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Samantha's POV:




She can feel him inside of her. Oliver, he is squirming inside of Samantha. And he is far, probably 'twenty inches' if he got loose the moment the dildo reached the highest point. Bintou has ordered Samantha to grab her a barrel of Cola, just after she had shoved her 'twenty inch' dildo, with Oliver stuck it to by Samantha's cum, in her ass, and the little man had been left in there after the dildo was taken out.




She feels him struggling, fighting her walls. But Samantha knows he can't escape. She has reached the kitchen and takes out a barrel of Cola. She looks at the stairs, and thinks about Bintou. Once she walks up those stairs, the forced sex will continue. She had no problems having this kind of sex with normals. Just like any other Giantess, she did these things to normals.




But doing it with Bintou, and having Bintou do all those things to her, is just awful. She can make a run for it. Flee out of the house, and perhaps even reporting her to the MP. But no. Bintou has powerful associates. She is the successor of Mother Maya, the leader of the rebellion. Bintou can, and will, get anyone killed if they don't obey her.




Out of the cabinet she takes out woman, who seems to be severely beaten.




Samantha's POV:




He is covered with darkness, and can feel her move. His new place is even tighter, and far more stronger, than the previous walls he got trapped in. He can hear her heartbeat through the walls. With every step she takes he is lifted up another inch, and struggling makes it even worse. He thinks about death coming near.




Now that Bintou has his DNA, he is as worthless to her as any other person. He won't survive her wrath. And now that she has his DNA, she will be able to create a stronger FEV. Humanity is doomed because of him.




Bintou's POV:




“Finally, you're here.”




Bintou lies on bed, and takes the barrel and the little person. She opens the 'can' and puts the woman in her mouth. After playing a bid with him, she drinks the entire can, taking the screaming woman down to her stomach.




“Ahh, I do like a cold Cola. Now, go stand facing against the wall. I want your small tits pressed against the door.”




Bintou looks at Samantha's big, firm ass. Knowing that someone is inside there, turns her on. She slabs it, and the sounds was simply awesome. It confirmed how firm she trained it. Bintou puts her face between her butt cheeks, and is happy to hear her heart beat going through her fleshpounds into her ears.




She puts her tong in the asshole, and thereby opening it, and spits in it.




Oliver's POV:




Oliver turns his flashlight on. The walls are pink, not brown as he had expected. And it wasn't as smelly as he'd thought. But now, looking down, he can suddenly see a huge tong coming up. It is Bintou's tong, he recognizes it. Then, a spitball came up. It hit him like a rock. But then suddenly, he started to slide down. Down below him, two forefinger opened up the hole further, and Oliver went down faster.




He's now halfway, and as if things weren't bad enough, he can see a mouth appearing behind the two fingers. It is Bintou's mouth, who has placed it around Samantha's ass.




*Is this how I am to die?* Oliver thinks, as he is nearing the mouth, and her throat of course. To die by being eaten while sliding down from this place.




Bintou's POV:




Oliver slides in, and Bintou closes her mouth. She plays with him by throwing him from one side to another with her tong. She enjoys him trying to fight back. Bintou opens her mouth, and takes him out.




He looks tired, scared. He is covered with saliva, and she tasted Samantha's cum and ass on him. It tasted good, and she only took him out because the taste faded away. She can't wait to insert him. It was great that morning, and now with all the sexual tension from Samantha, it would be even better. Samantha, who was still facing the wall, hadn't moved an inch. She really is 'that' scared of Bintou.




Bintou lowers Oliver to her legs. She lies down again, and spreads her legs, and brings Oliver to her wet pussy.




“Ready to go down again?” Bintou 'asks' mockingly.




“No, please! Please just let it and.”




Oliver's head is slowly pushed in.




“Ah, yes. This feels good.”




Slowly, Bintou pushes him deeper and deeper. Right until his knees are in. She enjoys seeing his legs swinging around. His arms push against her walls, and he tries to push himself out. It is working somewhat, as he has managed to push himself out up to his middle.




As much as she likes his struggling, she has work to do.




“Samantha, my slave.” It amuses her to call Samantha her slave. She can get used to this, and might turn Samantha into her personal slave, once she takes the throne from the Empress. She promised her to become the Governor of The Wall, but that might just chance. She'll get someone else to become the Governor. She has thirty eight Giantess' who want to take that place. Or rather, she will have. Once Mother Maya is killed.




“Come her.” She looks like a scared little girl, holding back the tears.




“You have long fingers. You know what I want.”




Samantha holds Oliver's legs, and pushes him in.




“Go... Ah, yes... further” Bintou orders her.




With her long fingers, Samantha pushes Oliver in deeper.




“You're not done, come on! Show some enthusiasm.”




Samantha pulls the struggling Oliver back, and then back. Faster and faster, as Bintou commanded. The lips around Bintou's vagina became wetter and wetter, warmer and warmer. The sheet under her is moisty.




“Ah, yes. Yes, that's good.” Bintou keeps on moaning, and keeps ordering Samantha to go deeper. Oliver has stopped squirming, and might even have gone unconscious. Bintou is becoming tighter and tighter, and it becomes harder to push him through. Up to the point Bintou orgasms. Samantha's hand is covered under the juices, and it disgusts her.




“Yes, take your hand out. I've got work to do.”




Samantha's POV:




Samantha takes her hand out, without Oliver who is still in there somewhere. She did these things when she had sexual inclinations, just like Bintou. But like most other Giantess', Samantha only had a few small slaves in her house. All bought on the slave market. She made an entire bedroom for them, which they had to share with all fourteen of them.




Most of the slaves are forced workers. They keep the house clean, and do work for her that they can do at their sizes. But two of them she held dear. A man and a woman served as her personal slaves. Like most other Giantess, Samantha doesn't have the huge amount of slaves that Bintou holds in her attic. So Samantha and the others have to be more careful. Sure, every once and a while they'd be inserted. But that didn't happen so often, as they are too expensive to just replace should they die.




But once she gets the title of Governor of The Wall, she'll get enough money and power to get herself a thousand slaves. Then, she will hold all the power she wants. She can kill her slaves and not care about replacements. She remembers, that earlier this year she had a third sex slave. A man, a tribal who was enslaved by a raiding party. She bought him at the Hungarian slave market a few months before that time. She went out with friends, but had inserted him just before, so she could enjoy him all night.




But when she woke up, it was four days later. She had been drinking so much alcohol, that the last few days were just blurry. She pulled the man out, but he was dead. Replacing him was impossible because of the high prices. Ever since then, she was extra careful on the remaining two slaves. There was also a case where she accidentally crushed a worker under her foot. But that wasn't her fault...




Bintou's POV:




She feels him squirming again. It's an amazing feeling, especially the fear. She stands up, and walks up the stairs to the attic. Bintou turns on the lights, and sees two hundred cages. Rodent cages, with each of them containing about a dozen women.




All these women were spoils of war. The Empire gifted her five thousand slaves after she returned home to get her promotion after the African campaign. Fifty percent were men. Most were sold on the slave market which made her one of the wealthiest of the entire empire. A few, about a hundred, remained at her house. Most served as sex objects, and only a few are still alive.




After her return, the Empire gave her only one shot of the FEV, instead of two. So she turned into a Giantess instead of a Ginormous. Samantha contacted her shortly after. She represented the Rebellion, lead by Kerima Maya. A.K.A. Mother Maya, or Cladice. Those are her pseudonym's. She came from Persia, and sought to overthrow the current government, Empress Dominika Avdonin in particular. She would become the Empress and the other Giantess members would take all the positions of the Empire.




Cladice wanted Bintou because she would be a huge cause to the rebellion. She was sure that Bintou would join them because she was furious about not getting the full promotion. Samantha was to be her personal right hand, and Bintou accepted. Her role was to create their own army. Mother Maya knew about the huge amount of slaves of Bintou, and so told her to bring the best fighters to an abandoned farm a thousand KM East of Minsk, in the Russian Federation. A door there leads to a secret Vault, where a few scientists collaborate with the Rebellion. They've got enough FEV to create about two hundred Giantess'. So, Bintou created The Arena in her attic, and let's the women fight each other to see who will serve her army.




Shortly after, Bintou was announced to be Mother Maya's successor, should she die. That's when Bintou created the plan to kill Mother Maya so she can lead the rebellion, and take the Throne from the Empress. She found out that Samantha serves as a double agent for some Vault that hadn't been discovered yet, back in the former Netherlands. She made a deal with their Overseer to send out a couple of normals every year. They were told that a very important mission awaits them, and that they have to make contact with a moll that works in the Empire.




If the Overseer didn't, she'd launch an attack on the Vault and kill everyone in it. But then she found out that someone who lived in the Vault was the ancestor of the man that had infiltrated a scientist Vault during the Great War, and destroyed the blue prints, but injected himself with the FEV 2.0. This FEV didn't make you grow, but made you much stronger. The virus got carried on through generations, and became a legend all around the world.




And now, she has it. She'll inject all her soldiers with a mix of the original and the new FEV. They'll be invincible.




“Shut the hell up, I can hear you whispering. You know that when your master arrives, you shut the hell up, or there will be no dinner for you.” Bintou made sure everyone knew she had arrived.




“I have good news. Good news for me, not for you. The legend has been captured, and I have copied his DNA. This means we'll have to speed things up, so assume that you will most likely be dead by the end of the week.”




Bintou hears soft cries and weeps, but ignores them. She walks to an old terminal. It was designed for Giantess. She turns is on, and sees the green screen with bi white letters. She clicks on a folder that says “SCHEDULE”. She clicks on 'December 21st'. It shows: “Team death match, 12 vs 12. Cage 20 vs cage 24”.




Bintou walks to the cages with the numbers 20 and 24 on it, and places them in the center of the attic. In the center stood an Arena. 'The Arena'. It was made out of mostly Cola barrels that together formed a wall. She had formed them of the Cola barrels she already drank. The round Arena was about forty yards in diameter, and the walls were three barrels high, twelve foot high. She places the cages with the women in it on either side of the Arena, and next to both cages two boxes. The two boxes contained weapons. four baseball bats, four machetes, three spears and one broadsword.




These weapons were mostly used by Amazons, Behemoths and sometimes actual Giantess', so they had to become familiar with them. They are still covered with blood from the fights of a few days ago. Bintou opens the cage doors.




“Cage 20 and 24. I'll describe the situation to you, in case you forgot: You now stand against each other. You might know someone on the other side from Africa. You have spend a full year with your other cage mates, and surely made friends. Sadly, however, they will die. Those who refuse to fight will suffer an awful death, an awful death by my hands. I'll make sure of that. You have already seen how someone who is unwilling to fight dies, so don't let me make another example.




The survivors of the winning team will fight against the cage that won the previous match. Cage 33 won with six survivors, so make sure you win without a high rate of casualties. The survivors of the losing team, and the people on the victorious side who have been injured to the point that they can't fight the next match, will be taken to my cabinet. Most likely to be added to my Cola or Yoghurt.




So, let's start the fight, and make sure you enjoy yourselves.”




Bintou gave the signal the order that they have to start fighting. The smaller captives, those under 6”0 went for the smaller arms. Baseball bats and Machetes. The few stronger and larger usually went for the spears, and there was always one physical strong who went for the medieval broadsword.




At first, the women hesitated. None dared to make the first step. Either out of fear, or because they couldn't kill their former allies. They all came from Africa, most of Australian descendents. They fought together against the Empire. But after most thought about the horrible death that they would face if they hesitated even more, most stated to walk to the other side.




First, the strong woman with a size of 6”4 holding the broadsword from cage 20 made a move against a woman holding a machete, barely 5”8. The smaller woman jumps away from the sword, and is thankful to see her ally next to her thrusting her spear against the large woman. After a few strikes, she manages to hit her with the spear. It isn't deep, but enough to make her yell out her pain and bleed heavily.




The battle went on for a good ten minutes. Cage 20 has won, with seven survivors. Bintou looks them through, and sees the strong woman holding the broadsword on the floor. Sill alive, but heavily bleeding. She hoped the woman would survive, as she showed potential. But sadly, she would never make the next round. Though she would probably survive the wounds, she can't keep on fighting.




“A shame. I'll let my friend dispose of you. Samantha! Get your big ass up here.”




After a minute she finally came up. Her face showed fear, and sadness.




“Take her to the cabinet. Put her in a plastic box or something, I don't want her blood allover the place.”




The woman struggled and screamed as she was taken down, but Bintou has to focus on The Arena.


The losing side has two survivors.




“Take them with you as well.”






After half an hour, the next battle had been fought. Cage 20 had once again won. To her surprise, the two smallest women from the Cage are the only ones who survived. The both held a bloody machete, and had a stone hard face. That was her plan, to destroy their minds. They are cold blooded murderers now. Exactly what she wants.




They are put in an extra large cage, with the words “victorious soldiers” on it. After that, she took a large box with meat in it, and divided it to all the cages.




Samantha's POV:




Samantha and Bintou arrived in her room at the same time, both still naked. Two hours had passed, mainly because feeding her captives always took a lot of time. Bintou and Samantha stand next to each other. Bintou was only slightly taller than Samantha. 64 against Bintou's 68 foot. But the thing that intimidates her, is her strong body. Bintou had the body of a soldier. Samantha goes to the gym every now and then to keep her butt and legs in good shape, but Bintou was physically much stronger.




Bintou sits on her bed with her legs spread.




“Pull him out. He is done for.”




With her long fingers, Samantha pulls Oliver out by his legs.




She hands him over to Bintou, who then starts talking to the man.




“You have done well these past few days. You gave me the key to world domination, and for that I thank you. But now, you're of no use to me. And those who are of no use to me, don't deserve to live. I'll let you serve me one final time, before ending your life. Goodbye, my Chosen One.”




Oliver's POV:




I am lying still in her giant hand. She tells me how I am of no use to her anymore. Well fine then. Let me die, so I can finally escape from this torture. She puts me in her mouth, and once again she plays with me. Her great, strong tong, rocking me to one side to the other. Her huge teeth breaking my 'fall'. The fear I still have when I get in between them, but they never come down. She never bites, and ends my suffering. It would be too merciful for the psychopath. And now, I hear the swallow sound, and I am pulled into the gaping hole that welcomed me all too well. The darkness covers my sight, and her strong throat nearly crushes me, as I am pulled down. Pulled to her stomach, where I will be burned until there is nothing left. My body will be digested, and used for her.

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