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Samantha's POV:




"You were gone for two days. Any progress?"




It has been two days since Samantha with the help of Sapphire rounded up the entire attic. After forty hours of non-stop observing they finally finished the job, with 187 champions of the original 2366 women who either died or survived a lost fight. Those who lost but survived will remain with Bintou. In the meantime, Sapphire has been working out a plan to smuggle the champions out without anyone noticing. The MP will arrest anyone that takes a human out since the word got out that Oliver might be in town.




“Hello. And yes.” Sapphire starts. Samantha holds the door open so Sapphire can enter Bintou's house. She pours some orange juice in a glass and hands it over. The African-American woman thanks her and they both take a seat behind the dinner table.




“Tell me all about it.” Samantha starts.




“I managed to bribe three of the guards that check everyone at the customs post. We'll transport the cage with everyone in it in a truck I rented, and they'll just let us go through.”




“That sounds great. I knew you'd figure out something!” Samantha stands up and hugs her friend, overjoyed that this will all go smoothly.




“Yeah... there's just one catch...” Sapphire says.




“Oh God, what is it?”




“They didn't want money for it. The deal was to get them fifteen humans. And we can't give them the wounded survivors. They want the good quality, and five persons per guard”




“What? We can't do that! We need every single person, and they will tell them everything we've been doing for this past year. And are you 100% sure that they are trustworthy?”




“Yes, I'm sure. Else I wouldn't have made the deal. But I've already made a plan.”




“Okay, what is it?”




“We can hire mercenaries to help us find a village somewhere not too far away, raid it, and take fifteen with us who we'll give to the guards.”




“Mercenaries? What do you mean?” Samantha asks.




“The Nine Lives recently opened some sort of office not too far from this place. They'll do anything for a small price, perhaps even raid the camp themselves.”




“Well, they can't bring fifteen people into the city unseen. I will pay them for a map or something. You go outside and wait for me.” Samantha says to her friend.




“Alright, good luck!” She says, and they walk out the door. Each separate directions.






Samantha has arrived at the building where the Nine Lives have made a headquarters for their faction. She sees their logo, hanging on the larger door. It displays a cat jumping through the circle of the “9”. Right next to it is the much smaller door. The door for the mercenaries themselves. The other one is for the customers. She knocks on the door, and she hears a voice coming from behind it.




“Who are you and why are you here?”




Samantha replies. “M-my name is Samantha, and I need some directions.”




“We aren't a kiosk. Go away.”




Samantha feels somewhat insulted. She keeps her voice calm and professional.




“I want to buy a map from you. I can offer a good pri...”




But she doesn't get to finish her sentence. Before she can say the word price, the man behind the door cuts her off. With a stern tone he says:




“We don't sell our maps. Get out of here before I get the security.




Samantha loses her patience. She tried to tolerate the annoying human, but she won't let him get away with this so easily.




“Let me put it this way. Open this door or I'll burst through. Your choice.”




“I'm warning you. Step back from the door at once!” The man yells.




“Or what? You're going to attack me?” She thinks about how that would look like. A six foot tall man fighting a ten times bigger person. She takes a few steps back, braces herself, and storms at the front door. With full power she hits the wooden door and breaks through the locks. The door breaks open and she falls to the ground. The room is covered in wood chips, and the mercenaries come rushing at the Giantess with their weapons aimed at her.




“You're in a lot of trouble.” A man says while aiming a missile launcher at her. She recognizes the voice, and knows it's from the man who she was just talking to.




“STOP, don't shoot her!” A man yells out. To her surprise, everyone lost their attention and turned around to look at the man. They all laid their arms down, and walked backwards. The man, dressed in a fine suit walks to the floored Giantess. He walks over to her head, and looks at her. Then he nods.




“Hm. Yes, perfect.” He says. The others look somewhat confused.




“Do you know who this lovely lady is, guys? Throw in a guess.”




After a few seconds, the man that talked to her finally said: “S-samantha..?”




“Exactly. Samantha Ribbens. My friends, this woman here is one of the nice people who is going to throw out this bloody government.” He says with a big smile on his face. Though he is the only one. His employee's are all too confused, and Samantha jumps up.




“What the hell are you talking about?!” She yells, shocked that her name is out.”




“Come to my office.” The man says. “I'll explain it.”




The 55 foot smaller man, named Jackson, leads her to his office. She takes a giant chair and sits in front of his tiny desk. The man looks up to her, and says that they have been monitoring the entire rebellion for some time now. He wants his faction to aid them so they can overthrow the empress and her government. In exchange for his aid, he wants Samantha to add them to a permanent army. Samantha tells him that his help is indeed needed, and that she is happy to add his faction to her personal army.




“Splendid!” The man says, laughing from joy.




“Now, my beautiful lady, what can I do for you?”




“I need a map from all the local tribal villages. I'm sure that your people have covered some up.” Samantha says.




“Oeh, going on a rampage are we? Ha, I've got dozens of uncovered settlements. They all live in peace, knowing the empire won't look for them so close to their capital. Time to put an end to that overrated peace, shall we?” The man seems to think the image of a burned down village with dozens of dead is pretty funny. Just the man she needs when Bintou takes over, and she gets the command of own army.




“Let's see... here we go.” Jackson gives her a small map with some red dots on it. The man takes the map back and prints out a bigger version. Samantha sees some red circles on the map of Europe. She sees a red circle around the Polish city 'Warsaw'.




“Good luck hunting.” The man says as she walks out the larger of the two doors.








“Samantha, you're back! How did it go?” Her friend says as she hugs her.




“It went great. I found out about a tribal village in Warsaw. It's only about two hours from here.” Samantha says.




“Alright. And how do you suggest we deal with them?”




“We'll surround them. You on the Eastern side, I'll hit them from West. Close them in. Crush those with firearms, they can still cause trouble. But pick the ones up that pose no danger. So fleeing people, people with bows, etc. Just make sure you don't kill too many, I don't want to go all the way to Krakow if this fails.”




Her friend agrees with the plan and they start walking. After just over one and a half hour, they can see the village from three miles away. Still out of their sight, Samantha orders Sapphire to wait for her signal as she creeps around the village to take her stand. She looks at the city while sneaking. From what she can see it's only a small village. *there must be a hundred people in there* she thinks to herself. When she reaches East, she let's Sapphire know that they can attack.




“ROOAAR, DEATH TO ALL HUMANS!” She bursts out as she sprints to the unsuspecting people. Before the two snipers could react to the giant blond girl that dashed into their direction, she had already dealt with them. The first one found a quick death right under her left foot, as she jumped right unto him. The other one got lifted into the air. She opened her mouth and swallowed the sniper who wasn't doing his job very well that evening. By now the people had already realized that they were under attack. With full speed they panicked to the other side.




Sadly for them, Samantha had already planned for that. Out of no where, her black friend appeared from the woods, grabbed two people, and swallowed them as Samantha had just done. The people have no idea what to do now. Some run North, some South, some get to their knees and beg to be spared.




“I love it when they beg for mercy.” Samantha says with her mouth full of two people while she is lifting up two more from the crowd. “Makes it far more easier.” She says while cramming herself full of her breakfast.




“Don't talk with you mouth full Samantha. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to play with my food.” Sapphire says. Samantha laughs and swallows the four people inside her mouth, to join the first man. *Five. Ten more to go* she thinks to herself.




“Oh, don't forget to turn off your digestion!” She says to Sapphire who was just sucking on a man's upper body as if he were a popsicle, his legs swinging around in panic.




“Mhmo...” Sapphire forgot that a man was stuck between her lips. She swallows him “No, don't worry. We have six now BTW.”




*six.* She sees a house right next to her. She looks inside, and is glad to see some people in it. She blocks the door with her food, and smashes a small hole into the wall. The people all rush to the other side of the empty house, hoping not to get caught by the, what they think is a, hungry Giantess that wants to devour their families. But she has other plans. She places her lips around the small hole, and starts to breathe in as hart as she can. The people are utterly surprised, and are swung backwards, all the way to the huge gaping hole that is her throat. In just halve a second she has captured three people more.




“How many do you have, Sapphire?”




She sees her friend playing with her food. She caught a man and a woman between her toes. She manages to get her left food to her mouth. She licks the man out and into her mouth, then does the same thing with the woman.




“Three Sam.” She says.




“And you just told me I can't talk with my mouth full! And where are your shoes?” Samantha asks.




Sapphire points at a tree, and Samantha sees three men trapped right under her shoes.




“I'm saving them for later. And they also serve as a trap. Observe.”




Samantha looks at the three struggling men. Then suddenly two other people appear, trying to get them out. The men try to tell the two women to leave them, but they don't listen. Sapphire picks the two up and puts them in her mouth.




“Mwats de most yo sallowed ad once?” Sapphire tries to ask her.




“Uhm... What the most you swallowed at once..?” Sapphire nods when she hears that her friend understood her.




“I just swallowed four. Just be careful, I nearly choked when I tried to swallow that Special Force a week ago.”




Sapphire walks to the shoes, and lifts one up. One man is freed now. His first thought is to run for it, but right above him are the two Giantess, and he realizes that there is no point in running. He sinks to his knees and starts crying. Sapphire is unable to laugh because of her full mouth, and Samantha observes her friend. Worried about the amount she is going to swallow. Sapphire picks the man up and puts him in her mouth. She takes a deep breath, and all five people are swallowed. Samantha is relieved to see that it went relatively well.




“Sigh, cough, not bad hu?” Sapphire manages to say.




“Hm. You must have trained in this hu?” Samantha replies, a bid angry that she would put herself at risk like that.




“Ha. Well yeah, long story. But, do we have enough now? Other than these two, the entire village seems to have flet.”




“Yeah we've got enough. In fact, we have one too many. Just keep one of your victims, no harm done.”




“Great. And what about these two?”




The two men have already stopped struggling. They look in fear at the blond Giantess who is going to decide over their fate. She looks at them, and then a smile appears on her face.




“We can take them as well. We both take one for ourselves.”




Sapphire opens her mouth, but is stopped by the blond Giantess.




“You need to be more original. Observe.” She tells her friend. She picks up one of the men. He is screaming and trying to get free. Trying to let her go of him, even if it means falling to his death 50ft down. But she won't let go, and instead laughs at his attempts. She moves him to her back, and opens a way inside her pants. Inside her panties even, and lowers him down, and places him between her butt cheeks. She closes her pants and looks at her friend, who is laughing out loud.




“It'll be even more fun when you do it. You've got a big black ass and need to use it sister.” She says and slaps her on her butt. Sapphire lifts the man up and does the same with him. The two high-five each other and they go back home. The bribed guards let them pass without interference.






“Ah, that was fun, wasn't it Sam?” Sapphire asks when they enter Bintou's kitchen.




“It sure was. And you'll get lots of more tribal action when we take the empire. But for now, we need to concentrate.”




“Yup, they need to get out. I'm full as hell.” Sapphire answers.




“Okay, I'll go first.” Samantha says, as she hangs over the sink.




“Wait... there are only a few things I really hate, and throwing up is high on that list. I'll do it the other way.” Sapphire says.




“But that will take an hour. I'd much rather just go through this.”




“Sorry, but I'm not throwing up. I'll see you around 1 PM.” She says as she walks upstairs to the bathroom.




“Fine. Just hurry up will ya?” Samantha manages to say before Sapphire closes the door.






Thirty minutes later




“Ah, I'm back!” Sapphire yells out.




“Oh, that was fast. Did you wash them?”




“Don't worry, they're clean. I haven't taken a crap for months, so everything was still clean. And how about yours?”




“Clean. Put yours in that box over there.” Samantha points at a small box on the counter. Sapphire puts seven of her captives with the eight captives that Samantha put in there.




“What did you two with the two freebies?” Sam asks Sapphire.




“Sadly enough, a young woman didn't make it out. Or, she did, but not really alive. Guess it doesn't always go well, hu? But for the guy that just loves my shoe, he is going to join the others in your box. I looked in the toilet bowl when I finished and saw one I'd like to keep, so I replaced the two. He's going through all of that a second time, imagine the trauma what he is going through haha.”




“Yes, it's funny but I would really like to go now.”




Sapphire picks up the rented truck and moves it into Bintou's garage, where the champions cage is placed in. The box with fifteen tribals in it is placed on top of it, as a subtle hint. They drive all the way to the customs posts, where five guards keep the watch. One of the bribed guards comes forward. Samantha whispers in her ear that the bribe is in the truck. The woman hides the small box in a bag and walks back to the blond Giantess.




“So, why are you trying to smuggle them out? Is the black market up and running again?” The guard boldly asks. Samantha sneers back at her.




“Shut up, this isn't any of your business. Now tell me that everything is fine and that we may pass.”




The two have a short stare-off, when the guard tells her


“Well, ma'am, everything seems to be in order. Have a save trip. “




She signals to the guards to open the gate, and then tells the two other bribed guards to come to her. The last thing Samantha sees before driving out of the gate, is the happy faces on the three guards when they open their box.

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