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The force of Sian's colossal foot crashing down just meters away from my frozen body, threw me to the floor up. Looking over my shoulder, Sian dropped her towel to the floor. The strong breeze from it knocked me back over onto my back.

By the time I'd gotten back up to my feet, Sian had stepped into the shower. The hot steam covered up the walls of the cubicle, preventing me from staring at her figure through the glass. Ignoring my perverted thoughts, it became my primary objective to get Sian's attention, not to get Sian horny.

Slowly making my way over to the cubicle, I started to question to myself, how was I going to get her to see me? What would it take to make her notice me, when I'm like she said, "bug sized". Soon I had reached the opening to the walk-in shower, where I was now edging my way through the small pond at the bottom of the shower.

Now next to her left foot, I tilted my head all the way up, eyeing Sian's face that stood a good few hundred meters above me. Her hand, with a bar of soap clenched within its grasp, gently stroked over the front of her body.

Looking back down at her foot, I knew that there was only one way to get her to notice me, and standing on the floor next to her, was not the greatest plan. I had to get to Sian face, so that hopefully she'd be able to get a closer look at me, and see me as me, not as a bug.

I stepped onto the top of her foot. Immediately, I was faced with a huge problem. My plan was to grab hold of her leg hair, and scale up her leg like that, but unfortunately, she'd recently shaved her legs, leaving no possible way to climb up her legs. Still filled with the hope and the optimism that I could make it, I threw myself up her leg, wanting to grab onto something that would boost me up.

Nothing happened. I fell back down her leg, off her foot, and landed with a splash into the pool below. Frustrated, I kicked the water around me. I looked back up to her, praying that I would be able to think of something else that could help me get my girlfriend's attention.

Just then, the bar of soap in her hands slipped out of her grip. It came tumbling down towards me. I ran frantically to my left to dodge the hard white block. As it landed, it sent a huge tsunami across everything around it. Looking back, I noticed a cascading wave floating above me before coming down on me.

The wave knocked me over, carrying me a down its path until I hit something hard. It was the huge bar of soap that had saved me from slipping down the drain. I was about to get up again before Sian's hand swooped down on me, scooping me in her hand between her thumb and the soap.

The soap was dragged up her body back to her chest where she'd been washing. She then continued to scrub the bar of soap all over her body. My world spun in every possible direction as she unknowingly draped my body across her.

When she started to clean her boobs, the front end of my body was forced into their wet, bouncy forms. Sian then moved down to her belly, slowly edging down her legs and to her toes. In this tiresome experience, I must've swallowed half of the soapy suds produced from the bar. It was a taste that I couldn't rid from my mouth, even after countless times spitting some out with some of the water dripping down Sian's body.

Then, the water stopped. Sian stepped out the shower, shivering due to the sudden change in temperature. I expected her to pick up her towel and leave but instead, I was chucked with the bar of soap into a deep dark pit. Looking around and noticing other feminine beauty products such as eyeliner, and lipgloss, I realised I was now in Sian's wash bag.

I looked, helplessly as the zip at the top of the bag blocked any light from entering the pit, reducing me to pitch black. The bag was lifted as Sian exited the shower and then tossed onto the bed, sending me flying along with the other objects here inside with me.

After I'd gathered my bearings, I lay down on top of the bar, exhausted from that dramatic audial. Momments later, I heard Sian leave the bedroom, and then leaving the house with Charlotte and Betsy.

"Is Joe not coming with us" Betsy questioned as Sian closed the front door.

"It's weird, I can't see, to find him anywhere" she frowned back.

"Oh, that's a shame" Betsy replied dreaming about the time she could've spent with me that afternoon.

"I'm sure he's fine. We'll see him when we get back" Charlotte added, trying to scrape into the conversation about me.

"Well it's not like he's going to abandon the cottage. He'd never leave you" Betsy cheered wrapping her arms around my girlfriend trying to cheer her up.

"You think so?" Sian asked looking up to her friend.

"Of course I'm sure. I've seen the way he looks at you and girl, he is so into you and you just can't quite see it yet, but you will."

"I wish he looked at me the way he looked at you" Charlotte whispered under her breath to herself.

"What's was that?" the other two asked looking over to Charlotte.

"Oh never mind it was just that........ It's really cold out here" she replied trying to change the subject slightly.

"Oh ok then, you should put on some gloves then. Here have mine" Betsy said slipping her pink cotton gloves off her slender fingers, and passing them to Charlotte. The three girls then headed off into the woods to collect the firewood.

Meanwhile, back in the wash bag, I'd been sitting there for about half an hour, waiting for something to happen. It was then, when I heard the bedroom door swing open, followed by some heavy footsteps.

I felt so glad that Sian had returned, so I started knocking on the walls, hoping that she would see it moving and find me. My plan seemed to have worked. The zip was opening, I could see daylight again!

However the face that greeted me wasn't Sian's beautiful face. It was Anais. Her face beamed with joy as she looked straight down on me. Could she see me? How did she know I was here? Did she know something about the tablet?

All these questions raced through my mind before her hand slipped in and snatched the bar out of the bag, with me still on it.

"Aha, I knew it would be in here" she giggled to herself.

As I managed to pop my head out from between her hand and the soap, I noticed that Anais had a towel around her body. It was then that it struck me. Anais was going to use Sian's bar of soap for herself in the shower, and guess what that meant for me?
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