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You awoke the following morning at around 6:47. Your alarm would've gone off at 7 so you decided to lay there in bed and wait. As you lay there, you suddenly remembered that you had to once again face the bully's and Charlotte for another two days until the weekend.

'Uhh!" You sighed just as your alarm went off.

Despite you being awake for a few minutes, you were still tired as your injuries kept you from sleeping through most of the night. As you stood up and slipped your feet into your slippers, you noticed that your bruises had turned a dark purple type colour but at least the pain was gone.

Breakfast was the same as usual, two slices of toast which had a shed load of butter layered on top. As you sat down at the kitchen table, to nibble slowly on your meal to hopefully slow the process of getting to school to face the wrath of the entire year in your face. Your two sisters followed down a few minutes later. Tilly as always, was much happier than Chloe. Chloe went to the all girls school that neighboured my all boys school, however Tilly, had nothing wrong with her, but she was always homeschooled by our neighbour who just happened to be a mentor herself. Mum had already gone to work and dad was always away on business trips and other 'important' things.

Eventually, you hauled yourself into your school clothes, did your hair, sorted out your books for the day, and wandered down the stairs towards the front door. You were running a few mintues late, as your injuries slowed you down when putting your clothes on. This made you rush down the stairs in order to catch up the time. As you reached the bottom of the stairs you felt a sharp pain, erupt from your head. This caused you to close your eyes as you gently rub the top of your head, to hopefully numb the pain.

But when you opened your eyes......

Nothing happened. Gotcha! :)

No seriously, something big really did happen. That really big thing was that all your surroundings were suddenly enormous.

"What....... What...... How....... Huh......" you stumbled your words in utter shock. "How could this be?!" you thought still in utter shock.

Before any of this situation had sunk in, booming footsteps grew substantially closer. Looming from the hallway came the massive feet of your now colossal sister. Chloe came stomping towards you as you stood rooted to the floor in terror. She looks around for you before booming at the top of her voice.

"Joe! Have you gone yet?" she called out unaware that you were just meters away, shrunken to around a few inches on the floor. Her shouting at normal height was loud, but at your new size, it had completely rattled you. As she heard no response she assumed that you had already left for school. "Stupid boy left without his school bag" she muttered amusingly to herself noticing it right next to where you were standing.

At first you thought that she'd seen you, as you started jumping in the air with total optimism as she took only a few steps towards you. However when you saw that she went to grab your school bag, your heart sunk as your saw the dark shadowy figure of the bottom of her sock come plummeting towards you. You could only stare as the cotton sock fell on top of your stunned body.

Unfortunately for you, Chloe couldn't feel your tiny body flatten under her foot. The pain was exhaustingly painful, with your body ready to burst at any moment. Plus, to make it even worse for you... you had stuck to the surface of her sock.

She quickly hurried your bag upstairs which added tons upon tons of pressure onto your helpless body. The dizziness, the confusion, the excruciating pain were all unbearable. Once she'd put your bag back into your room, she hopped over to her own room to finish getting herself ready for school. The final thing she had to do was slip her shoes on. As you were lifted off the ground, you were horrified to see the deep, dark hole that stank of odour.

The darkness quickly consumed you, as she put more pressure back onto you, squishing you into the sole of her shoe and the sole of her foot. The stench was now starting to become increasingly worse for you. Chloe headed downstairs said goodbye to Tilly and headed off to school where her best friend Anais was waiting for her outside the house. Somehow, you had to get her attention, but first, you had to escape her shoe.
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