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Andy wanted to avoid the restaurant's front entrance, so he had Mike drive around to the back. Mike unbuckled him and he stepped down from the taxi.

"Want me to stick around?" the cabbie asked.

"No thanks, Mike. Have a good night." Andy gave him a wad of bills.

Mike drove off, and Andy made his way to the back door. He had to wait only about 10 minutes before a bus boy opened the door to take out the trash. Andy ducked through the door and made his way into the kitchen.

The floor of the kitchen was a sticky, greasy mess. Andy hid behind a bread warmer to observe the foot traffic in and out of the kitchen. He surmised the door to the dining room was directly across the kitchen.

Avoiding the hurried stepping of feet to and fro, Andy crossed the kitchen in short runs, using the numerous food prep surfaces to hide from the cooks and waiters. When he was close to the door, he waited for it to swing open and dove through.

The lighting in the dining room was dim, which was good for him, as he scampered behind a fake plant unseen. Genial music was playing over wall-recessed speakers. He heard muted chatter and clinking silverware everywhere.

Now all he had to do was find Kimberly.

He looked out from behind the plant. About half the restaurant patrons were seated in booths, the rest at tables. Paul would have reserved a table, not a booth, he thought. A table was more romantic.

He didn't see Kimberly, but then he couldn't see half the patrons in the place. It was a big restaurant. And he was less than 2 feet tall. He would have to conduct a table-by-table search.

When the coast was clear, Andy ran under the nearest table, where three women were eating. Under the table were with three pairs of feet and three pairs of sharp, pointy heels Andy had to avoid.

He ran under the next table, a couple in their 60s, judging from her wrinkled gams.

Andy looked around at the nearby tables. It was mostly couples from here to the far wall. That's when he noticed the 2-inch blue-gray heels with the decorative floral pattern, one table away. Kimberly's heels.

Andy risked sticking his head out from under the table to get a look. He saw Kimberly, listening eagerly to something Paul was saying. She smiled and forked a piece of shrimp into her mouth. Andy clocked Paul. He had spiked his hair and was clean shaven, probably to help Kimberly forget his age. He needn't have bothered. Kimberly looked a vivacious 25 in her smart dress and tastefully applied makeup, just the right balance of blush and eye shadow to complement her features. She exuded maturity and intelligence, not to mention beauty. Paul couldn't keep his eyes off her.

Andy held his breath and ran underneath their table. Paul's feet were tapping the restaurant carpet at a million miles per hour. Kimberly's legs were crossed, with her raised foot bobbing in the air hypnotically. Andy broke his attention away from her long legs to catch what they were saying to each other.

"Did you play any other sports in high school?" she asked.

Andy snorted. Paul thought being the starting quarterback his senior year in high school made him a stud with the ladies, even now, 18 years later, and still boasted about it to male and female alike. To Kimberly, for whom high school was very close in the rearview mirror, it probably boosted his appeal.

"Just soccer, but I wasn't very good, and it was low-priority compared to football."

"I played soccer, too."

"Really? What position?" Paul sounded impressed.

"Forward. Varsity all four years."

"I wouldn't have figured you for a soccer player."

"Why not?" she asked.

"A soccer player's strength is his speed and low center of gravity. You have a high center of gravity."

Andy had to pick his jaw up off the floor. It may not have been necessary for him to come out here. Paul might sink his chances at getting laid all on his own.

Surprisingly, Kimberly responded well to the awkward, backhanded compliment—or she didn't get it, Andy couldn't tell. "I can run down anyone when I want to," she said huskily.

"Really. What about now?"

"I'm not the one doing the chasing."

Paul chuckled. "Touché."

Andy had to jump back as Kimberly's foot wiggled out of her heel and reached out for Paul's shin. He had just complimented her for having large breasts, and now she was playing footsie with him. She didn't know what she was doing!

The silence above the table was deafening. Andy yearned for someone to say something, as every second of silence seemed to assure the ending to this date Paul hoped for.

Above the table, Paul had covered Kimberly's hand with his. After determining her eyes were saying "Fuck me, Paul," he signaled to the waiter for the check.

"Wait," Paul said. "Do you want more wine?"

Wine! She's 18, Andy fumed.

"No thanks. This is the first time I've been able to keep wine down. I better not press my luck."

"It's not the only time you'll swallow tonight."

Kimberly smiled awkwardly, again seeming to not catch his lascivious meaning. This blew Andy's fuse, though. He roared and delivered a hard kick to Paul's foot.

"Ow!" Paul jumped, looking at Kimberly accusingly.


"Did you—" Paul ducked his head under the tablecloth. Kimberly quickly smoothed her dress over her thighs to protect her modesty.

"Holy shit! Andy?"

Kimberly looked under the table. "Andy!"

Paul looked from Andy to Kimberly, bewildered. "What are you doing here, buddy?"

Andy walked out from underneath the tablecloth, a sight to behold. His face and plain, off-white clothes were covered in dirt and sweat. He addressed Kimberly. "This jerk just cracked a joke about you giving him a blowjob, Kim! That's the kind of girl he thinks you are. I told you coming on this date was a bad idea."

Paul chuckled nervously. "Andy, calm down, buddy. It was all in fun."

"How did you get here?" Kimberly asked shrilly. "Are you spying on me?"

"I'm here to take you home. Let's go, Kim, right now!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Paul said, sensing his date was at risk of ending prematurely. "Let's calm down for a minute. Kim, what's he talking about? You live with him?"

She touched her face, trying to hide her embarrassment. "I've been staying with the Speeds, helping take care of Andy since he got really small."

Paul grinned toothily. "Aw, I think he's got a little crush on you."

"Get bent, Paul! Are you out of your mind, dating a girl half your—"

"Hey, Kimberly's old enough to choose her friends," Paul said.

The patrons around them were staring. The waiter came by with the check. "Sir, is this… gentleman bothering you?" he said.

"It's okay. He's a friend." Paul fished his wallet out of his pants and left a wad of bills on the table. "I should say he used to be."

He stood up and looked expectantly at Kimberly. "Ready?"

She looked from Andy to Paul. "And just leave him here?"

"He got here on his own, didn't he? He's a resourceful guy. Let him figure out how to get back home."

Kimberly nodded acquiescently. She hooked her arm through Paul's and they walked together out the front door, into the warm night, to his car.

Andy ran after them. "Kim, think about what you're doing! Be smart!"

She looked over her shoulder, concern etched onto her face. Paul tugged on her arm, and she quickened her step to keep up with him. He held the passenger door for her.

Andy chased after Paul to the driver side. "She's just a girl, Paul. Don't you dare treat her bad."

"That's where you're wrong, Andy. She's ALL woman." He looked down at Andy with his hand on the door handle. "I can't believe you tried to ruin this night, for Kim and for me."

He opened the door and settled into the driver seat. Andy caught a glimpse of Kimberly inside.


The driver door shut, and the engine roared to life.

"Jeez, I can't tell if he's your dad or a little boy with a crush," Paul said.

"Is he still out there?" Kimberly craned her neck to see out the window. "Don't run him over, Paul."

"He'll be fine," Paul said coolly, but he couldn't hide his anger. He reversed out of the parking space and sped out of the parking lot, proceeding up the winding road. A small figure clung for dear life to the bumper.

Paul parked the car a mile up the hill at an overlook. The sun was setting behind the city, and there were no other cars or people in sight. Perfect.

He smiled disarmingly at Kimberly, who he could tell was uncomfortable after the run-in with Andy back at the restaurant. They sat in silence as the sun sank towards the horizon, bathing the partly cloudy sky in orange and yellow.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" he said.

"Yes it is," she said.

Paul took her hand and held it for a minute. He waited for her fingers to interlock his. "You are, too."

Kimberly turned her face towards him. "Thank you."

She knew it was coming, and she let it happen. His other hand reached across his body to touch her cheek. He leaned towards her, tilting her chin so her lips met his.

She pulled back after a few seconds. Paul looked intently at her, reading her face. She decided she wanted more, and she leaned into his lips.

They made out for a few minutes. He was a good kisser, and she liked the roughness of his mouth and chin. Paul's hand fell from her cheek to her shoulder, bare except for the thin strap of her dress. Then his hand moved slowly down to the curve of her hip, then up her front to palm her right breast.

She shrank away from him, breaking the kiss. "Slower," she said.


They continued making out. The sun fell below the horizon, turning the sky above them a red-tinged purple. Paul's hand stayed on her shoulder this time, but seemed preoccupied with pulling the dress strap down her arm.

She broke the kiss again and gave him a chastising look as she pulled the strap back over her shoulder.

"Eager, aren't you?" she said, keeping the mood light.

"I plead guilty."

"Am I going to have to discipline you?"

"Yes, please."

She laughed, regarded him for a second. He wanted to go further than she wanted, but it was hard to not keep going. He clearly wanted her. And she enjoyed kissing him a lot.

She tucked her legs underneath her and stood up on her knees. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him. He kissed her back, hard. His hands reached around her and pulled her into a tight embrace, crushing her soft body into his hard chest. His hands moved down her back but stopped respectfully shy of her firm butt.

Kimberly was getting more into it, her inhibitions beginning to crumble. Her body settled into a subtle, rhythmic motion, keeping time with the turning and twisting of her head as the kiss became more passionate. He was giving her tongue, and she gave him tongue right back.

An alien zipping sound broke her concentration. She opened one eye to see Paul's hand opening the fly of his pants, tented by his erection.

She pushed herself back into her seat.

"What?" Paul said.

"I just… I need a minute."

Andy cupped her cheek. "Kim, I need you."

She shook her head, brushed his arm aside. "Just give me a minute. I need air."

She swung her legs through the open door behind her. She stood up, shut the door, and leaned against the car. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, welcoming the air adrift on the night breeze to cool her clammy skin.

"Kim?" She looked around, startled. "Down here."

"Andy!" She lowered her voice, lest Paul hear them from inside the car. "You shouldn't be here."

"Nor should you. How's it going in there?"

Her face colored. "Okay, I guess. I think he wants me to…" She didn't finish the sentence.

"Surprise, surprise," Andy said ruefully. "What'd he say when you told him no?"

"I haven't yet."

"Well, why not?" he demanded.

"He just… he really likes me, and I don't want to… to disappoint him."

"He'll still like you if you tell him no, Kim. In fact, he'll respect you for it."

"What if he doesn't? What if he gets angry?"

"Then let him get angry. You don't owe him anything, Kim."

Inside the car, Paul was stewing. He zipped up his fly. That cock-blocking bastard Andy had scared the girl back at the restaurant, and now she wouldn't go all the way. God, she was so hot, just oozing sex and innocence from every pore, primed and ready to take his throbbing cock inside her.

Now it looked like it wasn't going to happen. She was going to come back into the car, thank him for the lovely evening, and ask him to drive her to her car. He'd get one more kiss in the restaurant parking lot, and that would be it. She'd probably accept if he asked her out again, but her initial triumph would embolden her to make him wait even longer, make him develop a relationship with her before getting serious. Just what he didn't want.

He heard her voice outside the car. Was she talking to herself? He got out and walked around the front of the car. "Who you talking to?" he said playfully.

Kimberly looked at him like a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Paul clocked the small figure of Andy standing next to her.

"Oh, great," Paul said, shrugging his shoulders. "What the hell, Andy?"

"Get back in the car, Paul," Andy said.

Paul lost it. He step towards Andy. "Excuse me? You crash my date with Kim and then order me around like you're the boss of me? I don't think so."

"Please, just let us have a minute," Kimberly said.

Paul scoffed. "You're going to let this little freak run your life for you? He's not even your dad!"

"Back off, Paul!" Andy shouted manfully.

"No, you back off, Andy!"

Kimberly shrieked as Paul's foot shot forward and Andy's small body took to the air, bouncing on the asphalt 10 feet away. She wheeled around and slapped Paul hard across the cheek, making his ears ring. She reached back to hit him again, but he grabbed her wrist. She struggled to free her arm, sending them both off-balance and their bodies crashing against the car.

"Kick him in the nuts, Kim!" Andy shouted.

Kimberly thrust her knee up between Paul's legs. He gasped and his knees buckled. He stumbled into her body, trapping her against the car.

"What do I do?!" she screamed, in a panic.

"Kick him again!"

She grabbed him by both shoulders and rocketed her knee into his crotch, flattening his testicles between her toned thigh and his pelvic bone. Paul groaned hoarsely as his legs went limp. She let go of him and stepped back, letting him fall to the ground, holding his groin.

Kimberly ran over to Andy. She knelt beside him. "Oh, God, Mr. Speed, are you all right?"

Andy lay on his back, holding his chest. "I don't know. I might have broken a rib."

"We need to get out of here. Can I pick you up?"


She slid her hands underneath him and lifted him off the ground like he was made of paper mâché. He weighed only 6 pounds.

"Oh, shoot. My heels and purse are in the car."

"Go get them, then," Andy said.

Holding him against her hip, Kimberly stepped around Paul, who was writhing on the ground, and leaned through the passenger door. She grabbed her purse and heels, and they started down the dark, winding road.

"What should we do about him?" she asked.

Andy smirked. "He's a resourceful guy. Let him figure out how to get home."

They followed a bend in the road. They heard Paul retching in the distance.

"I would not want to be him right now," Kimberly said.

Andy looked down at the long legs responsible for Paul's agony. "You have no idea."

It was dark when they got down to the restaurant. During the 20-minute walk, Andy regaled Kimberly with the story of everything he'd been through that night.

At the car, she put him in the car seat but surprised him by sliding in on the bench seat next to him.

"I should have listened to you, Mr. Speed. You can say 'I told you so' now."

Andy gave her a fatherly smile. How could he tell her how much her safety meant to him as a father of a girl her age? Tonight felt like redemption from his misdeeds of the past week, and the truth was he'd rarely been happier than he was right now.

"All I want to say is 'I'm glad your safe,'" he said.

"Are you sure that's all you want to say?" She scooted closer to him, her long, gorgeous body in that figure-hugging dress overwhelming his senses. Was this a signal of rapprochement between them? Andy was too cautious to assume anything.

He shook his head. "Let's go home, Kim. I'm beat."

She kissed him demurely on the cheek. "Thank you, my little hero."

Chapter End Notes:

I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. I hope you had fun reading it!

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