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Author's Chapter Notes:

Previously on Planet Tiny: Kevin and I go into the Drean World of Belle to get a plan from Emmet on how to stop Emma and four Japanese monsters. Then when we went to London, England, but Belle got hit by a laser causing her fall and that's what you missed on Planet Tiny. Now this chapter is part 1 of the memory loss mission and in this chapter Belle wakes up with amnesia and thinking she from Spain and it's now to Kevin and I to go into her head to help her brain get back on track, but Belle's memory isn't the only thing lost, Bricksburg is lost as well.



*WARNING: This chapter contains Spanish, but it will be translated for the people who don't know how to read Spanish.


 Characters, Roles, and Known Ages

  • Dylan McFalls (17): Hero
  • Kevin: Dylan's BFF/Partner
  • Isabella Gross: Teenage Girl who thinks she Spanish/Girl with Amnesia/Belle

Chapter 4: Español (1)


 Okay when we left off Belle had been shot by a laser and has fallen, but now let me tell you the first part of the epic Spanish memory quest.


Thursday, June 19, 2014


 “Belle!!!” I yelled. “Is she dead?” Kevin asked. “No her chest is moving,” I answered. Belle's eyes opened and she got up. “Belle thank God,” I said in relief. Belle then used her hand to swat at us thinking we're bugs. “What the heck was that for?” Kevin asked. “¿Quiénes son ustedes?” (Transition: Who are you people?) Belle asked. “What?” Kevin asked. “She asked who we are,” I answered. “Why is she speaking Spanish?” Kevin asked. “Kevin I think she has amnesia,” I answered. “Amne what?” Kevin asked. “Amnesia it means partial or total memory loss,” I answered. “Okay, but how that explain why she's speaking Spainish?” Kevin asked. “¿Belle de dónde eres?” (Transition: Belle where are you from?) I asked. “¿Quién es Belle?” (Transition: Who's Belle?) Belle asked. “Eres,” (Transition: You are.) I answered. “No, no estoy,” (Transition: No I'm not.) Belle said. “Then who are you?” Kevin asked. “Please Kevin let me handle the talking,” I said. “Okay,” Kevin said. “Dijo entonces ¿quién es usted?” (Transition: He said then who are you?) I said.. “Estoy Isabella,” (Transition: I'm Isabella.) Belle answered. “De todas formas, ¿de dónde eres?” (Transition: Anyway, where are yoy from?) I asked. “Soy de España,” (Transition: I'm from Spain.) Belle answered. “I think I see the problem,” I said. “What is it?” Kevin asked. “Kevin I've got good news and bad news,” I said. “What's the bad news?” Kevin asked. “The bad news is that she knows her own name,” I answered. “Okay what's the good news?” Kevin asked. “Oh wait that was the good news,” I said. “Then what's the bad news!?!” Kevin asked a little paniced. “Oh the bad news is that if we don't get her brain back to normal she may be like this for life,” I answered. “Okay so what's the plan?” Kevin asked. “Well we're going on a trip inside Belle's head,” I answered. “Ask her if she minds,” Kevin said. “Isabella, ¿te importa si nos vamos de su cabeza?” (Transition: Isabella, do you mind if we go inside your head?) I asked. “Sí,” (Transition: Yes.) Belle answered. “Well I guess she'll never be normal again,” Kevin said. “Don't give up hope I have an idea,” I said. “What is it?” Kevin asked. “You'll see, SLEEP!!” I commanded while blasting the blue laser. Belle then fell asleep and we went up her nose. “Ew Belld really needs to blow her nose,” Kevin said. “Who knows,” I laughed. “How can you be joking at a time like this?” Kevin asked. “Sorry,” I said. We made it to Belle's brain. “Okay there should be a door around here,” I said. “A door?” Kevin asked. “There's a lot of things about the human body you people don't know,” I said. “Give one example,” Kevin said. “I did about the secret path to the Liver,” I said. “Right so how mush time do we have?” Kevin asked. “A doy at most,” I answered. “Wait wbat are things stuck in her brain?” Kevin asked pointing go some LEGO® bricks. “Oh no,” I said.

To be Continued

Chapter End Notes:

Next time on Planet Tiny: The memory quest continues when we find out that the LEGO® Universe is at risk of being gone forever and Kevin and I must find the main controls and place the Membrain in the slot that everything that Belle knows… which is not much now. Anyway I have to place the Membrain in the slot to be able to save Belle and the LEGO® Universe, but I get a surprising visit from a lost friend.



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