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One day post-WSE

Ugh. Queues. The line infront of Katelyn stretched for a kilometre, and till twelve's cashier seemed to be working at a crawl. In fact, the entire store seemed to be overwhelmed by the Saturday grocery shopping rush. Which was strange, considering the fact that the country's population had shrunk by a large amount, in stature and number. Katelyn idly fidgeted with something in her jeans pocket she had picked up on her morning walk. Well, it was actually a someone, but Katelyn wasn't inclined to offer respect to a pipsqueak like her neighbour. She repeatedly squeezed his chest, always applying just enough pressure to threaten to break a rib. She was careful not to cause long-lasting damage, at least not physically. The time passed a bit more quickly when Katelyn imagined what her victim must be going through. She felt as if she could feel the terror emanating from his body. She thought back on how she had come to discover her little toy just a few hours ago.

Katelyn rose with the sun, already beaming from ear to ear. Today was going to be a good day, simply because it was Saturday. She leapt out of bed, showered and brushed her teeth. Dancing out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, she threw together a quick Cheerios breakfast. After she finished, she got into her sports bra, scrunch leggings and running shoes, and left on her morning walk, as she did everyday. She started off with a slow stroll. As she walked past the next house's garden, an almost imperceptible squeak made her slow down. Coming to a stop, she heard a quiet, shrill cry. Her curiosity piqued, she knelt down and took a closer look at the garden. She pushed some leaves aside, and then she spotted what had been making those small noises: a small man. She remembered last night's news announcement, and she felt sympathetic toward him. She picked him up and examined him gently. Only then did she realise just who it was she was holding in her hand.

It was him, Dick, that creepy neighbour she simultaneously hated and feared. Every morning he would go out of his way to make her uncomfortable, whistling as she passed, or tactlessly "inviting" her into his bedroom, his voice dripping with malice and lust. She was often hesitant to go out in the mornings, but she had to tell herself to stop him from getting in the way of her life.

And, now, look: the perfect opportunity to exact her revenge had dropped into her lap. She grabbed the man, noting that the weekly macho act had been replaced with pure fear. Katelyn unceremoniusly shoved the man betwen her breasts, ignoring his pleas, and resolved to finish her walk this morning, for the first time, being able to use her walking time to actually think about things worth contemplating, instead of Dick's advances. When she returned home, she was damp from the exercise. She discarded her activewear on the floor. Now down to just her panties, Katelyn plucked Dick out from her cleavage. He coughed and sputtered as his body hungered after the fresh air. It was less than he deserved. She tossed him onto the coffee table and slammed a mug over him, as a makeshift cage. She showered again, and dressed in a T-shirt, jeans and sneakers. Today was Saturday, and that meant having to complete the chore of grocery shopping. Katelyn grabbed her car keys, wallet, phone and her new plaything, grabbing him by the neck. She opened the door, got in and tossed all four objects into the glovebox. Katelyn imagined how horrible it was for Dick. Everytime there was a speedbump, Katelyn saw in her mind's eye the contents of the glovebox getting reshuffled, banging Dick's body into one of the glovebox's walls, or sometimes having the heavy metal keys thrown in his face. Her idea was not far from the reality. It happened often that Dick would end up under the phone, twice his height and heavy enough to pin him painfully against the floor. Dick sighed in relief when he heard the car decelerate, then stop. The reprieve was short. Katelyn opened the glovebox, quickly grabbed everything, stuff them into her pockets and got out of the car. She walked into the store and started gathering items. She got through the queue, paid for her things and left.

She unlocked the car, put her things on the backseat, and then got into the driver's seat. She pulled Dick out of her pocket and dangled him upside-down by the ankle. He was naked, bruised up and terrified. Katelyn smiled. She opened her mouth slowly and dramatically, holding Dick above it for a few seconds before dropping him in. At first, Dick tasted salty, excessively so, making Katelyn grimace like a little girl tasting broccoli. As she drove off, she felt a tickling sensation on her tongue, like popping candy. Intrigued, she pushed Dick into her cheek. It came again. Katelyn giggled when she realised that it was Dick pounding and kicking against her mouth. She continued to suck on Dick as she drove. When she got home, she unpacked everything into the fridge and cupboards. Feeling a bit drained, she opened one of the cans of soda and took a swig, swirling it around. She pushed Dick.onto her bottom teeth and clamped down, pinning him between her incisors while she swallowed her drink. Katelyn lifted Dick out of her mouth and held him aloft for another examination. Dick was dripping with spit and the remnants of her cream soda, but, fortunately, no wounds or broken bones. Dick wad certainly a toy made to last. She placed Dick on the table, and stripped off her shoes and socks - which were heavier than usually because of her perspiration – and put her bare feet up on the table, on either side of Dick. He started coughing heavily, caught in a cloud of noxious fumes. Katelyn put on the TV and reclined on the couch. She grasped Dick between her toes, taking advantage of the fact that he was too disoriented to move. She planted her foot flat, trapping Dick under her toes. She enjoyed the feeling of Dick squirming under her hold. After a few minutes, she fell asleep smiling. Dick never was able to escape his smelly prison.

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