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Kimberly's family stopped over for a breakfast of tacos and coffee at the Speeds' house on their way to church. Kimberly prompted them to not make too much noise because Andy was upstairs sleeping. "So he is sleeping again? Oh, good!" Trina, her mother, exclaimed. "Is he eating better too?"

Kimberly chuckled, "Not since he fell asleep."

"When was that?"

"Yesterday morning."

Trina held a hand to her mouth. "My goodness. Are you sure he's all right?"

"You remember when the dean of the department got the shrinking disease," Roy said. "He said at his smallest he was sleeping 14, 16 hours a day."

"Maybe we should wake him up so he can eat something," Trina suggested.

"No. Let him rest," Kimberly said.

"Listen to her, Trina. She's his caregiver, after all." Roy's eyes shifted towards her. "What did you do?"

Kimberly went still. "What do you mean?"

"What got him to finally fall asleep?"

She took a bite and chewed slowly to give herself time to come up with an answer. "Catharsis."

"What's catharsis?" Brandon, her brother, said.

"It's a Greek word. It means a release of strong emotions, which the Greeks believed were like poison to the body," Trina said.

"It's a fancy way of saying Mr. Speed talked to Kimberly about Mrs. Speed, and he felt better," Roy explained. Again his eyes shifted towards her. "Is that what happened, Kim?"

She wiped her brow. Technically Andy did talk to her about his wife, and later he did feel better. But the latter had little to do with the former, and everything to do with the two transcendent orgasms she gave him. Her parents and little brother didn't need to know that, though.

"Yeah, more or less." She raised her coffee mug. "Can you pour me some more cream?"

Andy yawned. His tongue felt like it was super-glued to the roof of his mouth. How long was I asleep? he wondered. Daylight was shining directly through the east-facing window. Saturday morning. Not long, but it was a start.

He looked under the sheet at his flaccid penis and the dried, crusty semen on his belly. The fuzzy image of Kimberly mauling his stiff cock replayed in his mind. He hadn't had a dream like that since he was a teenager.

If only some dreams came true, he thought.

He heard a stirring next to him. "Rise and shine, Mr. Speed."

Andy flopped over to find Kimberly lying on the bed, looking at him through the crib bars.

He sat up, with effort. His whole body was sore, like it had been through a meat grinder.

"Morning, Kim." She was wearing a knee-length black skirt and a satiny, dark blue blouse. It was the same outfit she was wearing the day he saw her at Twin Peaks, the outfit intended to deceive her parents. A necklace hung around her graceful neck. "What are you dressed up for?"

"My parents were here for breakfast. They left to go to church about an hour ago."

Andy did a double take. "Church? You mean it's Sunday?"

She nodded. "You slept a whole day."

Andy studied her oval face. Something about her big, blue eyes captured his attention. The way she looked at him, adoring and purposeful, like he was the first and last thing on her mind. Her eyes sparkled with devotion.

"The dream was real, wasn't it?" he said.

Kimberly smirked. "That depends on the dream. What happened in it?"

"I… I can't say."

She swung her legs over the side of the bed and sat up. "Like you can't put it into words? I had a dream like that, too. It was wonderful."

"Oh, man," Andy said. It had happened for real, all of it. He felt dizzy. He put an arm down to support himself.

"Are you all right?" she asked.

It took a moment for the dizzy spell to pass. "Yeah. Actually, I feel great." He smiled. "But I'm hungry. And thirsty."

She jumped to her feet. "Let's make you something, then." She reached into the crib to pick him up. He reflexively drew the covers higher on his chest.

"Oh, right. I forgot you were naked." She went to the master bedroom and got Andy's 8-inch tall clothes out of the bottom dresser drawer. She brought them to him and turned away while he dressed. His eyes drank in the vastness of her curves when she wasn't looking.


She picked him up and held him, facing her. He could make out the lines of her sturdy bra, moving with her heavy breasts. She descended to the kitchen, being careful to not jostle him in her palm. She was conscious of how much bigger and faster she appeared to him.

She pulled a plastic bottle cap out of the recycling bin, washed it, and filled it with water. She set it in front of him.

"What would you like to eat?"


"Coming right up." She boiled five long spaghetti noodles, strained them, and melted a glob of butter on them.

"Can you grind some salt?" he asked.

Kimberly turned the salt grinder over the spaghetti. The little, white rocks scattered over Andy's plate. He picked up the end of one noodle and took a bite. He gagged.

"Too much salt?" she guessed.

"It's like chewing rocks," he said, bending down to drink from the bottle cap and wash the bitterness out of his mouth.

He felt the spaghetti noodle leave his hands. He watched as Kimberly lifted the spaghetti high up in the air, tilted her head back, and lowered it into her gaping mouth. She closed her lips over it and pulled it out slowly, sucking the salt off.

She dropped the spaghetti into a coil at his feet. "There you go." She did the same to the other noodles.

Andy shook his head in disbelief at her. "You are such a minx."

"Whatever. You can't get enough of it."

He snickered. She was right, he was a sucker for her sensual antics.

He devoured his meal hastily, finishing off four of the spaghetti noodles and taking just a few bites of the fifth. He washed it all down with two capfuls of water.

"Careful, you're going to make yourself sick."

Andy smacked his lips and burped. "That was the best meal I've ever had."

"It's the only meal you've had in a week," she exclaimed.

"Want my leftovers?" he said jokingly.

Kimberly's eyes lit up. "Sure. But I have an idea. Take that end of the spaghetti." He picked up the spaghetti in both hands. "Now hold on."

She lowered her puckered lips to the plate and sucked the end of the spaghetti into her mouth. Andy was yanked forward across the plate, his feet sliding on the slick, buttery surface. She was reeling him in like a fish. He accelerated towards her and slammed against her face. He lost hold of the spaghetti as it was sucked through her lips, and he landed on his butt on the plate.

Andy stared forward as her lips parted in front of him, and he saw the spaghetti noodle, as long as he was tall, bobbing on her pink, wet tongue. Then the tip of her tongue pitched upward against the ridged roof of her cavernous mouth, and the spaghetti disappeared down her throat.

"Mmm." She licked her lips and smiled down at him. "Did you like that?" she said throatilly. A redundant question. He liked everything she did.

Andy sighed, half in arousal, half in fear. "I… I need to use the bathroom."

It wasn't the reaction she was looking for, but as always his needs came first. She switched seamlessly into caregiver mode. "Here, I'll take you." She cupped her hands next to him and waited for him to hop on.

"I think I can manage, Kim."

"Mr. Speed, the last time you tried to use the toilet, you fell in and couldn't get out."

Andy couldn't argue with her. He knew this day would come. He and Alecia had talked about it, needing help to use the bathroom. He had put it off for as long as he could.

Something inside him died as he stepped into her hands. "If it makes you feel better, I've already seen you naked," she said helpfully.

She carried him to the downstairs bathroom. He walked off her palm onto the toilet lid. Crouching on the lid, his butt hanging over the toilet bowl, he let loose his bowels.

When he finished, Kimberly tore a square piece of toilet paper in half and handed him one half. While he wiped his butt, she moistened the other half under the faucet. He washed his hands with it and dropped it, too, in the toilet bowl. 

She pulled the flush handle, and his tiny excrement swirled down the drain. She sensed his humiliation as he hid his face from her. She sat down on the bathroom floor.

"Mr. Speed, I want you to tell you something."


"No matter how small you get, no matter how incapable of talking care of yourself are, you're no less dependent than me or anyone else."

"How do you figure that?"

"We all need love to get through life, Mr. Speed. I need God's love every day. You do, too. No matter how big we may seem to ourselves, we are both specks to God. But you are His son and He will never stop loving you. And I will never stop loving you."

Andy regarded her. He felt weak in the knees. He couldn't believe what he was feeling, but there it was, unmistakable, and gathering force inside him like nothing else in this world. It was way beyond lust, way beyond gratitude. That this beautiful creature was so selflessly devoted to him made his heart sing soprano.

"Kim, you're… you're amazing. No one's done for me what you have. What I'm feeling right now, it's… There's no other way to describe it. I—" His voice caught. As much as he wanted to say it, he knew, once he said it, he couldn't take it back, for whatever reason. And this was an 18 year-old girl's emotions he was dealing with. She was still vulnerable, despite her size advantage.

But in so many ways she wasn't 18 anymore, not to him. She had an ageless wisdom and an ageless beauty about her. And she was flawed enough to make her real, and not some simplistic, wet dream fantasy girl. He didn't feel old around her, and she didn't feel young around him. When it was just the two of them, it was perfect.

But there was a world beyond them that saw a shrunken 40 year-old widower and an 18 year-old virgin. And this presented challenges that could stretch love to the breaking point.

Kimberly saw him struggling with the words. "Why don't you show me what you mean," she said.

She carried him up to her room. She flipped the light switch so the only light came through the window.

She set Andy on the bed and removed her skirt, revealing her long, toned thighs and a pair of black panties. Swaying her hips, she unbuttoned her blouse slowly, revealing her flat belly and a black, halter-style bra. His eyes bulged out of their sockets as she turned her back to him and reached down to touch the floor, so that her pert butt pointed towards the ceiling. He couldn't tell where the shadows of her butt cleavage ended and the string of her black panties began. She rose back up and reached around her back to undo the bra clasp. She covered her bust with one arm as she let the bra fall to the floor.

The striptease was over. She turned around, naked except for her necklace and panties. She lowered her arm from her ample breasts. "How do you want me?"

Enraptured, a disrobed Andy said, "Turn around."

She did as instructed, presenting her juicy backside to him.

"Back up."

She walked backwards until the backs of her thighs touched the bed. Andy reached for her butt, but it was too high.

Kimberly heard his frustration. She bent her knees, lowering her butt to his level. He squeezed her taut flesh in his arms, rubbed his face against her warm left butt cheek.

She crawled backwards onto the bed, tipping Andy onto his back. Supporting most of her weight on her elbows, she lowered herself onto his small body. Andy moaned as her big butt smothered him, mashing his hard cock against his belly. Her gyrating hips spread him across the bed comforter like jelly being spread on toast.

She continued her backwards crawl and settled onto the bed, so he was positioned deep in the V of her thighs. To his astonishment, she raised her hips and legs into the air, and pulled her black panties over her ankles. She let her legs drop into the bed, shaking the mattress violently.

Her fingers delved through the wisp of light brown hair, like caramel-flavored cotton candy, cloaking her private parts. She parted her folds, opening her pink, glistening vagina to him.

"Show me how you feel, Mr. Speed. You're just the right size." Her voice was husky and tense, almost fearful.

The one place I can't go, Andy thought. He walked towards her pussy, her musky aroma hitting him in the face like a stiff wind. He ran his fingers on her smooth thighs. She shivered at his delicate touch.

He hesitated at her opening. If he went feet first, he'd get as far as his waist before he started to stretch her. Head first, and he'd barely break the surface. She was a virgin, after all.

A virgin, he thought. I can't do this.

"What are you waiting for?" she said, voice cracking. "I want you, Mr. Speed. I've chosen you."

He scrambled over her thigh and walked alongside her huge body to her head. She turned her face to the side to look at him. Tears were streaking mascara down her cheeks.

"What's the matter? Don't you want me?" she asked.

"I do."

"Then fuck me!" she cried.

"You've given me everything already, Kim. I don't need this."

"But I need this," she said through clenched teeth. She rolled onto her side, expression changing to worry. "What's wrong? I thought this is what people who are in love do."

"You know better than that, Kim. Your first time should be with the man you marry."

"But you love me, don't you?"

"I—Things aren't supposed to move that fast. People who think they are in love break up all the time. You should wait, until you know it's not a fluke."

"Is this a fluke?"

"I dunno. It could be. Look, I'm not going to stay small forever. I'm not going to need your help forever. In 3 months my life will look completely different."

"But we can still see each other, can't we? You won't stop liking me just because you're taller than me."

He touched her cheek. "I'll always like you, Kim, no matter my size. But the relationship dynamics will be competely different when I'm big again. Will you be the woman who's blessed me with so much, or the cute, shy girl I knew just a month ago?"

Kimberly's mind turned over what he was saying. Her notions that Andy's shrinking hadn't changed him were undergoing a major revolution.

"We won't be around each other all day. I'll go back to work," he continued. "And then there's our age difference. You're 18. I turn 41 next month. There's so much of life that you won't get to experience being saddled to an old fart like me. Do you want children? We'd have to have them soon, because I can't keep up with toddlers in my 50s and 60s. And I'll be in my 70s when you turn 50. Can you handle being a widow at 50? What will your parents think when we tell them about us? My God, what will Brooke think? Do you really want your best friend calling you stepmom?"

She took in all that he said. Hearing Andy talk about children dulled the sting of the truth he was preaching. She wanted to have lots of babies.

"I see what you mean," she said soberly. "I guess I should keep my expectations in check."

Andy could see he'd gone too far in throwing cold water on her passion. "All I'm saying is I don't want to make a promise with my body that I can't keep, hurting you in the long term. These are evolving circumstances we're dealing with. But we might be able to work through them. I WANT to work through them. I meant everything I said downstairs. I love you, Kim."

Her breath caught. He'd said it. It wasn't the first time she'd heard it, nor the second time, but it was the one time she would remember forever.

"I love you, too. And you're right, Mr. Speed. Thank you… for looking out for me."

"You don't have to call me that anymore, Kim. 'Andy' is fine."

"Okay, Andy."

They looked at each other for awhile, wondering what to do next. They were still really horny.

"We won't know what a normal relationship will be like until I'm normal sized again," he said.

"I dunno. I kinda like you at this size." She reached behind his back to hold him steady, and she stretched her neck to kiss him. Andy felt like his face was being sucked off.

"Then we should enjoy it while it lasts," he said breathlessly.

She lifted and pivoted her chest on top of him. Her breasts, pancaking against the bed, pinned his arms to his sides and practically entombed his body below the shoulders in her cleavage. She felt his prick stiffen under her.

"If we're not going to have sex, we'll have to find other ways for you to stimulate me." She lifted a large nipple to his face. "Any ideas, Andy?"

Andy smiled. "I got one or two."

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