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Louise entered the courtroom a little apprehensively. She had agreed, despite her initial misconceptions, to testify to what she had seen in the office that day of her interview. She took the stand, and raised her right hand. "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God", the clerk entoned.
"I do", she replied. The ADA begun his questions. He asked her about why she was in the office, exactly what she saw, when, what she heard, did she know what time it was, then finally, "Do you remember the appearence of the perpetrator?"
"Is he in this courtroom today?"
"Can you point him out to us?"
She pointed her finger.
"Let the record show that the witness has indicated the defendant."
She would never have had the courage to do this before, to testify and point out a criminal in court, but with the penalties as they were now, it was safer. It was a lot safer. Ever since that famous law repealling the eighth ammendment, America was such a better place. Better for everyone, really.
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