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In this chapter:  Lacy tries to convince Miranda to stand up for herself against an attack, while Lacy gains some confidence in her stride.


Day 2 – Miranda – 10:00am

Miranda was already showered and dressed, she had skintight black yoga pants on that ended just above her mid shin showing off her shapely legs and curved ass, she was still barefoot and had a tight pink crop top that exposed her toned and tanned midriff.  Miranda had her light blonde hair tied up in a braided bun as she wanted to impress her people and not let her loose strands cause any more damage to her city. 

Miranda was sitting at her desk chair watching over the tiny people below her, she had the idea that exposure of herself so close would get the people used to her enormous size, she whispered to them things about herself, she talked about her siblings and her friends from back home so that they would get used to her voice.  After her brief conversation with Jessica behind her door, Miranda overheard Lacy talking about small beings around the apartment and grew nervous.  Miranda heard the apartment door close and Ana’s door close with a feint slam.  There was a knock at her door as well bringing her attention away from the city.

“Hey, Miranda, it’s Lace, I need to talk to you.  I know what’s going on.” Her speech muffled behind the door.

Miranda was now anxious, “Okay, little people, someone else is going to come in here, don’t freak out, her name is Lacy” Miranda whispered unto the tiny landscape below.  Miranda backed away from her desk slowly and walked over to her door to unlock it, she saw Lacy wearing nothing but red lace panties and a small white tank top, her black hair swung over her light brown eye. 

“Hey, come in, I want you to meet my tinies, but please whisper” Miranda was excited and couldn’t stop smiling, and for some reason she trusted Lacy.  Miranda led a curious Lacy over to her desk. 

“Oh my god…”  Lacy said, she brushed her deep black hair back behind her ears revealing her beautiful multi-colored eyes.  “Do you know why this is happening?”  Lacy was perplexed and focused on all the tiny details of the city. 

“No, but this is Ashton City, we are about 9 miles tall to them, it’s like crazy, right?  There’s about 3.7 million people, I thought it was a toy at first…”  Miranda spoke as if a kid was in a show and tell.  Miranda heard her phone vibrate on her bed.

Lacy leaned closer in giving the citizens an overwhelming view of her pale skin, pouty lips, and different colored eyes.  “How do you know that?”  She whispered.

“Oh!  I gave them my phone number haha” Miranda giggled as she reached her arm over the city across her desk to point out the military base in the corner, “Captain Sellers figured out how to talk to me, she’s been telling me all this stuff, she even flew up to my ear one time” Miranda giggled. 

“So, what happened at the restaurant?” Lacy curiously asked.

“It was a plane full of people, they tried to fly out of my room, and I snatched them up, I just wanted to like keep them safe… Jessica crushed them all… I couldn’t believe it” Miranda’s smile disappeared. 

“I think Jessica knows what’s going on too, she was acting pretty strange earlier, she saw me step on some people that I didn’t know were there, she even bit her lip in amusement, part of me thinks she likes this.” Lacy still couldn’t take her eyes off the city.  “I don’t know what Ana knows.” Lacy said. 

“Oh my god, you stepped on some? We have to help them!” Miranda’s whispering started to get louder.

Lacy rolled her eyes a little, “I don’t know if we can, I’m going to attempt what you did and talk to my city too, oh, and by the way, I have someone coming over later to look at the cities in my room” Lacy whispered. 

“Oh, you have little tinies too?  I wonder how many are around… Hold on, I need to check my phone in case Sellers said anything, watch my city, okay?”  Miranda back away from the desk leaving Lacy in her trance like state studying the city below her. A few quicker moving airborne specks caught Lacy’s attention.        

***                                                                 ***                                                           ***

Day 2 – Ashton City – 10:06am

“DO NOT ATTACK THE JETS!”  Captain Sellers transmitted to Miranda, “It’s one big misunderstanding” she pleaded through her message.  

Major Matheson was yelling in the background in the main facility of the base. “A fucking mutiny?!  What the hell are they gonna do? We were just bluffing; we don’t have enough fire power to hurt the girl let alone two of them… dammit!”  Matheson shouted.  A group of pilots decided they had enough, they didn’t want to be anyone’s pets.  After a secret meeting in one of the hangers they fueled and armed their fighters during the night.  The problem was they only planned to attack the one called Miranda. 

 The 12 jets and their pilots took off in the mass confusion of the new giantess walking up to the desk with Miranda.  The radio chatter was going crazy, they organized themselves into a formation and circled the metropolitan area until they saw an opportunity to strike.  A few pilots were scared after seeing the pale one sweep her hair back and leaned in closer to the edge of the city.

“Oh my... how are they so fucking big?  We can’t do this shit!”  One pilot said over the secure channel.

 “Yes, we can, 6 of us will go for the hazel eye, and the others will go for the brown”.  The leader of the mutinous pilots spoke.

People on the ground felt the vibrations from the soundwaves above from the girls’ conversation.  Some looked up to see the jets flying overheard, most people were focused on the eyes of Lacy. The people were praying that she wouldn’t try anything.  The multicolored eyes of the goddess looking upon them almost as if they were just another annoyance in her life waiting to be disposed of.  The citizens saw Miranda turn around and walk towards her bed miles off in the distance to get her phone, the few that watched the jets saw them speed off towards the pale face of Lacy.

“This is it; we need to show them we don’t want to be here anymore, think of your family and friends, think of those we lost yesterday.”  The leader said, they were approaching the gigantic face of the girl, her red lips and seemed like hellish monsters from their perspective.  “Okay, we split up and take care of business, good luck”.  The jets separated from formation and started approaching Lacy’s eyes, they were still thousands of yards away relative to their aircraft.  Each jet armed their missiles and prepared to attack.    

***                                                                 ***                                                           ***

Day 2 – Miranda & Lacy – 10:09am      

Miranda read the captain’s text with much confusion, “like what jets?”  She mumbled.  “Hey, Lace, do you know anything about jets?”  Miranda asked still looking at her phone. 

“Probably these tiny things coming at my face pretty fast…”  Lacy reached up her right hand and adjusted her nose ring.  She noticed about a dozen flying specks split off into two different groups heading towards her eyes.  “Pfftt… what are you guys doing?” she muttered under her breath.  Lacy saw the fighters launch fiery projectiles at her eyes from about a foot away from her perspective. 

“Don’t hurt them!” Miranda tried to keep her voice down. 

Lacy rolled her eyes again and sighed, she took a step back from the desk and swiped the palm of her hand in front of her face destroying the projectiles.  “Ah, it kinda feels like sparks when it hits you.  Miranda, they attacked me, I’m not putting up with that”  Lacy said as she reached her hand outward with her fingers spread, she impacted the first group jets that was going for her hazel eye, killing all of the pilots, Lacy felt the heat from the explosions on her fingers and the palm of her hand as the fiery destroyed jets crumbled down towards the floor.  

Miranda rushed over to Lacy and grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back just as Lacy was puckering her lips to blow at the second group just inches from her face.  The jets changed course for Miranda’s eyes.  “Miranda, what the fuck?!” Lacy shouted. 

“I told you not to-’’   Miranda cut her lecture short after feeling sparks of heat on her right cheek.  “Ah! Stop!”  Miranda still tried her best to remain calm.  Miranda felt miniscule stinging sensations all over her face from the bullets, the jets started to encircle her head like a swarm of gnats.  Miranda just lowered her head and kept pleading, “Stop!”  She started to speak up.

Lacy watched, part of her thought it was funny, and a sly smirk parted her lips.  Lacy took a few steps back over to the desk, “Miranda, if you don’t defend yourself and destroy those jets I will start smashing innocent people… it’s your choice” Lacy attempted to teach Miranda a lesson, these tiny cities needed to know there has to be mutual cooperation from her point of view, if not, they would have to be shown their futile attempts would only be answered in punishment.             

“No! Wait, there has to be a way…”  Miranda had her eyes almost closed and her back hunched over trying to avoid any fire. 

Lacy leaned over the city, her pale figure casting a shadow on nearly everything below, “Hmm… what should I do?  Miranda, any ideas?” Lacy peered over the landscape seeing the sprawling metropolitan area and the quiet suburban area with a few blights from Miranda’s accidents from the previous day.  Lacy could barely hear the screams of the people below, “I’m sorry tinies, but if your owner doesn’t defend herself some of you are going to die, that’s just how it works for you now I guess, I’ll make sure its quick though” Lacy’s smirk was still showing and her shoulders shrugged a bit, she couldn’t help but find a little amusement in the way she spoke over these people.  The lack of self-confidence that has always bothered Lacy and this new opportunity for a little bit of power felt… good. 

“Please don’t, like okay!  I’ll do it…”  Miranda said, she opened her eyes and saw the jets still circling her, she felt the tingles on her face from the bullets.  “Please, this isn’t personal.” Miranda whispered; she saw a jet wobble in front of her mouth as she spoke.

“Uh oh, better hurry, I think this group of buildings looks pretty fragile …”  Lacy still smiling raised her hand ominously over the downtown area, the screams got louder, she teased her hand up and down lowering it just barely above the tallest buildings, Lacy looked back at Miranda one last time and saw her start swinging her hands.  Lacy retracted her arm and brought her face closer to the city, her pale face now dominated the sky for the miniature citizens, her lips just a few hundred feet above the tallest skyscrapers, “don’t try anything stupid again” she whispered.  Lacy smiled one last time revealing her wicked teeth to the terrified onlookers below.  Lacy backed away from desk and watched Miranda start to deal with her tiny rebellion. 

Miranda heard Lacy speaking to her city and started swiping her hands around her head, she felt a few pops of heat against the skin of her hands.  There were still two jets left that managed to avoid the onslaught of Miranda’s flailing hands.  Miranda was looking around confused thinking it was over as she didn’t see any flying specks anymore.  Lacy noticed that there were still two planes that were flying over the top of Miranda’s head. “Ugh… hang on” A visibly annoyed Lacy said, she stepped over to Miranda and backslapped the space over her head.  The first jet obliterated against the skin on the top of Lacy’s hand, the second impacted the black painted nail of her middle finger, Lacy kind of admired how the tiny explosion slightly lit up her nail in soft orange glow.  “Huh, that was cool…” She mumbled.  

“How the fuck was that cool?” Miranda said clearly frustrated.  “People died, Lacy” Miranda sat on her bed, she placed her hands on her forehead and looked down at her feet hanging off the edge of the bed. 

“They attacked you, that deserves punishment… now, and I’m going to go try to talk to my city, hopefully they’re smart enough to work out a system like you have, oh and you can talk to Ana if you want, find out what she knows.  Maybe we can all have lunch later like normal ass roommates.”  Lacy felt good, she walked out of Miranda’s room and down the hallway to her room with her head held up, she didn’t care if unsuspecting people were on the floor below.  It was her day now.   

Lacy felt a few pops and crunches under her bare feet as she walked across the wood flooring approaching her bedroom, her smile grew even more with each satisfying tingle and sensation beneath her feet.  She closed her door behind her and took off her tank top revealing her red bra.  She treaded carefully to her bed and faced the two cities on her nightstand and desk chair.  “Surprise, there’s more of you little things than you think.  You don’t attack me and I won’t start slowly killing you… so, I will give you my number and you figure out how to talk to me, if one city in another room can do it I fully expect at least one of you to do the same, if not, I guess I can do whatever I want with you” Lacy couldn’t stop smiling now, she felt amazing in the moment, powerful even. Lacy wanted to start the day, she had the idea of going to the mall and getting a few more sexy surprises for Ki later, but first she had to get ready.  Lacy walked into her bathroom, she turned on the lights and pulled back the shower curtain, she looked down on the floor of the tub to see it almost completely covered in a dirt like substance.  “Are you fucking serious…” she mumbled…

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