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Tyler had been at Madi’s feet for a while, his tongue sliding over her soft foot, exploring her sole and its many cracks and crevices. Little did the giantess know, but he had dreamed of this moment for such a long time. He loved it, loved the taste, lover her foot, loved everything. Wanted nothing more than for this moment to last a lifetime.

“Ok, you can stop.” He barely registered Madi’s words. “Tyler,” she said down after a second. He just continued licking and kissing. “Tyler,” she said again, the same response. “Tyler!” she yelled. He looked up.

“Oh… yeah, Madi?”

“You looked like you were really enjoying that.”

“No, of course i wasn’t,” Tyler instantly replied, backing up from her lovely toes. “I just…”

“Loved being at my feet,” Madi finished.

“No, I…”

“It's ok Tyler. Having a foot fetish is nothing to be ashamed of.”

“But…” He stopped. What would the point had been.

“I’m glad to see you think me feet are so lovely though.”

“They are nice,” he admitted.

Madi glanced over at the clock, make a disappointed face. “It’s getting late. We should probably get to sleep.”

“Good idea.”


Tyler rolled over, his hand absently rubbing over his bed, a smile creeping onto his features not for the first time that night. Once he got over the smell, his sleeping arrangements were actually rather comfortable. His mattress, Madi’s soft sole. His pillow, the chubby little folds in her skin. His blanket, the massive fabric of her sock nestled closely against his naked body.

Madi had insisted that he sleep inside her sock. At first Tyler had protested, offering instead to simply sleep on her pillow beside her. The giant wasn’t about to let him off that easy. “Tyler, you're too tiny and cute not to sleep in my sock,” was her explanation why. With her adorable cheeks red, her golden hair falling over her face, her feet calling silently, how was he supposed to say no?

So he slept, comfortable against her sole, his hand making slight circles as he rubbed. Every once in a while he would turn and plant a tiny kiss on her foot, sometimes even a lick for good measure. He slept well that night.


The doorbell charmed when Madi’s finger pressed the button. She waited then, patiently at her friends door, her tiny Tyler safely hidden inside her pocket. Hopefully Mia wasn’t too surprised at the news.

The door opened, the tall, beautiful Hispanic girl already smiling. “Oh, hey Madi,” she said in her light hearted way. “What’s up?”

“Oh, you know. The usual.”

“Cool. You need something?”

“Yeah, actually. You know Tyler?”

“I’ve met him.” Madi failed to notice the slightly mocking half smile.

“Well, I’ve got a surprise for you then.” She reached into her pocket, cupping Tyler protectively in her fist. “Look.” She brought her hand up, uncurling her fingers, letting the girl see what she held.

“Oh wow,” Mia said, almost laughing. “What happened?”

“He got shrunk somehow.”

Mia shook her head, still chuckling. “Damn Tyler, you just can’t stay normal sized, can you?”

“Its harder than it looks,” the boy responded.

“Right. Anyway, Madi, I’m guessing you wanted to give him to me.”

“Well…” Madi started, trying not to seem like she was just pawning him off on her, like Tyler was some sort of a burden. “yeah.”

“It’s fine. I’ll take care of our mischievous friend.”

“Thanks Mia.” She passed Tyler to the other girl, who held him carefully in her open palm, looking down at his little body. He looked so tiny, so cute.

“Want to come in and do something?” Mia then asked, almost seductively. At least that’s how it sounded in Tyler’s sex crazed mind.

“Oh, damn. I wish i could really, but…”

“It's fine. Go. Really. I’ve got some fun stuff i want to try out with our friend.”

Madi smiled. “Nothing too humiliating, Okay?”

“No promises.”

“I’ll just trust you then. Thanks a lot, really.”

“No problem,” Mia said one more time. She waved goodbye as the girl turned to leave, soon shutting the door. One glance down at the small boy in her palm was enough to bring back all her memories of that ski trip some time ago. She couldn’t wait for things to get fun again.

“So Mia,” Tyler said, easily reading the giant’s emotions. “What are you in the mood to do?”

“How about a car ride.”

“What?” Tyler asked, confused at how a car ride could be that sexual. he was expecting foot worship, or brutal humiliation, or kissing, or being trapped in her shoe. A car ride? That was just cruel.

“Because, my mom needs to go to the store and she needs me to drive there.”

“That sounds so lame though. I was hoping we could do something fun.”

“Well, I was thinking you could come with me.”

“Like, in your pocket?”

Mia laughed again at the boy’s innocence. “I was thinking I could put you somewhere else.”


“I want to see how you feel as a seat cushion.”


“Come on Tyler,” Mia said before he could fully comprehend what she meant. “It’ll be fun.” She tenderly reached out, plucking his tiny nude body up from her palm, lightly grasping him between her forefinger and thumb.

“For how long?” the boy soon asked, almost worriedly

“No more than an hour or two.”

He thought about it for a moment. “Don’t fart or anything.”

“I’ll try not to.”

“Then fine.”

“I knew you would warm up to the idea. You’re such a good little tiny person.”

“I try.” Mia moved her hand around to her backside, her other reaching into her waistband. A second later and Mia’s tiny toy was sliding down between her butt cheeks, her waistband snapping shut. This was going to be a fun trip.

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