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He sat there listening intently she was the light an attraction he could not escape from a moth’s fragile existence hanging in fates weighting scales of unknown outcomes. She was fascinating her voice echoed through his being teasing him washing against his shoreline removing any doubts he may have had about his reason for being here. It lingered there deep inside his mind the door slowly closing sealing it away from him, she was there opening new one’s allowing feelings to escape that he had locked away many years ago. She teased answers from him he felt at ease she whispered words of comfort soon her spell would be cast and he would belong to her his memory routinely wiped away with out feeling the anguish of a loved one lost to this world .

Her thoughts were now clear Lucas was to be her first a gift from him to her she chose him because she knew he wanted her to, a privilege bestowed upon the boy, a man never to suffer life’s trauma’s, he would exist no more. A date already planned her friend soon to belong to her in a way that only she would know of, butterflies danced inside her tummy.

She was practiced in the art of deception men are whiling victims easily led sex playing its part. She was wet her desire to take away another’s future grew stronger ,she moaned her lips a deep red her breathing shallow the excitement building deep within her sex, her scent was strong it filled the air he smiled the knowledge of his years giving him the reason. he to was aroused by this creature sitting in front of him ,her eyes sparkled like the blue of a tropical sea. he studied her taking in her curves the black lace of her bra visible through her blouse supporting her rounded breasts, her bare legs crossed the short skirt clinging to them hiding her sex from his view.

She was eager to feed but wanted to play with her toy before she revealed the true reason for his existence, he was a play thing to her, she was emotionless when it came to feeding time it would end in the same way for the prey.

The sun rose early this day of all days her thoughts only what was soon to come to pass, her mother could see the expectant look in her eyes. She knew that before the sun set on this day there would be one less in this world, she smiled to herself excited that her little girl was about to be transformed for ever into a thing of beauty with a deadly secret shared only with the chosen ones. Samantha went into the bathroom she skipped breakfast once again she had not been able to keep any food down only liquids; she sat on the loo to pee. She felt the urge to pass a stool her waste fell into the stained water below she giggled how the hell she managed to pooh every day when she not eaten any thing of substance beat her. She wiped away the smelly excrement and jumped into the shower, she felt dirty so made sure her privates were given a thorough wash, she grinned to herself soon she would feel her friends body sliding out between the curvy cheeks of her bum.

Her words were alien to him was this reality why was she telling him these fantasies, he guessed she must be in her twenties, maybe she was mixed up…crazy even and yet he wanted to hear more never leave her. Her words rolled of her tongue a whisper in the darkness teasing the mind he wanted more needed to know the answer hear the end of this deluded fantasy.

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