray, barely larger than her feet. She could’ve lifted just one foot and crushed 80% of it. She could walk from Vegas to New York in 30 seconds. She might step on this prison and me on the way and not even notice it. Just surrender already, damn it. Her hands were on her hips expectantly. I knew that look, anytime a female gives it to you, you better run. Although, when it’s a 65-mile-tall Goddess, better just obey.

The anchor cut in again. “We now go live to the President, from an undisclosed location”. The President, flanked by the Vice President, Secretary of Defense, and Chairman of the Join Chiefs stood around a podium in a nondescript room. “In our nearly 250-year-history, the United States has never surrendered. It is not who we are. Simply put, today is no different. I am currently consulting with the leadership of our armed forces on an array of response options. Thank you”.

The camera cut back to the Satellite image. The anchor was silent. I glanced over at the warden, his face was ashen. Everyone was asking themselves the same thing. Was she going to take a small step forward, crush Vegas, and exterminate a million people? Instead, she began to shrink. I hadn’t realized she could change size at will. She stopped after a few seconds, still giant, but Vegas took up more area than she did. I did some quick mental math. She was a couple miles tall now. She turned and started walking. A camera or something couldn’t keep up with her speed, so the anchor returned to the screen. “The giantess has began moving East. Her intentions are unknown at this time”. The warden and I rushed towards the window. The cup of coffee on his desk began to rattle just a little, and there on the horizon, we could see her, walking by us. 

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