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Author's Chapter Notes:

This was a little longer than I expected, but hopefully it works.  Comments/criticism appreciated.

Pulling my favorite hoodie over my head, I winced in pain, getting a sharp reminder of my strained shoulder and the bruises on my back, courtesy of Patricia’s guest yesterday. 

Tina had enjoyed pulling on my “tasty little arms” during foreplay.  I shuddered as I remembered the previous evening.  Thankfully, Patricia had only waited a few minutes to step in after hearing my pained cries.  She told Tina to be respectful of her things, explaining how inconvenienced she would be if I were broken. 

Gee, thanks.   

Strangely, I thought I caught a glimpse of genuine concern on Patricia’s face when she broke into the room to halt the torture.  It disappeared so fast, however, that I couldn’t be sure.  Probably just wishful thinking. 

Tina had departed this morning a very satisfied woman.  I desperately hoped never to see her again.

It was still mid-morning, and the air was brisk.  Though I didn’t know where our Chapter’s compound was, specifically, I deduced that it was somewhere in the southern region of the US.  It was well into winter, yet by midday, I never needed more than a light jacket or sweatshirt.

Remembering that morning, my mind was still bent on unraveling the mystery of Patricia’s strange behavior.  It started off like most others; she had demanded I go down on her to “wake her up properly”.  I had undressed and was moving into position, my head slowly closing in on delivering her gratification, when I heard her gasp sharply.  She touched my arm lightly, then said the strangest thing:

“Oh, Alex, stop.  I just remembered – I meant to try out my new toy this morning.  I…don’t think I’ll be needing your services after all.”

I looked up, confused.  Figuring that this was some kind of test, I bent back to my task.  She persisted though, gently pushing me away as she drew her silken robe about her body, covering her nakedness.  The expression she wore confused me even further, her gaze flitting about the room, not quite able to meet mine as it normally did.  Then she just…let me go, asking that I shut the door on the way out.  I left, feeling a lot like the tasty warthog that had just shared a drink with the lioness at the watering hole and lived to tell the tale.

Knowing how capricious she could be though, after that incident, I worked more diligently than usual, completing all of my chores to perfection.  When I told her that I had finished everything, she even said that I had earned a few hours of time to myself after making her so proud last night. 

I wondered if she had hit her head on something, but I wasn’t about to argue.  Having time to myself was as rare as hen’s teeth, and I wasn’t about to waste it.  

Standing on the porch, I pulled out my smartphone and plugged in my trusty earbuds.  They were just about the only things I had on me when I was taken, and I was a little surprised they had let me keep them.  My SIM card had been confiscated, of course, and I wasn’t given WiFi access for obvious reasons, but it was something to combat the boredom of endless household chores.  The hundred songs I had on the phone’s local storage were wearing pretty thin though.  In the unlikely event that one of my mistresses ever offered me a boon again, I should ask them to download me some more music. 

Before tuning out the world with a little CCR’s Fortunate Son, I looked around to make sure I didn’t have an audience, and started stretching.  I was grateful our unit’s home was somewhat removed from the other clusters.  There were plusses and minuses to Patricia being the Chapter Governess. 

Mentally, I ran through my pre-run checklist: bulky clothing to hide my body and conceal pheromones – check; headphones to block out inadvertent orders called out by women – check; route planned to minimize contact with women – check.  All set.

Finding a nice, easy pace along the gravel path, I enjoyed my moment of peace.  Sounds of birds and insects mixed with the earthy smell of the forest, soothing away the anxiety still clinging to me from the night before.  Low hills and gurgling streams provided a picturesque setting for the stately trees I ran past. 

I had to admit, the Matriarchy sure picked some ideal real estate for the compound.  Situated in a valley between two low mountain ranges, the land was perfect for their needs.  They were also quite skilled at planning their community to require a bare minimum of industry.  No automobiles were needed within the compound, and all commercial transactions with the outside world were funneled through a single source to minimize travel to and from.  

In contrast with the cool canopy of the forest, the sunny growing fields I emerged into felt warm and bright, forcing me to lower my hood.  Relishing one of the few times I actually enjoyed being alive, I ran on toward the fields of cannabis and hemp that bordered the path ahead. 

The women were nothing if not resourceful.  From what I could gather through observation alone – Matriarchy business matters were never discussed with males, of course – THC appeared to be their chief source of income.  Being a key component of the new federally mandated female libido suppressants, pharmaceutical companies undoubtedly paid well for it.  Refined hemp they used for clothing and textile exports.  They had chosen products that synergized perfectly with the needs of their small agrarian community.  Grain, vegetable, and fruit crops as well as small animal farms provided their primary source of food. 

Several hundred feet down the path, I spotted one of the carts the work crews used. 

Shit.  Just my luck. 

My anxiety overwhelmed me, so I slowed to a stop, wracking my brain for what to do.  Only a few of the 30 or 40 units within this Chapter actually had a man right now, and I knew first-hand how desperate that the “have nots” were to have a spot of fun with a man. 

The main path across the valley – my road – bisected large fields, and any detour to my destination on the other side would make me late in returning home to Patricia.  Not something I ever wanted to repeat…

Resigning myself, I continued on, cinching my hoodie to kill my peripheral vision, kept my eyes lowered, and turned my music up.  Strictly focused on the path as I was, I could only tell I had approached the workers when I passed the shadow of the cart on the road. 

After another minute or so, I started to breathe easier in relief.  It wasn’t to last. 

Suddenly I was jerked back.  My hoodie tightened around my chest as my feet left the ground. 

Fuck, fuck, fuck.  Yanking my headphones from my ears, I was spun around, coming face to face with a very angry giantess. 

“-en I say stop, you STOP!!”  she screamed at me.  Red-faced and panting, she was clearly not happy to have to chase me down on foot.  I winced in pain as she used her massive hands to vent her frustration on my ribcage.

“S-sorry Mistress!  I didn’t mean…  I swear, I couldn’t hear you!  I-I had my headphones in.  See?”

Lamely, I held the earbuds up as proof.

She grunted in reluctant acknowledgement, loosening her grip and eventually setting me down.  Now that her face was no longer contorted in anger, I noticed how young she looked.  It would have surprised me if she was even 18 yet.  Matriarchy must be recruiting them early these days. 

“Idiot.  You know you’re supposed to obey us.  It’s for your…own…good.”  Using her thumb and middle finger, she punctuated each of her last words by flicking my left ear.  Each flick felt like getting beaned in the ear by a baseball with no helmet on.

White hot pain stabbed directly into my brain, and I heard nothing but a loud ringing on my left side.  I cried out, sheltering my ear with my hand while I stomped on the ground to distract from the agony.  Something warm and sticky trickled onto my hand.

Dumbly, she covered her mouth with a hand when she saw evidence of my injury. 

“Oh, shit.  I didn’t mean to hurt you that bad.  Maybe it was a little harsh, but you need to learn!”

My sight was blurred by involuntary tears.  Looking up at her, I hated my weakness.  Shadows fell over my face, and I saw that three other women had arrived. 

“Well Jenny, who’s this?” the shortest one asked.  “Introduce us to your friend.”

Shorty – who was still several feet taller than me – knelt down and overtly checked me out. 

“Well hi there, hands-“ seeing my blood, she glared back at my attacker, challenging her, “What the hell did you do!?”

Looking much less sure of herself in the face of her apparent guilt, Jenny spluttered, “I-It’s not my fault!  Didn’t you see what happened!?  I called out to him to stop, but he didn’t!  They’re supposed to listen!  That’s what they told me.  The recruiter said they would always do what we say. 

Ah, yes.  Another piece of the puzzle…  This woman must have been fresh off the boat, filled with visions of vengeance.  We would all pay for the crimes of the one that had wronged her.  What better place than with the Matriarchy?  Here, it wasn’t illegal, or even frowned upon.  Hell, it was encouraged.  Had to keep us silly creatures in line, after all. 

Turning back to me, she continued, “This is your fault!  Why didn’t you just do what I told you to?” she implored.  At least she had the sense to see that not everyone here agreed that she held the moral high ground.

Still in too much pain to say anything, I let the drama unfold around me. 

“He’s still a human being, for Chrissakes.  It looks like you really hurt him.”  My unnamed defender argued, earning a silent ‘thank you’ from me.

“They can’t disobey,” she said, reaching to the ground to pick up my earbuds.  She held them up, looking back at Jenny, “…as long as they can hear us.” 

One of the other two piped up, “Damn it all, we could have had a little fun with him.  Now that’s shot.”

“Yeah, really.  I don’t want his blood all over me.”  The other agreed.  “Come on, let’s just go back.” The two turned and walked away.

“Do you need help cutie?” the sweet voice asked.  She had a pleasant mien; her bright blue eyes sparkled as she spoke to me.  Blond hair was tied back to help keep it from her face as she labored in the fields.

“Here, why don’t I take a look.”

Kneeling on the road, she put her hand under my behind and pulled me onto her thigh.  I wasn’t surprised when I felt her surreptitious fondling.  Her right hand was on my back making circular rubbing motions.  At least it took my mind off the stabbing pain in my ear.

She tilted my head so she could see the sight of the injury, saying something that I couldn’t hear.  I knew she wouldn’t be able to see anything without instruments, but they all liked to imagine themselves smarter than men. 

Though I couldn’t hear her “diagnosis”, her tone was soothing, and clearly meant that my injury was minor, and not to worry.  Typical woman-speak.  I had to roll my eyes mentally at the notion of this obviously untrained woman telling a med student what was wrong. 

Still, she meant well, so I acted grateful when I could tell she had stopped talking, “Thanks, it does feel much better now.”

She beamed, happy to have “helped” me.   

Jenny looked like she was about to leave when I recognized a familiar willowy figure trailing long brown hair running to us.  Julie! 

I felt relieved at the sight of the only woman in the compound I might have actually called a friend.  She slowed to a stop, taking in the scene.  I was reminded that she was some kind of supervisor from the way the others stood a little straighter. 

“Alex, what happened?”

They both looked confused.  Slipping off my benefactor’s knee, I allowed them to dissemble.  Jenny was the first to respond: “Alex?...  Do you know him?”

“Of course.  He’s my mate.  He’s also Patricia’s”

The woman that had helped me looked back at Jenny with panic in her eyes. 

“D-did you say Patricia’s?  And he’s hers?”

“Who’s Patricia?  That name sounds familiar.  Does that mean something?” Jenny said, again verifying her status as the new girl in town.

Julie reached down and took my hand, seeing the blood for the first time.  Righteous anger painted itself on her young, plain features. 

“Who did this?  Was it you Olivia?” she asked, turning to my defender.

“No, I swear.  I tried to help him, right cu- uh, Alex?  Tell her.”

I nodded, “Yes, she did.  Thanks again… Olivia, was it?”

She smiled at my attention, the threat of Big Boss Lady’s retribution now gone.

Julie nodded.  “Jenny, we’re going to have a talk about this when I get back.  Return now.” 

Confused, but obviously worried about the foreshadowed wrath of this mysterious “Patricia”, Jenny left without another word, retreating to the group.

“Olivia, thank you for helping him.  Really.  I’ll make sure that Patricia knows just who helped – and hurt – our mate out today.  Go on back.”

She thought for a second, and called out to Olivia, who was now jogging back to the field, “Oh, you’re senior, so please take over for me for awhile.  I want to make sure Alex gets back safely, and I’m due for a break anyway.”

Julie knelt down in front of me and looked at me with concern.  I still couldn’t hear much of anything from one side, but the pain had dulled.

“Julie, I’m fine.  I’m almost positive it’s just a ruptured ear drum.  It’ll heal by itself in a couple weeks.  There’s not really much that can be done for it, but I’ll get a patch or something from the infirmary when I get back.”

When you get back?  I hope you’re not suggesting what I think you are.  That could cause an infection.  I need to get you back right now.”

Realizing something, her hazel eyes narrowed, “One second; how are you out here?  It’s Patricia’s day today.  I’ve never known her to give you free time.  Does she know you’re out for a jog?”

“Julie, do I look like an idiot?  I know damned well anything I do in this little compound is going to get back to her.”

Her eyebrows stayed low.

“No, honestly, she told me I had a couple hours of free time.  I swear.”

She looked at me like I just said the sky was red. 

“Listen, I can’t explain it either.  This morning, she was acting really weird.  I don’t know if she’s feeling alright, but I wasn’t about to question her unexpected good mood.

“I still have another 90 minutes or so until I have to be back.  The clouds are interesting today – I wanted to get some shots of the valley,” I pointed to my smartphone to indicate the camera.

“Alex, I know we’re friends, and I know I indulge you on the days when I have you, but you really do need medical attention.  Come on, I’ll walk you back.”

“Pleeeaase, Julie.  I’ll make it up to you tomorrow, on your day.  I’ll do anything you want.  Well…I guess you could have that anyway, but I’m talking anything you want, guilt-free!

“Hey, I got it!  Why don’t you come with me?  You can keep an eye on me and make sure I don’t collapse or anything.” I smirked, wedging my crooked smile into the cracks of her resolve.  I knew she had a weak spot for that one.

I could see I had already won.

She grinned, “Ughh!  You infuriating man!  Why do I let you get away with so much?  This is against my better judgement, you little devil.”

She quickly radioed back to Olivia, telling her that she would return in 45 mins, and to have the rest of field seven finished by then. 

We set off in the direction I had been running in.  I wanted the exercise, but every footfall of my jog sent a stab of pain into my ear, and hearing fluid sloshing around in my ear started to make me queasy.  I’d be damned if I was going back early though, so I chose a really fast walking pace and soldiered on.

Julie was extremely tall, even for a woman.  She was almost as tall as Patricia, who had proudly informed me that she was nearly 13 feet.  Unlike Patricia, however, it was clear she didn’t enjoy her height, and chose to slouch even here, surrounded by other infected women.

“So, tell me more about what happened with Patricia this morning”

After I explained her odd behavior, she was just as baffled as I.

“Huh, maybe she just wanted some quiet.”

Oh God, what if it was me?  What if I wasn’t doing a good job pleasuring her lately?  I’d have to step up my efforts this afternoon.  She always wanted a quickie in the afternoon on her days off.  …and before dinner… and after dinner, and… well, Patricia really liked quickies.    

Julie must have seen me agonizing over what was going on with Patricia. 

“Don’t stress about it Alex.  Have you ever known Patricia to hold her tongue when she has a problem with something you’re doing?  Or a problem with anything, for that matter?” she laughed. 

Julie wasn’t a pretty woman, and her body wasn’t really my type.  Her small breasts, narrow hips, and skinny chicken legs weren’t going to win her Playmate of the Month, even if that sort of thing existed anymore.  She was built like a marathoner.  Despite her looks, she was always decent to me, and a surprisingly caring partner during sex.  It wasn’t a duty to make her happy.  Not like the others.

“Hah! You’re right”

“I’m glad you realized that.  Now, where are we headed?  I’m sure you heard me say I would be back in 45 minutes, so this little excursion of yours can’t take all day.”

“Just up the hill on the other side of the valley.  There’s a cleared outcropping there that gives a stunning view of the landscape.  It’s not too much farther.  I’ll show you.”

We went on in silence for another ten minutes or so, each of Julie’s long strides matching somewhere between two and three of mine.  The day was still brisk, but warming.  Since I had slowed to a walk, my body heat had dropped from earlier, so I kept my sweatshirt on.  I thought it was a little odd that Julie hadn’t really checked me out.  I knew it shouldn’t, but for some reason it didn’t sit right with me that she wasn’t trying harder to touch me or carry me.

It wasn’t long before we reached the spot I had in mind for my little shoot.  As we entered the clearing, Julie gasped.

“Wow, this is something.  I had no idea…”

While she took in the sights, I fiddled with the camera settings on the phone, adjusting aperture for landscape photography and selecting the white balance.  As I started snapping away, I could tell Julie was enjoying herself in this special spot I had found.  She sat down on a small rock – barely large enough to avoid getting her butt wet on the grass – and started sidearming small stones into the trees below.  She looked so free.  It was inspiring.

Turning around, I snapped a couple of Julie before she realized what I was doing.  I could almost see her self-consciousness settle onto her like a mantle, weighing her down.  I wasn’t much of a portrait photographer, but candid shots always made the best photos.  I offered to show her a couple of them, and she leaned in, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear so she could see.  She laughed at her images, pronouncing them “silly”.

“Oh, come on!  You have such a great smile!  Don’t put yourself down all the time.”

She sighed.  “I’m sorry, I can’t help it.  I know I’m not beautiful.  Jim was the only one that ever saw anything in me, and you know how that ended...”

Choosing to avoid that topic, I just shrugged.  Her ex-fiancee had done a thorough job of destroying her confidence when she started showing symptoms of the virus.  I always got the impression that the Matriarchy provided her with an escape from his cruelty.  She never talked about family, so I could only guess that they hadn’t been supportive through that difficult time.  Where so many women had reacted to that kind of abuse with meanness and vengeance, however, Julie had maintained her kindness even as she retreated into her shell.

I laid a hand on her arm.  “He’s not the only one, Julie. 

“You are beautiful.  It might be a different kind of beauty, but it’s no less obvious.  You were the only one that treated me with kindness – that is, without expecting something in return.  I know you’d never do something like this to me.” I said, pointing at my ear.

“Anyway, I’m rather proud of these, and I’m saving them, if you don’t mind.”

Finally, I got another real smile.  Then she gave me a curious look.

“What’s it like to have everyone want you all the time?  To know women look at you and see something desirable?” 

She looked down.  “It must be wonderful.”

“Before any of this virus business began, I wasn’t much to look at.  Hell, I’m still not much to look at.”


“Look, I’m not denying that women want me.  Whether that’s just lower standards in general, the fact that women are, forgive me for saying so, impossible to satisfy now.”

“Hey!  That’s not fair!  Have I ever been that way with you?” she was indignant. 

I smiled, “Not you, dear.  Of course I’m not talking about you.” I patted her shoulder.

“But seriously, I imagine it might feel how supermodels felt before the virus…walking down the street in the wrong part of town with rapists all about and no way to defend themselves.

“At first, the attention I was getting was nice.  Everyone wants to feel desired, loved, valued for something, of course.  I’m no different.  Having a sexy woman proposition me on the subway is the kind of attention I never would have gotten before, and it was a huge shot to my ego the first couple times.

“Of course, then things started to go too far.  And there was nothing I could do about it.  Now it goes so far beyond welcome attention that I would sooner just avoid women altogether.

“After all that’s happened, I can honestly say that if no female but Elise ever looked at me that way again, I’d die happy.” 

At least, that’s what I told her, but inside I wasn’t sure.  Earlier, when I was irked that Julie wasn’t paying the right kind of attention to me, were those my true feelings?

It was time to switch gears.

“So come on, anything going on that you can tell me about?  You know you’re my scoop on the outside world.  Don’t keep me in the dark here.”

She started sharing simple gossip – who was doing what to whom.  It didn’t interest me, but it was nice to hear about something.  When it seemed that she was in a good mood, I took a risk, and asked about Elise, as I’d done so many times before.

“Julie, is there any way you might be able to get a letter to Elise for me?”  Forestalling her objection, I rushed on, “I swear I wouldn’t talk about the Matriarchy at all.  I just want her to know I’m safe.  She’s probably worried sick.”

God, how I wanted to talk to her.  Even if it were for a minute, just to listen to her speak.  I could still hear her voice when I closed my eyes, but it faded daily.  More than anything, I dreaded the day when it would disappear for good.

“Alex…” her tone was stern, “You’ve asked me about this before, and my answer is the same.  It will always be the same.

“I consider you a friend, and I hope you agree that I can be generous with you” she motioned around us, indicating our little jaunt, “but the Matriarchy has welcomed me, giving me a home and place where I can belong.  You know that contact with the outside is strictly prohibited for men, and I will not betray them.  Please, you shouldn’t ask again.  I’m afraid it would threaten our friendship.”

Friend though she may be, it was a chilling reminder of where I stood in the pecking order.  She was the boss, and I needed to let it drop.  I was grateful she was always aware of her words, and avoided giving me commands she knew I couldn’t disobey unless absolutely necessary.

Trying to take the bite out of her refusal, she offered to take a couple shots of me.  We laughed as I teasingly ridiculed her skill as a photographer.  While we carried on, I felt a warm appreciation for Julie, regardless of her denial.  Putting myself in her shoes, I admitted I might have done the same.

Figuring she might be sore from her morning work, I moved behind her seated form and from a standing position, started rubbing her massive shoulders.  She continued babbling for a few more minutes while I worked both hands into one shoulder, then the other.  I really was grateful to have her.  What would have life been like with just Patricia, Sara, and…shudder, Kenna as my mates…

The combination of warmth from the sun on my back, the clean smell of nature, and sound of Julie talking of inconsequential things relaxed me deeply.  I was so tuned out from the world for those few moments, that I didn’t even realize it when my hands had progressed from rubbing her shoulders to massaging her breasts.  Snapping out of my reverie, I had realized she had stopped talking.  She breathed deeply and rolled her head back onto my shoulder, obviously enjoying my efforts.

What the hell had just happened?  I pulled my hands back as if I’d been burned.  I didn’t even think about doing it, it just…happened.  Like it was the most natural thing in the world.  Where had that come from?  Julie was a friend.  We had had sex before, of course...  But it was just that – sex, not lovemaking.  In every other way our relationship was strictly platonic.   

“Julie.  I’m…really sorry.  I didn’t mean to do that.  It won’t happen again.”

“Alex, it’s okay.  I’m not upset.  It felt…nice. 

“Let’s face it, you’ve done little else these past months besides housework and providing sexual favors for women.  Is it really so shocking that it might start to come naturally to you?”  She turned around to meet my eyes, sympathetic.

I was speechless.

“Shit, I’ve lost track of the time.  We need to get back.  Come on.”

Walking back with her, I couldn’t help feeling the chill in my gut from what she had said.  What was happening to me?

Chapter End Notes:

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