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“I can’t do it. You see I’m actually married. My husband is your size.”


“Then how did you have your daughters?” asked Jimmy.


“He’s my second husband. He was never happy in love before he met me, and I think you’ll grow older and want the same thing one day. Anyway, I don’t want to take away your chance to find out for yourself. I’m sorry Jimmy, but I won’t gobble you down.”


She put him down, and went to collect Matilda.


Elsewhere at the school, Diana had left Peter to sneak around the school and look for someone to introduce himself to.




Amos’s sixth grade class had already broken up for the holidays. He went through the tube, into the giant school and saw the fete in full swing. There was one woman at the fete who was taller than all the other giant adult women, and had long blond hair, and was also fairly heavily built. The combination stirred something in him that he couldn’t explain, but he wanted to get closer to her. He waited until she was fairly close to his portion of the garden, and then ran out and called up to her




Christine Long and Lyndal Cartwright were standing on a pathway talking about their past vore conquests. Lyndal mentioned her recent conquest of Gartin.


“I wonder if they’ll keep coming from their little world,” said Christine, “After the gobblings I’ve already done, I don’t wonder that Willy might issue a general warning in the school he attends.”


“He’s discovered a scientific phenomenon,” said Lyndal, “He’ll just hope nobody else finds it and keep it to himself, “He wouldn’t want to risk other people from his world intruding on his special place.”


“Well I intend to have him in my stomach before he ever gets the chance to go ahead with his wedding to Jenny,” said Christine.


“I wish you all the best with your hunt for him,” said Lyndal, “It must be a lot harder with him well aware of your intentions and assisted by a girl who loves him.”


“He can evade me again and again, and I’ll always have another chance at him to look forward to. Once I have caught and eaten him, he’ll have no more chances. My victory will be far more lasting and permanent than his escapes.”


“I wonder if any of them are in the school today,” said Lyndal, “I think I’ll go looking.”


“They might not show themselves nearly as willingly, with so many mothers here as well,” said Christine, “Besides, most of them are probably in school on their world until 3pm, although some of them do sneak in here during their lunch breaks.”


Lyndal turned and walked off. Christine was about to do the same, when a voice called out to her: “Mrs Long!”


She turned and looked into the garden beside the path, to see a small boy waving his hands in the air to attract her attention. She knelt down and lifted him out of the garden.


“Jimmy!” she said, “Recognising a student from her old school, but unaware that he had come through one of the new trans-dimension tubes.”


“Hello again,” said the boy, “I asked one of the mothers to eat me, and she said no. From what I’ve just overheard, you’d be more than willing to do it for me instead.”


“I’d be happy to, and it’s lovely to see you,” said Mrs Long, “I’ve eaten a few boys already, although I’ve never had a volunteer for such an undertaking before.” (She didn’t know that Tinker had willingly placed himself at her mercy on the night of the cocktail party).


“Thank you so much!” said Jimmy.


“You’re welcome,” she laughed.


“Where would you like to do it?” asked Jimmy.


“My classroom is not in use today. I’ll take you there,” said Christine.


Mrs Long concealed him in her fingers and carried him gently into the classroom.


“I usually prefer to hunt down an unwilling participant,” said Christine, “But I still appreciate the generosity of your offer.”


“Well I heard you wanted someone to eat, and I wanted someone to do it.”


“Shall we start then?” asked Mrs Long.


“Go right ahead,” said Jimmy.


She licked the boy and asked, “Was that as appealing as you were expecting it to be?”


“I knew for certain that I’d like to touch a giant tongue. It’s better with you, knowing that you’d have eaten me without my making the offer. I was listening when you were talking about Willy.”


“I’m glad to perform the service,” said Christine, “In you go then.”


She put Jimmy into her mouth and swallowed him.


Licking her lips with satisfaction, she began to write another song, which she would sing to Casey on her pillow that night:


In long summer holidays, Peter commenced

A visit to Grandma’s by climbing the fence

Behind the dense bushes. He managed the trip quick,

He thought. Then he came across someone’s red lipstick


On full lips of one widow, who sat

Reading a book, with her shoes on a mat.

He guessed he was barely a third of her age,

And watched her nice fingers turn the next page.


After a while, she looked up in surprise,
And he saw that she had adorable eyes.

“Why are you staring at me?” she demanded.

The shock broke his balance. He fell down and landed,


On her green grass, where he said, “Please don’t hit me.

I was just looking, since I think you’re pretty.”

“Of course I won’t hit you, but watch for that puddle.

Come over here and I’ll give you a cuddle.”


She cuddled and kissed him and licked his cheeks and

Licked every finger on his small hand.

“I hope you don’t mind these licks, as we embrace,”

She said, “For my tongue just adores your nice face.”


In secret they saw such a lot of each other,

Without ever telling young Peter’s grandmother.

On the last day at his grandma’s he cried,

“Sweet lady I’ll miss being here by your side.


Your tongue has made summer so nice, wet and cool,

But I shall be sent off to some boarding school.”

“I won’t let that happen,” she told him, “But first

Just drink, my new juice and get rid of your thirst.”


He drank it and fell asleep there on her couch.
He woke up hours later and thought, “I can vouch

That this is not one of the rooms in her home.”

The window view made him feel like a small gnome.


“This must be a dolls house,” he thought, as he charged

Outside, to see that his old friend had enlarged.

“You have a giant home all made to order

Here, little Peter. You won’t be a boarder,


Trapped in a school. Now instead you’ll remain

Here with me, free of all worry and pain.

Now you have no need for feeling forlorn.

This is the giant land where I was born.”


“But I will feel tiny and very inactive.”

“Being that small makes you very attractive.

You must remain here with me for an age.

Accept it or else you’ll be kept in a cage,


To see that you don’t try to run off and hide.

So now is the time for you to decide.”

“I won’t run away from the love that we’ve had,

And will have with you as a giant. I’m glad.


But now I will never yet have the delight

Of being an adult, one day, with your height.

I’ll probably grow no more than your small finger,

But your giant tongue’s licking moisture will linger.”


She licked him and said, “I’ve another surprise.

But first drink this sleep drug, and close your small eyes.

I’m sorry young darling. Our friendship was based

On my tongue’s chances to sample your taste.”


He fell asleep, then woke up only to find

That he was in some soft dark room of some kind.
He could not see anything, but it felt smooth.

Then to his horror, he felt the room moved


Like something yet living. He realized his fate.

This room is her tummy, and I’m what she ate!”

He gave in to panic, and started to shout,

“Please cough me up quickly, and let me back out!”


As he felt his way ‘round inside her, by stumbling,

A giantess thought this was her tummy rumbling,

And asked, “my dear friend, would you care for a bite?”

“No thanks Lorna, said his own lass with delight,


“I actually ate well, before you arrived.

She knew that the gobbled down boy still survived,

And that he would always remain her small guest,

Still trapped down insider her enormous dark chest.


He tried climbing back up her throat, where he’d gape

Straight up, but one gulp would defeat his escape.

“Don’t give up on trying. You’ll find that the sculpting

Of my neck allows me to do lots of gulping.


Each time you climb up in the tube of my throat,

I’ll soon gulp you down again.” How she did gloat.

When he fell asleep, then her acids converted

The boy to youth energy, now all deserted.




The huge blond haired giant woman looked down at Amos and smiled pleasantly. She sat down and talked with him, and explained she was an old girl of the school, who had come to the fete for nostalgia reasons.


“I’m Amos,” he said, “I live next to the forest, where the way to your world is.”


“I’m Marilyn. I don’t live far from the woods outside this giant school either. It would be nice to have a little friend like you I could see regularly.”


“How will I know when to come?” asked Amos.


“Why don’t I meet you here every Saturday afternoon, while school’s not in session?” she suggested, “We can make different plans in the holidays.”




The fete came to an end, and Peter had not found a giantess to make friends with him. He came to the back of the school grounds and saw a huge grassy hill. He hid himself among some flowers, and soon saw a very beautiful giant woman walking with two girls. They came out of the school grounds, across a stretch of grass and ascended the hill in ten easy steps.


Peter took an hour to get up the hill, and when he reached the top he could see a back lawn and a giant house. He walked across the garden, using flower beds for cover whenever possible, and looked up at the back window. He could see the woman preparing something at a kitchen bench which was just behind the window. Her lips were so big and shapely and all he could think of was making friends with her.


He walked over to the wall below her kitchen window and began to climb the ivy until he reached the window ledge. He saw her turning to put something into the oven, and realised that she was cooking something for herself and the two girls to eat for dinner. The girls weren’t in the room.


Peter knocked on the window pane, as soon as she’d closed the oven door. The woman opened the window and put him down on the kitchen bench, and then sat on a stool to talk to him.


“I’m the headmistress here,” she said.


He explained that he had come from a parallel world of tiny people and asked her if she would like to give him a kiss.


“I’ve already been married and done lots of kissing,” she said, “I’m a widow now. My daughters will be down for dinner later. I have two.”


“Oh I see.”


“Don’t feel guilty for asking though. I’d still like to have a relationship of sorts with you.”


“What sort of relationship?” asked Peter.


“A relationship where I would be a diner on fine cuisine, and you would be a delicious meal. I’d enjoy it a lot, and be very thankful to you. I’m Mrs Yeo. Would you like me to eat you?”

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