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In this chapter:    Elle, Lacy’s tiny friend, longs for a chance for power on her 17th birthday while Lacy wins an amazing opportunity for burning her city.  Elle is dropped into the mysterious bathtub tiny country, herself a tiny to Lacy, is now a giantess to the land below her.


Day 50 – Biraal City – Elle

            Elle was celebrating her 17th birthday in the basement of her house, the framed pictures that used to hang on the walls were smashed on the floor, nobody bothered picking them up, or trying to hang them again because Lacy and Kiyoko would just cause another tremor to knock them off the wall over and over.  Elle could hear the sound of recovery and construction crews in the distance, they were meddling with the burn marks that Lacy carved into the city, the burnt words and heart-shaped scorched land caused millions worth of damage as well as thousands of innocent lives lost, but to the orders of Elle and the religious fanatics that worshipped Lacy as their goddess, the scorched lands were left untouched, the crews were only there to take away the “trash” which included the broken houses, flattened tarmac, and the charred bodies of people buried in the rubble in the wake of destruction from the massive curling iron that the goddess so sadistically dragged across the neighborhoods and landscape decimating everything in its path. 

Their goal was to make the writing a memorial to Lacy and Kiyoko, essentially beautifying the land around the perverse art project. The soft buzzing of heavy machinery and the much louder slamming of damaged materials shook Elle from her concentration as she tried to finish composing a message to Lacy.  “Did you know it’s my birthday today… I mean… I think it is… my city probably lost a few days due to the initial panic when we got here, but I think I’m 17 today!”  Elle sent the message to Lacy.

            An hour went by without a response as Elle patiently sat in her basement, she had the entire house to herself, but still chose to hang out in the damp, dark, and cool room below the main levels twiddling her thumbs as she waited for a response from Lacy; a few weeks prior during a rally downtown, she accused her abusive parents of being heretics against the righteous actions of Lacy, the people succumbed to mob mentality and fanaticism as they hauled off her parents as well as others that were deemed “unworthy”. 

They were taken away during marches around the city, the mobs forced the unworthy into hard labor groups that were supervised by what little law enforcement the city had.  Elle felt indifferent when her parents were seized, they were just another pair of bullies to her, just like the ones she had in school throughout her young life, but Elle’s rise to power made her bury that in the back of her mind, reprising every time Lacy decided to torment the city, the only difference was that Elle felt as though she was an accomplice, exacting revenge against the shitty people she lived with and that made her feel good, apart from the fact that it wasn’t her dealing out the justice as she saw fit, it was a much larger proxy of herself. 

 Elle’s patience was wearing thinner by the day, but had to be tactful in her words, pissing off a miles-tall woman would never end well for anyone that instigated anger.  Lacy had promised her a reward, but still to no avail it had not been redeemed.  Elle’s doubts began to grow, her mind fluctuating with thoughts of betrayal and abandonment and those feelings only capitalized from the lack of friends she had growing up, always feeling alone in her interests, her desires, and her own mind.  Lacy was her only real friend lately despite being miles-tall compared to Elle, but the friendship was starting to feel fake and dishonest.

            “I’m in class right now” the message across Elle’s transceiver read.  Elle had to admit, she was little hurt the first words weren’t mentioning anything about her birthday. 

“Oh… I… I didn’t know” Elle responded, even though it was through an automated text she still felt sheepish when she typed it.

“No shit, you didn’t notice the distinct lack of earthquakes in your tiny house?”  Lacy responded harshly. 

“I just… I’m sorry, I didn’t know, okay?” Elle typed back trying to quickly correct any potential errors that she could have possibly made to upset the reluctant ruler of the city, one misplaced finger and Elle could be effortlessly crushed into a paste, so it was best to always be apologetic and appeasing.  Elle sent the message and rubbed the side of her head with her fingertips, letting out a strenuous groan of frustration that normally her parents would yell at her for, but not anymore, as far as Elle was concerned, they were being worked to death. 

***                                                                 ***                                                           ***

Day 50 - Campus – Lacy

            “Haha! Jesus Elle, I’m kidding.  Seriously, happy birthday, when I get out of class, I’ll text you, alright?  I won’t forget what you’ve done for me, you cutesy little nerd.”  Lacy playfully texted back with a small smile on her face, placing her phone back into her black backpack and fished out her small laptop where she had been storing all the pictures and videos she had been taking of Biraal City along with details about the specific experiments and cruelties she had been subjugating the tinies to. 

After weeks of editing her “art” she was finally ready to show her professor.  She waited patiently for the relatively small class to end and as the clock struck 1:20pm the students dispersed one at a time into the busy hallways of the arts building apart from a few people waiting in line to talk to the accomplished media guru turned professor at the reputable school that the girls went to.  Lacy hung back a bit as she saw a few of her colleagues chatting with the professor, they were making casual conversation and chuckling a bit, but Lacy couldn’t make out their words during her deep moment of concentration, she contemplated how she was going to present her artwork to him, and before she knew it, she was staring blankly at the large whiteboard behind him while the professor casually waved his hand to gain his student’s attention.

“Yes, Lacy, can I help you? … Lacy?  Ms. G- “The professor prodded a few times but was cut off understandably before he could formally address the bewildered student standing a few feet from him. 

“Yes, sorry!  Uhhh, Mr. Cressy” Lacy said.

“Just James is fine, now is there something you’d like to speak with me about, you can find today’s lecture on the class website” Mr. Cressy said, leaning back against the whiteboard, the relatively young professor crossed his arms over his chest with a confident look on his face. 

“No, it’s not that, it’s just that our final project isn’t due for a few more weeks, but I’d like you to take a look at what I have now, umm… if that’s okay with you.”  Lacy said, edging herself over to the empty table separating the two. 

“Of course, I’m always interested!  I have a pretty good presentation on editing as well that will help guide you too” The professor said excited, rearing his posture towards the table as he saw his student place her laptop on the surface.  Lacy dragged her finger over track pad of her laptop pulling up the folder that stored all her mischievous creations.  Lacy first started by opening up with a few edited pictures, capturing the horror of the tinies, buildings ripped in half, fire and melted wax scattered about the streets as people were shown encased in the thick and hardening liquid, other pictures of desperate people trying to force their way into the wax to save their loved ones, the harrowing looks on their faces caught in a frame for forever, others pictures focused in on the city and the life happening in a bleak and terrifying environment.  The city pictures had great ambience and lighting almost as if it were too staged, but artistically sound.  “Wow, I’ve never seen that skyline before, where did you take these?” Mr. Cressy asked in wonderment.

“Oh, I built it from scratch with an fx program” Lacy said confidently, zooming in and out of the picture and all the details within each pixel.  Lacy with a smile creeping across her face came to the video as she began to play it, the scene starting off with some ominous and dark music as the lighting flickered, smoke in the background as the camera pans over the panic and chaos of the neighborhood caught on fire, cars crashing and charred landscape in every direction the camera focused on.          

People running and scurrying as they spontaneously caught fire from the intense heat that was hidden out of frame above them, the camera capturing the hordes of people running in a total craze as the music of the video hit its pinnacle.  The camera starting to slowly zoom out as the music hits softer tones, the mesmerizing scenes of destruction and discord fading outward as the camera pans over the heart etched and burned into the ground, the love message to Lacy’s girlfriend becomes the center of attention in the short video as it suddenly cuts off to the replay screen. “So, umm… that’s all I got so far, what do you think… I mean, I still have a lot of edits to make and there some other additions I can make to the whole thing but-“Lacy said, but then was interrupted.

“No… no… It’s great, amazingly depressing, and somber, but it’s really good, like way too good… how did you even, what kind of program are you running off your computer?  Are you sure this isn’t a digital render of something else?  How can it even handle that much without overheating, it looks so real!  The people, the scenery, there’s no way… a program as good as that would cost thousands…” Cressy said, his eyes glued to the screen as he rubbed his chin pondering.   

“It’s all me, I promise, I spend a lot of time doing this kind of stuff, ya know hah” Lacy nervously said, smirking a bit and crossing her arms.  Lacy raised her eyebrows with pride when she saw her professor’s face befuddled.  He was truly speechless.  Lacy got even more excited when the professor played the video again, he intently studied every scene, even paused a few times to take a longer look, Lacy stood to his side, twirling her hips and tapping her toes on the ground out of nerves.

“Lacy this is some seriously special stuff.  You didn’t have any help with this at all?”  Mr. Cressy asked, rearing his gaze back up towards Lacy. 

“Nope, I swear on my DSLR” Lacy said holding her hand with the other behind her back as she smirked slyly at Cressy’s astonishment. 

“This would take a professional fx artist months and months, and you’ve only accomplished this in a few weeks; is that correct?” Cressy said.

“Yeeeah?” Lacy said with a slightly confused look.

“And you singlehandedly did this, no outside help at all?” Cressy grilled on. 

“Yeah… I mean, my girlfriend is sort of like my muse, that’s why I did it” Lacy said, her face stern now, expecting the worst response.  Her anxiety running rampant in her head, “he’s going to know” “He thinks I’m a cheat, a fucking shill” “I’m so fucking stupid for wanting to show him in the first place, god dammit” were all the thoughts flowing through her head.  Her chest felt heavy as her heartbeat excelled tremendously. 

“There’s a scholarship I want to sign you up for… I’ve only ever given out one in my three years at this school, I want you to be the second.  It’s going to change your life, it’s a direct pathway into the visual artistic career… do you know how much these massive cinematic companies will pay for someone of your talents, and to be so young… my god…” Cressy paused for a moment as Lacy’s eyes widened in shock.  “You won’t have to worry about expenditures revolving around your major anymore… you… you can go on further than everyone in this program, I can’t wait to see your final submission for the project.  You’ve made my day, hell, you’ve made this semester worth it already, I’ll let you in on a little secret, half of the students here are just mouth breathers thinking they can create masterpieces, but they never will… but you, you can do something with this… Look for a few emails from me later this week.  I gotta run.  I look forward to seeing more.”  Cressy said as he stood up to his full height, adjusting his rimmed glasses, grabbing a few items off his desk and started walking towards the door, he nodded his head left to right in disbelief as he smiled wide.  “See you soon” he departed. 

            Lacy stood in the empty classroom in total amazement, not even being able to say bye in the moment, all she could do was look at her laptop screen as it dimmed the lighting from lack of movement, the replay screen still there.  Her mouth agape as she tried to process everything she just heard.  The opportunity that she was just given from her well-respected professor put her in a daze, all her anxious and self-deprecating thoughts vanished in an instant, she was just going through the motions as if out-of-body watching herself from the third person as she closed her computer and stuffed it into her backpack.

She exited the building and walked to the bus stop to catch the bus back to the apartments almost as if time were sped up, it all happened so quickly, the next thing she knew she was walking into the cold entrance way of the kitchen.  It didn’t hit her until she stepped into her dimly lit room, her backpack dropped to the floor by her black sneakers as she carefully closed the door behind her. Her future was set via reward, but at the cost of tens of thousands of innocent followers that she tormented with cruel experimentation.  She laid on her bed and began to text Elle, “It’s time, are you ready?” Lacy sent. 

“Always…”  Elle responded within seconds. 

***                                                                 ***                                                           ***

Elle – Lacy’s Bedroom

            The moment Elle had been waiting for her entire life, a true chance at power.  Elle had been working on a device that allowed her to mobilize her transmitter, she had a crude contraption attached to her wrist that looked like a leather wristband with a small watch face on it.  It allowed her to speak to Lacy’s phone with her actual voice, the messages showing up on Lacy’s phone as unmarked and blocked voicemails.  Meanwhile, Lacy had been thinking of a way to safely transport Elle to the bathtub wondering how small she really was, yet how large she was going to be compared to the tiny land occupying the tub.  Any movement too much for Elle and Lacy would kill her, so she had to be patient and careful.   

            Elle was escorted through the city via numerous bodyguards and fanatics, word spread quickly that the goddess herself would be selecting Elle to go onto the promised land, or at least, that’s what the fundamentalists of the city had imagined in their heads.  Elle walked down the main roads through downtown, passing by broken buildings ripped from their foundations, others ripped halfway down, she passed up the newly commissioned wax statues that had people encased in them, their panicked faces frozen in time as dozens lined the streets up and down as monuments. 

 People on the sidewalks were murmuring soft prayers for Elle as she got closer and closer to the edge of the city and the empty area of wood of the nightstand.  In the distance was Lacy’s impossibly wide waist taking up most of the skyline, swaying left to right as her gaze peered down on the city, trying to pick out the moment Elle broke from the outskirts and onto the wood.  Lacy bent down overhead as her jet-black hair swooped down from over her hears causing a slight breeze through some of the city, people looking up at her impossible large form, but the denizens were comfortable now, anything that she did to the tinies was thought of as deserved and divine, no matter how cruel it was. 

            Elle made it to the very edge, she couldn’t bend her neck back enough to see past the underside of Lacy’s bust, she could only barely see her heterochromic eyes staring down at her from above the curvature of the bust, when Elle focused her gaze straight ahead it was nothing but dark blue denim and a huge metal button with some designed etchings to compliment the style of the skinny jeans Lacy was wearing. 

Suddenly from below the nightstand a huge plastic tube rose from below, Elle caught off guard as she stumbled back nearly falling if it had not been for a bodyguard catching her.  The tube presented openly in front of Elle, lined up perfectly so that she could walk in safely.  Elle was cautiously walked into the tube as the bodyguards remained on the edge of the nightstand, the tube was again lifted carefully with Elle inside as Lacy turned her back towards the city, giving them a good view of her tight ass through her skinny jeans. 

***                                                                 ***                                                           ***

Elle – Bathtub – Unfamiliar Territory

            “Can you hear me?”  Elle spoke into her watch transmitter.  A notification pooped up on Lacy’s phone once the message went through.  A few minutes before Elle sent that message she was harshly dropped onto her back, the small tube rolling her around inside a few times as she lost her bearing for a moment, after she recovered, there it was, the massive tiny land sprawled out before her.  Elle rubbed the back of her head where it hurt after the drop even though Lacy sat her down in a relatively empty part of the tub as gently as she could. 

Lacy left the bathtub to go call her girlfriend and tell her about the great news from her earlier class.  Elle stepped out of the tube, she noticed huge amounts of grass and farmland, maybe a few scattered houses and some forests everywhere, she was trying to assess her size difference as she took her first step out of the cave-like exit of the tube and onto a patch of farmland.  Lacy saw the notification buzz on her phone but ignored it as Kiyoko finally answered her phone to talk. 

            Elle was happy with her birthday outfit, it wasn’t very often she felt like she could dress up for a special occasion, but for her first taste of true power she wanted to go all out.  She placed her first step with her tan ankle boots into the center of a massive field as she stepped fully out of the tube, the light from the bathroom ceiling almost felt like a sun, but there was no heat, it was almost chilly in fact.  Following up her legs were some black tights that lead up to a blue and white checkered mid-thigh skirt wrapped at the waist by a skinny tan belt with a metal buckle to match her ankle boots.  She wore a thin white low-cut t-shirt with light blue stripes running horizontally, but only her upper chest was visible since she wore a plain black cardigan with all the buttons fastened together.  She finished her outfit with a black lace choker around her neck and her brunette hair slicked back by a thick black hairband, of course complimented by her black lipstick and darker colored eyeshadow, she had the intention of striking fear into the hearts of the people below her, but still tried to look as adorable as possible. 

            Elle scanned the ground with her hazel eyes and saw a farmhouse just a few hundred feet in front of her, she started walking towards it, flattening tons of land in her wake, she placed the toes of her ankle boots on either side of the small house and crouched down over it, fascinated with its tiny size.  It was a little bit bigger than she thought, but not wasting any time she placed her palm over it and smashed it down into the ground, the wood exploding outward from between her fingers. 

Standing back up to her full height she adjusted her skirt he looked down at the perfect handprint in the ground with the broken house embedded into the dirt, she smiled wide and started walking towards the massive faucet in the distance, it was almost like a guiding light in her quest for power.  A she strode down a few dusty roads as she made sure to pick out the small houses scattered about and smash them under her heel or toes while her ankle boots dirtied up more and more.  The more she crushed the more she added up how tall she was in her head.  “Hmm… just barely over 800 feet I think…” she mumbled to herself, as she felt a few trees crunch under the flat of her toes. 

            Elle finally saw something in the distance that looked like a tall building, the glass of one of the taller towers shimmering from the bathroom ceiling light.  Elle passed up a dried-up lake, accidentally stepping in some wet mud with her right ankle boot.  “Aww… I never get to wear these and I already got them dirty” she said disappointed, cringing her lips slightly.  She strode by a small-town center with a few buildings but didn’t notice as her muddy boot flattened it completely, the buildings and debris now sticking to her mud encrusted boot as she continued to tread on towards the small city in the distance. 

Elle strode over a few small hills into a huge valley, at least to her, but she was still surrounded by the gargantuan white porcelain walls of the tub on all sides of her that still made her feel small despite already flattening a few unlucky houses and a ton of trees.  She was now in the outskirts and suburbs of the city, tons of skyscrapers just a couple steps away from her now.  The toes of her boots resting on some houses in a small upscale neighborhood, but she was in too much of an awe at the buildings in front of her to feel the houses crumble effortlessly under her boots. 

            Elle marched through the neighborhoods, flattening houses, splitting them in half, turning parked cars into twisted metal stuck into the muddy crust of her boot. This was the main difference as the thought popped in her head, Lacy could have crushed the entire neighborhood with just a few pokes from her finger, but Elle would have to spend a lot of time crushing houses under her feet to see the same kind of destruction.  Her focus was strong, not even looking down as she wanted to feel her full power within the buildings all around her, as she got close some of the towers came above her head, looking down finally as she reached the city limits, cars lined the streets up and down, her footsteps rumbling the glass of the buildings on either side of her, she giggled and couldn’t hide her wide and devious grin, “finallyyyyy…” she excitedly mumbled to herself, her nerves nearly jittery as she couldn’t decide what to do first. 

She came up to a dense intersection between a few buildings about chest high to her, she spread her legs shoulder-width apart and placed her hands on her hips almost like a superhero stance, “Hello everyone! My name is Elle, and I am your goddess, you are to obey my every…” she paused with confusion, she noticed something off… there were no screams, no noise, she looked around the streets and saw no people, no occupied buildings as she peered into the office buildings, they were distinctly empty.  “What the hell!” she screamed, loud enough to shatter windows in her immediate area and sounding off a few car alarms at her feet.  Elle in a small fit of rage stomped rapidly in a circle, crushing dozens of cars, the double bounce from her quakes and stomping sent some of them flying, crashing into buildings in another part of the city.

            Elle calmed slightly and frustratingly scanned the buildings once more, maybe they were just really good at hiding she thought, trying to justify the ghost-like emptiness of the city, she swiped her hand violently at a building next to her, tearing away the walls and windows revealing a damaged office as the debris from her swipe crashed to the street below.  To no avail there was still nobody within sight.  Elle again got frustrated and angry, she wanted to experience her power with those beneath her, just as Lacy did with her city, albeit on a much larger scale.  Elle reared her leg back and kicked the bottom of the tall skyscraper in front of her, the lobby and first few floors exploding into a dusty smoke as pieces of debris shot outward, chunks of concrete flying and  slamming into other parts of the city, “Dammit!” she shouted again,  The building was a little taller than her, she took a step back crushing a small shop to rest her kicking leg, suddenly the building she kicked wobbled and creaked and started bending towards her, tumbling right at her as it collapsed. 

 Elle was shocked picking up her arms as if to hug the building falling towards her to stop it, wrapping her hands around the building as soon as it heavily impacted her torso, but it was no use, the sheer weight of the building threw Elle back, her body falling on numerous city blocks and into another tall building, decimating a quarter of the city under her back, head, and ass.  Puffs of smoke shot outward from her body as the building crumbled over top of her, dirtying her entire outfit with dusty destruction, she was hurt, coughing, and wincing in pain, she brushed off the useless debris from her clothing, desk chairs, cars, and crushed pieces of building flung off her body with each outward swipe of her hands.    

            Elle stood back up to her full height after a couple minutes of rubbing her body where it hurt, she wiped more dust off her skirt and black tights.  “Screw this city!”  she said, kicking and stomping at everything in her path, toppling buildings over, pushing with her full strength as she yelled in irritation.  She picked up empty busses and threw them as far as she could, hurling them out of sight.  Elle frowned as she bent over, picking up cars individually and smashing them between her fingers, discarding the scraped flattened metal by throwing them like small pebbles at structures that were still standing, the cars exploding and shattering in an orange and black haze of smoke as it tore through office floors. She swiped her hands at everything as her eyebrows lowered in anger, nearly hyperventilating as she smashed everything in her path. 

 Countless footprints behind her with flattened cars embedded in them lay in her wake.  The city in ruins as Elle hunched down over the top of an empty sports stadium. Her skirt flayed out over top of the open roof as she sat down, crushing half of it under her ass, she kicked her legs out and rested her heels down over a few apartment buildings completely obliterating them, but Elle was not happy, what was the point of all this if she can’t do it with malice towards people tinier than her?  Elle began to sob, heavily crying as angry tears streamed down her cheeks, she mumbled profanity under her breath between gasps of trying air, nearly crying herself into exhaustion as she laid down fully, her head resting on the abandoned field as she almost fell asleep, staring up blankly and hopelessly towards the ceiling light.

            Elle contemplated everything in her life up to this moment, laying in an entire destroyed city, nothing she has ever done has meant anything, this felt like her only chance, the dramatic 17 year old thought her life was completely over, she didn’t want to be alive anymore as more a few more tears streamed down the side of her face, nearly flooding the field she was resting her head on, some loose strands of air flailing out all over the field and up into the stands.  “How can an entire city be empty… there’s something else here… there’s got to be, I’m in an entire country for crying out loud!” she said, covering her face with both hands and nearly screaming into her palms. “Ugh….”  Elle groaned loudly, sitting up and crossing her legs pretzel style as she spoke into her wrist communicator.  “Lacy, goddess… something is amiss here, I’ll let you know what I find” the voice message sent. 

            Elle placed her hand next to her side to help herself up, taking out most of the stands under her palm as it collapsed into a shallow grey dust, standing up to her full height again she began making her way towards the massive faucet in the distance hoping to find something, or rather, somebody.  Elle severely underestimated the distance as she walked for miles and miles relative to her, losing track of time as doubts of finding something were increasing, she contemplated asking Lacy to move her closer, but she didn’t want to be annoying, nor risk being accidentally crushed by someone much larger; after a few hours of walking through abandoned small towns and empty plains of farms and forests she came across a good-sized town with a few bigger buildings, the faucet nearly above her as now she could see the top of the drain stopper. 

 “A-ha!  Stop!” Elle shouted, she saw a tiny person running out of a shop and then down the street, Elle lunged her feet forward taking out a few houses and small stores along with cars to chase down the tiny.  She now loomed above the tiny as her skirt swayed from her movements.  Her right boot impacting to the side of the tiny as it crushed a few cars and half of a store under the sole of the boot as the force from the impact threw the tiny down to the ground.  She carefully reached down and plucked up the tiny between her fingers, but accidentally squished his lower half, he screamed in bloody pain as Elle brought him up to her hazel eyes, blood dripped down his body and off the sides of her fingers as she giggled at the guiltless mistake. 

“Oopsie!”  she said with an innocent smirk, the man was dizzy from blood loss already and being lifted 800 feet in the air so rapidly.  “Hey little man, can you tell me where the rest of your people are, don’t make me squish the rest of you, tell me and I’ll let you go” she said with a playful giggle, shaking her fingers a bit to startle him, the tiny man pinched between her fingers managed to strenuously point in a direction towards the drain, Elle squinted her eyes and saw the direction, “yes! Thank you, okay, I’m gonna let you go now” Elle said, she released the grip on the half squish man as he plummeted straight down to the street, exploding on the pavement as a bloody spray misted on the side of Elle’s left boot. 

            Elle began briskly walking in the direction the man pointed, kicking at buildings, and strategically crushing cars under the heels of her feet.  Elle passed up a few hills even bigger than her, but once she passed through them, climbing over them with her hands and feet she saw her dream come to life in an instant.  A giant metropolis next to the drain of the bathtub, countless skyscrapers, huge neighborhoods everywhere, she couldn’t believe it, the millions of people must have all migrated there to be safe, that guy she caught must have just been a scavenger she thought.  Elle smirked, her eyebrows lowering as she happily skipped towards the city, swinging her hips and arms playfully as she got closer and closer to the outskirts, knowingly causing the quakes to build and build for the people below, producing intense amounts of suspense as the people came to a harsh standstill. 

Already she could see thousands of people in the streets of the neighborhood just a few more strides in front of her. She could see makeshift tents and what appeared to be refugee camps, but something else was off, there were houses burnt and destroyed as if there were riots or something more mysterious going on.  Elle snapped out of it when she realized that the few thousand people below her were starting to run away from her, their screams annoying to Elle and for a brief moment Elle became apologetic, her mind rushing with regret as she almost said sorry, but then instinct took over, it was her vs the insects at her feet, she took a nervous step forward, so many of them below her, the fingers on her hands started shaking and twitching at the overwhelming sense of happiness she was about to experience. 

            “Oh my god, this is it!” she said out loud, probably confusing a few running panicking people, some of them dared to turn their heads in their full sprint to look back up at the towering young giantess at their doorstep.  Some ran into the nearest house; some were so stunned that they just stood completely still in shock.  Then it all broke loose, Elle took her first step with the goal to grind people under her boot.  She couldn’t hide her grin as her fingers still shook, bringing the tip of her boot down on a crowd of people standing still, the shadow growing over them as they disappeared under her toes, she pressed them into the street with her muddy boot, feeling the pops of a dozen people, she twisted her toes left to right and felt a few more bones crunch. 

Excited with her first crush kill she picked up her boot and held it briefly in her hand to inspect the bottom treads, she saw the bloody aftermath as she peered over the mashed people smeared against the mud of her boot, “oh my god that’s so cool!” she screamed in excitement, she noticed a few people fell after she shouted, clutching at their ears.  Like a kid in a candy shop, she had only begun her rewarding rampage, but before she continued, she picked up her wrist and started talking to the mobile transceiver, “Oh my god, Lacy! This is the best feeling in the world, how do you not do this all the time?!” Elle shouted into the tiny microphone, again the notification popping up on Lacy’s phone, but still no reply. 

            Elle’s rush of power began, the 17-year-old picked her targets carefully, staring them down with her piercing hazel eyes.  Carefully treading behind the people running through the neighborhood, stomping onto houses to the side of them as the wood and brick shattered outward, she was funneling them into a stream down a couple streets, right where she wanted them.  Finally, she had a huge crowd at her disposal, she strode over them and slammed her muddy boot on the other side, trapping them between her legs so far below.  People panicking as most of them stopped, they starred upward, between her legs as her skirt fluttered slightly, she stared down at them, contemplating what to do with the hundred or so people between her feet. 

Only a few people scattered into the nearest houses, but Elle didn’t care, she had the majority between her soles.  She took a long step back, obliterating a few houses as she dropped to one knee, accidentally dropping her black tight covered kneecap on a few people, crushing them deep into the pavement right in front of the crowd, a spray of blood shooting right at their faces as they exploded from the heavy impact, a spiderweb of cracks splitting the road around her now grounded knee.  She bent down even lower to get a better look at all the individuals, at this size she could handle them, see their faces, and if she brought them close enough, she could barely see their eye color.  Elle was too anxious to speak, her plans for language and tactful rule exited her brain the moment she saw the droves of people right beneath her crouched frame.  Her blue checkered skirt waved a bit as some people below her were blocked from the flutter.

She decided it was time to try something new, she stretched out her open palm as the screams rained out once more, grasping at as many people as she could, she was not very gentle though, many people were crushed instantly, rolled over by the side of her hand, or splattered against the skin of her palm, but the mostly injured crowd grasped within her hand was alive and wiggling against her clammy palm, trying to break free from her fingers as some people fell between the loose gap at the bottom of her grasp, splatting on the ground in red puddle in front of her boots. People shoved up agonizingly against other’s bodies as the people on the outer edge of her grip were firmly pressed into her flesh.  Elle didn’t have a lot of reasons to smile in her day-to-day life, but this all changed as she held the people in her tight grip, feeling a few people squish into a goo against the pressure of her fingers, a few small drops of blood dripping between the webbings of palm.   

Elle reared her head back and held her hand over her  black lipstick, then she smiled wide enough to reveal her teeth covered in pink braces, her teeth were nearly straight, but just a few more months to go on them before they could be removed, she relaxed her grip and opened her mouth wider letting all the people fall into her mouth, smashing against her tongue and the back of her throat, bashing their bodies on her teeth, some hitting the braces, once she heard the screams from within her mouth she wrapped her black lips closed, she then twirled her tongue around the tinies, pushing them around and coating them in a thick saliva, some already got stuck between her braces, panicking as the dense metal around them became a prison, made worse by their bodies contorting into the tight alloy of the pink molds. 

            After she was satisfied with the wiggling throughout her mouth she lifted her tongue, shoving the tiny people against the roof of her mouth, then she pushed them to the sides and began to chew, the squishing and the taste of blood exploded in her mouth like a juice filled fruit-snack.  Body parts went flying as people were gnawed against her molars, grinding up and down as the screams died out in droves, many people chewed in half as they too were stuck between the metal of her braces, moaning in agony as they were thrown up and down with the motion of her chewing, she swallowed the bloody mush down as the people barely hanging on to life stuck in her braces were caked with saliva, half torn and missing limbs as they couldn’t move, slowly the saliva built up around them, encapsulating them until they drowned, stuck between her teeth as lifeless bodies until she decided to brush and floss.

            Elle stood back up, “hmmm… interesting taste” she said, with her head cocked to the side of her shoulder in contemplation.  She brought her tongue up with her mouth still closed and started to lick and pick at her braces as she felt a few pieces of people stuck between them like a strip of steak, “Ahhh gross!” she said in disgust.  She looked back down at the tiny people, they were stunned, they were too afraid to move, the perfect targets for Elle after her little power snack.  She raised her left boot high in the air, her knee almost parallel with her waste as she held it in the air for a few terrifying seconds, then in an instant she brought down her foot harshly, slamming hard into the street, caving in the entire pavement as she trampled dozens of people under her heel, it dug deep into the ground and caused a massive tremor, the houses around the impact collapsed along with all the people that fled inside of them, nobody she was chasing previously survived, they were all buried and crushed deep within the dirt, stomped on so hard that they nearly exploded into a red powder. 

 Elle had to wiggle her heel out of the ground to get it loose from how far deep it went, she shook her boot as she saw a few pieces of bloodied debris fall off.  Elle inspected the shoeprint and saw no evidence of tiny people alive; they were completely decimated.  Elle then turned her attention to the massive metropolis near the drain of the bathtub, she was transfixed on the buildings, so many millions of people at her disposal, she became mad with power, almost blind to any potential harm, now that she had a taste of what she could do, it was going to be near impossible to stop her delightful rampage the city just a few dozen steps away, she began to her stride towards the city, unaware of the houses she passed up that had strange red painted symbols on the doors…

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