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Chapter 5: The Shrink Device

December 6, 2023 12:18 PM

Sanders tried to find something to hold on to as Lutice walked. Sadly, the smooth skin of her breasts left him nothing to get a grip on. Each step sent him bouncing up into the air before he came down into her, thankfully, pillowy soft breast. As much as he tried to not to, he couldn't help but get a bit excited by this situation. He could think of worse ways to go to his execution...

After a few minutes of using Lutice's breasts like a bounce castle, Lutice stopped moving. Sanders groaned a bit from his upset stomach, but still managed to hear a lock clicking open. They walked forward a bit before the sound of a door shutting brought them to a stop again. He heard Lutice putting a few things down and he tried to prepare himself for whatever was in store for him. The cloth sky moved aside as Lutice pulled back the collar of her shirt. Sanders blinked a bit at the sudden light and saw Lutice's immense face staring down at him.

"Really? Just sitting there? Didn't even try to get a good feel for them or anything? You  really should learn to take an opportunity when it comes," Lutice said before he free hand came down toward him. For some reason, Sanders got the feeling that taking that opportunity would have ended badly... Sanders stood up to try and run, but Lutice's yielding breast flesh made running nearly impossible. Damn maybe he should have gotten a grop- NO NO NO NOT RIGHT NOW!

He grunted as Lutice pinned him between her forefinger and thumb again. She lifted him up out of her shirt and up to eye level. Sanders felt a wave of awe and panic hit him as he stared at Lutice's car-sized brown eyes. She gave a little giggle as she studied him, moving him around a bit.

"It's so hard to see you tinies well from a distance, but it is really you, isn't it Sanders? Hehehe," she said with an odd smile that made Sanders nervous. Still, it was Lutice. Sure she seemed a bit...off and had... tried to kill him... Fuck, but surely the old Lutice wasn't completely gone. He had to, at least, find out. The only other choice was to wait for his death.

"Lutice, please. Just let me go, I...I need to leave before Angela, Aviel, and the others find me!" he yelled out to her. Lutice stopped for a second and Sanders gulped in worry. She turned him back to facing her and stared at him with a harsh glare.

"You want to leave me? Of course you do, why wouldn't you? Still so caught up with that blood-headed bitch and that cow you called a Captain... Always about them, isn't it, huh? Always focused on them! Well what about ME?! Or do you still think I am a bitch?!" she yelled as her finger began to press down harder on him and his ears screamed in agony. Her glare hardened as the pressure on him increased. Sanders cursed as he felt his breath being pushed out of him. He tried to fight it, but his arms were not even slowing her finger down. Fuck, he was being crushed!

"L...Lut-...-ice....don't....hurting..." he managed to stammer out. Lutice stared at him for a moment before she squinted as if pain. She let the pressure on him up a bit as she moved him to within inches of her face and reopened her eyes.

"Going to beg for forgiveness? Plead for your life like a good little bug? Huh?!" she demanded, sounding pissed as hell and still yelling. The sonic force was enough to cause him to nearly yell in pain, but he bit it back. Fuck, mentioning Aviel had been a mistake and now she was going to squash him like a bug if he made another one. Dammit he needed to think, figure out what to say, something that would make her happy and NOT want to squish him. Maybe begging? No, she didn't sound like she wanted that... something else... She had gotten really angry after he mentioned Aviel almost like...like she was jealous...

"No...NO! You...you misunderstood me before, Lutice. I want to stay with you, but I...I was worried if I did you would get in trouble. I'm a traitor to the Society now and if they found out you were harboring me, then they would hurt you too.  And I...I couldn't let that happen. If you got hurt because of me...well...," Sanders said, only half lying. He hadn't meant it like that when he had first asked, but he really didn't want her hurt because of him. After all, she had still saved him back all those years ago and he wouldn't, couldn't forget that.

Her massive eyes stared at him as her glare slowly softened. She looked away and seemed lost in thought before her face began to blush. Again she cringed as if something was hurting her head before turning back to him.

"That's...I didn't even think... Even after I tried to kil-..."she stopped before looking away again with an embarrassed look. Sanders started to relax, but too soon as she snapped back to face him, the glare returning.

"IF...you are telling the truth, anyway. Are you lying to me, Sanders?" she asked bringing him even closer to her eyes. They glared down on his tiny form as her fingers gripped him a bit tighter.

"No, NO! Lutice, you know how I am! Remember back when you saved me from the catgirl? What was it that really had be so traumatized? It wasn't nearly getting killed was it?" Sanders said getting a suspicious look from Lutice. She glanced away and her eyes softened a bit along with her grip. She turned back to him as her look softened even more.

"The others...you were inconsolable about your squad-mates' death. I...I managed to talk you out of being terrified, but then you just got depressed about all of them. I couldn't...couldn't get you to get over that..." she said before looking away again. She seemed to be thinking of something and her eyes began to mist up. Tears began to run down her face. He was getting through to her, maybe now he could get her to help him escape.

"See? Please, Lutice, help me get out of Atlanta. I would love to stay with you, I really would, but I just can't put you in that danger. I could never live with myself if you got hurt because of me, so please, PLEASE, let me go," Sanders begged Lutice. She looked up at him again and looked about to say something, but reconsidered. She looked down as she groaned a bit, seeming to be debating something.

Suddenly, she gasped in pain and her free hand gripped her head. She took a second to recover before her eyes unclenched. She lowered the hand, before looked back up at Sanders. Her eyes still looked slightly moist, but were also back to a glare. Shit, had he pushed it too far?

"Help you escape? Are you forgetting I am a Sword of the Society? You betrayed us and now you want my help to escape?! HAH! No..in fact...maybe I should make sure you don't have to worry about hurting me and just turn you in," Lutice said getting a slight smirk on her face. Panic hit Sanders like a ton of bricks along with confusion. What the hell was going on with her? She had looked to be on the verge of helping him and was now threatening to turn him in! What the hell was going on with her?!

Whatever it was, it would have to wait. He couldn't let her turn him in, not after he had come this far. Think Sanders, THINK, there had to be- AVIEL, OF COURSE!

"Lutice, no! You can't turn me in! They will kill me, or worse, give me back to Aviel! Please don't let her get me, anything but that bitch!" he begged her. Lutice's eyebrow raised at that and she looked a bit intrigued. She chuckled a bit to herself.

"A bitch is she? So you don't like Aviel anymore? Well, what DO you think of her then, if you don't like her?" she asked studying him closely.

Sanders knew he needed to be honest here. It was obvious Lutice did not care for Aviel so seeing he didn't like here either might be his only way through this. He just needed to think back.. Sanders felt rage and hate boiling in him as he thought about Aviel and her betrayal. He didn't bother to hide his disgust from his face as he was sure Lutice would love to see and hear he was out for Aviel's blood.

"She is dead to me. That bitch betrayed me and Isabella for nothing more than power. She is a heartless, uncaring monster that deserves nothing more than a slow painful death. If I had my way, I would wring her neck and watch her eyes fade with life as she was sent to whatever hell is reserved for her. Or maybe let HER be dumped into a cage with a catgirl and see how she likes being in that position. Maybe even break one her legs too. No, I would break BOTH that, murderous, traitorous CUNT!" Sanders answered without an ounce of lying. His rage turned his statement into a rant before he had realized it and he worried he might have gone too far.

Lutice looked at him, her eyes widening as he went on. When he finished, she was looked rather surprised by his rage. Fuck, had he gone to far? His worry faded as Lutice began to chuckle. Her chuckle turned into a full on laugh as she looked to the side and whipped a way a bit of tears from the laughter.

"HAHAHA! Oh that...that is fantastic. Hahahaha! You really do fucking hate her now don't you? Hahaha! And...and they put you in a catgirl cell and you STILL managed to escape! Oh my...Oh my...oh...my..." she laughed before the laugh turned into a look. Sanders felt his pants constrict as Lutice's massive eyes began to give him a longing look. The suspicion was now completely gone to be replaced with an almost lustful look.

She walked over to her desk and placed Sanders down on it. Sanders was tempted to fall down and kiss the sweet, sweet solid ground under his feet, but was worried Lutice might take offense somehow. He had gotten her back to being happy, and he needed to keep her that way if he wanted to live through this. If only he could get through to the old Lutice... though horny Lutice might work too.

Lutice knelt down to be eye level with him as she smiled at him. She seemed to adjust something under the desk where he couldn't see before continuing.

"Escaped a catgirl all those years ago, survived being a Ranger, survived me and my friends going a little...excessive," she said that last part with a glance down and a blush of embarrassment, "survived being thrown right into a catgirl's cage, managed to escape all the way to your old leader's room without being spotted, and would have escaped out of there if you just had left that picture alone... You have a real knack for surviving don't you?" Lutice asked with that same look. Sanders nodded as he tried to figure out where this is going and wondered why Lutice was shifting around a bit. Was she...panting?

"So how did you escape from that catgirl cage? Did they leave you some tool they didn't think about?" Lutice asked, resting her head on one of her arms. Sanders cursed as she asked that question. Should he tell her the truth? Spill the beans he had a catgirl helper? And if not, what should he tell her? What would she believe? Lutice's smile began to fade as his mind scrambled for a plausible lie, but nothing was coming up. Fuck, no time to think. Screw it.

"A catgirl helped me escape," Sander answered getting look of confusion from Lutice. Her look turned to annoyance as she responded.

"A catgirl? Oh please, at lea-" she stopped as her eyes drifted off in thought. She turned back to Sanders and her smile spread out before she laughed in disbelief.

"Haha, oh fucking unbelievable. That catgirl that attacked Monet was her, wasn't it? It attacked her to distract us and give you a chance to escape... HAHAHA! That's pretty smart for a catgirl. Too smart actually..." she said before eying him. Her smiled spread as her mind seemed to come up with the answer.

"You clever little man. You managed to get Morgan's smart catgirl to help you, didn't you? HAHAHA! Oh...wow...that is just..." she said as she bit her lower lip. Sanders eyes widened a bit at that as Lutice looked at him in a way that made his pants tighten up even more. Fear was in the background of that, though, as he knew sex was a death sentence with this size difference. Still, death by sex was pretty high on his, Ways to Die, list. Certainly beat feed to a catgirl.

Lutice was shifting even more as she looked at him, but stopped as her wrist unit beeped. She cursed and looked at it and grumbled to herself. She looked back at Sanders and then the wrist unit. She gave a sigh as she pushed a switch on it.

"I probably should take you in, though. Angela and Cathrine will kill me if they find out I am keeping you. Shame too...you are...well," she said as she began to reach out for him. Oh shit! Sanders had to do something, had to think of something, had to come- fuck it, it was worth a try.

"W-WAIT, Lutice! I...I don't want to go back to them! I want to stay here with you!" he yelled getting Lutice's hand to stop. She raised an eyebrow at him as she stared.

"Oh? Didn't you say you didn't want to cause me trouble before?" she asked.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean I want to go back to them! If you do, they will kill me! Or worse, give me to Aviel! Please, don't let her get me!" Sanders said begging Lutice for mercy. Lutice went to open her mouth, but closed it as she reconsidered. She turned away and grabbed her head as if in pain, again. She shook her head, before looked over at something by the dresser and smiling. She turned back to Sanders with the same smile, one that didn't fill him with confidence...

"Well, I guess you do still owe me for saving your life. So I could take you as a slave, but I have to have tough slaves. So how about this," she said before walking over to the box by her dresser. She dug through it before picking up some stuff and bringing them back to the desk. Sanders gulped as he got ready for fuck knows what, unable to not notice Lutice's pants seemed to be undone.

Lutice emptied her right hand of its contents in front of Sanders. A large shield and a mace dropped out of her hand, sized for someone his size. Sanders' bad feeling only got worse as he snatched up the weapons as she put down the thing in her left hand. Sanders recognized it as soon as her hand moved away from it.

A robot...a Resistance-hunting robot. They had, in a sense, been the prototypes for the Rangers, but had all been taken out of service. While they were super-humanly tough and strong, they still gave the Resistance access to advanced weapons and equipment when they were defeated. Not to mention, their limited AI made them unadaptive. So they had been replaced with the Rangers...but it seemed some had been keep around.

Sanders wasn't familiar with this model, but could already see he was fucked. It was a large four-legged model that looked similar to a bear. It stood at nearly eight scale feet tall and had legs the size of Sanders' chest. It had two arms coming out of its front shoulders with large sawblades on their ends. One its back, however, was the real threat, a turret-mounted machine gun. That thing would turn him into swiss cheese the second that thing engaged him and not even his armor would protect him for the large caliber bullets it used. Lutice seemed to notice his terrified look and smirked.

"Oh now don't worry. I'm going to be turning its gun off. It wouldn't be fair if I left that on, or very exciting. However, the rest of it combat systems will be working fine. So here is the deal. You beat the robot, and I will keep you. Don't, and it will kill you so you don't have to worry about being sent back to Aviel or causing me trouble. Perfect, right?" Lutice asked getting a twisted smile on her face.

"Lutice, this isn-" Sanders started to say, but Lutice's smile turned into a glare.

"Too bad, I'm the big one so I make the rules. Now either trash this robot and survive, or just go and die," she said before pushing a button on her wrist unit. The robot shifted a bit as a rumble came from it. A red glow came from its "eyes" as they scanned around. They centered on Sanders before it began to pace toward him. The two saw-blades on its arms revved up to speed and began to shift around its body. Sanders cursed under his breath as he raised his shield and mace.

He shifted a bit to his left, trying to figure out a way to fight this thing. His mace could smash its plating in and cause some damage to it, but those saw blades would rip him to shreds if they connected, armor or not. Hell, he wasn't sure his shield would be able to stop them. And that didn't even include it if just stepped on him or kicked him with those huge legs. Fuck...what the hell was he going to do?

He keep backing away and the machine keep pace with him. It didn't seemed to be in any rush to start the fight, but made sure to stay somewhat close. A stalemate for now, but one the robot would win in the end. Sanders would get tired at some point, where as the robot had no such issues. It didn't need to rush, hell the longer this fight went the better chance it had. Sanders had to get on the offensive while he could.

Sanders moved forward to engage the machine. The first saw blade thrust out toward him, but Sanders managed to dodge it. The second came flying from the side and Sanders nearly lost his footing dodging it. He brought his mace up to hit back, but cursed as the first saw blade came around to swing at him again. Sanders danced backwards, barely avoiding having his face sliced off. Dammit, he hadn't even got a hit in!

Those two blades were just too much and he was unwilling to trust his shield. His shield... Sanders smiled as he got an idea. He unhooked his shield from his arm and grabbed the edge of it as he keep backing away from the robot.

With his shield in his hand, Sanders moved back into the fight. The saw blades came out to meet him and Sander dodged the first. The second came flying toward his chest, just like Sanders wanted. He backed up a bit before bringing the shield smashing down on the saw blade, edge first. He smiled as the blade cut part way through the shield before slowing with a nasty grinding noise. It sputtered and sparked a few times before grinding to a halt, a bit of smoke rising from it. The robot slowed its advance and actually moved back from him as Sanders heard Lutice chuckle a bit above them.

With a second to breath, Sanders took a quick glance around the desk for anything useful. The desk, sadly, was rather bare with nothing but a pen, some papers, and a lamp sitting on a stand. Great...nothing helpful at all. He turned back just in time to see the machine crouch down before lunging forward, charging him like a bull. Sanders swore as he dived out of its path, pulling his legs in just in time to avoid its remaining blade. He rolled back to his feet and saw the machine coming to a halt a distance away. It was turning back to face him and, likely, was going to charge again.  Fuck, as big as it was, it didn't need its blades to kill him. Thing was just going to run him over and trample him to death!

Sanders took off running as he realized he was in trouble. He couldn't even counter attack with it charging like that without risking getting crushed or sliced apart. He needed to get somewhere where it couldn't just charge him or he was going to be killed. The only place on the desk where the robot couldn't get to him, was the stand with the lamp on it. He had to reach it or he was fucked.

As he ran, he glanced back and saw the robot had turned around and was now bounding after him, its saw whriling away. He cursed as he pushed his legs harder, trying to outrun it. Unfortunately, the robot was gaining on him and quickly, its size allowing it to run faster. Sanders wasn't sure he was going to make it before the robot caught him. Dammit, he just needed a few se-

Suddenly, the floor seemed to slip right out from under Sanders and the desk came flying up to his face. He barely had time to register confusion before his face smashed into the desk.

"OWWW! SON OF A BITCH!" he yelled as he grabbed his face in pain. He heard the booming laughter of Lutice echoed down from above and he wanted to cuss her out. However, the loud thumps of something coming closer got his min- OH SHIT THE ROBOT!

Sanders turned to see the robot nearly on top of him. He tried to scramble to his feet, but too late as it neared him and- its rear legs suddenly shot out from under it as Sanders again felt the ground shift under him. Sanders cursed as he landed on his ass while the machine did its own face-plant, shaking the desk with its impact. Sanders looked down and realized why the ground had been moving. They were on the papers he had seen before. The ground wasn't moving, the paper was slipping out from under them. Fuck, that had been too close.

Sanders didn't even bother with standing up, figuring the paper might shift again. Instead, he began to crawl toward the lamp. He glanced back at the robot and saw its back legs kick out while the arms pushed it up. It got back its legs and looked about to charge when the papers shifted again. Its "eyes" looked down at the paper as it froze. It started after him a second later, moving at a slower pace, but still too quick for Sanders liking. Sanders crawled faster as the whirling saw blade began to get closer and closer.

Finally, Sanders got off the paper and he scrambled back to his feet. Rather than take off, however, he turned and grabbed the paper the machine was on. He gave it a massive pull and smiled as he felt it shift a bit. It wasn't enough to knock the robot over, but it did force it to stop as it tried to regain its balance. With it slowed down, Sanders took off back for the lamp.

He was nearing the lamp before he began to feel the robot's thumping steps. He glanced back and saw it gaining on him quickly, again. Damn that thing was fast. Sanders pushed himself and saw the lamp coming closer and closer. The stand was about an inch high, or about ten feet to him, so he was going to need to climb up it. However, it would keep him from being trampled.

Sanders yelled as he leap into the air for the last few steps and tried to grab the edge of the stand. His fingers closed around its lip and he smiled in satisfaction. He looked back to see the robot storming toward him and he scrambled up just in time to avoid its blade slicing into the stand where he had been. Sanders rolled away as the saw blade retracted from the stand.

Sanders got back to his feet let out a sigh of relief. OK...now he could think and come up with a-... His thought was interrupted as something thunked into the lamp. Sanders looked up and saw two cables going up from the robot to the lamp. The cables were attached to two winches that had come out of the robot's sides and were slowly pulling it up toward Sanders.

"Oh come on!" Sanders yelled as he realized his plan was falling apart and he was still very much in danger. Sanders had to get rid of those cables or the robot was going to follow him up here. The only problem was he didn't have anything that COULD cut those cables. His mace was meant for smashing, not cutting, and would just bounce off them. Fuck now wha-...the saw blades!

It was a long shot, but it was the only shot. Sanders rushed the slowly rising machine as its arm came out to engage him. The saw blade whirled toward him and Sanders dodged its screaming death. He danced around it, usually staying just outside its reach, as he moved toward the cables. He got right near on and waiting for the saw blade to come toward him. It never did, however. Instead, the arm with the shield stuck in it came flying toward him. Sanders swore as he dropped to the ground to avoid the club being swung at him at superhuman speeds. The arm with the shield bounced off the cable, not doing a bit of damage to it. Sanders scrambled back as the saw blade cut into the stand, barely missing his legs. Great...now it had a saw blade AND a club...

Sanders tried to think of something else, but didn't have time as one of the robot's legs stepped up onto the stand. Swearing under his breath, Sanders looked around for what to do now. With no other real choices, he rushed to the lamp and began to try and climb it. It was tough going as the thing didn't really have any hand holds beside the little decorations on it. They were not evenly, placed, however, and made climbing slow. He looked down as the robot got to the top of the stand and rushed toward him. Sanders scrambled up and managed to get high enough to be out of reach of its arms. Dammit, now what the fuck was he going to do?

Before he could even start to to think, he felt the whole lamp shift. He swore as he slammed into it and looked down. The robot backed away from the lamp before ramming it again, sending another jolt through the lamp.

"You damn bucket of bolts! Can you not give me ANY break?!" Sanders yelled at it as it slammed the lamp again. He cursed as he felt his grip slipping. He was still trying to get it back when the robot slammed the lamp a fourth time. Sanders swore as his feet slipped and his fingers screamed in pain as they tried to keep him up. He tried to get his footholds back, but the next jolt came to fast. His fingers slipped and Sanders felt himself falling. He cried out in terror before gasping in pain as his back smashed into something. He reached down to grab what it was and felt something like...a cylinder?

Suddenly, he felt the ground buck under him and Sanders cursed as he was nearly thrown from whatever he had landed on. Looking around, he realized he had landed ON TOP of the robot. And the cylinder was the machine gun that had been on top of it! Sanders grabbed it in a death grip as the robot began to buck, kick, and thrash trying to get him off. Its arms tried to reach back to him, but didn't turn far enough back to reach him. Not like it mattered as the moment Sanders lost his grip he was dead. He screamed in terror as he gripped the gun tighter. The bucking got worse and Sanders scrambled to find a handhold on the robot. His finger slipped into something an- BANG

Sanders tried to curse, but heard nothing as he suddenly went deaf. He glanced forward and noticed a hole in the lamp where a bullet had punched through it. He glanced down and noticed his finger had slipped into the trigger of the gun...the gun had a trigger...IT HAD A TRIGGER AND AMMO!

Hope filled Sanders as he took out his mace and began to beat into the top of the machine. He smashed in the plating around the gun, trying to force it out as he keep a death grip on it. His pounding paid off as the gun began to come loose. Sanders pulled on it and felt a few cables snapped off from its base. He took one last breath before giving a mighty heave and was rewarded with being thrown off the robot. He landed on his back, smashing his head into the lamps' stand. For a second his vision burst into stars, but the adrenaline flooding his system steadied his vision. The robot turned and crouched down to charge again. Sanders just smiled at it, however, as he raised its own turret toward it.

Sanders squeezed the trigger and yelled as the recoil blasted into him. The robot's charge was blunted before it had began as the bullets began to rip into it, shredding its armor and causing sparks to fly. It stumbled back then forward as its armor was turned into swiss cheese and its head was turned into a ruined mess. Both of its arms were blasted off and it fell to the ground as one of its legs was nearly blow off. Finally, with a few sparks and the grinding of gears, it crumbled to the ground. Sanders never let go of the trigger even after the gun was empty and the robot scrap metal. He laid there breathing heavily, half expecting the machine to get back up and come thumping toward him. It wasn't until he heard some laughter behind him that he finally snapped out of his stupor.

The laughing wasn't what he was expecting. It wasn't the booming laughter of Lutice...and yet it sounded like her. He slowly stood up, pushing the empty machine gun away and turned to see who was behind him. His eyes went wide in shock as the woman behind him moved toward him, a smile on her face.

Sanders was taken completely off guard as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down into a long kiss. Her large breasts pushed into his chest as she slipped her tongue in and out of his mouth. Her brown eyes stared at him with unhidden lust as her hips began to grind into him.

Finally, she broke off the kiss as she cooed at him.

"That...was a magnificent show, my little survivor. Though, I guess you are not little now," Lutice said as she pulled him down for another kiss. Sanders was at a lose for words and didn't even try to fight against her. What the fuck was going on?! Why was Lutice his size now?! Was he still small or had she gotten small?!

The last question was easily answer, a quick glance up at the huge lamp answering it. The others though, Sanders had no idea how to answer. He pushed away, from Lutice's kiss, getting a disappointed look from Lutice.

"How...why are you-" he started to ask, but Lutice put her finger on his lips.

"Shhh, don't worry about it. Right now, I should be your only concern. Its been sooo long, and a survivor like you only comes along so often. Mmmm, have I mentioned how much men who can survive anything turn me on? Maybe I should have," she said with a throaty chuckle. Sanders pants were more constraining than they ever had been in his life as Lutice grinded against him. He tried to stammer out...something, he wasn't really sure what, but his words were lost as Lutice slipped off her shirt.

Sanders was dumb struck as Lutice's shirt came over her head to reveal her D-cup breasts. He marveled at their size and perfect shape and being right THERE begging to be held. Her black lace bra keep them contained, but only barely, and he couldn't help but reach for them. He stopped himself, but Lutice caught the action. She snatched his hands up and brought them to her breasts, moaning a bit as they pushed into her flesh.

"Go ahead, enjoy them while I slip out of this," she said as she began to unbutton her pants. Sanders didn't even try to resist as he rubbed her soft, firm breasts, running his thumbs across her already stiff nipple. Lutice let out a soft moan as he began to squeeze them a bit. He...he had just been laying on these a few minutes ago and now... now he was cupping them and ...and could suck on them if he wanted to. A quick pull on her bra and-

Dammit, what was he doing?! He didn't have time for this and now was his best chance of getting away from her...but the breasts and the lust in her eye- NO Isabella was counting on him! With her shrunk, he could overpower her and...with her shrunk...

FUCK, he had been so distracted by her that he hadn't thought of HOW she had shrunk. She had to have some kind of device or something on her that let her shrink. If Sanders could get that he might be able to shrink Aviel back to his size, or Angela, or anyone! That kind of weapon would change everything! He had to get it, but where did Lutice have it?

Sanders was very sure she didn't have it on her bra as he had thoroughly checked it, and was still "checking" it. That meant it had to be in her pants or her shirt. He needed to keep her distracted, though, or she might realize what he was after. And if she got to the device first... The thought of getting even smaller sent a chill down his spine like no other.

"Are you really that distracted by them?" Lutice asked as Sanders realized he had been staring at her breasts the entire time. He shook off his thoughts and forced a smile onto his face.

"Sorry just they are so...perfect that I just can't get enough," Sanders said giving the twins another squeeze to sell the half lie. Only half because they truly were perfect. Damn he wanted to bury his face in them. Lutice smiled at that and pulled him down for another kiss. Sanders let himself be drawn down and returned the kiss. He moved his head to the side and managed to see just a bit behind Lutice. It wasn't enough to get a good view though. Before he could try anything else, Lutice broke off the kiss and looked at him in a disapproving manner. Fuck, had she figured it out?

"I think that is enough for now. If you want more, than you need to get rid of that armor," Lutice said as she bit her lip. Sanders swore inside his head. He had been hoping to keep it on to give him an advantage if this came to blows. Arguing, however, would only ruin the mood and, probably, spoil his only chance at that device. If he wanted it, he was going to have to strip.

With no other choice, Sanders began to strip out of his armor. It took him a bit longer than Lutice had as his armor had a few buckles and such that needed to be removed, but a few seconds of work saw him down to his pants. Lutice watched him intently, the lust in her eyes only growing in intensity. She stared at his chest with unhidden lust and looked to have to hold herself back. Sanders unzipped his pants and took them off before looking back up at Lutice.

However, Lutice wasn't where she had been. Instead, she was rushing toward him with a wild look in her eye. Sanders had just enough time to get an "oh sh-" out before she leap onto his chest. He tried to keep his balance, but the force of her impact was too much. He fell back and landed flat on his back, with Lutice sitting on top of him. She giggled down at him before her hand slipped back towards his boxers. Sanders eyes went wide as he felt her hand wrap around his erection and begin to slowly rub it.

Lutice gave him a wicked grin as she shifted herself back toward his hip. She grabbed his boxers with her other hand and yanked them down and smiled at his throbbing erection. Holy fuck...holy fuck what...what was he trying to do again? Fuck he-

Lutice let go of his penis as her other hand slipped her panties to the side, revealing her soaking wet pussy. It seemed to almost be pulsing in need as she moved it above his dick. She gave a soft breath of anticipation before lowering herself onto him. Sanders had to stifle a gasp as his penis slid into Lutice's wet vagina. Holy fuck she was tight and so wet! Sanders was not a virgin, but this...this was different from all the other times. Fuck, fuck she was...just fuck! Lutice moaned as she took more and more of him till, with a gasp of pleasure, she had taken his entire length into her. She stayed there a moment, breathing from her mouth and looked at him with those lust-crazed eyes.

And then she went back up, sliding his member out of her.  She came down a second time, this time quicker. Sanders swore as his hands tightened, trying to find something to grab in his pleasure. Sanders couldn't help but grunt as Lutice groaned again. He...he was forgetting something...wasn't he? Something he sho-

Lutice came down a third time, this one better than all the rest. She slid back up before Sanders even had time to recover and was coming down before the pleasure had worn off. He watched his hands move to her hips and wrap around them. They were nice and wide, with just enough fat on them to make them soft enough, but not overly plump. She giggled down at him as she began to speed up her pumps. Faster and faster she went, moaning with each pump. Suddenly, Sanders felt his own hips moving up and down with her. He thrust his member into her and was rewarded with even louder moans of pleasure from her. One of his hands wondered up to her bra and yanked it down to reveal her D-cup breasts in all their glory. They bounced up and down with each thrust, in a mesmerizing sight. Sanders' hand grabbed one and began to fondle her nipple causing Lutice to gasp in confusion before smiling in approval. She looked down at him with a look of utter bliss and lust.

Their thrusts became faster and faster and Lutice's moans turned into one long moan of differing volumes. Sanders could feel the orgasm coming, closer and closer he got with each thrust. A few more and he would have the release he needed SO badly. Lutice's hands began to dig into his arms as if willing him to pound her harder. Sanders thrust and thrust and thrust into her as Lutice came down again and again and again.

Finally, Sanders thrust one last time and felt his seed erupting out. Lutice gasped as she felt it too and arched her back as she cried in an orgasm of her own. Sanders gripped her hip and breast hard as she did the same with his arms as they both came. Sanders let out a long breath of sweet release as Lutice screamed in satisfaction. She leaned back forward and nearly collapsed into him. She caught herself with her arms, her head just above his and her hair creating a sort of wall around them. She stared at him as he stared at her for a few seconds. In her brown eyes, Sanders saw the old Lutice that had saved him all those years ago and the look of a feral, wild beast.

Something was nagging at his mind about something, but all he wanted to do now was be here with her. He wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her down into him. She let herself fall into him and gave a happy moan. Sanders kissed her forehead before she looked up at him. She shifted up and they kissed for a long time before they broke off. They stayed like that till sleep took them both, their bodies wrapped around each other.


December 7, 2023 8:21 AM

Sanders slowly woke, feeling better than he had in days. He glanced down and saw Lutice's head laying on his chest, her hair a mess. She looked to be sound asleep and had her arms wrapped around him. He leaned back, not wanting to wake her by moving. What the hell? One second he was nearly killed by a robot and the next Lutice was his siz-....FUCK!

Remembrance slammed into Sanders as he remembered he still needed to find that shrink device, AND get to that Hope place AND find what Manchent had left. FUCK he had just wasted an entire night! Sanders almost leap up, but stopped when his moving caused Lutice to mumble in her sleep. She hugged herself to him even tighter as she mumbled out what almost sounded like...help? No, he must have misheard. Sanders sighed to himself as he laid back down.

If he stood up he would wake her and then he would have to deal with her to get the device. Sanders...didn't want to have to do that if he could avoid it. After this, he wasn't sure he COULD hurt her. The old Lutice was still there and they had just had the best sex in his life. He would have to figure some other way to do this.

He glanced over to the side and saw Lutice's pants not that far away. In fact, if he could shift a little bit closer, he might be able to reach them. Course the device might not be in them, but it was worth a look. And even if he did wake Lutice up, he could probably figure some lie to use to keep her from getting suspicious.

Sanders moved his arms up a bit and slowly shifted himself closer to them. Lutice held on and was dragged along, but didn't seem to notice. He stopped for a second to make sure she was still asleep before shifting again. He looked over and gave a silent yes as the pants came closer. He shifted just a few scale inches more, still not waking Lutice, before getting the pants in reach. He slowly reached out to them and managed to get his finger around the leg. He pulled them down slowly, watching Lutice like a hawk.

Lutice never stirred so Sanders turned his attention to the pants. He dug into its pockets, but didn't find anything save ID cards and pocket lint. The belt was empty of anything too, causing him to swear. It must have been on her shirt. Sadly, the shirt was a good bit away and Sanders didn't think he could go that far without waking Lutice. He might have just gone for it if his hand hadn't bumped into something in the pant's leg.

Sanders turned back to the pants and stuck his hand up the leg. His hand closed on a cylinder hooked to the leg with a latch. He undid the latch and pulled the object out. His eyes widened as he pulled out a gun that looked exactly like the one Angela had used. A shrink ray...the same kind that had doomed Isabella...

Sanders glanced down at Lutice and saw she was still asleep. With that worry out of the way, he brought the device over. It looked like some kind a futuristic ray gun with two knobs on its and a trigger to fire it. Its barrel gave off the same green glow and Sanders was careful not to go anywhere near it. Sadly, the knobs were not labelled in anyway, leaving him to guess what they did.

He figured there was only one way to figure out how to use it, that didn't involve hurting Lutice. The beam that had hit Isabella had only shrunk her and the shrink disaster had left objects alone as well. However, the fact this thing was so tiny and Lutice's clothes were as well, meant these things COULD affect objects. Best to test it on an object then. Sanders pointed it toward the rather distant pencil on the desk. Worse case it was way over there so... With a gulp of worry, Sanders pulled the trigger.

The shrink ray made a slight noise as it discharged the green energy and sent it flying toward the pencil. It hit the pencil and...did nothing. The green energy caused the pencil to glow for a second before dissipating without doing a thing. Sanders cursed under his breath and looked at the gun in annoyance. Great...looked like it was time to play guess the right setting.

"You really shouldn't play with other people's toys," Lutice said getting Sanders eyes to widen. He looked down to see her looking up at him with a smirk on her face. Shit, shit, shit, SHIT! Think, Sanders think, THINK!

"Lutice...I was...just curious and-"

"And using my shrink gun without my permission," she said before making a tsk tsk noise. She crawled up toward his face and Sanders made sure to move the shrink device out of her reach as she did. She didn't so much as glance at it, though, as she stared at him and began to inch closer and closer to his lips.

"Silly Sanders, if you wanted to play with it, you could have asked. In fact, why don't I show you a REALLY neat trick," she said before lunging for the gun. Sanders tried to keep it from her, but she yanked it out of his grip before he could stop her. She got to her feet and whipped around as Sanders got to his, pulling up his boxers when he noticed they were still down.

Sanders thought about going for the gun, but Lutice raised it to point at him, ending that thought.

"Lutice...you don't want to do this. Please, don't shrink me, please," Sanders begged, hoping he could talk his way out of this. Lutice raised an eyebrow at his pleading before giggling a little.

"Shrink you? Why would I do that? No, I like you just the way you are. However," she paused as she moved the gun to point at herself, "I am feeling a bit, constrained." Sanders was confused as hell why she would point a shrink ray at herself... and then it hit him. Because it could reverse it too. If it couldn't, why would she EVERY have shrunk herself? Fuck, he had a way to return his size right in his hands, and probably set to it too, and he had wasted it on a damn pencil...an unshrunken pencil to boot! Fuck fuck fuck FUCK!

Sanders heard Lutice moan as she pulled the trigger. The same green energy shot out of the gun before bathing her in the same glow. She smiled at him as she slowly began to rise into the air. She lowered the gun as she sauntered up to him as her head slowly rising up. Sanders tried to move back, but Lutice was quicker and wrapped her arms around his back. She pulled him to her and smirked as her slowly expanding breasts began to push into him. She rose upward to him as the glow faded from her form. She gave one last moan of pleasure as her eyes rose up to be level with his own. She...she was the same height as he was...

"Ahh, much better. And it makes it so much easier to," she said before stopping as her lips pushed into his. Sanders tried to stay focused, tried to remember he needed to get the shrink ray. It was in her hand, he just had to take it, just had to...

It was no use, her expanded lips were caressing his mouth, her swollen breasts were pushing into his chest, and his hands were too busy cradling her larger butt. All he wanted now was to rip his boxers down and see how her larger pussy felt. Sanders managed to pull one of his hands from her rear to try and pull his boxers down. Lutice, however, stopped him with her free hand and slowly drew away from his kiss.

"Not yet...I' haven't finished yet," Lutice said as she pulled away. Sanders almost tried to go after her, but she leveled the shrink ray at him when he did. Oddly, it looked to be a bit bigger than he remembered it... He backed away as she turned it back on herself. She adjusted one of the knobs and then fired it again.

Once again she gave a pleased moan as the energy washed over her. She wasted no time moving back to Sanders and wrapping herself around him again, not that Sanders was complaining. Sanders stared at her brown eyes as they began to rise above his own and go higher and higher above him. He pulled himself closer as he felt her breasts filling out and pushing harder into him. And he could literally FEEL her ass filling out in his hands, pushing them further and further out. It was...unbelievable. Lutice was growing right in his arms.

Lutice giggled as her head passed his. She was a head taller than him now and still growing. Her breasts were beginning to push him further and further away as they blew up right along with the rest of her. His hands could barely get around her growing rear and he was having to strain his arms to keep a grip on her. It wasn't long before she was simply too big for him to wrap his arms around.

His hands began to slide back along the side of her hips, grown too large for him to round now. Her face was now staring down at him, a full three heads higher now. Sanders looked down and saw her breasts rising up to meet him, both large enough now to nearly wrap around him. He was slipping down her, or she was simply growing too fast for him to keep up. Whatever the reason, he was slipping further down her expanding body.

Thankfully, Lutice realized the problem. Sanders heard something rather big thunk to the desk as her hands wrapped around his, comparatively, small rear. Sanders sighed at that, thinking she would lift him up to her face. No such luck, or bad luck, however as she keep him chest level. Her breasts expanded out along with her, slowly engulfing him in their orbs of flesh. Sanders couldn't help but grab both of her nipples and began to caress them. Lutice gave a low moan of approval as her nipples hardened under his hands. They, too, were swelling larger and larger with each passing second, pushing further out like slowly rising flags.

Lutice gave a soft sigh as her growth seemed to slow. Sanders looked up to see her large face smiling down at him. He risked a glance down and saw her long legs going down to the desk, a good story between him and it. Lutice had grown to about ten scale feet, maybe more. However, she was not the only one as the shrink ray was now far larger than it had been before. It seemed it could shrink and grow objects after all, including itself. Sanders didn't get more time to study it, however, as Lutice pulled him into her breasts and began to squeeze them together. Sanders managed to worm up enough to get his head out, gasping for air, but his chest and a bit of his waist were trapped in her breasts' loving embrace. Sanders penis was back to full erection and it was unimaginably hard not to blow his load right then and there as the twin orbs slowly messaged his body.

Lutice was not done, though, as she giggled and pulled him out of her breasts. She lifted him up with both hands to her face and looked about to kiss him. However, she rose him up above herself at the last minute and Sanders found his dick going for her mouth. Before he could even think to say something, he felt Lutice's wet, soft, and large lips wrap around his dick.

Sanders gasped in pleasure as Lutice began to slowly suck on his dick,draping the rest of him over her head. She tilted her head up just enough to let him lay on her face without risk of falling as her hands went down to pleasure herself. Sanders held on to her hair as she licked, sucked, and kissed his member. It was...unbelieveable. Pyrrha's licks were great, but the sheer size difference made them more like entire body rubs. Lutice, however, was at the perfect size to still be able to pleasure just his member. And pleasure it she did as her tongue ran all over it and her lips sucked it further and further into her mouth. She had to keep it up for only a few seconds before Sanders could take no more. He blew his load right into her mouth causing her eyes to widen a bit before she gave a rumbling giggle.

She swallowed down his cum before going right back to her assault on his dick. Sanders groaned as his dick was forced to stay up and a second load forced out. Again, it only took a few seconds before Sanders had fired again, this time nearly passing out from the pleasure and exhaustion.

Lutice picked him up off her face and lowered him to eye level. She gave him a loving smile before her lips moved forward. Sanders returned the kiss as best he could, but it was awkward with the size difference. Lutice began to slowly lower him down to her pussy when a noise came from the lamp.

Lutice's look changed instantly to a look of rage as she swore. She sat Sanders down, grabbed the shrink ray, and stomped back over to the lamp. She shot something with the ray and waited a second before grabbed her wrist unit. She looked over it before stomping her feet and swearing angrily.

"Lut-Lutice? Are...are you al-" Sanders started to ask before her amazon-sized form whirled on him.

"NO YOU IDIOT! DO I LOOK ALRIGHT?! FUC..." she stopped as she saw Sander cringe from her anger. She cringed herself as she seemed to get another headache.

"I'm...fine just...annoyed. We will have to continue this later, though I won't have the shrink ray then," Lutice said sounding really disappointed. She was not the only one. Fuck, he had lost his chance of getting it simply because he had been too damn horny. DAMMIT!

Lutice shot some other stuff on the lamp before pulling on her resized shirt and pants. Sanders was sad to see her back in her clothing and yet was also grateful. Lutice moved back to him and knelt down to him.

"Mommy has to go to work now, so you be a good boy and stay out of trouble, OK?" she said in a mocking tone. Sanders gave her an unamused look which only got her to giggle at him.

"Fine, then how about this instead," she said before snatching him up again. She pulled her shirt outward and shoved him up it and into her breasts again. Sanders was able to just see out of her shirt as she began to squeeze her tits into him again.

"Be a good boy and we can do this again. Only with me full sized. I'll let you play with them to your little hearts content and then you can play with my pussy to MY content. Sound good?" Lutice said as she kissed the top of his head. Sanders was too busy coping a feel to really answer, but Lutice took it as a yes.

She let him fall out of her shirt before lowering him to the desk. She then moved the knob of the ray again and  shot herself with it. She leap down from the desk just as the green glow grew to an almost blinding intensity. By the time Sanders had blinked it away, Lutice was almost back to her normal height. She turned back to the desk and stretched her arms out, purposely pushing her now massive breasts out toward Sanders. She looked down at him and then frowned.

"Hmm...might not be a good idea to just leave you sitting out in the open. Wouldn't want you getting found and someone else having fun with you. Hmm," she said as she looked around. She looked back at her dresser and smiled as she turned back to Sanders. Before he could offer to just walk ONTO her hand, she had snatched him up between her fingers. She walked over to her dresser, the steps sending jolts into Sanders that made him queasy, before pulling one of the top drawers open. Inside were a large number of panties of various makes and colors all folded and ready for us. Lutice lowered him till he was over one before dropping him inside.

Sanders yelled in panic as he fell, but the red panty he fell on gave way under him like a large safety net, slowing his fall. He slowly came back up and after a few bounces, was safety on the panty with no injuries. He looked up to see Lutice's massive figure looming above him.

"You should be safe in there. If someone else other than me comes, you can hide in my panties. Or you can do that anyway, I don't really mind," she said with a wink before the drawer shifted. The light slowly faded as Lutice pushed the drawer closed, trapping Sanders in a sea of her panties. Well...at least it wasn't a catgirl cage.

Chapter End Notes:

OK...maybe we will get back to the Resistance in the next Chapter...maybe

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