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Erik grunted as the carriage rolled along a rough patch of road, feeling each and every bump along the way. It was a lovely thing really; a product of very advanced golem crafting in that it required no horses to get where it was going. Its elegant metal frame was both durable and very beautifully crafted, a work of art as much as a mode of transportation. The interior was both comfortable and suited for long rides through the countryside. Truly it was gift he would have normally delighted in, now however there was not so much joy.

There was one tiny little issue about the whole construct: it was scaled for human use. While homunculi and humans might have outwardly looked the same, their scale differences were quite noticeable. Hence why the prince sat upon a rather plush cushion on one of the seats, the thing easily able to serve as his bed. Compared to a human the average homunculus was a mere two and a half inches tall. Something the prince was made constantly aware of by his surroundings and his companion.

The well-dressed older gentleman sitting across from him idly looked through the curtains over the window. "It appears we are nearing the castle, your grace." He said, his tone soft and respectful.


Erik had been hoping that his attendant would end up being another homunculus; however it seemed his father wanted him to feel utterly out of place beyond Eteria. Lucius was one of the few human residents in Eteria and a servant to the royal family, skilled in combat magic, tact, and possessed access to a large network of spies. Normally Erik found him pleasant to converse with however most of the two week journey from Eteria had seen him stewing in his own silence. The older man sighed at his charge's obvious lack of enthusiasm and allowed the curtains to fall back into their place.

Humans didn't bother him, not really. Certainly they could be big or imposing, but so was pretty much every other race out there to the homunculi. However most of his dealings with humans had been in a place of comfort and security, both of which he was lacking here. Well, security was why he supposed Lucius was along but comfort at least was lacking. He felt like a tiny doll resting on such a large cushion!

Finally after a few more minutes of silence he felt the dirt road become much more stable and less bumpy, no doubt signaling they were very close to their destination. Erik let out a slow breathing, running his fingers through his hair as he tried to calm himself. Everything was going to be alright. This was just a formality and at the end he could politely refuse interest. A day was nothing. He could endure a day.

He turned his gaze upwards towards Lucius, raising his voice to be more easily heard by the relative giant. "What can you tell me about... what was her name again?"

Lucius sighed. "Princess Marie Delacour. Please do try to remember her name, your grace; it would not do to insult her as she no doubt memorized yours."

Erik waved a hand errantly. "Right, right, anyway what do you know of her."

"She is rather far down the line of succession, below two brothers and two sisters. She recently turned eighteen this past spring and is all around rather unremarkable. No great feats or accomplishments. Although..."

The prince didn't like how his retainer trailed off there. "Although what?"

Lucius cleared his throat. "Ahem, she is a tad... well, not exactly as academic as you might be used to."

The prince snorted. "She would need to work fairly hard to match my academic prowess."

"That's not exactly... you know what, you'll find out."

Erik supposed she didn't sound immediately dreadful. Unremarkable was something he could work with and since she was down lower in the line of succession he wouldn't need to worry too much about politics. Who could say, it might just be quicker to say yes to this one and just return home with the news. His father would have what he wanted and Erik could research away once more unhindered.

The carriage came to a stop and Lucius stood, offering a white gloved hand to his prince. The young homunculus stood and walked primly onto the surface, bracing himself upon the human's thumb. Moments like this, where he stood upon the steady hand of his retainer reminded him just how small his people were. Perhaps it was a good thing every homunculus possessed such natural durability; otherwise a single misstep from a member of the larger races could very well be fatal.

With his charge in hand Lucius opened the door to the carriage and stepped outside, each step still managing to shake Erik up a bit. The pair emerged into a large courtyard of a rather storybook looking castle. Large spires of clean and white stone stretched up seemingly forever, armored knights standing about here or there. A fountain was in the very center, a gentle flow of water escaping from the stone urn held by a mermaid statue. The air smelled crisp and clean and the sky was clear and blue. Truly a good day.

As one who didn't get out much Erik's response to the daylight was to cover his eyes a bit, prompting Lucius to cup his other hand in the direction where the sun was shining down. The prince nodded in satisfaction of his retainer's artificial shade. Fortunately they were not kept waiting overly long as a servant dressed in white livery trotted up to them, snapping off a quick bow. Erik didn't miss the raised eyebrow he send his way, earning a rather sharp prick at his pride. Just because he was small did not lessen his standing!

"Prince Erik Lostrem, her grace awaits your company in the garden. If you would both accompany me."

Erik collected himself and gave Lucius a quick nod. The older man followed after his fellow servant, his pace slow and careful to avoid disrupting his charge's standing abilities. To say this larger world was intimidating was rather an understatement. Everything was just so... big! The people, the buildings, even the plants looked much too big. He supposed it was rather a good idea to send Lucius along in this case. Considering his size, getting around in this world on his own would be rather difficult.

Their escort easily navigated the halls of the castle and eventually Lucius removed his other hand from its place of providing shade. Erik could feel his heart racing the closer they came to their destination. Despite himself he was nervous. His father was expecting him to pick out a woman who stood at the size of Lucius? To actually engage with and speak to them? And then actually marry one? He fitted nicely in the palm of his retainer's hand and if they were standing side by side he wouldn't even come up to his ankle. The very idea seemed ludicrous!

Eventually they entered a rather scenic looking garden, a rainbow of flowers sprouting up all around the place. A single solitary tree stretched up, providing shade to a small table and a set of chairs. The hedges were obviously meticulously tended to, all square and measured carefully. The grass was as green and healthy as Erik had ever seen. There was even a little stone path leading to the sitting area.

Sitting under the tree was the woman he was to meet. Marie Delacour certainly looked the part of the classically beautiful princess. She was fair skinned, possessed long blonde hair pulled into a braid with bangs framing her youthful face, blue eyes and high cheekbones. Her slim form was wreathed in a voluminous gold and white dress, a pair of almost crystalline slippers on her feet that peeked out when she gently lifted the skirt to curtsey. A silver circlet encrusted with sapphires was set upon her brow.

Erik felt his breath taken away at the very sight of her. Without a doubt she was the most beautiful woman, human or homunculus, he had ever seen. She stared at him in wide eyed wonder just as he stared at her in shock. His tongue had gone dry and words failed him as he was brought closer to her. He hadn't exactly had much in the way of experience dealing with human women, or women in general for that matter. For the moment his almost narcissistic arrogance was gone.

Eventually Lucius stopped before the royal blooded woman and clicked his heels together, standing ramrod straight. "I present Prince Erik Lostrem, son of Mage-King Fredrick Lostrem of Eteria. Master of Illusionism, Vice-Director of Golem Design and Manufacture, Holder of thirteen separate patents on various inventions, and second in line for the throne of Eteria." The man stated crisply.

Lucius held out his hand slightly and Erik swelled out his chest and stood as tall as he could, no doubt looking rather ridiculous standing in the palm of his servant's hand. "It is a pleasure, Princess Delacour to meet with you on this finest of summer days." He said.

"The pleasure is mine, Prince Lostrem." She said, her voice bubbly and cheery.

Lucius held his hand upon the table to allow Erik to step off. The prince promptly did so, finding himself surrounded by the towering structures of teacups and a massive ceramic pot. The plates and silverware present were also ludicrously big, all being much bigger than he by far. It was dizzying to be so out of place, to be so small in comparison to everything around him. Just two weeks ago he had sat at a normal table, now he had to sit on a table. There wasn't even a chair to sit on.

Marie's servant pulled her chair out and she primly seated herself down. Her movements were elegant and measured, the very definition of proper. In comparison Erik's felt awkward. He had never cared much about maintaining a noble bearing, his cool arrogance typically filled in the gap. For the first few moment there was silence as he stared up and across the table at Marie and she down at him.

Lucius cleared his throat. "If it pleases you both, perhaps I and my fellow might retrieve something for you to sup on?"

Erik was prepared to politely refuse but Marie's voice beat him out. "Oh yes, please! I haven't eaten all day I was so nervous!"

Well, that made two of them at least. Erik watched in despair as both servants promptly left, leaving him alone in the garden with this young woman. Logically he knew there was nothing to be intimidated by; they were just two royals meeting for a pleasant day together. However he just couldn't get over how massive she was. He was around Lucius all the time but he wasn't intimidating really. Maybe it was the fact that there was some expectation he actually marry this princess. Whatever ring might fit on her finger could serve as a belt for him!

He cleared his throat. "Pleasant day we are having no?"

"It is pretty, isn't it?"

Silence. Eventually it was broken again by Erik.

"That is a... um, very pretty dress, milady."

Her eyes lit up at the compliment. "Thank you! It was a gift from daddy for my birthday! He said it was made in... um... Eder... Edera..." She said, trailing off as her face scrunched up in thought.

"Ederath?" Erik suggested.

"Yes, that's the one! Supposedly there are elves there!" She said with a smile.

Ederath was indeed an elven nation... which directly bordered Marie's nation to the south. And had supposedly been their allies for centuries. Erik shook it off. Not everyone was good at accurate geography or history he supposed. Besides she seemed pleasant enough and carried herself well.

"So how was your journey, Prince Lostrem?"

"It was well enough. Rather uneventful if I'm being honest though I suppose that is better than the alternative." He said at length.

Marie's face looked somewhat blank. "Than the what?"

Erik blinked. "The alternative. The thing that could have been but wasn't. Like being attacked or having a wheel get broken."

"Ah! Sorry."

Okay so she was a little lacking on some of her language. Not... the worst he supposed. He made a mental note to try and keep his vocabulary less advanced. The princess promptly took up her teapot and started to pour them both some tea, the movements flawless as always. Erik stared at his own cup forlornly, watching Marie sip at her own cheerily. She gave him a look and stared at him for a few moments before slapping a hand against her forehead.

"Oops! Sorry, not used to supping with a tiny person!" She said, looking around for a solution.

Erik kept his cool. At least until soft fingers wrapped around his body suddenly. Air was squeezed from his lungs from the rather careless grip, his arms pinned at his side by a prison of flesh. Marie hummed as she lifted the overly large teacup and pressed it to the tiny prince's lips, no doubt proud of her solution to this culinary issue. She lightly tipped the cup back and any protests Erik could possibly vocalize were quite literally drowned out as the gallons of tea rushed towards his mouth.

It actually tasted rather good, possessed of an almost minty edge to it. Normally Erik might well have enjoyed it... if it wasn't being poured down his throat. He was forced to take in gulp after gulp of the hot liquid, scalding his tongue. It was obviously meant for sipping and to a normal human the little tipping of the cup was no doubt a mere sip. To the little prince however it was a flood of tea that was restricting his breathing and burning at his mouth. When he did try to breathe it only got in his airway, making matters worse.

After a few moments of this absolute torture Marie set the teacup down, setting the tiny prince in the palm of her hand. Erik coughed and sputtered, taking in short gasps of air as his eyes watered. He was on his hands and knees, the soft flesh below yielding rather like a cushion might. However unlike a cushion he had just felt how easily it could constrict him. He looked up at Marie, a distraught look on his face.

"What- *cough*- was that!?" He cried.

Marie blinked. "Well, I helped you drink the tea, silly."

"I could have just done it myself!"

The giantess giggle slightly. "No you couldn't, you can't lift the cup! You can't drink the tea if you can't lift the cup."

"I could have just sipped from the edge." He retorted, coughing once again rather pitifully.

The princess placed a finger against her chin and looked like she was deep in thought. "Oh yeah, I guess that would work. Huh."

Erik knew in that moment, beyond the shadow of a doubt that the princess holding him was a complete airhead. It's obvious she wasn't malevolent or trying to screw with him, she legitimately hadn't thought of any other way he could drink tea. He was stuck with an airheaded princess many times his size without anyone around. And he had to spend the rest of the day with her. Most of it without anyone else supervising them most likely.

It was in that moment that he knew what the word 'screwed' meant.

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