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Part 9

Neil could see he?d upset Megan?and felt good about it?until she lifted her foot over him. It was like slow motion, he watched as her slipper rose high into the air, and for a brief moment hover over him.

His mind raced?was she really going to snuff him out? The sole of her slipper became clearer and clearer as it speedily descended toward him. He just stood and watched, didn?t have time to move?not even time to drop to his knees it was happening way too fast.

He thought the last thing he?d ever see was that sole?the white rubber sole of her house slipper! He was wrong?at the last moment her foot diverted and landed with and almighty thump, which sent vibrations up, through his entire body. The Air that was displaced by her foot whooshed past him?almost blowing him over.

Once it settled he heard a slight whimper above just as his bladder gave way and his knees deserted him.

Megan stepped over the little figure that cowered at her feet; she switched off the light and after removing her slippers she got into bed.

Neil lay still?he was in shock, he hadn?t even noticed her step past him or the closeness her foot came as she walked back to her bed in the darkness.

His life had flashed before him in that one terrifying moment?a moment he would never forget!

He never heard Megan cry herself to sleep, or her mum open the door to check on her little girl?the shock had hit him hard.

* * * *

It was 3am before Neil actually began to awaken to his surroundings; he sat up and could see next to nothing except for the time that glowed red on the digital clock radio next to Megan?s bed on the bedside table.

He shivered against the cold night air. His make shift toga still damp from his earlier accident. He needed to find somewhere warm?but being so dark it was hard.

Blocking his mind of the earlier incident he got to his feet and decided it was time to move on.

For a teenage girl her room was pretty clean?there wasn?t even an old sock he could use, even the towel that she used to dry her hair was neatly placed over the back of a chair, well out of his reach. He walked around the chair and looked to the back of the dresser?still there was nothing. He walked over to the bed and stood below just looking up as he could hear her heavy breathing?she was sound asleep.

He wished he was home?with Tracy, he wouldn?t be cold then?no, he?d be nestled up close to her, warm and content.

Neil?s thoughts drifted from where he?d love to be to where he was as the cold was really starting to bite. Walking past her slippers he headed for the walk in closet?maybe he could find something in there.

He approached the large sliding door, there was just enough of a gap for him to squeeze through. It was darker than ever, and he soon realised that his journey had been wasted, as all that was reachable were a pair of leather boots, everything else was either hung up or placed on shelves.

He turned and was just about to leave the closet when he remembered Tracy removing her boots?she had put socks in them when she took them off! Maybe, just maybe Megan did the same.

Excitedly he headed back to the boots; standing next to them made his size feel all the more pathetic as the heel stood close to his height. He reached up and took hold of the open zipper, pulling himself up until he stood on the base of the zipper, the leather felt smooth to the touch and the slight odour coming from the boot wasn?t unpleasant. Parting the leather walls carefully he leaned in with one arm and felt about?he could feel nothing?he?d have to reach in further to be sure. He reached in and lost his footing, slipped and fell into the boot.

Good news though he?d found a sock?a thick-towelling sock that would get him warmed up in no time if he used it as a sleeping bag.

Struggling he managed to part the leather walls and force the sock out; soon he followed it. At first he was just going to snuggle up where he was but decided he wanted to be nearer Megan for when she awoke.

So he gathered up the sock and headed back out into the bedroom. Eventually he reached the bed and decided to sleep under it out of harms way. Removing his damp and smelly toga he climbed into the sock, it was warm but unfortunately he just couldn?t get comfortable?he needed a mattress, or something?but where could he possibly find one of them. ?Wait?one of Megan?s slippers would make a great mattress and help to keep me warm!? He thought to himself.

Funny how things turn out?earlier he was about to get squashed by one of these slippers and now he was about to make himself comfortable in one!

Talk about getting things just right, Neil carefully slid the sock in the slipper until its closed end sat nicely in the toe of the slipper, he then climbed in himself and got comfortable?it was so much better than the floor and within minutes he was fast asleep.

* * * *

Megan awoke?it was Saturday and she didn?t have to worry about school, she had the whole weekend to chill out with her friends. Sitting up in bed she thought of last night and the horrid way in which Neil had spoken to her??thinking of which I wonder where the little nerd is?? she said to herself as she gazed down at his last known whereabouts.

She guessed it was time to find him before he caused any more trouble. She threw back the covers and swung her legs off of the bed, her feet landing just behind her slippers. Without even looking she slid her foot into her left slipper and then for some reason she looked down at her right slipper just as she was about to slip it on. Good job she did for there was Neil just his head showing out of the sock resting on the soft heel of her slipper.

?Arrr look at that?he looks really cute.? She whispered to herself as she giggled slightly. Then the thought of his horrid comments came flooding back.

Her demeanour changed.

?Oi wake up shortie.? She shouted as she nudged the slipper with her toe.

Neil thought there was an earthquake and sat up quickly, completely disorientated by his surroundings.

?O? Jesus?what! Christ where am I??

He turned to see a monstrously huge foot rising to nudge the slipper once more.

?I suggest you get out now, before I decide to share that with you!?

Neil?s predicament came flooding back all too quickly as her toes raised over his head, he tried scrambling out as her toes spread and lowered toward him. He screamed as her toes clenched together taking a hold of the sock. He desperately pulled himself forward but was thwarted as the sock was quickly pulled out of the slipper and high into the air.

Neil fell into the toe end and jostled about as he watched the toes above hold firm to the sock.

Megan bought her foot up and took the sock from her toes. Smiling she looked in at the little distressed man fighting to turn himself over.

?So you like it in my sock do you??

Neil turned over and standing up he felt like he?d been snared in a jungle trap as he looked up at his captor, her voice once again stinging his delicate hearing.

?Let me out, let me out now Megan?I won?t stand for this, you hear I won?t stand for it!?

Megan smiled, her face then left his view and all he could now see was her two thumbs, the sock dropped slightly?was she letting him out?

Neil screamed as he saw her toe?s appear above him, wriggling menacingly as they slowly and deliberately began sliding toward him. There was nowhere for him to go, nothing he could do, fear gripped him like a vice! Why was she tormenting him like this?

Then as quickly as they appeared they were gone.

?Just kidding.? Megan giggled as she looked back in on her tiny prisoner.

Neil?s world was then turned upside down as she tipped the sock up sending him falling awkwardly to the carpet below.

?Excuse me while I go and get washed.?

With that Megan stood up and stepped over him as he lay there trying to cover his nakedness.

He stood and wondered what to do? Should he try and hide from her? But looking around there was nowhere to hide. Maybe she?ll take him home today?yea or at worst give him over to her Mum.

Neil looked under the bed and found the little pink blanket, he fashioned it once again into a make shift toga?it was dry now but smelt awful! Still it was better than nothing. Remaining safe and out of sight he waited for her return.

* * * *

Neil sat contemplating his situation?it wasn?t good, and he knew it! Tracy must be worried sick by now. But why hasn?t she put two and two together? If she can?t find him in the house and Joanne hasn?t got him then the only other option is that Megan took him?

Megan walked back into her bedroom wrapped in only a towel.

Wasting no time Neil ran out to meet her, waving his hands to get her attention.

She spotted him and stopped just before him.

?What? I haven?t got much time?I?m meeting Joanne in half hour.?

Neil?s ears were assaulted by her strong voice but it was words he was pleased to hear.

?It?s no good I can?t hear you down there.? She said as she bent down. Then without another thought she reached out and wrapped her hand around him lifting him quickly into the air as she stood once more.

Neil was totally disorientated and his head snapped back as she stood, he?d not gotten used to being picked up so effortlessly and to not even ask if she may was downright intrusive. His arms trapped at his side made him feel all the more vulnerable.

Megan smiled as she noticed the look of shock on his face as she picked him up, he felt so light so soft?she could easily break him!

Opening her hand a little higher than necessary Neil fell and landed hard on her dresser top.

?Oop?s sorry about that?? she giggled.

She looked in the mirror and began applying her makeup. Neil sat and rubbed his sore feet before noticing some cotton wool not far from him?at last something that might help his delicate hearing.

Getting up he walked a little uneasy over to the open pack and pulled a little off, not even noticing that Megan was watching him with great fascination. Taking a little at a time he place it deep into his ear.

?What?s that for?? Megan startled him, but he was able to withstand the onslaught of her voice even though she was in such close proximity!

Turning around he was met by Megan?s inquisitive look. ?Well the noise?s in the world are so much more amplified to me now and even when you just spoke to me as you did then it hurt?so I thought a little cotton wool might help.?

?And has it?? Megan said in a raised voice noticing how he flinched.

?Yea?a little.?

Megan smiled and continued with her make up.

Neil walked a little closer and called up to her.

?Megan?I?m sorry for what I said last night?but?well it?s hard?you know?being this way.?

Ignoring him she continued to get ready.

Before Neil could say anything else she had turned and stood?and to his horror she dropped the towel that was wrapped around her?she was stark naked. He looked away and buried his head, ? what the?Christ has she no respect!? Neil thought to himself.

Megan looked over and found it amusing that Neil had turned away?but she didn?t care one way or the other?why should she.

Neil could hear her moving about still but guessed it was safe enough to turn around, and then just as he did he was met by her out stretched hand. Unable to jump back quick enough as her long fingers reached around him and closed in like a giant vice.

?For crying out loud would you stop doing that.? Neil screamed as she lifted him off of the dresser.

Megan smiled at his wailing and bought him up closer to her face.

?Sorry sweetie?what was that??

Neil struggled in her grip but knew it was useless.

?You want me to put you down? Is that it??

?Yes?please would you just put me down.?

?Now?right here?? Megan enquired.

?Yes?right here right now!? Neil shouted angrily.

Megan smiled and let go! Neil fell a short distance until he landed with a thud on what seemed like a bed of shredded paper. Slightly disorientated he stood and took in his surroundings. There were walls all around stretching some 20feet up, brown cold walls, in one corner a small dish with what looked like crumbs and tiny bowl with water in it. In a corner opposite to that there was a small dish again only this one was filled with sand. His jaw dropped open as he realised what this was?looking up peering in at him was Megan with the brightest smile he could have ever seen.

?Welcome to your new home?don?t worry I?ll take good care of you?O and this is only temporary, I?ll sort out something more permanent later.

Neil stood looking up at her totally speechless and before he could say anything he heard Megan?s Mum call out.

?Megan dear?Joanne?s here.?

?Shush not a word from you?Ok Mum send her up.?

Suddenly Neil?s world rocked as Megan tucked the box under her arm and opened the walk in wardrobe with her other hand. Carefully she lifted the box up over her head and slid it nicely onto the top shelf.

Neil had toppled over long before the box had settled?was this really happening? Was he dreaming?

The door slid shut and the auto light went out?he was alone trapped in a box high up in a closet?It sounded daft?he even laughed to himself?this is just too crazy.

It was then that he heard the muffled voice?s coming from the other room, wasting no time he pulled the cotton wool from his ears, for once he was glad of his sensitive hearing.

Neil?s heart began to race as he heard his sister?s voice in the next room.

?I?m sorry Meg?but Tracy?s in a right old mess?to tell the truth I?m not doing much better.?

Joanne began to cry as she told Megan of her distress over the loss of her brother?

Neil couldn?t believe it?Megan was sounding so sincere in her comforting of Joanne, he began thumping and kicking at the walls that surrounded him?harder and harder he hit them, louder and louder his screaming became.

Joanne was thanking Megan for her understanding as she too was now in tears?

Sinking to his knees, Neil realised that there was no way he was going to be heard and his energy would be better saved for a more meaningful use?tears began running down his cheeks as he heard Joanne leave?for he realised just how much trouble he was in!

The light came on as the closet door opened?he huddled in the corner as the box shifted.

Megan?s pretty face appeared over the top of cardboard wall as she lowered it down?

Neil looked up from his position and just shook his head.

?Arrr, did my little man hear any of that?? Megan whispered into the box.

Her voice travelled around the confines of the box echoing and amplifying it, Neil quickly retrieved his cotton ear plugs and placed them back in his ears, all the while he ignored her?his inner feeling was to loose it with her and to tell her just what he thought but he knew that would serve no purpose?except for anger her, and he didn?t want that?not after last night.

?Oi? you?in the box, I said did you hear any of that??

Megan shook the box violently causing Neil to topple over along with the cup of water.

Neil rolled onto his back and looked up at her with distain etched on his face?he nodded.

?All of it??

He nodded again.

?Good then we know where we stand?you?re mine now?remember that?mine! Now behave yourself and we?ll get along just fine?step out of line?well let?s just say you wouldn?t like me when I?m angry! Understand??

Neil fought back the tears as he looked up at her and nodded.

Megan smiled and once again lifted the box back onto the high shelf.

The door closed and the light went out?Neil lay in the dark and sobbed, still unbelieving that this was truly happening to him, and that it wasn?t some sick dream he was having!

* * * *

Hours passed, he drifted in and out of sleep until at last the light coming on awakened him. His eyes still puffy from his sobbing felt sore against the bright light, he rubbed them and splashed a little cold water on his face to freshen himself. Moving back to the corner he sat down and bought his knees up to his chest in anticipation of the box being picked up?it wasn?t!

Neil could hear her so near yet so far, just feet from him?what was she doing? Why hadn?t she bought him down?

?There?s my Top?cheeky miss, I?ve been wondering where that had got to.?

Suddenly all became clear?it wasn?t Megan?it was her Mum?Jane and she was only a few feet from him! She would rescue him?return him to his family.

Quickly with renewed hope he got to his feet and began screaming and hitting the inside of the box for all he was worth.

?Please?help me Jane?here, here in the box?please help me.?

Jane had just about finished putting Megan?s clothes away and was about to leave when a scratching sound got her attention?it was coming from that box up on the highest shelf.

She stood silent for a moment looking up at it?

?There it is again?there?s something in there?? She thought to herself loudly.

Neil was encouraged by her comment and continued to make as much noise as possible.

Jane heard the scratching sound again?this time she reached up for the box!

Suddenly the box jolted and Neil fell on his arse; his heart racing at the thought of being rescued?soon he?d be back in the bosom of his family.

Jane caught the side of the box as she lowered it causing the water dish to slide from its corner toward the corner Neil was huddled in. His eyes widened as this dish still half full of water hurtled toward him?he had no time to move he could only hope to deflect it. Lifting his feet he caught the lip of the dish and in one clever move he deflected the dish to hit the cardboard wall next to him?unfortunately what remained of the water splashed out soaking both him and the paper shreds that had covered him over.

What seemed like forever but was actually only seconds Jane held the box at waist height.

?Poo! It stinks in there?just what is she keeping in here.?

Neil fought with the soggy paper shreds and pulled himself up?he looked like a paper mashie mould?or a paper yeti!

Looking up at Jane?s face peering in he moved further into the middle of the box and waved his hands about frantically.

Jane looked directly at him?her mouth opened?she screamed?and boy could she scream!

Even with cotton wool in his ears Neil could not with stand such a loud shrill?his legs buckled beneath him and he collapsed into the shredded paper?it was then that he felt the falling motion. Quickly he looked up to see Jane?s shocked face getting further from him?she?d dropped the box!

Neil, for a split second felt as though he were weightless as all around him lifted slightly off of the floor of the box?himself included. But then all to quickly the box hit the floor followed by the contents.

The box landed on Jane?s feet causing it to tip over onto its side.

Neil became silent as he hit the ground?his body in fact limp?he was unconscious. He didn?t even know the box had tipped up.

Jane screamed again and stepped back quickly shutting the closet door as she did.

?I?ll kill, kill her I will?bringing some kind of rodent into this house.? Jane said angrily as she left Megan?s bedroom.

* * * *


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