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By the time Mirielle arrived at the house, she had decided she absolutely had to try Michael. She needed to feel him down there. Several ideas started playing through her mind as to how she might be able to use him, what delights she might tease from her flesh. Also during the time she was driving out to the house, she contemplated the possible ways he might have gotten himself into this situation. She had to set aside possible or plausible and consider everything. Given how Madison was talking and the approach she was taking, it had to stem from the old flower peddler. Like something out a Stephen King book or to that effect. She had seen Michael yesterday and he appeared to be fine. Less than twenty-four hours later, size small. A gypsy curse? She couldn’t be sure, but the more she thought about, the less irrational it became. Beyond that, she had also sparked an idea of sorts, or at least the skeleton of an idea with a lot of potential promise. It was ambitious and for it to work, she needed to assert her position over the girls, play the ‘responsible adult’ card.

Ringing the doorbell, the girl named Gennifer greeted her, taking her into the home into what appeared to be a sort of TV viewing room or games room.

Madison was lounging in a recliner, her diminutive brother seated on the bare flesh of her décolletage, eyes downcast.

“Mirielle,” Madison said warmly, welcoming her with a smile, “we are so pleased you have returned.”

Mirielle returned the smile, “How could I not?” she stated, extended a hand toward Michael.

“Indeed,” Maddie replied, putting a hand to her chest, holding Michael securely as she leaned forward and closed the foot rest on the recliner. Rising to her feet, she shift Michael into her hand.

“It was the lady selling flowers who did this to him, wasn’t it?” Mirielle asked.

Madison nodded, stepping closer to the older woman, extending her hand, Michael lying on his side in the palm. “His lust for you, made you a dupe. As much a victim as Adelina by his actions and you deserve to exact some measure of restitution from him, to help him appreciate the consequences of his deeds,” she said, raising her eyebrows to emphasize her point.

Mirielle nodded. “You’re right but,” she pursed her lips, look speculative.

“There are no buts, well,” she laughed, “There are butts, but that would be between you and him. You can’t tell me this whole circumstance hasn’t gotten you a little damp between the thighs with anticipation?”

Mirielle had be around Mortimer enough to realize the origin of Madison’s intelligence and the single purpose of her mind. She was a shark and Michael had wounded her, and grievously to the point where she had chosen this path over any other. For her plan to work, she needed to redirect the girl’s focus.

“I agree. Michael’s machinations have made me partially responsible and his behavior has been reckless and without consideration for anyone other than his selfish ego, but, and again with the infamous but,” she said. “How long can you keep him like this?”

Madison grinned, the expression seemed almost diabolical, “For the rest of his life,” she said coolly, closing her fingers around him.

Nodding, reddish gold hair bobbing, “That is true,” Mirielle chuckled.

“I rather think I prefer him this way,” Madison said, amused smile playing on the corners of her sensual mouth.

“For now, what happens when the novelty wears off?”

“Did you just drive out here to ask me that, or are you interested to see what little tricks the girls and I have taught him?” Maddie asked, sidelong grin, extending her right hand toward his sister.

Mirielle grinned back, extending her hand, “Oh no, it would be a lie if I didn’t say I was absolutely curious. I’ve got a few notions about how he and I will make amends for what he has done and the position he has put me in,” she assured.

Madison paused, opening her fingers and basically pouring him into Mirielle’s hand.

Bringing him closer to her chest, Mirielle looked down at him, his tiny body huddled in the center of her hand.

Landing in Mirielle’s palm, he caught a hint of the lotion she used, vanilla? He kept his head down, almost frightened to look up. He didn’t like the tenor of the conversation and was desperately hoping Mirielle was just alluding to some scheme to get him away from Madison.

Amber got up off the couch, extending a hand for Mirielle to sit, “You can start here if you like,” she said.

Eyes still on Michael, she shook her head, “No offense to any of you girls, you’re all very beautiful, but I was hoping I might enjoy settling accounts with him on my own,” she said, tracing her lower lip with the tip of her pink tongue.

“We’re all girlfriends here,” offered Gennifer, smiling broadly.

Mirielle looked up at the dark haired girl, “I know you all are and that you’ve shared him together, but I think it would feel a lot awkward to me. At least the first time,” she said, returning the smile.

Madison raised a hand to silence a protest from Raven. “It’s alright, you can use one of the spare bedrooms upstairs for privacy,” she stated.

Mirielle nodded, lifting Michael a little closer to her eye level, “Remarkable,” she chuckled.

“Here, let me show you the way,” offered Madison, walking out of the room.

Following the younger girl, Mirielle brought her hand close to her chest so as to avoid accidently dropping tiny Michael.

Walking to the upper floor, Maddie led Mirielle to a nicely appointed bedroom.

“Thank you,” Mirielle said, setting Michael down on the corner of the green colored duvet.

Madison grinned at her brother before looking back to Mirielle, relaying to her where the toileting facilities were for this level before bidding her enjoy and closing the door behind her.


Chapter End Notes:

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