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Four hours pre-WSE
Oh, how he hated being called into work on the weekends. As an IT tech, he was used to having his services suddenly requested for "urgent emergencies", like someone forgetting to switch on their computer, then complaining that it didn't work. Then he would have to travel all the way to the problem site and plug in a loose cable. But, thankfully, today's mission was a legitimate problem. A night worker at a game studio was having trouble accessing files from the company server, going onto the internet or using anything that wasn't on the hard drive. Deadlines were approaching, so everything had to be fixed right now. Brendan could safely assume that this wasn't going to be another stupid job, since programmers knew their way around computer systems better than most. He drove up to the address he had been given, got out and pushed the glass door open. From the door, Brendan could tell this was the quintessential casual workplace. Elden Ring gameplay was broadcasted onto a large flatscreen, positioned front-and-center of the room, and five employees squeezed together on the couch, which had its back to the entrance, waiting out the service outage. Two in particular, a long-haired woman and a hoodied man, were nuzzling in the center of the couch. Banks of computers were arrayed along three of the walls with glowing RGB keyboards and illuminated glass PC cases proudly showing off the elite hardware, interrupted here and there with an innovative water cooler-coffee machine combination, or a fridge, or a whiteboard which doubled as a project planner and noticeboard, or doors to private offices. A curly-haired young man wearing a crisp white shirt and black slacks was sitting at one of the workstations with his hand to his chin in that classic 🤔 pose. He noticed Brendan's arrival and got up to greet him and explain the situation. Brendan got to work immediately, diagnosing this program and changing that setting. After a lot of trial and error, he managed to find a solution. He received thanks from the employee who had showed him around, said his goodbyes and made for the exit. That was when the WSE struck.

Three days post-WSE
The band of shrinkees gathered in the room's center again, like yesterday. Brendan was starting to getting comfortable with the others. The Dark Souls couple pulled a giant Tex toward the group. It was a great thing that they had gone out and gotten snacks for their impromptu game night last night; that one chocolate bar would likely last for the whole week. Everyone took a few bites of the chocolate. Their tiny chomps only dented the chocolate. Next was the Mountain Dew. It was easier to lift and move because it was half-emptied. It wasn't trival though; everyone had to work together to tilt the two liter bottle far enough to decant some into the bottle cap, and then they had to move really quickly to return it to its normal orientation flat on the ground. The dev team were in high spirits today, because it was Monday. Unlike them, who only came to clear up backlogs of work, the rest of the workforce would be coming in today. They could get someone's attention, and then their safety would be assured. Everyone watched the door eagerly. Soon, a silhouette appeared in the glass. The door was pushed open to reveal a woman wearing a plain white top, shorts and sandals. Earphones snaked down from her ears into the phone that was jutting out of her pocket. As she drew closer, everyone scattered, running away from the chocolate in different directions, and just in time too; the woman noticed the open chocolate immediately and walked over to pick it up. She then went to the nearby trashcan and discarded it.
"There goes our food for the week", sighed a voice behind him. Brendan turned quickly, startled. It was Nathan, the man with the curly hair.
"We have to get her to notice us, then, or we're going to starve!"
Brendan looked over at the woman. She was quite a distance away, but he guessed he could make it to her in time. Brendan ran as fast as he'd ever run in his life. He'd have to hope Nathan was following behind. He reached the gigantic sandal and managed to grab hold of its edge just as the she lifted it up to begin walking. He lifted himself over the lip of the shoe, midair. To further steady himself, Brendan grabbed the big toe, placing one hand on either side of the toe which was twice as thick as he was. Then he turned around, putting his back to the woman's foot and positioning himself to the left of her biggest toe, and pushed backward, spreading the giant toes apart and forcing himself into the gap. He thought that that would definitely get her to look down. That didn't work; she simply squeezed her toes together, compressing his body, and ignored him. Brendan wiggled to and fro, but he couldn't move even slightly. He tried putting his hands on her smooth toenails and pushing down on those bright pink pads in order to move upward and out, but he couldn't get any motion that way either. Once he gave up struggling against her toes, he found that it actually felt like a carnival ride. Her foot swung him up and down rhythmically as she walked around. After some time, her foot stilled as she sat down, and her grip relaxed. Brendan paused for a few seconds to catch his breath. That was when she stretched her legs, tilting her foot so that it rested on its heel and separating her sole from the sandal enough to allow him to roll into the gap. Just as unexpectedly, she flipped her foot forward again, trapping Brendan under her sole, face up. His face became engulfed in footflesh, and he couldn't move at all. Brendan tried pushing up against her foot, but his hands sank into her foot, and he wasn't able to make space infront of his nose so he could breathe. The constant pressure, heat and lack of air took their toll on him, and eventually, he could not hold on any longer. Hopefully, his teammates fared better.

Chapter End Notes:

Thanks for reading; please tell me how I can improve this story and what I should put in next.

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