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The room was as Spartan as they came. Barren walls, a small bed, a chest of drawers and a little table tucked into the corner. There was a rack for a set of armor and a pair of weapons but nothing else really. It was fairly small really, not something Erik would have expected to belong to a princess. It was however very neat and tidy. Erik was surprised honestly that this place could belong to such a brutal warrior.

He stood upon the table alone in the room, his host having left to clean herself up. It gave him ample opportunity to try and keep himself from shaking like a leaf. To say he was afraid was an understatement. The fact she had been able to carry him here without him pissing himself in terror was an accomplishment. He rested easy with the knowledge that both of his retainers were right outside the door now. Far closer and ready to save him should he need it. Better late than never he supposed.

The door opened and in she walked, having changed into a rather plain white tunic with a brown skirt and boots. Any traces of blood were gone from her body and her form was displayed rather nicely. She wasn't as broad as most dwarves though she was as well muscled as Lea had been. Her breasts swelled rather pleasingly, though Erik kept his gaze from them lest the dwarf take offense from his ogling and decide to cut him in half. As far as age went she looked physically his age.

"So, princey, what did you think of the fight?" Eva asked, smoothing out her skirt as she sat down.

He jolted at being addressed. "Ah, uh... well it was certainly... bloody."

Eva actually laughed at that. "Damn straight it was bloody! Fuckin' glorious! Nothing quite beats the feeling of a good bloody fight." She said.

Erik paled a little bit as she leaned upon her elbow, swallowing hard. She noted his response and snorted. "Figures, you tiny folk can't stomach a good fight. Not exactly a turn on, princey. Doesn't exactly get me all wet looking at a man who looks like he's going to piss himself at the mention of violence."

There was some bristling on Erik's part at that. A few choice words threatened to rise to his lips regarding her race; however his desire to avoid becoming a fine red smear on the table had him choke them down. She snorted at his lack of a response the air blowing out her nostrils managing to kick up a light breeze past him. Another reminder that he was indeed much smaller than even one of the shortest races.

"Well, can't fight you really since I'd just end up crushing you. Let's see... how can we test your manhood, princey..." She said, drumming her stubby fingers across her chin.

Erik made a choking sound. "I don't need my manhood tested."

"Uh huh, you might not but I don't bother with little sissies. I want an actual fuckin' man in my bed." She said.

"Ah, that's it!" The dwarven princess exclaimed, slamming her hand on the table and just narrowly missing smacking the prince. She bounded off towards her chest and started rummaging through it with a grumble.

When she returned it was with something Erik actually recognized. His eyes widened slightly as she set it down upon the table. A bottle of Eterian Whiskey! A rather fine export for the pleasure of the upper classes. She set down a shot glass on her side of the table and one fit for a homunculus on his side. She looked at the bottle with obvious affection, smirking slightly as she broke the seal.

"Your people aren't good for much, but you know your alcohol. I also don't even consider suitors that can't hold their drink, so let's see if you have a pair swinging between your legs or not!" The princess said, pouring out a bit into her shot glass and then carefully setting some out for Erik.

The prince lifted a brow. Eterian Whiskey was notorious as hands down the most potent of alcohols in the known world. One bottle was nothing to balk at. Especially one so big. Well, big for him at least. Still he supposed after his experiences up until now a drink was probably the least he could go for. Besides... it would do to have a dwarf outdrink him on a brew crafted by his own people. He lifted up his little glass and locked eyes with the giantess. He then tipped it back up over his lips and swallowed quickly.

Liquid fire travelled down his throat and had him shaking his head slightly, blinking a bit at the first drink. Eva took up her own glass and downed it easily, not a bit of discomfort showing on her face as she swallowed. Her smirk was gone as she refilled their glasses and Erik took another shot, that one going straight to his head. Again she downed another without much effect showing on her face. All she did was refill the glasses.

Erik lifted his once more. "Hmm... you know I never drank much back home, however I think my previous suitors are going to have me taking it up." He said conversationally.

Eva snorted as she downed another shot. "Don't need to tell me. My father threw waves of them at me until I killed a couple. They really stopped showing up after the castration."

The homunculus winced visibly as the third shot went down, the mental image conjured by mention of castration not exactly appetizing. Still, the alcohol was certainly taking the edge off of his fear for now. The dwarven woman waited until he was finished with his to refill both of theirs, downing the next one immediately. So casual violence seemed to be something she indulged in quite a bit... not exactly something Erik considered redeeming.

Their drinking went on into the rest of the night, both downing shot after shot. At the tenth was when a blush started to creep across Eva's freckled cheeks, which was when Erik would say he was reasonably drunk. There was a reason he drank very little as he tended to be something of a chatty drunk. They talked very little at first though eventually Erik started going at it. Currently Eva rested her elbow on the table, her finger circling her empty glass with a smirk.

"...Then she tossed me in her sandals and wore me around all day! It was a bloody nightmare!" He exclaimed.

Eva snorted in amusement, actually giggling a bit as she imagined it. "Sounds like a right fuckin' bitch. Human women... I'll never understand em'."

"You and me both! All they do is throw their weight around! Like them being taller makes them better or something!"

"The trick is laying into them. It fixes that high and mighty opinion real fast; ask two of my former human suitors." The dwarven princess said, downing another shot.

Erik laughed at that. "Sure thing, I'll punch at their toes until it works."

That mental image got Eva roaring with laughter, smacking her hand on the table. Erik immediately lost his tenuis balance and fell down, laughing as well. Why had he been so stressed out before again? Something about Eva being some scary warrior princess? Well she was a little scary but not all that bad really. When she was tipsy at least. Sober she seemed plenty scary. She refilled her glass shakily, spilling a little bit as giggles continued to wrack her body.

Impulse struck Erik as he wobbled to his feet and walked over to her glass. The rather inebriated prince promptly placed his mouth onto the glass and drank in a mouthful, swallowing the burning liquid. It hurt going down but it felt damn good in his head moments later. Eva poked him back with one stubby finger, sending the prince tumbling back into the little spill from earlier. She had an expression of mock anger.

"Hey, drink your own! It's rude to drink another person's liquor." She admonished, snatching up her drink and tipping it over her lips.

Erik slumped over. "Anyway, then she decided to stuff me between her legs all night. Got me all frustrated but no payoff at all for it!"

Eva rolled her eyes at that. "Human women. Never finish the job they start. Almost as bad as elves or homunculi women."

"Hey!" Erik said, offended on behalf of all the females of his race.

"You know it's true. You need to find yourself a good dwarf woman!"

The homunculus wobbled as he tried to stand, ending up flat on his ass. Instead of trying to work his way back to his seemingly distant glass he opted to cup his hand and drink from the puddle formed from Eva's spill. Which one was he on? His fifteenth? Twentieth? Erik was sure that big gulp of his had to count for like three or four. His body felt so numb and higher thought was really not something he found himself capable of. He simply said the first thing that popped into his head.

"You're a dwarf woman." He pointed out.

She giggled. "Damn right I am! Prettiest one you'll find this side of the mountains! Strongest one too!"

Erik stared up at her. She was rather pretty, wasn't she? How hadn't he noticed that before? She was pretty strong as well. He looked at her red right hand. Her skin was indeed red there, how had that escaped his attention before? He looked at his own hand. Pale skin. Nothing special about it. He crawled over to her right hand and poked at it, finding the flesh to indeed be actual skin.

Amused by this in her drunken state Eva promptly poked at Erik with her index finger, pinning him on his back with her pinky finger. The homunculus tried to push it up off of him, not managing to budge it an inch. It wasn't fair. Why had their Creator made the homunculi so tiny? Even the shorter races towered over them! Fairies were like double their size! After a while the homunculus started pounding at Eva's pinky, earning a giggle from her.

"Come on, I'm not even trying!" She mocked.

The little prince squirmed and writhed under her pinky, trying in vain to get out from under it. Of course his suitor thought it was the most hilarious thing she had ever seen and simply applied just a bit more pressure. After a good little while the prince simply slumped back, glaring up at the dwarven princess. She seemed most pleased by her little petty victory. She picked Erik up between the fingers of her red right hand, dangling him upside down by the leg. That certainly had the homunculi's stomach doing flip flops.

"You are weak. Need to bulk up, princey. No woman is going to want a wimp between the sheets!" She mocked.

Erik fought back a wave of nausea from being moved around too quickly. "Lea Silverhand said the same thing! Urk- Not sure why I should bother, I've got magic."

Eva's good humor vanished in an instant and Erik found himself clutched in a tight fist as he was moved uncomfortably close to the dwarven princess' face. Her green eyes were narrowed and she squeezed enough that Erik thought his organs might indeed come out of his mouth. She was certainly stronger than Amelia or the twins had been. He cried out as the air was squeezed from his lungs.

"Silverhand? You a friend of that bitch?" She demanded, her breath smelling very heavily of alcohol.

"Ah- I met her as a suitor! We talked a bit, nothing else!" Erik said, struggling to escape her grasp.

She continued to squeeze Erik for a few more moments before abruptly dropping him to the table. He landed with a thud and could see Eva practically gritting her teeth. Dazed and drunk he had forgotten about the whole, her having taken her eye thing. It made sense that they were probably not the best of friends.

"She's kinda nice though. Nicest suitor on the list so far." He said aloud, sighing.

Eva snorted. "She's an uptight bitch with a stick up her ass."

"Why'd you cut out her eye?" Erik questioned, ignoring the bodily harm he'd just experienced.

The blushing and drunken giantess frowned. "It was in a fight. She cut off my hand, I cut out her eye." She said.

"But you still have both hands."

She lifted up her red right hand. "A god gave me the new one. Said some shit, told me to keep fighting, like I needed to be told or something."

Erik nodded like what she had just said made perfect sense. In reality he wasn't much one for religion. The homunculi were unique in that they knew exactly who had created them. They owed nothing to a god; rather instead it was to the human mage Eteria. As such religion didn't enter into homunculi culture. The prince himself didn't believe in all powerful beings like that. There was this world and its laws. Even magic had some grounding in reality. He knew magic existed since he could use it, he had never seen a god before.

"Your hand is beautiful." Erik said.

She blinked and looked at him. "You think so huh? You don't think it's scary or strange?"

He shook his head. "You are scary and strange, but I wish I had a red hand. It's unique."

Eva laughed at that and looked at her own hand with something approaching affection. The anger from before was gone and in its place there was something approaching vulnerability. She really was rather beautiful herself. How her red hair was half spilling down one half of her face, the way the light played off of her green eyes, that little dimple on her right cheek. Everything about her screamed desirable to the homunculus at the moment.

He managed to get up and wobble over to her regular hand and then he promptly knelt down and kissed at her fingers. It seemed like a good idea at the moment. He didn't know much about romance but one was supposed to kiss the things they found beautiful right? Her green eyes fell upon him as he kissed at her, pressing him lips against the rough skin of her fingers. She giggled and picked him up by the arm, grinning widely at him.

"Nice try, princey but that ain't a kiss." She said.

The next moment Erik found himself pressed up against her full and rather plush lips, his face sinking into the cushiony flesh. He felt his body melt into the kiss, letting himself sink into her affection. In his drunken stupor he could think of nothing more desirable than being kissed by this red haired giantess. After a long moment he was pulled away from her lips and stared into her lustful green eyes.

"That is how you kiss someone."

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