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Author's Chapter Notes:
Our hero is still underage so no adult content yet, more vore though.
So now you know of my first experience venturing into another creature, granted it wasn't the most pretty experience, with in a few weeks I was dying to try again. But it would be years before I built up the courage to try it with someone else. In fact it wasn't until the last half of the year in middle school did I find a possible partner to try it with. It was almost time to move onto high school, and by this time I was VERY interested in girls. Instead of dreaming of being swallowed by dragons and other monsters, I dreamed of being swallowed by beautiful, large breasted women; much like most other boys of that age, except for the whole swallowing thing.

It's a pretty unlikely story, of how I found out this particular women shared a similar fantasy as mine. This women was my English teacher, Ms. White. I forget the exact reason, but one day I was browsing the web on her computer I just happened to stumble onto a vore website that was in her history. A little shocked I quickly tabbed out of it, afraid she may see me looking at it. As soon as I got home I went onto my computer and typed in the website, to make sure I saw what I thought I saw.

Now, I'm not saying that I had a super model for a teacher, but Ms. White, or Amy as I came to know her, was a very good looking, young women at the time. She had a delicate figure, long blond hair, blue eyes, and by far my favorite part...a pair of luscious full lips. She had some nice curves as well, but she was good at covering them up while at school. Often had I caught glimpses inside of her beautiful pink cavern of a mouth and yearned to climb inside. I figured it would be easy enough to slip into her coffee or lunch, but I was too afraid of being caught. It would be awkward enough to be found inside of her coffee mug, but then to be naked on top of that; it was a risk I was far too uneasy to take.

But now that I knew it was possible for her to agree to it, I didn't think I could live with myself if I didn't at least ask. My first plan was to wait until the very last day, that way if she refused I at least wouldn't have to see her again. But that would be a long three month late, which it turned out I couldn't wait.

It was nearly May the day that I decided I just had to ask. I had her class the final period of the day. I was nearly sweating when the moment finally came when I was the last one still in the room.

"Well Robby have a nice week-" She looked at me puzzled, "Are you alright? You look like something is bothering you?"

"Uh, no nothing bothering" I stammered, god I was nervous. I had never even asked a girl out on a date, and this was basically asking a girl to have SEX with me, "I was just wondering something" I said, my blood turning cold in my veins.

"Oh, sure hon, what do you need to know?" She asked, placing her purse down on the desk to the side of me and leaning back against it.

I took a few deep breaths, "Have....H-Have you ever wanted to swallow someone alive?" I manged to spill out, almost immediately regretting even coming up with this ridiculous idea. I peaked a look up at her, she was starting down at me with flustered cheeks and wide eyes. Oh man I had done it now.

"Well um" She started. She walked over the door and closed it, "That's a little inappropriate of a question, Don't you think?" She kept her voice calm, but I could tell there must have been a wild storm of emotions flowing through her, probably mostly anger. "I know some of you may have seen a certain website in my history a little while back..." She trailed off, not sure how to respond to this question.

"Yes I did, but It-It's not what you think. You see, I sort of have the opposite" I started.

"Robby this isn't a very appropriate conversation for me to be having with my students" She said walking towards the door again.

"Wait!" I said, standing up, "I can...I can make it happen" I watched as she turned around, an angry look on her face, her cheeks still red as I had ever seen them. I figured I had to do it now, before she got any more angry. I closed my eyes and dropped down to about an inch, leaving only my clothes in a pile over me. I heard a shrill shriek come from Ms. White as I dropped down. I heard the sound of massive heels hitting the floor as she hurried towards where I now stood.

"Robby? Robby? What just happened!" She said, sifting through my clothes. I saw her face appear as she lifted my shirt off the pile, her eyes widened as they fell on me, "Oh my gosh, this is unreal" She lowered a hand a gently swept it under my inch tall body. I quickly covered myself as best I could.

"I've done it before, I know it's safe" I said and held my breath.

"Well I....I don't know what to say" She looked around, "What about your parents, how long does it take?" She said, her expression changed to concern, "Oh my god...you so small!"

"I can change back just as easy, I wasn't sure how long it would take, but I told my parents I'd be sleeping out tonight" I said. She looked around, biting her lip, I was sure I had got it now, she clearly wants to do it, but perhaps was too afraid

"Well...I...This can't be safe, it just can't"

"It is, I tried it with my dog a long time ago, and I didn't get hurt at all"

She looked at me oddly, as if wondering why the hell I would try it with my dog, "Well...Maybe...It's best if we do this at my house, but I can't be seen leaving with you" She finally said.

"I can just stay like this" I suggested, trying to hide my wide smile.

"Alright" She said, stuffing my clothes into her purse. She closed her hand around me and cupped it around her chest as she slipped through the halls. I heard her car door open and she opened her hand, placing me down on her lap, "Don't get any ideas" She said looking down.

"Right" I said, the possibilities already flowing through my mind. I clutched the fabric of her dress. Though I wasn't prepared for a large bump coming in the road, which lifted me into the air and dropped me right between her legs. I looked up and saw her looking down at me over her breasts, "It wasn't on purpose!" I said, She laughed and looked back up towards the road, not seeming to mind. I sighed, not sure what to do. I looked over my shoulder at the massive body behind me, I could hardly believe I was going to actually go inside of her, the thought excited me more than anything I had done in my life. I was still uncomfortable being nude around women, and decided that I was going to have to make some miniature clothing for the next time I do this.

After a while she finally said, "Alright here we are" as she pulled into her drive. She quickly swept me up into her hands and hurried inside. When she opened her hands I saw we were inside of her bedroom. "Ok, how do we do this?" She asked.

"Well...I don't know" I said as she placed me onto the soft bed.

"You said you had done this before?" She said, kneeling on the side of the bed, looking down at me.

"I have, just never with a, well you know" I said scratching the back of my head.

"Oh, right you're dog, you'll have to tell me that story sometime" She said with a grin.

"Yea" I said looking around.

"Well, I guess I could let you climb in on your own?" She said, "I'm afraid I wont be gentle enough putting you in myself" She said.

"We could" I offered, "But I really doubt you could hurt me" I said causally strolling towards the edge of her bed, "See!" I said, then quickly leaped off the edge.

"ROBBY!" She cried as I fell.

I hit the ground with a small thud, then quickly jumped to my feet, holding out my arms. "See, perfectly fine" I said.

"Don't startle me like that!" She said, reaching down to lift me back onto the bed. "But I see your point" She said placing me back down.

"So how would you want to do it?" I asked, "Anything is fine with me"

She bit her lip, "Well" She examined me for a minute, "I always imagined the little guy trying to run away and me bending down to scoop him up" She said, blushing a little.

"That sounds like fun" I said. "Are you ready?"

"Let me get out of this dress first" She said, "Stay right there" She orderd as she quickly grabbed a few things out of her dresser and left the room. When she came back she was wearing a small pair of gym shorts and tight white tee. "Alright my little snack" She said with a wide grin as she walked over to the bed. She paused a moment as she stood over the bed, "Oh this feels so inappropriate!" She said with a nervous laugh. "If anything feels wrong say so immediately" She said with a concerned look.

"Right" I said confidently

She walked over to the side of the bed, I watched as she lifted her leg onto the bed, followed soon by the other. She towered over me, which at that time was the sexiest thing I have seen in my life! She took a deep breath, "Alright, I'm ready" This was a few moments of awkward silence. Then she leaned down, mouth gaping, but she stopped short. "Well, if we're pretending you may as well pretend you don't want to get eaten!" She giggled.

"Oh, sorry" I said. I turned and started running. I heard her laugh behind me.

"Hey, not so fast my little treat!" She cooed after me.

Suddenly the ground dropped, making me lose balance, then it shot back up and sent me tumbling into the air. She had pounded her fist into the bed. I landed on my chest and rolled. "Oh gosh!" She said, "I'm sorry!"

I got to my feet and grinned at her, "You forgot" I laughed. I quickly rolled as she shot a hand towards me, enjoying the chase.

"Mmm, a slippery one" She said, "Easier to slip right down my throat" She said, running her finger down her neck. "Oh, that came out weird"

I shrugged my shoulders and waited for her next move. She crawled towards me, backing me up all the way towards the wall of her pillows. She spread her thighs, making me weak at the knees, "Looks like you've got no where to go" She said smiling. She leaned down once again, minty smelling warm air washed all around me as she extended her tongue. She ran her tongue across the front half of my body, "Mmm" She hummed, "Oh, that was so inappropriate, I keep forgetting" She apologized. The act left me incredibly aroused, and I'm pretty sure she noticed. I looked down her body and saw a gap between her ass and the bed, and quickly made a run for it. "Hey!" She said, and brought her body down on the bed. I crashed into a wall of mesh and looked up to see that I had ran right into her crotch.

"Oh god, I didn't mean it that wa-" I started, but suddenly two fingers pressed down on my side.

She lifted me to her eyes, "A naughty little boy eh?" She said, "Looks like I'm going to have to send you to detention" She smiled, licking her lips. She opened her mouth wide, extending her tongue downward as far as it could go. She released my sides and I dropped landing on the slope of her tongue. I couldn't believe I was finally inside the place that I had dreamed endlessly about. She rolled me around like a piece of candy, soaking me with a thick coat of saliva. I returned the favor by rubbing my hands across her slick tongue and the rough roof of her mouth. I even slid towards her teeth and pressed up against them. "Oh that's nice" She said, her voice seemed to surround me, and I was bounced up and down as she talked. After a few long minutes of mouth play she asked me if I was ready, I said I was, so she positioned me towards the back of her mouth, and swallowed. I was surrounded by the familiar sloshes and gurgles of the inside of the body. The same warm feeling of the flesh around me. The smell still took some getting used too, but compared to where I had been, it was mild. I rubbed the walls around me, getting a pleasurable moan from above. I finally splashed down inside of her stomach.

"Robby?" She asked, "I can't even feel you in there" I began rubbing her stomach walls, "Ohh" She moaned, "This is incredible"

Now, I can't say for certain what she did, because clearly I could not see her, but I could hear distinct moans coming from above me as I continued to move around and caress her insides. We must have an hour without speaking, just enjoying the experience. I found I become much more apt at maneuvering in the strange dark environment of the stomach. I learned how to avoid being pulled down further into the digestive system, but still wasn't sure of a more effective way of exiting. After the shallow pool of liquid had drained I found myself sitting on the wet floor.

"Robby? You still in there?" A voice called, I heard a series of low thumps as she patted her stomach.

I hadn't realized I had been idle for so long, the warmth and sounds had put me in an almost meditative state, "Oh, yea I'm here" I called into the dark. There was a moment of silence, "Can you hear me?" I shouted again, a little louder.

"Oh yes, it's very muffled though. Wow, this is so incredible" She sighed. There was more silence, "Do you know how you're going to get out?" She asked.

"Well, not entirely" I said, "There's only one way I've gotten out before"

"Oh, well I don't know if I'm comfortable with that" She said nervously.

"Yea" I said, reflecting on the first time I did it.

"Do you think you could climb out? you know up the way you came? I'm not very good at gagging myself"

"I'll try" I shouted, getting to my feet, The liquid began forming again. I stumbled my way around, feeling the stomach walls looking for a possible exit. "Uh, are you sitting up or laying down?" I asked. Suddenly the ground shifted violently and I tumbled down the wall. It took a moment for me to get my bearings back.

"Standing now" She said, "I'm walking to the bathroom"

"I noticed" I mumbled to myself as I was bounced around with each step. It was much more active that I thought it would be, being inside of a moving thing. For some reason I pictures the inside of the stomach to be completely separate from the outside world, I hadn't even thought about the shift from laying down to standing up.

"Ok" She said after a few minutes, "I think I've got a plan". Her plan was pretty simple. She was going to take some string and swallow it while holding onto the end, then, all that she would have to do is pull me out. But the plan was a little more tricky than she thought. She had to take a few minutes just to swallow the string. "Do you have it?" She called down.

"No" I responded as I sloshed around feeling for it. It was a long and tiring process as I searched the expanse of her stomach. Finally my hands grasped the slimy rope, "Got it!" I exclaimed.

"Ok, hang on tight" She said, then yanked the string upwards. I felt myself rise into the air, squeeze into the hole then the string slipped from my hands and I splashed back down into the thick pool.

"Uh, Robby? You're not on the string" She said.

"It slipped" I called back.

"Oh shoot" She thought for a moment. "Alright, It's coming back down" This time it was easier to find the string since I knew exactly where it was coming. This time she had knotted the bottom to help me stay on. I climbed onto the string, sitting on the knot.

"Alright" I called. This time she pulled more gently, I felt my body squeeze back into the tunnel of her throat. With in a few seconds I saw light hitting her throat, then a cavern of white teeth, then I found myself looking into her face.

"Wow" She said with a smile, "Let's get you washed up" She brought me to her lips and gave me a gentle kiss. She placed me down on the sink, plugged it then started filling it with warm water.

"Um, I could wash up myself" I said, "I can just return to regular height and hop in the shower"

She glanced at me, then to the sink, "I'd rather do it" She said, "Besides, I know you boys, not necessarily the most thorough of washers" She said with a grin.

"Oh, alright" I said. I let her take me and dip me into the water. She gently rubbed me down with soap and rinsed me clean over and over.

Finally after a good ten minutes she wrapped me in a towel and dried me off. She set me back down on the counter and pointed towards my clothes, "I'll leave you alone to get dressed, it's pretty late so you can sleep on the couch and I'll drop you off in the morning" She said with a gentle smile, and left the room.

It was a little awkward waking up the next morning. I was wondering how much different life would be, especially at school from then on. I doubted neither of us could act the same around each other ever again. I'm sure she had some doubts about what she had done, whether or not it was an actual sexual experience. The emotions were definitely there, but she didn't want to think of it as an affair, especially with one of her students. On the car ride back she wanted to make some things clear. "That was really wonderful, Robby, but you can't tell anyone about this. For one I doubt anyone would believe you. And secondly they may get the wrong idea. Just keep this our little secret"

"Alright" I said.

"And, I wouldn't go public with your gift" She said, now looking at me with a concerned look. "It's an amazing talent, and maybe later in life, much later in life, you can. But I would hate to see what would become of you if the media got a hold of you, it would ruin your life. I'm not just saying this so I can keep you for myself, I'm sure you'll meet girls down the road who are like us and I would want you to give them what you gave me" She said putting a hand on my shoulder. "Robby last night was amazing, I don't think I can thank you enough. I had never once thought that I could ever live out my fantasy, but then you came along" There was a long silence as we drove, "This is you?" She asked as we pulled next to my house.

"Yea" I said, "Thanks for the lift, and um, for last night" I said blushing.

She laughed, "I'll see you later, Do you homework!" She grinned. I watched her drive off, this was the first of many. The rest of the year was strange, I would catch her looking at me, and she would catch me looking into her mouth as she talked. I don't think anyone else caught on, but things were different. Near the end of school she left me a note saying she wanted to do it again, and gave me her number. So that last week we got together and did pretty much the same thing. And over that summer we did it at least five or six times, we would play different games to role play, I would try different sizes. Things never got too sexual though, she kept herself covered, and even made me four sets of clothes for her four favorite sizes. At the end of the summer, she said it may be best if we didn't continue, at least not as often. I agreed reluctantly, and I didn't hear from her for a long time, but the memory's were always fresh in my mind.

That is, until my senior year of highs school.....To be continued.
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