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Author's Chapter Notes:

Thanks for visiting this old story! On my new account I've re-written this story, this time it's much longer and much more professional. Please visit: http://giantessworld.net/viewstory.php?sid=6238&textsize=0&chapter=5

"Look, I think Oliver is starting to wake up!" I heard
somewhere in the distance. I did not know what
was going on, or where I was. I had my eyes closed,
and couldn't open them. I started moving my arms
around a bid, and felt a soft bed under it. I opened
my eyes a little, and saw blurry people standing
around me. I wanted to reach my head with my
hand, but I saw it was covered with bandage.
"Don't help him. He has to do this himself, so
we can see how he is doing now." It came from
a voice I did not recognize. It was very heavy,
and it came from the blurry spot on my right
hand. I lifted my head a little, and I tried to push
myself up with my elbow. Now I started feeling
a pain in my nose. I reached for it with my hand
and felt bandage on it as well. I now had some of
my vision back and saw most of the members
of my squad standing next to me, with a man I
had not seen before. I looked down and saw
that I was on a bed.

"How are you feeling? Can you hear me?" I
heard Timmy ask. I didn't answer yet.
After I had most of my mind back, I started
to exam my arms. I saw that my hands had
been injured, and they were bandaged, my
leggs were surprisingly intact. Only a few
small bruises on my left legg. Then I felt a
sting going through my shoulder. I looked
and found it bandaged as well.

"Relax a second. When you came here your
hands, nose, shoulder and hips were broken.
And, this hurts me to say, but your genitals
had also been injured. In fact, we had to
remove your left testicle." I looked at him
with great surprise, and then reached down.
The moment I touched my penis I could feel
it had taken it's toll. It had a blue / purple
colour, and looked like hell. I went down
to feel both testicled, and the touch of my
finger felt like a punch with a hammer.
And indeed, the left side just felt like an
empty sack. I put my hands on my face and
lied down again. "Oh my God..." Was the
first thing that I had said since I had woken

"I'm sorry, Oliver." I heard Charles say.
"Me and Brian did all we could. Honestly,
you should be happy with one testicle. I
don't know what you guys did to anger them
that much, but it must have been something
really bad." The unknown man was named
Brian. I looked at him and he gave me a
pitiful look. It was a heavy dark man, with
a big beard.

"Here, have this glass of water." Timmy
kindly offered me something to drink. Now
I felt how thirsty I was. I almost violently
took it from his hands and gulped it down.
"Give him some space, people." I heard
Clerence say. I saw she was still wearing
her purple suit with her hoodie always
on. It almost seemed like a dress to me.

"Can you remember what happened
back there?" I heard Jane say. I could
fully remember the events of that day.
I told them what I saw in the first building,
and after that what happened in the second.

"We saw Sam there, we already figured that."
Timmy said.
"But, what happened after that?" I asked.
"How did I... we get here?" I looked around.
It looked like a bunker. Or more like a
bunker-room. There was a bed, I was lying
on it, there was medical equipment. I saw
clothing, a shower, a toilet, a terminal.

Gilligan came forward to tell me.
"We woke up shortly after you and Sam left
the camp. When you two hadn't come back
in two hours, we decided to look for you. When
we got there, we heard violent noises. I looked
through the window, and saw the Giantess
from the day before sitt... well you know what
happened, no need to say it out loud."
Just now I started feeling really embarrassed.
I had silently hoped they wouldn't have seen
that event.

"Gilligan signalled us to get in position."
Melissa added.
"We covered in the high grass, but she
was not in our reach. So we decided to
hit the one we could see. She was sitting
in a corner, and we figured that by shooting
her the other one had to come of of you."

"And I hit her nicely." Gilligan continued.
"One clean shot through her eye, and she
was dead before she knew it. The other
Amazon jumped up, and covered behind
a wall, just before I could pull the trigger.
Melissa went after her, but got surprised
by her fast movement. She hit the gun out
of her hands, and lifted her up to protect
her torso and head. She knew I wouldn't
shoot with a chance of hitting Melissa.
Then, out of no where, Clerence came
falling down from the roof un top of
the Giantess with a knife in her hands.
She plunged it deep into her back."

Clerence said: "I managed to climb up
a ladder outside, and came down from
an open window. The Amazon released
Melissa and Gill shot her in the chest.
She fell over and was knocked out.
Timmy, Charles and Jane lifted you up
and brought you to the camp so Charles
could give you treatment. Melissa grabbed
her gun and the rest of us went to the
open standing door."

Gilligan now wanted to speak again.
"In there we found Liters of blood.
The body of Sam was in there too.
Or, we figured it was. There was no
telling of who he was. Next to him, we
found the mutilated body of one of
the other Amazon's we encountered the
previous day." I interrupted him.
"The two turned against each other.
The one I was with won because of the
anger she had at that point. That was
how I made my escape."

"Oh, and here is your pistol back. They
found it in one piece." Timmy said,
as he gave me my laser pistol. I still
hadn't had a chance to fire it.
After you were stable, we made some
sort of brancard and carried you to the
checkpoint in Essen. It only took us a day.
After we arrived, Brian took care of you for
another six days. You were out for a long

I looked around and saw that I was attached
to a number of syringes. They must've
provided me with food and water.
"We have been exploring the area in the
meantime." Clerence said.
"In short, the number of patrols have been
increased. I managed to infiltrate a small camp
not far from here, and they said that an Amazon
named Natisha survived an attack by normals.
It seems that your assaulter has survived. I'm
sorry for that."

My heart skipped a beat. I figured that she had
died that day. Now that she's alive, I know she'll
come looking for me. Somehow I know that she
will blame me. And how right I was. I didn't
know what was going to happen back then.
Best I didn't.

"After her word had reached the west-Europe HG
in Berlin, they increased the number of patrols in
this area five times. This 'Natisha' has become the
leader of her own squad now. And to make things
worse, the number per patrol have been increased
as well. Instead of three or four members, it's now
between ten and fifteen. They really want us.
But you should go back to sleep now. We'll leave
when you're awaken."

The following day I woke up. I saw that the syringes
had been removed, and I felt much better. I walked
up to Brian.

"Thanks for patching me up."
"Don't mention it." He said.
"It's my mission to greet and help any Vault Dwellers
that come here. I expect you know where you'll be
heading next?
I nodded, and showed him the map. I tapped on
the city called Hamburg, almost on the other side
of Germany.
"That's a long way." He said.
"I think it's best if you take my truck. I wasn't going
to offer it, but you won't survive it for that long
outside. How odd that the Overseer would just send
you people from Essen to Hamburg without any kind
of transportation. The last time I was there, not even
four years ago, they had plenty of Jeeps."

"How odd." I replied. How odd indeed. I thought it was
strange when he gave us these distances without any
vehicles from the garage. I've seen them there myself.
I just never thought it was weird. But there must be
some logical explanation, no need for conspiracies.
"You can stay here for another day if you'd like.
I find you people good company, even though
that's coming from a man that has hasn't seen
a human that didn't want to kill him for the
past four years." I thanked Brian, and went
outside to take some air.

I came to the exit, and saw a small metal door.
Next to hit was a lever, with a sign next to it that
said: "Pull to open the door". I pulled the lever and
the door opened. I had to bend over a little to get
through. When I came outside I saw that the door
was well hidden behind some large rocks. The
first one I saw was Clerence.

"Clerence, I need to ask you something." As I asked
she turned around. She looked pretty cool with
that suite and hoodie on. It reminded me of a very
old game I used to play as a kid back in the Vault.
"What can you tell me about the patrols? What
kind of patrols?"
"Well, I didn't get a lot of it, but from what I heard,
HQ has just sent every Behemoth in West Eruope
to Germany, spread over. There may even be more
Behemoth patrols active than the Amazons. And
about the Amazons, all of those who were in Belgium,
Holland and Luxembourg have been sent in to
cover this area. Half of all Amazons from Italy
and Spain were ordered to either assist the Amazons
who cover this area, or to patrol the larger cities
in Germany. Two of those are of course Hamburg
and Berlin."

"Is that all?" I asked her.
"No. I'm affraid that a dozen of actual Giantess's,
the big ones, have been sent out too. And that is
rare. They have only been summoned in the war.
So the Empress must see us as a real threat. I just
wonder how they figured out that were planning
something big against them. Anyways, one has
been sent to every city that's important to the
empire in Germany and Eastern Europe."

I cursed in myself. I lost a squad member and
nearly got killed by only three Amazons. There
would be no way we could take on these newly
installed patrols. Clerence was just about to
walk away, when I asked something else.
"Wait, one last question. How do you manage
to infiltrate the camps like that? Don't they
see you're the only one wearing cloths?"

"I take them of and hide them somewhere
near the camp." With that she walked away.
I hoped she would say something like that.
I know I was a married man back then, but
I couldn't help but wanting to know her answer.
So she was walking around naked around the
camp. It turned me on a little. I barely saw anything
of her, but I just knew there was a beautiful behind
those ropes.

The following day we were preparing to leave.
Brian gave me a map with me. It showed that
almost twohundred KM north of Hamburg,
that there might be a settlement, build by
normal men that have survived the Empire.
It was in the city known as Aabernaa, in
Southern Denmark. Brian told me to speak
to the spy in Hamburg about this.
I thanked the man and bid him farewell.
We took place in the truck that Brian
gave us. Jane, with the experience of
vehicles from working in the garage,
took the wheel and drove us out of Essen.
Thanks to the oil crises that had started
the war, this car was driven by sola

Chapter End Notes:

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