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In this chapter:  A distraught Miranda feeling guilty about the deaths caused by Isabella and Jessica attempts to help her city by having the troublemakers and criminals paint her and Ana’s nails to teach them that being evil is wrong, but one unlucky citizen is caught up in the chaos. 


Day 8 – Miranda

            Miranda barely got any sleep the past few nights, when she returned from her drive she was all alone in the apartment, she inspected the living room and it saw that it was perfectly clean, an entire country literally swept off the earth by a cruel mother and daughter pair.  Miranda rarely left her room for the next couple of days, Ana visited her frequently and Lacy dropped in to use her shower, but Jessica just ignored her.  Miranda, the popular blonde from a small town who hardly held grudges for people began to grow a vicious animosity towards Jessica.  Teasing Miranda, showing a sensitive side for short amount of time, then twisting form into the cruel person the roommates expected her to be, even after just a week of knowing each other.  Miranda started to have over-protective tendencies with Ashton City, she just hovered over the landscape and stared down at the tinies moving around the streets and in-between buildings, making sure nothing dangerous occurred, her imposing slender figure causing nerves to flair for the tiny people below her massive body. 

          Captain Sellers, the tough middle-aged veteran still communicated to Miranda via the transmitter in the army base.  She informed Miranda that Major Matheson committed suicide, leaving a note saying that he couldn’t continue his life without his beloved young daughter who tragically died in a riot that took place the night before.  Miranda laid in her bed receiving the terrible news, riots and suicide, innocents being killed by their own neighbors.  Miranda put her phone down, placing her hands on her face, she felt angry and sad at the same time, a dangerous cognitive dissonance.  Miranda sighed and picked up her phone once more to reply to Sellers, “What do you want me to do?”  Miranda typed in response.

“I’m in charge now, we’re trying to control the situation, we have our troops lining the streets and patrolling neighborhoods at night” Sellers replied.   “Sadly, people are still acting in a derelict manner, stealing during the night, and terrorizing innocent people just trying to survive this situation, but we’re catching a lot of them in the act” Sellers messaged from a dark bunker just outside the intelligence office of the military base.

“So, can I help?”  Miranda replied.

“No, let us control this please” Sellers messaged. 

“Just let me help, I’m not going to hear about people dying and not do anything about it” Miranda typed.  She tossed her phone back on the plush pillow and stood by her bed.  It was just a bit after midday and the apartment was a cool, almost chilly temperature.  Miranda wondered if it felt colder for the tinies scattered around the apartment.  Miranda had her blonde hair tied into a messy bun; the locks of silky hair reached down to the shoulder straps of her plain crimson spaghetti top.  Miranda had a pair of short jean shorts with ripped bottoms and whitewash textures, her curvy tan and smooth thighs showcasing themselves in the sunlight, her perfect legs ended at her bare feet that rested on the carpet, Miranda noticed a few chips on her usually mastered pink nail polish.  This gave Miranda, in her dissonant state of mind, an interesting idea.  Miranda thought about what Lacy said, “they attacked you, that deserves punishment” … Miranda hadn’t been attacked, but her people were being harmed by a number of criminals and vandals causing chaos in her city’s streets, Miranda felt the overwhelming need to protect them from the terror, so she decided to act. 

            Miranda picked up her phone off her bed and walked over to her desk that held the micro metropolis sprawled out across the flat surface, her bare feet sinking into the shallow and warmed carpet from the sunlight beaming through her window.  She was texting Captain Sellers with an almost curling smile parting her large pink lips.  “I have an idea… instead of dealing with the criminals and vandals you catch, send them to me instead…  I have a plan; nobody will get hurt and they will learn their lesson really quick” Miranda messaged the newfound leader of Ashton City. 

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, we already have a good amount of people overcrowded in the makeshift jails we assembled after the riots” Sellers replied from deep within the dark Intel bunker of the base. 

“Exactly… overcrowded, they should learn their lesson through hard work, we need to show them that hurting people and violence is wrong”  Miranda said, her waist resting just in front of the desk, just below the ripped jean short shorts her tanned thighs dominated the border of the city, her legs pivoting around with each small step from the tanned goddess, teasing her crotch in front of the neighborhoods just barely below the gap between her thighs, Miranda didn’t really notice, she was used to standing so close to her city by then. 

“I… alright, what do you have in mind, Miranda?”  Sellers replied, hoping that the ditzy blonde nursing student had a promising solution.

***                                                                 ***                                                           ***

Anastazja laid on her bed, her back facing the ceiling, her elbows resting on the end of the bed keeping her hands propping up her head.  Ana kicked her long legs up and down in the air playfully as she studied the country resting on the floor, overwhelming thoughts raced through her mind, “I wonder how they see me… I must seem so impossibly huge, I bet some of them even see me as a god… no, I shouldn’t think like that…”  her ideas kept intruding her mind, wicked thoughts, evil thoughts, and anxious worries.  Ana peered at the land below with her emerald-green eyes, her auburn hair frizzy from sweat as she had just returned from her second volleyball practice.  The tight sheer black volleyball shorts hugged her round and curvaceous ass, her toned and fit thighs flexed with each of her playful kicks.  Ana felt sticky from the drying sweat on her skin.  Ana had a blue sports bra on as her breasts pressed against the cushioning of her bed.  Tiny beads of sweat still stuck to her upper back slowly dissipating into the air. 

Ana didn’t really feel like showering yet, as her mind became occupied about Miranda’s wellbeing, the two were growing closer each day, hearing Miranda pouring her heart out about the tinies obliterated by Jessica and her mother activated Anastazja’s sympathy towards her.  She understands how easy it could be to wipe out an entire nation as she also did so without knowing what laid beneath her sweaty feet at the time, she pressed her sole into a dense city just days before. 

Ana rolled off her bed and stepped lightly around her rug, she walked out of her room and over to Miranda’s.  They were close enough now that Ana didn’t even knock anymore, she opened the door and gently closed it behind her.  Ana turned around to see Miranda doing something odd.  Miranda sat at her desk chair, her tanned legs extended nearly at full length with her knees bent upward slightly, her feet resting on the edge of her desk, her toes curling downward so that they rested on the flat surface just outside the outskirts of Ashton City.  “Uhh… Miranda, what are you doing?”  the thick eastern European accent nearly scared a transfixed Miranda off her chair.  Miranda composed herself and placed her phone between her legs and looked at the sweaty Ana in her tight fit clothes up and down. 

“This is going to be perfect” Miranda whispered, a soft and gentle giggle following. 

***                                                                 ***                                                           ***

“This is a mix-up; I didn’t do anything!”  Levi shouted, he was pushed up against crude and rusted iron bars, dozens of other people behind him that were mostly criminals and rioters, he shouted at a group of soldiers patrolling the concrete hallways of the makeshift jail.  Levi was in the wrong place at the worst time possible.  He was trying to protect an elderly owner of a small shop in the downtown area, a shop that was fairly close to the skyscraper that Miranda had ripped out when they were first warped to her room. 

 Rioters vandalized the streets below the broken building that served as a reminder of loss and devastation.  Levi defended himself and the shop urging the elderly owner to stay in the back while rioters pillaged his property.  The rioting was at its peak when tanks and columns of soldiers came through rounding up everybody involved with the mob mentality.  Levi calmly remained still, confident that the soldiers would understand what he was doing, but he was tackled to the ground and tightly bound by his hands.  Coerced into getting in a previously retired military truck.  Levi spent the night in a cramped jail, there were few beds and no working toilets.  More and more people were being thrown in the jail throughout the night as Levi pleaded with the soldiers guarding the place saying he was innocent, but they didn't pay attention to him. 

Levi was exhausted, he couldn’t sleep, the constant shouting and bickering from the frustrated rioters and criminals made it difficult to relax.  Levi sunk his head; he knew his attempts to convince the guards that he was just defending himself was useless.  The morning dragged on, constant banging against the iron bars from the angry criminals followed by threats from the soldiers waving their rifles around in their faces made it tense.  Suddenly, an intelligence officer walked through the front door, the soldiers standing at attention as he walked slowly up the common area of the jail cells, each criminal was now silent as if they were about to receive good news.  “You’re all going to be released…”  The young officer said.  A wave of relief washed over Levi, he nearly broke down and started crying, he just wanted to see his beautiful girlfriend Amy again.  The rioters and vandals began to cheer and buzz with happiness.  “After some rather uhh… difficult manual labor” the officer added.  

***                                                                 ***                                                           ***

            After a brief conversation between Ana and Miranda they both agreed that this would be the best option for some punishment for the violent acts caused by unruly tinies.  “I have not painted my nails for quite a time” Ana said.  Ana pulled one of the chairs from the kitchen into Miranda’s room and settled it next to Miranda a little further back to account for her above average height.  She sat her tight black volleyball shorts covered ass on the cold wooden surface of the chair, causing goosebumps to appear across her skin, Ana extended her long legs towards the desk, resting her soles and toes on flat surface just a few inches from Miranda’s feet. 

“Oh, Ana, you haven’t like showered yet…  I sure wouldn’t want to be the ones working on your nails” Miranda giggled again, reaching for her phone, “Okay, were ready” she texted Sellers. 

***                                                                 ***                                                           ***

            Levi was escorted out of the shoddy prison with hundreds of other people, they were lead all the way to the outskirts of the city, their vision was blocked from the canopy from the truck, but the smell wafting through the air was becoming fouler and more intense with each passing second.  Soldiers began to drag the prisoners out of the truck, Levi pleaded one last time saying he just wanted to see his girlfriend, “I was just defending myself, dammit!”  he shouted as he was violently thrown onto the dirt. 

Levi stood up, he noticed that the trees suddenly stopped and just passed the dirt and herbage was the border, the surface of the desk expanding for miles outward until he saw them.  The peachy mountainous toes of Miranda’s feet.  “Oh my… what the fuck are they doing with us!?”  he yelled, making a few prisoners peer over at him.   Levi was forced into a column of marching prisoners heading towards the desk surface, the soft foliage of the ground suddenly turned into a hard surface revealing the entirety of the situation, he looked to his right seeing a bottle of nail polish the size of a skyscraper with the cap off. 

The cluster of soldiers continued marching towards the front of Miranda’s toes as they escorted the prisoners.  Levi saw a few people trying to run away, but they were immediately tackled or tazed in the back, being forced back in line with the threats of being shot or thrown back into the prison.  The scent grew fouler as the march continued, it felt like an hour before they finally began to cross in front of her toes.  Each toe tremendous in size, dominating the skyline, her pink nails had chips in them, and it suddenly clicked in his head.  Levi saw helicopters transporting prisoners above him and over the toes and out of his sight, her toes curling over them as the shadow casting over the marching tinies and their path.  Levi saw tons of equipment that looked like it could be used to paint houses and billboards. 

            An intelligence officer was shouting, “Rioters blue!   Rioters blue!”  over and over again, he screamed, waving his arms in a forward direction even farther onto the desk surface.  Levi was passing a dwindling crowd of people as they were forced to grab equipment and hauled onto a helicopter that took them upwards to the tan toes.  Levi fully expected to stop but they kept going, Miranda’s left foot came into view when they passed around her massive, big toe that seemed to rest just above them from its impossibly large form.  He saw all the details in her skin, they were near flawless, clearly, she took care of herself as often as possible. 

Walking in-between Miranda’s right big toe and her left big toe made Levi realize how dangerous this task could be, the two mountains of flesh a few thousand feet tall sent an awful shiver down his spine as he thought about his girlfriend, wanting a moment of comfort in his mind.  Levi saw a familiar scene; prisoners grabbing equipment and being forced onto helicopters carrying them above Miranda’s left foot this time.  Levi expected to stop again, thinking he was assigned to her left foot instead, he would have to make the best of the situation.  They continued across her left toes, moving through crowds of disgruntled soldiers and prisoners.  The march continued though, Levi became worried, he stared at the gaps between Miranda’s toes, the soft sole seemingly so far away yet so dominatingly close.

            Levi and company began to round the curvature of Miranda’s toes, revealing her tiny pinky toe, only tiny compared to the rest of the building sized flawless toes.  Levi saw another column marching in front of them now in the distance, heading towards, “Nooo…. Oh fuck no!”  Levi shouted.  He saw Ana, the massive feet laying a few hundred yards in front of them now.  Suddenly the stench hit the column making them stagger and shake, Levi covered his nose and mouth quickly.   He saw the soldiers escorting them put on gas masks, sealing them with their camo-colored hoods. 

Ana’s right pinky toe grew larger in size as they marched closer, Levi saw the curves of her bigger toes in the distance.  Levi looked to his left; he followed the long athletic legs that seemed to go on forever with his vision until he met eyes with the colossal red head. Her eyes, just peering down at her phone, her large breasts snug behind a struggling tight sports bra, he looked even more to the left seeing a wide smile on Miranda, her bright blue eyes gleaming from the sunlight basking through the window.  Her massive face barely paying attention to the tinies working on her toes as if both giants could care less.   

“Eyes forward!”  A soldier shunted Levi in the back with the barrel of his rifle making him stumble forward a bit.  “Listen up! Your column is assigned to section 6, otherwise known as the right big toe.  Your task is to paint the nail with the equipment provided” the marching continued, Levi shaking his head in disbelief as the soldier spoke, the odor getting worse and worse as they neared the massive toes.  Levi’s eyes began to water and itch.  He noticed a prisoner near the front of the column collapsed on the hard surface.  A soldier checked his pulse and left him there, Levi stepped around the newly deceased body as he walked closer to the equipment.

They were now passing in front of her toes slowly, headed toward her mountain sized big toe, he saw a couple more bodies lifeless on the surface of the desk scattered about in random spots, the smell was just too powerful for them, and Levi didn’t know if they were just blacked out or actually dead.  Levi looked to right noticing the soldiers and helicopters loading up people, only these pilots and soldiers all had gasmasks on.  He saw the massive nail polish bottle looming behind them, the smooth glass glinting from the sun.  His column was corralled in front of large boxes of equipment, he saw the gaps in between the toes, they seemed to be radiating a soft heat from them, and he saw small beads of sweat on her soles in the distance.  Ana had her knees apart slightly; Levi could notice her thick athletic thighs in the distance through the small gaps between her ankles.  Levi was told to grab a box and then was forced onto a helicopter with a few other people, he saw the crowds below him grow smaller as the helicopter began to elevate, his vision focused on Ana’s fleshly and sweaty toes as it dominated his vision while the helicopter gained altitude slowly. 

***                                                                 ***                                                           ***

            “I think this can actually go pretty smoothly” Sellers entered her text into a module.  Miranda read the text and smiled, she saw the tiny dots lifting over her toes and settling on her pink nails then lifting off again, she noticed slightly smaller specks against the bright pink background moving around a little. 

“The ones on your feet must have like… really done some bad stuff” Miranda said, turning to Ana. 

“Yeah, I cannot even imagine such things… I feel really bad” Anastazja said, her thick accent ringing out across the desk.

“They need to learn that they can’t act like that, I think this is a win-win for us and the city” Miranda said, rearing her vision around her raised knees to inspect the progress, the pink polish began to glisten from the wetness, reaching the sides of her nails that bordered the flesh of her toe.  Ana rubbed her chin with a few fingers trying to get the thoughts out of her head that she was enjoying bonding with Miranda in such a dominating, yet harmless way, or so they thought.    

***                                                                 ***                                                           ***

Levi saw massive planes that used to carry extinguishing fluid to battle forest fires dumping massive amounts of blue paint on the toe as they approached a designated landing zone, it was in a chipped section of Ana’s nail polish, the helicopter placed its wheels on the thick and nearly translucent surface, a warm pink glow underneath the ice-like view.  Levi was shunted off the helicopters with his box of supplies, he pulled out an extendible paint roller and tossed the box to the side.  A foul breeze caught with air in Levi’s direction, he released the paint roller and dropped to his hands and knees on the chipped section of the nail, his eyes watering heavily as he gagged, after a few heaves he threw up the remains of his horrible prison breakfast. 

 He gripped his stomach and looked up, one eye closed with a grimace on his face, he noticed a few other prisoners staggering around covering their mouths and noses. Levi stood back up and grabbed the paint roller off the nail, wiping his mouth off with his hand.  Levi started to make the best of the situation and began to walk towards the freshly dumped blue nail polish.  Climbing up a little hill where the old blue paint met the chipped section, he could see in every direction now, he saw other crews working on her second toe, he looked down the front of her feet, seeing her massive legs reach up a few miles into the sky.  Looking to his left again he saw Miranda giggle, the intimidating sound sent another chill through Levi’s body.  Levi approached the pungent blue liquid, the violent smell masked the stench of her sweaty feet for the time being, but it was still harsh, and it was difficult to take deep breaths. 

Levi and his crew of prisoners began to roll the nail polish that was pouring outward from the center of the drop in different directions, towards all the sides of the massive expanse of her bright blue nail, it was like each person was standing on top of an extremely calm ocean of strange colored blue water.  Levi began to roll the nail polish to the side of her flesh closest to her second and impossibly long toe, rolling the polish relentlessly, kicking dust and dirt away from his painting path.


He looked over the hill of the flesh hat bordered her nail, seeing another crew working on their polish when he saw something that caught his eye, “No… please no…”  Levi saw his girlfriend across the vast expanse of the empty and warm gap between her big and second toe, a horridly steep cliff on the other side of her fleshy mound.  His girlfriend was looking down, it looked like she had stains on her shirt, both blue and a weird darker color, possibly from her vomiting on herself from the pungent stink, but it was hard to tell as she was so far away from him.  Levi threw his roller down and began to wave frantically, “Hey!  Amy!”  His shouting only went so far across the massive gap between her toes.  Levi saw Amy look around confused, Levi shouted one more time and with a wide smile on his face he locked eyes with his girlfriend.  Suddenly the toe began to shake and tremble...


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