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Brandi exited the apartment again, and I stood up helplessly watching the massive door loudly slam shut. Jennifer remained sitting on the floor, eyes gazing straight downward. I turned and knelt next to her, and raising her chin with my hand, asked her why her friend would leave us like this.

“I don’t know,” Jenn mumbled. “She’s crazy. Maybe she thinks this is a joke. Maybe she’ll come back in a few minutes and think we’ll all laugh about it tomorrow. I’m scared.”

It was late. I was very tired and very hungry and very nervous. And I had to pee. I walked ten feet (our size) from Jennifer, unzipped my pants, and pissed on the floor.

Jennifer stood up in shock. “Don’t pee on my floor! What the hell are you doing?”

I finished, zipped back up, and asked, “And where would you like me to go? Your toilet is several miles away. Let’s walk to your bathroom and then build a ladder several hundred feet high, and then I’ll pee in your toilet.”

Flustered, she responded, “Well, shit, I don’t know. But when we’re big again, you better clean up your mess.”

I thought about being normal-sized again, kneeling over with the tiniest bit of paper towel, and cleaning up the imperceptible puddle I had just created. I began laughing aloud, to Jennifer’s dismay.

“What’s so funny, asshole? I’m glad you think this is funny!” Jennifer started walking in the direction of the door. “I’m leaving. I’m going to go get help.”

“What, you think you’re just going to walk under your front door into the hallway and someone will see you? You’ll be crushed in minutes. Or eaten by a bug.”

“Well we need to do something! Wait, my phone! Fuck, it’s in my purse. Do you have yours?”

Oh my God, my cell phone, in my pocket. Why didn’t I immediately think of that? “But will it work at this size? Who should we try to call?” I wondered out loud. I pulled out my phone, and luckily the screen lit up. I brought up my contacts and scrolled through the phone numbers I had listed, searching for someone who lived nearby that I trust to help us. But swiftly, my phone was grabbed from my hands.

Before I could even say anything, Jennifer hurriedly began typing a number into my phone. “My little sister lives a mile away in the dorms. She’ll help us. Just hope I can wake her up.”

Oh my God. Hannah. Jennifer’s 19 year old sister. I’d never met her. I’d only seen a picture of her on Jennifer’s fridge. She was a blond beauty, tall and skinny, as far as I could make out from the photo. First Jennifer, then Brandi, now Hannah? How could such an average guy as myself get so lucky? I was 1/16th of an inch tall on the floor at the moment, so maybe I wasn’t that lucky. I came back to reality as Jenny said, “It’s ringing! It’s working!”

Jennifer held the phone to her ear for several more seconds. “Shit, I got her voicemail. I’ll hang up and try again.” She ended the call and hit redial. Moments later, she screams, “Oh my God, Hannah, wake up, it’s Jenn, I need your help right now! My security system shrunk me and a friend, and I need you to come over now to help unshrink us.....I don’t care that you have to get up early. Please just come and help us!....Great, fifteen minutes? My door is unlocked. When you get here call me back at this number. I’ll tell you where we are. I don’t want you barging in and stepping on us..... Yeah, 1/16th of an inch.... Yeah, har har, we are like bugs, funny. Please shut up and hurry!”

With our salvation at hand, Jennifer exhaled a sigh of relief and handed my phone back to me. “Okay, thank Christ, she’ll be here soon. Let’s find somewhere to hide while my sister’s on her way.”

“There’s a crack next to that knot in the wood floor right there. I think we can squeeze in there and be alright until she arrives.” It takes a couple minutes but we hustle over to the crack and slide in. The hole is the size of a small car to us. I feel safer already not exposed on the floor and knowing that someone is on their way to help us. Jennifer seems better as well.

As I settle in and stare at the ceiling seemingly miles above us, Jennifer says, “So, yeah, um, sorry about that, the, uh, sex. I was just so afraid and wanted it to be over with. I hated being small around Brandi. It was humiliating. I hope you’re not weirded out by me now.”

I just had sex with a beautiful woman I’d been crazy about forever. Granted, it was on the giant nipple of her best friend. Either way, it was amazing and not regrettable in the least bit. Now, how can I say that to her without sounding like an a-hole?

“Look, we were both under a lot of pressure. What happened happened. I’m just glad you’re okay.”

Jennifer leaned her head back against the wooden wall and gently placed her hand atop mine. “I’m glad you’re okay too. I need to get rid of that security system. It’s too dangerous. I feel like we’ve both almost died several times the past few days. Wait, shhh!”

Before I could respond, Jennifer put her hand over my mouth. Suddenly, I heard it as well. The sound of footsteps from the hallway.

I pulled my cell phone from my pocket expecting the call from Hannah. We both stood up and poked our heads from our hiding spot. The muffled footsteps stopped at the apartment door. The door swung wide open.

“Shit!” Jennifer yelled. “She was suppose to call us first. Call her! Quick!” But before I knew it, Jennifer’s gigantic sister stepped into the apartment. Such an ideal specimen of youthful beauty. Blond hair in a messy ponytail, a small loose shirt draped over her torso, ridiculously small gym shorts with perfectly smooth legs sticking out, leading down to long, slender feet in brown sandals. She was dressed exactly as a college girl that had been awoken in the middle of the night. In her left hand her cell phone, in her right, a lit cigarette.

As I stared dumbfounded (one does not simply grow used to giantesses), Jennifer snatched the phone from my hands again. She typed in her sister’s number again, and nervously held the phone to her head. All the while, Hannah took a couple steps in the apartment and closed the door behind her. Fortunately for us, we were hiding in a crack near the opposite side of the room, though a few steps and she would be on top of us. I’m sure our hiding hole would protect us from being crushed by her giant sandals, but I’d rather not take the risk.

“Hello?” Hannah was looking around on the floor for us. She took a drag from her cigarette and kicked her sandals off towards the front door. I put my hand on Jennifer’s shoulder and pushed her down back into our crack in the floor. I couched back down as well. Never can be too careful around sleepy, cranky giants.

“Answer your damned phone,” Jennifer cried. “Ring, dammit.”

Finally, loudly from above, we heard Hannah’s phone ring. “Oh, sorry, I forgot to call you. Now where are you? I’m exhausted and need to get back to bed.”

“Dammit, Hannah, you could have stepped on us! Be more careful. And are you smoking in my house?”

“Look, whatever, I can leave right now, and you can live the rest of your life in the cracks of your floorboards. God, you’re so small and insignificant I can’t even see you.” Jennifer closed her eyelids and squeezed them in frustration.

“Fine, Hannah, please just put out the cigarette. We’re just a few feet in front of you. So how about this? You start taking the smallest possible steps forward. When you’re close to us, we’ll run out, and hopefully by then you’ll be able to see us.”

I poked my head out slightly to see Hannah bend over and drop her cigarette into one of our half-empty beer bottles from earlier in the night. “Here I come!” Hannah sarcastically muttered.

Her right foot took one step forward, maybe only half a foot, her left foot then doing the same. “Okay, good, like that, a few more times” Jennifer told her sister through the phone. Hannah took several more baby steps like that, and finally her bare left foot crashed down with a loud thud two inches (her measurement) from our heads.

“Stop, don’t move, we’re coming out.” Jennifer and I hoisted ourselves from the crack in the floor and saw ourselves staring up at Hannah’s giant toes. We began to walk towards them.

“Like my new French pedicure? I started going to that new place on Washington Ave.” Hannah lifted her giant toes on both her feet and slammed them back down, proudly looking down at her fresh pedicure.

“Stop moving, you ass, you’ll crush us!” Jennifer screamed into the phone.

“I still can’t even see you. Where are you?”

“Alright, we’re directly in front of your big toe on your left foot.”

Hannah knelt down, her head blocking the light above. She smiled, “Oh Jesus, you said you were shrunken, but God damn. You’re just a little speck, like, smaller than a poppy seed.”

As the two sisters continued to argue, I continued walking over to the second toe of Hannah’s left foot. I placed my hand on the ridged skin of the giantess. Above me, her perfectly smooth toenail rested, shining, the giant nail the size of several tennis courts. This was the toe of a beautiful, pampered 19 year old. It could crush the life out of me with her even knowing. But it was being merciful. I felt as if I should worship it.

I shot back into reality. “Look, please just carry us to the center of the room, and I’ll tell you the codes on the security system to unshrink us. It would take us forever to walk there. Okay?”

“Yeah, yeah.” Suddenly, Hannah’s right hand shot towards Jennifer, her thumb and index finger poised to pick her up. Jennifer quickly fell to the ground in terror as the two impossibly large digits neared her.

“Stop, stop!” Jennifer screamed into the phone.

“What now?” Hannah’s hand stopped, her thumb and finger on both sides of Jennifer, her long perfectly French manicured nails jutting out around her older sister.

“You’ll squeeze the life out of me with your giant fingers!  Let us jump onto the underside of your fingernail, and you can carry us like that.”

“I don’t have giant fingers! You just have a puny body. God, I just want to squish the shit out of you right now. Fine, jump on my nail.” Hannah removed her giant fingers from around her sister and placed her thumb on the floor in front of us.

“God, Hannah, no, put your thumb nail down so we can climb in it, not like that.” Despite the incredible size difference, Jennifer still treated her sister as little girl. I hope it doesn’t get us killed.

“Shut up and hop on my thumbnail. Just get on.” Hannah was getting very sick of dealing with us two specks.

I gently grabbed Jennifer’s arm and led her towards the giant thumb. Hannah’s massive nail towered in front of us, beautiful, impressive, and fearsome. We reached the two-foot-thick tip of the nail and hopped on, doing our best to get further onto the curved nail. If we slipped on the smooth surface, we’d obviously prefer to be off the tip and on the nail bed. But because of the angle Hannah held her thumb, it was slow going.

“Hurry up, you two.”

“Tilt your thumb back, Hannah. Your nail is so slippery, at least give us a decent angle to walk on.”

We finally made it to her nail bed as the ground we walked upon turned white into pink. I grabbed Jennifer’s hand while her younger sister lifted us up and brought us to the middle of the room. Hannah pressed her thumb to the wooden floor and slowly leaned it forward until we slid off onto the ground. She then stood up, her height still to me an absurd concept. “Now what?” she asked her sister.

“Walk over to the security system and type in these numbers....”

As Jennifer rattled off the string of digits that would get us back to our normal sizes, I stared up at her enormous sister, realizing that everyone I know right now was gigantic. That girlfriend I had a few years back that left me after I cheated on her. That beautiful college professor I had that I always dreamt about. Thousands of other girls in this city alone that could hold me right now in the palm of their hand, and I would be helpless to their desires. They could take care of me. Or they could crush my tiny body into nothing. The thought was absolutely overwhelming. I was lost in those thoughts as the red light once again enveloped me, and we grew back to our normal sizes.


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