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The next morning started just as any other morning did. You awoke to the ear splitting drone of an alarm clock going off. To get rid of the annoying sound you stretched out your arm to hopefully find the snooze button or something to shut it up. Unfortunately, you were too far away to reach it which meant you had to go through the effort of sitting up to stop the noise. Grunting loudly (as every teenage boy does) you sit up but then notice something strange. "Oh god I really did shrink" you gasped wrapping your hands around the back of your shaken head.

Before it could sink in again a shadow came towering above you. You looked up in horror to see Chloe's boulder like boobs swing down on you. The entire left boob smothered your whole body under its fleshy body, sticking you to the bed. Her whole body weight piled on top of you, pushing imence pressure down on your defenceless, fragile little body.

For Chloe, she'd just woken up after a good, restful night sleep, only to be rudely woken by her alarm, which signalled yet another boring day at school. "If only something interesting would happen in my life" she thought to herself. Down under the weight of her massive boob, you could do nothing but just lie their and squirm helplessly, praying that you would get her to feel you. Luckily for you she did, however she didn't immediately remember the events from the previous day.

"What's this?" she said pinching you between her slender fingers, swooping you up to her eye to get a better look at you.

"Chloe!" you cried up to her, "Chloe its me Joe your younger brother!"

"Wait?...... Joe? I thought it was just a dream." "No it's really real, and you nearly crushed me." you shouted back at her holding your arm which took the majority of her weight.

"Oh God I'm so sorry" she said moving you closer to give you a hug, but thought otherwise just afterwards.

"No no it's not as bad as it is looks" you said hoping that she'd not be able to see through your lie.

"Oh Joe I just can't go 15 minutes without put you in some sort of danger now can I. I know what I'll do."

She took you in your hand and slowly walked out of her room and into Tilly's room. Tilly was still in bed holding a few used tissues in her hand.

"Chloe, please don't come closer, this cold is quite bad". she ordered under her 'blocked' nose.

"Ok, it's just there's something extremely important that I need to tell you" she said sitting down on the edge of Tilly's unmade bed. Your little sister sat up, filled with curiosity.

"Well, what is it then" she asked before 'blowing' her nose into the tissues.

As Chloe uncovered her hands from you, you look d up to see the confused face of your sister as Chloe explained in as much detail your situation.

"As you've got the day off, I was wondering if you'd be able to take care of him today" Chloe finished moving her hand towards Tilly's face which ran with different emotions.

In your head, you couldn't quite imagine what it would be like with her. Most of the time she was a real pain in the ass, but surely she would be quite sensible about this. She was just starting to hit puberty so maybe, her child like playfulness would start to disappear. Tilly looked at you with a smile, thought for a brief moment before holding out her hand next to Chloe's. At first you hesitated, and looked back at Chloe, who gave you an encouraging look. This gave you the confidence to trust your younger sister, stepping onto her soft, tender hand. Her body shook as she felt your tiny figure touch her skin for the first time. Knowing that everything was restored, Chloe left leaving the two of your in her room. She came back just before she left for school to say a final goodbye, before locking the door behind her. As Chloe walked down the road, Tilly brought you up to her face and gave you another innocent smile.

"Shall we begin?"
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