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                Rhodora was now pacing back and forth across the room.  “What do I do with him?” she whispered to us so the little police officer wouldn’t hear.

            “Let him stay there for a while,” Tommy suggested.  “I’m sure Jake will enjoy the tiny feet running around in him.”

            “Turn him into a worm or something,” I offered.  Rhodora approached me, sweeping her hand idly across my seat, which sent a nice shiver up my spine.  Well, what used to be my spine…now it was just, well, the middle of my chair back, I guess…

            “I need to think.  But in the meantime,” she raised her tone at this, “let’s punish Doug!”

            “What the fuck are you going to do now?” came Officer Scottson’s tiny voice.  “Don’t you hurt anyone, you crazy bitch!”

            Rhodora’s expression went back to the rather murderous one from minutes ago.  She suddenly shrank away, a small moth now fluttering in her place.  It flew into the tank and landed beside the officer, who tried to withdraw further into his corner.  Slowly the moth grew larger, becoming a grotesque mixture of insect and human, until it was all Rhodora.  Her head nearly at the ceiling, she glanced down at the man and laughed.  “You’re like a bug, you know, Officer?  How about I call you Carl?  That’s your name, isn’t it?”

            The man simply nodded.

            I was surprised to see Rhodora nonchalantly lift her foot and hold it right over the police officer.  “What do I need to do to shut you up?  There are so many possibilities…For all the years I’ve been alive, I’ve never had to threaten anyone like this, but it actually could be quite fun.”  She lowered her foot, only millimeters from the man’s head, and he fell to his knees.

            “Please…please…” he whimpered.  “I won’t say a word.”

            “I’m supposed to believe that?  You know, if I let you go and you open your big mouth, I can always find you and do…well, anything I want to you.”

            “I know.  I know.  Please don’t crush me.”

            Rhodora sighed, placing her foot down and turning away.  “No, maybe I won’t crush you, but I’m not done with you yet.”  She studied the glass.  “Jake, I hope you’re enjoying this.  You really did come out beautifully.”

            “I just wish you’d fill me up with water instead of idiot policemen,” grumbled the fish tank.

            Rhodora became a moth once more, flying out of the tank and landing on me.  She grew into her human form, and I felt the increasing weight on my seat as she grew in mass. 

            “Now, Doug.  I think it’s obvious you can’t speak if strangers are in the house.  So, to enforce that, which punishment should we do to you?”





            But Rhodora shook her head at everyone’s suggestions.  “I think a gumball would be best for you, my love.”

            Before I could get a chance to refuse what sounded like a horribly painful and torturous experience, the swells of pleasure accompanying the transformation process began to seize me, and if possible, they were even more erotic as they coursed through my wooden limbs.  I shrank, all of my form closing in on itself until I was nothing more than a ball, dwindling, softening, yet hardening slightly on the outside…

            Officer Carl let out a shriek of horror which everyone ignored.

            “You made him blue!” commented an amused Tommy.

            Rhodora picked me up in her hand and rolled me in her fingers.  “Feel good, Doug?”

            The sensations from my new form plus the rolling against her skin were just too much.  All I could do was muster a garbled, “Arghhh...” which sent most of my object-friends into peals of laughter.

            “Enjoy!  Your punishment has only begun!” called Lee the Lamp from where he sat on a corner table.

            Rhodora stroked me for a moment, and I could only stare helplessly into her large, pretty features.  I didn’t think she’d hurt me, but, was she really going to chew me?  The idea of someone’s teeth ripping through my body didn’t sound like it could be pleasant.

            As if hearing my thoughts, Rhodora murmured, “Dearest, of course if you were human it would hurt.  But you are gum.  Gum doesn’t feel pain.  But my gum feels pleasure…” And with that, she popped me into her mouth, and all was momentarily dark and wet as her mouth closed around me.  Before my fear could take hold, however, her tongue began caressing my round shape, and I was lulled as she began to suck on me. 

            It was hard to describe how wonderful it felt, her moist tissues surrounding me, encompassing my gumball-body with a suction that was truly incredible.  Then, without warning, her teeth bit into me, breaking through my outer shell into my soft inside.  Something beyond orgasm rocked all through me with that bite, and I was helpless to do anything but take it.  But as my juices mixed with her saliva, I heard her giggle, which sounded deafening as it came up through her throat.  “I felt you shudder from that, Doug!  Mmm, you taste so good…” she pushed her tongue through me, stretching me across her mouth, then gathering me up into a ball and chewing further. 

            This went on and on, a seemingly endless string of orgasmic pleasure with every stretch and contortion of my pliant form.  I hoped I would have many punishments like this in my future with Rhodora, and I pitied the rest of the population who would never know this ecstasy.

            And as if being a gumball couldn’t get any better, then it did.  Suddenly her tongue was inserted completely inside me.  It felt nice, clinging to her, all around.  Then I was being pushed out through her lips, and pressure was growing inside me…building up, I was growing, expanding…

            My God, she was blowing me into a bubble!

            The sexual tension didn’t seem like it could get any more intense…until I popped.

            This was beyond even what I had experienced when she bit me.  The bursting of my frail form left me plastered across Rhodora’s perfect skin, and she rolled me back into her mouth.  “No escaping yet, my little gumbally-Doug.”

                “Oh, God, Rhodora, please blow me into a bubble again.  Just once.  Please,” I begged from her mouth, wondering if she could hear my spindly voice.

            She snickered happily.  “Just to push my lesson home, Doug.”

            Her tongue went into me, and the building, delicious pressure sent me into bliss yet again.


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