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Chapter 3

Janet smiled at the guard. He was cute. She was happy she was wearing her favorite pants suite. It really showed off her curves. She leaned close, letting him look down her chest; the shape of her decent sized breasts visible to the man. He was trying to look, but he was being discreet about it. That was so cute.

The both entered the elevator together, Suzy following behind with Marie, a woman who belonged to Omega that lived in New York City.

"So," said Janet to the man. "How do you like it? Chew or swallow?"
"I beg your pardon," said the man. He really was cute. "I said," said Janet patiently, batting her eyes, "chew or swallow?"
"What do you mean?" said the man. He was looking at her now in a sort of 'I'm attracted to you but I don't know what to do' type of expression.
"Shall I chew you?" explained Janet. Or just swallow you whole?" The man didn't realize how littoral a question this was. Janet loved asking it. My goodness, did she really love it? She had caught herself. Yes, she realized. She did. Don't forget who you are! she thought desperately to herself. But then lost herself in the delight of what she was doing.
"Mmm! Good choice," agreed Janet. Suzy and Marie giggled behind her. "I think I would like to swallow you. Will you come with me?"
With a swing of her hips she proceeded the man out of the elevator when the doors opened. The man followed, unsure of himself. Suzy and Marie tailed him, making sure he didn't get away. Janet opened the door of her hotel room and beckend the man inside. Janet's friends followed.

"It's okay," assured Janet as the man looked behind him and saw that he was not alone. "They want to watch."
"I don't want them to watch..." said the man. But he was cut off by Janet firing a ray gun at him. He shrank quickly. Jane gingerly picked him up and placed him on the counter.

"Bad news little guy. I was asking you if you wanted me to chew you or swallow you alive. Looks like you're going to my belly alive."

"But you can't do this!" said the man.
"Can't I?" argued Janet.
"I am a human being!"
"A damn tasty looking one!"
"You can't just eat me!"
"I'm going to!"

"Now Janet I think our little friend here is trying to say that it would be impolite not to invite us to the table!" interjected Suzy. "Aren't you little fella?"
The man turned to the looming figure of Suzy behind him.
"But how can we share him when he want's to be swallowed?" inquired Janet.
"I don't want to be swallowed! I don't want you to eat me!"
"Aww but little friend, Janet was the one who caught you. You can't just say she can't eat you. It's impolite!" Suzy scolded.
"Eating me is impolite!"
"I know you want to share yourself with the rest of us but only one of us can eat you. I guess we'll have to think of a way to figure out who gets to swallow you!" Suzy said.
"I know," said Marie. "We each write down a number, between one and ten. Then our little friend here picks a number. Whoever chose a number closest to his gets to eat him. Does that sound fair?"
"NO!" shouted the man but Suzy and Janet both said yes. Each tore off a piece of paper from the hotel desk and secretly wrote down a number.

The man looked around. Three women were staring at him, grinning. They were all beautiful. The kind of women that he would have loved to pay attention to him under normal circumstances.

Well they were paying attention to him now and he didn't like it in the least. He was terrified that he was going to end up as a snack. He felt like the last horderve at a party. He couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that these three beautiful women, who had just been flirting with him, now wanted to eat him! How could this happen so fast? How could this even happen? Was it even real?

"Now little friend. Pick a number!" Suzy ordered.
"Pick a number or one of us will bite a hand off!"
The man turned red. He said something quietly.
"Better speak up!"
"TWO! FIVE! TEN!" he screamed.
"Aww. There he goes, trying to be polite and share himself with all of us again," grinned Marie.
"Well we only needed one number! I think we should go with the first one he chose."
Suzy agreed and Marie more reluctantly so. "I put down eight," said Marie, showing her number.
"I wrote down five, the second number you called out!" Suzy leaned in close and licked her lips. The man backed away, staring. in horror Suddenly he realized that he was backing towards Janet, who hadn't answered with her number yet. He turned towards her and found a suppressed smile on her face. She turned her piece of paper over. On it was written a number two.

"You're mine," said Janet. "Any last words before I eat you?"
"Please, please, please!" said the man.
"Don't eat you?" asked Janet.
"YES!" howled the man.
'Sorry pal. But I will make this quick for you." Grabbing him, she quickly put him into her mouth and swallowed.

"Yummy," Janet exclaimed.

"That was fun," said Marie. "We should do that again to another guy. But we should catch a few ourselves first Suzy."
"I totally agree," Suzy said. "We need to play again. Maybe tonight. But for now, Marie and I need to swallow a guy or two of our own. If I know Janet, that little fellow only wet your appetite."
"Oh Suzy. You know me too well," grinned Janet, rubbing her belly.

"Lets go out!" said Marie. "I know a few good places to pick up guys."

Chapter 4

Janet burped. Six men, including the cute guard she had eaten earlier, settled in her stomach. All were now dead as she had eaten the last one about a half an hour ago. Number seven was standing behind her. He didn't know he was going to be eaten yet.

Janet turned towards him. From his point of view she was almost inhumanly gorgeous. To be fair, she looked that way to guys who were still her same size. Her large beautiful breasts hung before him. Her firm stomach was spellbinding. Granted, he didn't know its contents. She had her hips cocked in a suggestive pose, her corded muscles in her legs promising a buttocks that was extremely worth seeing.

Janet smiled at him. The man practically fainted. Her hazel eyes followed his every move. Her lush lips grinned, her beautiful face was turned down towards him, where he stood on the bed.

She took a step towards him. Lying down next to him, she picked up the man and placed him atop her right breast. "Enjoy yourself my friend," said Janet.

The man walked over her and caressed her as best he could. He felt funny to Janet and tickled her when he moved. Janet laughed.
The tiny man looked up. He had been a waiter at a restaurant. Janet had liked him and shrunk him before Marie could. She had been looking at him with a hungry eye and Janet suddenly felt like saving the poor kid. He was only twenty. Granted, Janet was going to eat him too, but Marie was supposed to be rough with her food. Later in the evening, Janet found this to be true. Marie would bite arms and legs off before finishing the job.

Janet placed the displaced waiter on her belly, laughing as he moved about. He really tickled down there. It was funny to think that he would be inside it soon. It was a turn on to realize that there were people below him, in the process of being digested and he didn't know. Suddenly Janet felt very horny.

"Like my belly?" she asked
"It's very nice," said the man, grinning. "So is the rest of you."
"You haven't even finished exploring me," said Janet with a wink. Yeah, like the inside of me, she thought.
The man's expression of happiness couldn't have been more plain if he had been normal size. The poor thing. He thought he was getting the first class tour because she liked the feel of him walking around on her. Granted, she did like that. She also liked being appreciated and it had been a long time since she had felt a man, no matter the size, on her body. It was a feeling she couldn't have undercover in the Omegas. This would have to substitute.

The tiny man was making his way to her breasts again and this time, hugging her left breast. "Ha, ha. You feel good," said Janet. "Having fun?"
"Yes! This is the best day of my life!" said the man, climbing her breasts. He was having a hard time of it but seemed to be enjoying it.
Janet felt guilty at that comment. It would be the last day of his life. He was so young too. Probably worked at the restaurant to pay for college bills. The poor thing never expected to be selected at the restaurant as food.
"I have another place you'll like," said Janet. She picked him up with one hand, laughing at the look the boy was giving her breasts as he hovered over her. Janet rolled over and placed him upon the small of her back. The man started up her tush, pausing to lie down or run to the other cheek and check out the scenery over there.

Janet couldn't see him well now so she had to rely on feeling him scramble around her butt. From how he was reacting, he was loving it. So was she. Why did she get so excited with this poor man exploring her body?
"Good gracious! You are amazing back here!" called the man.
Janet laughed and flexed her tush muscles, then released. The man jumped down to get a good look between her butt cheeks. He pushed her muscles on either side. Janet plucked him out of there and set him atop her tush again. She felt him get up and walk around.

Janet had always been proud of her buttocks. She had even been offered a contract as a pants model once but had turned it down. She had met another girl who had been offered the job as well. Her name was Umma and she was also extremely pretty. Janet knew she was still doing well because she had seen Umma in an advertisement recently. Her butt had looked fantastic. Still, Janet kept herself in shape and believed that she could still be a pants model if she ever wanted.

"How did you get such a nice ass?"
"Lots of exercise," said Janet. She left off the other reason. Lots of protein dinners. Lots of people like you. Hell, she probably couldn't even call it her own ass anymore with the numbers of people she had eaten, not to mention her body's way of building up her tush. She did have a nice ass and she knew it. She also knew that after the past two years undercover with the Omegas, it was made of a lot of men. The thought disgusted her.

Somewhere deep within her, it also turned her on. The knowledge that the poor man may himself end up back there was sickly attractive. She had loved walking around in tight jeans, her butt sticking out and every guy looking at it. Every twitch of her muscles back there moving men who had once been like them. Every guy drooled over it. And she stared back at them trying to decide who she wanted for dinner.

Janet loved it.

She quickly grabbed the tiny man up again and rolled back over. There was a brief moment where she almost ate the poor man at once. She licked her lips. She could already feel him on her taste buds, her mouth watering to provide the slick coating for his trip down her esophagus. Her belly, still full of other men, felt like it could handle another tiny man. The feeling of him struggling in her stomach as he screamed for help and scrambled to get out. The calm feeling that came once he stopped.

Ha, ha, ha! This is amazing!" said the man as she licked her lips and stared at him. He had misinterpreted her expression as one of sexual stimulation, and indeed it had been. But he wouldn't have liked the outcome.

Janet dropped him on her breast. The man crawled around. It was stimulating to Janet. She wanted to eat the poor thing.

No, she had shrunk him to save him from a horrible death. Granted, she would eat him eventually. But it would be in front of Suzy or Marie or another Omega. She only ate men around Omegas and only because she had to. She didn't eat for herself.

No matter how tempting it might be.

She sat up and stood next to the bed, the little man sliding off. She turned away from him. Tried not to think about him. She turned back to see if he was alright after the fall. She hadn't meant to hurt him and would feel bad if she did.

He was staring at her backside. It wasn't a crime. She had brought him here. She had put him on her body to explore. She had relished the feeling of a man appreciating her body, despite his small size. She was the one who had the nice ass. She had eaten people who were a part of it right now.

She had no right to simply swallow him because she didn't want him around any more. There was no way to grow him back to normal size. No way to save him. He couldn't live a normal life or even a long life if she released him to go on his own.

Janet knew that she would eventually eat him but it didn't have to be now. She owed it to him to make his last hours pleasant. Maybe that was what all this was about; making it up to someone; maybe everyone she had eaten.

She could let him explore her some more. She could talk to him. Have tea with him.

That might do it.

She walked away from the poor boy. He got a great view of her ass in motion and practically collapsed from excitement. In the hotel bathroom where there was a small stove, Janet filled the pot with water. She imagined the poor men who were already in her belly. She had eaten enough for one night. Soon the water was hot. She brought out some tea for the tiny man in a saucer and in a coffee cup for herself.

"I thought you might like a drink," said Janet, placing the saucer in front of the man.
"I would really like to hear about you," Janet said, sipping her tea. "Please tell me about what you do for fun, where you go, what you plan on doing when you grow up."

It was exactly the details that she always tried to avoid learning about the men she had eaten. Don't see them as people. That way you won't go insane.

Now here she was, pleading for details. It wouldn't change his fate. He was still going to be eaten. But maybe it would stave off her desire to eat him simply because she wished to do so.

The boy rambled. Janet politely listened. She asked questions where she could. She learned all she could about him. His favorite game was hockey. His favorite food was barbecue chicken. He like running and climbing as hobbies. His favorite book was Huckleberry Finn. He was studying chemistry in school so he could become a doctor someday. With a twang of guilt Janet listened to how he had always liked learning about peoples insides.

"Like their vascular system?" asked Janet.
"Yeah! Exactly!" the boy continued. He was very enthusiastic. Poor thing. He went into a brief discussion about the blood system and how it worked. Janet even learned a few things while he spoke of blood pressure, heart rates, veins, arteries, capillaries, how red blood cells carried oxygen and how white blood cells fought off diseases. "And you blood carries nutrients from the food you eat to all over you body!" he concluded.

"And speaking of food, there is the digestive system!" said the boy. "I really love the digestive system. Isn't it amazing how we convert plants and animals into parts of our bodies?" he asked.
"I guess so," said Janet reluctantly.
"Just think every part of my body and every part of your beautiful body was one a plant or animal! You would never know by looking would you! That is how incredible your body is at turning lettuce or apples or grapes into essential amino acids. Don't forget that it can do that with other people's bodies as well! Chickens, pigs, cows, fish. They all are digestible and easily converted into parts of us!"
"Yeah. I know," said Janet.
"So what is your favorite food Ms. Giant lady?"
"Oh I don't know."
"Come on. You must know."
"I don't have a favorite."
"Oh." The boy seemed somewhat disappointed. "Did I offend you with all that talk? Are you a vegetarian?"
"Definitely not a vegetarian," said Janet.
"I didn't think so," said the boy.
"Why not?" said Janet, curious.
"Because you have a lot of muscle. The most efficient way of building muscle is by consuming animal protein. Plant proteins can build muscle too but not as quickly. It's harder for our bodies to absorb you see."
"I see," said Janet.
"So do I," said the guy. "And you have some great looking muscles. They are fun to watch. Especially when you walk."

Janet smiled. "Glad you like them. Look I don't mean to be impolite but can we get off the subject of food for a while. It's kind of making me hungry."
"Sure. Hey, why do you look worried?"
"Umm. I would rather not talk about it."

Janet's belly growled.
"Sounds like you're starving," said the boy.
"Just digesting a light meal. You would know about all that," Janet said dismissively.
"So what did you eat?"
"Obviously not enough."
"But what kind of food?" insisted the boy.
"Why are you grilling me on what I eat?" said Janet annoyed.

The boy seemed to be picking his choice of words quite carefully. "Because," he said. "I'm trying to figure out if you're going to eat me."

It was infrequent that someone surprised Janet. Surprised this time, Janet blinked.
"Why would you ask me that?"
"I heard your friend in the restaurant saying I looked tasty. Now I am alone with a gigantic woman who doesn't want to talk about food or even tell me what her favorite food is. So tell me. Are you going to eat me? If you are, I think I deserve to know."

Janet couldn't look at him. Couldn't face his one inch frame.
"Yes. I am going to eat you."
Janet nodded. "I am so sorry! I would explain but there really isn't any point is there?"
"No. I suppose not."
"Please understand I feel horrible about what I am going to do to you. It makes it worse that you know all about the digestive system. I am so sorry that it's going to hurt in my stomach. I am!" Janet pleaded, sinking down to her knees and leaning in close to the man.
"Ms. Giant lady," said the man.
"Please! Please! Call me Janet."
"Janet," said the man. "I'm not as upset as you might expect. Actually, the reason I became a medical student was because I liked learning about the digestive system. I always wanted to be eaten by a pretty girl. Really!" he added to Janet's disbelief.
"I actually would like you to eat me. I've wanted that since puberty. I can't believe that you actually will!"
Janet's mouth hung open. It had happened before, she had met willing victims and eaten them before but it was rare. She never suspected this boy was. It didn't make everything all right, but it did help a whole lot.
Janet swept the boy up and kissed him.

Once she held him back for her to see, he looked a little shaken. "Thought I was going to eat you then, didn't you?" said Janet.
"Well yeah. You seemed pretty happy about it," the guy pointed out. "So have you always eaten men?"
"No. Not always. Just started two years ago."
"How often do you eat people?"
"Usually only once or twice a week. But I have five or six of them when I do."
"So why just me this time?" asked the man.
"Well. It's not just you. I ate six guys between when I shrunk you and now."

"Wow! You mean that they're in you stomach right now!" the man seemed extremely excited. He was looking at her naked belly in fascination.
"Yup. They were good too!" Janet realized that this was the first time she had ever admitted to enjoying eating shrunken men to anyone.
"How do you eat them? Cooked or uncooked?"
"Uncooked. I swallow them alive. Other girls sometimes cook them. But most of us prefer to swallow guys alive."
"There are more girls like you?" the man seemed very excited.
"More than you would think. Chances are you've seen someone who eats guys somewhere."
"So can you actually feel them moving around in your stomach?" asked the boy, leaning forward and eager to hear the response.
"Oh yeah. One guy by himself not every time. When I eat five or six really fast I always feel them squirming in there. Especially on an empty stomach. It's kind of fun actually. But I always feel everyone going down my esophagus. It must be a scary trip the way some guys scream."
"Do you like them to fight you on the way down? I could easily not fight you when you swallow me."
"You are into this aren't you?" exclaimed Janet. "Actually, I kind of enjoy it. I feel very powerful and very feminine when I eat a guy. It's really a rush! I get off on it sometimes," she whispered the secret.

"Do you think you will get off on me?" asked the man.
"I don't know. I guess we'll see," said Janet, thinking she had said too much.
"I hope so. I want you to enjoy me."

Janet almost ate him right there. "Oh kid, I think I am gunna love eating you!" His enthuesm was peaking her appetite and his selflessness to feed her was getting her excited. Janet grinned and moved closer. "I gobble up so many unwilling people, even friends. It's nice to have someone who wants to be eaten."
"Are you going to eat me now?" asked the boy.
"Want another tour of my body before I do?" asked Janet. "Wait, hang on! I know."

Janet got up and saucily walked away from the man, swinging her hips on her strides. Turning, she saw that she had the desired effect. The man's jaw was open as he stared. Janet walked back towards him the same way.

Janet picked him up. "Gunna enjoy this. Be sure to wiggle on the way down." The man dumbly nodded.

Janet opened her mouth wide and began to lower him. He touched her tongue. He tasted delicious. She lowered him faster so he was lying on her tongue in a jiffey. Poised to swallow, she hesitated. She felt great. She couldn't wait to eat him. She was going to throw herself on the bed as soon as she did and masturbate as soon as he got to her stomach. But she had gotten something else from this willing victim. She was able to talk to him without her hating him.

She hadn't had someone to talk to in two years.

The man was wiggling on her tongue. Janet fought the urge to swallow and spat him into her palm.

"Hey!" said the man. "What's wrong? Didn't you like how I taste?"
"Oh yeah!" said Janet. "I almost swallowed you there. It was difficult not to swallow. I promise I will soon. But I was thinking. Would you mind if I kept you for a couple of days? I need a friend to talk to. You don't know what you've already done for me. Could you spend a few days with me and let me talk with you?"
"And get to know the giantess who will eat me? Of course!"

Janet kissed the man again.

"So what do you say to me keeping you alive through tomorrow night. I can eat you Wednesday. Say... have you in my belly by Wednesday night at the latest?"
"The anticipation might kill me but it sounds great! Wednesday it is!"
Janet grinned. "This will be fun. You know something? I don't know your name!"

Janet lay down on the bed and placed Rob on her stomach. "So there are really six guys in there now?"
"Yeah," said Janet. "You were going to be number seven."
"I'm almost disappointed.
"Don't be," said Janet, and licked her lips.
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